#100 lolita questions
Fashion choices for the Playtime toys in the Save Everyone AU:
Catnap: GOTH. 100÷ goth no questions asked.
Craftycorn: She's a scene queen from the moment Angel lets her have her own MySpace account, never stops dressing like that.
Dogday: I don't think he's too big on wearing clothes like some of the other toys, but he likes flannels and jackets! Angel helps him sew patches on his clothes, he loves having his family's symbols all over them.
Bubba Bubbaphant: I think he dresses up in a very preppy way, kind of dark academia esque. Wears lots of boots because he likes taking long walks.
Picky is almost always dressed to work in the family's garden, but she likes flower patterns and wearing big oversized jeans.
Bobby loves lolita fashion SO MUCH. She feels like it was made just for her!
Kickin goes through fashion phases. He tried being emo for three days and didnt like it. I do however believe once he discovers what punk is he starts making battle jackets for him and the other toys, and from then on he never changes styles.
Hoppy is gym/sports gear. Angel buys her brazilian soccer teams shirts and girl is walking around with a flamengo uniform from then on.
Miss Delight is similar to Bubba, but she takes a liking to vintage fashion and learns how to sew her own clothes. Her favorite decades fashion-wise are the 20s and 60s!
Mommy Long Legs tries 60s fashion and hates it. She likes more gothic clothes but never goes as far as Catnap in terms of fashion. She also really likes jackets! Has a hard time wearing anything feminine due to being forced to be a maternal figure at 7 years old, but with enough time she feels comfortable looking like a gothic bussiness lady even tho she doesnt know how bussiness works.
Poppy MADE cottagecore and lolita fashion, okay? She loves her puffy dresses and she is NEVER letting go of them.
Kissy takes inspiration from Barbie dolls and loves wearing skirts.
Huggy never enjoys wearing clothes but he loves colorful accessories.
Bunzo dresses like a little clown, but soon enough he's trying to copy Bubba and Miss Delight. And then Kickin. Only to turn around and dress EXACTLY like Angel did when they were his age – Bunzo does NOT know that.
PJ doesn't like fashion but he has a collection of hair accessories for Bobby, Poppy and Kissy to style him. He loves it!
Angel is stuck at oversized clothes, jackers and one token soccer team shirt.
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fossette-promenade · 5 months
lolita fashion misconceptions 😣
it always breaks my heart to hear people say, "I want to wear lolita, but I can't because...." and their excuse is usually something that has a solution! i wanted to talk about some of the biggest misconceptions today:
♧ it is too expensive
Everyone's idea of "expensive" is different. especially these days, where inflation is taking a toll on everyone. but not every lolita dress is $300+ like a beginner may think looking at new brand prices. you are able to find dresses less than $100 on second-hand marketplaces and through community swap meets. When I first started wearing lolita, I even had a few friends give me dresses for free to get started!
♤ it is only for petite girls
This concept comes from the idea that because lolita is from Japan, it is only made for "small Japanese girls." Many dresses have full shirring for a reason, to be size inclusive! there are multiple brands that carry plus-size options, such as metamorphose and atelier peirrot. Glittertale is another great option for custom sizing. Innocent World's size L is equivalent to a European size L, for the midsized girls.
Altering a dress is also always an option. Some people do not like this idea, because they think it is important to preserve lolita history. If you do alter a dress, I advise it is done by a trusted professional. But either way, you bought it with your own money, so it doesn't matter what you do with it.
There used to be an idea that you couldn't show your knees while wearing lolita. This developed after a mistranslation and was never an official rule. Many people are afraid of their dresses being "too short" for lolita though. I am 5'10, definitely a "tallita" and most dresses come up a few inches above my knees. There is no official skirt length for lolita. A Motie skirt can hit your fingertips, or a Victorian Maiden gown can be dragging on the floor!
♡ the community is toxic and catty
lolitas are not a hive mind. I believe this culture has died down from when it was at its peak. there's a lot to question on this stereotype of the "mean lolita." Maybe they are trying to feel superior because they were once bullied themselves. Sometimes, it's easier to just be a "hater" and find community that way. The easy answer to this is no. There are lots of people in communities that can be great friends who want to share this interest with you! Remember to uphold your boundaries and never let people disrespect you. You will always find your place.
◇ people will think it is weird
Actually, many people will think it is cute, fun, and interesting! Sure, people will always have their misconceptions. I've gotten all the usual ones. "Are you in a play? Going to a wedding? Little Bow Peep? Anime cosplay?" But I have yet to experience anything rude or mean. Some people get worried about the name of lolita, but it is easy to avoid using it in conversation. Here are my favorites:
"I just like to dress cute sometimes."
"Life is more fun wearing bows!"
"It's kinda like vintage and gothic?"
"I bought this dress from Japan."
"Nope, these are just my everyday clothes!"
Always remember, everyone else is too worried about themselves to care about you!
What's a misconception you wish you could stop hearing? Have you even been proved wrong by a misconception? Let me know in the replies or reblogs!
