#10 year term
tea-cat-arts · 4 months
Ranking mxtx couples by whether or not I think they'd be good parents
(I'm 90% sure I'm forgetting someone)
Yep, next question (S)-
Wangxian: tried and tested good dads. I wish them luck with the whole “trying to get wwx pregnant” thing 
They have some shit to work through, but after that I think they'd be fine (A)-
Ling Wen/ Bai Jin: if we're just going off the original publication, I would put them in a much lower tier, but since the revised edition added that thing about them raising orphans together and said orphans turning out alright before unfortunate circumstances, I'm putting them up here. I think they'll be alright once they work through the miscommunication
Xiao Xingchen/ Song Lan: They obviously have a lot of trauma they're working through, but I'd like to think they and A-Qing will be a loving family in the long run 
One of them would be a good parent, the other wouldn't be a bad parent (B)-
Jiang Yanli/ Jin Zixuan: there's no canon reason for me putting them this low. Jin Zixuan just gives off a mediocre parent vibe to me (and we all know Jiang Yanli is the best)
Yushipei: Yushi Huang has good mom energy, and Pei Ming has been shown to be a not terrible mentor. I'd want the misogyny fully beaten out of him with a mace before I'd think he should have kids of his own though 
Lang Qianqiu/ Little Guy: at the very least, they're making sure Guzi is fed, clothed, washed, vaccinated, and has access to education. Neither of them know what they're doing, but I think Little Guy is good at faking it. I wish them luck in their upcoming custody battle  
You know what, surprise me/ I'll hear you out (C)-
Bingqiu: My first instinct is “no, do not bring kids into this,” but then I remembered tharnShen Qingqiu has a surprisingly decent track record? Like, Ning Yingying and Ming Fan both turned out a lot more health than they did in the original novel, and though I wouldn't call him in a good place, Binghe is doing a lot better than Bingge. The wild card for me here is Luo Binghe because I have no idea how he'd be with kids
Quanyin: Yin Yu had a decent track record until he was pushed into snapping. I think rn, he needs a couple centuries of being a babygirl before he's ready to parent again. No idea how Quan Yizhen would do though 
Born to “dual income, no kids, rich uncles/aunts” (D)-
Fengqing: Feng Xin is canonically a bad dad. I know he's working on it, but it is what it is. Mu Qing has been shown to be decent with kids, but I think he’d have a melt down if he had to deal with the mess constantly. 
Hualian: I mean, Xie Lian has raised three kids at this point and one of them became a god, another became state preceptor and then sorta complicit in a genocide, and one became god AND committed genocide + he babysat a ghost king for months and didn't even realize that's what he was because it was a miracle if he remembered to feed him… so, a mixed bag. Hua Cheng may be schrodinger’s child hater, but I'm intrigued by the idea of him raising kids just because I want to know how his own childhood would influence his parenting abilities. They should probably just stick to babysitting for now though 
Mingling: Liu Mingyan is too busy writing gay porn to be dealing with kids, and I just can't imagine Sha Hualing as a mom
Please don't bring a kid into this mess (F)-
Beefleaf: Do I need to explain this one?
Mobeishang: Shang Qinghua should not be put in any position where he has to teach someone about consent (Binghe’s early attempts at flirting being a prime example of why that's a bad idea). I also think Mobei Jun is still working on the whole “why hitting people is not cool” thing. 
QiJiu: I think the original timeline is a prime example of how they're just not in a place to be raising kids 
Jun Wu/ Mei Nianqing: Xie Lian would like a refund on his adopted father figures. They had one kid and he only made it to age 20 because he was cursed to not die
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daeneryseastar · 6 months
it’s always ‘rhaenyra did nothing to secure her ascension, she just relied on her daddy to uphold her claim’ and never ‘aegon did nothing to prove he was worthy of being named heir, let alone being king, and solely relied on his mommy and grandpa to cover for his less than stellar hobbies like his drinking issues and his raping of serving girls’ in this essay i will-
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junktastic · 3 months
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littlelightfish · 3 months
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I would like to remind people that Chilchuck hasn't seen his wife in 4 years.
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So he maybe wasn't there to see his daughters become adults, but he was there for the majority of their childhood.
When he left, Mayjack and Flertom were 12, and Puckpatty was 10. They reach adulthood at 14, so maybe yes, he was absent when they were still kids, but that doesn't mean he didn't maintained contact with them afterwards as far as I know. The thing he uses around his neck was a gift from Flertom, and he was using it when he met Laios's party.
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feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
I LOVE the scene of Fig giving Riz a “thinking of you” card to Riz, giving the credit to Gorgug and THEN Gorgug giving Riz such a personal and heartfelt gift and tried to figure out what it was that Riz was talking about
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evercelle · 1 year
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If nowhere is safe, we can use the Drift.
