#03 Sep 2
shineemoon · 1 month
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ONEW 3RD EP [FLOW] PROMOTION PLAN 2024.09.03 (6PM KST) AUG 13 • Pre-Order AUG 14 • Concept Photo ‘Focus’ AUG 16 • Concept Photo ‘Spotlight Serenade’ AUG 19 • Concept Photo ‘Serenade Repose, Lights Out’ AUG 21 • Track List AUG 26-27-28 • Highlight Clip AUG 29 • MV Teaser #1 AUG 30 • MV Photo SEP 02 • MV Teaser #2 SEP 03 • Album & MV Release SEP 04 • Live Video #1 SEP 05-15 • POP-UP STORE SEP 10 • Live Video #2 SEP 13 • Live Video #3 OCT 05-06 • 2024 ONEW FAN CONCERT ‘Hola!’ in SEOUL NOV 21-22 • 2024 ONEW FAN CONCERT ‘Hola!’ in JAPAN
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Async mugwump linkdump
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW in ANAHEIM at WONDERCON: YA Fantasy, Room 207, 10 a.m.; Signing, 11 a.m.; Teaching Writing, 2 p.m., Room 213CD.
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For 20+ years, I've processed all the information that came over my transom by blogging – mulling on why something I saw in the world caught my attention and trying to summarize it for strangers. This turns out to be a very powerful way to do a lot of different kinds of mental work:
With Pluralistic, the solo blog I founded 4 years ago, I've moved into longer, more synthetic essays that try to connect the things that caught my attention today with all those things I've written about for the past two decades. That's also proven very fruitful:
But this move to longer works has a downside: sometimes I'll arrive at the week's end and have a list of things that caught my attention without there being any obvious way to connect them, and when that happens, I devote a Saturday edition to a linkdump. There's been 15 of these so far:
Welcome, then, to the 16th Pluralistic linkdump, and a warning, this one starts with an obituary.
Ross Anderson was one of the heroes of the cryptographic revolution, a brilliant scientist and communicator, a fantastic activist, and a scorching curmudgeon. Ross died this week. He was 67, and had chronic heart issues as well as long covid:
There's so much that's been written about Ross and his legacy already, and there's doubtless more to come, but I've picked out two pieces to point you to. The first is from Danny O'Brien, who was also the guy who talked me down off the ledge the first time Ross flamed me on a public mailing list, leaving me bleeding and furious:
As Danny says, Ross was "the model of a politically and socially involved computer scientist," a man whose blazing intellect, fierce moral center and relentless curiosity inspired a generation of technologists to think about politics, and a generation of political activists to think about technology. Few of Ross's eulogizers (thus far) have mentioned how Ross's passion came out as fury, and – as someone who counted Ross as a friend and inspiration – I think this is a serious omission. It's hard to imagine Ross doing all that he did without understanding the anger that – along with his ethics – fueled his passion.
(Compare with @neil-gaiman's classic essay on the anger of Terry Pratchett:)
The other obit that I want to point you to comes from Bill Buchanan, one of Ross's closest collaborators. Buchanan's memorial for Ross does a superb job of rounding up Ross's technical contributions to the field of security engineering:
Buchanan embeds videos for some of Ross's best speeches, links to his key papers (including the classic "Programming Satan's Computer," on "programming a computer which gives answers that are subtly and maliciously wrong at the most inconvenient moment possible), reminiscences of Great Moments In Ross Anderson, and terrific, lay-friendly breakdowns of some of Ross's key mathematical work.
As an unreasonable, angry person, I take great inspiration from people who channel their unreasonable anger to socially beneficial conduct – like whistleblowers. After Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge was totaled by the 95,000-ton cargo ship MV *Dali(, a vast cohort of instant experts in structural engineering, sea freight and shipbuilding has taken to the internet with a slurry of takes on the Meaning Of the Bridge.
Some of these are very stupid indeed, like the idea that somehow "DEI" caused the collision. But you don't have to be an expert in maritime issues or civil engineering to understand the importance of this report from The Lever about shipping giant Maersk's culture of retaliation against whistleblowers:
Maersk is the company that chartered the MV Dali; Maersk is also a key player in the cartel that controls the world's shipping. Maersk was just sanctioned by the Labor Department for retaliating against a whistleblower who complained of unsafe conditions on the ships that Maersk chartered:
Maersk's policy required employees to bring concerns to their supervisors before alerting the Coast Guard or others. This is not how that stuff is supposed to work. OSHA called this policy “repugnant” and a “reprehensible and an egregious violation of the rights of employees,” which “chills them from contacting the [Coast Guard] or other authorities without contacting the company first.”
The whistleblower – chief mate on the Safmarine Mafadi – complained of "unrepaired leaks, unpermitted alcohol consumption onboard, inoperable lifeboats, faulty emergency fire suppression equipment, and other issues." We don't know (yet) what happened on the Dali, but it's obvious that a company that retaliates against whistleblowers, rather than heeding their warnings, is prioritizing covering its ass, not operating safely.
Which brings me (inevitably) to Boeing, and to poor John "Swampy" Barnett, the Boeing whistleblower who took his own life earlier this month. Barnett's suicide has stirred up similar low-yield online chatter focused on whether Boeing assassinated Barnett, a question that categorically cannot be answered through the method of arguing with internet strangers.
But there is a lot to say about Barnett: in particular, there's the substance of his whistleblowing, the specifics of his complaints about Boeing. For that, we can turn to the always-fantastic Maureen Tkacik, whose American Prospect piece "Suicide Mission" is definitive:
Tkacik does a great job of painting a picture of Swampy as a member of the tribe of unreasonable and angry people who refuse to sideline principle in order to get along. More importantly, Tkacik shows us what made Swampy so angry: a company that was hell-bent on lobotimizing itself by forcing out any technical expert who might point out inconvenient truths about the safety risks of high-profit strategies.
