#11 nazis at a table
scriobh-an-iontas · 2 months
There's an old adage that goes like this: "If there’s a Nazi at the table, and ten other people are sitting at the table talking to them, then you have a table with eleven Nazis."
But let's take it further. Let's add a twelfth person. Let's say that the twelfth person wants to remove the Nazi from the table. They are against the Nazi.
The ten do not like that the twelfth wants to get rid of the Nazi. They think that casting out the Nazi would be rude, or would set a bad precedent, and that is an uncomfortable thing to worry about at a polite table like theirs. So the ten say 'the Nazi has as much right to sit at the table as you or I.'
The Nazi does not change. They are a Nazi.
So the twelfth person leaves.
When another person comes, there is a ten in twelve chance that they will be neutral. There is a one in twelve chance that they'll be good. And there's a one in twelve chance that they'll be a Nazi. And there's already a Nazi at the table, and there are ten people who are fine with that.
Policing in the North had its start in defending the property of shopkeepers and the wealthy. Policing in the South had its start in catching runaway slaves.
The people who joined those initial groups were not interested looking out for the public good. They were interested in a job that let them hit people professionally. That is the soil that the culture of police grew up in, and that fell soil birthed a fell plant, which has born fell fruits.
True, more duties have been given to the police over time, but the old guard never left, and was never discounted, so they were able to pass on what they knew to the young bucks, and the cycle continued.
That is why, nowadays, there are no good cops. There are bad cops, and there are cops who do nothing when bad cops do bad things.
40% of cops are domestic abusers. That is not a question, nor is it a debate. It is a fact. It also means that we can assume that 40% of cops are bad cops, because domestic abuse is a bad thing, and the people who do it are bad people. That is also not up for debate, no matter the abusers' reasons or rationales.
Let's be generous and assume that the other 60% of cops aren't domestic abusers. Let's call them neutral cops.
Of that 60%, let's say that there really are a few good cops. They have heard about what police are expected to do now, and truly wish to serve the public good.
These good cops do not last long. They report the bad cops, because they are doing bad things. But reports mean accountability, and accountability upsets the apple cart, and upset apple carts are unpleasant to be in, if you are a neutral person. Besides, this is a polite table.
So the good cops leave, or are forced out, and the young bucks become the old guard, and they teach the next generation what they learned from their elders, and the fell soil police culture grows in does not change, and the cycle continues.
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yourtongzhihazel · 4 months
If there is a table with 10 nazis and you go sit with them, you are sitting at a table with 11 nazis
If there is a genocider giving weapons to a genocidal state to kill innocent Palestinians, and you go to vote for them and defend them and support them, you are supporting genocide.
Its not fucking hard
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thewulf · 1 year
Big Blue World || Joel Miller
Request: Can you do a Joel Miller x Franks Younger sister reader?? I haven't seen any fics with her. Maybe she's a bright ray of sunshine to Joel's grumpiness?... Read rest here
A/N: Wasn't planning on posting this first but inspiration struck and you've gotta take it! Hope you guys enjoy.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Y/N
Word Count: 9.4k+ (Another long one!)
TW: Talk of suicide, general TLOU warnings
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One – Seven Years Post Outbreak: The Dinner
The first time you laid eyes on him was only a few years after you and Frank moved in with Bill. It was simple really. Both you and Frank fell into Bill’s trap ditch. You managed to break your ankle on the fall down. Panicked and sure death was in your immanent future you burst out into tears. You weren’t made for this kind of life. This impossibly hard life. You, Frank, and a group of nine others were venturing to the Boston QZ after your home was demolished. You’d been walking for what felt like months, you could really never be too sure.
It didn’t make sense how you of all people were one of the last surviving in the group. Often getting by with just the skin of your teeth your only saving grace being that you were quick. You could run for your life. That, and you had Frank. He was eight years older and the best big brother you could have ever dreamed of. Even pre-outbreak the two of you were thick as thieves plotting to take over the world. He saved your life more times than you could count. You hated it. Being weak and shit. You wanted to be better for Frank. You had to survive with him. He couldn’t do it alone either.
So, when you fell into Bill’s hole and screeched you were just thankful whatever it was would take you both out. Neither having to live in this sick world alone. To your pleasant surprise Bill not only let you stay but he knew how to fix your ankle properly, without having pain in the future. You were sure Bill and Frank fell in love that first night. You didn’t know how that all that worked but you were so happy that your brother found his happiness, his purpose.
Life slowly turned back to a weird fucked up new normal for the three of you. Bill and Frank fell madly in love with each other within a few months. They never excluded you though, making you feel as though you were meant to be here with them. You found it easy to pretend you were back in life pre-outbreak. Finding hobbies around town you got really into knitting and gardening. You just wanted to be seen as useful to Bill. He was kind enough to let you stay so you wanted, needed, to bring something to the table.
You were interrupted from your solace hearing the men arguing at the front of the house. So much for weeding. Being far too curious for your own good you listened in on the two of them as they bickered.
“Oh, fuck you!” Frank yelled rather dramatically.
“Hey! Would you stop?” You knew Bill was rolling his eyes at your brother’s antics. Whatever the hell he could be up to now.
“Do I ask for things ever? Why am I even saying that? This is for me. This is for the three of us!” Your brother yelled. You inched closer dying to know what this blow out was about. The two men could be so damn dramatic when they wanted to be.
“Who cares what they look like?” Bill continued. What the fuck were they on about? You could only wonder as you sat behind the tree near the front listening in.
“I do! Our home isn’t just our house. It’s everything around us!” Frank yelled again throwing his arms up in the air. Oh, he was on the beautification subject again. Frank wanted everything pretty, but Bill never let him. Resource management was key.
“Give me a fuckin’ break.” Bill returned your over dramatic brothers cries. Oops. You knew that was a mistake. Bill always tried to argue but Frank always won.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot. I live in this world. You live in a psycho bunker where 9/11 was an inside job, and the government are all Nazi’s.” Your older brother seemed to calm down even though you knew he was downright mocking Bill.
“The government are all Nazi’s!” He boomed. You couldn’t help but to let out a silent laugh. You agreed with him of course. Frank just knew how to push his buttons.
“Well, yeah, now! But not then!” Frank defended, “I am asking for some paint and some gasoline for the lawn mower. That’s all. I’ll do everything else myself.”
“It is not man-“
Frank interrupted him clearly agitated. You were getting a full-on show now. You hated to admit it, but you loved when they had blow outs. It was your entertainment for the day, “If you say resource management so help me, I will run through one of your trip wires.”
“Okay, okay. Just tell me why.” Bill seemed to reason. Boo. You knew as soon as it calmed down the show was over. It was fun while it lasted. Standing slowly you were going to make your way back to the garden only to hear Frank continue.
“Paying attention to things. It’s how we show love.” You listened in again. What the hell was he talking about now? It sounded like bullshit, “This is my street too. Just let me love it the way I want to. And I’m fixing up some of the shops.”
Ohh, it just got juicy again.
“Woah, woah, woah.”
Frank rolled his eyes, “Not the stupid ones. Just the wine shop, and the furniture store. And the clothing boutique.”
“The boutique? Are we hosting formal garden patties now?”
“No!” Frank couldn’t help but to roll his eyes at the man. That was so like him, “But we are going to have friends.”
“Excuse me.”
“We’re going to make friends and we will invite them to visit.” Oh, hell yeah, this was getting good now. You could use some friends anyway. You prayed Frank won this battle with Bill.
“We don’t have friends Frank. We will never have friends. Because there are no friends to be had. Other than Y/N.” You grinned hearing that last bit thrown in. You loved that he always made sure to include you. You grew on him that’s for sure.
“Well, I’ve actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio.”
“You what?!” He screamed. Oh hell, Frank was in trouble now and he knew it. You watched as he darted to the front door ignoring Bill.
Bill turned right to you shaking his head. Busted, “I know you heard that whole thing. You’re not sneaky.”
You shrugged, “Who said I was trying to be?”
“You and your brother are going to fucking kill me.” He groaned making his way in to talk to Frank.
You only smiled as he departed. Bill had also grown on you.
Next thing you knew you were meeting the nice woman named Tess and her friend Joel. You couldn’t but to take your eyes off the man. He wasn’t like anything you’ve come across in Baltimore and now here. He was so freaking handsome. You hadn’t a clue how to handle it. It’d been years since you talked to another human let alone a beautiful man.
At dinner you made sure to look at anything but him, keeping your eyes locked on either Tess or Frank. Luckily Bill was his usual grumpy self after losing to Frank and kept his gun out and trained on the two strangers. You were so thankful he kept their attention instead of you.
“Can you not, please?” Frank sighed looking over to his boyfriend. You bit you lip trying to stifle the smile that threatening to spill over. They were always bickering. Like an old married couple. They couldn’t even hold it together in front of the guests.
“I’m the same way.” You heard Joel speak for the first time. He seemed to let Tess take the lead most of the time. Thankful you weren’t standing. You were sure your knees would be wobbly. He had that smooth southern drawl with a thick husky bite that’d draw just about anybody in. Fuck. You couldn’t have possibly been this horny to be thinking such things of a literal stranger. You had to reign yourself in quick.
“Oh, you’re a paranoid schizophrenic too?” Frank quickly chided in. You only leaned back rolling your eyes earning a quick glance from the handsome stranger.
“I’m not schizophrenic.” Bill sat there looking between everyone. That killed the whole mood. Great, just wonderful. The first real people you meet, and you’ve all ruined the chances of them coming back already.
