#1 Local Plumber
Tucson's #1 Local Plumber
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not-the-cheese · 1 year
one sentence(ish) summaries of every magnus archive episode PART 2
(eps 61-110) thank u for the funny comments and tags on the last part i love u guys
the rest of these may take a while as i've caught up to where i am currently in the podcast but i will finish them like in a month i promise
61. the thrilling sequel to man does not open coffin: man DOES open coffin.
62. surely this doctor can find an easier way to scam people out of money than putting them in a little book.
64. this is possibly the plot of laura croft tomb raider
65. mmm crumchy
66. what's the opposite of an unboxing video
67. as close to a coffeeshop au as you're going to get from this podcast
68. Doctors hate him! Man REFUSES to die from tuberculosis!
69. your college's psych department has the worst idea ever.
70. reverse death note
71. not even death will stop this woman from taking the british subway
72. man doesn't want to be low key racist in his last moments before getting eaten
73. police versus the second coming of dark jesus
74. lady is haunted by an ad for coffee
75. mike crew says "uh fuck it let's just put this guy on a skyscraper forever"
76. ryan from buzzfeed unsolved breaks into a train yard and suffers consequences
77. you're not a enough of a bitch to be my real mom
78. man gets harassed by his cousin and then exorcises him
79. you know that chase scene in scooby doo with the doors
80. stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen leitner
81. i have been personally victimized by the sequel to the hungry hungry caterpillar
82. pov: elias threatens to cancel you
83. mannequin takes matters into its own hands after people don't like its pitch for a new window display
84. a hoarder put newspaper on my friend's face :(
85. hey there's maybe a little man upon these stairs?
86. man gets got by a squiggly thing in the dark.
87. plumber is so oblivious to spooky happenings around him that it possibly saves his life.
88. guys i think this guy likes to dig
89. lesbian investment banker finds a new, less evil job: arson!
90. guy who turns people's bones starts a gym where he promises not to turn your bones! (he is lying)
91. i was stalked by lightning for 10 years and i all i got were these stupid scars
92. jonah magnus is a bad friend // another day another elias slay
93. ocd is no match for purple fuzz
94. let the bodies drop gently to the floor let the bodies drop gently to the floor
95. im so sorry my brain refuses to remember what the war ones were about but i think one guy got gently kissed on the forehead so that's pretty nice.
96. diversity wins! the not-quite-human delivery men who stole your identity and business are maybe gay?
97. man gets gaslighted by an entire town about a hole
98. 🎶mister sandman bring me a dream, actually don't, please stay far from me 🎶
99. another one bites the dust
100. archival assistants face off against the general public (they lose)
101. jon finally levels up high enough to unlock an eldritch horror's tragic backstory
103. peppa eats a clown and they cover her in concrete instead of congratulating her.
104. pennywise stole my brother's skin
105. it's world war z baby
106. Something Big Is In Space.
107. man is interrogated about the time he saw thomas the train roasts people alive and also sans is there
108. actor is stalked by mask who liked his monologue so much that it tells its mask friends to come watch.
109. sometimes a family is just a serial killer's daughter and that guy who maybe killed some vampires
110. yeah man those spiders be eating
Part 1 |
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This is your brain on fraud apologetics
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In 1998, two Stanford students published a paper in Computer Networks entitled “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” in which they wrote, “Advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of consumers.”
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The co-authors were Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin, and the “large-scale hypertextual web search-engine” they were describing was their new project, which they called “Google.” They were 100% correct — prescient, even!
On Wednesday night, a friend came over to watch some TV with us. We ordered out. We got scammed. We searched for a great local Thai place we like called Kiin and clicked a sponsored link for a Wix site called “Kiinthaila.com.” We should have clicked the third link down (kiinthaiburbank.com).
We got scammed. The Wix site was a lookalike for Kiin Thai, which marked up their prices by 15% and relayed the order to our local, mom-and-pop, one-branch restaurant. The restaurant knew it, too — they called us and told us they were canceling the order, and said we could still come get our food, but we’d have to call Amex to reverse the charge.
As it turned out, the scammers double-billed us for our order. I called Amex, who advised us to call back in a couple days when the charge posted to cancel it — in other words, they were treating it as a regular customer dispute, and not a systemic, widespread fraud (there’s no way this scammer is just doing this for one restaurant).
In the grand scheme of things, this is a minor hassle, but boy, it’s haunting to watch the quarter-century old prophecy of Brin and Page coming true. Search Google for carpenters, plumbers, gas-stations, locksmiths, concert tickets, entry visas, jobs at the US Post Office or (not making this up) tech support for Google products, and the top result will be a paid ad for a scam. Sometimes it’s several of the top ads.
This kind of “intermediation” business is actually revered in business-schools. As Douglas Rushkoff has written, the modern business wisdom reveres “going meta” — not doing anything useful, but rather, creating a chokepoint between people who do useful things and people who want to pay for those things, and squatting there, collecting rent:
It’s the ultimate passive income/rise and grind side-hustle: It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to discover a whole festering nest of creeps on Tiktok talking about how they pay Mechanical Turks to produce these lookalike sites at scale.
This mindset is so pervasive that people running companies with billions in revenue and massive hoards of venture capital run exactly the same scam. During lockdown, companies like Doordash, Grubhub and Uber Eats stood up predatory lookalike websites for local restaurants, without their consent, and played monster-in-the-middle, tricking diners into ordering through them:
These delivery app companies were playing a classic enshittification game: first they directed surpluses to customers to lock them in (heavily discounting food), then they directed surplus to restaurants (preferential search results, free delivery, low commissions) — then, having locked in both consumers and producers, they harvested the surplus for themselves.
Today, delivery apps charge massive premiums to both eaters and restaurants, load up every order with junk fees, and clone the most successful restaurants out of ghost kitchens — shipping containers in parking lots crammed with low-waged workers cranking out orders for 15 different fake “virtual restaurants”:
Delivery apps speedran the enshittification cycle, but Google took a slower path to get there. The company has locked in billions of users (e.g. by paying billions to be the default search on Safari and Firefox and using legal bullying to block third party Android device-makers from pre-installing browsers other than Chrome). For years, it’s been leveraging our lock-in to prey on small businesses, getting them to set up Google Business Profiles.
These profiles are supposed to help Google distinguish between real sellers and scammers. But Kiin Thai has a Google Business Profile, and searching for “kiin thai burbank” brings up a “Knowledge Panel” with the correct website address — on a page that is headed with a link to a scam website for the same business. Google, in other words, has everything it needs to flag lookalike sites and confirm them with their registered owners. It would cost Google money to do this — engineer-time to build and maintain the system, content moderator time to manually check flagged listings, and lost ad-revenue from scammers — but letting the scams flourish makes Google money, at the expense of Google users and Google business customers.
