#00. crack / wtf are you on? can i have some?
chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Crack Fic
Words: 986 😅
(13:47) Sirius, I’m going to fucking murder you in your sleep. 😌
(13:48) you can try
(13:48) but
(13:48) i’ve been awake for hours
(13:48) What did he do now?/
(13:48) He knows what he did.
(13:49) I said I shouldn’t go out last night.
(13:49) and yet out you went
(13:49) And yet, out I went. 😔
(13:50) Pretty sure I just heard Moony sigh through the wall.
(13:50) So what did Pads do?
(13:55) O NO
(13:55) o nooooooooo 😬😬😬😬
(13:56) ???
(13:56) i may have given us all personalised ringtones on moonsss phone
(13:57) 😂😂😂😂😂😂WHAT WS MNE?!??!!?
(13:57) Moony don’t bang on my wall to punish me for shoddy spelling when Sirius hasn’t used a capital letter since 2008.
(13:58) do-re-mi from the sound of music
(13:58) I am less excied about this now.
(13:59) naturally pete’s was rat-a-tat-tat by fall out boy and courtney love (absolute banger btw)
(13:59) Nvm I’m back on board!
(13:59) What about yours?
(14:00) You Belong with Me.
(14:02) Ah. 🙃
(14:04) So Benjy suggested we ‘take a break’
(14:04) fuck im so sorry moons
(14:05) i can text him and tell him it was a joke
(14:06) Nah, it’s ok. I care a lot less than I thought I would tbh.
(14:10) James. Your headphones are unplugged.
(14:10) wow moony’s having a crisis and you’re having a wank
(14:11) harsh
(14:12) I’m not having a crisis. I’m fine. That’s probably not a great comment on my relationship though?
(20:27) Lads, 😱😱 I think Benjy’s on a date
(20:28) Just showed up here with some guy
(20:28) moony sleeping 🤫 wtf we need details
(20:29) Nvm, Sirius woke him when he yelled wtf
(20:40) Yeah, I bet that's David. He’s on Benjy’s course and he may have come up a few times.
(20:41) He didn’t even give it 8 hours. Wow. What a prick. I’m not surprised though, which probably also speaks volumes.
(20:41) Fuck. 😂
(20:41) you have four minutes to make yourself presentable moons then we’re coming in with tea and chocolate and a movie
(20:42) three minutes
(20:42) 👀👀👀 What’s happening next door?
(20:43) TWO MINUTES dont change the subject
(20:43) new neighbours
(20:43) all girls
(20:43) james is in love already 😂
(20:43) I AN NOT
(20:44) When did you meet them?
(20:44) one minute moony moon also we did not meet them but james spent a lot of time peeking out of his windoe this morning
(20:44) let the record state that i was assaulted with a wooden spoon 😔
(20:44) 😏😏😏
(10:01) Just met the neighbours.
(10:01) They asked what James’ ‘deal’ is.
(10:01) You were not slick at all. 😂
(10:02) They invited us over for drinks tonight, though.
(10:02) It’s not my fault they were so loud moving in that I had to see what the commotion was.
(10:02) There was Beyonce and shrieking. I was merely a CONCERNED citizen. 😌
(10:02) That’s your story and you’re sticking to it?
(10:03) Benjy and David are already Facebook official. Wow.
(10:04) Moony. He is a massive twat. You have terrible taste in partners.
(10:05) That is not at all reassuring.
(10:06) I’m going to drink so much tonight. 🙃🙃🙃
(10:07) oh yeeeeah? Anyone from next door ccatch your eye?
(10:07) moonys only got eyes for me thank you very much 😤😤
(10:08) Don’t get me wrong, they’re all pretty, but no.
(10:08) Plus, I CLEARLY only have eyes for Pads.
(10:17) So… whats her nameeee? 🫠
(10:18) Who?
(10:18) YOU KNOW WHO
(10:19) Drawing a real blank here.
(10:20) hes just giggling at his phone
(10:20) Traitor.
(10:20) Did you two sleep together again?
(10:21) I mean the red headed, fiery goddess who lives next door and laughs like a witch.
(10:22) Ooooooooooh? 👀👀
(10:22) Emphasis on the word SLEEP. Yes.
(10:23) No homo.
(10:23) I mean, partially homo, I guess. 😂
(10:23) get over it wormy
(10:23) I didn;t mean it like that!!!! It’s fine if you want to do that!
(10:24) I only request that you do it in Remus’ room, bc Sirius is next to me and I don’t need to hear his cum noise.
(10:25) let the record state that moonbeam laughed so hard at ‘cum noise’ that he banged his head on the wall and dropped his phone down the side of his bed 💀💀💀
(10:25) Is his hed made of lead? That was so loud fuck.
(10:26) That means your cum noise is gonna be loud too. Ew no. go fuk by Pete.
(10:27) We’re not fucking, wow.
(10:27) We’re all very aware that I’m not Sirius’ type.
(10:28) what is my type
(10:28) fite me
(10:28) dumb, obscenely pretty, easy.
(10:29) One out of three. Damn. 🙃
(10:29) Also you misspelled *bite. 😌
(10:30) which one what moony what wait what 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
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straightupsickfics · 1 year
best friends, ex-friends til the end | royjamie
(better off as lovers)
this is definitely something that i wrote to get out of my own head after thinking about it literally since the show ended.. but maybe someone else will enjoy a little (~2.1k words) sick jamie + reluctantly caring roy kent <3
Sicktember Prompt #2: “What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?”
Jamie really doesn’t think anything of it when most of the lads (...and Ted, Trent, Rebecca, and Higgins) are all out with some kind of mysterious cold throughout the early fall. He felt bad for them, yeah, course, offered to bring Colin and Isaac and Dani soup, even. But it didn’t occur to him that he should be, like, “worried about germs,” or whatever. 
Jamie Tartt never gets sick. 
Like, ever. 
He has an unbeatable immune system, and, according to his mum, he always has. Not that any of his ill teammates seem particularly interested in hearing about that particular fact when he shares it on one of his soup drop offs. Isaac had actually told him to “fuck off outta here with that gloating,” while Colin cough-laughed beside him. 
Well, fine. Jamie knows when he isn’t wanted. He leaves, confident they’d be fine in a few days, no doubt thanks to the soup he’d left them. Then, they can all make their way back to normal on the pitch. The whole dynamic’s been off for weeks with everyone being taken out one by one by this thing, and Jamie’s getting sick of it. He needs everyone there to really dominate the way he’s used to, even if it means he has be “a bit of a fucking prick about it.” (Roy’s words). 
It turns out, all of that ass crack of dawn training is paying off after all. Like, really paying off — Jamie is better and faster than ever now, all thanks to his supreme commitment to the game, and his unmatched talent. 
And Roy’s training. 
Okay, mostly Roy’s training, but he wouldn’t be admitting that much out loud without more than a few pints in him. And since Roy isn’t letting him drink at the moment, Jamie figures he’s in the clear. 
So, yeah, Jamie Tartt’s life is fucking mint as of late. 
Now, leaving Isaac and Colin’s, he looks down at his phone and finds a message from Roy himself, think of the devil. 
Granddad: McAdoo just said you’d been by… WTF are you thinking?? You want to lose a week with whatever fucking bubonic plague’s going around the club???
Jamie: Christ, do you get tired of yelling at me, old man? It’s FINE. Jamie Tartt don’t CATCH the plague 
Granddad: 🙄 If you say so, but don’t come crying to me when you’re laid up in bed you absolute muppet. Get some sleep, I’ll see you at 4:00 AM. 
Jamie: Be there with bells on ♥️
The next few days go by in a blur of training, post-training FIFA with Roy, and sleep. He’s been feeling knocked on his ass every night this week, overtired and exhausted in a way he usually isn’t, thanks to Roy’s brutal workout regime, but he can hardly complain with the way he’s been playing. He’s been getting home late most nights, too, always a little reluctant to leave Roy’s and go home to his own empty flat. 
It’s not like Roy seems to mind either, though. He’s been making them dinners almost every night, after all. Or, well, he makes dinner and sets out two plates and doesn’t tell Jamie to get lost, which is basically the same thing, right? It’s nice, having some company. Having Roy for company, has become something he never knew he needed. 
Or maybe he just never let himself even think about asking for it. 
After one such night, Jamie showers and climbs into his bed (empty, always empty, these days, something a former version of himself would never believe let alone enjoy). He thinks about Roy. Thinks, tiredly, how nice it might be if Roy were here now, and then shakes the thought away. Since when does he think about Roy Kent in bed? 
(Since always, he’s had a poster of him over his bed since he was thirteen.) 
Thoughts of Roy are replaced with thoughts about water. His throat’s been dry all day, and a glass of water sounds killer right now, but Jamie’s asleep before he can do anything about it. 
Jamie wakes up to something jackhammering. 
No, not jackhammering. It’s his phone, vibrating on his nightstand. 
Fuck, why is it so loud? He pulls himself up to look at it, but he feels like he’s been him by a ton of bricks. Bad idea. He feels like utter shite if he’s honest, like he got hit by a truck in his sleep. His head’s pounding, for one thing, he can’t even think straight, and the dry, scratchy throat from last night has grown into a monster of a sore throat. Plus, he feels sweaty all over. 
Roy was going to kill him. 
Shit. Roy. Their training. It’s that thought that gets Jamie into an upright position, at least enough so that he can grab his phone before laying back down with it. There are five missed calls from Granddad, and a handful of texts and other notifications that Jamie ignores for now. 
Somewhere in his scrolling, it hits Jamie that the sun is coming in through his window. It’s almost 8:00 in the morning, and he’s completely missed their training. He’d slept through his alarm, missing the training with Roy, and, judging by how entirely fucked he feels, would likely miss the team training today, too. 
Jamie swallows and winces. His throat feels like he’s swallowing burning knives, but he calls Roy back anyway. 
Roy answers on the first ring, and by some act of Jesus Christ himself, doesn’t sound pissed off. 
“What the fuck, Tartt, are you alright” 
No, he definitely doesn’t sound mad, he sounds… concerned. 
“Mm? Yeah, grand.” Jamie tries to sound relaxed, but his voice sounds awful, hoarse and gravelly and blurred with congestion. 
“Fuuuuck,” is all Roy says for a minute. Then: “Let me in, I’m outside.” 
“So, what happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?” Roy says when Jamie finally makes his way to the front door and lets him in. 
Jamie tries to roll his eyes, but even that hurts his head. “First time for everything, yeah? What’re you doin’ here?” 
“You didn’t show up for almost four hours!” Roy explodes. “You weren’t answering your phone, no one had heard from you, I was—” Roy stops himself, looking at Jamie and then away, suddenly finding the cars in the driveway extremely interesting. 
“Aw, you were worried about me,” Jamie supplies. It would be much better if he could actually enjoy this moment, but as it is he feels like he could collapse at any moment, so he holds onto the cool granite of his kitchen island. 
“Fuck off,” Roy growls. 
“You came to me in me hour of need,” Jamie says, then turns to the side and coughs, ruining the moment. 
“To be fair I thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere, had to make sure I didn’t need to see about finding a replacement.” 
“I’m irreplaceable, hello? There’s no replacing an icon.” Not that he feels like much of an icon now, with his nose starting to run and an annoying itch starting to form somewhere behind his sinuses. He scrubs a hand over his face, wishing Roy was here in his flat on literally any other morning. 
“Muppet,” Roy says, shaking his head and studying him in a way that always makes Jamie feel all squirmy inside. 
“S-shit, gimme me a second,” Jamie says, breath catching as he turns away and sneezes four times in quick succession. “Hh’itsh! Hpt-ISH! Uh-hu’ishhiew! IshhIEW!” 
“Were those sneezes? Y’sound like Phoebe’s cat when she sneezes.” 
Jamie just groans, turns around, and flops onto the couch. He doesn’t even have the energy to argue with Roy, and he loves arguing with Roy. 
“Bless you, by the way,” Roy says, voice just marginally softer as he follows Jamie to the living room. 
“Sorry I missed training,” Jamie says, voice half lost to the pillow he’s currently trying to disappear into. “Y’can find a new way to punish me for it next week, m’sure.” 
Roy’s quiet for a minute. “Think you get a pass. Team spirit, lookin’ out for the lads when they needed it and all.” 
Jamie lifts his head up, arches an eyebrow. “Thought you said don’t come cryin’ to ya?”
“I came to you, didn’t I?” 
“‘Cause you were worried about me,” Jamie says, smiling despite how bad, well, everything feels just now. 
Roy’s here. Jamie’s flat feels warmer with another person here, which helps, since he’s freezing on top of everything else. 
“Do you have any tea in this place?” Is all Roy says in reply. He’s already back in the kitchen, navigating around Jamie’s cupboards like he lives there, and Jamie’s thinking how nice it all is when he falls asleep again, right there on the couch. 
When he wakes up again, Roy is still there, Jamie’s feet in his lap, and it’s much later in the day, he can tell immediately. He must be so sick he’s hallucinating, because there’s no way Roy Kent came over to watch him sleep, covered him with a blanket, and is watching You’ve Got Mail on his TV. 
“Ah, you’re alive. I was starting to think I should call someone,” Roy says when Jamie stirs. “You look like shit. Take that,” Roy continues, pointing to a bottle of something and a glass of water on the coffee table. 
Jamie feels, impossibly, worse than he had this morning, his head feels like it weighs about a million pounds. He doesn’t argue, just swallows the medicine and water and grimaces at Roy.
“Didn’t have to stay here,” Jamie says. His voice is wrecked. 
“Fuck, you sound fucking awful,” Roy says, his hand on Jamie’s ankle — how long had that been there? He moves his thumb up and back absentmindedly, and suddenly it’s all Jamie can focus on. 
What is happening?
“Well, never drank that tea you were on about earlier,” Jamie says.
Roy nods. “Never do want to listen to me,” he says, but his voice is different now, softer. Kinder. Fonder.
“Took the liberty of ordering a takeaway, should be here soon. Soup for you,” Roy says. His hand is still there, warm on Jamie’s ankle. 
“huh-IItshh! IishhIEW!” The sneezes catch Jamie completely off guard, shivering out of him before he can do anything but lean into it. “Sorry,” he mutters, sniffling. He looks pathetic, he knows that, and he’s torn between elation that Roy’s here and complete humiliation. “You’ll be down with this next,” he warns.
“Bless you. Y’really do sneeze like a cat, Tartt.” 
Jamie’s laugh turns into another coughing fit, and when Roy leans up to rub his back, he decides that happiness wins out over embarrassment. 
They’re side by side now, closer than they’d usually sit for FIFA, though not by much. They’d been getting closer in just about every way these last few months, and Jamie realizes he’d like nothing more than to lean into it. Let Roy deal with all of it in that growly, take-charge way he has about everything else. He’d feel better soon if Roy said so, right? 
“Food should be here soon, if you want to close your eyes for a few more minutes. This prick hasn’t put Meg Ryan out of business yet, so…” Roy trails off, eyes trained on the screen rather than Jamie, who nods. His eyes and head are still so heavy. 
Daring a look at Roy out of the corner of his eye, Jamie lets his head rest on his shoulder, sniffling into the soft fabric of Roy’s ubiquitous black t-shirt and yawning. He could get used to this, if he let himself. Whatever this is…
“You’re thinking really fucking loudly,” Roy says, voice impossibly close to his ear. He doesn’t sound mad about it, though, more like amused. Jamie’s still half convinced he’s dreaming this entire day. Jamie Tartt doesn’t get sick, for one thing, and Roy Kent doesn’t play nurse with his players. “Close your eyes.”
“Fine, but only to stop your yelling, Granddad,” Jamie says with another yawn. He doesn’t lift his head from Roy’s shoulder, and Roy doesn’t say anything else, just turns his attention back to the movie.
Jamie’s ninety-nine percent asleep when he feels it, the faintest, softest brush of lips against his sweaty forehead. 
