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hooplecxnt · 1 year
1, 3, 4 and 6:)
1. If you have a lighter, what color is it?
Green! 💚 It has a little old-time-y 420 themed film print on it as well! (it was a part of a series clipper once made, and I really adore them all.)
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3. Do you like pasta?
I do! My favorites tend to be stuffed shells, baked ziti, ravioli, and tortellini! (I'm a big sucker for ricotta cheese.)
This question also gave me the perfect opportunity to use this picture...(I deeply apologize in advance):
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4. How often are you on tumblr?
*Too* often 🤣 I think there's a post somewhere in my queue that says, "I open and close Tumblr like a fridge."- which about sums up how I feel
6. What blogs do you mostly interact with?
Oh, boy- this is gonna be hard, and I also feel like I'm probably going to leave out some of my favs, but!:
@bedtimestoriesforbrokengirls (Of course ❤️)
(and all of my lovely mutuals 💞)
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lmdhawk · 2 years
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Hello, my name is Lee, Transmac writer extraordinaire. Recently, I had to get my tooth fix and the copay was more than I expected, and I had to miss work to go the the DMV for my new state ID, so that is throwing things off. As you can see, It’s put me in a not so great position financially.
 I don’t like to beg, but my paycheck doesn’t clear until Tuesday, which is when all my automatic beginning of the month payments will start coming out of my bank account, and I still have over half my rent due.
My landlady is being nice and giving me until next week to fully pay it off, but it’s going to take most of this paycheck and next paycheck.
I owe $420 for the current months rent, plus $53 in beginning of the moth bills, for a total of $473. My most recent paycheck was $246.16, which clears on Tuesday. My next paycheck is going to be lower for having missed a day, and is going to be $200 or so. Which puts me at $27 dollars short. Plus I might have to pay for testosterone for the month out of pocket if my insurance doesn’t fix the thing I asked them to fix, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
I’m asking for $50, so I can also get a trip to the grocery store for a few sundries. Nothing I’ll die without, but my quality of life if I wasn’t subsisting on cans of ravioli from the dollar store.  
If you have a little bit to spare, you can donate here:
or v3nmo: @Lisa-Hawkridge (My deadname
As a bonus: for every donation, I will post one of the fan-planets I created for Warhammer 40k
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
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stoner-thoughts · 4 years
Life is about being gay and eating ravioli.
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rpmemestorehouse · 3 years
2010′s Internet Memes Starters
Change wording as needed
“Are you frustrated?”
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I-”
“Let me tell you why that’s bullshit.”
“Oh stop it, you.”
“Aww yiss.”
“France is bacon.”
“That’s cute.”
“Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.”
“Has science gone too far?”
“...said no-one ever.”
“We need to go deeper.”
“Do you think this is a motherfucking game?”
“Oh baby, a triple!”
“Brushie brushie brushie~”
“Spooky scary skeletons!”
“You could stop at five or six stores, or, just ONE.”
“You hear about video games?”
“Release the kraken!”
“Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?”
“ ‘It will be FUN’, they said!”
“You’ve been GNOMED!”
“Deal with it.”
“And not a single fuck was given that day.”
“It’s a double rainbow!”
“The rent is too damn high!”
“You jelly?”
“Challenge accepted.”
“Come at me bro!”
“Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?”
“Are you a wizard?”
“Bitch please!”
“I know that feel bro.”
“Shut up and take my money!”
“I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”
“I hope you step on a LEGO.”
“That really rustled my jimmies.”
“And then a skeleton popped out!”
“I’ve seen some shit.”
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
“This isn’t even my final form!”
“You had one job.”
“Kill me.”
“Majestic as FUCK.”
“Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about [insert]?”
“I swear on me mum...”
“You have no power here!”
“What a time to be alive.”
“If I pull that off, will you die?”
“It will be extremely painful...for you.”
“Hide the pain Harold.”
“Local man ruins everything.”
“Mom, get the camera!”
“I cri evrytiem.”
“The struggle is real.”
“I am the one who knocks!”
“This is the darkest timeline.”
“I’m about to end this man’s whole career.”
“I regret nothing!!!”
“I lied.”
“I’ve seen enough [insert] to know where THIS is going.”
“Oh god why-”
“Everyday I’m shufflin’-”
“You wot mate?”
“Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...”
“Man door hand hook car door-”
“Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, vomit on my sweater already, Mom's spaghetti-”
“Oppa Gangnam style!”
“When [place] is ashes, you have my permission to die.”
“I only cried for 20 minutes.”
“Pepperidge Farm remembers.”
“Go home, [Name], you’re drunk.”
“Fuck me, right?”
“I should buy a boat.”
“Apply cold water to that burn.”
“420 blaze it!”
“That’s a nice new [insert]. It would be a shame if something happened to it...”
“I too, like to live dangerously.”
“You know nothing, [Name].”
“I’m getting too old for this shit.”
“Does this look like the face of mercy?”
“It was me, [OWN NAME]!”
“Stop trying to make [insert] happen! It’s not going to happen!”
“You merely adopted the darkness.”
“See? Nobody cares.”
“I will find you, and I will kill you.”
“I understood that reference!”
“Listen here, you little shit-”
“It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out.”
“Ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli.”
“How do you do, fellow kids?”
“Ow, the edge!”
“*teleports behind you* Nothing personal, kid.”
“Pee is stored in the balls.”
“We have food at home.”
“You must be new here.”
“Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters.”
“That’s the evilest thing I can imagine!”
“Dammit Moon Moon!”
“When u mom com home and make hte spagheti-“
“When will you learn? When will you learn?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?!”
“helo would u like some of this hot choclety milk?”
“Be strong, [Name]. Be strong for Mother.”
“Ayy LMAO.”
“Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.”
“Shrek is love, Shrek is life.”
“Heard you were talking shit!”
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
“Look at me. I’m the captain now.”
“This could be us, but you playing.”
“They played us like a damn fiddle!”
“I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
“I’m in me mum’s car, broom broom!”
