#... i'm sorry this got a bit long i love talking about tommy boy
aceofspades-sml · 1 year
Ahhhh waves so I really don't know much about tommy boy! Teach me!
My favorite is probably elmer or race bur I love them all.
Uhhhh it depends are we talking 92sies or livesies? Broadway version I'd say brooklyns here is a bop. I also love seize the day Ben does it so inspiringly and either once and for all or letters from the refuge.
From the movie I love kony carrying the banner and santa fe.
Ahhhhh uh idk I have so many thoughts. I like them but I also just like them as best friends or qps. I prefer race with spot or albert/spot/race.
Have you seen it live?
Okay okay okay I love talking about my little guy *cracks knuckles*
So Tommy boy is (canonically) one of the most feral newsies
He acts tough and always seems ready to fight, in the proshot at least his arms are always flexed out and he seems like the kind of guy who would pick a fight with anyone if he's angry
On the other hand he is literally a cute puppy ??? Again I'm talking about the proshot because it's the one I know best, but just watch him during KONY he is always grinning wildly or looking at the others in awe when they're dancing
Other than that he is also a realist, judging by his og line in CTB ("it's getting bad out there") and him scabbing before Seize the day because he knows the strike might go wrong
Also he seems to be a rather introverted guy given that is very quiet for most of the proshot, which might seem a bit contradictory with the "tough guy" part but he's really just a big softie on the inside
Anyway that's why I loved him at the beginning, but he really became my fav with uksies because 1- Jack bromage's verbal and physical comedy are amazing and 2- he gets a really interesting character arc ! If you're interested I made this post not long ago with my thoughts on his character development
Also yes I did get to see it live a few weeks ago !!!
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talaok · 1 year
Our own
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Summary: After spending the day with Tommy and Maria, you can’t help but notice how great Joel is with their baby, and a thought sparks your mind.
Listen I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I proofread this ok? I'm an honest woman. You may forgive me or not, either way, I'm going to sleep. Bye loves
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The sun was high in the sky, birds were chirping, a soft breeze was flowing through your hair... and Tommy was taking his goddamn time opening the goddamn door.
"I told you you should have gone to the bathroom when we left" Joel chuckled by your side
"Now's really not the time Jo-"
Your next words got stuck in your throat as the sound of the lock opening caught your attention.
"Hey guys, I'm sorry the bab-"
"don't worry" you immediately stopped him, feeling your bladder about to burst "Could I use your bathroom?"
He did a poor job of concealing his surprise.
"Uh-Yea sure, it's right up there on the-"
You flew past him, only half minding where his finger was pointing.
"left" he mumbled, an amused smile creeping on his lips as he let his gaze travel to his brother
Joel shrugged, a similar grin tugging at his own lips "I told her to go before we went out"
__ __ __
You walked out of the bathroom feeling like a brand new woman, ready to face whatever life threw at you, which in this case... was following the sound of laughter coming from the backyard.
What appeared on the other side of the window, was a perfect portrait of a happy family.
Tommy and Maria's smiles were brighter than any star in the sky as they watched Eithan, their baby boy, cradled in Joel's arms, looking almost comically small next to his biceps.
And Joel... Joel had a look on his face you had never quite seen. It wasn't just joy, or adoration... there was something in his eyes, in the way his mouth twitched as the baby's small hands reached for his nose, as he caressed his cheek and willed his hands to act as if he were touching porcelain.
You could not put a finger on what it was, but you couldn't either understand what was happening to you.
A warmth had taken over your chest, cheeks... your entire body. And something was fluttering in your belly, it wasn't butterflies no, it was more like- like bunnies, countless little bunnies hopping in your stomach and twisting and turning your insides.
It was perhaps the first time in your life your body had understood something before you could.
A wave brought you back to reality, to life, to the portrait before your eyes.
It was Maria, Maria was waving at you to come out with them, so, of course, you did, begging your legs not to give up on you as the same strange sensation threatened your every step.
"hey" You managed "Sorry for before"
"don't even bother, I'm used to it by now" Tommy huffed out a laugh, nudging Maria by his side
She rolled her eyes dramatically, her mouth betraying her as its edges turned up.
"Ignore him," she said, "please sit, I've been dying to talk to another human being without having to use a baby voice"
You snorted, taking your place next to Joel at the round wooden table.
"That bad huh?"
"God you have no idea..."
Maria went on to talk, about Eithan about... something, but your attention had moved elsewhere by the time she was done with the first sentence.
You watched Joel softly rocking the baby, the smile on his face, the glint in his eyes, and you couldn't help but think
God, how I wish it was our own
__ __ __
"Are you ok darlin'?"
Joel's voice startled you enough to make you gasp.
You had been in your own head for so long that you hadn't even realized you had walked all the way home.
"yeah, why?"
"you've just been real quiet, 's all"
he shrugged, closing the front door behind him.
"I'm fine- Everything's fine," you said a bit too quickly, walking to the kitchen while purposely avoiding his eyes
The footsteps behind you told you he hadn't taken the hint, and was following you.
"what's going on?"
You reached for a glass and filled it up to the brim only to realize you weren't even a little bit thirsty.
"nothing" you mumbled, setting the glass on the counter and finally meeting his scrutinizing gaze "It's nothing" you shook your head
"sweetheart..." he walked until he stood in front of you "Whatever it is you can tell me, y'know?"
Your mouth opened and closed but no sound had come out.
"I just-" you bit your bottom lip "it's nothing, really, it's stupid"
A soft smirk rose from his lips "Now that I don't believe, nothing stupid has ever come out of that petty mouth" One of his rough fingers went to trace your cupid bow "C'mon now, darlin' what is it?"
"I-" you tried, before retracing immidately "You have to promise not to laugh, or freak out... or do anything that isn't reacting calmly"
He couldn't help the frown creasing his forehead "I promise" he swore nonetheless.
"Ok" you took a small breath.
This wasn't gonna be easy, not with his past, not with everything he had to endure, not with him.
"I-I watched you today with Eithan, and-well-I-" You shut your eyes, unable to take more of his big brown eyes boring into yours
"What, sugar?"
"Well, it- it made me think"
Something flashed behind his eyes
"About what?"
You swallowed the sand in your mouth "About how great of a dad you'd be" you murmured "to our own child"
Now was his turn to be at a loss for words.
He looked at you, so many thoughts, memories, and fears swirling in his mind that he could have fainted, if it wasn't of course, for you, for the expression on your face, for the hope and anxiety painting your every perfect inch.
It was a mess, his brain was a mess, everything was a mess, and yet he'd never felt more sure.
he should have been scared, terrified even, but all he could feel was joy.
"I know it's crazy" you spoke "With what's going on and everything... and I know we already have Ellie in a way... and I know it must be difficult because of what happened to Sarah, and it's completely ok if you don't want to, I understand, really, so please don't feel pressured to-"
one word was all it took for him to stop your rambling.
You looked up at him, catching your reflection in the hazel pool of his eyes.
"There is nothing more I'd love in this world than to have a baby with you"
"a-are you sure, b-because as I sai-"
He chuckled, his forehead falling to yours and his hands holding your face.
"darlin'" he paused, a smile on his lips "believe me, I don't think I've ever been more sure of anything in my life"
A breath got caught in your throat as fireworks went off somewhere in your brain.
"Yeah?" was all you could master
"yeah" he laughed, his lips meeting yours in a mess of tears, teeths and laughters "We're gonna have a baby"
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lilbitdepressed27 · 2 months
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Mable/Fem!Reader implied g!p
Warnings: angst, violence, death
WC: 4.2k
Author’s Note: sorry for any mistakes
*This will be connected to another fic*
Going with Charlie was the best decision you made. You knew your older brother Tommy would complain but her was your older half brother you knew he would give in. As much as he was a hard head and a bit of a jackass. He always had a soft spot for you and Charlie. More you since you were his little sister.
You always loved going to work with your older brother. Catching fish and being in the middle of the ocean. Was something you had enjoyed since you were little. Tom's dad Jay always let you tag along even when your dad would get mad. It was something you loved doing.
"Tommy!" You shouted, your excitement of seeing your big brother overflowing. It had been almost a year since you last seen your brother. You had just finished your second year of college. With you going to college to be a Marine Biologist. You were busy, but four long years of sleepless nights, long days of studying you were free of all that stress.
You didn't give your brother the chance to react before you basically barreled into him. His laugh being cut off as you both fell.
"Get off me, you little shit. I swear you get taller every single damn time I see you."
Helping him you he hugged you properly.
You helped your brother on the boat where ever you could. The days you spent on the ocean had been long but exciting. You absolutely adored the sea. Another thing you loved to do was to take pictures or making film. The amount of pictures you've taken in just the days spent on the boat, it had been a lot. The day Harmony went down had been the scariest thing that's ever happened to you.
You had been in the bathroom, using Rocky's bathroom to shower and freshen up. As much as you loved being on the boat. You absolutely hated not showering. So you always tried your best to stay clean. By the time your were finished you had stepped back into the bar to hear your dad arguing with your brother.
"—Excuse me?"
"Dad I'm going back. I'm going back to sea. I as soon as we get another—."
You heard them continue to argue before the sound of a girls voice interrupted both of them.
"Hey, these boys almost drowned last night. You should be hugging your boy, not yelling at him."
You stepped from the corner to see your dad glaring at Charlie. "Dad?" Sharing a look with Charlie and Tom. More with Charlie seeing as it was your father after all.
"Y/n are you going to continue doing this? Instead of accepting that job that was basically put into your hands."
You scoffed remembering about the said job. "You're kidding right? They were complete assholes. Not to mention the pay was a joke. At least with Tom and his crew, I have more free range with my work. If you could just look at the pictures I've take-Call your mother she's worried sick. I'm late for a meeting." You didn't even have a chance to get out your camera before he walked out of the bar.
You looked down at the camera bag that was still a bit wet. But thankfully the camera it self was still dry and working.
"Hey Y/n your pictures are fucking awesome. They make all of us look so badass." Costa reassured. Taking in how sad you had gotten. As a father to be himself he couldn't imagine talking to his kid like that.
Nunes was quick to jump in, "Yea, especially the videos. I can't wait for all that editing stuff you said you'd do."
Tom handed you a beer as the girl spoke up.
"I'd like to see your pictures if you don't mind."
The small smile, that looked more like a smirk was what you got. She was absolutely gorgeous. The smile was a bit more gentle the longer she looked at you. "Sure." You took out your camera. Ignoring the teasing smiles of Charlie and the boys.
The short brunette was by your side in seconds. Pulling you to the empty couch, sitting quite close to you. "What was your name again?"
"Mable and you're Y/n. So you gonna show me those pictures."
While Tom and Charlie went to go see something about the boat. You stayed behind at the bar. Telling Tom you wanted to stretch your legs and you'd walk to his house. So with a nod he was off with Charlie.
You didn't make it far from the bar before Mable was by your side. "So where we headed?"
With a smile of your own you nudged her with your elbow, seeing as she was that close. Not that you minded, in just a short time you were quite comfortable with Mable. "You tell me, you're the local here. I feel like you know all the good places."
With your camera around your neck, you always took up the opportunity to take the perfect pictures. With an absolutely beautiful woman to your side. She came out in a lot pictures.
"Of course I do. But in order for you to see all these great places of mine, I need to know if you're ready to do everything I ask."
You tired to keep the warmness in your cheeks at bay at the way Mable was looking at you. Her confidence and straight forwardness was something you had to get used to.
It just a short amount of time, you and Mable bonded. Was it moving a bit fast. Yes, others might think so. But you've never met someone that made you feel so much. Mable was like that breath of fresh air. She was amazing, smart, cunning and not mention absolutely beautiful. "Mmh maybe."
With a short laugh, she took your hand and lead you to god knows where. But you happily followed. Completely trusting her.
Meeting Mable was such highlight. She had been quite persistent to be near you. And you welcomed it. You loved spending time with her. You arrived at Costas party with your brothers. Leaving your already packed bag in Tommy's truck. You always preferred to pack days before going to work with Tommy. Unlike your brother Charlie who always packed at the last second.
You had been refilling your drink when Mable arrived at the party. Mable couldn't get enough of you. She had spent all day yesterday with you and she planned to do the same today. There was just something about you that had her feeling so free, so much. You were like a breath of fresh air. The way you looked at her with that cute smile on your face had her feeling so much. All she wanted was to kiss you.
The smile that made her feel like she was on cloud nine, she could only imagine what it would feel like to kiss you. She was never too afraid to get what she wanted. And she wanted you. She'd make sure you knew that.
"Hi Mable." You filled her cup with some beer.
You spent the rest of the party with Mable. When she asked you to go with her, you were embarrassingly quick to agree. Telling Tom and Charlie if they could take your bag and camera onto the boat. Charlie had told you not to worry. While Tom had said to be on the boat by 8:00 am.
"So where we-Mable can you give me a ride." You were cut off by Skeemo who was swaying a bit from how much he had drank. You bit back a laugh as he stumble a bit on his feet.
"Threes a crowd, find your own ride."
"Come on, I can't feel my legs and it's not that far."
With a look directed at you she sighed and moved to push the front seat forward. The drive was quiet. You liked Skeemo he was funny and he also welcomed you and Charlie on to the crew with no open arms. But you couldn't deny that you wanted to spend your time with Mable, alone.
"Alright thanks, oh and Tom doesn't like when we're late so. 8 am sharp."
Meting Mable's mom hadn't been planned but you also knew Mable was in the 'drug business' she didn't do the drug but she did sell it. And you didn't judge. After that awkward conversation with said mother, you did have to voice out that you did like Mable and weren't planning to hit and run.