Maybe this is something after all. 
Maybe Roy Kent does play nurse when it matters. 
And maybe Jamie Tartt does get sick, though he decides then and there that it’s not too bad if this is what he gets in return. Pretty fucking mint, in fact. 
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
"Blank Expression" liveblog!
This episode title scares the shit out of me. Let's crack in.
0:17 so Dr. Garrison is in the recap 👀 methinks she will be in the episode
0:57 they got *off*??? WHY WOULD THEY GOT OFF WITHOUT HER
1:19 angy Kate is angy
2:29 "actually.. there might be someone" I know they cut to tetherball so its 100% Martina but my heart was asking for Moocho 😂 it's so cool they're bringing her back, she deserves it
2:37 THERE'S OUR GIRL!!!! She looks so fucking good!!
2:52 oh my gosh the tearaway pants hahaha
2:58 i had a thought that I will not elaborate on- she's the athletic version of Dipper Pines
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3:19 okay the music was creepy but Constance still looks cute as a button in that coat
3:31 daaaayum! There she is!!!
4:27 I'll never skip this intro. Never
4:52 I love that the bucket is their identifier
5:24 "I dont think Curtain is the only armchair neuroscientist in the game" something about that sentence scratches the back of my brain 😂
5:33 Milligan's chemist background is peaking through
5:54 I would say that I would kill for her, but Rhonda can handle her damn self. You go bbg
6:28 ooooh is it time for vigilante Garrison??
6:32 "I invented it." there it is 🙃
6:44 alright, a little more respect for her here. She wasnt willing to test this shit on people without further testing, knowing there could be some crazy side effects
7:01 shit, did she rebuild the whisperer?
7:03 shit she did rebuild the whisperer
7:17 I cant tell if Garrison is about to try to make Constance a lab rat, try to team up, or try to make her disappear
7:47 okay so like a mixture of lab rat and team-up, got it
7:54 "I'm not your dancing bear. I eat bears." What does that mean 😂😂
8:00 shit. fuck. Okay, so it's a combination of lab rat, team-up, and making her disappear. Shit.
8:27 I dont like this. I really dont like this.
8:37 two things:
1. What the fuck is that weird-ass jumper suit outfit 🥴 get a sense of style
2. What is it with this guy and tableside meal preparation
9:03 "the constant grip of existential angst" that describes my day to day LOL
9:16 "you are going to completely reverse whatever it is you did to him" that's the thing, I dont think Curtain even can. He didnt let Garrison run the necessary testing
9:37 he's eating a crepe at her 🥴
9:54 "I'm not hungry" I'm bitter they left that part of her book characterization out of the show, it would have been so easy to adatlpte
10:04 "I'm not falling for it" okay but what if it's not something you fall for, it kind of seems like something that can happen passively if you're focused on him enough
10:37 she fucking chose that name, fuck off and stop trying to recruit her as your new Dr. Garrison
11:02 "you know how I know? Pure joy triggers his narcolepsy." Oooooh. Mic drop.
11:34 as she should. Eat your fucking crepe babe
11:46 awwwwww
12:04 oh wait wait that's not a pie truck that's their team's truck 😂😂😂
12:18 "how hell-bent on vengeance do you have to be to go after a tiny child?" I love that Martina is the voice of reason. Scratch that, I just love Martina
12:37 "I bought in, I excelled, and no on cares." Spoken like a true ex-cult member
13:09 I don't know about a leader
13:16 "doesnt your team need this gear?" "Yeahh, probably" dude 😂😂😂
13:34 "maybe if they dont appreciate what I bring... maybe they dont get a van." Impeccable logic!
13:46 what the fuck is happening
14:02 this poor child wtf
14:43 "no one will be left out of our loving, loving family." See, this is why the whole fake happiness thing is fucked up. Curtain's like yeah hey come love in our compound, it's really nice :) but you cant leave. You'll be really fucking happy! But literally nothing else, only happy. There are no strings attached! Except everyone owes me for making them not be miserable anymore. It's similar to the Institute, where they stated there were no rules but there absolutely were. That's not to mention the mental unhealthiness and unsustainability of it all, and the manipulation that comes with this.
14:53 another one 🙃
15:29 "you are sanguine." "I am undercover!" Their dynamic right now reminds me of a drunk person trying to convince a sober person they're not drunk
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15:39 this is real weird
15:49 oh lord now mr b has to play both sides
15:58 fucking christ
16:16 aoon enough the storeroom wont be big enough to hold them
16:21 Roll credits!
16:32 allergic reactions dont do that bud
16:38 alright, stiff necks. Noted. Can't wait to see mr b rubbing his neck like sebastian was in like 2 episodes
16:57 gotta love medical malpractice
17:10 so the polo team's with Garrison. I didnt put that together earlier lolol
17:38 I bet she doesnt give dental
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17:48 "any financial stress-of which there is none-is worth the freedom I have now" methinks the lady doth protest too much
17:51 "being out from under that man's oppressive thumb is priceless" HA that's one sure thing she's being truthful about
18:23 awwwww. Reynie was about to take the blame, but Sticky made it clear they all agreed and went out together :')
18:55 yeah no I dont like that she called Constance an asset either, but now's not the time
19:13 them 30 seconds ago: "we havent covered the whole area" them, walking 2 feet across the tracks: "OH LOOK PRINTS"
19:37 I find it funny that they put a translation of the train sign in that 1 second between dialogue
20:39 a chemist who just had a baby, its Milligan all over again 🥺 Rhonda will defend the chemist, surely
20:52 smart move
21:52 you cant just tell someone to get that angry on command 🥴
22:05 well, she did break it
24:05 "I see a broken person who's angry." therapist!Constance is not wrong
24:33 she sounds like how Curtain did in the season 1 finale right before he had an narcoleptic episode- in denial
25:55 I love how Kate doesn't use bobbie pins in her hair but she sure does have them in the bucket
26:12 they made it burggrub, but the kids got off the train before it could ever stop there. Fun little game of tag that the adults are marvelously failing at
26:17 I know I've said this every single episode but I love Milligan and Miss Perumal's dynamic SO MUCH
26:20 DIPIKA????? The show strikes again with coming up with first names names for characters that we were never canonically told
26:24 ohhhh no no no no
26:24 alternatively, does this mean the two of them will be taken to the compund? With Mr B and Number Two?
26:44 noooo not the hippie clothes
27:16 I dont know how much this faux happiness thing is messing with his thought patterns. Like is he actually trying to use his position as leverage, or is he just saying that to try and stay longer?
27:25 there's a plan hatching and I'm worried about it lol, she's been murderous all season
27:33 "we're gonna kidnap him." "What?" LMAO SHE'S SO FRANK ABOUT IT
27:49 *graphically describing the death of a proverbial animal* remember how I said she's been murderous all season? Yeah 😂
28:05 llama!
28:14 shit. I didnt think he had been a recipient of the technique thing?? But apparently so
28:27 oh my gosh the sobbing in the distance. What did therapist!Constance do to this poor woman
28:39 this is about what I expected HAHA
28:55 "did she hurt you?" "She's the one who's hurting." Therapist!Constance strikes again
29:12 man, I thought we were getting somewhere with her 🥴
I'm excited to see where this goes! The kids have had a startling reunion, and the adults are about to have one themselves.
29:18 man. They just had to end it there. This season's had some great cliffhangers
Bingo for the next episode is coming tonight :)) what did you guys think?
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ishikawayukis · 9 months
ME MUERO ME HAS HECHO EL DIA JAJAJAHJAJAKSJAJAJA Y EL QUE NADIE TE LO QUITE DE NAMI AJAJAJAJAJQ es que no puedo creer lo bien que queda todo JAJAJAJAJA ahora cada vez que escuche propuesta indecente se me va a venir la parte de zoro a la mente JAJAJAJA (no eres ridícula, el ridículo es tumblr que no te dejó insertar el link 😤) ay de verdad que esto me ha hecho el día gracias<3 JAJAJAJA
Pero volviendo JAJAJ no yeah like I don’t mind at all for the straw hats or people super involved with them, but the rest…do we really have to know everything?? Tbh, wouldn’t be surprised if luffy’s related to more crazy people but I would still have a 😧 moment JAJAJA ALSO vi un reel que decía algo como “Luffy’s mom most be incredibly pretty bc there’s no way he got any genetics from Dragon’s ugly ass face” Y SI ME REI JAJAJJ
I would get it if they said they don’t like it bc of nolan’s flashback episodes, but I felt that it was a pretty entertaining, fun, and cool arc🤷🏽‍♀️ ALSO WHAT??? I JUST STARTED THRILLER BARK AND ITS SO FUN??? It feels like a Halloween special segment but for a whole arc and it’s funny too?? No es por nada pero nuevamente no confío en la opinión popular JAJAJAJA
I try to not be a hater but lowkey I kinda am LMAO y si, it is a trained ability that you develop and it’s not that easy bUT suelen ser precisamente los gringos quiénes se quejan porque el contenido popular/mainstream suele ser el que ellos producen y por lo tanto no experimentar el tener que aprender otro idioma o tener subs como la principal (o única) opción para disfrutar de contenido ://
JAJAJAJAJA GOTTA BE HONEST but fr if only he was on the right side, he even kept doing his fake job right 😔
Also do you mind if I call you Belle beCAUSE BELLE WTF TWO THINGS: 1) zoro rocking a crop top and caring for triplets, I get it now, yo también quisiera ir a darle las gracias a Oda si me lo encontrara JAJAJAJA 2) WTF TAMBIEN QUISIERA RECLAMARLE WHY DID ACE HAVE TO FACE BLACKBEARD AND WHY DO YOU MAKE IT JUST ONE EPISODE??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Esto es solo para hacerme llorar, yo creo que solo lo pusieron en Alabasta para luego venir a hacerme llorar istg if everyone from past arcs revives and he dies bc of that fight I’m going to riot😭😭😭
Somos JAJAJAJA I won’t lie, I did both of my second piercings with uh, pistola?? (rip el inglés JAJAJ) la forma menos segura y más 🥴✌🏽 but I knew I wanted to do the third with a needle bc I had my dose of risk already and boy is it taking some time to heal :’) no me ha ido mal solo es más lento y por ahora creo que será el último que me haga but yeah, could turn to be a lie in the future for all I know JAJAJA
I saw you got sick :ccc espero que pronto te recuperes o que al menos no sufras muchos síntomas incómodos 🫶🏽✨ wishing you all the best!!
me puse a escuchar una playlist q es pop latino de los 90 00 y 10's y cada q vez q sale esa canción simplemente pienso en ace AJJAJA mi cerebro va a hacer esa conexión por el resto de mi vida
there's a wild ass theory actually about luffy's mom and every time i see it i'm like??? are you guys smoking crack is it crack, because wheeeeeeeere did you guys get it. once you get to impel down i'm gonna share it LMAO
thriller bark is just such a goofy funny time!! peak campiness for one piece! and people don't like it because if you compare it to the arcs before and after it it's, well, a lot more silly, BUT SO MANY IMPORTANT THINGS HAPPEN IN IT. la gente no cacha nada de lo bueno de la vida y sólo quieren peleas cuáticas
nooo exacto, o sea entiendo q hay mucha gente q por razones de uuuuuh cómo le digo AJAJAJ concentración, q no pueden o cosas por el estilo, pero la mayoría de la gente q conozco q sólo mira dubs suelen ser gringos y weno 😶
but of couuuuuurse you can!!! zoro niñera es lo mejor de los rellenos de one piece AJAJAJA oda was like ooh you guys like ace? i see you guys like this one guy how would you feel i was was completely evil about him huh fuck blackbeard too i hate that guy sooooo much literally the worst
AJAJAJ la primera vez q me hice mi arito de la nariz me lo hice con pistola y literal jamás sanó bien y de ahí dije weno, creo q la pistola no es pa mi. y me acabo de hacer el tercer arito también 😳 deditos cruzados pa q nos sanen bien. and yeah never say never after my last two i was like noooo no way i'm getting another one and well, here i am LMAO
toy con fiebre y un rico resfriado en el verano pero weno es lo q hay 😔 he ido empeorando pero espero q hoy sea el peor día y q no continúe peor AJAJAJ
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mrf34r · 4 years
elliot alderson was out here not shaking hands and staying 6 feet away from anybody else WELL before social distancing guidelines were cool released
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shotorozu · 4 years
Heya! I love your writing. Could I request scenarios for Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, Midoriya and Denki (if that’s ok, and if not, just cut Denks 😔) with a S/O that snorts when they laugh and their a little insecure about it, so they usually cover their mouth as soon as it happens or just try not to laugh at anything and as a result they put up this serious front when, in reality, they are really just ✨a crackhead✨
s/o that doesn’t like their laugh
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (if you squint, there’s a dash hurt and comfort)
note(s) : PLS i can relate to this, my laugh is a cross hybrid of a window being cleaned, and a hyena 🗿 i normally don’t write 5 characters in one post but.. exceptions will be made. sorry that this took so long! will go back to writing requests
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
he was very confused, and shocked?? it was a lot
you and him are very similar, like,, out of all the people in 1-A, he’s never seen you laugh like.. hysterically.
it was always normal for him to surpress his laughter when the times are right. but even when you guys got together, he never saw you laugh
which was just a “hm.. okay? wtf, i haven’t seen them laugh before??” moment
and don’t get me wrong, it’s not like you’re emotionless, and he HASN’T seen you laugh, it’s more like you just cut yourself off before it gets too intense
which is.. 🤨 weird. to him at least
laugh if you need to laugh, he doesn’t get why you always cut yourself off, like smh the audacity
okay so imagine this, you’re sitting in the kitchen— only a few feet away from katsuki, as he finishes cooking for you, just like any normal day
but i also headcanon that bakugou likes to taste test his cooking, before he can serve it to you. y’know— just in case he accidentally used bad ingredients which is rare, since he’s very precise with cooking
so he prepares the plate and utensils, and before he serves it to you— he takes a quick taste to see how it is, but his face immediately twists in disatisfaction
“what the fuck—” he sputters, looking at the plate “who the fuck switched the salt and sugar?”
and that seemed to be your breaking point, you immediately burst out into a fit of giggles and snorts, even with katsuki still recovering from the weird after taste.
if it was any other person, he would’ve chucked them out of the kitchen— but seeing you laugh out loud like this left him appalled
but your laughing episode is cut short when you realize that katsuki’s just staring. not saying anything, nor is he telling you off for laughing.
his expression looks so indifferent from seeing you laugh?? so you simply just apologize “sorry, i know the laugh is ugly.”
katsuki quickly snaps out of it, ruby irises glaring at you “ugly? when the hell did i say that?” he questions, voice gruff
your silence makes him think that you’re actually insecure about your laugh, an despite the weird aftertaste in his mouth, he decides to speak
“look, it was nice seeing you laugh, idiot.” he adds, because it sounded a little too nice “i don’t get why you have to hold your laughter back, especially around me. laugh if you need to, i’m not gonna judge you.”
plus, he’s not the person to judge you for your laugh anyway, his laugh.. is questionable for sure. i wouldn’t say it’s any better, so that would’ve be hypocritical of him
“you sure?”
“hell yeah i’m fuckin’ sure! but anyway, i’m gonna kill the bitch that switched the salt and sugar!” he gets up from the table, plate in hand as he goes to fix the meal
he surely can’t see your face right now, but when he hears you laugh, he can’t find himself not being able to smile.
he can only look forward to seeing you laugh again.
