hazelbaja · 8 months
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Do country music fans every attack male country artists for speaking out about social issues or just... the women?
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bojackson54 · 3 months
If Jesus Came Back Today, What Would He Say to America?
He wasn’t who they expected him to be. He said things they didn’t expect him to say. In a dramatic passage from the Book of Revelation, John described Jesus as the Alpha and Omega and the King of Kings; but let’s not forget that he had a very different role when he first came to earth. Isaiah 53 portrays a man who was rejected and spurned by the very people he came to save. While he was here on…
0 notes
unripe-lemon · 5 months
Since i know no one will see this:
1 note and i will email my therapist
ok so for this one,, like since then i have emailed my therapist?? that counts right????? tbh i dont even know what to talk abt anymore, but i do have a session with her so dw
2 notes and ill put my laundry away
ugh….. stupid. internet.. making me do things that will make my life easier…. gugh yeah i put my laundry away!!!!! everyone clap now
5 notes and ill try to brush my teeth more often
ok so like for this one i found this video https://youtu.be/pvutTiPY7q8?si=PASnBmUXZ0xiHzWM imma sing this song to myself every tike i dont feel like brushing my teeth
6 notes and ill try to put on cream for my dermatitis (anxiety hives!!! yayyy!!!!) more often
just did it hehe :) tho it is getting a little worse and my kitten scratched me on top of it 😭
10 notes and ill attempt to learn my timestables
11 notes and ill study for my exams
my exams are over!!!! so idk what to do for this one? maybe ill go do my homework instead
20 notes and ill try to go one day without using my pc/phone
30 notes and ill vaccum (more bc we just adopted kittens) my room entirely
40 notes and ill try to explain my depression to my mom again
50 notes and ill clean my locker out at school
imma do this tmr!!!
i forgot 😭 someone remind me
80 notes and ill fix the posters that are falling off of my wall and are probably going to rip soon
doing this rn! taking dinner break
100 notes and ill REALLY unpack everything with my therapist
maybe tmr?
we talked about medication and kittens, also exams so like success??
200 notes and ill ask my mom if we can go to my go and get! me! medicated!
ill discuss w therapist tmr
discussed with therapist, we are now getting the conversation started with my mom and are going to see what my gp says after that!! :) ty to everyone in the notes rooting for meds
300 notes and ill re organise my bookshelf
400 notes and ill clean all of the mold off of my wall
damn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ion wannaaaaaaaa
this is a weekend activity tbh, and idk if its even going to BE this weekend :P
500 notes and ill clean the mold off of my roof
600 notes and ill try sewing some new clothes
i crocheted a scarf!!! does that count?
700 notes and ill buy some new shoes
800 notes and ill check out dnd club at school (im scared)
900 notes and ill come up with more goals
edit: bro……. 😭
so im gonna take my time w these bc there is a lot to go thru!! i will try my best to remember to update!!! ty for notes :)
- random internet stranger
ok so like i have to come up with more goals now???
1500 and ill start taking study notes with a study method (rb with study method that is your fav eg cornell method)
1700 and ill attempt to hype myself up enough to eat at school (long story, germs)
2000 notes and ill start whatever book wins this poll:
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queer-ragnelle · 1 month
What are some of the weirdest stories/books/movies etc you've encountered in your Arthuriana journey? Whatever weird might mean to you (good/bad/unsettling/unexpected/surreal/goofy)
Hi anon!
This is honestly a tough thing to answer because what even constitutes a weird Arthurian retelling? They're all pretty weird haha! But I definitely have a few that come to mind
The French film Perceval (1978) is super weird in a great way! It's shot on a stage with painted backgrounds and metallic trees and structures for the set. Real horses are brought on. A troupe of bards provide diegetic music, playing instruments and singing a narration of events on screen while also acting as characters in their own right (such as the jester Kay throws into the fire). Perceval and Gauvain narrate their own stories in third person at times too. It's surreal! It's as if Perceval's world is "fake," since his mother has kept him isolated for so long, it's a distorted view of reality. This is the closest adaptation of Chrétien de Troyes's Story of the Grail I can think of, it's nearly word-for-word, BUT! They removed the racism and antisemitism. Two thumbs up! The ending is bananas. There's no describing it, you just have to watch. You can download this movie from my MEGA drive or it can be watched for free on Tubi! (Content warning for nudity and some gore.)
