#100% Harry put together this playlist too
axelsagewrites · 11 months
How the HotD boys act on your birthday
Includes: Jace, Aemond, Aegon
Word count: 562
Masterlist Here
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Jace is a very forgetful boy but as soon as he remembers he goes into planning 100
A week before your bday he’s ordering you 15 gifts with next day delivery
Putting hand written notes on every gift and desperately trying to wrap them nicely
However is terrible at wrapping presents but his happy smile when he presents them is too adorable to care
Prides himself on being a good gift giver
Your birthday, your rules
He would carry you to the car if you asked
Orders you breakfast to your house from your favourite place
Picks you up for a picnic in the park for lunch
Then drops the bomb that you and your whole friend group is going out to dinner together
He thinks he kept it a surprise
He did not
But he tried
Showers you with compliments the whole day and doesn’t let you spend a time
Posts you on his story to Taylor Swifts Mine
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Aemond has been planning your birthday since the day after your last one
Constantly trying to out do himself but refuses to admit it
Tries to play it cool as if you can accidentally plan a surprise limo party  
Wraps his gifts like a commercial grade wrapping
Spends the whole year noting down everything you like to find the perfect gift
Then spends weeks coordinating with a bakery for your birthday cake
He doesn’t have social media to post you on but allows you to post a couple picture on yours
Takes you out for a private romantic dinner
Refuses to admit to anyone outside your relationship he’s a softie
Writes basically a novel of how much he loves you on your birthday card
But hides his face while you read it
Takes you out the week before your birthday to buy your birthday outfit
Plans the whole day down to your breakfast to your bedtime
Takes all the stress out the day for you and you love it
Pampers you all day from massages to candles lighting the apartment
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Aegon defiantly did not forget he just did not remember
He only starts planning a few days before but feels so bad he basically buys the whole shop
Prefers to stay in with you on your birthday and cook for you
he tried to make a proper three course meal then ends up ordering your favourite takeaway
insists of baking the cake though and shockingly comes out good if maybe a bit missshapen
Makes you a Spotify mix tape playlist for your birthday
Calls you at midnight to scream happy birthday down the phone at you
Shows up with balloons and the biggest card he can find
His snap story is 20 snaps long and all of you
Gives you a coupon book of tasks he’ll do from sex favours to massages which you cash all in on night one
Will do whatever you tell him to do the whole day
Buys you a birthday crown and sash and forces you to wear it everywhere
Dramatically proclaims himself your servant and bows to your every whim
Puts gifts in gift bags because he just knows he wont be able to wrap it properly
Despite the rush to buy he always seems to find the perfect presents even if a little odd but  who doesn’t need a burrito themed blanket?
Taglist @clairacassidy @starkleila @valeskafics
A/N: i need to find more harry collette gifs cause it keeps giving me harry styles ones
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Enid Sinclair Relationship Headcanons
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Fandom: Wednesday
Sweetest, wonderful, most sunshine girlfriend ever that makes every day so much better by being around her.
Enid is very affectionate, hand holding, hugs, cuddling, physical touch is her #1 love language.
Also really likes the idea of love languages and wants to know yours! Says you're compatible even if the chart doesn't agree, she also just likes trying to guess other peoples' with you.
Doesn't think she's the jealous type but someone stole her spot next to you and she growled at them.
Was happy as soon as they left! Slipping her hand into yours and talking as if nothing happened, you just smile at her, amused.
She loves making playlists for you! Has a playlist for every occasion, roadtrip, grocery trip, study date, and they all have super long names and will send you ones titled "because i miss you ❤️❤️❤️"
She will try to finds song you will like, and listen to your favorite songs and bands even if she really isn't into it.
She loves Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, will recreate TS music videos on tiktok using littlest pet shops.
Tries to get you to dance with her! She loves dancing in her room and having fun and does her best to get you to join. She likes dancing just for fun, and little tiktok dances, but also wants to dress up with you and try to 'recreate' romantic dancing scenes.
You send her Monsters and Men on a playlist "indie werewolf tunes"
She tries to be vague but it's very obvious she's bragging about you on her blog.
Skin care is very important!! She'll drag you to her room for facemasks and manicures, she can do some pretty impressive little nail designs on you too.
She comes up with the cutest dates! has a pinterest board dedicated to cute things you can do together and cute couple ideas.
Biggest heart eyes if you surprise her with a cute date even if it's simple like a picnic 🥺
So! Many! Cute! Nicknames! She wants you to like your nickname and have something special for you but she can't help but call you anything that comes to mind "sweatheart, honeybun, cutiepie, cupcake"
Personal Space is really not her thing and if you're okay with it she will be touching you all the time, in your bubble, leaning her head on you, just being casually cuddly.
Very into PDA but tells you she doesn't want to be cringy or 'too coupley' and explains to you how to go about that.
They're all very sweet and you tell her they seem pretty fitting for her instead, which she will argue with you on.
You call her even cuter things though, even if you're not really one for giving out nicknames. "Lovebug" is just too good not to call her.
She always tries to do things that interest you! Even if they're spooky or uncomfortable likes bugs...she looks so pained but fully puts in an effort to enjoy it if you do.
Uses emojis with every text, she is a fast texter and can go on nonstop when you're not together and suddenly your screen is a wall of at least 40% emoji to text ratio.
So many hearts and "🥺🥺" and every other sweet/cute one. She can convey such long things with emojis and you've become a pro at deciphering her hieroglyphs.
Shopping dates! Even if you don't buy much, choosing outfits for each other to try on is so much fun.
100% will buy a stuffed animal and call it your child, switching who's bed it sleeps on regularly is a must.
Movie nights! She actually likes watching horror movies that aren't too gorey, but is easily spooked. She falls for every jumpscare and her claws come out when she yelps.
Her instinct is to protect you though! Which means if you're scared or not, you'll be yanked into her lap for safely, and might get a little poked by her claws while she clings to you.
You will defend her from anything but when someone called her your golden retriever,,,you admit there wasn't much of an argument there and she was a tiny bit offended.
You send her pictures of cute things with "this reminded me of you ❤️" and you can hear her squeal from 2 corridors away.
She told you her fears of dying alone if she's never able to transform, that she would be alone all her life and no one would love her so you blurted out "You wont be alone, I love you and I'll be there."
Which made you worry because you never actually talked about the future even though you know you want to be right her the rest of your life.
She froze for a moment, staring at you with watery eyes and you really started to panic but she surged forward wrapping you in a werewolf strength hug and kept crying and thanking you.
She tried to be diplomatic when you met her family but when her mom is disappointed in her, and you, and she's really unsure if you were serious about physically fighting the hag woman, it was not a relaxing time.
Her dad likes you though, he sees how happy you make Enid and that's all he wants.
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Starkid innit: the most magical experience
It took me a full day to even begin to know where to start with this post and then took me all day yesterday to type out. Normally to do one of these posts after a show I frantically note down everything I can remember in the interval and as soon as I can afterwards, but I was too overwhelmed by this show to even do that. And thank god so many people filmed so much of the show so I don’t have to rely on memory for all the little things. This will be kind of stream of consciousness thought dump of everything that made this experience so incredible, feat. a lot of Feelings. It’s much too long! Over 2500 words - you’ve been warned!
Looking at all the pictures and videos from the show, it feels surreal that I was there in a way that I don’t think any other shows I’ve gone to have. Maybe because I can’t believe we finally got a full UK Starkid show. Maybe because it was Starkid selling out the fucking London Palladium, twice (and the added production value that came with that). Maybe because we got the concert premiere of new stuff alongside iconic moments included from previous concerts that I’ve watched a hundred times and now got to see live. Whatever it was, I still can’t quite believe it and I’m so grateful I got to be there. And my GOD was luck on my side getting a front row centre seat in that ticket hell 🙏😭
Right from the staple sing-along outside the theatre before the show the excitement was as palpable as you’d expect from a crowd where so many people had been waiting such a long time to see these people live. And I think a lot of Starkid fans but especially international fans have had the feeling of isolation that comes with being a fan of a relatively “niche” group (though their popularity is only growing), so to get to be in a room full of people who understand the references and scream as soon as the opening notes of a song play is the best thing
Starting with tgwdlm feels like an excellent choice being from the show that created a new wave of fans while still catching some of the people who might not be caught up with the newest shows. And I know we had it at jangle ball too but love love getting to see Brian and Meredith be part of the hatchetfield stuff
And having NPMD songs performed live for the first time was just as exciting and special as I was expecting!! Was not expecting HSIKM WITH some OG choreo but I am grateful for it. Jaime messing up the Literal Monster lyrics at the matinee is 100% understandable and I thank her for that because Lauren cracking up at the complete nonsense lyrics she made up was too good. Love the OG choreo there including Lauren grabbing Joey for no reason whatsoever 😌 Slay of Lauren to bring out the Ruth voice too. Jeff gave a killer performance of NPMD and we understood the assignment with the Richie part
And Together 😭 TOGETHER 😭😭 I said that was a song I’d absolutely love but was definitely not at all expecting them to play so I got UNBELIEVABLY excited seeing it on Mere’s playlist and it was EVEN better than I imagined 😭 Angelic!!!! I love women!!!! Seeing their friendship shine through on stage is so special and Lauren supporting Mere through the lyric mess up in the matinee and also her laugh were the cutest things. And then from the front row at the evening show I don’t think I even breathed. They sounded amazing in the OG show but EVEN better now and I truly could not be more grateful to them for putting that on the setlist. A literal dream that I will be thinking about for the rest of my life. I still can’t believe it. AHHHHHH!!!!!!
Happy we got Our Doors are Open cause I love that song!
Jaime singing Harry but dedicated to Nori was very cute and making that a flashlight moment is one of the sillier things we’ve done
So glad Clark got his moment with I Was where we all sat in enraptured silence listening to his magical voice and some never before heard lyrics
I will be so honest and say there was the tiiiiiiiiiniest part of me sad when Joey started introducing Sidekick because I knew that meant my Status Quo hopes were dashed. However had I not seen it at homecoming I probably would have been rooting for Sidekick because it is the better *performance* for Joey, he absolutely owns the stage and it was still a delight to hear it again, and with his continued vocal improvement. Audience participation on point too of course. And when I saw Lauren standing in the wings before he started I knew I could not let myself keep looking over there but shoutout to everyone who did get footage of her being the proudest wife there is
Oh lordddd the Rogues Medley update we’ve been praying for (even if not in the way I expected). I had a feeling that’s what was coming when they started Not Over Yet based on the interview Brian did but to hear that transition into Feast or Famine was crazyyyyyy. Rogues Medley is such an iconic piece of Starkid history and it’s so cool that they gave us that. Fucking of course Brian fucked up the verses in Not Over Yet but he is a master at styling it out and him making Lauren laugh with that song feels like time honoured tradition (okay I’m just thinking of that leaky 2017 performance). First Feast or Famine in concert was so good although Joey and Lauren leaning on each other at EVERY little duet bit… relax babes. And Rogues, I knew if we got it we’d have Lauren doing the harlots and the hussies bit and I still did not adequately prepare myself
Brian calling Meredith wifey in We Got Work to Do was gold. SO so so happy to hear climate change, they did that because I stopped myself from spending a stupid amount of money to go to jangle ball. Still obsessed with Lauren’s little riff. And her moves? HOT. And we LOVE Meredith’s music getting so much love as it SHOULD
The forgotten songs section was hilarious but could have been about 20% shorter Brian was not wrong about them milking that bit Biggest of shout outs to the person who yelled Boy Toy for Lauren to respond “don’t make me do that” and I believe the same person who yelled fucking Airport 4 Birds and had her momentarily stunned. Her rendition of Hideous Creatures was heavenly no joke. Brian doing his soundcheck song did not read so well at the matinee lmao but I personally thought it was perfect. And Lauren joked about the open vibe but genuinely I love that they were confident enough they could do some obscure songs and not have an absolutely dead audience. Can’t believe we got TWO MAMD songs although they really should have let Joey sing Even Though (I know it wouldn’t have been *funny* okay)
What did not need to be even one second shorter was the shirt bit. No notes. Especially Brian trolling Lauren with “roll on the floor like Draco”
Back on top was amazing, they all sounded so good and again, love to see the Ani music getting recognition. And at the evening show I was watching Lauren do the choreo in the wings which was absolutely adorable
What if I now write the entire length of this post just about Granger Danger lol. Didn’t even realise until this post that they had the two OG Starkid couples back to back (at least I’m going off the order of the setlist I saw on twitter I do not actually remember the order lmao) Their whole “brand new song” bit was everything to me, I really could watch them riff off each other for hours. And honestly it was the perfect thing to do KNOWING what the reaction would be to the two of them coming out because what fucking else would they be singing. Apart from the person who genuinely thought we were getting Priceless because they forgot Granger Danger existed, you know who you are. As in my other post, I had said I wouldn’t mind if, as long as I got to see one married Granger Danger live (which I then did), they stopped singing Granger Danger, but that was only if they were getting sick of it and on the condition they did in fact replace it with Priceless. But I will NEVER get sick of watching them do it (even if the heart eyes on stage continue to make me a little sick) and I love that they do still have fun with it. The universal excitement with those opening notes is the best thing. Continuing to say “it gets different” was funnier than it should have been, they are comedians. And how far back she leaned on him at that evening show was truly insane and I thank them for giving me one of my new favourite pics (even if Lauren laughing and Joey’s hand going back to make sure she wouldn’t fall made me want to sobbbbb). 15 years of this song and it’s still getting more iconic and you all know how deeply special it is to me and I’m so happy to have gotten to see it again. King and queen of Starkid for real for real
Corey Show Stoppin Number was CRAZY he killed it
Jaime’s speech before Not Alone was incredibly special and I think Darren would agree that the song actually ended up exactly where it needed to be. But her saying she’s been singing it for 15 years of course had me thinking about the same thing for granger danger which is absolutely not something I was emotionally strong enough for in that moment!!! But blessed to get the beautiful harmonies and as always the audience singing Darren’s parts is the best
Superfriends is ofc so fun and Jeff nailed the Robin parts (unlike someone else there might have done (sorry Joey)). And again, there’s something so nostalgic about seeing it with that classic choreo too
And mashing it up with WANNABE oh my god. I did see someone say they didn’t know why they did that song and I’m like,, do you know how to have fun?? I get it we’re there to hear Starkid songs but this isn’t like a once in a lifetime situation (love that performance but it was a song for them not the audience and they knew it lmao), it’s actually perfect for Starkid. “Friendship never ends” you’re fucking right it doesn’t, 15 years of making stuff with your friends. And I’m being so serious when I say it’s one of my favourite performances they’ve ever done. I also might never get it out of my head and I’m fine with that. The accents? The boys in the back? The dancing? Brian? And then Brian and Joey?? (and ofc the evening performance where Lauren was touching Joey after “if you wanna be my lover” and where he put his hand on her back as she was stepping up on the stage and I once again wanted to sob) It was JOYFUL
And then GBTH as the encore we all knew was coming because no way were they leaving without singing that one. Whatever some people might have to say about it, it is SUCH a special song to hear in a room full of Starkid fans, and especially this version where we sang the beginning. No doubt they couldn’t have imagined performing that song on a stage like this when they were singing it in Studio 1, but it’s so deserved because they’re all absolute superstars. And their friendship and the fun they have onstage together has remained so integral to what makes them work and it never gets any less special to witness. I love that after over a decade of singing this song they STILL get the words wrong and it doesn’t even matter because we’re singing it so loudly. I love the sheer power Lauren radiates every time she sings her part and her happiness when we scream ours. And then I watched her smile looking out at the audience during the train part and I’m just so proud we were part of making this show so incredible for them and proud of them for doing it 😭 Singing happy birthday to Jeff in the middle was really cute too
Also, can’t believe we got to witness the most INSANE shirt pic happen live??!!? A shirt pic in front of a crowd of 2000 people, I keep looking at it and I’m like how is that not photoshopped?? But it’s real!! I was there!! And it’s honestly the most Starkid move of all time to perform their sold out Palladium concerts in matching pyjama shirts. Ngl there was a tiny part of me that didn’t want the matching shirts because I wanted to see the Concert Fits but I didn’t even need to worry because Lauren still came to serve. Hottest girl I’ve ever seen but also just the cutest human. And her hair looked so good too. (Jaime was also serving with the sparkly tights and cowboy boots)
Clearly they’re such a well oiled machine and the show ran SO smoothly that they were ahead of schedule and ended up doing a little more vamping in the evening than at the matinee. Why they chose Together (Lauren and Meredith are “too old” to want solos), Clark’s explanation of I Was originally being a solo (thank god because I felt insane at the matinee thinking ‘I’ve never heard these lyrics before’), even more references to Brian’s lack of solos. But the fuck ups in spite of that rehearsal really are just part of the Starkid charm. We love it, they know we love it, there’s no pressure to make it perfect which means all of us are just having *fun* together. But none of that takes away from how genuinely talented each and every one of them is
I do also think there’s something to be said for Brian and Lauren being the producers. They’ve really been through it all with the company and they know what works and how to serve people’s strengths. And of course we can trust Clark to put together an incredible setlist (yes there was a distinct lack of certain shows but I do think all the songs they did were a really good showcase for them and everyone had an opportunity to shine)
And Lauren of COURSE nailed the choreo for the whole show, it would be impossible for her not to. Honestly cannot reiterate enough how much of a queen she was in every aspect of this show. So fucking proud of her!!!!!!!!!!
And because this post wouldn’t be complete without mention of the M&G, Joey remembering my nameeee bearing in mind this is only the second time I’ve met him in person where he’d actually know me and yes the first time was only 7 months ago but I still don’t know how he recognised me there either. He seemed so proud to remember it too. And I knowww it’s not special to me he just has a good memory for that but the fact is he DOES make you feel special and I love him!! The best man. And I’m glad I got to give them the bracelets I made, Lauren’s reaction to seeing hers said precious angel was the sweetest and I really am trying to be normal about Joey only wearing the one from me (but it said Diane’s dad and was in michigan colours so… I think I nailed it) It was the sweetest thing seeing how many bracelets some of them were wearing during the show though
All this to say I fucking love Starkid and I love the community they’ve created. As soon as I saw the crowd outside the theatre (which was phenomenal!!) I knew it was just gonna be one of those days it was too overwhelming to talk to many people and while the people I did talk to were lovely I think I gave out a grand total of 8 bracelets which is my second biggest regret. But @pazazzalil and @laurenlpz, meeting up with you was like being with old friends even though we hadn’t met in person in 5/6 years. Love you both (and maybe we can actually get seats together next time)
And as one last little note, while it did feel extra special having people who have been with the company for all/the majority of these last 15 years, I have loved seeing the newer Starkids being so proud of their friends 🥺
I don’t know how I’m ever getting over this show. There was no way it was going to be bad with how highly anticipated a UK show was but it went way beyond my expectations. Pure magic. And I really do believe that after that it won’t be long before they’re back here, and I can’t wait
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buttertheflame · 7 months
A List of Things To Come
*a long post*
I was on hiatus for about 5 years, but I think it's worth the risk of coming back. These are some thoughts and hot takes I've had since then up to now. My professional life is busy, but when I have the time, I'll share. Anyone interested?