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kirishima eijirou
his first reaction was :00 and 😳
so he was kind of left to his own thoughts when he realized that,, he hasn’t seen you laugh wildly before
and it’s not like you were just 😐 the entire time, you just always covered your mouth whenever you wanted to laugh
it was a big mystery to him, but he doesn’t think it’s quite manly to ask you that, it wasn’t long before he found out anyway
so! i headcanon that kirishima has his lil gaming night with the bakusquad maybe once or twice a week, they usually choose to communicate through the voice chat so.. no physical interaction.
and you’re just there, spectating the entire thing. because you still wanted to spend time with eijirou— but you didn’t want to interrupt his weekly gaming moment
so there’s a twist— he was actually playing a rpg multi-player horror game with the bakusquad, so.. jumpscares, am i right?
you were just sitting there on his bed, just watching if there’s anything interesting so far— and surprise! there’s a jumpscare.
eijirou jumps a little from the impact, and you can just hear the faint girlish screams of bakugou and kaminari, even from this length— basically telling all of them to just fucking dip! run the other way!
so you just start laughing when you hear the continuous screams, from his headset rip kiri’s ear drums and while kirishima tried to focus on the objective, he couldn’t help but turn around
just to see you laughing your ass off. and he’s there like 😳 they’re laughing?? they’re laughing!
so kirishima quickly finishes the game, but he just found himself in a state of shock. but then you covered your mouth so :(( aw.
you notice that he finished his game, so you just stop laughing entirely “oh— are you finished, eijirou?”
he’s still kind of taken aback by the laugh, and you seem to have noticed his reaction “wait, did you.. hear that?”
when you see eijirou nod, your expression seemed shell shock— which confused him, until you told him that you assumed that he didn’t hear you because of the headphones
“what? is it bad?” he asks with genuine curiousity, but you just explain that you’re just embarrassed. because the laugh itself is ugly
which kirishima disagrees!! >:(( your laugh had him in awe. he loves seeing you laugh, and it was a nice surprise.
“i love hearing you laugh! it makes me happy— i don’t see any reason that you should be ashamed of it, everyone’s laugh is different, after all.”
you’d say he’s lying, but the genuine toothy grin on kirishima face convinces you that he has the purest intentions.
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midoriya izuku
now that i’ve thought about it, have we ever seen this boy burst into laughter?? this excludes the hospital scene of course.
but he’s not too concerned about himself not being able to freely laugh, but it was more like he was curious (or concerned) about you
you’re always quick to either cut yourself off, or you just cover your mouth entirely. and he can’t help but feel curious!
he asked you at some point on why you do those things when you laugh, but you just shrugged. so until that point, it was just simply a mystery— that’s left to his own imagination
so whenever midoriya creates new moves with his quirk, he’d have the sudden desire to show his s/o and ask if the move would be practical in anything. because why not
and we all know how much midoriya trains right? he’s quite the hard worker. but you were taking a nap in the afternoon, after finishing your school work for the day
it’s probably reaching 3pm now, and izuku finished making new moves with his quirk, and he was eager to show you!
he didn’t want to do this but he ended up waking you up anyway, and he brought you outside to show you the new moves
“look at this, Y/N!” he says, all excited oh boy
what he didn’t expect was how fast he was going— missing the entire key move, and he started plummetting to the ground (similar to a ragdoll being thrown)
you were still partially dowsy, and you weren’t expecting him to fall to the ground like THAT, so you started laughing hard
and because you’re still drowsy, you don’t recognize that you’re actually laughing— yeah, izuku may be still on the ground, but wow. you’re laughing!!
he’s surely taken back, because he’s never actually seen you burst into laughter like this, he was just
yet, you immediately slap your hand over your mouth— when you realize that you’re actually laughing out loud, and snorting in front of your boyfriend wjdnwkx
“i’m sorry, izuku” you regain composure, immediately rushing to his aid to help him up, “you didn’t need to hear, or see that.”
but why are you apologizing? he’s the one that dragged you out here to see him fail 💀 “no, no! it’s fine Y/N. i was just surprised, that’s all.”
the expression on his face kind of worries you— because omg what if he thinks the laugh was ugly? i’ll never laugh again.
“i’d understand if you’d think my laugh was kind of ugly, izu—”
“what— it’s not ugly!” he’s quick to object “i think.. it’s really nice. it surprised me, but your laugh’s interesting! in the good way, and it’s also kind of cute, uhm—.” pls don’t give him a heart attack
you shake your head, because you already have a good idea of what he feels— and it’s quite positive. “i get it, izuku. thank you for the reassurance.”
he finally calms down when you give him a quick smooch on the lips. in short, you were the one to calm him down rip
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todoroki shouto
he’s definitely curious about it
i mean, it’s a natural occurence at this point— shouto was already observant of you, what more when he started developing feelings for you
once again, not someone who freely laughs (he’s quite oblivious with the socializing part so it’s too be expected) but that doesn’t mean you should mirror him
like midoriya, he probably tried speaking to you about it— but you always reassured him that it was just a subconscious habit still odd but.. if you say so
so, shouto’s downstairs in the kitchen right? he’s preparing a snack to bring up to your room, and while he was trying his best to hurry up with it
you eventually trekked downstairs, and saw shouto preparing said snack. so what do you do? you surprise him!
“shouto!” you peak behind him, and he’s startled because he thought he was alone this entire time
so— he might’ve accidentally started a mini fire out of shock, and he’s quick to realize that
🧍 there’s a fire. that i’ve created. it was a miracle that he didn’t set off the alarms
the situation is handled pretty quickly, since he’s fast enough to put out the fire. but now, shouto’s just staring at the burned piece of snack.
“..there was an attempt.” he says it simply, while also equipped with a rather frazzled expression.
this causes you to burst out into a fit of laughter, snorting at the scene in front of you— the comment being oddly hilarious
he’s the personification of 🧍right now, and shouto’s just watching at the rare scene of you hunched over the kitchen counter, snorting from laughter
“i’m sorry, shouto.” you cover your mouth, still trying to regain your composure “i’m sorry that i scared you but.. it was kind of funny.”
shouto’s just thinking “..they were laughing.” not in a bad way, of course. he’s heard people laugh at his ‘jokes’ but this was definitely a different feeling.
shouto being well,, shouto. he’s going to be blunt with his words “your laugh is pretty.”
but your first reaction is 👁👁?? PRETTY?? “shouto, out of all the things my laugh could be— you chose pretty?” you’re looking at him like he’s crazy rn
he’s really confused like,, “yeah. your laugh is pretty, is that bad?”
so then you explain that you just never perceived your laugh as pretty, only because you ‘snorted like a pig’ he thought that was a little sad to hear
“i don’t see a reason that you should be ashamed of your laugh, Y/N.” he moves closer, setting a cool hand on your shoulder “every part of you is special in their own individual way. and i’ll love every part of it.”
“you,, mean that? like really??” you ask, and he confirms it with a nod, resting his head against your shoulder “i’m sorry that i burned your snack.”
“it’s fine. i’m sorry i scared you,”
“if it made you laugh then.. i’d say it’s worth it.” and you can’t really think that he’d lie, just by the way his mismatched eyes stare at you in pure adoration.
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kaminari denki
the only person here that laughs freely whenever and wherever, he has that class clown type of beat
he was a little sad to see that you always covered your mouth whenever you laughed, since it sort of makes his day to see people laugh at his jokes
but of course, he’d never judge you— he may be curious about certain things but,, he’ll never secondguess you as a whole
similar to todoroki and midoriya, he’ll ask you in a lighthearted way on why you cover your mouth whenever you laugh
and you always brush it off, so he’d just have to respect that
i’d imagine that he’d encounter your laugh when you guys are doing your daily cracktivities
you guys were already quite good friends before you guys started dating, and this was quite a habit that always occurred maybe once or twice a week
the both of you were desperately trying to hold in the laughter that threatened to escape your lips, at 2am 💀
and the both of you guys were watching compilations of that talent show livestream on youtube (tiahra nelson’s to be specific)
so you’re still holding in your laughter, and reaches to that point in the video, where tiahra nelson was watching that dude sing ‘electric love’ (ref : this video)
seeing denki’s shocked reaction made you realize that— you just can’t hold it in anymore, so, you bursted into a fit of snorts and laughter, sliding onto denki’s shoulder
denki’s still holding in his laughter because he doesn’t want to get busted by iida or something— but oh my, YOUR LAUGH IS CONTAGIOUS TO HIM
he’s never heard you laugh this hard but omg, your laugh is contagious as hell— so he starts laughing with you 💀
eventually, the laughing does die down— and you guys move on to the next video. it’s oddly quiet at first, because the realization had just hit you and hard
you snorted in front of your boyfriend, and you’re sure that he doesn’t care that much but,, wow, you are embarrassed.
“wow— your laugh is contagious,” denki slides his hand across your shoulder, and while he’s been trying to keep the atmosphere at it’s normal, he’s quite nervous??
“it was a new experience uhm, sorry, i don’t know what i’m saying, and i know you’d be insecure about it all and..” he fumbles with his words for a bit, because denki isn’t THE BEST with serious things
“your laugh is cute.” his eyes are glued onto the screen, and his tone is basically stating that he’s right. your laugh is really cute
“you’re cheesy,” you playfully smack his chest, but you can’t help but feel quite bashful of his words
no but really,, whenever you laugh, denki starts to laugh along with you, since it’s so contagious he’s not that sorry about it
moving past the sappy shit, it’s quite helpful in cracktivities 💀
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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isa-ghost · 3 years
Hooby Heeby Time to Watch Mandela Catalogue
Ah fuck me this weird grainy TTS voice shit always spooks me
But in that way yall JSE followers usually see me being horny for Anti. Its that Good Spooky
Hold the fuck up I gotta grab me some chips n dip we strappin in
Tag urself I’m bighead man in the middle
TELL an authority member about your encounter. Hm no I dont think I will, we’re gonna be besties and do crime
Identify the class type?? Ok so this is some SCP shit now
...Wait I’m thinking of Anti bc of that oh.
Type 3: Slender Man
hey not to be rude but fuck that thing in the corner he needs to make like socialism and distribute that tall equally. to me. give me some tall
Gotta say, the patriotic music in the background of this urgent emergency broadcast message is really fucking funny to me
Can’t use psychological warfare on me if I do it to myself already *that What meme music plays as the camera freezes on my dumb face*
Oh fuck yeah we in that analog horror babieeee
Idk Victim 2 kinda hot
Cesar huh 😏
Cesar haunted house poggies
Am I gonna regret jokingly simping
I have decided I do not like the stairway cam
New gender unlocked: Suddenly Open Door
“It followed me home, Cesar”
Me, chugging my flavored water rn:
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...I was mindin my business watching and my Discord crashed. When I paused my Discord came back and as soon as I unpaused MC again it crashed again. Hm.
You cant give me unhinged man laughter I just simp
When am I gonna stop memeing and start shitting in fear
But nobody came :)
When the caller has an emergency, contact the weewoo wagon
Do not help a caller reporting an alternate encounter?? Bitch that sounds like something that should be your job. >America moment 🙄
“Nothing is worth the wait, nothing is worth the wait” Oh hello that’s getting saved as an idea for my OC shit later
Toddler stress responses?? Oh we in some psychology now, this my major :00 *waits for the horrific shit to happen*
There’s a man in the closet? Its 2021, let him come out. He’s valid
Gonna be real with you I paused here for at least 10 min bc my streamer distracted me with a fart video
*sees hooded smiling man* *and then goes to sleep the end!!!!* HM YEP THATS NOT BAD AT ALL
Why he look like a drug addict tho. He want sum crack
Curse my Gen Z humor, this is literally so funny to me and for what
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Hm that whispering’s not very pogchamp
Who is this man, he looks like he did a crime
This TTS voice sounds like a Karen
Me coping with the creepy baby crying by focusing on how that saturated af pic of the crib makes it look like the blanket is just a giant slice of cheddar cheese:
Wtf is this music >_>
Yeah no I expected the hanging whoop there it is
Okay how does all of this stuff connect bc I’m gettin interested and my crackhead hours are winding down
Okay the man in the corner boutta catch these fuckin hands
I am ironically so tired after the busy day I had I s2g I’m gonna pass out soon and some weird shit’s gonna go down in my dreams wish me luck
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hey! Sorry to bother you with a second ask but i thought this one would be cool. Fluffy headcanons of the demon brothers watching scary movies with MC??? Somewhere MC gets scared, and some where they don't? Thanks again!! :)
It’s no bother!! I love getting requests from you guys! The more, the merrier. I sort of hc that the brothers and MC do have movie night every week or so and with them being demons, they tend to levitate towards the horror genre. Thank you for sending this, this is really cute :)))
Without further ado—-
The Brothers watching Scary movies with MC:
-Haha mf already knows how this is going to end
-He warned you, he really did
-The horror movies DevilDom has to offer are nothing, and I mean nothing, like the ones from the human world
-I’m not going to go into detail but imagine Two Girls One Cup, in a less kinky and more gorey way (then times that by 10)
-But you were adamant into giving it a go and he literally could not deny you in that moment
-Because you were giving him the puppy eyes
-That’s like, the finishing blow you use every time to get your way with him and as far as you know it’s the only one that works so-
-He expected your reaction to the last second
-You were traumatised for lack of a better word and you were basically watching the whole film through the cracks between your fingers
-Seeing you in that state was like a punch in the gut but he couldn’t stop himself from throwing in a subtle ‘I told you so’
-“I told you watching something like this before bed is a bad idea, MC.”
-He might be a bit condescending and judgemental at first, but he’s probably going to baby you a bit for the rest of the night
-Because he feels bad he allowed you to watch it in the first place
-He will start muttering words of comfort to you later because he’s certain you’re going to have trouble sleeping
-Because of that one time, he’s very hesitant to let you watch another horror film anytime soon
-But he will relent eventually (especially if you want to watch a human horror film as those are technically less extreme)
-If it makes you happy, he will go through with it, even if he has to let you cling onto him for the rest of the day
-Besides, the way you cuddle into him while you’re watching a horror film is very cute and endearing to him
-Ah yes, the most effective method of waking up the entire House of Lamentation at 3:00 am
-Mammon screaming his own vocal cords out in his room as he tries to get through his human’s favourite horror movie without dying of a heart attack
-It was his idea because he’s definitely the type to go: “Yeah let’s do this, it will be fun. Don’t get too scared alright MC? The Great Mammon will be here to protect ya.”
-And then ten minutes in, he’s basically in your lap
-Half an hour in, he turned himself into a demon burrito with his blankets
-You were enjoying the movie, laughing at the stupid sound effects and poor quality while Mammon next to you has wrapped himself in like two dozen blankets and pillows
-“Mammon you’re going to overheat.”
-“Don’t be silly human, I’m a demon who lives in hell. I can take high temperatures the same way I can take this damn movie!”
-He doesn’t take either of them well
-Mammon and the horror genre don’t mix well together to begin with
-So even if you might enjoy horror, he doesn’t react well to it at all
-And he’ll be low-key relieved if you tell him you guys don’t have to watch any sort of horror film for your date night
-“Well I guess if you don’t want to, then we don’t have to. Can’t make my human do something they’re uncomfortable with eh?”
-But if you do watch a scary movie with him, be sure to show any sort of physical affection to him as often as possible
-You don’t have to say anything, just hold his hand or let him put his head in your lap or something
-It might stop him from screeching like a female sloth in heat
-The last time that happened, his brothers weren’t too pleased with him
-They about to recreate the horror film scenes onto him, bring the popcorn have fun
-For some reason, I feel like he doesn’t get scared easily while watching stuff
-I mean, after decades of obsessively watching animes with brutal character deaths (like Attack on Titan style) and grotesque horror games that are pretty nasty even to demons, let alone humans;
-A horror film, from the human world or even DevilDom, doesn’t do much for him
-It will have to have very good psychological horror in it if you want the hairs on his arms to stand up in anticipation
-Tension is a big deal for him and he will immediately shut off the TV if there are any cheap jump scares
-But, if you manage to find just the right thing for him?