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The film Unidentified Flying Oddball (1979) is my favorite adaptation of Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. The main character Tom works for NASA developing an android named Hermes. Through a comedy of errors, both Tom and Hermes end up launched into space at the speed of light, traveling through time, and crash land in Camelot, 508AD. Mordred mistakes Tom for a monster (due to his space suit and orb-shaped helmet) but Tom quickly wins Arthur's trust and allowed to hang out. He meets Sandy, a girl who thinks her dad has been transformed into a goose, and together with her and a page named Clarance, works to return home. It's exceedingly silly. I much prefer the character Tom (and Hermes, who is identical in appearance to Tom and jousts for him) to Sir Boss in the Connecticut Yankee film from 1949 with Bing Crosby. Tom's gun is funnier than the original as it's more like a science-fiction laser that blows things up. He also has a magnet ray he uses to draw armored knights where he wants. Not a good film, but goofy and fun. You can download this movie from my MEGA drive! (No content warnings, it's a family movie!)
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The film Excalibur (1981) obviously has to make this list. Coincidentally, it's mostly for Percival again. The Grail Quest segment accounts for just 20 minutes of the entire film, but it feels like eons. And it's So Weird. It's safe to call it horror. Percival meets struggle after struggle, encountering many dead comrades along the way, raving mad townspeople struggling to survive, Morgan and Mordred attempting to steer him wrong. He's eventually hung from a tree and has a vision of God's voice. (Hallucination or real?) The dead knight dangling above him sways and his spurs cut Percival free. From there he runs into Uriens and holds him as he dies, struck down by miscreant knights. Percival eventually achieves the grail, obviously, but it's not until he's pushed the absolute limits. It's probably one of my favorite sequences in film ever. 11/10. You can download this from my MEGA drive! (Content warning for nudity, rape, gore, and incest.)
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As for books, I recommend The Modern Arthur Trilogy by Peter David. The first one is Arthur running for mayor of NYC, the second one is President of the United States, and the third one he sort of becomes a god. It's wild. Other characters include Guinevere, Lancelot, Morgan le Fay, Mordred, Percival, Merlin, and of course the Lake of the Lake. The sequels randomly add Gilgamesh and Enkidu (and later Noah, like the guy with an ark in the Bible??) and it's all very strange indeed. The first book is definitely the best but Gilgamesh/Enkidu were pretty freaky (affectionate) so I did enjoy that, although the whole premise of book two is...meh. I listened to the graphic audio books which were awesome, the sound effect of Arthur falling down the subway stairs in full armor is worth every penny. (Content warning for incest, murder, cannibalism, racism, and terrorism)
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eloqiu · 4 months
top 11 hardest bad abilities to discover (not listed in order)
(might contain some spoilers)
Dazai (No Longer Human). To begin with, my man had to find someone with a ability. (Probably like, 1/1,000,000 people) And then touch them, if Dazai was a normal guy, and not the demon prodigy, he 100% wouldn't have known he had this ability
Yosano (Thou Shalt Not Die). How'd she even discover this? There's very few scenarios where someone would be half dead, and I doubt that any normal person would be able to discover that they had a ability like this. There's still a chance, but it's very small.
Fitzgerald (The Great Fitzgerald). Imagine, you're a middle class man, normal life, normal income, nothing crazy about your life. How the hell do you find out you become stronger when you spend money. We've seen Fitzgerald not activate his ability when he causally spends, how the hell did you activate it then???
Muishitaro (The Perfect Crime). I- How does a normal person, commit enough crimes to find out that, no they're not getting away with these crimes because they're lucky, they're actually using a ability that erases their crime.
