#- tom and jesse. one of my other ships
my biggest sin right now is not knowing what songs fit for appleshipping... the playlist is only worth 9 minutes help 😢
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starkjoy · 1 year
it’s insane how disappointed i am with this season… like i don’t even know how to deal w this lmao. i just feel like i’m being gaslit into believing all the stuff i previously thought about tomshiv’s dynamic and even tomgreg’s (in terms of the nero/sporus subtext) isn’t true. it’s a weird decision on the writers’ parts.
the whiplash is so odd to me that i can’t help but wonder if they’re intentionally misleading us for some late-in-the-game twist. that’s probably delusion though—simplest explanation is that they changed their mind or it’s shitty writing. seems to be a trend with hbo final seasons. let’s see how it all ends before we make any final decisions, though.
unlike failed internet darling mlm ships of the past, tomgreg isn’t a case of fandom creating a narrative and setting themselves up for disappointment—the writers intentionally implanted homoeroticism into their plotline. the actors knowingly played around with it. jesse literally called them homoerotic a few weeks ago. it’s really sad to think succession may fall prey to every other queerbait-adjacent (adjacent for now since the season isn’t over) curse, leaning into the queer undertones until they’ve written themselves into a gay corner with the internet convinced something is gonna happen, only to backtrack and pretend the vibes were never there at all. it’s too early to say if that’s the case here, but it certainly feels that way at the moment. i mean, what else are we supposed to think when the writers go from nero and sporus gay marriage as the through line of season 3, to disgusting brothers hetero sex tour comedic relief background noise with tomshiv redemption front end center? am I supposed to be enjoying this?
all that being said, on a positive note im glad we’ve seen how much closer tom and greg have gotten as partners, and that they’re scheming together and on the same page. i’m glad they’ve had at least one interaction each episode. i’m glad greg seems much more into tom than previous seasons, quelling any unrequited friendship accusations. i’m glad we got insane homoerotic undertones in episode 1, even if they’ve dropped off since then. but where we’re sadly lacking is depth—what was once the hallmark of tomgreg’s deeper connection in contrast to tomshiv’s emotional constipation. now greg makes sexual quips while tom rolls his eyes…end scene. and again. it was funny and cute at first, but now it’s getting boring. don’t they deserve a more interesting arc in the final season after years of build up? why are we subject to tomshiv rehashing the same shit we’ve seen for 3 seasons instead?
also, one of the most compelling arcs of season 3 was tom’s vengeance, especially because we saw it play out from his perspective. outside of his plane convo with greg, tom’s pov has all but been erased. even the tomshiv moments are from the lens of shiv’s experience. and as much as we may sympathize with shiv’s heartbreak over his betrayal and her dad’s death, it feels almost wrong that the show is trying to make me feel bad for her? we saw how awful she was to tom for three seasons, we saw from tom’s perspective how much she hurt him. i don’t feel bad for shiv on the tom front at all, the fact that she kept his baby feels wildly out of character, and frankly it’s a little insulting the amount of time the final season is spending trying to convince the audience otherwise.
hey, maybe my feelings will change in a few days. maybe the final episodes will change all of our minds. i’ll always have some hope for tomgreg, but right now it’s not looking promising given the treatment they’ve received so far. anyone with any positivity to share hit me up because I could use it!!
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monstress · 1 year
succession finale thoughts
rewatching already because i need to write this down while i'm still on that finale high
the immediate problem of the episode is stewy making drama. i love himmm
why would "golden parachute" frank even be in the consideration to vote 'no' for the deal??? we're grasping at straws here oh i feel for tellis despite his soulless blond self
NICKY BEE FIRE IT UP ONE LAST TIME ... god im gonna miss this theme song 🥺
when shiv said that tom is easy to manipulate while mattson is looking at the political cartoon of them. what a blunder
shiv calling her mom an associate in front of mattson slkflskgls
"are there any positives about the nightmare we've shared?" "yeah you've fallen in love finally. fallen in love with our scheduling opportunities." goddddd im so obsessed...yessss they're so awfulllllll like so true jesse make this show also a story of their marriage noah baumbach whomst????
sorry to be so kenstewpilled but the white button down, sleeves rolled up and this line???? delectable. i must speak my truth here like how could stewy not vote 'no'?
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new jess.....good for you Jess you escaped this sinking ship
i gasped seeing kendall's sunglasses this episode. that has to be japanese made. nowhere else in the world make such stylish sunglasses. gorgeous pair
greg makes 200k? per month OR year????? answer me. answer meeeeee
love the Lawrence name drop! like we miss u king
the entire lukas and tom dinner scene is sooooo
tom confessing all he he built was sand and he's paranoid to keep what he has. mattson knowing he's hungry but wants to know if he's willing to betray shiv
THEN lukas immediately belittling shiv : she was pushy, she wasn't as vital as i thought she'd be, i'm SUCH a big man i know everything, she's fuckable and she wants me too
and TOM eats it????? so mattson chooses him !!!!
ugh i dont want shiv she has a lot of ideas and i want to fuck her ugh fucking disgusting ubermensch i hope jeryd doesn't win ohio and waystar royco gojogo get FCC up in their ass
alexander skarsgard's line read and acting choices r amazing tho
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me to my sister: why haven't any of them used a live translator to check what the swedes are talking about? (greg in the final episode uses one) OK FINALLYYYY
shiv screaming from another room is hilarious
logan promised kendall ceo when he was seven.......the crown prince.....if dad didn't need me i don't know what i would be for.....
shiv and roman bonding at the beach after election night. when they're doing impressions of kendall and knowing sarah and kieran are each other's fave scene partners....this scene was the one that hit me that i'm watching the FINALE finale
meal fit for a king scene....when i watched this scene i was all smiles but underneath the DREADDD knowing they might be showing this because it may be the final time the scenes are happy together. oh honey. we got a big storm coming.
not shiv saying all that to willa and connor not getting slovenia in the end....the terror
the iphone video dinner scene? cheesy as fuckkkkk im sorry that was sentimental as shit and maybe a tad unnecessary. i did cry tho i did...