You stopped Mable's fast paced out of the apartment complex. Stopping her on the side walk. "Hey, you do know that I'm not going to do that, right? I like you Mable. A lot. And if you'd like, and interested of course wanna go on a date with me?"
A small smile was directed your way, this was the first time you saw her vulnerable. Her eyes held so much emotions. You felt like you could read her so well. It was a little scary. It hasn't been a full 48 hours since you've met Mable but yet it felt like you were old friends. You couldn't explain it but there was something about Mable that made you feel like she was, your other half? It was weird but yet you couldn't explain it any other way.
"You're such an idiot, of course I want to. My mom she's...I don't want that. I want to give myself a shot, I want to make the most out of myself, my life and I'm not sure how I'm going to do it but I know that I can." Mable had wanted nothing more than to just get out of this town. To move on live life. Go to college. But it was hard. She needed money and easy money is faster. Which was why she did what she did.
"I know you can Mable. Granted I've only known you for less than fourth eight hours but in this short time I know you have a way to do and accomplish what ever that pretty mind sets its mind to. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, okay?"
Mable couldn't look away from your eyes. The way they held so much certainty and confidence in her, made her feel so warm inside. Never did she have some who believed in her so much. "Okay."
"Okay," you nodded a smile placed on your face. "Come on then." You began to walk in the direction you hoped led to the car.
Mable couldn't help the smile nor the chuckle that escaped her lips. "My car is this way."
Mable's apartment was small but yet perfect. The area was filled with little things that just fit Mable perfectly. The stack of books on the coffee table, the books that were neatly on the small book shelf. The place was dark but yet the lights that did light up the place made the place warm.
"It's not much but it's home."
You smiled as you shook your head, "Not it's perfect."
Mable couldn't deny that she absolutely loved having you in her space. You had been the first and only to ever set foot in her small apartment. Your presence made her feel, complete? Which was crazy and a bit scary. Yet she wasn't stopping it. You weren't wrong, she did have a way to get what she wanted. And right now. Right now she wanted you.
You felt light kisses being placed on your neck, the weight of Mable's body felt so comfortable on your side. The sensation of her lips on your skin, it was something you certainly could get used to. The feeling of a warm hand smoothing over your bare stomach. The said hand continued it's journey down,
"You're asleep but the rest of you is awake."
The fogginess of your sleep, faded as Mable continued. "You like me Y/n?"
"Yea." You flipped her over, so you were now on top. Leaning down, taking her lips in yours. The kisses becoming more heavy and filled with lust.
"Like me a little lower."
You weren't one to disagree, kissing your way down. just before you could continue the sound of Mable's phone interrupted you. "Who's calling you so early?"
Mable absolutely loved having you between her legs. The sight was something she could get used to. The pleasure you had her go through last night had been the best she ever had. But the sound of her phone had been a the literal cock block. Running her fingers through your smooth hair "It's not that early."
You felt yourself quickly sit up, "what?"
"I put cardboard on the windows. I like the darkness."
You stumbled quickly out of the bed, almost tripping over the blankets as you tore down the cardboard from the window.
"Fuck. No no. No." You dressed as quickly as you could as Mable spoke with Skeemo, who had been the one calling her.
In a matter of seconds you were in Mable's car as she speed off. With what felt like your heart in your throat as the car picked up speed you reached over Mable.
With her eyes on road Mable felt your arm going across her lap. "Wh-what are you doing?" A soft click was her answer, a smile making it's way on her lips. "Really?"
"What? Safety first." You shrugged with a smile as you also put only your seat belt.
"Dork." She said as she took a sharp turn.
"There's actually something I wanted to talk you about. Community college? Do you think that's stupid or smart."
Your hand was clutching the handle on the car door at the sharp turn leading to the dyke. "What?"
"I've been wanting to go but I'm not-Mable you are smart, and you can do whatever your beautiful mind sets on doing. You can do it, not that it matters but I believe in you." The smile you got in return made you feel like you won the lottery. Her hand taking your shirt into a fist as she brought you into a quick kiss.
"Trust me, it matters. Now go! Good luck!" She shouted as you ran down the dyke. Jumping into the water as your brother and the boys cheered you on.
Being on the sea for ten days was as you could expect. You learned a lot about how to catch clams. The pictures you've taken so far had you excited to show Mable once you got back. The humpbacks you had seen had you extremely excited to capture those beautiful animals on film.
Skeemo taught you a few things and your older brother Tommy taught you how to drive the boat. You loved these moments with the team. Not only were you learning so much about fishing you were also expanding your experience with the camera.
Being in Canadian waters felt off, but with how much the you were reeling in, was it worth it? At the moment yes it was. That was until the Canadian coast guard showed up. Everything from there kept on going down hill.
"I have to write a letter for my college application" Mable asked as she kissed you, you had only been gone for a few days and she missed you like crazy. But she absolutely loved the feelings you made her feel. She could feel how much you liked it as well as she rocked on your lap. Your hands tangling in her hair bringing her closer.
Getting back early from what was supposed to be a ten day trip, Mable found you, seeing as you didn't have her number. Seeing Tommy's dad and finding out about his cancer, it was harder for Tommy to tell his father about his boat. It had been quite a tough thing to do.
You had to leave your house after an argument with your dad. Charlie also had left to find Tommy. Mable picked you up from your house. Which was why you both were now in her car in an empty parking lot.
"Make it personal? Make it about what makes you scared, what makes you happy?" You were in her car laying flat on the passenger seat, as she tried to catch her breath.
"Mmh I'll do that. Now how about you come with me. There's something I want to show you."
"Holy shit Mable." You stood back in awe. The view in front of you was absolutely stunning. The boat was a wrecked boat leaning on a rock cliff, but it had been completely over taken by mother nature. Grass now growing on the deck of the boat. A small water fall was by the boat making it even more beautiful.
"I thought you'd like it."
"I love it." You took out your camera, taking a picture. "Get in front."
Mable shook her head a smirk placed on her face, "Not without you."
You looked around seeing a rock at a perfect height not far. You placed your camera down setting it on a timer. "Alright then."
Mable was quick to get to your side. Her arms wrapping around your waist. One of her hands making it's way under your shirt. Her nails gently scratching your stomach. Your own arms wrapping around her shoulder bringing her closer. Her eyes looked up at you. Your own looking down at her.
You felt so absolutely in love.
"Wait where exactly are you guys going to get 100,000 dollars?" Mable asked her jaw dropping a bit. Three days had passed since she took you on that wrecked boat. You had just gotten back from going with Tommy and the rest of the crew to the court house.
"I have no clue." You laid face down on the couch of Mable's apartment. "I feel so helpless. Who the hell has that kinda cash? Can't even win it on onlyfans if I wanted to."
"Well I mean with how big your-Mable!" You quickly sat up face now flushed. Her laugh was heard through out the apartment. She stood up from her chair at her desk. Shutting her laptop and going to you. Sitting on your lap.
"I'm sorry. You guys will find a way, I don't know how but you will." Mable also felt helpless. She hated seeing you so upset, it was like how upset you had been when your own father turned you down and ignored you and your pictures, when she first met you.
You were nervous. Scared even. The plan was horrible to begin with. You hated the plan from the start. You couldn't believe that Charlie and Mable cooked this up. You were a little peeved but it was to help Tommy and you knew Mable just wanted to help.
The meet up at the donut shop had been so tense. You never left her side standing close even when the man who gave Tommy the cash gave you the creeps.
The plan was simple. Pick up the drugs, deliver the drugs. Get the money and that was it.
"You're staying."
"What? Hell no. I'm going with you guys."
Tommy stopped in front of you, tilting his head a bit up to look at you. You were his little sister. Half sister but sister nevertheless. He was already mad at Charlie for coming up with the plan. He didn't even know how he came up with it. Angry that he had already pulled his little brother into this bullshit. He couldn't bring you into this as well.
"Y/n you're a great kid and I told Charlie this but he won't listen-Tommy he's my twin brother. You really think I'm going to listen?"
"I hate you both, you know that?" He groaned in frustration.
"We love you to now come on."
Tommy and Charlie left the parking lot with the drugs, following the plan delivering the drugs. You had stayed with Mable, while Costa, Nunes and Skeemo left the parking lot to the bar.
"You're not going to go with them?" Mable looked at you as the boys got in the truck.
"No, I'm gonna stay with you. I don't want you alone right now." You held out for her hand and she was quick to take yours in hers. Giving your hand a squeeze.
Her free hand coming up to caress your cheek. "What? Gonna protect me from the bad guys?"
"With my life."
Mable was putting herself in danger and you refused to leave her side. You knew she wouldn’t set you or boys up. Tommy and Charlie had been jumped as they made their way to the donut shop, the drugs had been taken. Meaning everyone was in deep shit. So you had defended her against your brother Tommy. Even when she had begged but you refused to leave her. Your brothers had each other and you knew they could keep each other safe. Not mention Costa and Nunes. So you left with her. Leaving your brothers and the boys
"Hey I believe you." You cupped her cheeks making her brown eyes, that were slightly red from her holding in her tears. "I trust you Mable." You lightly pecked her lips.
"I swear Y/n. I swear I didn't rat you out. I didn't tell anyone about the deal. I would never do that you or the guys. I did-Mable. I. Believe. You. Okay?" You stopped her rambling. You hated how she know doubted it.
"We'll find out what really happened. We just need Tommy to calm down. He's scared, we all are. Just gi-" The sound of the someone knocking on the door you let out a sigh, letting go of Mable to go answer the door.
The moment you opened the door a your face was struck hard with something. You didn't let the what you think was fist take you down. You were quick to return the punch catching one of the guys from the donut shop off guard. You fought hard. Trying your best but it wasn't enough three other men came into the apartment.
The moment you had been hit, Mable had moved to help only able to kick the man in between the legs before the others came in. One man succeeding in holding her down after punching her a few times. She thrashed in his hold hearing your grunts of pain as you were beaten.
"Now Mable. Where is my stuff?"
"I don't know. I swear." She cried as she watched you continue to fight the big man. You were doing damage but the other man who just recovered from being hit in the balls helped in beating you.
"Stop it!! Please. We don't know!" Her cry was cut off by a harsh slap by Pete. She watched as he gave a nod to the two men. She could only watch as you were beaten, your face covered in blood.
"Stop it! I swear. I swear I don't know where it is!"
Mable cried as she was held down as she watched them beat you. You had tried to fight back but you had been quickly over powered. She could only watch as their fist came down hard on to your face and body.
"Mm I don't know. Seems to me like you're lying." Pete let out a mock laugh. Taking out a gun from his jacket.
The sound of the gun clicking had her thrashing hard trying everything and anything to get out of this guys hold.
But it wasn't enough. He held the gun towards you.
"No!! Please! Please!! Stop it! Don't do this please."
"Show her why you shouldn't fuck with me or my money."
The sound of you chocking on your own blood had her tears blur her vision, "it's it's okay Mable. It's okay. It's-"
Screams filled the room. Her own scream as she was finally out of the clutches of those men. The sound of the gun shot rattled her ears. The men cleared the apartment. And she was quick to get to you.
"Y/n? Baby? Come on, please." The blood poured out from the bullet wound. The wound was right on your heart. Her unsteady hands doing their best to stop the bleeding. Using one hand to call the police. She needed an ambulance. You needed the ambulance. She didn't care about those stupid smugglers. She didn't care that she was putting herself in more danger.
You needed help.
"Help-help is on the way, okay. You just stay with me. Okay?" Looking down at your bloody and bruised face, the daunting feeling of not moving came. "Y/n?" Her shaky fingers checking your neck for a pulse. The aching deep feeling of great loss, the emptiness, the denial came crashing down.
You had no pulse.
"No, no. Please no. Y/n? Come on open your eyes. Open them please. Please don't do this to me. I'm begging you." The sobs that left her lips were heart wrenching, she felt like she could breath. Feeling like someone just took a part of her. Ripped her heart out and left her there to die.
But you remained unmoving. Your once warm cheeks were now cold. Now just realizing that your eyes were not closing. Those y/ec eyes that were once filled with so much joy, love, thrill to live life were now lifeless.
You were gone. Taken from her far too early. Far too soon.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hey! (just wanna say I really love your writing and especially the ones on mental health)
could I ask for more of the reactions to an Australian accent, but with the cricket crew instead? (those who are okay with x reader ofc)
tysm!!! have a wonderful day!
ah omg thank you 🫶🫶🫶 I've been working really hard esp on those ones + the fact I've always kinda struggled w mental health stuff so I rlly pour my heart out into those ; and he's of course!! sorry if I misunderstood you on that last one by the way LMAO ; gonna keep this as a oneshot tho because it was way easier than a preference format for some reason ; also I wish we got more freddie, tommy, tubbo & ranboo pics while we could 😔🙏
HANDSOME BROS ; australian accent
summary ; youre the only aussie in a group of british kids (and an american)
warnings ; language, lots of ball jokes (sorry tommy)
word count ; 1.4k
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Showing up for Tubbathon 2024 was a wild one.
Having your hand duct taped to Tommy's was also a whole thing in itself. At least you weren't working with Ranboo, who had no idea how to cook, unlike their poor partner Freddie. Recipe For Disaster was probably a horrible idea to join.
You and Tommy, Green Team, versus Ranboo and Freddie, Orange Team.
You'd never really talked on stream before. You either communicated through Minecraft signs or in-game chats. If you did speak, however, you'd often use a voice changer to make you seem a little more understandable, as you knew your accent was a bit difficult to understand sometimes.