“Hand me the aux cord.”
“Press F to pay respects.”
“Trust nobody, not even yourself.”
“Anime was a mistake.”
“It’s just a prank, bro!”
“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.”
“Are ya winning, son?”
“Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.”
“I lived bitch!”
“You just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.”
“*chuckles* I’m in danger.”
“That wasn’t very cash money of you.”
“They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.”
“Alone on a Friday night? God, you’re pathetic.”
“Why the fuck you lyin’? Why you always lyin’? Mmmm oh my GOD, stop fuckin’ lyin’~”
“You’re gonna have a bad time.”
“I’m at soup!”
“Congratulations, you played yourself.”
“I’m you, but stronger.”
“This is fine.”
“Hello darkness my old friend~”
“Jesus Christ, it’s Jason Bourne!”
“I have crippling depression!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.”
“Take a fucking sip, babes.”
“Brother, may I have some oats?”
“God I wish that were me.”
“Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.”
“Oh, worm?”
“Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?”
“Am I a joke to you?”
“Let me in. LET ME IIIIIINNNNN!!!!!”
“You know I had to do it to ‘em.”
“Why is the FBI here?”
“Oh no baby what is you doin’???”
“Hey man, you see that guy over there?”
“Buenos días, [Name]!”
“Hey there demons, it’s me, ya boy.”
“Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.”
“Then perish.”
“Somebody toucha my spaghet!”
“My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.”
“Weird flex, but okay.”
“I’m baby.”
“OK, boomer.”
“Yep, this one’s going in my cringe compilation.”
“This is so sad. Alexa, play Despacito.”
“Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.”
“All right then, keep your secrets.”
“They did surgery on a grape.”
“It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.”
“Look how they massacred my boy!”
“Bro! You just posted cringe! You are going to lose subscriber.”
“Wait, that’s illegal.”
“Bro, I’m straight-up not having a good time.”
“Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants maybe?”
“I’m gonna do what’s called a pro gamer move.”
“Say sike right now.”
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Are you proud of yourself, my inbox is at 420 and a sizable chunk of it is dedicated to ravioli are you happy now
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s6hk · 3 years
19/08 food log :
breakfast : 0
lunch : 367
vegan ravioli : 267
yogurt : 100
snack : 0
dinner : 91
salmon 20g : 36
brocoli 100g : 35
mushrooms : 20
1 rice cake : 30
intake : 488
burned : 420 (fitness) + 30 (yoga)
total : 38 kcal
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Southern-Italian Cuisine
Southern-Italian cuisine is not the same as southern Italian cuisine. It is the combination of cuisine from Italy (admittedly often southern Italy since the sauces involved are usually tomato based) and the southern United States. I mentioned yesterday that I had a sore throat but my wife has a full blown cold so I took over making dinner tonight. It starts, like all good stories, with bacon. For those who think these might be dishes they would enjoy but are concerned about their food being kosher or halal, any time I mention bacon, you could easily substitute it with olive oil and a smoked meat like turkey (Bacon does double duty as cooking oil and a flavor enhancer. Most other smoked meat are significantly leaner and olive oil would be needed to replicate the fat rendered from the cooked bacon). The ham bone mentioned further down in the post could be replaced with any animal bone with some residual meats and fats that has been grilled or roasted: 
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Onions, shallots & garlic sauteed. Bacon crumbled and homegrown collard greens wilting: 
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Starting clockwise from the middle, a thawed out ham bone from last Christmas or Easter dinner (I don’t remember which), fully seasoned but not fully cooked collard greens, sizzling bacon waiting to be joined by purple hull peas (half from the farmer’s market and half from Plot 420) and the ham bone, and, last but not least, a tomato & basil sauce for the store-bought ravioli:  
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Purple hulls (and the odd black bean ... the Plot 420 freezer bag had a mix of Purple hulls and black beans) boiling with the ham bone in broth made from the bones of our Thanksgiving turkey: 
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Finished product. I’d lose points for the neatness of my plate but that pool of liquid is a mixture of tomato sauce, runoff juices from the purple hulls and potlikker from the greens that is just begging for a piece of cornbread: 
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the-hugs-are-here · 6 years
Learn abt me (tagged)
I was tagged by this beatiful human being @nonsensicalstranger (go look at his art @nuahsmep!!!)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better (& make a separate post).
1) Nickname
I don’t have one :( I mean we use hun a lot inbetween my group of friends, but it isn’t really a nickname.
2) zodiac
3) Height
1.75m // 5′9′’
4) Last movie I saw
The Emperor’s New Groove, I was idly browsing through netflix when i saw it and decided to watch it again.
5) last thing googled
how much is 1.75m in feet and inches lmao, and before that i was googling the shaggy meme bc I had no idea where it sprang from. (reddit apparently)
6) Favorite musicians
ooooooh this is gonna be hard (i’ll list em sorta chronologically) Small Kuki’s likes that still fucking rock: - Hombres G - Joaquín Sabina - ABBA - Iron Maiden - Tenacious D - Sabaton - Rhapsody (Of Fire) - Streetlight Manifesto - The Flaming Lips - Mundo Chillón - El Niño de la Hipoteca - Natalia Lafourcade
Newer likes that I’ve come to love: - The Stolen Sweets - Zaz - Vampire Weekend - Syd Matters - Sonic the Comic - Louie Zong - In Love with a Ghost - Carly Rae Jepsen - dodie - Declan McKenna
7) Songs stuck in my head
Want You Gone - Go! Child, Thumbnail - Louie Zong, Nobody - Mitzki
8) Other blogs
I’ll never tell ;)  (a defunct blog that was supposed to work as a portofolio of sorts on which I never uploaded anything and later abandoned)
9) Do I get asks
Very rarely, but the few I’ve gotten I fucking treasure so much.
10) followers
314!! (No porn-bots bc I block them everytime I get a new follower notification)
11) following
12) amount of sleep
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,, sometimes???? (either 2 hours, or 10)
13) lucky number
420 !!!