"IT'S FUCKING TOM." the fight in the bathroom??? mattson rallying his crew???? the convoy to hq??? with THE MUSICCCCC???? FUCKKKK UGH HOT UGH!!!! GO OFF NICHOLAS!!!!
loveeee roman's all black outfit. so chic! (he's still mourning 🙃)
and we cheered. if anything else, us gay stewy truthers won succession
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(also noticed that in the above pic - the only picture of the kids on logan's table is shiv. forshadowing? maybe, maybe not but lol)
the final 20 minutes of the finale *screaming into a pillow*
like roman immediately spiralling upon seeing gerri. doubting himself, questioning his autonomy, his worth. and did kendall....break roman's stitches on purpose. to like?? steady him somewhat??? good god. what the fuck.
shiv in this shot like...this is the closest to ultimate power she'll ever have and she's reveling in it. despite herself, she enjoys being kingmaker. that's why she went into politics
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it's just. i wanna wrap my head around why shiv didn't vote 'no'. is it because she *has* seen the toxicity of protecting this company infect her brothers during election night? they should take the deal and get out? is it to freeze kendall and roman out of the company as they often had done to her? if i can't be ceo, then no one can? and mattson wants tom to be the ceo and i get to manipulate tom so i win this battle? i can keep my proximity of power by virtue of being a woman that my brothers would never have? is that it? does this make sense?
(but we all know mattson is keeping tom because he's a yes man. he won't have any real power in the waystar royco gojogo so like *sad kazoo noise*)
kendall lying about the manslaughter not being real. the real thing they've bonded over??? just because it may not make him ceo??? jelly-spined move
shiv laughing kendall going 'i'm the eldest boy' and walking away going "fucking child". lmaooo deserved
i wonder if roman saying all that abt sophie & iverson is a way to distract kendall from shiv, maybe even a little spite to get back at him for supposedly lying abt the manslaughter
roman going "we're nothing." yeah...yeah....you are.....
(but they have 195 per share....so)
kendall clicking the elevator to floor zero. cinema.
the one guy entering the elevator with kendall. has he been oblivious abt what just went down? if it were me, i'd wait for the next one
tom being ceo slgjklskglskglsklhgsfglskg
him keeping gerri and karolina this is a win for the glass ceiling shatterers /jk
and tom keeping greg? will he needs someone to bully since mattson&mencken is gonna use him as a punching bag in turn lol
yes the tiger! he destroyed his cage! yes YES the tiger is out!!!!
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i truly can't believe that roman came out of this series unscathed (somewhat). like his breakthrough this episode? him realizing his self worth has been hinged on inheriting the company aka his father's love? time to go back to therapy
(also him drinking a martini because that's gerri's favorite drink. what a choice!)
and friends i was rubbing my hands with anticipation when tom approaches the car just hoping hopingggg shiv was in it and when it turns out she was??? i was chanting 'hand in unlovable hand' over and over and when tom offered his hand??? i was fully clapping it AND when shiv TOOK IT?? i was fully screamingggg
in all seriousness, what a bleak ending for shiv. relegating herself as the wife of ceo. just like her mother. the power dynamics of the man she think is beneath her is now her husband and the father of her child and in the company position she coveted all her life. she can never win...she willing stay in the tarpit....shiv my tragic girlfailure i love youuu
when kendall shows up in the park in a tweed coat i was like 'oooo i hope colin is behind him' and when they pan to show he is?????? i was cheering. the micheal corleonification of kendall roy
head under water.....aaaahhhh ambigious kendeath my beloved <3
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saggitary · 1 year
Lip sync battles
One of my favorite flavors of fanon is that being high-functioning battle strategists and soldiers, the clone troopers would get bored during longer hyperspace treks very easily. To combat this they come up with all kinds of trouble to entertain themselves during these trips, none more so than the infamous 501st battalion.
After one too many explosions in the mess hall and one too many glitter bombs in the officers' quarters, Ahsoka suggests a new form of entertainment in the form of Lip Sync battles. The troopers are intrigued with the idea and after watching a few on the holonet, they were all on board.
Rex was just happy for the peace and quiet that the ship experienced for the next week as they made their way to their next campaign.
The first battle occurred between Jesse, performing Finesse by Bruno Mars, and Fives, executing Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. The troopers gathered in one of the empty storage hangers and the stage was set, each had about 5 backup dancers, the best costumes they could create with limited resources, speakers, sets, the whole works. Ahsoka and Hardcase acted as the announcers (think a mix between over-excited soccer announcers and the two announcers from Pitch Perfect) and the battalion would judge when it was over.
After the first battle, troopers were signing up to do their own battles and soon there was a steady stream of battles on hyperspace trips. Judging was soon taken over by Rex and Anakin when it became clear certain troopers were bribing others. All the battles were recorded and began to be posted on the social media account Ahsoka had made for the battalion. The videos were immediately a hit and people all over the galaxy loved seeing the troopers outside of propaganda and seeing them as real people.
Other battalions began to take up the tradition and soon there were videos of trooper lip-sync battles everywhere. The ones in the 501st continued to get more elaborate, each stop on leave brought new costumes, sets, props, etc. When Hardcase would be challenged to a battle, Tup would take his place with Ahsoka and he had so much fun that soon it was the three of them announcing.
Eventually, Fives felt cocky enough to challenge Ahsoka to a lip sync battle. The whole battalion was even more excited about this performance because they had yet to see any Jedi participate. The fateful day came and Fives came out strong with a performance of Wrecking Ball by Miley Cirus. Where the wrecking ball he swung on while shirtless came from, no one knows. It was definitely one of the best performances they'd seen, the choreography and set were definitely next level and everyone eagerly waits to see if their little commander will be able to top Fives' performance.
Everyone knew that Ahsoka could be competitive when needed, especially against certain members of Torrent, but they had underestimated her dedication. (Think Beyoncé's 2018 Coachella entrance) Ahsoka delivers a stunning performance starting with Welcome and Crazy in Love by Beyoncé. Anakin and Rex don't even need to vote, it was a knockout and went down in 501st history.
The time comes that Cody and Rex are both pulled into doing a lip sync battle. Their normally composed commanding officers are suddenly transformed into the rival sibling terrors that Alpha-17 still dreams about. No one sees Rex without his helmet for weeks and Cody is hardly seen outside of the designated practice rooms.
Finally, the day came. The 212th and 501st gathered on the Resolute to watch the showdown of the century.
Cody presents a jaw-dropping, show-stopping performance of Umbrella by Rihanna (Tom Holland's battle). There is water dropping from the ceiling, he sporting black fishnets on his legs, and all those years of acrobatic training and spin-kicking droids come into play with this performance. Ahsoka, Hardcase, and Tup are raving and the 501st is suddenly very nervous for their own captain to perform, this was their reputation as a battalion on the line after all.