-You’ll both be hiding under the bed in no time under the bathtub more like
-Hell, if the film you’re watching is that good, he might even be holding onto you for dear life without realising it and getting flustered about it
-For weeks afterwards, any sound that is remotely similar to one from that movie will probably send both of you into panic
-You came to his room one night because you’ve had a nightmare about the stupid film and legitimately thought there was a fucking demon serial killer in your room
-So you wanted to stay in his
-“But what if there is a serial killer in your room and now you just led it to me MC????”
-It’s all jokes, there’s no question he would lock both of you in his room and then stay there with you wide awake until dawn
-You’re his best friend after all, he would have to be completely heartless to leave you on your own! (Besides Levi is terrifying when he wants to be)
-One time you were sleeping over and the sound of fumbling woke you tf up
-And Levi immediately turned into his demon form, like he was ready to throw hands with this fictional murderer that supposedly sneaked into his room
-“Ah never mind, it’s just Mammon breaking into your room again to steal your Ruri-Cham figurines and sell them on Akuzon.”
-“Oh OK.”
-I’m playing Minecraft
-Believe it or not, Satan doesn’t care much about horror movies
-Don’t get me wrong, he loves watching his brothers shit their pants out of fear in the middle of one while he silently smirks to himself because watching other people suffer brings him euphoria
-Especially if someone actually manages to find a film that is excellent enough to spook Lucifer, because then he will be cackLING
-But, overall, he watches a lot of shows revolved around drama and crime
-That’s his thing
-However, he won’t turn you down if you’re up to watching a scary movie with him
-Any time spent with you is valuable time seeing as it won’t be long before his brothers start hogging you again like the cockblockers they are
-He is honestly surprised to find out you seem to be rather amused by those sort of movies
-So, even if it’s not inherently something he does on the regular, he would definitely watch a scary film with you if you enjoy them that much
-But in exchange, he makes you promise to read with him until bedtime rolls around (imagine Lucifer having a fucking curfew for his brothers and you lmao)
-So for the rest of night you guys just read together, ya know, like sappy romantics
-Tbh, this man will do almost anything with you as long as both of you are having fun
-He knows it’s not likely, but he insists on sleeping in the same room that night just in case you have nightmares and he needs to comfort you
- :)
-Satan is a gentleman. Idk how many people that don’t play OM expected to hear this
-Why would you want to watch a movie when you could be watching him???
-I mean, you would rather watch all that gory stuff on the TV than his beautiful face?
-He may get salty over a fucking movie tbh
-Horror films aren’t something he generally looks for while trying to pick a movie to watch
-He can definitely handle them better than Mammon but it’s not something he takes great pleasure in watching
-But the first time he ever sits down with you to watch one, he’s very intrigued to see your reactions
-You started feeling the sensation of absolute dread creep in at the very beginning and you were trying your best to act like you weren’t getting affected by what you saw on the screen
-But you were
-You went from “I’m grown ass adult, I can watch a fucking horror movie, no problem.”
-To “Welp, not enough of a grown ass adult for this-“
-And Asmo thought the way you tried to hide your nervousness was very mesmerising in a way
-He was planning on flirting with you during the movie anyway, but now that you were pressing himself against him?
-Oh boy, Oh boy
-“Darling if you wanted to touch me, you could’ve just said so. Making the excuse of watching a movie is unnecessary.”
-Nightmares? What nightmares? You won’t have time to have nightmares ;)
-haHAHA funny inappropriate joke
-It’s Asmo, it’s mandatory to have at least one of those added in here
-Beel will show up if there’s food and that’s that
-He doesn’t care what type of movie is playing on the TV as long as he has a bucket of popcorn next to him at all times
-Horror films aren’t something he can’t handle, he’s a demon like the rest of his brothers and he is used to...violent deaths and such
-He doesn’t get scared but there are times where he gets attached to the characters
-Especially movies with actual good and not cringeworthy dialogue
-Therefore, when they die, he gets sad even if they’re just fictional and their death had no real impact
-He also thinks that the way you can watch these things without flinching is impressive
-I mean, he can watch it and so can his brothers because they are demons
-They’ve done worse things than the things you see in horror films
-But you’re a human! So it’s weird to see you watch a person get repeatedly slammed against a wall until their neck snaps without batting an eyelid
-Overall, he does not have an opinion on scary movies
-He gets a bit emotional when a character he really liked dies
-But other than that, he’s just focused on eating
-And occasionally patting your head affectionately
-He doesn’t really like horror films because there’s a lot of screaming and tense music and he’s just trying to nap in your lap (rhyme)
-He doesn’t really need sound effects like that in the background while he’s trying to sleep
-But one day he was like “Hey, what if I show my favourite human this particular scary film?”
-And he did
-And he’s internally dying and feeling guilty and yet so flustered because of you
-It’s like you suddenly turn into this very fidgety and anxious mess and he thinks you just look....cute
-At some point you were getting overwhelmed and sprung up on your feet to turn the lights on
-And he just grabbbed your wrists, pulled you down next to him and let you press your head against his chest
-As mentioned, he’s a little shit and will tease you for being such a scaredy cat
-“That was the most predictable jumpscare and you still flinched, wth is wrong with you lmao.”
-But at the same time....
-“Relax. It’s just a horror movie. You’ll be fine. Besides, I’m here. Like I would let something bad happen to you.”
-That’s sweet, even if the tone of voice may not imply it because he’s such a brat-
-He actually really likes holding you for once, because usually he’s the little spoon
-He’s still a bit of a sadist so I imagine him sitting there and watching this while giggling to himself
-Isn’t he the cutest, laughing at other people’s misery and their never ending suffering?🥺🥺🥺 UwU
-Ah well, at least he has the decency to spoil with affection afterwards and make sure you have no nightmares that night
-You know, as payback for the horrific shit he made you watch with no warning
OK, I think I made a decent job of this even though it took longer than it actually was meant to. Thank you for reading though. I’ve got so many requests to go through and I’ve been feeling motivated lately so yeah!
See you soon
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gabzlovesu · 3 years
here’s what happened...
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we celebrated valentine's day on saturday because i wasn't sure what my schedule for monday was gonna look like — nursing school doesn't stop for nobody yall and i can't afford to get behind. i had to study for an exam on sunday and the restaurant wasn't gonna be open that day, so we settled for the latest reservation we could get at char on saturday, which was 12:00.
ok say boom, friday night i washed my hair and prepped it for my wig and stuff, but ya girl was in distress because i didn't finish until like 1 or 2 in the morning and my hair was still a little damp. so i'm like, i'll just get up in the morning to put it on.
saturday morning i get up at 8 and to lay my wig — almost burning myself in the process — and do my makeup. and look...i'm no pro but i did wtf i had to do! i was on crunch time with only 3 hours to get ready and i mf did that! i literally did not get dressed up until the last minute and i was scared that we weren't going to make our brunch reservation. here's my otufit ig, i literally don't know how to take pictures so don't say nothing:
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i tell him to pull up to my dorm because i'm getting dressed and it will only take a few minutes to get myself together and the resturant was just down the street. AS SOON AS I GET DRESSED I REALIZE I DON'T HAVE MY WINTER COAT! but being the bad bitch that i am i was just gonna suck it up and go out in the 30 degree weather and just grab my coat from the car. that would be fine right? NOPE! i fucking forgot that my sister took the car to work that morning so i wouldn't be able to get my jacket. when my bf pulled up i literally sprinted to the car with his gift in my arms looking like a skank 😭 but yall would do it too for a check!
we made it in time, we get our table with no wait at all. cool. and i just know people are staring at me for being dressed like this when its freezing outside, idgaf tho and they need to worry about they food. we had the stupid chocolate milk debate at the table lmaooooo. anyways, i got the shrimp and grits and he got the chicken and biscuits (ya know some real southern shit purrr). now exaplain to me why my shit was expensive and i got like a cup of grits and 5 pieces of shrimp and this man had hella food for less. i was cheated yall, but he did share some of his food with me hehe 🥰 we got desert also, which was alright but the options were limited and i'm a picky eater lol. here's my food:
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he takes me back to my place so i can change into some comfy clothes and clean up my room before i go to his apartment. and we made a quick stop by walgreens on the way to his place.... iykyk.
so we walk up the stairs and he like pauses before he opens the door, and i'm just like, you good bro?? BUT IT TURNS OUT HE HAD ROSE PETALS LEADING TO HIS ROOM WHERE THEY WERE ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND ON THE BED IN A HEART SHAPE WITH CHOCOLATES AND A BIG SQUISHMALLOW!!! he knows i loves squishmallows, they're so cutee aaghhhhh. he also said that he will take me to get a mani pedi wenever i want; he didn't want to make an appointment in advance because he knows nursing school has my schedule all fucked up. then he opened my gift which was a basket full of candy, a card, the new pokemon game that he wanted so bad, and a nike gift card.
and ummm this is the nsfw part so go away if your not 18+ or you don't want to read it. so we started making out and shit and my clothes just disappeared like idk what happened yall 🤷🏽‍♀️ he at my coochie, as he should, and then broke my back while folding me in half like a lawn chair. there were some slipups, like a rose petal got stuck in my butt crack and i didn't even know lmfao, and i said "you gonna fuck me like a slut?" and he didn't respond how i wanted him too and i was embarazzed (he's so vanilla yall, we're working on that tho). then this man said — and i quote— "squirt all over my dick" EXCUSE ME??!!! WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT BECAUSE I AINT NEVER HEARD YOU SAY THAT BEFORE OMGGGGG...but i did it tho sskksks.
when we were finish we really just laid around and had a chill day after that, we don't have to be doing much to enjoy each other's company. i watched him play the pokemon game for a little bit before watching tiktoks on my phone. eventually he fell asleep (that coochie knocked him out 😮‍💨) i was fighting off sleep but i stayed up to study a little for my exam. we eventually went on a food run with his friends that night an then went to sleep. i did unfortunately loose my BRAND FREAKING NEW set of lashes that i had put on that day :(
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Worth it
Jj maybank x reader
Promt: 1. “Don’t touch me!” And 7. “I can’t see you get hurt!”
Promt list (angst)
Warnings: physical abuse, blood and injuries, yelling, angst, cussing (these topics can be triggering to some!!!!!!)
Word count: 1837
@dylansslutt I hope this is what you wanted!!! Thank you so much for requesting! I really enjoyed wrighting this and I hope it’s a fun read! Requests are still open! Love ya!
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6 years ago I moved from New York City to outer banks, North Carolina. I was the weird new girl from the big city. My family wasn’t rich, not even close. Infact money was the reason we moved here. My dad lost his job because of an alcohol problem and my mom was a police officer. We couldn’t afford to live off just her mortgage, so when my mom got a job offer here in obx we couldn’t turn it down. Here it was cheaper, there was a school for me to go and my mom grew up here so she had some friends. But me, I had no friends, not one. That was until my second week at school, this little blond boy, jj maybank came up to me. We were ten at the time, him and his friends were going to go to the beach later and he said I could come. Because I didn’t have any other friends I wasn’t in any place to turn down this offer. Ever sense then jj and I have been best friends. I didn’t know jj the best out of everyone but I guess that intrigued me. Last year my parents went through a divorce, my dad was losing it, his addiction was getting worse and worse. My mom moved us out leaving my dad with 10,000 dollars to get help. It was hard, even though he was an alcoholic he was still my dad. Jj was there for me the whole time, became closer than ever. Jj knows everything about me, my past, my home life, my favorite ice cream flavor, my favorite place everything. I know as much as I can about jj, I know that his dad beats him, he spends a lot of nights on my couch, I know that he plans to drop out of school and travel and surf. He’s my best friend but the problem is, ever sense that day that he came up to me, I’ve had a crush on him. He didn’t like me that way though and even if he did, “no pogue on pogue macking”.
Today is my 17 birthday, and here that means only one thing, a keger, a big ass keger. I love parties but there’s always trouble at *these* parties. I would prefer to just get drunk and hang out at John b.s place. So I’ve spent the entire morning trying to talk them out of it.
“I swear to god kie!” I yelled
“Don’t even try Y/N!” She said
“Come on you love parties!” John b added
“No, I love small parties, remember the last time we had a keger?! Ya know you almost *drowned*!!!” I said
“It is her birthday guys” Sarah said, Sarah my by best girl friend, I haven’t known her for long but we immediately bonded.
“Oh come on!” Said John b
“Fine, Sarah is right it’s Y/Ns choice” kie said
John b sighed “fine, I’ll call and tell jj”
A few mins later John b hung up the phone
“Alright jj said he’ll be here around 4:00, he says happy birthday, he’s sorry he is not here” John b said
“Here should have been here 30 minutes ago” John b said
Everyone was laying around John Bs living room, sweating their asses off. We had been waiting for jj, he wasn’t answering his phone. Normally we would just leave it alone but jj never missed my birthday.
“Should we try calling again?” Sarah asked
“We’ve called 15 times, and I texted him” I said shaking my head
It was silent
“I’m going” I said as I stood up
“No the fuck your not!” John b said standing up and blocking my way to the door
“Yes I am! He could be hurt!” I said trying to move John be out of the way
“Y/N you know what he said!” John b said
Yes I did know, the pogues had a list of rules, but jj also had his own
Never go to JJs house
Never under any circumstance break rule number one
“I don’t give a fuck about what he said!” I yelled, when your mom is a cop you pick up on some self defense. John b was in my way, and i would never hurt him…..but jj may be hurt, I had seen first hand what his dad could do. I ducked down and swiped John Bs legs making him fall.
“Wtf Y/N?!” Kie said
“Sorry guys” I said as I ran toward the door. I pushed it opened and ran to my car. Kie and Sarah came running after me yelling my name. I ignored it and started toward JJs house.
About 5 minutes later I pulled into the driveway. Well the kinda driveway, it was more like a clearing with rubble and weeds. There was a car there, jjs dad's car. My stomach dropped at the sight. I took a deep breath
“It’s gonna be fine” I said as a opened my car door and stepped out
I walked up to his front door, my hand was shaking as I went to knock. Why was my hand shaking? It was gonna be fine, right? I knocked, but JJ didn't open the door, his dad did. He looked drunk, he had a cigarette in his mouth, he was dirty and he had an old cut on his face. This was a bad idea, jj may not even be here.
“Uh um hi s-sir” I Stuttered on my words
“Who are ya?” He said look around me
“Um I I’m Y/N, jjs friend, is he here?” I said looking into the house
“Ah you're his little slut girlfriend, ya here to break up with him? Not surprised” he said stepping closer to me
I stepped back, I could defend myself against him if I needed to, I reminded myself, “actually no sir, I’m just his friend, is jj here?”
“Ya he’s here, what do you want with him?”
“Where is he?” I ignored his question
“How about you come with me little lady and I’ll buy you a drink?” He said and grabbed my hand
I ripped my hand out of his and punched him in the face
“You little bitch” he yelled holding his now bleeding cheek, he swung his arm again to punch me. He hit me right in the eye.
Then suddenly he came at me and I dodged him and pushed him past me. He was definitely drunk. I ran inside and closed the door, my hands were shaking even more, I tried to lock it and luckily I was able to. Then I heard a car start in the driveway, the car sounded older. Not mine, but jjs dads. I let out a breath of relief and turned around to look at the house. The coffee table was filled with beer bottles, there was glass on the floor and a broken picture frame. I needed to find jj.
“JJ!!! JJ!!!” I yelled his name, I could hear the crack in my voice when I yelled.
I made my way through the small, dirty house and to his room. The door was locked
“Jj?! Please open the door!” I said as I rocked on the door
I was about to say something again but the door swung open
“What do you want?!” Jj yelled as he slammed the door frame
I jumped, almost tripping over myself. Jjs face was bruised and bloody. He was shirtless, his chest was covered in bruises. I looked up at him, I was confused. I saw his face soften when he saw me, he looked surprised, then he got angry again.
“Y/N?! What the hell are you doing here?!” He said stepping closer to me
I was at a loss of words, I was already shaky but when Jj yelled it set me off.
