#- as someone kindly called out the other day - my Cuteness Aggression is in full force <3
Bruh... I slept through the whole piranha frenzy on Wally.
Whatever the rest of you are on, I don't wanna know. I can't even think of holding the little man's hand without freezing my brain cells, let alone take chunks off him. I'd apologize for scuffing his shoes and call him Mr. Darling and such.
Y'all wild. XD
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i guess we're just built violentdifferent <3
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i'm so excited for drug raid pt 2!
part one here!! eeee took forever before I got around to part two bUt here it is!! I hope y'all like it xx
Cop Tony, paramedic Stephen, 18+ Little Peter, Littles are known verse, police raids, drug dealing, illegal drug use, referenced forced drug use, referenced kidnapping, past abuse, withdrawal, hospitalisation, whump, angst, comfort, 1.5k
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The next day, Tony waltzes into the hospital with a latte in his hand. Still riding the high of the raid from the night before, the cop feels at the top of his game. He and the rest of the department have the upper hand. The evidence and statements keep pouring in, and it’s all in their favour, which means not so much in the drug dealers’ favour. It’s their third successful raid in just two months, and yet this feels different. The stakes feel higher, and Tony feels like he should be here taking the Little’s statement. He was the one who found him after all, abused and forcefully drugged at the hands of the drug dealers, and on top of it all he was manhandled by an overly excited SWAT guy. Perhaps the SWAT guy had an aggression problem. He wouldn’t be the first. 
Tony’s intentions feel more pure than that of the SWAT guys, at least to him, and he likes to think that that was why Fury let him come take the Little’s statement out of all the other officers. To be honest, he likes the kid. He’s intrigued, and not just professionally. Tony doesn’t exactly know what it is, but he’s giddy while waiting in line at the reception to find where his informant is. 
“You can just go wait in the car if you want, honey bear.” Tony teases to Rhodey, who’s with him at the hospital. They are partners after all, and they go everywhere together. Well, maybe not everywhere since Rhodey actually takes him up on the offer, muttering something about his overly sensitive nose and the antiseptic smell of the hospital being a perfect mix for a headache. Tony waves him off and tells him to get out of there before he gets cranky. 
The receptionist is not able to tell Tony exactly where Peter is, but directs him to the neurological wing where they can show him where the Little is. So, Tony heads up and tosses his empty latte cup on his way there. After some more waiting and flashing of his badge, Tony is escorted by a nurse to see Peter. 
“He’s going through withdrawal, and quite badly too. Don’t stress him out, okay? You can always come back another time.” The nurse informs while they walk through some automatic and lockable doors. 
“How long is he gonna be here?” 
“Till the withdrawal wears off, but the doctor is planning on having him on psych hold when the withdrawal is over. The Little’s handle it the worst, you know? He’s having awful nightmares and suicidal thoughts already. Poor babe…” The nurse adds sadly. 
“Yeah…” Tony agrees quietly and steps a bit to the side to let a transporter pushing an empty bed pass them in the hallway. A bit further down the eggshell coloured hallway, the nurse stops and gestures to a door. 
“I’ll just head in first and see how he is.” The nurse smiles and slips through the door, leaving Tony to wait in the hallway alone. 
The cop resists the urge to look through the window in the door. Just what kind of shape is Peter in? Last time Tony saw him he was unconscious after a seizure. It’s almost unheard of that Littles take drugs, precisely because they can hardly handle it. Their vulnerable bodies cave in at the smallest doses, while a caregiver like Tony could take triple the dose and still get up the next morning. And that is why Littles are never legally punished for drug possession, and instead they are put into treatment to get rehabbed. Some might say that is the same as prison, if you think about the principals of each setting. Limited freedom. And yet there’s a major difference. Tony isn’t here to arrest Peter, only talk to him. 
A few moments later, when Tony is about to give in and peak in through the window, the nurse exists again and invites the cop in. The hospital room is quite sad, actually. There’s signs of attempts to make it Little-friendly, but the poorly drawn and creepy cartoon dinosaur has the opposite effect that what was probably intended. The hospital bed is Little proof though, with side rails going all around the bed to keep the patient safe. And Peter does look safe, but also absolutely terrible. 
The big, brown eyes go wide when he lays his eyes on Tony, and the cop stays back a bit. The nurse comes forward then and guides Peter to lay back again when he tries to get up. The boy’s movements are clumsy and shaky. Tony guesses he is experiencing muscle aches and fatigue. 
“No, no- I don’t- I didn’t…” Peter stutters and looks pleadingly at the nurse. The cop tries to ignore the feeling of being assigned ‘the bad guy’ role, even though he has not said a word yet. He wouldn’t be surprised if the drug dealers brainwashed the boy to never trust cops, or anyone else outside their gag for that matter. Just another manipulation tactic to keep him in check. As if forcefully drugging him isn’t enough. 
“Shhh, honey bee. The police office is just going to speak to you. It’s all right.” The nurse coos. 
“I didn’t wan’ to do it. They forced me, please…”
“I know, sweetheart, I know. That’s what the officer is here to talk to you about. Just tell the truth and everything will work out, okay? You can push the button anytime and Amanda or one of the other nurses will come, okay?” 
