#1-th askbox
cowardlybean · 6 months
OKAY SO POINT 1 I think teh fact that Reigen is inspired by Mogami is SO interesting especially bc in 7th Div reigen is shocked to see psychics that aren’t Mob. I don’t know if hez just surprised that derez other people with Telekinesis powerz and not just spiritual stuff or if he thought Mogami was just a showman but it’d be rlly funny and interesting if itz teh latter . Reigen thinking that Mogami was also a fraud but a very talented dedicated one and maybe idolizing it th way you might idolize liek an actor in a movie . I imagine th details of Mogamis suicide are very unknown to th public since he kept so much hidden in his final years so all most people including Reigen really know is ‘mogamis mother died, mogami disappeared from the public eye, and some time later he killed himself’ . Reigen doesn’t I imagine know Any of th in depth bullshit but could at least extrapolate that th media and paparazzi were not kind about his mothers condition or his mental health . so during Separation Arc when reigen himself is experiencing th nightmare dimension and feeling like extremely alone falling into that swirling vortex he remembers mogami (moth imagery in teh alleyway baby!) and is liek Oh my god I can’t end up someone like that I have to make something of myself . But ends up just getting caught up in th vicious media cycle in an entirely different way though hez able to do what Mogami didn’t and call out to someone . something about fighting vicious cycles by being willing to swallow your pride and ask for help .
SECOND POINT I go back and forth on dis ! see in th manga it is very explicit that Mob has no one at home whatsoever but th anime seems more vague about it? we still don’t see his parentz but itz much less upfront about ‘mob has literally no one at home’ and I sometimes interpret it as liek . he is so lost in his own misery and wallowing that he doesn’t even interact with his family or process deir existence . and how falling into that pit of misery can hurt otherz around you as well as he just becomes so entrenched that it seems like he simply has no family . he has a brother but dey don’t talk , so ritsu doesn’t bother intervening with bullies , dey have no bond . he goes home to his parents’ house but goes straight to his room because he has no energy at all . I like dis interpretation bc it plays into Mogami only changing th bare minimum to make th point of ‘this could happen to you’ to Mob . BUT ive also seen it positioned as like . th idea that that level of depression and suffering can almost become absurd to th sufferer , so it makes sense for what is essentially a torture dimension like Mogamiland to take that literally and perform th absurdity of actually removing his family relations altogether . while I generally perceive Mogamiland as more down to earth (relatively speaking, it is still cartoonishly miserable bc even though th bad things aren’t unrealistic all joy and good has been surgically removed) th idea that Mob quite literally goes home to an empty house because hes reached an absurd level of suffering , th same as how Mogami refused to reach out to anyone or seek any help and instead chose to rot alone in his house (something its hard to be angry at him or blame him for but that hes still like, complicit in, if that makes sense?) with no one else . reflecting how deeply unrealistic th mentalities you develop at that low of a point are , Mogamiland itself becomes absurd and bends logic to keep Mob trapped and too miserable to question it . if itz th latter case of Literally No One i imagine th absurdity rules help tether reality together . he can function on school lunches because miserable people may eat very little , his house is empty and cold and unpleasant but it stands and functions , because those are th bare minimum things needed to survive (all that Mob is doing) and to keep th illusion that he can have nothing better until he breaks .
Minori I imagine is like . Considerably worse off mentally den Mob right after th arc . Mob is obviously pretty fucked up by 6 months of hell but in typical Mob fashion is able to repress that pretty handily up until confession arc when Everything is opened up by force . it’ll be on his list of things to discuss in therapy for sure lmao . but largely hes good at repressing and also part of th moral of th Mogami arc is that wallowing in your own misery does you no good so he wants to live best foot forward . Minori does too i think , because she wants to change , but I think it’s a lot harder for her . shez lived on her perch of untouchable popular girl for a While , and even if she was acutely aware that things would Not Be Good if someone else rose above her , all she had to do was stomp down any threat effectively enough . between that and just being a teenager who has had a good life itz extremely hard for her to process such an extreme terrible theft of control from her . her body was puppeted , used to lie about and severely injure her father and many others , and she was used as a scapegoat , her actions in Mogamiland were things she really would do but it still must be frightening to be trapped in your own mind especially once Mob snaps and she realizes Oh . That’s what this exists for . To kill me . Mogamiland is a conveyer belt with Minori’s death at th end , that is Mogamis ultimate goal to make Mob change and see his point of view . so not only does she know that she barely escaped th slaughterhouse but she also knows she horribly tortured th guy who was strong and kind enough to save her even after all she did . bc it would be easy for a lesser story to have Minori scared straight , and i do think she does become very paranoid , but th primary reason she changes is because Mob made her want to be better , he made her want to be as courageous as he was . I think post-Mogamiland she is very physically and mentally fucked up but intent on Being Better TM but she doesn’t fully know what that means yet , doesn’t know how to unravel social standards she carefully built up herself or not just be forgiven because people are scared of her . I think she struggles really hard w learning to be kind and develops a lot of moral obsessions , getting really really upset and angry at herself if she so much as Thinks something bad bc thats proof she hasn’t changed and that th evil spirit is going to come break her fingers again . learning to actually be better without wanting to actively die every time she does something mean is a long process she has to work through but I think itz one she does work through w her dads help . I like th HC that she gets into crafting and that slowly leads into being able to care about more and more living things . her big stupid idiot cat she got that she threatens to sell to th circus while giving it treats even if it is icky . very fucked up girl trying her best , I think she reaches out to Mob eventually and dey get together for lunch or something every month or two . casual friends , derez an underlying sting of trauma for both , but friends nonetheless who are happy to see each other getting better . Mob says she should move closer to Seasoning City one day and shes like ‘do you even realize how many city destroying events there have been in the past 3 months alone. no.’ she and teru would be CRAZY gossip buddies lmao
MOGAMI……….i know hes in that damn jar . dis ask is getting looooong so I don’t wanna linger on him too long but I imagine he and Matsuo have an extremely tense dynamic up until th jar is broken in WD arc , and Mogami wanders for a few days before actually deciding to track down Matsuo again . unbearable as he finds him , Matsuo walks a line between human and spirit that not many people do , and is one of th only people that talks to him up front to his face because he too has experienced being thrown aggressively off his high horse . I think dey have a weird gay thing but either way I think dey definitely stick together bc dey both come to realize that dere Are other people in th world capable of understanding dem . Mogami is perpetually kinda fucked up but I think Mob changed him at least a little . enough to have let Minegishi go in WD arc and accept that maybe someone Can change sometimes .