Tess cleared her throat interrupting the silence, “Well, can I just say, gun aside, which I get,” She laughed but continued, “how nice this is to have a civilized meal in such a beautiful place? It’s been so long. I mean, I just, uh, I wanna thank you. Even if we don’t end up working together. I really needed this.”
“We are working together.” Frank cheers confidently. You only leaned forward smiling, “We are.” He looked at Bill who only looked horrifically apprehensive about this whole situation. Frank was pushing him beyond his limits.
Before you knew it Frank and Tess were walking inside giddily talking about something they chatted about on the radio. Leaving only you, Bill, and Joel alone. Great, the three mutes. You leaned back waiting. It wasn’t your place. This was for the big dogs, and you certainly weren’t one of them.
“If my uh, if mine brought strangers into our situation I wouldn’t be too happy either. But of all the people you could’ve found on the radio we’re actually decent people.” You leaned back further letting your mind wander as the two of them talked. You only prayed Bill wouldn’t drive him away completely.
You sighed as they left. Bill drove them out. You stayed a couple of feet behind and watched the two conversations unfold. You gave Tess a wave and smile before she was out. Joel didn’t bother turning around as he waved the group off. Leaving you with only a small frown. They’d be back soon enough. You were sure of it.
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Two – Eleven Years Post Outbreak: The Supply Run
That familiar voice that you hadn’t heard in so long came from downstairs. Quickly, you ran down the steps to greet the now acquaintance that you wished would show up more often than he did.
“Joel! Tess!” You jumped down the last step only to be greeted with Joel and Bill, “Wait where’s Tess?” Fear ran through you. Did she get infected? Was she gone already? She was Frank’s only friend outside of here.
“Frank just took her to the boutique.” Bill grumbled sitting down in the chair at the dining table.
You let out the breath you were holding, “Good!” You clapped thankful that the worst hadn’t come over your somewhat friend. If you could use that word, “Maybe she’ll pick out some of the clothes I made.” You grinned knowing you just stocked the store up with your latest sweaters and hats. What else were you supposed to do with your time other than make way too much clothing that the three of you would never go through?
“You make clothes?” Joel asked seemingly interested in the conversation.
You beamed just happy he noticed you. He hardly noticed you before, only briefly talking to you each time they had come back. It seemed they stopped about once a year. Tess always giving Frank a heads up on the radio before the made the trek up north.
You wished you could get Joel to see you. But you were just Frank’s little naïve sister. That’s all you ever seemed to be. Not that you blamed him, he was right after all. You really were just Frank’s naïve little sister having way too much optimism for this cold world.
 You craved any attention Joel gave you. From the second you laid eyes onto him four years prior and every brief interaction each year since you were entranced by him. He was so strong and composed. Something so opposite of you. Someone so sure of himself every time he came around. And Jesus, look at the man. He was so damn attractive it nearly drove you mad. He only seemed to get more handsome each time he and Tess walked through those gates. You thought about him far too often. Far too often for somebody who saw you as Franks little sister.
“I did and do! There should be some that fit you if you want some yourself?” You gave him a hopeful smile. Maybe he’d accept?
Joel looked somewhat impressed? You couldn’t tell. It wasn’t a look you’ve seen from him before, “Yeah?”
“Mhmm.” You grinned, daring to take a step closer, “Bill’s even modeling my latest collection. Classic springtime.” You waited patiently for him to decide. You weren’t sure how to handle yourself if he decided to come with you. You’d literally dreamed of alone time with Joel and here was a chance at it… you didn’t think you were ready.
Bill huffed turning away. Because of course he did. Earning a brilliant scowl from you. Truth be told he held a lot of love for you in his heart too. Your constant reassurance and optimism grew on him over time, not that he’d ever dream of telling you. He wasn’t mushy. He could hardly handle you in your sober state. In your emotional one? He’d for sure go mad.
As if by a miracle Frank and Tess came barging in giggling about who knows what. Saving you from a too awkward encounter with both grumpy men. You couldn’t help but to smile at the Tess and Frank. They would have been friends’ pre-outbreak too. You could just tell. Two souls that connected so effortlessly.
 Joel noticed you watching them. He always noticed. He was always watching you when you weren’t watching him. He couldn’t help it. He was drawn to you, and he was really God damn tired of fighting it. Every time he came, he hoped he wouldn’t run into you. He wanted to but for his sanity’s sake he couldn’t run into you. But you always showed up. With that damn brilliant smile and cheerful greetings. Making him feel way too special. He craved it. He loved it.
“Y/N!” Tess came rushing over to you placing both hands on either of your shoulders, “You made these? These are actually good. They have designs in them and shit. I didn’t really believe Frank when he said you were good at it, but he was right. I’m impressed.”
You shrugged, “Well, when you have all the time in the world.”
That earned a chuckle out of the woman. She seemed so happy and relaxed here. A side Joel rarely saw. A side that was seemingly reserved for you and Frank. It made sense though, both of you were infectious. Both Joel and Tess let their usual stoic guard down around you both.
“Joel. Go now. Y/N will show you.” She ordered. So sure of herself. Something you so deeply admired about the slightly older woman. She lived that life. The rugged one. Yours was so damn peaceful compared to hers. A country club compared to the life she lived.
You nodded towards the door, “Come on, I’ll show you.” Not daring to betray Tess’s orders you nodded for him to hurry up.
He nodded. His mind was made up for him by Tess, “Alright. Lead the way.” He tried to look grumpy. He didn’t know how it was actually paying off though. Because he was way too damn excited to finally be alone with you.
You held the door open waiting for him to join you outside. You led the way a couple of steps in front of him. Tired of the silent walk you had to say something, “How’ve you been holding up Joel?”
He sped up a couple of steps taking that as an invitation to walk beside you. He had no God damn idea of how to act around you. He had a stupid big fat crush on you that Tess, and now Frank, knew about. He was sure that’s why she sent the two of you alone.
It happened slowly for Joel. Initially, he really only did see you as Frank’s little sister. You didn’t do much for him. But over time, over the shortest of visits he slowly started to look forward to seeing you bright shining face. You always greeted him with the happiest of smiles. Like it was the pre-outbreak world, like nothing was wrong. Tess picked up on it over time when he bugged her to visit with supplies. Claiming he needed to see Bill but always brining you up somehow.
Joel knew it was dangerous. Falling for someone in a world like this. Someone like you. You were just too pure for this world. He couldn’t see you outside of these chain link fences. He didn’t want to imagine you trying to survive out there. You didn’t deserve it. You deserved so much more.
“I’m okay. We’re okay. Getting by just fine. Couple supply runs here and there.” His accent came out strong the longer he was away from the QZ. The longer he was able to relax the thicker it came out.
“Good.” You nodded. You too had no idea how to talk to him. Coming from such separate worlds it was like your brain couldn’t fetch the words to converse with him. Which was really bad for you.
“And you?” He offered. He was trying. Something you hadn’t seen from the gruff man. You turned looking at his face as the setting sun seemed to hit all his angles just right. Eyes tracing every feature you soaked everything about him in.
“I’m decent.” You sighed knowing that was a terrible answer. So, you did what you did best and just started talking, “Been busy knitting a store up. Trying some new techniques in the garden I read from a 2001 Farmers Almanac. I think it’s working too. I’ve got a ton of cucumbers. I’ve gotta pickle them or they’ll go bad. Unless you guys want some?” You offered knowing you needed to stop before you babbled far too much. It was either way too much talking or stone-cold silence when it came with you and awkward conversations. And this was incredibly awkward.
He was giving you a different look. A much softer one. One that’s as if he’s seen you for the first time, “We’ll take some. But you’ve gotta pickle the rest. We’ll be back and then I’ll take some pickles. Deal?”
You giggled feeling your cheeks heat up as he kept his eyes locked with yours. You watched as you saw his eyes turn up slightly as small smile formed on his face. You had a feeling this was a very rare occurrence for Joel. Not often finding that smile. And you were right. It was terribly foreign to Joel, but you brought it out. Somehow, some way he felt a little lighter when you were there.
“Deal! We’ll have way too much for us anyway. The garden is getting a bit out of hand, but it keeps me busy.” You stopped pointing towards the building, “Here we are.”
He held his hand out, “Ladies first.”
“Course.” You smiled leading him in, “There should be some stuff over there that you might like. I’ve got some extra stuff in the back if you don’t like any of it.”
He nodded letting himself go and search. You sat back on the countertop that used to contain the cash register.
“You really made these?” You heard him before you saw him.
“The ones without the tags yeah!” You brought your legs up and sat with them crossed beneath you. Simply waiting on him to grab whatever he needed.
Before you knew it, he walked up to you holding a few sweaters and shirts, “Is it alright if I take these?”
You nodded, “Sure. I’ve got plenty more. It only takes a few hours to make these now. I’m afraid I’m going to run out of yarn.”
“I can get you some.” He replied without a hesitation.
“Sure. Consider it a trade. Next time I see you I’ll have some. What colors you want?”
You smiled a bright smile to him. You’ve grown so fond over the four years you’ve known each other. But it felt like you’d suddenly broke through to him. Whatever it was you were so thankful. This was a Joel you didn’t know. A Joel you could surely get used to. Even if you only saw him every year or so.
“Pinks and purples. I ran out of those so quick. Didn’t know how much I liked them.”
He nodded, “Pink and purple yarn coming right up.”
“Thank you, Joel.”
He shrugged, “Consider it a trade.”
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Three – Fifteen Years Post Outbreak: The Seed Trade
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Looking around to make sure Bill wasn’t going to pop up.