You'd also met with your friends in real life before, of course, but you made sure the entire trip you strained your voice to sound a little more understandable.
But, now cooking with one of your long-time friends, the big guy TommyInnit himself, you didn't seem as worried or insecure when you spoke. I mean, you'd barely spoken, but you were in a comfortable environment - Tubbo's house - and were accompanied by friends you'd known for a long time now.
The stream had started and Tubbo had explained your rules, leaving the two groups to get to cooking.
"Hey, mate, can you hold the bowl while I stir the eggs?" You kindly ask Tommy, wriggling a whisk out of the jar between the stations.
The blonde blinks in silence, staring at you, "Your accent went 0 to 100 very quickly, Y/n/n" He giggles.
"Wait, what?" You glance about, feeling a little nervous as you plop the whisk into the measuring cup, needing to stir the eggs.
"Not in a bad way! Like, I never noticed your fuckin' accent was so, like, heavy before? You didn't sound like that last time we met up, or talked" He shrugs as he explains himself.
"Oh" You shrug, watching as he secures his free hand around the handle of the glass measuring cup. You begin to whisk the eggs, poking at the yolks to make it go a little bit faster. "I mean, I usually use a little voice changer to make me a little more understandable"
"Ohhhhh, wait, that makes sense" He nods, "Ow! Calm down, I'm not trying to get surgery on my wrist now!" He quickly pulls his hand away, feeling something pop.
"Shit, I'm sorry! Are you alright?"
He bites his tongue, nodding as you reach for his hand. "I'm good"
You gently grab his wrist, quickly and lightly kneading the area for him.
Ranboo looks up, seeing you two distracted in your green aprons. "They're taking a massage therapy break already" they comment, tapping Freddie on the shoulder.
"C'mon, man up, Tommy! You'll be okay" Freddie lightly smiles, cracking a few eggs over the measuring cup, which they'd just struggled to find.
"Dude, I just had surgery on my crowned jewels, I don't think I will!"
"Good God, help me now" You chuckle
Ranboo and Freddie go silent for a moment before the boy with the red hair speaks up.
"You weren't kidding about the voice changer, were you?"
You shake your head no, "Why would I lie about that, mate?"
The two shrug, hearing Tubbo fake yell at them for cheating since they were conversing with you. The four of you jokingly plan a rebellion that you'd put into place for later, deciding to focus on the food right now.
"Tommy, Tommy, the plate, not the floor! If you drop that I'll actually kill you"
"It's on the damn plate!"
Tommy quickly sets the pan down to help you fold the guacamole together, using his one hand to hold the bowl while you rushingly mix it all up. From the avocados to the lemon juice, you got it to a nice consistency, and, with a struggle, get a dab of it on the paper plate you were given next to the burrito.
"I think he's gonna like it either way, considering most of what he eats, he orders." You shrug, setting the bowl of guacamole down.
Tommy lightly laughs, "Yeah, that's true"
You were finished before the timer, luckily, however, Freddie and Ranboo were still working, using each hand to do their own tasks to work a little faster.
"Tubbo, can you understand me with my accent this thick?" You shout into the other room, purposely making your voice and accent sound a bit thicker to try and mess wirh him.
It's silence until he answers, like he needed to translate your words. "Barely!"
You and Tommy laugh, chatting away while the other group works.
"What's Australia even like? Just like... giant spiders and kangaroos?"
"Holy shit"
"I'm serious! It's not like I'm going anytime soon"
"Well, it's not that. It's like the UK but much warmer, and yeah, kinda scarier. It's like a real-life Better Minecraft mod"
"You guys have armored skeletons attacking you??" Tommy laughs as he teases you.
"I hate you!" You laugh
"I love how you say 'you', it sounds so dumb"
"It sounds like how you Brits say it!" You smile, using your free hand to try and fight him in a playful manner.
"Dumb in a nice way! Dumb in a nice way!" He shouts, trying to use his free hand to protect himself from the cat fight. "They weren't lying when they said you Aussies fight like wild animals, what's next, you gonna kick the shit out of me?" He asks, egging you on.
"I'm gonna kick you in the crown jewels if you don't shut up!" You joke, making him scream in terror, probably killing the viewers' ears as well.
He yelps, falling back as he drags you down with him, having slipped on himself.
"Jesus Christ, they've broken each other's backs off that floor, I heard it" Freddie lightly laughs, holding the paper plate up for Ranboo so they could put the food on it. "I think Y/n's dead"
"Tubbo! We need the ambulance!" Ranboo laughs, "Get Eryn back here, they actually can't get up! The tied hands have impaired them tremendously"
"Tommy, just stand up!"
"My balls hurt!"
"Then let me stand up, I can't when you're holding your dick together!"
Eryn quickly rushes over, helping the both of you stand up slash getting Tommy to release his tied hand from his crotch. You help him up and pat him on the shoulder with your free hand as Tubbo wraps up the time.
In the end, your groups nearly tied, you and Tommy one point behind Freddie and Ranboo. Honestly, they did deserve the win.
"I still can't believe you fooled us with the voice changer, even changing your voice in real life. I swear, you sound totally different," Freddie lightly chuckles, freeing himself from the apron.
"In a good way, though" Ranboo adds, "Your accent is really fucking cool, trust me"
You lightly smile, freeing yourself from Tommy's sweaty hands. "Thanks- ow, holy shit!"
"You think that hurt?" The blonde teases, having ripped the rest of the duct tape of your hands.
"Piss off"
After the stream ended, Tubbo turned on some music while you guys cleaned up. He and Eryn were sorting out the lights, cameras, and microphone while the four of you cleaned up the kitchen. You decided to clean each other's messes, trying to make it a little more enjoyable, which none of you minded.
The music, picked my Tubbo himself, was an early 2000s hip hop mix, titled something like 'Greatest 2000s Hip Hop Hits' or something. And of course, Ranboo and Tommy were getting down to it, mostly leaving you and Freddie to do the cleaning while you laughed at them singing and dancing along.
Tommy was bouncing around, not focused on cleaning whatsoever as he tugs on your hand, wanting you to join in.
"Y/n, Freddie, cmon!"
"This isn't High School Musical, dude" You reply
"You deserve a break!" Ranboo shouts, pulling Freddie into whatever fucked up dance trapezoid you guys had going on.
You sigh and set down the cups you were washing and turn the water off. You spray the water from your hands on Freddie, starting a war as you join their little dance party.
Freddie gasps and smiles, throwing the little bit of water in the measuring cup at you in retaliation.
"Australian versus Brit! Who will win!?" Tommy shouts with a little laugh.
"Hopefully not the American"
You fake shudder and nod. "Yeah, I agree with that, Ranboo"
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
so maybe a jealous neymar that ends with fluff? maybe like a party, and then when they come home they have a little argument that ends with cuddles
hiii don’t worry! thank you for requesting ❤️
i really hope you like this ✨
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Love letters
It was your best friend bday party tonight and of course she invited you.
Your boyfriend Neymar was coming too of course he would never miss a party even though he wasn’t invited. Your best friend wasn’t a fan of him, she didn’t like his playboy attitude and she was aware of all the girls he “dated” before meeting you. But she also knew how much he made you happy so she let it slide.
Still he wasn’t invited but he decided to come anyway.
It was 9pm and you were both leaving your home going to the club. You were the opposite of Neymar when it came to parties. You hated loud music and people drunkly dancing around each other. Your birthdays always consisted of watching movies with friends and eating a lot of junk food. So you weren’t happy about going to a club but you did anyway because it was your best friend you were talking about.
You weren’t wearing anything “club appropriated”, in fact if it wasn’t because you were with Neymar they wouldn’t even let you in. You had a pair of black jeans and a cute white jumper because honestly, it was cold outside. Everything matched perfectly with your black and white Jimmy Choos. Your make up was simple and well made but not to much excessive. Just a red lipstick to bright up your face, with some mascara and eyeliner, and of course concealer.
You knew your best friend had expensive tastes so Neymar got her a new Louis Vuitton for her birthday. This gift to justify his presence.
You got her a cute friendship bracelet, the one from Cartier tho. Yes she made you spend a lot of money but she was your only real friend so you would do it anyway.
The party has already started when you got in. You hugged your best friend and gave her gift when Neymar went to grab a few drinks.
You needed to drink, it would have been a long night.
Only one hour into the party and you were already bored and tired of the loud music. Neymar, otherwise, was dancing with a lot of strangers in the middle of the dance floor and you couldn’t help but laugh at his half drunken state.
“Y/n?” a foreign voice called your name.
When you turn around to see who called you, you see someone who looked familiar but couldn’t connect the dots.
Then everything came back.
“Tommy?” you called.
Tommy was your middle school best friend and secret crush. He was the nerdy boy who always helped you with exams and homework and he would always spend the after school watching cartoons with you.
You haven’t seen him since you were 16.
“Heyyy it’s me” he said sitting next to me.
I couldn’t believe it was actually him!
“It’s been so long” he said “what are you up to now? I know you’re dating a certain famous football player” he said pointing at Neymar.
You laughed a bit.
“Well, ehm yes, we’ve been dating for ove two years now…things are going well. What about you?”
“I’m actually a lawyer now!” he said proudly.
I knew it he would have make it far.
We talked for what I think it were hours since everyone started leaving the party so I decided to look for Neymar and go home.
Before I went I stood up and hugged Tommy.
His hands lowering a little bit but you didn’t think about it much. Maybe he just missed you.
Before leaving he left you his number with the excuse “in case you need a lawyer”.
He was actually flirting with you but truth was that you were a very naïve person, you couldn’t make a difference from when a person was flirting with you and from when a person was just being nice. In most cases people were just trying to get into your pants but you couldn’t know if it wasn’t for Neymar scaring everyone away.
“Babe?” you called him when you found him sat on a couch “are you ready to go home?” you asked him.
He simply stood up without saying a word.
He left the club and you were following behind him.
You got into the car and asked him if he was okay but he wouldn’t answer.
When you got home you went straight into the bathroom and changed yourself into a pair of gray short pants and a long hoodie. They were both Neymar’s of course. When you got out you found him sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand.
“Babe?” you called “aren’t you coming to bed?” you asked him
“Me? Why don’t you ask your friend?”
“Ah?” you asked completely confused
“You know who I’m talking about”
“So that’s his name?”
“I don’t understand - why are you acting so strange?”
“I don’t know maybe because my girlfriend flirted the whole night with a stranger and she let him touch her ass?” he asked ironically
I was very confused.
“What you mean?”
“Oh don’t play stupid! You flirted with a man the whole night! I’ve seen him touching your ass and giving you his number!”
“That’s not how it went…” you tried to resonate
“Oh so what happened?” he asked getting mad
“He’s a friend, I know him…we were at school together and I haven’t seen him for 10 years”
“So because he’s a friend you let him touching your ass? I didn’t know you were so generous” he said back.
This hurt.
I was fully crying now but he wouldn’t let go.
“Stop playing so innocent when you’re out there acting like a whore” he said instantly regretting it. But it was too late.
He saw the expression change in your face, from hurt and mad to completely heartbroken and disappointed.
He tried to take a few steps towards you but stopped when he saw you were leaving.
“I’ll sleep in the guest bedroom” you said leaving and closing the door of your guest bedroom.
That night you both didn’t sleep.
You spent the whole night crying and you could swear he could hear you sobbing.
He spent the night awake regretting everything he said. He wish he could turn back time.
Then morning came and you didn’t dare leaving your room. When you stood up to open the window you saw a small piece of paper under the door.
You picked it up and it was a message from Neymar.
I’m sorry I messed up.
I over reacted for nothing.
I’m an idiot and I don’t deserve you.
You’re the greatest thing that came into my life and I managed to fuck everything up.
I’m sorry. I really am.
- Neymar
You were in tears after reading that letter. Yes he was an idiot but he was your idiot. So you decided to go out and you saw him standing in the corridor with his back pressed to the gym room.
“Hey…” he said softly coming towards you “I’m so stupid I fucked everything up but I got so jealous seeing him touching you and making you laugh that I thought you liked him or something…” he confessed
“You’re the only one for me Ney…”
“You’re the only one for me babe, and I’m so sorry for acting like a dick, would you please forgive me?” he said with tears in his eyes. You’ve never seen him so vulnerable it made your heart crack a little.
“Of course baby” you said hugging him and him wrapping his hands around your body.
He took your chin up and kissed you. It was a soft kiss, more like “i’m sorry kiss”. You still enjoyed it.
“Let me make it up to you” he said picking you up and bringing you into your shared bedroom.
He laid you gently on the bed and started kissing and undressing you.
If this is how he acted after a fight you should probably fight more often, you thought smiling.
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wormdebut · 9 months
Hello! How about 21 for your Spotify wrapped? 👯
HI! I am so fucking sorry this took me forever. This one was a massive challenge for me because 21 on my Spotify Wrapped is Counting Worms by Knocked Loose. For any of you that know, Counting Worms is thirteen words long so I had to process how I wanted to handle this. (And work fucking sucks and I'm exhausted as hell but that's beside the point.) I hope you enjoy this. I actually love it a lot more than I thought I would. 🖤
'I wrote a song about getting better, it's a feeling I don't remember'
Steve stares at the words on the page, looking up to cock an eyebrow at Eddie, "What comes next?"
Eddie stifles a laugh. "Nothing does, Stevie. That's it."
Steve scrunches his nose, confused. "Thats--the song? That like ten words."
Eddie grabs the paper from him and smiles down at it. "It's thirteen words, big boy. And its--sometimes it's not about the amount of words. It's about feeling something."
Steve tries not to blush. Big boy certainly did a number on him. He would never fucking admit that--but, it is what it is.