And with that the nurse takes her leave, but not before whispering to Tony to take it easy. The officer nods and thanks her, then turns to the boy on the bed. 
He looks absolutely terrible, that much is obvious. It looks like Peter is hollow inside, and that his skin is just a facade made of the thinest paper. It the wind where to blow, it might just take Peter along with it. But, Tony knows he is not all hollow inside. The boy’s eyes are pained, and it looks like he is aching to tell his truth, to get everything that is inside out into the world and to someone who can do something. Something to save him. And Tony wants to do precisely that, and so he sits on the chair next to the bed with a soft smile. 
“I’m Officer Stark, but you can call me Tony.” The officer starts. “You’re Peter. What’s your full name?” 
“Benjamin Parker. Peter Benjamin Parker.” 
“Benjamin, huh? That’s cute.” 
“Is’ after my uncle.”
“Is he around?” 
“Dead.” The Little deadpans, fiddling with the hospital blanket. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Tony says sincerely. “Do you have any other family around? Someone we could call?” 
“No- uhm, they all dead. But, Beck took me in.” 
“Quentin Beck? Right.” Tony sighs a bit. Quentin Beck, as in the Beck who is now in custody at the station. They are still putting together the bigger picture and hierarchy of the gang at the station, but it seems like Beck is in the middle there somewhere. And it seems like Peter is very much in the middle of it all too. “Tell me what happened, from the beginning.” 
Peter talks for over half an hour. The boy is so detailed in his descriptions, like he has a photographic memory, that Tony barely has to ask follow up questions, and instead listens as carefully as he can while noting down some key words in his notepad. Sometimes, the boy has to pause to catch his breath or stop himself from crying, but by the end of it the tears finally spill over when Peter starts describing how Beck and the others would drug him against his will. At one point, the boy’s crying is so pained that Tony reaches out to hold his hand. Peter clutches back, like Tony is his anchor in the storm that is his emotional and psychological turmoil. The Little definitely needs to be on psych hold. 
In the middle of Peter’s cry, a nurse knocks on the door and enters with a concerned look. She must have been altered due to Peter’s heart rate picking up due to the crying. 
“Is everything all right here?” The nurse asks, giving Tony a look. The officer feels like she is accusing him of going too hard on the Little. Once again the bad guy. 
“Is- is okay, Amanda…” Peter hiccups and dries his tears bravely. He forces a smile at the nurse when she comes over to check on him. 
“Okay, sweetheart, but I think this is enough for today. You need to rest.” Amanda orders kindly, and once again she gives Tony a look. Getting the implied message, Tony rises from his seat and tucks his notepad, now his very precious notepad, into his jacket. 
“I’ll come back another time, then.” The officer says. 
And Tony does exactly that. 
tag list: @petersmocha @garcia-reid-lovechild @stressedboyinprogess @ikneelbeforemygod @sugar-and-spice-parker @robynofthestars @pastel-parker-bitch @tightaroundthewebshooter @puppypeter @carttorchdeatth @starkerplusstrange @starkermoodboards @smits-stuff @honeybunstarker @xsmallplum @everyonelovespetey @ihonestlydontevenknow @baly0110 @velvetjoker @starkerparkerstark @allaboutthatshowmanlife @itsrachael @holographic-starker @bisexual-spiderling @liesversusjoy @littlespaceofyaoi @spanglesandstars @avengerscollection @bennywantstogotosleep @goldenmogar @justanotherfandomthot
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
Dear Aomi Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"I've seen you in a dream before, you are the warm and bright presence that embraced me on Cape Kamui a long time ago on a June afternoon."
Shinohara (Y/N) is a normal girl who had everything she could ask for, a loving family, a beautiful home, friends, and a fluffy cat. For a long time, she gave her life and happiness for granted, never imagining that she'll face one of the worst and crueler facades of society so closely, destroying what once was a happy, harmonious and normal family. One day, in hopes to recover what they lost, the Shinohara family took one of the more difficult decisions of their lives; leave behind their home back in Hokkaido and travel hundreds of miles south until Musutafu, the place that could grant them a solution and help close the yet fresh wound and scare away the ghosts of the past. Hardheaded, passionate, and ambitious (Y/N) is forced to confront the incarnated face of the superhuman society that she hated the most; Bakugou Katsuki.
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Dark Themes, My poor attempt of humor, Strong language (Courtesy of Lord Explosion Murder 💥), Manga Spoilers, LONG ass chapter.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: School is a Great Place to Make Enemies
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2-My Stupid Classmate, the Angry Dandelion
Running steps along tired panting could be heard through the empty streets. Both teens were now a good distance from school but adrenaline pushed them to keep going a little more. But once the necessity of breathing started to kick in, both decided that a break would be more than appreciated. They came to a halt at the entrance of a tunnel and concentrated now on catching their breath, once he was recovered enough to talk, Midoriya, timidly made the first comment. “Shi-Shi-Shinohara-san…!” (Y/N), getting one last intake through her nose, landed her eyes on Midoriya who whimpered nervously hardly believing that now he had officially talked to a girl who wasn’t his mom. “Huh? What is it?”