Frank shrugged, “He’s got so many fucking guns he won’t notice a measly 9mm missing.”
You sighed feeling that anxiety rising in your chest, “Fine. Who’s coming for this trade?”
“Joel?” You sounded surprised. It had only been six months or so since you’d seen him last. Not that you were complaining in the slightest. You’d always welcome him back.
“And Tess.” He smirked, “But I just wanted to see your reaction.”
“Oh, fuck off.” You giggled knowing he was teasing about your crush on Joel.
“They say after six months of crushing on someone it’s love. It’s been what? Eight fucking years of the two of you flirting like mad when he comes around. I think it’s past love at this point.”
“What of it Frank? It’s not like he’s moving in here. It’s not like I’m moving to the Boston QZ.” Rolling your eyes, you leaned onto the chain link fence.
Franked rolled his eyes right back at you, “Why couldn’t he move here?”
“Uhm, because he has his own life with Tess?”
He shrugged, “You know people moved for far less in the pre-outbreak days.”
“Well, we aren’t living in those days, are we? We’re living in fucking reality Frank. He has a life. I have mine.”
“You haven’t even asked.”
“It’s not my place to.” You admitted. Sure, you’d thought of it, but it wasn’t your place to in the slightest. This was Bill’s place after all. The two of you so immersed in the debate back and forth neither of you heard the pair coming up on you both. It wasn’t even like they were being that silent.
“What were you guys talking about?” Tess asked popping out of thin air. Joel stood behind her smirking at the heated conversation between the two siblings. He and Tommy bearing a striking resemblance to the bickering siblings.
“Nothing!” You turned smiling at the pair you’ve grown to love over the years.
“Joel!” Frank said right after you. You turned towards your sibling eyeing him up and down. The nerve on him beyond you at this point. Frank was really just tired of waiting to see you two together. He knew there was nothing going on between Joel and Tess, like you were worried about, but he also knew Joel was apprehensive. As were you.
“And Tess!” You turned towards the two of them again, “Good to see you both so soon.” You smiled brightly towards Joel. Your best smile reserved for your favorite man. That certainly didn’t help your case with Frank though.
“I got you some more colors.” He handed you a duffel bag stuffed full, “Red, purple and blue this time.”
“You’re spoiling me, Joel Miller.” You cheered happily accepting the gift. Tess and Frank could only step back and watch the innocent interaction. For the life of her Tess couldn’t understand how soft Joel got with you. Only with you. Frank too marveled at your nerves with the man. Your usual confident self only seemed to waver in his presence.
“Or” You turned back towards him with wide eyes. Getting ready to tease him, “Is it because you know I’ll make you nice clothing?” You continued on, welcoming the harmless flirting that always seemed to arise between the two of you.
“You caught on quick.” He threw you a rare wink.
You giggled softly, acutely aware of the audience intently listening in behind you, “You’re lucky I adore you both. I’m more than happy. Any requests?” It really was your favorite. Gift giving was your love language to others. It just made you so warm and fuzzy inside to see everybody’s reactions to getting something they love.
Tess coughed, not caring that she was interrupting the moment. She needed some items and if you were offering, she would be taking. She missed the harsh glare from Frank though, “I really could use some new socks.”
You turned towards your friends, “You got it. Stick around long enough today and I go grab you a few pairs?”
She nodded her head quickly, “I honestly could really use them. You mind Joel?”
“As long as Bill doesn’t.”
Frank shook his head quickly, “Not at all! We’ll make sure to have dinner ready for everybody.”
“We wouldn’t want to impose…” Joel began before you bucked up the courage and interrupted him. You wanted him to stay.
“You wouldn’t be at all. Bill and Frank love cooking. Enjoy it.”
Joel nodded folding into your assurance quickly. That’s all he really needed to hear before he agreed to staying.
“Thank God.” Tess grumbled, “I could use some good food too. Joel, we gotta get out here more often.” Tess notes.
“I agree!” You nodded trying not to be too gleeful about the innocent proposition.
“Yes please.” Frank nods. He adores hosting and wants people to come around more often. Especially if those people include Joel. He so desperately wanted to see you happy with him. Even if it meant losing you to the Boston QZ. He knew you’d visit.
Joel let out a rare laugh seeing the group so happy. So fucking carefree. So, unlike the norm. God, he missed the old days. How simple that life really was, “I’m not stopping anyone.”
Tess smiled, “It’s settled then. We’re coming for you more often.”
Your face lit up at the confirmation, “Good. Well come on then.” You flashed your smile towards Joel, “You know where everything is, get comfy.” Beckoning them to come in with your hand you turned back towards Tess, “What color this time? I’ll even make you blue ones if you want!” Your cheeks began hurting from the grin that wouldn’t fall from your face. It warmed your heart that Joel always brought you more yarn, always. Even five years after that conversation with him, he never failed to bring you some.
She shook her head, “Just use some scrap yarn or something, nothing special.”
“You deserve to have a color you want Tess. Something that makes you happy. Plus you know I have a pair in every color ready to go.” Your eyes softened as you really looker her over now. The last five years not being kind on her, on anyone really. Her initial soft features began hardening over time. Wrinkles formed where her scowl always was. The world wasn’t kind to you. But the world was downright cruel to Tess and Joel.
“Anything is fine really…”
You stopped immediately not satisfied with her answer. Joel almost ran you over as he was paying attention too closely to the conversation and not what you were doing, “Well, what’s your favorite color?”
She laughed, “That’s something I haven’t thought of in a while.”
Giving her a sad look these conversations never failed to pull at your heartstrings. You all were unfortunately born into a world that would simply never exist anymore. A world that was thriving. A world that was so fucking foreign it hurt. You were almost jealous of the humans being born in the post-outbreak world. They would never know the luxury of living that old life. This was all they knew. This was their normal. This September will mark the fifteenth year that you were living this new normal. This insanely fucked up normal.
“Mine was pink. But it just doesn’t seem as happy anymore.” You admitted, “I think my new favorite is blue. Sky blue. That’s happiness to me.” You shot her a small smile.
“Why’s that?” She asked as the group started their short walk back to Bill’s house.
You shrugged hoping what you were admit didn’t make you look too soft, “When I get tired of gardening I like to lay down and just look up. Watch the clouds like I did when I was a little kid. Find figures in the clouds. The sky never changes. There’s just something so cathartic about it.”
You didn’t see it because he was walking behind you but a ghost of a smile crossed Joel’s lips. He couldn’t help it. He was so fucking drawn into everything about you. So gentle in a world that wanted to rip you apart at any moment. He, of course, made a note of it. He needed to find sky blue yarn. It wouldn’t be easy now. It started getting difficult to find untouched yarn in the QZ. It was even harder finding it outside. But it never bothered him. The smile alone on your face when he handed you a bag full of yarn was worth all the trouble to get it.
Tess nodded, “I think mines green. Grass green. Tree green.”
“And why’s that?” You asked her the same question, curious as to what she came up with.
“Green means the weather gets better. It just makes life easier.” She let out a small sigh of frustration. A growing frustration of trying to stay alive. It wears down on you far too quickly.
Again, another wave of sadness rushed through your heart. Why were you, of all people in the world, given the chance to live this somewhat normal life in the middle of nowhere? Why wasn’t Joel given the chance? Tess? The longer you lived here relatively unstressed the more guilty you felt through it all. Especially seeing just how much the real world had aged the pair.
“Then green it is. I have a really nice forest green pair I think you’ll like. Did the last pair fit okay?”
She nodded opting not to reply verbally feeling the emotions bubble up from deep within her. Emotions she buried so deep down she wasn’t sure if they’d ever come back up. But your gentleness with her, your determination to break down those walls she put up so high was beginning to crack the walls. How you could be so thoughtful was beyond her greatest comprehension. You had to be selfish in the world. You were the opposite.
“Okay!” You clapped at the group made it back to the house, “I’m going to run to the boutique to grab what I need. See you guys later.”
“Want some company?”
Your stupid heart sped right on up hearing that husky voice from behind you. Biting your cheek, you wanted to hide the smile that was forming automatically. God, you’d dreamed of moments like these. Moments where Joel sought you out instead of you seeking him out. Moments where you knew he liked you. Wanted to be around you.
“I’ll always take your company Joel.” Turning towards him you did not want to see Frank and Tess’s reaction. There was a 100% chance they’d run into the house giggling like little schoolgirls gossiping about the two of you. They turned into middle school girls the second any kind of drama could be sniffed in the air.
You could’ve sworn you saw the slightest hint of a blush dance across the apples of his cheeks.
Giving him a soft smile, you started walking to the boutique with Joel in tow.
“How are you doing Joel?” You asked hoping he’d give you the real answer not the bullshit fluffy stuff you were used to. You always asked him this same question each time he came.
“I’m… tired.” He admitted while running his hand through his grown-out hair.
Looking down to the ground you hid the frown as you kept pace with Joel now, “I can’t even imagine Joel. I’m so sorry... I”
He cut you off by placing a friendly hand on your shoulder. The contact immediately making you freeze up. It’d been too long since you’d been touched by anybody other than your brother or Bill. Your eyes clouded over with unshed tears as you tried to bite back the emotion that suddenly overcame you.
“You don’t need to apologize.” You continued to walk as you racked your brain for anything to say to him, but it seemed to have short circuited.
“I feel guilty.” Not having a clue why you were admitting it to him you blinked a few times hiding your emotions best as you could.
Joel didn’t understand why you would feel that way. He just gave you a curious look, waiting for you to continue. When you didn’t hear his reply you finally bucked up the courage to get another look back at him. His eyes urging for you to elaborate.
