#-I was drawing Wels though so it’s not all bad
fantasykiri5 · 27 days
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A pair of birds of prey for days 15 and 16 of @hermitadaymay !!! Definitely not a day and a half (?) late
#my art#Hermitaday#hermitadaymay#hermitadaymay2024#hermit-a-day may#Hermit-a-day may 2024#Hermitcraft#hermitcraft fanart#falsesymmetry#falsesymmetry fanart#welsknight#welsknight gaming#welsknight fanart#WHY DID I DECIDE TO DRAW THE STUPIDEST POSE FOR FALSE AND ARMOR FOR WELS AND WINGS FOR THEM BOTH ALL IN ONE DRAWING…#These cunts have six total hours tracked on them… I didn’t even do a background because they took so long…#and thats not even counting looking for armor and feather references like this took two straight days#I’m very proud of it though#anyways they’re NOT related I was in the middle of drawing and realized they looked uncannily alike. So I made the wise decision to give-#-Wels the same mole I give False and the same little lower lash because they’re nose and eye shapes already matched#they’re not siblings (shown by one of them not even being an actual raptor bird) but they do look uncannily similar#and I’ve decided now that my False and Wels like to just lie to people and say they’re twins for fun.#They both have fucked up doppelgängers they would find it funny.#anyways False is a red tailed hawk (specifically a dark morph)#and Wels is a peregrine falcon#armor is so hard to draw guys never draw armor it SUCKS. I did get to have Laois Dunmeshi Touden on my screen for reference the whole time-#-I was drawing Wels though so it’s not all bad#still baffled I draw the human body part of that pose for false so easily though. Fully believe I was possessed by one of the Greek muses-#-or something because I do not know enough about anatomy to have that shit memorized but it looked normal when I looked at it so. Shrugs#anyways YES i will get to Etho tomorrow… I may just draw him WITH Joe because I wanna draw him but I don’t wanna think about posing two-#-difference pieces… though then I’d have to pose them together… but the appeal of putting a Kakashi cosplayer and a muppet next to each-
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skylardoesthings · 2 years
Hello, I'm here and I would like to hear about your AUs! Just any that you wanna talk about.
instead of one au im going to be rambling about... a lot of aus. cause i have school break (pls hope my grades are good-)
its gon' be under the cut because really, really long ramble lmao
anyways have my current brainrot becuase it fts my current faves- its a gods + immortals au, i have some designs buuutttt some of the drawings are bad, then again whatever have 'em
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theres 4? i think? more designs i need to make for the gods lol. and i have like... 8 designs to make for the immortals
heres the list lol:
-gods- it means what it means lmao
Charlie Slimecicle, god of crafting/smelting, and the harvest
Bizly, god of wildlife
Grizzly, god of weapons and tools
Condifiction, god of dimensions and portals
GeminiTay, goddess of life
Kristin, goddess of death
Katherine Elizabeth, goddess of nature/land and the daytime/sun LDShadowLady, goddess of the sea and the nighttime/moon
Eret, god of light and dark 
Illumina, warden of the void/god of the void
Goodtimeswithscar, god of magic and illusions
Wels, god of war battle strategy and music
Foolish, Totem of life and death
BTD, god of time 
Smallishbeans, god of chaos and mischief
Eqqo, god of architecture
ThomasToSpace, god of space and stars
ZombieCleo, ruler of the Underworld
Joe Hills, ruler of the Aether
CPT. Sparklez, ruler of the End
Tango, ruler of the Nether
Shelby, goddess of love -Immortals- pretty much. theyre like the gods. but theyre not indestructible, so yeah they can die, they just don't age. also kind of ooc becuase of my headcanons lol
Jevin, The Bookkeeper/Storyteller
Pete, The blacksmith
Fruit, The Combatant
Sausage, Angel of Life
Phil, Angel of Death
Cub, Wizard’s apprentice
Jimmy, The Advisor 
Fwhip, The Innovator
thing about this au is that i want to make them as human as possible. idk thats just how i like to make aus, i want them to feel real and alive. they have flaws, they have ups and downs, fears n anxieties, interests and dislikes, etc!!
its so easy to make them so powerful and all mighty and shit, and they are, just when its needed. other than that, they're not. they're just people havin' fun.
these lads aren't perfect but they're perfect to me :]
I've mentioned this au every once and awhile, its the dnd au, but like, the hermits is the dnd group playing the game, Joe is the DM the rest is the players,
another au i've mentioned before is the RPG au, its literally an RPG game. characters are Wels, xB, Jev + Hypno because they're my faves as you can probably tell. Heres a quick doodle of them :]
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i think i've showed this doodle before-
-- I had this crack au idea about JRWI: Riptide with, hc. because Jay Ferin reminds me a lot of s6 Cleo.
also, speaking of JRWI, thinking about PD and a BNHA au, i dont have anough brain cells to make stuff up for that though
(btw, go watch JRWI, its a cool dnd podcast. also while we at this pls go watch Eqqo, he does really cool builds)
I think those are my current aus in my head
do i have writing for it? yeah, my brain loves to make these little movie/camera scene type thing??? and i've been trying to get it out, and so i've been writing all my ideas and stuff down, even if it won't be finished.
Or sometimes I'd draw/animate it. Depends on the time i have and my mood really,
oh and hermittale is still in the works, i just need to get all these aus out of my head first haha. i'll post some doodles of this au soon tho!!
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Two Shorten the Road
Part 2
Joel dawson x reader
Warnings: none I think
Word count: 1951
Promt: you and joel are of to a great start on your journey, that is until your get attacked by one of the mutated monsters
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I’ve always hated goodbyes, especially when they might be forever. Joel and I had packed quickly and said our goodbyes.
“So joel, you gotta use your advantages, so like your small and fast, so ya know, don’t fight! Just run, run and hide” Tim told Joel
“Take care of him Y/N”
“Stay alive you two!”
“For real! Do not die!”
I met joel right under the bunker’s exit hatch. He looked at me, fear and excitement in his eyes
“You ready?” He asked as he adjusted his backpack
“As ready as I’ll ever be” I said looking up at the ladder
“You know you don’t have to-“ he stared before i cut him off, what was ur gonna take for him to understand that I was coming and that was that.
“I want to, really, I do” I said smiling at him
“Alright then” he said. He looked up and began climbing up the ladder, I followed after him.
We pushed the hatch open, and Joel helped me out. The sun was hot against my skin. I looked at joel. He was looking is all directions, amazed by the sight of the trees and grass. I smiled at him, remembering how long it had been since he’d been outside. We made eye contact, he took a deap breath. Joel jumped down and I followed.
“Ok so, we need to go west” he said looking at his map
“Right…West” I said looking around, I had no idea which way was west, i normally just followed everyone when i went out hunting.
“This is not….very helpful” he said looking at the map
Joel began walking one way, still looking down at his map. He turned noticing I wasn’t following him. Then he began walking the other way
“We’re gonna die” I said
“Hey just because I’m not entirely sure which way is west does not mean we are screwed” he said defensively
“Actually Kato that’s exactly what it means” I said, grabbing the map from his hands
He looked around, thinking for a second as I studied his map. Suddenly he began walking again, i quickly ran up behind him
“Let’s go this way, ya west is this way” he said, nodding confidently “split the difference, done! First decision made”
And we were off
It’s so weird being outside with Joel. I’m hardly used to being outside in general, and joel. Man I cannot even believe why joel is thinking right now, I mean he hasn’t been outside in 7 years. We have been walking for about one hour. We were walking through what seemed like a deserted neighborhood. There were a lot of cars and busses. Covered in vines, rusting away. Preoccupied with what was around me and not what was below me, I tripped, falling on my face.
“Oh shit! Y/N are you ok?” Joel ran over helping you up
“Yup, ya I’m good” I said dusting myself off. I looked up at joel, his eyes had worry behind them. I smiled telling him I was ok. His hands slowly let go of me. I looked down at what I had tripped over. A hot pink frisbee, how convenient.
“Ya I know, I know, your like an strong bad ass” he said jokingly
You laughed and pushed his arm as you began to start walking again
“Y-ya know I never thanked you and stuff, for ya know? Coming with me, I’m actually really glad you came, I don’t think I could do this without my best friend” he said, looking at his feet
“You don’t need to thank me joel, I don’t think I would have been able to stay one day in that colony without you” I smiled
“Also I really do need to thank you because I’m pretty sure I would have been killed already, to death” he said nodding his head
“Killed to death? Really? Wow sounds gruesome” u said laughing
“Wow” he said and we broke out laughing.
Suddenly a sort of rumbling sound came from somewhere, I couldn’t tell which direction. I looked at joel, panic now rest in his eyes.
“Run and hide” he said repeating what he had been told before leaving the bunker “hide….hide in the house! Y/N this way!” He said running toward the house, i threw my bow over my back, adjusting it and then running after him.
The house was quite, the wood creaked under my feet. I took off my bow and grabbed the arrow. Now I was ready to fight whatever bastard was gonna attack us. The sound got louder causing both me and Joel to run outside through the back door. We stumbled out of the house. I looked over at him and he shrugged. Suddenly another sound came from behind us. Bubbles. Me and Joel slowly turned around to see a little pond that had bubbles emerging on its surface. I grabbed an arrow, threading it through my bow as I began walking toward the pond.
“No Y/N!” joel demanded in a whisper
I stumbled back as a creature emerged, it was huge. I slowly backed away. Shit. I could hear Joel trying to tell me to run. He began counting
“Run on three Y/N! One, two, three!” we both broke off in a run toward the gate. I Pulled back my arrow and prepared to shoot but I was too late. Before I knew it I was being thrown into the fence and then dragged toward the toad-like creature. I grabbed desperately onto a log but it just came along with me.
“JOEL! shit! Help me! Grab my bow!” I yelled trying everything I could to slow this thing down. I could feel it’s tongue in my shoe. Joel was frozen in place. Shit. Then barks, something I hadn't heard for 7 years. A small brown dog came running toward me. It bit and chewed at the creature's yellow tongue. It quickly released me and I staggered up. I ran toward joel.
“Come on! We need to go!” I said , guiding him. I stopped to grab my bow before running out of the gate. The dog was behind us. But so was the Toad. The brown dog ran toward a deserted bus that had been decorated, painted. The doors opened and he ran inside, Joel and I followed.
The bus looked like it had been someone’s home at one point. Many different things hung from the room and pages of magazines and drawings covered the windows. I looked around as Joel caught his breath and calmed himself down. I walked over to a table and sat down, looking at what seemed like craft supplies.
“Nice place” Joel said still out of breath “mine if I sit?” Now this man was talking to a dog, figures. The dog looked up as if to say “yes”. Joel sat on the bed and I moved next to him.
“Are you ok?” He asked sweetly
“Ya, I’m good” I said smiling
Joel nodded, but he didn’t seem convinced. “Are you all alone?” I asked the dog, he was laying on a bed made out of a quilt and a pillow that said “boy” on it. The dog shifted its head away from us in response. I really love dogs, and this was breaking my heart. I sat down next to the animal and began petting it. I could feel Joel’s eyes on me. Eager to break the silence I decided to test my theory for the dog's name.
“Boy” I said and the dog sat up, he was suddenly all ears. “Is that your name? Boy?” I asked, smiling and giving him more pets. Joel smiled.
“Your names boy” joel said “I’m Joel, and that pretty lady is Y/N” he said gesturing to me “she’s my best friend, thank you for saving her” he whispered
I smiled, how could anyone not love this boy? This Aimee chick is quite lucky. I am worried though. What if she moved on? Joel would be broken.
“Nice to meet you” I said kissing the dog on the head
Joel smiled and then continued to look around. His eyes fell on a red dress.
“Is this a dress?” He asked picking it up
“No, it’s a hat” I said sarcastically, Joel looked at me, confused. “I’m kidding” I said and I could see the realization in his eyes. Suddenly Boy moved and grabbed the dress out of Joel’s hands and brought it back to his bed.
“Ok, I won’t touch it again” Joel said, throwing his hand up in defense. I looked carefully at the dog. He looked sad
“Was that your owner’s?” I asked, the dog stayed still. I laid down to get closer to him “it’s ok, you don’t have to talk about it” I looked at Joel and shrugged. Then I realized “wait did you think I was her?” I asked the dog, still he lay avoiding eye contact. I sighed, this poor dog.
“Hey um, I’m gonna lay down too” Joel chimed in “is that o…” he stopped to take off his backpack which seemed to startle the poor thing. “No it’s ok! It’s just my backpack” Joel reassures the dog. He plopped it down on the floor and moved his feet up on the bed. I laid down next to the dog bed, laying my bow and arrows next to me.
“Wait hey” Joel said sitting up a little “you don’t have to nap on the floor” he told me
“It’s fine, I like to be close to Boy” I responded smiling
“Are you sure? I mean I feel like I should really let you sleep on the bed since you almost died and I couldn’t save you” he said sitting up fully
“Joel, it’s fine! I'm serious, and please do not beat yourself up about that. It’s not your fault!” I told him, trying to ease his worry.
He nodded “kkkkkkkkkkk” he said “just take this though” he took off his red jacket and handed it to me
I gave him a look that said “no really I’m fine” then he returned the look with an “I insist” look. I gave in and used the jacket as a blanket. I closed my eyes, almost drifting off to sleep…..but then Joel was up and at em. He put his backpack on and began to walk out of the bus. I scrambled up and followed him. Guess we are leaving…. Boy followed us out and for some reason Joel seemed surprised.
“Oh hey are you coming with us?” Joel asked and Boy ran back inside “ok then” then suddenly Boy was back out with the red dress
“Oh yes of course, Joel,” I looked at Joel. “We cannot forget the dress!” I told him as if it was obvious
“Oh right ya, here Boy let me put it in my backpack” he tried to pull it away from Boy but he wouldn’t drop it
“Hey it’s ok, he’s gonna keep it so safe in the safe pack” I said kneeling down to sooth the dog. He let go and Joel put the red dress in his backpack. I adjusted my bow and we began walking. Me on the right, Joel on the left and Boy in the middle. My weird brain couldn’t help but think about if we could all be a family. If everything was normal. We would get married and adopt Boy. That is if I ever get the courage to tell Joel how I feel and if he feels the same. Welp! Until then I am stuck in my imagination as we venture closer toward our destination.
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onceuponaloonatic · 3 years
just a little something i meant to post days ago oops 
Sana should be happy Nico was in such a good mood. The girl had been feeling all the bad vibes her parents had for the past few weeks and it had definitely been putting a damper on her mood. And while Sana had been worried about her, there was too much going on otherwise that she was sort of distracted. But now that her parents had been out for a month with no attempt to contact her, she was starting to feel a bit more comfortable. And now she was just feeling bad for missing out on time with her favorite little girl.
Admittedly, her last few weeks hadn’t been great. Every time she went out she was paranoid she would run into her parents. She would obsessively lock all of the doors every time she was at home, and she had even bought better home security for them. She couldn’t help it, she was so paranoid about everything. Mina and Jihyo had been absolute angels in helping her. Jihyo drove her to therapy and always made sure she was eating enough and doing well. Mina would check in on her every night and hold her when she wasn’t feeling great. Even if Mina was still recovering from her depressive episode, she was still looking after Sana the best she could, and Sana had been so thankful for that. Thankful for her. And thankful to Jihyo too. But during all that paranoia and restlessness she hadn’t been able to spend much time with her daughter. 
Sana would admit, at first Nico being in a great mood had been amazing. She missed spending time with her daughter like this where both of them are able to enjoy it without their minds on something else, but she did get tired eventually. 
“Mommy!” When Sana came to pick Nico up from school, her daughter had jumped on her. Literally. “Oof hi baby.” Sana giggled, instantly moving to hug Nico and pick her up. “How was your day?” “I got jellies mommy!” Nico said excitedly, practically bouncing in Sana’s arms. “Oh yeah? That’s great. Let’s go say bye bye to your teacher, okay?” Sana asked, moving towards Nico’s teacher. “Hello, thanks for all your hard work today.” Sana always said that to Nico’s teacher. Her daughter’s teacher worked hard, and Sana was always sure to thank her for it. “Of course. Nico did great today. During recess we played candyland and then during class Nico won our addition competition. She got every question correct.” Nico’s teacher smiled at how much Nico was squirming around. “Uh-hum! I got jellies!” Nico smiled. “Yeah you did.” The teacher giggled. “Well it seems like today was a great day. Nico we need to get home, auntie Momo is making us dinner.” “Really?!” Nico asked excitedly. “Uh-hum. Mama and Ka-san are both going to be working late and Auntie Nayeon is with your cousins at their grandmother's house.” “Yay!” Nico giggled. “Yup, it’ll be fine. Say thank you and goodbye to Miss Kim, okay Nico?” 
“Bye bye Miss Kim!” Nico said excitedly. “Bye Nico-ya. See you tomorrow.” The teacher waved as Sana carried them out of the classroom. Nico cuddled closer to Sana, wrapping her arms around Sana’s neck. “I missed you mommy.” Nico smiled. “Baby you saw me this morning.” Sana giggled, carefully fishing her keys out of her pocket to unlock her car. “I know. Still missed you.” Nico smiled. “Wel I missed you too princess. Let’s hurry home and maybe Auntie Momo will let us watch Totoro with her after dinner.” Sana tapped Nico’s nose. “Yes! Totoro!” xx 
Momo made them yakisoba for dinner, and Nico loved eating it. Sana was just thankful Momo was able to come over and cook, she hated relying on take out as much as she did when Jihyo and Mina weren’t home. Plus, Sana liked the company. Even if she was feeling better, there was still that paranoia from her parents. So having company really helped lighten her mood. “I heard you got some jellies today kiddo.” Momo mentioned over dinner. “Uh-hum. I got every question right.” Nico smiled, taking another bite of her noodles. “That’s great Nic! Your mommy has always been bad at math, do you like it?” “I teach physics Momo.” Sana rolled her eyes. “I’m great at math.”
“I love math Auntie. Miss Kim says I’m the best at it.” Nico giggled. “That's amazing kiddo.” Momo smiled. “You’ll probably have your mom beaten soon.” “Really?” “Sorry baby. I went to college and learned a lot of math. But if you ever decide you like physics, mommy can teach you it in the future.” Sana giggled, reaching for a napkin to clean off Nico’s face. Nico smiled at her and resumed eating messily. Since Nico was so picky, Momo had made her special yaki soba with just chicken, noodles, sauce, and mushrooms. Nico had recently discovered she loved mushrooms, after finally relenting to trying them when Kazumi convinced her they were going to make her tall. She fell in love and now asked for them in almost everything they made, even if there were times it seemed a bit odd. 
“Mommy said we could watch Totoro.” Nico said after a bit. “Oh yeah? Well I would love to watch Totoro with you.” Momo smiled. “We could get some popcorn, and some jellies.” “Yes!” Nico was practically bouncing in her chair. “Only if you eat all of your food though okay?” Momo prompted. “Okay!” “Momo we don’t have any popcorn or candy, Mina doesn’t like it when we keep that stuff in the house.” Sana pointed out. “It’s okay, we can walk to the convenience store. I’ll pay.” Momo offered. “You really don’t have to-”
“Nonsense. It was my idea.” Momo nodded. “Anyway, Nico be sure to eat all your food so you can have more jellies.” “Okay!”
Nico was practically skipping the whole way to the convenience store. Sana made sure to keep a tighter grip on her than usual, just to be sure she didn’t run off. After buying Nico’s favorite candy and some microwave popcorn. Momo goes to set up the movie while Sana and Nico make the popcorn. “How come Ka-san doesn’t like popcorn?” Nico asked as Sana put the popcorn in the microwave. Nico pulled on her hand, holding her arms out to be picked up so she could see the popcorn in the microwave. 
“Ka-san doesn’t dislike popcorn, it’s just not good for us. Popcorn is like candy, it’s a special treat.” Sana explained. “Oh. I like popcorn.” Nico mentioned, looking closer at the popcorn. “Yeah me too.” Sana smiled, kissing Nico’s cheek. She didn’t know why, but seeing Nico excitedly watch the popcorn was just making her melt. It was just so cute, she couldn’t help it.
“Pop!” Nico smiled when the popcorn started going off.
“Pop.” Sana repeated with a smile. Once it was ready Sana put it in a bowl and brought it over to Momo, who immediately held up a candy for Nico. “Jelly!” Nico smiled. “Thank you Auntie Momo.” “Of course Nico.” Momo smiled. “Now come cuddle with Auntie.” Nico excitedly climbed into Momo’s lap, Momo wrapping her arms around her. Sana knew what Momo was doing. She and Nayeon had both been looking into adopting another baby recently. From what she understood, they were looking for a kid slightly older than Nico, but Momo was still using Nico as a bit of practice. Their kids hadn’t been little in a while, and Momo had always been self conscious about spending time around kids. Momo always talked about how perfect Nayeon was with kids, and how much she doubted herself. Sana always tried to reassure her that she was great, but even after raising three kids, she was still unsure of herself sometimes. After the movie, Momo has to leave to facetime Nayeon and her kids. 
“Auntie Momo has to go?” Nico asked, hugging Momo tighter. “Sorry kiddo, I need to go talk to Nayeon and your cousins.” Momo explained. “Okay…” Nico nodded. “Here, give the jellies to Neul Unnie, Jae Oppa, and Zumi Unnie.” Nico handed Momo the rest of her bag of candy Momo had bought her. “Oh Nico this is your candy-”
“It’s for Unnies and Oppa.” Nico nodded. 
“Okay.” Momo sighed, accepting it. “I’ll see you tomorrow Sana?” Sana nodded, kissing Momo’s cheek. “See you tomorrow Momo.” Sana smiled. “Bye bye Auntie Momo!” Nico waved, giving Momo a tighter hug before letting go and moving back to Sana’s side. “Let’s go take a bath, yeah?” Sana offered. Nico nodded, practically buzzing from all the sugar she had just consumed with the popcorn. 
This is where things started to go wrong. Nico was on a sugar high, a bad one. And Sana was just trying to give her a bath. 
“And and during class Somi was telling me that she’s going to be Elsa tomorrow! We can wear whatever we want tomorrow!” “Oh yeah?” Sana hummed, trying to get Nico’s strawberry body wash onto her, however she kept squirming, which was making it difficult. “Uh-hum! Can I be Elsa too?” Nico asked. “No no wait, I want to be Totoro!” “You don’t want to be a princess?” Sana asked.
“No totoro!” Nico insisted. “Totoro has big hugs and I want big hugs like Totoro! Or mommy!” “Aw thanks sweetie.” Sana sighed. SHe was running out of energy fast. She wasn’t normally like this around Nico, normally she had an almost endless amount of mom energy. But today, she was just tired. She had been emotionally exhausted for the past few weeks and she had given two three hour lectures today before going to get Nico. And right now, she was just starting to get tired fast. And Nico’s fidgeting was not making it any easier. “And-and I want totoro lunch! With mush-mush, chickin, and rice.” Nico explained. It was adorable how she said mushroom, but Sana was fading too fast to do her normal cooing over her baby. “Okay. We can tell Ka-san when she gets home.” Sana hummed, still trying to get Nico still enough to put her body wash on. 
“Hu-um. And I also want strawberries and watermelon. And and can we see Auntie Chaeng and Auntie Tzuyu tomorrow? I drew a picture of Auntie Chaeyoung’s body drawings! And I want to see Emi Unnie. She lets me draw body art on her!” Sana was happy to see Nico this animated. She was just tired. “I can see if we can go see them.” Sana nodded, finally getting Nico still enough to put body wash on her. Nico was still talking and Sana was just half listening. She knew that was awful, and that’s not how she normally was with Nico. She just wasn’t in the right headspace. Not yet.
“Having fun?” Sana nearly started crying when she heard Mina’s voice. She looked up, seeing her wife leaning against the doorframe to Nico’s bathroom. “Ka-san is home!” “Yeah, I can see someone had a little sugar.” Nico giggled.
“I got lots of jellies.” Nico informed.
“Lots huh? Sounds fun.” Mina smiled. “Now let mommy finish off your bath.” Mina giggled at Sana’s struggle. Nico finally was still enough for Snaa to finish, and once she was done Sana wrapped her up in a towel hug. By this point, Nico’s energy was fading, fast. “Sleepy?” Sana asked, dressing Nico up in her favorite pink pajamas. “Nu-uh.” Nico nodded. “Let’s go see Ka-san, okay?” Nico nodded, following Sana out of the bathroom and towards their bedroom. Mina was on the bed, scrolling through her phone. “Ka-san!” Nico hugged Mina. “Hey baby.” Mina smiled, kissing Nico’s head. “I got this. Go take a rest.” Mina mouthed to Sana. Sana smiled at her, watching Nico cuddle closer to Mina. She nodded, moving to Mina’s other side to cuddle her. “Ka-san, story?” “Sure. I’ll go get one.” Mina hummed. “Be right back.” Nico fell asleep in the middle of the story, cuddling as close to two of her moms as possible. Mina and Sana both smiled, kissing Nico before tucking her into their big bed. “Thanks Mitang.” Sana sighed once they were in the living room.
“Of course.” Mina smiled. “Wine?” “Sure.” Sana nodded. “Still, I love her so much but I’m just- a little tired.” “You haven’t been on mom duty for a while now, it’s okay.” Mina smiled, moving to prepare two glasses of wine. “She’s not too bad though.” “No, just when Momo and I give her candy.” Sana smiled.
“That's why she doesn’t get candy.” Mina reached out for Sana’s hand. Sana held Mina’s hand tightly, giving her a small smile. “She has been doing better lately. She even started eating mushrooms.” “I know. I’m so proud of her.” Sana smiled. “When is Hyo going to be home?” “She said less than an hour.” Mina mentioned. “I can’t wait.” Sana moved to cuddle Mina. Mina wrapped her arms around Sana, holding her tight. “I missed mommy Nico time, but you know what I missed just as much?” “What?” “Misana time.” Sana smiled. “And once Hyo gets here it will be perfect.” “I can’t wait.” 
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kate837 · 3 years
I Love You
I completely recommend watching 2x14 Borrow or Rob, and the beginning of 2x15 Draw O Cesar Erase a Coward, before reading this fic. While this fic is AU it does have many similarities and minor details that it couldn't hurt to watch the episode first! Anyways enjoy!!!!!
Kurt had a day.
Not bad. Definitely not good. Just... A day.
A day he'll never forget actually. It was so full of ups and downs. From Shepherd plunging a knife into Sean's heart, to joking with Jane about whether or not he could handle Rich Dotcom. From shooting Rich to... Jane's date. That hurt. When Shepherd shoved a knife through Sean Clarke, Kurt's adrenaline spiked, he felt so alert for so long, he thought he would throw up. He got the same feeling from Jane. Except it was everytime she moved, spoke, brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, etc. Her admission of her date was too much. Kurt went straight home, got a damp rag, and laid down. Staring at the ceiling.
Though he did have to say, it still wasn't the worst part of his day. He felt bad. Witnessing first degree murder should automatically be the worst part of your day.
But when it comes to Rich.....
Kurt and Rich were sneaking through the secret underground tunnels of Jamison College, in order to get into the Deadalus gathering.