As Tkacik writes, Boeing once thought about "knowledge" in terms of expertise that could be brought to bear on the unimaginably complex task of making reliable, airworthy jets. But under the "value-engineering" financialized culture that arose after the McDonnell-Douglas merger, the company viewed knowledge as "intellectual property, trade secrets, and data." In other words, the point of knowledge was rent-extraction, not safety.
At the root of this transformation was the Jack Welch protege Jim "Prince Jim" McNerney, the former 3M CEO who took the helm at Boeing. McNerney was openly contemptuous of the company's senior engineers, branding them "phenomenally talented assholes" and rewarding managers who found ways to force them out of the company. It was McNerney who decided to produce the 787 "Dreamliner" in non-union shops, far from Seattle and its phenomenally talented assholes. Instead of these engineers, McNerney turned to Boeing suppliers to do the major engineering work on the 787 – despite the fact that many of these suppliers "lacked engineering departments."
The 787 was, infamously, a $80b-over-budget boondoggle, haunted by technical failures. Swampy was part of the "cleanup crew" that tried to salvage the 787, and witnessed first-hand how the company purged all the engineers who managed to ship the 787 despite McNerney and his "value engineers" and retaliated against workers who tried to unionize the South Carolina facility.
In particular, it was safety inspector who came in for the most savage punishment. When the FAA decided to let Boeing mark its own homework – hiring in-house safety inspectors to replace government inspectors – they pretended to believe that these Boeing-payrolled inspectors would be able to operate independently of Boeing's leadership. The inspectors tried to operate this way (not least because they were criminally liable for oversights that occurred on their watch) and McNerney's Boeing came down on them like a ton of aviation-grade aluminum.
To further neuter these inspectors, Boeing management ordered the inspectors to outsource their work to the mechanics they were supposed to be supervising – that is, the FAA outsourced safety checks to Boeing inspectors, and the inspectors outsourced those checks to the mechanics themselves. Tkacik: "Swampy believed relying on mechanics to self-inspect their work was not only insane but illegal under the Federal Aviation Administration charter."
Swampy kept careful records of every way in which this system produced unsafe aircraft and an unsafe workplace – including the day he discovered that someone had removed 400+ defective parts from the rejects box and installed them in aircraft in order to meet deadlines. Swampy's reports were key to establishing that the company's much-trumpeted "improvements" in safety reports were down to a culture of "bullying" – not any improvement in safety itself.
When Boeing went to war against Swampy, they barely bothered to pretend that they were playing by the rules. He was told one day that he was four-weeks into a 60-day "corrective action" that no one had told him about. The "corrective action" paperwork had a blank for Swampy's comments. He wrote, "Leadership wants nothing in email so they maintain plausible deniability. It is obvious leadership is just looking for items to criticize me on so I stop identifying issues. I will conform!"
Shortly thereafter, he was forced out altogether. Managers who tried to bring him on their teams were told that no one was allowed to hire John Barnett. His name appeared on a secret internal memo entitled "Quality Managers to Fire." Meanwhile, the value of Boeing shares had tripled.
After Boeing's 737 Maxes started falling out of the sky, Swampy's painstaking documentation of the flaws in the 787's production took on a new urgency. A program of random inspections of 787s found major defects in all of them ("Boeing Looked for Flaws in Its Dreamliner and Couldn’t Stop Finding Them" –WSJ). An Aviation Week diagram of problem spots with the 787 marked red arrows over "every single section, from the tip of the nose to the horizontal stabilizers":
Boeing's war on "brilliance" did its work: after everyone who understood how to make a safe aircraft was forced out of the company, financialized CEOs were able to cut corners on safety, triple the share-price, scoop up billions in government subsidies and bailouts, all without those pesky "phenomenally talented assholes" pointing out that they were going get (lots of) people killed.
Tkacik closes by saying that Swampy's former work colleagues refuse to believe he killed himself. A former executive told her "I don’t think one can be cynical enough when it comes to these guys…It’s a top-secret military contractor, remember; there are spies everywhere." I confess that I don't know what to make of that, but I'll say this: if Boeing killed Swampy, that's just one of hundreds of murders they committed. Whether or not Swampy's death was their fault, the deaths of everyone who went down on the 737 Maxes that crashed is on their hands.
That's what "profits before people" means, after all: sacrificing human lives to make yourself richer. It's the foundational tenet of the conservative movement, though that impulse is often checked by other factors, like human decency. It's only when sociopaths get a sustained run at leadership that you see what they really want.
Which brings me to the UK, which has been governed by the Conservative Party for 14 years. The Tories are tipped to get destroyed in the next election, and a long article in the New Yorker by Sam Knight catalogs the many ways in which Tory rule has devastated the UK:
The thing is, after 14 years, it's impossible for the Tories to blame anyone else for the state of the UK. With strong Parliamentary majorities, Conservatives were able to govern as they pleased – the only compromises they made were between their own internal factions. The ideological commitment to making the rich richer, privatizing everything, subordinating governance to market forces – that's all them.
It's all them: the worst period for wage growth since the Napoleonic Wars, on them. The catastrophic traffic, housing, jobs market, and precarity, on them. Plummeting health, on them. The austerity, on them. The withering of the country's courts and prisons and police, its wilderness, its programs for young people and pensioners, its public health, its diplomatic corps, its road maintenance – on them.
A country where the police can't afford to prosecute burglaries – on them (4% of burglaries are prosecuted). The 2.5 year delay between a rape arrest and its trial? On them. Mass closures of schools that are literally crumbling? On them.
43% of the countries courts have closed. On them. Cuts to prison funding, coupled with longer sentences? On them.
And of course, Brexit – on them. Every part of it. The referendum. The referendum question. The failure to negotiate a deal with the EU. All on them. The collapse in British living standards, all on them. The fact that the 20% richest households in the UK have been untouched by all this? Also on them. But you might not notice it in London, where people earn an average of 400% more than people in Nottingham.