Rex emerges from the fog (smoke machines) riding a makeshift bantha, wearing a skimpy black top, black skirt, black boa vest, and curly long blond hair blowing in the wind. All the weeks with his helmet on had been spent growing his hair out for this performance and it looks amazing. He performs Run the World (Girls) by Beyoncé and ends the battle with him and all his backup dancers bowing to Ahsoka, the only girl on board.
No one can decide who's performance was better so it comes to a draw.
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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Today was port day! And besides some hiccups orienting ourselves and some timing issues, it was a pretty excellent day. And now I am spending a little time alone. Which was sorely needed. And thankfully my terrible head ache is going away.
I slept alright last night. I was freezing at times and sweating at others. I woke up a few times but mostly I slept fine.
The plan was to wake up at 8 and go to breakfast at 830. Jess would wake up at 7 so she could take her time getting ready. It never takes me long to get ready so I appreciated getting to rest longer.
When I did get up I got washed and dressed my hair looked weird. The air here has made my hair very strange. But it's whatever. I like my outfit. I had already packed my purse and had my stuff ready to go. And pretty quickly we were off.
Jess would go get coffee to deliver to her mom. Which was very nice of her. And I would go up to the buffet to find her aunt Laura and Mieke. Who I would find right away. (I would have an interesting conversation in the elevator because apparently 100+ people are being questioned in the main dining room. Possibly they filled the custom forms out improperly? Still don't know what's up there.)
Breakfast was good. I really enjoyed my eggs and hashbrown and water melon. I put spring onions on the eggs and it was great. I found us a table and we would pull up some extra chairs. Jess's dad, Tom, would join us too. He already has breakfast so it was just for the company. And it was a nice breakfast. Talking about the plans for the day. They were going on the hop on hop off bus tour, and we were going to walk all over and find vintage shops. It was neat to see the city from the boat. We even had a beautiful view of the one lighthouse.
Me, Jess, and Mieke would head to the gangway after breakfast. And we had no problems getting off the boat. I had texted James to let them know that I wouldn't have service while we were off the boat and to text Jess if they needed me. Because only Jess would have service today. Which would put her mainly in charge of the day.
And it was a little tough at time. When we got off the ship we would start walking towards the boardwalk. The longest continuous boardwalk in the world apparently at 2.5 km long! Neat.
Jess started getting messages from her family concerned we weren't going to be able to get Mieke off the ship. Because she's 13. But we were already off the boat. No one even questioned us. Not great on the ships part but that worked out for us. And we put an air tag in her purse so we wouldn't lose her.
She was sweet though and fun to hang out with. And we would have a fun day.
It was surprisingly hilly in Halifax. Jess would take up up a whole bunch of hills to find some shops. We were struggling to find places that were open but it was neat to see the downtown still.
We would find a really excellent gift shop. And marked some stuff we would probably come back for. And then headed out to go to a vintage shop. We had to wait ten minutes in a mall and the rest was nice. We found that it had an aerial silks place there which was cool. And we spent some time looking at the maps and making a little plan.
We would look in a few shops but nothing spoke to us and the price points were a bit more then we wanted. Like it was designed second hand. Good price for what it was but not what we wanted.
We went back to the gift shop. Since it was on the way back towards the boardwalk. And we wanted to get our souvenirs. Even if second hand didn't work out (there was a real thrift store but if we had gone it would have been a whole day affair with no car because it was 3 miles away.) we still wanted to knock off the things on our list.
So we went and had a super fun time collecting all of the things we wanted. Magnets and sweatshirts and little gifts. I got James a few things. And a book of Nova Scotia scary stories. But then we were standing in line and Jess got to the register and we discovered that the store did not take discover card. Which is what we both carry. Sucks! We were really disappointed. Meike was able to use her entire $20 in case to buy her mom some little pewter unicorns. And I was able to use my $50 I keep in my phone to buy my gifts for others. But I could not get my sweatshirt and Jess had nothing.
So we had to call for help. And Mieke's dad came in clutch. He would walk almost 10 blocks to find us and give us his credit card. Bought the sweatshirts and all of Jess's things. It was really kind of him. He would also just leave the card with us just in case. It wouldn't be a problem the rest of the day but it was nice to have that but if safety.
He left and went back to his lunch with Laura. And we were in a great mood. The girl at the register had been so nice and helpful. She let us know there were free botanical gardens down the street and I am so excited she told us that because it was great.
We walked down there and it was beautiful. I am sure the flowers in the spring are incredible but the flowers we did see were so nice. We were also really enjoying the ducks and fish and I was having a lot of fun.
We would take pictures and walk around. But we were losing steam and wanted to get lunch. Mieke was still full of energy because she is 13. But she was a good sport the entire day. Even when we were lost and confused. She was great.
I was really just enjoying the day. I wasn't feeling incredible but I was trying to remain positive. Halifax was really nice. I liked that there were old buildings mixed in with the new. Everything was very clean. We didn't walk up to the citadel but we saw it from the street and it was neat. And we would head to another vintage shop that was really cool. We didn't buy anything but I still had fun looking.
We went to a really cool place called The Black Market that sold a lot of Indian inspired stuff and brass jewelry. Jess can almost never find rings that fit her very narrow fingers but they had a bunch! And so she bought a whole bunch of rings. Very happy for her.
We looked around one more very cool vintage shop. But it was lunch time. So we were off and heading to the boardwalk.
I wanted to go to a sit down place. And we ended up at a place I think was called "the warehouse" and it was really really good!
Our waitress seemed a little stressed. It turned out that the power has gone out to the kitchen. And this place was crazy busy. Like we were lucky we didn't have to wait it was so busy. But we were chill.
Mieke got a summer salad and molasses bread. Jess got oysters and fish and chips. And I got a smoked salmon Reuben that I took the salmon off of. And gave to Jess. And it was just all so good. Way more food than we needed. The sour kraut and dressing on my sandwich was excellent. The cocktail sauce and tater sauce was really good too. I dipped my fries in it. We talked about life and work and having babies later in life (Laura had Mieke at 39). It was just a really nice day.
We had a few hours until we had to be back at the ship. And we decided to go to the maritime museum.
It was really neat and I'm glad we went. I got to talk about what I know about ships from when I worked at ships. I loved seeing the light house lenses. I loved seeing the steam ship models. There was a small Titanic exhibit. It was great tand absolutely worth the $8 it cost to go in.