hi . Mogami arc is my favorite arc
just in case lemme just. put this under the cut
OK OK in 7th div i think what shocks Reigen more is the fact that there are adult psychics? or rather. a lot of adult psychics LMAO he asks Ritsu earlier if he can help out at the office so i Think he knows other psychics exist (but he probably wouldnt guess they're all somehow miraculously concentrated in seasoning city AJHSDGHGHEGFGH) but with Mogami in particular, I'd like to think in his younger years he fully believed it all, going on spirit hunts of his own, but as he grew he'd think "yeah its all a scam" bc of his own scammery until Mogami arc throws it all into question. BUT APART FROM THAT. YOUR MIND. YOUR BRAIN. THE COMPARISON OF SEPARATION ARC AND MOGAMI'S STORY IS SOMETHING I HADNT THOUGHT OF BEYOND JUST THE MEDIA HOLY SHIT. oh my god knowing Reigen and his random knowledge on every little subject i feel like hes the type of guy to go on google rabbit holes and after Mogami arc that would reawaken his curiosity in the guy and later during separation arc he's thinking "i cant let myself get to that level, i have to become someone" AUGH I LOVE THE WAY THOSE TWO ARCS INTERTWINE. something something Reigen having some kind of support to reach out to but Mogami being utterly alone,,. but yah i think its so funny to imagine that Reigen Just picked up a lot of the showmanship from Mogami and didn't think the guy was legitimate ASDJHGEFGH.
THIS REAWAKENED MY FIRST INTERPRETATION OF MOGAMILAND WAIT ID COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN UNTIL NOW after I watched it for the first time I assumed that Mob's parents (or possibly just One of his parents) were in a state similar to Mogami's mother, and thats why they arent present and now i'm thinking thats a bit of an inbetween point, in that its something that could be a reality but its also Mogami's view of a cold, hard world to live in. I'd like to think that the behavior of all the other people in Mogamiland is how Mogami imagines they'd act, because of how vicious and horrible he views humanity, not the way those same people in reality would truly react. Like enforcing his view of the world onto Mob is his point, so the world acts and behaves the way Mogami believes it to? Any absurdities (like living off school lunches alone) are what I'd call gaps in the cognitive world, because id say its gotta be pretty hard to make a perfect recreation of reality without both unconscious bias and mentally skipping over forgotten details?? Apart from that, I definitely prefer the interpretation that Ritsu is still Mob's brother in Mogamiland, but they're distant, because it reenforces how Mogami really had nobody to reach out to, especially not his family. ANYWHO. idk how to wrap this point up into a neat bow so just take my ramble
SOMETHING ALSO ABOUT MOB AND MINORI RECOVERING FROM MOGAMI ARC is that he remembers he has people who care about him there, and he resolves to appreciate them more than ever before (and then the wounds are reopened in separation arc etc etc) but Minori doesn't really have anyone she could connect the experience to? I feel like the friends she has are. likely not the best, and she's absolutely been horrible to people outside of Mob. So while she wants to better herself for Mob's sake, bc of the kid who saved her damn life from some incomprehensible evil spirit who'd puppeteered her, I'd think her initial instinct would still be to prevent herself from falling to the same position her victims were in. The same courage Mob had needs to be built up, she learns over time to lower her defenses of her status and maybe in some way stand up for others (though bc of her trauma with losing autonomy, i dont think she'd be to open with any kindness at first in fear of losing the position she has). Her pedestal is already crumbling with the rumors of her being absent (popular girl who rules the school "getting sent to the psych ward" would get her looks and whispers in the hallway) and that definitely doesn't help her after having been used as a puppet. She'd definitely grow out of it though, through feeling her way through having autonomy back and to slowly unravel the hierarchy she'd built herself into. AND AUHGHRFGH. not to be insane again but TTTAAAC made me appreciate Minori SO MUCH MORE bc of her role. her getting into crafts and having a cat?? after it all??? AFHGFHGRHGR. i need to see more of her and the rest of the cast, she and Teru would be buddies and i KNOW IT!! not enough Minori content in the world i need to get on that
MATSUGAMI IS REALLY FUNNY TO ME SOMETIMES guy fascinated with evil spirits x the one evil spirit you should Not fuck with. Matsuo definitely has smth to say about sprits still having lots to learn in their afterlife, he's probably seen spirits from all walks of life and how they eventually move on. Mogami probably chills out a little from the bone-chilling monstrosity he is in his arc, maybe a little reflection would do him good. Sitting in that bottle definitely makes him think about things (gee maybe i shouldn't have put those kids in a hell dimension for 6 months. but then again theyre in middle school what do i know/j)
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the-gifted-kid · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :3
Uh, okay!:3
1. @lil-gae-disaster ! We are so similar and the conversations we have in German are so fun n silly :3
2. Hamilton. Just a comfort musical ngl love th cast and the songs
3. DEH Book my favourite book. I love going back and reading Connor's chapters
4. Drawing and,
5. Writing both are good ways to get out my emotions and be creative :)
Thx for the ask !!
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ask-scrafty · 24 days
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Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this
This blog is a SIDE BLOG to my main mod account Any and all asks/follows will be from the account Mod-Jazzy  - MINI ABOUT THE BLOG -
This blog follows Jolene, former princess of King Thomas Remington, one of the major lords of The Capital. Before she was kicked out at a young age due to a terrible curse bestowed upon her.
The story is about Jolene and her attempt to finally break the curse that has been plaguing her for years. Along with the enemies.. friends… siblings.. and lovers… that she drags along the way -> This blog will contain Religious Themes/Religious trauma and stuff of that nature. As well as general monsters and myth which may contain body horror, blood and general violence <- Please take note of this if you intend to view this story.
