#-but like?? why would an ambassador have a dragon?? )
bruiisedpetals-a · 11 months
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[ @mccndancer ] .. BAELA TARGARYEN and a flower crown. .. [ cont. ]
he'd spent many years carefully weaving things from natural flora, däthedr would enjoy creating little crowns like this when elbala was a lot younger but hadn't had someone to make them for. the idea had taken him by impulse, seeing some strangely beautiful westerosi flowers growing wild on the grassy hills ... and as they walked he'd woven it with care and set it upon her dark locks, white petals, and a band of earthy green foliage. [..]
❝ should you desire another, i will make it for you gladly. a gift for your kindnesses, and i would be pleased to teach you any time.❞ däthedr reached to adjust the crown, tucking a loose curl into place to help lodge the piece more firmly amongst her hair. ❝ it looks perfect upon your hair, if that was not already a crown by itself. ❞ baela had beautiful truly hair, the kind that women in jhala strived to have (many did, but baela's was softer naturally, he noticed immediately as his fingers ran against it) ❝ is there a better adornment to wear than that of flowers and leaves? we do not have a crown of metal and gems in jhala. our leader dons a shirt of fine chain, it is called THE RIVERS GLORY. dozens of small links that drape over ones body like water... no heavy gems but our naturally found pearls adorn it; black like ink, and white like this flower... and green, like this ... ❞ he had one of the pale mint coloured peals on his necklace, which he pulled up out of his shirt: long woven strands of isles silk formed the band and one of the two items strung upon it was the pearl.
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'my tooth, däthedr! you are still wearing it.' elbala's mildly panicked voice reached him too late, the small dragon fang sliding down the band to rest plain as day in his palm. it was the last fang she'd shed as a dragonling. he paused out of his own panic, knowing that snatching his hand away would be far more odd — he'd begun to trust baela, and as he watched her face, he hoped that she would not react poorly. 'if she threatens you, i will eat her alive.' 'she won't threaten me, don't be foolish. if anything comes to pass, we fly. as far and fast as we can. i am still able to lie and claim i was gifted it.' 'lies upon lies only poison the mind.' 'you wish me to tell her?' 'i wish you not to lie, if she should ask the correct questions.'
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Imagine DND night with the beast pirates
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During one session
Queen: Alright, you idiots somehow managed to kidnap the ambassador. You have him tied up in the dank, dark, dilapidated dungeon of the old capital ruins.
King: We need to interrogate him for answers, it's clear that he's working for the necromancer, he might know where he is. I roll for intimidation, *rolls* sixteen.
Queen: *mutters,* of course that is where you go with it, pervert. *Speaks loudly,* Your intimidation is only slightly successful. The ambassador knows his life is in danger and needs to flee. However, he refuses to answer your questions. He proclaims, "I will never tell you anything, I shall be loyal to my master till my last breath!"
Kaido: *really in the character of his half-orc barbarian* that can be arranged, little man.
Queen: *rolls for him* The ambassador stutters, his voice quivering, "I just received messages from him and carried out his bidding, I don't know where he is really."
Yamato: Perception check, I'd like to see if he is lying.
Queen: you'll need a nineteen or higher, Are you sure you want to do that?
Yamato: *rolls* nat 20.
Queen: you can tell he's lying big time, you can practically smell the nervous flop sweat on this guy from across the room.
You: I can make him talk, I cast heat metal on his bones.
Queen: heat metal only works on metal, it's literally in the name of the spell. It doesn't work on bones, since they're made of calcium.
You: and calcium is a soft metal.
Queen: what's your source.
You: *came prepared to dispute this because you've been looking for an excuse to use this knowledge for evil. You pulled out an advanced chemistry textbook with the page bookmarked and the section highlighted, and handed it to him.* Read it and weep.
Queen: *puts on his reading glasses to read it* ... Dear god, okay, you cast heat metal, roll a d10 for me.
You: *rolls* 8
Queen: and with a plus three modifiers... you heat his bones until he's screaming. The ambassador lasts only thirty seconds before he reveals that the wizard necromancer, Typhus the Terrible, lives in the glittering palace deep in the inky caverns of Roptian, which is guarded by the onyx dragon.
Sasaki: yer kind of scary sometimes.
You: thank you.
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At another session
Queen: okay, you enter the throne room, and the evil wizard is lounging on the glittering throne, Typhus the Terrible.
King: I roll for initiative *rolls dice*
Queen: critical fail, your fighter is dead.
Kaido: *rolls for attack* critical fail.. Hmm, I hate this game.
Queen: you are also dead, (y/n), you are the only one left with any spell slots or turns left. What are you gonna do?
You: ... I would like to cast summon water
King: there goes that campaign.
Queen: that spell lets you fill a space with water, are you sure that's what you want to do.
You: yes
Queen: the room fills with water
You: I didn't cast it in the room.
Queen: where then did you cast it?
You: inside the wizard's skull.
The whole room: *horrified*
Queen: you can't do that
You: the spell specifies that it fills a space, and a skull cavity is a space. And you let me fill the chest down the hall with water, why not this dude's head?
Queen: ugh, hang on a minute, I need to figure out the damage.... You killed the boss... You flooded his brain with so much water, that his skull exploded.
King: that's the most messed up thing I've ever heard.
Kaido: *mutters* we've done worse.
You: you should be very glad I don't have a devil fruit
King: I'm starting to see that now, thank you.
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kpop · 1 year
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Music Spotlight: MIYAVI
Are you ready for a special Music Spotlight guest appearance? This week, we’re featuring popular singer/songwriter, guitarist, and actor MIYAVI to celebrate the release of his anime cover album MIYAVIVERSE. Check out our full interview below!
Tell us about your recent album, and what you hope fans take away from it.
The new one is an anime song cover album. We cover anime songs like Evangelion or Naruto or Hunter, classic ones. One of the reasons why we did that was because I am Japanese, so it’s great to relearn that content, and I’m sure so many of my fans will be familiar with those anime. It’s a fun process to bring those anime tracks to MIYAVI’s world. It’s a different kind of vibe—anime songs, J-pop. But once I start playing the guitar, it’s like the original universe of the sound—and that’s why we named the album MIYAVIVERSE. It doesn’t have to be only the anime songs—it’s more like when we covered ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’, or ‘Youth of the Nation,’ or other Japanese tracks as well. Obviously it’s MIYAVI’s sound, but it’s a fun process to do a cover.
Your 14th studio album is themed around hit anime songs—what would you consider your favorite anime of all time, and your favorite opening/ending song?
My favorite is Dragon Ball Z. I know, it’s too classic, but that’s the thing I was watching when I was young. And every anime lover is going to respect Dragon Ball Z. To be honest, it’s too hard to cover that song—we can do it, but I don’t know if it's doable to perform on stage in a cool way. So that’s why we gave that one up.
Your illustrious career spans the last 20 years and multiple mediums—what would you consider the highlight up until now? Are there any major moments of growth you can recall?
Yes, a lot. First of all, when I moved to Tokyo from Osaka when I was 17 years old. I was kind of beginning to start finding myself as an artist. And then I became a solo artist, and then, you know, I started focusing on the guitars, and people started calling me a guitarist—so what’s my name? And then, in 2008, I started going on world tours, learning English, and acted in the film Unbroken with Angelina Jolie—so of course, you know these are big moments. And then I became an ambassador for UNHCR—that’s huge.
If you could give your younger self advice on how to cope with the pressures of society, especially in the entertainment industry, what would you tell them? Would you give your kids that same advice?
First of all, keep going and polishing up your skill, what you have—you know—your talent. That’s everything in the end. Nothing else helps you. I still just keep telling myself that. You know, it’s not about the connection or relationship or, of course, personality is counted—it’s included. More than that, as an artist, what you can give to the world is everything—so just keep going. As long as you have "it".
What are your biggest passions outside of music and acting? Are there any hobbies you turn to when you need to destress?
I play games. It’s a great connection with my daughters. It’s a huge connection, and then even while I'm away from home, I can still communicate with my daughters. And then it’s great to have something you share with your family. At the same time, it consumes a lot of time. So that’s the thing—once we start playing, it’s like we keep playing because it’s fun, and we go crazy. But at the same time, time is time, and I do need to work. But that is the hard part, and it is working well for our relationship. It is also the same thing if you play soccer or basketball or sports, it’s kind of the same thing.
This year marks your 20th anniversary, and in that time, you’ve racked up an impressive list of accomplishments. Is there anything you haven’t done yet that you’ve always wanted to? And are there any opportunities you regret not taking?
Basically, there are no opportunities that I regret not taking because I take everything. I never miss opportunities, as you know. When schedule conflicts, and some things that I was not able to do, there are some of course. But, personally, I never missed any opportunities in my life—so there is no regret. But there are tons of things that I have not accomplished, and want to accomplish. We haven’t gotten any GRAMMYs. These are not everything you know, but that's a great goal to have—and I have to work harder to accomplish it.
Want more MIYAVI? Check out his new anime song cover album MIYAVIVERSE here.
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redbayly · 5 months
I should be working on my next chapter for "Hot Ice, Strange Snow."
(I've just started on Chapter 12)
Instead, I'm just sitting around imagining headcanons for Zutara in the LOK-era.
Katara isn't just "greatest healer in the world." She is Master Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, former ambassador to the Fire Nation, founder of the Southern Water Tribe's Waterbending Academy (and frequently visits the academy to give advanced lessons in combat, practical, and healing waterbending), subject of numerous statues around the world to commemorate her contributions to ending the war and aiding in the post-war restoration (she even has a statue alongside Sokka's at the SWT cultural center in Republic City, because WHY WOULDN'T SHE?!), patroness of countless charitable and cultural organizations, and retired Fire Lady.
Zuko still has all his achievements from canon, plus he continues to endorse several groups dedicated to promoting world peace. He is a celebrated philanthropist, often volunteering his assistance to orphanages and shelters. Even in his retirement, he and Katara still travel regularly to look for opportunities to help people. Zuko also visits Ba Sing Se specifically to stop by the Jasmine Dragon. When Iroh passed away, he left the tea shop to Zuko and Katara's youngest son, who was obsessed with tea since he first tasted it (as the kid was way far down the succession line, he saw no point in living like a prince when he could run a tea shop, instead).
Zuko and Katara also enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. As someone who likes kids, I prefer to imagine they had a lot of children and, as a result, a lot of grandkids. They are extremely doting grandparents and try to be as involved as possible. They both enjoy sharing different parts of their respective cultures with their family.
Their children and grandchildren grew up learning about and appreciating their mixed heritage. While they are all Fire Nation royalty, they all know and practice Water Tribe traditions alongside Fire Nation ones.
When the Northern Water Tribe invades the South, of course Zuko and Katara step in. After all, the SWT doesn't answer to the North (seriously, wtf LOK?) and this is an unlawful occupation. Zuko and Katara also rally their kids and grandkids, who all turn up along with Sokka's kids and grandkids to stop the invasion. When the Southerners see firebenders in their land, they regard it as a cause for celebration rather than fear.