Ace (Madness of the Jewel Kings). Could just be a me thing but, I don't think I've ever met someone with debt slaves. Much less anyone who can convert their debt slaves lifespan into jewels. You either gotta be insane, or have plot armor to find out about this ability
Mark Twain (Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer). You have to be fucking enlisted to find out you have this ability, because there's no way a normal person's gonna have a sniper with them (unless you're in the United States.... Wait-)
Fukuzawa (All Men are Created Equal). This is the same logic as Dazai, there's probably not that many ability users, as you'd have to collect enough ability users to realize "oh, my subordinates get full control over their abilities", also what qualifies as the agencies entrance exam? Is it even necessary?
Pushkin (A Feast in Time of Plague). How the hell do you manage to "coincidentally" find out that you have an ability that affects 2 people with a virus, and that if one of those 2 people don't die, both the people will die from having their organs eaten. You have to be insane or a serial killer to find that ability.
Yukito (Another). I'm genuinely curious on how many mysteries this guy had to solve to be able to find out that the killer in the mysteries always, 100%, without fail, dies after the mysterys been solved. That is extremely and annoyingly specific.
Kajii (Lemon). The whole ass reason I made this post, who the fuck is "conveniently" creating lemon shaped bombs, there's no way he found out this ability through normal means. Was one of his friends a terrorist with a lemon kink? Because that's the only reasonable explanation that he's finding out this ability. Either that or, he's got a big food kink and makes bombs shaped as food during his spare time. There's no fucking way, a normal guy with an office job is finding out they have an ability like that. Atsushi's the main character? Nah, this man has way more plot armor. Because the stars, universe, solar system, and plantes had to align for him to find out about his ability
Ranpo (✨Ultra Deduction✨) please help im being threatened . I mean, he could always be a genius or whatever but... Sure.
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riverkingmarley · 9 months
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Kinda can’t believe I did it.
Years ago I discovered a website called royal road where I would read power fantasy’s to kill time. While there I read a story called Super Minion that I liked because I have always liked that type of power set. The summer of last year I found another story on royal road that mentioned it was inspired by Super Minion, which was inspired by worm.
A few days after that I was working as an extra for the first time. It was for a Shania Twain music video and due to an organizing mishap they had us wait for ten hours before they could film our part. While waiting there I googled around to find out what worm was and started reading it. I got four arcs in before I couldn’t take it anymore and ended up looking up some spoilers (sorry wormblr). I loved it and haven’t gone a single day without thinking about it since.
This book has been really special to me. It inspired me to do the first bit of creative writing I’ve done outside of school. I feel like I’ve learned so much about writing and what makes a book good.
I’m learning disabled and I’ve always struggled a lot with reading. I hated it when I was a kid. When I was around 11-13 I discovered the Percy Jackson books and fell in love with them. Worm is the second time a series has captivated me to that extent. I think I’ll be reading a lot more in the future and it’s thanks to this book.
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hazelbaja · 8 months
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Five days of intense intramurals culminated in a rewarding day. Grateful to secure second place in the singing contest, I poured my heart into the performance. Proud of my efforts and celebrating alongside the formidable VICIOUS VIPERS, who also won the 2ND RUNNER UP🏆Congratulations to the VICIOUS VIPERS, fellow second placers, and a big shoutout to all the champions in different games. 🏆❤
0 notes
justforbooks · 4 months
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Jeannette Charles
The Queen’s most famous lookalike, who enjoyed a long career in film and television thanks to their uncanny resemblance
In 1972, Jeannette Charles was in her mid-40s and settling down to life in an Essex village, having returned, with her husband, Ken, from Libya. They had been living there for some years, but left following the army coup led by Muammar Gaddafi.
On reading about the artist Jane Thornhill in a local newspaper, Charles decided to commission a painting of herself for her husband’s birthday. Thornhill asked whether she could submit it for the Royal Academy’s summer exhibition in London, but when she did, the venerable institution returned the picture, believing it to be a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and having been told by Buckingham Palace that the monarch had not sat for it.
The resulting publicity began a new chapter in the life of Charles, who would spend the next 40 years as the Queen’s most famous lookalike, and who has died aged 96. She appeared on British television and in Hollywood films, alongside stars such as Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley and Mike Myers, and also modelled for Spitting Image when the satirical TV show was making the Queen’s puppet.