The poor boy, unsure of what to do and terribly flustered, tried to rearrange his thoughts while covering his reddened face with his arms.
“W-Why you di-did that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Confront Kacchan, de-defend me I mean” Midoriya almost whispered.
“And why shouldn’t I? You were being a victim of injustice so I stepped in, that’s how it works, if you see someone in trouble, you help them, that’s the correct thing to do isn’t it?”
Midoriya watched amazed at (Y/N) while she sweetly smiled at him, touched by her words.
“W-Well I guess b-but... you-you don’t think I’m a loser cause I’m quirkless?! A-Aren’t you going to avoid me like everybody else does? Make fun of me like the rest of the class?!”
“To be honest Midoriya, ‘til this moment you haven’t give me a single reason to do any of that, actually, you look like a nice guy.” Midoriya’s blood pressure was sky high at this point, a pretty girl faced no other than Bakugou fucking Katsuki for his sake twice in the timespan of eight hours, talked to him kindly and also complimented him? All in the same day?!
‘This is so crazy!’
“Midoriya?” (Y/N)’s voice interrupted his accelerated thoughts. “Y-Yes?!”
“Are you ok? I mean, Bakugou blasted your desk at the beginning of the class- oh by the way! What was that notebook you had earlier? ‘Hero notes for the future’ was it? I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him from burning it, but at least it didn’t end at a koi pond or something.” (Y/N) said with a closed-eye smile.
“I-It’s ‘He-Hero Analysis for the Fu-Fu-Future’ actually, b-but you g-got it close! H-Hero notes is ok! I-I mean if you want to call it that way! But you can call it whatever you like! If you want to put it a specific name it is, if not, it is ok! Oh my God...! This is kind of overwhelming, we just jumped from a third floor but we are safe and sound! I can’t believe you actually confronted Kacchan, b-but what if now he starts targeting you?! It would be all my fault! I’M SO SORRY SHINOHARA-SAN!! But unlike me, you could rely on your quirk to defend yourself, but after what happened today, he will try to take revenge for sure…! And my situation with him could get even worst, especially after what happened today! But even though…*mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter…*”
Midoriya kept blabbering and blabbering endlessly and (Y/N) just could sweat drop and observe him with eyes wide as saucers. ‘He definitely has no friends, huh? Even if it sounds mean, it was expected.’ (Y/N) took a deep breath and smiling at the awkward greenettte she decided to stop Midoriya’s creepy monologue before it got even longer.
“Midoriya…” She rose her hand and softly karate chopped the top of his fluffy head. “…snap out of it!” (Y/N) said while smiling at the now deeply flushed boy.
“I-I’m so sorry!” The poor boy said while aggressively bowing his head at a inhuman speed.
“Haha! No problem! You really are funny Midoriya! But please stop that you’ll damage your neck.”
“F-Funny?! M-Me?!”
“Yup! By the way, who’s Kacchan?”
“O-Oh, w-well Kacchan is actually Bakugou’s nickname, everybody used to call him like that when we were kids, I guess it just got stuck with me. His actual full name is Bakugou Katsuki.”
“Oh my God! You actually call him that all the time?! Hahaha! That’s sooo cute! I’ll tease him tomorrow with that for sure!”
“W-What?! No! Please Shinohara-san you’re already on Kacchan’s bad side! Don’t get in more trouble because of me!”
“I’m not afraid of Bakugou, Midoriya. As you said I can rely on my quirk for self-defense, and besides, if that asshole is that dead serious about getting into U.A he’ll try to keep his record as clean as possible. He’s nothing more than a bully who was lucky enough to get a strong quirk.” A serious and confident look was settled on (Y/N)’s eyes, Midoriya, despite being surprised by her courage, remained a bit doubtful. After suffering years and years of mental and physical abuse by Bakugou, he was unsure if it was a good idea for Shinohara to keep on irking the already irritable blond. But at the end, she had something he never will, a power of her own and self-confidence. Maybe he could try to rub on a bit of the last one.
“Oh, damn it! Our shoes still at school! I guess my plan wasn’t bulletproof after all…” Midoriya lowered his view to his shoes finding out that indeed, (Y/N) was right, a pair of white uwabaki* were covering his feet instead of his signature red shoes.
“Oh no! I forgot my bike too! My parents are going to kill me!” (Y/N) said desperately pulling her (Y/N) locks. “Crap I need to go back to school!” (Y/N) tried to put her head together with a plan to sneak into school and avoid bumping into Bakugou to avoid more trouble. ‘He probably left already, but I can’t take the risk anyway.’
“I-I’m sorry that you are having to get in all this trouble because of me, I’m sorry Shinohara-san” (Y/N) saw Midoriya’s sad expression, and a little pang of guilt passed through her. ‘I guess I have to be careful of what I say in front of him, he seems kind of sensitive and self-conscious, I’ll have it on account the next time.’
“Come on Midoriya! You take everything too seriously! And don’t forget that I was the one who decided to step up and give you a helping hand, so don’t overwhelm yourself with the simplest things! It was my mistake so I’ll solve it! As simple as that! (Y/N) said while she padded Midoriya’s back animatedly.