Kind of a cosmic role-reversal. Instead of people from the South defending the North from the Fire Nation (like in Book 1), it's the Fire Nation helping defend the South against the North.
Of course Katara is right in the midst of the action alongside Zuko and the rest of the family. After all, it's not like Katara would just sit silently in the background doing nothing while her homeland is invaded (*glares at LOK again*).
Also, Katara never outlaws bloodbending. She ensures heavy regulations are put on learning it, but she does teach it to some select students whom she has vetted to ensure they are mentally and emotionally sound, have a good grasp of ethics, and are trustworthy enough to study the art.
Anyway, that's enough for now. Just wanted to get these ramblings out of my brain before I go to bed.
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aimlacely-sapphic · 1 year
🔥Fire Lord Zuko Headcanons🔥
My semi-canon compliant headcanons of Zuko after the war with a side of Zukka
Zuko's first few months as firelord are a bit of a mess. He's desperately trying to put together some semblance of functional governance in place of the corruption left in his fathers wake, while simultaneously trying to negotiate peace treaties and settlement agreements with nations his predecessors attempted to destroy.
He's overworking himself, not sleeping enough, forgetting to eat and overall just not doing a great job taking care of himself, convinced if he doesn't take care of things instantly then he's not doing enough.
It all comes to a head once the assassination attempts start getting out of hand. At that point Zuko is simply not sleeping so Sokka, Mai, Tylee and Iroh stage an intervention (you cannot convince me Iroh would stay in Ba Sing Se once things start getting out of hand)
His security get upgraded, Toph gets brought in to vet the staff (she can tell when people are lying!! why wouldn't she get to kick people out of the palace?)
And finally things start to settle down
Once the peace talks and negotiations are done he starts transforming the Fire Nation itself
A lot of people have written about this but I am absolutely convinced that Zuko spends the first year trying to get the palace staff to trust him not to hurt them
By the second or third year they are willing to speak to him and have more than small talk
He goes about making a lot of changes in policy but first he disappears for 2 days only Sokka and his head guard knowing in advance
He goes incognito through dozens of towns and villages
He visits schools (putting his blue spirit skills to use)
He goes to orphanages and homeless shelters
He goes back to the Sun Warriors to tell them about the end of the war and seek advice on how to reshape the way firebending is taught to everyone (and maybe he ends up adopting a dragon egg in the process...)
When he returns to the palace he is ready to transform the nation
He makes it a crime to use corporeal punishment
He brings back old traditions and rule for Agni Kais where they can only be fought by adults against adults provided they both agree to the fight. The Agni Kai stops when a person surrenders or at first burn.
He wanted to completely end the practice of Agni Kais but tradition could not constantly be broken by his reign (according to his advisors) so the changes just make them less common or harmful until they go obsolete
He puts in place programs for veterans to get the treatment and support they need.
He creates a fostering program where children who have been left behind can find love with parents who have lost children or veterans who want to bring love and hope to the world
He works with Aang and Sokka and Master Piandao to create new curriculum for the schools which is historically accurate, brings back culture and joy and teaches students to think for themselves
He includes some of the wisdom from the sun warriors in the new curriculum so that firebending, and really all fighting forms can be taught with their duality in mind. Fire burns but it is also life. Martial Arts can be use to kill, but they are also an art form.
Making the curriculum stick is a longer process but with help from people on the inside, slowly but surely schools start to teach in a better. kinder way
Its around the time of Zuko's 20th birthday when advisors start to bother him about marrying.
It is while trying to avoid their matchmaking that he start realizing that he likes Sokka (he's an oblivious biromantic asexual, why would anyone expect it to take less time)
Not much changes when they get together, they still spar and go to the gardens to feed the turtleducks together, Sokka still makes silly faces behind ambassadors backs, Zuko still goes down to the kitchens to make them a pot of tea to have together witting in his room (the kitchen staff are used to this by now)
But they start sharing more intimacies, finding what feels comfortable for them in the form of hugs that last just a bit longer and chaste kisses on shoulders and cheeks and foreheads.
And when the egg from the sun warriors hatches and a tiny dragon comes tumbling out, they name him Druk and take care of him together
Zuko continues to go on trips incognito a few times a year and it is on one of these trips what he finds a young child alone on the side of the road. When he learns that she has know family he tries to taker her to the orphanage in the town near by. She runs away and there is nothing Zuko is willing to do to get her to go.
She has a grittiness and fighting spirit that reminds Zuko of his younger self, an independent streak and impulsiveness that border on dangerous. And even though Zuko has to leave her that day he can't stop thinking about her as he returns to the palace.
Sokka notices right away and they talk about her, and adoption, and the fact that Zuko needs an heir and end up figuring out that they want a child of their own to raise now that Druk is all grown up
When Zuko next returns to the town he brings Sokka, a legal witness and adoption papers with him.
He introduces her to Druk and when she pets him and falls in love they start to talk to her. She begins to trust them, telling them her name is Izumi and that she doesn't like the orphanage because it reminds her too much of her past.
They stay for a few days getting to know her and when they ask if she wants to live with them she does say yes.
Over time Zuko comes to find balance and love in the peace he created in the Fire Nation<3
Note: I cannot take credit for all of these ideas, some of them come from a bunch of fanfictions I've read over the years and especially Post-Canon Fire Lord Zuko (and his staff) by RejectsCanon
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dryococelas01 · 7 months
I've been thinking lately about a particular character archetype that's been really emotionally resonating with me for a while. I've had trouble pinning down exactly why and thought if I rambled on a bit maybe that would help get my thoughts in order.
I'm gonna dub the archetype the Quixote, for reasons that will soon be obvious. Both of my examples are, funnily enough, created by games workshop.
Content warning for, I guess, severely altered states of mind, alzheimers/dementia, insanity, cannibalism and I'm not sure what else. This is a bit of a weird one to tag. I'll put mental illness as a tag even if its a fantasy mental illness rather than anything real.
So I'm gonna introduce the 2 examples first, so everyone's on the same page. They are Nemesor Zandrekh of warhammer 40k and the Flesh-Eater Courts of Age of Sigmar.
So quick Zandrekh crash course. He was part of a race called the necrontyr, they got forcibly uploaded into robot skeleton bodies by soul eating gods called the c'tan and got their souls eaten in the process, becoming the necron. In the process most of them lost all personality, with the nobility being allowed to keep between aspects and the whole of theirs. They then managed to turn on and kill the ctan, and went into a several millenia long sleep. Many of the ones who still had their personalities have odd quirks as a result of their uploads, the long sleep, too early wake ups etc.
Zandrekhs condition is that he does not see the world as it is. To him, his body is flesh and blood. The many aliens and armies he fights are necron rebels and separatists, the mindless robot armies he commands loyal troops.
He has a bodyguard, Oberyn. Oberyn takes care of him. He stands by as his Lord holds feasts of rotten food for prisoners of war he regards as enemy ambassadors, watches his lord attempt to shove food into the flat metal grin where his mouth was. If one of these PoWs or a noble under zandrekh, sick of his nonsense, tried to deal with Zandrekh, Oberyn deals with them.
He stands by him until the end. He knew and loved his lord before they were machines, and he does so now.
(Quick note: some people interpret this as romantic love. I don't but I can see why. To me I have strong recent memories of my dad and me taking care of my grandma whos mind has aged, and that's how I see it. We do explicitly as of the novel Severed have obyron describing it as love). (Second quick note: these 2 are explicitly based on Don quixote and Sancho, one of Zandrekhs old abilities was called something like tilting at solar mills)
That's your crash course on Z. Now the Flesh Eater Courts.
The FSC ars a faction of flesh eating undead ghouls. They are withered and rotten, riding giant bats and undead dragons into battle, devouring the flesh of soldier and citizen alike.
But much like Zandrekh, that's not how they see things. They have a form of infectious delusion.
They are Noble knights. The giant bats are magnificent pegasi, the zombie dragon is alive and majestic, their barren wastelands beautiful and fertile, the hordes of ravenous ghouls the loyal citizenry at their command.
When they invade a civilian village, tearing at their flesh, devouring young and old alike, that's not how they see it. They see a goblin warcamp, a chaos cult hideout, a Necromancers castle. They ride in on their noble steeds, their loyal armies at their back, and save the day. And after? They have a grand feast, peasant and knight feasting side by side on rich and expensive meats.
You get the idea
This archetype so interests me for so many reasons.
Lets start with them as a moral question.
Is The Ghoul Evil? The ghouls have taken part in the butchery of innocents, the slaughter of villages and destruction of homes. They've eaten people and serve the whims of a far less deluded master.
But they don't see it that way. Not only that but they are incapable of seeing it any other way, their senses and minds completely in thrall.
There are plenty of people who do horrible things and see their actions as good, but they have the capability to be different. A violent white nationalist will no doubt say everything they are doing is for some greater good, but they have the capacity to change, they can be something that isn't a voilent white nationalist and there is evidence in the world around them that their views are wrong and abominable.
The ghouls cannot not be ghouls, they can't see the evidence in the world around them.
They can't see their rotten fraying flesh, their sharp teeth. They can't see the farmer they killed, they taste delicious chicken instead of human flesh, drink wine not blood.
They are Noble heroes to their eyes. And there's no way for them to know otherwise. They are doing good, to their eyes.
So is the ghoul evil? I don't think so. Their acts are evil acts, but there is no evil intent to them.
It's a very interesting moral question to me. I'm curious on your thoughts, if anyone sees this.
When the veil lifts.
Nate crowley recently wrote a novella about zandrekh called Severed, from the perspective of obyron. In it he based zandrekh on his experience of a relative with, and I can't remember which, alzheimers or dementia (hence the / in the content warnings).
There is an amazing moment, at one point, that I'm just gonna quote.
So obligatory, spoiler for the novella Severed.
‘Well fought, old friend,’ said Zahndrekh, with companionable warmth. ‘You really ought to have rested more, but we need to leave. I must commend your rather… straightforward method of dealing with the sorcerer’s engine, and it very much appears to have done the trick. Doahht has gone off like a light, and its legions with it. But without the engine, I fear the stability of the planet itself won’t last, so we’d be much better off in orbit. Are you ready for a short jaunt up to the Horaktys?’
Obyron nearly said yes, but then he remembered the engine’s true purpose. Or what it might have been – it was so hard to recall now.
‘But… our souls, Zahndrekh. The machine… it could give us our souls back. It could give us our bodies. Please, lord, let’s at least take part of it with us, so we can know for sure.’
‘Oh, dear vargard, why do you hold on to such things? You must let the thought of this awful contraption go.’ Zahndrekh put an arm round him in consolation, and continued.
‘Let me pose you this thought, Obyron, in the hope it will bring you ease. What do you think caused you to hold true to me for all this time despite all the power you might have enjoyed through betrayal if it were not a soul? What can love, but a being with a soul?
‘Even if we all ceased to be flesh and blood millions of years ago, which of course I don’t be-lieve for a moment,’ – Zahndrekh actually winked – ‘wouldn’t it have suited us better to live in denial of that, as some fools might say I had done? Wouldn’t it be better, Obyron, just to accept our fate, and enjoy immortality for the everlasting life of merry campaigning it has proved to be?’