The only growth sector outside of London are the Citizens Advice Bureaux, whose client rosters are growing even as their funding is cut. Where the CAB once primarily catered to people who couldn't make ends meet due to disability, unemployment and other reliable predictors of economic distress, today, CAB advisors are seeing homeowners, people working two jobs. Desperation is "like a black hole, dragging more and more people in,"
More Conservative growth: Tories presided over a doubling in the rate of NHS antidepressant prescriptions, and a 20% rise in long-term health conditions. No wonder Tory Britain had the world's worst pandemic outcomes for a wealthy nation – that's on them, too.
Knight's article closes with a Tory MP who believes that "the key thing for the Conservatives now is to be more conservative…Toryism must have its day again."
We can't count on oligarchs to rescue us from oligarchy – not even when oligarchy's failures push society to the breaking point. There's always a rationalization explaining why we just had to lean harder into oligarchy.
You hear echoes of this in the pro-monopoly choir, whose squeals of outrage at the rise of a new anti-monopoly movement grow louder even as monopolism's failures grow clearer. One of the more tangible expressions of monopoly's failures is the Ticketmaster/Livenation octopus, which controls the entire live music industry – key venues, promotions, and ticketing. Ticketmaster fucks over music fans, but it also cheats famous musicians, the kinds of people with big microphones, so we know a lot about how bad it is:
Of course, the fact that Swifties hate Ticketmaster lets the pro-monopolists dismiss critics as foolish young girls, not Very Serious People Who Understand Economics and thus can see that Ticketmaster's monopoly is Good, Actually.
Last week, Congressman Bill Pascrell dumped a ton of litigation documents related to Ticketmaster's sleaze, and Matt Stoller broke them down:
The docs reveal how Ticketmaster's system of (formerly) secret kickbacks let it choke out any competitor, so that it could charge fans more and pay artists less. The mechanics of the scam are beautifully laid out in Stoller's post – as is the many ways in which it violated both the law and Ticketmaster's numerous consent decrees arising from its previous lawbreaking.
This kind of scam breakdown is essential. It's easy to think that we, as mere normies, can't hope to understand the machinations of the corporations that prey on us. But once you pierce the veil of performative complexity, what's left behind is a set of crude tricks and transparent ruses.
Here's one of those transparent ruses: Discord's terms of service require Discord users to actively opt out of its "binding arbitration" system. Binding arbitration is when you sign a contract saying you can't sue the company no matter how much it harms you – instead, you promise to have your disputes heard by an "arbitrator" (a fake judge paid by the company that screwed you). Unsurprisingly, these fake judges are awfully tolerant of their employers' crimes.
Discord says that once you click through its garbage legalese novella, you have just a few days to opt out of this binding arbitration clause – if you happen to miss that fine print, you have "consented" to giving up your legal rights.
But every time Discord changes its ToS, the clock for opting out starts ticking again, and Discord has just changed (that is, worsened) its ToS again:
That means that if you send an email right now to [email protected] with "I am confirming that as of the date of this email, I am choosing to opt out of binding arbitration to settle disputes with Discord" in the body, you can escape this consent theater:
https://mamot.fr/@[email protected]/112175832989845038
Consent theater is a particularly galling corporate ruse – the idea that we chose to allow them to abuse us. Consent theater gets more outrageous by the day. Take Soofa, who operate streetside digital kiosks that identify you by grabbing your phone's unique wifi and Bluetooth identifiers:
Soofa sells this data to advertisers – claiming that by walking down a public street, you "consented" to being tracked and sold.
The only reason this flies is that the US hasn't passed a federal consumer privacy law since 1988's Video Privacy Protection Act, which bans video-store clerks from telling people which VHS cassettes you took home. Congress keeps on failing to pass a privacy law, despite garbage companies like Soofa.
But that hasn't stopped the administrative agencies from acting to defend your privacy! The FTC just dropped its latest Privacy and Data Security Update, a greatest hits list of the actions the Commission took while Congress failed:
One of the best things about the current administration is the number of extremely competent regulators who know exactly how much power they have and aren't afraid to use it to help the American people:
The new FTC report, which details how the Commission's existing powers let it go after the commercial surveillance industry from smart doorbells to review fraud, from kids' programming to medical data, from lax security to data-breaches, is a bright spot in an otherwise grim week.
One more bright spot, then, before I wind up this linkdump. All week, I've been humming a half-remembered lyric, "come on baby/you're a link in this chain/put your hands together/and get free of the pain." For the life of me, I couldn't place it.
Last night, I searched for it (using Kagi, the post-Google search engine I've been paying for for the past month, and which I'm loving) and discovered that I had somehow completely forgotten a whole-ass band that I once loved: Toronto's Bourbon Tabernacle Choir, whom I saw live on many occasions.
The mystery lyric came from "Death is the Great Awakener," a fucking banger of a post-gospel track that I've been listening to on nonstop repeat as I wrote this. It's a hell of a tune and I'm intensely grateful to have it back in my life:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Waffleboy https://www.flickr.com/photos/waffleboy/28198395465/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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togafukaweek · 2 months
TogaFuka Week 2024 | 30 Sep - 6 Oct
You know what it is... TogaFuka Week is happening for the ninth time!
-* I noticed last year that several twitter-only people took part, so I have now made a togafukaweek twt! You can post on tumblr, twitter or both *-
Each day has two choices of prompts. If you’re still stumped, draw them h*lding hands or something similar. You don’t have to stick to the prompt if you don’t want to. These are heavily based on all your lovely suggestions. <3
30 Sep: Body Language / Rain
01 Oct: Shame / Smile
02 Oct: Red / Exception
03 Oct: Time Loop / Kiss
04 Oct: First / Free
05 Oct: Family / Quiet
06 Oct: AU / Reunion
Why this date? Two reasons. It should be enough time for people to finish what they want to create, and 2 Oct is informally known as Tofu Day.
Other answers to questions can be found ->here<-. If you still have questions, send an ask!
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mislamicpearl · 5 months
And now that I've seen season 2 I'm even more mad because literally NONE OF THE NINJA HAVE HUGGED ZANE!! Lloyd and Cole hugged immediately when they reunited and it was adorable as heck but Zane doesn't even get an affectionate nudge or something??
