#*speaking to an empty room*
moxymaxing · 8 months
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odyssean-flower · 4 months
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self-care is staring at neuviladle for an hour
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gender-trash · 11 months
like the grand innovation of ros is that actually now 1) you don't have to rewrite your MESSAGING FRAMEWORK from scratch every time and you get a bunch of debug tools for free and 2) theres a bunch of prototype grade components you can probably plug together to get a demo if you know what you're doing
it's great but it's not like. whatever's going on in webservices world. and the webservices people and vcs who are used to it HATE this!!! i interned for a really crappy startup once whose entire concept was "hey, why is robotics not like webservices? clearly we need to reimplement ros but worse and dockerized lol what's hard realtime" and it so clearly had only survived as long as it had because it was The Baby of this VC guy who tried to sell me on javascript like it was an abusive boyfriend i should give ~another chance~, and right after i left they hired a new ceo and pivoted to having an actual product. theres ALLLL these guys coming from webservices land who want to pretend really hard that a malfunctioning robot is exactly as disposable as a malfunctioning docker container, and that gluing together preexisting robotics components (largely research-grade code developed on a completely different robot from whatever your product is) is exactly as easy as gluing together APIs, and it ends so badly for them every time. it's adorable.
relatedly my dad has this theory, which i think has a lot of predictive power, about how a company Makes It Big doing one thing (SAAS, or online ads, or B2B software, or like. making computer chips) and then that product cycle cadence/approach is baked into the company culture so hard that they completely flub it when they try to make something that necessitates a different approach. intel fucking sucks at making software because they inevitably drop support after 18 months because when you make a chip you design it and you send it to the fab and then it's out of your hands and there's no real way to "fix bugs" (you just maintain an errata sheet and add more tests so you can catch the bugs in the next chip you design). webservices companies who do continuous deployment or bust are often really really bad at coping with the sales and maintenance cycles of Big Businesses that a lot of b2b software is for. and software people in full generality have a ridiculously hard time with the concept that you can't exactly continuously deploy improved suspension for your robot chassis, because you have to actually crack the robot open on a workbench and swap it out.
in microservices world one of the baked-in cultural attitudes is "cattle not pets" -- your herd of docker containers is like a herd of cattle; when one of them malfunctions you take it out back and shoot it and spin up a new one, you don't waste energy on failure recovery. when you bring this approach to robotics land it inevitably fails! you have spent 4 or 5 figures minimum on a robot, that thing's a fucking pet! and also, when it malfunctions, it's flailing around potentially doing damage out here in the real world, which is... generally considered to be bad. there have to be layers and layers and layers of safety systems and fallbacks and failure recovery logic and everything needs to be designed to fail into a state that won't maim anyone, or it inevitably will fail, and maim someone. even just "if something goes wrong stop moving immediately" has some complexity to it.
webservices people are also big on "eventual consistency" and almost nothing in robotics is physically safe to do on an eventual consistency basis or else your robot will eventually (but consistently!) destroy itself and/or anything around it. the closer you get to low level control the more important it is to have hard timing guarantees and that's generally sort of antithetical to the philosophy that hardware should be as abstracted away as possible
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uruwashinonightingale · 3 months
i can put anything i want on my tv i guess
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pythors-pandemic · 1 year
i bet kai is one of those monster energy bitches
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k-atsukibakugou · 1 month
what the fuck i’m 22 in 2 weeks
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mothmanwarble · 11 months
not to get all sentimental about skylanders characters again or anything, but an aspect of the mask of power novels that i will never ever get over is how they gave eon a close friend who is as impossibly old as he is. yeah yeah their friendship’s hardly the focus of the novels and we don’t even get that many moments of the two characters interacting with each other, but the fact that this friendship exists at all within canon is so so so sweet to me.
like. it’s not really alluded to in the games, but in various books it’s repeatedly implied and shown to us that eon—being the last remaining heroic portal master in skylands—constantly overworks himself as leader of the skylanders and has been harboring a fear of failure for literal centuries. despite being surrounded by hugo and the skylanders whom he no doubt loves like family and who certainly share some of his lived experiences, they are still so young compared to him. they haven’t seen what he’s seen, they haven’t lived as long as he has, and after repeatedly outliving his previous skylander teams, he’s come to expect that he’ll outlive this team as well and that hurts.