14) What I’m wearing
boxer briefs and a t-shirt
15) Dream job
Used bookshop - small cafe combination owner!!! just, old books, cooking a handful of small dishes and baked goods, owning a cat and living on a small flat atop the bookstore.
Another one would be art director at a publishing firm, mostly because I absolutely love getting to see a creative work start from nothing and slowly build up to a fully realized project. I also love getting to help people through their creative vision and I’m v good at editing work. Also also, I think it’s very important to be responsible when making advertisements, and developing marketing strategies, especially given how exploitative the industry is currently.
16) Dream trip
Europe!!! I wanna see the castles! the forests!!! go to old towns with cobbled roads and buildings so old they predate modern religion!!! it’s just, wowowowow, so much different architectural styles, so much art, so much different foods and culture and animals and plants and I just, it’s so easy to travel across europe once youre there???
17) Favorite food
gosh it’s v v hard, a good burger is hard to beat just at any time of the day. but,,,,,, pasta tho, homemade ravioli in a bolognese sauce?? off the charts.
Also v important, and just superb lunch meal: Aji de gallina! god i love that dish so much.
18) play any instruments
I can’t keep rythim going to save my life (I do enjoy singing badly while i cook or clean)
19) Favorite song
oh no, uhhhhm,,,, i’m not good at favorite things, here’s a couple i really really enjoy: 
- Thumbnail - Louie Zong & BDG - Tribute - Tenacious D - Que bonito es ser un loser - Mundo Chillón - Alquitrán y Carmín - El Niño de la Hipoteca - Why do you feel so down? - Declan McKenna
20) Random fact
I have a fuckton of small moles, and most of them are aligned the same as the three marys (orion’s belt), and is something I really love about my body!
21) Describe yourself as aesthetic things Post-its stuck on walls, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks while you lie in bed just a few meters away, standing in your kitchen at three in the morning waiting for the water to boil with nothing but white noise and your own tired thoughts to keep you company, reaching out and feeling your cat purr beneath your fingers knowing everything is all right, scrapes and bruises and dirt all over as you rest upon the highest branches of a tree, looking down at your phone and smiling to yourself, eyes glowing in the afternoon sun, a glint of silver in their lips when they flash you a smile.
this took me almost 2 hours to complete wow. and now it’s time to tag people!! I don’t think I know 21 people lmao @c0smicartisan, @magmasheep, @lamentableinsomniac, @we-are-the-crystal-gays, @tyrai (Also hey super no pressure if anyone doesn’t want to do this, and if you don’t want to be tagged next time, tell me and I’ll make sure I keep it in mind) Also!!! If you see this and you wanna give it a shot, consider yourself tagged!
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littlelovelymemes · 7 years
‘  when i figure out how to die without hurting my mom’s feelings it’s over for me, bitches  ’ ‘  420 stands for “4got 2 0pologize”  ’ ‘  all millennials do is commit minor felonies and be gay  ’ ‘  hoodies are one of the most powerful and underappreciated articles of clothing. cold? put on a hoodie. raining? put on a hoodie. no bra? put on a hoodie. nothing to wear? hoodie. cripplingly low self esteem? you already know. so versatile! so multifaceted!  ’ ‘  i thought christmas was like… next friday or something its in like 3 days fuck  ’ ‘  if you’re not in love with me by 00:00:00 jan 1 then just block me. i don’t need that kind of energy following me into the new year  ’ ‘  who needs ghosts? haunt your own house. wander around your own living room wailing and crying  ’ ‘  my kink is not opening messages and pretending theyre not there  ’ ‘  u know when ur growing out of phases and mindsets but u haven’t found where exactly ur shift in identity is going yet? that’s tonight’s mood  ’ ‘  me @ me: don’t start buddy don’t you dare  ’ ‘  there are people you haven’t met yet who will love you  ’ ‘  god knew what she was doing when she made bruno mars short if he had been tall he would be too powerful  ’ ‘  motivation? haven’t heard of her in years how she doin  ’ ‘  Do you think people with LED headlights know that everyone hates them? Like…really hates them in an oddly personal way? Do you think they know?  ’ ‘  and the final mood for 2017 is: you know those days where you’re like, this might as well happen?  ’ ‘  putting more importance into self care, spirituality, love and peace of mind. start with stretching and deep breathing.  ’ ‘  dont forget to tell someone you love that you love them, thank people who deserve to be thanked, be more patient on people having a hard time, be more considerate, understanding, and be kinder, always.  ’ ‘  do you think in the 1700s there were people who were like nah man Mozart’s a total sellout I only listen to peasants beating things with sticks it’s way more authentic  ’ ‘  2032 is gonna be my year just u wait  ’ ‘  I want a “I made a playlist for you” typa love  ’ ‘  @ 2018 the bar is literally so low  ’ ‘  Just because you don’t look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. Flowers are pretty, but so are sunsets and they look nothing alike.  ’ ‘  i have a “why am i like this” moment at least five times a day  ’ ‘  very sad to hear about donald trump. nothing happened to him i’m just sad to hear about him  ’ ‘  *me, eyes wide open at 3am* what happened to chandler bing once he got to yemen  ’ ‘  tonight’s mood is the deep desire to be held close in a dimly lit room, covered in blankets while rain is softly falling outside  ’ ‘  do ya ever bring your pet up to a mirror and ur like “that you”  ’ ‘  i guess im just too fucking dumb to lucid dream. cant ever realize im in a dream, i’ll look around me like damn i’m in my old elementary school and my teeth are falling out and im naked? well shit guess this is my life now. got fooled by my subconscious again lads  ’ ‘  u ever get no sleep and the next day ur body functions like the tumblr app  ’ ‘  you ever wonder how many people you’re in the “we’re friends but i would kiss you if you asked” club with  ’ ‘  is anyone else just going through life like “yeah i just gotta get past this last difficult week and then it’s smooth sailing from there!” but like… every week  ’ ‘  The only thing toxic that you should still be in contact with is that song Britney Spears made, because that song is lit.  ’ ‘  imagine if you named your kid dad. just dad.  ’ ‘  take care of yourself, please. i don’t know what id do if anything happened to you.  ’ ‘ crazy how personal growth can make you let go of people you swore you couldn’t live without.  ’ ‘  im in no position to have high standards but it doesn’t stop me  ’ ‘  you can start over at anytime. your day is not ruined. your world is not over. take a deep breath. start over.  ’ ‘  I’m gonna have a bomb ass life and I know it cause I’ve suffered so much and I know that wasn’t for no reason  ’ ‘  you ever just get in bed and ur like yep this is where i’m meant to be  ’ ‘  an unstoppable force (my love of books) meets an unmovable object (my lack of a desire to actually read anything)  ’ ‘  i just have this persistent feeling of “i’m not doing enough” combined with “i don’t have the energy to do anything” and it just really fucking sucks  ’ ‘  sorry I haven’t replied to ur texts I’ve been overwhelmed by literally anything that’s ever happened or will happen  ’ ‘  me when i see a wild animal in a metropolitan area: reclaim your space, we are the invaders, retake what is yours  ’ ‘  no offense but money would solve literally every single one of my problems. like all of them. i dont have a single problem that money wouldnt immediately solve  ’ ‘  i am not enough and it’s eating me alive  ’ ‘  what do u mean “what have i been up to” … i’m out here ruining my own life as always bitch  ’ ‘  always remember that love will always come back to u. in a different form, different person, different hobby, different touch. but in any way, love will always come back.  ’ ‘  The struggle between me wanting to be successful and me wanting to lay in bed 24/7  ’ ‘  If you play “Feeling Myself” by Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé at exactly 11:58:50 pm on New Year’s Eve, Beyoncé will say “World Stop” in 2017 and “Carry On” in 2018.  ’ ‘  Self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta  ’ ‘  you ever just like “wow that’s my voice? people listen to this clown on a daily basis?”  ’ ‘  ravioli ravioli give me a reason to live  ’ ‘  finally worked up the courage to tell the starbucks girl she was beautiful and i only puked twice  ’ ‘  do i wanna know??? no. but thank u monkey friends  ’ ‘  hey this is kinda ns.fw but i wann h*ld your h*nd  ’ ‘  talent: overthinking  ’ ‘  have you ever had that feeling that you really wanna workout to get a flat stomach… but you also just wanna eat pizza and watch netflix.  ’ ‘  if you google eyebrows are you eyebrowsing  ’ ‘  *skips tutorial* how the fuck do you play this game  ’ ‘  Literally heard a convo at the library where a guy was telling a girl that he’s an omega and the girl telling him that she’s a beta, and my mind just did not automatically connect the context to fraternity pledge classes at all and I just whispered to myself “what the fuck?? What the fuck??”  ’ ‘  my hands? ready to be held  ’ ‘  Catch These Hands! with your hands. we’re holding hands now. this is nice  ’ ‘  kinda weird that u can think about someone as much as u want and they have no idea  ’ ‘  physically, yes, i could fight a bird. but emotionally? imagine the toll  ’ ‘  I would rather wander around a store for 9 hours than ask an employee where something is and this I do not understand  ’ ‘  my childhood, or, as i like to call it, the general abyss with one or two memories attached to it   ’ ‘  i know ‘gay’ isn’t an emotion but let’s be real,,,,,,,,,it kind of is and i feel it 24/7  ’ ‘  babe get ready for a night on the town, i just found an old Subway gift card and there’s still $9.45 left on it  ’ ‘  just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you ever imagined  ’ ‘  i’m the person who’s 100% down for spontaneous adventures but also 100% down to lay in bed all day. i’m on both ends of the spectrum  ’ ‘  this year has changed me more than I ever thought it would.   ’ ‘  it’s ok to disappear for a lil while and get your shit together.  ’ ‘  if you wanna love me hmu  ’ ‘  calling me baby makes me so freakin weak  ’ ‘  i’m that one guy on spongebob always screaming about his leg  ’ ‘  remember to drink a fucking shit ton of water every miserable day of ur life  ’ ‘  i just want someone who’s excited to make out with me and text me all the time.  ’ ‘  never apologize for your giant dogs getting overexcited, if i get taken down by a 100 pound mass of fluff then that’s how i go.  ’ ‘  when i figure out how to die without hurting my mom’s feelings it’s over for me, bitches  ’ ‘  THIS GUY JUST ASKED ME WHAT MY NAME WAS AND I DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT HE SAID SO I SAID 4:45  ’ ‘  my blood is glow stick juice. thats why all my bones crack when i move.  ’ ‘  are cute dates and rough sex too much to ask for  ’ ‘  honestly, my goal in life is just to be a very warm person. i want to be as loving and as kind as i can be.  ’ ‘  just a small dumb bitch…. living in a lonely ditch  ’ ‘  you’re not selfish for wanting to be treated well  ’ ‘  when y'all fake conversations in your heads do you sometimes say random sentences out loud too? i was just tying my shoes and said very sternly and loudly “i DO know how ants work, fucker”  ’ ‘  true space facts: if u look up there it is  ’ ‘  anyone else bummed they have 2 sleep alone tonight and uh not in some1s arms  ’ ‘  how am i sensitive and a bitch at the same time  ’