Here's a preview, categorized by fandom:
A Song of Ice and Fire:
For asoiaf canon, I’ll speculate on what Jon and Val could have been, and what they could have had together, if he had not kicked the bucket. I’ll also contrast it with Jon's dreams of a life with her, and why he put the torch to it. :( Because of the root of her dislike of Mel and Shireen, I figure she will not be pleased with un-Jon.
Game of Thrones:
In GoT canon, Jon did not love Dany as much as the script suggested he would. In fact, they both failed to take responsibility for the other person. I haven't seen anyone make a statement like this before. (The PTSD is real.) But fic writers did pick up on this and tried to fix it in canon compliant stories, with a lot of success.
In Supernatural s12-s14, Mary should have found her sons to be way more weird, specifically with each other. But given what we see of her in s6, her characterization is consistent. She would have, and did, ignore the red flags for an idea of family.
I’ll share approving thoughts on Sam and Dean's relationship in the final seasons, disapproving thoughts on the final season of Supernatural, and how I speculated it would either go Gencest or Destiel. We know what happened. No one walked away happy and I think the fandom was all the better for it.
Destiel is not canon. It only became a one-sided love confession. (I know there's a lot of speculation on what happened b/w the studio, the writer's room and the post-production team. Idc. Not gonna touch it.) Thoughts on how I think SPN could have made Destiel go 100% canon involve tweaking the execution and balancing out the themes of Sam and Eileen's love story, the big bad plot, and Dean and Cas's 'love' story.
Outlander (show-only) thoughts, foremost on Roger Mackenzie. He has vexed me from the first time he appeared on screen. I love him dearly, but he vexes me, for how he consistently affects the plot and how that defines his role among the main cast. Later on, I'll run through my favorite moments, episodes and narrative arcs.
I'll share a list of favorite ship-centric fics I've collected over many, many, many years. (Gotta be over 10 years' worth). Along with blurbs that explain my recommendation in a non-spoilery way. Fandoms include: Harry Potter, LOTR, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, ASOIAF, Game of Thrones, Star Wars (Sequel Trilogy), The Flash, Shadowhunters [look away book fans <3], Hannibal (show-only).
I'll also post drafts of fics I never got right and never finished. Mostly GoT-canon divergent Jon/Dany fics.
Most importantly, some very dear friends have encouraged me to vent and hype up my Jonerys fic series "We Could Live Together" as I write it. It's GoT-canon divergent, but I alter some of what occurred before 6x09. Then the story re-enters book territory and moves toward ADOS conclusions. I'd also love to break down and discuss songs from the playlists when it strikes me.
This is the summary of Part 1, "A Long Way Home" (published):
After the Battle for Winterfell, Jon was captured by Bolton men then later found by Daenerys not far from Dragonstone. Their meeting blossoms into the most honest love--until Jon suddenly leaves for Winterfell, only to return to Dragonstone months later with more terrifying tales of dead men and Winter storms. When Daenerys chooses to send her armies north to fight the dead, all is certain but the matter of their bond. After the pain they'd endured, can they come together again? Or will separation be too powerful to overcome? *or* A romantic tale of choice and second chances.
This is the summary of Part 2, "Awake For Ever In Sweet Unrest" (in-progress and unpublished):
Winter has come and further fractured the realm. Yet Jon and Daenerys's betrothal and alliance is well known throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The secret that threatened to break them has made their love stronger, casting a fragrance of hope that draws to the last Targaryens all who seek refuge from political turmoil. Cersei Lannister has fled King's Landing in favor of establishing a bank in Lannisport, to guard against her deposition by the Iron Bank. Euron Greyjoy has set up a naval blockade at Oldtown, yet manages to beguile the Hightowers. And Walder Frey's sundown years threaten to pull his House into a civil war. From the Wall, Jon and Daenerys begin to wage war on the Others. Yet the age of wonder and terror, of gods and heroes, leads them and their enemies in the least expected ways. It begs the question: does all happen the way it must? *or* A romantic telling of the new War for the Dawn.
This is what I've been doing the past few years: working, (dating lol), re-reading the books and joining theory discussions on other sites. What touched my heart was readers asking for me to continue the fic series. Even as I considered it, I was conflicted. Since the show and book canon are so enmeshed, I think we were really vulnerable to being whipped and scored by D&D. But we all found ways to lick our wounds. I'm grateful we were able to become closer and stronger. I'm glad to be a part of it.
So that's my preview. If you've read this far, thank you. <3
There's more to come.
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ihearthes · 3 years
Pre-Jenny Show Playlist
Couldn’t Love You More by John Martyn
Love Insurance by Gwen McCrae
Moonage Daydream by David Bowie
Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles
Deep Shadows by Little Ann
Day Dreaming by Aretha Franklin
Flowers in the Window by Travis
America by Simon & Garfunkel
How Long Do I Have To Wait for You by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings
This Will Be Our Year by The Zombies
Everybody Loves the Sunshine by Roy Ayers Ubiquity
This is by no means an inclusive list because I didn’t start collecting until late but these are the songs played prior to Jenny’s set. I didn’t really start paying attention until Donny Hathaway’s Jealous Guy.
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
Okay hello, I’m here to tell you my experience at Harry’s MSG 10/16 show (from a GA perspective). I tried to avoid going online and looking at too many asks so my opinion wasn’t influenced by anything.
I went with two friends and for the sake of this post I’ll call them B (who’s a big Harry fan) and C (who is still a big fan but isn’t too aware of anything going on with him).
We didn’t know the rules with lining up or camping out so after doing a little bit of research, we showed up at about 4 am and there were about 150 people in front of us. I think the first person in line got there around midnight or 1 am. There was a sharpie being passed around so we all numbered our hands so it would make it easier to keep track when getting our wristbands.
Around 7 am we got shifted across the street and that was a shit show. I have no clue who was directing that but it was poorly done and we all got out of order. We wound up awkwardly clumping together and a couple girls were trying to direct us to stay in order, which led to a group of other girls complaining that number order doesn’t matter (and that bothered me because they were about 50 people behind me so yeah it mattered lmao).
By some miracle we wound up getting in number order again, where we were supposed to be. MSG started handing out wristbands around 8 am when they technically said they’d wait until 9 am but I wasn’t complaining. My wristband number was also basically the same as the unofficial one on my hand, which was cool. There were a lot of people trying to cut the line and fake wristbands/their number.
My friends and I came back around 5 pm and although they advertised it as a lottery system, it wasn’t. They let us in in number order and we managed to get basically right behind barricade.
Jenny Lewis is absolutely adorable. I had never heard of her before but I loved her and thought she was great. She got emotional when we all put our flashlights on during one of her songs. It seemed like that's never happened to her before.
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Harry came on about 25 minutes after her set ended, and to answer an ask I happened to see - yes, “Olivia” played twice during the pre-set playlist - once before Jenny came out and once after. But after she left it played immediately after “I’m Coming Out” so do with that info what you will. Also they played “Toxic” and “Stockholm Syndrome”.
Harry was pretty good. He’s pretty tall, especially in comparison to Jenny. She’s about 5 foot and he’s a solid head taller than her, at least. Also yes, he’s very pretty. I think I was most taken back by seeing his tattoos in person, idk why. And some of the pictures I took are clearer than my eyesight and I’m having trouble believing I took them lmfao
But although Harry is Harry is pretty in person, his band is BEAUTIFUL. Like deadass every single one of them was glowing. I’m obsessed with Elin and Sarah omg. Also Pauli. He was literally smiling the entire time. I was I was closer to them but they were on the other side of the stage. Mitch and Niji I couldn’t really see unless they were on the cat walk but 👀 I got some solid footage of them vibing (the pictures I’m sharing are screenshots from videos).
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Overall I had a good time. I’m just like 99% sure the girl jammed up next to me had a fever because she was scolding hot (like physically warm lmao). It was like a furnace which made me warm. I’ll probably get covid tested in a couple days.
Harry’s energy was okay. Again, I’m not complaining. I had a good time but he seemed tired. There were a couple of songs where he looked like he was zoning out. He also messed up the lyrics to 2 or 3 songs. And the only time it was really obvious he got choked up, to me, was when he was making a speech (I think it was about how much he likes MSG but I’m not 100% sure). I’ll also watch some videos later and see if I notice anything else but yeah, that was the only time it was super obvious he was emotional last night. I thought he was going to break down.
He spent a long time thanking us for having his back and talked a lot about One Direction. He also assured us performing is his favorite thing to do. And he thanked Rob Stringer for allowing him to create the music he wants to create. Honestly? It didn’t really feel that forced to me. My friends agreed. Maybe rehearsed but I wouldn’t really say forced.
He didn't really interact with the crowd that much. My friend, C, saw him in concert in 2018 and said he was much more interactive but she thinks that's because he had less songs to play back then and was filling time. I'm not 100% sure if I agree with that but yeah, she said she was "disappointed" with his lack of interaction.
I will say that while although I agree, Harry's a great performer. He is way better live than in the studio. I'm not sure if it's the arrangements that are different or his vocals but I just prefer him as a live singer. "TPWK" was a ton of fun, and "SOTT" was beautiful (one of my favorite all time songs). "Kiwi" was also a good time, and yes MSG shook. There were several songs I thought the floor was going to collapse.
He didn't do the "what does it taste like" spiel before "WMS". He also sang "TBSL" which I was pleased about, and yes the "arrogant son of a bitch" part was screamed the loudest. A couple of the songs felt shortened tbh, but I think that was just me because things move quicker when you're having a good time.
Harry seemed to favor my side of the stage, which was by watermelon pit I believe. He stayed primarily in the general stage area and only came out on the cat walk a handful of times.
Before anyone asks, no I didn't see Olivia. I'm 99% sure she was on the opposite side of the stage. I also wasn't looking for her though but I heard some girls next to me talking about her while Harry was singing "Cherry" and they kept pointing towards where he was. And my friend, C, is a fan of Olivia's and isn't that deep into Harry's life but she thinks they're a stunt (she said it doesn't bother her though).
Overall it was a good time, however I will say this: Harry exudes this energy that took me back a little because it's different than I thought. I have no idea how to describe it but it was a bit off putting. He's very confident in how he moves but he does these movements that seem like he's also guarding himself. He seemed emotionally distant as well. I don't really know if maybe I was just in a different headspace or what the deal was but I'm a little taken back by how I felt watching him. It's not a bad thing because there's a million reasons why I could have felt that way but I thought I'd mention it. I'm seeing him on the 30th too so I'll give a rundown of that concert, too, for comparison.
Let me know if you have any questions in case I forgot anything!! <3
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(he looked up in there for a decent while - this is a screenshot from a video I took)
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Liner Notes: Every Song Referenced In "Take a Chance On Me"
Liner notes for Chapter 1 | 2
Chapter 3 - 2009 - Everyone has a Kinks phase (math rock, experimental pop, Draco knows the word “grunge”)
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12 - Atlas - Battles
She looks to his arms, which are covered by a cardigan, and then lets the cup of her headphone slap back against her temple, the sound of aggressively fast math-rock audible, slipping out around the edges.
Cat Person is named, but she'll always be Cat Person to me. There was nobody cooler at the student radio station than the older girl listening to genres of music you didn't even know existed. Enter: math rock.
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13 - Brother Sport - Animal Collective
And even though the game is over, and Draco is lucid, perfectly aware that Harry was never playing the first song for him, he likes that he recognises it. New Animal Collective—not the single, the last song on the album. It's a jaunty, jangling thing, and gauche though it may be, it makes the corners of his lips lift in a simple smile.
This one opens with the instruction to "open up your / throat a little" which goes smutty in my brain, because of course it does. Draco''s lusty one would probably go there too.
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14 - Sleep to Dream - Fiona Apple
"Your CD is excellent," Potter continues, and Draco impresses himself by not falling directly into the mud and screaming at the sky.
Potter reaches into the breast pocket of his coat, and when he hands Draco a CD, the plastic case is miraculously still warm from its proximity to his skin.
"I made you one too. To say um, sorry you had to see that, never again. Et cetera, you know."
Draco stares at it until the words start to make sense. They're hand-written, scrawled, really, on lined paper. He recognises the word Apple, sees it's tied to Fiona, wants to die a little bit. He knows he cannot listen to it and categorically cannot read the liner notes lest he completely lose his mind.
I am 100% certain Draco Malfoy would find and fall for Fiona Apple following Hogwarts. This is a headcanon I cannot shake.
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15 - Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA
He's on his back, writhing around, and the kids are much closer now, and still, when he looks up, the only face that is blank, stricken, and shocked is Potter's. Draco hasn't caught him blinking once, and he can't help but stare as he gets to his feet again, singing cause everything is new, and everything is you at him. Some of the kids are singing, reading the yellow script to follow along, and one of the mums is squeezing her legs together to keep from peeing, probably, at the arms-and-legs-akimbo song and dance Draco's put together, and it's a terrible, no good idea for Draco to keep staring at Potter when he asks what can I do?
This scene is the reason I wrote this entire fic, TBH. I fell back in love with ABBA and would not, could not keep from mouthing the lyrics from behind my mask on my daily COVID-walk. Add a dash of "I feel so low I will prostrate myself lower for the sake of the happiness of the man I pine for" Draco, and you have the most over the top karaoke performance Draco can muster.
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harrydracobang · 3 years
Harry/Draco Big Bang Fic & Art: A Sense of Scale (Mature)
Title: A Sense of Scale Author: @fantalf Artist(s): @dragontamerdame Pairing(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, background original pairing Other Key Characters: Original Male & Female Characters, brief Neville Longbottom and Narcissa Malfoy appearances, mentions to other canon characters Rating: Mature Word Count: ~70,000 Era: Post-Hogwarts, EWE Content/Warnings: POV Draco Malfoy, POV Third Person, Potions Master Draco Malfoy, Flying Instructor Harry Potter, Powerful Harry Potter, Castelobruxo, Magical Theory, ayahuasca, Misunderstandings, Housemates, Recovery, Mutual Pining, Possession, Dark Magic, Brazilian Folklore, Brazilian Folkloric magical creatures, Past Relationship(s), Getting Back Together, Draco Malfoy is a bit of a liar, POC Harry Potter, a bit of angst, wildfire, villainous character, Manipulation, Implied/Referenced Animal Violence, Animal Death, but it's brief, latin america, Indigenous Culture Magic and Gods, a lot of bonding, but not between humans, Tattooed Harry Potter, Implied Sexual Content, Neville Longbottom & Draco Malfoy Friendship, Supportive Narcissa Black Malfoy, seriously though I don't claim this story makes a whole lot deal of sense, Draco has an obscene amount of nicknames for Harry, he's also so oblivious, but get mad at him not me, a very stubborn sentient school, and a temperamental parrot, don't kill me for this, Domestic Fluff, Drinking, Self-Worth Issues, Minor Character Death, Non-Consensual Entheogenic/psychedelic substance use (brief), Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Familiars, Draco Malfoy Has Long Hair Summary: Potter merely shrugged, as if it was nothing. After all, it wasn’t his life’s work. “You can try to win it over.”
Draco snapped, “What?!”
“The school. Win it over.”
“How the fuck do I win a school over, Potter?! It’s a bloody school, not a person!” And he didn’t win people over that easily, overall.
“I don’t know. Use your charms. I know you to be very inventive.”
In which Draco spends an obscene amount of time thinking of new nicknames for The Living Git, lying to himself and using his charms to seduce an extremely uncooperative sentient school.
Author’s Notes: Somehow, when I joined the fandom back in January, my brain decided that BB was a great(!) fest to start writing fanfic. Boy, was I crazy. I clearly didn’t know better. I still don’t know what I’m doing half of the time, but I regret nothing.
So, let’s do it!
The name of the story and the quotes on the beginning of each part are from a poem called Detail of the Woods, by Richard Siken.
This is a crazy story that has no business making sense 100% of the time. That being said, there are some sentences in Portuguese throughout the fic. It’s totally understandable from the context and not knowing them won’t jeopardise your experience. But, if you’re really eager to know a bit of Portuguese, I left the translations on the endnotes of each chapter. There’s also I really long ending note—you’re free to ignore—about some history JK ignored when building Castelobruxo.
For this story, I researched a lot, and among my resources are the books Geografia dos Mitos Brasileiros by Luis da Camara Cascudo (Brazilian Myths’ Geography), and Lendas Indígenas (Indigenous Tales) by Iray Galrão; the YouTube channels of Felippe Barbosa and Ler Até Amanhecer (Read Until Dawn). The Moriaetem Potion is inspired by a real potion. I don’t intend to offend anyone, and I won’t claim to try to bring awareness about the question, because this story is purely for fun, but this is a genuine issue that has repercussions to this day.
SoS (pun intended) is totally self-indulgent and was born of my indignation with JK for what she’s done to this school. I wanted to make it right by writing something both fun and respectful about my culture, and though it might sound too insane at times, I love it and I hope you’ll also enjoy it.
BIG, incredible, enormous thank you to the following people: Chay, you’re one of the best best friends I could’ve wished for, thank you for putting up with my crazy ideas and encouraging me not to give them up. Tai, you’ve become a dear friend and your excitement and encouragement about this story kept me going (not only one of the OCs is named after you, but the story is also a gift for you). Crazybutgood… What can I say beyond thank you for being such an angel and such an important part of my life? You’re the best. Em and Spaceboundwitch, your eagerness and enthusiasm about SoS was contagious and made me cry. Thank you so much for all your work, guys.
Last, but not least, how can I not mention how perfect Ash’s been throughout this process? You’re the best artist I could’ve hoped for and I’m confident this was the perfect match. You captured so well the essence of my story and its characters and their differences, and I can’t thank you enough for that. Also, thank you mods for your work and for making this match happening. You can find their brilliant illustrations on chapters 11 and 15.