/ This blog was unfortunately deleted on March 4th, 2021. Mod was trying to delete a side blog and accidentally delete their main account, which took all their sideblog’s with it./ /Due to this, all older posts will be tagged with "repost" and some cannot contain Alt text due to tumblr not allowing those edits/
- Mini About the Mod -
Hello I’m Mod Jazzy. [ I also go by Raymond/Savannah, so if you see those names.. that’s also me!! ]
I’m currently 26 years old
Any pronouns
Been in the community since 2016
Currently working Hardware Retail, I live with my S/O and our many pets
I run and have run MANY pokeask blogs in the past and still run many to this day! A list of all my ACTIVE PokeAsk Blogs, can be found in -> THIS <- post! This is a pinned post on my Mod Blog, it has the most accurate list of my current blogs. Here is a -> LIST Yes it’s a lot I know its a lot I’ve been here for years and I have silly fun!! And also
Here is a link to my FAQ that I try to keep updated whenever I can haha My Art Blog – My ToyHouse warning: both my artblog and TH can contain blog spoilers! Take note of that in case you care about that kind of thing! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. Feel free to DM me or Shoot me a Ask! Note 1: If I’ve taken awhile to respond to a DM, try zipping me a ask (if the askbox is open). I don’t always get notified of DMs on here OR I’m being spammed by bots a lot!! Note 2: If you have drawn me something or tagged me in something and I have not responded to it... I probably did not see it! Feel free to zip me a DM or ask to tell me if I missed something you did for me! A lot gets lost in the cracks and I'm not always properly notified/I forget to respond to fan art or other things!!
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periodiccompletionist · 6 months
how many times have you been tagged with a picture of the periodic table
Surprisingly enough, zero. Somebody did write out every element in my askbox one time though. (not an invitation to do so btw)
H He _ Be B C N O F _ _ _ _ _ P S _ _ K _ _ Ti V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ge _ _ _ _ _ _ Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ag _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ Ta W Re _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ho Er _ _ _ Th _ U _ _ _ _ _ _ Es _ _ _ _
K C Co O U N Te Er - 8/118
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anon--throwaway · 7 months
In response to the things posted by Mod Jesus (@thdrama2)
I do not own th--drama and never have.
It's time I've come forward with this. I was just some dude who liked Bloody--Paws' work and we had maybe 1 mutual, but Aixoz (Bloody--Paws) likely has my main blocked as I am unable to view her posts, probably because I made her uncomfortable by reblogging her posts over a hundred times and for that I apologize to her sincerely. The salt blog I DO own is @saltofcs, which isn't even completely up and running yet. I'm still mutuals with my mutual, who has PMed me claiming to leave him anonymous in this, but my mutual has admitted to owning th--drama and would like for Aixoz to remain out of this drama particularly, as, in his own words, "She doesn't understand the weight of salt blogs, and just wanted to help me out by letting me use her character as a mascot. I had no intentions of keeping the mascot indefinitely, but the amount of harassment and fakeclaiming she's gotten in her askbox and on other salt blogs is absolutely unacceptable."
0 notes
bishoukun · 1 year
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I posted 808 times in 2022
That's 807 more posts than 2021!
19 posts created (2%)
789 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 185 of my posts in 2022
#written by dei - 10 posts
#dei does expositions - 6 posts
#kakashi - 2 posts
#obihoe - 2 posts
#uwah - 2 posts
#love him - 2 posts
#lmao - 2 posts
#wah - 2 posts
#lmfao - 2 posts
#my boi - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Regarding the claim that Madara “was asked to pretend [his] lover’s brother didn’t murder [his] own brother.“
Let’s be frank, that didn’t happen. Reposting this exposition because apparently the OP of the claim is toxic trash who thought it was fine to harass me about racism for commenting on a post... about... anime....... yeah.
Picture of original post text below, and the actual text below that under an RM.
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Like shoutout to madara 4 trying to be fine and be civil or w.e but what sane person could ever be asked to pretend their lovers brother didn’t murder their own brother
So, important things to add to this.
It was war, not murder. That needs to be distinguished very clearly. Izuna was trying just as hard to kill Tobirama, just like everyone else on that battlefield outside Madara and Hashirama themselves were trying to kill the person or people they were fighting.
It is heavily implied that Tobirama was unaware of and then disbelieving of the fact that his blow actually killed Izuna. He seemed to have taken the rest of the clan’s suspicion over Madara’s word - the word of the man who nearly had his older brother commit suicide or kill him to prove his loyalty, who made his brother act completely irrational on a whole other level - that Madara killed his own brother. He was highly suspicious of Madara, but avoided conflict with Hashirama on it because... well, Hashirama gets terrifying when Madara is involved.
Madara did not have that background context. The level of dissociation and traumatic memory blur that was likely to have covered most of that incident along with understanding the above point - that it was not a personal murder, it was war - led him to try and be at the very least polite to the little brother of his bae.
If for a single instant Hashirama thought it was a personal murder, he’d never ask that of Madara. Not directly, and certainly not pretending it never happened.
If for a single instant Madara ever thought it was a personal murder, he’d not have given Hashirama that second option to prove he could be trusted. He would have made sure that however he died, he took Tobirama with him.
2 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
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@kakashihasibs​ I immediately imagined No Children echoing through a classroom and now I’m going to piss myself laughing!
3 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
🌊 for the Naruto ask game.
Th-there as an anon in my askbox?!
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I may or may not have actually jumped in shock.
See the full post
3 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
#wanna hear all of your Sukea theories and headcanons too 😍
[cracks knuckles] @skykashi​ Brace for some feels and a long-ass post, friend.
Theory and headcanon overlap a lot with Sukea because I need to have a solid grasp on him and the decisions Kakashi made to create him for my writing. (And writing Sukea is so much fun!) So, I’ll try to clarify where different headcanons come into play.
The first thing of note is portrayed so fucking perfectly by a fanart I found on pintrest. Now, because I found it there and do not know the identity of the artist, I’ll not be posting the original picture. This is all about appearance, and how appearance leads toward the definition of origin and background, so I’m going to take the concept that the piece points out and show it to you here. I’ll note that this isn’t headcanon or theory - this is very intentional by design in canon, but it doesn’t hit until you see them side by side.