“Well! I guess this is when we part ways Midoriya! See yaaa!~” Just like that the lively (H/C)-ette ran her way to Aldera meanwhile Midoriya contemplated her get lost on the horizon. ‘That was so insane…! I don’t think this day could get more nuts…!’
“Goddamnit! My-my lungs are on fire! If it wasn’t for my regular workout routine, I would have passed out ages ago!” After a couple of minutes, the school came into view again, wheezing and with a tremendous thirst. (Y/N) finally arrived at her destiny. Once she recovered her breath, she started looking for some trace of Gru, Kevin and Bob at the school entrance. Once she verified that the coast was clear, (Y/N) proceeded to jog at the main entrance, where the shoe lockers were located. Thankfully nobody was there at the moment, the only remaining students at the school were the members of the clubs. After finding her locker, she quickly changed her shoes. ‘Perfect! Now to the bike parking we go! If I’m not wrong is at the back of the school’
Stealthy and cautiously, (Y/N) made her way to the bike parking only bumping twice with other students that fortunately weren’t the explosive blonde. Just a few minutes later she could already devise her goal at just a couple of feet away from her, fortunately they weren’t a lot of bikes there like in the morning so find it was easier than expected.
“If I’m not wrong, I put it in the third row to the left, so, in theory it should be right-AHA! There you are!” Right in front of her eyes, was a brand new, vintage style (F/C) bike. It was a gift that (Y/N) received from her parents after they moved to Musutafu, she has been dying to have one of those since the last summer, so it wasn’t an overstatement to say that she almost had a heart attack when she saw it parked with a big (F/C) bow on it at her new house’s driveway after they arrived.
Without wasting more time, she placed her bag on the front basket, unlocked the cable lock and got on the bike. Watching her surroundings one last time to make sure it was safe to go, she pedaled the bike with all her might until she was a fair distance from the school, again.
“That was a close one! I’m glad I didn’t bump into that stupid dandelion!” ‘Although I was honest when I said to Midoriya I wasn’t afraid of him, it doesn’t mean I want to start another argument with him, it would be the third of the day, been his classmate is exhausting enough.’ Thanks to the hectic events occurred no even an hour ago (Y/N) could appreciate better the beautiful view surrounding her, the soft spring breeze swayed the cherry blossoms making them rain over the sidewalk and the heads of the distracted passerby that walked under them. This was a really crazy day full of surprises, some more pleasant than others but having such a calming landscape was really comforting. ‘Maybe this city is not so bad after all’
(Y/N) train of though was abruptly disturbed by a strong explosion that resonated in the distance. “A villain attack? It looks like it is happening in the center-” “Indeed-nya, young lady, in the Commercial District to be more specific-nya” (Y/N) turned her head to find the origin of the voice that answered her inquiry to be found with an elderly woman with cat ears and tail accompanied by who seem to be her daughter. “How do you know it?” (Y/N) asked intrigued. “We just were evacuated from there by the heroes-nya” the younger woman said. “We happened to be shopping there when a villain took a middle schooler hostage-nya and stared to cause havoc in the place, explosions, stores on fire, people running everywhere, it was crazy-nya! We were fortunate enough to escape as soon as it started-nya!”
“Oh God!  A middle schooler?! That sounds awful! I hope the heroes can stop it soon, you really were lucky.” After share a couple more words they went on their separate ways. “Oh man! I was supposed to pass there to buy some stuff for dinner, I guess I’ll have to go to a konbini, I know mom will understand. Now the actual question is how I’m supposed to go home without going through the city centre that must be closed right now?” (Y/N) sighed resigned now that she had no choice. “The long way it is then I guess.”
One hour. That was what took (Y/N) to reach her neighborhood, and she still need to go to the konbini before going home. “Thanks God I have the bike, otherwise I don’t want to imagine how long it would have taken to get here with the train station closed right now. I really need a bath~ I want to get into the ofuro* and never get out…” ‘Now that I think about it the konbini should be on this street- Oh! There it is!’ Just In cue with her thoughts the lights of the store made their appearance on the way, lighting the sidewalk in front of it. Quickly, (Y/N) rode her bike to the main entrance and locked it on the little bike parking close to the automated door. After entering, (Y/N) took a shopping basket and was welcomed by the attendant at the cash register. ‘This place is quite large, maybe I can find all I need, ok, so the list say I need carrots, chicken breast, milk, pork cutlet and eggs, it’s not too much’ “Alright let’s get over with this so I can go home!” (Y/N) nimbly navigated through the store to get everything she needed to, along with some snacks and a bottle of Ramune soda to drink during the way home. After she got everything she needed (Y/N) made a beeline to the cash register to pay and leave. She gave her basket to the cashier who proceeded to scan the products, meanwhile (Y/N) busied herself looking other costumers entering and leaving on the convex mirror close to the door; an elderly man, two girls around the same age as her, a kid, Bakugou, another kid…wait-
“Danm old hag running out of soy sauce at this fucking hour…” (Y/N) could hear him grumbling as he entered the store, sweating bullets at this point she mentally implore the cashier to hurry the hell up so she could leave before he noticed her presence. ‘Why did I have to grab so many snacks?!’