Now, Google has an answer for this: they tell merchants who are being impersonated by ad-buying scammers that all they need to do is outbid them for the top ad-spot. This is a common approach — Amazon has a $31b/year “ad business” that’s mostly its own platform sellers bidding against each other to show you fake results for your query. The first five screens of Amazon search results are 50% ads:
This is “going meta,” so naturally, Meta is doing it too: Facebook and Instagram have announced a $12/month “verification” badge that will let you report impersonation and tweak the algorithm to make it more likely that the posts you make are shown to the people who explicitly asked to see them:
The corollary of this, of course, is that if you don’t pay, they won’t police your impersonators, and they won’t show your posts to the people who asked to see them. This is pure enshittification — the surplus from users and business customers is harvested for the benefit of the platform owners:
The idea that merchants should master the platforms as a means of keeping us safe from their impersonators is a hollow joke. For one thing, the rules change all the time, as the platforms endlessly twiddle the knobs that determine what gets shown to whom:
And they refuse to tell anyone what the rules are, because if they told you what the rules were, you’d be able to bypass them. Content moderation is the only infosec domain where “security through obscurity” doesn’t get laughed out of the room:
Worse: the one thing the platforms do hunt down and exterminate with extreme prejudice is anything that users or business-customers use to twiddle back — add-ons and plugins and jailbreaks that override their poor choices with better ones:
As I was submitting complaints about the fake Kiin scam-site (and Amex’s handling of my fraud call) to the FTC, the California Attorney General, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau and Wix, I wrote a little Twitter thread about what a gross scam this is:
The thread got more than two million reads and got picked up by Hacker News and other sites. While most of the responses evinced solidarity and frustration and recounted similar incidents in other domains, a significant plurality of the replies were scam apologetics — messages from people who wanted to explain why this wasn’t a problem after all.
The most common of these was victim-blaming: “you should have used an adblocker” or “never click the sponsored link.” Of course, I do use an ad-blocker — but this order was placed with a mobile browser, after an absentminded query into the Google search-box permanently placed on the home screen, which opens results in Chrome (where I don’t have an ad-blocker, so I can see material behind an ad-blocker-blocker), not Firefox (which does have an ad-blocker).
Now, I also have a PiHole on my home LAN, which blocks most ads even in a default browser — but earlier this day, I’d been on a public wifi network that was erroneously blocking a website (the always excellent superpunch.net) so I’d turned my wifi off, which meant the connection came over my phone’s 5G connection, bypassing the PiHole:
“Don’t click a sponsored link” — well, the irony here is that if you habitually use a browser with an ad-blocker, and you backstop it with a PiHole, you never see sponsored links, so it’s easy to miss the tiny “Sponsored” notification beside the search result. That goes double if you’re relaxing with a dinner guest on the sofa and ordering dinner while chatting.
There’s a name for this kind of security failure: the Swiss Cheese Model. We all have multiple defenses (in my case: foreknowledge of Google’s ad-scam problem, an ad-blocker in my browser, LAN-wide ad sinkholing). We also have multiple vulnerabilities (in my case: forgetting I was on 5G, being distracted by conversation, using a mobile device with a permanent insecure search bar on the homescreen, and being so accustomed to ad-blocked results that I got out of the habit of checking whether a result was an ad).
If you think you aren’t vulnerable to scams, you’re wrong — and your confidence in your invulnerability actually increases your risk. This isn’t the first time I’ve been scammed, and it won’t be the last — and every time, it’s been a Swiss Cheese failure, where all the holes in all my defenses lined up for a brief instant and left me vulnerable:
Other apologetics: “just call the restaurant rather than using its website.” Look, I know the people who say this don’t think I have a time-machine I can use to travel back to the 1980s and retrieve a Yellow Pages, but it’s hard not to snark at them, just the same. Scammers don’t just set up fake websites for your local businesses — they staff them with fake call-centers, too. The same search that takes you to a fake website will also take you to a fake phone number.
Finally, there’s “What do you expect Google to do? They can’t possibly detect this kind of scam.” But they can. Indeed, they are better situated to discover these scams than anyone else, because they have their business profiles, with verified contact information for the merchants being impersonated. When they get an ad that seems to be for the same business but to a different website, they could interrupt the ad process to confirm it with their verified contact info.
Instead, they choose to avoid the expense, and pocket the ad revenue. If a company promises to “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful,” I think we have the right to demand these kinds of basic countermeasures:
The same goes for Amex: when a merchant is scamming customers, they shouldn’t treat complaints as “chargebacks” — they should treat them as reports of a crime in progress. Amex has the bird’s eye view of their transaction flow and when a customer reports a scam, they can backtrack it to see if the same scammer is doing this with other merchants — but the credit card companies make money by not chasing down fraud:
Wix also has platform-scale analytics that they could use to detect and interdict this kind of fraud — when a scammer creates a hundred lookalike websites for restaurants and uses Wix’s merchant services to process payments for them, that could trigger human review — but it didn’t.
Where do all of these apologetics come from? Why are people so eager to leap to the defense of scammers and their adtech and fintech enablers? Why is there such an impulse to victim-blame?
I think it’s fear: in their hearts, people — especially techies — know that they, too, are vulnerable to these ripoffs, but they don’t want to admit it. They want to convince themselves that the person who got scammed made an easily avoidable mistake, and that they themselves will never make a similar mistake.
This is doubly true for readerships on tech-heavy forums like Twitter or (especially) Hacker News. These readers know just how many vulnerabilities there are — how many holes are in their Swiss cheese — and they are also overexposed to rise-and-grind/passive income rhetoric.
This produces a powerful cognitive dissonance: “If all the ‘entrepreneurs’ I worship are just laying traps for the unwary, and if I am sometimes unwary, then I’m cheering on the authors of my future enduring misery.” The only way to resolve this dissonance — short of re-evaluating your view of platform capitalism or questioning your own immunity to scams — is to blame the victim.
The median Hacker News reader has to somehow resolve the tension between “just install an adblocker” and “Chrome’s extension sandbox is a dumpster fire and it’s basically impossible to know whether any add-on you install can steal every keystroke and all your other data”:
In my Twitter thread, I called this “the worst of all possible timelines.” Everything we do is mediated by gigantic, surveillant monopolists that spy on us comprehensively from asshole to appetite — but none of them, not a 20th century payment giant nor a 21st century search giant — can bestir itself to use that data to keep us safe from scams.
Next Thu (Mar 2) I'll be in Brussels for Antitrust, Regulation and the Political Economy, along with a who's-who of European and US trustbusters. It's livestreamed, and both in-person and virtual attendance are free:
On Fri (Mar 3), I'll be in Graz for the Elevate Festival:
[Image ID: A modified version of Hieronymus Bosch's painting 'The Conjurer,' which depicts a scam artist playing a shell-game for a group of gawking rubes. The image has been modified so that the scam artist's table has a Google logo and the pea he is triumphantly holding aloft bears the 'Sponsored' wordmark that appears alongside Google search results.]
