tobytost · 11 months
on my knees begging ppl to stop drawing Sabine so pale I can't take it anymore
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retrocgads · 8 months
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USA 1997
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hawnks · 1 year
First thing I notice when an animanga character is shirtless is if they have nipples or not
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babygirlracing · 1 year
Ive been eyeing this super cool jacket for weeks but its €170 and i dont have that kind of money but today i went to a thrift store where i found the exact same one for €5!!! The thrift gods were good to me today!
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pkbeamgamma · 1 year
playing turf war:
the golden aerospray with full special charge up:
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The sweat in this game is so annoying, spawn camping isn't a strategy it's an exploit and fast one-shot weapons need nerfs. Like, bitch this turf war not pvp go hang out in ranked for that people want causal to be fun. "Errmm skill issue" stfu if im getting over 1000p a game i ain't playing it wrong.
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garadinervi · 7 days
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Tomin, A Willed and Conscious Balance, (Limited Edition "Contemplation" color vinyl, Classic Black vinyl, CD, Digital album), IARC0088, International Anthem, 2024
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All songs composed by Tomin; except 'Man of Words' composed by Booker Little, and 'Humility in the Light of the Creator' composed by Kalaparusha Maurice McIntyre
Tomin Perea-Chamblee: Flute, Alto and Bass Clarinets, Trombone, Euphonium, Bells, Sine Waves (Casio MT-70) and additional Trumpet Teiana Davis: Rhodes, Wurlitzer, and Spaceship (Casiotone 1000p) Clérida Eltimé: Cello Lester St. Louis: Cello Linton Smith II: Trumpet, Tambourine, and Yamaha HS-500 Luke Stewart: Bass Tcheser Holmes: Drums
Cover Artwork: Clay Mednick Photography: Alejandro Ayala Design: Craig Hansen Poem: Tomin Perea-Chamblee
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remains-rpg · 1 month
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¡Hola de nuevo!
Venimos con una nueva temática para la dinámica de aportes de este mes: Compañerismo/Lealtad.
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Se aceptarán aportes gráficos de cualquier tipo: desde ilustraciones, videos y gráficos, hasta moodboards. El único elemento obligatorio, como ocurrió en la anterior dinámica, es la alusión al tema de cualquiera de las maneras.
Las fechas de envío de vuestros aportes son desde el viernes 16 de agosto al domingo 30 de agosto.
Premio al mejor aporte: 1000PS.
Todos los aportes podréis enviarlos a este tumblr. La administración determinará el mejor aporte. No olvidéis pasar a recoger vuestras recompensas en el canjeo de puntos (Por hacer un aporte en Tumblr, 50 pts)
Soporten y sobrevivan.
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zeralight-asks · 6 months
-A cardboard box appears from a small wormhole, landing on the ground with a light thud. The box has two notes on top. One neatly written, and one with slightly messy handwriting-
-The neatly written note reads: "Denko, I wanted to thank you for your assistance in everything I've asked of you in the past, along with your efforts in past battles. For this, I wanted to give you more than the simple cash gift from last time we met. Use it well. -Leo"-
-The messly written note reads: "Denko, Glad to have met you man! It's always nice seeing a fresh new face every once in awhile, and you're the coolest I've seen so far! Your speed, strength, honestly I get all starry-eyed just thinking about it! You really need to teach me some combat tricks sometime, but maybe when you're all rested up! Until then though, you take care of yourself! -Theo"-
-The box itself contains around 1000p, vouchers for Castelia Cones, a Zorua and Cinderace plush, some writing tools, 5 1TB USB drives, an Amulet Coin, some electric gems, and a printed screenshot of the power levels from the attack Leo requested awhile ago with a note reading: "I'm impressed. Very few have been able to reach this level of power from a single attack, including most gods. You should feel proud of yourself for making it this far and gaining this much strength, Reborn Lighting."-
( The sudden thud made him jump a little. )
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...At this hour?
( Hoping the sound didn't wake his joyfriends, he reads the attached notes. )
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Heh, thanks!
( He opens the box and looks through all the gifts. )
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( Sniff. )
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Thank you...
( After a few seconds, the Writer lifts the box and places it somewhere so he can organize the contents later. )
( For now though, he gets under the covers with his joyfriends. It's been an exhausting few days, he was happy to finally be able to rest. )
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lynaferns · 9 months
I thought of sharing the art summary template I made myself last year
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I always see people choosing 1 (one) single artwork per month but like... what if I have more than one art piece that I liked for each month this year? what if one month was full of artwork and the next three months had artblock? so I made a template with *counts* 17 spaces for the favorite art pieces in the middle and the (14) free space around for favovorite sketches and small doodles.
...I hope the template is not too small. I've seen some being over 2500p but some others were around 1000p so...
Edit: forgot to mention, the font I used is named Geo
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voxxnym · 10 months
In a fucked up way I'm glad astarion doesn't remember what he looks like because if I lived in the Baldurs gate world I'd 1000p% be doodling his face on every shred of paper and I'd die of embrassment if he looked at any of it soo knowing he wouldn't recognize himself means I can draw the nastiest most erotic porn of this man and just show it to him all casually knowing he doesn't recognize himself
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//Chat things//
@silveredfeathers: What the heck is going on? @silveredfeathers: SPRITE YOU BETTER NOT DIE ON ME- @silveredfeathers donated 1000p!
It will be okay. Help is on the way
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deep-archive · 6 months
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"The hell do you mean you gain attack from how low your life points are?! Isn't the whole point of that summon to just fuck over whoever goes first?"
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"Skill issue. Want to run it back?"
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"Are you two seriously playing cards outside of our gym?!"
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"1000p if you can beat her."
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"L-let me go grab my deck..."
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battle-subway-ghost · 7 months
I am an internet hacker and I have confirmed that that is your full name, Paris Ghost Pokemon.
And don't worry. I am not a generous person. And I currently have no income so I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to get paid.
This thing needs a couple of stitches done up (fucker tried to evolve while I was wearing it) but is otherwise a solid well done design. I'll get sprite to fix up the worst parts of the damage tonight, but it is pre-used.
Hmmm. 1000P?
...you know what. Yeah that's my legal full name now I guess.
and thank arc, I hate arguing with people over payment. 1000p works, I'll transfer it to you ahead of time.
Thanks anyways, shit's gonna be useful.
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sergeifyodorov · 7 months
do you think mcdavid could have a other 150p/season? (he's going to reach 1000p this year, right? can he do it before may?) that would be silly
season ends in mid-April, so he'd have to do it before May lol (playoffs don't count for this kinda thing). he could totally have another 150pt season/reach 1000, but imho neither of those things are happening this season -- he would need 65 points in the next 29 games, which is a pretty significant step above his current pace. that's above 2 p/pg -- not a sustainable pace at that sample size, even for him. imho he'll finish at about 130-135, maybe 140 if he decides to push it. 985-990 abouts
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I'm holding a bake sale, but for a few held items that I made... which would make it a craft sale, now that I think about it.
Er, anyway - I'm helping Calli out with financial aid while she's inbetween jobs, so each purchase goes towards that.
Without further ado, here are the items. All, bar the pendulum, are single-use... sadly. But I honestly don't know what the pendulum's use is.
There's only one pendulum and it feels kinda cursed. 5000P for that.
Tags cost 500P, seals 1000P as they're more difficult to make. I would offer defense and special seals, along with other types of tags, but... I'm still figuring out how to make those. They are in limited supply, so, first come, first serve.
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If you're in Unova that would definitely make things easier.
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