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theteabush · 1 year
Hii! Can I please have some hunter sylvester headcanons where he has a fem s/o who has a fairy kei style and is very sweet and innocent, but also loves the same metal and things he does?
|Hunter Sylvester x fem!reader with a fairy kei style|
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Note: HI ANON!! You're actually my first ask, and I'm so exciteeeed because my style is also fairy kei with a mix of lolita and this got me all smiliiin'. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT. It's not the best and I'm so sorry TwT
Warnings: none
Hunter was dumbfounded when he saw you
Like literally.
Would question Kevin and/or random people about you
He would constantly beat himself up about this weird feeling,
Because having a crush on someone exactly the opposite of him was 'not metal' of him
"Dude just ask for her name"-Kevin
*visibly goes red*
Everytime he sees pink he thinks about you
He literally wrote a song about you and how much you're messing with his head
He randomly fixes his hair when sees you walking in
"Emily knows her. We could ask her"
When he hears that he would literally beg for that to happen
One time he almost crashed his car when you appeared in his mind
Would look at you in classes, questioning about this 'weird' style you have (you don't. He just doesn't understand it)
Does Google research about this
He smiles to himself when he thinks about you
"you good?" - Kevin
"yes, just the allergies messing with my muscles"
"????" - kevin
Emily told him your name so now he knows his mysterious crush
Literally gets TikTok videos with 'soulmates' with your initials 😭
He thinks he's in some type of spell
Totally denies his feelings sometimes because he's not used to it
At some point he talks to you
"nice weather outside, am I right?"
He literally goes ;-; and face-palms himself mentally
His eyes wide when he realises you're laughing
compliments your clothing style
When he learns that you like his style and music taste, he goes blank
No thoughts, head empty
His heart races with 100 per/mile
"t-thanks. Its the trauma"
He's so awkward, he's just scared to not scare you off
That joke literally came out of nowhere
He would start talking about fairy kei because he memorised everything from Google just to impress you
You literally think it's cute
He gifted it to you
He would give you stuff every day at school, such as hair pins, bracelets, cute accessories, small stuff that reminds him of you
Would plan a picnic date night in a nearby forest with fairy lights in trees n' shit
Would ramble at some point, talking about his favourite bands and their history
When he realises that you're listening and actually interested in what he says, he falls in love. Literally.
He's VERY surprised that you are also into metal
He actually opens up a little bit to you about his past. Just a little bit
Starts questioning on how you chose this style
Would listen to every single detail you give him
Would put his rings on your fingers, even if they're too big, just to see something of him on you
He never thought about loving someone the opposite of him
Would put stickers on your face
"Do you think this is cute?" - you
"Let's find out"
"How's my floating cotton candy doing?"
You're literally his will to live 😭
His life so boring and grey, until ✨ you ✨ come in picture
People are whispering about you guys but who tf cares?
"You're like a heart"
"how so?" - you
"without you everything dies around"
💳 💥
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20dollarlolita · 11 months
Once upon a time, in Rufflechat, someone asked a pretty common and boring question. The question was if you could wear ballet flats in lolita fashion. This is a very common question and the thread normally would have a very low comment count. However, something different happened on this one.
Someone that I have always remembered as the Ballet Flat Spammer got involved. Everyone who did not have 100% support of ballet flats, in all situations, was responded to with the same copy-and-pasted comment, accusing that commenter of ableism.
Since there are many people who are disabled in the lolita community, this was met with responses such as, "I'm disabled, need to wear specific shoes because of my disability. Ballet flats are not the right choice for me for many coordinates. There are better lolita options than ballet flats, which can still fill the physical capabilities that ballet flats offer." The Ballet Flat Spammer, however, persisted.
And I watched some people who are not disabled (not yet disabled) have a very bad take on the whole situation. However, they also did not seem to know that this was a very bad take. The take was, generally, "it's okay to wear ballet flats, if you're disabled."
Over eleven years ago, I was diagnosed with pretty severe bipolar disorder. The medications that I'm on to control that have always had an impact on my body. While I quickly came to terms with this, and eventually got okay with the idea of having a psychiatric disability, I always considered my body to be mostly healthy. Over the past two years, however, I've had to reconsider that state several times. I've had to go from "Injured, but will heal," to "inoperable, but will be able to have a normal life," to "physically disabled, maybe one day won't be, maybe." Changing this part of how I think about myself has been more difficult than any of the actual pain and loss of ability that I've experienced.
Everyone's ability level is different. I can't speak for everyone, and I can't even begin to. But being able to say this about myself has really solidified something in my head that I had been thinking for a long time.
One of those things is that, "ballet flats are okay, but only if you need them for a disability," is absolutely ableist as fuck. It may not feel that way. After all, you're including the disabled people. You're making this more inclusive, right?
Here's where the problem sits: people who are disabled do not need people who are not disabled to make rules that apply only to disabled people. What disabled people need is for people who are not disabled to listen to disabled people when they say what they need.
Fashion and comfort have always had a complicated relationship. This relationship affects everyone, regardless of ability level. This goes back as far as fashion has existed. Every single person has a time where they say, "this is less comfortable, and I will still wear it," and times when they say, "this is too uncomfortable for me to wear." Many abled people make this decision based on what comfort level they want to feel, while many disabled people have to make this decision based on what they physically, mentally, or psychiatrically are capable of. Abled people often say they won't wear something in a certain situation, where disabled people often find that they can't wear it (possibly in any situation).