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astrologycharts242 · 10 months
The fame related houses in astrology part 1 (10th house)
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First let me hurry up and clear this out of the way. I see a lot of posts on Tumblr for example talking about fame and popularity Yet no one mentions the houses in astrology that causes fame or what type of fame these houses bring.
Remember fame or popularity is kinda subjective and there are specific categories you have to take into consideration. Such as local fame, celebrity status.
The 10th house
The 10th house represents career, public image/recognition, reputation, status, career achievements and most importantly popularity/fame for or due to your career. The 10th house fame is really your professional resume in a birth chart. It shows you getting public recognition in regards to your career.
For example there are celebrities that are strictly known for being a musician or an actor. The 10th house doesn't even have to be fame for career. It could very well just show what you are publicly (reputation,) known for because of the career you do.
For example somebody like Jim the plumber has no popularity but he is known for being a plumber.
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He is known as a plumber by people. If you were to ask your friend who is Jim they would say oh he is just a plumber. Now planets influencing the 10th house will determine how popular Jim becomes for being known as a plumber. Let's say Jupiter transits Jim's 10th house then you'll see more people knowing or recognizing Jim for being a plumber.
Recognizing as in oh this person Jim was a plumber this whole time. See I don't even know who Jim the plumber 😂 is but we know that he's a plumber right?
The 10th house deals with career achievements as well and that results in being recognized by the public for career.
For example when you graduate from school or especially college. You would notice the 10th house being heavily involved in that time period.
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It's because when you graduate that's an elevation in your career. Something you would put on the resume. Therefore when your resume is being read you get recognition from those achievements.
Another example would be a promotion. This is why you see someone posting a graduation photo or a story bragging about how they got promoted. Next thing you know they get thousands of shares and likes.
This all has to do with the 10th house. People you see working minding their own business. For example a fireman rescuing a cat. Next thing you know a bystander records the whole ordeal. The fireman becomes popular or famous just for doing his work.
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Remember the 10th house is work environments so a person doing specific work whiles in their work environments. Can then bring popularity for a career.
I think Jupiter was transiting my 10th house when I had made a prediction in 3 weeks in advance before Will Smith slapped Chris Rock on stage. Obviously I started getting more recognition for doing astrology because of that.
Now if you're advance in astrology the certain placements can easily show which people are giving you that fame.
Where are you getting this fame from?
Is it local fame?
For example 4th house lord or ruler going into the 10th house. Can easily show people that gets their recognition or popularity, from the 4th house things. The 4th house represents the home environments.
Basically that can be like local fame. Someone that is well known locally in the state or country they live in. A lot of DJs or club promoters would have placements like that.
Planets in the 4th house matter as well because they would aspect the 10th house.
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Don't forget about transits in the 4th or 10th house to time when we get public recognition for our career.
Follow me on the other apps I'm out.
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What's Blocking you?
+ 1 Corinthians 2:5 So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
+ 2 Kings 6:17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
SUBJECT: What's Blocking you?
READ TIME: 8 Minutes & 21 Seconds
   Sewage lines get blocked, ears get blocked, toilets sometimes get blocked, and sometimes, if you are in a group and don’t obey the rules, you can get blocked as well. Simple things can block many things; sometimes, we don’t know why this happened. We like to assume it's blocked because of a particular reason, so we do process elimination to figure out how it happens.
   However, sometimes, after doing this process, we still don’t know, so we must call our local plumber, or maybe contact the group's owner or page, and even maybe go to the doctor. Still, all these people are professional, and they can figure things out quicker than we can, and that’s when we must ask questions sometimes we don’t want to, but sometimes that is the only way we can figure out what to do right??
 This is like our spiritual life. We must go to God about what's blocking us from hearing him. What could be blocking us from seeing what he wants us to see? Sometimes it's because 1. We have ignored him so much that he feels it unnecessary to speak to us 2. We disobeyed him when he speaks. 3. We don’t pray enough even to know when he is speaking to us; the word says my sheep knows my voice, and if he spoke to us, would we recognize him immediately?
  What is blocking you? What has kept you from God? Have you thought about it ? Have you looked over your day and seen what’s pushing you away ? Or what’s taking up your time ? Is it YouTube, Netflix , people , things ?? Sometimes, we know and don’t want to think that’s what caused it. If we think about it, we never want to cause anything to be blocked especially with our relationship with God, but it happens, and we must always ask God how to fix it.
  2 Kings 6:15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the following day, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
    Elisha's servant was afraid. One morning, he got up and saw an army of horses and chariots surrounded the city, looking for Elisha. He asked Elisha what we do. Some of us often don’t ask enough questions, but God wants us to ask questions. He wants us to be curious and allow him to show us the way.
     Verse 16: “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
  Now, Elisha told his servant nope, don’t be afraid because we have more on our side than they do; Elisha knew who his protector was. He knew who to call and what to do because, he knew God, and he knew that he couldn’t do anything with out God , he was so confident in his relationship with God , and that’s what we must do and we must have that at all times, confidence in God that in anything he’s going to show up and help us through it all.
    It is okay not to know all the answers. It is okay to lean on someone, BUT let it be God; we can lean on him because some of us are so easily fooled by letting anyone teach us. We let anyone speak a word to us, but did God say this person is okay to do this over us ? Did God reveal that this person had good intentions? Often, people want us to see things that are not meant for us to see, and if God does not direct us about what transpires in our lives, we will be led wrong and away.
 Verse 17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
  See, what was blocking his servant was he didn’t know; sometimes that happens to some of the babes or us in Christ, and we don’t know, but when we do know and still do wrong we are going to lack in some way and possibly get blocked from our blessings, where did Elisha go, he went to the expert he said God open his eyes so that he may see and then his servant immediately seen.
  Another thing that could block us is our lack of faith. We allow ourselves not to know and be in denial to drive a wedge between ourselves and God, and we can't do that. Sometimes, we allow things to happen because we say oh, it's okay. God got it, but sometimes, we can’t just say it , we must create an action. God wants us to take the first step, which is having faith.What people don’t do is talk about how hard it is to see God through the darkness. We can all sit here and say we can and say that we will, but how hard is it for us when it happens to us? How hard is it for us to say I TRUST IN GOD, but my faith is weak?
  See, faith isn’t just there to say we have it; it must be activated by us believing in God that yes, it’s dark, yes, this is tough, yes, it might seem like I can’t do this, but I know even though I feel this way, I know he’s going to come through ,that’s faith. Faith isn’t just speaking the words; faith is admitting that God is the only way that things will be alright because of God and God alone and not just me but with him and through him alone.
  Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ
  God wants us to believe that even through our blockage that he can free our blockage; it’s like when we call the guy to fix the sink, we know he’s going to fix the sink because it’s in his job description it says he can, so we believe he knows what he’s doing this is just like God when everything in our life is blocked we must believe God can show us the way. He can free us from the blockage. 