“I um I-I” I started but was cut off by jj
“Fuck Y/N, did he do this to you?!” Jj yelled
“Jj please stop ye-“
“That son of a bitch! I swear to fucking god” he began walking out of the hallway toward the door
I stood up “JJ STOP!” I yelled grabbing his arm
“Don’t touch me! Why can you fucking listen Y/N?! I told you to stay away! And what did you do?! You didn’t! You didn’t fucking stay away! And now” he paused calming down and catching his breath “now you are hurt, and it’s my fucking fault! I swear I’m going to kill him” he said moving his hand over his lips and looking down
“What did you expect me to do Jj?” I was trying to stay calm “you didn’t show up and that scared me, I came to make sure you were ok, and obviously you aren’t, I can’t sit my and watch you come to school with black eyes and bloody lips”
“Fuck you Y/N! You had one job!”
Fuck being calm “you know what Jj I came because I care and because I am your fucking friend ok?! It’s ok to let people care about you! It’s ok *to* care! You don’t need to push everyone away!” I yelled back at him
“I do care Y/N! That’s why I don’t want you here! I can’t see you get hurt!!!” He yelled grabbing my hand
“Well, I’m completely fine so” I said taking my hand out of his and crossing my arms across my chest
“Your not fine”
“I am!”
“Yes! Yes I am, and why tf is it so important to you that I’m hurt, you get hurt, so does John b, and Kie, and rafe, but he definitely deserves that-“ I was cut off from my blabbing
“Y/N I care because I love you alright?! Calm down” he said
“I’-I’m” he started moving his head as if he was trying to think of what to say, I looked at him, studying his features, then I decided I was going to kiss him, ya ya I was going to kiss him. And I did, my lips met his in one quick movement. He seemed surprised at first but then his lips moved into mine. It was a passionate, needed kiss, but amazing never the less. His tongue moved, asking permission that was granted.
We broke the kiss both trying to catch our breath
“Wait Y/N-“ je started
“I love you too jj, I have forever” I said smiling
“But what about the rules and stuff, I mean I don’t follow rules like ever but” he was cute when he was confused, I began giggling at his attemp
“What? what is so funny?” He asked
“You are adorable,” I said kissing him again
It’s funny, I never thought that I would be here, kissing jj fucking maybank. We we’re definitely gonna get some crap from the rest of the pogues but it was definitely worth it.
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domjaehyun · 3 years
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(note: my thoughts/additions will be in pink, small text bc i am incapable of withholding my commentary 💖)
I posted 5,784 times in 2021
5518 posts created (95%) (note: that's not as bad as i thought tbh)
266 posts reblogged (5%) (note: that's a lot more than i thought... v curious abt the percentages bc i can recall talking to friends, rbing fic recs, boosting my own fics, and... the period of time where i horny posted... how fun)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts. (note: we love the teeny tiny ratio 💖 this blog is primarily my thoughts love that for me)
I added 11,284 tags in 2021 (note: holy shit??)
#answered - 5312 posts (note: this tracks... yeah)
#anon - 4803 posts (note: this also tracks, yes)
#👄 - 242 posts (note: this cracks me up for some reason)
#jizz.txt - 218 posts (note: pls i didn't know i talked that much omg)
#wet dream - 206 posts (note: wet dream anon my love omg return to me soon)
#🔮 - 144 posts (note: i love this for us so much omg not to mention i def have messages from you in my inbox that i haven't answered yet 😭)
#ari - 100 posts (note: ari omg this is so cute stop i'm emotional some of y'all rly fw me like that 🥺)
#ask spam - 99 posts (note: this is v funny bc . i didn't think i ... used that tag that much but i see now that it was aptly named so props to me)
#🧠 - 81 posts (note: it's SO cute to me that like . specific anons are in my most used tags like 😭 y'all like me!!!)
#soup - 79 posts (note: SOUP ANON return to me soon pls i hope you're doing well omg)
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#than i let on sjfjsjdjd i just say it’s fine bc i think i’m being irrational but the whole time i’m ‘fine’ i’m thinking abt it and getting
(note: tumblr is so me-phobic... it won't let me see what this tag was from 😒)
My Top Posts in 2021
anonymous asked: jewel please consider this the ask to share your favourite nsfw mark lee thought because i have never wanted to suck a dick quite so badly over the last few days i need something to feed my thoughts
okay it might not be my favorite bc that particular fantasy is very personal to me 😭😭 but here is this: (edit: added a read more i am not a monster)
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336 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 09:48:38 GMT (note: markie...i think abt this often tbh...yeah)
anonymous asked: HelP! Thinking...about...touching Mark while we’re just talking and having him get clearly flustered maybe even give some flirty looks back and then just kissing him mid conversation and have him mumble in between the kisses...maybe smirk into them too AHHHHHH wtf wtf and he’s just sitting there and taking this kisses -👄
so. i got a little carried away and took this in a different direction.........whoops
“but yeah, so i was saying to hyuck,” mark’s telling you the latest practice room shenanigans, and you’d love to be an active listener for him, you really would, but he just looks so damn good sitting there. his hair’s pushed off his forehead, messily tousled from him running his fingers through it all day, and he’s not making matters any easier by drumming on your thigh absentmindedly as he tells you about his day. 
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514 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 00:56:26 GMT (note: ...second mark post...interesting...also would like to note that 👄 anon is appearing in my top posts too 😭)
anonymous asked: I’m such a hoe for Jaemin but like Jeno has been creeping up my list. Like nomin torturing the shit out of you omg
「 𝟷:𝟸𝟼𝚙𝚖 」 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚞𝚙; 𝚕.𝚓𝚗, 𝚗.𝚓𝚖 → 𝟷.𝟹𝚔
“Oh, my God, please stop teasing me.” You beg in a gasp, your fingers clenching so tightly around the fistful of bedsheets that it almost hurts. Jaemin looks up at you, mouth and chin glistening with the wetness of your arousal, and makes a big show of licking his lips. He’s been edging you all afternoon, lips, teeth, and tongue so expertly navigating your core and winding you up in the best ways possible.
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545 notes • Posted 2021-02-07 09:43:35 GMT (note: so far 3/6 of my biases have appeared in my top posts.......inchresting)
anonymous asked: I want Mark to play with my 🐱 soooo bad 😣😣😣 kiss it a bit too? I want his mouth on my heat 🥺
“stay still,” he mumbles into your core, and you squirm once more, giggling nervously. “yo–stop moving,” he grunts, half-amused, half-annoyed as he pins your hips down roughly. your breath cuts off suddenly, stunned into momentary submission at his act of dominance. your succession of power doesn’t go unnoticed by mark, who looks up at you curiously, a dangerous little smirk curling his lips. “you liked that?” at your silence, he nips your inner thigh to get your attention, and you yelp, glaring down at him petulantly. “i asked you a question.”
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680 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 07:53:29 GMT (note: i have reason to believe this was also 👄 anon but i could be wrong...but i don't think i am... if it is her then she is 2/5 of my top posts love this for us... so far 3/5 of my top posts are mark-centric...love that)
𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. – 𝐣.𝐣𝐡, 𝐥.𝐣𝐧
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summary. you'd realized fairly early on that there's something very slightly different about jeno and jaehyun; not bad, just...nothing you've ever known before. you do your best not to think about it and not to think about them, but it's getting harder and harder to keep your mind off of the two most coveted frat boys on campus, especially as they make it clearer and clearer that you're the only one they want... and that they always get what they want. between jeno's pointed teasing and jaehyun's gentler goading, it's obvious that they've put self-serving targets on your back. jeong jaehyun and lee jeno are nothing if not notorious for their aim. (creds to @/gohyuck​ aka raya my beloved for this incredible summary)
pairing. lee jeno x reader x jeong jaehyun
genre. smut, mild humor
word count. 27.1k (one day….i will atone for my sins)
contents & warnings. explicit smut (somewhat soft dom!jaehyun, somewhat hard dom!jeno, sub!reader, public groping, fingering, oral (receiving), overstimulation, unprotected sex, daddy kink, breeding kink, praise kink, nipple/breast play (receiving), lots of dirty talking), brief mentions of drugs and alcohol, and there’s, like, one creep who objectifies the reader
author’s note. just a note that, because jeno and jaehyun are incubi, their seduction techniques may come across as mildly predatory at times. there are elements of dubcon in this story, so please take note of this if you plan to read! (the dubcon scene in question is mild and becomes actual consent quickly, if that’s any consolation!!) i hope you enjoy, and please, please, please, let me know if you liked it!
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3888 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 01:48:29 GMT (note: ahh...fiending... this was my first time ever indulging in my dc kink which i'm usually way more private abt... and i remember how Against It some of y'all were 😬 ngl that wasn't the first fic i've posted w that element (although i wasn't fully aware i was doing it the first couple of times) and? it will not be the last 😌 it's hot sorry not sorry 💖 anyway . also i didn't notice that i posted fiending right before jeno's bday so. a win for me ig 💖 also bc i feel like most ppl aren't reading this post, i'm making a small "secret" announcement... the fic i'm working on is... another... fivesome fic... did i mention this already? i don't think i did... hehe... anyway... out of my top 5 posts from this year, 4/6 of my biases were featured... apologies to hyuck and jungwoo but tbh i'm making it up to them bc the fic i'm working on rn is like . about them hehe)
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
(note: much much love to everyone who's been so sweet and loving to me this year!! i really appreciate everyone who's been so supportive of me, like, finding my voice more this year? i feel like i've def grown a lot like i'm way more likely to speak up for myself which i rly like :D like it sounds cheesy kinda but i rly have like . lowkey matured as a person this year :D anyway i'll stop rambling thank you for being wonderful and making this fun for me!!)
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nice-kill-tanaka · 4 years
🌄Karasuno 3rd Years + Confessions🌌
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A/N: lowkey, these turned into crush scenarios too 😭can’t blame me for getting carried away. these beautiful boys are too perfect ❤️
🎋Daichi Sawamura🎋
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If I'm being honest? Daichi would probably take an agonizingly long time to realize and act on his feelings for you
My dude literally never noticed Michimiya's feelings for him, so do you really expect him to be that in touch with his own feelings?? Nah, he's too busy parenting approximately ten teammates (eleven if you count Suga in his more chaotic moments)
He would have to have known you for more than three months for a crush to form
And even more time after that to get it through his thick skull that what he’s feeling isn’t just immense respect for you
But, once Daichi realizes that he wants to date you, he’s gonna be very careful about his approach. I.e. presenting himself as boyfriend material rather than friend material
Offering to walk you home, giving you moral support with your hobbies, hell, even making you lunch once every few days!
In his head, he’s got his official confession all planned out:
He’d take you on a walk around town (Or a jog, depending on your athletic prowess)
And at the end of said activity, you’d both stop at a place where you can see a beautiful sunset. And you would sit there while you cooled down
Dude brought snacks and everything 😪
And while you guys ate and talked about whatever, he would find a good stall in the conversation to explain his feelings
“You know...I’ve liked you for good while. You’re everything I never knew I needed in my life. If you don’t feel the same way, we can keep being friends and that’ll be fine. But, I want to be closer to you. So...how does a date sound...?”
However, if you decide to confess first, sure he’ll look fine on the outside. But, his train of thought just had a literal catastrophic crash
He wanted to be the one to make the first move
Wait...his crush on you was reciprocated??
He’ll snap out of his surprised stupor when you ask if he wants to go out and watch a movie at some point
“...Hm? Oh- yeah! I’d...I’d love to go out with you.”
🍄Koushi Sugawara🍄
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I honestly think it would be SO HARD to tell if Suga had a crush on you
You can’t go off of his regular acts of sweetness, since he’s that way towards everyone
But, there will be a change in his behavior. You just have to be observant
First, he’s still gonna make sure you’re taking care of yourself on a regular basis. However, instead of the situation looking like a parent scolding a child for not taking their vitamins or whatever, he gets on your level and lets you know he genuinely cares about you and wants to see you healthy. Lots of soft looks and touches 🤧
And y’know how Suga gets a bit flustered when people praise him? Amp that up about fivefold when it’s you that’s praising him. He’ll say “Oh- really?!” with that cute little voice crack and get incredibly red over your compliment. But, his friendly crooked smile is what usually makes those moments fly under your radar
Lastly, he’ll want to involve you in a lot of his mischief-making with the underclassmen (You’d have to be close to the team to really get in good with Suga). If he feels comfortable enough around you to not act so responsible, he’ll show you the “tequila” part of his “tequila aunt” reputation real quick
I feel like if he wanted to confess to you, he’d want you to feel as comfortable as possible before dropping the bombshell of feelings
He’ll ask if you want to hang out at his place on a Friday or something when you both have no homework
And it’s agreed that you’ll bring the snacks, and he’ll set up the place with every blanket and pillow in existence
Surprise! It’s a movie night! (A Pixar movie night to be exact)
It’s in the middle of watching Wall-E, when the lights are dimmed low and you both are sharing a blanket and a bag of chips, when he tells you
After his small speech, he goes: “...So, what do ya say, Eva? Let me be your Wall-E...?”
Ofc you said yes (With an asterisks because of how adorably corny he was about it)
🐻Asahi Azumane🐻
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Two seconds in, and I can already tell this wreck is gonna need some help expressing his feelings for you 💀
The moment he gets that warm and fuzzy sensation in the pit of his stomach when you give him your perfectly imperfect smile, he probably assumes that you’d never date someone like him. Someone who hardly lives up to the big tough guy image people seem to pin on him 
Either that, or you’re just plain scared of him and too afraid to say something about it
Suga and Daichi try their darnedest to explain that Asahi’s worries are not the case at all. And if Asahi just pulled his head out of the sand for once and told you the truth, that you’d at least understand and react respectfully
But, doing so can be tricky when anxiety is kicking your butt over the worst case scenario
Really and truly, you would’ve confessed to Asahi, had he not given you the impression that he never wanted to be around you. He’d always get so visibly nervous around you and make a sad excuse to leave the room
“So, what to do about this stalemate of love?” Thought Suga and Daichi in this most perplexing dilemma. You and Asahi both clearly liked each other, but what would give you two that nudge you needed?
Well, it took a lot of consideration, but Suga and Daichi decided that they needed to bring in someone else: Yuu Nishinoya, to be exact. Appealing to Asahi’s fear of his crush being exposed without being able to properly explain his feelings would definitely work
And it did! Asahi was so terrified of Noya bluntly outing him, that he promised to confess to you by 2:00 tomorrow. No later
Well, come tomorrow, it seemed Asahi was stalling for time, letting his fears get the better of him. But, he managed to catch you in the hallway at exactly 1:59
Asahi showed himself friendly, trying to drum up small talk before dropping the big thing. And you blushed and went along with it, unaware of what was about to happen. Before the big moment, Asahi stumbled over his words:
“I uh...well, you see- I just, y’know, wanted to...to tell you that I- well...I may or may not-”
“Asahi’s got a big fat crush on you and he’s been too big of a chicken to say it for the whole year!”
Asahi tried to hide his face in his hands while your body was internally burning up. Gee, thanks Noya
In your embarrassment, you stepped forward and took Asahi’s hand, asking if Noya was right. Asahi gave a quiet “Yeah...you’re amazing. How could I not like you?”