He shakes he his head, to try and clear his thoughts, "Sure."
Steve watches as Eddie's smile widens, eyes crinkling in the corners. Christ.
"Did you?" Steve asks.
"Did I what?" Eddie questions.
"Did you ever get better?"
Eddie's smile softens then. "I'm working on it."
Steve always knew he was something--something not straight. He just didn't really have a word for it, and he tried not to dwell on it. Didn't get caught with drifting eyes in locker rooms, made sure Tommy wouldn't tell a soul about what they got up to. He didn't. Tommy might be an asshole but he wouldn't out himself or Steve…
Anyway, Steve always knew. He always knew and he had told Robin a few months after Starcourt. She helped him find the words for it. Bisexual. So Steve knew what he was, but he was fine ending up with a woman. That's just what he always figured would happen
But Eddie? Eddie changed everything.
Robin had told him just to fucking talk to him. She said that he was being a hypocrite because he had helped her get her shit together enough to talk to Vickie after everything and it had worked out--at least for a bit--but that's beside the point. The point is Robin had asked Vickie out and Steve just stared at Eddie talking, at Eddie playing D&D with kids, at Eddie writing music. He just watched.
He was scared because Eddie? Eddie was loud and confident and interesting and important.
Steve was just…Steve.
What would he even say?
It'd been a few months since Steve had found the song. Thirteen words.
He couldn't stop thinking about it.
'It's about feeling something.'
He still hadn't said anything to Eddie, but he needed to…Well, he wanted to.
There's only a couple of days left until the kids have winter break, and Steve is expecting them to invade his home as per usual so he has been cleanly all fucking day listening to Abba and thinking about Eddie Munson's stupid fucking hands.
He was feeling impulsive--he could talk to Eddie--he could. Eddie had said it wasn't about the amount of things he had to say it just had to mean something…right?
Steve grumbles out a sigh before stomping over to the phone. He dials out the number--has it memorized by now. It's late, he listens to the line trilling as the clock turns. 10:12 pm.
"Thanks for calling the bat cave." Eddie rambles off.
"Yeah, hi batman. It's Steve."
Eddie laughs over the line. "Stevie! To what do I owe the late night call?"
Steve steels himself. "Listen, I--can I come over?"
"Uh--yeah? Are you okay?" Eddie asks and Steve shakes his head, not that Eddie can see it anyway.
"I'm--I just--I'll be over in a few." Steve breathes. He can do this. It's fine.
"Okay, S. Just be safe--alright?"
Steve mumbles out an affirmative before hanging up and grabbing his keys.
He only paces outside of Eddie's door for a minute or two before he knocks lightly. Eddie is quick to answer, looking ridiculously hot for a man wearing worn out sweats and one of a thousand old band tees. He looks worried and Steve feels bad about that but--he's just gotta--
"Can we go to your room?" Steve asks and Eddie lets out a shocked laugh before nodding and heading back through the apartment. Steve follows behind.
He stands frozen in the bedroom doorway, watches as Eddie sits on the edge of his bed with head cocked to the side.
"What's going on Stevie? Was it the nightmares again because--"
Steve shakes his head, and swallows before just--going for it.
"Look--I've been--running so many things through my head. I've written speeches and songs--which is sort of your thing. So, I stopped that. But--I have thought over and over again about how to say what I need to say.
And you--you told me 'it's not about the amount of words, it's about feeling something.
And when I look at you? I feel everything--
And I just--I just needed you to know."
Eddie blinks up at Steve, eyes wide. Great. Steve fucking scared him. Awesome this is great. This was a really fucking awesome idea Steve. Nice--
"That was a lot more than thirteen words, sweetheart." Eddie smirks at him and Steve feels his heart stutter at the name.
Steve breathes, "Yeah well--did I fuck everything up?"
Eddie moves from his bed then, quick to meet Steve in the doorway. Steve is quiet. He watches as Eddie's eyes move from Steve's own, down to his lips and back up again.
Eddie brings a hand up to cup his cheek and Steve can't help the soft noise that escapes his throat. The other man swipes his thumb over Steve's cheekbone. "No Stevie, I really don't think you did. I'm gonna kiss you now, okay?"
Steve can't do anything other than nod.
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [29]
chapter twenty-nine, act four: somebody else
little Author's note /TW before this act begins. There's going to be alot of talk of drug use and addiction within the chapters coming, if you're not comfortable with these kinds of things please don't read.
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January 1st 2016
“Happy new year, babe.”
Caleb leans down to kiss her cheek, before she can answer or mutter the phrase back to him Denise is sweeping in to kiss her on both cheeks, “Happy new year, darling.”
Tommie grins, “Happy new year, Denise. Where’s the eldest?”
Denise shrugs, “Tommie, we both know I’ve never been able to control that boy.”
The pair look around the room, “He didn’t come?”
Denise shakes her head, “He’s with his girlfriend somewhere, doing things a mother really doesn’t want to know about.”
Tommie chuckles, eyes glancing towards the front door, “How’s Gabby?”
“She’s lovely, have you met her?”
She shakes her head, “Uh, I was in LA when he brought her round to meet everyone.”
“With Caleb?” Denise asks, smiling over her shoulder at the American.
“Yeah, he’s working on his first album with his band.”
“And how’s that going, dear?”
Caleb clears his throat, clutching the drink in his hand as he steps up closer to her, “Uh, pretty good, yeah, we’ve got a few songs done now. Decided we’re going to use the two most popular ones from the EP, too.”
Denise turns back to Tommie then, quickly bored with the American’s voice, “And how’s LA treating you?”
Tommie frowns a little, waiting for Caleb to get distracted talking to one of Matty’s cousins before answering, “I hate it.”
She frowns deeper and Denise wraps her arms around her, “Oh, darling.”
“I want to come home.”
Denise holds her tighter, “You’re welcome back here as much as you want, you know that.”
Tommie closes her eyes, enjoying the warmth of her arms. Tommie wasn’t used to warm hugs until she started coming to Manchester more often. Shewasn’t used to being mothered until she met Denise either.
Denise pulls back to smooth out her hair, the dye is fading, blonde reaching her shoulders and her natural colour back at the top.
“Caleb’s whole life is in LA, and with Matty wanting to finish the last bits of the album out there I’m stuck.”
“Tell Matty to shove it where the sun don’t-”
“Hey, what did I do now?”
Suddenly a pair of arms are wrapping around the two women, a third head being placed on top of Tommie’s.
“Well, you’re late for starters.” Denise says, pushing his head away from Tommie to give her some space, “You missed the countdown.”
“Yeah, sorry mum, we were on our way back from London.”
“We?” Tommie asks.
Matty’s smile brightens a little as he nods and moves aside, one arm outstretched, “This is Gabby.”
“Tommie,” The woman introduced as Gabby says her name like they’re long lost childhood bestfriends, it’s so sweet, so comforting, Tommie can’t hide the smile that automatically fills her face, “I feel like I’ve known you years with the way Matty talks about you.”
Matty grins as the pair share a quick embrace, wiggling his eyebrows at Tommie over his girlfriend’s shoulder.
“It’s lovely to meet you.”
Gabby grips both her hands pulling her towards the kitchen, “Let's get a drink and talk. I want to know about you, not the Tommie he’s put in my head.”
Tommie smiles, getting pushed by Matty to follow after her.
Denise is eyeing her son who frowns, “What?”
“Tell me, mum, what?”
“You think that’s a good idea?”
Denise shrugs, “Leaving your girlfriend alone with the woman you’re in love with.”
Matty scoffs, “With herself?”
“Don’t play stupid, Matthew, we both know you aren’t.”
Matty shrugs, scratching at his arm, “Gabby’s nice.”
“She is, which is why it isn’t fair-”
“If Tommie could love someone else I'm sure I’ll be able to too.”
“You can love Gabby, I know you can,” She says, fondly placing a hand on his cheek, “But you’ll never be able to love another like you do our Tommie.”
She pats his cheek and he watches her walk away, muttering to himself how being in love and attracted to someone aren't the same thing.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
February 27th 2016
“Don’t…. No…. don’t wake….”
Tommy yawns, eyes squinting at the light coming in through the curtains and looks around, “G?”
George moves quickly, brushing her hair out of her face as she tries to spit it out, “Go back to sleep, Tom.”
“No, ‘m not tired now…”
She feels the bed dip beside her, “Have a few more hours, babe…” Caleb says gently, hand brushing up and down her arm, “Big night last night.”
She nods, “Okay… wake me for pizza.”
Caleb smiles leaning down to kiss her cheek before following George outside.
“Keep an eye on her.”
“George, what’s going on?”
“Nothing  you need to worry about, alright? Just, make sure you keep an eye on her, don’t let her ring Matty… or Ross…”
He calls after the drummer but he ignores him, “George, hey…”
Before he gets out the door Caleb catches his arm spinning him quickly, “What the hell is going on?”
“Keep an eye on your girlfriend.”
That's what he leaves him with, meeting Adam at the end of the hallway, he’s on the phone with a panicked Ross who’s muttering something about Matty.
“Shit.” George says when the lift won’t move them any faster down the single two floors separating them and Ross.
Adam’s the first down the hallway, going into the room left open with a shoe finding Ross sat on the bed, phone still in hand.
He shakes his head gesturing to the bathroom door and George leans against it, knocking it with his knuckles, “Matty?”
“Go away.”
“Come on, Matty, let us in.”
“Is Hann out there?”
Adam moves towards the door, leaning his side against it and speaking to him softly, “Yeah, I’m here.”
“Then no!” He yells back, “You’ll shout at me.”
Adam sighs, “I won’t, Matt, promise just open the door please.”
It's silent, they hear him move towards the door, his feet dragging before he slides his back down it. There’s a soft thud as his head falls back to meet the wood, “Tom?”
“She’s upstairs, in bed.”
The lock clicks, George pushes Adam back, muttering for him to wait as he goes inside.
The room is filled with bottles, packets of the stupid white substance they’ve been trying to tell him to quit since the second album came out. Some other drugs lay around, some George doesn’t even recognize. 
“What are you doing?” George asks, kneeling beside Matty who leans back against the wall beside the door.
He’s shirtless, yesterday's black skinny jeans on, legs brought to his chest as he shivers. His fluffy hair is soaking wet, sticking to his forehead and George pushes it back to see him better.
“I don’t know…”
“Thought you said you’d quit once the album was out.”
“I did.” He says sitting up and rubbing his nose with the back of his hand, “I tried.” He corrects, “Then, guy who used to deal to me came last night, uninvited, I tried… George-” He takes a stuttering breath, “It’s so hard.”
“What is?”
He shrugs, “Being here, being there, everywhere, I- I can’t do it George. Can’t write, and sing, and perform, and watch them-”
George nods, sitting with his back against the door to let Matty fall into him, curling himself around his long arm, “Don’t tell Baby.”
“She doesn’t know… she hasn’t known.”
Matty nods, then crawls to the sink to pull himself up and stare in the mirror, “Tour starts soon…” He says mostly to himself, “I’ll stop then.”
“Then? Not now.”
“You know what I mean.” He says waving him away.
He opens the door, Ross and Adam perking up quickly, he moves past them to pick up his hoodie, pulling it on and drawing the strings closed as he grabs his keycard and leaves the room.
“Matty where are you going?”
Adam shakes his head, Ross is the first to reach him stopping him with a firm grip on his arm, “You want to let her see you like this? Want her to figure out what’s been going on? Why you’ve been so secretive lately?”
He shakes his head, “I just… I need her, Ross…”
Ross, the one who had found him that morning, screaming out the name of their youngest member while harshly kicking sheets from his body, takes pity on their singer.
He lets his wrist go watching him scurry away and stops Adam when he tries to follow.
“He was having a bad trip… not sure what it is but he was shouting- no, fucking screaming her name.”
George grimaces and Ross rolls his eyes, “Not like that gutter brain, more like… in pain.”
Matty considers knocking on her door head resting against it as he listens for any sign of movement. Then he decides against it and moves to the room next door, his room.
He uses his key card to get in, moving to the conjoining door and pushes it open quietly.
He climbs up into the bed, pausing when she sighs out, hand stretching across the bed.
“Go back to sleep, baby.”
Her eyes flutter open to look over at him, “Hey.”
He instantly feels better, settling behind her, pulling her back until her body is moulded perfectly into the shape of his.
His hands travel up onto her stomach and she winces at the cold, “Why are you so cold?”
“Had a cold shower… hangover cure.”
She hums, hands coming down to lace over him, “Haven’t seen you in a while.” She says.
He buries his face in her hair, breathing in the familiar flowery scent as he relaxes into the pillows.
“Saw me yesterday.”
She shrugs, yawning and hiding it with the back of her hand, “Not really,” She comments, finger now tracing one of his tattoos, “You haven't been here.”
She moves her hand to tap his forehead awkwardly over her shoulder. He kisses her shoulder through her t-shirt and then closes his eyes.
“Can I sleep here? For a bit?”
“Caleb will be back soon.”
He shrugs, moving the duvet further over them, “He can join, can spoon me for all I care. I just need you right now.”
She nods, “You’ll always have me, Roddy.”
He closes his eyes, blocking out the nightmare he was having.
“Tom? Tom, Baby?”
He shakes the redhead violently, her whole body shaking with his hands on her shoulders, “Baby, come on? I promise, I’ll stop, just wake up, stop messin ‘round, come on Baby! Tom! Tommie! I’m sorry, I’ll stop, I’ll stop-”
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Hi Dear !
I love your work, like, it's so good !