"This is interesting." Rich says, while coming to a stop.
"What?" Kurt replies shortly.
"Well this is the door, but the handle's different."
"Different how, Rich?!"
"Wel- well it's not there anymore?? Probably on account of all the hookers I snuck in it." Rich gestures to the handless door.
"Ok, so what's behind this door?" Kurt inquires, looking around.
"The closet. What are yo-"
"Stand back."
Kurt, with a running start, kicks the door in to find himself deep within the walls of a massive walk in closet.
"Aaaaa just how I remember it."
"SHHHHH!" Kurt puts his ear to the door, the one still on it's hinges, just in time to hear the gasps of attending guests and a soft female voice hushedly asking someone to notify security of the discrepancy.
"What?" Rich asks, genuinely confused.
"The guests are getting security to come check out 'the noise in the closet'."
"Oh. What are we gonna do Stubbles? I'm a sly guy but how do we explain that?"
"Oh God, why do you hate me?" Kurt says looking towards the ceiling.
"What? You're acting strange Stubbles, like weirder than normal. I mea-"
Rich was cut off by Kurt's large hands cupping both sides of his face, to kiss him. Without separating he backs Rich against a near wall, mimicking the earlier noise. Rich squirmed at first but expectedly went along with the unexpected.
"Come on Stubbles, you can at least use some tongue!"
"Shut. Up." Kurt snarls. "Actually. . . I need you to make some. . . noises." Kurt says while blushing furiously.
"Security is on their way." Tasha notifies through comms.
"Yeah you guys better get out of there." Reade warns.
"And say what? Oh hey haven't seen you in a while, please excuse my entering through a closet?!" Rich whisper-yells.
"Everyone shut up!" Kurt also whisper yells. "Now Rich I need you to moan a lot. Loudly."
"You could always make me Stubbles!"
"Kurt what the hell are you doing?" Reade asks, growing increasingly concerned about his teammate's mental health.
"Rich just do it!"
"OOOOH! STUBBLES, YES!" Rich practically screams.
The party guests turn a side eye. But the security, like Kurt hoped, were turning away, figuring that the noise came from two enthusiastic partygoers. Or if the other patrons were anything like Rich maybe more.
Of course Weller didn't know that yet.
"Ohhh. Now i get it, I can't believe this is working." Reade says, half laughing at the ridiculous noises coming out of his earpiece. "Hey Kurt it's work-"
"Will you shut up?!" Tasha butts in.
"What are you tal-"
"He doesn't know that they stood down yet." Tasha says wriggling her eyebrows. "Hey Kurt most of the security guards stood down but you still have a couple incoming. . . You might need to amp it up a bit!"
Her and Reade try and fail to stifle their laughter after Rich let's out a completely overexaggerated 'UNGH'!
"Come on Stubbles, they're not buying it, you're gonna have to join me if you wanna get out of here."
"Why me? God why me?" Kurt says again looking up.
Kurt let's out a loud and breathless 'Oh God' that completely undoes all of Tasha and Reade's composure. They are hysterical by now. They completely lost it when Rich and Kurt started harmonizing!
"Stop! Stop!" Tasha said. "I can't take it anymore." She pulls herself up from the floor of the van, where she fell from laughing so hard.
"Yeah guys, the security's gone. They're long gone." Reade adds, clutching his stomach.
"Yeah Rich so goo- wait what?!"
"Yeah you're clear." Tasha clarifies.
"You could have compromised this entire op!" Kurt says furiously.
"We all know that's not why you're mad Stubbles. And as the bible states-"
"I swear to God Rich, if you say another word I will shoot you."
"Another word."
Kurt flushed red just thinking about it. What was he going to put in his field report?!
He turned to lay on his side to take in the fresh scenery of the wall instead of the ceiling. After laying there for about two minutes, he finally got up to fix himself dinner.
While gathering ingredients, Kurt's mind inevitably wandered back to Jane's date. Everything about it tore at him. What she'd be wearing, what she'd eat, would she cover her tattoos, would she wear makeup. . . . . . . .
His thoughts were interrupted by a phone call.
It was Jane.
A million questions ran through his head. Why is she calling him? Shouldn't she still be out on her date?
He lunged for the phone but then. . . He stilled. Didn't move a muscle. He picked up his phone, turned it over, and resumed gathering ingredients.
Once the phone eventually stopped buzzing, Kurt's inner turmoil came to play.
'Why didn't you answer?! Jane could be in trouble!'
'Be rational Kurt. She's on a date, probably just calling to let you know that she'll complete her paperwork tomorrow, since she's busy.'
'Look, everyone knows you're in love with her, but you can't act like some overprotective boyfriend whenever she's around.'
Kurt shakes his head. He wasn't in love with Jane Doe. Was he?
'Of course you are! That's why you lunged for the phone as soon as you saw her name, but put it down when you realized she was still on a date.'
'No. If I was in love with her, I would have immediately answered.'
'No. You love her so much that you realized that if she's having fun, even with another man, you wouldn't want to ruin that. That's love.'
'What am I supposed to do? I can't love her from afar.'
'This may be selfish but what if I proposed the idea that Oliver is Sandstorm?'
'It could work. But why not just tell her how you feel?'
"Because I'm just not ready yet." Kurt voiced sadly.
First thing the next morning, Kurt was walking up and down the hallways, over and over again. In order to 'accidentally' bump into Jane on her way to Patterson's lab.
After three consecutive minutes, Jane appeared. She was wearing this loose, pastel green shirt, that roughly covered all of her upper body tattoos as well as bringing out her eyes. She paired it with tight blue jeans, which she almost never wears, and a few silver rings on her right hand.
"Wow." Kurt whispered. What looked like any other outfit, looked stunning on her. He almost forgot to 'bump' into her.
"Oh, hey!"
"You get Patterson's text yet?"
"Yeah, heading there now."
They walk in silence for a few heartbeats, until they turn into a secluded hallway.
"Jane wait." Kurt says while gently grabbing Jane's arm.
"Kurt, what is it?"
"After you told me last night, about your date. I started thinking. . ."
Jane subconsciously starts to hold her breath. Her expression wreaks of hope.
"Hey! Glad I found you two, Patterson's got something." Tasha pops in.
"Yeah." Kurt says releasing Jane.
Saved by the bell.
The debrief, while no longer than usual, felt unbearably long. The charged energy from Kurt and Jane's previous conversation still radiated off of them.
While any hope of continuing it was completely shut down by the tattoo clues pointing to three different entities, causing the team to split up completely. Kurt with Roman, Jane with Tasha, and Patterson with Reade.
This was going to be a longgg day.
The team finally reconvened at about 5pm. They had just finished the field reports. All three of them. It was exhausting.
Fortunately for Kurt his adrenaline spiked right back up about an hour later when Tasha, so graciously, reminded the group that they never filled out the field report for their Deadalus mission. Which caused Reade and Patterson to burst out into a fit of giggles.
"What's so funny?" Jane asked, looking to Kurt, smiling.
Kurt goes wide-eyed. She doesn't know.
This was going to be a long night.
The team had just finished catching Jane up while writing the 'going to be extremely redacted' field report.
"Wait I'm still confused. If you just wanted Rich to moan, why did you kiss him?"
All eyes look to Kurt.
"We- well I was under the impression that security was going to be charging through the door at any second." He says glaring at the pair of agents who were strategically avoiding his gaze. "And when they did, if they saw us. . . you know-"
"We don't know, Weller!" Patterson howled.
Kurt glared.
"Yeah I kind of want to know how far you were willing to take it Assistant Director!" Reade joined in.
"We're done here." Kurt said as he walked out.
Jane had just walked out of the locker room to be met head on with Kurt.
"Kurt, hey!" Jane says, surprised.
"Umm. . . I actually wanted to talk to you."
Kurt raises his eyebrows in obvious confusion, cueing Jane to continue.
"When we were. . . Uh you know- outside of P- Patterson's lab. You didn't finish." Jane stumbles through her words as a new wave of nervousness hits her with full force.
"Oh that." Kurt says, grabbing Jane's arm, mirroring his earlier gesture and leading her away from the locker room door.
"Jane, I was up all night and I couldn't stop thinking about it. We need to be careful. Sandstorm feels like it's everywhere."
"You think Oliver is Sandstorm?"
"Yes. . . No." Kurt shakes his head.
"Kurt you're not making any sense." Jane says studying him.
"I know. I know. I just- no I don't think he's Sandstorm."
"Then why did you-"
"I've been trying to come up with reasons of why you shouldn't date him for the better part of 13 hours."
"Kurt wha-"
"And I got nothing, because the only reason is that I love you."
Jane goes wide-eyed. It was as if all the air was sucked out of her.
"I love you Jane."
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trashytoastboi · 4 years
Hey! I have another request. My request is headcanons of Sanji, Law & Zoro with a s/o that is afraid of the wind. NOT soft breeze but if the wind is blowing hard then s/o is afraid. Even it's just normal hard breeze and not the storm level, s/o is still bit scared. s/o is not afraid of wind machines, but outside wind nature, ye know. I'm bad at explanation.😅(I know it's a weird fear. I had that fear when I when I was a kid but not anymore now I'm older.)
Hiya!🍀 coming right up ^.^ I hope you enjoy~
This is also super random: but currently is windy month by me and literally windows rattle violently with how hard the wind is sometimes so I was feeling this request 🤣
Askbox: Currently closed
(Gender Neutral)
Headcanons: Sanji, Law, Zoro - With S/O who is afraid of wind
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🍽Turbulent weather has always been prevalent ever since arriving to the Grandline and even more so in the New World. Sudden storms sometimes arise and leave everyone surprised, what Sanji didn’t know however was when a certain storm arrived headed by an incredibly strong wind that made the Sunny creak and whistle with all the wind passing through was enough to leave his S/O terrified.
🍽Sanji had wondered why {Name} suddenly grabbed him, paired with their very distinct and violent trembling. The very sight of them teary eyed was enough to break his heart. Sanji pulled {Name} in close trying to soothe them by tenderly stroking their head and talking to them. Trying to find the reason and cause as to what possibly left them so distressed.
🍽{Name} had hesitantly explained to Sanji about their fear, half expecting him to laugh about it. Seeing how many people had done so before, unable to understand why such a thing like harsh wind could scare a person. They were met with Sanji’s sincerity and complete understanding for their fear.
🍽Sanji did his utmost to offer comfort in any way he could, especially reassuring them that he is there and they would be alright. Sanji reassured them that their fear was not in any way silly and as long as it scared {Name}, he would gladly be their knight to ease it a bit.
🍽Something such as wind however, was not completely unavoidable especially during the very intense bouts of storms they experienced on the open ocean. If Sanji’s immediate attention was not required he would go to check on {Name} and make sure to try stay there for them, to help ease their fear a bit. It truly did help {Name} feel a bit better knowing that Sanji was there to distract them away from the harsh wind.
🍽Sanji was very attentive and extra affectionate when {Name} was in need of comfort and feeling on edge; he would opt for conversation in an attempt to draw their attention away from outside. Sometimes he would even tell the most hilarious jokes and stories which would leave {Name} dying of laughter and forgetting all about the wind. {Name} truly loved it as well when Sanji would tell them about All Blue.
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Trafalgar Law
🍄 Law is very observant with what goes on around him, he is especially observant to changes in his S/O’s behaviour. So the moment he began to notice them being almost being skittish to their surroundings. {Name} instantly clung onto Law which made him wonder if it was the impending storm that was coming and with a hard gust of wind – it left {Name} very afraid. Law at first thought it was potentially the thunder but after what happened, he realized it was the wind.
🍄Though at first he was confused, he tightly grabbed {Name’s} hand and tried to lead them away to somewhere more sheltered and protected from the wind. Law tried his best to calm {Name} down who was putting on a brave face for him, and the moment Law told them they didn’t have to {Name} looked like they were about to cry. Law continued to hold {Name} until the couple could head back to the ship.
🍄 Law didn’t want them to think about it until they were in a safe space to discuss what it was that terrified them so much. {Name} explained their fear as well as something that happened in their past that significantly contributed to that fear. Many times people have always disregarded {Name’s} fear or told them something along the lines of ‘Just don’t think about it’, {Name} half expected that from Law… Law however took their fear seriously, never discrediting anything that scared them.
🍄Law was very doting on {Name} especially when he knew that there would be erratic weather which could potentially unsettle {Name}. Law was sometimes a bit awkward in his attempts at distracting them from what was happening outside and they truly appreciated all his efforts. {Name} especially loved it when Law would hold them and absent-mindedly play with their hair.
🍄 Law does have an underlying worry considering that wind is not exactly something one can avoid. So he finds ways to comfort {Name} and make them feel as safe as possible. Also making sure he is nearby just to help them settle a bit. If they should be caught in the unfortunate case of being outside when something like this occurs, he will take them somewhere as covered and away from the wind as possible.
🍄 Law is very gentle and endearing in his actions, {Name} finds Law to have a naturally calming presence paired with his actions is very soothing when they’re afraid or anxious. He tends to hold their hands, playing with them to distract {Name} and sometimes planting soft kisses on their fingers.
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Roronoa Zoro
⚔{Name} was tasked with having to find Zoro who had wandered off somewhere away from the ship and being his S/O, the job almost always went to them. During the process of trying to find him, they wandered into some ruins and with a hard rush of wind that seemed to be amplified by the hollow structure left {Name} stunned and afraid. By some stroke of luck Zoro was the one that found {Name}.
⚔The moment he saw {Name}, they were crying and shaking, without asking questions he instantly grabbed them and pulled them into his arms, holding them tightly. {Name} could hear his heart beat which they find calming amidst the stressful situation.
⚔{Name} eventually calmed down enough to talk to Zoro about it. Explaining what had happened and why they were so afraid. They had mentioned a particular event that had happened and explained that ever since then they had been traumatised by rougher wind since it would make them remember unpleasant things.
⚔ Zoro may not always be the most eloquent with his words, but he speaks directly to reassure {Name} and comfort them from the situation. He takes it with complete seriousness and is very conscious of it to try prevent situations like that from occurring once again.
⚔ However, being on an open ocean that is known for random and treacherous weather – Zoro full well expects there to be time where it is not preventable. He tries to find things that calm {Name} and even has discussed with the rest of the crew that during storms {Name} goes into the cabin and doesn’t stay on deck.
⚔One of the most effective things is Zoro holds them tightly. Feeling Zoro hold them so tightly adds a sense of security in {Name} and he does encourage them to try and sleep, since that way he can stay with them and they sleep through it to prevent the scared feeling. There was a situation where it just got too much for {Name} to handle and Zoro had placed his hands firmly over their ears to block out any sounds, reassuring them with a gentle smile and a kiss.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
* K - The First Story (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
When he woke up as the "Blue King", Munakata's first impression was "I see."
He understood it and became convinced that he was a "king". There was no shame or fear.
Since he was little, he had been thinking about who he was and what he should do.
It can be said that the confusion has cleared up after becoming the "Blue King". Munakata, who was wondering who he was, found a way out when he received the answer: "I am the King."
After becoming "king", he was not mistaken for anything. Even if something doesn't go according to plan, it doesn't upset his emotions and, as an "event that didn't go as expected," he figures out where it should fit and puts things on top in an orderly fashion.
Just except that man is involved.
Munakata was sitting in a tea room set up in his office and thinking about it.
He wondered if he was confused now.
Certainly he is a bit confused. When his emotions are altered, Munakata calmly analyzes his spirit.
Now, in the basement of "Scepter 4", finds the "Red King" Suoh Mikoto. At the moment, the suppressor's hand of different ability is still, but it amounts to a rest. His intention was to stay there.
Yes, if he really wants to stop the royal authority, the royal authority itself must continue to lay down with all its might. Interestingly, as Suoh playfully put it, he stayed for 14 hours. However, even if it was done, Munakata and Suoh's powers are almost the same. It is impossible for Munakata to always beat Suoh, and it is only an act that increases the risk of the swords of Damocles falling.
So, what to do?
Before the red clan finds the "Colorless King" who is Totsuka Tatara's assassin, Munakata must find him first. What will happen to the Weissman deviation from the "Red King" who would have lost the brunt of the revenge? And how likely is it that the man will quietly stop exercising his power and choose a way to hide, even if it is a grain of sand? It is unknown if he is or not, but at the moment there was no other way to do it.
There are other ways, except for Suoh Mikoto's survival condition. However, Munakata has no intention of giving up.
He will not die and, of course, no innocent will die, and the case will be solved. He keeps thinking and acting because of it. It was because he judged that he was "the right thing" as the "Blue King", and at the same time, because of the personality of the human being named Reisi Munakata.
Munakata exhales slowly and opens his eyes.
When Munakata reached for a tea utensil to calm his mind and make tea, the office door was hastily slammed.
"Captain! The Yuishiki (Wisdom) System" once again caught the alleged assassin of Tatara Totsuka!"
Enomoto, a member of the special task force, reported with a short breath. Munakata lifts his eyes with an "Oya."
"The suspicious child is still moving while he was caught in "Yuishiki's" surveillance net several times after being caught passing from the school side to the mainland side under the connecting bridge of Ashinaka High School!"
"Is he still hiding at Ashinaka High School? Awashima-kun reported that the suspect did not belong to the school, but even though he was not a student, he made Gakuenjima a hiding place. Is there any reason why he could?"
"What about you, Captain?"
Munakata got to his feet quickly.
"It's a dispatch. Let's set up a siege net so the suspect won't notice it. Keep the suspect in a place that doesn't involve the general public, not even in battle. Fushimi-kun will be in charge of personnel. Awashima-kun She was scheduled to go home today, so sorry, call her back as an emergency."
Enomoto greets him and hurries.
Munakata looked out the window. The rain washes the window pane and the other side sinks into darkness.
"A mysterious boy. Let me show you your true identity."
Munakata pulled up his glasses and stood alone, adjusted his shoes and left the office.
He couldn't see the downcast boy, and he said something to cheer him up.
As he looked at the boy, who seemed to have recovered a bit, Kuro gently touched the sheath of the "Kotowari" sword entrusted to him by his master, Ichigen Miwa, with his left hand.
It is true that he cannot kill him until it is determined if the new "Colorless King" is good or bad. Ichigen Miwa would never punish based on suspicion.
But more than that, Kuro knew that he had placed himself on this boy's shoulders. Seeing the confused and trustworthy boy, he wanted to be purely useful.
If, after investigating the truth, it turns out that the boy is really the culprit and has lost his memory, could he kill him?
(Ichigen-sama. I will keep my promise. I am prepared to carry out the mission that Ichigen-sama gave me to the end, even if it costs my life.)
But this guy... at least this guy in front of him, he's not evil. Even if this boy's past may be that of a sinner, now that he is anxious because he cannot understand his past and his true identity, he is an ordinary person who loves and appreciates his friends.
(Will I be able to find the true identity of this boy's past, and if it turns out that he was evil, can I forget his appearance in front of me and cut him off? I wonder if I am a mature and weak-hearted person who thinks about such things. Ichigen-sama…)
He wanted an answer from Ichigen Miwa and he wanted to press the button on the tape recorder.
However, at that moment, a strong light fell on Kuro and the boy.
Suddenly, the strong white light hit his eyes, and Kuro covered his face with his arms. At the same time that they knew that the night lights were all on at once, they realized that they were surrounded by darkness.
"God of the night sword, Kuro! And his accomplice!"
A woman's voice with a clear pitch flew through the speaker.
A stretched-back woman, dressed in a blue uniform, stood at the edge of the stadium with members who seemed to be her subordinates. "Scepter 4", Lieutenant Awashima Seri.
"We are 'Scepter 4'! According to Article 2 of the Special Phenomenon Management Act, we will take them into custody!"
Awashima holds up a PDA and projects his "Scepter 4" membership card into the air with a hologram to prove his identity.
"Wel,l uh... I don't know what's going on, but I'm sorry..."
"We refuse!"
After being dragged away and interrupting the boy who apologized for not understanding the meaning, Kuro said that out loud.
Awashima must have expected resistance as a matter of course. As soon as she stepped on the procedure, she changed the air she was carrying for a combative one and touched the handle of her sword.
"Everyone, draw your swords!"
Under Awashima's command, the members of "Scepter 4" lined up in a row draw their sword one after another.
"Awashima, batto."
The sword that carries blue light is gently drawn. The spirit that overflowed from Awashima's body was a bit different from the other members. Feeling that it was quite well done, Kuro was ready. He takes a step forward to hide the restless boy behind him.
Defeat Awashima while he protects the boy and breaks the siege of other members of "Scepter 4." The world was distorted when Kuro was slightly frowned upon under difficult conditions.
When he realized it, the view of the stadium had disappeared, and Kuro and the boy were in the middle of the jumbled intersection in front of Shizume Station.
"What's going on...?"
The boy leaked a confused voice. The empty night stadium suddenly became a crowded city during the day. It seems like he was dreaming during the day, but if he looks closely, he can see that there are members of "Scepter 4" behind the crowd, and they are also surprised and confused. If it is a "dream", then the city scene he is looking at is a dream.
Kuro remembered this feeling, chasing the boy in Gakuenjima and being teased by Neko.
Kuro was at the mercy of the illusions that were unleashed one after another.
So this is it.
Neko ran in from the other side before Kuro searched her. The boy rolls his eyes at her.
"Oh, Neko."
Neko emerges from the crowd, shaking her long hair and exposing her naked and white body, just like when they first met. She quickly took the boy's arm and ran to guide him. Kuro also followed them silently and ran through the crowd.
A phenomenon like they suddenly moved to a different place, "Scepter 4" was confused by the appearance of a large number of ordinary people, this was a perceptual interference caused by a person with abilities, and it seems that they realized that the people passing by were not real human beings.
The members lined up at the place where the exit "should be", and began to put a shield with their blue power to not let the boy escape.
"The exit is over there."
He consults with Neko.
"Yes! Beyond that blue boy!"
After that, she turns into a kitten to make it easier to escape. Kuro gave a visual cue to the boy, jumped up alone and knocked down the members who raised the shield.
No matter what fallen limbs they were, Kuro ran in the direction that seemed to have a way out. The boy and Neko also immediately follow Kuro.
However, a blue slash attack passed in front of him as if he was going, and Kuro, who was running in front, took a step forward and stopped. Immediately the blade of the sword passes over the tip of his nose.
The blue bar was sharp and straight. There was a deep straight crack in the concrete, but it was not destroyed. It was a sharp force that accurately pierced only the target.
Kuro turns towards the direction the bar was released. As expected, Awashima was holding her sword.
"I'll take care of this! Go protect your place!"
Awashima gives the instructions while she looks at Kuro. The fallen limbs quickly recovered and attended.
After all, it seems that the fight is inevitable, and Kuro took an offensive stance, holding "Kotowari's" sheath with his left hand. Behind the scenes, the boy's annoying breathing sounds.
"Back off."
Amid the phantom crowd, Kuro confronts Awashima.
Whether the woman with the sword is standing or the man with the sword is holding it, the phantom passersby walk without worrying about it. Kuro disappeared from his consciousness.
"Draw your sword, I don't care."
Awashima makes a cheering gesture with her jaw, as he keeps his sword in his sheath. But Kuro doesn't move.
"This sword is not to cut you."
"If so, you will be cut off by someone like me!"
Awashima closed the distance in one step. The distance between the two instantly disappeared, and Awashima's sword, radiating a blue glow, pierced the place where Kuro stood. Kuro jumped at that moment. He kicked the surface of the street with his landing foot and Kuro made his way to Awashima. He didn't draw his sword, but he swung a fist with Colorless power. The opponent is a strong fighter. He shook the fact that she was a woman out of his head and shook his fist mercilessly, but Awashima squirmed and shook it.
Awashima, who flew up and took distance, fired another slash from a distance. The blade of blue light came flying, but during the period of the sword, the trajectory of the cut is changed by the power of spatial manipulation in the right hand.
It is a retreat.
Neither attack has reached the other yet. She didn't feel like losing, but there was something that was a bit difficult for Awashima as it was still a fist. It is not good to have a long-term battle.
Still, he had no intention of overtaking her. This sword cannot be drawn due to Kuro's circumstances.
That's something to scoop and shake only when Miwa's mission is accomplished.
Even though it was at Kuro's waist, it was not Kuro's sword, but Miwa Ichigen's sword.
As he listened to reports of what was happening inside the stadium, Munakata sipped relaxed tea.
Traveling to the assigned place in the specially equipped command vehicle is a good thing, as he can enjoy the tea he missed at the office. The field in the rain has a strange atmosphere.
The sound of the rain hitting the umbrella is not bad either.
"You are missing a deciding factor."
Fushimi said from inside the command vehicle. Munakata replied with a "Hm."
There is no distinction between private time and public time for Munakata. If the fights are every day, bedtime is for the well-being and order of the greatest number of people. Members who know the nature of Munakata are no longer surprised that Munakata brews tea and drinks on site.
"Please go to work now."
He is not surprised, but Fushimi says that with a slightly displeased voice. Munakata said "Hm." Again.
The situation inside the stadium that can be heard is quite interesting.
A crowd that suddenly appeared, what appears to be an extraordinary sensory interference ability.
Awashima, who has the best sword skills of "Scepter 4" except for Munakata, and Kuro Yatogami, a vassal of the predecessor "Colorless King" who fights more than equal without drawing his sword.
And the boy who is suspected of killing Tatara Totsuka, who claims to be the new "Colorless King" protected by them.
The night sword god, Kuro, is unlikely to serve the new assassin king, even if the "Colorless King" has been replaced, even if the person with the unknown perceptual jamming skill is left behind.
Munakata also learned about Kuro Yatogami's story. He is a vassal called "loyal dog" who has sworn "allegiance" to Miwa Ichigen.
Why is he doing this? Was there any instruction from Miwa Ichigen in his life?
Munakata remembers the "Colorless King", Miwa Ichigen, that he once saw.
He was a kind man dressed in Japanese clothes. He seemed to be ill and had a dream related to it, but he also sported an aura that was more than compensated for. He had a mysterious dignity, a power opposed to violent power, it can be said that his figure generated confidence.
The unique power of that "King" was "prediction". Certainly, he was an impressive person with eyes that looked through everything.
"I wonder if this situation was also foreseen."
Munakata muttered, carefully placed the empty tea bowl on the floor and stood up.
Awashima's cut was intercepted by Kuro.
Awashima began to show annoyance at Kuro, who continued to deflect the attack when he was slimy from space manipulation.
She can feel the movement of the muscles throughout her body, the blue light that envelops her body becomes brighter and the hand holding the sword gains more power.
Along with the exhalation of smoke, she put force on the blade and launched a cut through space.
"This is not a problem!"
The blue bar turned into a grid and attacked Kuro. In a deadly attack similar to a throwing net, Kuro also put his luck in his right hand.
Attacks with such a wide range are difficult to deflect from the trajectory.
He extended the power of the colorless extraordinary ability in his right hand in a way that made the palm huge, caught the bar in a grid shape from the front, and canceled it later with a countermeasure.
With that impulse, Kuro kicked the ground.
When he gets close to Awashima, who had a gap right after launching a big move, he tries to punch with her.