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Sukea is designed to be connected, at the very least visually, to Rin.
There could be hundreds of reasons for this, some of them subconscious, and some of them practical. It’s hard for me to put into words why consciously I think he designed Sukea this way, but subconsciously is a different story, and comes down to three things.
Emotional security
What neither he nor Rin got to be, but could have been
Which also leads into Sukea’s personality, but that I’ll address later on.
Self-punishment in this case I think is fairly transparent. There is no way to be so closely connected visually, thematically, at all really, without having to think of her. He already spends countless hours dedicated to her, telling her literally everything that is happening to and around him. He does this more so than with Obito, and there are reasons for that which come into play in the next one.
Rin, unlike Obito, was always able to get along with Kakashi - to the point where she could get him to ease off on Obito and be slightly less of a brat, which even Minato couldn’t get him to do. We also see that he’s comfortable with her touching him, which if you stop and think about, he is almost always either the one initiating contact, avoiding or deflecting it, visibly uncomfortable, or it’s Gai.
They also have more time together after Obito’s death, which was a shared trauma. Kakashi has some major notable changes in his core beliefs and opens himself more to acknowledging he cares about people. Rin is present through both trauma and major changes and instability, and she’s always a caring and gentle. Essentially, the way I tend to interpret it, at this point Rin and Minato are family to him, and they’re familiar. It’s easy to slip into a role that you’re already familiar with, even if you alter it.
Which he does, bringing me to the third sub-con reason. When we consider Sukea’s personality, I can describe him more or less as: “If Kakashi wasn’t made of trauma and anger and did a gem fusion with Rin.” Mischief? Check. Sass? Check. Drama? Check. With Sukea being a “retired” shinobi, whatever reasons both Kakashi and Rin had for becoming shinobi in the first place are still recognized, and because he’s primarily a non-combatant, he’s able to do things for cover that are, to be frank, sometimes really childish.
But it goes one step further than that, and this is why I think Sukea was and is a long-term active use cover persona. (Though if we take all of Boruto as canon, which frankly I don’t, Sukea has been retired when we see him again.) There are a lot of freedoms from responsibility and expectation Sukea is able to take advantage of, and a part of that includes what is more than necessary for someone as reserved as Kakashi; he can react in the moment and he can react genuinely and emotionally. Instead of the more subtle sighs and stares, Sukea is significantly more dramatic and emotive. And impulsive, which sometimes gets him into trouble, or almost does. (That’s the risk of Sukea being so close to himself, but being close to yourself is also the most reliable way of maintaining consistency and a continuity of narrative.)
Interestingly, and I personally think this is primarily because the times we’ve seen him have been within the village, he never gives his surname. Why would this matter only in the village? Nohara. I absolutely headcanon that Sukea’s full name is Nohara Sukea, and this forms a core part of his background when undercover, which could be debunked only if someone is familiar with the Nohara clan.
There’s also a reason, I think, for the scarf, but that comes with another major headcanon that strays from Sukea directly into Kakashi himself, his reason for wearing a mask and scarf, and addresses a mystery that is heavily implied throughout the series.
Inuzuka have the most sensitive and acute sense of smell of any clan. Kakashi has a better sense of smell than Kiba, by far, and there’s another indicator that we’re given very plainly. Actually, there are eight of them. Sakumo had nothing tying him to ninken, and yet Kakashi raised eight of them from the time they were pups. Those two in combination heavily, heavily imply that his mother, who we sadly never get to see, was an Inuzuka.
With that in mind, I have two words to fill in a surprisingly simple explanation for why he wears a mask (and sometimes also a scarf) as a child, and why Sukea has a scarf as well: Sensory. Overload.
It’s probable that Obito had the same thing going on auditorily before having, uh, ninja-god DNA spliced into him.
And with that, I think, possibly? Those are my most prominent HCs and theories about Sukea. I’ll only add that, hoo boyo, writing Kakashi and writing Sukea are entirely different experiences, and the few times there’s a slip on Kakashi’s part? It’s absolutely hilarious. One such instance resulted in a momentary complete lack of concentration and nearly falling on his face as a result.
50 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aglitchintime · 3 years
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ask is open! ^^ currently available characters: Hat Kid, Beta Kid, MoonJumper, Snatcher, the minions
all questions come to the characters in letter form. parcels are not accepted. hugs too. but you can ask to hug one character with another!
warn you that the answers will be given only to a few questions from all received! please don't be upset if the character didn't answer your ask <:3
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shifted-nights-au · 2 years
A little left from Center...
The year is 20XX.
Michael Afton Emily lives in an old, run down pizza place, hiding his Fursuit-clad family from the world.
But, as always, life goes on. He still has to take his little brother to school, still has to go get groceries, still has to return to a less-than-ideal home life with his father.
Life goes on, as much as a living corpse doesn't want it to.
TW for child ab//se, violence, panic attacks, mentions and references to child de//th, and mentions and talk of su!cide
If you would like me to tag a post with smth, please let me know!!
Part 1 Newest Update
Misc Info under the cut
Hi!! My name is Michael, I use he/it and this is my AU!
Thanks to my s/o, Burrito, for suggesting the name Shifted Nights, and thanks to @birdie-ghost for inspiring me to continue this au after a slump of writer's block (seriously if you're seeing this please go check out their blog their au is top-tier)
This AU is pretty dark, mostly on the topic of "William is a terrible fucking father and Michael has to deal with it." So please please please keep that in mind, I dont wanna make anyone uncomfy!
I'll be posting the full story in parts as I make progress on it.
Shifted Story - Actual story bits/updates
Shifted Response - Responses to things left in the askbox (feel free to send stuff in, I'd like to hear your feedback!)
Shifted Lore - Random backstory stuff, small details not otherwise directly stated in the story
Shifted Art - Art for the AU
Shifted Misc - Things that dont fall into a different tag
Each story bit will be tagged with its respective warnings
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Hello! Do you have resources on beginning witchcraft? I'm latinx and my grandma practiced brujeria, but I'm no longer in contact with her.
Okay, so I'm going to recommend you handle this two headed beast from both sides: 1, general accessible witchcraft, and 2, connecting to an ancestral practice.