-- from Video Not Included by celestialvoyager!
it's year four of the kaiju war, but with saihara grounded from active duty, there are mysteries to unfold within the Nagasaki Shatterdome itself... here's a PACRIM AU celestial and i have been working on since before saiou day!! lol
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
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Nostalgia For A Time That Never Existed in Washington DC - 26 May 2024
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seaweedstarshine · 5 months
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[just after having helped River make a getaway from a heist of an astatine lace shawl — the rarest substance in the universe — without her even needing to ask beyond a simple “hello sweetie” scrawl in the sky] [Eleventh Doctor] “I can see its worth — but Alice is right! What’s so special about a lace shawl?” [River] “Ah, well, lace, you see, is the traditional gift for a thirteenth wedding anniversary…” [Eleventh Doctor] “Wedding anniversary? Whose wedding anniversary?” [River] “Spoilers…!” *winks* [Thirteenth Doctor, reminiscing] “I love River.”
Sources: Diary of River Song: The Furies, Diary of River Song: The Lady in the Lake, The Day of the Moon, Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition #33, The Wedding of River Song, The Big Bang, The Angels Take Manhattan, The Many Lives of Doctor Who: Without a Paddle, The Time of the Doctor, Forest of the Dead, Let's Kill Hitler, Diary of River Song: The Wife of River Song, Eleventh Doctor Year Two: Physician Heal Thyself, A Good Man Goes to War, Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Broken Hearts, The Husbands of River Song, Doctor Who Confidential: When Time Froze
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seasononesam · 2 years
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supernatural meme: (1/9) relationships | sam and ruby 
Why are you following me? I'm interested in you. Why? Because you're tall. I love a tall man. And then there's the whole antichrist thing.
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
Metadede Week Day 2: “First Meeting”
I thought working together would be a one-time occurrence
But here we are years later still dancing around each other
Repeating some of the same motions
But their meaning has changed
Song: “Infinity Repeating” by Daft Punk
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convoloutedinjoke · 1 year
thinking about Jean having clinical depression and jean being a speed addict and jean being weirdly ripped and jean being openly disgusted with Harry's decline into uselessness and making silly little connections in my mind
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elftwink · 2 months
i know ive said this exact same thing ten thousand times before but it actually boggles my mind that we have just sort of accepted "generational divides" and the resulting discourse. generations are not real on the population scale. there is no dividing year where one generation starts and the next begins. the closest you can get to this is specifically BABY BOOMERS. who were born during the BABY BOOM. because a huge large amount of people had children immediately following the second world war. thats it. since then there has not been another clear generational divide and the things you think are clear divides are probably divides between specifically your age demographic and specifically your parents age demographic. because that's what a generation actually is when we stop trying to form stupid little clubs. im no longer participating in the legitimization of these terms & if i see the word zoomer one more time i'll detonate the explosives
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Ok so I’ve been doing some thinking and… hear me out. So I’d say a good majority of the pro-life crowd supports it on religious (Christian) grounds. However in American Christianity our mortal life on Earth is considered ‘temporary’ ‘inherently sinful’ and ‘unimportant to eternal life in heaven’. Going under their assumption that any lump of tissue in the uterus possesses an immortal soul, whether it has a brain or not, wouldn’t abortion be like… a heaven speedrun glitch?
Most denominations these days don’t really consider young children who die before baptism to be damned to hell or anything, so aborted fetuses go straight to heaven. Never being born = no chance to sin + no suffering on Earth = direct trebuchet to the perfect and glorious kingdom of God = most optimal existence strat
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what-the-fuck-god · 6 months
“The Governing Body has decided that sisters may choose to wear slacks when participating in the ministry and when attending Christian meetings, assemblies and conventions.”
what the fuck is happening
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pjharvey-moved · 3 months
i keep seeing not only blogs run by (verified) palestinians but also pro-palestine blogs compiling verified gofundmes getting deleted too. and they get taken down sooo fast. i had a stalker back when i was dating my ex bf accusing me of being a “pedo fucker” and making a bunch of blogs with titles like “audrey wuvs pedos :3” and sexually harassing me and multiple other mutuals and staff dragged their feet sooo hard on dealing with it they would respond to all my reports with emails like you’re sending us too many complaints we’re overwhelmed :( they don’t give a shit about sexual harassment and stalking but trans women and palestinians and black women get their blogs sniped just for existing and especially if they call out the fact that this happens. this site’s moderation system is a joke
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lorkonsghost · 4 months
Here's a sneak peek into April dating a Wayne kid au I'm writing. Title work in progress
The Red Hood, The Red Head, and The Big Green Turtles
He just wants to be Jason again
Jason has no idea why he’s fighting alien robots with almost 6ft tall turtles, or why the girl he started dating a month ago dating is also fighting said alien robots but he wasn’t really going to question it. He was fighting alien robots makes a lot of things easier if you don’t question them wait are those fucking ninjas and why did the turtle in red say their name like it’s a bad thing. Jason really rethinking coming to New York to go drinking by himself was a bad idea maybe if he at least brought Roy he wouldn't be in this mess.