The color of his mind changed.
Horribly, Kuro stopped moving.
A blue sword hovered over the ghost town of Shizume.
A mysterious, majestic giant sword that is made of mineral, but has an organic atmosphere.
"The sword of Damocles!"
The landscape around the sword began to distort into blue like a paralyzed image. The blue distortion constantly spreads around the sword and erodes the world of lies created by Neko.
Slowly, a man walked under the sword.
He was approached by a man with glasses and a fearless smile, with a blue light pouring out of his body. He was a man with beautiful eyes, but there was a terrifying horror hidden behind his eyes.
Kuro took a deep breath and involuntarily stepped back and braced himself.
The "Blue King" Reisi Munakata.
Munakata approached in front of Awashima and stopped.
"Thank you for your hard work. Thanks to you, I was able to understand the situation."
"Let's go to work, because Fushimi-kun is loud."
Munakata's bottomless eyes turned to Kuro, the boy, and Neko in the form of a kitten that the boy is holding in his arms.
Munakata looks at them with interest for a while, then laughs and takes a step forward.
As soon as Munakata's foot stepped on the surface of the street, a blue distortion spread out from under Munakata's foot. He repaints the surface of the street blue with the force of the water that overflows and spreads suddenly and spreads through the air. The "correct world" appears from the blue distortion.
The scrambled intersection at Shizume disappears into a wet lawn, and the clear daytime sky turns into the rainy night sky.
Neko, the kitten the boy was holding, turned into a human girl.
Neko, who has reverted to her original form, hides behind the boy as if she is scared to see Munakata's figure.
"I see, there is an unknown third person involved, a Strain? It exerts a force in a specific area centered on itself, and interferes with the perception and recognition of humans in it at the same time and manipulates it freely. It is a dangerous ability."
Munakata quickly raised a hand. The bustling and bright city of Shizume, which had been disappearing, completely disappeared, and returned to the original stadium at night when it was raining.
The members who gained power with the appearance of the "King" set out to capture the boy.
Before the swordsmen, the boy raised both his hands to show them that he was not harmful to them. Neko next to him, she imitates him without knowing why.
"Um... do you want to join us?"
The boy said that looking at Kuro.
Kuro makes his expression steep and takes off the unpleasant situation in front of him.
The "Blue King". He is not an opponent that he can fight and win against. However, it is difficult for three people to escape. Neko's ability is effective for subordinate clansmen, but not for the "Blue King".
However, if only members other than a "King" are involved, there is a strong possibility that they can escape with Neko's power.
Kuro rolled his eyes on one of the subordinates.
"I'll stop him. You defend yourselves."
The boy made a confused voice, but Neko showed an understanding demeanor. This guy is stupid, but he's such an easy-going guy that he doesn't refuse what is important. Assuming he could take the boy and escape, Kuro quickly glanced at the members blocking the exit.
He activated his extraordinary ability, grabbed the head of one of the two limbs blocking the exit and used his ability to withdraw his body from the exit immediately. The member whose head was grabbed by the strange hand, was thrown against the other.
"Let's go!"
The breakthrough has opened. The boy was still confused, but Neko grabbed the boy's hand without hesitation and ran out the exit made by Kuro.
Kuro stood in a position to protect the exit where the two of them came out on their backs, and looked at the colorful limbs at a glance. Awashima calmly orders her subordinates outside to block the entrance passage.
Munakata was smiling an amused smile.
"I see. So you chose to sacrifice yourself."
As if swallowed by Munakata's intimidating feeling, Kuro inadvertently grabs the handle of the sword.
"The celebrated sword, "Kotowari"."
Munakata narrowed his eyes and looked at the sword at his waist that Kuro touched.
"The seventh king, the 'Colorless King', the sword of Miwa Ichigen. It is a good idea to cut me with this sword, but you decided never to take it out except to fulfill Miwa's mission."
However, ashamed of himself that he lost his temper and touched the handle of the sword, Kuro removed his hand from the sword and attacked Munakata.
The attack was evaded without raising an eyebrow.
The lower part of the palm, which was stretched over and over without rest, could be easily avoided. Munakata, who was still in a position with his hands folded behind him, even seemed to be waiting for the moment to remind him, watching the childish ruckus.
Munakata's room for maneuver increases Kuro's impatience and increases the number of attacks to desperately eat him.
When the bottom of his palm, which was pointed at his jaw, cut across the sky, his cheeks stretched. His face was fine, so he hit it with a flat hand.
Instead of punching, a slap that does not recognize the other as an opponent fighting on an equal footing damages self-esteem more than the cheek.
Gently biting his back teeth, Kuro jumps up. Munakata avoided the spinning kick that tried to hit him and dodged it with minimal movement, and grabbed Kuro's head that was landing with his palm.
"Did you get it? I'm saying you still lack."
Putting strength into the hand that grabbed his head, Kuro feels pain when he seems to hear the sound of the piercing of his skull. He suddenly tried to reach for the sword again. He heard Munakata say satisfactorily: "Okay."
He realized what he was trying to do and stopped his hand.
Munakata frowned at the scene.
"You are an indistinguishable child."
From under Munakata's palm, Kuro stands up.
As if to shake himself off, Kuro shakes his head with all of his might. He could easily remove her hand from him. No, he was separated.
Is he playing or testing him?
Gritting his teeth, Kuro challenges Munakata again. He slaps the palm of his hand, fires a kick, and keeps shaking, biting and killing the sense of helplessness that seems to sprout, whether Munakata's move doesn't crack one bit, or there is a gap.
Munakata removed the sword from his waist and swung it slightly like a guard stick to attack Kuro. Kuro puts the scabbard on the protruding arm and moves it, grabs the kicking leg.
At the moment when Kuro was slightly unbalanced, Munakata, who turned around slightly, hit him hard with the sword sheath.
Even though it didn't seem like he had put much effort into it, the blow was strong, choking Kuro's breath and his spine screaming at him. He managed to drop it.
"You can't help being so stubborn."
Speaking in a sighing voice, Munakata seemed to give up on Kuro drawing the sword from him and turned to attack. He used the sword that was still in the sheath to push it out, and used the tip and body of the sword to throw it where Kuro avoided it.
His world spun around and he slammed into the damp ground without being passive. He jerked to his feet, lost his sense of balance for a moment, swallowed the ironic blood that had spilled from his mouth just now.
"God of the night sword. Let's finish the game here."
For Munakata, it was just a play.
He didn't reward him, but he didn't throw it away, and Kuro took off Munakata and rushed in with a loud voice.
"I refuse!"
With power in his right hand, he struck head-on. Munakata stood upright and no longer tried to dodge it. Just before Kuro's fist reached Munakata, Munakata moved only his right hand. He defeated Kuro's attack with his sword sheath with a thin layer of blue power.
He could see the black night sky as he flew out and raindrops kept falling. The view changed, and this time the green grass moved closer to his eyes and slid away as he rubbed his face against the ground.
Shortly after getting up, he felt weight and pain on his back. Munakata's boots were trampling on Kuro's back from above his arms that were spinning behind him. His internal organs were compressed and an involuntary voice leaked out.
"Well, let's move on to the main topic."
Munakata said that with a calm voice that he couldn't believe he was trampling on people.
"You stayed to face me. It's a wonderful personal sacrifice. Is that boy the Lord you serve now?"
Kuro lowered his head and didn't reply.
"The "Colorless King". The seventh and weakest "King". Although he is not a powerful entity in himself, he is a clown "King" who has the property of controlling the balance of power between "Kings". In other words, one of the most vigilant for me. That boy is the new "Colorless King" who replaces Miwa."
Munakata leaned over and approached Kuro, touching the back of his neck.
"Please answer."
The hand that touched Kuro's head is full of power. Kuro was small.
"My master Ichigen-sama said to examine it."
"Well, what is your decision?"
Intent on opening the gap, Kuro taps Munakata's foot on his back and leaps like a spring. However, the moment he turned to Munakata, Munakata's sword sheath calmly pierced Kuro's groove.
"Guh… No one will lay a hand on him until they can identify him."
"I see. That may be your intention."
The tip of the sword sheath pointed at Kuro's throat. Kuro didn't move, didn't change his expression and looked towards Munakata.
The sword at the throat twitched and Kuro's jaw lifted.
"As long as he maintains such a warm situation where he is neither good nor bad, you can join the guard as the 'Black Dog'. He couldn't ask for a stronger worse. It's easy to fool yourself and the people around you with that Strain girl. We may be in on that boy's trick. Don't you think?"
For some reason, Kuro felt a bit weird.
His whole body hurt a lot. He has the feeling that he is doing it, he is protecting him until he is in that state.
"That could be it. The only things that come out of his mouth are lies and a constant laugh. That's the kind of person he is."
"Is it worth risking your life for such a man?"
Kuro relaxed his expression and smiled a selfish smile.
His job is to identify it and he cannot give it to "Scepter 4". That's true, but it doesn't make sense that Kuro himself is restricted by "Scepter 4". After all, he realized that he believed him and protected him because of his personality.
Kuro opened his mouth to reply.
The lights shining in the stadium suddenly went out and darkness fell before Kuro spoke a word.
The boy was dragged by Neko and ran down the hall of the stadium. The members of "Scepter 4" who come to catch them are defeated by Neko's illusion, and Neko's detection ability finds a path without people and points to the exit.
Escape, escape.
(Oh I'm just running away.)
Escaping from "Homura", escaping from Kuro, escaping self-suspicion, escaping from facing the truth and trying to surrender, and now again, he is leaving Kuro where he's trying to escape from.
(Are you running away?)
Feeling scolded by someone, the boy stopped.
"Shiro, hurry!"
Neko rushed over, turning to the boy who stopped and stopped moving.
"I'm sorry, Neko. After all, I can't escape."
The boy turned to Neko.
"Neko. Please help me. I will return to rescue Kuro. With your cooperation, I am sure I can do it."
You are a director. Do you understand the production? It's about decorating and coming up with various things to make it look "like this." Even if you are not strong, you must be strong, and if you are not a king, you must do your best to look like a king.
The boy told Neko like that and told him his strategy.
First, he turns off the stadium lights. He really didn't have to turn it off, because he didn't have time to search for a power source. Neko's power made it seem like there was no electricity.
Next, the boy appeared in the public seats of the stadium with a small emission of light. This emission of light is also Neko's power. All the people with mysterious powers are glowing in various colors, so she decided to make the boy glow as well. She enveloped him in a colorless light.
From the public seats in the high place, he can see the stadium.
Kuro looked hurt, holding on weakly, his clothes ripped and kneeling. The hair that he was always tied up is also frayed and falling out.
The boy frowns when he realizes that he has caused an unreasonable battle.
Among the members of "Scepter 4" who were upset when the lights went out, Munakata stared at the boy without moving.
"Oh, did you forget something?"
"Idiot! Why did you come back?!"
Kuro, who started to get up in a hurried voice, was knocked down by the sheath of Munakata's sword and fell to the ground. He looked painful and the boy frowned.
"Oh, I guess I can't abandon my friends, right?"
The boy smiled as he scratched his head, Munakata raised the edge of his mouth in a laugh and pulled up his glasses.
"I see, so you shared your destiny again. What a noble gesture, but it doesn't make sense."
"No, it's not that it doesn't make sense."
The boy clasps both hands imitating the movement of thanking for the food.
"Kuro, I'm sorry! I've been lying to you! Actually, this is who I am!"
The boy slowly releases the combined hands. Then, a small sword-shaped illuminant appeared between the boy's hands, as if it was a substitute for a business card.
As it grows, it rises upward, becoming a powerful sword and shining brightly on the boy.
Everyone in the place looked at the sword with a shocked face.
The Sword of Damocles Colorless.
(It's false.)
"Kuro... can you hear me?"
While everyone's conscience was focused on the boy's sword of Damocles, the boy borrows Neko's ability to speak with Kuro's conscience. It is a pseudo-telepathy that makes Kuro recognize that "the boy is speaking directly to his head".
"From now on, I will make a momentary hole in the 'Blue King'. Follow him and flee the place."
The boy smiled and unleashed the vibration of "King" power from his body.
Munakata erased the fringe of his expression and developed blue power with a serious face. To receive the boy's power, he turns his palm towards the boy and focus the power on it.
However, the moment the boy's power and Munakata's power came into contact, Munakata looked on suspiciously.
Kuro correctly captured that moment. He jumped from under Munakata's legs onto his back and struck Munakata's side with his fist.
The blow went straight to Munakata, who was aware of the boy. He didn't stagger, but his glasses flew off.
From the place where the glasses fell to the ground, Kuro ran out and slipped between the stunned and useless members.
The boy took a breath. Then the boy's body disappears as if he is melting in the night breeze. The boy who appeared in front of the people from "Scepter 4" was a ghost made by Neko. The real boy would hide behind the public seats and observe a number of situations. He exchanged a quiet "high five" with Neko who was hiding next to him, and we also began to move to escape.
He went through the passage of the stadium while he hid with the power of Neko. As he ran, he heard the sound of destruction and the voices of various men. The boy turns his foot in that direction.
Sure enough, he saw Kuro running while he defeated the members of "Scepter 4."
When Kuro notices the boy, he stops and waits for the boy and Neko to catch up.
Kuro's appearance seen in the immediate vicinity seemed to be more damaged than when he saw him from a distance, and the boy tried to hold his breath and say thanks and apologize.
However, Kuro controls the boy who is about to open his mouth and turns to the front.
"Save the talk for later. Let's go."
It was not difficult to break the siege without the "Blue King" and the main force.
They escaped the stadium, shook off their pursuers, and finally stopped and breathed into the back alley away from the scene.
Kuro staggered a bit and knelt like a broken thread.
"Hey, hey, are you okay?"
"It's nothing serious. I'll be back in two minutes."
The boy was in a hurry, but Kuro said that in a calm voice.
Maybe "Scepter 4" is also closing in on the police, the sirens of police cars have been heard for a while.
The three of them were silent for a while in the dark and gloomy alleys, bathed in unstoppable rain.
The boy looked up at the sky. The sky seen from the back alley was like a thin, unreliable crack. The falling raindrops reflected the light that filtered through the building's windows and sometimes sparkled.
The boy caught the raindrops on his face and turned around looking into their eyes.
The three of them ate a delicious breakfast prepared by Kuro and a lunch box. He thought he could prove his alibi. He found a bloody shirt. Kukuri told him that she didn't know him. He did not have a family home. He lost sight of Isana's existence, the one he believed in. He was cornered by the "Blue King", but Kuro protected him. He knew what he could do with Neko's power.
The boy lowered his eyebrows and smiled. He spoke gently to Neko to show her that he had no intention of blaming her.
"You know, Neko… you were great a while ago."
Neko shook her shoulders in surprise. She looked down with an anxious and crying face.
"The people in blue were amazing, but the sky suddenly cleared up, the landscape around me changed and a lot of people came out. And you helped us."
"What do you mean?"
It's not always how Neko wants it, she said that quietly and backed away.
The appearance of being afraid of something makes him want to leave it as it is. But the boy can no longer escape.
"The 'Blue King' talked about how you can interfere with people's senses, was that what he was talking about?"
"It's not just about hallucinations and hearing. She can even manipulate memories."
Kuro was silent for a moment and slowly stood up.
"What do you mean?"
"This girl can implant false memories in your mind, making people you just met believe that they are old friends."
The boy came to mind, all the faces of the friends he made in Gakuenjima. They kindly called him "Shiro", shared the side dishes from the lunch box and laughed together.
Although he was a friend, Kukuri said on the phone that she did not know the boy. That was true of Kukuri, who had fallen outside of Neko's range of abilities.
"Oh... I see. I understand. The story finally connected... So, Neko."
The boy turned to Neko with a smile on his face.
"It's like my amnesia, heal it a bit. Then it will be clear if I am the bad king they are chasing, right?"
Kuro was pleased that he led the way to the truth, but he remained bumpy, then said...
"If you are found to be the evil 'King', I will kill you on the spot."
"Well... that's correct."
"It's life threatening. Why don't you think about it and calm down a bit?"
"I'm calm. I…"
The sound of rain is strengthened. For some reason, Kuro had a confused look.
"It's okay to talk about the matter after we've escaped from this place for now..."
The boy smiled bitterly. He seems like he is a kind person who tries to give the boy an escape route, even though he is trying to find out. Honestly, he is happy for that kindness. However, he already felt that he had "escaped" enough. He thought that he shouldn't run away anymore.
"I'm tired of it. For the moment, this place is for the moment. Even if I extend the conclusion as usual, there is no way forward. If I don't clarify it here and now, I'm not going anywhere."
Ever since he met Kuro, he has been engulfing himself in smoke. However, Kuro continued to face the boy seriously. He should reward that honesty. The boy said in his own words, the conclusions he had drawn seriously and his feelings.
"I don't know what kind of person I was originally, and no matter what I did in the past, I feel like now I have to take responsibility."
"What good words… they don't fit you."
The boy laughed.
Kuro's hesitation was only for a moment. The next time he looked at the boy, his eyes were full of determination. Kuro touches the handle of the sword.
"It's okay."
"Very good, everything settled. Do it, Neko."
The boy laughed as Neko cowered fearfully. Kuro also turns his serious eyes towards Neko.
"Undo your spell completely. No tricks."
Neko's eyes trembled.
Neko was confused. She was more confused and lost than ever.
Neko thought that she had "the power to really lie". Then, she with that power, she made the boy and the people around her believe in lies and she made them a "truth", and she stayed with the boy "like a white cat".
But Neko's lie didn't turn into "truth". The boy seems sad because the lie was still a "lie". He smiles at Neko, but the boy is really sad. Neko got it.
Neko has been alone the entire time. She has been wandering alone for a long time, so long that she cannot remember when she was a lonely stray cat.
It was a little better after she came to Gakuenjima and made it her territory. There weren't many people who bully cats and it was easy to steal food from the coffee shop. The man in the coffee shop would immediately get angry saying "thief", but even if he raised his fist, he didn't actually hit the cat.
If she doesn't want to anger him, she simply leaves the island and goes to the nearby cafe "Yamadaya", where usually goes to school people, and the cat-loving merchant helps her. Even the people of Gakuenjima were quite interesting to see. She also thought that everyone preparing for the festival was funny.
However, since Neko was a cat, she was alone looking at people who seemed to be having fun from outside. Even if the people there didn't intimidate Neko, she was scared, so she didn't want to get close to them.
Just the boy. Neko wanted to get closer to him, and stay by his side forever.
(But Shiro is sad, even though I am Shiro's cat. It would be difficult if he lost the "true". I can no longer hold on to a lie out of selfishness.)
Neko closed her eyes.
(I don't like Shiro being sad. Therefore, I will return the "true" before Shiro became Shiro.)
Neko banishes the false memories she implanted in Shiro.
It was a lie to be a student of Gakuenjima.
It was a lie to be friends with Kukuri and the others.
The boy's memories were also a lie. What Neko saw in Gakuenjima and what the boy's own memory related in a spongy way to make him look like this.
His name Isana Yashiro was also a lie.
Neko met the boy who had fallen from the sky.
That day was a cold night.
Gakuenjima was relatively safe and comfortable territory that Neko found during a long journey, but cold winter nights were no different than anywhere else, and Neko wanted a warm and soft bed. She got into the gym and curled up on the mat.
Suddenly, the roof of the gym cracked with a loud noise and something large fell.
Neko was amazed, jumped up and flew away.
It was a child who had fallen.
At the boy who fell on the gym mat, Neko panicked and lifted the hair from all over her body, curled her back and raised her ears and tail to look bigger, and puffed up her entire body.
The boy got up slowly. He lifted his half body onto the mat and looked mysteriously around him.
Whether it was a demon or a monster, Neko was even more intimidating.
"Hm? Hey… what about you?"
The boy spoke to Neko in a soft and somewhat relaxed voice, despite the ridiculous appearance of going through the ceiling and falling. He apologized to the intimidating Neko and lowered his eyebrows.
"Ah, were you surprised? I'm sorry."
The expression of the boy who scratched his head and smiled like he was in trouble was so gentle that Neko suddenly didn't know what to do.
The boy's eyes looking at Neko were deep and soft. Neko was confused by the eyes that seemed to absorb all of Neko's fear.
He was different from a cat-loving person (that scared her) that has a desire to stroke a cat all over her body. Her alertness melted and disappeared, his gaze seemed to catch Neko. Neko stopped threatening him and gently approached the boy's heart.
Neko's power begins when she touches the other person's heart. She touched his heart and assembled the parts and memories of him, giving it the shape she wanted.
There were many blank spaces in the heart that Neko touched, and in those spaces the feeling of "loneliness" rolled without protection. She felt that it was very similar to Neko's heart shape.
The boy looked at Neko with a kind smile.
Neko was afraid to approach the boy. The boy did not hesitate to approach, he just approached and showed his willingness to accept her.
Neko dares to jump onto the boy's arm. The boy took Neko and caressed her with a soft hand.
The boy's hands were hot. It was someone else's temperature, which she felt after a long time.
In the gym at night, when the moonlight pierced through the perforated ceiling, the moment she felt the boy's body temperature, she felt as if were the two of them alone in the world.
The boy who made Neko recall his memory, was confused.
He certainly remembered the moment when he became "Isana Yashiro". It also means that the memory of him as "Isana Yashiro" started from that moment. He also remembered that he for some reason broke the roof of the gym and when he fell he ran into Neko.
However, the previous memory is still pure white.
"This is the end? What are my memories before this?"
"This comes first! Shiro fell from the sky!"
"It's over...?"
Kuro also seems confused.
"Wagahai found Shiro! Wagahai picked Shiro up! That's why Shiro's mine! Shiro's from Neko!"
Neko appeals with all her might from him. But she can't convince him here. What the boy needs is the truth before he becomes "Isana Yashiro".
"I wonder if I can remember what happened before Neko found me. I want to know that."
"So... will Shiro disappear somewhere? Will Shiro no longer be Shiro?"
Neko said that while being filled with anxiety.
However, the boy smiles. Isana Yashiro was a non-existent person. But still, the fact that Neko called him "Shiro" was not a lie. The boy's existence won't go away.
"Okay, because I'm Neko's Shiro, right?"
Speaking proudly, Neko smiled again.
"Then I'll try!"
The boy's body was exposed to strong winds.
The hem of the boy's hair and clothes were violently fanned by the cold, strong wind. It is a high place. He was in a very, very high place. The sky where the stars are scattered was near. The air felt thin. In such a place, the boy clung to somewhere with just his arm. Somewhere? Things that fly in the sky. It was not an airplane. It was not a helicopter. That was an airship. The boy barely clung to the floor of the airship's open hatch, his legs swinging in the air.
A great laugh was heard.
There was a man standing in the hatch, looking at the boy and laughing.
A white man with long silver hair blowing in the wind.
He looked at the boy with a distorted smile, lifted one leg slightly and kicked him.
The boy who was knocked down falls. He could hear the roar of the wind cutting off his ears. The silver-haired man quickly walked away, and when he thought that he could see the full image of the airship, it soon became smaller and farther away, the sky was far away, a tall building was reflected on the edge of the field of vision. He then he hit his back against something and broke it.
Suddenly, the boy opened his eyes.
The boy's consciousness, who made a brief journey through the memories, quickly regained his sense of reality. Whether in the cold air behind the rainy alleys or in the brief, but shocking memories he remembered, the boy winced.
"Now... who was he?"
Neko eagerly looked at the boy, and Kuro also turned his eyebrows and dropped his hand on the sword's handle.
"What happened? Do you remember something?"
The boy couldn't answer immediately and looked at the sky silently. A ship "flying" crossed the narrow sky between the buildings.
Inside the airship, the man was humming a song.
The airship was quite comfortable. However, he lay down on the couch placed on the large floor and looked through the monitor.
Many photographs were projected on the monitor located on the ground.
"I wonder if the chaos has been reduced well."
Looking down at the ground, he laughed deep in his throat. When he rolled over on the couch and lay down, his long silver hair flowed softly from his shoulders and fell to the floor.
"But I don't like you, Isana Yashiro. Why are you still alive?"
The images on the floor monitor were of a boy with a red umbrella.
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Zombie Apocalypse AU Masterpost
"There are a few groups that aren't aware of each other's existence. (Architechs, NHO, Convex, ect.) The NHO are made up of all men from millitaries across the globe. Cleo isn't a zombie either, she is a zombie whisperer. She can communicate slightly with zombies and they aren't usually negotiable."
(Paraphrased,) from @creator0fchaos' Zombie Apocalypse AU entry for The Follower Input AU.
Headcanons to start us off:
-Convex were two men from a small buisness. Jellie is also around but she's injured and is mostly carried around by Scar.
-Etho got bit pretty early on and everyone in the NHO knows they're gonna have to do something about it but they're putting it off. Etho seems fine.
-Bdubs is slowly going completely feral. (Possible reference to season 5's jungle feral?) DocM joked he had rabies and the two got into a fight.
-Iskall lost his eye after Mumbo accidentally slashed him with a knife while trying to protect Grian from a hoarde. Iskall ended up getting lumped in with the Architech group because Mumbo feels super guilty about it.
-Xisuma and Keralis came into contact with the NHO for a bit. Keralis and Bdubs nearly became friends but Beef and Doc scared em away. Angst.
-The zombies fear False.
-XB originally planned to just stay in his house and not go out. He was prepared, okay? He had tinned food to last him at least a decade, zombie proof armour and god knows what else supplies. His friend, Hypnotizd, is fleeing to there because he knows XB knows what he's doing.
-Wels wears armour because it's the best he had. Same with Biffa and Xisuma. In this AU, they probably wouldn't be wearing armour if not given the circumstances.
-Jevin has turned this into a game to kill as many zombies as possible.
-Impulse, Tango and Zedaph are all just having a good time trying to survive in the woods. Their main goal is to open a tin of beans Zed has but they don't have a tin opener.
-Rendog found a tin of dog food while scavenging. He was hungry and ate it. He now has an addiction to tinned dog food.
-Wels wears medieval armour in the zombie au because at one point he was trapped in a museum by a horde and like, the armour was technically there. On display. No one was using it.
-Etho wears the mask as kind of a mental reminder not to bite his friends.
-Joe and Stress are hanging with Cleo and even if the small group isn’t the best equipped or prepared, they have thrived thanks to Cleo’s ability to whisper to zombies. It might not stop the zombies but it buys the group time to escape.
–Zombie!Etho is hiding the fact that he’s turning, if not already turned into a zombie, from the rest of the NHO because he loves being with his friends. The problem is that it’s getting harder every day to control himself and he’s constantly fighting between telling the rest of them about it, and having them put him out of his misery to keep them safe, or just keep hiding it, afraid that one day it’ll be too late he won’t be able to control himself and bite them all.
-Someone gets like a really bad case of the flu, this is problem because usually survivors have to stay in the move consistently to survive and that’s hard when someone is really sick, it also bad because all pharmacies have been raided and there’s no medicine.
-Grian originally came from Sam and Taurtis's group but due to Sam's insanity, Grian pulls away and went surviving on his own. That when Mumbo came to photo and knowing that he won't survive the zombie wasteland alone, Grian took it as his task to convince Mumbo make a partnership with him.