We would be in there for an hour or so. If it wasn't so busy I would have read more but it was a little overwhelming. I did really appreciate the information about the local indigenous people, the Mi'kmaw people, and they even had signage in English, French, and the Mi'kmaw langue. It was excellent.
We would leave there and kept walking the boardwalk. Got to hear some buskers. Including a bagpiper. And just people watching. Seeing some beautiful and interesting public art. I liked the light poles best. It was just really fun.
But me and Jess were very tired. And very ready to go back to the ship. We needed to be horizontal.
So we walked back to the ship. We looked at a few more things. But we were focused on going back on board. Which ended up being super easy. We had to wait in a short line to go through the X-rays. And then we were back on the cruise.
Jess would collect the airtag and we sent Mieke back to her cabin. And we went to lay down.
It was 4 and we would have dinner at 515. But I was feeling horrible. I wanted to out everything away and I did my best to organize before laying down. We put our new (matching) sweatshirts on and laid in out beds quietly watching TikToks for an hour.
My head was pounding and I was feeling nauseous. I did not want to go to dinner. But I would. Jess would give me some Tylenol and I would get dressed for dinner and tried very hard to not cry I was so not happy about going to dinner.
But dinner was fine. I would sit across for Scott and I would ask him about WarHammer because I knew he liked it and would be able to just talk at me with me only adding some questions and being an active listener and it was honestly nice. It was not my normal dinner conversation, but I know just enough about it to hold the conversation and I think it was the longest conversation we havs ever had.
I really enjoyed my pasta. And while my head still hurts a lot, like really bad, the food and caffeine from the diet coke helped. I drank water and had a lemon tart with a meringue for dessert. And then bowed out. Jess said to not feel bad and to go take care of me.
So I said goodbye to everyone and went back to the room.
I took a shower and washed my hair and felt a lot better even just from that. I got cozy on the couch and knit for a bit. Jess would come back to the room to charge her phone a little and tell me about the evening plans if I wanted to join. But I let her know I just wanted to hang out and watch a video and knit and watch the water from our window. She said that was just fine. She's going to watch Mieke sing karaoke and then Scott rock climb. I would probably like rock climbing but maybe tomorrow. I'm not to worried about that.
I would read Jess the story about Opportunity I posted earlier. And she got teary but I full on was crying. She gave me a hug before she left.
And I've been hanging out since then. Sipping water and knitting. And feeling not amazing but I am starting to feel better.
Tomorrow is our last day! We will have to pack but mainly I am focusing on enjoying the day. Knitting. Maybe mini golf. Eating nonsense. It will be a nice day. And hopefully I feel good and not exhausted after walking multiple miles today.
I hope you are all having a good night. And that tomorrow is great. Sleep well everyone. Until next time.
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spacehero-23 · 2 years
May be unpopular ..but anytime someone is sad about Grace and Kit not happening on the timeline ..I can’t help but feel vindicated? Especially since the fandom downplayed what happened to him and thought it was okay to ship James’ ex gf and abuser with his first cousin, so because of having to see that all these years I’m glad she ended up the way she did at the end of Chain of Thorns, Im sad for Kit but not sad that they didn’t end up romantic. It feels like Cassie respected his trauma, even if I didn’t like Kit standing up for her and meeting her in secret in the first place. That was something that would’ve felt more comfortable to read if it were Jesse defending her there, not Kit. With Kit his focus on Grace almost felt disloyal, I was surprised with James’ temperament and fragile emotions that he didn’t snap at Kit over his doting over Grace..It was an ooc moment for James not to react but CC just didn’t want Kit to be called out only by Anna and Tom for some reason
oh I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion, maybe it depends on who you follow but I saw a lot of people here and on twitter (myself included) criticize the Kit scene and how clear it was that he did not care about James's trauma. 
I’m re-reading the book right now, and every scene with Kit and James/The Merry Thieves is kind of spoiled for me, because I know that he chose this girl he knew for a month? over one of his closest friends. 
I think James didn’t say anything because he was just so exhausted from telling the story and he didn't want to fight with Kit right away. And I feel like Kit’s death robbed us of an actual confrontation (but I think she did that, because she knew most people would hate Kit for siding and fighting on the behalf of the abuser). 
I also saw people say that since Thomas forgave Alastair and wanted everyone else to forgive him, he should understand Kit. Which is???? nope. Those are apples and oranges, my guy. One was a stupid kid who didn’t know how much damage he was doing and the other knew exactly what she was doing and kept doing it (while having mood swings about how she felt about it, but that was more on Cassie and how she decided to write Grace). 
I’m really glad Cassie spent so much time highlighting how much damage Grace and the bracelet had done, because yeah, like you said, a lot of people in this fandom didn’t see what happened to James as something horrific or were a little too quick to forget because Kit and grace had a cute scene together.
anyway, everytime I “hate on”/criticize Grace I get a ton of dm/asks saying that I don’t understand her character, but I do. I really do. It's just like Cassie said, Grace is the embodiment of explanation not an excuse. And since she knew damn well what she was doing and kept doing it to other people, I cannot bring myself to like her or even feel bad for her. 
So this is a PSA to everyone who wants to say I blame the victim or something. everytime you say that I’m gonna respond with this image:
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compacflt · 2 years
Watching battleship right now and it got me thinking about ur post wondering how maverick and ice would react to current recruitment methods like e-girls and I just have to wonder what their thoughts would have been about this movie. It's more focused on the ships and not so much the fighter jets, obviously, but still...just a giant ad for the Navy. Also Rihanna which is perhaps the most important part of it all.
im no whitemanologist but if ice & mav are anything like my dad theyd probably think it’s some pretty sick shit
full disclosure: had not seen battleship until just now, when i watched it so i could answer this ask. thoughts: man, what a waste of jesse plemons! actually the whole cast is kinda stacked: liam neeson COMPACFLT (fuck yeah), Rihanna, alexander skarsgard….. woof. and yeah, it’s a gigantic fuck-you ad for the navy, but even i got a freedom boner when they hopped on *that ship* at the very end (70-year-old ordnance notwithstanding). like, i get it. that kinda whipped ass actually.
as recruitment material it’s very interesting. *guy who has only ever seen top gun watching any other movie* WOW JUST LIKE TOP GUN!!! no, but seriously, all these pro-Navy pro-mil movies are pushing a characterization of the military & the people in it that is laughably absurd. Our main character is always some guy who’s quietly very talented but outwardly a huge asshole who never plays by the rules & stays in the institution that gives him power only by the skin of his teeth. These movies are about *belonging* and push a message that even the most screwy of screw-ups can find their place in the military with a little patriotism and perseverance (maverick voice: “just wanna serve my country and be the best fighter pilot in the Navy, SIR”)—when that’s clearly not true. so, yes, in Battleship hopper is our asshole persevering main character who does everything (EVERYTHING) wrong until he just happens to do one thing right (read sun tzu I guess?) & gets a command of his own. The message is, join the navy, doesn’t matter how much of a fuck-up you are in real life, you too can excel & be recognized & get the outrageously hot chick & lead other men & have immense power….