The problem is when we have to start making rules about the fashion that impact other people. And, with a fashion that is as rule-driven as lolita fashion, this does have to happen sometimes. We sometimes make rules that not everyone is comfortable with, and we sometimes make rules that not everyone can reach. Lolita fashion has never been the most affordable fashion (despite my best efforts), and it's never been the most comfortable fashion.
But here's the thing: disabled people who are involved in lolita fashion are people who want to wear lolita fashion. Someone who is in the body that is disabled is much more aware of what they want and what they need than anyone else can ever be. And they know what they need, and what they're able to do.
And this means that many disabled people will find creative ways to solve their problems and accommodate their disabilities. A lot of people who are disabled will come up with ways to make lolita fashion comfortable and safe that abled people could never come up with.
If you look at people on Closet of Frills or another coordinate-posting site, you're going to find many more "I love how you incorporated your cane/walker/braces/crutches/any other visible disability aid into your coordinate," than you'll find, "sorry but your coord is ruined by showing your disability." When you let disabled people incorporate, or hide, their disability, they're going to do it much more effectively than any person without that disability will be able to.
And that means that, "I wear ballet flats with this coord, because I'm disabled and need to," and "wearing ballet flats is okay if you're disabled," both demonstrate the same physical effect on the coordinate, but are so massively different in what they're actually saying about inclusion and ability.
Also, when you listen to people who are disabled, you often find solutions to problems that you have. Someone who can't wear heels finding cool lolita-usable shoes without heels will help you if you just find heels uncomfortable. You can learn from us. You can find that people who must solve a problem can have better solutions than people who kind of would like to solve the problem.
And for what it's worth, people who need to accommodate comfort or safety in their coords are not required to tell anyone that they're disabled, or about the accommodations that they have to make for that disability. Some people share it, and some people don't. If you want to be inclusive, one thing you can do is to provide concrit (when asked) as if you're critiquing someone who isn't visibly disabled. This gets back to the concept of letting disabled people tell you how to address their disability, instead of making assumptions about what they want. You can provide concrit on an outfit, instead of just commenting on the wearer's wheelchair. If someone says that they don't want concrit on an element of the coord, don't concrit it, even if you really like it or feel like it takes away from the look. This is a thing to respect even if you can't tell if a person is disabled or not.
So, when someone says, "I did this in my coord, to accommodate my disability," listen and learn from it. In all aspects of your life, supporting someone by listening to what they say they need provides more support than assuming that someone needs something. Respect that not everyone has the energy to hold your hand and guide you through every step, so you can use research and past judgement to help you be accommodating without needing a constant feedback from that person. Just be ready to change what you're doing based on what you've been told.
That was a really long way to say that it's ableist for a not disabled person to say that ballet flats are okay in lolita for the disabled to wear, but not ableist to respect a disabled person accommodating their disability by wearing ballet flats.
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nuzzle · 8 months
why do lolitas typically dislike "living dolls" ? im not a living doll myself but see lolitas have them in their dni and such so im curious as to if theres a reason..?
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↑ i hope you don't mind me adding the second part of your question so i can answer in one post. this is a question that interests me a lot!
while i'm not 100% sure, this is definitely more of a speculation from what i've witnessed over the years.. to get the best answer i would honestly just directly ask lolitas with the DNI (i haven't seen it myself actually) but i do think it began in early 2014 with that "my strange addiction" episode you're referring to and the drama surrounding it. the reason being is that before the episode aired, lolita wasn't exactly something known on a widespread level.. and after the episode aired, it gave the general public the idea that they're essentially the same thing—that every lolita is associated with living dolls or present themselves as one, and vice versa.
you can be both, and they can be mixed. it's definitely possible and not looked down upon.. but the point being is that, that would be a very small minority of people and doesn't accurately represent the entire community, on either side. both the lolita community and the living doll community are niche groups with not many people to begin with. especially when compared to a hobby more mainstream, and something both groups get confused with on occasion, like cosplay.
in reality, similar to how people don't want to be referred to as cosplayers when they're not cosplaying: not every lolita is a living doll or wants to be referred to as one, and not every living doll is a lolita, wears the fashion, or wants to be referred to as one. lolitas already struggle with a lot of misunderstandings surrounding the fashion, and the with media continuously lumping them together with living dolls, it only added one to the list.
now to clarify, i wouldn't blame either of the groups for this outcome. it has been proven time and time again that when a reality tv show expresses "interest" in someone who is a little different than the norm, it is only to exploit them for views, attention and thus, monetary gain. shows like "my strange addiction" (and, if any of you remember, the "what not to wear" lolita episode) don't actually care about giving an accurate report on what lolita is or what it means to us. they don't do any research or listen to any information they're given. they simply cut footage and twist words to get the most views.
the same goes for articles in magazines that just want to garner more sales or go viral. they decide that largely playing up the "living doll" association, even if it has no solid relation to lolita and despite what the interviewee says, is a lot more "interesting" than the simple explanation of what lolita is: "these are just clothes and how i dress. it's a street fashion originating from japan, and for many at the time and even now, a fashion of protest and social resistance."
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magazine and interview source
and to end, i would only note that this doesn't include the BJD community (i understand the confusion, but they're very different from the living doll comm!)