Disclaimer that the only characters I own here are Francisca, Fernanda, José, Berê, Lua, Tainara, Rudá, some school staff I don't remember the names and the animals. Unfortunately.
There's a playlist with the song on Chapter 8 and other songs I think fits the story's mood. You can find it HERE
No beings were harmed in the making of this story.
Without further ado… Enjoy.
Artist’s Notes: It’s been such a delight getting to have access to and illustrate Lory’s (wonderful, magical, brilliant, imaginative, fascinating) story. And for that, I have to give a big shout-out to the mods for being lovely and pairing me with the fic summary of my dreams. The scenes that I have illustrated sparked my imagination and creativity so much, although I felt the urge to sketch practically every scene as I went on to read the whole story. I hope my illustrations bring to life the tenderness and intimacy between Harry and Draco in the first scene, and the intensity and power of the magic in second scene. Please enjoy this wonderful fic!
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Terrible to Meet You - A Harry Styles One Shot - Act 4, And love blooms in hearts not fields
Harry wants to get out of the house. Alex wants to get home.
Alex meets Harry at at crossroads. Harry meets Alex on a one way street.
A coffee shop OU fic feat. lattes, lamingtons & that Great Unfathomable Feeling.
Story Page Here Terrible to Meet You Playlists My Masterlist Here
7 Minutes 'It doesn't seem like long, but my whole world has changed'
Harry's insides were shaking.
He could feel it vibrating up and down his spine, circling his ribcage and then settling uncomfortably at the back of his throat. The nerves and anxiety sped around his body the closer to the Heathrow they got.
Tears threatened to pierce his eyes each time he looked over at Alex beside him. She was staring out the window saying silent goodbyes to London as they drove. 
Harry really didn't understand how this moment came so quickly. He knew that Alex's feelings were as mixed as his. Harry wanted her to go home, she'd been trying all year. Heartsick and homesick, she'd pushed through living on the other side of the world to her family as the world suffered through something horrifying.
After getting the email, her last week in London was bittersweet. It was spent packing up her room and saying goodbyes for the second, third times. Harry helped her organise herself, and then put himself in isolation with Alex for her final 48 hours. She needed to present a negative COVID test to Australian officials before she could fly. Getting tested and locking themselves away together for two days was a special kind of magic, really. They didn't have to share each other.
After Harry, Alex was saddest to say goodbye to The Daily Dose. 
She was going to miss Paul. Despite his eccentricities, he somehow managed to always keep the tone light and playful with her, and generally, the days passed quickly. Alex left Sydney for London after a gruelling university course left her feeling unmoored and unsure of herself, her time working for Paul had been an enormous time of discovery and healing for her. 
He'd been a source of comfort and support for her, especially in the last year, and he was the shoulder she'd cried on far too often. Alex loved making coffee despite how most people saw the job. There was a satisfaction in the process, even in the daily grind—the cleaning, the busyness, the dead patches—and Alex liked leaving the cafe in the afternoon with the smell of coffee seeping out of her but a clean shop locked up ready for the next day. 
She was going to miss that. But at the same time, Alex felt ready to go on and do more with her time now. The university degree hanging in her parent's study didn't feel like a straight-jacket anymore, and she was looking forward to finding work in her field. 
 London had been home for four years, though. She had many great memories here, not the least of which it was the city she flew the coup and found herself in. And the magic she thought was lost seemed to have redeemed itself in the final months of her being there.
She found herself, and then, she'd found Harry.
Saying goodbye to Harry was the hardest thing Alex had ever done. 
They'd both cried the night before, but when it was time to part at the airport Harry was steadfast in his encouragement of her leaving. (Despite himself) He'd never once said he (seriously) didn't want her to leave, or that she shouldn't. He'd never implied it would spell doom for their relationship. Harry was 100% sure that Alex going back home to Australia was just the next line in their story, and certainly not the last one. 
"You get home safely, okay?" Harry told her sternly, holding her face between his hands at the drop-off line. Both their masks were down around their chins, and Harry hated the tears he couldn't stop Alex from shedding, "This is a good thing, Al, you need to be home right now."
"I know," she nodded bravely, frowning as her chin wobbled, "But I don't want to leave—
"Shh, no," Harry shook his head and leaned closer, "You're not leaving me, you're going home.”
"When am I going to see you again though," she cried out, finally giving in to the (slightly) hysterical emotions that were bubbling just below the surface. 
Harry's heart rattled watching the wave of doubt hit her. He pressed his lips into her hairline and held her for another long moment.
"You'll see me in Dubai on your stopover," he'd said, rocking her against his chest, his words hurried against the material of her shirt, “You'll land, use the bathrooms, and then FaceTime me. That's when you'll see me next. And then, you'll see me when you get to Sydney and call me again. Okay?
"Okay," Alex parroted quietly.
"Okay … You really have to go now," Harry looked behind her to where the doors to the terminal were.
She nodded and reached up onto her tippy toes, letting Harry press his warm lips against hers once last time. Alex squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold in tears but also the feel of him. His smell, where his body began and ended, how it measured up next to hers. 
Their hearts reached out, trying to feel the other pressing through their chests from the other side. You're mine, you're mine, they said to each other.
"I love you," Harry told her, not for the first time.
Seeing the red wetness around Harry's eyes, Alex threaded her hands through his hair, "I love you, too."
He pressed a quick kiss to her lips again, "Go."
Harry's belief that they were going to be okay was unwavering. 
If 2020 taught him anything, the whole world could change in a matter of weeks, so why not the entire outlook of his life as well? Why couldn't his meeting Alex change the course of both their lives moving forward? Something about meeting her felt like a one-time event, like something worth risking everything for. And he would, Harry told her numerous times that last week.
And as she walked away from him and into Heathrow, and Alex believed him.
Alex cried as her flight landed at Sydney International Airport. 
She'd watched the harbour out her window as the plane circled the city, that perfect Sydney turquoise blue gleaming back up at her and it made her chest ache with relief. 
Sydney airport was a stark change from the Heathrow she left behind. Their flight was met by police, abundance and army officers. It wasn't frightening though, Alex found herself swallowing back tears this time because she was so soothed by the fact she was back in Australia. Everyone was friendly and helpful, getting the flight of returning citizens through the airport and onto buses to the quarantine hotels. Alex's drove straight into the city centre and as soon as they started going by familiar places and landmarks she wasn't the only one teary in their seat. 
"Well, here it is," Alex said to the phone screen not long after, tilting it around to show off the hotel room around her, "Home for the next fourteen days."
"Snazzy," Harry whistled as she pulled back the sheer curtains to reveal a staggering blue sky and then bright green treetops. He was sitting at his kitchen table with a cup of tea and a drizzly London morning just beginning, "And a view! Is that a balcony? Or a window?"
"A balcony but it's locked. I did get to smell the salty, beautiful harbour in the two-second walk from the bus into the hotel though." Alex settled on the bed in the middle of the room, the bedding crisp and clean underneath her, "I am literally inside this room for two weeks. No outside time. But I can see people outside walking around and having picnics in Hyde Park without masks on, so it'll be worth it."
"That seems unreal."
"It's like another world here," Alex agreed, yawning and finally feeling her body start to relax. "Anyway, how was your day yesterday? Wait, no, today?"
Harry laughed, "You've lost two days, I think. But it was good. I went and saw Paul, we had a cry together."
"Don't," she warned him, feeling the combination of over-tiredness and emotion simmering in her throat, "I've just travelled thirty-six hours, and I fucking miss you already, I'm not beyond completely losing it right now."
He smiled gently, "Have a shower and get into bed. I'm so glad you're there. Does it feel good to be home?"
"So good," Alex admitted, almost feeling like it was a dirty thing to be admitting to Harry, "Jess is going to come and wave at me from the park tomorrow with Noah. My mum's already sent a bunch of food to my room."
"You're exactly where you need to be," Harry told her. 
Alex couldn't hold back her tears any longer, the guilt she felt—the pain of leaving Harry—wasn't any match to finally being where she'd wanted to be all year, "Yeah, I am."
Figure 8 'Lovers hold on to everything'
Four days into her quarantine, Alex started training herself to do headstands.
"It's harder than it looks! But I'm getting there now," She laughed, propping her phone up against the leg of the bed and crawling to the wall opposite. She was now on Day 11, and Harry had been getting an update daily.
"Please don't injure yourself," Harry moaned, getting a great view of her bum as she crouched down facing the wall and then rose up, kicking her legs up with her palms flat on the floor.
"See?" The blood all rushed to her head, and Alex's hair fell down over her face at the same time her t-shirt moved, revelling her belly and bra to Harry. 
"Much better than yesterday," he told her, "Maybe tomorrow we could lose the bra?"
Alex laughed, her arms shaking as she came crashing to the ground. She was still working on the landing. 
Just as she was about to reply, she heard a knock on the door, "Oh!" 
"Dinner?" Harry guessed, watching her leap to her feet and disappear from view. A moment later, her legs walked across the screen, and Harry rolled over in bed to try to rid his phone screen of the glare coming from his windows open to the new London morning. "Oi!"
"Calm your farm," Alex tutted, retrieving her phone and grinning at Harry, "You'll never guess what I've got today."
"Hmm," Harry hummed in mock thought, "Let me guess, chicken and rice. A cookie and a ridiculous allotment of fruit?"
"Two bananas, an apple and four apricots."
"S'practically a fruit basket!"
"Tomorrow I get a glass of wine," Alex was already chewing, "Friday night drinks!"
"Friday date night?" Harry suggested, his fingers twitching with the want to be feeling her body between his sheets again, "You're fun when you're a little tipsy."
"Excuse me, I'm always fun!"
Harry laughed, "I can't believe you're so upbeat still. I'd been expecting a dip at some point. I would think a lot of people don't do so well in isolation for two weeks."
"I've got Australian daytime TV and a boyfriend who sends fun gifts,” she eyed the collection of books and puzzles Harry had organised, “I am looking forward to Sunday though."
Harry couldn't imagine how much Alex was looking forward to getting to see her family and friends when her time in quarantine ended, "Did you get tested today?"
"Yes," Alex screwed up her face, the memory of the swab up her nose still fresh, "Fucking hurt."
"Last one," he encouraged. "What's the first thing you're going to do with your brother when he picks you up?"
She halted before putting the next mouthful of warm, lacklustre dinner in her mouth, "It's supposed to be sunny and warm on Sunday, but I don't get released until the evening. So I think we'll just go to mum and dads for tea. Jess and Matt are going to be there."
"A large gathering in the home!" Harry looked scandalised, but he was smiling. 
"I know, it's all very 2019," Alex joked. 
Harry let out a long sigh from his chest, "I'm so happy you're there, but I miss you."
"You too," she said quietly.
"Hey," Harry called out, not having meant to dampen the mood, "Three sleeps until you get to meet Noah."
The mention of her nephew made Alex smile, "I'm gonna squeeze him so hard."
"Will you FaceTime me there?"
"O'course," her mouth was full, but she nodded emphatically. "My mum asked if we were going to have live music at all family events now."
Harry's laugh exploded out of him, he liked Alex's family very much already, "Happy to oblige."
"Because of you she's also back on Nathan about giving up the trombone in Year 8." Alex told him, "He was previously the musical hope for the family, but he stopped when the girl he liked at fourteen said she would only date a rugby player … Consequently, that girl is also responsible for how Nathan broke his nose."
Harry could sympathise with Alex's older brother, "We do crazy things for love."
"Could you say that again?"
"Were you not listening?"
"No I was, I just like hearing it in your accent."
"Harry," Alex complained, "I'm already shit at this."
"You're not!" He insisted, trying desperately to keep the grin at bay. 
Alex frowned at him and pulled the hotel duvet up to her chin, crossing her legs and slipping her free arm across her chest. Harry's heart was racing, hearing her talk about how his words were making her feel was incredible. Almost as good as physically having her. Almost.
"Al," Harry stilled at the defeated look on her face. His smile disappeared, "Sorry, I wasn't teasing."
"I'm no good a phone sex, it feels weird."
"I know it does at first," he tentatively reassured her, hoping not to draw attention to the fact that over the years Harry had become sort of good at phone sex. By virtue of necessity, such was his regular travel schedule. "I promise it can be great, and we can only get better at it. You're not no good. On the contrary, I'm enjoying myself very much."
She was finding it difficult. And even more so, trying to learn Harry and what he liked—how his body responded—without actually having his body physically there felt impossible. Phone sex was awkward and difficult, and Alex was more self-conscious then she'd ever been, trying to navigate intimacy with Harry through a phone screen. There was a divide there. He was right though, the undercurrent to what he said was that they'd have to get better, there was no other choice. It was all they had.
"Show me what you were doing," Harry beckoned gently, sensing Alex relaxing back into the moment. "And just imagine I'm there, don't apologise for angles or lighting. I don't care."
It was her last day in the hotel, and Alex had woken up with an ache between her thighs. Harry Facetimed her the instant he got the photo of her lying in the sheets, her torso exposed and wishing for his touch. He'd been sitting at home on his Saturday night, watching the first five minutes of half a dozen things on Netflix yet not finding his mind was able to focus on any. 
Alex he could focus on though. 
Her five seconds of bravery felt far away now, but Alex slowly pushed down the bedding again, "I was thinking about you going down on me."
Harry smiled, "Go on."
Nineteen 'I felt you in my life before I ever thought to'
Three months passed. 
The dreaded milestone ticked over which meant Harry and Alex had been separated the same amount of time they'd spent together in London.
It hadn't ever felt like this for Harry before.
He'd never known what this kind of missing someone was. Previously, he'd missed people, but not with a yearning or a longing that made his chest ache. Not with the kind of force that had him lying in bed at night unable to switch off the channel tuned to Alex.
What time was it in Sydney? Had he already sent her that link? Did she say she was spending the day with her dad? What could he say to get her back in that bikini from the day before? 
Missing Alex felt like having an itch inside his mind he couldn't scratch.
But in a sense, how much he wanted to be with her only made his consequent decisions easier. 
"You're hopeless!" His manager laughed him from LA, the whole team on the weekly check-in Zoom call. Generally there wasn't a lot to report between them, projects were on hold or cancelled. Harry had decided not to go back to the States to work on a few smaller things—a fashion shoot, a TV guest appearance and a small role in a film—giving his legal team some work in getting him out of contracts, but that was mostly sorted now. 
If he was going anywhere, it sure as hell wasn't across the Atlantic. 
"Not hopeless," Harry replied diplomatically, "It's something else … But it's not hopeless. It almost feels like having the answer and being the little kid jumping up and down on the spot, dying for the teacher to hurry up and ask the question."
A series of blank looks came back at him. Harry sighed. He'd never been bad at explaining his personal life before. It was always so rational, the relationships made sense or happened in a usual way. He just couldn’t shake the notion that all along, people had been right. 
When you know you know. 
He'd found Alex. 
That was as simple as it was to him. But it didn't settle everyone else the way it settled Harry. 
Did the name not tick a checkbox in their heads too? 
"So, you're going to Australia?"
"I just want to know what it could look like," Harry amended the assumption, but yes, he was going to end up wherever Alex did, and if that was Australia then that was that. 
"Who's in Australia?" 
The question wasn't to Harry, it wasn't about who he was going to Australia for., they all knew who Alex was. The question was about the industry—about Harry's career. It was who was in Australia for him to work with? Frankly, he didn’t see why the same people he worked with now couldn’t also be the people he continued working with either remotely, or with short trips abroad when travel allowed. 
"Obviously, it's not like everything can be done there," Harry offered diplomatically, "But at least for the foreseeable future, with the world how it is … Music as the primary focus, I want to write the next album there. Spend some time seeing the country too, I've always wanted to."
He got a collection of nods, and a few spoken agreements, assurances that it could work.
"This isn't a temporary thing," he said of Alex, looking at the faces who helped him run his life, "We're going to be navigating this for the rest of my career. So everyone's going to need to add Sydney time to their Clock app."
When he met Alex, Harry knew. 
When he landed in Sydney, Harry knew again. 
It was the right choice, it was the right place for him to be. All he wanted was to be moving in her direction; in the same direction as her. 
It was warm despite the late hour, the air was fragrant with it, in stark contrast to the London he left behind. 
He tried to think back to the last time he’d been in Australia, to what it felt like back then. 
If only he’d know then …
Harry opted not to apply for any special considerations or circumstances. He didn't want anything to jeopardise him being able to enter what was likely the world's most difficult country to get into now—especially seeing as Harry wasn't a resident, much less a citizen. Harry didn't want to hit the news. And despite evidence of people he knew in the industry being able to dictate where they quarantined on arrival, Harry requested nothing. He just wanted to fly in, go to whatever hotel they told him to, do his two weeks quarantine and then be with her. 
"Have you landed?" Alex's voice was urgent and tinged with excitement. 
Harry laughed, "Yes, how do you think I'm calling."
She squeaked, "You're here!"
"I'm here," he smiled under his mask, following the flow of fellow travellers walking through the empty airport, "Who ever heard of an International Airport having a curfew though? The pilot made the joke that if we were projected to land even a minute after 11pm, he'd have to turn around and go back to London. Which was like, a joke, but also not funny?"
Alex chortled, "You'll have to get used to the sense of humour here."
"Hang on," Harry saw a checkpoint of sorts ahead of him, "I have to go. I'll call you back."
"Call me from the hotel," she said, "I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Go to the window."
“Hi. What?" Harry could barely move his head off the pillow as his eyes struggled to open.
"Go to your window," Alex repeated, "Were you asleep?"
He sat up, heart thrumming quickly at the possibility of what he was going to see. A second before his mind had only barely been able to scramble together the cognitive function to swipe to answer the call. 
When he got to the window, Harry pulled back the curtains—he'd ended up at the same hotel Alex had been in too—his room looked out over Sydney's Hyde Park, the fountain and cathedral framing his window. Although his top floor room with a (locked) balcony was a little bigger than hers had been he still felt as if he was living in their FaceTime calls. He was sure he'd become more acquainted with the trees and greenery out his window as the days passed. 
"What am I looking for?" He asked, but Harry knew.
"I'm down here, can you see me? Blue jeans shorts … Yellow top? I've got a sign!"
Harry's eyes scanned the footpath opposite the hotel, there was a main road between him and the park. He'd been in the room less than 12 hours though, so he wasn't familiar with the foot traffic. 
"I can't… Wait, I see you," his mouth opened in a huge smile, "Hi!"