Could you do one with a curvy reader x Thomas Shelby ? (And with short hair, like a Peaky cut, but longer at the top)
Like she is naturally nice and kind to everyone. But she would do anything to protect the family while always being nice (I mean, she don't use bad terms (sorry if it don't mean anything, English isn't my first language 😅)). Thomas love her for being so amazing
Thank you !
Love you ❤️
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Hey Anon, Thank you for waiting so long! Hope you enjoy this one. It's a bit on the darker side which I hope is alright.
Warnings: Reader is assaulted (not descriptive just unwanted touching) Violent murder of problematic peaky characters because I'm bitter.
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You kept the sides of your curly hair as short as possible leaving a very unfeminine angle to your facial features or at least that's what people told you. It was unsettling and created too much of a contrast with your very feminine curves. You rolled your eyes and looked at yourself in the mirror and thought about the last time your hair was shoulder-length...
You would have been about 13. Just barely a woman and no matter how hard you tried to stay away from them you would always find yourself back with the Shelby boys. That cold day down by the cut, one of the girls from school wanted to prank you and cut off a massive piece of your hair. Tommy being 4 years older and infinitely cooler, decided there was only one way to fix it. People never gave you a hard time over it knowing whose hand was responsible for the cut. 
Your initial reaction was burning hate,  but seeing that he liked it was enough to make you forget it. Soon enough the hair came with a very safe place amongst the boys and endless troublemaking. 
Fast forward what felt like a million years you sat on the edge of the bathtub in your fancy bathroom and lit a cigarette. 
Looking out the window the sun was almost down and it was just about time to get ready. You looked over the soft red fabric of the dress hanging on the back of the door. You tried to think of a way to escape the evening, but you wouldn’t leave Thomas or the family in such a state. 
After a few more drags of your cigarette, you finally put it out and got to work. It didn't take you too long to get ready looking in the mirror you were very happy with the way the shimmery fabric clung to your curves. Adding a large diamond necklace Tommy had gifted you it was time to get downstairs. 
You looked over everything satisfied with the arrangements. You gave a sigh as you looked over the room, for once the type of people it was built for would be in your home. You clenched your fists struggling with the task before you. Normally your role in the blinders was to do what you did best of all. Talk to people. You had a way of making people tell you all their secrets and fears. You’d been able to reason and care for people ultimately saving them from destruction. It annoyed Thomas more than anything and yet it was a skill that benefitted his efforts most of all.
A strong arm wrapped around your waist pulling you from your thoughts. 
“It’s just a room, love.” He whispered in your ear and you relaxed against his frame. 
“I don’t want to do this Tom.” 
“I’ll let you renovate it then, eh? Soon as this is over you can fix it -” 
“You know that’s not -” You whispered shaking your head. 
“I know.” He whispered in your ear placing a kiss on your temple. This was not the time to talk about the things weighing on your heart. He held you there for a moment letting you breathe. 
Then the chaos started. John and Arthur showed up looking grim and mildly annoyed. They were to be on the property but not at the actual dinner. 
“You look nice,” John said giving you a weak smile. Arthur’s eyes told you all you needed to know. They were as miserable and angry about this as you were. 
“We’ll make sure nothing bad breaks out,” Arthur said in a low voice and you gave him a nod of thanks. They went to wherever they were to be stationed for the evening. 
You took a deep breath, every body was human at the end of the day. You could save these people. Bring them to the light. Like everyone they just need a little kindness. 
They were a half hour late and you bit back your bitterness at the way his hands lingered on your skin. 
“What a lovely wife you have here Thomas.” His dark eyes studied you and there was nothing soft about his words. “Heard lots about you over the years.” Oswald then introduced his new wife. Diana looked too much like all of Grace’s worst qualities. Acid burned in your veins and you pushed it down to introduce yourself. 
They went right into business wasting no time on pleasantries. Something you were initially grateful for, hoping that it would speed up the meeting. 
Your initial plan of all anyone needs is some kindness and good words were thrown out the window when things moved to the sitting room. Oswald insisted on sitting next to you on the sofa, and you watched as Diana’s eyes devoured your husband. 
You would do anything for your family. You repeated the thought over and over hoping it would push the obvious sight from your mind. 
Listening politely and trying to find a way to get a word into the conversation your hand found a very lucky prize tucked into the couch cushions. 
Your fingers brushed the cold metal and you remembered Polly opening letters the morning before. It being there gave you the slightest bit of comfort. 
Then the obvious but also unthinkable happened. His hands were running up your leg towards your hip. In all your life, in all these situations this was one thing that was never a possibility. A man touching you in your husband's presence. 
The realization of the power these two had over him felt like a punch. Goosebumps covered your skin and you watched as Diana made her move on Tommy. 
“Your eyes look so surprised, surly you've done this before?” his mustache tickled your ear and something broke inside you. 
Thomas had led you through some dark things, but nothing so dark that your light couldn't shine through and remedy the situation. People in need always won the battles you and he staged. 
Did Thomas know this was the plan? You were hesitant enough about dinner, so why bother telling you this was where things were headed? 
Maybe he wanted to sleep with her?
All the horrid words that were spoken over dinner hit you in full force as his mustache tickled your neck. Wet lips slobbering on you. Without care if the world ended your fingers clutched the letter opener, and the next thing you knew it was firmly embedded in his neck. 
He made a terrible sound and you were covered in blood. A gun shot rang out and you abruptly stood up. 
“OH GOSH oh my - gosh - Mother of gosh - sweet freaking gosh. I - I Oh my gosh.” Arms were wrapped around you and you realized it was Arthur. He picked you up like you weighed nothing and carried you out of the room. 
“She almost cussed that time,” John said as if impressed. 
“FUCK SAKE - EVERYTHING IS F- FUCKED.” The sound of a lamp smashing was quickly silenced by the heavy wood of the kitchen door. 
“Stay here, love.” Arthur gave you a pat on the back and placed a bottle of whiskey in front of you. He made a phone call in the hallway before returning to your shouting husband. 
An unknown amount of time passed before you felt Polly’s weathered hands grabbing your shoulders. 
“Let's get you cleaned off.” All you could do was nod. 
Polly took you up to the room she claimed as hers when she stayed over and got you into the bath. She scrubbed all the blood off of you as you shook. Eventually, she rinsed you one last time before filling the tub up with clean water. 
“What happened?” She asked as she pushed the curls from your forehead. 
“Polly I-I-I can do it. You know. I’ve always been able to fix things and wow people. Try to bring them to the light, and change their minds about their horrible choices. In my head, we are always the good guys.” You took a few deep breaths. “But they were just. Really awful. I’d do anything for the family Pol I would and I have. I just - gosh -  his hands were all over me and she just kissed him.” You were still in disbelief that your husband would put you in such a situation. 
“That wasn't supposed to be the plan.” She whispered running her thumb across your cheek. Her eyes held a pain in them that you immediately wanted to take away.  
“then my fingers sunk into the space between the armrest and the cushion, and your letter opener had fallen through. I grabbed it and just snapped-” 
“You did what Tommy couldn’t. Don’t feel anything about it. He’d been after them for months, all of this was to set up some big event to take him out. Either way, he was going to die at the hands of a Shelby.” She shrugged. “Might as well have been my letter opener.” 
Tears started to prickle in the corners of your eyes. This wasn't who you were. You didn't kill people or deviate from plans - 
“Sometimes death is a kindness.” She kissed your forehead and you let the words sink in. Somehow you doubted that Brittian would miss him or Diana. 
Getting dressed you had a moment of realization. There was one other man that you knew relatively well… the man that dragged Thoams into this mess in the first place. 
You dialed the phone number and did what you did best. Chatted. 
When you came downstairs you saw everyone in the kitchen looking positively worn from the night's events. Thomas looked at you and immediately motioned for you to come sit on his lap. You stood at the head of the table. 
“Alright, once I was thinking clearly again.” You cleared your throat. “ I had the realization that a friend owed me a favor for something ages ago. Everything here is sorted.” 
“What kind of favor?”  - “Who?”  Tommy and Arthur asked at the same time. 
“Well doesn't matter what happened, but a while back I helped clear something up for Mr.Churchhill so I thought I’d ring him and see what he thought about all this-” 
“At this hour-” “You don’t call in favours-” John and Arthur started talking over each other while Tommy gave you a hard stare. 
“What kind of favor is that big?” Tommy asked in a low voice. 
“Like I said I can’t really say. All you need to know is everything is fine. People will be by in the morning for the bodies.” 
The thought of not having to dig holes in the middle of winter seemed to win John and Arthur over. Tommy looked put out over the situation and for once you enjoyed holding all the cards close to your chest. For once everyone else can drown in the mystery and do what they're told. 
You came over and sat on his lap. His fingers curl tightly into your skin. He had a lot of explaining to do before you would forgive him, but his grip on you let you know he wasn't happy with the situation. 
After drinks and everyone seemed sure you were alright the boys headed home and Polly went upstairs to bed. You expected his mood to turn sour and for him to cuss you out. Instead, he just rested his head on your chest. Without thought, your hand went to brush along the side of his head. 
His grip didn’t loosen and he gave out a shaky breath. Suddenly you realized that this had most certainly not been the plan, you got hurt, had to do awful things, and then go off and fix the situation. His plan failed and put you in danger. He was ashamed. 
Not something you’d ever noticed before. Part of you wanted to hear him say it, and apologize. Then you realized his embrace was enough. Knowing he was afraid and seeking comfort in you was enough. 
“Don’t I don't mind. It’s handled that’s the main thing.” You said firmly wanting more than anything to put this mess behind you. You expected that to be the end but he only nodded and went back to holding you. No other sound other than the fire crackling. 
You thought back over all the things the two of you had been through over the years. You knew that this would simply fade into the tapestry along with all the other hard stuff.
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floralcyanide · 2 years
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot
Joel Miller x Reader
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request: BOY HOWDY MY DUDE do I have a challenge for you if you’re up for it. Can I pls request a little Joel x Reader with Angst 20 and Smut 2? I feel like there’s some way that the two could come together perfectly 🥴😈 Love you! by @o-holynight
angst prompt #20: “Please, don’t make this worse than it already is.”
smut prompt #2: “Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
warnings: smut, oral (f receiving), angst, situationship/ exes with benefits
summary: You have an on-and-off relationship with Joel, and have for quite a while. What happens when he shows up one last time? Will it really be the last?
word count: 2548
author’s note: hiii here is the 6th request for my 2k celebration!! sorry it's so late >.< I hope everyone enjoys!! I barely proof read so I'm sorry if it flows weird
masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here | 2k celebration prompts here | request a prompt here or in my asks.
“And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again. You can tell me how vile I already know that I am.”
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
You always told yourself you’d never overstep for a man, even after the world quite literally went to hell. No matter what, you stood by that rule you set for yourself. Until you met Joel. You find yourself back with him a lot despite your rule, and you’ve chalked it up to a form of self-harm. Yeah, you had your issues, everyone did nowadays, but you went through a lot before the end of the world. You had your reasons for clinging to someone who gave you a little bit of light in the never-ending darkness. And Joel was that light, as much as you hated it.
And boy, do you hate it. Because he never knows what he wants when it comes to anything. It frustrates you to no end. The two of you were seriously dating for two years until he started acting weird. Tommy, Joel’s brother, had left the Boston QZ, and you figured Joel was acting oddly because of it. But as time went on, Joel became preoccupied, it seemed. And then you found out about Tess. She was someone Joel worked with in trading, and you never thought much about her until you heard whispers amongst people about them being together. After stewing about it and deciding whether or not to bring it up with Joel, you choose to mention it to him to see how he would react.
You remember a pressed look crossed his face before he flatly told you they were sleeping together. Two years together, and for what? For a sudden lack of communication, cheating, lying, and not talking to you at all? You wondered what she had that you didn’t for a long time. But you realized it wasn’t her; it was Joel. He had his problems that you just couldn’t solve. You broke up with Joel, of course, but not long after, you got back together. But you couldn’t trust him like you used to. He was still sneaky and reserved, and you couldn’t take it anymore, so you broke it off again. Then came the rendezvous. You and Joel would sleep together every other week with no strings attached. Most of the time, neither of you would speak a word to the other. But it got to the point that it was unhealthy, and you had to stop it. Now, you just pass each other in the street with shifty eyes. After knowing each other for years, you now don’t speak a word to one another. 
But today, it was more of a longing glance that was shared between the two of you. You were in line to sign up for next week’s work when Joel was walking out of the front of the line. His eyes meet yours, and you almost look away, but his eyes burn into you. After a minute of staring, you tear your gaze away and let your eyes focus on the ground below you. When you look up again, very hesitantly, Joel is gone.
When you return to your makeshift apartment, you let your body fall into your old, dusty couch. As you tiredly stare at the opposing wall, you sit there, sinking into the cushions. You tried not to, but you thought about Joel a lot. What life would’ve been like if you had stayed together. What life would've been like if you had met before the apocalypse. You’re torn from your thoughts when there’s a knock at your door. You sit on your couch very still for a moment before cautiously getting up. Quietly, you step on the firm floorboards that don’t squeak to approach the door. You weren’t expecting anyone; very few people know you live here. You grab the shotgun that’s in the corner by the door, looking through the peephole. You see a figure through the scratches and blurriness of the peephole, but they’re turned away.
“Who’s there?” you mutter through the door.
“It’s me,” the person says with a sigh.
“It’s who?” you snap, “I can’t see you.”
“Joel,” the person says, now facing the peephole.
You relax, pulling away from the old metal door.
“What do you want?” you ask, still clutching the gun.
“I wanted to talk.”
“If you open the door, maybe you’ll find out.”