Unfortunately, the luck that seemed to stick to her the whole day decided to run away before she could do it first, because just in that moment Bakugou decided to take a detour to the manga display section that happened to be right at the side of the cash register. To put the cherry on the top, the Ramune bottle decided to rebel at that moment and refused to be scanned after the third failed try. “Oh, the code seems to be a bit blurred, let me bring another one to scan it” said the cashier. Before (Y/N) could oppose and just leave without the drink, the cashier girl disappeared at the back of the store where the cold drinks were.
‘Please, don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t-’
“The fuck are you doing here thief bitch?” Bakugou sneered
“Oh, I don’t know, if we look at the evidence presented here, I’m standing at a convenience store’s cash register with a basket full of products that I’m about to pay for, so what do you think I’m doing here genius?”
“Don’t you smart mouth me idiot” Bakugou sneered.
“Don’t ask stupid questions then”
“You! -”
“I’m back! Sorry for the delay. So, your total would be ¥2738” (Y/N) slammed 3 bills of ¥1000 over the counter, took her bags and told the girl to keep the change before exiting the store.
“Oi thief bitch! Come back here! I’m not done with you!” Bakugou left the Shonen Jump magazine he was holding and went behind (Y/N).
“Oi! I’m talking to you bitc!-”
“Can you just shut up?! I have nothing to talk with you! And stop calling me ‘thief bitch’! I have a name you tared!” Bakugou stopped on his tracks a bit shocked by her reaction, and looked at her load the bike basket with her shopping bags and angrily unlocking the cable to hop on it.  Hunching his posture and shoving his hands in his pockets he addressed her once more, this time more calmly.
 “What’s your problem with me?”
 (Y/N) stopped the bike making the rubbers screech against the ground before turning around to see Bakugou glaring at her. “I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me”
“If you mean that I completely dislike you and find you absolutely intolerable then yes, that’s my problem, well done Sherlock, can I go now?” (Y/N) turned her back to him with the intention of leave once and for all, but Bakugou had other plans. “What I said on class, what I said to Deku today, I mean it, Every. Single. Word. I’ll surpass All Might and become the strongest, richest and most powerful hero of all time, I don’t care what Deku or you do or think, I’ll crush you both.”
‘The nerve of this guy!’
A long pause took place after Bakugou’s statement, pleased with her silence the young male turned back to the konbini to buy the damn soy sauce his mother was nagging for and go home as well.
“You really are blind, aren’t you?”
“You, like everybody else thinks that being a hero is all about recognition, fame, money, influence, power, right? Just because you have a powerful quirk you think you have what it takes to be a hero? You talk about surpass All Might yada yada all that crap. How are you supposed to be a hero and even more, exceed The Symbol of Peace himself when all you are is a bully? When you do nothing more than hurt and discourage, treating everybody like trash because you think you must be worshiped like a God who the Universe itself owns its very existence? Tell me Bakugou, you think that with how you are right now, one day when you try to rescue someone, can you guarantee that someone would take your hand? Trust in you blindly? Become a Symbol? You haven’t understood why All Might is the Number One Hero in the first place, it’s not all about fighting and kick everybody’s ass to oblivion. You may have been looking up to him all your life, and you still don’t understand.”
Bakugou looked at her astonished, how dare she to look down on him?!  Of course he had all that it takes to be a hero and more! He is the Bakugou Katsuki! The next Number One Hero! Who wouldn’t want to be saved by him?! He is the best! He is a winn-
“If all you ever do is look down on people, you won’t be able to recognize your own weaknesses.”
“Weaknesses?! What fucking weakne?!-”
“Didn’t you mommy sent you to buy soy sauce? I bet she must be waiting.”
“Don’t change the damn subject!- Oi! get your ass back here!”
“You already made me waste a lifetime, and like I said, I have nothing to talk with you”
As (Y/N) got farther and farther she could hear Bakugou’s shouting being muffled by the distance.
  “Ha, serves you right, asshole.”
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Did I invested 45 minutes of my life investigating the real prices in Japan of all the products in (Y/N)’s list to make the total amount as accurate as possible? Yes, yes I did. *cough*OCD*cough*  ¥2738 are approximately $25.61.
*Uwabaki: They are a type of Japanese shoes worn indoors, at home, school or certain companies and public buildings where street shoes are prohibited. 
*Ramune: Is a type of carbonated soft drink originally created and sold in Japan. It’s original taste is lime-lemon, very similar to a Sprite but sweeter and softer, it comes in a wide variety of yummy and weird flavors like bubble gum, melon, cola, curry or teriyaki. If you have the chance to find it give it a try, the original flavor is really good and open the bottle is really fun!
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lifewithlemons00 · 4 years
In which a girl finds herself in a bad situation, and a cute stranger helps her out of it.
Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: drugging, Cursing
Word Count: 1373
“Y/n, you have to loosen up! Go talk to that guy over there!”