Obyron stared hard at Zahndrekh, unsure of what he was hearing.
‘You old bastard. You knew all along.’
‘I knew nothing of the sort, old friend. But since you seem to be labouring under some delusion that you’re a soulless machine, I thought I should at least make some attempt to set you straight.’ Zahndrekh stood up then, and patted his thigh for Obyron to join him. ‘Come now, soldier. Up on your feet, and let’s return to the flagship. If we’re quick about it, we can have this all cleared up in time for a truly astonishing feast.’
Obyron, ever loyal, obeyed his lord. He would have wept, but he had no tears.
With the authors statement I'd say this is a moment of clarity, not zandrekh having known all along as Obyron imagines. I've seen grandma having many similar ones.
Zandrekh sometimes sees the horrifying reality he lives in, sometimes the fog lifts. And he prefers the fog. There's a lot more to pick apart from that quote but that's what I want to focus on.
Age of Sigmar has a trpg called soulbound, in which you can play a ghoul. If I ever find a play group I will.
Imagine a scenario, out adventuring team has just butchered a village. The ghoul is huddled on the ground, lifting the arm of a murdered young man who tried to defend his home, ready to eat it.
For a moment, the veil lifts. The noble Knight, defender of his people looks around him.
His good freind, the hedge mage, is raising an undead abomination out of murdered civilians. The noble Knight he rode besides has lined up survivors and is draining them of their blood. The beautiful noble lady he traveled with and hoped to court has no flesh, she's a vengeful spirit.
He sees his claws, and sees what he's eating.
Imagine the horror that sets in in that moment.
He doesn't know if he's seeing the truth, or if he's gone mad. If it's the truth then he knows he's a monster, his friends terrors, the people he saved flesh eating ghouls and the people he killed innocent civilians. If its not the truth, then he's gone mad, he's being tormented by some daemon or spirit, he's cursed.
Now, the veil would likely fall shortly after and he'd forget that moment of horror, but let's say it doesn't.
Let's say our noble Knight has a choice. He knows the truth of the matter, and can choose between the veil falling again or staying lifted.
Does he choose to keep it lifted?
I like to imagine I would, that I'd accept the guilt and horror of my existence and past actions and try to be a force for good.
I know that I wouldn't. I would accept the delusion, because fundamentally the horror of what I am and have done would be too much. Reality would break me, so I would retreat and allow the delusion to take me.
I'd like to imagine my noble knight would stand up and become a force for good, redeem himself. He is a noble knight, after all.
Zandrekh sometimes sees past the veil, but keeps acting like he doesn't because the veil is preferable to reality.
It makes a wonderful character moment, something beautiful and tragic beyond my words.
Whenever I think of these moments the veil lifts something in me cries. There's something so tragic about, in the case of the ghouls, someone that is noble, is trying to do good, but is incapable of. Something sad but strangely beautiful about zandrekh choosing to retreat into joy and fantasy rather than face reality.
I don't know how to put it, it just touches something in me.
I don't know, there's a lot more I want to say but I can't figure out how to say it. Hope my rambles were at least interesting.
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sokkastyles · 1 year
How much do you feel Zuko is to blame for his part in Ba Sing Se? I've seen people saying what he did there was never meaningfully brought up or addressed, so I'd love to know what you think.
Never meaningfully brought up or addressed?
It's a major plot point that heavily affects the narrative on multiple sides. It's also something that is telegraphed as something Zuko instantly regrets and will regret. It's a pretty classic pyrrhic victory, and part of the reason it's not continuously brought up like some of the other things Zuko did is because Zuko never gets to realize the benefits of it.
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Even when he's being pampered back in the palace, even while his father is praising him, even while he's standing in front of a cheering crowd, it's pretty clear that he's not happy, that his victory in Ba Sing Se is based on a lie and something he knows he should not have done.
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Ba Sing Se marks a turning point in Zuko's narrative that pretty clearly primes him for redemption, not just because he flirted with switching sides but failed, but because from the moment he chooses the wrong side, he knows, and everyone in the audience knows, that he chose wrong.
That's why it's not continually brought up or reminded to us that Zuko did a bad thing. Because he's already paid the price for it.
I've also talked a lot about how Zuko is manipulated by Azula, which doesn't negate the harm he does by choosing her side, but it does mitigate the gaang's understanding of why he did what he did and their ability to forgive him. Particularly with Katara, who is the person who does continually confront Zuko with what he did in Ba Sing Se. She gets the last word the first time Zuko tries to join the gaang and is rejected, and then specifically brings up Ba Sing Se to the others, and they agree with her, all except Toph.
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Katara brings it up again twice after he's accepted into the gaang. But the reason she brings it up is not because Zuko needs to like, do reparations or something, or be continually punished for something that he felt bad about the instant he did it. It's because she can't trust him again after having her trust betrayed before.
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Which is why the focus is more on Zuko earning back Katara's trust, and Katara coming to understand that Zuko has genuinely changed.
Katara also comes to understand that Zuko was manipulated and that if he didn't side with Azula in Ba Sing Se, he would have been brought back as her prisoner. This is important for Katara as it relates to her arc with Azula and how that relates to her arc with Zuko. I'll never get over talking about how these three characters are intertwined. Katara goes from having to fight Zuko and Azula together in Ba Sing Se, after feeling betrayed by Zuko and not understanding why he sided with her, to protecting Zuko from Azula when she comes back for him at the Western Air Temple, and finally joining him against Azula, warning Zuko when she realizes Azula is trying to manipulate him again, and finally saving him from her.
Same with Zuko's arc with Iroh and how his betrayal at Ba Sing Se is about accepting Iroh's forgiveness, not about the specific actions he did. It's about Zuko needing to accept that he could be forgiven for his choices just as much as it is about atoning for them, so continually bringing it up as a mark against him would be pointless.
As far as him atoning for the specific actions, I think saving the world should be enough.
There's also the (neglected) parallel of Zuko and King Kuei as leaders that is established in "The Earth King" episode, with Zuko dreaming of being on the throne while being manipulated by a dragon with Azula's voice and not being able to make a decision, while King Kuei's inaction leads to the fall of his city and Azula using the Dai Li to take control. Zuko becoming the leader of his nation and ambassador of peace to the nation he helped to conquer definitely has a symmetry to it, and I think both of them work together and learn from each other post-series.
I've said this repeatedly, but what a character did in the past matters less than whether they've stopped doing bad things and are not motivated to continue doing those things. Once Zuko has proven himself as on the side of good, and once the characters who were personally wronged have already forgiven him, why would it need to be continually brought up?
As Toph points out, there's a difference between holding someone accountable and letting hurt feelings get in the way of making progress towards a greater good.
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where-dreamers-go · 5 months
“Here And There” Eragon x Reader
(A/N: Requested by the awesome @shewhobreathesfire for a clumsy Modern! Reader who has been made an ambassador for Alagaësia and sent out to Mount Arngor.
Warnings: Very minor angst. Mild language. Use of (Y/N).
Word Count: 1,706 words)
Ambassador of Alagaësia, appointed by Queen Nasuada herself, tasked with exchanging ideas of changes in the land through meetings with Mount Arngor’s leader, and follow protocol.
You found it all to be rushed decisions, really. Not that you would risk voicing that opinion out loud. You couldn’t afford to be foolish in that matter even if all of this was a new experience. You would rather live to tell the tale. Then again, you felt safer away from Alagaësia. From the endless list of laws and social norms.
Mount Arngor, or whichever of the handful of names you wished to call it, stood tall against a blue sky. Grassland stretched out all around it with water sources running close by. The new stronghold grew on one of the many peaks at the base of the mountain, looking extremely tiny in comparison.
At least you had found your way easily enough.
Roughly almost three weeks into walking in your new ambassador position left you questioning yourself. Not only in business matters, but how you were around others. Eragon in particular.
The Dragon Rider had evolved more than you imagined and exactly as you hoped. He had grown well as a leader, working within the community.
All out of Queen Nasuada’s reach. Or so you liked to tell yourself.
She would never see you running your foot into a table after Eragon complimented one of your suggestions for organizing storage. Unfortunately, a handful of dwarves and the other ambassador did. At least they never mentioned it.
I need to pull myself together, you thought as you descended the stairs. Went the wrong way again.
You could surely roll your eyes at yourself.
Barely a month and I have a crush on Eragon. Good job. Very predictable. Making a face, you continued on. Just more work for me. But is it really a new crush or from years of…
“Turned around?”
The sudden familiar voice and presence spooked you. A foot moving where it shouldn’t and you stumbled with a small gasp.
One hand reached out to steady yourself on the wall just as Eragon grabbed ahold of your other arm. His grip helped keep you on your feet and away from tumbling down stone steps.
A quiet curse left your lips as heat rose on your neck.
“Thank you,” you said, muscles remaining tense.
“You’re welcome.”
His hold disappeared once you found your footing.
What are the odds? At least I didn’t hurt myself this time. You exhaled slowly.
“Are you alright?” Eragon questioned, brown gaze trying to read your expression.
Setting your sights forwards, you took the next steps down carefully.
“Just…questioning my navigation skills.” You added and then muttered. “And gravity, apparently.”
The Dragon Rider kept pace with you. Quiet only for a few moments.
“I’m relieved you’re alright. It would had been quite a fall.”
“Yeah,” you breathed out and finally relaxed as you found yourselves on flat stone.
Tapestries, lights, and rugs decorated the area. Much the same aesthetic as other sparse places in the grand building. They were truly making it into a home.
“Um.” You glanced over to Eragon. “Thank you again.”
“You’re welcome. Again,” he smiled.
His expression could had melted you on the spot.
“I hope you never find yourself in the same circumstance.”
“So do I.” Clasping your hands together, you took a step in another direction. “I’ll…be on my way.”
“All right. Take care.”
“Yup. You too.”
With a quick nod and smile, you scurried off. Your feet taking you anywhere but where you really wanted to be. For how could you spend more time with Eragon when your increasing feelings for him made your very being act out of sorts?
Great job, you thought sarcastically. You have officially turned into a clumsy, stumbling person under the title of ambassador. And always in front of him. Why? Am I doing a good job regardless? Maybe.
Eragon didn’t even know your full story of becoming an ambassador. You never got to the point, the beginning, of how you met Nasuada.
How would you even start the tale? Would he believe you?
Nasuada hardly did.
Yet look how far you had traveled since then.
Have you done all that Queen Nasuada had asked of you of your appointed position of ambassador? On paper, yes. In the way she probably wanted you to, nope.
There was only so much enthusiasm and professionalism you could show with the list she gave you to do.
Send updates? Sure, but you were living in a world where dragons, humans, Urgals, dwarves, and elves existed amongst others. There was so much to experience and a letter to the Queen wasn’t high on your list.
It’s weird how I got this job in the first place, you thought. If I met someone dressed odd, visually confused, and falling out of a portal then I’d keep them under observation and question them more than a few days rather than checking if they have magic. You sighed, your thoughts running off. Then again, I’m alive. Can’t complain there. Less danger here anyway.