This post for reblogging.
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September 2, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Sep 03, 2024
In an interview with right-wing host Mark Levin on the Fox News Channel last night, Trump complained about the new grand jury indictment of him for trying to steal the 2020 presidential election. “Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it,” he asked. 
In fact, no one has a right to interfere with a presidential election. Several federal laws prohibit such interference. Legal analyst Joyce White Vance added: “This is the banality of evil right here—Trump asserting he can override the will of the voters to claim victory in an election he lost. And, he will do it again. We must vote against him in overwhelming numbers.”
Former president Trump is approaching the election of 2024 the way southern white supremacists approached elections from 1876 to 1964. He has made it very clear he is not trying to win the votes of a majority of Americans. He and his loyalists are trying to intimidate his opponents to keep them from voting while egging on his supporters to commit violence. They are bringing the tactics of the reactionary southern Democrats after the Civil War forward to the present day in an attempt to impose the same sort of minority rule on the nation as a whole. 
Trump has made it clear he is not trying to win the popular vote. When his primary challenger Nikki Haley dropped out of the race in March, Trump’s team made no effort to win over her voters; it was President Joe Biden’s reelection team that reached out to them.
A few days later, when Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump and his loyalist Michael Whatley took over the Republican National Committee, they killed the plans of former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel to open 40 satellite campaign offices across ten battleground states. As The Dispatch noted, that meant very little ground game: doors knocked on, phone calls made, or volunteers organized. The new leadership of the RNC also fired 40 out of 60 employees whose job was field organizing.
Trump was clear what he was doing: rather than worrying about attracting voters, he intended to play out the game of the Big Lie that he had won the 2020 presidential election. 
Since the 2020 election, at least 28 states have passed laws making it harder to vote in 2024. Whatley was a chief proponent of the Big Lie that justified those laws, and Trump put him in place, saying he wanted the RNC to prioritize “election integrity” efforts. The campaign has focused on lawsuits to make it harder to vote and to put their own loyalists into positions where they might be able to affect the certification of the 2024 vote. As Peter Nicholas reported at NBC News yesterday, Republicans have filed dozens of lawsuits that seemed designed not only to game the system, but also to convince supporters that the election is rigged against Trump. 
That lie was the argument Florida governor Ron DeSantis made to justify creating an election police unit in 2022 to stop what he claimed was illegal voting, although voter fraud is vanishingly rare. The unit conducted raids—mostly in the early morning—primarily against Black Americans shortly before the 2022 election. Most of the cases were later dropped, or those charged agreed to a plea deal without jail time. 
The raids did, though, depress voting. In its 2023 annual report, the Office of Election Crime and Security wrote: “Enforcing Florida election law has the primary effect of punishing violators, but enforcement also and equally as important acts as a deterrent for those who may consider voting illegally or committing other election related crimes.” 
Now MAGA Republicans have joined Trump in arguing that Democrats are trying to get noncitizen immigrants to vote for their candidates, although a federal law in place since 1996 makes it clear that it is illegal for noncitizens to vote in elections for president or members of Congress. It does not appear to matter to Republicans that there is no evidence that noncitizens try to vote. As House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said in May: “We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections, but it’s not been something that is easily provable.” 
Texas attorney general Ken Paxton also created an “Election Integrity Unit” in the wake of the 2020 election, and on August 21, 2024, after Fox News Channel personality Maria Bartiromo repeated a baseless rumor about noncitizens registering to vote, Paxton launched what he called an undercover investigation that, just days later, launched raids against Latino activists. “It is evident through his pattern of lawsuits, raids, searches, and seizures that he is trying to keep Latinos from voting,” Latino leaders say. 
This pattern echoes the Reconstruction Era intimidation of Black voters and their white Republican allies, and it does so with the same justification: the idea that business regulation, social welfare, infrastructure, and civil rights policies are “socialism.” Those policies had nothing to do with the actual principles of socialism, which call for the government to control the means of production. This “socialism” echoed the argument of southern white supremacists who used it to attack Black voting in 1871 after the Fifteenth Amendment, ratified the year before, made it unconstitutional to stop someone from voting on the basis of race. 
As newly enfranchised formerly enslaved men who owned little property—because enslavers took what they produced—and white Republicans voted for lawmakers who would rebuild the South, white supremacist Democrats maintained that the roads, schools, and hospitals a healthy society needed could be paid for only with tax dollars. Since white men owned most of the property, such improvements were, they said, a redistribution of wealth. 
In the nineteenth century, that argument led first to voter suppression and then to the argument that anyone who did not vote to keep the white supremacists in power was a danger to society. Good Americans must keep such dangerous people out of any proximity to power. In that light, outright violence to maintain the rule of the minority was a demonstration of civic virtue. 
True to form, Trump and his supporters have made it clear they consider their ascendancy imperative to recover America from the carnage into which they allege President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have led it. And, if their opponents are truly as dangerous as they insist, those opponents must be capable of any of the actions MAGA Republicans falsely attribute to them. 
Trump and his campaign advisor Corey Lewandowski have recently asserted the lie that Democrats kill newborn babies, for example, and Trump told the right-wing Moms for Liberty organization on Friday that schools are operating on children to transition them to a different sex. In a direct link to the ideas of the late nineteenth century that white supremacists used to justify taking power, Trump routinely calls Vice President Harris a communist. 
Trump’s lies have become cartoonish as his attachment to reality has slipped, but behind them is a demonizing of his opponents that echoes the past argument that certain people must be kept from power and, possibly, purged from society.  
Many of those arrested for attacking the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, told the court they believed they were defending American democracy from those who were destroying the country and had stolen the election. Trump has championed those arrested for trying to install him into the presidency, saying they are “patriots” who have been “treated unfairly” and “have shown incredible courage and sacrifice,” and has promised that if reelected, he will pardon the nearly 1,000 people found guilty of crimes related to that event.  
A gala to celebrate and raise money for those attackers—the J6 Awards Gala—was scheduled to be held at Trump’s Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club this Thursday but has just been called off until after the election. 