-Joe was playing D&D when the outbreak started, and Cleo was in his group. They treat it as a game sometimes, though they toned it down a bit when Stress joined because she was still grieving Iskall. Stress makes them stay around where she lost Iskall, but Joe and Cleo don't mind because she has a base set up there.
-For no fault of his own, the nHo crumbles while doc is in control. They had been losing members for a while but when beef, Bdubs, etho, and doc part ways it’s the draw the broke the camels back, so doc is the only one left of the nho, the rest of them, having either left or died. Doc blames himself for everything going so wrong.
-For the zombie AU because nobody's representing my boy X: Xisuma is known as a master at evading the zombies (he can fight them well if needed but he is best at avoiding incidents altogether). He claims to wear the mask for practical reasons, but what the others don't know is that it hides how terrified he is. He hides his fear because he doesn't want people to lose confidence in him, but getting turned and losing control of his mind is his worst nightmare.
-TFC’s gone for a bunker theme for s6+s7, so maybe, he finds a nHo member, and just drags them down into his bunker, probably chewing them out for walking around alone?
-For the zombie au is ethos mask like a medical one, or was he in a kakashi cosplay for some reason and kept it because all the pockets were practical and then started wearing the mask because he got infected.
-After Stress and Iskall reunite, Joe and Cleo join the Architechs. False joins them after seeing Cleo whisper to the zombies and realizing that the group severely lacks fighters. I need the hermits to (at least mostly) get together!
-TFC is obviously a disaster prepper who has a fully furnished bunker that can house a lot of people. He has been broadcasting this to other survivors using a radio. Unfortunately, he lives in the middle of nowhere and it is a trek to get there, but the Vault (as he calls it) is self-sustaining. (I know this is obvious, but nobody has done anything with TFC yet, and that's a shame)
-Even though he’s scared about not being alert enough to protect his team, Xisuma hides his sickness, which is easy with the helmet, because he’s the leader and he can’t be weak. Due to the pain of the flu and the heat of fever staying trapped inside his helmeted eventually falls to his knees and breaks down.
-Mumbo is wearing a suit because he was on his way to a job interview when the outbreak started, he just never bothered to change clothes.
-Etho used to love making up little tunes, and that hasn't changed since he was bitten. Nevertheless, the others in his group haven't heard him make music since. He blames a lack of instruments because of being on the run from zombies. The morning after he left, though, they find an old recorder where his sleeping bag was, and once they hit play they're greeted with songs in a familiar style, backed by improvised instruments.
Even without saying anything they *know* what had happened, and the recorder is taken along on their journey to a safe haven. Sometimes, when the feeling of missing their friend gets too much, they put on the music in the evening and just allow themselves to cry.
-Well, i was thinking maybe stress was a loner, but like, not completely alone, she was with someone else, probably Cleo or Iskall, but they got bit, she felt too bad to kill them so she wanders around with a zombie friend on a madeup leash, sorry if it sounds sad but i like angst and it seemed like a good headcanon -🐿️
-TFC is the one to get to Beef and break down the wall he had built up after a while of wandering alone after breaking off from the nHo. He finds Beef fighting a group of zombies and after observing how violently Beef was hacking down the zombies, TFC did not see a hardened fighter, but a broken man and went to talk with him.
-Alternate timeline idea when grian was still traveling with Sam and tortoise. Sam end up doing something that results in grian and tortoise getting bitten, because of that Sam leaves them. Now grian is not a normal zombie he doesn’t crave human flesh but rabbit flesh because he’s so hell-bent on getting revenge for what Sam did to him and tortoise, tortoise ends up tagging along. Cleo ends up finding them and discover their not normal zombies and inviting them to stay with her group.
-For the zombie apocalypse AU, RE: Cleo and Joe's DND game - imagine them going into a fight and just screaming "ROLL INITIATIVE!"
-Ok but imagine if like that one anon said, grian was already a zombie but like, one that only wants animals. I imagine they could probably get him to behave normally and imagine the mumbo turning angst but grian is already a zombie and just helps him not loose himself.
-For the Zombie Au, instead of killing Mumbo before he turns, the group locks him in a room and leave him there in hopes that they can bring him back once theres a cure. Whether or not, Mumbo wants to be saved is up to you. If Cleo's still in the group then you could have her "talk" to Zombie Mumbo for bonus angst.
-After finding out that Etho's still out there, Beef becomes more determined than ever to help find a cure. In the bunker he often ends up buzzing around Scar and Cub, desperate for something to do to help. It can get a bit awkward but they understand he's just desperate to see his friend again and are usually able to provide small tasks to help him keep his mind busy (with something other than worrying for Etho) while they continue working toward a cure.
(All those above in red are from our community's lovely Anons!)
-Vintagebeef was the first to notice something was off about Etho. He asked Etho about it but Etho assured him he was fine. Beef asked, 'what if you spread it to the other people in group?' Etho claimed that 'if it was contagious without physical contact, everyone would have caught it by now.'
-Speaking of Vintage Beef, he feels the most lonely and hopeless out of all the NHO members. Etho is probably gonna die from being a zombie soon. Bdubs and Doc are always at each other's throats and Beef fears one of them may accidentally kill the other. He's terrified that he may be the only one left.
-Hypnotizd is the most likely to be bit next. Dude’s running to XB’s house basically defenseless until he gets there, we have no clue how far he has to travel.
-You could very easily bring s5 nho angst into this au... Etho leaves to protect his friends from himself, Beef leaves because he can't bare to see his friends fight so much, Bdubs and Doc get in a fight and Bdubs storms off, and Doc is left to try and lead the nho by himself (since you said it's a kind of paramilitary thing here). Ouch.
-Knowing Mumbo's love for bunkers and the dragon bro bunker from s6, the architechs have probably settled somewhere underground to have a somewhat normal life. And, given the combined tech prowess of Iskall and Mumbo, they could easily rig up defence systems to help.
-in regards to that ask about X getting ill, maybe that's where Keralis joins him! He's totally the type to stay with you when sick! :D
-Continuing from that anon, if I may. So far we have Griam, Mumbo, Iskall, Stress, Joe, Cleo, and False all living together... The chaos xD ! You could even bring in hermit challenges as smth they make to, y'know, lighten the mood :D
-OOF I never thought about Taurtis wandering alone but that's sad. Iskall was also originally with Stress. They are wandering together until a snow storm separates them. Iskall finds Mumbo and Grian and then Mumbo thought he was a zombie cause this man just came out of nowhere. Grian and Mumbo took him in. When Iskall came back to the place where him and Stress gets separated, they saw each other again. What's the first thing he did? He hugged the hell outta her.
-Stress was tired cause the next thing she knew after the storm is that she’s alone. So, she thought for the worst, she thought Iskall was dead. She made a small shelter in the place, tamed a lot of dogs and even made a gravestone for Iskall.
When Stress saw him, her first thought was to get the weapon from the sheath and attack but Iskall started talking. The next thing she knew was she is crying and hugging him tight. 
-After Beef leaves the nHo, he becomes quite a loner. He gets a nickname from other groups even though they don’t know who he is: the Butcher. He gets the name because when groups are being seized down by dozens of zombies, Beef comes in and kills the zombies - every single one - with only his token bloodied apron left behind, waving on a stick. He has hundreds of those aprons and is never seen killing the zombies by the besieged groups.
-When Impulse runs away, he runs into BDubs while in a run down brick building with part of it having been blown up in what looks like a plane bomb. The building seems to have been a local demolition business known simply as ‘Boomers.’
-Before the apocalypse began, Scar was an upper level agent of the FBI tasked with protecting top level cancer researchers across the United States. One of those top cancer researchers was patient 0 and was the original discoverer of the zombie infection (patient 0 was not a Hermit). However, Scar believes it’s his fault for not having intervened when he could have. It’s now his mission to find a way to fix it. He comes across business mogul Cub, who may have the funds to help.
-https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/618407386827423744/hypno-has-been-living-with-xb-for-the-last-two XB and Hypno meet: A post too long to copy paste here.
-After Tango explodes the beans Impulse claims he’s leaving. Z and T think he just kidding but when they wake up the next morning Inpulse is gone. Now Zed and Tango are on a mission to find impulse while also terrified that he’s been bit.
-Continuation of the impulse leaves thing, tango and Zed find and save him just in time. They all reunite and are happy. The problem is that Zed was bit in the process, for now he’s binding it, because tango and impulse were so happy to be reunited and zed didn’t want to ruin it.
-Zed never ends up telling his friends that he was bit, the figure out themselves a few days after it happens. At first they’re mad that zed hid it from them, telling him how he could have turned and hurt them. But a minute late they break down in tears realizing what the bit means for them all. They will discuss what to do in the morning but for now they will grieve.
-Even more of the zit story: In the morning they decide to keep zed around until he really starts turning, they will then kill him so he’s not a zombie, zed protests this wanting them to kill him now, fearing for the other’s safety, but he’s actually really happy to have a bit longer with his friends. Impulse feels guilty because this never would have happened if he hadn’t left, tango also feels guilty because if he never exploded the beans, then impulse wouldn’t have left and zed would be fine.
-Xisuma is known as a master at evading the zombies (he can fight them well if needed but he is best at avoiding incidents altogether). He claims to wear the mask for practical reasons, but what the others don't know is that it hides how terrified he is. He hides his fear because he doesn't want people to lose confidence in him, but getting turned and losing control of his mind is his worst nightmare.
-Xisuma could be that person who gets the flu from an earlier submission! It would really scare him because of not being as alert or functional to avoid the zombies. I feel like he doesn't have a set group of people he stays with, so someone would probably find him holed up somewhere with a bad fever and decide to stay with him.
-If Mumbo ever gets bitten his zombie form is his cursed skin from after he sold his bits, it NEEDS to be lol.
-I came here to post immune!Rendog only to find that someone already did! Anyway, Ren is immune, which is good because the man gets bitten A LOT (the diggity dawg is not the best fighter). I feel like he gets lost and comes across the NHO base, and Doc won't let him in at first because he's covered in bites. He probably puts him in a containment cell out of typical Doc paranoia but eventually figures it out.
-Doc tried his hardest to be distant with Ren (because he thought he was going to turn/die soon and didn't want to get attached) but Ren just asks questions and talks 24/7 until Doc gives in and talks to him out of loneliness. Doc probably keeps him in containment for a really long time, first for fear of him turning and then because he's afraid Ren will leave (like everyone else left him.)
-Ren is very calm and cheery through the whole containment thing because he FULLY believes this is all a dream. Like, okay, this German robot man says I'm going to die in a week? Cool! Have to remember to write this one down when I wake up. Doc cannot convince him otherwise and it frustrates him to no end (when he does realize it's real though he's going to have a full breakdown.)
-Mumbo focuses in way too hard when he's working and blocks out everything else. If he gets bitten it will be because he was too absorbed in a redstone project and forgot to check his surroundings.
-When Mumbo gets bitten, Grian makes it his duty to comfort him and keep him calm until the end. Iskall, however, is overcome by guilt. He had been out for supplies when it happened; usually it was his job to watch Mumbo's back while he worked, alternating between fighting zombies and giving jokingly snarky commentary on Mumbo's redstone. He definitely blames himself and won't let the others out of his sight afterward.
-A break from angst! Zombie whisperer!Cleo's talents work by communicating with the infection in the zombies' bodies. Immune!Rendog has the infection, it just doesn't affect him in a dangerous way. Therefore, Cleo is now a Ren whisperer. Hilarity ensues.
-Once Xisuma starts feeling a bit better, he organizes his group to dig underground tunnels for people to travel with less chance of zombie attack (construction Keralis is a big help!) The leadership comes naturally to him, and the hard work is a good way of building up his strength again. Working late into the night on the tunnels is also the perfect excuse not to sleep....
-(post-cure). It takes several weeks, but Doc finally manages to find Etho. When he receives the cure his first words are "Thank you" and "I'm so sorry" (like a true Canadian). While his mind is returned to him, some parts of his body are too decayed to be salvaged, but that's no obstacle for Doc. He builds custom cybernetics and eagerly welcomes his old friend back to the land of the living.
-Mumbo, being really good with redstone, obviously has anti-zombie weapons he made himself. One day he goes out scavenging to find Grian fighting zombies armed with only a large hunting knife, a sledgehammer (probably from whatever build he was working on at the time of the outbreak), and his tiny gremlin speed and agility. (-@my-cat-is-a-bastard.)
-One of the Hermits (up to you which one) is somehow immune to the zombie virus. The catch: they don't know until they get bit. Them and the rest of their group is scared and prepares to kill them when the transformation is complete, but it never happens. The scientist of their group does a couple of tests and discovers their immunity!
-I was thinking about it for a bit, and I doesn’t seem like there’s been much done with Ren... (besides eating dog food lol)
-Happy ending time 'cause I can't stand seeing them all turn! Once Doc realizes Ren is immune, they venture out trying to find another group to create a cure. After gathering some/most of the other Hermits, they come across Scar, and they work on and create a cure/vaccine. The rest of the Hermits take it, and maybe they're even able to cure Etho and the other zombified Hermits! (Sorry if this is too cheesy/happy; I just want everything to be okay, y'know?)
-All everyone speaks of are the physical changes, but one must set the record straight: No matter how horrifying the outward changes are, the mental and emotional ones are far worse. Your friend’s behavior will take a turn for the worse. They’ll become more aggressive, more impulsive, less cautious. They’ll start fights for a laugh, they’ll yell and thrash and scream at the mildest inconvenience, their mind will devolve and fade away. By the time you must say your goodbyes, they will no longer be the friend you knew. They will be childish, angry, insane, and horrible in every way. Even if they fight the illness and outer changes, their behavior will still be impacted and subject to change.
Be wary of this if you choose to let your friend live, and prepare not only your body, but your mind, for the worst.
-Patient Zero could be GenerikB.
-I feel like team ZIT keeps putting off taking care of Impulse. Like Etho, Impulse just keeps fighting the changes. They all expect him to wither away, fall down and die one day, isn't that how it always goes?, but that's not how the infection works. They don't get sicker and weaker, in fact most of the people who die from one bite actually die from gangrene and/or septic shock. (Human mouths are GROSS.) But our boys don't know this. They've taken good care of his bite, even if it felt pointless at first, and avoided infection, and as a result he's physically completely healed now. So they end up never NEEDING to kill Impulse, but at what cost? He's constantly anxious about losing control. He can barely even sleep, what if it makes him sleepwalk and he bites his friends then? Tango and Zedaph see him changing still. They see his skin getting pale and dull, his eyes growing hollow, even see he's losing a lot of weight, but they put it up to his sleeplessness, to how they have to remind him, almost force him to eat real food. What sort of life does Impulse really have now? Is it really better to just end it? (What if he and Etho meet?)
Sorry, I've just seen the way this subversion of the Zombie Bite = Zombie Dead trope is going with Etho, and I HAD to get bitten!Impulse in on it as well. Now I can't stop thinking about exactly how this virus works, so I'm gonna hit post before I get WAY too into it and make a text wall.
-https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/618456845293633536/the-first-thing-you-notice-is-the-bite-it-stings How the virus works. (Tw gore, worms.)
-Bdubs definitely slept through the beginning of the apocalypse and had no idea what was going on for a while. He just kept doing his normal thing until someone told him what was happening. (-@miss-oleum.)
-I saw a post that mentioned Taurtis in the zombie apocalypse au, so I think this idea would be cool? I think from context clues Etho and Beef are kinda traveling together, but what if they run into Pause! Pause is super stoked to finally be around people in this mess (Team Canada, no less!!) but the dread kicks in when he notices the look in Etho's eyes, and how much paler he is than usual. Maybe he even notices the signs before Beef (who prolly def. noticed but is in severe denial about it). (-@853dragons.)
-To the surprise (and delight) of everyone in the Bunker, Beef is a deasent Redstoner. He's still a bit rusty at it tho. But he Knows how to work around those dust if he put his mind it. And after the... Insident with Mumbo, they need all the help they can get with the Redstone. And the first time he fix a redstone contraption on his own he said to his spectators (any Hermit of your choice), "What? You thought I was all Beef but no Brains?"
And now, Writing!
-It's the hunger that's the worst. Gnawing and ever-present, no matter what he eats, he can't escape the emptiness that's settled into his stomach. Etho stares dully down at the can someone - probably Beef - had pushed into his hands, before spearing a handful of syrupy fruit and swallowing it. It does little to satiate the hunger crawling through his every being. And why would it? It's not fruit he's hungry for anymore. (Anon.)
-Fear curls around him like an unwanted friend, a fiend of mist and smoke that blankets his nerves and quickens his heart. He stares dully at the scene before him, at the massacre his group had just barely avoided, as an awful storm of what-ifs swirl through his mind. His hands shake. "X?" Someone asks, "Are you okay?" Xisuma sucks in a deep breath, curls his hands into fists, and turns towards Keralis. "I'm fine," he lies. (Anon.)
-"Hello there. If you are listening to this, we are gone and long forgotten. This base of ours is yours to use now. I'm sure there'll still be some supplies and cans of food left-" "Not if I eat them first!" "Gr- Grian! I'm recording!" "I know that, you spoon." Grian took a few steps forward and stuck his face up to the camera lens. "Hi there!" "Grian! This is serious work." "C'mon, we're always serious! What's wrong with a little bit of fun during the zombie apocalypse?" (12u3ie.)
-(Biffa's POV) I met Xisuma a couple weeks ago. He saved my life, and I joined his crew. We're good friends now, and I hope he trusts me. It just seems like there's something off about him, but not in a zombie way. The way he hesitates before saying he's fine, how his eyes widen for just a moment before battle... the way he mumbles in his sleep about an evil counterpart... (12u3ie.)
-Hands corral him, pushing him forward. Mumbo twists and writhes, trying to escape from the iron grip pulling him forward. Where his tongue still capable of forming complex sounds, he would be protesting vehemently. Nowadays, words are harder to come by, too clunky and heavy for his tongue to try. As it is, he can barely even manage the word no. 'I don't want this!' He screams, but only Cleo spares him a glance. Her eyes shine, wet with tears and pity that turns his stomach.
"We'll find a cure," Someone else promises. From a haze of shattered memories, a face forms. It takes another moment for him to remember a name. Grian. His voice is flat, toneless, but edged with iron and a promise. With one final pull, he's dragged into the windowless room, lined with lockers and benches. Mumbo's breath rattles heavily in his chest, as the iron door swings shut behind him. "I'm so sorry." Whispers seep through the thin walls. "I can't believe he bit Ren." (Anon.)
More to be added!
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
OVA I - Date gone wrong
Somewhere in Asmo's room, Asmo is trying to find the right outfit for his date. He ends up calling up Ichigo and Haruka to his room.
Ichigo: Sis, what's wrong? What happened??
Haruka: Whoa, I did not expect that-
Why did she say that? Because Asmo's bed is full of clothes and ironically this fashionista can't find a good outfit of the day.
Haruka: What's happening? Why are your clothes all over the place?
Asmo: That is the problem! I have no idea what to wear!!
Haruka: To wear to...?
Asmo: Solomon asked me out on a date... it's been a while since I go out with him and I panicked so here we are!
Ichigo: O-oh! Fashion emergency! Right, right. We'll help you.
Haruka: Yeah, we'll help you!
And they did. First off is just normal things he wears every day, the second one is the cute strawberry dress but he wore that already so here we are on the third option.
Ichigo: This is the one...
Haruka: I think so too!
Asmo: Ah finally, I have a good outfit for the date! Thanks a lot, you two! I owe you one!
Ichigo: It's okay, it's the least we could do... ^^
Asmo: Oh well, it's time for me to do my hair and my make-up. Now out!
Haruka: You're kicking us out?
Asmo: Yes.
Ichigo: I-
Before Ichigo can even talk, she hears the brothers creating chaos again, so they have no choice but to get out and deal with that. Especially since they hear Lucifer's shout of one name,
Lucifer: M A M M O N!!!!!!!!
Ichigo: Okay...guess we do have a reason to get out.
Haruka: Yeah... let's go^^
Once they're out, they see Solomon and Mammon arguing in the hallways with Lucifer facepalming.
Ichigo: What happened?!
Lucifer: As you can see... [sigh]
Mammon: I'm just being a good brother and-
Solomon: How is preventing me from dating your brother is being a good brother?!
Mammon: First off, you are sus! Second of all, my little brother Asmo is too precious for you!
Solomon: .... He's the one who confessed to me first though... :(
Mammon: Still! If you dare hurt my little brother.... [transforms into his demon form] YOU'RE D E A D!
Lucifer: .... [sigh in where should I hang him again]
Solomon: Lucifer, you agree to me dating Asmo right?!
Lucifer: Not quite, but as long as Asmo is happy.
Ichigo: [sigh] Here we go again... Mammon, calm down. They've been dating for years.
Mammon: tsk. He's still sus nonetheless
Lucifer: Mammooooonnn!!
Mammon: Eek! See you, humans! Bye! [runs off]
As Mammon runs off, Asmo appears with Mammon running towards him.
Asmo: Mammon wtf- OmG!! [falls off lol]
Human trio: Asmo!!
Asmo: Nooo! My haiiirr!! ;-;
Asmo: Mammon.... I'm gonna kill you!
Mammon: Got no time for that! [still running away]
Unironically, a certain tall demon is there. Of course, Mammon didn't see that and bumped on Beel yet again.
Beel: Mammon?
Mammon: Hehe... hi...
Beel: What happened? Hey, Asmo, are you okay?
Beel: .... oh...
Lucifer: Beel! Hold him back!
Beel: I am... :D
Mammon: LET GO OF ME!!
Beel: Lucifer told me to hold you back though
Mammon: That doesn't mean you should listen to him!!
Satan: As much as I dislike him, you've crossed the line
Mammon: Tf! Where did you come from?!
Satan: Oh, I was behind Beel.
Mammon: [sad/scared noises]
Lucifer: Thank you, Beel^^ [dragging Mammon away]
Beel: No problem! Enjoy your punishment Mammon!!
Mammon: f*ck you!
Lucifer: ^^Language
Mammon: ugh...
Okay back to Asmo and Solomon and the others.
Ichigo: Do you want me to help you with that hair?
Asmo: .... Uhm... I don't know...
Ichigo: I can always help styling it^^
Asmo: I'm gonna be late though :(
Solomon: It's okay, my love^^ You look just fine. We'll just need to brush them.
Ichigo: That's right! Here let me help you! [brushes Asmo's hair and basically fixing it]
Asmo: Ichigo you saint!! Thank you so much!
Ichigo: You're wel- [sees Solomon and Haruka arguing]
Haruka: Oh ho ho ho since when have you been dating him?
Solomon: ....years?
Haruka: How many years?
Solomon: .... since forever after? HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!
Asmo: 30 years to be exact^^ [glares at Solomon] you didn't remember our anniversary?!
Solomon: I do... I just don't know how many years have we been dating...
Satan: and that's how he got 50 on our math test^^
Asmo: pfft-
Ichigo: He did?
Haruka: What?
Satan: Ichigo, you're literally in the same class with him.
Ichigo: That's been weeks! How am I supposed to remember?!
Satan: Touche, ironically I'm in a different major yet I remember^^
Ichigo: Whatever. Aren't you guys going on your date?
Solomon: Oh yeah, we are! Let's go, my love^^
Asmo: Let's go!
And so, Asmo and Solomon went on their date, specifically to the human world and Solomon being Solomon uses a portal to get there. Mammon of course is hanged by Lucifer's chandelier, we have no idea how long he's gonna be there though.
Satan: Anyways, what do we do now?
Beel: Eat +w+
Satan: You just frickin eat my APPLE PIE twice!
Beel: You told me I can have it :((
Satan: Right....avatar of gluttony. Shouldn't be surprised.
Ichigo: How about we go to Madam screams, Hon ^^
Beel: Sure, let's go!
With that, this leaves Satan and Haruka alone in the House of Lamentation. The two have no idea what to do, sure Satan has a lot of ideas for this like going to the cat cafe, library, art museum, his least choice is the mall, he dislikes it a lot.
Satan: So, what do you want to do?
Haruka: Hmm... I don't know... maybe I'll just draw or do some karaoke or something. Maybe walk around or....play some games.... probably with Levi if he's around.
Satan: Oh.
Haruka: What?
Satan: So you prefer to hang out with Levi? [leaning closer to her]
Haruka: w-wait no! That's not what I meant- [moving backward bcs why the fck is he so close-]
Satan: Then what do you mean by that? [haha kabedon happens]
Haruka: uh.... [trying to escape] you're too close.... [sweat drops]
Satan: I'm waiting^^
Haruka: I mean.... [hugs him instead] I do like playing games with Levi but I don't mind hanging out with you^^
Satan: .... [blushes a bit bcs Haruka barely does skinship on him]
Haruka: Are you by chance....jealous? Because of me playing with Levi?
Satan: What if I am? You know I'm really possessive about you, right?
Haruka: True...then we'll do what you want! What do you want to do?
Satan: I have a couple of ideas in mind^^
Haruka: Hm? What are they?
Satan: Well we can go to cat cafe, the library, art museum, probably the mall but we'll probably end up in a book store instead.
Haruka: Hmm... how about walking around the garden?
Satan: Hm? Garden?
Haruka: The castle's garden^^
Satan: Can we actually go there?
Haruka: Of course! He'd accept us. Why? Scared?
Satan: Me? Scared? Quite bold of you to assume such things. [more kabedon]
Haruka: Satan! Stop tha- Oh! There's a cat!
Satan: Huh?! Where?! [looks around]
With that, Haruka escapes all the way to the castle leaving Satan confused in house of lamentation.
Satan: ...where did she go??
Meanwhile, in Madam's scream, Beel is enjoying his 2nd plate of waffles as Ichigo watches him as she sips on her drink.
Beel: Oh, you have something near your lips...
Ichigo: Hm? Which part?
Beel: Right here^^ [takes the cream off easily with his finger]
Ichigo: O-oh... [blushes]
Beel: It tastes really sweet by the way^^
Ichigo: Eeeh?!
Beel: It really is
Ichigo: You can just ask if you want some-
Beel: Well where's the fun in that^^
Ichigo: [huffs]
Beel: By the way, do you want some? [offers his waffle]
Ichigo: N-no thanks... I'm not hungry-
Beel: Not even one bite? It's the strawberry one~
Ichigo: F-fine... [accepts Beel's offer]
Internally, Ichigo is really confused. Since when is Beel such a romantic? Well, he always is but since when is he this smooth. He's usually clueless just pretty much viewed as innocent and slow. But here he is.
Beel: Well, I'm more comfortable with you now so I can show you the real me^^
Ichigo: The real you meaning gremlin Beel?
Beel: Not necessarily a gremlin but I can be that if you want me to-
Ichigo: I- no thank you;///;
Beel: Oh too bad, you're so cute to tease^^
Ichigo: Beel! ;////; please-
Beel: Hm? Oh my! You've turned into a cherry! Did I overstep?
Ichigo: ....n-not really but... I-I don't mind this side at all [blushing really hard]
Beel: Alright then^^ [pats her].