  *** Today, we learned how faith can happen when we allow him to work through us; many of us are blocked because of many things, and one of the reasons is that we ignore him. We don’t fully understand when we ignore him repeatedly, we are saying we don’t need him, and we got it, and what happens typically is when we get out on our own, we realize, wait, I can’t do this without him, why don’t I hear him, why don’t I feel him because we decide to do things on our own and we can’t ,we are always going to need guidance on something.
  We also learned we can be rebellious sometimes, and the things we are doing , and thinking about can affect our relationship with God, we must be careful with what we do because we always have the Holy Spirit near us watching us and hearing us and we never want to grieve him because of our actions, that’s another way that blockage can come if you think you are experiencing this remember he can help you understand and see what’s blocking you.
©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, through this blockage, we are going through, we ask you to show us what’s blocking us and how to unclog it. God, we need you so much. Help us see you through sorrow and other emotions we are dealing with. Lord, we thank you for everything , help us to stay balanced in you. Lord, give us your strength and power; we trust in you through it all; in Jesus Name, Amen
+ John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
+ James 2:24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.
+ 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Proverbs 18
Leviticus 18
Hebrews 3
1 Peter 1
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amangotogroww · 18 days
The Power of Local SEO: A Vital Strategy for Small Businesses
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Local SEO is essential for small businesses aiming to increase visibility and attract local customers. By optimizing for local search, businesses can connect more effectively with nearby customers who are searching for their services or products. With nearly 46% of Google searches being local, this strategy is a must for any small business looking to grow in their community.
What is Local SEO?
Local SEO, or Local Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing a business’s online presence to rank higher in local search results. This means ensuring that your business shows up when people search for services in your area, such as “coffee shop near me” or “best plumber in [city name].” For small businesses, being visible in these searches is critical to capturing local customers and growing your brand.
Why Local SEO Matters for Small Businesses
1. Increased Visibility and Traffic
Local SEO helps your business rank higher in search results, making it easier for customers to find you. Studies show that 72% of consumers who perform a local search visit a store within five miles of their location. This means that if your business ranks well, you're likely to see more foot traffic, which can translate into more sales.
2. Higher Conversion Rates
Local SEO doesn’t just bring traffic—it brings the right traffic. By targeting users who are actively searching for products or services nearby, businesses are more likely to see high conversion rates. In fact, 80% of local searches on mobile devices lead to sales, as these searches often come from users with immediate buying intent.
3. Cost-Effective Marketing
For small businesses with limited marketing budgets, local SEO offers a cost-effective way to attract customers. Setting up and optimizing listings on platforms like Google My Business is free, and these listings can have a powerful impact on local search results. Compared to traditional advertising, local SEO can deliver a higher return on investment by targeting customers who are already interested in what you offer.
4. Builds Trust and Credibility
A strong local SEO strategy helps build trust and credibility with potential customers. Consistent information across online platforms, coupled with positive customer reviews, enhances your business’s reputation. As customers see consistent, reliable information, they’re more likely to choose your business over competitors. This trust leads to increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.
5. Competitive Advantage
By investing in local SEO, small businesses can compete with larger companies and national brands. Optimizing for local queries ensures your business shows up when people are looking for services in their area. This levels the playing field and allows small businesses to attract local customers who prefer to shop nearby rather than with larger, less personal corporations.
6. Improved Mobile Search Performance
With more consumers relying on their smartphones for local searches, optimizing for mobile is essential. If your business isn’t optimized for local search, you risk missing out on a large segment of potential customers. Local SEO ensures that your business is easy to find on mobile devices, allowing you to capture customers who are on the go and ready to buy.
Key Statistics That Highlight Local SEO's Importance:
46% of Google searches are for local businesses.
82% of people use their phones for “near me” searches.
80% of local searches on mobile devices convert into sales.
40% of local SEO campaigns generate an ROI of 500% or more.
Local SEO is not just an option for small businesses—it’s a necessity. It improves visibility, drives traffic, builds trust, and can ultimately lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, small businesses must embrace local SEO to remain competitive and relevant in their markets.
By prioritizing a local SEO strategy, small businesses can thrive and outpace their competition, connecting with customers who are looking to support businesses in their communities.
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ask-sparkling-sea · 1 year
The Plumber and her pups plops down into your chamber, holding a golden pearl!
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Hello, Sea!
I hope this pearl finds you well. Excuse the delivery method--after resisting it for many cycles, my communications have finally started to fail. And it seems the others in my local group are going dark as well. I've not heard from Outside All Axioms in over 40 cycles; I'm half-grateful, he was always talking our ears off!
How are things on your end? I assume Meadow in Moonlight has finally succumbed to their structural failings. I could feel the vibrations all the way in my can. Unfortunate, but inevitable. I do hope everything else is alright with you.
Send a pearl back if you wish--it's getting quite lonely out here with no one to bother.~
Much love,
Candid Splendor
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Lost - Intermission 1
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kariachi · 7 months
Sorry still a little bit on that idea of an alternative story to The Color Of Monkey-
Little kids in Undertown have been just vanishing and given he is setting himself up as The Person in Charge and is a local hero the parents and guardians turn to Argit about it
(Bonus points if we see this in the cold open and it leans heavy into The Godfather)
Should they be turning to the Plumbers instead? Maybe, but Argit's not about to argue because 1) more power and influence, and 2) this is a post-Rooters Argit and he's not trusting the Plumbers with a fucking pet rock nonetheless children, for all he knows they're the ones behind this
As a result, Argit calls up Ben and Rook to get them on the case, because at least them he can trust more that the rest of that lot
He would have called Kevin, has total faith between the two of them they could handle this matter, but given kids are involved figured it would be better to have fuckers he could trust to not lose their temper and straight-up dismantle a fucker in front of the kids
This is all well and good, all the norm, but Ben and Rook about do a double take when he joins them for the mission
Argit's excuses include 'has seen Rook in action and doesn't think Ben can carry his ass dealing in the criminal underworld' and 'have to keep up heroic appearances for political purposes', but over the course of the story it becomes clearer and clearer that his true motivations lean harder into 'Kevin and I have both been that kid snatched up for some jackass's own purposes and despite everything some part of me is still that kid that stayed near danger for his only friend and when he saw that friend go on a murderous rampage risked himself to try to help everybody'
Again, much better if he's going to have a good relationship with Ben's kids later to have an episode that goes 'whatever else he is and does, Argit isn't letting any kids go through anything like he did' rather than what we actually got
What exactly is the evil plot of the day? Is it another 'selling kids as food' thing? Easy slave labor? Throw them in a pit and watch them struggle? Not a clue but it gets dealt with and all the kids are rescued we are not having sad or bittersweet endings here
Argit needs to play a major role in handling shit, either he's helpful with the dealing with fuckers or he turns out to be damn good with little kids and gets them the fuck out of dodge while Ben and Rook handle the fighting- more likely the latter than the former, as much as The Color Of Monkey and some of the Rooters Arc shows there's a steel pipe to beat someone with at the core of the bastard he's not a fighter by preference, better to take advantage of his fucking off abilities to get the kids safe
Mind you I would not turn down a scene where they're trying to get information out of someone and Argit goes full 'my bestfriend isn't Kevin 11 for nothing' mode to the shock of Ben and Rook and the full intimidation of whatever bastard they're dealing with, but we can't have everything in this world
Needs to end with another 'Argit is a hero to a crowd' scene, he is returning the kids after all, but this one giving indication that he's not necessarily playing a part for his own benefit anymore as much as he is slipping into a role some part of him was made for, or at least heading in a direction where that's going to be true
Which itself would point back at the universe where Argit has the Omnitrix, and is at least good enough to be presented as an option for Team Good Bens, and to have seemingly not been looked at by Team Bad Bens when they even went after the firmly Team Good Bens 23
Final scene is Ben and Rook watching this and acknowledging that maybe they can start to see why Kevin's kept him as a friend so long and despite everything, end off with a joke about how they're still not voting for him though
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sigelfire · 1 year
15 questions / 15 mutuals.