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
If you do actually want to parse authorial intent in Lolita, one of the biggest challenges is that Nabokov, in interviews, was an absolute auteur of the trolling arts. He actually required all of his interviews to have their questions submitted in advance, and responded to the vast majority in writing, to maximize his control of his word choice. And what he did with that control was often to struggle mightily to avoid anything that might tip his hand into certainty. 
One of my favourites comes from one of the few live interviews he did on television, on the CBC in the 1950′s, where he was asked about how similar he was to Humbert the character. He replies along the lines “Oh not at all, there are commonalities of course, both European men of letters, etc, but I took great pains to establish differences between me and him. For example, at one point in the novel Humbert confuses a hummingbird with a hawk-moth, a mistake I, as an entomologist, would never make”. And he says it with complete sincerity, the interviewers nod along and accept it.
But...you’d think he could, perhaps, maybe, come up with a bit of a more...substantial difference? If he wanted convince someone who believed Humbert was a self insert, that's probably one of the worst possible answers you could give! Add a wry smile and its a joke reply. But its in the text! Its 100% there, Humbert makes that mistake:
"There and elsewhere, hundreds of gray hummingbirds in the dusk, probing the throats of dim flowers." 
It feels like this answer was planned, that scene exists to be a little joke, a way for Nabokov to say through their difference how similar they really are. But only for interviews after the fact, its *nowhere* in the text that the hummingbirds are actually hawk-moths. You can only tell from how the habits of the hummingbirds are incorrectly described (hummingbirds are not nocturnal, nor grey really), no reader would pick up on that. How Straussian is his reply, and how Straussian is the text? Its really hard to say.
One of the many ways Nabokov was a bamf but certainly does make gleaning themes a bit of a challenge.
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shamrockst4r · 1 year
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if billie ever met someone wearing lolita fashion he would ABSOLUTELY lost it because he'd be 100% sure he just met a real life princess he learnt about princesses from some kid's book that he'd found in a puddle. what he didn't learn tho was the concept of personal space. and any kind of manners- billie would definitely ask them sooo many questions in the friendliest way possible. he's - how do you call it? - a gempleman, after all. why are they alone? where is their knight?? or a DRAGON??? or at least some pretty carriage with white horses???? and guards, guards! and even if that lolita tried explaining fashion to him, he'd just reply with: - that's great! I loOoOvE the way everything looks in this lomita thingie, but would you mind explaining to me,,, what is japan?
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ravenkings · 7 months
OK I saw your post about fucked up media . I agree , now share your most loved fucked up media 🎤
okay, this is a VERY broad question, especially since "fucked up" can mean many different things!!!! i'll try to break it down but i am 100% going to miss some stuff. (also this list is based on media with what i consider to be high levels of "transgression", since most things i like would be considered a little fucked up by most people so i had to narrow it down somehow lmao)
the silence of the lambs
eyes wide shut
the night porter
the wolf house
the devils
the piano teacher
the wicker man
phantom thread
sympathy for lady vengeance
blue velvet
gone girl
tv shows/anime (i need to watch more tv btw)
neon genesis evangelion (+ end of evangelion)
penny dreadful
hannibal (strictly season 1 though bc i have beef with the rest of it)
succession (bc imo it IS a fucked up horror story)
utopia (british series)
twin peaks
the young pope
books/graphic novels
lolita by vladimir nabokov
justine by the marquis de sade
philosophy in the bedroom by the marquis de sade
the piano teacher by elfriede jelinek
the driver's seat by muriel spark
uzumaki by junji ito
à rebours (against nature) by j.k. huysmans
the hellbound heart by clive barker
erotism: death and sensuality by georges bataille
exemplary departures by gabrielle wittkop
murder most serene by gabrielle wittkop
story of the eye by georges bataille
my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa moshfegh
no longer human by osamu dazai
songs of a dead dreamer and grimscribe by thomas ligotti
the infernal desire machines of doctor hoffman by angela carter
the bloody chamber by angela carter
we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson
wise children by angela carter
the trial by franz kafka
the idiot by fyodor dostoevsky
the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky
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jeanmoreaux · 5 months
*✧ — november & december 2023 wrap up
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hi hi. here are the things i read in november and december. i'll post my favourites of the year later, but as a teaser i can already tell you that the favourite off of this list will be on it!! given that i was very much in the trenches with my thesis and my finals i still managed to get a good amount of reading in—to be fair though half of this list is stuff i read in the last two weeks of december so. you know. also, as you might have realised, lots of rereading going on. for my mental health. it was A Time. grateful it's over. on to bigger and brighter things <3
2023 goal: 201/100 books
as alway, feel free to drop book recs, questions, or opinions in my inbox; i am always happy to talk to you about books!