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dangan420 · 3 years
Speaking of Ravio, I had cuphead colored ravioli today, so that's what happened to ravio when he d*ed 😦
-Spener [The Author of Danganronpa 420]
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prsfood · 6 years
spoon measures are always more accurate with mL
ketchup serving is cuillère à café (13g)
Farfalle Complètes - Casino BIO 346/100gr
Penne Rigate au blé complet - Turini 337/100g
Ravioli, Pur Bœuf - Carrefour - 400 g (1 personne) = 1/2 177.5
Haricots blancs à la tomate - Notre Jardin (marque repère Leclerc) - 400g LOWEST 66/100g = 132 for 1/2
Haricots verts Très fins - Carrefour - 220 g = 1/2 can 31
Pousses de haricot mungo croquants - Carrefour = 26/100gr égouttés use as pasta
LOWEST Pasta sauce Provençale à l'huile d'olive vierge - Carrefour 47/100g
Napolitaine aux légumes cuisinés - Carrefour 53/100g
Salsa medium - Carrefour 44/100gr
Salsa fajitas - Tables du monde (Marque repère - leclerc) 42/100g
Ketchup allegé (—30% sucre) U 79/100g
Sauce salsa - Carrefour 45/100g
nutella 80/15g
Crème fraîche légère épaisse 15% de MG 30g = 51
Confiture de cerise -30% sucres - Carrefour 161/100gr
saucisses de volaille aux herbes - Le Gaulois 93 for big one (cut it in 2)
1 medium egg = 53
1 large egg = 72
1 extra large egg = 80
Monoprix Purée de pommes et poires, sans sucres ajoutés 42
La Boulangère - Pains du Monde Pains spéciaux libanais 123
Panorient - Pains du Monde 5 pains libanais 122
Monoprix Pancakes brunch (small) = 60
Pain de seigle (massive) = around 140 (mono gourmet) 143 (bjorg)
1 strand spaghetti = 3
6 petits pains précuits - Auchan 122
coco pops bar = 84
25g/11 mikado = 120
row milka au lait = 88
Kinder choco = 71
Kinder maxi = 119
muffin au chocolat bonne maman = 61
crunch snack bar = 206
BN fraise 74
Kinder country = 132
Skittles sour = 179
Skittles fruits = 182
Mars = 190
M&Ms choco = 200
Smarties mini box = 67
Lion peanut = 205
Lion = 203
Kit kat chunky = 245 for whole thing
Kitkat = 234
Kinder bueno (x2) = 244
Kinder bueno white (x2) = 222
Twix (x2) = 248
Twix white (x2) = 232
Pims red = 53
St Michel mini brownie chocolat 144
M&m's biscuit = 102
Biscuits Thé - Lu = 32
Petit LU pépites de chocolat = 38
Sablés beurré nantais LU = 30
Belvita chocolat et céréales complètes LU = 54
Snickers 241
Snickers white 241
Crunch = 102.8/row
Pims framboise - 50
LU petits coeurs chocolat = 20
Monoprix 2 langues de chat = 25
Coqueline 3 chatons Fraise - LU = 26
Lulu barquette framboise = 23
1 boudoir = 22
St michel madeleine = 72
Gaufrettes enrobées de chocolat - Carrefour = 101 for 2
Lays nature (25g) = 135
Heudebert crackers blé & riz = 106/25g
7 Tuc classic = 116
Tuiles go��t nature - Monoprix 20g = 105
snack pack LU choco grano (x3) = 186
LU petit écolier snack pack (x2) = 126
Mini BN fraise = 30/biscuit
Pitch choco = 136
Pitch fraise = 130
Pépito snack pack mini rolos coeur fondant au lait x6 = 186
Pépito snack pack chocolat au lait x2 = 98
Pépito pépites snack cake 133
Pépito Marbré snack cake 119
Mini Prince x6 210
Le véritable petit beurre "dans la poche" LU = 111
Lulu l'ourson fraise cake = 111
Brownie gros éclats de noisettes - LU = 141
Napolitain original - 128
Miniroulés l'original aux fraises LU = 79
Véritable petit écolier tendre coeur = 103
Savane pepit' cake = 129
Savane barr' cake = 121
Savane chocolat noir cake = 117
Savane jungle fraise cake = 106
Savane tout chocolat = 110
Savane p'tit déj fraise = 107
Petit LU Moelleux cake = 127
Nutella & Go! = 246
Dragibus Haribo 40 g pack = 150
Chamallow = 17,2/piece
Fraises Tagada - Haribo - 30 g pack = 112.5
CARenSAC - Haribo - 40 g = 152
L'ours d'or - Haribo - 40 g 137.2
Bonbon piments - U = 14/bonbon de 4g
Bonbon cola Carrefour = 11
Sucettes carrefour = 47
Têtes brulées sucettes mix = 33
Sucettes rondes (circular and flat) - Carrefour = 44
Bonbons goûts fruits sans sucres - Belle France = 8
Ricola menthol extra fort sans sucres = 8
Mini gélifiés assortis - U Mat & Lou x10 bags = 91-96
Gélifiés fraises - U Mat & Lou (tagada style) = 15/piece
Carambar Goûts Fruits = 26
carambar mini 14 = 14
Mentos fruit whole roll = 148 (14 pieces, 10,5/piece)
Mentos menthe = 8/piece
Sucette ronde spirale moyenne = 152
M&Ms peanut = 230 (10/piece)
biscuits Galettes à l'avoine Carrefour 37
25 pistachios w/shell = 100
14 almonds = 98
30g sunflower seeds in shell = 95
100g black beans (mush them) = 107
Mcdo café au lait = 50
White sugar stick (5g) = 20
Mars beurre salé ice cream bar 123
Cône glacé mcdo france citrons framboises extreme = 145
Petits cônes fraise et vanille - Auchan = 115
Sorbet citron = around 50/2 boules everywhere
sorbet mangue = around 62 everywhere
Classic - Mr. Freeze = 10
COOKING/PREPARATIONS - make in rectangular pan so can see when dividing
Carrefour préparation dessert moelleux au chocolat 1 portion (70g) 1/8 cake = 215 (maybe reduce it by using diet coke or sprite zero instead of milk and eggs) if without eggs, 202
Préparation pour Moelleux au Chocolat - Nestlé (10 parts), made without eggs or butter = 158
Mon Moelleux Nature - Casino
Mon Cœur De Nuage - Ancel 1/8 with diet soda = 188
Auchan and Carrefour have the lower cal rice