1 month ago, and 2 weeks after Jason’s 21 birthday
Jason was getting sick of always having someone tag along everytime he went drinking, for his 21st birthday wasn’t the problem, but the 4 times he tried after that doing it solo was the first time he tried it Dick showed up not 10 seconds after his first shot the next tine he did it was in star city and Roy showed up before even his first shot. The third time it had to be a joke because why did Rose fucking Wilson show up at the bar he was drinking at in central city she normally never even visit central city. The fourth time he knew it was joke because he went to the most swear rat bar in Gotham and for fuck sake why was Bruce their wearing a fucking fake mustache. Jason wasn’t really annoyed at not drinking alone if he actually wanted to do that he would just stay home and buy a few beers with Bruce’s credit card but it was the fact that he kept running into people he new he just wanted to get drunk and make a few mistakes but no now somebody he new was their and he can’t go embarrassing himself in front of them he had reputation to up hold. So that’s why he’s in New York he knows almost no hero’s who even touch New York so he thought no problems.
Jason was a few drinks in when he first saw her it looked like the first time she ever been in bar by herself and Jason thought why would she choose such a warn down bar like this. Jason took a shot for confidence and approached her thinking the most he could do is keep her company.
“Hello their beautiful looking kinda lonely mind if I join.” Jason say with his buzzed confidence
 “Hmph ha ha ha are you serious my ex had better pick up lines.” the red headed girl says
“Sorry I never been the kind of guy to try pick up a girl this way.” Jason says with a slightly bruised pride
“Oh so how you do it mister aren’t you look lonely miss.” Her blue eyes smiled behind her glass
“honestly most of the time we just start dating or they fall for bad boy charm” Jason with a cocky smile
“Sorry dated one bad boy don’t know if I need another” her red hair drops a bit but she says with a cheer in her voice
Jason doesn’t know actually why he tried flirting with her Jason knew it wasn’t good to get involved with a civilian Isabel taught him that he missed the flight attendant. But maybe it was the alcohol In his system, or it was the fact he wanted to ignore the hero stuff that’s also probably why he wanted to drink  without anyone he new he just wanted a night where he’s okay to be somebody other than Jason Todd the red hood son of Batman in somebody’s eye just Jason.
“I never introduced myself I’m Jason I’m not just a bad boy I also happen to read pride and prejudice.” Jason says in half cocky smile with another swig of his drink
“Okay mister Jason tell me your favorite quote and I’ll tell you my name” Her smile softens
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. I know the original quote is about falling in love but it’s like I lived my life by it”  Jason says trying to hide the emotions he feels when he says it
“My names April so you where telling the truth about reading it” April say with a reassuring smile
Jason collects himself for a moment he’s kinda surprised how far he’s come along in this conversation. Jason really was only Jason right now no baggage to unravel yet and he’s okay with that right now it only him, April, his slowly blurring vision, and the hope maybe he could get a date out of this.
“So miss April tell me something other than your name please”. Jason say with a half smile
“Well currently I’m trying to be a journalist but get the last 5 credits of my degree I need to intern under another journalist for a year.” April says with a slight annoyed frown on her face
“so what’s the problem can’t find respectable enough journalist or something else” Jason says trying to offer A chance to vent
“It’s not that it’s just any intern ship I apply for needs me full time and my home life just doesn't allow that right now* April says with happier expression
Jason wants to call in a favor from Clark or Lois so bad right know he really could solve this girls problems with a phone call. But Jason was taught by Bruce, Ras, Dick, and Talia you can’t solve all the problems even if two them he would stab and not regret it and Bruce and Dick have been off his shit list for a good minute. But all of them where right he can’t just solve her problem for no reason but Jason wanted to do he makes a compromise.
“Okay that’s problem I could possibly help with” Jason says with cockiest smile yet
“Oh how so” April says with curiosity
“So a family friend is a journalist I could put in a word for and give you a chance at something buuut with it would be uup to you to convince them to agree to whatever youuu propose” Jason say with seriousness but with slurring
“Are you serious why would you do that for me” April says questionably
“Well I could ask you for a date as compensation but instead here’s what in going to do I give them a word if they give you a chance you go on date with me as celebration if they don’t drop my number we never talk again” Jason says with a smile
“Well mister Jason you got a deal and if don’t get I might stillll give you a chaaaasnccce for at least not being a creeeep” April tries to say a little flirty
Jason grabs a napkin and calls the waiter over to closes his tab and ask to borrow a pen and writes his number down
“call me in the morning I’ll set up an interview” Jason say as gets and walks over to April
Jason kisses the back of April hand and says as looks into her eyes once more ”Did you admire me for my impertinence?”
April laughs “yeah I did.”
Jason offers to pay for April’s tab as well but she’s says it’s okay and as Jason leaves he wonders if he’s doing the smart thing involving April in his life.
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