Romance bloomed that day between you two, and Suga and Daichi were just around the corner snickering about it
[🌌Take this for your travels, bud. Don’t worry about paying me or anything, everything’s on the house! Though 🍁likes🍁 and ☘️reblogs☘️ are appreciated!🌄] — Reagan
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daegall · 2 years
i’m so sorry for going m.i.a. for so long 😭😭😭 i was really busy for a really long time BUT!!! now i’m sort of back-ish!!!!
and the first thing i did when i reopened this dusty app is check your page :”)
here’s a question for you! (since i’m so behind anyway)
what are your five favourite pieces of writing this year? (it can be a work you’re proud of, or a work that was really popular etc)
here’s to greater appreciation for senpai’s work and amazing bubbly personality 🍻🍻
GGASSPSPP!! MY LOVE HI OMG HOW ARE YOU? ITS SO GREAT TO SEE YOU AGAIN ^^ tysm for coming back to check on me <3 it's okay to be mia for a while!! social media can be tiring and we all have our own irl things :))
not much has happened on my page really, just a few drabbles, and another fic due to my hyuck brainrot HAHA
hmm,,, 5 favorite works of this year? not sure if you're gonna read them but if you do, please enjoy!!
number 66's guide 2 love! ; baseball player (bff)!hyuckx reader, baseball!au, fluff, slight angst, slight crack, slow burn, bff2l!au, some pining i think?, 15.5k words (def my fave of the year so far ^^ 15.5k worth of words that i am actually proud of?! sunny what)
[23:37] ; fluff, friends to lovers!AU, roommates!AU, slight college!AU, 980 words (absolutely FLOPPED but one of my faves ^^ sharks + hyuck? yes pls)
[09:00] ; best friend!hyuck x reader, angst, 505 words (v angsty idk why i was feeling so angsty LOL)
[22:25] ; boyfriend!hyuck x reader, angst, hurt comfort, fluff, 563 words (also angsty wtf i did not realize)
,,, truth or dare? ;  fluff, crack, friends to lovers! au, fake dating! au, 18.1k words (GASPSPS i knwo yeah i thought i hated the fic but after like . 2 months i reread it and realized ?? it wasnt as bad as i thought??? it just needs a bit of editing)
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jean----ralphio · 4 years
Episode 1 is under the cut!
Warning, I swear a lot... and am very in love with RSJ so a lot of this was just me pointing at the screen and screaming RICH and then remembering you can’t see me so writing it down...
Episode 1: Curahee! Curaahhee? Curraahhee? I can’t spell so I’m renaming it Ross is a punk bitch
Buckle up my babies, this will be a carcrash!
00:01 Here we fucking go aw yis
00:11 Aw who’s this? I wish they named the gentlemen at the start of the episodes, I wanna know who is who :s
00:25 Shifty, is that you my angel son?
00:41 OMG you guys… these men are breaking my heart </3
01:06 Lord, men were committing suicide because they couldn’t go to fight? That mentality… man. Oh my God, you angels. Babies.
01:36 No jokes allowed, every man is <3
01:40 Now that I’m humbled and we’re all well and truly miserable…the credits, ugh, my heart. The score is amaziiiing. Some of the footage is actual war-time footage, I read, which is a brilliant touch.
02:01 DICK <3
02:27 JFC this music makes me so emotional. Look there’s Matthew Settle’s face. That makes me emotional too
02:48 Ah it’s Roe <3
03:48 I’m trying to pick them all out in the line-up but I can’t tell who is who. Are we supposed to be able to? There’s a short one in the middle, is that Harry?
03:49 I’m not drunk enough to handle this
04:10 Upottery? Ah it’s so English I love it. That’s not a name! Wtf is up with English place-names, you guys have the weirdest names. Upottery? Seriously? Is it only potters that live there? I’m so confused
04:22 Close up of Roe! Perfect. I approve.
04:32 Is that the guy from Line of Duty? I think it is
04:39 Lip <3
04:44 Ew. GTFO Cobb. He doesn’t even go here
04:47 IS THAT RICH? RICH. ILY. ILY RICH. Please note that 94% of this will be a Rich-watch
04:53 Lieb stop. I am sure you are not a certified hairdresser
04:56 RICH. SMOKING. SMOKING RICH. More like smoking hot do you see what I did there?
05:20 I can categorically say that I love Joe Toye. I do. I love him. But every time I see Kirk Acevedo, all I think of is Charlie my baby from Fringe (awesome show, please watch it). And I just. Charlieee <3
05:39 Aw. They’re so sad
05:55 They’re so despondent. Guys. It’s fine
06:05 Fassy?? FASSY!!
06:18 God Damien is pretty
06:25 Nix that’s not how you flirt
06:57 Lol at Dick noting its happy hour. Thinking about taking Nix on a date, are we? I bet you are. Now THAT is how you flirt!
07:24 OMG the fucking flirting! GUYS. “And give up all this?” NIX SAYS AS HE CHECKS HIM OUT
07:37 Yeah, Nix, you’ll take him ‘to Chicago’ huh? Is that what they call it nowadays.
07:44 Do you want to be that cigarette? ‘Cos there is nothing heterosexual about that lingering look, Dick
08:18 ‘Murica time
08:25 Ross, fuck off. Nice jacket though. “You PEOPLE are at the position of attention” ugh GTFO. Dick’s sideye tho lol
08:52 NGL Ross does a great job at being super unlikeable
09:05 Noooo you don’t want it with Johnny Martin. You wont win. Yeah, walk away Ross
09:15 Careful around Lip too, or Speirs will materialize out of thin air and snap your neck
09:33 RICH. Don’t be scared of that douchebag, baby
09:43 What kind of question is that, there is nothing Lieb wants more!
09:50 It’s weird hearing Ross swear tho
10:26 Don’t argue with Johnny, baby. Also Roe OMG <3 Shane is freaking fit
10:43 Wow Lip is ripped
10:48 Oh no, poor baby. Lip leave him be ☹ </3
11:10 LOL I just noticed the drum by the door. It says ‘butts’ and it took me a seconds to realise it was for cigarettes. I am an adult (31-year-old married woman). I’ll laugh at the word butts if I want.
11:11 RICH
11:18 Lieb omg lol
11:52 I can’t take Ross seriously in those shorts. Hi-ho GTFO
12:07 Ew fuck off running up that, I’d just nope out like nah babe imma go chill with that sweet baby back in the butts cabin
12:18 Aw Dick <3 The juxtaposition of Dick as a leader compared to Sobel who sure he might be honing them into something formidable and skilled but he’s an asshole. He’s not a leader. He’s a bullying, abusive scumbag. Dick is an actual leader who protects them and supports them and encourages them and IHAVEALOTOFFEELINGSOK
12:43 You don’t deserve that sick jacket, Ross. Seriously. That is a boss jacket, I want it
13:04 Have they not stopped fucking working out all this time? Ugh
13:23 Oh good, Dick gets a boss jacket too. He deserves it.
13:30 I wish people had to ask me for permission to speak.
13:53 I just. He. I can’t with Dick Winters, you guys. I cannot. I have lost the ability to can. Like they’re so upset and tired and low and just with that little joke he boosts their morale back up from where Sobel fucking beat it down into the mud and makes everything lighter and they laugh and are less tense and I just. Fucking love you, Dick.
14:00 Is that my angel son? I see you Shifty, love you baby
14:07 Oh my God, address them yourself you weirdo, Ross. They’re right there, you’re right there! I had a colleague that used to do the same, would get me to speak to my employees for her when they were right there in front of her like… ‘can you tell x to do y for me pls…’ … I was like wtf you know you CAN talk to them… you won’t catch poor just by speaking to people lower down the pecking order
14:22 Fassy! Wtf they’re not supposed to drink? Dehydration is legit one of the most dangerous things, how tf can you turn them into high-key supersoldiers if they’re dehydrated? How is this man so dumb? The guy in front of Fassy tho omg. I bet Fassy’s boss wife Alicia Vikander won’t like her husband being treated that way… she’s so badass tho right?
14:26 He’s so dramatic! Ugh
15:11 Piss off omg
15:24 oh my DVD flipped its shit here, only picked back up at 16:30 don’t @ me
17:21 Shifty my angel son
17:46 so sweet
18:04 Sink, babe, no he is the worst, stop
18:20 LOL no, he’s jel as fuck babe
18:32 NO FUN ALLOWED. Im sorry, that tie is so ugly
18:44 Simon Pegg??!!
18:51 Ross is so dramatic God shut up. it’s not a conspiracy, weirdo
19:10 “It’s a can of peaces, sir.” Iconic.
19:11 Dick’s tiny smile is equally iconic.
19:44 He wants to be punched, I think, like he’s goading them. The sick fuck.
21:02 ROE <3
21:31 Hoobler, aw <3
21:37 I warned you not to trust him, boys
21:54 Ah boys, oh no
22:04 RICH. Kick him, baby
22:17 Bull, punch him, seriously
22:24 Oh Luz <3
22:26 Yeah GTFO, suck it, bitch
23:06 Who is this? Fella’s hot
24:19 Suck it, Ross
24:30 Real footage?
24:41 Lol you suck Ross
25:26 Bill omg
25:45 Perco, baby, no. don’t talk to Johnny Martin. Don’t look at Johnny Martin. Don’t so much as think about Johnny Martin. He will fuck you up with his gaze alone, baby
25:56 Ah Luz
26:06 OK. That’s hot. Joe/Charlie don’t be hot. It confuses me
26:42 Winnix being husbands in the corner
27:42 YOU’RE in the wrong position, dumbass, it’s no one else’s fault
27:46 Dick’s come to save the day
27:56 Ross knows nothing omg
28:05 RICH. Even my Rich is confused, Ross, you dweeb
28:20 Lol at Dick dropping down ready for a fight
28:36 Fassy isn’t happy. That means Alicia Vikander is coming for you. Joe/Charlie is definitely not happy. Lip is upset. Think about your life, Ross, think about your choices. You know you’ve failed when Roe is judging you
28:57 Nix is like lol where tf is the alcohol tho
28:59 Harry! Harry is here! But yes, baby, you’re interrupting the husband’s foreplay, leave immediately
30:00 Lol at the Nix vs Ross staredown. Nix won
30:33 Do it, Lieb. Drop the grenade. Just don’t upset my angel son Shifty
30:40 He is a literal angel. Don’t corrupt him Lieb
30:59 Nix is having another crack at flirting. “Going my way” so suave omg. Omg stop. No wait don’t
31:09 “I’m not the intelligence officer.” Neither is Nix half the time babe let’s be fair
31:14 “If I told you I’d have to kill you.” Nix is getting better at flirting! He’s been attending flirting 101 classes it seems
31:40 They’re legit such husbands prove me wrong
32:00 He’s not joking, Dick
32:06 Harry’s like oh yay yes please
32:11 Lol Nix
33:03 Ugh. Men. I feel like that hold smells so bad.
33:09 RICH. Naw, Rich is sad he’s missing out on the flamingos.
33:32 Joe/Charlie you deserve a day to commemorate you tbh. I love you.
33:46 “My brother’s in North Africa, he says it’s hot.” Bill is iconic.
34:34 Lieb, honey, don’t, please
34:49 I feel you, random hot guy. Tipper?
35:05 Eyyy this place is nice, let’s all move there.
35:17 Shifty, my angel son, my baby <3
35:26 Yay, Harry gets a boss jacket too!
36:22 Mum and Dad of Easy. I’m low-key living for Lip’s little worried faces.
36:38 The fence is there, Ross, because you’re so fucking dumb
36:51 Guys, look, cows
37:06 He’s fucking useless. Hi Simon Pegg.
37:22 RICH
37:25 This whole scene gives me life and waters my crop
37:42 Poor Tip is so done
37:58 Simon Pegg is so confused
38:04 Good job, Tipper, I’m proud of you and your pretty face
38:10 Iconic
38:15 Keep it together Tip
38:54 The hand signals, no, I’d be like BABY. WHAT. I CAN’T UNDERSTAND YOU WTF. I’d last like a millisecond in the military lmao. Does my country even have one? Tbh probably not. Us Kiwis are too chill, cbf’ed with anything. Too busy watching rugby, drinking, and sulking that we can’t afford houses cos our housing market is fucked. But at least we beat Covid *shrugs*
39:06 ILY, old guy. You are the best thing in this episode, aside from Rich
39:22 But wait, there’s more weird Americans hopping out yo’ bushes
39:26 “Bloody hell!” Mood
39:47 “You’ve done it now, yanks, you’ve captured me!” He is such a mood. I love him.
39:54 FUCK OFF ROSS. “Would that be the enemy?” “As a matter of fact, yes.” DICK IS SO VALID I LOVE HIM THIS IS ICONIC.
40:25 Be free, moo-cows
41:00 Guys imma be straight with you. I’m on my third whiskey lmao.
41:10 Simon Pegg, please refrain from being a douchebag. Leave Dick and his husband to flirt in peace.
41:23 I love how Nix is like instantly suspicious. He knows.
41:39 Worried husband
41:45 “Misspelled court-marital.” Iconic
42:14 Ross, why you lying? So threatened and jel that you gotta lie omg.
42:50 God Damien is freaking hot. Guys.
42:57 Punk bitch Ross.
43:22 Dick is so BDE. It’s fucking hot.
43:30 Ross is shooketh tbh. Punk bitch.
43:50 That underbite must have hurt FJH a lot omg so committed.
44:02 Hey Lip <3
44:09 Johnny Martin has absolute BDE
44:22 God they’re willing to be killed just to not follow Ross. Same tbh.
44:57 This whole scene is BDE.
46:00 But Sink has the most BDE let’s be honest
46:44 The respect for Dick. Even after what they just went through. I AM EMOTIONAL.
46:58 He’s so worried like omg what have my troublesome sons done now
48:09 Weak
48:24 Yeah, fuck off back to ‘Murica
48:34 Legit, can we acknowledge Ross did a great job (the actor). Really really well done, one of the best performances on the series tbh.
50:06 Dick just wanders about a lot on his own, huh?
50:50 What? What? I understand nothing of what the cockney guy is saying.
50:55 Me too, Hoob, the fuck.
52:19 “Never put yourself in a position where you can take from these men.” Don’t omg I can’t, Dick, I’m weak, I can’t deal with these fucking feelings.
52:36 DAFUQ
52:40 OHHHH I get it. Right. Dick, you’re so smart. It’s a little sad they have to do all that just to get some answers and guidance but tbh it’s probably fair? Gotta be top secret so punk bitches like Ross can’t screw things up.
53:30 Hey Nix. Speak French to me any day.
53:48 Unf.
54:08 LMAO Lieb, how many cigarettes do you need!
54:10 NGL I paused here for a little while.
55:05 We could ALL use some brass knuckles, Joe/Charlie. Mood.
55:25 LOL Lieb is so nosy.
56:15 Oh no
57:00 Luz LMAO
57:10 Oh babies
57:13 Bill LMAO that’s not ice cream, yuck it looks like soup
57:28 God. All that effort. Not just logistically but emotionally, mentally, psychologically, to prepare, just to have it put off. Fuck.
57:38 That movie again. Poor boys.
57:47 That’s actually a really smart move, Johnny.
58:41 Oh no. I would lose it completely. Oh Bill </3
59:11 Naw, Dick dawdling around again
1:00:48 NOOO I CAN’T aw Bill
1:01:09 Naww
1:01:16 RIIIIICH
1:01:20 It’s like they’re kiddies on a field trip and Dick is the teacher wrangling them lol
1:01:47 Lol their crap is so heavy Dick has to help pull them up. That’s actually really sweet.
1:01:51 I wish I could hold Rich’s hand
1:02:19 LMAO at them having to shove each other into the plane
1:02:23 That look between him and Roe. Ugh. Like. You two gotta take care of your boys together. Brotp
1:03:22 Can someone explain the block on that guy’s helmet to me?
1:03:55 I’m sad. And scared. This series is so confronting. I’ve watched in annually since I was like 16 and I’m still so nervous for them.
1:05:37 Rich, I see you! I recognized his chin lmao
1:06:16 God, Dick be careful
1:10:00 This show. The feels. Every time.