Riz à la Cantonaise Express' - Carrefour = 168
Céréal Bio Cuisiné Ravioli tomates, tofu & basilic bio 267
Bjorg Tofu nature, sachets fraîcheur 164,1
Monoprix Hachis parmentier 318
Monoprix Lasagnes bolognaise 348
monop Thiriet Colin d'alaska, moules, sauce crème et écrasé de pommes de terre 261
GOING TO A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT ? Ask for no mayo or no meat
petite salade w/ vinaigrette (75)
Chicken mcnuggets x4 (179)
Cheeseburger without meat (210)
Les deluxe potatoes (220)
Pancakes nature x2 220
Le mcfish (228)
Petite frite (231)
Le hamburger (253)
Le croque mcdo (260)
Chicken nuggets x6 (270)
Le petit italien (292)
La salade manhattan (296)
Le cheeseburger (302)
Deluxe potatoes grande (310)
Le p'tit wrap crispy mozza (312)
Le p'tit ranch (320)  
Le filet-o-fish (331) without sauce is 302
Frite moyenne (340)
Le double cheese (443)
Le mcchicken (444) (MAYO IS 100 CALS) ask for ketchup instead of mayo
Le poisson ranch (460)
Le poulet ranch ketchup (471)
Le big mac (503)  
Royal bacon (505)
Sundae nature avec éclats cacahuètes sans nappage = 152,5
Frappé marshmallow = 184
Very parfait coulis fraise = 210
Mcflurry nature = 220
Mcflurry oreo = 257
le café au lait = 50
le macaron cassis = 65
le double latte = 66
le macaron cerise = 71
le smoothie pêche framboise = 84
le canelé d'aquitaine = 87
le jus d'orange = 110
le croissant = 205
le new york donut = 234
la blueberry pie = 237
le pain au chocolat = 242
le donut nature = 287
Hamburger = 278
Petite frites = 291
Onion rings = 269
King nuggets = 278
King sundae = 230
King fusion = 237
Donut = 314
Caesar salad = 405
Salade veggie = 265
Petite salade = 35 (w/vinaigrette)
(établies à partir de la recette du Sub 15 cm classique)
Veggie Delite = 227
Jambon = 280
Dinde = 283
Poulet = 283
Boeuf = Pastrami 289
Poulet* Tikka = 298
Poulet* Teriyaki = 299
Subway Steak & Cheese = 352
Thon = 362  
Subway Melt = 384
Steak de légumes = 387
Steakhouse Melt = 415    
Italien B.M.T = 420    
Jambon = 105
Poulet = 108
Dinde = 108
Poulet* Tikka = 123
Thon = 187
Cookie oatmeal raisin = 195
Cookie raspberry cheesecake = 207
Cookie white choc chip macadamia nut = 213
Cookie double choco = 215
Cookie choco chip = 218  
Fromage americain en tranches = 49
Fromage pepperjack = 52
Vinaigre = 1
Bacon = 35
Norvégien 418 Vilageois 338 Cookie choco 123 Pain au choco 193 Ruban Bleu 348 fromage blanc coulis de framboise 120 Salade César 202
La brioche dorée sandwich le multicéréales jardinier 383 Paul sandwich atlantique 338 KFC Aiguillettes de poulet 312 Quick cheeseburger 275 Leclerc sandwichpoulet rôti crudités mayo allégée 282 Monoprix sandwich écrevisse sauce yaourt citron
Dieppois sandwich 544 Jambon beurre 534 Sandwich tomate mozzarella 528 Croissant 264 Chausson aux pommes 284 Pain au choco 297 Eclair au café 278 Grillé aux pommes 314 Tartelette pommes 331 Cheese benoîton batonnet 180 Tartelette framboise 269 Soft bretzel 239 Thé canelé 178 Olive benoîton 145 Pizza royale slice 410 Benoîton choco 196 Raspberry macaron 228 Charlotte poire chocolat 460 Tartelette aricots 283 Merveilleux choco noir 406 Fraisier chantilly 339 Charlotte vanille fraise 385 Merveilleux choco blanc 416 Eclair au choco 309 Tartelette fraise 277
Le sandwich viennois mixte crudités 528 Le sandwich grainé poulet 569 Le sandwich polka jambon cru 422 Le sandwich au lin, saumon et avocat 451 Le mini sandwich au lin, saumon, avocat 226 La salade lentilles, saumon et avocat 167
Baguette paul (1=250g), 1/2 = 347.5
(Pointy one) : 1/2 = 343.75
PAUL from alt site :
PAUL from calorie counter site :
Sandwich Pavot Poulet 497 Salade Tomate Mozzarella 212 Sandwich Pavot Jambon Cru 522
Pain complet 1 tranche = 72 Pains individuels : pavot = 144 Salade paulette 300 Salade boeuf 339 Salade clothilde 350 Salade composée poulet 280 Salade saumon roti 265
Sandwich charlemagne poulet 428
Benoîton complet aux fruits 138 Salade Montagnarde 318 Salade Paulette 220 Sandwich Montagnard 487 Yaourt Mûre myrtille 167
Croissant 294 Torsade choco 294 Chausson pommes 306 Briochette sucre 292 Bretzel 250
heineken 330ml 139
guinness 35
heineken 35
kronenburg 38
corona 42
koelsch 43
lager 43
bière brune 46/100ml
carlsberg 50/100ml
bière blanche 52/100 ml
Bière pression forte 55/100ml
desperados 61
leffe 61
most cheese pizzas are 800-1200 per pizza, get your fave (margherita) or veg w/o cheese
Prêt à manger sandwiches : Baguette saumon fumé, fromage nature & aneth 453 Slim Le Super Club 255 / baguettes : Cœurs d'artichaut & Basilic 454 Losange - Tomates séchées & Œuf Mayo 367 Losange Saumon fumé & Fromage nature 332
Salades : Écrevisses* & Quinoa 325 Falafels, Féta & Poivrons marinés 206 Lentilles & Avocat 318 Lentilles & Saumon fumé 307 Lentilles, Poulet & Œuf poché 264 Asian Veggie 393
Recettes chaudes : Hot Pot - Tajine de légumes 298 Hot Wrap Poulet & piment chipotle 428 Tarte provençale 428 Toastie - Mozzarella & Pesto 441
Soupes - ALL EQUAL OR UNDER 240 :
Accompagnement Pain Losange & Beurre (Bread n' Butter) 236
Lentilles & Kale aux épices grillées 216
Soupe à la Tomate 199
Soupe de Carotte & Coriandre aux épices douces 181
Soupe de Poulet & Brocoli 133
Soupe de Poulet & Chorizo fumé 233
Soupe de Poulet & Légumes thaï 234
Soupe de Poulet à la mexicaine 189
Soupe de Poulet au Curry Coco 222
Soupe façon Chili Veggie 213
Soupe façon Tajine de Légumes 188
Soupe froide - Gazpacho 115
Soupe froide - Petits pois & Menthe 124
Soupe indienne courge Butternut & Coco 240
Soupe Miso 32
Velouté de Poulet 140
Viennoiseries :
Croissant au beurre 304
Pain au chocolat 284
Pain aux raisins 356
Giant nori wrap poulet sésame 352 Petit pot de fromage blanc 0 71
Cappuccino 92 Popcorn 143 Focaccia 253 Skinny latte 82 Flat white 75 Fruit salade 47