Harry waved and pressed his hand to the window as his heart waved down at Alex's. He felt like his insides were being swapped around inside him as he took his first look at her in the flesh in nearly thirteen weeks. She had sunglasses sitting up on top of her head and a The New Yorker tote bag over her shoulder. He bit his lip at all the exposed skin he was looking at, feeling it a cruel injustice in the fact he would be touching his girlfriend for a fortnight.
Alex was squinting up at the hotel, one hand to her forehead, blocking the sun while the other held her phone to her ear, "How high up at you?"
"Next to the yellow and red flag," he said, looking for a distinguishing feature. He'd fallen asleep to the sound of the rope flapping against the building.
Alex's voice took a teasing tone, "Oh, who's that sexy man with his shirt off in the hotel window?" 
"I can't read your sign."
"I only had a Biro," she lamented, shoving the makeshift sign under her arm, "It just says Hi."
"Hi," Harry leant his forehead into the window, "You look beautiful."
"So do you."
"You going to stand out there for the next two weeks?"
"Would you like me to?"
"Yes, please."
Harry watched her take a step back and lean against the wall to the park behind her, "I'd better get comfy then."
There was a couple in the room next door to Harry.
"I'm telling you, it's relentless," he implored Alex with his eyes, pausing for a second to listen to the sound of their bed hitting the wall, "They're at it constantly."
"Embrace it, some people are into that," Alex giggled from her parent's kitchen. She was making dinner for the whole family, with her AirPods in and Harry chatting to her as she chopped vegetables. "Let it get you in the mood, Harry. Is that voyeurism, or exhibitionism? I can never—"
"—Okay," He rolled his eyes, "Thank you, Comedian."
"You're just jealous you're not getting any."
"I really am," Harry said seriously, "If I have to wait, so should they."
Alex's laugh filled his ears, "It's alright, less than a week to go now."
"I cannot wait to be holding you," he said, longing in his voice. 
Harry had mixed feelings leaving London. He didn't know when he'd be back, but at the very least he was going to miss his first Christmas with his family. With England in lockdown, it was unlikely that even if he had stayed, he would be able to spend it with them anyway, but Harry would miss them. He already missed them. 
It wasn't like he missed Alex, though. And in all the conversations he'd had with his mum, or his sister, or anyone else, they'd all told him to go for her. They saw it in his eyes and heard it in his voice when he spoke about her. Or maybe their hearts knew as well, as though Harry meeting Alex had been locked away in them all and now the light to that room was switched on. 
So there he was, in Australia. To be with his love.
Ten Days 'Time has changed nothing at all, you're still the only one that feels like home'
Harry asked the nurse who took his last COVID swab to help him.
He hadn't requested anything up until that point, but he knew, even behind her protective gear, she was a friendly face. And he also knew that there were rumblings online that he was in Sydney. (All those spare and jet lag hours, he'd tried to stay off the internet, he really had) 
The good news was it was just rumblings, because why on earth would Harry Styles be in Sydney.
All it would take was one photo to confirm it though, which in a sense, was fine, he didn't care.
But Harry didn't want that photo to be of any of his first moments back with Alex.
Let someone snap a picture in a couple of weeks, on a random beach or coming out of a cafe somewhere. Just not his first day. Not when he hadn't seen her since the beginning of September almost three months ago.
He asked if the nurse could help him arrange Alex for access to the hotel car park because the discharge information pack he'd received directed him to organise pick up on the street. 
The next two days went slowly, those final 48 hours, waiting for a negative result and trying like anything to bat away fears that it wouldn't be the same. That somehow Harry and Alex would've lost the something that lit the spark in London. 
He hated that feeling—the doubt—and when he confessed it to his sister, she batted it away as nerves. She said life was always full of uncertainty and risks, the idea was to choose the ones you thought were worth taking. 
Alex stared at her legs as she sat, waiting for Harry in her dad's car.
It hadn't taken long to get the colour back to them, although mostly she was fixated on how she should have dressed a little nicer for the first time seeing Harry in months. She didn't even have proper shoes on, just the thongs that she'd kicked off the night before after coming back from the park with the dogs. 
Harry hadn't seen this side of her. This casual, probably more Australian sounding Alex. The one with bare feet and sunglasses holding her hair back. He'd met her family over video calls, but what would Harry think when he was in a room full of them? They were loud and could have distasteful senses of humour. There were family jokes that Alex had never thought twice about before but now worried Harry wouldn't appreciate. 
She'd slipped back into the comforting hum of life in Sydney so easily. Her friends, her family, her city. When she left Sydney hadn't felt like home, but as soon as she stepped back into it something in Alex let out a sigh of return. It was strange, leaving London just at the end of the summer months and falling straight into the beginning of a new summer here. 
In front of her, Alex sensed movement. The door she'd been instructed to park in front of opened, and a very tall man in an army uniform stepped into the underground car park, propping open the door with his foot. He pointed to Alex in the front seat and said something to Harry, who was the next person to appear, followed by a nurse in full PPE.
Alex felt an explosion in her chest, an electric shock or a bolt of lightning. Two hearts jumping up and down in excitement. 
She cracked the car door open and heard Harry thanking the two people escorting him, his hands moved as though they were itching to add a handshake to the gesture.
As soon as Alex was in his eyesight though Harry didn't think about anyone else. 
She emerged and hovered by the front of the car, waiting for Harry to approach her, as if unsure what she was allowed to do. The sight of her in an oversized hoodie and small athletic shorts warmed him instantly. She looked perfect, with a tan that evaded her in London and a brightness behind her eyes Harry was addicted to already. He liked the thought that he was an errand, that picking up her boyfriend was on a list of things for her to do that day. The word 'normal' flashed in Harry's mind, and any worry he'd had about her or him or them together being different from how he remembered it disappeared.
"Hi," he smiled wide as he tugged down the mask covering his face and stepped right into her personal space, his bag and suitcase abandoned behind him. 
Speechless, Alex breathed Harry in deeply through tears as she was tightly wrapped up in his arms. She couldn't bring any words to the surface, and so they just stood in silence, holding each other. 
After a moment Harry turned his face into her neck and pressed a slow, warm kiss below her ear, "Hello, hello, hello," he said between kisses. 
It only made Alex's crying increase, and she squeezed him tighter while leveraging herself higher up his body, not yet willing or able to step away. 
"Alex," Harry said her name gently, "Let me see you, please."
She leant back but covered her cheeks with her sleeves, peering over at Harry through blurry eyes, "Wait a sec."
He smiled and pulled her hands away by her wrists, "Give me a kiss."
"You're such a tourist," Alex laughed as she drove, watching Harry lean forward in the passenger seat and try to take a photo through the windscreen of the Sydney Harbour Bridge above them. 
"You know bridges are my passion," he said dryly. 
She smiled as he sat back and slipped his hand back into hers. 
"I quite like you driving," Harry said, eyeing her in the drivers' seat, "Look at you knowing your way around."
Alex grinned under her sunglasses, "We're in my city now, baby."
Harry's mouth hovered hotly over the skin below Alex's breasts. 
"Harry," she ran her fingers through his hair, hating the anticipation. 
His lips upturned at the impatience behind her saying his name. He pressed a kiss to the skin there, then another half an inch further down her tummy, "M'not in a hurry."
"I am," Alex urged.
"Oh?" Harry stopped and looked up at her, his elbows on either side of her hips as he held himself over her, "You are?"
"Going somewhere after this?"
She whined, whined, "No, Harry."
Alex hadn't taken him home to her family. Not yet. 
She drove an hour out of the city to a beach suburb with what Alex had deemed the nicest Airbnb. It was private, and without Sydney's usual cohort of international tourists, the area was deserted except for locals. They could hear the ocean from the bedroom and see if from the kitchen. She'd booked them two nights; two nights to reconnect and just live in the presence of each other without her family stepping in and inevitably stealing Harry's heart.
(Except, of course, it was Alex's heart who has his, all this time)
"Look at you, fuck," Harry said, tilting back up to take her lips in his, pressing his torso, his thighs, his stomach, his hardened crotch into her. "Fucking gorgeous."
"We can do slow later," she all but begged, her fingers digging into his exposed back, "Please. Just … Just please, Harry."
Alex felt his hand brush over her thigh, deliciously trailing over the sensitive skin just below her hip bone and down between them. His eyes dipped down between them only briefly before Alex was feeling the tip of him pressing into her exactly where she needed it. 
"Yes," her body relaxed into the feeling, remembering the London nights, the mornings and that first time in his living room. 
"Alex," Harry said her name like he could hardly believe it, and at the same time as wanting to savour the moment he was thinking of their first, hurried time as well. His hips snapped forward, remembering that time the rush came from wanting to taste, to experience something new and to have Alex's body for his own the first time. 
The urgency behind Harry's movements this time were for want of something had and sorely missed, something already claimed but given up for a time.
Alex's head was stretched back onto the pillow underneath him while she felt her body shift and squeeze around him. She wrapped her arms around his chest to feel him closer, wanting to hold onto him as he pumped in and out, sighing against her neck, trying to regulate himself.
"God, Al."
Four nights later, tucked into the spare room at her parent's house, Harry rolled over and took her hand. 
"I think we should get a place here."
"A what?"
"A flat, a house, we should rent something in Sydney." 
"Sydney?" Alex's tone elevated, almost touching the spinning ceiling fan above them.
"Yes, Sydney," Harry repeated, "You mentioned a job you liked the look of a few weeks ago, did you apply for it? "
"But what about London? That's where you live, God, what about your work, Harry."
"I want to be here, I'm not in any hurry to go back to what normal was. Normal didn't have you," Harry said, throwing out the script he'd built in his head the last month. His heart was doing the talking, extempore, "I've watched you this week, Alex, it's like you're a whole different person here. You're so happy and settled and joyful, which, by the way, I already thought you were but here … Do you really want to go again? Could you leave your family again?"
Alex felt her chest going into overdrive like everything was whirring around too quickly. She felt had to be honest, though, despite the way it made the fear climb further up her throat, "No. I don't want to leave."
Harry brought her knuckles up to kiss, "I don't want you to leave, either. So, what if we stayed? For as long as it's where you need to be?"
"But your family—
"—Doing this means one of us is always going to be away from someone," Harry told her, "I can handle missing my family, Al, I can't handle missing you. You're it."
"It just seems like too much to ask you to do, Harry."
"You're not asking," he insisted. "I can figure out how to work from here. London was my home base, I spent a lot of the year away anyway. And it's not that much further to LA for stuff, I … I'm saying I can make it work here, Alex. I want to make it work with you."
Alex's heart did a cartwheel, "You want to stay in Sydney?"
Harry's somersaulted, "I want to stay with you, yes."
The End.  &&&
Thanks for reading, everyone! x Kate
Tag list: @afterhoursharry​ @beautifuleclipses​ @bumbershots​ @coffee-doodle-doo​ @decadentdonkeyflowerzonk​ @elemayox​ @ficsthatmakemeswoon @finelinesupremacy @greatestview​ @hatnightin2008 @ifiwereaboy2323 @ihearthemcallingforyou​ @just-damn-bored​ @kakaym​ @kara-246​ @lifeandsomethingelse​ @luminescencefics​ @micurq27​ @miorni​ @monpetitchouchou16​ @morethanamelodyy​ @piawhat @rubytersteege @staceystoleyourheart​ @stepping-into-the-light​ @steppingonoranges​ @stylesfics-xx​ @stylishmuser​ @toalltheboyswhowastedmytime​ @tpwkhoney​ @ursamajor603​ @veryplatoniccircunstances @wanderlustiing​​ @whatevarandomlygoes
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coolnerdyandalone · 4 years
on FIMQ deleting her content and COVID-19 (and a gratuitous larry fic rec)
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@freddiesmyqueen first of all queen i hope you’re doing ok although i know some shit must have gone down for you to delete/private list all your videos and i hope you know that the larry community supports you always. Also your talent is TRULY unmatched in the world of video editing - no one makes edits quite like you and that’s why your loss impacts the community so profoundly. 
secondly, i know at least i was hoping to turn to rewatching all of FIMQ’s videos while i’m being quarantined due to the coronavirus. and i’m willing to bet that i’m not the only one. this is a scary time and for people like me who feel profoundly alone right now, the only way for me to calm my nerves and fears is by reverting to the content and community that helped me feel not so alone when i was in middle and high school. For me, that looks like watching FIMQ videos and reading my favorite larry fanfics (which i will also link below).  because of this i thought it might be helpful to repost some links that were posted by @bluemoonlarryandkaylor for a signal boost (if my teeny-tiny account can be called a signal boost). 
link to a google drive with FIMQ videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ONwfLOd_IYvAL5OUDqDb_LLgQsDpd9il
link to an acct with some FIMQ re-uploads: https://www.youtube.com/user/Joana3961/videos
link to FIMQ vids with spanish subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIouodFhArMkQhOHxv2t2NgxTwl6KvXAT
and now if you want to look at some good old fashioned larry fics that are my ABSOLUTE faves and could 100% be actual novels/movies, keep reading:
And Then A Bit** by @infinitelymint aka the best fanfic ever written (basically larry fakes a relationship for publicity with each other and it could be cannon if you really wanted to hope upon hopes): https://archiveofourown.org/works/1415272/chapters/2972746 (159k)
“We’d like to give the fans what they want.” Magee states, placing his hand on the table in front of him and leaning forward. “We want to give them Larry Stylinson.”
Or, take a parallel universe where Louis and Harry were never together, mix in a two year hiatus and an impending comeback, pour in a dash of lost fans, two tablespoons of strong friendship and a Modest! employee with a good idea. Add a squeeze of pretending to be a couple, lots of kisses and a tattoo or two. Stir. Serve: the mother of all publicity stunts.
(aka Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.)
Escapade** by @haydolce aka the Jack McQueen fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4034197/chapters/9071932 (146k)
In the grand scheme of things, finding a date for a wedding should be no problem for Louis Tomlinson. He's rich. He's handsome. He's reasonably well behaved. But when the wedding is for his lifelong best friend (and former boyfriend), and is happening in under a month, finding a date for the ceremony and accompanying festivities becomes more of an adventure than he ever could have planned for.
California Sold** by @isthatyoularry​ : https://archiveofourown.org/works/5157680/chapters/11877494 (123k)
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
Bring Your Body Baby (I Could Bring You Fame) by @theboyfriendstagram : https://archiveofourown.org/works/4263903/chapters/9652944 (84k)
Eighteen year old Harry Styles just graduated high school and landed a summer job as a waterboy for his favorite football team. His job description is simple: be ready to hand water and towels to players if needed. That didn’t seem to include Louis Tomlinson though, a twenty-three year old, recently transferred Paris Saint-German player, who seems to like making Harry’s job much more difficult than it has to be.
A self-indulgent AU that takes place over the summer of 2015. 18 year old Harry hates pining after people he can't have, and 23 year old footballer Louis loves flirting with people even though it never means anything.
Pull Me Under** by @zarah5 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/870766/chapters/1672104 (140k)
AU. As the first British footballer to come out at the prime of his career, it helps that Louis Tomlinson is in a long-term, committed relationship. Even if that relationship is fake. (Featuring Niall as Louis' favourite teammate, Liam as Louis' agent, and Zayn as Liam's boyfriend, who just happens to be good friends with one Harry Styles.) 
You You You** by @isthatyoularry : https://archiveofourown.org/works/846690/chapters/1617212 (137k)
“Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown,” read the headline. Underneath were pictures of a boy with dark curls, green eyes and very tight pants. They both studied the article for a moment, reading it through quickly. “Is that…?” Louis frowned. That guy almost looked exactly like... "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" "Louis," Niall said, looking absolutely fucked over. "You just fucked the most wanted guy on earth. You just fucked Harry Styles of One Direction."
Or, the one where Harry and Louis meet at a club and Louis takes Harry home, only for him to realize that the boy who just made him breakfast half naked is Harry Styles from One Direction.
Like an Endless Summer by @horsegirlharry : https://archiveofourown.org/works/11365494/chapters/25442085 (87k)
“You just wanna go fawn over Styles as soon as possible,” Zayn grumbles.
“I do not. Plus, he probably got ugly this year. Eighteen is an awkward time...I bet he’s got acne and one of those terrible fuckboy haircuts all the hipsters are getting these days, with the shaved sides? Just watch, the first year we’re gonna get any time together is gonna be the first year I don’t have a stupid crush on him.”
Or, Louis is a riding instructor at a summer camp, and Harry is a fellow counselor who he’s been successfully managing his crush on for the last two summers. That is, until Harry shows up this year leveled up and lethal, and all Louis’s formerly perfected veneer of nonchalance melts like a popsicle in the sun.
Three French Hems by @100percentsassy and @gloriaandrews : https://archiveofourown.org/works/3064493 (20k)
In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
The Dead of July aka the Marvel Fic by @whimsicule  : https://archiveofourown.org/works/3594570/chapters/7928520 (117k)
Being an Avenger means continuing to be Captain America and smiling and being honorable for the public and Harry does his best. But it doesn’t give him time to figure out who he is supposed to be once he takes off his uniform and puts the shield to the side. Just being Harry had always involved Louis, and Harry fears he doesn’t know how to exist without him.
or: Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
Gods & Monsters by  @mizzwilde : https://archiveofourown.org/works/2090982/chapters/4550871 (201k)
The instructions were simple: seduce and destroy Harry Styles. Not once did they discuss the option of Louis actually falling in love. So, naturally, that's exactly what he did.
Love is a Rebellious Bird aka LIARB aka the orchestra fic aka dont hum bolero by @100percentsassy and @gloriaandrews : https://archiveofourown.org/works/1162438/chapters/2362331 (135k)
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Don't hum Bolero.
My English Love Affair** by @isthatyoularry​ : https://archiveofourown.org/works/1873962 (19k)
The thing about sleeping with a member of a famous indie band is that the inevitability of having a song written about you is most likely a hundred percent. The second thing is that in the end, nobody's supposed to find out it's about you.
The one where Harry writes a song about his English love affair and Louis sleeps with someone in White Eskimo and all he gets is a stupid song written about him.
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can’t Lose by @haydolce : https://archiveofourown.org/works/5799241/chapters/13366498 (113k)
American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers).
Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football.
A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
Wild and Unruly aka the Cowboy fic by @100percentsassy and @gloriaandrews : https://archiveofourown.org/works/2723093/chapters/6099611 (124k)
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
For As Long As I Can Remember (It’s Been December)** by @greenfeelings​ : https://archiveofourown.org/works/15051122/chapters/34892210 (128k)
After recovering from a severe accident that causes Harry to lose his memory of three years, he moves to London to start his life over as a star chef. Little does he know that when he falls in love with Louis at first sight, it’s not the first time they meet.