The celebration of violence is now deeply embedded in the MAGA movement with leaders like North Carolina lieutenant governor Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor, who recently attacked an assortment of enemies and assured his audience: “Some folks need killing!” As Josh Kovensky of Talking Points Memo wrote on August 27, this violent tendency has become for MAGA Republicans a fantasy about deploying the military against American citizens. 
Yesterday, on the same day that Trump declared he had the right to interfere in a presidential election to put himself in power, the pro-Trump owner of X, Elon Musk, reposted to his nearly 200 million followers a statement suggesting that women and men who can’t physically defend themselves are inferior to “alpha men” and are not good participants in government because they lack the ability to think critically. “This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making,” the original post said. “Democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.” 
Over the statement, Musk posted: “Interesting observation.”
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savethegrishaverse · 20 days
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Welcome #BackToGrishaSchool! For our next twitter party we want to talk about how the Grisha do school at the Little Palace, as well as what studying might look like at Ketterdam University! Come prepared with your best tweets, questions, comments, gifs, memes, and more. Let's make some noise! 🗣️
#SaveShadowAndBone and #SixOfCrowsSpinoff TWEETING PARTY 9/1 at 12PM! Come check it out here!
Remember to:
Only use three hashtags.
Enjoy and be engaging with your tweets! Keep sharing! Timezones under read more.
If you cannot attend, you can always schedule tweets ahead of time on desktop in order to help out still!
ALL TIMEZONES: Sunday, Sep 1: 9am PST 10am MST 11am CST 12pm EST 2pm -03 5pm GMT 6pm CET 8pm MSK 9pm +04 10:30pm IST
Monday, Sep 2: 1am CST 2am JST 4am AEST 6am NZST
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Schreiber Foods Inc. of Green Bay, WI, is recalling 836,721 units of various cream cheese products because of potential Salmonella contamination. The recall includes Dutch Farms, Fareway, Happy Farms, Hy Vee, Kroger, Our Family, Schnuck, Essential Everyday, Dunkin, Piggly Wiggly and Schreiber Foods cream cheeses.
According to the details posted online by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), the recall was initiated on May 3, 2024, and is ongoing.
The recalled products were distributed in California, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. The recalled products were also shipped to Puerto Rico.
Recalled products Whipped Cream Cheese Spread. Net Wt 8 oz. (226g) Keep Refrigerated, packaged under the following brands: 
1. Dutch Farms, Net, UPC 0 919145-67990, Distributed By: Dutch Farms, Chicago, IL 60628. — EXP 14 AUG 24, EXP 17 AUG 24. 
2. Fareway, UPC 0 21333-83051 5. Packed for Fareway Store, Inc. Boone, Iowa 50036. — USE BY SEP 03 24, USE BY SEP 13 24, USE BY SEP 21 24.
3. Happy Farms, UPC 4099100101881, Dist & Sold Exclusively by Aldi, Batavia, IL 60510. — SELL BY 08/30/2024, SELL BY 08/31/2024, SELL BY 09/01/2024, SELL BY 09/03/2024, SELL BY 09/04/2024.
4. Hy Vee, UPC 0 75450-09613 2. Distributed by Hy-Vee Inc. West Des Moines, IA 50266. — BEST BY 08/07/24, BEST BY 08/14/24.
5. Kroger, UPC 0 11110-58088 7. Distributed By The Kroger Co., Cincinnati, OH 45202. — BEST IF USED BY AUG 08 24.
6. Our Family, UPC 0 70253-50994 0. Distributed by Pique Brands, Inc. Grand Rapids, MI 49518. — BEST BY 08/08/24.
7. Schnuck, UPC 0 41318-58005 1. Distributed By Schnuck Markets, Inc., St. Louis, MO 63146-6928 — BEST BY 08/08/24.
Garden Vegetable Cream Cheese Spread. Net Wt 8 oz. (226g). Keep Refrigerated, packaged under the following brands: 
1. Fareway, UPC 0 21333-83053 9. Packed for Fareway Store, Inc. Boone, Iowa 50036. — USE BY SEP 13 24, USE BY SEP 22 24, USE BY SEP 01 24 
2. Essential Everyday, UPC 0 41303-00625 2. Distributed By Supervalu Inc., Eden Prairie, MN 55344. — BEST BY 09/01/24
3. Schnuck, UPC 0 41318-58005 1. Distributed By Schnuck Markets, Inc., St. Louis, MO 63146-6928. — BEST BY 08/08/24
4. Hy Vee, UPC 0 75450-09606 4. Distributed By Hy-Vee Inc. West Des Moines, IA 50266. — BEST BY 09/13/24, BEST BY 09/22/24
5. Our Family, UPC 0 70253-50100 5. Distributed By Pique Brands, Inc. Grand Rapids, MI 49518 — BEST BY 09/01/24
Strawberry Cream Cheese Spread, Net Wt 8 oz. (226g). Keep Refrigerated, packaged under the following brands: 
1. Fareway, UPC 0 21333-83052 2. Packed for Fareway Store, Inc. Boone, Iowa 50036. — USE BY SEP 08 24
2. Happy Farms, UPC 4099100 101744, Dist & Sold Exclusively by Aldi, Batavia, IL 60510. — SELL BY 09/08/2024, SELL BY 09/15/2024
3. Hy Vee, UPC 0 75450-09616 3. Distributed by Hy-Vee Inc. West Des Moines, IA 50266. — BEST BY 09/08/24
4. Schnuck, UPC 0 41318-58007 5. Distributed By Schnuck Markets, Inc., St. Louis, MO 63146-6928 —  BEST BY 09/08/24
Blueberry Cream Cheese Spread, Net Wt. 8 oz. (226g). Keep Refrigerated, packaged under the brand Essential Everyday. 
UPC 0 41303-04876 4. Distributed By UNFI, Providence, RI 02908. — BEST BY 09/19/24
Variety Tray Chive Onion (UPC 4099100 101751), Strawberry (UPC 4099100 101744), and Plain Cream Cheese Spread (UPC 4099100 101737), each container Net Wt. 8 oz. (226g). Keep Refrigerated.