Firstly, and foremost, I do have a post on what I recommend for newbies, as found in my larger research post. Hint hint: it always starts with a trip to the library. It's only even a little bit outdated too. (Goodbye, Witchvox!)
It is easier now than ever to find a path to a spiritually-driven path forged of your own hands and research. Of course, not all sources are equal, but still, there is treasure in trash and fool's gold in glittering mines. My two recommended books to start are @orriculum's Witchcraft and Whimsy, and then later, after a time settling into a routine, @breelandwalker's Grovedaughter Witchery. I have wondered if I wanted to change these recommendations up a bunch of times, but they consistently are the only two books that I know of that are not only beginner/seeker friendly, but have a very sturdy stance against cultural appropriation. The books are also in a very reasonable price range and available on Amazon. If you're looking for something free, I recommend not only the dubiously illustrious witchblr blogs at the bottom of this linked post but also Bree NicGarran's Free Books post! Hope you like Middle English!
Secondly, however, comes connecting to a culture you're not presently in the domain of, and that is a completely separate pickle to juice. Presuming the metaphor here is the pickle juice. Anyway. You got two options. I suggest taking them both because only one leads to an imbalance of the sort of information you find...you’ll see what I mean. 
Social media is a help and a hindrance, but there are likely brujería social media accounts and instagrams and facebook groups and all the like just like there are for other groups of diasporic practitioners looking to connect with each other. Some networking and speaking to lots of people, checking out the appropriate tags etc. will net you people to follow online. Other humans will be invaluable in this scenario. Not everything in a practice is written down. Culture is passed from hand to mouth to hand to hand to mouth... It won’t all be in a book. Network. Reach out. Unfortunately I personally do not know too much about brujería (being non-latine), but you can probably get a boost from @witches-ofcolor if you ask nicely. Visibility is what it is.
But BOOKS! Books are good for you too! If you know the approximate location where your grandmother grew up, you can look up books on her local superstitions and culture. Anthropology and sociology books will be your bestest friends in the whole world. This post goes into the process more effectively, but basically, you’re going to want to avoid more contemporary “witchcraft” books and focus more on nonfiction aimed at a more academic crowd. It’s good to have practitioner’s voices, sure, but there’s a kind of...sameification that can happen if you’re in the general witchcraft crowd sometimes. It’s not amazing.
Other than that...yeah. I’ve had Mesa Blanca by Florencio Guevara recommended to me as well as Luz y Progreso by Sancista Brujo Luis, both books that...I believe were in English when they were recommended to me? But Mesa Blanca has some bizarrely racist stuff in it that I was not expecting at ALL which made me majorly suspicious about the perspective of the author. I never read the other. Anyway. I want to emphasize that you have a lot of opportunities available to you, and a lot of places to look towards. Don’t worry. You’ll make it somewhere as long as you keep walking.
I hope this finds you well! Sorry it took me so long, but once you open the ask to see it the notification goes away, and I knew this needed a really thorough answer...yadda yadda. Before I knew it this ask was new to me again.
Best of luck on your journey, and my blessings!
tips from the merciful haha
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i-lovethatforme · 2 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity 💕
These are soooo cute and then it takes me 2937 years to think! Me doing five spidey friends related things and good for me!💕💕💕
1. Jill sends me a good morning gif everyday for when I wake up and I send one back and neither of us acknowledge the gifs past responding to them the next day. We're repeating times about 28373 rn cause qe only use milk and mocha gifs and good for us! (Also, I'm still beating her wordle streak when I lose a day and never play again) nevermind jill is waiting for my downfall dc about her anymore xxx
2. Machi sends me flower pictures and smutty wips as I deserve (I send the utter most (flower pictures i canny draw but we move!!!))
3. Matty always asks how I'm doing at random points during the day (though I think after he's checked his work cal for the day so we can complain about how many meetings we have that could have been emails)
4. Wake starts a conversation w anything other than hi. Aka "uncharted is THs best look" or "here's a fic idea i want and won't write" and it cracks me up everytime.
5. Gi makes my heart happy 🤍
What about you? Me answering this so so late will nonny even remember the sent it 😌😌😌😌😌
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billiejs · 3 years
request: the boys are still alive in the 90s, and Luke hates school, but he realizes he has a test worth half his grade due, so he fakes sick to study on it and his parents believe him.
Here you go!  90′s Luke, sickfic, slightly angsty because it’s what happens when you want me to write about 90′s Luke and his parents, 1 k There are three things Luke hates: number one is liars and frauds. Number two is school. Number three is lying to his parents. 
On this unfortunate February day of 1994, two of these things are going to destroy his mood for the next three days at least. If he spins it right though, maybe he can use his angst to write a good song later on. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” 
Luke stares at the Biology textbook on his desk, half-open under a pile of CDs and his trusted black Sony walkman. He had totally forgotten about the test he has in two days. He doesn’t really care about the differences between animal and plant cells or whatever it is they’re studying now, but he knows that if he flunks it, Mr. Harding will talk to his parents and it will be even harder to play with the guys. He’s not sure he can take another fight with his mom this week.
 But still. The Biology test is not going to magically disappear, and he has approximately thirty-four hours left to try and learn the basics of it. He’s just going to have to… act. 
He pads into the kitchen ten minutes later, after having kept his face pressed to the heater and drenched his hair to make them look sweaty. 
“Luke, honey!” Emily hurries toward him, studying his figure. “Are you feeling okay?” 
Luke slumps down on a chair, avoiding her eyes. 
“Yeah…” Luke says, forcing a couple coughs out of his throat. His father studies him attentively while he drinks his usual cup of morning tea. 
“Are you sure? You really look…” Emily hesitates. “You’ve looked better, sweetheart.” 
“Are you calling me ugly?” Luke mutters, pressing his bare feet against the cold pavement until a shudder rattles through his body. 
“Oh, Luke,” Emily chuckles affectionately and presses a hand to his face. Her rings are cold against his skin, and even though he’ll never admit it, this feels nice. “Darling, you’re burning up. Isn’t he burning up, Mitch?” 
“He is,” Mitch confirms, standing behind Luke’s shoulders to feel his temperature. “You’re burning up, Luke.” He repeats for good measure. 