Tagged by @galacticstar , LOL
1. Are you named after anyone?
-No, mum and dad made a list of the names they liked and then picked my 2 names from the ones they both liked and sounded well with my dad's last name which is italian.
2. When was the last time you cried?
-I can't remember well, but probably with a movie or series, LOL
But if I have to refer to real life, it was out of stress cause, after experiencing many power cuts in an inhuman high temperature weather, finally temperature decreased but I came last week to my house to find out we were out of hot water, and the neighbor told me it had nothing to do with our system, which we share, so I thought it was my own house water pipes that got clogged or worse, our hot water tank that got ruined and couldn't know how or when would we get those problems solved and how would I bathe or whatever without hot water.... well, I got mad... to afterwards find out our neighbor had been fixing some pipes and the idiot of the plumber had cut the water and had not notified my neighbor (but she could have just figure it out by the time, right)
3. Do you have kids?
-No, I'm not a fan of kids but at some point I'd have liked to. I just didn't find the right partner and now I'm a bit too old.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
-I do
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
-I don't practise sports. I need to walk... I used to go to the gym and do aerobics and step, which I adore, but can't find a good local gym or with good step classes :(
At school we played handball and afterwards, volleyball, which I didn't excel at... at all!!!
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
-the vibes they send to me, their faces...
7. What’s your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
-I love a good scary movie, but afterwards I feel terrible, so I'll stick to those with happy endings
9. Any special talents?
-I can sing decently and they say I am a good dancer... and I'm quite good at cooking
10. Where were you born?
-Buenos Aires city, Argentina
11. What are your hobbies?
-music, playing games, looking for hq photos and videos of the guys I like...
12. Do you have any pets?
-I used to have cats but since the last one died I just have plushies
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
-Geography, History and Art
15. Dream job?
-Archaeologist (that's what I've studied and graduated for). Or whatever involves music or entertainment...
Tagging (NO PRESSURE): @starlady66, @coffee-and-uhg, @silverloke, @lunapascal, @youhavereachedtheendofpie, @kissmywookiee, @ithinkwehitametaphor, @moustache-conversationalist, @grimm-lynn, @thiccsteacccuts, @aaronsaxon, @vvangelis, @hoffmanspuppet, @frostbitepandaaaaa, @spice-honey
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deewellsosd · 2 years
I remember when the public high schools that my mother taught at, in the US Virgin Islands, offered ‘Shop’ and ‘Home Economics’ classes.
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Sadly, those classes are looked down upon and the students that took those classes were too.
You see, we NEED plumbers, electricians, contractors, and carpenters.
Eventually, the ‘Shop’ and ‘Home Economics’ classes were eliminated because parents, teachers, and the government pushed for us to become doctors and lawyers for the so called prestige that these careers yield.
What our parents didn’t know was that the guy that was a general contractor could make $75k or more per year, run his own business and hire people.
You see, the government needs ‘workers’ and one of the ways to guarantee that there’s a long pipeline of workers is to tell people they need to graduate high school, go to college, and get a job where they work 40-hours a week.
You know the rest…..work 20 to 25 years and then retire.
My parents were raised with this mindset, but somewhere along the line they wanted more for themselves and our family.
Since trade skills aren’t being passed along from generation to generation how do we ensure that there are enough construction workers, electricians, and plumbers?
The Government.
On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that will parcel money to local and state government agencies to upgrade the outdated roads, bridges and transit systems.
What we need to do is bring back classes like ‘Shop’ and even create vocational schools.
We NEED these schools in America now more than ever!
Read the NPR article here.
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bmdplumberluton · 1 year
BMD Gas Engineer and Plumber Luton
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Exceptional Plumbing and Heating Solutions by Skilled Luton Plumbers
When it comes to finding a plumber Luton residents can rely on, BMD Gas Engineer and Plumber is the go-to choice. Our team of skilled luton plumbers is trained to handle a wide variety of plumbing and heating needs. From installing energy-efficient heating systems to conducting routine maintenance, we offer comprehensive solutions that ensure your home's plumbing and heating systems are functioning optimally. Whether it's a simple faucet repair or a complex boiler installation, our expertise is at your service.
BMD Gas Engineer and Plumber Luton: Your Local Plumbing Experts
What sets us apart as the preferred local plumbers in Luton? It's our commitment to the community. We understand that every home and business has unique plumbing requirements, and our luton plumbers are dedicated to meeting those specific needs. Our proximity as a local plumber near me Luton ensures prompt service and an intimate understanding of the area's plumbing challenges. Our plumber for small jobs is just as committed as those handling larger projects, reflecting our commitment to quality, regardless of the project's size.
Around-the-Clock Emergency Plumber Luton Services
Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time, and when they do, you need an emergency plumber Luton can trust. Our emergency plumbing services are available 24/7 to respond to your urgent needs. Whether it's a burst pipe, a blocked drain, or a failing heating system, our emergency luton plumbers are equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to address the situation swiftly and efficiently. With BMD's emergency services, you can rest assured that help is just a phone call away, no matter the time or day.
Comprehensive and Dependable Plumbing Solutions for Luton Residents:
1. Underfloor Heating:
Say goodbye to chilly floors with our underfloor heating services. Our skilled plumber in Luton can design and install a system that provides consistent warmth, maximizing comfort and energy efficiency.
2. Kitchen Plumbing:
Whether you need a plumber for small jobs like fixing a leaky faucet or a complete kitchen plumbing overhaul, our luton plumbers are experts in all things related to kitchen plumbing. We ensure your kitchen is functional, stylish, and up to code.