Ichigo: I- Uh, your waffle isn't finished yet...
Beel: Oh yeah. Where do you wanna go next by the way?
Ichigo: The mall?
Beel: Hmm... Sure^^ We can go to that mall. Right after I finish this
Ichigo: Aw okay then^^
Now back to Haruka, she's now in the castle meeting Barbatos who's very very confused.
Barbatos: Are you okay?
Haruka: Yeah- [pants some more] I'm okay-
Barbatos: Do you want some tea? Water?
Haruka: Tea... make it cold
Barbatos, internally: Such a crime...but okay
So Barbatos prepares ice tea despite him disliking it. He also provides sugar cubes instead she needs them.
Barbatos: Here you go^^ [put the glass to the table]
Haruka: Thank you, Barb!
Barbatos: You're most welcome. It is my duty to serve Lord Diavolo's guests^^
Haruka: Speaking of him, where is he?
Barbatos: In a meeting, he won't be home until.... 5 pm I believe. It seems to be a long event.
Haruka: Oh? You're not going with him?
Barbatos: Unfortunately not^^ He told me to stay put and keep the castle safe.
Haruka: Ah I- [sees Satan appearing at the castle] Oh sht-
Barbatos: What's wrong?
Haruka: Hide me.
Barbatos: Come again?
Haruka: Hide me from that! [points at Satan from a distance]
Barbatos: Oh my goodness! [teleports the two of them away before Satan can even reach them]
Satan: [pants as soon as he reaches the table] Where did they go??
Meanwhile, Haruka and Barbatos end up in the kitchen.
Barbatos: You will be safe here. What happened? Did you have a fight with him?
Haruka: Not necessarily a fight.... he's just acting weird again...
Barbatos: Weird? How weird?
Haruka: He's just acting weird! When I talked about gaming with Levi, he instantly corners me into a wall and leaning closer. It's just so weird!!
Barbatos: Ah I see... [holding back his laugh]
Haruka: It isn't funny, Barb! I'm scared and creeped out! What's happening to him?!
Barbatos: Maybe you're discovering a new side to him. Good luck getting used to it^^ I'll return you to him.
Haruka: What?! Barb- Nooo!! [got returned to Satan]
Back at the table, Satan is walking around until he hears a portal opening on top of him, and here comes Haruka falling down from that portal.
Satan: Huh? [looks up] Oh my! [catches her in time] You could've fallen for me in another way^^
Haruka: Tha-that's not the point! [flicks his forehead]
Satan: At least you're not injured^^
Haruka: L-let me down! I can walk by myself!
Satan: Not a chance, you'll run off again. Especially when I want to hang out with you.
Haruka: There you go again! Acting weird again!
Satan: What? Is my calm demeanor shocking to you?
Haruka: Y-yeah... sort off. Get that handsome face away from me! [looking away]
Satan: Oh? So you think I am handsome?
Haruka: Uh- Shut up, you stupid raging ball of chaos!!
Satan: I don't remember being stupid considering I got first ranked in our class^^ [talking as he's walking out of the castle]
Yeah, anyways, the two end up going to the mall. Yes, I'm talking Beel and Ichigo. Satan and Haruka went to that same mall but we'll talk about that later. Now let's watch Mammon get punish.
Mammon: How long am I staying here again?
Lucifer: 30 more minutes.
Levi: Ha! That's what you get for being stupid!
Mammon: Say that to your math exam, you weeb!
Levi: At least I got 65! Unlike you on that English exam!
Mammon: English is difficult you piece of-
Lucifer: [glaring at them] Levi, do you want to be hanged as well? I told you to come here to watch him, not create more chaos!
Levi: No thank you. Right, so I'm here to watch him?
Lucifer: correct. I'm pretty late for my meeting with Lord Diavolo. I just skipped two periods of it so I'll be off^^ Make sure he doesn't create trouble. If anything happens just contact me or maybe the angels. I'm sure Simeon would love to drench him in holy water
Mammon: What?! Nooo!!
Levi: You can count on me! I'll make sure he doesn't escape.... can I do it though?
Lucifer: I believe in you, Leviathan^^ Please do your best
Levi: O-okay... I'll try my best [nods]
Now back to the mall. Beel and Ichigo end up in a clothing store. Beel has 0 idea what fashion was but he likes watching Ichigo try out some of the clothes.
Ichigo: So? What do you think?
Beel: It looks great! Probably looked better on the floor in our room-
Ichigo: Beelzebub Morningstar!
Beel: no no no I'm joking. It looks great! I prefer the last one you wore though. The floral top and the red skirt.
Ichigo: Oh... well what about the pink collection? What's your choice?
Beel: Hmm...
Ichigo: Don't you dare make a dirty joke!
Beel: Do you want me to?
Ichigo: Beelzebub! [yeets a shoe at him]
Beel: [luckily catches it] Now, now, there's no need to get worked up, sugar^^
Ichigo: ^^ I might throw another one if you keep on making that dirty joke
Beel: Is your shirt next- [got hit by another shoe]
Ichigo: You've hung out too much with Asmo! Or have you been watching those animes with Levi?!
Beel: What anime are you talking about? I did watch the one with desserts on it.
Ichigo: Specify which anime was it...
Beel: Well there's a lot actually...
Ichigo: Doesn't explain this sudden change [glares at him suspiciously]
Beel: I mostly just focus on the food so I guess... this is just me being comfortable with you^^
Ichigo: Right- So the pink collection! Which one?
Beel: isn't that white?
Ichigo: Yeah but most of them are pink so they somehow called it the "pink collection" which is odd I know.
Beel: The puffy pink one looks nice, the white dress too^^
Ichigo: So both?
Beel: Both^^
Ichigo: Since you like both... are you gonna pay for it?
Beel: I might if you need help paying for it.
Ichigo: The-then we'll get this too! [shows a floral dress]
Beel: Anything for you^^
Beel: Ooh! So that's the anime that has all the food :o
Ichigo: Hm? What do you mean?
Beel: Never mind^^ Don't mind me! Let's go and pay for the clothes~
Ichigo: Okay, let's go^^
As they walk to the cashier, their hands keep on brushing on each other that Beel ends up holding her hand.
Ichigo: U-uh can you hold them properly like that?
Beel: I'll be fine^^
Ichigo: Do you not want me to help?
Beel: It's okay, you already have enough stuff in your bag, plus your hand seem heavy I have to hold it for you-
Ichigo: [blushes furiously] Shut up you gluttonous bear!
Now, let's go upstairs. Now Haruka and Satan are looking at a menu on some restaurant in that mall.
Haruka: So... what do you want to order?
Satan: Are you on the menu?
Haruka: [steps on Satan's foot] I'm not food!
Satan: Ouch! Geez, you're so violent today!
Haruka: Says you! Since when is your brain as dirty as mud?!
Satan: [chuckles slightly] Oh? How do you know?
Haruka: OMG! Shut up you furry!!
Satan: Oh well, I'll order this one^^ [to the cashier]
Haruka: I'll have the sizzling beef curry rice, the package one!
Cashier: I see, so one sizzling beef curry rice package, Beef, and Salmon pepper rice. Is that all? Anything else? No drinks? [to Satan]
Satan: Oh... hmm.... I'll have Lemon Tea^^ Thanks a lot, Miss
Cashier: N-no problem o///o
Haruka: Tsk. [looks away sulkily]
Cashier: Here's your alarm when the food is ready^^ Hope you enjoy [gives the alarm to Satan]
Satan: Thank you^^ Have a nice day, Miss.
Cashier: y-you too, sir o///o
Haruka: [glares at the cashier]
Cashier: O-O
Haruka: [gives the cashier a warning look]
Satan: Oh? A little jealous I see^^
Haruka: I'm not!
Satan: I'm just being polite, babe. There's no harm in that^^
Haruka: Whatever. Sit here! I'll go sit there!
Satan: Oh? Why so?
Haruka: Because I want to!
Satan: Alright then, let's go, we'll sit there^^
Haruka: N-no! I meant-
Satan: Come on, let's go~ [leads Haruka to that far away seat]
Haruka: You stupid raging ball of chaos!!
Satan: For the last time, I'm first ranked in our class, that insult doesn't affect me. ^^
Haruka: Whatever! Do what you want!
After a few minutes, the alarm starts to ring. Haruka of course is still sulking so Satan ends up getting the food for them. As he gets them, the female cashiers are gushing because of how handsome he is.
Satan: I know, but unfortunately I'm taken^^
Cashier 1: oh... :(
Cashier 2: Really?
Satan: Yes, I'm taken. So just give me my order. [went to cynical mode]
Cashier 1: He-here it is sir! [gives the foods and drinks to him]
Satan: Thank you. [flat face lol]
With that Satan returns to his table and finds Haruka texting on her DDD turns out she's talking to Ichigo.
Ichigo: Just got out from Majolish, you?
Haruka: Majolish? Are you in Devildom's city mall?
Ichigo: Yeah... why?
Haruka: Omg gurl! I'm at Paper Lunch!
Ichigo: ....3rd floor?
Haruka: Yeah?
Ichigo: Omg we should hang out!!
Haruka: Well Satan and I are gonna watch a movie after this, do you wanna come?
Ichigo: Depends on the movie. If it's gore then I'll back away.
Haruka: I dislike gore as well, don't worry. I prefer action though.
Ichigo: Oh yeah, action is good.
In real life, their boyfriends are curious so they peek through their phones.
Ichigo: Beel... you're a bit too close...
Beel: Oh, I'm just curious. Who are you texting?
Ichigo: Haruka. Who else?
Beel: Just in case it was another guy.
Ichigo: Solomon?
Beel: [nods]
Ichigo: [smacks Beel's shoulder] you idiot! That'd mean I'm interrupting his date with Asmo! Why would I disturb his date?!
Beel: You guys seemed really close so-
Ichigo: Since when are you bothered by this?? [confusion went brr] I thought you trusted me!
Beel: I do, what I don't trust is him^^
Ichigo: No worries, Solomon and I are just buddies^^
Beel: Okay^^ I'll trust you.
The same thing happened with Satan, Satan is secretly peeking at Haruka's phone. Haruka is of course oblivious until she heard Satan's voice.
Satan: The food's here^^
Haruka: [looks up] Gah! Why are you so close?!
Satan: Curiosity. Who are you texting?
Haruka: Ichigo...?
Satan: Ah...
Haruka: Who do you think I was texting?
Haruka: ....Solomon?
Satan: [nods] You guys seemed really close.
Haruka: [pushes his forehead away] We're just friends but I'm clearly texting Ichigo. Here, you can read the chatroom. [hands him her phone]
Satan: O-oh....okay [reading the chatroom as Haruka eats]
Haruka: Anyways, wanna watch a movie after? [accepting her phone back and putting it into her purse]
Satan: Hmmm we can do that. What movie are we watching though?
Haruka: We'll just see.
Satan: Sounds fair.
As they're eating, Ichigo and Beel appear beside them.
Ichigo: Hi^^
Beel: Whoa! That smells really good!
Satan: no no no no order one yourself!
Ichigo: Hon...^^ didn't we just ate?
Beel: Well...yeah. Let's just order drinks or snacks.
Ichigo: Pudding! Let's order that
Beel: Sure^^
So, Beel and Ichigo order their food. The cashier is intimidated by his height. He was about to flirt with Ichigo actually because Ichigo is pretty and friendly.
Beel: I'll order 3 chocolate puddings, what about you, sugar?^^
Ichigo: I'll have oreo cheese!
Cashier 3: So...three chocolate puddings and one oreo cheese pudding. Anything else, miss? Drinks?
Ichigo: Hm... I'll have blackcurrant, what about you, Beel?
Beel: .... I'll have the chocolate milkshake^^
Cashier 3: Alright then, that'd be [insert price here] and here's the alarm, miss^^ [gives it to Ichigo]
Ichigo: Thank you^^
Beel: [glares at the cashier]
Cashier 3: A-anyways, here's your changes! Have a nice day^^
Ichigo: You too!
Once they sit down, Satan notices Beel's mood is sinking down.
Satan: You okay?
Beel: I'm fine... all this overthinking is making me hungry :((
Ichigo: The food is gonna come anyway^^ don't worry.
Beel: Hm.
Ichigo: Beel? Beelzebub? Honeybear?
Beel: Oh? So now you call me Honeybear? [leans closer to her]
Ichigo: I-is that a bad thing? [moving back]
Beel: That cashier is clearly about to hit on you though.
Ichigo: Aw Honeybear, don't worry^^ I was just being polite. I only love you remember?
Beel: You should, I'm not sharing you with anyone
Before Ichigo can answer him, she feels a vibration in her pocket. She fishes out the alarm and turns out their food is done.
Ichigo: Wanna go get the pudding together?
Beel: Sure^^
And so, Beel and Ichigo go to get their pudding. This time it's Cashier 2 giving them the pudding. Luckily no chaos happened.
Beel: Thank you! Have a nice day!
Cashier 2: You too, sir^^ Enjoy your meal!
Ichigo: ...Is that guy okay?
Cashier 2: Cleary not, but don't mind him. Enjoy your meal, miss^^
Ichigo: Alright then^^
After their lunch, the four of them go to the theaters to see what movie are they gonna watch. The list is endless and they're now confused.
Beel: none of them seem delicious. So Nah, I'll let you guys choose.
Ichigo: You're not eating a movie...
Beel: I know, but I'm letting you guys choose^^
Satan: What about that one? [points to a scary-looking poster]
Ichigo: Venom II?
Haruka: Ooh! I like that! We can watch that since I've watched the first movie.
Satan: There's the first movie?
Haruka: Y-yeah.... ^^
Satan: Then it'd be spoilers.... what about this one?
Haruka: Jungle Cruise sounds fun^^ An Adventure comedy movie
Satan: What about the others? Wait where did Beel go?
Ichigo: ...going to see the food:")
Satan: [sigh] Well, what do you think? Shall we watch this?
Ichigo: Yeah, it sounds fun. ^^ I'll be right back though [goes to search for Beel]
Haruka: So, Jungle Cruise?
Satan: Yeah. Sir, we'll have four tickets for Jungle Cruise.
Theater Cashier: Oh, which seat sir?
Haruka: B! Let's go with B!
Theater Cashier: Oh, you're in luck! The B seat is empty for now^^
Satan: That's great! We'll have four tickets in that B seat.
Theater Cashier: ^^ Okay. The total would be [insert price]
This time Satan paid for the tickets despite Haruka's protest. He just simply told her to pay him back if she feels that bad. Meanwhile, Ichigo is confused because Beel actually ordered drinks instead of food.
Ichigo: Just drinks?
Beel: Yeah, I'm thirsty... in both ways.
Ichigo: [smacks Beel's shoulder] Beel!
Beel: Alright, alright, I bought drinks for you guys though^^
Ichigo: Eh? Really?
Beel: Yep! A sweet ice tea for Haruka, Lemon tea for Satan, Strawberry tea for you, and....water for me ^^
Ichigo: Water? Are you sure?
Beel: Yep! Since I've drunk a lot of sweets at least I have to clean my palate.
Ichigo: That's smart^^
So here they are in the B seat. Here are the seat orders; Haruka, Ichigo, Beel and Satan. Of course, the boys are sort of disappointed with the seating order.
Satan: But-
Haruka: Sit with your brother! I prefer to hang out with my best friend rather than you and your dirty jokes!
Satan: What even did I do?!
Haruka: [rolls her eyes and seats on her seat]
Beel: Sugar, are you sure?
Ichigo: I am^^ don't worry. I'm beside you anyways~
Beel: Oh yeah, yay!
Ichigo: no touchy-touchy though! >:o [cute angy noises]
Beel: I won't promise, especially when you look this cute^^
Ichigo: Tsk. Whatever you gluttonous bear! Uh.... do you want some by the way? [offers the strawberry tea]
Beel: Oh thank you^^ [drinks the strawberry tea without any second thoughts]
Ichigo: How does it taste? Is it good?
Beel: It is, just like you^^
Ichigo: [blushes deep red] h-hon... I don't think flirting here is a good idea [sees Haruka and Satan in a bad mood]
Beel: Oh right... :(
Satan: [getting annoyed every second]
Haruka: [plays with her phone because the advertisement is annoying]
Haruka: wait... is that Asmo?!
Ichigo: Oh my goodness! You're right!
Asmo, in the ad: Use Majolish lipstick to get beautiful pucker lips! Mwah! [blows the kiss towards the camera]
Satan: [sigh] why must he be here...
Haruka: Whoa! I never knew he's an ad model!
Ichigo: So am I! That's so cool!
Beel: ...the lipstick looks delicious-
Ichigo: Hon...you can't eat lipsticks^^
Beel: Oh they were lipsticks?
Ichigo: Yeah??
Beel: Do you want me to buy you one?
Ichigo: So sudden?
Beel: Just feel like treating you^^ [pulls Ichigo closer so she can lean on his shoulder]
Ichigo: You don't have to though :<
Satan: [is on his limit] Can't you two just get a room?!
Ichigo: Deal with your own business! Plus we're gonna watch a movie, shut it!
Satan: Tsk.
So the movie has started. Everyone is enjoying the movie, including the couple. Haruka is enjoying every second of this and Satan is surprisingly amused by this movie. Yep, romance has left the chatroom for Beel and Ichigo because this movie is so funny.
Overall their movie adventure went well and they went home. As they went home, they waited for Asmo and Solomon to get back. Seconds become minutes, minutes become hours. It's to the point that It's already 10 p.m and he hasn't returned. This causes Lucifer to worried!
Lucifer: Have you girls seen Asmo?
Ichigo: Not that I know off, why? We just got back from the mall and didn't meet him there.
Lucifer: I see... it's already 10 p.m and he hasn't returned yet.
Satan: Knowing Asmo he'd probably bang Solomon again [coming in casually]
Lucifer: [smacks Satan's head] You! Since when did you have such a dirty mind?!
Satan: I always do, just not exposed much, D A D.
Lucifer: [glares at Satan]
Beel: I'm sure he'll be okay^^ Asmo can defend himself and so can Solomon.
Lucifer: I'm not concerned about that sorcerer. He can die for all I care. What I'm worried about is what he'd do to Asmo!
Beel: ...Oh my...you're right-
Lucifer: Oh well, I'll just search for him myself. Rest up you four^^ I'm sure you guys are tired. I'll be off [transforms to demon form and flies away]
Ichigo: Are you sure he doesn't need any help?
Beel: Sugar, you're literally this close to sleep. Come, I'll get you to your room.
Ichigo: It's fine.... I'll go myself. Just help me with the shopping bags...
Beel: I'll still help you though^^
As Beel helps Ichigo to her room, Haruka clings to Satan causing confusion of the avatar of wrath.
Satan: What's wrong?
Haruka: Lift me up.... to my bedroom.... [clinging on him]
Satan: As you wish^^ [haha bridal style]
Haruka: w-wait that's not what I expected- o////o
Satan: it's more comfortable for us anyway. Let's go^^ [carries her to her bedroom]
Haruka: B-but piggy back-
Satan: Just hold on to me, you can lean on my shoulder that way^^
Haruka: O-okay >////<
The night, Lucifer is still looking for Asmo and he finally spots him on his way to the House of Lamentation.
Lucifer: Asmodeus!
Asmo: ...Lucifer?!
Solomon: WTF-
Lucifer: [flies down and lands right in front of them]
Asmo: I-I can explain...
Lucifer: It's okay, I'm sure you're really tired. What I need an explanation of is him. [eyes Solomon]
Solomon: M-me?
Lucifer: Yes. So, where did you take him?
Solomon: The human world....? and we went shopping [shows shopping bag]
Lucifer: Uh-huh...
Lucifer: Wait- you went to where?!
Solomon: Human world...?
Lucifer: That is clearly forbidden to demons without the approval of Lord Diavolo! What are you thinking?!
Solomon: You didn't ask where I want how am I supposed to know!
Lucifer: You are dating a demon! A high-level demon! Taking him to the human world is against the law!
Asmo: I-it's okay... I got one from Diavolo.... here! [shows a letter already signed by Diavolo]
Lucifer: Really? [sees the letter] Ah, so you did ask for permission?
Asmo: Of course... I'm not a rogue demon, Lucifer. Besides, I won't look good in prison clothing.
Lucifer: Alright. I'll get you back. You, go back to Purgatory hall.
Solomon: What-
Lucifer: You heard me, go back to your dormitory.
Solomon: What about his shopping bag?
Lucifer: Put them in his room then go back to purgatory hall. You're forbidden to stay in the House of Lamentation for three days.
Asmo and Solomon: What?!
Lucifer: Just Solomon
Asmo: that doesn't make it any better?! Who is going to deal with me when I'm in heat?!
Lucifer: Then we'll call him when you actually need him.
And so that ends this episode. All the three couples have their fun even though Solomon ends up with a punishment of not meeting Asmo for three days but he'll survive... will he....?
Simeon: It's okay, Solomon... it's just three days...
Solomon: I CAN'T!!! I MISS HIM A LOT!!! [sobbing dramatically]
Luke: It's been two days...
Solomon: Yeah TWO DAYS! EXACTLY! I can't even be apart from him for a few hours now it's for two days!
Michael: It's just two days, Solomon. You can focus more on your training or teaching Luke for his classes.
Solomon: [eating his ice cream in sadness]
The same thing is happening to Asmo, he's eating ice cream with the girls as they watch some random chick flick on the TV.
Ichigo: you'll be okay, it's just for a few days.
Asmo: Still! Who's gonna help me when I need help in that way?!
Ichigo: We can always call him when you really need him.
Asmo: I don't wanna cheat on him anymore. We've been in so many affairs because we can't see each other a lot so I end up doing stuff to a succubus but now I wanna focus my lust only on him, the one I truly love.
Haruka: Awww, that's really sweet of you Asmo!
Asmo: Yeah.... but for now I should deal with my toys for those three days if I need help and such.
Ichigo: there-there [pats Asmo] by the way... what have you been telling Beel and Satan?
Asmo: Hm? What do you mean?
Haruka: Satan is unusually dirty-minded yesterday.
Asmo: Oh? He did read a lot of sensual books so that explains his behavior.
Ichigo: What about Beel?
Asmo: Beel? He always is perverted! You didn't notice? Probably because he's really quiet the entire time that's why it came out that day. He's a demon, after all, a gluttonous one in fact. You don't think he'd use that sin on something else?
Ichigo: You mean....?
Asmo: Mmhmm^^
Ichigo: ... Oh my Lord...
Haruka: What has Satan be reading...
Satan: Some sensual books, as he said.
Haruka: Gah! Where did you come from?!
Satan: by the door...?
Haruka: Ish you! [smacks him]
Satan: ouch! Why are you so violent these days?!
Haruka: That's because of your perverted mind, you stupid raging ball of chaos!
Satan: You love this raging ball of chaos though^^
Asmo: ew, get a room.
Satan: Alright-
Haruka: Wait what- [get lift up by Satan] wait! Asmo! Ichigo!! Help me!!
Asmo: Have fun, darling~ ^^ [waves in a girlish way]
Ichigo: pfft- Good luck dealing with him.
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sweetest-honeybee · 4 years
To Hell and Back
Chapter 30
Summary: Xisuma isn’t doing all that great to say the least and neither is Keralis
Characters: Xisuma, Keralis, Evil X, Hels
TW: Fighting (not an overly violent or gorey chapter or anything)
Notes: Don’t really like how this chapter was written but I rewrote it like 4 times ;v; Also, I’m like 99% Keralis’s name doesn’t pop up as just Keralis in the chat but I’m too lazy to see what the hermits usernames are in the game lol
“What do you mean I’m being affected?! I’m fine!” Xisuma yelled, quite obviously proving Evil X’s point.
After what Ex said, the admin snapped at him repeatedly while he tried to explain what was happening. How Hels’s hateful personality was being used as fuel for Wels’s outbursts and if Xisuma let his anger get to him much longer, Evil X would be reaching the sickly state Hels was currently in. Hours ago when the knight was sleeping- it was probably nighttime in the overworld- he woke up suddenly complaining about pains he was having in his head.
In tears, might he add.
Obsessed with what Xisuma said to him, Ex took it as that he needed to help Hels. Unfortunately, that meant that he needed to get back to the overworld somehow and one elytra certainly wouldn’t carry both of them, he didn’t think. It would just break faster with the added weight. So, not wanting to ask the other Hermits for assistance since that didn’t count to him as ‘cleaning up his own mess’, he soothed Hels back to an uncomfortable sleep.
Throughout the next passing hours, Ex stayed awake. He had no problem with sleep, weirdly, he didn’t really feel tired even after being up for more than a full day. He watched as Hels slowly lost the color in his face and how he would start to shiver from The End’s everlasting breeze. That in itself was concerning since the knight never really was cold- radiating over 100 degree body heat had its pros for sure. Nonetheless, Hels had to prop himself up on the side of the mast to sit up and overall, he just felt awful. Every movement threw the world around him into a spin and something was mumbling annoyingly in the back of his mind. The Lord was probably punishing him with uncontrollable voices again. He was sluggish, for lack of a better word, because his counterpart was draining him of everything he had left in this vessel.
“Xisuma, take off your helmet,” Hels commanded hoarsely, giving the other his best glare he could muster. Unsurprisingly, Xisuma didn’t comply and only further made concerningly aggressive remarks about the situation. Mostly just saying how he got only a couple hours of sleep the night before and that he was just tired. Yet, none of them, not even Keralis, believed it for a second.
“Shashwamy, you’ve been acting weird the entire time on over here,” Keralis decided to comment. “I think they’re right.”
“Xisuma, if you keep yelling at everyone, I’m gonna end up just like Hels.” Ex stared at Xisuma, awaiting an answer. Growling- growling- at Ex, Xisuma popped the seal around his neck and lifted the helmet, intending to show off that he was just tired and irritated and didn’t, in fact, have red eyes.
Only he did. Very, very red eyes startled both Ex and Hels, the two crawling backwards away from the admin and drawing Hels drawing his sword. It nearly fell from his less than solid grip but he didn’t plan on dying yet. Keralis stepped back a few steps, not wanting to provoke whatever they saw. Xisuma turned to look at him over his shoulder and the man gasped at the sight, drawing his own sword as well.
“Sh….Shashwamy?” The blade wavered in his own grip as well.
Weirdly, it was so unnatural to see slitted crimson irises on the admin. His short, earthy brown hair, minimal stubble, and freckles crossed with an ‘X’ shaped scar across his face oddly supported his usually friendly demeanor. Now, he simply looked possessed and instead of being scared of how the trio fumbled to get away from him, Xisuma chuckled, a deep, sickening chuckle, at the reaction.
“Oh, this will be fun,” he said.
“Xisuma….” Ex muttered, making Xisuma’s head snap towards him. “Xisuma, you need to snap out of it!”
The admin stood, towering over the two still on the ground. Keralis crouched, awaiting some kind of attack or, if their luck happened to be any worse, The Lord of Darkness to appear and kill them all as well. Instead, he unfurled his elytra, speckled grey and white feathers stood out against the ship and he gripped his sword tight, firework rockets in his other hand. He had no intentions to hurt his friend, mostly since he didn’t want to lose him with respawn, but also that whatever it was in front of him, it wasn’t Xisuma.