but he has this one friend. he has this one friend who has also dedicated his life towards protecting skylands. he’s not a portal master and he’s not a skylander, but he’s a warrior. he doesn’t have any magical abilities, but he has a suit of armor. he spends his days within heavily fortified walls, guarding dangerous artifacts and preserving historical records from people who seek to steal and destroy them. he too is burdened with immense responsibility. he too fears failure. he too has been alive for so, so long. in fact, he’s still alive during the events of the games. just. there are these two time-worn souls who find solace in one another and whose days are made brighter upon knowing that the other person exists. i can’t get over that.
also eon’s friend is named wiggleworth and he looks like this and also this
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blog-of-frontiers · 4 months
good evening fabadaine nation (do you have to have a minimum population to exist as a nation, quick question)
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captain-hen · 2 months
people who take loud phone calls in common areas are my worst enemy
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oblako · 3 months
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absolutely obsessed with the visual execution of this part like are we all seeing this...
also these two panels:
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chuu-huahua · 1 year
i know i was supposed to brainrot this yesterday? two days ago?? *checks through the definitely very sane messages with @downbadforpixels* ok yesterday. anyways, SOUKOKU RUNNING AWAY FROM A PARTY 
no because they would?? (tysm tille for all the brainrotting material) this sounds so taylor swift but her songs basically scream skk so that’s ok. soukoku being forced to attend some gathering of organisations in mori’s stead because he had other matters (that definitely do not include fukuzawa, no no) to attend to. the party goes on into night time and why is there ballroom dancing oh no-
ok but i hc dazai as a bad dancer cuz of his lanky ass limbs, and he feels kind of awkward dancing with random strangers, even if he doesn’t show it. chuuya is an amazing dancer though, which is evident when a bunch of ladies crowd around him, hoping that he would somehow pick them from the crowd of frills and lace.
but instead, chuuya’s hands grasp onto dazai’s ones tightly, and they barely make it out the door before the music starts playing. reddish brown eyes stare down at the slightly larger hands that wrap around his own, and dazai can feel his cheeks flushing despite the cool night air. their dress shoes clack against the gravel and they arrive in the middle of a sea of flowers, a small pavilion up ahead.
chuuya huffs, reluctantly loosening his grip on the other’s warm fingers before letting his own hand drop to his side, already missing the feeling of dazai’s hand against his. they’re finally away from the party, and he pulls off his jacket and throws it onto the stone seats of the pavilion.
dazai quietly stares at him, his hands tightening into fists before letting go. he rocks on his heels to the beat of the ballroom music they can barely hear, and he sucks in a deep breath before approaching chuuya.
“may i have this dance then, mon cher?”
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milf-harrington · 1 year
guys i have no idea where i've put my phone
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annnise · 5 months
I dont wanna go to work todayyyyyyyyyy i havent gotten decent sleep in a few days and ive been working a weekend of hell (doubles) again and my boss at the greater-of-the-two-evils jobs is about to fire me and im the only one scheduled as server today and i wanna fucking aufhdhhdhwhfhshdhwhhwhdhshwhsududhhsh
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roychewtoy · 1 year
[pointing at roman roy] 🗯💥💣❗️❗️💬🗨💬🗨🗯🗯💥🕳💭💭💬💥🗨🗯💣😐🔄💬🗯🗯🔄🔄🔄💬🗯🕳😄😄👍👍👍💥❤️❤️❤️❤️⚠️⚠️😇😇💥💥💥💣💬🗯🗨🗯🤐🤐🤐🤐😓😓😓😓🗨🗯❗️❗️❗️💢💢💢💥💥🗨🗯💬🤗🤗💬❗️❗️❗️💥❗️😘😘😨😨😨😨😨💥💥💥💥🗯🗯🗯🗯🗯😘😘💢🗯🗯🗨💥💥💬💥💥⚠️💬😲😲🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝😲💥🗨🗨💥🔄🔄❗️❗️❗️💬🗯💬🤑🤑🤑🤑🤐🤐🤐🗨💢💢🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃😑😑💢💢💢❗️❗️🕳🔄🔄🕳💣💣👋👋💭💭🗨😐💣🔄🔄💢😐💢❗️
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badolmen · 9 months
I am. Clam.
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jerirose · 10 months
The first Channie’s Room I watched was 4 days after I found Stray Kids… that live stream was a huge reason why I ended up a Stay 😔 Chan's Room gave me a place to escape to every week, something to hold out for and on to during my battles. I counted down the days until the next one, just so I could find a quiet place to escape again for a while… It really helped me through some of the darkest times 😞 I'll always be thankful for Channie for providing that space. 🥺
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