You’re silent for a minute before answering, “What if I don’t want to open the door?”
“I’d understand if you didn’t.”
You sigh, weighing your options. A part of you doesn’t want to bother with Joel, but another part of you is curious as to what he wants to talk about.
“Alright,” you say, unlocking the numerous locks on the door and opening it slowly.
You step aside and let Joel enter your apartment, his hands stuffed in his jeans pockets.
“Were you really about to use that?’ Joel motions to your shotgun, a slight smirk on his face.
“Yes,” you say, rolling your eyes, “I didn’t know who was at the door.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t shoot me on the spot even after seeing me,” Joel jokes.
“You and me both,” you scoff, sitting the gun back in its spot in the corner.
Joel falls silent after your response to his little joke, clearing his throat as you return to the couch. A cloud of dust shoots out of it as you slam yourself into the cushions again. 
“So,” you wave away the dust, “What did you wanna talk about?”
Joel crosses his arms, “After seeing you earlier, I felt like we left things on the wrong foot.”
You hold back a surprised laugh and nod, crossing your arms as well, “Yeah. Go on.”
“And I know you probably think I’m an awful person. And I’ll be the first to admit that I am,” Joel says, still standing in the middle of the room.
“Uh-huh,” you say, pressing him to continue, still trying not to laugh.
“But I’m sorry. For not treating you well and being a dick.”
You don’t respond momentarily before blurting out, “Are you dying or something?”
“What?” Joel asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
You pat the spot next to you on the couch, “Seriously. Why are you apologizing for stuff?”
Joel hesitantly removes his jacket and sits beside you, “No, I’m not dying. But I am leaving.”
“Leaving?” you ask, confused.
“I’m going out West to look for Tommy,” Joel says.
“Oh,” you say, rubbing your arm awkwardly.
You aren’t sure how to feel right now. You appreciate that Joel didn’t just up and leave without telling you where he went because you definitely would’ve worried yourself to death. But you don’t know whether to feel sad or happy for him for getting out of this place. 
“I just wanted to tell you,” Joel turns to you, his face a few inches from yours.
You’re still leaning back into the couch as he sits forward, his arms resting on his thighs. The room is quiet, and you turn over his words in your head, trying to come up with a response. 
“Thank you for telling me,” you whisper, blinking at the wall before you. It has an old picture from the previous owners hanging on it. It’s covered in dust that you don’t bother to wipe off anymore. 
“No problem,” Joel says just as quietly.
He is still turned to you, and you reluctantly move your gaze to him to see what his face looks like. His eyes are fixated on your knees, but he glances up and notices you staring at him. He holds your attention, leaning in slightly. Joel is now hovering over you, slowly putting his left hand on the other side of your lap. His body traps you into the couch as you allow him to lean into your lips. They graze yours softly, asking for permission. You nudge his nose with yours to allow him to press his lips against yours, and the air shifts. You know you shouldn’t, but this time is different. It could possibly be the last time. Joel kisses you softly at first, carding a hand through your hair as you melt into the couch. Suddenly, he grabs hold of your hips with both hands, pulling you onto his lap. You let out a small yelp at the quick movement before Joel interrupted your exclamation by kissing you again. He keeps his hands on your hips, his fingers massaging the skin that revealed itself from under your shirt when he moved you. 
You lightly run your tongue across Joel’s bottom lip, nipping at it and trying your best to get him to open his mouth up for you. He obliges finally, but not before he takes the reins. He smartly controls your tongue with his, heavily breathing through his nose as the kiss becomes even more heated. You wiggle your hips slightly against Joel’s lap, trying to get a little bit of friction. His grip on you tightens when your core presses against his at a delicious angle. You moan into Joel’s mouth quietly, which drives him crazy. He wants to hear you moan louder. So, he sneaks his hands up from your hips under your shirt and to your breasts, giving them a harsh squeeze. A whimper leaves your mouth as you grind your hips against Joel harder than before. Before you can react, Joel moves you off his lap back onto the couch, and he moves to the floor onto his knees in front of you. He moves his hands to the fly of your jeans, deftly unbuttoning and unzipping them before pulling them down your legs. 
You feel dizzy with the whirlwind of everything happening so quickly, but your heart is racing in your chest in a good way, and you grow wet at the sight of Joel on his knees for you. He kisses and bites at your thighs, avoiding the area where you need him most. You squirm as his stubble tickles your delicate skin, and he spreads his hands on your thighs, pressing his palms down to keep your legs still. Joel’s breath hits your clothed core, sending chills up your body. He moves one of his hands to run a finger up your slit, a smirk growing on his face from the dampness that appears on your underwear. 
“Who’s got you this wet, hmm?” he hums, sinking his teeth into your thigh, making eye contact with you through his lashes.
“You,” you say shakily, putting your hand in Joel’s hair.
“Good,” he says, pulling the middle of your underwear from you and letting it snap back into place, eliciting a whine from you.
Joel peels your underwear off you, slowly gliding them down your legs before tossing them somewhere beside him. He carefully licks a stripe up your wet folds, gathering spit and arousal with his tongue before circling it around your clit and sucking it once before pulling away. Joel all but gawks at the sight of you, all wet for him and only him. One thing he loved about sex with you was how soaked he could get you. Joel laps at you, the sound of your wetness the only sound in the room other than your shaky breaths. Joel rests your calves on his shoulders, allowing him to shove his face closer into you. He sticks his tongue inside you as far as you’ll allow, licking around and twisting his tongue in languid movements. A cry escapes your lips at the feeling of his index and middle finger pinching at your clit as his tongue fucks you. 
“You taste so good,” Joel groans, pulling back from you momentarily before delving right back in without mercy.
His fingers dig into your calf and shin muscles as he sucks and licks you up. You bite your lip to not moan too loudly for others in the building to hear. You grasp at your breasts through your shirt as Joel assaults your clit with his tongue and lips, sucking at it harshly. The feeling causes electricity to spread through your body as a familiar warmth stirs in the pit of your stomach. Your fingers in Joel’s hair curl and pull as a warning, and he continues his rhythm of nipping and sucking your clit between his teeth and tongue. One particular roll of it suddenly sends you over the edge, and you’re writhing around on the couch as you all but gush all over Joel’s face.
“Sorry,” you say shyly, trying to catch your breath as you watch Joel wipe his face with his jacket.
“Nothing to be sorry for,” Joel shakes his head.
“Do you want me to?” you ask, motioning toward his bulge.
“No, it’s fine,” Joel waves a hand at you, putting his jacket back on.
“You’re acting weird,” you say without thinking.
“How so?” Joel pauses.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” Joel says, “I just have to go.”
You figure he had something to do. He always does, but why come here for a goodbye and a quickie and suddenly leave? This was probably the last time you’d see Joel again, and he’s just abruptly leaving after giving you an earth-shattering orgasm. 
“So fast?” you ask, fumbling for your underwear and jeans from the floor, “You just got here.”
Joel stands up straight, wordlessly looking at you the way he does when he’s trying to reiterate his point. You purse your lips and glared at him.
“This could be the last time we see each other, Joel. Please stay for a little while longer instead of just fucking me and leaving like always.”
“Please, don’t make this worse than it already is.”
You furrow your eyebrows at him, “What are you talking about?”
“Yes, this could be the last time we ever see each other again. And I don’t want to drag it out because it hurts,” Joel looks down at the floor, unable to look you in the eye.
“Are you sure that’s why you’re acting this way?” you say. You have a feeling there’s something more.
“I’m not acting any sort of way,” Joel says coldly.
“Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago. Either I did or said something, or you’re hiding something from me.”
“I love you,” Joel spits.
You physically react, leaning back into the couch. You cross your arms, “That’s not fair, Joel.”
“I know it isn’t fair. That’s why I’m upset. Because I love you, and I fucked up, and now I’m leaving.”
You stay quiet, looking him in the eyes. You take a deep breath, “I love you too.”
You stand up from the dusty couch, taking a few steps to be directly in front of Joel. You tentatively wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder. He wraps his arms around your waist, squeezing you tightly to his body like he’s afraid you’ll disappear forever if he lets go. But he has to. He has to let go. And so do you.
So you do. And after that, you don’t see Joel again. But you know he’s probably taking good care of himself wherever he is and that he found Tommy. Not a day goes by when you don’t think about him in some fashion. But eventually, you let go completely.
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Event :]
Warnings: Swearing, Its a bit rushed because I'm like half asleep so please forgive me-
Notes: This is forrr @turtle-bee-anon for the @gigglesandghasts event!! I was actually so excited for this prompt: "Irl ler!Ranboo Lee! Tommy where they somehow find out they are both in the tckle community" I hope you enjoy this !! sorry for the long wait, completely forgot i was supposed to post this in December- like usual if you find any mistakes message me so I can fix them!
"Anddd I'm done!"
Everyone had taken a breath while Jack got off the floor with the help of Wilbur. "That was the worst bit ever-" Tommy grinned, "I loved it." Jack rolled his eyes, Tommy turned around and faced Ranboo who was looking through the footage.
"Is it Good?" Ranboo nodded, "Yeah all you have to do is edit it!" Tommy cheered, following after the group as they headed to Jack's car. Wilbur sat in the passenger seat next to Jack while Ranboo and Tommy sat in the back. Tommy hummed as he went through the vlog, "Should we do an outro now?" Wilbur looked back, "Didn't we do an outro in the video?" Tommy nodded, "Yeah but-"
"Your so much more tame after videos I swear." Jack shook his head with a smile as Tommy rolled his eyes and kicked the seat a little. "Ay kick the seat and I'll drop you off at the side of the road-" "You couldn't or else Motherinnit would get upset- and you don't wanna upset her." "She'd understand."
Ranboo snickered as he looked out the window, before he pulled out his phone going to Tumblr as comfortable silence fell over the car. As his Tumblr opened a post caught his eye, "Whatever you do, Do not imagine being given raspberries from your ler."
Ranboo blinked confused before he realized he was on his tickle tumblr "RainbowTickles", once he realised Wilbur and Tommy were on their phones while Jack was vibing to some song on the radio. He stared at the post a bit longer before reblogging it, typing in-
"Definitely, Do not think of your Ler slowly giving raspberries to your death spot or teasing you about how cute your laughter is or-"
Before he could finish typing the car came to a stop, he lifted his head and looked around realizing they were at McDonald's. He looked at Jack and Jack shrugged, "I'm hungry" Tommy quickly butted in with "And I need to piss, Ranboo watch my phone Tubbo is supposed to message me about a video we plan on doing so just like, watch for notifications alright?"
Ranboo nodded while Jack and Tommy got out of the car, going into the building. Ranboo was gonna try and make small (awkward) talk with Wilbur before realizing he was also on his phone. Ranboo went back to his post and finished typing it and posted it, continuing to scroll through his tumblr for a few minutes.
Ranboo checked for notifications on Tommy's phone, realizing he had two. Tubbo did message him and the next was a Tumblr notification?-
"RainbowTickles has posted"
Ranboo froze for a minute, Oh. Well that was his blog. Tommy followed his blog. His tickle blog- that was fine. Okay. So Tommy was In the tickle community and followed his ler blog, which probably meant he was lee-
Ranboo only broke out of his thinking when he heard the door slam next to him, "I'm back!" Tommy grinned and sat back down, "Did you miss me?" Ranboo rolled his eyes and handed the phone back to Tommy, even just the sight of the boy with this new information made Ranboo grow a bit of a ler mood.
"Tubbo messaged you and uh you got a Tumblr notification." Tommy nodded and he turned his phone on, his face turning slightly red when he saw the notification, his mouth opening to speak before he was interrupted by Jack getting in the car holding four McDonald bags.
"Bro I love McDonalds-" Ranboo faked disgust as Tommy spoke with a mouthful of fries, "Tommy close your mouth I swear-" as Ranboo said this, he shoved fries in his own mouth.
Tommy rolled his eyes as he put even more fries in his mouth, they ate in silence besides a few comments as Tommy went through the vlog making sure to cut some of the footage that he did not want the poor editor dealing with.
Everyone had gone home, besides Ranboo who had opted to hang out with Tommy. almost forgetting about the Tumblr thing, almost. "So uh.. You have a Tumblr." Tommy had froze at that, "Um yeah." The awkwardness in the air would have killed a introverted person.
Tommy turned around, "You.. Don't know what that blog is right?" Ranboo snorted slightly at Tommy's face, as it seemed to be turning pink. "Well I do- because it's my blog..?" Tommy's eyes widened, his face turning a red that shouldn't be possible.
"Ohhh nooo-" Ranboo bursted into laughter, "Ranboo- how could you do this to me-" Ranboo stopped at that, "Me?! You are the one who's following me!" "Not on purpose!" Ranboo rolled his eyes, "Sure you accidentally went into the tickle tag, accidentally found my tickle blog, and then accidentally followed me?" Ranboo grinned and Tommy sputtered.
"Yes!." Tommy stubbornly stood up, crossing his arms over his chest as he turned away. Ranboo got up, slowly walking towards Tommy to make sure the floors didn't creak.
Tommy went to turn around before he felt hands latch onto his side's, delivering fast squeezes up and down causing Tommy to burst out into surprise laughter. "RANANANAN WHAT THE HEHEHELL-" "Oh I'm so sorry I'm accidentally tickling you!" Tommy fell to the floor to try and escape but the hands followed without any trouble.
Ranboo kept squeezing his hands up and down before Tommy's phone caught his attention, he hummed. "I wonder what posts of mine you like, Perhaps the posts about raspberries or maybe my posts about the tickle monster- do you like the tickle monster Toms?" Ranboo smiled evily and Tommy began to squirm.
