#03 Mai 2024
ciochinaflorin · 4 months
124 I 2024. TREI ADEVĂRURI TRANSMISE PRIN PILDA VIERILOR [Luca 20.19 I Iov 38.6 I Evrei 1.3] 03 Mai 2024
124 I 2024. TREI ADEVĂRURI TRANSMISE PRIN PILDA VIERILOR I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Luca 20 : 19 I Iov 38 : 6 I Evrei 1 : 3 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 03 Mai 2024 I Trei adevăruri transmise de Domnul Isus prin Pilda Vierilor. Clerul din vremea Domnului Isus, fiind cunoscători ai Legii, puteau să înțeleagă anumite adevăruri de care ceilalți ascultători prezenți acolo, nu și-au…
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aftergloom · 9 months
The "left in a hurry" vibes of the old village following the Nightsister genocide makes the whole place into a graveyard. Not to say that Dathomir, baseline, isn't a thriving microcosm of decay, but the prevalence of the Dark Side in the place makes the rot take a little quicker. The world's a little hungrier than most. A little more determined to take what remains of the ships and skiffs and structures picked clean by Nightbrother hands to salvage and conserve those few things that still serve a purpose.
They don't take much. Too many memories attached to the world that was before Maul arrived -- before construction began up the Peak. The prevailing notion that so much of those artifacts are cursed or haunted keeps them from over-reliance on the old ways.
Maul encourages the shifting paradigm:
A red dawn rises over Dathomir these days, and everything left draped in shadow, he insists, is better off buried anyway.
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nicoscheer · 6 months
Happy Birthday to our beloved Turtle Miles Kane
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Keep on rocking and smiling like only you do
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mikeywayarchive · 4 days
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Instagram story by mikeyway
[Sep 17, 2024]
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rustbeltjessie · 4 months
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May 10: It was pretty faint through the clouds, but we got to see the northern lights! It was a pretty momentous occasion for our family—neither my children nor my husband had ever seen them before, and it had been about 19.5 years since the last time I saw them.
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hemanthsworld · 1 month
Psychotic Disorders: Differential Diagnosis and Key Symptoms Overview
Psychosis is a mental health condition marked by a break from reality, which can include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and impaired insight. It can be seen in psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe depression, as well as in neurological conditions, substance use disorders, and various medical conditions. Etiology (Neuropharmacology) Dopamine…
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sil3ntm0thart · 4 months
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a hopeless romantic all my life, surrounded by couples all the time
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mailnews · 2 months
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CENTURY TRAVEL - TOUR OPERATOR Excursão Coreia do Sul & China Outono 2024 - Saída garantida 03 de novembro http://images.mailnews.com.br/mail/CENTURY-07DE24-PACOTE02-24/century-07de24-pacote02-24.html -------------------------------------------------------------- Caso não consiga visualizar o informativo, por favor acesse www.mailnews.com.br, e procure em INFORMATIVOS MAIS RECENTES, no canto esquerdo superior da página. Este informativo é publicado pela Mailnews e direcionado exclusivamente aos Agentes de Viagens.
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vrubpatel · 4 months
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◻️5 / 03
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dopingconsomme · 4 months
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outfitsinspiration · 4 months
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Who: thefrenchmadrilene (Tiffany)
What: Triumph Lingerie Lift Smart Padded Bra In black (55.00€) Where: Instagram - May 3, 2024
Worn with: Selijan shirt, Chanel sandals and bag
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ch-qw · 5 months
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defensenow · 5 months
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ananxiousgardener · 5 months
Garden Log #5/03/2024 - Early Morning
I'm exhausted!!!
I had to take the apple trees to work with me yesterday so I could soak the roots on the way home (I bought a clean 5 gallon food grade bucket so I wouldn't need to worry about bumps splashing water everywhere). They soaked for the 2 hour drive, then I had to mow the yard when I got home, so they got about another hour and a half before I planted them.
I don't like the way one of the trees looks because the other three are all budding while this one just doesn't look as good (but I've never planted fruit trees, so what do I know?). I added some blood meal sprinkled on top of the soil, but I also just read that you're not supposed to add fertilizer for a couple weeks after planting? But I also watched a video of an orchard owner planting new transplants and then fertilizing immediately after?
Oh well, I prefer the trial and error method when it comes to gardening.
I need to head out to work on the garden a little earlier today because it's going to be another hot day and I definitely saw some of my catnip plants drooping last night. I, regretfully, did not check on the plants in the greenhouse before I went to bed. Most of them were doing fine in the morning, but the... more expensive seedlings were showing some stress from temps going down the past couple of nights combined with almost 90 degree daytime temps for almost a week.
I do still have 2 seeds of each variety saved, and I've also had a 100% germination rate from the other seeds I planted, so the only loss I'll have if/when I plant a new set is time... though they will probably grow much better if I can set up a raised bed inside the greenhouse and plant them directly.
I did a quick check of the cabbage and cayenne pepper sprouts I transplanted and, aside from a little drooping from a couple of the cabbage sprouts that need a little more water, they did survive the hot ass sun yesterday.
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In non-garden news, my anxiety is getting real bad.
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medusagorgongirl1 · 2 months
I love the idea of Tim being all clinical about Kon's crush on him. Like 'there must be something wrong with Kon, why else would he blush when I talk to him' and like proceeds to make a fucking murder board with picture and string connecting each 'event' like
02/27/2024, Incident: Kon stared at me while I trained, when I called him out he blushed profusely and stuttered, obviously he is ill or compromised. Solution: keep a closer eye on him
03/04/2024, Incident: Keeping a closer eye on Kon appears to have flustered him. I caught him staring at me 7 times, each he seemed embarrassed by. Potentially he believes I am an imposter. Solution: team building exercise, and movie night
03/06/2024, Incident: movie night proves that Kon must be having emotional or social issues. Team building went fine, but Kon seemed disturbed at sharing a blanket with me, he went very rigid when I leaned against him, I fear that the Kent's may be mistreating him. Solution: subtley question about home life.
03/08/2024, Incident: questioning about home life initially had Kon happy, then his demeanor became shy. He offered to show me his favorite restaurant near the Kent's and take me star gazing. He appeared very put out when I asked if Cassie and Bart would be coming. Solution: maybe Kon only expects me to realize the harmful habits of the Kent's.
03/14/2024, Incident: I was left in a critical condition after a mission, Kon refused to leave my side. That is normal as the rest of team refused to leave, but I swear he was holding my hand while I slept. Solution: Kon is more tactile that I thought?
03/16/2024, Incident: my memory of the mission and the events leading to my injury is better now. Kon is the one that caught me. Though I could swear that he was begging me not to leave him because he 'loves me'. Solution: request less morphine next injury.
03/21/2024, Incident: Kon said my injury gave him a lot to think of, he requested that we go on a "date" tonight. Solution: ask Kon if he got the phrase 'hang out' and 'date' mixed up
03/22/2024, Incident: Kon kissed me. Solution: I am an idiot.
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