Charles said of her uncanny resemblance to the monarch, whom she never met: “We both have the same bone structure, so the same style of makeup and hairdressing suits us best. But I’m 2 inches shorter than her, so my clothes wouldn’t always look well on her and vice versa.”
She also made personal appearances – opening shops, handing out gifts with the flamboyant piano virtuoso Liberace and presenting a silver disc to the rock group Queen – and Muhammad Ali put in a special request to have a photograph taken with her. Commercials kept her busy, too, but Charles insisted: “I am not an actress. I only do the one role.”
Her first job as the Queen was posing for a London Weekly Advertiser poster that featured her reading a paper, with a stuffed corgi at her feet. However, London Transport, which was due to display it on buses and Tube trains, objected and never used it. Charles said it was a lesson: “too real … a little vulgar”. She insisted she was a staunch royalist, and told the Guardian in 2022: “I would never do anything that reflected badly on the monarch or myself. Over the years, I’ve turned down large sums to pose for Page 3-type pictures and insisted I should never be introduced as the Queen when making appearances.”
Jeannette was born in London, 18 months after Princess Elizabeth, to Yetta (nee Wonsoff), who was Dutch, of Polish descent, and Alfred Clark, a chef, later restaurateur, and was brought up in Perivale, Middlesex. Her resemblance to the future monarch was spotted when she was still a child. She recalled: “On a trip to Greenwich when I was 11 or 12, a photographer asked if he could use me in some shots, saying, ‘She looks like Princess Elizabeth.’ Later, I’d draw crowds, especially abroad, and sometimes had to run away.”
After leaving Wembley high school, she took a job as a secretary and spent evenings acting with an amateur group in Acton. She dreamed of acting professionally, and passed an audition to train at Rada, but could not afford the fees. Instead, she emigrated to the US at the age of 24 and settled in Midland, Texas.
While working there as an au pair, she met Ken Charles, a British oil drilling engineer with BP. His work took him to Canada – where they married in Alberta in 1957 – and then to South America and Libya.
They returned to Britain in 1969 and, when regal fame came to Charles, she found herself travelling the world again. At home, her early screen appearances were in the sketch shows Rutland Weekend Television (1975), with Eric Idle and Neil Innes, Spike Milligan’s Q series (from 1976 to 1980), and Not the Nine O’Clock News (1980). She was also in sitcoms such as Mind Your Language (1978) and Never the Twain (1990), and jetted to the US for a 1977 appearance on Saturday Night Live.
When Hollywood came calling, she put on the royal tiara to appear in National Lampoon’s European Vacation (1985). In The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988), she was seen flat on her back with Nielsen on top of her as they slide down a royal banqueting table – when his inept detective believes the Queen is about to be assassinated and jumps to her rescue. For Charles, another highlight of filming that wacky movie was being invited to Presley’s trailer for lunch. “We became good friends,” she said.
She was back in Hollywood for The Parent Trap (1998), with Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson, and Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002), when she mistook its star, Myers, for a crew electrician on first meeting him.
Alongside chat shows, corporate events, fete openings and other appearances, she appeared in Motörhead’s music video promoting their version of the Sex Pistols song God Save the Queen in 2000.
Charles’s autobiography, The Queen & I, was published in 1986.
Her husband died in 1997. She is survived by their three children, David, Peter and Carol, and her sister, Delinda.
🔔 Jeannette Dorothea Louise Charles, lookalike, born 15 October 1927; died 2 June 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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bestanimatedmovie · 4 months
Revenge of the Underrated, Round 2!
Round 1
The big players will start competing this round, so make sure to support your favorite unknown movie with propaganda and reblogs!
Also, this round we somehow ended up with more polls than round 1, so that will be fun 😅
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Luca vs Ballerina
2. Mary and Max vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
3. The Bad Guys vs Miss Hokusai
4. Loving Vincent vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
5. Pocahontas vs The Girl Without Hands
6. Hercules vs The Twelve Tasks of Asterix
7. Anomalisa vs Cats don't Dance
8. The Little Mermaid vs Felidae
9. It's Such a Beautiful Day vs An American Tail: Fievel Goes West
10. Paprika vs Pokemon Heroes
11. Sing 2 vs The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning
12. Wendell and Wild vs The Plague Dogs
13. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs vs Ice Age
14. The Hunchback of Notre Dame vs Strange Magic
15. Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16. Mad God vs Rock and Rule
17. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm vs Titan A.E.