"FUHUHUHUCK OHFHF!!" Ranboo frowned, "Well that's not nice." Ranboo changed his tactic from squeezing up and down to poking, Tommy's hands tried to grab onto Ranboo's hands to stop them but failed.
Ranboo kept poking Tommy's sides, this time Tommy's hand managed to grab Ranboos. Ranboo blew a raspberry on the back of Tommy's neck watching as Tommy giggled and scrunched his shoulders, letting go of Ranboo's hand.
Ranboo awed. "That was so cute!" "Shuhuhut uhphp!" "Hey, the tickle monster can say whatever he wants!" Ranboo grinned and Tommy laughed louder as Ranboos hands navigated to his stomach.
"RANANANAN NOHOHO-" Ranboo put his hands under Tommy's shirt as he started skittering his fingers on his tummy, Tommy broke into a shriek before loud laughter filled the air, Tommy squirming into Ranboo's chest as he kicked his legs.
"Tommy, your laughing but you still haven't answered my question! Raspberries or Tickle monster?" Tommy squirmed even harder, "I CHOHOHOOSE FUHUHUCK OHFHFHF-" Ranboo frowned, "That's not a choice."
He trailed his fingers back to Tommy's sides, "if you don't answer then... I'll have to make the decision for you!" Ranboo blew a raspberry on Tommy's neck and Tommy squealed, "and I think you know what I'm gonna choose!" Ranboo spoke in a teasy tone, blowing another raspberry.
Tommy squealed and shook his head, The raspberries spreading so much ticklish energy through his body- he doesn't think he could deal with it! "TIHIHICKLE MONSHSHSTER!" Ranboo paused for a second, "Great decision!"
Ranboo tugged Tommy's shirt down so his shoulder showed, "But it was a trick question! Tickle monsters need energy and y'know how they get It?.." Ranboo's tone was between teasy and predatory. Before Tommy could answer, (Or more likely tell him fuck off) he blew a raspberry. "They get it through raspberries!" "NOHOHOT FAHAHAIR!"
Ranboo placed a bunch of raspberries on the back of Tommy's neck, eventually pulling Tommy's shirt up so he could blow them between Tommy's shoulderblades.
"I think it's plenty fair! Considering how rude you were with avoiding my question- now sides or tummy?" Ranboo rested his hands on Tommy's sides. "TUHUHUMMY-" Tommy spoke quickly not wanting to risk Ranboo choosing- but he started to doubt his answer when Ranboo seemed to keep his hands on his sides.
"It was a trick question again, really you'd think you would learn!" Tommy could practically feel the grin radiating off of Ranboo, "Your so stUPUPUPID-"
Ranboo began to skitter his fingers against Tommy's sides, watching in awe as the boy's laughter raised an octave. He let out a small laugh, "How did I never figure out your sides were this ticklish?" Ranboo changed his technique from skittering to scratching at Tommy's sides.
"DIHIHICK!" Ranboo rolled his eyes before he started prodding and poking at the boys ribs, only earning small laughs from Tommy. Ranboo hummed, unsatisfied with the response.
He used his hands to dig into Tommy's armpits, Tommy shook his head his whole body shaking with laughter.
He eventually placed his hands back on Tommy's sides, quickly scribbling into them. Tommy arched his back as he screamed with laughter, "RANANANANA-" "Let's see.. Shoulders or neck?" "NEHEHECK!" Tommy hoped that this means he would go for shoulders, but then Ranboo blew a raspberry on his neck.
"RANANANA YOU BIHIHITCH!" Ranboo sighed dramatically, "I did what you said! You seemed to be so upset by the trick questions so I didn't do one this time! You should thank me."
Tommy only responded with laughter. Ranboo kept placing mini raspberries on the back of the boys neck, sometimes shaking his hair across the boy's neck to watch him shiver.
After a bit he moved his hands on Tommy's sides before he paused. "Red or Blue?" Tommy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Blue?" "Call out blue when you want me to stop okay?" Tommy nodded.
Ranboo began to scribble up and down Tommy's sides quickly, blowing raspberries on his neck. Tommy seemed to freeze before bursting out into a mix of loud laughter and a few snorts. (He would never admit it though) His body stuck between kicking his legs and scrunching his shoulders, his hands flailing everywhere.
Ranboo prayed that Tommy's head wouldn't headbutt him in the nose, but with how much everything was going everywhere he wouldn't be suprised. He kept scribbling into the boy's sides at some point giving his knees a squeeze.
"BLUHUHUUH- BLUHUHUE!" Ranboo stopped completely, Lifting his hands off the boy as quick as he could. Tommy kept laughing for a bit after that, his hands wrapping around himself protectively.
Ranboo gently rubbed his back as Tommy giggled and took deep breaths, after a bit Tommy had calm down. "I hahahaate yohohou." Ranboo raised an eyebrow,
"Big talk for someone who likes the tickle monster." "I DO NOT LIKE THE TICKLE MONSTER-"
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barbiegirldream · 1 year
Related to Q/T (not very Dream sympathic even though I'm a big fan) : I doubt it's for clout, Tommy has always been pretty consistent about doing what he likes.
I think it's just simply what happened for all the streamers (Q, Slime, Phil, Tommy...) and that's why the skit is like that, bc it's what happened for them. Because I really don't see Tommy just switching on his friends, especially not for clout.
BUT, and that's what is so terrible about this situation, they just don't get how much hatred is throwned at dream fans and Dream himself ? Like, for them it was a "Q didn't say anything bc he doesn't have to say anything. Dream copied, he deal with the accusations it's his own bed." So Q not saying anything is OKaying the USMP and Dream is a drama queen for airing public messages and overreacting. In that vision, Dream is the one breaking the friendship, creating drama for nothing, and overreacting. Not continuing the USMP is Dream's decision (and that's something so many people are saying against it !).
But that's completely disregard the amount of hate and vitriol the USMP got because they can't know, you don't know how hard someone can be harrassed. The space with at least 1k of people doxxing Dream ? The ss where there was a coordinate effort to attack him ? I remember externs mocking us for speaking about "sending assassins" before realizing that oh, actually it happened.
So I do get Tommy's video : Dream should have stayed silent about everything and just went "the USMP will not happen yet, wait for it". But I dislike how that take completely disregard that he was pressed by very real hatred both online and IRL, and that's something that people love to ignore about Dream and his stans.
So yeah. Dream made his bed, but I'd like for once to have those guys have the same pressure put on them and see how they react.
PS : absolutely hate to see people discard that T made his own reputation and that he should be thankful for Dream's friendship. I can't bother to watch him anymore, but he is talented and has always been pretty straight about himself. It's also more than getting on the QSMP.
Sorry if it cloggs for asks, it was a bit long and not very positive. Feel free to ignore, your blog just made me feel free enough to share this.
None of this is true tho... like no one thinks Dream aired private messages there were no private messages. they made fun of the long twit longer because they can't genuinely comprehend someone stalking and committing crimes bad enough for the FBI to get involved. They genuinely think Dream is lying out of his ass unaware this isn't even the first time it's happened to Dream. You know who's more than aware? Tommy more than any other random CC on the internet knows exactly what happened to Dream because Dream talked Tommy through the same debacle. Tommy just had an entire livestream tour around England telling everyone how Dream protected him and prepared him because of Dream's experience with criminals trying to ruin his life. This round of doxxing happened because they wanted Dream scared enough to not do the USMP which it worked he didn't they won. But it's still not enough. These freaks spend all their time tweeting about Dream because he's all they care about. QSMP is just their new camp from which to throw grenades at Drean.
Tommy's reputation is as a Dream SMP streamer it's all he ever wanted his reputation to be. Tommy's youtube channel is based off the DSMP. Tommy literally said with his own mouth you can thank Dream for everything about his channel because Dream told him how to do everything from thumbnails to video descriptions. I remember during Minecon Tommy going I had a brilliant idea and by that I mean Dream had an idea and I went oh yeah that's good. Tommy has never ever in the past shied away from giving Dream and anyone else who inspired him their flowers. The simple truth is he probably thought he could get away with the joke and being a teenage boy comes with an inherent cruelty to it 🤷‍♀️
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ill-say-this-fast · 1 year
Hi! Idk if you're still taking scarletsilver/maxicest asks but I'll just shoot my shot I guess.
Idk if I'm alone in this or not but one of my biggest maxicest headcanons is that if Wanda didn't magically create her twin babies... she still would have had them... with Pietro. (Ya know what I mean).
I know, I know, I know. There's plenty of reasons why it sounds illogical. BUT! I feel like if Wanda never loved Vision (or just said "frick it" and just elopes with her brother) or if she really really REALLY wanted to have babies (the 'traditional' way) and asked Pietro... you know that man is 1000% gonna go with whatever his beloved sister wants whether he likes it or not.
Another reason why is because I want them to raise my boys Thomas/Tommy and William/Billy. Especially our lil speed. Baby boy deserves all the nice things. We already see how Wanda interacts with her boys as their mother-not-mother. But imagine if Pietro was their actual dad and how he would interact with the boys?? So many possibilitiessss
And if Wanda and Pietro did raise them, they would also train/mentor Billy and Tommy with their powers early on which would probably make them more powerful or at least more in control in their powers.
Anyways, sorry for the rant! Just wanna know what you'd think of this headcanon of mine and anything you'd like to add really! :)))
I'm never not taking asks, thanks for sending this!
i love having them all as a family. for tommy especially. the kaplans are good parents, but tommy never got to have that and that sucks because wanda loved him so much the whole time and ughh they could have been happy. i would love more wanda and tommy stuff in canon or otherwise. but i also love pietro being more a part of tommys life. not sure if pietro is more competitive or concilliatory with him? bit of both probably. seeing himself in tommy and whether that creates friction or pride or pity.
like in 616 i feel like they have major old cat vs new hyperactive kitten energy and idk if that would be the same if pietro helped raise him from birth but i do love it. pietro's slightly put-on long suffering exasperation and tommy's overwhelming need to annoy this one guy in particular but underneath pietro's really fond of him and tommy's looking for attention and for someone to appreciate him and care that he exists. but they should also get to have stupid fun at high speeds (and together cause i imagine its usually pretty isolating).
in 616 i go with the headcanon that billy and tommy are pietros genetically, like wanda made them as if they were his, but it was still done magically and he just had to see it from afar. theyre the children she always imagined having, the ones she really wanted. so i have no qualms about just making them fully biologically his in AUs, its the way the rebirths and subsequent life experiences affect their personalities that i have to work around.
im working on (slowly) a 616 post childrens crusade fic where the two of them sort of readopt tommy. and they form this kind of nuclear family but dont talk to each other about it really because theyre all afraid the others will reject it. 100% happy ending they get the family they were supposed to have eventually.
also something i probably wont write but have as an idea. a very lighthearted fox xmen au where billy and tommy exist and theyre like 12-14 and pietro (peter i guess) has to keep juggling his job of Saving the World(tm) with dealing with whatever bullshit the boys have done. like the phoenix force is out of control and we need to do something to stop jean from destroying the world, but billy really wanted to see a dinosaur and now theres a time rift in the garden and pietro cannot let his coworkers find out about his children and their godlike powers, so he's bouncing between some really deep placatory conversation with jean and trying to find enough cages to put all the velociraptors in before wanda gets home and finds the house in a mess.
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georgieluz · 10 months
Hello I would LOVE to hear anything abt your BoB OCs if you're happy sharing them!
hello!! yes i'm more than happy to share them!! also sorry that i'm replying to this so late! i got sick like a day after i got this ask but i'm finally back and can talk about them a bit! i decided to attach some pre-war moodboards i made a while back of them as well, so i'll put everything under a read more in case it's too long
first up, we have: oliver hardwick
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wealthy new yorker with your classic parental issues. likes to think of himself as fearlessly rebellious, especially regarding his sexuality and refusal to conform to the expectations of someone of his "class". however, his parents have connections spread wide across the city, which they use to dampen, and cover up, any of his attempts to shame their family. naturally, this frustrates him even more and he spends every second of his time trying to disappoint them. but they never let the mask slip, never let him win. it's cruel really. he knows they hate what he is, and they make sure he knows, but they never let on in public. they never make it obvious. they never let him win. he's been stuck in a perpetual loop of failure, both his intentional attempts and his inability to make his parents care, his entire life and it's made him resentful of control and irrationally short-tempered when anyone attempts to perceive him or claim to know him.
before the war, he was studying literature and latin at university, and most likely to be found in a nearby bar or the bed of an older man. when the war comes around, he doesn't want to give his parents the satisfaction of becoming an officer, knowing they would consider any rank or military achievement he gained a win in their war of conformity and respectability, and that they would continuously use it to shape the perception of who he is. so, instead, he chooses to enlist as a regular soldier. his parents have other ideas in mind though, and through their military connections, they ensure that he's placed in officer school, with no choice or input in the matter.
eventually he finds himself chosen as an intelligence officer, working under lewis nixon in easy company. having every decision about his position chosen for, and dictated to, him leaves oliver with a bitterness and anger about being controlled, leading to a huge disdain toward taking orders. emotionally unstable, provocative, and with absolutely no consideration for his own safety or life, nixon may have met his match for messiest officer in the company.