* *
A calm, quiet night lightened any mood held with Mount Arngor. Groups of peoples talking beside a fire and others busied themselves with a personal hobby. It made the common area warm in more ways than one.
Sitting alone by a wall light was better than cooping yourself up in your room all night. You had been welcomed into a community after all, might as well see some of it. Plus you might see the handsome Dragon Rider.
All good things.
Your nose was buried in your notes and a focused curve framed your brow. You bothered no one. Content in your own task even without a desk.
Little did you know, that it intrigued a young man. One who decided to indulge in his curiosity.
Eragon took up a seat beside you. No pretenses. No greeting.
“Who’s language is that?” Eragon asked.
Your hand rose away from the parchment.
Awh, crap.
You scrambled to think of an answer that wouldn’t be a paragraph long explanation.
Peeking over from the corner of your eye, you answered, “Human.”
Eragon leaned over, entering your personal space.
Your eyes tracked his movements and you dared not move.
“I haven’t seen script as that before.”
“My handwriting isn’t that bad,” you joked lightly.
“What? No,” he sat back, “I didn’t mean—.” He paused once he saw your expression.
You smiled.
Narrowing his eyes playfully, he asked, “Do you have to write notes all day?”
“No. They’re mainly for me.” You gestured to the dried ink. “I don’t think Nas—uh. Queen Nasuada…. I don’t think she’d be interested in these notes. I hardly think she enjoys my letters.”
“Why would you think that?” He pressed, an edge of seriousness in his tone. “Does she not want to know everything you do here?”
Tilting your head back and forth a couple of times, you finally answered, “Because I was writing about the weather.”
Eyebrows rose, but Eragon said nothing.
“I’m serious.”
Studying you through his brown eyes was enough to make you a little self-conscious. In the very least, his gaze made you overly aware of the proximity between the pair of you.
“Why would you write about the weather?” His seriousness broke down into full perplexity.
“Because I’ve never visited a huge lonely mountain with a bunch of snow on top. What’s it like when it rains a lot? How many sets of stairs even are there? Can dough rise properly here? How are my sinuses doing lately? Important questions.”
A small smile curved the Rider’s lips.
He thinks this is funny or agrees? You wondered. So many darn questions. And he’s cute. GAH! Not now.
“You should see the mountain in the winter. The winds are strong and the cold bites.”
You hummed in thought, saying, “Perhaps I should inform her of the weather extensively.” You bit back a chuckle. “She kind of threw this job on me without much warning.”
“She trusts you.”
“That’s the thing.” You whispered. “She doesn’t know me well enough or long enough to trust me personally, but…I’m here as an ambassador and I have no idea if I’m doing it properly.”
A concerned frown crossed Eragon’s features.
You did not know where you were going with the conversation, but you needed to tell him something about yourself. Your situation. A hint of the truth.
“You’ve literally seen me trip over my own feet. I cross my fingers and hope I don’t fumble when addressing people, Eragon.”
“You’re new to the position. Not everything turns out as you expect.”
Exhaling, you glanced at your writing. More than simple notes of the weather.
“You’re doing well.” His words were soft. Genuine.
The words of encouragement sprung a lightness in your chest you could not acknowledge without tempting fate with a surge of clumsiness in yourself.
“Thank you, but…uh… I literally talk differently, spent well over a decade as a student, and I’m not from here. And yet she still sent me here.”
“Exactly. What credibility do I have? Why me?”
Eragon turned in his seat to face you directly.
The change in his demeanor caused you to lose grip of your pen.
“Why does where you’re from matter about being named an ambassador?”
Immediately, you opened your mouth to respond with an answer about your true origins, however you said nothing. Mouth closed. You shrugged.
Eragon held your gaze in time of two breaths before speaking again.
“Is there something you can not tell me?”
“I’m not sure you’d believe me if I did, but,” you glanced over to where an Urgal sat down, “this place is very different from what I’m used to. Magic and all.”
“Will you tell me more about where you’re from one day? When you’re not writing about weather.”
“I might…if you help me find my pen.” You leaned over to check near your feet.
“Deal.” Eragon placed the pen atop of your notes.
“Thank you.”
“You’re always welcome, (Y/N).” His voice was warm, inviting.
A flutter in your stomach teased you.
Oh. Why’d he say my name LIKE THAT?
Best wishes and happy reading.)
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
DreamerDragon Tags: 
Inheritance Cycle Tags: @shewhobreathesfire @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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kalak · 1 year
Luke/mara fic rec list
These are some of the best mara/luke fics I've read - feel free to add more in rb/comments!
Repair by BananasAreForParties - Graphic Depictions of violence, fluff and angst, whump. 20k complete. Mara Jade came to Aran to trade. She acquires nutcakes, Imperials, and one Luke Skywalker, condition: damaged. Hurt/Comfort fic.
Reccer's note: Their awkward but geniune flirting in this is so cute
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, You Aren’t Even Stuck In Your Tower by PrinceJakeFireCake - fluff, secret identity, 6k complete. Mara Jade, an ex-spy for the dragon, Emperor Palpatine, now a knight of Princess Leia Organa, is on a mission to rescue the princess’ twin brother from the tower he was locked in.
Someone had to write Luke as Rapunzel and I am someone
Limpet AU series by frodogenic - humor, family fluff, 89k complete. Newly returned from the Unknown Regions with Darth Vader, Admiral Piett doesn't expect much of a welcome from the New Republic. And not in a million lifetimes would he have predicted that their very first guest would be Luke Skywalker. After all, Skywalker and Vader are still mortal enemies...right?
Reccer's Note: this series is so good, like, insanely good. I keep rereading it.
Take My Breath Away by atamascolily - hanahaki disease, 1k complete. Luke collapses during a sparring session, coughing up blood--and flowers? A concerned Mara drags him to Cilghal for medical treatment, but the answers aren't what either of them expected.
Catch and Release by frangipani - rated E, sexual experimentation, 10k complete. So let me get this straight," Mara says."You decided that to entertain yourself while I'm offplanet you're going to get licensed to pilot a Mon Cal cruiser?"
He frowns. "You say it like it’s ridiculous.”
"Those ships aren't even made for human pilo--" She narrows her eyes. "Oh no, it's the challenge thing, isn’t it?"
Or the one where Luke and Mara try to bang while keeping Luke's pulse within a specific range. Absolutely 0 science knowledge went into this. Consider yourself warned.
Who Needs a Cover Anyway? by JediDryad - misunderstandings, jealousy, 1k complete. Against his better judgment, Luke agrees to act as "Jedi Ambassador" on a mission with Mara and Lando. Will he be able to keep his feelings to himself or will observing their relationship be too much?
Miscommunications by JediDryad - misunderstandings, 849 words complete. Luke sends Mara a nervous rambling message inviting her for a visit. What she receives is something quite different.
Family Planning for the Force-Sensitive by beautifultoastdream - domestic, fluff, 13k complete. Two years after Exar Kun is defeated, Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker are married. Mara is uneasily settling into life as a Jedi trainee and as the New Republic's representative to the Smugglers' Alliance. But when Karrde's vornskrs have a strange reaction to her during a routine meeting, Mara learns that something else is about to happen ... And it scares her more than C'baoth.
Slight AU from Star Wars Legends, fluff and angst.
The Trouble with Bootie Comms by frangipani - 3k complete. "I have an issue with my apartment right now," Luke said. Mara was pretty sure why.
Luminous Creatures by celinamarniss - daemons, action/adventure, enemies to friends to lovers, 30k complete. Mara has never been prouder when Asyr settles early. He shifts into the form of a night felinx when Mara is thirteen, a whole year early. It’s a good body for stealth, her trainers tell her, and praise them for it.
Luke is the last of his friends to have his dæmon settle. Speculation drifts through his childhood. What sort of animal do you think your dæmon will choose? asked by adults with indulgent smiles and between children as their dæmons flit from form to from in impromptu races across the desert sand.
Strange Bedfellows series by celinamarniss - action/adventure, humor, light angst, 37k complete.
Reccer's Note: this series has a very domestic couple feel to it and I love that.
Under the cover of Darkness by randomlyimagine - time travel, fix-it, 57k complete...ish. (there's a sequel that is tbc.) Being pulled back through in time, getting to see the Old Jedi Order, Ben, even Anakin Skywalker, before he Fell…it was an opportunity Luke had never dreamed he’d have.
If only he and Mara hadn’t been pulled back in the middle of a mission where they were undercover as Sith.
slipping into the ground or into your arms by BananasAreForParties - rated E. Fluff and angst, mutual pining, implied/referenced child abuse, 41k complete. More than colleagues. Less than friends. Better than acquaintances. They remain in balance. The Command, the dark whisper, slumbers and Mara has no desire to poke a sleeping rancor. To dance with Skywalker. . .could it ever be worth the risk?
Mara and Luke succumb to the gradual formation of their Force bond through an activity far more pleasing than fighting for their lives.
the history books forgot about us by celinamarniss - happy AU, 2k complete. Jedi apprentice Asha is sent on a quest to find the legendary Luke Skywalker. She thought he was a myth!
better tell 'em while they're here by philthestone - 4k complete. Jacen discovers a Fish in the new fountain just outside of the Old Palace's reception hall, which obviously means that the Imps are planning to take over the galaxy. Jaina thinks that everything would be alright if only Nik could remember where he put his pants.
And of course, Uncle Luke's getting married today.
(AU for the EU)
Reccer's note: recommend reading the whole series. This fic has such a human warm fuzziness to it.
Boundaries series by frangipani - rated E, smut, 106k complete. A year after the events of the Last Command, Mara is still in Coruscant attempting to fulfill her Smuggler's Alliance duties while continuing her Jedi training. Former Emperor's Hand, turned smuggler, government liaison, and Jedi apprentice...she's long known that the only way things work in the new life she's made for herself is through clearly delineated boundaries.
It's really too bad Luke Skywalker unwittingly keeps taking them apart.
The Son of Suns trilogy by blank101 (link to each installment: Into the Storm, in shadows and darkness, at the Brink of the dawn and the darkness) - graphic depictions of torture, psychological torture, sith!Luke. 721k complete. Darth Vader captures the passengers of the Millennium Falcon after their attempted escape at Cloud City, sure that Luke will convert to his cause and aid him in overthrowing the Emperor. When his plan is rebuffed he falls back on more desperate measures and hands his son over to Palpatine, who begins to systematically take apart Luke’s life to create a new Sith, turning him against his allies, his father and his beliefs with devastating consequences for both the Empire and the Alliance, as events cascade beyond anyone's control.
This is a completed trilogy, featuring Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Palpatine, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Mara Jade, Mon Mothma, and Crix Madine.
Reccer's note: I really love this one - both for the sith!Luke portrayal, and the conflicts luke and Mara go through.
Drive You Mild by obaona - sith!Luke, drama/romance, 70k complete. How do two powerful, individualistic people who were formerly enemies unite? Emperor Luke Skywalker, meet Jedi Knight Mara Jade.
Misc - archive sites/author recommendations
Mara and luke archives
LiveJournal community
Jedimordsith, frangipani, JediDryad, celinamarniss, BananasAreForParties, and evilmouse are all great writers and you should check them out!