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dlwritings · 4 years
Supernatural Minds | Sam Winchester
general masterlist found here
pairing - Sam x BAU!reader word count - 6,006 (*John Mulaney voice* Holy shit, right?) warnings - language, themes from Supernatural and Criminal Minds
(A/N) - I don’t know wtf happened in my brain but apparently I needed a Supernatural x Criminal Minds crossover
summary - Jody Mills calls her friend at the BAU to help crack a serial killer case. Sam and Dean think it’s impossible to profile a werewolf. So who’s right about the bad guy? The FBI or the hunters?
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(Y/N) was sitting on her bed in her pajamas, watching a movie and inhaling popcorn when suddenly, her phone rang. She paused her movie and checked the caller ID, smiling when the name Jody Mills flashed across the screen. “Well hey there, sheriff,” she said. “It’s been too long.”
“I wish I was calling for pleasantries,” Jody said.
“Ah I knew you were just using me for my federal perks,” she teased. “What’s up?”
“My chief of police already sent files to your office,” she said. “We’ve got something pretty messed up over here.”
(Y/N) sat up a little straighter. “What kind of messed up are we talking?”
Jody sighed. “Remember the first case of yours you ever told me about?”
She scoffed. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
“The man who used his son to kill women,” she said. “And he’d-”
“Cut out their hearts,” (Y/N) finished, shuddering. “Yeah. I remember.”
Jody sighed again. “It’s sounding a lot like that.” (Y/N) sighed in response and rubbed her forehead with her hand.
“Thanks for the heads up,” she said. “I’m sure JJ’ll brief us tomorrow. So I guess I’ll be seeing you soon.”
“I wish it was under better circumstances,” Jody said.
“Tell you what,” (Y/N) said, “after we solve the case, you can cook me some dinner.”
Jody laughed. “Deal.”
The next day, as (Y/N) expected, JJ called everyone into the conference room to give a rundown of the case Jody had sent. “Sioux Falls, South Dakota,” she said, handing everyone a copy of the file. “They’ve had four murders in the past four weeks. They’ve all been women in their 30s, single.”
“Any connection between the victims?” Morgan asked.
“All classic blonde haired beauties,” JJ said. “They were all last seen entering their homes, but no one noticed them leave. No forced entry into any home indicates they left with the unsub voluntarily.”
“How are we sure it’s the same killer?” Prentiss asked.
“They’ve all been dumped in the exact same spot,” JJ said. “An abandoned salvage yard.”
“Anything else?” Morgan asked.
“Yeah,�� JJ said, switching the screen to photos of the bodies. “There’s this too.”
“What is-”
“Every victim was missing their heart,” JJ said, cutting Morgan off.
Everyone sighed, and (Y/N) dropped the file on the table and put her head in her hands. “Alright,” Hotch said. “Wheels up in 30.”
On the plane, (Y/N) sat next to Morgan as she continued looking over the case file. “You’re from Sioux Falls, right?” he asked her.
“Yeah,” she said. “The sheriff who asked for our help’s an old friend. I haven’t been back in a while though.”
“You looking forward to it?” Morgan asked.
“What, to investigating a violent crime scene?” she quipped.
Morgan chuckled. “You know what I mean.”
She shrugged. “Not exactly a lot of happy memories there.” Morgan nodded and dropped the subject.
“Alright, let’s brief,” JJ said. “What have we got?”
“The unsub’s able to coerce the victims into leaving their homes with no force,” (Y/N) said.
“There are no signs that sexual assault takes place before he cuts their hearts out and dumps them at the salvage yard,” Morgan added.
“The precision with which he cuts the hearts out implies he’s some sort of doctor,” Reid said.
“Are we looking at a psychotic break?” Prentiss asked.
“Maybe,” Reid said. “The hearts most likely mean something. They’re his trophies, but he’s trying to make a statement.”
“A brokenhearted man?” (Y/N) offered.
Morgan scoffed. “With a seriously messed up way of coping.”
They landed in South Dakota and made their way to the crime scene. As soon as they arrived, (Y/N) spotted Jody. She excused herself from the rest of the group and jogged over to her. Jody welcomed her with open arms. “It’s been too long,” (Y/N) said.
“You’re telling me,” Jody said. “I hardly recognize you.”
“Shut up,” she laughed. “It hasn’t been that long.”
Jody chuckled and looked over (Y/N)’s shoulder just as the rest of the team joined them. “Jody, these are my colleagues-” She motioned to everyone respectively. “-SSAs Hotchner, Morgan, Prentiss, Jareau, Gideon, and Dr. Reid.” Jody shook everyone’s hands.
“Thank you all for coming out,” she said. “We don’t get a lot of serial killers in this area, so we’re feeling a little in over our heads.” JJ went to speak with the chief of police while Jody showed the rest of them the bodies.
“This is Bobby Singer’s place, right?” (Y/N) asked.
“Was,” Jody said. “Bobby died about, oh, eight years ago now.”
“Who found the bodies?” Gideon asked.
“A local teen boy,” she said. “This place has become a pretty popular smoking site for teens after Bobby left it.”
“What else can you tell us?” Morgan asked.
“Laine-” Jody pointed to the body closest to (Y/N). “-was the first victim. Alyssa went missing the following week, then Rachel, and finally, Tara.” Jody sighed. “None of them older than 35. All real nice girls. They’ve lived in the town their whole lives.”
“Were you able to discern when the bodies were dropped?” Reid asked. “Like what time or what day?”
“The boy who found the bodies is a good boy,” she said. “Charlie Miller. He and his friends come out here to smoke so their parents don’t bust ‘em. Still, like I said, he’s a good boy. He said they were here Thursday night, left around 1:00 in the morning. Charlie realized he left his wallet, so he came back the next morning. He got here about 7:30 on his way to school. That was when he found the body.”
“So this guy’s dumping them in the dead of night,” (Y/N) said.
“Did Charlie and his friends not notice the other bodies every other time they’ve been here?” Morgan asked.
“That’s one of the strange things,” Jody said. “All the other bodies were covered by a tarp. This one wasn’t.”
“So he’s getting sloppy?” Prentiss said. “Maybe he was in a hurry?"
“This kind of unsub doesn’t get sloppy,” Gideon said. “Something scared him. He had to run.”
“You think he almost got caught?” Jody asked.
“I’m thinking we need to talk to Charlie again,” Gideon said. “He might’ve seen more than he let on.”
Sam and Dean arrived at the scene, ready to flash their badges. They passed the yellow tape and saw Jody. Sam called her name, and everyone Jody was with turned to look in their direction. “Feds?” Dean asked his brother.
“Real feds,” Sam emphasized.
“What the hell’s going on here?” Dean mumbled. Jody met the boys halfway, leading them away from the group of suits. She greeted them with hugs.
“What the hell are you two doing here?” she asked.
“Claire called,” Dean said. “Heard you got a werewolf.”
Jody sighed. “I told her, it’s not a werewolf.”
“She said the victims are all missing hearts,” Sam said.
“But they weren’t ripped out,” Jody said.
“What are you talking about?” Dean asked. Jody huffed and rolled her eyes.
“You see those people over there?” she said. “That’s the real FBI. So who are you guys pretending to be today?” Dean mumbled something Jody didn’t catch. “Don’t mumble,” Jody scolded somewhat playfully.
Dean sighed. “Agents Stark and Banner.”
Jody shook her head in disbelief. “These guys are with the BAU.”
“BAU?” Sam repeated.
“Behavior Analysis Unit,” Jody said. “Their entire job is to profile people. They’ll be able to smell the fake FBI on you.”
“Then who do you want us to be?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know,” Jody said. “I’ll just call you some experts.”
They all walked over to the feds, and Jody introduced them, not bothering with fake names. The boys both crouched down beside the most recent body and examined the wounds. Jody kept the BAU busy. “Maybe she’s right,” Sam said. “Maybe it’s not our thing.”
“Come on, man,” Dean said. “Missing hearts? This is classic werewolf.”
“I’ve never seen a werewolf take the time to carve out the heart,” Sam argued.
“Explain the cattle mutilations,” Dean said. “Those were all missing hearts too.” Sam sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked over at Jody and the BAU. He noticed one of the agents staring in their direction. “What are you thinking?” Dean asked, snapping Sam out of his thoughts. Sam looked at his brother and sighed.
“You’re not gonna like it,” Sam said. Dean just raised his eyebrows. “Hearing what the BAU is thinking would be helpful.”
“You want to work with actual feds?” Dean asked. “They’ve got sticks so far up their asses, they’ll never let us in.”
“If Jody says-”
“Doesn’t matter what Jody says,” Dean said. “If we even utter the word werewolf-”
“Maybe we don’t have to say it,” Sam said. “We can still listen to their profile and figure the rest out on our own.” Dean sighed, looked at Sam for another moment, then looked back over at Jody and called her over. She held up a finger to the people in the BAU and walked back over to the boys. “Is there any way you can convince them to let us in on this?” Sam asked her.
“Suddenly you boys want to hunt serial killers?” Jody asked with raised eyebrows.
“Sam’s always been a sick fan of true crime,” Dean said to which Sam rolled his eyes.
“Dean still thinks it’s a werewolf,” Sam said, “and if he’s right, your agents aren’t going to have a clue what to do once they find him.” Jody looked at both boys before letting out another sigh.
“If this gets me fired,” she said, “it’s on both of your asses.”
When Jody walked back over to the BAU with both of the boys, (Y/N) looked at them carefully. Brothers. The one Jody introduced as Dean was older. The eye contact Sam made with the rest of the team implied his people skills were better than his brother’s. Their hands -visibly rough- meant they frequented hand-to-hand combat, which was somewhat uncommon for agents of any kind. Neither of them had holsters with a gun, so (Y/N) assumed they kept them in the back of their pants, if they were armed at all. Every agent she knew kept it in a holster when they were on the job. To her, and she was sure the rest of the team, these boys didn’t have any federal qualifications. So why the hell was Jody vouching for them? And what kind of experts were they?
While Jody was talking with the men, the team had been talking and creating a profile. “Jody, tell your chief we’re ready to give a profile,” (Y/N) told her. “We’ll regroup at the station.”
Once at the station, the BAU got the attention of the police officers. “Your unsub is a white male in his 30s,” Hotch said.
“He’s handsome,” Prentiss said, “and probably charming.”
“The women go with him willingly,” (Y/N) said. “There are no defense wounds on any of the victims.”
“All of the women were found with midazolam in their system,” Reid said. “That along with the precision of the cuts on the chest indicate he works in some sort of hospital. He has the skills and access to tools and medication.”
“The use of midazolam means his victims are awake while he’s removing their hearts,” Morgan said. “Midazolam is a sedative. It’s used to keep them drowsy, but still awake.”
“There’s no sexual component to these crimes,” Gideon said, “which means it’s more likely he’s trying to make a point. It might just be the sickest way this guy knows to make it.”
“We think he’s suffering from some form of borderline personality disorder,” Reid said. “So he thinks all relationships revolve around him. Looking at him, you wouldn’t notice anything odd about him.”
“Like we said,” Prentiss added, “charming. Only those who know him well would see any of the symptoms: intense bouts of drinking, anger, depression.”
“Sounds like you,” Sam muttered to Dean. Dean elbowed him in the ribs as Jody slapped the back of his head.
“Focus,” Jody said. Hotch dismissed everyone, and (Y/N) kept eyeing Jody and the Winchesters. Winchester. Something about the name wasn’t sitting right with (Y/N). She separated from the rest of the group and found herself calling Penelope.
“She who seeks the Queen of All Knowledge,” Garcia said, “speak and be recognized.”
“Can you keep a secret?” (Y/N) asked.
“Uh, not happily,” she said.
“I need you to look up some names for me,” (Y/N) said.
“And why is that a secret?” she asked.
“It’s not exactly part of the case,” she answered. “I just need you to jog my memory.”
“Alright,” she said. “Who are they?”
“Sam and Dean Winchester.”
“On it,” Garcia said. (Y/N) could hear her clicking away, and before she knew it, she spoke. “Brothers. Um, both died in 2012. Extensive criminal record. They were on our most wanted list when they were alive. Credit card fraud, breaking and entering, grave desecration, arson, grand theft auto, murder, kidnapping, assaulting an officer, and impersonation. Seems like they were bad news.”
“Right,” (Y/N) said with a nod. “Thanks. You’re the best, babe.”
“I know.”
The night came, and (Y/N) decided to leave the hotel the team was staying at to go pay Jody a visit. When she got there, she saw the lights on. She walked up to the door and lightly gripped her gun that was in her holster. She knocked on the door and waited for someone to come. As soon as the door opened and Sam answered, she pulled out her gun and held it up to him. Sam immediately put his hands up. “Step back,” she said. Sam did, and (Y/N) let herself into the house, keeping her gun aimed at Sam. “Jody!” she called.
Jody and Dean both came into the hallway then, and Jody’s eyes grew wide. “Okay, okay,” Jody said, slowly walking towards (Y/N). “Relax. Tell me what’s going on.”
“What’s going on,” she quipped, “is that this is Sam and Dean Winchester, and they died almost eight years ago. So what the hell are they doing in your house?”
“(Y/N), put your gun down,” Jody said. “I can explain everything.” She let her eyes flicker over to Jody before looking back at the giant of a man in front of her. Then she sighed and put her gun back in her holster. Sam put his hands down. “Can I get you a drink?” Jody said to her.
“I’m good,” she said.
“She’s gonna need a drink,” Dean said. She glared at him, but Jody must’ve agreed because she came back into the room and handed (Y/N) the beer.
“Okay,” (Y/N) said after taking a long drink of the beer. “What the hell’s happening?” Jody and Sam sighed, but Dean seemed unaffected.
“Your killer’s a werewolf.”
“Dean,” Sam scolded.
“What?” Dean said. “What better way is there to say it?”
(Y/N) just laughed. “You’re shitting me, right?” She looked at Jody. “Right?”
“Ten years ago, I would’ve said the same thing,” Jody said. “But then my son came back from the dead and killed my husband.”
“Came back from the dead?” (Y/N) repeated.
“Full on zombie action,” Dean said. (Y/N) drank another large gulp of her beer.
“Every monster you’ve ever heard of,” Sam said slowly, “what you were told as a kid? It’s all true. Werewolves, vampires, ghosts, demons, they’re all real.”
“And you think,” (Y/N) said, “that this guy cutting hearts out is a werewolf.”
“We’re not entirely sure,” Sam said. “Werewolves eat hearts, but they don’t usually cut them out so meticulously.”
“Then why do you think it’s a werewolf?” she asked. “I’ve seen killers cut out hearts before, and they weren’t werewolves.”
“There have also been several cattle mutilations in the area,” Sam said. “All found missing their hearts.”
“Werewolves can survive on animal hearts,” Dean said. “But they don’t prefer it.”
“So you think a werewolf suddenly lost his taste for cow hearts?” (Y/N) asked. “Caved to his true nature?”
“Could be,” Sam said.
“That still doesn’t explain the precision of the wounds,” she said, standing up from the couch now. She thought better when she paced. “You’re saying werewolves rip hearts out, right?” The boys and Jody nodded. “Then why does this werewolf exhibit so much restraint?”
Everyone was quiet for a moment as (Y/N) muttered softly to herself, thinking through the situation. “You believe us,” Sam observed. She stopped and turned to look at him. They were all studying her, and she sighed and sat back on the couch.
“My parents were murdered when I was 18,” she said. “You remember that, Jody?”
“Yeah,” Jody nodded. “I don’t remember the specifics, but-”
“They had small holes just under their ear,” (Y/N) continued, “and their brains-” She hesitated, drank some beer, and sighed. “Their brains had been sucked dry.” The boys looked at each other while (Y/N) continued to stare into space. “I spent my entire college career and now adult life studying people. Profiling killers and rapists and arsonists and pedophiles and-” She shook her head and finally looked up at the others. “-I have never once come across a person who had the ability to drain the brain out of another human. If you’re telling me monsters exist, then maybe I can make sense of what killed my parents.” Everyone was quiet, and Sam moved from his chair to sit next to her on the couch.