Boissons : Flat White 80 Latte 114 café Macchiato (café taché de mousse de lait) 5
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fuckingmonet · 7 years
92 truths tag
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
Tagged by @feveredreams
drink: coffee
phone call: the gf, but her name on my phone is freaky little moonrat so that comes up over and over in my call history
text message: mom
song you listened to: I was singing hard knock life while i painted my nails
time you cried: last night because my cat scratched my foot really bad and probably hormones
dated someone twice: nope
been cheated on: :^)
lost someone special: yeah
been depressed: lmao tru
been drunk and thrown up: yeah i’m a small system so it happens a lot
made a new friend: yeah a few!
fallen out of love: nah
laughed until you cried: yeah all the time
met someone who changed you: yes
found out who your true friends are: the fakes are everywhere
found out someone was talking about you: yeah
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: maybe ten total but not all of them are active anymore on here
do you have any pets?: big dog Sawyer and two lil bitch cats Hazel and Cabbage
do you want to change your name?: no i love my name
what time did you wake up this morning: 7:30 which was awful
what were you doing last night: i made kickass alfredo sauce for trader joe’s ravioli
name something you cannot wait for: i’m going to seattle w my mom soon!!
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: my uncle is a tom
what’s getting on your nerves right now?: my family is all getting sick and I am living in fear and also coughing is annoying
blood type: all I know is it’s not O, beyond that it is a mystery
nickname: my gf’s nephew and her family call me Ina
relationship status: taken bro
zodiac sign: aries / taurus cusp because I am special #420
pronouns: she/her/hers
favorite show: lost, parks and rec and adventure time because nostalgia
college: chapman u babey
hair color: dark brown but it’s still badly bleached halfway down from when it was blonde and I dyed it all sorts of shit
do you have a crush on someone: not serious ones but like celebrities
what do you like about yourself: i can be... pretty cool
first surgery: none I’m pure
first piercing: earlobes at claire’s
first sport you joined: i think dance? or gymnastics? the baby versions
first vacation: rhode island i believe
first pair of sneakers: uh what
eating: shishito peppers i told you i am cool
drinking: still working on that coffee
i’m about to: apply for jobs
listening to: some video my gf is watching that russian youtube man
want kids: may or may not have names...
get married: save the date binch 1/21/21
career: ideally... writer in the comfort of my god damn home
lips or eyes: girls are so pretty don’t you think
hugs or kisses: mm kisses but a hug from a big soft person is great because i am v bony
shorter or taller: i’m five foot three so someone has to step up and be the tall one
older or younger: everyone has been at least a few months older idk why
romantic or spontaneous: tutte le due
sensitive or loud: i’m sensitive but a loud drunk i have been told
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: it varies usually i’m kind of a mom for personal safety but drugs don’t count i guess
kissed a stranger: nope
drank hard liquor: haha
lost contacts/glasses: not forever but like for an hour
sex on first date: uhh second date
broken someone’s heart: maybe
been arrested: i would die
turned someone down: yeah
fallen for a friend: first love
in yourself: you got this you stupid bitch
miracles: everything is random
love at first sight: maybe
ok if you’re up for it i tag: @drarry @r0rschach @avocadofrog @crashthenbeginagain @breathing-honestly @inbetweenthefoullines @clovereternal @princessnalgona @flying-off-again @theshortgay @why-is-this-so-hard-to-choose @rainbowninja @missspidergurl
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tchuang · 4 years
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#1田 人均:800 分:3/5 不推羊排了,其他東西就OK。均分: 3/5 曾經的愛店,尤其是大推他的羊排 這次去吃羊排整個覺得味道不對,沒有香味 羊排一樣是不柴好咬拉,但是就是沒有肉香,覺得很傷心 後來問了幾被我推薦個人…..果然反應也不佳,我這次不是個案了…. 拜託有人覺得那間不ok的話,記得告訴我一下啊….xDDDDDDDD — 莫札瑞拉/牛肝菌菇/義式火腿/煙燻起司 3/5 480元 手工寬麵 4/5 420元 手工麵疙瘩 3/5 420元 裡面包的醃肉味道頗重,我覺得ok就是 手工麵疙瘩 3/5 420元 裡面包的醃肉味道頗重,我覺得ok就是 茄子 3/5 沒有茄子味的茄子,起司味太重?? 羊小排 2/5 980元 漲價了 - #義式 #台北美食 #italianfood #lambchops #pizza #pizzalover #gnocchi #tagliatelle #ravioli #foodporn #foodart #italianstyle #italiancuisine #spagetti #foodshare #foodstyling #foodgram #foodphotography #foodblogger #foodie #foodielife (在 Botega del Vin Taipei) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBU9ja6nrw0/?igshid=1ilt9onw5h0hj
0 notes
subboxy · 5 years
Yumble Kids February 2020 Review + 30% Off Coupon
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We are super excited to review Yumble Kids today! I really love meal kit subscription boxes, but I didn't know you could get ready-made kids meals delivered to your door! I'm a busy mom of three kids and this service made this week's cooking a lot easier for me. Yumble Kids is a meal delivery service for kids. You'll get delicious and nutritious, ready to heat & eat meals, so you can save time (an hour a day!) and spend more time with your family. You get to choose the meals that are sent to you, which is a really nice bonus! Sustainable, regionally-sourced, nutritious ingredients (many are organic and seasonal) Balanced (and fun!) recipes developed just for kids Nutritionist and Mom-Approved Delivered fresh in a refrigerated box GreenPost-recycled packaging that’s all 100% recyclable DEAL: Get 30% off Yumble Kids using this link! We received this box for review purposes.