“Why me? Why did I get to live this life. This easy, simple life? How did I luck into it? I guess it doesn’t really matter. It’s all ending soon anyway.” You decided to drop the bomb on Joel. Finally feeling like you could tell somebody.
“Why do you say that?”
You sighed finally spitting out what’s been bothering you for the last few months, “I think Frank’s sick.”
“What kinda sick?”
“Not infected. I think it’s like pre-outbreak sick Joel.” You turned away wiping the stupid tears that slipped down your cheek. You were worried. So, fucking worried for your best friend.
Joel still looked confused, “Okay. Why do you think that?”
“He’s tired all the time. Complains to Bill about losing feeling in his hands and feet. He doesn’t remember things like he use to. I don’t know. Maybe I’m looking too much into it, but something just doesn’t feel right.”
Joel frowned trying to think of words to comfort you, but he came up terribly short. He didn’t do this. He couldn’t do this. The last time he had to was when Sarah was alive. An entire lifetime ago.
You continued knowing he hadn’t a clue what to say, “Bill won’t talk to me about it either. Says nothing’s wrong. I don’t know what to do Joel. They can’t just ignore it.
“Do you think there’s medicine? I can try and find something.”
You shook your head, “Don’t think so. Don’t think they had a cure back then. Sure as hell don’t have one now.”
“Well, you don’t know that Y/N.”
“It’s not cancer. It’s in his brain or something. That’s what the books are saying. I don’t know Joel. It just doesn’t feel right.”
He nodded, “Keep an eye on him.”
You stopped in once you reached the store. Quickly you ran in grabbing what you needed before meeting him back on the street to start your walk back to Bill’s house. Both of you walked back in silence, unsure of what to say.
“You shouldn’t feel guilty.” Joel broke the comfortable silence that consumed the walk home.
“Yeah.” You mumbled not really feeling like debating right now.
“Really. You and Frank were meant to find this place. You were meant to do everything here. You’ve been a constant in Tess’s life. My life, for the last eight years? God, how’s it been that long?” Joel smiled thinking back on his times with you,.
You smiled, “Don’t make me feel so old Joel.”
That drew a heavenly laugh out of your favorite guy. Something that came around so rarely that you cherished every second, “You’re still a kid.” Joel didn’t believe that. As cruel as this world was to everyone it still looked so beautiful on you. You hadn’t aged like everyone he knew. A woman who could pass in her twenties easily.
Scoffing you shook your head, “Hardly! I’m seasoned at life.”
“You sure are.” Joel nodded. He smiled as he studied you this time around. He wished and prayed he wouldn’t have fallen for you, but he couldn’t resist. Not with that smile. Not with your kindness. He wished this was easier. There was no easy way to go about it. That’s why neither of you cared to admit your feelings. What good would it really do but complicate things further?
You made it back to the house where you were ambushed by Frank who looked far too happy, “Y/N! They got us strawberry seeds! Your favorite, remember?”
Walking over to him you inspected the seeds. Looking up to Tess you smiled softly to her, “Thank you. I haven’t had a, uh, strawberry in what?” You looked to Frank brushing the tears away from your eyes, “Fifteen years now?”
He nodded with a big happy smile, “Yeah, fifteen years.”
You turned to Joel, “Thank you so much!”
“Sure, we would’ve brought them sooner if I would’ve known you liked them so much.” He admitted. He wasn’t sure how you did that to him. Got him admitting embarrassing things in front of everybody he knew.
“I guess I just forgot about them. Such a luxury I didn’t even think of. They were our mom’s favorite. She found a way to incorporate them in our food almost everyday.”
Frank wrapped you in a hug. He knew just how soft you were. How sad you got when you thought about mom or dad. They just disappeared right out of your life. Dad never made it back from work that day. Mom got infected the second day. Neither of you could kill her so you ran. Ran so far away until you landed in the Baltimore QZ. Until it then was demolished.
Giving him a squeeze to let him know you were alright you pulled yourself away from him, “Thank you both. Really. Now you’ll just have to come back in a few months when they’re grown. We can make some strawberry shortcake.” The gears started turning in your head. There were so many new recipes you guys could use with strawberries now on the menu.
Joel nodded. Tess agreed, “We already agreed to coming around more often anyway. Now it’s just an extra excuse.”
Frank pulled her to the living room to talk about who knows what.
“Alright, I’ve gotta get to work.” You held up the green yarn. Walking over to the chair in the window you got comfortable.
“Want some company?” Your favorite voice broke your concentration.
“You know my answer, Joel Miller.” With some newfound confidence you winked at him as you said so.
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Four – Eighteen Years Post Outbreak: The Trip Back to Boston
“No. No, no, no, no, fuck no!” You punched the pillow sitting next to you with all your might. This couldn’t be fucking happening to you. They couldn’t be making you leave. Feeling your heart tip into two you let the tears fall freely. How could your brother do this to you? You knew his health was the reason, but you couldn’t fathom why he wouldn’t let you stay. You’ve been through this whole thing with him. It felt like he was just abandoning you.
“Y/N… you have to.” Frank’s sad face broke you. You didn’t care about his feelings anymore. You broke down completely now letting the loud sobs free.
“Please Frank, please don’t make me go.” Choking on your words you could hardly comprehend why he was saying this. Why he was making you go.
“You can’t be here any longer. You have to go.” He couldn’t look at you not with the look you had on your face.
“Just tell me why Frank! I can help. I can help you both. I’ll do more. If that’s what it is, you know I’ll do more Frank. Please don’t make me go. Please Frank.”
He shook his head letting his own fresh set of tears fall, “I’m dying Y/N. I’ve got a few months, maybe a year left. You can’t be here for that.”
“I’ll die out there.” You shook your head back and forth suddenly terrified of what traveling to Boston actually meant. The real world. The sick world. The world that wanted to kill you.
“Not with Joel. Not with Tess.”
A cry broke from your throat, “Just like that? After all this time? I can be there for you in the end. I can help Bill.”
“Bill’s going to have to move on to and I’m not sure if you fit into that plan.”
“Oh.” You continued to cry. Curling up within yourself you let yourself cry until you couldn’t anymore. Frank didn’t dare try and comfort you. He knew that wasn’t welcomed. So, he sat there. He wasn’t going to leave you. Not yet anyway.
After calming down you finally processed what the this all meant. It meant the end of the road for you and Frank. It meant starting over, completely. You knew it would end sooner or later but it still stung. It didn’t feel like enough time.
Standing suddenly, you caught Frank’s attention who was just sitting there with his head down, “I’m staying in the guest house.”
“Night.” You shut the door behind you, loudly.
It was still bright out when you laid down to go to sleep. Joel and Tess would be here in the morning to get you. To take you to your new home. Turning over in your bed you looked out the bedroom window studying your home once more. The flowers that bloomed out front reminded you of all the times you and Frank spent gardening. Making your home beautiful.
No longer would you be able to make trips to the boutique. No longer would you be able to stock it up for your guests. No longer would you get to live in this little fantasy land.  
Woken by a hand on your shoulder you pushed the hand away, annoyed you were woken so abruptly, “Go away Frank.” You mumbled.
“Not Frank.” Fuck. Why was Joel in your room waking you up?
“Oh,” You couldn’t bear to turn towards him. You adored him. Loved him even. But you didn’t want to go like this. Being forced outside your will. It hurt. Crushed you even. You didn’t want to take your anger out on Joel so best to keep your back turned to him. But God, you just wanted to scream. Yesterday you were just living your life as normal, as possible, that you could. Then Frank dropped the bomb and now you were just expected to go, “Sorry, Joel.” Meekly replying to the man, you shed a single tear. That’s the one thing you hated about yourself. How damn emotional you got. You couldn’t bottle it up even if you tried.
“S’fine.” He sighed not sure what to say. What could he say? He knew you didn’t want to go. Frank warned him and Tess once they got there. He knew just how devastated you likely were. Everything you knew was about to vanish. Joel had gone through that a few times. It wasn’t the best feeling. But he always survived. He knew you’d be just fine. And there was that sick twisted thought of happiness that you’d be close to him.
He tried to fight these feelings away. Tried his damn hardest. He knew you couldn’t really love in a world like this. How devastating it always ended. Nobody was ever really that lucky. Joel had loved hard and lost even harder. He swore he’d never let in anybody ever again. Tess was the closest and they were just partners. Nothing more. He loved her but he wasn’t in love with her.
Then you came along. All happy and shit. He swore he’d never love hard again but that promise seemed to crack each time he saw you. You never failed to put a smile on his usual stoic face. He resisted the urges for so long until he couldn’t any longer.
“Can you give me a moment?” You asked hoping he’d take the hint.
He nodded before realizing you were turned away from him, “Right, yeah. I’ll be at Bill’s place.”
“Okay.” You closed your eyes until you heard him close the door. Letting out the shaky breath you were holding. You watched from your window as Joel walked slowly back over to Bill’s place. Seemingly lost in thought.
You put on the fresh set of clothes that you always left over. A simple set of jeans, t-shirt, and a hoodie. Not believing it was really it you forced your legs to walk back over. You had to face the music sooner or later.
“Morning.” You nodded your head at Tess, the first person you saw sitting in the living room.
Giving you a sad smile, she nodded right back to you, “Morning.”
“Y/N.” You heard your brothers voice, “Bill made you a pack. It’s got everything you might need.”
Biting your lip, you took it gratefully. You really couldn’t have done it without either of them, “Thank you.”
“You’ll be okay out there.”