3. Bathroom Fitting:
Our bathroom fitting services go beyond simple plumbing. We offer design assistance, fixture selection, and complete installation. Our plumbers in Luton work closely with you to create a bathroom that reflects your taste and needs.
4. Central Heating:
Keep your home or business warm with our central heating services. Our luton plumbers provide system design, installation, maintenance, and repair, ensuring your heating system operates efficiently and effectively.
5. Radiator Fitting:
Looking for a professional plumber Luton for radiator fitting? Our team excels in selecting and installing radiators that complement your space, providing consistent warmth where you need it.
6. Boiler Service:
A well-maintained boiler is key to a comfortable home. Our boiler services cover regular maintenance, repairs, and replacements, carried out by experienced luton plumbers. We work with various models and brands, ensuring optimal performance.
7. Gas Safety Services:
Safety is our top priority. Our gas safety services include inspections, testing, and certifications, carried out by certified plumbers Luton. We ensure that your gas appliances and systems meet all safety regulations, protecting your home and family.
Why Opt For Our Expertise?
In a sea of choices, finding the right professional can be challenging. When you choose our services, you're not just getting a service; you're investing in unmatched expertise, years of experience, and a commitment to excellence. Our team ensures that each project is handled with precision, care, and a personal touch, leaving no stone unturned to exceed your expectations. With us, it's not just about fixing an issue; it's about building lasting relationships founded on trust and satisfaction.
Reach Out for Exceptional Service
Don't wait to address your concerns or embark on that project you've been contemplating. Contact our dedicated team today, and let's discuss how we can bring your visions to life or solve any challenges you're facing. We're here to listen, advise, and most importantly, deliver. Whatever your needs, big or small, we're just a call or message away.
For more details, visit https://bmdgasengineerandplumber.com/plumber-luton/
Contact BMD Gas Engineer and Plumber Luton Address: 94 Dunsmore road, Luton, LU1 5JZ, United Kingdom Phone: +44 7360278458 Email: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Saturday 7 AM to 8 PM
Check Out: https://about.me/bmdgasengineerandplumberluton https://twitter.com/BMDplumberluton https://www.facebook.com/bmdgasengineerandplumberluton https://www.linkedin.com/in/bmd-gas-engineer-and-plumber-luton-435b8a281/ https://www.pinterest.com/bmdgasengineerandplumberluton/ https://www.instagram.com/bmdgasengineerandplumberluton/ https://www.youtube.com/@BMDGasEngineerandPlumberLuton
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Like you, I'm in my mid 40s and graduated in the 90s. My youngest sister is 10 years my junior. Both of us knew the deal with student loans. In my case, they weren't needed, but every student in my class, was forced to have a meeting in our junior or early senior year(I can't remember), and all sorts of paying for your education was discussed. Loans, grants, scholarships, etc and their drawbacks. My sister who went to the same school, she was forced into the same meetings as I was. She did a combination of scholarship and loans in the same local university as I went to, as our parents had split and father retired because of the divorce. She knew fully about what she had to pay back and had to think about it. Because of that she became an accountant instead of a pastry chef as she wanted to. If your school isn't going over terms and conditions of loans, why the hell aren't people going over things with their parents about this? There's no excuse as to not knowing what you had to repay and how you would earn the money to do it
Some parents don't know, especially in the mid 90's they're going to be a lot of the ones that finished college before the department of education was born and the federal student loan programs opened the door to schools jacking up rates and offering worthless degrees so they could get more students in the door that would be paying those jacked up rates.
We in the mid 80's to mid 90's range (aka Gen-X) got screwed a bit but not so bad as kids are now, the whole 'going to college is how you get a good job and a good life' thing was still pretty true, but the white collar market is flooded now and decades of disdain thrown on blue collar jobs has not only increased wages for them it's made the people doing them really old since there's not enough replacements.
Good old days of getting your GED and getting a "union" job in a factory moving boxes from one wall to the next, or bolting parts together at the local auto assembly plant went bye bye, robots killed that off.
I have my own theories about possible reasons why wage stagnation has gotten ass bad as it has, probably get me chased out of town with torches and pitchforks if I stated them terribly publicly @thepromiscuousfinger knows what it is, it's one when you think about it for a bit it might start to make sense in a weirdly obvious way.
still centers on greed, but the methodology is different
Tangent over
Ya they really had the whole school assembly thing and we had a few people who's job it was to help us navigate the world of scholarships, grants and loans.
Not sure if they do that anymore, money for that might be getting funneled in places where it's not going to do any good like DEI training for staff.
There's a few different paradox's when it comes to claims of that all being predatory and different issues dealing with how they're handed out, but in the end you signed the papers so you probably should have read them better than you did.
Also SLF does exist, brother's gonna have 1/4 million less debt in a few more years from getting his law degree, bonus of going into civil service.
Paycheque may be bigger in the private sector, but you still have that bill hanging over your head.
Really need more people to go into the trades too, 2 year program, short apprenticeship, and if you're in the right place 75 grand a year as a welder or electrician or plumber or some other job that people don't believe you have when you pull up in your fancy sports car.
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the-dood · 1 year
The Super Mario Movie is an Entertaining Speedrun
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a highly anticipated animated filmed made by Illumination and backed by Nintendo themselves in order to prevent another Super Mario Bros. 1993 film disaster from keeping them from bringing their IPs to the big screen. Initial reactions were mixed on the casting, from negatives (Mario) to positives (Bowser), but upon watching the film in my local theatre, I’d say Chris Pratt was fine, even with the tease with the iconic falsetto tone near the beginning of the film with the commercial. Jack Black on the other hand, absolutely kills it as Bowser, even gets his own musical number.
The pacing of the movie is--as I said--basically a speedrun beginning from the journey to the Mushroom Kingdom with barely any breathing room for the characters to interact. Mario barely just met Princess Peach and the two were already fast friends throughout the film. On the other end of the spectrum, Donkey Kong and Mario’s rivalry is a bit natural as they occasionally butt heads at each other while not stomping Bowser’s troops. Luigi, I feel that he could do a little more in the film, being stuck in the cage in Bowser’s castle for 1/3rd of the movie’s runtime before having his big moment with Mario near the end of the film. It’s a shame, but Charlie Day is a great Luigi.
The beginning of the film does a good job portraying the Mario Bros.’s humble beginnings as plumbers in Brooklyn, NY, and showing their brief relationship with their family. It does touch up upon Peach’s origin, seeing that she’s not a native of the Mushroom Kingdom, but my biggest gripes about it is the absence of Toadsworth, Peach’s longtime caretaker, debuting in Super Mario Sunshine. I get that Toadsworth hasn’t been in any appearances in future Mario games as of late, but the best Nintendo and Miyamoto could do is at least remember him. The second oddity of the film is the relationship of Mario and the Kongs--namely Cranky Kong. As you know in the games, Cranky Kong is the Donkey Kong who Mario (as Jumpman at the time) fought to rescue Pauline--who makes a brief cameo in the film--during his time as a carpenter. Cranky in the movie does not recognize Mario, either he is senile, or a different Jumpman fought him and the current Donkey Kong as the film established DK as his son.