Featuring an unintentional game of hot and cold, Harry chasing memories that won’t come back, Louis burying himself in work to try and forget what he can’t forget, Liam being torn between two of his best friends, Zayn as a moral compass and Niall saving the day with good music and brutal honesty.
the boys of fall** aka the american football fic by @godgavemelou​ : https://archiveofourown.org/works/5443037 (21k)
“And everyone, this is Harry Styles. He’s going to be our starting quarterback this year.”
Louis looks at him, the tall and lanky Harry Styles, and takes it all in. He’s got hair to his shoulders that curls at the ends, tattoos all down his arms, and a bright smile on his face as the team cheers him on. He’s lean and fit, and absolutely beautiful, and Louis hates him to the core.
OR an american football au where the boys play for the university of tennessee, and harry and louis quite hate each other.
** indicates that the fic is a log-in required fic, but if you want the pdf i can send it to you
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projectotb · 3 years
How to stream on Deezer
Deezer is a streaming platform that recommends songs and artists based on your music taste. Their service doesn’t let you add the same track to your playlist more than once, so streaming there is a lot more difficult but our team put together a few tips for Deezer users to help boost #projectotb!
Starting on Deezer
If you are creating a new account, you will be asked to pick three artists as your favourite to start with. Make sure to choose Louis, the other can be One Direction both as a band and solo artists. You can also choose artists with similar music style and lgbtq+ artists, so you get similar tracks recommended in the future.
If you already have an account, make sure you have Louis in your favourites. You can do that by searching for „Louis Tomlinson“ in the search bar > opening his page > clicking the like button to add him to your favourites.
Make sure you add Only The Brave, other songs by Louis, Walls album and Walls: Track by Track to your favourites by going through the same process with them too.
Remember: the more people search for the artist and their songs, the more people like the artist and their songs, the more popular they get.
Ways to play Louis’ songs:
Search for Walls album through the search bar, click on the album and select the „LISTEN“ option under the cover art. Deezer plays the entire album for you in order.
Search for Louis‘ name through the search bar, open his page and click on „MIX“ under his icon. Deezer shuffles all of his songs for you and adds similar artists and songs for you.
Make your own playlists:
Favourite songs playlist: This is the easiest way to make a playlist with your favourite songs. Open your account > click “favourite tracks” > choose the songs you like most by clicking the box on their right side or use “select all” option by clicking the box on the top right corner of the list > click three dots on the top of the list > select “add to playlist” > select “new playlist”. You can then write down the title and description for your playlist. Do not forget to add cover art and do not make the playlist private, so other users can stream it too.
Choosing songs individually: This option is more difficult, but allows you to make themed playlists. Open your account > click “playlists” > choose “create a playlist” > add title and description, upload cover art and do not make the playlist private, so others can stream it > add songs by searching them through the search bar on top > click on the plus sign next to the song > select the playlist you just made! Try adding similar artists, similar songs and of course, your favourite tracks to celebrate Pride.
Premade playlists:
Play around with the search bar, look for “Louis Tomlinson” or “Only The Brave” and find a playlist that fits you the best.
We recommend Concert playlist featuring songs you’d hear on tour with Louis’, 1d’s and Only The Poet’s tracks as well as other covers Louis has done in the past; or 100% Louis Tomlinson playlist and of course, Walls.
You can also choose one of our playlists made specifically to celebrate OTB and Pride:
Louis Tomlinson focused playlist featuring Harry here
Louis Tomlinson focused playlist featuring King Princess and Phoebe Bridgers here
Louis Tomlinson focused playlist featuring Troye Sivan and Conan Grey here
Louis Tomlinson focused playlist featuring BIPOC/BIPOC queer artists here
Louis Tomlinson focused playlist featuring other boys’ solo songs here
Louis Tomlinson focused playlist featuring One Direction here
Louis Tomlinson focused playlist featuring various songs from multiple genres here
General rules
On Deezer, you cannot add one song more than once to the same playlist. It’s better to make more playlists featuring Only The Brave and shuffle them around.
It’s better to add cover art for your own playlist instead of premade ones, because more people will notice.
You can add Louis’ name and/or OTB in the title of your playlist to make sure more people find it through the search bar.
Listen to your music with sound on, don’t mute it. You can also put in headphones and let the music play in peace.
Act like a human - skip a song occasionally, pause and don’t play the same playlist on repeat, change them around.
You can play one Louis’ song after another, but avoid replaying the same one over again.
If you want to play the same songs or the same playlist more than once, play other songs/playlist first, then exit the tab and then you open Deezer again and play the same songs/playlist once more.
Remember while on desktop, skips are unlimited, you only have 6 skips per hour on mobile app.
The stream is only counted if you play at least 30 seconds of the song.
The app also allows offline streaming if you download a song. The streams will be counted once you are online again.
We hope this will help you stream OTB, KMM and other Louis’ songs efficiently. Happy pride!
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minheeology · 3 years
dkb reaction ➳ s/o is a night owl
pairing : dkb x gn!reader
requested? : yes!
a/n : i tried to include elements of the request more, so they are more catered to what was asked for (reading, eating late night snacks) so that’s why they all have similar elements. enjoy!
changmin (e-chan)
he stays up with you each time. he doesn’t mind it at all. he sees this as a bonding moment for you both every. single. time.  he would 100% get his own copy of a book if you were reading it or at least do some research so if you were to talk about it, he could add to the discussion.
dongil (d1)
definitely likes spending time with you like this. he sees this as a calming end to his day. despite it being late, i think being with you will energize him and encourage him to stay up. he wants to spend as much time with you as possible no matter what you’re doing.
gwanghyun (gk)
i see him as the type to make playlists for this. the playlist would be calming so it doesn’t disturb you if you’re reading or something. if you’re just playing around in the kitchen and munching on snacks, then he’ll put on a more upbeat song. overall, he would love that you were a night owl!
good luck trying to read while he’s with you! you’ll probably get a chapter or so done before this man is seeking out your attention. don’t see this as a bad thing, though! he just wants to spend time with you since, realistically, you don’t see each other very often. however, there are nights that he begs you to read to him so he doesn’t feel ‘left out’.
sungmin (lune)
i think he would join you each night. when he would wake up and noticed you got out of bed, he would follow you to the kitchen for a snack too, and sit with you while you read. he would probably ask you to read to him as well so he can discuss the book with you.
this boy.. honestly i see him just admiring you while you do your thing. reading? doing homework? writing? he adores you no matter what. he won’t say much, just watch you. he’ll probably bring you a tiny little snack if he thinks you need it or have been working too hard.
he will join you! he loves being with you no matter where it is or what you’re doing. he’s always energized, so expect him to still be his giggly self even when it’s late. i see him sitting down and reading with you, even if it isn’t the same book. oh, and expect him to make you a snack if you hadn’t already gotten up for one!
harry june
he’s young, so i see him being up late anyways. if you’re reading, he’s probably playing video games or watching a movie. you both sit in comfortable silence and do your own thing, but when it comes to snacks and such, you come together to discuss what you’ve been doing for the last hour or so.
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
unrequited (draco malfoy/ cedric diggory series)
PROMPT: You and Cedric grew up together. After the tragedy of the Triwizard Tournament, you’re left feeling empty without your best friend. Draco Malfoy steps into the picture. Will the feelings be reciprocated? Or will it be unrequited?
WARNINGS: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, angst, fluff, sadness??? 
PAIRING: draco malfoy x reader and cedric diggory x reader; hufflepuff reader
WC: 2.2K+
Draco didn’t realize you never returned those words until he saw you flinch when he said it. 
The two of you were outside in the meadows, watching the leaves grow on the branches of the trees. It’s been a good week for Draco. He only woke up in the middle of the night three times this week and he fell asleep only an hour after waking. He didn’t tell you that, though. He’s been trying to stay away from you during those hours of the night, afraid that you were going to grow tired of him, or worse already growing tired of him. He would often just lay in bed, eyes closed, counting backwards from 100 while holding his finger that housed the ring you gave him. It worked, although sometimes he had to repeat his counts. 
But he began to miss you beside him. He was always cold at night and you were always so warm when you cuddled into his side. Whenever you were next to him, he found no use for the blanket on the corner of the bed. You were enough. You were more than enough. 
Because he’s been trying to be more independent, he hasn’t seen you as much as he’d like, so the nights that were reserved for you, him, and the meadow, were his favorite nights. You were laying on his chest, a smile playing on your lips as he talked about the few fun memories he remembered from his childhood. He talked about Dobby and how he missed the elf the past holiday season. He playfully cursed Harry for freeing the elf but you knew he was just kidding by the way he was smiling fondly as he spoke. 
“I saw him at Diagon Alley when I picked up your presents.” He mentioned, remembering the cheery elf who skipped towards him when he recognized Draco. “He seemed happier.” 
“I’m sure he is.” 
Draco mumbled in agreement, kissing your forehead. He saw you close your eyes, love pouring from his stare as he watched you slowly drift to sleep. Your breathing slowed a bit, heart rate steadying. He placed his lips by the shell of your ear, “I love you.” 
I love you, three words that made you feel sick to your stomach. You pretended to be asleep so you didn’t have to say anything back.
He gulped when he saw you flinch. It was for a brief second, he almost didn’t catch it, but he did. Your face twisted into a grimace when he said those three words. You stiffened in his arms, breath pausing. Draco could feel his heart chipping in his chest. He may have not known what love is, what love is supposed to look like, but he knew someone wouldn’t respond that way to another person’s declaration of love if they felt the same way. He tried to steady himself, keeping in mind that you were still laying on his chest and if he were to move, you’d stir awake and you’d be faced with an awkward and uncomfortable conversation. He wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet. 
Did you not love him? He began to think back, remembering the first time he told you he loved you. It was the night he told you about his dark mark. He remembered saying it so softly, almost inaudible, and you didn’t respond. You just kissed his skin until he stopped crying. Maybe you just didn’t hear him the first time. 
Then he thought about when he passed by you to get to his seat in Potions. He slowed his stride when he reached your seat, tapping three times on the wooden desk to get your attention. You looked up at him, blush evident on your cheeks when you saw the ring sitting proudly on his finger. He mouthed, “I love you,” before turning away. He didn’t hear you say it back but the yellow light from his ring seemed to be enough then. 
He thought about the time you two sat with Myrtle, telling her about your relationship. You both needed to tell someone, the stress of keeping everything a secret becoming too much for the two of you. You decided that Myrtle was your best bet. Myrtle teased that the two of you were in love and Draco confirmed the sentiment with a confident, “I do love her.” You, on the other hand, just kissed his lips. Maybe you knew that he would lose his train of thought once you kissed him. 
Draco realized then that after all those times that he told you he loved you, you never once said it back. Not wanting to expose you to another one of his breakdowns, he shook you awake, getting up before you could fully comprehend what was going on. “It’s getting late.” 
“Huh?” You rubbed your eyes, looking at the sky. It couldn’t have been later than midnight. You and Draco often stayed out there until dawn. You turned to him to ask what was happening but he already disappeared from his spot. He was halfway to the passageway already. Shocked, you jogged to catch up to him. You reached for his elbow, flinching when he pulled away. “What’s wrong?”
“Just need some rest.” 
You frowned, unable to hide the hurt on your face, “Oh, okay.” 
The rest of the way back to the garden was silent. He held out his wand for light to guide you both through the passageway, a few, hesitant, looks over his shoulder to make sure you were alright behind him. You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to radiate more body heat. Draco usually gave you his sweater to wear on the way back. 
Once you reached the door, he pushed it open, lowering his wand. He got out first and offered his hand for you to take. You placed your hand in his palm, allowing him to guide you out. You stood in front of him, silent, as he looked between your face and his shoes. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Draco, stop.” You gripped his upper arm, pulling him back. “What happened?”
“Ms. Y/LN,” A voice boomed from across the garden. As they emerged from the dark, it became evident who it was. Snape. Fuck, you thought. “Mr. Malfoy. May I ask what’s going on here? Where are the two of you coming from?”
You froze, realizing that the secret passageway was now exposed. You looked at Draco, mind racing. “I- We- uh..”
“It’s my fault, professor.” Draco spoke up, walking closer to Snape. “I dragged her out here. I invited her.” 
Snape looked at him unconvinced, but nodded anyway, “Very well. Twenty points from Slytherin and fifteen points from Hufflepuff. Mr. Malfoy return to your dormitory now. Ms. Y/L/N, a word.” 
“Okay, professor.” You replied, lowering your head in shame. 
Draco looked at you one last time, offering a sad smile, before starting to walk towards the boys’ dormitories. Snape stopped him before he passed him. He leaned close to Draco, seriousness in his voice, “Mr. Malfoy I sure hope you’re not forgetting your mission. I would hate to think that you’ve allowed a girl to distract you.” 
Draco clenched his jaw, harshly pulling away from Snape. He hastily wiped a tear from his face as he marched to the dormitories, leaving you and Snape in the garden. Snape motioned for you to follow him, and you did, albeit reluctantly. You stopped in front of the room where he kept all the ingredients for various potions. You’ve seen it, once or twice, when you helped the twins with a few pranks. 
Snape called for you to enter the room, shutting the door behind you. It was bigger than you imagined. In the middle sat a chair, surrounded by jars of random things. He ordered you to sit, nearly shoving you into the seat with how impatient he was. 
“Professor, wha-”
Before you could even ask a question, Snape raised his wand and uttered a spell. His words were too fast for you to realize what was going on. It wasn’t until you felt a sting in your head that you realized what he was doing. He was in your head. 
You tried to fight him at first but he was far too powerful for you to counter. He easily slipped past any walls you tried to build up and he scoured your head, looking and searching for something, but you weren’t quite sure what. Like a movie, flashes of your life began to pass behind your eyelids. Your parents, the muggle world, your father leaving, your mother leaving, Mr. Diggory telling you that they’re both gone the minute he found out, all of it came flooding in. You struggled against the chair, not realizing he bound you to it. You thrashed around, discomfort filling your head. 
And then he stopped searching. He let one memory play and you whimpered as you watched it unfold. It was Cedric. Young Cedric. It was the night after you found out your parents died. He snuck out of his room and sat across from you in the living room, handing you tissues as you sobbed into the pillow. His father was asleep in the room upstairs but Cedric couldn’t sleep because he heard your cries echoing throughout the house. 
His hands were so small against your back. He was rubbing your back up and down, trying to soothe you as you cried. You leaned against him and he awkwardly put his arm around you, not knowing what to do as he’s never been this close to a girl before. But then he felt you collapse under him, in utter despair as you questioned where you’d be living and if you would still have connections with the Wizard World now that your only relatives were Muggles, and he knew exactly what he needed to do. 
He nudged you and placed his hand out with his pinky outstretched. You linked your pinky with his, wiping your nose with your unoccupied hand. He smiled, “I promise to be your best friend forever.” 
“I promise too.” 
The pain came back. You yelled as Snape began to dig deeper. It was like your memories were sorted into files and he was just taking his pick, wanting to see what is in your head. He stopped at a memory from when you were 13 years old. It was the summertime and Mr. Diggory was out buying some food for dinner. You and Cedric were alone in the house talking about the past year at Hogwarts. You knew exactly what this day was. 
This was the day you had your first kiss. 
You couldn’t remember exactly how it even happened, or how the conversation started, but you somehow mentioned that you’ve never kissed anyone. Cedric snorted in laughter, clutching his stomach as you glared at him. He continued to make fun of you for a few more minutes before abruptly stopping. A sheepish smile crept on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “I can kiss you if you want.” 
Your eyes widened a bit, unsure of what to say next. You gulped and nodded, hesitantly, leaning in. He did the same, letting a breathy chuckle slip past his lips. The kiss lasted only for a minuscule of a second because Mr. Diggory burst through the front door, making the two of you jump far away from each other. The rest of the day, you sported a permanent blush on your cheeks. 
The last one was the most painful one. It seemed like Snape was torturing you, twisting your mind into shapes as he plucked out this one memory: Your conversation with Fred. You listened as the words rang in your ears, “I can see myself falling in love with him but I don’t want to.” 
Once those words left your lips, you were pulled back to reality with a sharp gasp. Snape had a devilish smile on his face, watching you plead him silently. He still had his wand out when he spoke again, “Your biggest desire is still Cedric Diggory.” 
“Why are you doing this?” You questioned, tears pricking your eyes. “What is the reason?”
He ignored your questions, letting a laugh escape his lips. “Draco Malfoy is hopelessly in love with you and you’re in love with Cedric Diggory.” 
“Stop.” You whispered, pulling against the restraints. 
“Unrequited love is a difficult love, Y/N Y/L/N.” He said. For a moment his exterior changed. A brief look of hurt was seen on his features as he said those words. “It’s the worst. I think I owe it to Mr. Malfoy to tell him that you don’t feel the same.” 
“You don’t know how I feel.” You spat. “Don’t you dare talk to Draco.” 
“Oh, but I must.” He brought his wand up again. “He does have to complete something after all and it seems you’ve been distracting him.”
Scowling, you asked, “What are you talking about?”
“Miss Y/L/N, love is a dangerous thing.” Snape stated. Then with a flick of his wand, he chanted, “Obliviate.”
@melancholiaflowers @jjjmaybank @marshxx @truly-insatiable @poisoned-pineapple @i-mmunity @p0gue420 @dark-night-sky-99 @hvrcruxes @youareinllve @fandomvibez @poguesinablanket @bonejaws (this isn’t working for some reason pls message me if this is you) @marvelhoesworld @primavera-allegoria @unexpectedurl @booknerdinator3000 @oldschoolkiddo @rintheemolion @slytherinprincedracom @narcissism-iskey
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wowweeharrystyles · 4 years
Part 15 | The Final Show | 5.9k words
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‘Sequins & Zippers’ Summary: An internship with Harry Lambert transformed into a job of a lifetime - Aurora Del Gatto finds herself touring the world with the one & only Harry Styles as his ‘Head of Wardrobe.’ Aurora is nothing but nerves & excitement as she packs her bags & almost 100 custom designer suits that belong to an unbelievably kind rockstar. She never thought she’d fall in love on top of it all.