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shivunin · 2 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Thank you so much for the tag @dreadfutures! I love this, and it's given me an excuse to comb back through Wander again c: This was honestly a really fun exercise because so much of character voice for me is carried by the context/narrative tone (and Emma especially writes a lot of letters in this fic, which aren't really dialogue).
So - for Emmaera Lavellan (Emma):
“We hear your concerns, ambassador. My advisor and I will discuss it at length, I assure you. Please, feel free to find either of us if you have concerns about the accommodations at Skyhold ahead of the fete.”
“It doesn’t feel like we do, Josie. We already saved the world. Why couldn’t that be enough?” 
"When I’m sitting in those meetings, I think about all the ways I could get away from here without someone noticing. I think about climbing down from the tower, or hiding in the stables until night and taking the dracolisk out."
“Your new owner was a bad man,” she continued, “I’m sorry for that. But if you’ll let me help, I will make sure you’re cared for as long as you stay with me.”
"We didn’t have to put other faces on for each other–when we were alone, we spoke plainly and left behind the facades. So when I tell you he wasn’t the one who put the knife in my chest, believe me: It wasn’t him.”
“It had better be little. I’ve had enough parties in my honor to last a lifetime.” 
"This woman would not know her Maker if he picked her up by the heel and shook her."
"I don’t know. Is there a problem? I’ve heard I can’t do anything myself. Seems like I should be no manner of threat at all to one such as you–who killed a single , individual Venatori three years ago."
"You once saw me throw a fireball into a dragon’s mouth while it had me between its teeth. I think I can manage to walk down a dirty street alone, missing arm or no."
“You’ll see. I’m just - not suited to lounging around this manor and hoping for the best. I have to do something. And if I have nothing to do here–”
“But it would look so dashing. Maybe I want it to heal crooked.”
"Silly choice of metals, gold. All soft and shiny. I’d rather a heart of iron or steel or–ooh, dragon bone would be fantastic. Very durable, dragon bone. Velvet, though–-that would be novel. A heart of velvet: prickly one way and soft the other. Uncomfortably warm in the summer. That fits much better.” 
"If the choice was between forgiveness and moving on–what else could I choose?"
"He knows how to open doors. It hasn’t become a problem yet.”
"Even if you forget someday, this is yours to read as you wish. I thought you should have that, to decide for yourself what you want to know."
Tagging @greypetrel @inquisimer @nightwardenminthara @idolsgf @transprincecaspian @star--nymph @vakarians-babe and you!!
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greypetrel · 4 months
(resisting the urge to not say "i'm not calling you a liar" for Raina LOL)
Maybe "This is as good a place to fall as any" for anyone who fits for Radha, or anyone else who fits? c:
Hello Laya!
Thank you for asking and LOL that song for Raina would have been so funny. x°D
This got me thinking. As previously said, I’m all for Solavellan when it’s platonic, not much when it’s romantic. But, Bedroom Hymns was undeniably romantic, and I couldn’t find one way to decline it as platonic (I TRIED). Thinking and rethinking about how to make myself like Solas as a romance enough to write something convincing unlocked me, tho!  I tried, let me see how it went, it was out of my comfort zone, but I hope it’s convincing enough.
And for the record, this is the book I followed. Some names are adapted to Dragon Age of course (Arbor Vitae sounded so similar to Arbor Blessing that I just put that. And “Virginian Spiderwort”… I put the name of a random city in the Free Marches. Also, Tevinter Plum is Indian Plum, with a VERY rough assignation.)
Tis the prompt list
[ “This is as good a place to fall as any” ]
This is his body This is his love Such selfish prayers And I can't get enough Bedroom Hymns - Florence + the Machine
Radha observed Josephine with the air of a person that firmly believed she was being made a fool out of.
“Oh, come on.” The ambassador laughed. “Don’t make that face, it’s just a coded language like any other Leliana taught you!”
“Except assigning meanings to flowers makes no sense. Why should a Pansy mean thought?”
“It means I think of you. And I don’t know, maybe because it’s such a pretty flower?”
Radha watched Josephine fix the bouquet in front of her with care, a smile she couldn’t contain on her lips and in her eyes. She looked happy, and even if Radha knew who sent those flowers and was burning to tell her that Blackwall was hiding something, and to watch out… Whatever made her smile like that couldn’t be all that bad, she considered. She could attach meaning to those flowers, if she wanted, it really hurt no one, as much as a nonsensical way of communicating that was.
“If you say so.” She shrugged in the end, not convinced.
“I think it’s sweet.” Josie kept on, and turned her smile to her  in a way Radha didn’t like. “Wouldn’t you like for Solas to gift you flowers as well, and know he meant something with each one he chose?”
The elf groaned in all answer, rolling her eyes to the ceiling of the office. It was far too silly for her, and as Josephine laughed at the display, she smiled back at the woman and wove a goodbye, turning back and leaving her to attach whatever set of words she wanted to the plants she received.
She crossed the Great Hall, headed to the library, and the thought still stuck, picking at her curiosity all the more because she couldn’t really understand the purpose of it.
She was there when Ydun filled the aravel she and Aisling shared with field flowers, once her sister complained the other never did anything spontaneous. She was there to help Aisling  and her girlfriend clean the damn flowers out of the cart, which took the three of them hours of work, and a big question on what to do with all those flowers.
It had been silly and uncomfortable, and even Aisling had agreed that maybe picking flowers wasn’t that nice. That they were nicer growing in fields, instead of dead just for a fleeting moment of beauty.
That had settled the flower matter, for Radha, and she told Solas right away that if he really wanted to court her, beside not entering her dreams uninvited ever again, not to gift her flowers. And he had listened on both things.
But now, working with Leliana on how to circle the Templar blockade in the Emprise du Lion, reviewing reports and trying to concoct a safe way around the main pathway that could lead an armed group into Sahrnia off track, without having them trapped in the snow… The thought kept bugging her most annoyingly.
So annoyingly than when they were finished for the day, after she checked that Aisling and Dorian weren’t planning on setting themselves on fire or make something else explode that afternoon, she started shuffling the bookshelves until she found… ah.
There was a whole book about it, and it was fairly thick. Surprisingly thick.
Shuffling through pages, she discovered it contained pages upon pages with pictures of every single flower and plant, with instructions on how to recognise the wanted variety precisely, curiosities and other uses. Beside a dictionary of associations, ordered one by flower, one by meaning.
Radha wondered why it wasn’t just a book of botany and nothing more.
But, curious as she always was when meeting something new to learn, she placed herself on her spot on the couch in the rotunda, and started to read. With a grudge, and fully intending to disprove that silly method and silly book.
“I thought you weren’t the type for flowers.”
A known, dear voice chuckles over her, coming to sit beside her some minutes after.
She huffed, settling better to get in contact with him, allowing Solas to hug her shoulders and peek on the page she had opened on her bent thighs, as she kept on reading.
“This language is stupid.”
“Is it? I think it’s a clever way to communicate in an environment where being open is socially frowned upon.”
She scoffed, not convinced, and turned the page.
“A rose changes its meaning according to the colour. It makes no sense.”
“A letter can stand for two different sounds as well, making equally little sense.”
Radha huffed through the nose, shaking her head. Not convinced at all. Solas chuckled some more, and bent to press a kiss on the side of her head.
“Would you like to try?”
She turned to him, raising one eyebrow in a silent and very disappointed question that, apparently, just amused him more.
“Just to see if it makes sense in the end, or if it’s fun.”
“Crittography is fun and doesn’t require the death of a plant.”
“It’s far less beautiful, tho.” He countered. “The brief time a flower is allowed to bloom adds to its meaning. Even if its life is brief, it’s not less precious. All the more so for it. And the sentiment attached keeps on even if the petals wilts. I find it quite poetic.”
Radha shrugged, seeing the point of his words but not fully agreeing with it. She settled herself more comfortably against his side. If he was in a mood for explanations and reading and not for painting, it was fine with her. Aisling had rubbed off her too much for Radha to not have picked up that love was in touch.
 A slender arm clutched her closer, another kiss made her lips curve up in a smile, and she turned another page, deciding she may as well indulge him. If not just to prove it wrong. It didn’t work for Cullen and Aisling, she didn’t see why it should work for her. But if he wanted to try…
“As you wish.”
“I will think of something.”
She shrugged it off, and went on reading, trying to figure out if the whole thing had some sense upon it. But no matter how much she read, she just couldn’t figure out how one person could look at a bush of lavender and think of Distrust.
Radha found the first flower three days later, early in the morning when she walked out from her room.
On the ledge of the half wall, just in front of her door, he left her the Floriography book. In its pages he firmed the stalk of the first flower, shining white against the dark of the stone, tiny flowerets gently moving in the breeze that swept the Keep. She conceded herself half a smile, just for the care he took to leave her the guide as well. Shuffling through the pages, it was easy to find the flower she needed. It was a fairly common bloom and she of course knew its name well.
Lily of the Valley: Return of Happiness.
She rolled her eyes to the sky, but kept smiling, as she gently smelled the flower.
Silly and sappy.
She needed to find just the right answer. She was early anyway, she could spend ten minutes finding for something on the damn book.
Facing Aisling and asking her if she could please summon a very specific flower she had but a picture of in a book was another story. She hated to ask, and she knew that of her siblings, the one truly skilled with Creation magic was, without a hint of a doubt, Pavyn. But, she didn’t really trust other mages on such a personal matter, their brother was miles and miles away, and Aisling would have had to do. Even if she smirked with a horribly knowing smile at her. Saying nothing, and at the same time saying everything.
Radha groaned at it, Aisling laughed, and she gave her the flower she had asked anyway, telling her to come anytime for the next. This looked like an important mission, and had the priority, surely.
The flower was left on his desk right after, during lunch.
Ostwick Spiderwort: Momentary Happiness.
Because she was playing the game, but she was playing to prove it silly.
They went on for days, leaving flowers to each other back and forth, in places each one knew the other would have found it and know whom it was from.
When they met, they never spoke about them, of course: the fun was in the secrecy of it, and talking about the flowers would have broken the game.
Solas left her a White Periwinkle: Pleasures of Memory.
Radha shook her head and oomphed, found just the right flower, and pushed Aisling to create it anyway even if she disagreed with her choice of proving a point.
“Can I at least tell him I disagree with-”
“No, Shrimp.”
Tevinter Plum, for Privation.
He didn’t say anything, but looked at her funny that evening, raising just one eyebrow as he saw her, in a silent question. She rose one of her own, challenging him to say something. He smiled under his breath and spoke of something else.
The next morning, there was a jonquil in a small glass jar on her spot at Leliana’s table. Leliana smirked knowingly, but all she had to say at the third time she looked at the plant – just to check the jar wasn’t staining the map it rested upon, of course- was:
“It means ‘I desire a return of affection’.”
Radha groaned and urged everyone -who was horribly giggling at her, to get back to work, they had no time to lose in silliness and flowers.
She wasn’t ready to give in so early, so her choice was, and at that Aisling giggled in mirth. Not that Radha minded.
A Lady’s slipper: Win me and wear me.