* –> newly added to my favorites shelf
follow my goodreads | follow my storygraph | previous wrap ups
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger | 5★ | review
As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow by Zoulfa Katouh | 5★
The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon | dnf'd at 55% | 1★ | review
The Late Americans by Brandon Taylor | 3.5★
Sword Catcher by Cassandra Clare | 3.5★ | review
Rouge by Mona Awad | 3.75★
Earthlings by Sayaka Murata | 3★
Paris: The Memoir by Paris Hilton | 3.5★
* A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza | 5★ | review
Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll | 3.75★
Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments of Sappho by Sappho (transl. Aaron Poochigian) | 4★
Heartstopper: Volume Five by Alice Oseman | 4.5★
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov | no rating
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic | 5★ | review
The Raven King by Nora Sakavic | 5★ | review
The King’s Men by Nora Sakavic | 5★ | review
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | 5★ | review
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins | 5★ | review
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | 5★ | review
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater | 5★
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller | 5★
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins | 5★ | review
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater | 5★
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater | 5★
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holyarchistud · 5 months
2023 REVIEW + 2024 TBR
From last TBR I finished:
Lock Every Door, Riley Sager
Dune, Frank Herbert
The Magus, John Fowles
Mock, Marek Krajewski
Mock. Ludzkie zoo, Marek Krajewski
The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
Police, Jo Nesbo
Also I finished some not from the list: Rzeczy którch nie wyrzuciłem, Marcin Wicha Little Women, Louisa May Alcott Atomic Habits, James Clear Mrs March, Virginia Feito Krótko i szczęsliwie, Agata Romaniuk The 5am Club, Robin Sharma One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kesey Piercing, Ryu Murakami Homesick for Another World, Ottessa Moshfegh Miss Kim Knows, Cho Nam-joo La Place, Annie Ernaux The Housemaid, Freida McFadden Lean Your Loneliness Slowly Against Mine, Klara Hveberg Brief Answers to the Big Questions, Stephen Hawking The Housekeeper and the Professor, Yoko Ogawa Demian, Herman Hesse Siostry, Monika Białkowska The Dragonet Prophecy - Wings of Fire, Tui. T. Sutherland Kwiaty w pudełku, Karolina Bednarz
Probably list of books is not great idea for me, but despite it I plan the 2024 TBR ! 24 books for 2024 !
21 lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Noah Harari
Think like a Monk, Jay Shetty
The Four Steps to the Epiphany, Steve Blank
The E-Myth Revisited, Michael E. Gerber
The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau
Creativity, Inc., Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace
The Creative Act, Rick Rubin
Your Next Five Moves, Patrick Bet-David
Nad życie, Wojciech Harpula, Maria Mazurek
What happened to you?, Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey
The Sound of the Mountain, Yasunari Kawabata
I fell in love with hope, Lancali
Blindness, Jose Saramago
As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow, Zoulfa Katouh
The Fall of the Human Intellect, A. Parthasarathy
Chłopki, Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak
Birdy, William Wharton
A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara
Widma w mieście Breslau, Marek Krajewski
Mock. Golem, Marek Krajewski
Educated, Tara Westover
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov
1984, George Orwell
The Test, Sylvain Neuvel Wish me luck! It was pretty good year of reading!
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
Hello! :D I was wondering if I could have Headcanons for Bucciarati's Gang of them having a s/o (gender neutral is fine! :D) who switches between having a cute and colorful aesthetic (Like Classic Sweet Lolita) to just straight up Gothic/Punk Goth! I really enjoy reading your writing! I hope you're having a swell day! ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Them with a s/o that changes their style really fast
You and your boyfriend have been togheter for months yet he's still not used to your...style. Here's the thing, you like changing your style so much that sometimes you even confuse yourself. So, how will they react?
Featuring: Bucci gang
GN reader
A/N: These will be shorter so all of the boys are included <3 Enjoy!
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Bruno Bucciarati
It doesn't matter for how long you and Bruno are togheter for, he will never get used to your style changing so drastically;
He doesn't mind tho, that's one of the things he loves about you. How unpredictable you are. He never knows how you will dress for your dates and it absolutely makes him melt;
Whether it be your soft, pink side or your dark, gothic side, he is always ready to let you surprise him. And you do;
He would compliment you, even buy you things he thinks you would like. For example, a sweet strawberry dress or a heart-shaped choker to go with your new black pants;
If anyone stares at you in a weird way or insults the way you dress, be ready to see someone having one of their hands zipped away from their body. He will fight everyone that makes you unhappy;
Including you;
If you ever talk bad about yourself, thinking that he's embarrassed by you, he can and will fight you. In a much sweeter way, like kisses or scolding, but still;
Overall, he is whipped.
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Leone Abbacchio
To be honest, Abbacchio would prefer the times you go on the goth kind of style or when you dress more on the dark side, if I can call it that. He thinks it suits you more, plus you two would match;
But! That does not mean he doesn't like your soft side as well. He loves seeing you twirl around in your favorite purple dress or show him your new tote bag;
He will, eventually, accommodate to your drastic change of styles and will always let a small smile creep up his lips whenever he sees you;
He would buy you all sorts of make-up products, be it lipstick, eyeshadow or eyeliner. You could soon start your own shop with the make-up you have;
People won't look weird in your way, he will make sure of it. A glare it's all that it takes to make anyone cower and lower their eyes;
If you ever ask him if he is embarrassed with you, he will quickly deny and start questioning you. 'Why did you feel that way? Who made you think that way? You are talking nonsense.' would be only some of his replies;
He loves you either way and he wants you to know it.
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Giorno Giovanna
No cause Giorno would 100% love every side of you without any question;
Maybe, at first only, he would find it weird how do you love so many style. And, the question that haunted him the most was, how on earth all of them suited you?