You were never really a party person, but when your best friend Allison decided you should go to a club and try to ‘meet new people’ and ‘discover a new side of yourself’ she wouldn’t let you say no. So now here you were, in a tight dress you didn’t really wanna be in, being ushered to a random guy in the club.
“I don’t know about this...” you hesitate as Allison tries to usher you closer to the man.
“Oh c’mon, give me one good reason you shouldn’t go talk to that guy.”
“Well for one, I don’t even know him.” You give her a deadpan look, as she rolls her eyes at you.
“You have to talk to strangers to get to know them, funny how that works, huh?” It was your turn to roll your e/c eyes at her.
“I just thi-“ she suddenly pushes you with full force, and you crash into said guy she was trying to force on you.
“I’m so sorry, are you alright?” You look up at the man and see his eyebrows crinkled in anger.
“Do you realize what you’ve just done? This is a Louis Vuitton, one of a kind blazer!” You look down and see the once pristine coat soaking wet with some sort of alcoholic substance.
“God, I’m so sorry, I’ll pay for your dry cleaning.” You turn around and give Allison a dirty look.
Once you turn back, the malice in his face was gone, and replaced with a cocky smirk.
“You know what, forget about it. How about I buy you a drink?” You give him a weary look.
“You shouldn’t have to pay for my drinks considering i just ruined your coat, I’ll leave you alone.” As you turn to leave, his hand grabs your arm, preventing you from escaping.
“C’mon, have a drink with me. It’s the least you can do after what you just did.” You have a mental argument with yourself.
On one hand, he could just be looking for a drinking buddy, like he says. But the more you thought about it, it just seemed like a bad idea. You did owe him though, and that made you feel guilty. Which led to your next move.
“I guess... one drink wouldn’t hurt.” You give him a small smile, as to not show him how uncomfortable you are at the moment and the strangers smile gets increasingly wider.
“Perfect. Why don’t you go sit over there, and I’ll bring the drinks to you.”
‘This is a bad idea y/n, you should just walk away.’
“Sure.” The guilt inside you still present, you went to sit at one of the vacant tables in the club.
After a few moments, you notice him coming towards you with two drinks in his hands. You try to look for Allison, but it seems she’s either completely lost in the crowd, or she just left, leaving you to mingle with the creepy guy sitting in front of you.
“For the lady.” He sets the drink down in front of you, and a quiet ‘thank you’ escapes your lips.
A half hour passes filled with nonsensical talking with a guy you didn’t want to be around at all, and you had finished your glass of whatever alcohol he served you. You were starting to feel out of it, as if your mind was being jumbled and your legs felt like you were a baby foal and it was your first time trying to walk. You suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder, and notice a really cute guy around your age looking worriedly at you.
“Do you know this guy?” You had a hard time keeping your eyes open at this point, your focus everywhere all at once.
“Never met him in my life.” You managed to say, although it all came out as a slur.
“She’s joking, we’re fine here. We’ve known each other for a while, I was just going to take her home now.”
“I don’t think so. She clearly doesn’t know you, and by the looks of her, she’s in no state to let a stranger take her home.” He looks over at you.
“Fuck off dude, I said we’re fine.” The aggressive man in front of you stands up, trying to tower over the cute stranger, but it doesn’t end up well since he was a bit taller than him.
“I don’t want any trouble with you, I just want to make sure she gets ho-“
A shooting pain enters your head, and you open your eyes groggily. A yawn escapes your lips as you pull the cotton comforter closer to your sleeping body. That’s when you realize, this wasn’t your bed. E/c eyes shoot open and you sit up quickly, trying to survey your surroundings. You were in a small bedroom, there was clothing strewn all over the floor, and a couple old electronics taken apart on the computer table.
“Oh you’re up. I brought some water, thought you might want some.” Your eyes shoot over to the door, and you see a cute guy with chestnut brown hair, and deep brown eyes smiling kindly at you.
“Wh-where am I?” You give him a cautious glance over.
“So you don’t remember last night, huh?”
Your face scrunches up, head in your hands, you try to remember what would have caused you to be in some random guys apartment.
“Honestly, no. Did we...” you look up wearily, to see his eyes widen.
“No, no we didn’t... Do, anything.” He looks away, a blush painted on his cheeks.
“Then why am I here? What happened last night?”
“Do you mind if I come sit next to you?” You nod your head at his request, and pat the spot next to you.
He hands you the water as he sits next to you, and you gladly thank him.
“So some guy drugged you last night.” You spit out the water you just had in your mouth.
“Yeah, he was really adamant on taking you home.” You stared at him incredulously as he continued.
“I noticed from across the room that you seemed... like you were in a bad situation.” Your eyebrows furrowed at this.
“How did you know?”
“Let’s just say I have a sixth sense for that kind of stuff. Anyways, he tried to take you home, and I made sure he didn’t. Then when I tried to call someone on your phone, I noticed it was locked, so I couldn’t. And the only other place I could bring you was here, so here you are.” You sigh, you head going into your hands once again.
“God, I’m so stupid. If I wasn’t for you I would have ended up in a strangers house.”