…when we get invaded by aliens. cause that’s always the other part of these movies that kinda confuses me: unless it’s a historical movie (black Hawk down, american sniper, SPR, hacksaw ridge etc) in the modern age of pro-mil movies we have to make up an enemy to propagandize. TGM’s “fifth-gen fighter” advanced nation, for instance. Not Russia and not Iran and not DPRK, some other shitholistan that isn’t made of real people so we can drop fictional bombs on them without feeling bad. And these fictional enemies are always more advanced than us, because we are perpetual underdogs (& have been since the AmRev war, it’s part of our historical DNA). But… that discrepancy doesn’t reflect reality, obvi. If Tom Cruise hadn’t wanted to film inside real planes, TGM could’ve been a 5-minute short film of an F-35 dropping a precision guided bunker buster from 40,000 feet. like, we have the logistical/materiel capability to execute pretty much any mission we want with little to no actual struggle. But that makes for poor propaganda storytelling. So… aliens it is
It is also worth engaging with Top Gun: Maverick as a recruitment text in and of itself, and I don’t mean like “oh planes cool = people want to join the navy” I mean, this is a movie where the CORE EMOTIONAL TENET is that a kid who wanted to be in the navy got shut out & is still pissed about it. The central emotional tenet of TGM is Rooster trying to finally prove to Maverick that he IS ready to join the Navy. The whole movie is built upon the assumption that the Navy is someplace You Want To Be. It’s not just a recruitment text, it’s a recruitment story. And again, it’s asshole-rule-breaker Maverick who juuuuust manages to stay in because he’s actually super talented all along and not actually a fuck-up, and the Navy legitimizes him as a person (in my reading, as a man) at the end… warlock voice: “You’re where you belong.” Is he, though? All the evidence seems to suggest otherwise!
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theamazingwhizzo · 2 years
Chain of Thorns thoughts
Jeremy Blackthorn is EVERYTHING
Jesse and James bonding >>>>>
I swear, Jesse and Lucie are the ship that has the most complicated situation, and still has less drama. They said ok other people like miscommunication, but we are different :/
The explanation about the family trees is not my favorite, but at least we have one.  
I swear that Cordelia NEVER lets James finish a sentence when he is trying to explain. Please girl, let him finish. He has already tried it like four or five times. 
Did I say how much I love Jesse? If he has a million fans, I'm one of them. If he has one fan, I'm them. If he has no fans, I'm dead.
We were robbed, ROBBED, from a scene when James and Jesse go buy clothes.
Round Tom!
What do you mean everybody survived except Christopher??? What happened to Lucie is going to pay the price for necromancy and Anna's lifestyle is going to have a cost? I'm sure Casssandra Clare said it would happen. And also not seeing Gabriel and Cecily's reaction to Christopher's death? Nor Tessa and Will's reaction to the bracelet.
And also... Why is no one talking about how we met GOD?!?!?!?!
What. Was. That??? I literally can't process it.
Oscar got a medal? It's so cute!
Great book, it has reminded me why I love shadowhunters, but so many things that were promised to us and didn't happen. I expected something completely different from what she said.
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lostgirl1428 · 2 years
Look….I’ve had this list for a while but I feel like sharing it with the internet.
Fictional Babes I’d 1000% fuck without hesitation (even if it means I die in the process) in no specific order. Feel free to kink shame me I’m well away of how questionable some people are on this list 😭😤
Freddy Krueger - Nightmare On Elm Street
The OG Nightmare on Elm Street films of course. With the god of nightmares himself, Robert Englund
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Negan - The Walking Dead
…Need I say more?
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Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead
Well I mean of course.
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Merle Dixon - The Walking Dead
Look…Michael Rooker makes this list TWICE so leave me alone 😭
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Cassidy - Preacher
I love me a junkie Irish Vampire ❤️
(Also this tv show was a fucking riot…it is in fact my comfort show)
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Tulip O'Hare - Preacher
She's a sexy boss bitch and deserves so much better than Jesse
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The Comedian aka Eddie Blake - The Watchman
Was he a terrible person? Absolutely….but also I have daddy issues and JDM is god.
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Sayid Jarrah - Lost
I admit this is really random especially compared to others on the list but something about a professional torturer is a complete turn on for me 😤
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Dyson - Lost Girl
I mean can you blame me?
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Bo - Lost Girl
Well DUH mommy succubus yes please
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Kenzi - Lost Girl
My girl Kenzi, I would literally marry her 😭
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Tamsin - Lost Girl
look the entire cast from this show was hot as hell
also 100% ship her and Bo.
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Vex - Lost Girl
Look I know he's with Dyson's son but he's Bisexual and I would die for his snarky ass.
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Lucifer Morningstar -Lucifer
I don’t even need an explanation
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Mazikeen - Lucifer
I want her to stab me.
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Otis Driftwood - Devil's Rejects
One of them totally unhinged ones.
Is he a necrophiliac? Yes. Would he kill me? Absolutely.
But regardless.....
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Baby Firefly - Devil's Rejects
I love my crazy bitches
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Loki - MCU
I mean I'll take comic book Loki too but Tom Hiddleston is just... oof yes please.
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Yondu - MCU
Told you Michael Rooker made this list twice...
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Cable - Deadpool 2
SPECIFICALLY Josh Brolin because ✨Daddy✨
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Hawkeye - MCU
What can I say? I find archery sexy
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Wolverine - X-Men (Movieverse)
look as much as I hate the X-Men movies I cannot deny the sex appeal that is Hugh Jackman
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Nightcrawler aka Kurt Wagner - Marvel (All versions)
MINUS Kodi and Evolution because he's a LITERAL CHILD.