The visuals for the movie is what I expected for a big budget animated film by Illumination: stunning, with a lot of visual easter eggs only hardcore Nintendo fans will get, me included. However, the use of slo-mo in some part of the action can be a bit overdone and break the immersion.
Finally, the music. Overall, you can hear familiar Mario tunes throughout the movie arranged and orchestrated to fit the mood of certain scenes. However, there are also some licensed music that I feel are unnecessary as the familiar video game tunes are fine enough by themselves.
All in all, my final score for the Super Mario Bros. Movie is a 7.5/10. Sure, the pacing is not for everyone, and not everyone who isn’t a gamer will get the references, but it’s does what it do as an entertaining kids movie. I don’t expect it to be a total blockbuster and win critic’s heart, but as a Nintendo fan since childhood, I loved every second of it.
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Work force development and community development business renewal act creating more employees create more consumers . Planning taking abandoned buildings and turning them into we care back to work programs and take care of the clients every need from We Care and We Work programs Fedcap back to work programs from abandoned buildings in the hood the ghetto the slums use the power of Tammany Hall or for a better term economically and socially depressed environments which increases culturally stressed out anxiety prone environments leading to early deaths nicotine addiction a sense of helplessness and hopelessness you could change those environments of people into able bodied and faithful and hopeful people that work and consume of the businesses in their neighborhood then the next step is a better community these back to work programs employ more counselors more social service workers more security guards more teachers more police force more home care attendants , secretaries and construction workers of all levels from a laborer to skilled tradesmen and women architects , blue print specialist , welders , electricians , plumbers , carpenters , and supervisors
Turning abandoned buildings in every neighborhood in America and international locations each country and every continent into thriving businesses and employment training programs
Back to work programs that guide their clients through
Substance abuse
Mental health illness
Physical inactivity and putting them back to work creates great energetic communities and economies .
Excerpt from Donald Trump Commercial real estate investing
For a city or town to move to a buyer's market phase 2 - The next phase in the cycle - it's leaders must do something to increase employment opportunities when jobs are created , people begin to migrate back into a community population increases vacant sprees begin to fill , and at last rents once again begin to climb .
In order to attract job growth , the first necessary element is strong local leadership . If local government is not committed to change . Or if it's only activity is finger pointing about who's to blame for the lousy economy - the area will continue to wallow in a buyer's market , phase 1 .
Each city 🏙️🌆 has a master plan to guide it to the next round of growth . City leadership creates the plan to facilitate growth . To get your own copy of the master , call the local economic development committee and speak with a local office . He will be happy to talk with you and tell you about all the wonderful things in the city that are happening or soon will be . He knows the city needs investors like you in order to spark the next round of growth . You must be cautious when viewing the master plan , though . First determine when it was last updated .
Is it fresh , or is it one of the documents that took time and energy to compile , but no one pays any attention to . It was written ten years ago and has not been updated , city leadership is not proactive.
Next , determine whether the city has actually taken action on the plan . A continuously updated plan that never comes to fruition is simply a work of fiction .
In the plan , you should see many areas that are labeled revitalized zones . These are usually downtrodden areas filled with obsolete buildings . The city usually creates a plan to spur business growth and development in these areas . They can be great places to invest , but only if the city has spent significant money to it's plan a reality , and is clearly taking action . Until you see that happen , leave your money in your money in your pocket . Don't get stuck buying into , into that work or fiction that goes nowhere , and has a sad ending .
Buyer's ending If the city leadership is on the ball , new jobs will begin to emerge in the city . Following the jobs , people will begin to migrate back to the city . The market slowly absorbs is oversupply of properties . Rental spaces fill up . Not only does occupancy increase , but there is a decline in how long properties and retail and office space stay on the market . As even more jobs come into the area , the pace quickens . Boarded up residential and commercial properties come to life as investors rehabilitate them and put these residential and commercial properties back on the market . During the previous phase - Buyer's market , phase 1 - Bank foreclosures had risen to their highest levels . It's typical in the later stage late stage of a buyer's market , phase 2 , for competition for these bank foreclosures to become fierce . Both national and local investors now realize that there is money to be made in this market . Word gets around and both experienced and new investors circle this market on their maps .
As the market continues to improve , properties morph from being occupied by anyone who can go a mirror and pay a few dollars in rent , to fulfilling their highest and best use . The quality of business and tenants improve because they can afford to pay higher rent .
Rents and lease rates were in the earlier buyer's market , phase one , but they're now on the move Because of this , property values arise . Commercial property values rise fairly quickly ,because they are largely , valued as a function of their income , which is getting better all the time .
This is the very beginning stage of an emerging market . Any investor can see this new activity taking place . Only the savvy investors can look at the earliest buyer's market , phase 1 , and know that this phase 2 market is about to occur . They - and you - know this by doing your research and looking for certain market forces taking place .
Oddly enough , local property owners are the most likely to be blind to all the signs of recovery first . They're the last to see it because their vision is so clouded by the pain they've been through in the last few years . They watched unemployment increase and saw the glut of properties that choked the market . They felt constant pain as revenues dropped , but their payments to lenders did not
In the midst of all the swearing they did at the terrible market , they swore they would not invest in the area again . After all , they see no construction happening , and figure that the market is still dead . These are fabolous sellers for you ! They're still hurting and looking for someone to dump their properties on when you come , maybe interested in buying .
They breathe a giant sigh of relief when you slide the check across the closing table . Their long nightmare is over .
The major oversupply is just starting to be absorbed , though , and rent levels have not grown high enough to support the building of new properties .
Because this city had an aggressive program to attract jobs , companies have committed to the area . Those plans transform from commitments to actual , breathing people signing up for those new jobs . As jobs come in , other jobs are created . For every one professional job that comes into an area , another three to four service jobs are support that professional . This is called the multiplier effect . If a city expects to increase it's labor force by 4 , 000 new non-agricultural jobs , you can expect a total employment increase of 12 , 000 to 18 , 000 . This ripple effect will positively affect each type of commercial property , although ,- as I said before - apartments will see the benefits before retail does .
As jobs come into an area competition for labor begins to increase , so do salaries . There is now more disposable income that gets reinvested into the community in the form of restaurant and shopping revenues . The prosperity phase is beginning .
Sellers market This is the second half of the emerging market . It occurs when a market reaches equilibrium. Rental and lease rates have risen to the level that can support new construction of commercial properties .