Mitch likes to say things twice, it helps him build his assertiveness. Luke just finds it annoying, most times. 
“I’m fine, really,” Luke doesn’t really have to fake the discomfort that shows up on his face, because manipulating his parents like that makes his stomach clench uncomfortably. He doesn’t like it when they fight either, but at least he knows he’s being true to himself, and that knowledge gives him the strength to wake up confident every morning, and fight for his dreams. This? Lying so convincingly just so he can stay home and study for a stupid test that won’t matter at all in a few years? This feels like a betrayal of his moral code for no justifiable reason. 
“Did you catch a cold? Was it that garage again? I told you to bring a hoodie when you go there…” Emily’s tone of accusation is gratuitous, but Luke bites his tongue. This is not the right time.
“No,” he replies, more sharply than he’d like to, “I think it was something I ate. My stomach feels weird.” 
“It’s best you go back to bed then.” Emily pats him on the shoulder. “I’ll call the school to let them know you’re not coming.” 
“But mom,” Luke figures that a bit of protesting can only add color to his dramatics. “I’m supposed to see the guys in the afternoon…” 
He’s done it on purpose so he shouldn’t be upset when his mother flashes him a steely gaze in return. 
“Surely the boys will understand,” she says in a clipped voice, “And a little rest from that too, can only do you good.” 
Don’t fight back, don’t fight back, don’t fight back.
“I’ll sure do you good.” He snarks back. 
Emily stiffens beside him and Luke doesn’t want to start a fight, really, he doesn’t.
“Whatever,” he says, springing to his feet, “I’m going back to bed.”
He’s under the covers in a matter of seconds, a pillow pressed to his face to suffocate the frustrated scream he lets out. Why, why is he always so damn angry at everyone? Why can’t his parents just let him breathe for a minute? 
He waits until he hears his dad’s car rumble out of the driveway, and he fishes his Biology textbook from the desk, flipping it open until he gets to the title page of the chapter on Cells. Luke flips the textbook upside down, grimacing at the page. Studying it is going to be a challenge: he covered every blank inch in lyrics and doodles, often writing over the paragraphs. A light knock on the door prompts him to quickly hide the book under the pillow and resume his moribund expression.
“Yeah?” He moans. 
His mother comes in with a cup of what smells like hot lemon tea and some dry biscuits on a tray, and Luke feels suddenly better and worse at the same time.
“How’s your stomach?” Emily asks, setting the tray down on his bedside table. Luke doesn’t miss the way she grimaces at the piles of CDs that are one blow of air away from tumbling to the floor. Luke replies with a noncommittal shrug and Emily sighs, sitting down next to him.
“Luke, you know I don’t want to make your life difficult.” She says, and the way her voice breaks when he looks at her makes something in Luke’s chest break too. “I just want what’s best for you.” 
Luke knows this argument like the strings of his guitar, and he’s really not in the mood for the usual script that goes along the lines of ‘Music makes me happy, how is it not the best for me?’  and ‘But how are you going to make a living out of that?’
“I know,” Luke says. There are a million other words pressing on his lips right now, words like, I love you, and I wish you could trust me, and I really just want you to be proud of me and would you like to hear some our songs?
But he has a test to study for, and he’s not in the mood to be real with his mom. He’ll have a lifetime to make up for this shitty behavior anyway. Emily addresses him with a sad smile, before she closes the door between them. 
Thank you for reading! Here (x) are my other ficlets for Julie and the Phantoms. Feel free to leave a prompt in my askbox if you’d like! Only, don’t make it another sickfic of some kind please, because I’ve written three of those in the past few days and I’m starting to run out of ideas on how to spin it lol
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explxsiveoutcxst · 3 years
“Hah, yeah that’s what I thought bitch boy.” The anon grins like the smug bastard they are “You’re going in my cringe compilation lmao” They play with the knife as they talk “Gonna put you in my youtube video. Top 10 Losers, #1: Trauma boy. A little bitch who can’t even look at knives anymore ‘cause his brain’s fucked hahaha.” They say, slowly walking closer to Whitty - Knifetopus Anon (every once in a while you’ll see my profile pic in ya askbox, anon lore lol)
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“What, ya expect me t’ get stabbed an’ somehow end up not wantin’ t’ avoid knives after? Quit actin’ like ya know th’ shit I deal with or like yer better than me or somethin’. An’ also...back th’ fuck off.”
Dude oh my god he’s so mad...
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sarah-yyy · 4 years
it’s that time of the year again, so. annual writing round-up, let’s go:
according to AO3, i have posted 14 fics this year, totalling 51k words. average word count has risen from 2.5k last year to 3.6k, which...is probably thanks to the mdzs college au (which btw @pumpkinpaix​ has done a fantastic podfic of and it’s so?? good?? so even if you don’t read the fic, have a listen to her podfic!!) and the guardian lawyer au lbr. 
longest fic i wrote this year was the mdzs college au, the moon lives in the lining of your skin (9143 words); the shortest was a jack/zz drabble, fortune (936).
as with last year, this year was also a very cdrama-focused writing year! i continued writing for Guardian (i.......still have so many wips i want to finish for this fandom, rip me), and added H3, The Untamed and Original Sin into the mix. 
1 of 14 fics was for Original Sin, being a short fix-it that was mostly fluffy.
2 of 14 fics was for Guardian, which is a little disappointing because i have so many wips that i wanted to finish this year. oh well. i’ll have a couple of days once i get back to auckland to possibly rewatch a couple of choice episodes and cry over weilan for a bit, and then be spurred into writing more guardian fics??? both fics were weilan. the more popular fic (by 2 kudos!) was third time's the charm, the abo au ft. mildly jealous!shen wei ahahaha. (side note: i think this was the fic that set my “sweetheart” thing off.)