However, any and all comics, animated series (Minus Evolution) and I'll also take Alan Cumming's version as well.
I love this fuzzy elf with all my heart
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bardicbeetle · 1 year
ship asks: PRE-RELATIONSHIP 1, 5 & 6 for your faves :)
Making me choose between my own children here, hhhhh I am going to have to choose Isaac and Alex because while I love Jesse and Daniel with my whole heart, I do not let Isaac and Alex's relationship shine enough as I ought to.
How did they first meet?
Funny story, they meet the morning after Alex drinks vampire blood and their first interaction is unfortunately soured by the fact that Alex almost kills Isaac by accident.
Their second meeting does not go much better.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Ha, yeah.
By the time Isaac realizes "Oh, shit these are no longer friend feelings these are romantic feelings, that's not good." Alex has been a full vampire for like... at least a few months. And that is a problem for Isaac on many levels. Not the least of which being that Alex is helping him train his friends to kill vampires. It's fine. He ignores it until his friend and ex, Tom, gives him so much shit for obviously being interested in pursuing a relationship that he finally decides that maybe a little bit of the bad idea is okay. This choice continues to cause issues basically forever.
Alex doesn't really resist their feelings so much as they are so clocked out of the idea that romance and relationships are a thing they can now do that they don't really... notice. When Isaac asks if he can kiss them the first time they run through the immediate internal "wait, why, wait I want to say yes, wait why?"
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
I think both of them would laugh at me.
Alex would scoff at the idea of soulmates in general, and Isaac would tell me I've screwed around with his life enough without making his soulmate a member of the undead.
Thank you!! <3
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「🍀 jil's f/o takeover; official promo 🍀 」
• hiya, it's jil! this blog is excited to announce that I'm finally open for f/ovember; an event (created by @cherry-bomb-ships!) in which my faves are (probably) prepared to answer any questions coming from you guys! my blog will still run the usual personal banters and artposting, but the faves will reply to your asks when it's given! the boyos featured are;
「tom 🏁」
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- romantic
- s/i: jesse
- dating
「chil.de 🐋」
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- romantic
- s/i: celadon
- secret/shared feelings
「hero 🍳」
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- platonic
- s/i: alexa
- best friends, takes place in the Real World setting only (aged 18 and 17 respectively)
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• to help me distinguish normal asks from f/o asks, use their respective emoji for me to understand it clearly! mentions of other characters are totally okay, but the characters mentioned above will be the ones to answer it~
• no aus: (tomjesse; w.tfuture or sa.loonatics, tartaladon; modern or s.x.f)
P.S, herolexa; while h.ead.space is a canon universe in the game, it's a personalized fantasy by sunny, so it won't be included) please stay with the canon line c:
• your asks can be based from the takeover asks I reblogged below! (x) (x) OR in your own words :3 just helping expand your ideas for questions hehe
that's it!! go spill your burning questions at them and see how it'll go!
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starkjoy · 1 year
tomshiv were never gonna get divorced. jesse's whole thesis in any show is that people don't change, they are who they are. for tomshiv who they are (to jesse) is people who make each other miserable but are too codependent to leave. that's why i never had any hope for tomgreg i know jesse's writing too well :(
i think tomshiv will be left undetermined given the timeline. they won't have a magical happy reunion, but we won't see them signing the papers just yet. what's to come may imply one side over the other, but that's my current read on them...for better or for worse.
as far as tomgreg goes, tomshiv not divorcing doesn't necessarily mean they couldn't go "canon," or that they couldn't continue with the levels of depth from their bond last season. my dissatisfaction mostly stems from the latter not happening (yet) knowing the former was always a long shot (as all non-straight ships are). that being said, tomshiv and tomgreg have always coexisted, so i think it's unfair to say that there was never any hope for tomgreg. tom was lowkey having an emotional affair with greg the entire time they were married. if tomshiv slide back into their old ways, who says tomgreg won't too?
i do understand your point, though—that "canon endgame" tomgreg and shivorce cancellation cannot coexist—and i too doubt we'll get any form "canon" tomgreg at this point. but i don't think fans should feel silly for thinking "hm, maybe?" based on the groundwork that was laid beforehand, particularly last season. let's see how it all shakes out, though.
also, immutability may be jesse's MO, but that doesn't mean it's always compelling. personally, i think the fans who are shaming others for not "getting the point of the show" aren't genuinely invested in the cycle of abuse narrative—they just enjoy being on the "winning" side. last season everyone was rooting for tom and tomgreg, now there's a ton of hate and all of a sudden everyone loves tomshiv and shiv. i get it, no one wants to bet on a losing horse. but i think it's sad that some people are more concerned with being "right" than having independent thoughts. i think jesse would rather us have those :)
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themosleyreview · 2 years
The Mosley Review: Devotion
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There's a certain romanticism to Naval Air Pilot films that never stops being intoxicating. Whether it be about a fictional war while retaining as much realism to the fighters that are used today or the airmen that paved the way for pilots today, there is still a charm that is never lost. This film takes a look at a war that is often not explored since its sandwiched between The Cold War and the Vietnam War. We had the Forgotten Generation of the first World War, but the Korean War is often known as the Forgotten War. I do like that more films have started to explore the many other wars and skirmishes in America's history. Now this one tackles the majority of the aerial combat done with the bombings, but it doesn't shy away from the boots on the ground and I liked seeing the divide between them. Where most films based on the true story of the soldiers and the enemy they fight in massive battles, this film decided to focus on the inner battle of psychological torture of the racist injustices of the times, the personal lives of the men in the air, the brotherhood that is forged between pilots and the amount of pride that could be detriment to the team even it gets the job done. I appreciated that and I'm glad the film left the portrayal of the real pilots the story is based upon in the hands of a very capable cast.