He would prefer your casual side more, he just likes it that way. But, as I said before, he likes it either way. Classic Lolita, Goth, Streetwear, you name it. Giorno's in for all of you;
He would gift you shoes. High quality ones. Every single pair he sees you like or, if he just sees you looking at it, he will buy it and gift to you. At the point where you would have a different pair for every date he took you on;
Usually, when you two are just walking around, you would get weird stares, especially if you aren't dressed elegantly or streetwear. Which he would fastly get rid of by using his stand to slap them or steal something from them;
If you talk bad about yourself or ask him if he wants you to change, he would scold you and tell you that he loves you either way;
You are his sweetheart and he will not let anyone talk bad about you.
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Mista Guido
Mista is your number one fan, that if you exclude his stand. He loves the way you dress, the way you talk, the way you walk, everything about you made him fall in love with you even more;
It took him by surprise when you went from all pink to all black, but he was excited to see your style changing so quickly. I mean, it was awesome!
He doesn't have any preferences, if you are happy, so is he! But, he does love when you wear crop-tops. He thinks they make your waist look so good and that they are really flattering on you;
Mista isn't one for gifts. Not that he doesn't have money for them, but he doesn't see their point. So he will always make sure to compliment you;
If you talk bad about your style, he will make sure to argue with you. And, believe me, he will fight you if he needs to;
However...If someone else talks bad about your style...Let's just say his finger accidentally slipped on the gun's trigger and shoot that person in the leg. No hard feelings tho;
Your number one fan and he is proud of it;
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Fugo Pannacotta
Like Bruno, he won't ever get used to your style changing so often and so suddenly. But, of course he wouldn't mind. Who was he to comment on what were you wearing? You were a grown person who could choose for themselves;
The boy blushes every time he sees you, he thinks that you are so perfect and so pretty when you walk happily in your outfits, even if he found some of them a little...silly;
Fugo would like your elegant style more than the others, but that doesn't mean he will ever make a bad comment on your appearance;
His gifts would consist in jewelry, some even hand-made, with the help of Narancia. He wanted to show you that he loves you, and while not being one for talking or physical affection, he decided that gift-giving was his best option;
The blonde would immediately punch anyone that talks shit about you or your style. He would get mad at you too if you talked negatively about what you liked;
Even if he doesn't always know how to react, he loves you and he tries his best.
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Narancia Ghirga
Naracia gets excited every time he sees you twirl around prettily to show him your new outfit and he is truly your number one supporter;
Don't get him wrong, he was surprised to see how many styles you could pull, but he was even more excited. He loved how you looked in cute, flowery dresses or when you switched to tight pants and crop-tops;
Narancia wouldn't really get you many things, but the ones he would get would always be your favorite. He somehow knew what you liked, even if he didn't seem to be paying attention to you;
Narnacia would stab people without hesitantion if they ever commented on how you look. Even if they were his friends. Nobody gets to talk bad about you;
Not even you. (he wouldn't stab you, don't worry, just argue with you)
Narancia would bully you if you looked at something opposite with the style you were wearing, making you pout, giving him the perfect opportunity to peck your lips;
He tried his best to make you happy and it worked.
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kocurek1921 · 8 months
I love how positively wild characterization is in ZZ Gundam.
Man simps so hard he goes thermonuclear... literally
My "ethically sourced lolita army" t-shirt raises a lot of questions already answered by the t-shirt
Beloved villain has a thing for a 14 year old
Woman enters a war machine, cums
All of those are 100% accurate and that's why skipping ZZ is a crime
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
hi! me again. cut/sew 015 has me in the trenches. if you don't mind, do you think you could look at the instructions and tell me if they're setting me up for failure? specifically steps 9, 10, and 18. i've tried pinning the shirring to the bodice in every way i can & it either doesn't turn out the way that step 18 indicates OR the straps come out twisted. i'm not sure if i did something wrong at steps 9 and 10 (i've triple and quadruple checked and don't think i have) or if it's a misprint. ty!
So, I have the instructions here, but the instructions do not specify notches, so I'm doing a little bit of guessing here.
Quick note from someone who's been doing amateur lolita sewing tutorials for almost 9 years now: when you make a design that will be lined, write the instructions such that you treat the lining as if it's a different fabric from the face. Even if the end user decides to line the garment with its self, it will help people understand what is going on. This is because a lining in the mirror version of the face fabric. When you have four pieces that are identical, except that some of them are mirrored, things get very confusing very quickly.
Anyway, for everyone new to the party:
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Cut/Sew dot Co is an indie pattern brand. They're basically one incredibly dedicated woman who designs, patterns, cams, builds, tests, writes instructions for, markets, and distributes the patterns. She's made nearly 100 different patterns, as far as my counting goes. Their goal is to make alternative j-fashion inspired patterns available for everyone, especially beginners who don't have a lot of technical sewing experience.
They're relevant to this blog because 1) they make patterns that they claim are lolita fashion patterns and 2) one incident in 2020 where the designer had a go at the lolita fashion community because we said her designs weren't actually lolita and 3) someone specifically asked me about this pattern.
I've previously made one of her patterns, and the main issue that I had with it was that none of the images of the pattern actually properly represent what the pattern will actually make. My other issue is that the patterns seem to have 1/4" seam allowance, which is a really bad seam allowance to use when you're sewing a garment that needs to be adjusted and have techniques like gathering and zipper application. 1/4" seams are usually used in quilt piecing, where they're being used on stable plainweave cotton and not on curved, load-bearing seams.