“Xisuma,” he started, pulling the admin’s attention away from the pair on the other end of the deck. He swallowed the bitter lack of using the endearing nickname, but again, this wasn’t Xisuma. “You can take me on, but we leave the ship and we leave them alone.” He eyed the pair behind the admin.
Xisuma thought for a second. “And if I win?”
“If I die, you’ll be the one left with them here. But I can get you help, Shashwamy. You need to fight it.” The builder kept his voice even, softer than what he would’ve liked.
The admin’s gaze dropped briefly. With a blink, violet eyes were looking at him, but with another blink, they were gone. “You’ll regret trying this. Remember what happened to Tango, Keralis.”
Keralis swallowed thickly. “Yes, I know about Tango. Shashwamy, don’t let it get to you, you’re better than this.”
Xisuma then put his helmet back on, the redness of his eyes glowing through the visor. This time Keralis’s attempts had no effect on the admin. It made his stomach twist, but he stood his ground.
“Fine then. If I die, I come back for you, Keralis.”
The builder shuddered but both were in fully enchanted armor, thankfully, so he would take a few hits if it came to it and so would Xisuma….hopefully. He wouldn’t suffer Tango’s fate at least- Doc had told him and Impulse about it the day before.
Summoning his sword and spreading his elytra- deep green and black spotted pterodactyl wings- Xisuma pulled out his rockets, the pensive glare never leaving Keralis’s unusually large eyes. With that, he stood at the edge of the boat, falling backwards off of it, probably intending for Keralis to follow. He pulled himself up with a few flaps, the smoke of the rockets trailing behind him, and hovered directly over The Void. Keralis thanked everything that Xisuma was bad at PvP. Well, unless the weird evil force had more skill but he doubted that.
With a last glance at the pair on the deck, he fired off his rockets and flew off into the sky. He flew a bit lower than the admin, circling around him. Though, that hadn’t lasted long when Xisuma dived into his direction, already beginning to swing his sword.
He dodged the attack, maneuvering himself around the admin, taking a swing at his elytra to catch him off guard. Not enough to tear his wings, but enough to give him some fright. Keralis fired off more rockets and shot off into one direction. When he turned back around, the admin was coming at him with a speed he would swear was faster than an arrow. Xisuma successfully tackled the other and moved quickly to push his sword upwards into Keralis’s back but his hand was caught and before he knew it, a kick to the chest later and Keralis was flying off again towards the End City.
With yet another growl, the admin sped off towards him. They flew up and around the structure, some shulkers firing at them but the two weaved through the small attacks easily. Keralis flew off over The Void again, letting the admin follow him. Thankfully, the fight was more chasing than attacking and he was perfectly fine with that. Stopping just briefly, he fired off more rockets, flying back towards the city with a much faster speed than he had before. The builder didn’t look like he planned to stop, and Xisuma saw that the idiot was about to fly right into the side of one of the towers. The two were speeding up more and more and even Hels and Ex had no clue what Keralis was planning to do.
But that question was quickly answered when Keralis pulled up just before hitting the building and Xisuma was sent flying right into the side of it. Unfortunately, his armor must’ve given out at some point during the impact because the trio’s communicators buzzed as the admin turned to a puff of green, blue, and purple smoke.
Xisuma experienced kinetic energy
All of the items in Xisuma’s inventory fell meters down onto the endstone and Keralis tore his communicator from his pocket, typing furiously.
<Keralis> Nobody go see xisuma
<Keralis> You dont know whats happening but he and wels are being possessed and will kill you on sight
<Tango> Guessing you were attacked too
<Keralis> Yeah
Pocketing his communicator, and ignoring the various additional buzzes from it from what he assumed were the other Hermits, he flew down to the island. Sure, Xisuma had literally almost tried to kill him, but that didn’t mean the admin wouldn’t at least have his stuff saved. With a sigh, Keralis turned to the ship. Well, Xisuma did drop his elytra in the crash and it wasn’t hardly half broken by any means so Hels would use it to get back to the overworld. Agreeing to this thought, he fired off more rockets and made his way up to the ship.
For a second, Keralis wondered if either Evil Hermit was okay to fly such a long distance. Evil X was already beginning to lose his own color, but the knight was so far along in that process that Keralis didn’t even know if he was awake at the moment. Hels leaned against Ex’s side with a tired frown, breaths leaving in shallow heaves, and beads of sweat pooling over his face. He definitely wouldn’t be flying anytime soon.
Keralis debated with himself. He could see if Ex could carry him back to the overworld and just give him Xisuma’s elytra since they were a stronger set that could handle more weight. On the other hand, both Hels and Ex were probably at more risk of being attacked than the other Hermits but that could be prevented. Nonetheless, Hels needed help and Keralis didn’t want to leave the two to gather health potions….or harm potions. Poison? Did they work like zombie villagers?
He shook his head. Off topic, off topic. Right, well he could just contact the other Hermits, kind of explain what’s going on from what he knew. Though, Wels replied in chat earlier on so any plans would be watched and taken advantage of. He dragged a hand down his face with a groan, grabbing Ex’s attention. This was hard. He just wanted Doc and Impulse back here safely, too. And he wanted Xisuma as well, but that only brought on more worrying thoughts. Hopefully, when he respawned he snapped out of his weird trance. But that was a very iffy hope.
“I don’t know how to help,” he muttered, sending the pair a sad expression. “What do I do?” Ex, nor unconscious Hels, probably knew, but feedback was nice, he guessed. Even if it was the same statement repeated back to him.
Ex only mirrored his expression, turning to glance at Hels. “I….just want to help him. But I don’t know how to stop The Lord of Darkness. This just happens and I don’t think we can prevent it.” He turned back to Keralis. “There’s some people who can probably help but they’re not exactly….nice.”
Keralis perked up, interested in the possible solution. “Who?”
Ex rubbed at his neck, hanging his arm there. “The Evil Hermits. Mostly NPC Grian.”
Then, Keralis deflated. “Oh. There’s not like, a way we can convince them or….?”
The other shrugged. “That’s what I’m hoping Doc and Impulse can do.”
Well wasn’t that certainly news to Keralis. His eyes, already incredibly large as they were, widened at his statement. The fact that Ex said the very thing he was trying to figure out for more than an hour now so casually simply just annoyed him. Ex only rose a brow at Keralis’s increasingly ridiculous vague gestures while he stuttered to get his reply pieced together in his head.
“Wha- They’re in HelsCraft?! And you didn’t think to tell me this before?!” he finally yelled.
“You didn’t ask. You guys said The Lord of Darkness killed them and that they weren’t answering their communicators, so they’re probably in Hels. If we’re lucky, they’re not being tortured.”
Keralis rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help but to worry at the thought of his friends being hurt by whatever kinds of creatures were in Hels. He could only think by what Doc said that Hels told him that everything there was so bent on the idea of killing. Though, if Doc and Impulse were there for a reason, they wouldn’t simply be killed. It made, unfortunately, a bit of sense that the people there would have their own fun with a couple of people from the overworld. And Hermitcraft at that.
He crossed his arms, deciding now Ex would be good enough to drag Hels back to the overworld. The man was still his blunt, questionable self and that was enough for Keralis.
“Right, right. Well, we need to get back to the overworld. You can carry him,” he pointed a twirling finger at Hels, ”back there.”
Ex only replied with a huff, then thinking for a second. “Keralis, where did he respawn? Because if I know anything about Xisuma, it wasn’t at his base.”
“Ah….Well, it was in his base but it was….” His eyes widened at the realization. “Down the hall from Wels’s cell. That’s where The Lord of Darkness was, in the cell I mean. I dunno if he’s still there.” He facepalmed internally. They really were just better off keeping him on the boat.
Hastily, Ex pulled Hels and himself up, keeping the knight leaned against his shoulder.
“Let’s go.”
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poppytea333 · 4 years
Academy AU notes (Mostly Grian notes)
~ A nice senior college student.
~ Used to go Evo Academy before he had to change schools because of a certain event.
~ Has burn scars all over his body.
~ Doesn't talk that much but he will sing sometimes (but lately he hasn't been singing a lot and the hermits are admittedly worried about him).
~ Is rivals with Doc.
~ Is best friends with Mumbo, Iskall, Ren, Impulse, Stress, Joe, Xisuma, and Scar.
~ Is currently dating a girl that he loves very much.
~ Likes to cook, in fact, besides Joe and TFC, he is the third cooker/baker in the dorm.
~ Is studying architecture and building.
~ Is new to redstone but is understanding it slightly.
~ Has two pet cats named Maui and Pearl but also has a pet parrot named Professor Beak.
~ Doesn't like to be near fire that much.
~ Misses his old friends dearly.
~ Seems shy and nervous when you first speak to him but once you get to know him you can see how an absolute gremlin he is.
~ Has a locket that has a picture of his old friends inside it.
~ Have nightmares and panic attacks about the event at Evo.
~ Likes to write music and sing.
~ If you say your hungry around him, he would somehow throw you (or hand you) a random snack he gets from his satchel that he wears most of the time.
~ You think Joe being the dad of the group is bad? Try Grian, even though he doesn't talk that much (only talks to Mumbo, Iskall, Ren, Impulse, Stress, Joe, Xisuma, and Scar) he would go full on dad mood if something bad happens to one of the students at the dorm.
~ He gets bullied for his scars.
~ He keeps to himself.
~ Likes to draw a lot, he says it helps him get things off his mind. (He's really good at drawing!).
~ His dorm is surprisingly clean and he has a lot of money for some reason.
~ Has a job outside of the academy, it pays well.
~ He is abnormally strong, he could lift you up at any given time (seriously when Doc was sick that one time, Grian lifted him up on his shoulders and took Doc to his room which was with Beef, Etho, and Bdubs. Scare the shit out of the three when he busted in and threw Doc onto his bed and just left only to say "Take care of him, he's sick).
~ Is a gremlin, once he gets to know you, run, as you are his next person to prank.
~ Doesn't like to take breaks during a project.
~ Likes tea and coffee a bit too much.
~ Doesn't usually get sick and he doesn't usually overslept but when he does it can be worrying.
~ Gets sleep deprived a lot.
Relationships with the other hermits.
Him and Grian are rivals, the other hermits would often have bets on who would snap at each other. Though the two do worry about each other from time to time. He would say "Even though he and I are rivals, we do care for each other."
The first hermit (along with Iskall and Xisuma) to welcome Grian to the dorms when he first arrived. Helped Grian with his nightmares and panic attacks. "He's like my little brother! Which is strange because I am younger than him."
The second hermit (along with Mumbo and Xisuma) to welcome Grian to the dorms when he first arrived. Thinks of Grian as a little brother and helps him with his panic attacks and nightmares. "I will kill everyone in this dorm and than myself if anything happens to Grian."
Xisumavoid (X or Xisuma):
The third hermit (along with Mumbo and Iskall) to welcome Grian to the dorms when he first arrived. Helped Grian get out of his shell more and also let Grian keeps his pets. "He's cool, though he is an absolute bastard when it comes to pranks but again he's fun to be around."
When he heard that their was going to be a new student living at the firm's he was excited. Though what he didn't bargain for was the student having lots of nightmares and panic attacks but he didn't mind it. "I would personally adopted him."
When she first met Grian she instantly felt protective over him, and whenever Grian gets sick (which rarely happens but when he does it's worrying) she takes care of him along with Joe. "I will protect Grian at all costs, even though he would most likely protect me most of the time."
She doesn't know much about Grian only the fact that he came from another school after an horrible event happened at that school. "I want to talk to him more but due to my classes I really can't which is such a same."
Spoke to Grian a couple of times but if she told you her thoughts on him it would be "A precious small bean that needs to be protected."
He is the only adult supervisor in the Hermit Dorms but he welcomed Grian with opened arms, he is usually the one to help Grian when needed. "He doesn't cause that much trouble like the other kids, though he needs to work on his relationship with Doc more."
Hasn't spoken to Grian lately but he had heard stories/rumors about him going about, but their good rumors not the bad ones. "I wish I could meet him, but from what I could see, he's a shy kid which I don't blame him."
Doesn't know Grian personality but he does know that both he and Doc are rivals. "I guess he's cool, when he heard that I was sick one time he cooked me some mushroom stew."
Haven't even spoken to the guy, though they did had a staring contest when Grian caught him by accident while going to the kitchen. "We just sorta.... Stared at each other before going back to what we were doing. Not the best impression of myself to be honest with ya."
Talked to Grian a couple of times but not as much as the other hermits. "Scare the living shit out of me when he came inside out room with Doc over his shoulders and he just threw Doc on his bed and was like "Take care of him, he's sick" and then he just left without a word."
Likes Grian as a friend and helps Grian out sometimes. "He's seem nice! Though I hope that he could come out of his shell more."
Is best friends with Grian and he would say "The little gremlin is a lot of fun and he is a prankster."
Is best friends with Grian and have small talks before going to bed "He's really friendly once you get to know him! I just wish there was a way to help the kid with his panic attacks and nightmares."
Is best friends with him and would help him with anything he needs "He's an amazin guy, we both like cats and have cats so we often hang out."
That's about it! I am not doing any of the other hermits as I do not know them well like I do with the ones up top. Hope you like this AU!
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ericsonclan · 3 years
When All is Muddled, Follow Your Heart
Summary: Sophie continues to have inner turmoil over her decision whether to stay with the Ericson pirates or live with Minnie. Until one day when she finally makes her choice...
Word Count: 4756
Read on AO3:
Sophie stared at the sky. It felt as though it was one of the only places to escape around here. She could feel the tension around her as she sat above decks. That fight that broke out a few days ago had left a bad taste in her mouth and the aura of feuding was still in the air. No one who was opposed to her staying with Minnie had said much of anything over the last few days. But it wasn’t like those for it were much better, always trying to be reassuring and give good reasons behind their thinking. It only made it worse for Sophie. She felt as though her mind could explode from the conflict inside it.
Her blue eyes glanced over at Mitch and Willy who were in the middle of carrying some boxes when Tenn and Violet walked by. Not much was said between the two sides but their looks made it clear that this decision had split the street rats. Sophie let her head fall and land on her knees. She hated this. She really truly did. Tilting her head to the side, Sophie began to focus on her thumb braces, her fingers fidgeting with them as her mind trailed onwards, stuck on this path. She felt trapped in between the two sides and there was no good place to think. Sitting above decks was awkward but below decks was just as tense as here. Going into Halverport wasn’t an option either since she’d feel pressure from Minnie.
The redheaded pirate’s mind traveled back to a memory from a few days ago, to the time she met with Minnie for a second time. Meeting with Minnie again went about as well as it could’ve. Sophie told her she needed a bit more time and luckily Minnie was understanding, telling Sophie to take all the time she needed, but Sophie could tell that her sister was sad. It was obvious that Minnie wanted Sophie to have chosen the option to stay with her right away. How could she though when she would be leaving a crew that saved her life, that had become like family to her? Sophie glanced over to where the street rat kids continued to work. She would be leaving them behind too. They had always had her back, risking their own multiple times to save hers. She would be an ungrateful person if she left them, right?
Can’t focus on that. Just take a breath and focus on the sketch. Sophie lifted her head up and grabbed her sketchbook and pencil. Her fingers struggled for a minute before gripping it firmly. Sophie remained silent, her eyes deeply focused on the page when suddenly her hand shook slightly, causing a line to veer off. She’d ruined the whole sketch in a single mistake.
“Shit.” She whispered under her breath, crumpling the paper before tossing it aside. “Shit… Stupid.. Why can’t I…” Sophie curled her fist for a moment then let the tension slip free. The redhead’s face fell as she looked down at the deck. Why can’t I decide? It should be easy. You chose family. That was always the right answer. The pirate’s frown deepened in annoyance at the fact that it could be argued that both sides were that to her.
With a quick flick of her wrist she moved to the next blank page. Looking around the deck, she tried to find a good subject for the sketch. Not a crewmember, not a feature of the ship… maybe…
Sophie began to draw, the world around her disappearing as she sketched her subject. Her pencil scratched and ran across the paper as she continued to get lost in her art.
“Hey, Soph. How’s it going?” A warm, familiar voice called out to her, breaking her escape and pulling her back into reality. Sophie glanced up and saw Marlon who gave a quick wave as he made his way over to her, Rosie in tow. The pitbull’s tail wagged faster at the sight of Sophie and she began to run over towards the redhead. The pirate gave a soft chuckle as the dog licked her fingers, making her put down her notebook for a minute to give Rosie some attention. “Mind if I join you?” The blond pirate asked with a calming smile.
“Yeah, sure. I’m just sketching or at least trying to.” An annoyed sigh left Sophie’s lips as she looked at her art. It looked awful. Marlon silently took his spot beside her while Rosie lay down between them. Sophie gave a few head scratches to her before resuming her drawing. She felt the tension around her decrease even if it was just a little bit. Marlon had such a calming presence to him that in this moment it felt like a small life raft for Sophie.
“So that fight a couple days ago was crazy, huh?” Marlon looked over at her sympathetically. “I didn’t think the argument would bleed over to dinnertime that night and the next night and wel..l.” Marlon paused for a second, clearly choosing his words carefully, “I thought you could use a friend right now.”
Rosie raised her head and looked over at Marlon who gave a small laugh before patting her head. “Sorry, two friends,” His words seem to please the pitbull who placed her head back down onto the deck and resumed taking in the warm sun rays.
“Yeah.” Sophie’s voice drew Marlon’s attention back to the redhead. “Everyone’s made it pretty clear where they stand.” Her voice became tight and shallow. “Those who spoke up later on said the same things that were brought up in the fight earlier. Some new words were added into their argument but it was all the same. AJ thinks that we can’t trust anyone who would hurt our friends. I get it. He’s just a kid and with how much Minnie has hurt this crew and his family...” Sophie shook her head and continued. “Omar just wants us to do what’s best for us. ‘Whatever decision you make I’ll respect.’” Sophie’s fingers wandered over to her sketchbook and she began to tear out the page. “Aasim says there’s a third option. To go with you guys, sail the seven seas, be a pirate and visit Minnie every so often.” Sophie let out a long sigh as she stared down at her torn sketch.
“And what do you think?” Marlon glanced over at his best friend, his eyes searching hers.
“I’m not sure.” Sophie shook her head. “Both sides have valid points, but those two sides are clashing inside me. I don’t know if I would be going out of obligation for my family or it’s what I really want.” Her voice was a bit shaky as she looked down again. “I love this crew - we’ve been through a lot together. Through thick and thin. But I also love my family and it’s not fair to not give her another chance.” Sophie groaned, crumpling the page before placing it beside her.
“Minnie hurt us but she also helped us. She fought off Lilly and nearly gave up her life doing so. Prisha, Brody, Tenn, Mitch, Willy, me - we owe her our lives. But on the other hand she's tainted and hurt us in ways that are unforgivable. I don’t expect anyone on this crew to fully forgive her, but I also can’t turn a blind eye to the good she did. Or the good I know that's still inside her, that I saw that day on the Delta ship and when I met with her again. I know she is good. Maybe if Tenn and I were to stay we could help Minnie heal in ways she can’t alone. Or maybe that's too hopeful and being there would just bring up all the worst memories of her trauma.” The last part of the sentence seemed to sadden the redheaded pirate deeply. Sophie took a breath then glanced up and gave a smile for a split second before it faded. “But does the good that could come of this outweigh everything else?” She returned to her next attempt at a decent sketch. Silence settled in between the pair as Rosie gave soft snores, basking in the sunlight. “What do you think? You must have an opinion on this.” Sophie looked over at her friend. He had been mostly silent for days now; each time he was brought into the argument he would avoid answering. Marlon froze at her question, unsure of what to answer. The silence overtook the pair with only the sound of a pencil sketching on a page as Sophie tried to patiently wait for him to answer.
“As selfish as it might sound, I want you to stay. I really enjoy having you on Ol’ Kickass and sailing the seven seas together.” His words caused Sophie to look up. His face was sad as his eyes connected with hers. “But,” the blond took a moment to take a deep breath before continuing, “I also think that you should take this chance. You’ve been through so much Sophie, more than anyone should have to go through, and you’ve survived. But you have a lot weighing down your heart. I think if you go with your sister and Tenn, you could heal in ways that you just can’t on this ship.” He looked down, taking a shaky breath before looking back at her. “I don’t want you to hold onto a pain that could eat away at you when you had a chance to heal it. Plus,” he let out a tiny sniffle before smiling. “We can come to visit. This won’t be the last time you see the Ericson pirates.”
Sophie’s eyes grew in surprise, dancing with the emotions that were clashing within her heart. The redhead studied his face for a few seconds then closed her sketchbook. “Thanks, Marlon.” She placed a hand on his shoulder, giving a warm smile before standing up. Walking away, she made her way down to the sleeping quarters. She had a lot to think about. What was right or wrong from a moral standpoint wasn’t the right approach. She had to pick her choice with her heart: whether it would be best for her and Tenn and Minnie.  
Almost a week passed before Sophie had made up her mind. Knowing her decision, she asked Louis to call together the crew. They all gathered around; the anticipation and tension covered the air in a way that was only broken once Sophie spoke up. Summoning all her courage, the redhead looked at the deck for a few more seconds then up at her pirate family.
“Tenn and I are staying. We’re going to live with Minnie.” Sophie’s voice was calm and confident.
Whispers broke out amongst the crew as their different opinions started to clash once more before their voices got louder. Louis strode forward, placing one hand on Tenn’s shoulder and the other on Sophie’s. “Good for you guys! If this is what you really want, we’ll support you! Right?” He looked over at his crew, sharing a silent conversation. It would be better to be supportive and hold onto the connection than let their differing opinions and bitterness taint precious friendships. The crew nodded and Louis quickly ran forward and spun around. “I think you should let Minerva know the good news! In fact, why don’t you leave your chores to us and enjoy a day with her?”
Sophie stared at him. Something felt fishy but she couldn’t place it. What was Louis up to? She was drawn away from her thoughts, however, when Tenn grabbed her hand. “Come on, Sophie. Let’s go.”
“Okay.” Sophie smiled over at him. “We’ll be back by the evening.” With that the pair of siblings were off. Tenn talked excitedly with his sister, a genuine, calm smile was on his face as he swayed their joined hands back and forth. Sophie looked over at him, smiling and talking softly as they walked along.
Louis waved goodbye until they were far away before he spun around. “Are we ready?” His brown eyes searched those of his crew who were showing a variety of emotions. Willy and Mitch looked bitterly sad while others looked more worried than anything else. “Everyone agreed if they chose to stay here with Minerva we would buy them a place.” Louis stated. “It’s the least we can do for family. But we’re a little short on coin right now, so...”  A smile appeared on the captain’s lips as he reached a hand into his coat before producing a paper. It was a wrinkly quest page that held a picture of what looked to be a fearsome beast. “Who’s ready to hunt a giant sea monster!”
His excitement was met with mixed responses. The crew silently dispersed to prepare for the quest. They set off to a nearby island that held two palm trees that gave just enough shade for the wandering crabs on the miniscule beach. Prisha and Aasim went over the plan one last time with the crew before Mitch and Willy double-checked their bomb stash. Once they had arrived there they were set to attack but the waves were calm and silent, no monster in sight.
“Do you agree with the choice?” Prisha asked Clementine who was busy readjusting the sheath on her hip. Clem glanced over at her friend whose feelings on the matter were clear on her face.
“It’s not my place to judge,” Clementine leaned her hands on the side of the ship. She didn’t have to look to know that Prisha was upset that she didn’t delve into the subject or chose her side. “Tenn and Sophie have made their choice.” A moment passed between the pair of friends when Clementine opened her mouth again. “I am going to miss them though,” Her voice grew tighter on those words.
Prisha joined her friend and looked out at the clear blue water. “As will I,” She glanced back at Violet who was arguing with Mitch over something. Prisha’s expression grew more serious at the sight.
“They’ll be fine,” Clementine’s words made Prisha look over her way. “They’re just processing it.”
“They shouldn’t have to,” Prisha didn’t wait and went off to talk to Aasim one last time to double-check the plan.
“Prisha’s in a mood,” Louis’ voice drew Clem’s attention over to her love who had taken his place beside her. “I get it. I do. I think it will just take some time for the crew to accept their decision.” Louis looked around.
Brody seemed a bit out of it while Ruby walked beside her, trying to brighten up her friend’s mood. Marlon strolled by with Rosie, his eyes unfocused while his mind spun with conflicting thoughts. Clem was about to speak up and ask Louis what his thoughts were on the matter when the water started to churn and swirl before them. Slowly the waves rocked Ol’ Kickass back and forth as a sea monster emerged from the watery depths. Its red eyes burned into the souls of the pirates as its deep blue tongue slithered and aquamarine oozes seeped from its shiny scales. A high pitched, unnerving cry left its fanged mouth that made the crew cover their ears.
“Everyone, man your stations!” Louis called out and the Ericson pirates ran to their spots to prepare for battle. Clem, Prisha and Brody were in the front to act as distractions as they sent meaningless attacks to draw the attention of the monster. Brody threw small noisemakers Mitch had given her while Clementine slashed out her sword, scraping uselessly against the scales. Anytime either of them got their timing wrong, Prisha moved in to block a harsh attack from the beast’s tail. All this was to buy time for the others. Violet and Aasim worked together to set up the spot for Mitch and Willy as they placed their bombs in their pockets.
“Let’s do this for Sophie and Tenn,” Mitch looked over at Willy who gave a short, determined nod. Giving the signal, Louis began to shoot off cannonballs alongside Marlon and Omar. The impact of the shots did a fair amount of damage to the sea creature who hissed in pain and annoyance. Its shiny scales cracked and fell into the ocean as it swam closer to the cannons.
“Now!” Violet snapped and Mitch nodded, wrapping his arm around Willy and grabbing a rope in his free hand before he kicked a lever that sent them flying in the air. The pair landed on the ship’s bow and they began to sprint forward. Both grabbed onto ropes and swung down upon the monster. Mitch landed with an angry cry, digging his dagger deep into one of the sea monster’s eyes. His face and shirt became coated with eye juices while the creature hissed and squirmed in pain. Willy landed hard, embedding his knife into the other eye and completely blinding the sea monster. The two smiled at each other when they saw that the creature’s mouth was now open. Both of them took out a bomb and lit it before clinking them together and tossing them down the sea monster’s mouth.
“Hey, dumbasses! Haul ass!” Violet called out to them. Willy and Mitch nodded then proceeded to dive into the water. They had barely made it a few feet away when the bombs exploded, causing a pillar of smoke to leave the sea creature’s mouth and nostrils. It gave a hollow sound and collapsed, its body falling back and landing partially on the tiny island. The explosion and collapse of the creature made the ship tilt this way and that but soon the seas calmed.
The crew made their way over to the slimy corpse and stared at it. No one gave the usual victory cheers and congratulations that usually followed completing a quest. Only Louis seemed to try but grew silent when Willy let out an annoyed grunt and kicked the dead monster. Mitch walked forward and harshly jammed his knife into the neck of the creature.