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Johnathan Majors is on a hot streak right now and there's no sign of stopping. His portrayal of Ensign Jesse Brown was fantastic and endearing. He brilliantly sometimes hides and then releases the characters anger and pain in a number of looks and body language. The mirror scene is one of the most iconic and gut wrenching scenes of the film. When he wasn't constantly putting on a brave face, we get to see the character's charm and humanity shine through. Christina Jackson was wonderful as his loving and strong wife Daisy Brown. She brings out the light within him when he is home. Her sweetness and wisdom really shines in the softer and more intimate scenes of the film. Glenn Powell was great as Jesse's wingman as Lieutenant Tom Hudner. His charm shines at all times, but I loved that he always respected his crew and the way he naturally earned Jesse's respect. The two of them were excellent together and I loved that their friendship was the soul of the film. Daisy had a touching scene with Tom and I loved their immediate bond. I always enjoy seeing Thomas Sadoski in anything and as their team leader, Dick Cevoli, he was just as awesome and solid as you'd expect. He is such a great character actor and this film showcases that yet again. A standout in the film that took me by surprise was Serinda Swan as Elizabeth Taylor. She nailed the persona, charm, attitude and mystique of the real life socialite. She had a number of great scenes with Jesse and I loved every second of it.
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The score by composer Chanda Dancy was uplifting, somber and heroic at the right times and really brought home the emotional core of the film. Visually the film was nice to look at, but at times I felt it was almost too murky in the darker lit scenes and even in the interior of the ship scenes. It sometimes took away from the more intimate moments between two characters talking in their bunk. Even though this was a true story, I felt that the story dragged a bit and felt almost too clean. The focus is the power of friendship, but I wish there was a little less levity with the tone of the film. In the end, this was a good film about a real friendship that was forged in a time where it was frowned upon. I will definitely add this to the list of good Naval Aviator films, but somewhere in the top 10, but not top 5. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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We have been so wildly exhausted all day today. We both slept a lot of the day away and probably could keep sleeping. Is that what relaxing is? Neither of us are any good at it. But we tried.
I slept okay last night. I had a few very distressing work related dreams
And woke up just. Exhausted. Jess and her dad would go to the gym and I had considered joining them but the ship was moving a ton and basically any time I'm not horizontal I don't feel amazing. We are just rocking and rolling all over. So I would stay in bed and rest.
I would eventually get up and started working on packing my bag. I don't want to forget anything but I also don't want to have to many things in my tote bag tomorrow. I collected the unworn clothes (minus my evening wear and tomorrow's outfit) and packed it all up. And laid back down for a bit.
I got myself ready and waited for Jess to come back. She let me know that her parents wanted to see our room so I waited on the couch for them. We showed them how our room is set up. How I discovered extra blankets under the bed. How our shower is a lot smaller than theirs. How our view is surprisingly different then theirs.
We would decide soon to all go to breakfast together. A little later which was really busy but it was fine. I went ahead with Tom while Jess and Cheryl went to get coffee first. I would get my hashbrowns and eggs and fruit and found s pretty alright table. We would steal another chair to make enough room.
I was struggling. The rocking and rolling was really really tough. I was a little woozy and uncomfy. All I wanted was to be horizontal.
But I enjoyed breakfast though. The conversation was nice. And I would get a full second plate of breakfast. To try a few extra things. We would hang out and watch the water for a bit. Had a nice conversation. But I was very woozy and wanted to go lay down.
So we went back to the room. And we laid down. And pretty quickly I was asleep.
We would both apparently wake up at different points. But neither of us would bother the other or make an effort to get up for real.
I woke up at 1230 and was like. Hmm we should get lunch. Then fell back asleep. And woke up again at 115 and was like. Ahh!! Because we wanted to go to the last ice show.
But we needed to eat and they had said we needed to be at the show 15 minutes early. So we had to book it.
We of course got stuck behind so many slow people. But we would get to the buffet and it was a struggle because people were literally everywhere. But Jess got a roll and melon and I got fries. And we walked quickly down to the theater.
And the show was fabulous. When we got there we were both surprised by the size of the rink. It was like a basketball court! We finished eating our little lunch while people watching. People were struggling with directions and leaving single seats open which made it so people couldn't sit in the seats and were on the stairs. But it was fine.
When the show started it was a masquerade ball! There were 4 single skaters and 2 pairs, for a total of 8 skaters. And they were great. Zack was our favorite. And the show was really good. It was masquerade, then Phantom of the Opera, Russian dancers, kabuki, Hollywood, boy band, and las Vegas! And it was so much fun.
We were both really impressed by the technical skills being done in such a tight rink. Like their jumps and flips were so close to the edge it was scary! And the pairs were throwing the girls around and it scared us how close their heads were getting to the ice. But it was so good. I was having a blast.
I was knitting the whole time too. I finished one square and almost finished a second. I was having a really good time.
My favorite performance was when Zack did a set to "Pinball Wizard" and that was really cool. And he played Elvis for the last one. And when it was over (after waiting on our seats for most of the theater to clear out) we went and shook his hand and told him how much we loved his performance. We both wish we could have a conversation with the skaters. Who are you? How did you get this job? They were all our age, all age out of competition, so what is your life like? Like a few of them fell but they got up really quick and we're clearly talented. It was great.
Since we didn't have real lunch we went to get pizza and then brought that up to deck 11 to get ice creams. It was a lot warmer out and not as windy so we were more comfortable for sure. We would hang out on a couch in the adults area for a while. We were both still very tired.
We would head back down to our cabin after that though. We were both still very tired. And we would lay down for some quiet time. I finished up my square and worked on knitting a second. And starting a third. But my hands were tired and my brain was still dizzy and a little tired. I could have kept sleeping. But we would rest for nap hour before getting up again to clean up for dinner.
And dinner was nice. I was not interested in conversation really. And it was fine. I was mostly just watching and contributing sometimes. It was Caribbean night and the food was fine. My salad was weirdly wet. My pasta was good and my two desserts were good. But I just wasn't feeling amazing and was very tired. I did enjoy seeing the chefs and waiters dance and parade around getting claps from everyone. They told us they made 50,000 meals a day! That's insane! It was fun though and I was happy. And I thanked both of our waiters and said goodbye to them for the final time.
Me and Jess and her mom, Cheryl, would go and get them coffee. And Cheryl would head to karaoke.
We started back to our room but Jess's coffee was wrong so she went back to get it fixed and I went outside to watch the water. Which was beautiful. I got to see some dolphins again.
Jess would join me and we took a picture before heading back to the room. To finish packing.
We decided to get rid of most of the ducks too. We each kept 2 little plastic ones and I kept one regular. I would take the last three to the hallway and ran into some little kids so I have them the ducks and they were really excited. It was cute.
I would go back to the room after that. I took a shower and changed into jammies.
And once I was packed I got in bed to chill. And that's what we've been doing since. Hanging out. Resting. We are both just so beat.