Joel and Tess sat back watching the painful interaction. Tess nodding towards the door letting Joel know they needed to get out. They both snuck out without you or your brother really noticing. Both too caught up in whatever the hell this was.
“Spit it out Frank.”
“I don’t want you to hate me. I’m doing this for you. It’s best for you.” You leaned back into the wall crossing your arms. Choosing your words very wisely. This would be the last time you’d talk with him in this lifetime. You had to do this right. For his sake and yours.
“I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. I love you so fucking much it hurts.” You let a tear fall. Dammit here they came. The waterworks, “I just wish you’d let me be here for you but if you think this is best then I’ll go.”
“It’s best.”
Letting a few more tears slip you nodded your head, “Tell Bill that I love him. I love you, Frank.” You walked over hugging him tightly. Squeezing him so tightly you knew it was hurting him, but he didn’t dare say a word. You were hurt and grieving him even while he was still standing there.
Letting him go you gave him your best smile, “I’ll always love you, Frank.”
“And I’ll always love you. Be safe out there.”
“You know it.” You turned quickly walking towards the door. Shutting it behind you, you took a breath. Why did you have to be born into this world? What good fucking came out of all of this. What was the point?
Walking over to Joel and Tess, you gave them a quick head nod.
“You alright?” Tess asked.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Joel looked a little too apprehensive seeing your blood shot eyes and rosy cheeks, “You sure?”
“Positive. Please, let’s go.”
“Alright, follow me.” Tess led the way. This was your life now. This was going to be just fine.
The walk back to the QZ was quiet and cold. You didn’t dare complain though. They were simply doing this as friends. Whatever the hell friends were. It only dawned on you as soon as you got close, without incident, that you were an outsider. How in the fuck was that going to work?
“Joel?” You asked one night shortly before you arrived.
“Hmm?” He stayed silent most of the way. Not ever knowing what to say to you. God, he wanted to be a source of comfort, but he hadn’t a clue how to be for you.
“How’s this going to work? I’m an outsider and all.”
He understood your concern, “It’s all taken care of. Tess got some paperwork made up. You’ll live with me for the time being and we’ll find you a job.”
“Cool,” You nodded. Pleasantly surprised that it had been so thought out, “Thanks Joel.”
“Sure.” He had a hard time looking at you. Knowing he’d cave for whatever friendly look you’d be giving his way.
“Thanks for everything Joel. Really. For protecting me and what not.” You mumbled feeling terribly awkward about it all. Even though you didn’t appreciate your life so much anymore it felt good to be looked after. To be wanted and taken care of.
“I’ll always protect you.”
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Five – Twenty Years Post Outbreak: The Trip Back to Bill’s
“You don’t have to go in.” Joel stood at the gate blocking the path for you and Ellie.
You shook your head, “I’m okay.”
Ellie rolled her eyes, “Let’s fucking go then.”
Smiling at the girl you turned back towards Joel, “You heard the girl.”
He gave you a skeptical look, “You sure?”
“Yeah, I just won’t go in the house.” You kept your eyes forward, not darling to look at him.
He nodded turning back towards the overgrown town. Ellie walked past you keeping pace with Joel. Bugging him about something. You hung back taking a leisurely stroll through your old home. A place you called home for nearly fourteen years.
The usual green grass had turned a shade of brown without Frank’s attention to detail. The bright yellow flowers had been overgrown with weeds. A tug at your heartstrings knowing the worst had come to Frank. That was expected. His condition going from okay to tragic in a matter of a few months. What you didn’t expect was Bill taking his life too. Bill wouldn’t let this place go to shit. It was his home first.
Too quickly you made it back to the house. Joel looked back at you before he and Ellie went in. You nodded, letting him know it was alright. You made your way to the side of the house where your garden was. You strolled through the raised garden beds that were overgrown with who knows what now. It looked like the place hadn’t been touched in two years. He must’ve done it right after you left. They must’ve decided together. Without you.
Tears sprung to your eyes when you spotted the thriving strawberry patch. Somehow untouched by weeds or the animals around it your once small square of strawberries had grown tenfold. Seemingly thriving in this environment.
Squatting down you picked a ripe one. Turning it over in your hand a few times just thinking about Frank before you ate it. He would’ve loved to share one last one with you.
“To Frank.” You mumbled before taking the last bite, discarding the stem on the floor.
You sat down next to the strawberry patch grabbing a few more before you laid back onto the grass. Letting yourself feel sorry for yourself after everything. Knowing what Frank was going to do. Seeing Tess die in front of your eyes. Realizing Bill also left this world. Everyone you loved and cared for gone in a matter of two years.
Tess’s death hurt you the worst. One moment she was there and the next she wasn’t. So unexpected. You had time to process and grieve your brother’s death. Bills caught you off guard but didn’t surprise you completely.
Looking up to the sky you remembered a long-ago conversation with Tess about favorite colors. Sky Blue. It looked so pretty today. Not a single cloud in the sky. One big blue sky.
“Bill’s gone.” Joel’s voice interrupted your peaceful solace.
Flicking your eyes over to look at him you didn’t see Ellie behind him, “I know.”
“You, okay?” He took a seat next to you.
“Mhmm. I’m fine. Take a strawberry. They’re still good.” You smiled up at him continuing to lay on your back.
He did as you instructed, “They are.”
Giving him a genuine smile, you just felt comforted by his presence. He was the only constant in your life for the last two years. You’d grown far too attached to the man, but could you blame yourself? He was everything to you. You were so terrified that you’d lose him too. It’s all you seemed to be doing in the last two years.
“Get everything you need?”
“Yeah. Battery is charging for another hour or so.”
“She checking out the town. I told her about the boutique.”
Sitting up you looked over at him. He was so beautiful. The salt and pepper look throughout his hair only making him more attractive in your eyes. The scar that graced his cheek enhanced everything about him. His hair was at the perfect length where it flicked all over the place. He’d probably start complaining in a few weeks. Then you’d cut it and it’d be far too short, and you had to wait until it was your favorite length again.
“Maybe she’ll grab something.”
He nodded, “Power still works. Grab a shower while you can?” He stood up offering you a hand.
“Sure,” You took his hand in yours. Joel pulled you up gingerly. Always so careful with you, “Thanks Joel. I’m going to the house next door. It should still be stocked up.”
“Need a change of clothes?”
He was always so thoughtful with you. Never skipping a beat, always making you a priority. His way of showing just how much he loved you. And he did. Boy did he love you. He just had a hard time expressing it directly. Showing his love in other ways instead. He initially said no when Frank proposed you coming back with them to Boston. But when he heard his pleas through the radio, he knew what he needed to do.
He was surprised at how well you adapted out there. You knew your strengths, weaknesses. You knew how to be helpful and when to take a step back. You never complained either. Just wore a smile on your face instead. That was how you coped. Smile and walk. You’d be there soon enough. The first trip was the hardest. It got easier after that. Joel wouldn’t let you sneak out with him at first. Too scared you’d get hurt. But Tess eventually convinced him. Then you were off helping them out as you could.
“If you don’t mind? There should be some clothes in my room.”
“You got it.”
You’d known about Frank’s passing. Hoping to come to Bill’s for supplies. Lucky for you it hadn’t been raided, yet. Joel worked on getting the truck ready while you and Ellie showered.
You walked back over to Bill’s standing at the front door. You wanted to go in so bad, but it didn’t feel right. Something tell you that you shouldn’t.
“Hey, you hear me?”
You snapped out of the trance you seemed to be under, “No, sorry Joel, what’s up?”
“Come on, need your help loading up.” He motioned to the garage on the side of the house.
“Yeah, alright.” You jogged over to meet him, “Thanks for the clothes.”
“Mhmm.” He kept his gaze forward.
You really couldn’t take it much longer. The thought of losing yet another person with telling them how you felt just didn’t sit right any longer.
“You know I love you right?” You asked.
“What?” he paused looking taken aback at your sudden admittance.
“I love you, Joel.” You smiled a genuine smile. One that felt so good to do.
“You do?”
“Why do you look so surprised? Of course, I do. You’re everything to me.”
He gave you that brilliant smile that made you weak at the knees, “You love me, huh?”
You slapped his arm, “I love you. How many times are you going to make me say it?” You giggled feeling like he was loosening up. Softening even further as he saw your overexcited state
“I dunno.” He took a step towards you, “It sounds nice.”
“Yeah?” You asked transfixed on his gaze.
“Oh yeah, and you know what?” He asked.
“What’s that?”
“I think I love you too.” It felt strange admitting it out loud, but damn did it feel good. Right.
Your heart started racing, “You think?” Raising your eyebrows, you dared take a step closer to him.
He shook his head a bit upset by his choice of words. Always seeming to mess them up, “I know. I love you, Y/N.””
“I like the sound of that.” You didn’t let your smile fade only bigger. God did I feel good to get it out. You knew what his answer would be. He showed his love in other ways but damn did it feel good to hear.
“Yeah, now come here.”
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 11 Interludes thoughts:
Ok. Just in order I think. Sorry for the chaos.
Started off with puppies. I was happy.
Then the puppies started getting a little more violent than needed. I was less happy.
Then Victoria got clowned on a little and I was little bit more happy.
Then the unkillable naked zebra lady showed up everything kinda went downhill. For everyone.
Bitch do not join the supervillain serial killer group, please and thank you.
Seriously though, The Siberian is a bit scary. Just, completely invincible as far as anyone can tell. And super strong.
Theo is having a bad day. And unless someone takes care of Jack Slash for him he's gonna have a bad few years.
Jack Slash is such a poser oh my god. Dude. Come one. You aren't all that.