Anyway, CUT/SEW 15: Lolita JSK appears to be a self-lined JSK with a 1/4 back shirring panel and a 12" invisible side zipper closure. It has a front faux-lacing panel, and princess seams with trim along the princess line that extends all the way to the hem. The hem has two wide ruffles.
I'm not here to critique this pattern. That will be later.
So the questioner here has kindly provided me with the instructions, and here's my best ability to help them. The question is that steps 9 and 10 explain how to assemble the bodice, which is then set aside until step 18. When we pick the bodice back up in step 18, it feels like it has somehow changed and does not line up with step 10.
I am posting the instructions here in the hopes that my input will help other people who bought this pattern use it effectively. These instructions and images are posted to help cut/sew's customer base use their product without frustration.
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9. Place the sewn bodice front face up in your work space, making sure the dress straps are laying flat. Take a bodice side back piece and lay it under one of the dress straps so one edge of the strap just meets the notch along the top edge of the bodice side back. With the angle of the straps, the other edge of the strap should hang off past the bodice side back by about 3/4” - that’s okay! Pin this strap in place right at the notch, then take it to your sewing machine and baste the strap in place, sewing 1/4“ away from the edge..
Lay the sewn bodice front face up in your work space, then take another bodice side back piece and lay it over top, face down. Match it to one of the basted bodice side back pieces on all sides, then pin the two together. Take the pinned bodice to your sewing machine and stitch the two together along the top, sewing 1/2” away from the edge. Pull out the basting stitch underneath, then press out this seam.
Repeat this entire step with the second set of bodice side back pieces on the opposite strap. When finished, flip both bodice side back pieces out so they’re face up, then press the seams you’ve just sewn flat.
Okay so this makes plenty of sense to me, once you remember that this is self-lined. This means that there are four side-back pieces in play. We're going to call that left-sideback-face, left-sideback-lining, right-sideback-face, and right-sideback-lining. LSF, LSL, RSF, and RSL, if you will.
The image up there shows the in-progress picture, but here's what I think it'll look like when you've finished everything, and you're at " flip both bodice side back pieces out so they’re face up, then press the seams you’ve just sewn flat.":
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The important thing to note is that, from my understanding of these images, you will have the straps attached with the short end (where is says SA in my drawing) facing the center.
For the record, this is where commercial patterns have notches. You notch the side seams on all patterns so that you don't get confused about what pieces connect to the side seams. Notches make patterns easier.
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10. Place the shirred bodice center back face up in your work space. Lay a sewn bodice side back piece over top, face down, and match the edge with the notch and strap to one raw edge of the bodice center back. Pin the two together along this side, then take the pinned bodice to your sewing machine and stitch, sewing 1” away from the edge.
Repeat this step on the opposite side with the second bodice side back piece to create one continuous bodice.
So here is where the instruction diagrams confused me a little bit. I added some color to clarify things: The PINK line is the back sewn to the shirring panel. The GREEN line is not sewn to anything.
When this step is over, and we lay the complete bodice out, it will look like this:
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If this is what your bodice looks like at step 10, when we pick back up in step 18:
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18. Place the bodice front face up in your work space. Lay the bodice back over top, face down, and match the two together on the right side. Pin them at this seam, then sew both together by stitching 1” away from the edge. Trim the raw seam with your pinking scissors, then press open this seam.
Note that you're only going to sew one side seam here, because the other one will have the zipper installed. We can't actually lay the piece flat anymore, but if we could magically lengthen one of the straps so that it was suuuper long, it'd look like this:
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I think your part is getting twisted because that image up there that I had to add the green/pink line on isn't very clear about what side is being sewn. If you look at that and sew the sides that LOOK like they're lined up in the picture, you'll sew your side backs backward.
I just want to emphasize that THIS is what notches are for. Notches are a means of communication between the pattern developer and the user. Placing your standard one notch on your side seams will allow the person who uses the pattern to know for sure what pieces are being connected to what pieces, and where those should be. The decision to not notch the common things (back and front, side seams, sleeve holes and sleeve caps) is just something that makes no sense to me.
While not directly asked, I am also VERY confused about the instructions for placing an invisible zipper in this dress.
I really, really want to like cut/sew as a company. Their mentality is in line with my own: make things easy for beginners, and make the environment they're in accepting and supportive, and people will be able to build things and have fun. I regularly have to remind myself that just because something didn't get done my way, it doesn't mean it wasn't done effectively. Cut/Sew has put out something like 100 patterns, which were all the work of one incredibly dedicated individual. My general complaints with the company have been with social media presence and marketing, as well as not having clear images of the garments and/or technically usable fashion flats. My other beef that I had with them, the 1/4" seam allowance, seems to be resolved in this pattern. It looks like they've gone up to 1/2".
If there's enough demand, I can buy this pattern, make it, and provide a technically accurate flat as well as complete images of the garment. Just let me know if you want to see that and then get ready to wait possibly literal years until I acutally get it done.
Hope this helps somehow. G'night.