He cleared his throat. “It’s called a wraith.” She looked up at him, feeling tears in her eyes. “It’s, um, it’s a kind of monster that feeds on the liquid of the brain. They have spikes on their wrists that they inject in the victim to, to drain them.” She covered her mouth with her hand, and Sam hesitantly put his hand on her shoulder.
“Oh my god,” she breathed out. “Are you serious?”
“I’m sorry,” Sam said. Her breath shook as she tried not to cry.
“Holy shit,” she whispered, putting her head in her hands. “Shit.” Sam hesitantly moved his hand from her shoulder to her back and rubbed it gently. “Shit, this is crazy. This is insane. I can’t-” She tried to catch her breath. She was an agent. She could handle this.
She sat up and looked at everyone. “How do you kill a werewolf?” she asked.
“Okay, we don’t even know for sure that it is a werewolf,” Sam said.
“But if it is,” she said.
“Silver bullet,” Dean said.
“Where do you get a silver bullet?” she said.
“We’ve got a bit of an arsonal,” Dean said. She raised her eyebrows.
“So, is this just what you guys do?” she asked. “You just kill monsters?”
“Pretty much,” Sam said.
“It’s a thankless business,” Dean said, to which Sam rolled his eyes. (Y/N)’s phone rang suddenly, and she jumped and picked it up.
“You got something?” she asked Morgan as soon as she answered.
“Hotch and Reid reinterviewed the kid, Charlie,” Morgan said. “He said he actually saw the unsub dumping the body. He thinks the guy might’ve seen him.”
“So that’s what spooked him into running,” she deducted.
“There’s more,” he said. “We got two more victims.”
“Two?” she repeated, standing up from the couch again.
“Yeah,” he said. “Where are you?”
“With Sherif Mills,” she answered.
“Well, bring her too,” Morgan said. “You’ll want to see this.”
“Where are you?” she asked.
“Where Skunk Creek meets 469th,” he said.
“Be right there.”
(Y/N) hung up the phone with Morgan and looked at Jody, Sam, and Dean. “They found more bodies,” she said.
“Plural?” Jody said.
“That’s what he said,” she said. “Let’s go.” Sam and Dean stood up as well, and (Y/N) held her hand up to stop them. “I’m surprised none of the others have recognized you yet,” she said. “You were on the most wanted list for years. If they’ve caught on by now, you’ll be arrested on sight.”
“So what, you want us to stay here?” Dean asked.
“I don’t want you to,” she said, “I’m telling you to.”
“Listen,” Dean said, taking a step closer to her. She didn’t back down. “I know you think you know everything about killers, but profiling isn’t going to help when your killer is a werewolf.”
“I’m saving you from federal prison,” she said back. “You should be thanking me.” Dean looked like he was going to say something again, but Sam stopped him.
“Thank you,” Sam said. “We’d still like to help however we can.”
“I can send you pictures of the scene,” she said. “Would you be able to tell me if there are any-” She hesitated. “-werewolf signs?” Sam cracked a smile. She took note of his dimples right away and felt her cheeks warm.
“Yeah,” he said. “We can spot werewolf signs.” (Y/N) hadn’t realized she was grinning like an idiot until Jody gently nudged her.
“Let’s go girl,” she said to her.
“Right,” (Y/N) said. “Okay. Let’s go.”
As soon as they both got in the car-
“Don’t say it, Jody,” (Y/N) said.
“No matter how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other,” she said, “your heart-eyes face has not changed.”
“Oh my god,” (Y/N) said, rolling her eyes as Jody pulled out of the driveway.
“I’m just saying,” she said, smiling. “Sam’s a good guy. A lot of baggage, a bit of a temper, but-”
“You’re sure good at selling him,” she said back.
Jody laughed. “He’s a good guy, (Y/N). You could do a lot worse.”
She sighed. “Let’s just focus on stopping this, this werewolf serial killer.”
The dump site looked completely different than the salvage yard. One victim was a female, heart cut out just like the first. The other-
“Male, 30s,” Morgan said. “It looks like the heart was literally-”
“-ripped out of the chest,” (Y/N) finished. Morgan looked at her as she crouched beside the body, using her gloved hand to move some of the fabric of the guy’s shirt. She gave Jody a look, silently telling her to distract the others. She caught on and moved them away from the bodies so (Y/N) could snap some pictures. She had gotten Sam’s phone number from Jody in the car, so she sent them to Sam with the message, This the kind of thing you’re looking for?
She rejoined the group just as they were discussing the case. “What changed?” Prentiss asked. “Why two victims? And why are they killed so differently?”
“He could be devolving,” Reid offered.
“No,” Gideon said. “There’s no way the same unsub did these two killings.”
“He found a partner,” Hotch said.
“You’re saying there’s two suspects now?” Jody asked.
“Look at this,” Gideon said, walking over to the bodies again. “These attacks, the method is completely different. The original unsub used the same method. He took his time. Carved carefully. He still has a point to make. The new unsub, they’re motivated by rage. They don’t have the same amount of patience.”
“But look,” (Y/N) said, grabbing the arm of the newly mutilated victim, “the man was still injected.”
“The first unsub is still in charge of collecting the victims,” Morgan said. “He drugs them and brings them to the second unsub. They kill together.”
(Y/N)’s phone rang, and she looked and saw it was Sam. She excused herself and stepped away from the group. “What’s up?” she said, answering the phone.
“You have two killers,” he said.
“Yeah,” she said. “We kind of just gathered that.”
“We think you were right with the first guy,” Sam said. “He wasn’t a werewolf. But he was collecting the hearts for the werewolf.”
“It would explain why there were cattle mutilations around town,” Dean added. (Y/N) realized she was on speaker. “The werewolf was getting hearts from cows, but the killer wanted to impress her, so he brought her human hearts.”
“The hearts aren’t trophies,” (Y/N) muttered, suddenly gaining clarity. “They were gifts.”
“Once the werewolf got a taste of human hearts, she couldn’t take cow anymore,” Sam said. “She wanted to join the hunt.”
“But the first unsub couldn’t stop the killing,” she added. “He’s gotten the taste for it. He’s hooked. So now they do it together.”
“We still don’t know who they are though,” Dean said.
“But we have enough,” she said. “Let me talk to my team. I’ll keep you posted.”
She walked back over to her team. “I think it’s a couple,” she said. “Recently divorced. The second unsub is his ex-wife. He got the hearts for her, and now she’s joining him in the hunts.”
“How is she ripping the hearts out?” Morgan asked.
“I’m not sure,” (Y/N) said, not being able to tell the full truth. She looked at Jody. “Can you think of any male physicians in town? Surgeons? Recently divorced, like, right before the killings started. Handsome, charming, but-”
“William,” Jody said. “William Barkley. He and his ex-wife just got divorced. Um, her name’s Bianca.”
“Do you have an address?” Gideon asked.
“Uh, not off the top of my head,” Jody said.
“On it,” Morgan said. He already had his phone pressed to his ear. “Garcia, I need an address for William Barkley in Sioux Falls.” He paused. “Thanks baby girl.” He looked at the rest of the group. “237 Duffron.”
Everyone got in their cars and sped off to the location. (Y/N) opted to ride with Jody. “We’re not equipped to fight a werewolf, Jody,” she said. “What are we doing?”
“Call Sam,” she said. “Give him the address. They can meet us there.”
“If my team recognizes-”
“The other option is we all get attacked by something they don’t understand,” she said. (Y/N) weighed the options quickly and picked up her phone, dialling Sam’s number. She spewed off the address.
“Don’t come in right away,” she said. “The werewolf might not even be there, and the last thing we need is two flannel wearing hillbillies to come in, guns blazing.”
“We’re not hillbillies,” Dean said.
“Do you always put your phone calls on speaker?” she asked.
Sam laughed. “We’ll meet you there.”
They sped off towards the house, and Morgan kicked the door open upon arrival. “William Barkley?” he called. “FBI!” They all made their way through the house, checking and clearing rooms. Suddenly, Prentiss shouted from the basement.
By the time (Y/N) got down there, they already had William in handcuffs. (Y/N) rushed over to help Prentiss release the two most recent victims. “You’re okay, you’re okay,” she said as one of the victims collapsed against her, shaking with sobs. “You’re safe. You’re okay.”
When they got the women into ambulances, (Y/N) jogged over to where they were putting William into a police car. “Where is Bianca?” she asked.
“I was just trying to show her,” he said, “show her I love her no matter what. No matter who she became.”
“Where, is, Bianca?” she pressed.
“I knew hunters were coming,” he said. “I knew they were onto her.”
“What the hell is he talking about?” Morgan asked.
“(Y/N), we have to bring him back to the station,” Hotch said.
“Hang on!” she snapped. “Did you tell her to run?” William nodded. “Where did she go?”
“If she was going to die,” he said, “I wanted her to see something beautiful. One last sunrise. One last happy memory.”
“I got it,” Jody said. “I know where she is.”
“Take (Y/N) with you,” Gideon commanded. (Y/N) and Jody ran back to the car, and (Y/N) called Sam. She put him on speaker so Jody could spew off Bianca’s location.
“Do not do anything until we get there,” Sam said. “Your bullets will do nothing against a werewolf.”
The boys drove fast, because the four arrived at the scene at the same time. “How do you know she’s here?” Dean asked as he and Sam stepped out of the Impala.
“William said something about a final sunrise,” she said. “This is the best spot in town to catch a good sunrise.”
“So you just ran with that?” Dean asked.
“I know my town,” Jody said. “Don’t start-”
The younger Winchester spun around when (Y/N) called his name. His reflexes weren’t fast enough, and Bianca tackled him to the ground. (Y/N) knew she didn’t have the right kind of bullets to do any good, so she did the only thing she could think to do. She ran up to the pair and tackled Bianca off of Sam. On instinct, she tried to get Bianca on her stomach so she could cuff her, but Bianca was way stronger than she expected. She rolled them over so Bianca was on top, and she let out a growl that made (Y/N)’s stomach turn.
Pain seared through her shoulder and bicep when Bianca dug her claws into her skin. She let out a scream and squeezed her eyes shut. A shot rang out, and Bianca’s body fell off (Y/N). She winced and tried to catch her breath. One look down at her arm had her closing her eyes again. “Shit,” she whispered. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“Hey, hey,” Sam said, rushing over to her side. “You’re okay.”
“Did she bite me?” she asked. “Oh my god, can’t you turn into a werewolf from a bite? Oh my god. I don't want to-”
“No, no, hey, you’re good,” Sam said. It almost looked to (Y/N) like he wanted to laugh. “There’s no bite. It’s just a bad scratch. You’ll be okay.”
“Wow,” she breathed out. “This is the craziest day of my whole life.” She looked up at Sam, and he smiled and helped her sit up. “And you do this everyday?”
“We have some days off,” he said. She laughed, then winced at the pain. Jody and Dean jogged over to them. “Can you patch her up at your place?” Sam asked.
“No,” (Y/N) said. “You have to take me to a real hospital. My team’ll get suspicious if Jody does it.”
“What are you going to say?” Dean asked.
“That the unsub was crazy,” she said. “She had some claw-like weapon and that was what she used to rip the hearts out.”
“What happened to the weapon?” Sam asked hypothetically.
“I took it in as evidence,” Jody said. “The team doesn’t need to see it.”
“Glad we got our story straight,” (Y/N) said. “Can I go get stitches now?”
(Y/N) was in and out of surgery rather quickly. The team visited her in the hospital room, even though she knew she’d be released pretty quickly. “Guys, seriously,” she laughed, “I’m fine. Hell, I can meet you back at Quantico.”
“We’re not leaving you in South Dakota,” Morgan said. “We can stick around.”
“There’s not a lot to do in Sioux Falls,” she argued.
“Hey now,” Jody said, suddenly coming into the room, “if memory serves me, you found a lot of things to do when you grew up around here.”
“You knew (Y/N) when she was a kid?” Prentiss asked.
“Oh yeah,” Jody said with a smile.
“I have a lot of questions for you,” Morgan asked with a grin.
“You guys are the worst,” (Y/N) said. There was a soft knock at the frame of the door to (Y/N)’s hospital room, and everyone turned to look and found Sam and Dean. (Y/N)’s eyes grew wide.
If those idiots get busted-
“Hey,” Sam said. “Uh, I just, we just wanted to bring you these.” He handed her a bouquet of flowers, and she felt her cheeks turn warm as everyone looked at her.
“Thank you,” she said. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“No, uh, I know,” Sam said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just-”
There were a lot more people in the room than he expected there to be.
JJ cleared her throat. “(Y/N), we’ll be in the waiting room,” she said.
“Uh, no we won’t,” Morgan said. JJ rolled her eyes at him and grabbed his arm, dragging him out of the room along with the rest of the team. Jody and Dean must’ve followed, because (Y/N) and Sam were soon alone.
“You seriously didn’t have to bring the flowers,” she told him again.
“No, I know,” he said again. “I just know seeing monsters for the first time can be a lot to handle, not to mention getting attacked by one.”
“When did you see your first monster?” she asked him. He chuckled dryly and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I guess I was six months old,” he said.
“Jesus,” she said. “Do you remember it?” He gave a sad smile.
“I don’t think I’ll ever forget it,” he said.
“So you’ve been hunting your whole life?” she asked.
“Pretty much,” he said. “It’s kind of the family business.”
She nodded. “Do you like it?”
Sam scoffed. “It varies day to day.” He paused. “What about you? You like the BAU?”
She mimicked Sam’s scoff. “It varies day to day.”
“How about today?” he asked.
She smiled. “It’s not so bad.”
“Well, for the record,” he said, “if it ever gets old, you tackled a werewolf today. I think you could easily make it as a hunter.”
“Yeah?” she said. “Good to know.” Sam smiled again and cleared his throat.
“Alright,” he said. “Well, if you ever find yourself on a monster hunt again, give us a call.” He started to turn away, but (Y/N) said his name again.
“You know I read people for a living,” she said. Sam raised his eyebrows. “If you want to kiss me so bad, why don’t you just do it?” Sam’s face raised into a smirk, and he took one step back over to her. He leaned over and kissed her lips softly. She laid her hand on his cheek and smiled, kissing him back. When he pulled away, he hung his head with a slight laugh.
“You’re a pretty good profiler,” he said.
She smiled. “I know.”
(Y/N) bid farewell to Jody the next day, taking a rain check on dinner and promising to visit Sioux Falls again sooner rather than later. On the plane back to Quantico, everyone was pretty quiet, keeping to themselves. Suddenly, Gideon sat in front of (Y/N). “Flowers, huh?” he said. (Y/N) smiled, embarrassed, and looked at the bouquet Sam had given her that she decided to bring back with her. “You know,” he continued, “something about those boys wasn’t sitting right with me. I couldn’t shake the name. Winchester. Why did I know that name?”
Her heart fell to her stomach.
“Then I realized,” he said, “it must just be those Winchester rifles.”
But (Y/N) was a profiler, and she could see through him. He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees and folding his hands.
“I don’t know what happened when you went off with Sheriff Mills,” he said, “but I do know you weren’t alone.” She swallowed nervously. “I also know you came back in one piece,” he continued. He hesitated, looked out the window, then looked at her again. “I also know that some files in the system have inexplicably vanished. So if anyone looks up Winchester, all they’ll find is some history on those rifles.”
Her lips parted slightly, comprehending what he said. “Thank you,” she whispered. Gideon gave her a fraction of a smile.
“For what?”
“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win” - Stephen King
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If you want to be taken off the list (or be put on for only certain people) just message me and let me know!
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mrf34r · 4 years
My friend watching Mr Robot for the first time
them: naked lady. bossy naked lady
me: oh pregnant bossy naked lady?
them: no? hacker naked lady
me: OH Darlene, I thought you meant Joanna
@initcne Darlene is apparently Joanna when you take every bit of context away
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