In this phase , even the local die - hard pessimists have become believers . Everyone is convinced that the good times are here to stay , and money flows into the market . Investors from far away now read about the market and add to the inflow of money . With all these investors now seeing positive signs everywhere they look , demand for investment properties is at the highest point of any phase in the cycle .
Demand now increases even more and soon surpasses the supply of investment properties . The same is true of commercial space and rental units . Construction again takes off . Properties sell very quickly and time on the market reaches its lowest point of all the phases .
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ganesh-salunkhe · 1 year
Digital Marketing Strategy For Plumber
How to Boost Your Business Online
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Are you a plumber looking for ways to grow your business? With the rise of digital marketing, there has never been a better time to establish an online presence for your plumbing business.
A well-crafted digital marketing strategy for plumber can help you increase your visibility, generate leads, and ultimately drive more revenue.
In this article, we will explore the key components of a successful digital marketing strategy for plumber and provide you with actionable tips to help you grow your business online.
SEO Meta-Description:
Learn how to create a digital marketing strategy for plumber and boost your business online.
This article provides actionable tips for increasing visibility, generating leads, and driving revenue.
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Plumbing is an essential service that is always in demand.
However, with the rise of competition, it's becoming increasingly difficult for plumbers to stand out in the market.
That's where digital marketing comes in. A well-crafted digital marketing strategy can help plumbers establish an online presence, attract more customers, and ultimately drive more revenue.
In this article, we will explore the key components of a successful digital marketing strategy for plumber and provide you with actionable tips to help you grow your business online.
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The Importance of Digital Marketing for Plumbers
Digital marketing has become an essential part of every business, and the plumbing industry is no exception.
With the rise of online search and social media, customers are increasingly turning to the internet to find local businesses.
As a plumber, having a strong online presence can help you attract more customers and stand out from the competition.
Here are some reasons why digital marketing is essential for plumbers:
1. Increased Visibility
A well-crafted digital marketing strategy can help your plumbing business appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords.
This increased visibility can help you attract more customers and generate more leads.
2. Cost-Effective
Compared to traditional marketing methods like print ads or billboards, digital marketing can be much more cost-effective.
With tools like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, you can target your advertising to specific audiences and only pay for clicks or impressions.
3. Measurable Results
One of the biggest advantages of digital marketing is that it's easy to track and measure your results.
With tools like Google Analytics, you can see how many people are visiting your website, where they're coming from, and how they're interacting with your content.
4. Competitive Advantage
By establishing a strong online presence, you can stand out from the competition and attract more customers.
If your competitors aren't investing in digital marketing, you can gain a significant advantage by doing so.
Digital Marketing Strategy For Plumber
Now that we've established the importance of digital marketing for plumbers, let's dive into the key components of a successful digital marketing strategy.
1. Website Design and Development
Your website is the foundation of your digital marketing strategy.
It's the place where customers will go to learn more about your services and potentially hire you.
A well-designed and optimized website can help you attract more customers and generate more leads.
Key Elements of a Plumbing Website
A clear and concise description of your services
Contact information and a clear call-to-action (CTA) on every page
Customer testimonials and reviews
A blog to showcase your expertise and provide helpful tips to customers
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website to appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords.
By optimizing your website for SEO, you can attract more customers and generate more leads.
Digital Marketing Strategy for Plumber: How to Boost Your Business Online
Digital Marketing Strategy for Plumber: How to Boost Your Business Online
3. Local SEO
Local SEO is a subset of SEO that focuses on optimizing your website for local search results.
As a plumber, you want to appear at the top of search results when customers search for plumbing services in their area.
By optimizing your website for local SEO, you can attract more local customers and generate more leads.
Key Elements of Local SEO for Plumbers
Claim your Google My Business listing and optimize it with accurate information
Include your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on your website and other online directories
Create location-specific pages on your website
Encourage customers to leave reviews on Google My Business and other review sites
4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a form of digital advertising where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. PPC advertising can be an effective way to attract more customers and generate more leads.
Key Elements of PPC Advertising for Plumbers
Choose relevant keywords to target
Create compelling ad copy that highlights your services and unique selling points
Set a budget and bid on keywords
Test and optimize your ads for maximum results
5. Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is the practice of using social media platforms to promote your business and engage with customers. As a plumber, social media can be a valuable tool to build relationships with customers and attract new leads.
Key Elements of Social Media Marketing for Plumbers
Choose the right social media platforms for your business
Post regularly and engage with your followers
Share helpful tips and information about plumbing services
Use social media advertising to reach a wider audience
6. Email Marketing
Email marketing is the practice of using email to promote your business and communicate with customers. As a plumber, email marketing can be a valuable tool to stay in touch with customers and promote new services.
Key Elements of Email Marketing for Plumbers
Build an email list of customers and potential leads
Segment your list based on customer preferences and behavior
Use a compelling subject line and engaging content to encourage opens and clicks
Test and optimize your emails for maximum results
Frequently Asked Questions
What is digital marketing, and why is it important for plumbers?
Digital marketing is the practice of using online channels to promote your business and communicate with customers. It's important for plumbers because it can help them establish an online presence, attract more customers, and ultimately drive more revenue.
How can I optimize my website for search engines?
There are several ways to optimize your website for search engines, including choosing relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, and ensuring your website is mobile-friendly.
How can social media help me attract more customers?
Social media can help you attract more customers by providing a platform to engage with customers, showcase your services, and share helpful tips and information.
How can I measure the success of my digital marketing strategy?
You can measure the success of your digital marketing strategy using tools like Google Analytics, which can provide insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversions.
How often should I send emails to my customers?
The frequency of your email marketing campaigns will depend on your business and customer preferences. However, it's generally a good idea to send emails on a regular basis (e.g., monthly or quarterly).
How can I get started with digital marketing for my plumbing business?
To get started with digital marketing for your plumbing business, you should start by creating a website and optimizing it for search engines.
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Business Name: Cupertino Plumbing
Street Address 1: 75 E Santa Clara St
Street Address 2:
City: San Jose
State: California
Zip Code: 95113
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (408) 253-0618
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.cupertinoplumbing.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CupertinoPlumbingInc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cupertinoplumbing/
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/cupertino-plumbing-campbell-4
Description: Cupertino Plumbing: family-owned, 50+ yrs experience, expert service & unbeatable value in CA.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1203024189787486511
Business Hours: Sunday 24 hours Monday 24 hours Tuesday 24 hours Wednesday 24 hours Thursday 24 hours Friday 24 hours Saturday 24 hours
Services: Plumbing services, drainage services
Keywords: plumbers near me, plumber near me, best plumbers near me, drain cleaners near me, drainage contractors near me, drain cleaners near me, plumbers in san jose, plumbing near me, plumbing services, plumbing services near me, emergency plumber near me, plumber san jose, san jose plumber, emergency plumber san jose, cheap plumber san jose, plumber in san jose, local plumber san jose, san jose emergency plumber
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