Packaged under the brand Happy Farms, UPC . Dist & Sold Exclusively by Aldi, Batavia, IL 60510.
Warehouse Level Codes only – Not consumer facing SELL BY 07/19/2024CH SELL BY 08/02/2024CH SELL BY 08/04/2024CH SELL BY 08/09/2024CH SELL BY 08/17/2024CH SELL BY 08/23/2024CH¿ SELL BY 08/25/2024CH 
Consumer Facing Codes: Chive & Onion SELL BY 09/13/2024 SELL BY 09/22/2024 Plain SELL BY 09/01/2024 SELL BY 09/08/2024 SELL BY 09/15/2024 Strawberry SELL BY 09/08/2024 SELL BY 09/15/2024
Ranch Garlic Cream Cheese Spread, Net Wt. 5 lbs. 
Manufactured By Schreiber Foods, Inc., Green Bay, WI 54301. —EXP Aug 15 24
Cream Cheese Spread. Keep Refrigerated, packaged under the following brands: 
1. Dunkin, Net Wt 8 oz. (226g), UPC 0 29244-01497 0. Manufactured Exclusively for Dunkin Brands Inc. 130 Royal St. Canton, MA 02021 — USE BY SEP 01 2024, USE BY SEP 15 2024
2. Happy Farms, Net Wt 8 oz. (226g). UPC 4099100101737, Dist & Sold Exclusively by Aldi, Batavia, IL 60510. — SELL BY 09/01/2024, SELL BY 09/08/2024, SELL BY 09/15/2024
3. Hy Vee, Net Wt 8 oz. (226g), UPC 0 75450-09610 1. Distributed by Hy-Vee Inc. West Des Moines, IA 50266. — BEST BY 10/01/24
4. Hy Vee, Net Wt 12 oz. (340g), UPC 0 75450-09612 5. Distributed by Hy-Vee Inc. West Des Moines, IA 50266. — BEST BY 10/01/24
5. Piggly Wiggly, Net Wt 8 oz. (226g), UPC 0 41290-1066 9. Distributed by Piggly Wiggly LLC, Keene NH 03431. — BEST BY 10/15/24
6. Schnucks, Net Wt 8 oz. (226g). UPC 0 41318-58023 5. Distributed By Schnuck Markets, Inc. St. Louis, MO 63146-6928 — BEST BY 10/08/24
7. Bulk Culinary Cream Cheese Spread, Net Wt. 30 lbs. Manufactured by Schreiber Foods, Inc., Green Bay, Wi 54301 — PKD ON APR 16 24
Consumers should not use this product. Recalled products should be thrown out or returned to their place of purchase.
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darkmaga-retard · 18 days
“When we destroy a species…. we're diminishing our capacity to sense the divine, understand who God is, and what our own potential is as human beings.” - RFK Jr.
Karen Kingston
Sep 03, 2024
September 2, 2024: Maria Zeee and Dane Wiginton recently addressed one of the, if not the most important topic effecting Americans, global citizens and all biological life forms - chemtrails. Maria Zeee opens her Media Blackout segment on the Vigilant News Network stating, “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vows to stop chemtrails.
Vigilant News
RFK Jr. Vows to STOP Chemtrail “CRIMES” - Media Blackout
#10 - RFK Jr. vows to stop the “crime” of chemtrails as part of the Trump administration…
Listen now
2 days ago · 233 likes · 58 comments · The Vigilant Fox
In a recent interview with Mel K, I expressed my hope in RFK Jr.’ s collaboration with Trump to reign in the global attack on all of God’s creations using nanobiotechnologies, including aerosolized mRNA nanoparticles found in ‘vaccines’, drugs, food, water, and chemtrails.
RFK Jr. is Committed to Saving Children and All of God’s Creations
In May of 2023, I wrote an article on RFK Jr.’s commitment to not only save the planet, but all of God’s creations. During the interview with Mel K, I paraphrased a statement Mr. Kennedy made last year on earth day.
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hsslilly-blog · 18 days
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this is a masterlist of claire-related posts/edits/art. this follows a somewhat chronological order of events, with the first link being the earliest point on her timeline (so far). only plot/character development posts. i’ve organised it in three different parts: pre-hollywood u, throughout the game's timeframe, and post-hollywood u. my timeline for hollywood u has her freshman year at sept/2012 and her graduation at may/2016. most of it is canon compliant but i change things i dislike to fit my interpretation of the timeline. this list will be constantly updated/modified.
• claire swanson oc tag • claire swanson inspo side blog • claire’s introduction post (03/10/24) • claire’s ref sheet (04/25/24) • swanson/stewart family tree • claire’s playlist • claire’s filmography (provisional post; 08/19/24)
pre hollywood u (feb/1990 — sep/2012)
• newspaper clipping of claire’s first big role (apr/2002) • claire’s myspace profile page (sep/2009)
hollywood u (sep/2012 — may/2016)
• welcome to hollywood (u) (2012) • hollywood u outfits, part 1 (nd) • hollywood u outfits, part 2 (nd) • claire’s driver’s license (ago/2014) • clash at sunset credit cards (jan/2015) • claire for vogue: what's in my bag? (july/2015) • ticket to ride film poster (2016)
post hollywood u (may/2016 — present)
• claire’s films credit cards (2017-2019) • claire’s wikipedia article (2019) • claire’s award list (up to 2020)
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pandemic-info · 5 months
Yale: 49% of Covid infections are asymptomatic, recommends n95s & cautions that Long Covid is a serious risk : r/ZeroCovidCommunity
Additional links:
2022 March 30
What to know about asymptomatic Covid-19
Cites 40.5%
Asymptomatic ppl “shed as much virus as others”
2020 Sep 01
Prevalence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection
2024 Jan 03
A third in Hong Kong may have had COVID amid Omicron, most with no symptoms
72% asymptomatic
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mr-cheesecake · 2 months
Pokespe timeline
Earliest possible start - Latest possible end
Do NOT take the year as factual, Pokespe has never established the year the arcs take place in (unless i missed something), it's only on realtion to the start of the RBY arc.
