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dazoru · 7 months
'Revenge is bad' to YOU. i love when a character destroys everyone who wronged them. i love when they get to bite and maim and tear and rip and scratch and kill. Sorry ur catholic about it but i'm different
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You can't guess how this story ends
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fuzzpetalz · 1 month
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good evening 🧛
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 2 years
You want to know why Inigo Montoya remains such an iconic and beloved character even 35 years after the Princess Bride came out?
It's because he's one of the few characters in fiction who has a story where he has dedicated his life to revenge, his whole motivation is about getting revenge....and he gets it! and then he isn't empty or despairing! he doesn't regret it! he's totally satisfied!
because so many stories about revenge or rage are about characters "seeing the futility of their actions" or learning "their desire for revenge has only made them the monsters they hated" FUCK THAT.
Inigo Montoya kills the man who kills his father, is allowed to live in the narrative after and be happy about it and it is so satisfying. it's fantastic. it's iconic.
let more characters rage against the world, bring it down with bloodied hands, and let them be FUCKING RIGHT about it. Let them celebrate their success with sharp grins, and let them live happy, full lives where they always remain proud/fulfilled for what they've done
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tragicc · 6 months
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gleafer · 6 months
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TikTok sound
OH LORDY! I finished OFMD and I’m in love!
Out of the pan (Good Omens) into the FIRE (OFMD)
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hermajestyimher · 3 months
Learn the Art of Being Unbothered
We've all been there, a person dislikes us and decides to try to make our life hell by constantly provoking us looking for a response and a scalation to make us lower ourselves to their level.
Choosing to ignore these kinds of people and being selective in how we utilize our energy and focus is a crucial skill to develop as one becomes more successful, popular, and elevated. The truth is that this world is filled with miserable people who want nothing more than to bring others who are doing better down so they can feel better about themselves. It's up to us to not give them that satisfaction.
When someone attacks you, you must assess the situation and realize if retaliation is something the attacker is worthy of. If the attacker is of lower status, intelligence, or success, and is lashing out at you with unfounded accusations, the best course of action is to ignore their entire existence. This will help to starve them of the attention they crave, minimize exposure to them and their lies, and make them go over the edge.
Retaliation is something that needs to be carefully planned and assessed. It should be saved for people who have the means to do active harm to you. It's not something to take lightly. Nobodies trying to get a reaction out of you do not deserve the time of day, more often than not, they will end up making a fool out of themselves without you having to lift up a finger. Remember that and stay classy.
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choco-mousse-cake · 6 months
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fuckingwhateverdude · 7 months
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flowerytale · 2 years
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Helen Oyeyemi, from "White Is for Witching"  
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prajjna · 6 months
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niqhtlord01 · 1 month
Humans are weird: Best form of Revenge
Alien: What is the best way to get back at someone you despise?
Human: Why are you asking me?
Alien: Because humans are renowned for their ability to plan elaborate revenge schemes against those who have slighted them.
Human: On behalf of the human race I am offended by that.
Alien: I have witnessed you slowly drive your co-worker insane by moving everything in their office one inch to the left every day for 3 months.
Human: To be fair I only kept doing that because they refused to pay me back my $1.50 I loaned them for lunch.
Alien: *Stares at human with mocking eyebrows
Human: Fine, I see your point.
Human: Alright, here is what you do….
Alien: Wait, do you not wish to know why I want revenge?
Human: No.
Alien: Really?
Human: Yes.
Alien: Oh….okay.
Alien: So what should I do?
Human: Ignore them.
Alien: What?
Human: Ignore them, diminish them; make them feel beneath your notice.
Alien: That seems rather childish for an elaborate revenge plot.
Human: That is because I haven’t expanded it.
Human: If they come to you to gloat about something they did, anything, ask them who they are.
Human: When they explain who they are and how you should know them, still act like you have no idea who they are.
Human: If they continue to persist about how you should know them simply, and this is important, shrug and say “If you say so”, and then leave.
Alien: How is this revenge?
Human: Because in their eyes now they will think that they need to prove themselves somehow for you to notice them.
Human: Like a kid trying to win his drunken father’s affection.
Alien: That’s rather dark.
Human: So is revenge; keep up.
Human: Now they will continue to come back to you day after day trying to win your notice and you will continue to dismiss them or give them the bare minimum attention.
Human: If you want to get further under their skin start talking up someone else in their presence; someone who you would consider more of a rival then they are.
Alien: How would that work?
Human: Like this. *In mocking alien voice “Yes, yes, I’m sure you’ve done rather well for yourself; but not as much as Thomson on the 3rd floor. That bastard has been upselling me all week and I’m convinced he’s the one stealing my parking space.”
Alien: What good will that does to bring in someone else?
Human: By actually acknowledging someone who your target thinks is beneath them, they will further become enraged as you’ve just reinforced how little they appear on your radar.
Alien: And that works?
Human: Indeed.
Human: You need to treat your displeasure towards someone as gift to them, for you have deemed their existence worthy of acknowledgement.
Alien: Alright, I guess I could give it a shot. ------------------------------
*Two Months later
Human: So how’s the revenge going?
Alien: I’m not sure.
Human: What do you mean you’re not sure?
Alien: I mean they came up to me today and offered to have sex with me.
Human: Oh….in that case they must be very desperate for you to notice them.
Alien: What should I do?
Human: If you want to keep up with the revenge have sex with them, then afterwards don’t speak with them.
Human: If they come up to you and demand an explanation say that the sex was so bad you wanted to forget that moment by never speaking with them again.
Alien: ……………….
Alien: Who broke you to make you so devious?
Human: *Grins as they sip their drink
Human: I’m human; we were made broken.
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day #8 of super niche mcr pics!!
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gerards pimp coat…
how dare they bully him out of this
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gerardpilled · 1 year
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Omg this is the clearest version I’ve seen of this photo
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