To which the answer was quick:
Saffron Crocus: Mirth.
Radha smiled at it, and mirth was what she felt. Before the cook saw her with that particular flower in her hand and yelped, asking her where did she found it and if there were others, if there were enough they could have saffron for free and-
Flowers were dangerous, Radha decided, running for her -and mostly for Solas’ life from an overeager cook that would have demanded the mage to grow her a field of crocuses daily, if she had caught her and coaxed a name out of her.
The next flower, she found it herself in the garden, growing spontaneously in the meadows. A fitting answer, she thought, returning to the rotunda just to slip it behind his ear, with a briskness that masked some shyness out of inexperience. He turned, and she was out of the opposite door with just a glance of pink cheeks.
Wild Daisy: I will think of it.
When she finished with her training, patting dust away from her trousers after the Iron Bull threw her to the ground the fifth times as she was distracted by parrying Krem’s sword, his answer was in the scabbard of one of her daggers. For all she blamed this stupid flower thing for being silly and pointless -and it was silly and pointless and a waste of magic- the small twig with red lantern-like fruits brought a smile to her face, and made her forget that her back was sore and she fell badly on her shoulder.
Gooseberry: Anticipation
The game continued in the next days, and keeping a straight face when they were together became more difficult.
Radha thought she had a good control over herself: she wasn’t emotional in the way Aisling was, bursting into tears and smiling wide so everyone could partake in her emotions as well. She felt hers, but always kept them private. This new thing, tho, the expectation of seeing the hint of a coloured petal or of a leaf every way she turned, made her silly.
Her lips curled up in a smile almost automatically when she caught a glimpse of Solas, in a way she found silly and blamed herself for it. It happened to others, it happened to Aisling and Pavyn and Vyrina: it didn’t happen to her. It never did, and she wasn’t interested in having it happen. She was happy as she was.
And yet, seeing him smile back, something melting in his face, posture relaxing ever so slightly, took some of the disappointment away from her.
She left him a sprig of mezereon: Desire to please.
He answered with a white mignonette: Your qualities surpass your charme.
She was happy that he left it in her room, so nobody could see her blush. He wasn’t scarce in compliments, but she wasn’t really good at receiving them. Less of all in replying it: it felt… Too much, too soon, and she didn’t know what she should do.
After hours and hours of mulling it over, thinking if she was ready to be more direct and give a compliment back -he knew she admired him, what more could he want? Courtship was stupid. She decided that maybe not. She also decided that asking Aisling would have been a terrible idea if she didn’t want her sister to arrange with Leliana and Josephine a way to close them both in the same room with candles and rose petals and a chocolate cake so big no couple of living beings could ever dream of eating on their own… she may as well just offer him some sincerity back.
That would have worked better than Aisling setting them up, surely.
Amaryllis: Timidity.
She stayed the whole morning on pins and needles, uneasiness settling in the depth of her stomach in a way that was familiar of every time someone had requested something physical or emotional from her, and she just… Hadn’t it in her, and was made to feel in defect because in the field of love she wasn’t interested… Or in this case, when she surprisingly found herself interested, she needed to proceed slow.
He didn’t make her wait, tho: his answer was waiting for her in the war room, where she was expected for a recollection of the official plan to gather an entrance in the Emprise and Leliana had requested her presence.
A ceramic glass, stained with paint on the border -one of those he used for water when he painted, she knew- with clean water and a sprig of Evergreen Thorn, heavy with firey red berries.
Solace in adversity.
A consolation, and an acceptance. Aisling and Josephine looked at her, seeing the twig. Josie was worried, knowing probably the meaning of it, and asked her if everything was all right.
“Yes.” She answered. “Yes, it is.”
And she was fully sincere in her words.
The answer was fairly easy to find: it was Aisling’s favourite after forget-me-not, and it felt like a witty remark.
A tiger-lily on the top of his scaffolding, in the same glass: For once may pride befriend me.
She was up in the first story of the library, in the corner beside Aisling and Dorian to see his reaction. He turned the flower in his long fingers, and he heard him chuckle, as she had intended him to. He turned towards the nook with a sly smile, caught her eyes.
She felt the shiver of magic and the smell of ozone, and the next thing was something velvety and delicate caressing her right cheek. She startled to the side, thinking of something evil, for to her right there was just stone wall.
It was no demon what met her, but a single flower growing between two stones, and what velvety touched her was its leaf, spiky and sharp beneath delicate rosy and purple flowers.
“Can you go elsewhere before I puke with all this sappiness, please?” Dorian complained, groaning aloud.
“Hush, you!” Aisling giggled, swatting his arm aloud. “They’re cute, leave them be.”
“They’re getting sappier than you and Cullen, and I’m getting diabetes. Too much straight energy for me.” He groaned aloud, as if he was in pain, and let his bust fall heavily back, a wrist on his forehead for added dramatics. “I think I may die.”
Aisling hoomphed under his weight, collapsing back a little in surprise. A pile of books fell down under their combined weight, but they went on bickering about Radha one moment, their experiment the next. In the meanwhile, Radha had found which flower it was, and what did it mean. She snorted a laugh.
Oak leaved geranium: True friendship.
“See? Sappier by the minute, I swear!”
“Leave her be!”
It was, all in all, a nice afternoon full of laughter. And in all sincerity, all Radha could answer was but one flower.
Saffron Crocus: mirth.
It went on for some days more, and Radha slowly and carefully had to admit, if only to herself, that it was indeed amusing to go back and forth that way. No words, no grand declarations nor speech. Just colourful messages, well thought for their synthesis, to the point.
A bellflower in her glass, at breakfast: Gratitude.
Corn straw, deftly braided, between his quills: Agreement.
And then, after a day, when Radha was thinking he had stopped, they got through with it and had their fun but there was only so much they could tell each other through flowers -not thinking that she spent the day looking this way and that expecting a petal, a splash of colour in her field of vision… Another one that left her unsettled.
He had asked her if he could leave a couple of books he had meant to lend her directly in her room, instead of leaving them in the rookery where she was, and let her bring them back herself. She paid it little mind and told him yes, and in the evening, when she returned, there wasn’t just the four volumes of history on her desk. No.
There was a flower on her pillow, bright and colourful on the white of the sheets.
Ranunculus: You are radiant with charms.
Radha felt her breath grow short, the blow stronger this second time around, and she wondered if it was normal. She didn’t like this romance thing, she always felt like she was dancing without knowing the steps nor what he expected from her. This compliment thing… It left her uneasy and terribly, horribly seen.
Was it so bad, this insistence and being seen? Yes. But maybe… She didn’t mind being seen by Aisling, but Aisling had ways that were more delicate, and didn’t put a mirror in her face. This… A rational part in her calmly acknowledged that it was courtship, every animal did it. Birds flaunting coloured feathers to attract the female, hallas fighting for the same reason. Bonding gifts served the same purpose. Reproduction as the end goal. But this wasn’t that. She’s been clear that she wasn’t interested in that, she didn’t want children of her own, and she didn’t know if she would have ever been willing to try more intimacy than kisses. She never had the urge before, after all. He had been understanding and told her he didn’t mind it, he was happy with just whatever she had to give, and wouldn’t have asked for more.
It was the companionship, what she didn’t expect. It was the gratuitous appreciation of what she was, not what she could do, her qualities and skills. The way he listened to her and asked her opinion after long, long explanations, and seemed to value each and every of her words, remembered what she told and interpreted her ways for what they were, appreciated them. It was the smile he had just for her and the tender way his eyes would melt.
It was how her heart beat fast and how her mind could, if she tried, figure out the exact way he would have said “You are radiant with charms”, and how it made her horribly dizzy.
She prayed Aisling was in her room and was alone -she couldn’t face Cullen on this. Creators, asking one person was a lot.
Luckily, she was there and she was alone -made a weird face when Radha confessed she didn’t expect her to be, but was quick in changing the topic. In a way that told her that she didn’t want to talk about it, but still. They sat together on her bad, legs crossed, with all the curtains of the canopy drawn, it almost felt like an aravel: Radha spoke and Aisling listened with attention.
“It’s scary, isn’t it?” She asked in the end, an understanding smile on her face as she cupped her face to look at her in the eyes.
Radha glomped down. Was that it? Was it? All the fuss, all the chasing and sighing, all the novels and poetry, for this? For feeling dizzy and unsure? She didn’t like it. She didn’t like it at all, but something clicked true in her.
She nodded, feeling herself blushing madly.
“Yeah, I know, it’s shitty. Truly horrible.” Aisling agreed, moving forward and dragging her bust down to hug her shoulder, collecting the rogue against her frame. “It’s ok, tho. You can cut the game any time, there’s no obligation to answer. You already told him that you were shy, it’s ok. He won’t insist if you don’t want him to.”
Radha hummed, knowing she was right. It wasn’t anything serious, this game of theirs, anyway. The experiment had proven its point, she could call it out whenever she wanted.
And yet, that ranunculus…
“And- What if I wanted to?” She squeezed her eyes shut and drowned her face in the crook of Aisling’s neck.
Fingers started to thread in her hair, caressing and soothing, a kiss pressed on her cheek.
“Well, then. If you wanted to… You can be sincere about why you don’t want to reply. What about it?” Aisling asked. “Is there another flower for shyness?”
There was, they discovered after running all the way down to Radha’s room and the book. And checking also what Dandelion meant now because Aisling decided she may as well try it too, and “Cullen is definitely a dandelion”. She was very disappointed when she discovered that Dandelions meant “Rustic oracle” (“What does that even mean?? It makes no sense!” and Radha couldn’t but agree). But they found one for her as well, and it was with a sigh to get some courage, that she left it on his desk, very early in the morning.
Peony: Bashfulness, shame.
As embarrassing as it was, that was what she felt.
Waiting for an answer, after all, was still better than dreading answering in the first place. She had work to distract herself with and… Was that Cullen with a crown of dandelions on his head the one Varric and Sera were whistling at?
She had work to distract herself with.
The answer came soon enough, thankfully, and it calmed her down considerably.
A twig with leaves of white poplar: Time.
She smiled at it, relieved in her anxieties. The perfect answer, really, and she felt silly, now, for doubting him so. He gave her time, and time was what she needed. With a fuller heart and a calmer mind, and more faith in the future, she gently pressed one of the leaves in her notebook, as a keepsake, and went on with her day.
Her answer was a columbine: Foolishness.
She felt a little foolish for worrying so, truth to be told, and if sincerity paid off… Why not keeping up? Maybe it would have brought something else of good, while she tried to unwind the ball of yarn her feelings and thoughts got wound up into.
She had time, yes.
The next one was another leaf. One she knew fairly well, and which spoke thankfully more of him than on her.
Arbor Blessing: Unchanging friendship. Live for me.
Radha knew, turning the trail in her hand and rubbing the leaves between two fingers to release the balsamic perfume of them. Surely he meant just the first meaning of it. He was the first one to say she should pursue other interests and friendships that weren’t him. With a dedication she didn’t really understand.
That little slip tho… That little inattention, finding something with a meaning so contrary to whatever he ever told her.