Also, unless i missed something we know how much time happened in between BW and SM (3 years max.) but not how many between DPPt and BW (somewhere between 1 and 7 years) so that's why they aren't included
Also DP and Pt are counted as the same arc because Pt happened 16 days after DP and idk when DP ended.
I might expand on this on a later post (I most likely won't lol)
RBY: Dec-24-00 - Mar-2-01
Y: Dec-24-02 - Mar-2-03
GSC: Dec-24-03 - Mar-2-04
RS: Jul-2-05 - Sep-22-05
FRLG: Mar-3-06 - Abr-29-06
E: Jul-1-06 - Jul-7-06
HGSS: Mar-3-09 - Abr-30-09
ORAS: Sep-22-09 - May-30-10
DPPt: Sep-28-11 - Abr-3-12
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bobbie-robron · 2 months
Robert’s story… the final year - 2005 (Part 2: the end - for now)
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July (Jack/Andy manure incident; Jack disowns Robert)
01-Jul, 03-Jul (Part 1, Part 2.1, Part 2.2)
04-Jul, 06-Jul
12-Jul, 14-Jul, 15-Jul
25-Jul, 26-Jul (Part 1, Part 2.1, Part 2.2), 27-Jul (Part 1.1, Part 1.2, Part 2), 28-Jul (Part 1.1, Part 1.2, Part 2.1, Part 2.2, Part 2.3), 29-Jul (Part 1.1, Part 1.2, Part 2.1, Part 2.2), 31-Jul (Part 1.1, Part 1.2, Part 2.1, Part 2.2, Part 2.3)
August (Andy ‘golden boy’ Sugden; Cain hired at the garage; Robert sets his sights on Debbie)
01-Aug, 02-Aug, 03-Aug, 05-Aug
11-Aug (Part 1, Part 2), 12-Aug, 14-Aug
September (Max & Robert bonding, Robert focuses his efforts on Debbie)
01-Sep-2005, 02-Sep-2005
04-Sep-2005 (Part 1, Part 2), 06-Sep-2005, 09-Sep-2005
12-Sep-2005, 14-Sep-2005 (Part 1, Part 2), 15-Sep-2005
19-Sep-2005, 20-Sep-2005, 21-Sep-2005, 22-Sep-2005 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3&4)
26-Sep-2005, 27-Sep-2005 (Part 1, Part 2), 28-Sep-2005 (Part 1, Part 2), 29-Sep-2005 (Part 1, Part 2.1, Part 2.2), 30-Sep-2005 (Part 1.1, Part 1.2, Part 2.1, Part 2.2)
October (the chicken run; goodbye Robert until Feb-2009)
02-Oct-2005 (Part 1.1, Part 1.2, Part 2.1, Part 2.1, Part 2.3, Part 2.4 Post Crash Gifs)
03-Oct-2005 (Part 1.1, Part 1.2, Part 1.3, Part 1.4, Part 2, Final Scene Clip)
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Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Tumblr was freaking out on this post, so I assume I hit a limit for links in a post or something again. So (like it is for Bucky), I've split the Oneshots into their own posts.
Once We Have Known Love, That Can Only Ever Be The Answer by GypsyArt (on ao3) (16/16)
We Lucky Few by sun-snatcher (7/?) Last Updated: 07 Sep 2024
In the Wake of Destruction by cemeteryspider (2/2)
Part 1
Part 2
Shadow x Gambit Stories by ShadowPhoenixRider (on ao3) (23/?) Last Updated: 19 Sep 2024
Two Thousand Years of Chasing Taking Its Toll by dusterbishop (4/4) (also on ao3)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ma Chere, You are Mine by cera-writes (7/?) Last Updated: 06 Jun 2024
Untitled Mini-Series by gay-dorito-dust
Part 1
Part 2
Then Show Me, Scoundrel by cera-writes (2/2)
Part 1
Part 2
Green Eyed World by thirtysomethingloser92 (9/15) (also on ao3) Last Updated: 08 Sep 2024
In Between the Shadows by TheFandomFires (on ao3) (9/?) Last Updated: 17 Sep 2024
Love You by wh0re4gambit (2/2)
Part 1
Part 2
Like Real People Do by BetaTheCyberNinja (on ao3) (3/?) Last Updated: 20 Aug 2024
Cards of Life by Andromedas_Ace (on ao3) (3/3)
All We've Ever Known by blackberry-gingham (2/2) (also on ao3)
Part 1
Part 2
Noone Will Hurt You by wouldyoulookatthatarat (on ao3) (3/3)
Nights by RoseInIvy (on ao3) (3/3)
A Jealous Confession by classypiratevoid (2/2)
Part 1
Part 2
Farewell Kiss by importantangels (3/3)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Untitled Mini-Series by xxgoblin-dumplingxx
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Don't Look at Me While I Look at You by HorizonDemise (on ao3) (4/?) Last Updated: 14 Sep 2024
Taco Tuesday by taintandviolent (2/?) (also on ao3) Last Updated: 03 Sep 2024
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (In the works)
Take a Bow by thirtysomethingloser92 (1/10) (also on ao3) Last Updated: 11 Sep 2024
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? by thirtysomethingloser92 (2/10) (also on ao3) Last Updated: 18 Sep 2024
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star-ver · 2 years
💫Diet Rules💫
★ 1k limit, one 500 low res day a week
✧ veggies 1st, then protein, carbs last
★ 15 hour 0cal bev fast 5 days a week
✧ redirect yourself. if you go to the kitchen for a snack, leave with only a cup of tea or water. apples over candy, veggies with hummus over chips. guilt isn't hot.
