fashionstylwinsp · 4 months
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Around Milan 🚌
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hequatenus · 2 years
11:32 p.m.
Há algo estranho dentro de mim. Me sinto diferente, mas um diferente bom. É como se de repente o mundo tivesse parado e começado a girar pro outro lado. Estou mais sensível as coisas a minha volta, eu acho, como se fosse capaz de perceber cada ponto de nuance. E isso é incrível. Acho que me senti certa na realidade por um momento. Fixa à terra. De pé, enfim.
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lobster-lover · 6 months
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funny green guys, so much to think about, hustlers must read
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goldenpinof · 3 months
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i think they should shut up
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ccalxx · 6 months
Dating Wriothesley Headcanons
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What is it like dating the duke of the Meropide Fortress?
Wriothesley is very sharp and observant, even the faintest difference in your actions, he will know if something is wrong. He may be busy but he won't waste any time in asking you what's wrong or he would be comforting you if you need comfort.
Given that he is the Duke of the Meropide Fortress, a similar title to the Iudex of the Court of Fontaine, do expect that he'd really be busy. But not busy enough to prevent him from visiting or contacting you.
If you're the type of person that would make him cute bento boxes hoping to embarrass him (prank), well think again, because he actually doesn't care! He might chuckle a second or so, but he really thinks that your bento boxes are cute and something (despite being consumable) to cherish. He appreciates the thought and designs you put into.
He likes eating meat because of protein, just how he likes eating yo-, so you mostly make meat dishes in your bento. Tonkatsu that looks like a shark? Cute! Teriyaki chicken that resembles a wolf? Looks good! Pasta with shark shaped sausages? Thats nice!
On the outward appearance, you'd think he's scary or someone who has anger issues but he's not. He's really soft, caring, and cheeky too!
Do expect that he'd melt into your touch once he gets home from work. He may also fall asleep on times you didn't expect him to.
"[Nameeeeee] I'm home!" Wrio said as he wrapped his hands behind you and kisses your cheeks. You both went and sat on the couch, Wrio still clinging to you, as you ask him about his day, you noticed he isn't responding. He fell asleep while clinging to you, looks like you're not gonna feel your arm later.
He may have prevented you in going to Fortress of Meropide many times.
"Y/N, No. You might be in danger." "But Wrioooo" "No.".
But that didn't stop you from going and having lunch/snacks/dinner (he sometimes stay in the office even at night to finish paperworks). Instead he taught you some self defense moves in case you needed. "Okay Y/N if someone grabs your arm what should you do?" "Break their neck?" "Ye- what no!"
He likes tea, but you know what he likes more? You brewing him tea. You somehow learned different brew mixes just for him and he appreciates, no, he loves it so much! Because he doesn't really have the time to mix tea with lemon or whatever, because he's busy.
He isn't really a fan of PDA since he respects your personal space but in certain occasions he will assert that he's your man.
For example, someone in the overworld was harassing with you while you were selecting meat for his next meal. "*Whistles* Looking good pretty/handsome, just like that piece of meat you're holding" You were contemplating to slap the slab of meat on his face but you suddenly felt familiar hands around your waist. "My, my, that's not how to talk to a lady/gentleman is it not? It looks like you need to learn some manners, don't you think so Madamoiselle/Monseiur?" He looks at you with a warm smile and he looks straight up to the eyes of the guy. "Scram if you don't want me to report you to Monseiur Neuvillette for harassment". "Why are you here sweetie?" "Please don't tease me but... I kind of missed you... So I was looking for you at home but you weren't there..." "Aw, Wrio!" He looks around then he buries his head on the crook of your neck.
When there are times that you needed comfort, he will try his best to be there (ex. documents finished early) . If not, as a promise or a substitute he will leave his fur coat draped on you. He'll make up to you by bringing you food though (or flowers/things if you don't like food as much).
If you feel sick, he'd take a leave to work, he'd care for you until you are healthy.
Wriothesley is really sweet and caring, despite of how sharp or scary he looks. He'd do everything to make you happy and comfortable, and it's not an exaggeration that he'd risk himself for you. He loves so much and he never felt so drunk in love before, but now he's drunk in love with you.
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chick-it-out · 1 year
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fandom · 1 year
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How many Spider-People does it take to change a light bulb?
Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man. Spider-Man Spider-Man, Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man. Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man, Spider-Man Spider-Man, Spider-Man Spider-Man. Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man—Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man! Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man. Spider-Man Spider-Man, Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man Spider-Man.
In other news, trailers dropped for both Good Omens 2 and Henry Cavill’s final season of The Witcher, Devi is keeping it real in her senior year in Never Have I Ever, and you’re all keeping it nice and queer here on Tumblr dot com. This is Tumblr’s Week in Review.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Hobie Brown | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Miguel O'Hara | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Good Omens
Miles Morales | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Pavitr Prabhakar | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Pride Month
Artists on Tumblr
Never Have I Ever
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
The Witcher
Peter B. Parker | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
The Spot | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Zelda | The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Friday, December 15, and there’s a 0% chance of rain. Highs are in the mid fifties and the lows are in the mid thirties.