Maybe he was equally bashful about this whole endeavour. Thinking of it, he always spoke of her and her qualities, what he saw in her. Never of what he himself was feeling more deeply than expressing friendship. Before this one. This one little slip that…
Maybe she was reading too much into it. But he was always so precise and careful, measuring his words with such attention, that Radha found hard to believe that he just read half the definition.
Weirdly enough, that little slip made her heart beat, but not with the anxiety of those days before. No. This time it was tenderness, and recognition.
If he was bashful too… Maybe she really had nothing to fear.
Maybe she already had fallen, and she didn’t realise she already landed.
Beside, her mother didn’t raise a quitter.
So, she marched to Aisling and asked her one last flower. This time, knowing perfectly well what she wanted.
The next morning, Solas found a thin vase on his desk, in a corner as if it had been always been there.
Inside, sprouting tall and proud, one single purple lily.
First emotion of love.
Radha, that evening, got back into her room to find not one flower, but a full bouquet. It was just one bloom, and it filled the room with a pleasant, sweet perfume.
Lily of the valley: Return of happiness.
She smiled wide, didn’t mind he entered her room without asking, and let her treacherous heart keep her awake for long, that evening.
Enjoying the sweet smell of lily of the valleys for the brief and precious moment while it lasted, and maybe understanding a little better why people gifted flowers.
Why Lavender meant Distrust, tho, she never understood.
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dujour13 · 7 months
💎💎💎When you and Sia have time! your choice :3
Larksharius and Rimerock. How can I talk about one without the other? They’re Alrakis, the twin stars.
He orders another glass of that mediocre Andoren wine he loves so much before he gets started. From his eager smile you can tell there's a story.
When I made my pilgrimage to meet the ancient silver dragon Rimerock I was anxious, if you can believe it. I’m not shy, I’m sure you’ve noticed, but my specialty is people. Dragons are very different creatures. I humbly confess I know little about them except when it comes to baby havoc dragons, and I’m out of my depth even with the noble metallic sort who don’t usually roast people on sight. I left Aivu behind because—well, Hal is still trying to teach her dragon manners. And Jharsy’s just too young and controversial to act as an ambassador, so I went by myself.
When I approached him I wasn’t sure if Rimerock would try to kill me, but after I explained why I was there he agreed to talk, and he even invited me into his home. He was dignified, reserved, but cordial. He seemed not to know what to make of me at first either.
And then into the study where he received me suddenly appeared the archlich. Larksharius. Nothing like you’d expect—soft-spoken, graceful and welcoming, bringing us hot tea.
Once Lark joined us, Rimerock thawed toward me. Haha, I only figured it out later. Ri is just shy!
They’ve both lived through so much. Hearing them talk is like learning the vast history of an empire. It’s not what I was there to ask Rimerock but I learned a great deal from both of them about immortality… and its dangers. Especially loneliness.
Rimerock has had to fight his way to peace, against outside forces and against himself. It’s never-ending, and yet he perseveres. I think because he shoulders a lot of blame and self-doubt and feels he owes it to the world to keep fighting. He holds himself to an impossible standard. He’s so much better than he thinks.
And Lark—in undeath they’ve often drifted toward the River of Souls and tested its waters for the respite they offer, but they’ve also hung on even when it felt like there was nothing to hang on for. Such a gentle soul to have been hurt so much. Ultimately, they were right not to let go, because they found Ri.
The two of them are ancient and wise, but to my surprise and delight there’s something youthful about how they look at the world—fresh and full of wonder.
That comes from their love. Since they found each other it’s spring again.
I have the deepest respect for them, but now that I know them better, affection too. Ah, they’re so in love! You can’t help filling up with it when you’re around them. You go away feeling refreshed and full of hope. Ri wasn’t able to help me with all my questions, but I found something I hadn’t even known I needed. And I have a couple new friends. And possibly babysitters for Aivu when Hal can’t take any more.
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 6 months
Dragon Scales and Late Night Runs
Tyzula Week: Day 3 Medieval AU/Dragons
You can read it here on archive of our own as well
A/N: Holy shit I'm late
When Azula was a child, she would pick up her dragon, Lightning, and scream into her scales. Several years later when her dragon was far too big for her to hold, Azula would still bury her face in her side and scream. The only difference was that this time Lightning wouldn’t even stir, simply readjusting herself so that Azula was more comfortable.
“Thought I’d find you here.” her brother’s voice rang out as he jumped over her dragon to settle down next to her,
“What the hell are you doing here?” was her response,
“Kiyi wanted me to make sure you weren’t planning on running away.” he replied,
“She knows me too well.” Azula lamented,
“Mhm, now why are you sitting here like you’re the main character in a tragedy?” Zuko asked,
“Wild fucking guess.” she spits, and Zuko sighs rubbing his forehead,
“Look I know it isn’t ideal but at least dad is kind of taking your interests to heart, it could’ve been worse. At least it’s not a boy.” Zuko reasons,
“I’m getting married to a stranger! To some non-bender girl I’ve never seen before!” she yelled,
“I know it’s not ideal but-” Zuko started,
“I mean how come you get to marry the water tribe ambassador you want, but I have to marry some nobody from the middle of nowhere!” she hissed,
“There’s nothing we can do about it now ‘Zula. The marriage is approved, you two are to be married in two months.” Lightning stirred slightly noticing Azula’s distress,
“What’s even the reason for marrying her? She’s not even a bender.”
“She’s the daughter of some kind of high-ranking official, I think he’s our ambassador for Air Nomads or something?” Zuko sighs, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder.
“It can’t be that bad. At least Dad says you can still travel the world, you just have to do it with a complete stranger that you have to call a wife at your side.” he said brightly, Azula glared at him,
“I feel so comforted Zuzu, thank you so much.” he got back on his feet,
“Come on let’s race, maybe that’ll make you feel better.” Azula stared at him warily, but obliged him, settling herself on Lightning’s back, but even as her dragon took flight, soaring far above any and all landmarks, she couldn’t help but feel a sinking feeling in her stomach.
The servants were quiet, noticing the princess’s sour mood. They washed and combed her hair, touched up her makeup, and helped her with her armor. All the while, she barely acknowledged their existence. Princess Azula was not kind or welcoming by any means, but even this was a new extreme. A single wayward noise was met with a harsh reprimand.
Someone knocked on the door,
“Come in.” the princess ordered, the door opened to reveal the prince, who looked as somber as his sister,
“Your fiancée is here, you have five minutes before dad tears down the walls trying to drag you out.” was all he said, the princess didn’t respond to her brother, only adjusted her armor and stood up, nodding at the servants, the only acknowledgment she had given them the entire night, and walked out.
“You look like someone killed your dragon.” Zuko commented,
“I just want this damn night to be over with.” she responded, flickers of blue flame escaping her mouth as she exhaled,
“Just go in, exchange pleasantries, and say you have the most terrible headache, and that you’re so sorry that you have to leave.” Zuko put a hand on her back, “Good luck.” and with that he shoved her forward.
Azula cursed, flames jumping to her hands. She straightened herself, and to her relief no one seemed to notice. She weighed her options, she could either do exactly as Zuko said, or she could skip it and go straight to the leaving the party part of the plan. She was an adult after all, she did have a certain autonomy that she didn’t have when she was a kid. The function was taking place in the courtyard, meaning if she skirted around the edge of the crowd she could disappear into the gardens.
The choice was made before she could blink and she was out and among the gardens faster than anyone could ask her where she was going. She sighed in relief as she sat down by the turtle-duck pond. A single turtle-duck swam up to her, quacking indignantly when it realized she didn't have any food for it.
“What does Zuzu and mother see in you? All you do is go around being noisy and asking for food.” she told the turtle-duck who nipped at her fingers in response,
“Ow! You little rascal-” she contemplated singing it’s feathers, but before she could reach a verdict, she became acutely aware of a presence that wasn’t her own, she looked behind her to see a shadow looming over her,
“Agni strike me!” she cursed, nearly falling backwards into the pond. The turtle-duck squawked indignantly flitting back into the safe reach of its pond,
“Sorry did I startle you?” the shadow said, stepping away from her, Azula had to take several calming breaths before she could answer,
“What are you doing here?” she asked, ignoring the question,
“Got bored of the party.” she answered nonchalantly, she offered her a hand up, Azula took it brushing herself off. Now that she was standing face to face with the girl, she could see her a little better. They were standing close enough to the party that the light framed her soft features. Her heart was beating violently in her chest, and it had nothing to do with the fact that this woman had just scared her within an inch of her life.
“What are you doing here?” the girl asked,
“Same reason as you.” Azula mumbled,
“This party seems kind of pointless right? I mean why all this grandeur? I’m fairly sure I could meet my fiancée over a nice cup of tea, it would be more intimate than having your first meeting orchestrated by your parents.” she continued,
“I’m meeting my fiancée tonight as well.” Azula replied, looking questioningly at the girl,
“Princess Azula, I presume?” she asked,
“In the flesh.” Azula feels a little bad that she didn’t even ask for her fiancée’s name, fortunately for her, she introduces herself,
“I’m Ty Lee.” she offers her hand, Azula takes it, noticing the calluses on her hands, she had heard her fiancée was a talented acrobat and this confirmed it,
“I ended up doing the one thing I set out not to do tonight.” she murmured,
“Not meeting me?” Ty Lee asked, tilting her head, she didn’t look the slightest bit offended. “Same here, I’m not keen on getting married to an absolute and utter stranger.”
“That makes two of us, Lady Ty Lee.” Azula responded,
“Well at least you aren’t boring Princess Azula, I would hate to be married to someone boring.”
“I am the princess of the Fire Nation. I don’t think I’m allowed to be boring, there’s probably some sort of law forbidding me from doing so.” Azula lamented, “Besides I’m fairly sure it’s physically impossible. A member of the royal family? Being normal? With normal interests? Impossible, there’s too much mental illness in our family for that.”
“And funny too, maybe this marriage won’t be all that bad after all.” Ty Lee said, laughing, and anything Azula wanted to say immediately shriveled and died in her throat as she was struck with how beautiful the sound was. She made a sound in agreement, ignoring the fluttering in her stomach. Suddenly an idea crossed her mind, she took Ty Lee’s hand in hers again,
“I know something that’s more interesting than a party, do you want to come with me?” she asked, excited for the first time since she heard about the engagement, Ty Lee nodded, intrigued,
Ten minutes of sneaking around and a little breaking and entering later, they were in the dragon’s keep. Lightning was a night owl- or rather a night dragon and noticed the footsteps immediately, perking her head up. Ty Lee was in awe,
“Wow, wow a dragon. I’ve only seen them in story books.” she said reaching a tentative hand, but looked at Azula first for confirmation,
“Go ahead, Lightning’s a sweetheart, and loves any attention she can get. She won’t burn your hand off.” Ty Lee reached, scratching the spot behind the dragon’s ear. Lightning purred enjoying the sensation, Ty Lee laughed at the feeling,
“I always wanted to ride a dragon before. They always looked so majestic to me, especially in the air.” she commented, feeling the blue scales under her fingers,
“Maybe one day I can take you flying, we’ll be traveling around a lot for royal duties together, and dragons are one of the fastest ways to get around.” at this remark Ty Lee’s jaw tightened almost an imperceptible amount,
“Right, right the wedding.” a pause, “Princess Azula I have a question, if you’re willing to answer.” Azula nodded,
“Why did your parents force you into this marriage?” she paused petting Lightning’s scales for a second, shocked by the question.