★ no eating while high
✧ if you haven't logged it, DON'T EAT IT! excuse yourself and log the food in the bathroom. know what you're eating and how many cals in it
✨W Log✨
Starting w: 210 bmi 32
Aug 15 2022 - 209 bmi 32
Sep 07 2022 - 206 bmi 31
Sep 17 2022 - 203 bmi 30
Sep 25 2022 - 200 bmi 30 (YAYY)
Oct 11 2022 - 196 bmi 29
Oct 14 2022 - 194 bmi 29
Oct 19 2022 - 192 bmi 28
Oct 22 2022 - 190 bmi 28
Nov 02 2022 - 186 bmi 28
Nov 08 2022 - 184 bmi 28
Nov 10 2022 - 183 bmi 27
Nov 18 2022 - 182 bmi 27
Nov 24 2022 - 181 bmi 27
Dec 06 2022 - 181 bmi 27
Dec 09 2022 - 179 bmi 27 !!!! YESSS!!!!
Dec 14 2022 - 177 bmi 27
Dec 17 2022 - 176 bmi 26
Jan 16 2023 - 174 bmi 26
Jan 23 2023 - 172 bmi 26
Apr 22 2023 - 172 bmi 26
May 06 2023 - 169 bmi 25
Jun 01 2023 - 161 bmi 24
Jun 24 2023 - 157 bmi 23
Jul 17 2023 - 158 bmi 24
Goal 1: 195/bmi 29 by Oct 15 ✅
GW 1.5: 190/bmi 28 by Nov 15 ✅
Goal 2: 180/bmi 27 by Dec 10 ✅
Goal 3: 170/bmi 25 by May 1 ✅
Goal 4: 160/bmi 24 by Jul 1 ❎
150 - 3.5 oz of mushrooms 🎁
Goal 5: 140/bmi 21 by Sep 1
Goal 6: 120/bmi 18 by Oct
UGW <3: 110/bmi 16 by Nov 16
54/100 lbs lost - over a third of the way there :)))
every "✧" is one lb, orange represents weight lost
210 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
200 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
190 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
180 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
170 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
160 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
150 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
140 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
130 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧
120 ✧✧✧✧✧|✧✧✧✧✧ 🎉110🎉
☀Net Cal Tracker☀
0-250 / 251-500 / 501-750 / 751-1K / 1K-1.5K / 1.5K+ / fasted 19+ hours
🌹NO BINGE February🌹
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08 09 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28
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sugaurora · 10 months
Writing Timeline
Tumblr media
— 2024
Coming Soon~
— 2023
Dec 22: Dream Come True (Teaser 1) (Teaser 2)
— 2022
Extended Hiatus
— 2021
Nov 28: The Wedding Arrangement
Sep 03: Back to Life
Aug 15: Moonflower
Jul 21: Éffleurer 17
May 20: Éffleurer 16
May 01: Fey and Wilde
Apr 17: Éffleurer 15
Mar 06: Éffleurer 14
Feb 21: Éffleurer 13
— 2020
Oct 18: Back Where You Belong
Oct 16: Éffleurer 12
Sep 25: Éffleurer 11
Sep 16: Éffleurer 10
Sep 04: Éffleurer 09
Aug 19: Éffleurer 08
May 17: Rockabye
May 15: Light Up My Life
May 09: Éffleurer 07
Apr 22: Éffleurer 06
Mar 07: To Look Within 01
— 2019
Extended Hiatus
— 2018
Jul 07: Dalliance
Jun 20: To Be Without 04
Jun 17: To Be Without 03
Jun 14: To Be Without 02
Jun 12: To Be Without 01
Jun 08: Sun. Moon. Star. 01
Jun 03: Kaleidoscope
Mar 23: Éffleurer 04 + 05
Feb 25: Mine
Feb 24: Somewhere Beyond the Sky
Feb 23: Pretty Little Things
Feb 19: Good Neighbor
Feb 18: Splendor
Feb 16: Something Like Fire
Feb 15: Hello, Nurse
Jan 31: Dictionnaire Infernal 01
Jan 09: Musings 06
— 2017
Dec 31: Honeysuckle
Dec 23: Something to Believe In
Nov 28: Musings 05
Nov 26: Scintilla
Nov 08: Musings 04
Nov 07: Priorities
Nov 05: Just Like Before
Oct 27: Musings 03
Oct 22: Musings 02
Oct 08: Éffleurer 02 + 03
Oct 08: Musings 01
Sep 29: Éffleurer 01
Aug 22: The Six Deceptions
Aug 19: Woebegone
Aug 13: Conflicts of Interest 02
Jul 30: An Honest Day’s Work
Jul 22: Medium
Jul 21: Silver and Gold
Jul 20: Bloodlines
Jul 20: Little Gifts
Jul 19: Tipping Crowns
Jul 17: Pendulum
Jul 16: Casus Fortuitus
Jul 05: The Best Intentions
Jun 17: Conflicts of Interest 01
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orangiewriting · 8 months
My 2024 TBR
Since I've gotten a kindle I've been devouring books in such a high speed, it's' difficult to keep track. It's especially difficult to keep track of my TBR, because I keep adding more books to it. So: these are the books I want to read in 2024! (plus the dates I added them to my To Read shelf on Goodreads)
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. Jun 03, 2016.
My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga. Jun 03, 2016.
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. Sep 15, 2018.
Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo. Sep 22, 2018.
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. Dec 19, 2018.
Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee by Jeff Zetner. May 28, 2019.
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides. May 28, 2019.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. Oct 06, 2021.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Series by Sarah J. Maas. Jul 12, 2023.
In the Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune. May 23, 2023
Modern Faerie Tales Series by Holly Black. Dec 16, 2021.
The Prisoner's Throne (The Stolen Heir Duology, #2) by Holly Black. Mar 14, 2023.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. Jul 12, 2022.
Happy Place by Emily Henry. Oct 19, 2022.
Wildfire (Maple Hills, #2) by Hannah Grace. Jul 27, 2023.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. Nov 08, 2023.
Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Jul 24, 2022
Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood. Dec 10, 2023.
The Brown Sisters Series by Talia Hibbert.
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