Sequins & Zippers Masterlist
General Masterlist
A/N: as the title suggests, this is the final show, the end of s&z. I want to thank literally anyone who has read a single word of this story. I started Aurora & Harry’s story at the end of hslot18 & was working on it off & on but set out to finish & post it all in 2020. Thank you for not only reading but for bearing with me when I posted late or not at all. I love these 2 with my whole ass heart. & a big sappy shout out to @sadaboutniall​ for chatting through S&Z with me for well over a year & not getting sick of me (or at least not telling me AKLNADSHADF) & for still to this day sending me links to random things & being like ‘omg this is so aurora’ 🖤
anyways, here we go, the final part to Aurora & Harry’s story, for now. 
love you all, mean it. 
Don’t forget to reblog :) 
Aurora made sure to wake up before Harry. She knew it wouldn’t be too hard considering how late they were up after the show last night, high off the 1st show in LA and celebrating Mitch’s birthday. She wrote him a note saying she’d meet him at The Forum and left it on his bedside table. Tiptoeing through Harry’s unfamiliar LA home, Aurora gets ready quickly. It’s gonna be a long day, she knows it and the early sunrise is just starting to cast through the windows. Her phone dings from her bag on the counter and it’s Jeff letting her know a car is picking her up from Harry’s in 10 minutes. 
She’s still not used to all of this, the jet black private cars and the back doors to arenas even after 67 shows in 5 months. It still makes her anxiety spike when she doesn’t know where she is exactly or where she’s going. She’s learned to trust more, trust her own gut, trust people that are on her side, her team, her family. Aurora’s still not used to the fact that this is her life but just as it’s gotten more and more familiar, it’s about to change. 
Large cardboard boxes are waiting for her when she gets to The Forum and meets up with Jeff.
“Have you opened them yet?” Aurora asks him, giddily. 
“Nope, was waiting for you. It’s all you,” Jeff says while motioning to the boxes. 
Aurora rips open the top box and a wide smile finds a home on her face. 
Harry Styles
The Final Show
Of The 
First Tour
Of The
Debut Album
Los Angeles
“Oh my god, they’re perfect,” Aurora exclaims. As she admires them Jeff is directing a group of people to start handing them out. Aurora grabs one for her and another for Harry before she gets to work helping hand out the tshirts to everyone. The crew and all the tour staff are changing into the matching white t-shirts when Aurora’s phone chimes with a text from Harry letting her know he’s left and on the way. Aurora’s smile hasn’t left her face since she got to The Forum this morning and she knows the smile will only get bigger as the day goes on. She also knows that if she stops smiling she might start crying and she’s not ready for that yet. 
Aurora and Helene make their way to the tunnel they know Harry will be driving into and parking his car. They’re waiting for him in their matching t-shirts, Helene’s camera ready and giggling about something from the night before when they see the first glimpse of Harry’s bright yellow car come into view up the ramp. His windows are down, music is playing loudly and he’s wearing his pink tinted sunglasses as he pulls in. People are bustling around, some arriving for the first time today and others already running around with lists to complete before the final show. Everyone looks the same and it’s exactly how Aurora wanted it. The celebratory t-shirts remind her of the big productions they put on at school or the end of year dance recitals. She likes the feeling it creates when everyone’s decked out in their shirts and she wants to celebrate Harry and his entire team. The final show. It’s marking the end of an era. His era. 
When Harry gets out of his car, tossing his duffle over his shoulder and sliding his glasses into his hair he stops before he gets to closing the driver door. Aurora hears the click of Helene’s camera. A dimpled smile forms on Harry’s face and no one is really sure if it’s because Aurora’s waiting for him or it’s the tshirts everyone seems to have gotten the memo about. He closes the door eventually and beelines straight for Aurora. 
“I have a feeling you have something to do with this,” Harry says as he tugs lightly at Aurora’s t-shirt. 
“Might have,” she giggles before kissing him quickly. “Happy final show day!” 
“Don’t make me cry already,” he whines, wrapping his arms around Aurora’s shoulders before hiding his face in her hair. 
There hasn’t been a single moment of silence all day. The excited chatter, the reminiscing of the crazy moments of the past 5 months, the inevitable tears from just about everyone as they begin their goodbyes. Aurora hasn’t strayed much from Harry all day, only once to sneak out to the entrance of The Forum to see all the displays with Helene and check out the lines of fans. Aurora had to cut her adventure short when she felt her eyes start to fill with tears. She wasn’t ready to deal with that yet. 
They’re finally alone in Harry’s dressing room and the silence is welcomed. There’s still bustling and muted chatter and excitement coming from the other side of the door. 
Aurora adjusts the shoulders of Harry’s velvet jacket once he’s slid his arms through the sleeves. She lets out a heavy sigh when she drops her arms to her sides. Harry gives her a look that she can only guess is in place of a million words that he can’t manage to string together right now. Aurora has a million and one that she would like to say to him but it’s not the time or place and she really doesn’t want to cry right now. In the silence, Harry pulls at Aurora’s shoulder and wraps his arms around her tight. 
“Your shirt is gonna get all wrinkly,” Aurora comments after a few beats. She doesn’t make a move to pull away from Harry, instead she carefully buries her head into his shoulder and squeezes him tighter. 
As if on cue, a knock on the door pulls them apart. Harry calls back letting whoever had knocked that he’ll be ready in a minute. Harry kisses Aurora quickly before he grabs his boots from the bottom of the wardrobe case and sits down on the couch to slide them on. 
“Ope, love, got some lipstick on you,” Aurora notices. Her lips quirk up in a smirk as she grabs for a makeup wipe nearby. Harry’s standing from the couch when she turns back to him. “Lemme,” she offers, a soft hand reaching up to cup his jaw to hold his head in place. As she goes to wipe away the red waxy mark across his mouth, she pauses first. “One last good luck kiss,” she whispers. When her lips meet his, it's like their tiny little world unfurls right before them. As if today hadn’t been reminiscent enough, Aurora is reminded of all the moments they’ve spent here in what feels like the same dressing room that has just been picked up and moved to another city every day. As Harry runs a light touch down Aurora’s arm they’re both reminded of the small burn mark that’s left from the steamer back in Germany. And Aurora can’t help but pull him in closer because that was one of those early memories that she knew he was a good one, that he wasn’t just some rich pop star that had a revolving door of women coming through his hotel rooms. Another knock pulls them away, yet again. And when Aurora opens her eyes she can't help but squint because she has literally sunshine staring back at her. She steps away only a few inches and goes back to what she was meant to be doing. Wiping away the red stain from Harry’s mouth, she avoids his eyes and focuses on the colour disappearing from his skin. 
“Should touch up your lippy,” Harry chuckles when Aurora fully pulls away to toss the dirty makeup wipe in the bin. Aurora takes a look in the mirror and laughs along with him. 
“Yikes, I’ll fix this and meet you out there okay?” 
“Promise me you’ll be right here when I get off stage tonight?” 
“Of course,” Aurora promises, squeezing his hand. The last bit of the pre show playlist starts to near the end and Aurora wants to find her spot in the audience and she has just one last surprise for Harry before he starts his last show. “I should go find my seat,” she almost whispers, not really wanting to leave him just yet, but time is running out. She reluctantly kisses his cheek, careful not to leave any lipstick behind and pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket and hands it to him. “Thought I owed you a note,” she says before she begins to walk away. “Good luck!” She blows him one last kiss before walking through a curtain, away from Harry and into the audience.
No words will ever properly describe how proud I am of you. You will forever be my biggest inspiration; from your music to the way kindness is embedded in everything you do. You have changed so many people's lives and I am lucky enough to say that mine is forever changed because I am loved by you. I love you so much. 
You are absolute sunshine. 
Have fun on stage, rockstar. 
Love ya ta bits, Harry Styles. 
All the love. As always, 
Nobody is there to see it, but his eyes sparkle, even in the dark of the backstage. The sparkle could be a reflection from the already flashing stage lights or it could be another tear trying to make its way out of his eye, it’s hard to tell at this point. He takes a shaky breath and thanks all the rock gods before him for his life. He reads the note one more time before folding it back up and sliding into the pocket at the inside of his jacket and running up the stairs as the opening of Only Angel begins. 
“Good evening, Los Angeles. Welcome to the final show!” Harry speaks for the first time since appearing on the stage. There are chills running down Aurora’s spine as the entire arena erupts in earth shattering screams in reaction to Harry using his own lyrics as an homage to the tour. Aurora keeps catching the faces of fans in the pit and around her when the lights flicker against their tear splotted faces but bright smiles still permanently shine regardless. She can’t even begin to explain the beating of her heart, the fullness of her chest, the tingle in her fingers. It’s truly remarkable that they can hear Harry’s voice at all over everyone singing along to every song. 
As Stockholm Syndrome begins, Aurora smiles even brighter remembering where it all started. The pink suit she had to repair in a quick few minutes and hearing a lone Harry Styles sing a song the world is used to hearing being sung by 5 boys. It’s a moment of shock that jolts Aurora as she stands against the banister and she shakes her head because she’s missing it. Missing Harry give this song his all. Probably the last time he’ll ever perform this song. Cause the next time around he’ll have more of his own music to share and won’t be able to make a disclaimer about only having 10 songs to his own name. 
Alongside Stockholm Syndrome, there’s a list of songs he’ll never perform live again but Aurora does her best not dwell on that because she gets to hear him sing for the rest of her life. 
Sweet Creature and If I Could Fly leave the majority of the audience swaying slowly, still singing along and Harry barely manages to open his eyes. When he does open his eyes it's only for a moment and he’ll catch a glimpse of someone in front of him and he can’t help but stupidly smile. He’s soaking it all in. He wants to remember this feeling. He wants to remember the sound of an echoey arena when the audience sings along gently, completely in unison, filling in the parts he doesn’t sing anymore. They aren’t yelling or screaming the lyrics, but treating them with care, the same way Harry has delivered these lyrics to them every night. He tries to quiet them down and it takes longer than it has any other night. 
“Shh, it’s your turn,” he says with such a calming tone that Aurora stops dead in her tracks. She knows that voice better than anyone and she instantly loses the tingling of nerves in her fingers. She welcomes the calm and closes her eyes for a second. The sound of everyone in the room finishing If I Could Fly for him makes his heart float right up to his throat and it threatens to fall out and explode as the singing continues and he keeps playing his guitar. God, he’ll miss this, he thinks. He finishes the last few lines with the audience and closes his eyes again. He’s really gonna fucking miss this. 
“I’d like to invite my wonderful band up on the stage,” Harry interludes while moving his mic to a new spot and adjusting his guitar. A little surprise for the final show. And yet again, Harry shushes the audience as the excitement of something unique to the Final Show arises. 
I’ve got a girl crush. 
The audience erupts so loudly so quickly it's startling. It's impressive how loud the audience is when they start singing along to a song that hasn’t been on a single set list all tour. The way Harry sings this song in particular reminds Aurora of all the times she gets to hear him sing when he’s on his own, not putting on a show, singing for himself. 
I hate to admit it but, I’ve got a heart rush, it ain’t slowing down.
This is how he sounds when he’s messing around, having fun, pure undeniable joy while singing. It’s different behind closed doors somehow. He doesn’t mind when his voice cracks, or belts too high and he can’t finish the lyrics or even a single word. He laughs at himself in those moments and Aurora isn’t sure if he’s aware of it when he’s singing around like that. She loves him in those moments, soft and carefree. 
“This is the final night of the tour, of everything,” Harry says after the lights on the audience have turned up and he’s back on the mainstage. He points to a fan in the audience “What’s wrong with you?” He mimics the girl shaking her head, clearly not wanting to come to terms that this is the final show. “Oh you’re just sad?” he asks to confirm. Harry’s voice pitches up, “how do you think I feel?” and the audience erupts in laughter. It's the theme of the evening, being emotional over the final show, being excited to be there. Harry see’s Kacey in the middle of the pit and she’s holding a sign thanking him. Harry praises her from the stage and thanks her in return for joining the tour. 
“We’re gonna sing another song for you now, but before we go any further I will be thanking people along the way. I hope you don’t mind. There are so many people in this audience tonight that quite simply I wouldn’t be on this stage without.” Harry pauses and turns his head in the direction where he knows everyone close to him is at. “All of you, you know who you are. Thank you so much for coming tonight. I love you very much. Thank you for being here with us tonight.” Somehow in a room of thousands of people Harry finds Aurora’s eyes. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he runs on before a quick pause. “And,” he gathers his thoughts again, clearly losing what he was meaning to say or do next, “I’ll see you in a little bit,” he rambles quickly. 
“Promise me you’ll be right here when I get off stage tonight?”
The simple request rings in Aurora’s head and she misses what he says or does next but when she focuses back in the opening notes give her the gist of what he might have said. 
It’s the song that made him. The beginning of it all, really. Yelling along to these lyrics is anyone's right of passage into the room filled with love and kindness. Aurora knows this song isn’t one that will be performed for it’s last time tonight. It's his anthem as an artist, as Harry Styles. It's the song anyone and everyone knows regardless if you were ever a One Direction or Harry Styles fan. What Makes You Beautiful echoes off the walls and the floor and the ceiling and even though Harry has fully made it his own, changed the octave, changed the backing track, changed the rhythm of the lyrics, every single person that fills The Forum is singing along like it’s the original track. As the audience sings the version they’ve known for 7 years and Harry performs his solo rendition, it’s hard to fight the utter joy that erupts in Aurora’s chest. 
The anthem is completed with Harry dancing around the stage while waving 3 different flags. The image alone ecompases the whole point of this song, the whole point of this tour, the whole entire fucking point of Treat People With Kindness. And right now there’s nothing more Aurora loves than watching Harry dance along to the “na na na’s.” His hair wildly flopping around, the light reflecting off of the gold and silver details, the sight of the ENTIRE pit jumping up and down. 
“Okay, let’s get emotional,” Harry says before asking for the lights up again. “Thank you, this is part of the show where I’m gonna say thank you to a couple people, then I’m gonna sing a song and then I’m gonna leave. We’re gonna all pretend like I’ve gone but 90 seconds later I’m gonna come back and do a couple more songs. Alright?” Screams, nothing but screams fill the room. 
As Harry begins his thank you speech to his crew Aurora just knows. He’s hitting that point where it’s all really sinking in. He’s taking long pauses between words but masking it as needing to take a breather from being out of breath from singing and dancing. Aurora knows, though. She knows he’s pushing back the tears, swallowing down the bittersweetness of it all. 
“Thank you to my friends, my family, my manager, to all who are all in the audience tonight.” And then Harry starts to stutter over his words. “I-I have to thank my Head of Wardrobe that’s been on tour with me since March.” Aurora brings her hands up to her heart because this is the thank you she wasn’t prepared for. “Thank you for making me sparkle just right on stage and for making sure this was always a family show after I ripped several trousers.” And that’s where Harry leaves it. He doesn’t finish the family show bit, but the audience knows enough to finish it for him. 
Aurora’s in shock. It was unexpected and she feels like there’s cotton in her ears as the audience continues to scream and she hears waves of “aw” coming from the fans when they put it together. Jeff claps a hand on Aurora’s shoulder and it brings her back to the moment. Aurora mouths a thank you to Harry on stage while he’s still looking in her direction. 
Harry shakes his head before completing his thank yous to the fans. The ones who made this all possible. 
Sign of the Times hurts. It really truly hurts. The way his vocals are pretty much perfect and there’s almost a pained look on his face as he belts through it. Aurora doesn’t take her eyes off of him the entire time. He feels it too, the heavy emotion of the song. And he knows he’s not crying in a cool way, he’s crying cause this is it for now. This is the last of it. There's no reason to act cool about it. And Aurora can see the sparkle in his eye and it’s not from the rhinestones on his jacket. It’s from the tears that are welling up in his waterline 
And it’s when he snaps his mic back into the stand at center stage, lets out a quick breath through pursed lips, his eyes looking up to the ceiling, that Aurora knows he’s really crying. The quick wipe across his eyes and cheek solidifies the thought. 
We don’t talk enough. We should open up. 
And then there are tears brimming in her eyes. And as he continues to sing Sign of the Times she lets the tears fall for the first time that day. 
“I hope to be seeing you all very soon.” The gritty opening of Kiwi starts and it rattles Aurora’s chest. The last and final song of the tour. Harry blows Aurora a kiss before fully going for it. It's the end and he’s got nothing to lose. 
There’s a sinking feeling when Harry goes for his water bottle once he’s finished singing the last lyric of Kiwi. It’s the end. 
But it seems that it’s not. His band doesn’t stop playing and Harry swallows the last gulp of water he took and launches into Kiwi for a 2nd time. 
Aurora’s jaw drops. She had no idea. He hadn’t told her about this. She wishes she could say she’s surprised that this is something he planned but she really isn’t. When she thinks about it, she should’ve known. 
It’s pure adrenaline coursing through him. There are no words to describe him on stage right now. Carefree or loose doesn’t even cut it. He’s out of breath but STILL dancing around, singing into the mic and engaging with the audience and his band. 
“Holland tunnel for a nose it’s always backed up!” The audience yells when he points the mic towards them unable to finish the line himself. 
And then he snaps his mic into the stand and starts to jog down the stairs and through the aisle. Aurora just laughs cause at this point there’s literally no telling what he does next. A cordless mic appears in his hand halfway down the aisle. 
I’m having your baby!
He appears on the b stage, a spotlight following him the entire time. As Harry dances along to the music Aurora’s hands go into her hair and her eyes widen. She can’t help but shake her head when he changes the lyrics. 
She’s all over me and I'm exhausted, I’m exhausted. Sing it ! 
And he’s running back down the stairs, through the aisle again and up the main stage stairs. Aurora’s still in her spot unable to even dance around or sing along as she watches him. It’s entrancing to watch this all go down in front of her. He catches a sunflower mid air when he’s back on stage. Literally anything could happen at this point. 
Aurora’s sure he’s gonna collapse right there on stage but he doesn’t, yet. He takes a last sip of water and makes his way to center stage for the finale. 
He sticks his tongue out which indicates to the fans that he’s not finished yet, he’s not ending this night just yet. He’s not about to do the signature whale. Instead, he pumps up the crowd, mouthing “make some noise,” and then he motions to Alex, his guitar tech and the rest of his sound crew that are at the side of the stage. Aurora catches him yelling “I’m exhausted,” to them but still turns away and walks back to center stage. He makes eye contact with each of his band mates and circles a hand around above his head to indicate One More Time. He raises up his pointer finger to Mitch, “one more time” he mouths at him. 
“Should we do it one more time?” Harry yells. 
Earth shattering screams are the response and Aurora thinks all the times before when she thought that she’s never heard such a deafening audience she was wrong. Because now, in this moment at The Forum with Harry asking the audience if he should do Kiwi for a 3rd time she knows it’s the loudest thing she’s ever heard in her entire life. The sound will ring in her ears for days. 