5 of 14 fics was for H3: Trapped, 2 tangfei and 3 jack/zz. the most popular of which was amuse bouche, aka the jack cooks his way into zhao zi’s heart fic. that’s also my personal favourite! :D
6 of 14 fics was for The Untamed/MDZS, all of which were wangxian. the most popular being since then i am because you are, aka the 什么是plot什么是backstory au where the yiling patriarch needs to marry for an alliance. i am honestly most surprised at the reception this fic has received tbh, considering its length and lack of....basically everything except dumb pining wangxian ahahahaha.
this is also the year i’ve started writing tumblr askbox ficlets again, which i haven’t really done much of since the height of my les mis days. i’ve had a look through the tag, and there’s about 8 pages worth of ficlets, so approx. 120 ficlets! 
i won’t do a word count for all of the ficlets because hahahahaha that’s too much effort for a roundup post, but! most of them are for the wilful blindness verse (74 ficlets so far what in the fuck) which, according to rough calculations, has already spanned 35k words over the last 4 months, making it p much the longest thing i have ever written, and i haven’t even “officially” started writing it yet tbh???
les mis buddies!!! i know i, again, have not filled my one exr fic on ao3 quota, but i did write around 2? 3? ficlets??? you might have to search back in the ficlets tag, but i think i did them all around the same time, so around when i did the writing about kisses meme in may?? the most popular one was this oblivious!grantaire ficlet, which is not surprising because it’s a tried and true favourite of mine to write!
i feel like everything i’ve written this year have mostly a decent balance between fluff and sads? i’m even leaning more towards writing fluff now, so we’ll consider this rebranding a success.
my favourite to write this year has been wilful blindness, mostly because it’s easy and relatively low-commitment and fun? strong contender for second is tonight i can write the saddest lines, the amnesiac!lwj au, just because it flowed out of me really easily and took the least time to complete.
i have, tragically, not really finished any of the wips i set out to finish this year. my wip folder has only grown, although a couple of them i’ve finally moved to the “abandoned” folder (this includes the historical jack/zz au that i really wanted to write, but i feel like i’ve moved on from this ship? idk idk. the bare bones of the fic are still there, just in case i ever feel like picking it up again). 
there are a couple of guardian fics that i really want to pick up and finish, and at least 4 mdzs fics that are 75% done and should be completed in the first quarter of 2020! it’s been a good writing year, considering all things. i think the last time i wrote this much was back in......2015 (ao3 says i wrote about 78k words then) when i was still in uni, and it feels good to have such an outlet again!
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loremonster · 4 years
250 FOLLOWERS! Celebrating The Community~
FRIENDS AND READERS! We have reached 250 followers on this little corner of the internet. I consider this a pretty amazing milestone, being 1/4th of a 1000 and all [who knows, maybe we’ll get there... someday XD]. 
We’ve come a long ass way, haven’t we? From the early days of answering in-character asks and teasin’ yall with hints to the big finale, to now where I... mostly reblog pictures of cute animals and occasionally scream about eating the rich. Well, I’d like to resurrect the artistic side of this blog, delivering on the visual elements that fanfiction just can’t carry. IN THE SPIRIT OF THIS! I shall be opening up the askbox to sketchy requests for the next few days. 
1-- sketchy requests must have something to do with NKS. Scenes from the story, situations with the characters distinct from the South Park canon material. If you just mail in to try and get me doodle some Creek or Bunny, you’re barking up the wrong tree. 
2-- no porn, everyone is underage. As far as physicality goes, we’re keepin’ it PG-13
3-- don’t spam; if I don’t get to your ask right away, pls do not re-send it over and over. I’m doing this to celebrate, and I appreciate hype, but remember I’m a human person and respect that this shite takes time
With that laid down, hit me up my dear readers! Let’s see if we can come up with some fun stuff to warm my wrist back up after months away from my tablet XD
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hermitreunited · 5 years
I’m so glad you’re on the cute Luther train rn. Did Luther fuck up *a lot* in the series? Absolutely. But one of the things I noticed on a rewatch is that when Luther’s not performing as Number One—when no ones watching (like they “I Think We’re Alone Now”, or when it’s not a situation where he feels pressured to Lead (like when he followed Five into the hostage exchange and let Five take over bc he was so out of his depth), (1/)
or when he feels free to just be himself (like when he’s with Allison (I’m not personally a fan of the romance but I AM a fan of Allison being the sibling he can be himself with))—all those times there’s this side of Luther that just shines out where he’s kind of a goofy, sweet puppy. He reminds me of a golden retriever. The biggest times he fucks up are when he’s trying to be what Reg spent his whole life pressuring him into being—like with Vanya, where he tries to Be the Leader & Like Dad (2/)
I think Tom Hopper did an amazing job showing us the sweet doof Luther would’ve been if he hadn’t been pressured into this role that his temperament and skill set really weren’t suited for, for the most part, all his life. Not to woobify or excuse how often Luther is a legitimate asshole, but like… It’s just Peak Tragedy. (3/)
I wish more fic would explore this idea of the specific emotional, psychological abuse that BROKE Luther, when they show the sibling interactions/fics where they’re all trying to be better. I could write a dissertation on the way UA shows how different KINDS of abuse affected each kid differently and that would include Luther. I kind f just did in your inbox. Sorry! Anyway much love for your nuanced perspectives on this good kids (4/4)
Sorry?!? You are sorry!?!?! THIS IS EXCELLENT THANK YOU OH MY GOSH I am so glad you are conducting the cute Luther train through my askbox rn.
I think so much of this is right on the money, and I’ve been thinking a lot the past day or two about why it is that fandom is so mean to Luther (you were mentioning this the other day I think, @ourhitofsucrose, and it got my gears going so I hope you don’t mind me just tagging you here) and honestly - I don’t think it has a lot to do with the character, who yes, is a lovable doof in his truer moments.
(okay and this might be, like, hot takes or something idk I have not been involved in fandom wars over characters, but.) My take on it is that negative reaction to Luther has more to do with first impressions, namely, first impressions to the Luther/Allison thing, and then just about favorite characters in general.
I never got into reading high fantasy, because I would find a character that I liked, and then might have to wait hundreds of pages about other people before I got back to my fave, and that made me resentful of everyone else. With such a huge ensemble and all the plot going on in this show, I think the same thing happens to viewers here - I know on my first watch I was having a good time, but always chomping at the bit to see what was going on with Klaus. I feel that it is  v e r y  likely that this is a thing for others, with quick favorites like Klaus or Five or taking over the interest of a viewer. If you aren’t the most invested in Luther, you might start to wish his scenes are done quicker because you want to see your fave.