“You are in a strangers house.” He points out, a smirk growing on his face
“Yeah, but you’re not a weird stranger, you’re a cute stranger.” Your eyes widen at what you just said and you look over at him, his pale face sporting a crimson paint across his cheeks.
“I-uh, thanks.” He chuckles, a small smile on his face.
“I gotta say, as far as girls I’ve saved from creepy guys, you’re pretty cute too.” You laugh at his comment
“You say that like you save damsels in distress all the time.”
“You’d be surprised.”
“So, just so I’m not in a total strangers house, why don’t you tell me your name.” You look at him, his brown eyes drilling into your e/c ones.
“Peter, Parker. What about you?”
“I suppose since you were my superhero for the night, I owe you that much. I’m y/n y/l/n.” You smile at each other, shaking hands.
If you had to guess last night where you would have ended up the next day, you would have never thought it would have been in a cute strangers house, drinking water and talking to a guy named Peter Parker about anything you could think of. I guess Allison was right in a weird way, you had to talk to strangers to meet new people.
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solarbird · 7 years
The day after, and the day after that
the twenty-first instalment
"I think it's time," said the Brigadier. "She seems ready."
"I agree," said the Group Captain, "she should be pliable enough, now. Let's bring her in tomorrow."
MI5, Fleet House, London.
Two surprisingly fit but otherwise almost aggressively ordinary-looking people escorted Lena Oxton towards an almost aggressively ordinary-looking private office with venetian-blinded glass walls in a room surrounded on three sides by other surprisingly fit but otherwise aggressively ordinary-looking people at aggressively ordinary-looking desks.
If Pure Gym had a security division, she thought, as she was not quite shoved, but quite briskly moved through the short glass hallway to her destination, this would be it. Crikey, those are thick walls - I'm in real trouble now.
"I'm a British subject, you can't do this. I've got rights." she said to the man at the desk, after the agents dropped her into a chair and exited the room. The man actuated a control, and the blinds closed, leaving them alone. He tapped at the nameplate on his desk - Group Captain Aubrey Henderson - and said, "Salute your superior, flying officer, or I'll have you for insubordination."
Flying Officer Oxton's heart leapt and she snapped to attention and saluted. "Sir! My apologies, sir."
"Much better," said the G/C. "At ease."
"Thank you, sir!" She burst out, too rapidly, "I've been trying to get someone to listen to me for weeks, and I've had a lot of nothing back for it. You're the first person who's even acknowledged who I am! I, I, I, didn't realise I'd been reactivated!" She beamed. At last, she thought, I've got through! "Sir!" She almost saluted again.
The older man glared, and she toned it down immediately. "I know," he grumbled. "We've been following you since you contacted the consulate in Pretoria. Sit." He motioned Oxton back to her seat, and sat down behind his desk. "Quite frankly, some of us have been hoping you'd just give up and go away, back to... wherever you came from."
"...sir?" said the Flying Officer, uncertainty replacing happiness on her face, as Imogen's words spooled through her memory. "I've been missing for..."
"I know the story," he interrupted. "You've told it about half a dozen times at this point, in full, I think?"
"...yes, sir. Before people stopped letting me in. Sir."
"It hasn't improved."
Not knowing what to say, Lena said nothing.
"Look at it from our standpoint," said the Omnic War veteran. "You die in a fighter test flight, killed over Greece. We retire you, with honours. We investigate, we find out your whole organisation was a horror, ridded with... funds abuse, embezzlement, questionable human experimentation, out-and-out war crimes, and even worse. And so, we put it away." He tapped the top of his cold, metal desk. "I put it away."
Oh no, thought Tracer. "Yes, sir."
"And now, two years after we finally had it all sorted, and the press have moved on and the public have started to forget and forgive, one of the few people not implicated shows back up, out of nowhere, outside our consulate building in South Africa, with a story not even a schoolboy would believe - the prodigal daughter returns, and starts poking her nose where it isn't wanted and no longer belongs."
"What do you expect us to think? What do you expect us to do with you?"
"Sorry, sir," she said, with just a hint too much insubordination, "I thought the military might want to know one of their missing officers was alive."
Cute, he thought. "It was that ape, wasn't it. Somehow, he brought you back. From the moon." He shook his head - it still sounded foolish aloud. "I can't blame him for that - you were friends. But I can blame him for whatever he's built into you."
Lena froze. I haven't been near a military examination room, how did they know? What else do they know? She swallowed. "...sir?"
"You're a not a terrible liar, pilot, but you're not a good one either. Bioluminescent tattoos isn't the worst line..."
"Regulation-compliant within Overwatch, sir, nothing visible in uniform," she interjected, before he sternly continued "...but it's still a line. You're six kinds of wired up, and we know it."
Shite, she thought, scrambling for some way to salvage the story, "Sir, Winston had nothing to do..." That's not better, think before you talk, Oxton!
"I'll pretend you didn't say that," he said, "because the alternatives are far worse. For you."
"...sir." she said, outright afraid now. He's called me F/O, I must have some standing, I can use that, I have rights. "Has my commission been reopened, sir?"