James has been keeping me updated on their day too. They had taken a half day because the fence was supposed to be installed but they had to reschedule for monday which sucks. And they worked on setting up the house to have a band come stay over. Their cousin Drew asked if they could and of course we said yes. So James worked on making the house comfortable for them. I hope it's not to hot. And James would go to their show this evening. I hope they are having fun.
Now though I am going to lay my head down and watch a video.
Tomorrow we go home. We wake up early, have breakfast, and get out of the room by 8. And we should be off the boat by 9. Me and Jess will go back to her parents. Then we'll pop over to my parents. Then to her house. And I'll go home from there! I am golfing to be home by the mid afternoon. I am so excited to see my James.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well everyone. Until next time.
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the-everqueen · 6 months
for the ask meme: 001 for awaked alan
send me a fandom - alan wake [disclaimer for the uninitiated: this is all about aw2, because i don't fucks with that man when he had a buzzcut, but the long hair and tortured 13 years in the dark place? yum.]
favorite character: sorry, babe, it's Alan. it's the tortured act of creation that also destroys you. it's how maybe sometimes it's better if the story ends [here]. it's there can be no why. it's the story is the monster the story is you you are the monster. it's not a loop it's a spiral. it's about being in the meta position to decide what the story should be and yet the story will always control you. it's narrative as collar and leash.
least favorite character: who's the nurse who is obsessed with Wake?
five favorite ships: do i have five? OBVIOUSLY Saga/Estevez. Saga/Jesse. Saga/Alice (the two women who went into the dark place on purpose and came out at will??). Tom Zane/the Koskela brothers, because i think they'd make some WILD art. i hope this somehow impresses upon the reader that while i didn't list her as my favorite, i do love Saga and also i think she deserves a queer relationship. maybe her and her husband open their marriage and Logan gets two moms. i think Estevez would be SO weird and unsettling in a way that any child between 8-13 would find Cool.
character i find most attractive: Kiran Estevez
character i would marry:...would i marry anyone in the awake alan universe? hm. seems risky. on the other hand...access to paranatural shit. Estevez.
character i would be best friends with: Saga. we could bond over sweaters and torment people with dumb puns.
a random thought: Alan is like, in-universe Stephen King, yeah? there's all these references to "genre bending" in the third act that feel gratuitous. but King seems like the closest irl analog.
an unpopular opinion: idk that it's unpopular but i DO hate Alan's speech in the final draft. "master of many worlds" gives me the ick. i love the bit where he revives and says "it's not a loop," etc., AND i like the implication that the clues in the final draft aren't a past self but a future one. but the speech is dumb and recenters him in a way that feels like it backtracks the part where he and Saga co-write the story.
my canon otp: too poly for this!
my non-canon otp: still too poly, but saga/estevez.
most badass character: torn between Saga because she survived a horror novel AND the pacific northwest as a Black woman, and Alice because she on-purpose suicide-baited her husband in order to make him self-actualize, which. real girlboss shit.
pairing i am not a fan of: i like Saga and Casey's relationship but i don't really get slash vibes from them.
character i feel the writers screwed up: Freya's utter lack of presence until the third act was a missed opportunity. like, we didn't NEED a full weird movie with deer motifs when we could've had the chance to see another side of Saga.
favorite friendship: obvs Saga and Casey. they cute.
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crystallineirises · 1 year
Succession 4.3: Connor’s Wedding Liveblog
I’ve never done one of these before AYE
I turned my phone OFF for this. Not silent, OFF
“dramatic music playing” no shit you know what show this is
yeah he likes you *eyebrow raise*
Those letters are pretty cool 
“you were close” WELP is that what the kids are calling it
*lively music*
Shiv in black is a mood
Tom is Joan Rivers this season i’m living
Willaaaaaaa a princess hoe is life ugh love her
I can’t believe the Togan girlies are winning i’m so thrilled for them
Karolina watch your ass 
DAMN Karolina said fuck my work wife
my comment about Gerri blowing these fools away with hat!pistol really would be justified 
DAMN I’m glad I switched to the Ted Lasso side as far as romantic ships for this season cause we ain’t winning over here
Omg is that Laurie
babygurl is STRESSED
The I’M GOOD heard around the WORLD
OOOOOOH this was bruuuutaaaallll
This poor wedding planner lol that’s gonna be me in two weeks
Kendall looking sharp AF go bitch go
Sup Julie you’re an icon too 
Every assistant level person on this show is an icon
Gerri’s like let me get wasted it’s about go down go DOWN 
Roman why’s your hair so fucked lol i know we’ve talked about it but like wow
What if that was Gerri texting him pictures of her pussy lol
This bitch ain’t sick stop lol
guess it’s not 9/11 part 2 guess it’s just an old man being an old man lol
Oh it’s Grey’s Anatomy all of a sudden
his poor sad voice BABYGIRL
my heart feels all PANICKED
wow no one thought to start looking for Shiv Jess would never let this happen
this camera work is beautiful 
Sarah Snook’s shaking hands just won her an Emmy
Not to be rude but does this mean Gerri is saved
lovely good plane people
JESS my other baby girl
OH wow pilots saying no 
“he’s flying the plane, son” LOL
we were really thinking we’d have to wait around all season for this NO BITCH THIS iS LIVE
*pours one out*
I just literally poured seltzer water on my carpet
Damn Kerry I sure hope you got that baby though 
the framing of this shot is gorgeous 
i never got the CHANCE to make him proud of ME
Weddings are just really not good for these people
i wonder how fuckin rich they just got dude lol
oh Roman is the babiest babygirl bad day for Roman all around
And Gerri can’t even comfort him or NOTHIN 
Karolina is that bitch and i’m so about it put her high up in the Kerry/Jess administration
okay $100 bucks says Kerry murdered him
Gerri > POTUS as it should be 
oh TOM I LOST MY PROTECTOR Togan was real AF for these three episodes
GASP Gerri 
Oh Karolina tryna make up now I don’t know about that 
“are you just with me for money” you...but...like...
Reagan’s with tweaks lol
How do they know already wow did Greg fuck that up 
ooook oooooh they’re alone in a room 
Just kidding Roman’s outside now 
OH HE WANTED HER TO HOLD HIM SO BADLY DAMN us Roman/Gerri babies is suffering 
These strings are going crazy hell yeah scoring
lol everyone with their handshakes
Roman said yeaaaah i know it’s stupid, i just gotta SEEEE it for MYSELFFF
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