Yumble Kids February 2020 Review
Our Yumble Kids box arrived in the afternoon on a winter day, but my husband brought it inside so it sat on our counter for a few hours. When I opened it, thankfully, all of the food was still cold!
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Yumble Kids focuses on tasty, nutritious meals that you don't have to cook!
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After opening the box, we found some welcome information and stickers.
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I also noticed that everything in this box can be recycled, including the meal trays, meal sleeves, and ice packs. And of course, we always recycle our brown cardboard boxes.
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After lifting the brown cardboard insert, this is what we saw. There was a blue silicone place mat sitting on top of our meals.
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And here, you can see the first set of meals.
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The welcome packet had a lot of info.
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These meals will stay fresh for a full 7 days in my fridge. Also, the trays that the meals come in are 100% recyclable (and convenient, fewer dishes to wash!). Before our box came, I let my daughter choose what meals she wanted to eat and share with her younger brothers.
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Joanna is Yumble's Founder and I agree with her mission of saving more time for busy moms! There is nothing more precious than time with your little ones and time for yourself.
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If you share your mealtime moments with @YumbleKids, tag a friend, and follow them, you can score a free box for yourself and your friend. Just visit yumblekids.com/freeboxfriday.
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Here's a closer look at the silicone no-slip place mat. This place mat will surely help protect my wooden kitchen table, and is perfect for little ones who may have a hard time keeping their plate on the table. :)
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This place mat is the first of 4 free gifts that you get when you subscribe to Yumble Kids. You will also get blue kid-sized utensils, a perfectly sized plate for your kids meals, and a Bento sized lunch box with a divider that is perfect for Yumble Kids meals. These free gifts are so fun!
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All 4 gifts are over $50 in value!
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Now, I'll show you what we got in our Yumble Kids box! Each of these meals required only 45-90 seconds of cooking in the microwave, after piercing the plastic seal with a fork. They were that easy to prepare and serve. You can also get a sense of what is in the meals with the detailed ingredient list and nutrition info.
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1. Perfect Pizza Bagel & Veggies This meal has a whole wheat pizza bagel, pepperoni, and vegetables. This meal is 390 calories, 36 g of carbs, and only 4 g of sugar. This meal's common allergens were listed on the package as wheat and milk.
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This meal was also a hit with my son. He said the cheese tasted really fresh and he also ate every morsel of the pea and corn mix. 
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2. Chicken Marinara & Alfredo This meal has chicken nuggets, cheese, and marinara sauce with creamy alfredo sauce with gluten free pasta. This meal is 340 calories, 29 g of carbs, and only 4 g of sugar. This meal's common allergens were listed on the package as eggs and milk.
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I didn't know that Yumble Kids had gluten free pasta! We have a gluten allergy in our household, so this is an extra bonus for us.  I have to say that this meal was one of my son's favorite meals. He really loved the yummy alfredo sauce and gobbled up the chicken nuggets in marinara sauce.
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3. Creamy Mac N Trees This meal has gluten free pasta in a cauliflower cheese sauce with Parmesan broccoli. This meal is 280 calories, 32 g of carbs, and only 3 g of sugar. This meal's common allergens were listed on the package as eggs and milk.
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This mac and cheese didn't taste like your typical Kraft variety, but my son did like it.
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4. Vegetarian Bean Burrito This mean has a bean, cheese, and rice burrito with a side of corn. This meal is 230 calories, 35 g of carbs, and only 3 g of sugar. This meal's common allergens were listed on the package as wheat and milk.
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My son also loved this burrito and would definitely want to have this meal again in the future.
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5. Mac N Cheese & Nuggets Please This meal had regular gluten free mac and cheese with chicken nuggets. This meal is a classic with kids and we often serve this kind of meal on our own. This meal is 420 calories, 43 g of carbs, and only 3 g of sugar. This meal's common allergens were listed on the package as eggs and milk.
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My son also loved the creaminess of the mac and cheese and said the chicken nuggets tasted really fresh! 
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6. Classic Cheese Ravioli  This meal had cheese ravioli in veggie marinara with green beans. I love that there are vegetarian options with Yumble Kids. This meal is 210 calories, 28 g of carbs, and only 4 g of sugar. This meal's common allergens were listed on the package as wheat, eggs, and milk.
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My son also adored this ravioli. We stopped serving Chef Boyardee ravioli a long time ago, and having this fresh ravioli gave me piece of mind that I was serving a meal with no preservatives and healthy ingredients.   In Summary Yumble Kids is a great service that sends you delicious meals for your little ones. I really like how clean the ingredients lists were on each of these meals (many organic and low-sugar ingredients) and they were so easy to prepare! I could see stocking these in my fridge as an easy way to have a ready-made lunch for my kids to take to daycare or school. I would say that the meal serving sizes are for kids ages toddler to elementary age. I also appreciate the careful allergen labeling and avoidance of nuts in all of the meals and gluten in some of the meals. Since I was able to choose my meals before the box shipped, I knew what I was getting ahead of time so I'm assuming you can customize your box based on a picky eater or food allergies. DEAL: Right now, you can get 30% off Yumble Kids using this link! Join Read the full article
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