I apologize for my absence, I feel into a natural portal and have been lost for some time. Luckily, only four days passed in the human realm, but it feels like I spent at least a week and a half gone.
Danny Phantom and Ember McClain were spotted fighting last night on the roof of McMasters, but strangely, they appeared to be talking to each other and having a perfectly normal conversation during the fight. It is more likely than not that this was just a friendly spar.
The selection of menu items at McMasters will be narrowing down tomorrow, and some items will be replaced. It appears that the restaurant is currently loosing more money than it makes.
The Fentons will likely be driving today.
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aewmoves · 18 hours
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sundogmaniac · 2 months
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ive been doodling a lot recently ::P anyway FELT!!!!!!!!
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happy walton wednesday guys!
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months
Infinite bsd universes thanks to the Book, can't there be one where Chuuya and Dazai get along??
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hequatenus · 2 years
12:37 a.m.
Acho que as madrugadas foram feitas para serem amadas. Elas carregam consigo um ar leve e pesado. Uma tristeza disfarçada de alegrias imensuráveis. Uma epidemia de sentimentos que tentam a cada novo instante rasgar a realidade. Parecem não pertencer ao espaço nem ao tempo. Têm um gosto doce e violento. Diferente de quase todo o resto que já provei.
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l0starl · 2 months
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Chuuya wasn't really interested in having a celebration on his birthday, it would be just a regular day for him, going to work and coming back home peppering you with kisses.
But coming home late, as per usual, he expected the same routine, receiving kisses to the cheek while asking him how his day was. But you weren't there to run into his arms with a smile as usual.
Walking further, he heard movement from the living room, footsteps scurrying towards him, and there you were with a heart felt smile holding up a plate with a slice of cake with a card underneath.
"Happy birthday Chuuya!" You beamed
With a smile, he brought you into an embrace muttering a couple words with a peck on the forehead, you couldn't quite hear the words but it sounded like a thank you.
For the rest of the day you kept each other company, both enjoying each others comfort, you were all he had, so what better way to show how much you appreciate him?
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kazoosandfannypacks · 8 months
sabezra week: day 1: in-between
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during the decade in between, sabine helps the rebellion defeat the empire, but after the new republic is started, she's a rebel without a cause, until ahsoka suspects some force sensitivity in her and takes it upon herself to train her. after the death of sabine's family, ahsoka worries her grief will lead her down a dark path and stops training her. a rebel without a war, a mandalorian without a clan, and no longer a jedi- a keeper of the peace she's now trapped in- sabine spends most of her time on lothal, wondering if there's any way she can find ezra and bring him back home.
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during the decade in between, ezra finds the noti and joins their clan, initially communicating with them via the force, but eventually adapting to their language, and swapping stories with them to pass the time while he waits for sabine to bring him back home.
headcanons and taglist below the cut. do not repost moodboards!
Sabine's loth cat, Murley, is nicknamed Cyar Kaysh Mirsh Solus [two mando'a phrases meaning: "beloved" and "his brain cell is lonely"] because of how much he reminds her of Ezra.
Anytime Ezra has a stupid idea, he hears a sarcastic little voice in the back of his head calling him out for it, and usually calling him a D'ikut, or some other Mando'a insult. That's part of why, when Sabine's with him again and makes a sarcastic and self-confident remark, all he can think to say is "I've missed you."
Sabine paints the walls in the tower on Lothal a lot, usually things that she knows Ezra won't mind when he gets back, but occasionally one or two things that'll annoy him in a half-sincere attempt to spite him out of hiding.
Ezra attempts to learn to draw/paint so that he can impress Sabine when she finds him. A lot of his early attempts were horrible, but by the time she gets there, he's quite good for someone with his limited resources, and he has a not-too-bad mural of the ghost crew etched in the wall of his mobile home.
Though she wouldn't even admit it to herself, part of the reason Sabine wanted to become a Jedi was to find a connection to Ezra though the Force.
Part of the reason Ezra worked on his proficiency in combat without lightsabers was because he half-expected Sabine to have lost his lightsaber over the course of their separation.
Sabine's family noticed how downtrodden she was at losing Ezra and asked about him, but she told them she didn't have feelings for him. Tristan asks her about it later, and and she tells him the truth, but her secret dies with him a couple days later.
Ezra tells the Noti all kinds of stories about what happened before he got to Perida. Naturally, their favorite stories are the ones that he seems the most excited when he's telling, so they ask him a lot to tell him stories about his friend Sabine.
Jacen loves hearing stories about his ghost crew family. One time while Sabine's watching him, they sit at the table drawing while she tells a story about his Uncle Ezra. Jacen, without even looking up from his coloring page, asks Sabine if she loved him. She's a little startled and deflects the question, but in that moment, she almost said yes. She hadn't even told herself that until that moment.
The language the Noti speak is a little different from basic. It throws Ezra for a loop when one of them asks to hear about his "girl friend Sabine" until he realizes that the Noti word for a romantic partner is completely different, and they were merely referring to his friend, Sabine, who is a girl. He has to admit though, he likes the sound of that phrase.
taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @sabezraweek (if you'd like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
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beesbeesbees42 · 3 months
Every instance of One I could find in the new episode!!!
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