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lavendorium · 11 months
How did you learn to sew? I would love to be able to make my own lolita stuff someday! Your recent ask inspired me ^^
You can ABSOLUTELY learn to sew lolita pieces!! I recommend having a pretty solid understanding of the fashion and owning a few nice quality pieces before you dive in, just so you know what your end goal is and you have pieces physically in your hands to compare to. But 100% you can learn to make your own!
As for your actual question- I started sewing when I was about 8! My grandmother taught me most of my foundations, and I started off with small things like little pillows with her little rickety antique machine lol as I got older and got more into cosplay and fashion I was gifted my own machine and some basic pattern drafting and technique books. Most of what I know about making clothing is self taught! But since that doesn't do much to help you, let me share a couple resources to get you started!
Here is a video tutorial for a very basic, single tier rectangle skirt that you can draft up without and pattern and with some basic supplies! (And if you make the entire waistband elasticated you can omit a zipper entirely) https://youtu.be/TCKg6kjjEO4
And here is another very simple and beginner friendly tutorial for a different style of skirt! https://youtu.be/znL6aTHE-O0
Since fabric is a touch expensive, I recommend thrifting some sheets that have a nice weight and a cute pattern to practice with!! If they turn out you have an adorable piece to wear, if they don't it's no stress because it was literally just a thrifted sheet lol
I hope some of this helps!! There are tons of other resources out there that I'd be happy to share, so feel free to reach out again/DM/etc!
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penelopebarbalios · 9 months
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💖I have Tees in my shop now!!! 💀💖 https://www.etsy.com/shop/pbarbart (Link is also in my profile) 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 First I'm showcasing the #PastelGoth version in Pink & White! . Our Graphic Tees are a great fashion statement and are printed with high quality vibrant & stretchy vinyl, onto comfortable Gildan brand Adult Softsyle Unisex Tees. . THIS particular tee was designed to make the message known that every wearer of it was CUTE AS HELL!! And more than likely LOVES them some' anime (and of course the dark arts!) . You can choose from 4 different styles! Pink Print on white or black tees, or the Red print on white or black tees; to fit a Pastel-Goth or a true Gothic-Lolita Aesthetic! 💖 -Semi-Fitted -Pre-Shrunk Jersey Knit -100% Cotton, 4.5oz . Available in Unisex Sizing: XS,S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL,4XL (Please refer to the size chart in the listing if you have any concerns with sizing; measurements in inches) . If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask before ordering 😈 . . Follow me on @tiktok at "PBarbArt" to also see the full video of these tees, and more products in my shop!
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euphorial-docx · 2 months
👀 I would love to hear about your thoughts regarding an age gap Jegulus and how their dynamic would work. No pressure though, you definitely don’t have to share if you don’t want to
ooh i haven’t thought about it too heavily but i’ll brainstorm here. i’m about to ramble a lot, so be prepared!
i just generally think the morality of age gaps makes really compelling stories, and the way the characters go about it and react to reactions is very interesting to me.
anyways, i consider a big age gap to be around 7+ years. like a 5 year age gap is where i start to think potential generational differences start to take place, but 7+ years is more than half of a decade and that seems like a pretty big disparity to me (but if others feel differently, lmk!)
so for age gap jegulus i would think it needs to be a 7 year gap or larger to really be an age different, but i don’t think it should be more than 15 years. even a 15 year gap is really pushing it for me in terms of like how well those people would get along, understand each other, and what stages of life they respectively are in. (Again, i would love to hear more opinions about this. these conversations fascinate me.)
and great stories can be told about age gap relationships happening in inappropriate manners with inappropriate ages (the biggest example is lolita, which is a very misconstrued story. lolita starts a good conversation about those kind of completely inappropriate and predatory relationships), but i personally wouldn’t write jegulus in an age gap relationship where regulus is any younger than mid twenties. early twenties is also pushing it for me, especially if the age gap is even larger than 7 years.
like. i feel for an age gap relationship to work, the younger of the two should have separate life experiences. like a freshly 18 regulus dating a 30 y/o james would really not be healthy. a 30 y/o is at a completely different stage of life and is ready for different things than a teenager or someone in their early 20s. i’m sure there are real life cases where it works, but that’s just how i feel as someone in my early 20s 🤷🏻‍♀️
so we’ve established: in my age gap jegulus thought, regulus would be at least 23-25 and james 7+ years older.
i feel like the idea of james already having harry could be fun and add a bit more Drama to james dating a younger person. like questioning if regulus would be ready for such a big commitment, maybe james doubting the relationship… sounds very intriguing to me.
BUT. i also love regulus as a single dad as well, so if james and regulus were both single dads and then date… maybe the age difference would go a bit smoother considering regulus is already taking on a big responsibility and is used to the Parenthood Lifestyle. could be cute.
and the question of sirius is one of my favorite parts about this. because i feel like sirius would 100% leave for college (he and reg would have at least an 8 year gap between them) and only come back sparsely for holidays, until he’s actually forced out or eventually leaves the family on his own volition.
i feel regulus and sirius wouldn’t be too close growing up because sirius is so much older and then also leaves. in my mind palace, the brothers would be in the process of reconnecting when james comes into the picture and adds more Drama.
what i’m learning here is that i really just love the drama of age gap jegulus. as much as drama and arguments stress me out, i sure love reading and writing it.
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