And so he goes for it again. A third time. Now she’s in shock. 
She worked her wait through a cheap pack of cigarettes, 
Hard liquor mixed with a little bit of intellect
And all the boys they were saying she was into it
Such a pretty-
He’s well and truly out of breath. The look on his face is helpless. “Sing it,” he manages to breathe out into the mic before almost doubling over. So instead of taking the mic with him and trying to muster through the vocals, he leaves the mic snapped in and walks away from it. He’s mouthing the lyrics as every single person in the audience yells them to him. He’s walking back and forth from stage left to stage right, making sure to give enough of himself to every single person in the room. 
The shock has slightly worn off and there’s a hint of concern weighing on Aurora but she still sings along with everyone. He ends up singing some of the chorus but he really can’t get through much of it on his own. He doesn’t finish a single line himself the rest of the song but he doesn’t care, nobody cares. Even though he can't muster up the energy or adrenaline to sing he doesn’t stop dancing. He’s tangling himself up in his mic cord and Aurora hopes he’s got enough luck and adrenaline left in him to not fall. 
And now she’s all over me, it’s like I paid for it, It’s like I paid for it,  I'm gonna pay for this. 
He drops to his knees center stage, head hanging low. It's a quick second of pure exhaustion before he’s bobbing his head around, hair flying and arms pumping. 
Finally, as Kiwi comes to an end for the 3rd time that night, he takes a sip of water and gives the final show. He sprays water into the air, the music blares out and the lights flare. 
“I’m gonna go get him,” Aurora tells Jeff before leaving their section. She moves through the pit as Harry is hugging his band once the music ends. She understands now, the last thing he said to her before getting on stage. The look on his face when he goes to hug Mitch says it all. Aurora waits backstage near the stage steps, watching Harry, Mitch, Sarah, Clare and Adam take their final bow. She hugs Harry’s bandmates as they come down the stairs one at a time. Harry is taking one more lap of the stage before he is walking off, a stark contrast from how he normally runs off the stage after all of his other shows. When he reaches the stairs he walks down slowly and lets out a big sigh, shoulders dropping and a hopeless look appears on his face as his feet hit the floor. Aurora feels like she can’t move fast enough towards him even though she’s not even 2 feet from the stairs. She wraps her arms tightly around his shoulders, his face instantly finding a home hiding in her neck. A sob racks through his chest and she reaches up to place a hand in his hair. He’s breathing heavily and she’s running her hand over the back of his head, smoothing down his curls. Harry wraps his arms around her waist, his grip getting tighter every second they stand there.  
“Hey, Sunshine,” Aurora says softly, her hands making their way to Harry’s cheeks, so she can look him in the eyes. Once she makes out his face in the dark, she can see that his eyes are already swelling up from the tears that are now consistently flowing down his cheeks. “Hey,” she coos at him, using the pads of her thumbs to wipe the tears from the top of his cheeks. Aurora’s heart breaks at the sight in front of her but she knows she needs to be his rock right now. She can be sad about this tour ending later. She can be emotional about how proud she is of Harry, later. Aurora kisses him softly, fitting their lips together perfectly, just as they always do. The kiss is a bit more wet than normal, from the tears still falling down Harry’s face. When they break apart, he offers her a small smile before there’s a laugh erupting from him. He takes his hands from her waist and uses the back of his hands to wipe at his eyes roughly. 
“That was the final show,” he says softly. 
“Yeah,” she sighs, her hands reaching to grab for his, “you did it, Rockstar.” He drops his head onto Aurora’s shoulder again. He’s utterly exhausted, physically and emotionally.  “Come on, let’s go get you some water and I’m pretty sure you’ve got some friends that wanna say congrats.”  She drops his hands and wraps one arm around his waist and he throws one over her shoulder as they make their way to the double doors that lead them to the dressing rooms and lounges. 
“Thanks for being there when I got off,” he says as he presses a kiss to her hair, “knew I was barely gonna make it to the end.” 
“Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” 
It’s a weird feeling, pulling every single suit from the wardrobe cases. It’s a weird feeling to be around while the stage gets taken down. They never stayed long enough after a show night to see it get taken down, Aurora’s only ever seen it being built night after night. It’s stupidly therapeutic and symbolic Aurora thinks to herself as she checks off another item of clothing on her list. 
She really doesn’t have to be organizing Harry’s suits right now. She doesn’t need to be taking inventory at this exact moment. This could easily wait till tomorrow afternoon. But Harry’s been lingering around the Forum since his last guest left. He’s completely sober even after the several drinks he tossed back with friends in the backstage lounge in celebration. Everyone’s left besides the crew. Harry can’t pull himself together enough to leave and accept that tour is over. That this era is over. 
“I’m gonna go away for awhile. I’m gonna make some more music and I will see you again very soon.”
The 2 sentences echo in his head. The hitch in his throat comes back every time he thinks about it. He’s having a hard time saying goodbye to this. He’s never loved the end of tour. It’s too bittersweet. The performing bit is his favourite part of his job. This time though, it's more bitter than sweet because he doesn't have to go running back home to fit in all the time with his loved ones. The past 2 years have been on his terms. He doesn’t have to hectically plan visits or vacations. He gets to take his time. Go stay with his mum for a month if he wants, travel with Gemma and Michael, visit his god children, freaking write music whenever he wants, whenever the inspiration comes about. 
Harry knows the inspiration won’t be hard to find. He takes a glance over at Rory. Her tongue is poking out between her lips in concentration as she examines another one of his suits. He can’t help the blush that rises to his cheeks as he watches her. His Rory. He knows in the back of his mind that he’ll have to say goodbye to her more than he would like in the next couple of months. More goodbyes than they’ve ever shared in the past 5. That’s what makes this more bitter than sweet. 
Harry just sits on one of the crates as he chats with his crew. It’s the most genuine time he’s been able to spend with them but he knows these people, his tour family. He asks a few about how their wives are doing and when the due dates are of their babies. He jokes about hoping he didn’t work them too hard and to expect a call from him in the future to pack it all up again and get on with another tour. Harry’s laughter echoes through the emptying arena and every so often it pulls Aurora from her concentration. She catches his eyes sometimes and she can’t help but smile. And in the bright overhead lights of the almost empty arena, the brightest light is the one smiling back at her. Harry’s tear streaked face, unruly curls and dimpled cheeks are the only thing that she can focus on. 
Aurora now stands near the door that leads back to the dressing rooms, her wardrobe cases ready to be packed up and dealt with later. She watches as Harry continues to shake every single person’s hand. He thanks everyone individually, even approaches the Forum’s cleaning staff that are weaving in and out of the seats. Every few thank you’s he looks back at her, his Rory. His Rory who has been his rock, his best friend, his stylist, his lover. There are too many words to describe his Rory but also not enough. He doesn’t think he could’ve made it through this tour without her and he’s so fucking thankful. 
When he finally joins Aurora in the doorway he presses a sure kiss to her forehead, their hands tangling together. They don’t say anything as they walk back through the now empty halls back to Harry’s car parked on the other side of the arena. Harry’s lost in his head and so is Aurora and neither of them need to say anything to each other at this moment. 
Harry can’t grasp how he’s supposed to explain to Aurora that he didn’t expect her to have this amount of an impression on him. Didn’t expect her to change his entire life. How does he explain to her that he doesn’t think he could’ve done all that he’s done since March without her? How does he show her that she means that much to him? 
Harry doesn’t know, but Aurora's thoughts line up almost perfectly with his.
And as they get into his car, buckle their seatbelts and make their way home Harry doesn’t turn on the music and Aurora simply reaches for his hand to anchor herself to this moment. It’s way too late at night, or maybe by this point too early in the morning but when Aurora looks at Harry, it all comes flooding back to her. 
Sunshine in its purest form is sitting next to her. When Harry catches Aurora’s gaze before driving out of the parking lot he remembers all the things they’ve done, all the things they’ve seen and he can’t help but be excited for what will happen next. 
He can't’ wait to see the colours she’ll shine just for him, his own Aurora Borealis. 
She doesn’t have to go a day without sunshine. 
Who knew that a pink Gucci suit would have started all of this. 
60 notes · View notes
1. what’s your full name? 
2. when’s your birthday? 
November 26
3. what does your URL mean?��
I like psychology and I like thinking about crushes
4. who’s your celebrity crush? T
om Hiddleston
5. are you single or taken? 
6. rant. let it all out babe. 
Fuck jobs fuck capitalism 
7. are you named after anyone? 
My grandmother
8. do you have or want children? if so, how many? 
Possibly, if so then 2
9. do you relate to any fictional characters? 
Yeah, several. The ones that come to mind are Gatsby and Queen Regina
10. do you have any plants? 
11. what are you currently wearing? 
A jumper
12. describe your aesthetic in emojis. 
I’m on my laptop lol, not gonna try to do a survey on my phone
13. do you have any bad habits? 
Oh yes. Procrasting, instant gratification, being late, eating like crap, obsessing over stuff
14. what’s your sexuality? 
Mostly straight
15. what’s the last song you sang? 
Currently singing The Rose Song from HSMTMTS
16. what are your favorite colors? 
Pink, green, blue
17. are you and introvert, ambivert, or extrovert? 
18. describe your current mood in emojis. 
Again, laptop
19. is there anyone you’d do anything for? 
Probably not anything
20. what fascinates you? 
Random stuff, currently chemistry, music, crafts, and space
21. favorite artists? 
Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo
22. what outfit makes you feel confident? 
Fancy dresses
23. favorite flower? 
24. favorite season? 
25. favorite tv show/movie? 
TV show: Friends. Movie: Back to the Future
26. what do you like in a person?
Sense of humor, easy to talk to, common interests, attractive
27. least favorite color?
Idk maybe like muddy yellow
28. first crush?
Aidan in kindergarten
29. how long do you usually sleep?
When I don’t set an alarm, till like 1pm
30. what celebrity do people say you look like?
None really. I think I look like Lea Michele but I’m probably not that pretty
31. favorite scent?
32. do you have/want any pets? if so, how many?
I don’t have any currently, I have had 4 cats and I want to get another cat
33. what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color, what would it be?
Brown, I want to try a red ombre
34. do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Pretty good
35. do you take a yearly vacation?
36. what is your biggest fear?
37. what do you wear to bed?
PJs or a nightgown
38. best memory?
39. best feeling you’ve ever experienced?
Probably when everyone liked my video or jokes, or when a crush likes me back
40. best gift you’ve ever received?
Half of the cost of my car
41. what’s your skincare routine?
Wash it once a day, rinse face twice a day, moisturize 
42. favorite book?
Harry Potter
43. favorite song?
All Too Well by Taylor Swift
44. favorite album?
It changes a lot, currently Sour by Olivia Rodrigo
45. share your playlist or a playlist you love!
46. dream destination?
I’d like to visit Ireland
47. best subject? favorite subject, least favorite?
Best was probably math, favorites were science and arts, least favorite was english
48. do you prefer baggy, loose, or tight clothes?
Semi-loose but with some form
49. punk or pastel?
50. search your name + core on pinterest & make a moodboard!
51. if you could travel back to any time period, what would it be & why?
Medieval because i think it’s cool
52. do you have any piercings?
Just my ears
53. do you have any tattoos?
54. do you have any siblings?
55. are your parents together or divorced?
56. do you have any stepparents or step-siblings?
57. are your parents strict?
My mom was kinda
58. do you have a set bedtime?
No lol
59. what state do you live in?
60. what are your sun, moon, & rising signs?
Idk, I just know I’m a sagittarius
61. do you share any traits with your signs?
Idk, they’re pretty generic so that everyone feels like it describes them
62. what’s a song that gets you going?
Depends on my mood
63. sweet or sour?
64. soft or hard tacos?
Idk, I don’t eat tacos too much
65. what color are your bedroom walls?
Pink and green
66. the color/design of your bedsheets?
67. favorite thing to drink out of?
A glass
68. socks or bare feet around the house?
Bare feet
69. favorite board game?
Lately Dead of Winter
70. favorite video games?
Among Us, Detroit Become Human
71. do you sleep with the fan on or off?
72. do you sing in the shower?
73. favorite song to belt at the top of your lungs when alone?
Satisfied from Hamilton
74. last thing you cried to?
Being stressed over job hunting
75. have you tried any alcoholic beverage before?
76. gum or breath mints?
77. favorite pair of shoes you own?
The pink wedges
78. how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Way too many, probably like 30 at least
79. what is the natural state of your hair?
A little wavy
80. have you had braces? if yes, how long?
Yes, for 4 years
81. makeup or natural?
82. are you a competitive person?
I can be 
83. favorite pasta dish?
Pasta with cheese
84. favorite kind of chips?
Ruffles cheddar and sour cream
85. talk about something your passionate about!
Idk if I’m passionate abot anything
86. what are some of your hobbies?
Crafts, DnD, shopping
87. do you drink coffee? if so, how do you like it?
88. favorite kind of pizza?
White pizza with pineapple
89. favorite & least favorite labels that have been put on you?
Idk what labels have been put on me
90. are you religious?
91. were you raise religious?
Not really
92. what shoe size do you wear?
93. heroes or villains?
Depends on the character
94. favorite vegetable?
95. least favorite vegetable?
Broccoli probably
96. favorite dessert?
97. do you play any sports?
98. can you swim? if so, when did you learn how to?
Yes, when I was little
99. tell a funny story!
100. what job would you be terrible at?
Doctor or politician
101. what’s your favorite compliment to give?
Compliment their clothing or accessories
102. has your opinion changed on something recently?
I’m evaluating my opinion on how cautious I need to be for covid
103. favorite physical feature about yourself?
Maybe eyes
104. what’s your favorite physical feature about someone else?
I look most at faces
105. what’s something you would rate 10/10?
106. heels or flats?
107. what’s something you had more knowledge about?
Does this mean wish you had? If so then chemistry
108. would you want to be famous?
I’d want to maybe be known by name but not by face
109. what’s something you would get arrested for?
Pirating TV shows
110. are you a planner or spontaneous person?
A mix
111. what do you hope never changes?
Being friends with my best friends
112. what are your pronouns?
113. are you a feminist?
For the most part
114. what’s your hogwarts house?
115. myers briggs personality type?
Idk, it changes every time
116. who’s your favorite superhero?
Idk maybe Thor
117. favorite villain?
118. marvel or dc?
119. what’s an assumption everyone makes about you that’s not 100% true?
In school people thought I was bookish and didn’t care about parties or boys or that kind of stuff, and now that I’m out of school people think I’m ditzy and probably not that smart
120. favorite bands?
Taylor Swift
121. if you could meet one celebrity, who & why?
Taylor Swift because I like her music and I think we would get along
122. have you watched porn before?
A little
123. favorite disney movie?
Hercules, Aladdin, or Tangled
124. favorite disney princess?
125. favorite disney prince?
Hercules or Aladdin
126. favorite disney couple?
Rapunzel and Eugene
127. star wars or star trek?
Star Wars
128. top five movies?
Back to the Future, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Timer, The Imitation Game, Tangled
129. top five songs?
All Too Well, In a Crowd of Thousands, Traitor, Me and the Sky, Satisfied
130. top five ships?
Idk. Currently I’m enjoying Gina and EJ from HSMTMTS
131. how gay are you?
Just a little bit, I have occasional crushes on girls but I don’t think I’d want to date a girl
132. scream. just let it out.
133. do you have a best friend?
134. call or text?
135. what’s a song that’s been stuck in your head recently?
A lot of Olivia Rodrigo songs
136. is there a song stuck in your head right now?
Just the songs I’m listening to
137. what song(s) will you always love?
A lot of Taylor Swift and showtunes
138. what song is your current mood?
Idk, I just feel like singing
139. recommend an artist!
The girl who plays Ashlyn from HSMTMTS
140. favorite meme song?
They’re Taking the Hobbits to Isengard
141. a song you hate that everyone loves?
I Like It by Cardi B
142. an artist you refuse to listen to?
Most rappers
143. what’s you “big gay mood” song?
Idk, I Kissed a Girl?
144. favorite lyrics?
“You call me up again just to break me like a promise / So casually cruel in the name of being honest” from All Too Well
145. what lyrics would you get tattooed on any part of your body?
I wouldn’t
146. shuffle your music & share the result!
Knowing Me, Knowing You by Abba
147. what’s your favorite love song?
In a Crowd of Thousands
148. ultimate song to clean to?
Through the Fire and the Flames by Dragonforce
149. if you could collaborate with one musician, who & why?
Taylor Swift because she gets me
150. what song makes you cry?
Soon You’ll Get Better by Taylor Swift
151. what would be your theme song?
Blank Space
152. what’s a strange phobia you have?
Spiders aren’t that strange, so fear of having accidentally shoplifted
153. did you have an emo phase?
154. did you have a greek mythology phase?
Just a little
155. roman or greek mythology?
156. who’s your godly parent & which god/goddess are you?
157. how do you handle your anger?
Yell, slam things
158. most attractive singer of the opposite gender?
Ramin Karimloo
159. most attractive singer of the same gender?
Hayden Panettiere
160. what time is it?
161. do you have any nicknames?
162. what’s a song that always makes you happy whenever you hear it?
In a Crowd of Thousands
163. which swear word do you use the most!
164. five ways to win your heart?
Sense of humor, sing duets, do creative stuff, tease me, pay attention to me
165. five pet peeves?
Mouth sounds, people who think strong female characters can’t have love interests, people giving me unsolicited advice, people wearing their mask under their nose, ghosting
166. do you have trust issues?
167. what do you pray about?
I don’t
168. most traumatic experience?
Probably braces
169. what is your dream job?
170. if you were to be in a musical, which musical, character, & other cast members would you have?
I would love to play Angelica in Hamilton
171. who would play you in a movie about your life?
Lea Michele
172. what’s your favorite thing about your significant other?
Sense of humor
173. favorite fictional character?
Kelsier from Mistborn
174. post a picture of yourself!
175. what’s your favorite pet name?
I don’t really like generic pet names that much
176. what makes you feel like a horrible person?
Not caring enough about people
177. when did you realize your sexuality?
It was always kind of assumed, but started thinking I might be a little bi a couple years ago
178. when was your first kiss?
When I was 18
179. expose your parents. that’s right. expose them. they deserve it.
My mom is overly cautious and doesn’t know how to pick her battles, my dad is a bit annoying 
180. a phrase that breaks your heart?