18. The Wind Rises vs The Adventures of Mark Twain
19. Sleeping Beauty vs Tarzan
20. Zootopia vs Robots
21. Monsters vs Aliens vs The Twelve Months
22. Robin Hood vs Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe
23. The Case of Hana and Alice vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24. Long Way North vs One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
25. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26. My Life as a Zucchini vs Lupin III: The First
27. The Fox and the Hound vs Minions: The Rise of Gru
28. The Three Caballeros vs Princes and Princesses
29. When Marnie was Here vs A Letter to Momo
30. Akira vs The Wild Thornberrys Movie
31. The Cat Returns vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32. Belladonna of Sadness vs The Swan Princess
33. Porco Rosso vs Patema Inverted
34. Rio vs Next Gen
35. The Lego Batman Movie vs Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods
36. The Aristocats vs Thumbelina
37. James and the Giant Peach vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38. Castle in the Sky vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39. Over the Hedge vs Charlotte's Web (1973)
40. Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius vs The Princess and the Goblin
41. Redline vs Catnapped!
42. The Addams Family vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
43. Epic vs Padak
44. Vivo vs Bartok the Magnificent
45. Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Night on the Galactic Railroad
46. Waking Life vs The Rabbi's Cat
47. Barbie as Rapunzel vs Seven Days War
48. Cool World vs Pippi Longstocking
49. When the Wind Blows vs Ruben Brandt, Collector
50. Summer Wars vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
51. The Black Cauldron vs Mars Needs Moms
52. The Red Turtle vs Underdogs
53. Ron's Gone Wrong vs Once Upon a Forest
54. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
55. Arthur Christmas vs Help! I'm a Fish
56. Barbie of Swan Lake vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
57. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
58. Pokemon: The Movie 2000 vs Rock-A-Doodle
59. Arthur and the Invisibles vs Unico in the Island of Magic
60. Barbie as the Island Princess vs Flatland: The Film
61. Mind Game vs Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
62. Dragon Ball Super: Broly vs The Flight of Dragons
63. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero vs Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
64. Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase vs Happily N'Ever After
65. On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Book Girl
66. Tiger and Bunny: The Rising vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
67. The Pebble and the Penguin vs The Magic Riddle
68. A Troll in Central Park vs Ico, the Brave Horse
69. Robot Carnival vs Blinky Bill
70. The Snow Queen vs The Legend of Manxmouse
71. Early Man vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
72. Nocturna vs Junk Head
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liightsout · 8 months
the blue - part two (bonus)
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✯ summary: danny's thoughts after meeting mattie ✯
✯ pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!oc
✯ content warnings: none rlly, danny being a simp ✯
✯ now playing: like real people do - hozier ✯
✯ series masterlist ✯
December 2020
Danny stared at the ceiling above him. Bringing his hands to his face he rubbed at his eyes. 
Babe? Why did he call her babe? 
The answer was simple really. He couldn’t help himself. It was a slip of the tongue. He didn’t expect the girl in front of him would have reacted any other way. The second the endearment spilled from his lips he watched as her body froze and eyes grew larger. A deer in headlights. 
Then came the dusty rose hue that had crept from her neck and onto her cheeks. The way her eyes darted around the room, checking for her friend. Blue orbs frantically searching in the darkened room. Was she looking for help? Or was she making sure the moment had stayed between them? Was she as intrigued by him as he was by her? 
His mind was running a mile a minute. His heart rate hadn’t slowed down yet either. 
It didn’t help that he found himself lying on the sofa in her living room, surrounded by… her. 
He was slightly annoyed at himself that he hadn’t noticed sooner.
It was glaringly obvious Adam did not live here alone. 
Scented candles were scattered around the room. A vinyl shelf displaying numerous Taylor Swift records. Knitted blankets and fuzzy decorative cushions lined the sofa and armchair. 
Small photos of Adam and Mattie were placed neatly on a bookshelf.