"Not formally," the G/C replied, "which is why you're not in the brig for desertion, first, and more severe charges, later." He sighed, and leaned back off the top of his desk. "I don't think you're a villain, flight officer. The problem is - none of us really know what you are. I've brought you in to offer you a way out. I'm offering you a deal - and I promise you, it was the very best one I could make."
"A deal, sir?" she said, quietly, stalling for time and thinking quickly, I can live without the service, she thought. I can live with that. I can still do good work. There are plenty of other opportunities for a good pilot. Médecins Sans Frontières, maybe, they can always use...
He picked a padd off his desk, and tossed it towards her to catch. "Approve this. We reopen your commission and close it, this time as a medical discharge. We give you five years' back salary - more than enough to get you on your feet. You go away, again, get a job, and and live a quiet life somewhere. You don't talk to the press; you don't write a book; you don't do video; you're Lena Oxton, ex-RAF, not Lena "Tracer" Oxton of Overwatch." He gestured towards the PADD. "Section IV invokes the Official Secrets Act - whether you agree or not."
Tracer shuddered at that, and it took a forceful act of will not to teleport out of the building. "You're one-thirty-fouring my life, sir?"
"No, not your life. Just Overwatch, and Tracer."
"Sir!" the pilot spat out, "This is unfair. This is wrong. You can't do this. Sir."
"Move out of London - preferably, somewhere unimportant - within a week. After that, never get within five kilometres of a military or intelligence base, unless specifically recalled, ever again."
That's a big no-fly zone, she thought. "That'll limit my opportunities as a working pilot, sir."
"Your license terminated with your death, Flying Officer, and you're not getting it back. You've been on every no-fly list in the world since you landed at Heathrow; you are grounded. Most likely, for good."
Horror flashed across Lena Oxton's face, and she bolted up from the chair. "Sir! No, sir! You can't do that to me, sir!"
He barked the words, every syllable a body blow, staccato against her frame, "I can and I have, and if you have any sense at all, your next action will be to sit back down, and your next words will be 'Yes sir, I accept, sir.'"
Lena stopped herself - barely - from screaming at the Group Captain, composed herself as best she could, sat, and managed, shakily, "...but flying... being a pilot... it's all I ever wanted. Sir."
Group Captain Henderson let his expression, and his voice, soften a bit. He remembered that feeling - love of the air, the altitude, the endless sky, the pure speed. "I know."
Flying Officer Oxton straightened a bit, and stood her ground. "I've done nothing wrong. Sir. Except die in an experimental vehicle that exploded around me. It wasn't my fault, I'm pretty sure the record shows that, and I don't see why I should lose my license over it. Sir."
"Your record does show that," he agreed, almost kindly, "and, if you agree, it will continue to do so." Then, with a harder edge, "But if you didn't think we'd find out about that device you have embedded inside you, you underestimated us badly."
Keep it together, Tracer, keep that trim tight, she thought. "I, I..." The jig's up now, but... "I need it. It keeps me from sliding back out of time. Sir."
Thank god, thought the Group Captain, exhaling slowly, she said it. "Good. You admit you know. I'd hoped you finally would." It means if you behave, we might actually honour this agreement,, he did not add aloud. "But we don't know what else it does, and the only way to know, for sure, would be to take you apart, all the way down, and study what was left. The only reason we haven't done that already is that you tried so very hard to get our attention."
"Sir." This can't be happening, she thought.
"Would you rather we changed our minds about that, Ms. Oxton?"
"...no," she said, bitterly, "Sir."
The Group Captain nodded. "Then accept the agreement, and you walk out of here a civilian, and intact. We'll be keeping an eye on you, of course, but stay quiet, let people continue to forget all of this, don't do anything stupid, and we'll leave you alone." The older man - older than Ana, probably older even than Reinhardt - leaned forward, with as much compassion as he could push into his blunt, once-chiseled face, and said, "Just walk away, Oxton. This really was the best I could get you. Walk away, and go live your life."
Lena Oxton sat in the chair, suddenly feeling strangely calm, separate, isolated. This is the second time since the explosion I haven't really had a choice, she thought, as she reached out her hand and pressed her thumb against the acceptance screen. I like it this time much less.
Former Flying Officer Lena "[Redacted]" Oxton left the MI5 building for the first and last time. Money instantly appeared in a bank account, a fair and reasonable sum. Ms. Oxton checked that account, took a little bit out in cash at an access point, and treated herself to a lavish dinner, which tasted like nothing, then box seats at a show at the Palace Theatre, which left her utterly unmoved.
Then she walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, around Old London, past Piccadilly and past St. James and past Westminster and along the Thames and across and past the Tate and past the ruins of the London Bridge and back across the river and past St. Paul's and then she didn't even notice anymore, until hours later, at 3am, when she found herself in the middle of a deserted Trafalgar Square, carrying a worn satchel popular in South Africa some ten years before, with the remnants of her flight suit, her burnt Overwatch identity card, a fake of her old passport, and a change of clothes, old, but serviceable, from a Lutzberg charity shop.
There, standing between the fountains, from a small, round, metal box, she extracted a smaller, round device. Clicking its power cell into place, she held the beacon tightly against her chest, depressed the second button, the one on the top, until it beeped, twice...
...and waited.
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