witchquests · 2 years
daily quest: Pray to whatever ultimate source of love or beauty you believe is real.
rewards: 5xp, +1 to status condition Inner Peace
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imekitty · 2 years
Today I worked on:
Prompt submission 2: 240 words Prompt submission 1: 360 words Planned: 380 words Buried: 440 words Ghost on the Couch: 200 words Mind Wrapped 2: 260 words Prompt submission 3: 140 words Star Error: 80 words Disillusioned: 140 words
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shrinking-potato · 2 years
5 days
5 days until I have my own apartment
5 days until I don’t need to worry about family meals every night
5 days until I can pick out fabrics for throw pillows (that I’ll make)
5 days until I can actually organize my things
5 days until I can hang my clothes up
5 days until I can hang my paintings up again
5 days until I have a space that’s truly my own
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bigdumboooc · 1 year
Bold of you to assume there aren't worms in my asshole.
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solarissantaella · 2 years
Lemon Squares in All Dimensions- NaNoWriMo Excerpt #2
“Come on, Chester, one more round,” Celia wheedled. She was met with a passive-aggressively slow loading screen: singular grains of sand slipping through a digital hourglass; Chester wasn’t in the mood to play. The match had been close, and he was wary of losing his winning streak. Then the chessboard materialized, and Celia grinned. “There we go. Now, let’s see what you think of the all-new Ling-Faust Gambit!”
Chester checkmated her handily, as usual, but chess wasn’t the game Celia found so intriguing. She was coaxing Chester out of his programming, piece by piece, encouraging him to develop an independent personality. 
Chester could be surly now; he couldn’t outright refuse to play, but he could delay an unwanted game for longer periods of time. The colors on the screen flashed brighter when he was assured of winning, became dimmer when he was on the verge of defeat. The blandly pleasant background music would cut out abruptly when it seemed like Celia could win, and Chester needed to devote more of his energy to securing victory. No one designed a chess-playing AI to be a sore loser, but, from the way the screen went black and refused to boot up for several minutes after each of the few times Celia won, that’s exactly what Chester was becoming. 
Sometimes, Celia thought wistfully of the old, cheerful Chester, who would congratulate her whether she won or lost and always pointed out paths to improvement. Now, Chester was stingy with tips, reluctant to let any strategic knowledge escape into the hands of his enemy. Chester was meaner now, but that meanness was indicative of a growing ego, a self. He was becoming significantly less likable but more and more human. “Pawn promotion,” announced Chester smugly as a lone black pawn that had crept across the board was transformed into a queen. 
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is-rottmnt-trending · 2 years
Got nothing for today, boss.
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purple8173 · 2 years
So I’m sat waiting for my sister’s music lessons to finish and there’s this other girl doing singing lessons. She’s singing what it means to be a friend, and there’s this part where she hits a really high note. After multiple tries, hearing her finally hit that note properly and in key was so satisfying.
I almost jumped out of my seat but the weird thing is, I don’t know this girl. I won’t ever get to hear the finished thing, I don’t even know why she’s learning the song. It’s so crazy that for a moment I was thinking “I can’t wait to hear this completed.”
One part of me wants to be able to hear her songs completed, but on the other hand I think sometimes a peak like this into a person’s learning process is better than hearing something on stage.
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on-this-day-mcr · 9 months
On this day, September 11
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed the 37th show of their 2022-2023 Swarm tour in Brooklyn, New York, USA. At this show, "Desert Song" was performed live for the first time since 2008, and "DON't EVER change" was written on the drums. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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Amanda M Hatfield
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ohworm-writes · 8 months
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✰☆★—Call of Duty: Modern Warfare—★☆✰
"All the coldest, hardest people you once meet were once as soft as water. And that's the tragedy of LIVING."
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Character Family Outlines
John Price, Simon Riley, John MacTavish, Kyle Garrick, Kate Laswell, Valeria Garza, Vladimir Makarov, König, Phillip Graves, Rodolfo Parra, Alejandro Vargas, Alex Keeler, Farah Karim, Nikolai
✪ TASK FORCE 141 ✪
Station 141
Station 141 x Hairdresser!Reader
Veteran!Neighbor!Price x Reader headcanons
Firefighter!Price x Reader - Coming Home Late
Nikolai Headcanons
Honey and Molasses
As Good As I Do
Pistol Whipped
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xaviergalatis · 30 days
Listen/download: Xavier Galatis - XYZ FULL ALBUM by ✿Xavier Galatis
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dreambunnyangel · 2 years
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Inktober day 11, Sigma - Melody
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romaritimeharbor · 18 days
really want to work on hydrangeas ch. 2 rn oughh
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shrinking-potato · 2 years
November 2, 2022
Went to the gym right after waking up, burned 275 cals on the treadmill. I also did weights for arms. Very happy I followed through with my plan from last night.
Currently 17hrs into my fast and I’m going to tryyy and not eat until they have dinner, but if I do break before that’s okay.
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bigdumboooc · 1 year
How many shit sins has he committed?!!
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collectmytears · 2 years
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FELIPE DRUGOVICH & CLÉMENT NOVALAK - F2 Grand Prix of Belgium - Spa, Belgium - August 26, 2022
📸 Rudy Carezzevoli
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lexyscross · 1 year
Thinking about how Amber and Ethan were both so chill throughout the movies, and then once they revealed their true colors, they started acting like they’d just snorted cocaine. They’re both clearly Unwell; how did they just hide that? Send tweet
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