Depends on the context
181. when did you come out?
I didn’t
182. how did you come out?
I didn’t
183. who knows you’re out?
I’m straight
184. what’s your lucky number?
185. how tall are you?
186. favorite word?
187. are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed
188. do you have an accent?
189. first word that comes to mind when you hear ‘heart’?
190. what’s something you’re proud of?
I made a funny meme in the work group chat the other day
191. do you like where you live?
I like the area, but I don’t like living at my dad’s house
192. when you’re older, do you want to move to a different place?
193. do you play any instruments?
194. how long is your hair?
To my boobs
195. what’s the meaning of your name?
196. give an unpopular opinion & let your followers attack you or be salty.
People shouldn’t be cancelled for one shitty opinion, and consuming their work doesn’t mean you support all their beliefs or even like them as a person
197. do you support the lgbtq+ community?
198. who were you supporting for the 2020 election?
199. opinion on abortion?
200. opinion on the death penalty?
Against it
201. opinion on reverse racism?
It’s not the same
202. post your screen time for this week.
Like all damn week lol
203. have you ever talked to a celebrity?
Yes, I met Channing Tatum and got a picture with him
204. what was your first concert?
Demi Lovato
205. how long do you keep your bra on?
All day
206. what’s your bra size?
36D last time I got one
207. give a tour of your room (video).
208. how many photos are in your camera roll?
209. what is the most recent movie/show you downloaded on disney+?
Phil of the Future
210. do you like documentaries?
Occasionally if it’s an interesting subject, but it’s not my favorite genre
211. what’s your favorite musical?
212. who’s your favorite non-broadway actor/ actress?
Benjamin Bonenfant
213. who’s your favorite broadway actor/actress?
Ramin Karimloo
214. what’s the song you’re currently listening to?
A Dancer’s Heart
215. drop your most recent picture!
216. do you have a record player?
217. how many records do you have?
218. show your records!
None to show
219. do you plan on going to college? if so, where?
I went to my state school
220. talk about someone without telling who.
They used to wear light up sneakers
221. talk about something you hate.
I hate tomatoes and everything made out of them
222. have you been to therapy?
223. what color are your eyes?
224. what color are your parents’ eyes?
Hazel for my mom, Hazel-green for my dad
225. what color are you significant other’s eyes?
226. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
227. do you have a favorite parent?
No, they are good in different ways
228. are your grandparents still alive?
Just my maternal grandma
229. drop 10 songs & let your followers tell you if you have taste or not.
That’s too much work
230. how many followers do you have on twitter & instagram?
Like 3 probably lol
231. are you the eldest, middle, or youngest sibling?
Only child
232. do you have a specific daytime routine?
233. how often do you go to the doctor’s?
When I need to
234. have you had any surgeries?
Yes, for my canine and wisdom teeth, and to get part of my thyroid removed
235. do you wear glasses?
236. do you prefer unsweetened iced tea or sweetened iced tea?
237. do you have a “type”?
Yes lol. I like a lot of types but my “type” that I fall for a lot is light skin, dark hair, blue eyes, "golden boy”/big personality
238. what’s your significant other’s astrology sign?
I think Sagittarius
239. drop 5 blogs you love.
240. do you think you’re like any celebrity (personality wise)?
Maybe Taylor Swift in some ways
241. are you a “popular kid”?
242. what are your school’s colors?
Black and gold
243. what’s your school’s mascot?
244. how many irl friends do you have?
245. who was your least favorite teacher?
My camera workshop instructor
246. favorite teacher?
My 7th grade math teacher, my freshman year words and music professor, and my junior year film professor
247. drop a picture of your closet.
248. how many awards do you have?
Idk, a handful
249. what’s one award you’re proud of?
The dean’s list
250. do you take naps?
I try not to
251. what’s something people always ask you when you first meet?
What’s your name?
252. favorite fast food restaurant?
McDonalds or Wendy’s
253. favorite place to dine in?
254. mexican or chinese food?
255. chinese or japanese food?
256. mexican or japanese food?
257. olive garden’s breadsticks or texas roadhouse’s yeast rolls?
258. garlic bread or breadsticks?
Garlic bread
259. plain garlic bread or cheesy garlic bread?
Depends on my mood
260. chicken or steak?
261. favorite meal?
262. drop a recipe!
I don’t really cook
263. how do you like your steak cooked?
I don’t
264. what would your last meal be?
265. are you allergic to anything?
Beeswax I think
266. cats or dogs?
Cats but I like both
267. favorite genre of music?
268. favorite fan fic trope?
Fake dating probably or needing each other for survival
269. favorite tv show genre?
Sci-fi or sitcom
270. what’s your favorite cover/cover a band or artist has or should do?
Disturbed cover of The Sound of Silence
271. how often do you write songs?
I haven’t since I was a kid
272. how many finished songs do you have?
Idk like 5
273. do you write your songs in your notes or in a journal?
I just came up with them
274. how long have you been writing?
I don’t really write
275. how long have you had your account?
Since like 2013 or 14
276. what was your first URL?
277. if you could change your name, what would it be?
278. what would you like to name your children?
Shane or Eric for a boy, Phoenix for a girl
279. what are your parents’ & sibling’s names?
I don’t have siblings, I don’t feel like sharing my parents names
280. are your parents democratic or republican?
281. do you have more in common with your mom or dad?
Both in different ways
282. are you & your siblings close?
I don’t have any
283. how close are you and your siblings in age?
I don’t have any
284. are any of your siblings married?
I dont have any
285. do you have any nieces or nephews?
286. do your parents have any siblings?
My mom has a sister and my dad has a brother
287. do you have any cousins?
288. do you look more like your mom or dad?
289. how old were you when you started your period?
13 I think
290. have you lost your virginity?
291. who took your concert virginity?
My what? 
292. who took your musical virginity?
My what?
293. scream again. everyone needs to.
294. do you have any collections?
Kinda, lately I’ve been collecting dice
295. what’s on your nightstand?
Water, lotion, advil, phones, chapstick, purell
296. how do you usually style your hair?
Down or ponytail
297. do you play games on your phone?
298. are you hydrated?
299. have you breathed enough today?
I assume so since I am still conscious
300. are you thankful for anything?
I know I have a lot of privilege
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cardest · 3 years
San Francisco playlist
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San Francisco  - my favorite city in the world! The bands, the music, the songs are all here, in this playlist I created. I threw in a bit of Sac and went south by San Jose, Monterrey and up past Sausalito. Can we make it to 250 songs? Let me know what bands/songs I left out.
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Have I left out a song or a band in this San Francisco playlist? Let me know! Cheers! 
Play the songs here at this link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1-HLG9q5rZLsqs8EYh6bhu- San Francisco
001 The Dillinger Escape Plan w/Mike Patton -  When Good Dogs Do Bad Things 002 Night flight Orchestra - California Morning 003 Quincy Jones - Call Me Mister Tibbs OST (Main Title) 004 James Taylor Quartet - Dirty Harry theme song 005 Faith No More - Seperation anxiety 006 Streets of San Francisco TV show theme song 007 Santana -  Evil Ways 008 High on Fire -  Electric Messiah 009 Metallica - Disposable Heroes 010 Hammers Of Misfortune -  Dead Revolution 011 Buddy Guy -  Hello San Francisco 012 Faith No More - Jungle 013 Isaac Hayes - Shaft 014 Orange Peels  - Back In San Francisco 015 Idris Ackamoor and the Pyramids - Message To My People 016 Thee Oh Sees - The Dream 017 Merle Haggard - Here In Frisco 018 Audrey Horne -  California 019 Journey -  Lights 020 Death Angel -  Hatred United / United Hate 021 Mel Tor Me - Got The Date On The Golden Gate 022 Duke Ellington -  Tourist Point Of View 023 Sons of Anarchy  - This Life (Sons of Anarchy Theme Song) 024 Larry Graham's Central Station - Earthquake 025 LARD - I Wanna Be A Drug Sniffing Dog 026 Machine Head -  California Bleeding 027 Neurosis -  The Doorway 028 KING WOMAN - Utopia 029 Lalo Schifrin - Magnum Force OST  Main Title 030 Forbidden -  Adapt Or Die 031 DBUK - In San Francisco Bay 032 Jack Name - Werewolf Factory 033 John Carpenter - Theme from "The Fog" 034 Khiis - Saboor 035 Richie Havens -  San Francisco Bay Blues 036 Metallica - Battery 037 Autopsy - charred remains 038 ExTREMITY_-_Crepuscular_Crescendo 039 The Otherside -  Streetcar 040 Quincy Jones - Ironside (TV Theme) 041 Megadeth -  Back in the Day 042 Sly and the Family Stone - Stand! 043 Faith No More -  From Out of Nowhere 044 Willie Hutch-Vampin (The Mack OST 045 Orchid -  Mouths Of Madness 046 Lalo Schifrin - Bullitt OST - On The Way To San Mateo 047 Vince Guaraldi - Woodstock's Dream 048 Fantomas -  4-11-05 049 Violation Wound - Fearmonger + State of Alarm 050 Primus - Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers 051 The Flower Pot Men - Let's Go to San Francisco (Part.1-2) 052 Bosse-de-Nage - Crux 053 Rod McKuen - The Beat Generation 054 Dionne Warwick - Do You Know The Way To San Jose 055 The Watchers - Sabbath Highway 056 Possessed - the eyes of horror 057 Scott McKenzie – San Francisco (Be Sure to wear flowers) 058 Tower Of Power -  Oakland Stroke 059 Big Trouble In Little China OST - Pork chop express 060 Vio-lence -  Calling In The Coroner 061 Black Oak Arkansas - The Big Ones Still Coming 062 Mr. Bungle - Love Is a Fist 063 VUUR -  The Fire - San Francisco 064 Testament - The Haunting 065 Electronicat - Frisco Bay 066 Y&T - Mean Streak 067 Thee Oh Sees -  Toe Cutter/Thumb Buster 068 Sweet - California Nights - Promo Clip (OFFICIAL) 069 Sadus - Swallowed In Black 070 Chuck Berry - San Francisco Dues 071 Sammy Hagar - Keep on rockin' 072 Fuzz -  Sleigh Ride 073 Otis Redding - Sittin' on The Dock of the Bay 074 Pleasure Leftits - The Gate 075 BL'AST - Sometimes 076 Santana - Samba de Sausalito 077 Acephalix - Upon This Altar 078 Sun Ra    - Lady With The Golden Stockings 079 Chris Isaak - San Francisco Days 080 Pointer Sisters - How Long (Betcha' Got A Chick On The Side) 081 High On Fire -  Carcosa 082 Will Haven -  When The Walls Close In 083 The Coup -  Laugh/Love/Fuck 084 King Khan - Teeth Are Shite 085 Deafheaven -  Irresistible 086 Glitter Wizard -  Blood of the Serpent 087 Jefferson Airplane -  It's No Secret 088 Cannonball Adderley - This Here 089 The Warlocks -  Can't Come Down 090 Squirmy Sax Man - I Still Believe 091 Acid King - Coming Down from Outer Space 092 George Duke - Sausalito 093 The Lost Boys - Cry Little Sister (Theme From The Lost Boys OST) 094 Betty Davis - [They Say I'm Different] He Was a Big Freak 095 Fever Tree - San Francisco Girls 096 The Dillinger Escape Plan w/ Mike Patton -  Pig Latin 097 Build Them to Break - Lucky Strike 098 Montrose - Rock Candy 099 PRIMUS - THE TOYS GO WINDING DOWN 100 Joe Satriani - Big Bad Moon 101 Sleater Kinney - Jumpers 102 GRUESOME - Dimensions Of Horror 103 Sly & the Family Stone - Everday People 104 Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time 105 Hammers Of Misfortune - 2 17th Street 106 Jerry Fielding - Prologue _ Main Title (The Enforcer OST) 107 Metal Church - The Dark 108 Deftones - Ohms 109  John Lee Hooker - Frisco Blues 110 DRI - Go Die 111 16th & Valencia Roxy Music- Devendra Banhart, What We Will Be 112 MC Hammer - Too Legit to Quit 113 Dead Kennedys-Police Truck 114 Rancid - Adina 115 San Francisco's Shiver - Up My Sleeve 116 Bernard Herrmann - Vertigo OST - The Bay 117 Faith No More - Last Cup Of Sorrow 118 Blackburn & Snow -  Stranger In a Strange Land 119 The Doobie Brothers - What A Fool Believes 120 The Grateful Dead - Sugar Magnolia 121 Cab Calloway - San Francisco Fan 122 The Charlatans - codine 123 Buck Owens - Want To Live In San Francisco 124 Sleep - Dragonaut 125 Death Angel - 5 Steps Of Freedom 126 Neil Young - Heart of Gold 127 Vastum -  Reveries in Autophagia 128 Dead Kennedys -  Moon Over Marin 129 EchoBrain -  Colder World 130 Riz Ortolani    - Lombard Street   131 Waylon Jennings - San Francisco Mabel Joy   132 Con Funk Shun - Confunkshunizeya 133 Chic - Hes the Greatest Dancer 134 Peace Creep - Radio Free Alcatraz   135 ABBA - Santa Rosa 136 Brian Wilson and Van Dyke Parks - San Fransisco 137 Together Band - California Curl California Girl 138 The Hellers - It's 74 In San Francisco 139 Pat Todd - No Place Like Home 140 Nancy Wilson - I'm Always Drunk In San Francisco (And I Don't Drink At All) 141 Anathema -  San Francisco 142 Blue Cheer -  Fool 143 Exhumed - Gravewalker 144 Darondo - Let My People Go 145 Exodus -  Blood In Blood Out 146 Lalo Schifrin Dirty Harry OST - Scorpios Theme   147 Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues 148 Wild Light - California on my mid 149 Herbie Hancock - Man-child -  Hang Up Your Hang Ups 150 Fantomas -  Spider Baby 151 The Lord Weird Slough Feg -  Headhunter 152 The Animals - San Franciscan Nights 153 Twilight - Dance with Me 154 THE POINTER SISTERS - Yes We Can Can 155 Residents - Hello Skinny 156 CCR HEADCLEANER - Eat This Riff 157 LEON WARE  - Thats Why I Came To California 158 Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put A Spell On You 159 Comorant - The First Man 160 Bosse-de-Nage  - The Trench 161 Hell Fire - Free Again   162 Riz Ortolani  - Golden Gate Bridge 163 Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun 164 Uther Pendragon - San Francisco Earthquake 165 Melvins - Zodiac 166 La Luz - California Finally 167 The Wyatt Act - Push 168 Santana - Soul Sacrifice 169 Cheap Trick - On the Radio 170 Electric Wizard -  Venus In Furs 171 Led Zeppelin -  Misty Mountain Hop 172 Tommy Castro - Callin' San Francisco 173 Viscious Rumors - Digital Dictator 174 Ghoul-Off With Their Heads 175 Diesel - Sausalito Summernight (Single Version) 176 Sheila E - A Love Bizarre 177 Starship - Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now 178 Jeffry Osboune - I Really Don't Need No Light 179 Nazareth -  Alcatraz 180 Freak of Nature - Rescue Me 181 Metallica - Crash Course In Brain Surgery 182 10000 Maniacs - Hey Jack Kerouac 183 Faith No More -  Get Out 184  URSA -  Wizard's Path 185 Jefferson Airplane - Aerie (Gang of Eagles) 186 Tower of Power - Just Enough and Too Much 187 Fred Hughes - san francisco is a lonely town 188 Mamaleek - Eating Unblessed Meat 189 Moby Grape - Naked If I Want To 190 Exodus - Metal Command 191 Pig Destroyer - Alcatraz Metaphors 192 the Donnas - You Make Me Hot 193 Hot Tuna - True Religion 194 Heathen - Opiate of the Masses 195 Fanny - Come and Hold Me 196 Sadus - Hands Of Fate 197 Negative Trend - Meathouse 198 Forbidden - Forbidden Evil 199 Spazz - Crush Kill Destroy 200 Testament - The Preacher 201 HEXX - Morbid Reality 202 Vio-Lence - Phobophobia 203 Dead Kennedys - One Way Ticket To Pluto 204 Tom Waits - Get Behind The Mule 205 CRETIN - It 206 RAMONES - Judy Is A Punk 207 Full House - Intro 208 Willie Alexander and the Boom Boom Band - Kerouac 209 Primus - Dirty Drowning Man 210 Wooden Shjips -  Motorbike 211 The Tony Williams Lifetime Ego - Clap City 212 Middle of the Road - Sacramento (A Wonderful Town) 213 Green Day - At the Library 214 Slayer -  Gemini 215 Tetema - Cutlass Eye 216 Defiance - Death Machine 217 Brisco County Jr theme 218 Doug McKechnie - Crazy Ray 219 Ulthar - Furnace Hibernation 220 Mr. Bungle -  ANARCHY UP YOUR ANUS 221 Dirty Ghosts  - Let It Pretend 222 They Might Be Giants - San Francisco (In Situ) 223 Metallica - The Shortest Straw 224 OM - Unitive Knowledge of the Godhead 225 Laaz Rockit - City's Gonna Burn 226 Autopsy - Skullptures 227 Mordred - Spectacle of Fear 228 Sly & the Family Stone - Luv N' Haight 229 Possessed - Seven Churches 230 Machine Head - The Rage to Overcome 231 Thelonius Monk - San Francisco Holiday 232 The Units - The Mission Is Bitchin 233 Del Tha Funkee Homosapien - Mistadobalina 234 Arnocorps - Dead lift 235 The Grateful Dead - The Golden Road 236 DRI - All for nothing 237 Jim Martin - Disco dust 238 Thee Oh Sees - I come from the mountain 239 Death Angel - Discontinued 240 Starship - We Built This City 241 Captured! by Robots - Endless Circle of Bullshit 242 Pins Of Light - My revenge 243 Sun Ra - We Travel the Spaceways 244 Faith No More - caffeine 245 David Lee Roth - Just like paradise 246 San Francisco Fog Horns by Golden Gate Bridge 247 Abscess - Tormented 248 Mortuous - Bitterness 249 Dead Kennedy's - California uber alles 250 Twitch Angry - San Francisco 666 Neurosis - Water Is Not Enough
So, hop on a cable car, grab ice cream at Swenson’s or bark back at the seals down by Pier 39. Catch a Bear’s game at Berkeley and do some squirmy sax moves in the Haight after you down some beers at the Toronado and play my San Fran playlist! Here are the songs in the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1-HLG9q5rZLsqs8EYh6bhu-
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