Also. Jack. Do not toss a loaded baby! That baby had a full diaper. You toss that baby and you are liable to have a containment breach. Speaking from experience, you do not want a containment breach. (Also just don't throw babies of course.)
I hope Theo gets cool powers and is able to become a super amazing hero like he dreams of. On the plus side, probably gonna be lots of opportunities for trigger events coming up. On the minus side, he didn't trigger when Jack Slash was planning on killing him so I don't know if he's gonna be able to.
They were obviously going to go for Labyrinth. She has such amazing powers for mass terror. Though I guess Burnscar never tried to actually recruit her. I assume that was the plan though.
Also Burnscar needs to stop excusing her actions. Just be evil or don't be evil. You don't get to be evil and say it's not your fault (that sure will come up again in these interludes).
I fucking LOVED the description of how Labyrinths powers work. Just the details of everything. So good!
Fucking Colin. Of course they had to go for you. Why can't you just go away and leave my robot daughter alone?
Mannequin is fucking WILD. Like, god damn. Those are sure choices you made. Helps you be creepy as shit though. And get through air vents.
Mannequin writing out "U ME" to Pocketknife Man by laying keyboard keys down on the table one at a time has cursed meet-cute energy.
In the end, Colin survives cause my robot daughter saves him. And I guess she's gonna tell him the truth about being an AI. Fiiiiiiine. I will be polite to Colin if he comes over to dinner. He still needs to apologize to my other daughter though.
Also I'm sure glad the Slaughterhouse Nine won't have any use for the magic pocketknife that can cut through anything that Mannequin took. No worries at all I'm sure. It won't do jack shit for them. Might as well just slash the idea and toss the knife out.
Cool. Some Nazis died. That's great!
Not enough though. Disappointed in Shatterbird.
But if one good thing can come of this whole Slaughterhouse Nine thing, maybe Hookwolf can die. I'm not holding my breath though.
Shatterbird has a very interesting power set. Being specifically glass focused like that. Definitely can see how she would terrorize a city.
Dinah PoV. DINAH POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well first off, I obviously hated Coil for Dinah already. Enough that I don't really know if the Dinah PoV can technically make me hate him more. But that said, I hate him more. WTF.
The description of her power was so NEAT though! Had a minor moment of "oh hey this paragraph of this precog talking about her power works inside her head is an almost perfect description of how my brain works" which was wild. I don't actually get to see the future though, which is a major difference.
She can actually just full blow see a possible future holy shit! Wow. Like it hurts and she hates it but it's still crazy.
Also I guessed that Crawler was going to come for Traveler in a Vault (that is Noelle's cape name until I am told different) after the Bitch interlude. I was very happy I got that right since I really knew almost nothing about either.
So Crawler just basically can't die and gets stronger every time he gets hurt. I wonder how long it will take him to reach Endbringer level power?
And Traveler in a Vault is just a large monster that is always hungry and can be driven to the point of eating people. That sucks a lot for her.
Also Leviathan came after her too huh? Well that's probably fine and won't matter in the future.
Regent's sister is worse than he is. That's impressive! Like, not good impressive. But impressive.
Getting real close to the "can't exist" physic power set. I guess it's not quite it though.
She should keep a better eye on her phone battery.
AMY DALLON! I knew it would be you.
I knew you were destined to be a tragedy from the moment I met you. You were always going to become a villain. So once I knew the Nine were recruiting it was a guarantee that you'd be recruited.
Specifically, that you'd be recruited by Bonesaw. She is an artist and obviously she is obsessed over the art you could make together.
Holy shit though that chapter.
Lets see. FUCK CAROL. Victoria gets some excuses, she's a kid, she's following her mom's example, etc. But FUCK CAROL. You are partially responsible for what Amy is about to become.
Despite being terrified, Amy seemed to have a dark fascination with everything Bonesaw was doing and saying. Really listened as Bonesaw explained things.
The more detailed view of what Amy's power does is crazy. She really can do just about anything to someone.
“Why not fix your dad?” is where Bonesaw won. It's about 3/5 of the way through the chapter. And she won at that point. That was the killing blow. The rest of the chapter, the remaining 3.5k or so words, is watching Amy bleed out to drive the point home. It is Panacea's death monologue. It is beautiful and tragic and amazing.
All that said, since she is losing anyway, is it bad for me to want more of Bonesaw's notes? SHE HAS LORE! GIVE IT TO ME!
Dad at least seems pretty good. He made the perfect response after getting healed. Unfortunately she was already gone.
AND THERE IT IS. THERE IS THE THAT FINAL STEP. Fucking rewire your adopted sisters mind to have romantic feelings for you. No you don't get to say it was an accident! You chose to do it. Holy shit Amy. You are going to be an amazing (terrifying) villain.
Callback to Burnscar and blaming her power for her actions.
If Worm was a Disney movie Amy would end up with the best song, 100%. Hellfire or similar levels.
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I wonder what the left expected Israel to do in response to the attack. They talk about 'reciprocity' and how Israel's response isn't reciprocal but, like, what were they supposed to do? Deliberately count how many people were dead and then kill exactly that many enemy combatants? Should they have divided by civilians versus active military and made sure they had the same proportional deaths? Should they have 'only' raped so many women and then 'only' taken so many hostages? What's *reciprocal defense* and how does it help when you're telling the enemy you'll only do so much to them, and *only* in response to their attack at first? Or is this the way they view personal self-defense, where you aren't allowed to use excessive force relative to what your attacker actually accomplishes? Like yeah you THOUGHT he was going to stab you in the lungs but you have to WAIT until you're bleeding out before you try and stop him, it's only fair; you have an obligation to die before you're allowed to use lethal force. Does Israel have the same obligation? Are they supposed to wait until they've been wiped off the map before they defend themselves?
The left expects every Jew who doesn't live in New York and dutifully vote Democrat to die. That's it. That's the reason.
The left is massively anti-Semitic, and they always have been. Every left wing ideology has hate for Jews baked into it. They'll post their "if you have 10 people at a table and a Nazi sits down, you have 11 Nazis" and their "never again means right now" when there's a milquetoast, run of the mill Republican they want to smear, but the moment actual Jews in Israel are being raped and murdered suddenly it's all "gas the Jews" and "globalize the Intifada" and "from the river to the sea". Just like the presence of a conservative black man is all the excuse they need to say t he most vile, racist shit you've ever heard.
Leftism is an ideology of hate. Its entire purpose it to make different groups hate each other. So it's really no surprise that there are a larger than usual number of anti-Semites in their ranks.
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“I don’t hate trans people I just enjoy surrounding myself with other people who hate trans people”
if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis. You’re not getting backlash for realizing you’re cis. You’re getting backlash for surrounding yourself with bigots. Go fuck yourself.
Awe my first hate message 🥰
I literally don’t hate trans people and most people you’d label “terfs” don’t either, being critical of the way gender shit has gone isn’t the same as hating trans people. And comparing it to Nazis is honestly just ridiculous and frankly disgusting 🙄 coming from someone who’s family has survived genocides that comparison is just offensive
and yeah, the backlash I received for detransitioning happened well before finding radical feminism and was a big part of what made me realize this was what I believed because it made me question the shit that was heavily pushed on me which included being told I was a traitor and evil for saying detransition was even possibly an option or saying that I felt pressured into my identity because people around me denied my trauma and convinced me it must be bc I was trans when I was actually just a vulnerable abused teen. But sure thing.
Honestly if you think it’s bigoted to want to prioritize female solidarity and safety, you should just admit you basically align yourself with being an MRA 😳
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fierceawakening · 3 months
Regarding the post you reblogged earlier today about people being "morally incurious" for fear that considering the enemy's viewpoint might contaminate them, I think part of it is a reaction to the balance fallacy ("we have to hear everyone out, the truth must be somewhere in the middle"). Besides the recent examples of treating the alt-reich as just another political faction that deserves to be listened to in the name of open discussion (whence the "table of 11 Nazis meme") or of treating MRAs as an equally valid opposite to feminism, an earlier example I remember would be the "teach the controversy" movement to include creationism in public science classes.
Eh, maybe I’m just too Old, but I still think that if you ACTUALLY look at both sides, you’ll discover that the alt right are a bunch of asshole flakes.
It’s like TERFs. “Join my group of people who are all exactly like me and I’ll look reasonable!”
Nah I’ll stay out here on the big bad world where some people are obviously wrong and see how you look from here.
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
by Dion J. Pierre
Penn has been embroiled in controversy this academic year stemming from concerns over antisemitism. Last month, a pro-Palestinian protest on campus devolved into intimidation of Jewish students, as speakers berated pro-Israel counter-protesters in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist onslaught against Israel.
“The Israeli Jew has bastardized Judaism! Bastardized it! Trampled on it! How could you let this genocidal regime crap all over your God and your religion like this?” one speaker said at the protest, according to footage seen by The Algemeiner. “How can you, as a people who have seen the same amount of oppression in the past, stand by the same genocidal tactics, and lies, and methods that they use on our people? How could you stand for that? Look at you — you’re not even looking at this direction. You’re scared. You’re scared of being wrong.”
Addressing Jewish students who were standing nearby holding a counter-protest, the speaker continued. “Israelis! Hello, Israelis! Look at me! If I asked you to give me one justification, it would be a lie, misinformed, or consumed in post 9/11 dogma. Ask yourself, Israelis: Do you want to continue living in this false narrative, this fairy tale, or do you want to actually talk to the people? That [Israeli] flag has murdered.”