“Well I suppose because I’m of marrying age and my dad wants to get rid of me.” she responded, “What about you?” Ty Lee answers after a beat,
“My parents caught me with a girl, they gave me an ultimatum, marry the princess, or be disowned and kicked out. Go big or go home right?” she glowered, "Except if I didn’t go big I wouldn’t have a home to go back to.”
“Lady Ty Lee- I’m so sorry.” for all of Azula’s grumbling and irritation, she never thought of how the other person might feel, and that they might be just as irritated and mad if not more, “Did you love her?” Ty Lee looked at her questioningly,
“The girl you were caught with, did you love her?” Ty Lee took a deep breath and Azula realized that she was being a bit too forward with someone who just admitted that she was forced to marry her on the pain of a certain death, “I’m sorry if I’m intruding on your privacy-”
“Not really,” she interrupted, “Less than a month after I told her about my engagement, she announced she was pregnant.”
“That sounds horrible.” Azula told her honestly, “She was seeing someone behind your back?”
“Yep, the cook’s son or something, she would come visit me before going down to the kitchens to sleep with him.” Azula admired how nonchalant, even preppy she sounded about the whole situation, “Doesn’t matter now, she was terrible for my aura anyways, it was always all over the place when she was around.”
Azula nodded, assuming that whatever it meant, that it wasn’t good.
“I have to admit Princess Azula, meeting you in person was far better than listening to all the rumors through the grapevines.” Ty Lee told her,
“Rumors, what rumors?” Azula wasn’t aware there was gossip about her,
“Small things, you know such as you slept with the ambassador from the Water Tribe-”
“That was my brother!” Azula protested,
“Another rumor is that you challenged a general to an Agni Kai at the age of 14.”
“He was making fun of my family, I had to, our honor was on the line.”
“Did you win?”
“Of course.” Azula scoffed, Ty Lee shook her head, trying not to laugh,
“Princess Azula, you are far more entertaining than I ever thought, perhaps being married to you won’t be all that terrible.” Azula smiled slightly,
“That makes the two of us Lady Ty Lee.”
A/N: Failproof flirting technique: show a girl your dragon
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m00nj311y · 2 years
Eragon trivia i found interesting bc why not
Saphira could not imagine going into battle looking anything but her best (Inheritance, pg 316)
the High Priest of Helgrind had mental battle tactics Eragon had never experience before, such as binding the stray thoughts of Eragon, Arya, and Solembum to one another, thus making them briefly lose track of their identity (Inheritance, pg 309)
the dragons were the greatest enemies of the Ra’zac (Inheritance, pg 290)
Saphira referred to a powerful storm as ”wing-breaking” (Inheritance, pg 266)
Arya had wanted to continue serving her mother as ambassador of the elves after the war’s end (Inheritance, pg 250)
She also thought that too little happens in Ellesméra (Inheritance, pg 250)
Saphira does not like not knowing if someone is creeping up on her. she said it makes her scales itch (Inheritance, pg 249)
Arya’s eyes shimmer in the light (Inheritance, pg 249). this can be assumed to be an elven trait
Garven, once a guard of Nasuada, had been reduced to a slack-jawed dreamer after delving into the minds of Blödhgarm and his eleven other elves (Inheritance, pg 247). he later recovered, though his gaze still held a dreamy quality (pg 374)
When sparring with Eragon, Arya uttered a soft, catlike growl (Inheritance, pg 239). this can be assumed to be an elven trait
according to Glaedr, the way of the warrior is the way of knowing (Inheritance, pg 235)
Had it not been for Eragon and Saphira and Glaedr’s duty to them, Glaedr would have gone mad a long time ago [after the death of Oromis] (Inheritance, pg 230)
every time Saphira thought of Thorn, she became confused and uncertain, something she was unaccustomed to (Inheritance, pg 315)
Saphira thought of Eragon as a fierce hunter thatvwas small and easily squished (Inheritance, pg 317)
Saphira referred to Arya as dragon-blood-elf (Inheritance, pg 319)
dragon blood is scalding in temperature (Inheritance, pg 331)
Thorn has talons as large as a man (Inheritance, pg 331)
the elf Wyrden, one of Eragon and Saphira’s twelve elven bodyguards, was among Queen Islanzadí’s oldest and most powerful spellcasters (Inheritance, pg 336)
after seeing Wyrden’s funeral, Eragon wanted an apple tree planted over him so that his friends and family could eat the fruit of his body (Inheritance, pg 339)
Arya joked with Eragon that she could’ve kept the Shade Varaug as a slave to do her bidding (Inheritance, pg 340)
by the battle of Dras-Leona, Saphira was larger than a house, with Thorn larger than two houses due to Galbatorix’s meddling (Inheritance, pg 350). considering the average (two-storied) house is 20ft tall, this would make Saphira 20+ feet at the shoulder and Thorn 40+ feet. they both have claws, fangs, and spikes larger than Eragon’s body
Nar Garzhvog tore a man apart with his bare hands as easily as Eragon would tear apart a roast chicken (Inheritance, pg 351)
Arya was far more accomplished at manipulating others than Eragon (Inheritance, pg 362)
Eragon dreamed of his and Saphira’s departure from (the mainland of) Alagaesia before it came to pass (Inheritance pg 373)
werecats were the friends of dragons and Dragon Riders (Inheritance, pg 380)
there are mountains in Alagaesia that might have been formed via magic (Inheritance, pg 382)
the island of Vroengard, in the city of Doru Araeba, contained a crystal fortress (Inheritance, pg 386)
solembum stated that Galbatorix was not the only power in the world to be reckoned with (Inheritance, pg 388)
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Celestine Black
Pairing: Josephine Montilyet & Solas (gen) Characters: Josephine Montilyet, Solas Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Archive Warnings: None Applicable Other Tags: Classism, Fantasy racism Summary: Though Skyhold's guests may be of noble blood, their manners often leave much to be desired. When one insults the Inquisition's resident magical expert, who just so happens to be an apostate, Josephine takes it upon herself to remedy the situation. In typical Montilyet fashion. Written for TheSilentBard on AO3 for the @solas-lovers-exchange
“Apostate!” The word is an accusation upon Lady Verise’s lips, cutting as the shattered glass on the rotunda floor.
Josephine catches no more than a glint in the corner of her eye before she hears it break. By the time she looks it has scattered, broken pieces crawling across the stone like a plague of translucent roaches. Wine slides down Solas’s temple. Thick and viscous, it dries a violent plum purple where it landed on his sweater. The delicate slope of Lady Verise’s nose rather resembles the bellows of an accordion as she snarls in his direction.
The rest of the room looks on in a mix of shock and amusement. A knowing smile curls beneath the porcelain moustache of Lord Maigny, a sure sign that she ought to have expected this. Anticipated it in some way. It had seemed improper, showing off the murals without giving the artist his due, especially not when he stood so close at hand.
But it was a mistake, that much has been made evident.
Solas is the first to speak, dabbing at his face with a paint cloth as he does. “It appears our guest is in need of another glass,” he remarks, in a tone remarkably dry for one so damp. He levels his gaze towards the guest in question, then ducks it, deferential. “You are of course correct, my lady. I have never known the Circle’s guidance, although the loyal mages within the Inquisition have made it their mission to remedy the oversights brought about by a hedge mage’s education. Should you have the opportunity to speak with Enchanter Vivienne while you are here; I am certain you will find her insight as to my insufficiencies invaluable, and how she has endeavoured to correct them.”
Josephine bites the inside of her cheek to keep from smirking (a critical skill for an elder sister and ambassador to possess). Although she possesses no limit to her admiration for Vivienne, she had sat in on one of their discussions long enough to become well-acquainted with Solas’s. Still, if asked, she has no doubt Vivienne will play along. She has tied her reputation to that of the Inquisitions, and undermining that, as well as her own influence within it, is not how the game is played.
“Madame de fer was among the few dissenters in Empress Celene’s court after she invited the swamp witch into our midst,” Lady Verise tsks. “Why would she abide an apostate’s company?”
Seeing the chance to retake the reins of the situation, Josephine steps in. “If I may be so bold as to speak on Enchanter Vivienne’s behalf: Master Solas has behaved with the utmost propriety since joining our ranks. Any reservations we had regarding his position here have long since passed.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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the-force-awakens · 6 months
Top 5 songs you associate with Poe and top 5 songs you associate with Marc 😊
Oh bless, I love me some music themed questions, thanks Chrissie! As we go into this I would like to state that I......do not control the music associations my brain makes lol.
Songs I Associate With Poe:
Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler. Yes...I am a gayass. This has been well established, but it really does fit him imo. I mean... it just does. One day maybe I'll get up the nerve to finally edit him to it. gif or otherwise.
Come and Get Your Love by Redbone (the album version). This one's entirely @leiakenobi's fault with her delightful Damerey fic, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy. The association of Poe dorkily dancing to it with Rey is forever going to be in my brain.
Kerosene Dreams by X Ambassadors. This one's @hermitmoss's doing, but it's one of my favorite songs, and it just...sounds like Poe. Specifically, it's a Poe and the Resistance song, as much as it is just a Poe song to me. I feel like it fits his relationship with the Resistance extremely well.
Children of the Sky by Imagine Dragons. Speaking of songs that just sound like Poe to me...when I first heard this song boy did I get hit with emotions, both for me and then later for Poe because...yeah. Yeah that's him alright.
About Love by Marina. I almost went with Little Black Submarines for this, but I wanted something a little lighter. I associate About Love with Poe mostly because it was one of the first songs I began associating with my canon/oc pairing for him, and some of the lyrics wound up being the title for the first ever fic I published of them. So, it just gives me soft and fuzzy feelings.
Songs I Associate With Marc:
Style by Taylor Swift. No, I do not know why. Well actually, that's a lie - I do know why. I saw a tiktok vid of him and Layla to this song, right around the time Moon Knight was first airing and....well now the association is stuck in my brain? So. Yee.
Cairo by San Fermin. I mean...yeah.
Night Crawling by Miley Cyrus and Billy Idol. Honestly, I associated this one so hard with Marc, that I ended up making a little vidlet of him to it.
Dreams by the Cranberries. There's this ambience thing on Spotify for Marc that I listened to a couple of times, and this song plays in the bg, so now it's a Marc song to me. [smacks the top of the song] this bad boy can fit so many of my blorbos in it (went from being an 11 song to a Poe song to a Marc song).
......Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) by Abba. Look... I said I don't control the brain associations, and I meant it. I legitimately have no good reason for it!!! No vids no memes, nothing. But at some point, I started associating it with him, I'm guessing because of the whole midnight thing? Marc would absolutely hate that I associate it with him, probably, which...makes it so much funnier than it already is.
Ask me my top five anything!
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