“Stupid fucking… damn piece of…” Mitch grumbled with frustration.
“Let me help,” Prisha didn’t bother to wait for confirmation and began to work at cutting off the monster’s head as proof of their success. The crew stared at the massive head then began to work together to carry it onboard then silently began to prepare to sail back to Halverport.
“The bounty on this piece of shit should be enough to buy a pretty nice place.” Mitch mumbled as he worked to carry the head off the ship with Violet and Marlon.
“With the rest of our money it should.” Aasim added as he held open the door for them.
“Come on, guys! We don’t have much time!” Brody called out as she waved them over towards the person who had posted the quest. After a long talk with the quest giver who seemed shocked that they had returned alive and a very persuasive argument that Prisha and Clementine had with him to actually pay what he had promised, they got the reward money.
“Let’s buy them the most beautiful cottage.” Ruby smiled brightly at her crew who all gave short nods, small smiles on some of their faces.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to see their faces when they see it.” Omar replied, smiling softly as he walked alongside Aasim and Clementine.
“Alright, but let’s keep it a secret! We’ll buy the place today,” Louis exclaimed. “Then when tomorrow rolls around we can show Sophie and Tenn their new cottage home!”
The crew nodded in agreement and went back to Ol’ Kickass. They had all promised to push aside their feelings for the final night with Sophie and Tenn.
Instead they kept the conversation at dinner focused on the greatest adventures of Sophie and Tenn, celebrating the two pirates that had grown to mean so much to them. Each crew member went around telling their own favorite tale of the two siblings. The deck was filled with laughter and applause as the stories were told. Tenn laughed and smiled softly as WIlly and AJ got into a heated competition over who could tell the best story of Tenn while the others seemed focused on outmatching the last crew member with a tale of Sophie. Sophie smiled at the sight, her heart filled with warmth at the kindness of the crew she loved. Her hand gently petted Garbage who slept on her lap before Sophie gave Rosie a few head scratches. Tears began to prick her eyes as she glanced away at the open seas so the others wouldn’t see. She really would miss them dearly.
Sophie had no idea what the crew was planning as they led her and Tenn through the town. Willy and Aj jumped excitedly, pulling the pair of siblings along. Both of them were clearly caught up in whatever surprise awaited them at the end of this walk.The others smiled, obviously bursting with anticipation for whatever lay in store. They continued upwards towards a secluded spot by the sea. Right before they reached the top of the hill Louis called for everybody to pause.
“Alright, now close your eyes.” Louis instructed the siblings. Sophie and Tenn obeyed, letting the other pirates guide them the rest of the way up the hill. “On the count of three, open them. Ready?”
Sophie and Tenn nodded, their joined hands squeezing tighter together as they nervously awaited the surprise.
“1… 2…. 3!!!” The crew yelled.
Sophie felt her jaw drop at the sight in front of her. There standing before her was a small rustic cottage with a blue rooftop. Its simple brown door held a sign with the three siblings' names on it. It was obvious that the inscription had been rushed and done with a rather dirty knife. But still the sentiment behind it made Sophie let out a gasp as tears fell down her face. Tenn looked up at her with a smile, his own face wet with tears.
“You guys did all this for us?” Sophie’s voice cracked with emotion.
“Of course we did! You’re family!” Louis gave a bright smile toward his friends.
“Do you like it?” Willy looked up nervously. Sophie looked at the teen with a big smile. To think that all of them would do this for her and Tenn even after the decision they made and the fact that they were leaving. The depth of the love the Ericson pirates had was clear.
“I love it!” Sophie swept Willy up in a hug before Tenn joined in. Soon the rest of the street rat kids hopped in as well. Sophie’s body shook with emotion as tears ran freely down her face “I’ll miss you guys so much.”
“We’ll be back to visit.” Violet looked at her childhood friend with a small smile.
“No shit, Vi. Of course we’re visiting!” Mitch glanced over with a smirk. “Only way we’re letting them leave is with the promise of visits!” Violet let out a sigh, rolling her eyes good naturedly at him. Sophie let out a small laugh. After a few minutes Sophie and Tenn let go of the group hug and went around to say goodbye to the members of the crew. Ruby was the first to run up and hug Sophie.
“You be safe now. Just know that you can always count on us.” Ruby grabbed Sophie’s hands as she smiled at her. Sophie felt tears prick at her eyes.
“Thanks, Ruby. You were always so kind to me from the very first day we met. I can never thank you enough for that.”
“Aww, Sug, you don’t have to thank me for anything.” The two smiled at each other before they heard footsteps running up towards them.
“Sophie!” Brody called out as she walked through the group, apologizing as she bumped passed some of the crew members. “We’ll be back to visit soon, okay? Those swords… make sure you keep them on hand.” Brody’s voice took on a more serious note before a happy smile overtook her face. “I’m really gonna miss you on the ship. You and Tenn.”
The two girls glanced over to see Tenn saying goodbye to Omar, handing over a sketch to the cook who looked truly touched by the gift. Tenn was about to speak up when Willy and AJ appeared again to say what was surely the first of many final goodbyes. Brody and Sophie laughed before looking back at each other. “Point is you’ve always got a family on the seven seas.” Brody’s voice shook a bit with emotion as she tried to hold back tears.
“We’ll see each other again. When we do we can sit outside and talk about the adventures we had. Although I’m sure mine will be a little different now.” Sophie paused as she noticed  Violet and Mitch making their way towards her.
“Brodes,” Mitch looked over at the auburn pirate who gave a short nod before hugging Sophie and going off to say goodbye to Tenn. Sophie stood there with Mitch and Violet, none of them talking for a few moments. They all seemed unsure exactly how to start this.
“We’ll be back,” Violet’s pale green eyes looked over at her friend. “I know it will be tough and shit but this isn’t goodbye, at least not forever, because our hearts are connected… shit, that sounded dumb,” Violet shook her head in annoynace.
“Of fucking course we’ll visit. The street rat kids are never truly separated. Fate tried to fuck with us once and we’re still alive and kicking. No matter what, we're family!” Mitch grinned at Sophie who gave a bright smile and whacked her heart with her fist.
“Family till the day we land in Davy Jones’ Locker!” Sophie looked at her two friends before spitting in her hand. “We’ll meet again, make it a street rat promise.” Violet and Mitch stared at Sophie’s hand before spitting in their own. They each shook each other's hands then wrapped each other in a group hug. The three remained in that moment for a long time before Sophie noticed Marlon walking forward. He shifted his weight a bit.
“Vi, Mitch. Can I have a turn?” His voice sounded nervous.
“Sure,” Violet and Mitch gave Sophie a final wave and made their way over to Tenn for their final goodbye.
“I… umm…. I’m really going to miss you.” Marlon’s eyes were watery as he looked away. Sophie was shocked; she had rarely seen Marlon cry before. The sight of seeing her best friend crying made her own eyes start to tear up. She had been trying to hold it together for the most part and not cry at every goodbye, but one by one they added up until now when she couldn’t hold tears back anymore.
“I’m going to miss you too.” She gave a sad smile as the tears ran down her face.
Marlon looked over the redheaded pirate and returned the smile. “I’ll be back before you know it!” he exclaimed. “Counting down the days until then!”
“I can’t wait.” The two looked at each other for a moment then moved forward, wrapping each other in a tight hug.
“Stay safe,” Marlon whispered in Sophie’s ear.
“You too,” Sophie murmured, giving a small nod.
“I will. All the Ericson pirates will be safe. Nothing in all the seven seas can truly knock us down!” Marlon took a step back and gave a confident smile. Sophie chuckled. The pair continued to talk for a few minutes until everyone started to gather around and talk. After a while Louis made the announcement that the crew had to leave and that Minerva would be dropping by in a half hour or so. So the crew said their last goodbyes and they all joined in for a group hug. Sophie and Tenn held onto the hug for as long as they could but before they knew it it was over and their pirate family was making their way back to the docks. Sophie looked at her new home; an optimistic smile covered her face.. She looked over to her brother who gave her a reassuring nod. The redhead returned it before glancing at the sign with the three sibling’s names. She was hopeful. Hopeful of the path she had taken and the future it would bring.
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Cliff’s Kid
Trigger Warnings: Homophobia
OC character: Diana
A/N: ik the bi pride flag wasn't until like the 90s, but like...let's pretend it was a thing then  ;-;
@tealaquinn @frozenhuntress67 @juxt4p0siti0n @kwyloz
Requested by: @i-do-not-know-what-my-life-is
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists :)
 Cliff, your estranged, clueless dad, gets a call when you get arrested at the Stonewall riot, while he’s in Italy. _____________________________________________________
She had her issues...but you loved your mom. You didn't remember her as much, but you knew she loved you. Did she love your dad? Maybe not... Did he love her? He tried... But goddamn did he love you. You were his kid. And as much of a tough guy as Cliff was, he had a major soft spot for his kid. You were the one thing in the world he loved. And your dad? Well he was your hero. That much you remembered. No matter what the magazines and tabloids said, you knew he didn't kill her. But that was years ago. You were just a kid, then. You didn't understand it at all. But you knew he didn't do it. Now, people weren't so sure. That included the judge. So, Cliff lost his custody over you. You were going to New York, with your aunt. Your aunt was frigid. She   she wasn't much of an affectionate person. That only got worse as the years went on. Really, that judge sentenced both you and Cliff to loneliness. Being in a completely different city, where it snowed and rained, where the people were loud and angry...well... It was just the exact opposite of the home you knew in sunny California, in the shade of Hollywood sign. Cliff did his best. He tried to be around as much as posible, but you cried whenever he called. Your aunt didn't know how to handle it. She started to hide Cliff's letters to you. She'd answer the phone, tell him you were alright, and you weren't home, or you were at soccer practice, you were with friend, Gina. At one point, he confronted her. You didn't play soccer. You liked to surf. You never mentioned a friend named Gina. But you had a friend named Sarah. How was it that you were never home? You were a shy kid.  Your aunt leveled with him. "You're just not the best influence, Cliff. You don't have a stable job, you live in a trailer now! You have nothing to offer to her, you can't even put Y/N through college. You are a terrible influence on her. She’s upset whever you talk to her, and it’s a damn headache. Yes she misses you, but...it's just better this way, don't you think?" And after that...he never called again. Because, he thought she was right, Maybe you really were  better off without him. You asked your aunt about the letters. He used to draw things on the margins to make you laugh.  You got those letters twice a week. You looked forward to them...and they suddenly stopped coming.
Being so young, you thought maybe he stopped thinking about you. Eventually, as you got older, you wondered if people were right about him. Still, you never had a warm place to call home. Yes, you had a roof over your head, and you had everything you could ever ask for...but you never had anyone you thought cared. Your mother was gone, your dad stopped talking to you, and your aunt...welll... She had this thing she would whisper to other adults, just loud enough for you to hear. "She's not like the other kids." She snapped one day. Why? You found love. You weren't allowed to have a boyfriend yet. That was ok. Because...yes, you'd liked guys before. But... her name was Diana. She was a senior, you were still a junior. You found her, you knew you loved her, and you fought for her. But no matter what you said, to your aunt, it was "wrong." And...you were locked in your room. You weren't allowed to go anywhere but from home to school and back. No excuses. And that was no way to live. So, like any other girl in love, you found a way: The fire escape. It was rusty, but it was steady and reliable enough. You lived your way. You did it your way. You fought for it. You snuck out, and lived your life the way you should. Happy, as yourself, with whoever you wanted. You went to parties, snuck into clubs with your friends... with Diana.
You were a fighter, and you did things your way. You were like your father in that sense, even if you didn't really remember.
Even if you did it your way, the world wasn't ready for you. But that didn't matter. Because you weren't invisible. Not anymore. You existed. You loved. Nobody could take that from you, or anyone else that was there, or anyone else that would live through the same thing as you. You were there. The cops came in. Diana slipped her hand into yours. You were done hiding. Everyone was. You were there (with a fake id). But you had to be. You were there when that shotglass hit the mirror. You weren't afraid anymore. Stonewall was just the beginning. ...well.... you got arrested. You weren't scared...but it didn't help that you were there with a fake ID. Your aunt...well...that's what scared you most. "She’s gonna kick me out..." Diane was sitting on the ground in front of you, "Baby, it's ok. We're in this together..." "It's not...not that easy." "No one said it was. Hell, that's why this started. It's gonna get better. It has to!" You smiled. Somehow...she was always so positive. She took your hands in hers, looking at you, "Even if it's not so smooth, you know I'm stilll here with you, all the way." You smiled softly, and she gave you a soft, reassuring kiss. She sat by you then, wrapped her arms around you, and rested her head on your shoulder. "Dee?" "Yeah, hun?" You sighed, "I know...this isn't the best place...but...You did say you wanted to go out and celebrate."" You could hear the smile in her voice, "I did say that, didn't I." "Yeah, but you never told me why we were celebrating." "Oh! Well..." She giggled, a little embarrassed. She didn't have the best memory, but she had a big heart. You chuckled. Somehow, her laugh made it all a little better. She reached in her back pocket, and pulled out a folded up envelope. "I got in!" She held up a folded up acceptance letter from UCLA. Her dream school.... All the way on the other side of the country. You squealed in excitement, as you held her, "Baby I'm so proud of you!" You held her as you rocked side to side. Then...it hit you.... The other side of the country... You were absolutely proud of her. It was her dream school, and it was not an easy school to get in to.... but you didn't want to say goodbye. She knew that... "Hey...look at me, babe..." She held your face up, "I'll call you every day! I'll send you stuff in the mail, postcards, pictures! I'll fly out and visit every chance I get!" You smiled, and nodded, though, you'd heard those things before... And it stung you... Still, you nodded. You trusted her. "I know, baby. I know..." Then...you heard the sound of heels echoing down the hall. "Aunt Lena-" She cut you off. "You're just like your father. Absolutely disgusting. I'm not bailing you out of here. You’re not coming back to my home. Drinking, and...and..." "Don’t." You gritted your teeth. "Sinning. You're staying here, with this, this wh-" "Say one word. Say one word about Diana, and I will-" "What? Kill me? Just like your father killed your mother?!" You had enough. You clung to the bars, "SAY ONE MORE THING ABOUT HIM, AND I SWEAR I'LL-" "You belong here.” She scoffed, “You're proving me right, dear. You're not my problem anymore." She turned her back on you. Your knuckles were white, still gripping the bars, until Diana pulled you away.  ***************************************** It was 8AM. Rick was hungover, but he knew his best friend. "C'mon ol' buddy. What's wrong?" Cliff shook his head, "Wrong? Nothin’s wrong." "You've b-been dipping that piece of celery in your bloody mary f-for twenty minutes." "Yeah..." "C'mon Cliff, w-what's the matter?" Cliff sighed. "Y/N's in trouble." Rick's mouth dropped, "Y/n? Sweet lil Y/n?" Of course, the last time he saw you, was the last time Cliff saw you. After the trial. You were just six years old then. That was eleven years ago...and it was easy to forget how quickly time moved. "Yeah." "Trouble? What do you mean?!  Trouble?! Y/n?!" He was absolutely shocked. "Trouble, like grounded-trouble? Or t-rouble, like, we're f-flyin into New York right now to kick somebody's ass-trouble?" "We?" "S-sure!" Rick meant it. You used to call him Uncle Rick, and it melted his heart. Ten years may have passed, but he'd be damned if he ever let anything happen to you.
Cliff sighed, "See, I don't know either. All Lena said-" "Lena...The wicked witch of the east?" Cliff laughed, "That's the one, partner." "Wel, what'd she say?" "She's givin' up custody over Y/n." "So...you're getting her back?" "Yeah...and..." "And?" "Y/n got arrested and Lena won't bail her out." Rick gasped. "ARrESTeD?! It caN"T BE.! Why?!" Cliff shook his head, "She didn't say. All she said was that Y/n's a 'damned degenrate,' and 'just like me.' " Rick shook his head, "Hey. This...this is all a misunderstanding! How bad can it be? I mean-" "I never shoulda let ‘em take Y/n from me. I swear to God, If I see Lena..." "How could she say that about Y/n?!" "I fucking hope I don't see her, no one talks about my kid like that! And...” It was like he had a revelation. He stood up, “My baBY IS IN JAIL, WHAT AM I STILL DOING HERE, RICK?! I NEED TO SEE THAT SHE'S O-FUCKEN-KAY. IS SHE GETTING ENOUGH FOOD? IS SHE COLD? IS SHE SCARED?! I NEED TO-" For once, Rick wasn't the one in hysterics... and normally it would have freaked him out, but ths was Cliff's kid they were talking aout. He was acting like any dad should. "Bring her home. Y-you need to bring her h-home, buddy." "I...we're in Italy...I can't take care of her..." Now, the tables had really turned. Rick scrambled for the right words, but he gave it his best shot. "Look, I-I remeber the w-way that kid used to l-look at you. You're n-not just a fucking war hero, you w-were her hero." Cliff's heart sank... "You're her-her old man. She's got n-nowhere else to go. Her home is w-wherever you are. D-don't matter wh-what that judge said t-ten years ago. You're s-still her dad, y-you love that kid, no m-matter what, right?" Cliff nodded. Rick slipped something into Cliff’s hand. It was a a couple hundred dollars. Enough for a couple plane tickets, and enough to bail you out. "Rick, you don't have to-" "I miss that kid, Cliff. And if I fucking m-missed Y/n, I can't even imagine what t-the hell you felt. Take the money."  "You're a good friend, Rick..." ****** "Y/n..." The first thing he did, was give you a hug. He couldn't give back the ten years you didn't have together, but it was a start. "Y/n, what's going on!? All Lena said was that you were-" he cut himself off. He didn't want to hurt your feelings, "In trouble. All that cops say you were at a protest, but...what? What happened? Are you hurt? Are you-" You couldn't believe it... He seemed like he really cared. "Dad?" "Yes? I'm...I'm sorry...I'm here now, I know I haven't been, I know you probably hate me, but...Lena told me you didn't want to hear from me, you didn’t need me... and I thought maybe she was right. But...she wasn't..." "She told you what?!" "Oh. Shit!" Your aunt had ruined everything without you realizing, all along. "Dad, that's not true... She just." "She wanted the best for you, I know-" "She kicked me out. She wouldn't bail me out because she kicked me out." "What!? Why?! Y/n, what’s going on?!" "I..." He sat in front of you, his hand on your shoulder, like he used to do when you were a little kid. "Y/n, you can tell me anything. It's ok." "Dad...I..." You wanted to hide it, but you had no where else to go. Whatever he said, you weren't cahnging. "I'm bi." You shut your eyes, and flinched, having no idea how he’d react. "Y/n. 3,994 miles between us didn't stop me from lovin' and misin' ya. Whoever you love and miss won't either. You're my kid, Y/n. It doesnt matter to me." "Y...you're not mad?" You opened your eyes, and found him smiling softly, like he always had.  “Mad?" He raised an eyebrow. How could he be mad at you? "You got arrested at a riot..." "Because I was at a gay bar..." He shook his head, "Becase you fought for what you believe in...I was a little older than you are now, but I fought for what I believed in." "You're a war hero, it's not the same." "I know. I had half the world on my side... You don't..." His heart broke, realizing it wouldn't be easy, "You don't....but you're not done fighting." He was still proud of you. "Some day, things will be better... You might not have a goddamn army, you may not have much, but you're not alone. You have me." You smiled... you felt like you could cry. Those were words you needed to hear all your life. You threw your arms around him, and he hugged you back. When you finally let go, you asked, "Can I...say goodbye to someone first?" He nodded, and then looked where you wre looking. "Is that her..." He smiled a little, "My kid's a regular Casanova, ain't she?" You sighed, "Dad!" He chuckled, "Alright, alright. Sorry...Go on, now, I'll wait outside." You smiled, "Thanks dad..." So...you said goodbye to Diana. A little sooner than expected, but, "YOU'RE GOING TO LA TOO?!" She bounded up and down, and wrapped her arms around you, "YES!" She squeezed you so tight, you thought you'd break a rib. But...you were ok with that. "We'll be in Italy for a while, but we'll be in LA in August, right around the time you move in!" Diana smiled softly, "Baby, I told you, it gets better." You nodded and smiled, "I know, Dee..." "Go on, tell your dad I said hi. That's him, right?" You turned around, to see him behind the glass door, giving you a thumbs up with a grin. You couldn't help but face palm. Diana smiled, "Hey...I'll see you in two months, ok?" "Ok," You smiled, and you kissed goodbye. You went your ways, her parents bailed her out a few hours before you. You looked back, and he was now giving you two thumbs up. It was a bit embarassing...but it was everything you wanted. **************** You arrived at the airport in Rome, and there he was. Uncle Rick. "Hey kid..." He smiled, his eyes a little teary. You smiled back and hugged him, "Hey Uncle Rick" He was a bit like Diana, and gave you a hug that was too tight, but still welcome. You laughed a little, "I missed you too!" And you spent the rest of the day with them, exploring Rome. The next morning, they brought you to the set, and while Cliff was getting into his costume, you unng out with Rick. "Ya know, he never s-stopped thinking about you. Talked about y-you a ton." "Really?" "Yeah. Mostly you need to g-get him really drunk. Guess it hurt a lot." You nodded, "I know..." Rick was a little nervous of messing it up, stepping into something he shouldn't, but he wanted you to know...
he was still the cool uncle. "S-so you got in trouble, huh?" "Yup." "How come?" "I got a girlfriend." "And?" "What do you mean 'and’?" He shrugged, "C'mon Y/n. I got to Hollywood parties. I live in Hollywood. There's so much worse things. Li-like hippies." "Hippies?" You raised your eyebrow as you laughed. "Yeah. And some illegal things. Like murder...I-I mean, its a nice place to live!...You'll be fine.” He hoped he wasn't blowing it, "What's her name?" "Diana." He saw the smile when you said her name. "Oh my God...you love her!" You blushed a little, "I do..." He shrugged, "Don't be embarassed. You know, some things are w-worth getting in trouble over. You know what you shouldn't get in t-trouble over? Drugs... well....maybe.... But you didn't hear it from me." "Oh my God." "But love? Always w-worth the trouble." You knew he was trying his best, and you smiled, "Thanks Uncle Rick." "Don't mention it, kiddo. S-serioisly. Don't t-tell your dad wh-what I said about drugs!" "I know, I know." You chuckled, as you walked out of the trailer, and he called out as a last ditch effort, "Say no to drugs!" ********************* A few months later, you were finally going back to LA. He told you, he didn't have much. Just a trailer, and a dog.   But, he'd told Rick that he was using the money from their time in Italy to get a small apartment big enough for you, him, and Brandy. So, you were there with them, as they said their goodbyes. You decided, maybe they needed some time alone, so you went with Francesca and Brandy for a while. After a while, she smiled, "You know, you're just like your father." "Why does everyone keep telling me that?" She laughed as  you sat together on the ground, magazines laid out as she showed you the latest in fashion in Italy, as Brandy sat by, while you petted her. Your first night in LA was...well...one to remember. You ended up throwing a paper weight into a hippie's nose, effectively breaking it. Cliff would go on to say 'Kid's got an actual killer aim.' And after that, you'd never hear the end of people saying you were just like him... Which you were coming to learn wasn't so bad. "You're a good friend, Cliff." "I try."
The ambulance drove away, and Rick had promised Cliff he'd keep an eye on you while he was in the hospital. "Well, wh-what’d I say? S-say no to drugs." "That's your takeaway from this?" You furrowed your brows as you looked up at him, and he laughed. But, the night wasn't over. You ended up going over to meet Sharon Tate, and Roman Polanski. Your first night in LA was... well, unforgettable, to say the least.  Days passed. Things started to look up. Rick started getting interviews, and casting calls left and right. Meaning...he and Cliff were back in business. You were happy, really, and you liked going to visit him at the hospital in the meantime, but, he knew something was on your mind. Ten years may have gone, but he knew that when you held your right wrist with your left hand, you were thinking about something. "Y/n? What're you thinkin' about?" "Well...Diana's moving in to her dorm today. Can I go help her?" Cliff smiled as he laid back in the bed.  "I'll be ok, Y/n. You go and help her. It'll give you some practice. When I get out, you can help me move our stuff into the apartment." You rolled your eyes and smiled, "Yeah, I know, dad." He sat up, "Hold on, before you go, I didn't have the chance to give this to you." He held out a little box. You opened it, and saw a bracelet made from blue, pink, and purple beads. "I bought it from a hippie in Santa Monica....Don't tell Rick about the hippie."" You smiled, and looked at him... You hugged him. He smiled, and hugged you back. "Alright, go help Diana. I'll see you tomorrow, kid." You smiled, "See you tomorrow, dad." 
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frywen-babbles · 5 years
Sounds of Silence pt12
A/N: TW: blood and mentions of violence
Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 | Part8 | Part9 | Part10 | Part11
It took only one look at her face to know something was wrong.
Horribly, horribly wrong.
Her eyes were full of terror, and her makeup smudged all over her face, eyes red from crying. But that wasn't what caught his attention. It was all of the blood on her face, on her body, all of the cuts and bruises he didn't have time to look over.
He grasped her hand in his and ran, not turning to look even when he heard a shout behind them. There was no time to wait for the elevator. He led them down the stairs, the firm hold of his hand in hers keeping her from falling. Down, down, down they ran as he tried to come up with a plan.
Why at moments like this his brain was drawing a blank?
As they reached the bottom of the stairs, his eyes found the door to the European cafe. He took a firmer hold of her hand and swung the door open pulling her in after him to the empty cafe.
"Wel- Mitsun, oh my gods, what-"
"Hide us!" Mitsunari barked interrupting Oichi's friend. She stared at them, her eyes wide, frozen in horror at the sight before her. She blinked once before she pointed behind the counter and stepped out of the way.
"There! I'll call the police!"
He didn't even listen to Oichi's friend as he was already pulling her along with him, cramming both of them under the counter. He cradled her into his arms, feeling her shivers and shaky breaths. Only then Oichi's friends words registered to him.
"It was a cop who did this!" he hissed, his voice low just in case someone might hear.
Oichi's friend froze for the tiniest moment and he could see how a small tremble worked up from her fingers to the rest of her body.
"Okay... okay... I'll call backup, just... just stay there. Quiet." She lifted her phone to her ear, clearly calling someone as she turned the radio louder.
Mitsunari felt her struggle a bit in his arms and turned to look at her, lifting a finger to his lips. She looked at him and nodded, her hands taking a tight grip on his clothes.
"I need..." Oichi's friend started to speak on the phone, but just then he heard the door to the cafe slam open.
He clamped his hand over her mouth to make sure she stayed quiet, his palm coming slick with her blood. Her breath came out in small panicky huffs and she trembled grasping his arm tighter, her fingernails digging deep into his skin.
It was hard to hear what was said. His heart drummed in his chest so loud it nearly drowned all the sounds underneath it. Her eyes searched his, panic setting into her features, but he just held her still, his hand firmly over her mouth, listening to the conversation above.
"Welcome! What would you like to have today?" Oichi's friend greeted whoever had entered the cafe.