He concluded: “I hope you sh—t when you go on your bed tonight. I hope your dreams are filled with the horrors of dead Palestinian babies, burned Palestinian children, dead Palestinian women, a hundred square miles, leveled. I hope this scorches your brain. I hope you are terrified of this, because you should be.”
Professor Eve Troutt Powell, who teaches history of the modern Middle East at the university, accused Israel of not learning “the lessons of the Holocaust” shouting at the demonstration, “That was the lesson! Never again! This now is never again!”
Professor Huda Fakhreddine, who teaches Arabic literature, added, “Israel is the epitome of antisemitism … it desecrates the memory of the Holocaust victims. It humiliates every Jewish person.”
Days later, members of Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi), a traditionally Jewish fraternity, discovered graffiti saying “The Jews R Nazis” on the door of a property next to their house. The campus’ Division of Public Safety was investigating the vandalism as a potential hate crime.
Before the war in Gaza, the university came under fire in September for refusing to cancel or move a “Palestine Writes Literature Festival” held on campus. The event, which caused outrage and heightened tensions across campus, featured several activists who promoted conspiracies about Jewish power and called for violence against Israel.
One day before “Palestine Writes” took place, an unidentified male walked into the university’s Hillel building behind a staffer and shouted “F—k the Jews” and “Jesus Christ is king!” before overturning tables, podium stands, and chairs, according to students and school officials who spoke with The Algemeiner.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
"I'm not a radfem I'm just gender critical and agree with some of their opinions."
There's a saying in Germany: if there’s a Nazi sitting at a table, and 10 other people sitting there are talking to him, then you got a table with 11 Nazis.
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eternalbomb · 1 month
when 10 people are at an encampment table and a Nazi comes, you have 11 Nazis
lol this is the laziest most boring zionist shit ive heard. wheres the pizzas? you guys are psychopathic genocidal freaks and you cant even make a good punchline?
also this is stealing the common knowledge that the reason we never see cops at pro israel rallies is because theyre simply not in uniform
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 2 months
I do think it’s funny when people who generally claim the Targaryens are Nazi allegories will select a few “acceptable” Targaryens to equate their faves to. If you believe the Targaryens are an allegorical depiction of Nazism & genocide, then there are no acceptable Nazis and you are undermining your own interpretation by arguing that some of them are good. “If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, then you got a table with 11 Nazis.”
Visenya (to compare her to Aemond), Alysanne (to compare their faves “queens” to her), Naerys and Rhaella (because they did their duty, suffered in silence, and they can use them as “see Targaryen incest is BAD & this why the Targaryens are EVIL”), Daeron II (because he’s a Martell doormat), Baelor Breakspear (because his Martell blood cancels his “Targaryen nazism”).
They think Targaryens that are not from two Targaryens parents are fine because they can’t possibly have the Targaryen “blood purism” since they aren’t incest products & then when they give you examples of Targaryen nazism they’ll bring up the Conquerors (who had a Velaryon mother), Jaehaerys (who also had a Velaryon mother) or Aerion Brightflame (who had a Dornish mother, oops).
Targaryen antis are ridiculous I don't bother reading their opinions because I think I will loose braincells doing it.
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laziestgirlintown · 4 months
Something Sweet, chapter 5
Glimpses of why he's sad. Cw: transphobia (not by our protagonists) Also on AO3. Chapter 1 here.
PAGE 1-2
“... one of yesterday’s customers is a café reviewer …”
The baker lifts an eyebrow, but his mild-mannered smile remains soft. 
“You gave him The Dimple of Your Smile and Glad You Came,” the waiter adds and the baker nods slowly. A very small wrinkle has appeared between his eyebrows.
“That was his third visit in a week,” the baker says, standing up and busying himself with cookies and dishes. There are lines by his mouth and his eyes that he doesn’t notice. “I suppose I should be even more flattered if he’s a professional.”
[chibi flashbacks: but he never once brought out his phone. no photos, selfies, notes. hands busy only with cake, though he obviously enjoyed them]
The waiter takes up their phone and starts searching.
“I’ll see if I can find if he’s reviewed us. I don’t think he’s been over here before, it’s mostly in and around the capital … Come to think of it, it’s been a while since I saw him in my feed, but that could just be the algorithms …”
The baker’s busy hands freeze mid-motion when the waiter says,
“Well, damn.”
The baker’s worry lines shift. “‘Damn,’ what?”
PAGE 4-5
Glimpses of screenshots as they both look at the waiter’s phone.
“ ‘Queer-friendly’ blog praises terf rally café”
“Nazi nut cakes ‘nuanced’ says MyTwoCrumbs blog”
The beginning of a post on the blog MyTwoCrumbs: “I have deleted my most recent review since it came to light that the opinions and actions of the owners goes against everything I…”
“Woke cancel culture threatens Café Eris”
“ ‘They bullied him into retracting, we know the gays are on our side in the defence against these people trying to turn men into women and passing women off as men …’ ”
The beginning of a post on the blog MyTwoCrumbs: “To the extent that a reviewer of cookies can take such a stance it has always been my foundation that trans rights and queer rights are human rights…”
[picture of our customer, much younger, in Hufflepuff cosplay:] “not his first time supporting a terf”
“Café blogger doxxed”
The beginning of a post on the blog MyTwoCrumbs: “This will be my last post. I will be grateful forever to the people who have supported and encouraged me but I can’t…”
“Well, damn,” the baker murmurs, slumped in his seat, even more horrible posts reflected in his eyes.
“His review led to it coming out that they were fascists,” the waiter summarises. “And then they came for him.”
“I hope every cake they bake tastes like ash,” the baker says, sharper.
Two weeks pass. The customer does not return to the café.
A montage: the baker setting out cakes, looking up when the bell rings; the customer busy working [in a suit meeting customers, drawing plans on the computer, hanging art in a gallery], morose at home having tea with his cat.
PAGE 8-9
On Sunday, the baker visits an art exhibition, as he likes to do. Suddenly he spies our customer, experiencing the art with as much care and presence as he gives to enjoying cakes. The baker is torn, but leaves him to it.
In the next frames we’re in another exhibition, or different part of the same (the style of art is different) – and see the customer catching sight of the baker. The baker is absorbed, giving the art as much care and presence as he must lavish on his cakes. The customer stands watching for a moment, wistful, longing, before drifting away.
The bell above the door rings and the baker looks up.
He smiles, relieved. "Welcome back."
The customer looks hesitant, skittish. He doesn’t read the signs in front of the pastries, just estimates how crowded the café is. It's not, as he'd calculated and hoped. "Thank you."
"Would you like to sit and have a pot of tea?"
The customer's face goes through emotions.
"I would like that, yes. Thank you."
The baker comes to the customer’s table, quietly sets down a plate with two cookies, and pours the tea.
“What are they called?”
“I’ll tell you after.”
The customer nods, and waits till he’s alone to pick up the first cookie and smell it. Then he smells the tea, then the other cake. He chooses and takes a bite.
Bite by bite, and sip by sip, the customer’s frowns, worry lines, and tension, slowly ease and float away.
When only crumbs are left, we see the baker’s finger pointing and naming the cookies, in the order the customer ate them. “Safeword.” “Aftercare.” The customer can’t help but laugh.
Chapter 6
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cock-holliday · 1 year
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Wow that’s so cool, I’m a bisexual anarchist and an agnostic—not anti-theist—jew. Isn’t it fascinating how we seemingly come close to overlapping labels and yet have absolutely zero principles in common?
I’m bisexual and so I know what it’s like to be forced into choosing between a binary, and reject the idea. As a bisexual I know what it’s like to get shit from inside your own community and don’t want to be that to other people.
I’m an anarchist and so I firmly oppose the efforts of others to eradicate groups of people.
I’m agnostic because religion is not for me, and while I have my beef with religious people, forcing people to reject a religion is no more liberating than forcing people into one.
I’m Jewish and the loss of family to genocide makes me a little sensitive to attempts to eradicate other groups through genocide, also particularly when I am IN one of the groups you don’t mind being targeted.
It’s almost as if labels have fuck all to do with morality, stances, or actions, and hiding behind marginalization while defending nazis is pretty standard modern nazi tactics.
Personally I’m, for all the above reasons, a big fan of this quote: “As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.” -Dr. Jens Foell
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crowdvscritic · 9 months
crowd vs. critic single take // MRS. MINIVER (1942)
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Photo credits: IMDb.com
Mrs. Miniver takes place in two eras: the time before September 3, 1939 and the time after.
Before Great Britain declares war on Germany, Mr. Clem (Walter Pidgeon) and Mrs. Kay (Greer Garson) Miniver’s biggest concerns are about money. Specifically, they spend their energy convincing each other—and their upper crust neighbor Lady Beldon (Dame Mae Whitty)—their spending on little luxuries like hats and cars is worthy of their family’s middle class income. Though Lady Beldon does not care for blurring social lines, her granddaughter Carol (Teresa Wright) is more open-minded, catching the eye of the collegiate Vin Miniver (Richard Ney). But everything changes on September 3rd. Vin enlists, Clem volunteers, and Kay makes a bomb shelter comfortable for their young children. For the Minivers, World War II is not just on the battlefield on the continent—it’s here at home.
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CROWD // And the Academy’s love affair with World War II begins! Mrs. Miniver is the first of 11 Best Picture winners set during or immediately after the war, which means more than 10% of the Academy’s top prizes have been dedicated to defeating the Nazis. Even among those titles, though, Mrs. Miniver is singular. Casablanca, From Here to Eternity, The Bridge on River Kwai, Patton, and The English Patient follow soldiers and resistance fighters; The Sound of Music, Schindler’s List, and The King’s Speech recount true stories of extraordinary individuals living through the conflict; and The Best Years of Our Lives and An American in Paris depict the struggle to rebuild the world afterward.