(he's basically my hot mess of an oc who i'm gonna hurt so bad)
next up, we have: tommy monet
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also a new yorker! (EDIT: he's now from boston, sorry) from the other side of the tracks entirely. this boy is all hardshell exterior and repression and no one can hurt me if they can't get near me so i will build this wall so strong not a single person can break through. his childhood was complicated to say the least (if you'd like to hear more about that then i can talk more about that later since it's a bit long for an introduction post) and he blames himself for the state his family is in now. he has a little sister who he would kill for, she's the only person he trusts, but he also feels he has failed in his mission to protect her. he is remarkably good at making friends with the neighbourhood cats, which their owners despise, but his favourite is his own, his best friend, named badger.
he fell in love with books and poetry as a teenager, but refuses to admit it to anyone. not because he wants to act cool, but because he's scared that if he pursues that interest, or anything academic, he would fail. he refuses to look his insecurities in the eye and pushes them down, along with the trauma of his past, until they're nice and buried down deep. he didn't exactly fall in with the wrong crowd after high school, bc he was already there growing up as one of them. he and his friends are generally seen as troublemakers and nuisances, but outside of getting into fights and breaking into a few factories and warehouses, they don't actually do much wrong.
he ends up in easy company, and when he meets liebgott during training, they get along well enough, but when things start to get stressful, they start to rub each other up the wrong way. they're both scrappy and aren't afraid of a fight, and they both have anger inside of them. tommy's anger is toward himself, but he tells himself it's anger towards his father. even though they find themselves in each other's face sometimes, they recognise that anger in each other. it bonds them together like glue and they understand something unspeakable about the other. tommy's never had anyone who truly sees him before, someone who makes him feel like a real person, not just a passing breeze, because sometimes, he doesn't really believe he's anything more than an empty shell of a body. and slowly, just maybe, they start to open up to each other more.
(tommy is my repressed broken boy who i'm GONNA FIX I SWEAR I'M GONNA FIX HIM GUYS HONEST)
if you wanna know anything more about them feel free to ask, i'd love to talk about them more! maybe i'll do one of those oc ask games or something! i also have a few platonic band of brothers ocs (male, female and nonbinary) from my formula one au who i absolutely adore!! so if you'd like me to introduce them as well then i'd love to bc honestly they're like my besties at this point
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mariatesstruther · 11 months
So if Kevin hadn't died, when Ellie meets him he'd be 23. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing but I am saying that Ellie going from losing Henry and Sam horrifically to staring down a 23 year old man with a dark complexion and his mother's smile might make her think uncontrollably of Henry and cause her to be uncomfortable in a way they'd absolutely have to talk about later because he wouldn't let his baby cousin be tearful around him, he'd have to fix it.
He'd be his mother's child after all.
@clickergossip has got me thinking about henry and kevin today! so here this is from my askbox anon sorry this took so long
okay i love this anon and i love the angst. i do hope at some point in s2 ellie actually gets to Talk about henry because seeing someone do what he did right in front of her has ti impact ellie so much, but we barely get her talking about it from what i recollect
i personally that aside from the slight resembling features, kevin and henry would be very very different characters. henry was essential thrust into the parent role for his little brother and, although definitely friendly and upbeat compared to joel, internally very serious because he’s constantly thinking about the next move he had to make to keep sam alive. he’s also not violent and incredibly careful—he has to be, as he’s essentially a dad and has to be as responsible as one
i imagine kevin as wayyyyy different. tbh, i kind love the idea that he’s a little bit of a rascal and troublemaker whilst also being a complete mama’s boy???? like how funny would it be for MARIA’s child to be an anti-establishment agent of chaos. think like young tommy miller meets hobie brown—that’s how i imagine kevin. he’s a sweet boy in that he’s genuinely kind and good to his mother and tries his best to do what’s right; he is also someone raised by a black queer chronically ill single mother and black panther granpappy hank (once again thanking @steeb-stn for hank. we love hank). kevin would STAY MF READY. and maria and hank likely needed protecting in a world as cruel as tlou’s, so i imagine once kevin is old enough (or at least what he considers old enough, because he knows his mother would disagree) he becomes somewhat of a savage in terms of combat/weaponry
toughguy kevin sizing up tommy when he realizes whats going on between this rando new guy and his mom 🤨🤨🤨 kevin lowkey approving of tommy but still jokingly acting all “you better be treating my mommy RIGHT fuckface” tough because it makes maria laugh and keeps tommy on his toes
kevin teaching ellie all the tricks of the trade of being a smart and safe troublemaker. joel and maria rarely hear complaints about them or catch them doing something bad, but it’s because kevin has got Stealth Mode down pat and ellie is a fast fucking learner
also lets think about badboy kevin meeting and falling in love with henry though 😭😭😭 them finding peace and love and building a life for sam in jackson 🥰🥰🥰 kevin basically doing what tommy did with him and maria, dedicating his once tumultuous life to becoming part of a family and protecting his peace 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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glorious-poetato · 2 years
[Halloween holiday pt.2]
Warnings : none ( if you see any please tell me)
Ship: tommyinnit x American fem! reader
Summary: Tommy comes to America to visit his girlfriend's family for Halloween.
Part 1
We pull into the driveway and I look over at Tommy "they are going to love you," I tell him. Undoing my seat belt me and Tommy exit the car. We walk up the steps to the front of the house and I knock on the door. A minute passes but then the door doings open and before I can process what happened my parents engulf me in a hug. Not long fter my mom has done the same to tommy.
My mom turns to me and smiles says "I'm so glad you are home," then looking at tommy she says " and you I'm so happy to have finally met you in person. Such a handsome boy y/n has found," she says with a toothy grin on her face
My dad then turn to him and gives him the whole speech about how he's glad to meet him and how he better not hurt me you know the usual despite my protests.
We then walk inside and my dad asks if he can speak alone with tommy. Tommy agrees and they head to another room. While they chatted privately me and my mom caught up on life.
Around 15 minutes later Tommy and my dad come back into the room. I was worried about what my dad said until I saw both of them come back smiling and laughing. This sight warmed my heart seeing some of the most important people in my life get along so well.
Me and Tommy stayed over at my parents house for a bit. But then I remembered that I wanted to go to my favorite restaurant with tommy for dinner.
Me and Tommy say our goodbyes to my parents and head to the car. We get in the car and fasten our seat belts. Then I look at him and just think about how amazing seeing him and my parents get along was. "Taking in the sights aren't we," Tommy says smugly catching me staring. My cheeks flush red but I stay composed and say "always".
One drive to a restaurant later..
"Okay this is the place," I tell Tommy. Looking over I see the old pizzeria I've always loved. It may not be super fancy but I can't help but smile so bright when I see it. Remembering all the good memories I have there. "I'm so excited to be able to share this place with you," I tell Tommy.
I see Tommy staring at me with the biggest smile on his face. " y/n You're adorable when you get excited," he tells me. I laugh at him and say "come on let's go eat."
As we enter the pizzeria I get hit with the smell of delicious food and lots of memories. We go and seat our self but then I see the owner come out. "Y/n L/n is that you? I heard you were in town! I'm so happy to see you!" The owner says then continues " and who is this young man you've brought with you?". I then say " I'm so happy to see you its been so long and this is tommy he is my boyfriend." "Oh how lovely," she then turns and wispers someone in Tommy's ear sending him into a fit of giggles. I give him a question look but before I could ask she says "well I don't want to disturb you anymore I'll go have the chef make your favorite."
Me and Tommy settle back down and chat for a bit and then remembered how I was curious about what Tommy and my dad talked about. "Tommy what did you and my dad talk about?" I question him. "Oh nothing serious don't worry about it." He told me in response. That response was a little frustrating but I decided not to make it a big deal.
We then enjoyed our meal and time together me and Tommy then went back to our hotel room and got some rest for the say following.
I hope you enjoyed this part let me know if you'd like a part 3 and sorry for any Grammer and spelling errors
@000-mika just wanted to let you know pt 2 is posted
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kedreeva · 2 years
I have finally found out what an eggo is do you guys not just call them fucking waffles???
Joyce and hopper are doing great
Nancy is doing so amazing i love her so much
IT SURE fUCKING DID MY FUCKING GOD steve youre the epitome of a highschool boy oh my fucking god get better soon hun by which i mean get fucking concussed faster
Actually speaking of that does the cinema scene mean that the fight is coming up soon oh shit
An eggo is DIFFERENT. It's a frozen waffle of the brand name Eggo. It's an Eggo Waffle. They were really big for a while!! you could just pop them in the toaster and bam, ready.
Joyce and Hopper are so functional together
YESSSSS fight scene fight scene!!!
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Nancy deserved to slap steve once. He still has to learn to communicate, but he'll GET there!!!
These three should all get a chance to work out their issues with each other IN FACT I AM GONNA write a little fic where Steve gets to talk to Jonathan like he was gonna when he arrived and got detoured by the fucking monster in the ceiling.
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Maybe Steve's been people watching! You know their houses are like. right by each other. There's a little bit of woods between them but the woods behind Jonathan's house is the same woods that's behind Steve's. There's a point at Will's fake funeral where Jonathan is drawing on a map where the demogorgon is appearing, and it's all the same place. The woods nancy and jonathan are wandering around in are steve and jonathan's woods. There's EVERY CHANCE they met in those woods as kids. played together at some point. Like Jonathan says he doesn't like most people but I bet that he doesn't like Steve specifically, too. I bet there's History there.
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El is the best!!!!
no rest for the children, they're still going through the horrors
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Tommy will get worse.
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29 of them I'm pretty sure was the count, and I enjoyed the hell out of them all and if you go into the notes there are others also enjoying the ride.
LISTEN this isn't the end, this is just a chapter end, the book is still going.
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it's not spam it's excitement and I am HERE for it, I love seeing people get excited about the thing I'm excited about!!
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a;jka;dnb;ernsthskjdf;asjdgsh I'mc rying, this is just the best I'm so sorry, the last episode is SO INTENSE for every fucking second of it.
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I have no idea what parts these reference but I'm cackling, Ted is the worst.
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I gotta leave SOME stuff out for you to happen upon like a fucking... well. gift. lol
Mike is going to have so much faith that El is alive still. SO MUCH FAITH.
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YESSSSS Hopper is gonna find that feral child and take her into a nice warm home and give her a goddamn FAMILY.
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I slept like the fucking dead, I took a hot shower, a bunch of painkillers and fell asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow and did not wake until my alarm went off to talk to my australian.
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I MEAN. I'm not really doing much with GO anymore either, but the energy of my fixations remains. gotta go somewhere!
at this point I don't expect you to be normal about anything
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Oh don't worry, Steve and Nancy are not finished having a fiasco.
LISTEN. It's not that Brenner deserves worse (it's not NOT that either), it's that EL deserves BETTER.
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Yeah her plush was a tiger. you know. the same.... the same tiger........ the same one............. the same...................... as hopper's daughter....... had as she was dying...... just. saying....
[for anyone reading along, imagine a long rant about el and a cat here, that I'm not publishing because prompt]
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I don't KNOW. El will get to meet 8 in season 2.
I have not been LYING to myself i have been HOPING for something better. SOME stuff got better!!! like steve.
well. the GOOD news is that I don't think they're gonna let Steve and Nancy get back together, but the BAD news is that that's because I'm p sure that they're gonna kill steve in S5. Just throwing that out there. This is information that is like when someone says "my finger hurts" and then someone else offers to punch them in the arm so they won't be thinking about their finger.
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hmmmm tying a tie may have to go on the list too then, specifically to make you feral.
Funerals in general are weird because they're trying to be about the dead person but they're actually for the living people and everyone's super sad about the person being gone but when catholicism or even just christianity in general enters into it, it gets weird because like??? don't y'all have the concept of a literal heaven? that super happy place where people are supposed to be at peace? why is that not a celebration..... I get why people mourn losing someone but if I were christian it would make more sense to me to be like man I'm fuckin' sad I'm not gonna see bob for a few years but I'm gonna rock up Doing Good til I die so we can hang out in heaven when I get her or whatever. plus whoever's up talking is making the death about god and stuff instead of the person.
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I think it's a good theory. I think MOST theories start off with a half-assed thought and the good ones get a pause and a "wait a second..." and then you go deeper.
I don't know what his band is and have never heard it (nor will I except against my will or by accident), but my understanding is that they're actually pretty good. a lot of fans of the show got into it when they found out and oh.... man, i do not know why there are not more fics where Eddie teaches Steve to play a guitar because we have some EXCELLENT photos of keery playing his guitar.
me too, Delightful... Karen is the Mystery Mom. Looking forward to her losing it.
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Okay but listen, LISTEn
Season 2 has.... THE SCENE.
The scene where Steve turns up at Nancy's house and Dustin, who has been desperately trying to reach anyone and been ABANDONED, sees him walking up and goes "hm, I've adopted a new big brother/father, steve get in your car and drive me places" and steve is like ???? but he gets in the car and drives Dustin places. He walks down into a darkened cellar looking for a monster for this kid. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
PLUS you get to see Steve having his little Life Crisis because what does anything MATTER if there are MONSTERS and actually all he wants is to settle down with Nancy and Nancy is, once again, Onto Something because of Barb
He also adopts!!! a baby monster!!!!
And you get to meet MAX. God, she's the best. I fucking love her. You HAVE to meet Max because she lives across the street from Eddie, and she needs protecting from her older brother because he's an ASSHOLE you will adopt her just as fast as you adopted El and want to both wring Mike's neck and cuddle the hell out of him because he misses El SO MUCH but he calls out for her on the radio every night to tell her that he's still there, he's still waiting, he still misses her and she is listening on her radio but she can't TELL HIM because it's not SAFE for EITHER of them and *sobbing*
plus you get to see El and Hopper love each other and try to have a completely dysfunctional little family together. They are both so broken and they are trying SO HARD.
Okay this is the last ask I got from you, so. I hope you get your assignment worked on, and I hope that you start season 2 at some point. There's so much good stuff in it.
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