"Did a woman come here?" a bit out of breath male voice asked. The same voice which had shouted after them before.
"No, no one has been here for a while. It's been a quiet day." Mitsunari was surprised how even her voice sounded. He could see how her hand still holding the phone trembled under the counter, but none of it could be heard from the sound of her voice.
"You might have seen her, she lives in this building..." he proceeded to describe her, but Oichi's friend stayed unfazed.
"Sorry, I don't remember seeing her. Good luck with your search though."
"Can I see the back of the cafe? She might have slipped over there."
Mitsunari tightened his hold on her, trying to keep his breath even and quiet. He would see them if he came behind the counter. Did he have a reason to suspect they were hiding here? He could feel cold sweat rolling down his spine and a tiny part of him sent a prayer for them not to be found.
"I'm sorry, sir, I'm not allowed to let any unauthorised persons in the bakery. I could lose my job if I did that."
"Here, if you see her, call me immediately."
"I will, um, Inspector Satake. Is this police business? Should I be worried?"
"No need to worry, miss. She isn't a dangerous criminal. I just need to question her a bit about a case."
"Oh, alright. I'll keep an eye out, inspector. I hope you find her soon."
"Yes. Have a good day, miss."
As soon as the door closed behind Inspector Satake, Oichi's friend lifted her phone back to her ear, "Did you catch that?... Yeah... I'll be fine, I think... Oh, gods yes please ask him to come..."
He let go of her mouth, letting his muscles relax. He closed his eyes and drew a breath to calm down, but was brought back to the moment when she shook his arm hard enough to leave long scratches.
"Was it him? It was him, wasn't it? Why did you do that he'll kill you! He didn't see you did he? I need to-"
He pried her fingers off his arm and interrupted her blabbering, "I won't let him catch you."
"I haven't asked yet what happened... Okay, hold on a sec..." Oichi's friend covered her phone and turned to them, "Can you tell me what happened?"
"That was her ex. I think he might try to kill her." Mitsunari answered as steady as he could. Still, his voice was thick, trembling a bit and he held her hand a bit tighter. Somehow, saying it aloud made it more real, made the possibility that she might have been killed just moments before a reality. A reality he wasn't yet ready to face. Not when she was still clinging to his arm, her eyes wide with terror, her face and clothes covered in blood.
"And he... he did... this...?" Oichi's friend made a vague gesture towards her face.
Oichi's friend nodded solemnly and reached for some napkins. She crouched in front of her and gave her a friendly smile, handing the napkins to her.
"Here, there's quite a lot of blood..."
She took the offered napkins, her eyes turning to him.
"There's a lot of blood on your face..." he said pointing at his nose. She immediately brought some of the napkins to cover her face.
"Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't remember your friend was hard of hearing." Oichi's friend offered an apologetic smile before she returned to her phone call. "The cop was Mitsun's friend's ex, he's beaten her up pretty bad... Yeah, I know, but... Mitsun said he might try to kill her, Saizo. I can't just... I know... But I have to... Oh, I hadn't even thought of that... Thank you... I'll let them know... I love you, bye..." She grabbed some pen and paper and scribbled something down.
"I'm sorry, but you can't stay here, I can't let Mrs Tsuchida get into trouble." Oichi's friend handed him the paper in her hand, "Go to this address, tell the people there Mistress Utsusemi sent you and they'll help you. They'll be told in advance you're coming."
Mitsunari looked at the note in his hand, trying his hardest to ignore the blood smudge he had made with his fingers. He looked at the address and dug out his phone to type it in. It was only a few kilometres away, they should make it in 15 minutes if they ran most of the way.
"I'll show you to the back door, that way you should be able to slip out undetected."
"Thank you." Mitsunari offered Oichi's friend a curt nod before he stood up and helped her up, taking a firm hold of her hand again. Oichi's friend led them to the back and opened the door, peeking outside to make sure there was no one in sight.
"Mitsun! Call or at least text me when you get there, okay?" Oichi's friend reached to touch his arm when they passed her and when he looked at her there was a clear concern on her face.
"I will," he promised, for once not mocking her concern. He stepped to the alleyway, remembering the map from his phone, pulling her along. He held tight on her hand as they ran through the allies towards the right street.
A shout startled him, but he didn't slow down, only held tighter onto her hand. He didn't even dare to turn to look, he just ran and ran as fast as he could dragging her behind him, his lungs burning with every breath, the beating of his heart so loud in his ears it was drowning everything else underneath it.
A loud bang echoed at the almost empty alleyway.
She stumbled, but he held tight, never letting her hand slip from his as he pulled her to the last alley left before the final turn to the right street. They emerged to a busy walkway, but he didn't slow down. They weaved through the crowd until they reached the right address.
It was not what Mitsunari had expected.
They were in front of a nice restaurant, a 'closed' sign hanging on the door. He didn't have time to hesitate. He pulled the door open and pulled her in after him to the restaurant.
He leant to his knees to even his ragged breath, while she slumped on her knees to the floor out of breath and energy. The door closed behind him with a click only to leave an eerily quiet atmosphere.
When he finally managed to catch his breath and look up he saw several pairs of eyes fixed on him. Several pairs of eyes belonging to people looking more or less like members of the yakuza.
"Mistress Utsusemi sent us..." he said, the nickname finally making sense. What on earth had Oichi's friend caught herself in while she had been away?
His words finally managed to get some action. Someone hauled her to her feet and they were pushed to the floor behind the counter. He wrapped his arms protectively around her to soften her fall, his bottom hitting the floor hard.
He opened his mouth to ask something, but the woman standing next to them lifted a finger to her lips.
The bell above the door rang.
Mitsunari grasped her and pulled her to his chest, her whimper muffled on his clothing. Her hands reached around him and she held onto him so tight it hurt.
"Have you seen..." The words died out and an uncomfortable silence filled the restaurant.
"We're having a private gathering, officer. You may come back another day, we'd be happy to serve you."
The bell on the door rang again and the woman standing next to them sprung into action.
“You! Get some bandages!”
She crouched next to them her face much softer now. “Where are you hurt?” She asked, her voice soft and non-threatening. Mitsunari nudged her and she looked up at him.
“Is he gone?”
Before he had time to answer the woman next to them tapped her on her shoulder to get her attention. She jerked and twisted around her hands grasping hold of him. He held her a bit tighter, not sure what would happen next.
“You are safe now,” the woman signed slowly.
Was it over now? Reality started to hit him as he held her, trying to calm her down, but he pushed his feelings down. He had to stay strong, he would deal with this later. Much, much later, when he'd be alone.
He was startled by the sound of a door opening and when he looked up he saw the same silver-haired boy he had seen talking to her in the library. He... he felt like he should be more surprised than he was. Of course, somehow, the boy always following her around was a part of the yakuza too.
The boy looked surprised when he saw her. And then he turned his eyes on Mitsunari.
He had never seen anyone stare at him as coldly as he was now. He held her tighter, which made her look up at him. She followed his gaze to the boy and made a startled noise.
"Ah, Hotaru. Do you know her?" The woman next to them noticed the boy too, turning her attention to him.
"Teacher. At the library." Hotaru signed his answer to the spoken aloud question, never turning his gaze away from them.
"Oh... Oh!" The woman seemed to come to a realisation and turned her attention towards them. "Ma-tsu-ko. Raven," she introduced herself, "Thank you for always taking care of Firefly for us."
Matsuko moved between them and Hotaru and he got a small glimpse of the pout on Hotaru‘ slips.
"Where are you hurt? Is there something you need?" Matsuko asked. She turned to hide her signs from him, all he could see was that she spelt out something. Matsuko’s jaw tensed.
"That bastard..." she murmured between clenched teeth. "Come, let's get you looked over." Matsuko let her face relax again in a smile and she gave her hand to them, her palm up.
Mitsunari stood up and gave her his hand as well and she took it. When he helped her up, he noticed how cold and sweaty her hands were, how fast her pulse was, how fast and shallow her breath seemed.
He almost let go of her to ask if she felt okay enough to walk. Almost. Before he could, she swayed on her feet, her eyes glazed over and when he reached to catch her by her waist, his hands came wet and sticky.
He hugged her close to his chest, dreading to look at his hands.
Lots and lots of blood, hidden by her black dress.
@honeybeelily    @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age    @han-pan    @masamunesmistress    @dreamfar628 @enchantress96 
19 notes · View notes
Right Side of Wrong- Ch 3: The Real Me
Words: 2544
Warnings: panic attacks, anger
Ch 2 | Ch 4
~ ~ ~
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“Mal!” the reporters shouted as I ran through the dorms.
I prayed that someone was in the boys’ dorm because I needed to get out of there, and fast.
Even better, the door was unlocked, making it easy for me to slip inside and lock it.
I took in a deep breath, letting my head drop against the door for a moment. That was bad. Really bad. I was stressed enough about this dumb date with Ben and now the paparazzi knew where I was, trapping me inside this room.
“Mal must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion,” the tv reported behind me. “When she will officially become a Lady of the Court.”
I spun on my heel, rushing straight for the remote and fumbling to turn it off.
I dropped the remote, the edges of my vision turning a hazy green, just as they had when I spoke to Jane a few days ago. My breathing was ragged and I blinked rapidly.
“Woah,” Carlos said, jumping up from his bed to get to me. “Easy girl!”
“What?” I screeched. “You think this is so easy? You don’t have people taking a photo of you everytime you open your mouth!”
I didn’t mean to have an outburst on Carlos, but it was getting harder and harder to control myself. There was no way I could take this for much longer.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, stepping back from me.
“I didn’t mean to… Carlos,” I started. It hadn’t worked with Evie, but maybe Carlos would understand my frustration. “Don’t you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?”
He scoffed. “You’re thinking of my mother. And I was usually on the other end of that. So, not really. No.”
I turned away, sitting down at his table. I was just going crazy. I had to be.
Why would I ever want to go back to the Isle? That place was dirty. It was full of awful people and awful memories. What could stand to draw me there?
And why did I still want to go despite having no reason to?
“Is everything okay, Mal?” Carlos asked, sitting beside me.
“Yes!” I cried, losing my calm again. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”
I took a hard bite out of my right cheek. No one is going to take me seriously if I kept answering questions like I was close to tears.
“Sorry.” I looked for excuses. “I’m just stressed for the Cotillion and all.”
Carlos smiled. “Are you kidding? You shouldn’t be stressed! It’s your big night, after all.”
I thought about my words very carefully. “Yes, but first I’ve got to learn how to be a proper lady, and have a fitting gown, and choose the decorations, and I feel like I don’t have time for any of it.”
Carlos put his hand over mine. “Mal, you can’t put their expectations of you above your own. Your happiness comes before their satisfaction with you, alright?”
Those words sent a deep pang through my heart. I wanted to listen to him so bad. I wanted to forget about it all and just be the me that I used to be. The one who walked through the Isle without a care as to where I had to be or how I had to look. Because when I was there, wearing fancy dresses didn’t make me the leader. It was just that look in my eye. And my mother, of course.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Did you bring it?”
I sighed, reaching into my purse. “Yeah, um…”
I held out the little gummy that had resulted from my work in the kitchen today.
“So, this thing will make me say what I really feel to Jane?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I confirmed. “I mean, this is a truth gummy, so take it or leave it.”
“Perfect.” He reached out, but I felt the need to say one more thing before giving it to him.
“Hold on, though. Are you sure that you want to be taking this? Because this is going to make you say the truth, all the time, no matter what. You better not have any secrets.”
“I’ll take my chances, I guess,” he joked. “You said it will only last a few hours, right?”
I nodded.
“Great.” He plucked it from my fingers and hesitantly chewed on it. “Oh god,” he said, covering his mouth. “This is nasty.”
“Here,” I mumbled, grabbing some water from his bedside table.
He chugged that down and sighed in relief. “How come you can turn a love potion into a cookie, but the truth spell is a gross ass gummy?”
I chuckled quietly. “You good? You want to test it out?”
He shrugged. “Why not? Ask me something.”
“Hm.” I glanced around the room, before my eyes landed on the computer, discarded next to Dude. “What were you looking up before I walked in?”
“Therapists,” he said, bluntly.
“Woah!” I cried, louder than I meant to. “Carlos! Is everything alright?”
“Sorry. I wasn’t planning on telling you guys, because you’ve got your own stuff to deal with and it’s silly, but I sort of felt… overwhelmed? You know? Not like you, obviously, learning to be a Lady of the Court and all, but I suddenly realized the world is nothing like what my mother told me and I’ve been scared and so I thought it would be easier to talk things out with someone who isn’t also in pain and you’ve been going to therapy a lot too, so it isn’t that strange, but of course I know that everyone’s situation is different and I-”
“Carlos!” I interrupted. “You do not need to explain yourself to me. Or to any of them. We support you no matter what. We just want you to be happy.”
He nodded. “Thanks, Mal.”
I smiled. “Now I’ve got to go, before I miss my whole lunch with Ben and you should probably go find Jane before that spell wears off… Let’s hope that Fairy Godmother got those photographers out of the building.”
~ ~ ~
I already set up the tablecloth and dishes, so the minute I got to the pavillion all I had to do was put out the food.
I opened the basket and pulled out one object: a paper plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This was set in front of Ben’s seat.
I did a quick sweep of the area. There was nothing in sight and the world was silent with the exception of the crackle from the water and the miscellaneous sounds of the treeline.
My spellbook was the last thing to come out of the basket. It felt heavy, almost as if begging me not to use it. And god, did I want to listen to it.
“Take this food, this lackluster feast. Make these plates fit for a beast.”
The sandwich disappeared, replacing it with food beyond compare. There was so much that it could feed three whole families on the Isle. And it was warm and clean. I couldn’t have dreamed of feasting like this over a year ago.
I ran my fingers over each dish, assuring myself that it was all corporeal. The biggest tell would be if Ben reached for a cookie and his fingers went right through it. There was no way to cover that.
I tossed the spellbook back into my basket, planning on putting it underneath the table, but got distracted when I heard Ben calling out to me.
Always punctual.
~ ~ ~
“Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre?” I offered, doing my best with the french pronunciation.
“Yes, please.” He leaned forward, taking a bite out of it directly from my hand. It took a couple of seconds to chew it, before saying, “This is the best thing I’ve ever had.”
“So, you like it?” I prompted.
It was silly. Of course he was going to like it. It was a magic feast. But I just wanted to make him happy. I wanted him to enjoy himself.
“I more than like it.” He stood up, reaching past me for another. “I, uh, so like it.”
I gave him a laugh, but the way he said that made me nervous. Was he going to say he loved it? And if so, why didn’t he?
We hadn’t used the word love since my mother died. It wasn’t that strange to me at the time. We were just teenagers. Love didn’t consume our lives and perhaps it was a bigger commitment than we were ready for.
… but he made eye contact with me before he hesitated. So, had he changed his mind about me in the past year? Was this no longer about the food?
“Beef ragout?” he asked, pointing to another dish.
“This is amazing,” he said, shoving some onto his plate.
“Did I surprise you?” I asked.
“Oh, yeah, you surprised me.” He didn’t look up from his meal as he ate. “This is every single dish Mrs. Potts made for my parents. What did it take you? Three days?”
It should have, I thought to myself.
I clucked my tongue. “You know, don’t even ask me.”
He laughed along with me, slowing down and turning to a more serious tone. “Well, it means a lot that you stopped and did all this for me. Especially, with all the craziness you’ve been put through.” He took my hand gently stroking my knuckles. Another wave of guilt washed over me. “I’ve missed you.”
The moment was so sweet, I wanted to pull away. He was just too perfect and I was… me. I was a stumbling mess, pulling myself through Auradon by a rope attached to Ben and maybe one of these days instead of pulling me forward, I would pull him back.
“We don’t get much time to be just us anymore.”
“I know,” I said softly.
I found my eyes wandering, wanting to soak in as much of the moment as possible. And at the corner of his mouth was a little bit of leftover food. Instinctively, I reached forward and wiped it away.
He laughed, realizing what had happened. “You can’t take me anywhere, right?”
I giggled, recognizing the phrase from something I had said on our first date.
“Do you have a napkin or something?”
“I do!” I replied, cheerfully. “I packed some!”
I turned to my right, but the basket wasn’t there. I had left it between the two of us.
I flipped around to find Ben pulling the spellbook out of the top.
“I can grab them!” I argued, but it was no use.
“What’s this?”
He looked at me and I panicked. He was still smiling, slightly. He didn’t realize what was going on yet, but he would. Ben was too smart.
“I actually threw that in there super last minute,” I explained, watching him flip through pages, “in case it rained or-”
“Speed reading spell,” he read aloud. My bookmarked pages. “Blonde hair spell.”
“Ben seriously, it’s not-”
“Cooking spell,” he finished, seeing my most recent work. 
My face dropped. What was I supposed to do? He had caught me in a lie I hadn’t ever planned to be in. I didn’t want this. How could I do this to him?
“And I was giving you props for fitting in so well,” he snarled. “For doing your best.”
He threw the book down on the table, frustrated.
“Ben I never meant for this to happen. I just got so caught up-”
“Don’t lie-”
“It has been so hard for me!”
“Yes!” He burst from his chair. “Some things are hard! Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?”
“No!” I shouted back.
How could I let this happen? I was so caught up in my own problems. Why was I such a disaster? Why couldn’t I just walk through everything like my friends were? Why couldn’t I just adapt and be happy for once??
“I thought we were doing this together!”
“I want us to be doing this together!” I responded. “But Ben, I can’t just keep-”
“You’ve been keeping secrets and lying to me!” he continued. “I thought we were done with that. This isn’t the Isle of the Lost, Mal.”
My heart shattered. Because maybe it wasn’t, but I couldn’t really tell the difference anymore. Both places felt like hell at this point.
A tear fell down my face and for once I didn’t try to hide it. I didn’t try to stop it. I didn’t have the strength to anymore.
“Yeah,” I replied through gritted teeth. “Believe me. I know that.”
“Then, why are you doing this?” he demanded.
“Because!” My voice broke as I screamed it. My eyes had turned green, but I didn’t care. I had let go of myself for a minute and now it was all out on the table. “I’m not one of those pretty pink princesses, Ben! And I’m not a Lady of the Court! I’m a villain. A slimy, evil monster who you SHOULD HAVE LEFT ON THE ISLE!”
“Woah, Mal,” he began, but it was too late.
“Don’t touch me!” I shrieked. “You say you want to be in this together, but you’re going down a path that I can’t follow!” My vision was a swirling, salty mix of green and blue. “Maybe Evie, and Jay, and Carlos can find themselves here and be happy, but obviously I can’t. I tried so hard to be with you. To be the real me! But this isn’t it, Ben! And maybe I can’t change who I am!”
“Mal, where is this coming from?” he asked.
“I’m a big fake, okay?” My voice got softer. “All of this. All of me? It’s fake. This dress is fake. This hair is fake. This food…” I reached across the table and reopened my spellbook. “Take this food, this sumptuous meal. Turn it back to what is real.”
In a flash, all that was left where freshly cleaned empty platters and a single, sad looking pb&j.
“The real me is hiding in this tunnel in the back of my heart. The real me wants to scream, and run away, and be by myself. The real me wants to knock out every single one of those reporters who ambush me after school. The real me is whispering that I made a mistake by staying here and I should have just gone back to the Isle and let my mother kill me, because there is no true happiness. The real me is the scared, angry, tired girl that I was back on the Isle. That dumb sandwich,” I said, pointing, “is more of the real me than this princess I pretend I am.”
Slowly, all the anger slipped away. The green was replaced with fountains of water, pouring down my cheeks.
“So, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I can’t get rid of all this… mess that my mother made me. Because I wanted to so bad.”
I was running before I could register that I needed to get away. Of course Ben tried to call out to me and even run after me, but I was long gone.
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parodoxthestrange · 5 years
My first real contribution to this site
I’ve been loving the travels of @bace-jeleren‘s character, Megumi and felt that I had to try my hand at it with my first fanwalker, Fomos Oper.
The undergrowth was cast in an array of shadows and dim green light. A man, wrapped in a tattered blue and grey headdress and robe, hunched over a bush laden with berries as he attempted to block out the quiet cacophony of the jungle.
“~Let splash the wave of silver o’er my home upon the tin. A Vanished master’s metal chain ne’er plague our kind again. And now-”
A sudden rush of wind somewhere above his head was enough to pause the human’s song but an object impacting the shrubbery not ten feet from him inspired the man to re position behind the nearest tree, drawing his bone knife.
Or more accurately, to curl up behind it, trying vainly to keep his knife steady in his hands.
It was around his third attempt to suck in a breath that Fomos realized he wasn’t being attacked. Keeping his movement slow, he leaned from cover to glance at at the now crushed plant. Not seeing anything dangerous, he approached further before starting at the sight of a child sprawled on top of the bush. Her skin was a pale white, dark curled hair pulled into wild pigtails and two long ears draping from her forehead. But what was most shocking to the man upon getting close to her was that she had seemed to be overcome by exhaustion, yet even her sleeping form was restless and twitching.
‘What is she?’ was the immediate thought for Fomos ‘and what is she doing here? A planeswalker?’ The man paused for a few moments longer before sheathing his knife and turning away. “S-sorry, but you’re not my problem.” After taking a few steps away, he paused and turned back to her prone form ‘....’
The sound of bubbling liquid stirred Megumi from her rest. Her eyes still adjusting, she glanced around the inside of a large tent, the only light coming from a fire under a large clay pot. The figure staring at her over the pot quickly roused her from her half-conscious state as she let out a surprised “Aah!”
“Aah!” the man quickly ducked behind the pot, visibly shaking. Megumi appeared shocked for a moment, before swinging out of bed and walking over to him.
“Sorry! Did I scare you?” Megumi asked as the man, still staring at her, slowly nodded. She looked at the human still hiding behind the pot for a moment before speaking again “Are you trying to hide behind that? But you’re so much bigger than that thing is, silly!”
At this, she could see the man’s nose blush from embarrassment. He straightened his back before walking over to another section of the tent, grabbing a wooden bowl and spoon, and presenting it to Megumi while he mumbled something under his breath.
“Huh?” Megumi asked “Did you say something?”
“........” the man stared down at Megumi “.....you should.....eat.” at that, he placed the bowl into Megumi’s hands and ladled some of the contents of the pot into it before serving himself and sitting down.
“Oh, Okay! Thanks mister!” she began to eat at a rapid pace, before stopping to talk. “My name’s Megumi! Thanks for helping me out”
“........Fo......” Fomos cleared his throat before tugging at his headdress, exposing his face. “..I’m Fomos...Oper....wha...er, what are you.....doing here?” practically whispering the end of his sentence, Fomos returned to his stew.
Megumi’s face fell as she stared into her meal, her next words much softer than before “I’m running from someone. Someone really scary. S-she keeps trying to hurt me. I don’t know why!” Tears began to collect at the corners of her eyes “I don’t even know where I am! Or where home is!” Her meal forgotten, Megumi began to cry into her knees.
Fomos’s breath hitched in his throat as he felt tears run down his cheek. Shaking his head, he focused upon a point of mana within. A spark began to hop between small shards of metal upon his cheeks as he breathed in deeply, allowing the mana to mix with his breathing. Slowly exhaling, the tent became tinted by a light blue aura as he continued to breath.
Megumi raised her head from her knees in confusion to look at the aura now surrounding Fomos and slowly, she began to breath in deep as well. After several seconds of the two of them slowly breathing, the aura began to fade away until Fomos was left looking sheepishly at Megumi.
“.....you...okay?” the taller man asked.
“Um. I think I am now, mister” Megumi said as she wiped some tears from her eyes “Mister Oper, what was that? Did you do that?”
“....Yes..sorry.....I...I think I made you feel worse....so I t-tried to help......”
“It’s okay mister! Mommy says it’s okay to cry so you don’t keep the bad feelings inside” Megumi gave Fomos a toothy grin as she slowly rose in the air, not noticing his wide-eyed stare “Mister Oper was that light your magic? Is that what stopped my crying?”
“....um...yes. I’m an.....empath. I can...er, feel the emotions of other creatures and share.......or....strengthen...them.” Fomos slowly sucked in another breath “So I’m sorry.. I-I think I accidentally tacked my fear onto...what you felt...about that monster...”
“Does that mean you have trouble with your magic too-whoa!!” Megumi interrupted herself upon realizing she had continued to float higher into the air “Mister, what’s happening? I didn’t try to fly at all!” Upon performing a couple mid-air flips, she let a small giggle loose “But it’s super easy right now! This is super, fucking, cool!”
Fomos couldn’t resist a small chuckle himself “Wel-welcome to Muraganda, little planeswalker.”
Spinning over upside down to face him, Megumi’s eyes widened “You know what planeswalkers are? Does that mean you’re one too??”
“Yes, though I don-don’t do it....much.”
“Have you met my Mommy and Daddy? They’re both planeswalkers!” With her enhanced flying, Megumi zipped directly into Fomos personal space. “Mommy’s a nice Moonfolk lady with black hands and is the prettiest Mommy ever, and Daddy’s a super cool vampire who’s not always a Daddy...but they’re always my Daddy!”
two fingers curved into dark blades, corroded metal jutting from a gash in its spine
“.....Sorry, no. You....um, said earlier you couldn’t control magic?......Is t-that why you can’t go home?”
“Yeah, I don’t know how to aim when I travel. The other planeswalkers I met all seem to know how to do it but I can’t figure it out.”
“Well, at the very least.......you...should..rest here.” Fomos nodded to himself “You we-you were completely unconscious when.....I found you.”
Megumi seemed to draw into herself again “I shouldn’t. The mean monster will find me again. She’s always tracking me. fucking Always!”
This time, Fomos looked in confusion at her “Are you sure?”
“Th-thirteen hours!?” Megumi shouted “I couldn’t be sleeping that long, mister!”
“It’s true though. And I haven’t sensed any monster like what you’ve described.”
“But she never stops, Fomos, sir! And she always knows where I am.”
“Hmm...” Fomos stopped to add a few more sticks to the flame. “Well, you are on Muru-muraganda. It’s just like your flying....I think”
“What? Do some planes make magic weird?”
“Yes. Mana is everywhere here and super potent. This makes even s-simple magic stronger....but...harder to uh, concentrate on. That’s why....I....lost control earlier.....and why you flew on accident.” Glancing out toward the jungle, Fomos gestured to Megumi to finish laying her blankets down. 
Not seeing anything, he set the rest of the lumber down and continued “Also.....difficult spells can go out of control here. So, since she...must be tracking you with magic, the plane’s probably causing the spell.....to er, go haywire.” Forcing a laugh, he leaned over “lucky you.....right?”
Peeking her eyes open, Megumi said “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thank you mister Oper, for everything today. You’re nice.”
‘Nice?’ Fomos felt his cheeks flush as he settled in “Well, you um, you’re much easier to talk to.....than most people here......So, thanks Megumi” But as he turned his head he realized she had already fallen asleep. Drawing his blankets around him, he mumbled out loud “I understand kid. Unstoppable monster that you can’t escape from? I completely understand.....”
~A Vanished master’s metal chain ne’er plague our kind again. 
And now we cheer our freedom on the seas of Mirrodin........
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