Unlike those epics, we only see the Minivers on the homefront. Vin joins the Royal Air Force, but like his mother, we only wonder what he sees from the cockpit. Clem supports the efforts at Dunkirk, but Christopher Nolan still felt the need to depict that rescue of troops in his own film because we never see Clem beyond the horizon of Britain’s shores. Yes, the episodic Miniver lacks the jet-fueled forward propulsion of Nolan’s film, but that wouldn’t be honest with the civilian experience. The family’s skirmishes with danger are few and unpredictable, and in some ways, that makes them more upsetting. When tragedy does strike, it hits a family we’ve laughed and rejoiced with around the dinner table, making this melodrama still moving today.
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CRITIC // If there’s any criticism to be leveled at Mrs. Miniver, it’s that its affection for the titular family is blind. Character flaws? Complex motives? Who needs them when you’re trying to create a rousing morale-booster justifying a global conflict still in the court of public opinion? The Minivers and their neighbors are symbolic avatars more than well-rounded individuals, which is just one reason Winston Churchill called this film “propaganda worth a hundred battleships.” In fact, the last scene was literally re-distributed as print and radio propaganda!
Still, given that this particular fight against fascism is one with fewer moral gray areas, romanticizing these people fighting out of uniform has aged better than, say, a film about the Russian Revolution. In the history of cinema, a majority of war films focus on combat and political leaders, while Mrs. Miniver reminds us the people at home—including but not limited to the oft-disenfranchised women, children, elderly, and working classes—can be just as cudgeled by war without enlisting. They may avoid the trenches, but their food, shelter, life, and limb are just as uncertain, not to mention the future of their loved ones serving in the military. With that in mind, who’s to complain about making these hometown heroes so likable? 
It’s also difficult to fault Mrs. Miniver for idolizing its subjects when its cast and its craft are working in tandem with its vision. William Wyler, who still holds the record for the most Best Director nominations at 12, assembled a cast as winning as the parts they were playing, none more than the Garson’s Mrs. Miniver herself. Her hopeful but clear-eyed face of determination creates a center of gravity for the rest of the actors, and the compassion driving her never becomes too syrupy. 
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Honestly something that baffles me about HP is how every time JK*R received a criticism she like, takes steps to make the world actively worse. The elf slavery is probably the most clear example of this: while it's tone-deaf (let's say James Cameron-esque) at best, the clear moral of that subplot in the second book is that:
🌸Slavery is Bad🌸
so ya know. We can agree on that at least. If she'd just left it at that we'd have a children's fantasy book that addresses a human (sapient magical creature in this case I guess) rights issue in a less than stellar manner.
But no, when people complained that this was handled poorly, or that the subject may have been a bit too dark for the whimsical magical school for kids series, or that it raised serious concerns about wizard society as a whole, rather than leaving it alone or even doing some more white saviorism, she said: no, actually, slavery is fine, the slaves love it! The one they rescued is just a freak. Which is... probably the worst thing she could've chosen. Like admitting the world is fucked up and wanting to fix it was already on the table, so why did she do THAT? Why include a clear metaphor in your writing if then you're gonna say "oh the thing that it's referencing is bad, but it's actually cool here"???? What????
There's like countless examples of this kind of horseplay and then at the end it seems like the only material change compared to the previous status quo is that Wizard Alcatraz no longer uses literal soul-sucking demons. Like even the rich wizard nazi family still gets away mostly scot-free.
How. How did so many people like this??? How did so many ADULTS like this where the fuck was the reading comprehension. The media analysis. Did no one besides Ursula K. Le Guin think about this shit.
Say what you want about the current state of media but at least we can call the MCU a steaming hot pile of garbage and that's like, a mostly uncontroversial opinion. How the fuck was THIS the holy grail of untouchable media in the 2000's. How was this such a dark time. Was it 9/11? Fuck it let's blame it on 9/11
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gedeonburkhard · 8 months
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Award-winning actor Gedeon Burkhard stars opposite Brad Pitt in the much anticipated Quentin Tarantino film Inglourious Basterds. Burkhard plays American Jew Sgt. Wilhelm Wicki who serves as a translator for Pitt’s character. Some of his other film credits include: The Last Train (directed by Joseph Vilsmaier), Melodies of Spring (directed by Martin Walz), Golden Times (directed by Peter Thorwart) and Making Up (directed by Katja V. Garnier).
Burkhard is the recipient of the Best Actor Bavarian Award for his work in Acting It Out and also received a Romy for Best Actor for the acclaimed his television series Detective Rex, which went on to sell to over 140 foreign territories. In addition, he also helmed a successful television series Alarm for Cobra 11 that aired in 120 countries.
Burkhard’s success in film and television has catapulted him onto the main stage in one of the most highly anticipated movie releases of 2009, Inglourious Basterds. IFQ caught up with Burkhard on the eve of the film’s premiere at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.
IFQ: You play opposite Brad Pitt in the much anticipated Quentin Tarantino film Inglourious Basterds. Without revealing too much about the film, can you tell me about your character Sgt. Wilhelm Wicki?
Gedeon Burkhard: He’s a Basterd! One of 8 Jewish American, Nazi killing predator’s, in a world gone awry. Especially for Jews! As far as his history goes, he was born in Austria, immigrated to America in the early 1920’s, became American and was one of the first in line to go fight when the US entered the war. Aside from killing and mutilating, he also translates for Brad Pitt’s character, Lt. Aldo Raine.
IFQ: You are an award-winning star of consecutive top-rated television dramas in Germany and over 120 territories worldwide, as well as starring in many films in German-speaking territories. How did you cross over and score a supporting role in Tarantino’s film?
GB: Ten years ago in Vienna, I come home from a night shoot and find one of the greatest Directors of our time, fast asleep, on my couch. As it turns out, my girlfriend at the time, Emma Hickox, and Q are old friends. Actually, one of the characters in Inglourious Basterds is named after her late father and director Douglas Hickox. One year later in L.A., Quentin tells me about this character he has me in mind for and then, very generously, gives me eight years to prepare for the audition.
IFQ: How did you prepare for this role? Were you previously familiar with the old school WWII epic films?
GB: When I was 11, working on a miniseries dealing with the rise and downfall of the Third Reich, I was confronted with the subject matter for the first time. Since then I have played a Jewish prisoner picked from a concentration camp to act in Jud Süss (Anti-Semitic propaganda film) and a Jewish boxer fighting for his family’s survival on the way to Auschwitz. So since a lot of research was already in place, I mainly concentrated on playing around with knives, handling guns, slitting throats, scalping and so forth. As far as WW II epics go, any existing gaps where closed by Q’s weekly screenings during preparation.
IFQ: What was your initial reaction when you first read the script? While shooting, did Tarantino make everyone stick to the script or was there any room to improvise?
GB: My initial reaction was, God I can’t wait to see this! And, who do I have to kill to be in it?! I’m not quite sure about the order. Who, in his right mind, would want to change a Quentin Tarantino script? You’re just happy to be one of the lucky f***’s chewing his dialogue. But Quentin is the easiest going Genius I ever met and he is always open for someone bringing something to the table.
IFQ: How was the experience working with Tarantino himself? What’s his working process like on set?
GB: A film set is always the realm of organized chaos and to me, Quentin is King Arthur and Merlin wrapped into one! So being one of his chosen Knights, I naturally look to him for direction and guidance, which he readily gives. But Quentin also likes to let you run free in his magic castle; his only demands are devotion to the cause, passion and concentration.
IFQ: What was it like working alongside such a diverse cast: Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Samuel Jackson, Maggie Cheung, Julie Dreyfus and Diane Kruger? What was your rapport like with them on the set?
GB: I never had the pleasure of meeting Maggie or Samuel. Quoting Quentin, Brad’s not a star; he’s a planet! And still he manages to be nothing but inspirational and a pleasure to be around. He is a wonderful colleague whose huge talent just drags you along, making you be the best you can be. Eli is a great buddy, but on set he was also our boss, Sgt. Donnie Donowitz! So if you mishandled your weapon, on or off camera, he chewed your ass out! Julie and Diane are both gorgeous, inside and out! I didn't have the honor to work with Julie but Diane, who I worked next to for weeks, was an endless fountain of entertainment and laughs.
IFQ: How do you think the German population in general will react to the film? Will they be able to separate history’s past and appreciate it as an entertaining film on its own merit?
GB: Quentin has managed to deal with this difficult subject matter in a way that gives everybody in his right mind the possibility to access and partake in the story and the ones that don’t, can as far as I’m concerned go F*** themselves!
IFQ: You have worked on both German-speaking and American films. Can you compare and contrast working on German-speaking films/TV and the USA/Germany co-production film Inglourious Basterds?
GB: Crew size and Production value. Aside from that, everybody is trying to do the same thing: make a good movie!
IFQ: Can you tell me how your educational background has allowed you to play both American and German speaking characters?
GB: Being an impossible child and always getting kicked out of schools was, not at the time but in retrospect, a good thing. It led to me being educated, first in England and then in America, giving me the gift of two languages and two cultures.
IFQ: Since Inglourious Basterds will premiere at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, will we see you there?
GB: Since I have never been to the Cannes Film Festival, you can bet your ass you’re going to see me there this year!
IFQ: Any upcoming projects?
GB: I just finished shooting a film called Mazel. It‘s a Jewish take on My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
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