That, coupled with the very strong reactions people have to Luther/Allison, and the fact that a pretty good amount of Luther scenes are ones with Allison, could be an equation that pushes Luther to the bottom of people’s list from the start. It’s not through any fault of his own, necessarily, but then also as the series goes on and he takes actions that harm fan favorites, it’s easy to get entrenched in having him be the butt of fandom jokes.
But he doesn’t deserve it!! Tom Hopper really is so good in the role, you are so right. My top Luther moments have a lot to do with the humor and sweetness he brings to the part. Now, on my.. ..god, maybe-upwards-of-ten-at-this-point?-th rewatch, and after putting in some thought for fic-writing, the love is hitting me full force, and the full tragedy of Luther’s trauma is showing through. But for somebody who hasn’t seen it a stupid number of times, and who hasn’t been thinking specifically about his pov - 
Well, there still shouldn’t be hatred. That’s just a complete lack of understanding. idk, I think my point is that I can maybe reverse engineer why prevailing fandom narrative is that he’s the worst, since initial impressions are what fed the fandom as it is today, but I hope that people will come around the more time that we spend with these characters. All the Hargreeves Kids Deserve Love 2k19!!
I have this meta I’ve been backburner-ing for a while that I cooked up when I was writing excerpts of Vanya’s book for my Klaus and Dave fic. I was thinking specifically about what her worldview seemed to be and how that would effect her read on Klaus, since we pretty much get nothing of them in the show. It expanded into this whole thing though, like at one point I was trying to make graphs or something to chart the defining worldviews of all the characters based on how Reggie raised them to relate to the ideas of success and failure, and I think that really unlocked a ton of sympathy in me for Luther. It’s all headcanon, of course, but it just seems like he’s is so so deeply insecure, and then the body stuff getting added on top of it - the boy is Tragic! Angsty fandom, get over here and deal with all of this sadness!!
Whew, that was a lot of words. Thank you for coming in here with all of your words so we could words together! I want to shout about this show forever, so this was the best gift you can give me 💜💜
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fanfics-of-marvel · 4 years
Prompt List - MCU fanfictions
1. “It’s late at night and I miss you”
2. “Wanna grab some coffee?”
3. “Hold my hand”
4. “You look so beautiful”
5. “Please stay”
6. “Tonight is just you and I”
7. “The movie is boring and I want to taste your tongue”
8. “I don’t believe in miracles but I believe in you”
9. “I dare you”
10. “Hold me tight and never let go”
11. “You forgot, didn’t you?”
12. “I love you”
13. “I’ve done far worse than that”
14. “It’s getting late”
15. “He/She’s gone and I don’t know what to do”
16. “Where are you?”
17. “Can I buy you a drink?”
18. “You look great in this [piece of clothes] but you look better without it”
19. “How do I know you’re not lying?”
20. “Come with me”
21. “Place your head on my chest”
22. “Let’s get a pet”
23. “I’d always choose you”
24. “Close your eyes”
25. “I need you”
26. “It’s too hot to put on clothes”
27. “I can’t let go”
28. “Your skin smells divine”
29. “These arms were made to hold you”
30. “Rules are made to be broken”
31. “Do I know you?”
32. “I got lost in your eyes”
33. “This bed is for two and I am all alone in it”
34. “That’s nonsense”
35. “I bought you a chocolate”
36. “Your hand fits perfectly into mine”
37. “I’m sorry”
38. “If ‘seeing is believing’ then why can’t I believe how beautiful you are when seeing you?”
39. “Look, a falling star, so quickly make a wish”
40. “Once you’ve tasted me, you’d never want anybody else”
41. “I knew it”
42. “Sometimes I wish I didn’t love you”
43. “I’d kill for you”
44. “May I have this dance?”
45. “The sight of you leaves me weak”
46. “I think you should kiss me”
47. “Your hands are cold”
48. “Be careful, I bite”
49. “How dare you?”
50. “Will you marry me?”
51. “I warned you”
52. “Back off, he/she’s mine”
53. “The night is young and I want to do something wild”
54. “Shut up”
55. “Last night I dreamt of you”
56. “I’m a little drunk and you look ravishing tonight”
57. “You are such a dork”
58. “Let me walk you home”
59. “I’ll make you a chicken soup”
60. “How did you do that?”
61. “Truth or dare”
62. “Thank you”
63. “It feels as if time has stopped”
64. “If I was more drunk I’d kiss you”
65. “Help me”
66. “I will never forget you”
67. “Drink with me”
68. “I hate you”
69. “Netflix and chill”
70. “Are you coming?”
71. “You know what I’ve become”
72. “I want to make you happy”
73. “I’m busy”
74. “I’ll buy you an ice-cream”
75. “My body is longing for yours”
76. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
77. “Unbelievable”
78. “You are always on my mind”
79. “Please, don’t leave me”
80. “Aren’t you a cutie?”
81. “I’m alone, you’re alone. What do you say we go to your room and be alone together?”
82. “It hurts”
83. “Touch me”
84. “Are you alright?”
85. “Don’t you dare”
86. “That was delicious”
87. “You can’t tell me what to do”
88. “I’m in love with you”
89. “What are you afraid of?”
90. “Let’s have dinner”
91. “Why are you sad?”
92. “I want to do something I’ve never done before”
93. “Don’t break my heart.”
94. “I didn’t know you’re such a nerd”
95. “Do you believe in ghosts?”
96. “Stop following me”
97. “Don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret”
98. “Play the piano for me”
99. “I’m scared of losing you”
100. “Is this the end?”
Send me prompt(s) from this list or send me your own idea! ^_^
NOTE: Please do not send me any prompts about St*rker, Th*rki or any other ship of the sort (i.e. the inappropriate romantic ships)! I do not accept such requests, nor will I write them! All other ships are accepted! I write smut, so don’t be shy to request it! ;)
It might take a while until I write and post your requests (especially if I have a lot in my askbox), so sorry in advance if I delay anyone’s prompt!
You can read all of my written requests here (tag ‘request’)
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