One that looked to be from their university graduation, the pair of them arm in arm with bright smiles on their faces and black robes covering their bodies. Another showing the pair of them at Silverstone, they looked around 11 or 12 years old. Adam was proudly wearing a Mclaren cap, Mattie a Red Bull one and a Mark Webber Red Bull Racing shirt. 
So she had a thing for Aussie’s who raced for Red Bull? 
He could work with that. 
On that same bookshelf he noted the dozens of novels stacked up, filling the shelves to the brim. Bronte, Austen, Fitzgerald, Dickens, Twain, and a list of other authors he had never heard of before. At first he wondered who they belonged to, and then quickly surmised that Adam didn’t strike him as the type for classic literature. 
In fact, the only items in the room he could identify as belonging to him were the Xbox placed next to the flat screen TV and the Mclaren uniform hanging on the back of the armchair covered in motor oil. He guessed that Adam probably wasn’t around a lot given the hectic schedule that was the F1 calendar. 
The more he looked around the room, the more he learnt. The more he learnt, the more he wanted to know. 
Did he make her nervous? Or was she just shy? 
His heart raced at the thought. She clearly had been caught off guard by his appearance in her flat at 3AM. The way she had come stomping into the room, ready to yell at her friend for waking her up. The way her angry eyes had gone soft, and then alarmed at the realisation he was not her roommate. She was adorable, he thought. 
He needed to stop. He needed sleep. 
Closing his eyes he attempted to clear his mind. 
I wonder if her Instagram profile is private. 
Nope. Nope. He was being weird. They had only officially met in the last 30 minutes. He couldn’t start scrolling through her Insta profile while lying on her sofa while she slept in the other room. 
He concluded his infatuation combined with the alcohol still swimming through his system was not a good combination. 
With a final sigh he closed his eyes again and tried to get some sleep.
✯ authors note: you guuuuys!!! got a couple more likes/reblogs today which brought the BIGGEST smile to my face.
how's everyone's day been? did anyone else watch the alpine car launch? i was honestly worried for them all, i have never seen a group of people look so bored before in my life.
anywhoooo - chapter 3 should be up tonight or tomorrow :) ✯
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silverwings22 · 4 months
Caught in the Crosshairs: Chapter Master List
1: Time of Dying: Three Days Grace 2: Monsters: Katie Sky 3: Mama Said Knock You Out: Five Finger Death Punch 4: Talk Dirty To Me: Jason Derulo 5: You're Mine: Disturbed 6: In My Head: Jason Derulo 7: Never Enough: Loren Allred 8: Bruises and Bitemarks: Good with Grenades 9: Feels Like This: Maisie Peters 10: Hey Jealousy: Gin Blossoms 11: How To Save A Life: The Fray 12: Shivers: Ed Sheeran 13: Feel Invincible: Skillet 14: Leave Out All The Rest: Linkin Park 15: Falling Inside the Black: Skillet 16: Enemy: Imagine Dragons 17: Flesh: Simon Curtis 18: Warrior: Beth Crowley 19: Heathens: 21 Pilots 20: Marry Me: Train 21: I'm Jealous: Shania Twain 22: Bad Blood: Taylor Swift 23: Impossible: Shontelle 24: When I Was Me: Imagine Dragons 25: This is Gospel: Panic at the Disco 26: Taking Over Me: Evanescence 27: You're Going Down: Sick Puppies 28: Sound of Surviving: Nichole Nordeman 29: Let the Bad Times Roll: The Offspring 30: Kryptonite: 3 Doors Down 31: Love the Way You Lie Part 2: Eminem ft Rhianna 32: Follow You Down: Shinedown 33: Everything Burns: Anastacia ft Ben Moody 34: Die From a Broken Heart: Maddie and Tae 35: Whispers in the Dark: Skillet 36: Lights: Ellie Goulding 37: Die For You: Starset 38: Anthem of the Angels: Breaking Benjamin 39: Without You: Breaking Benjamin 40: Dark on Me: Starset 41: Hands: Jewel 42: Shatter Me: Lindsey Sterling 43: Dead Man Walking: Jelly Roll 44: Control: Halsey 45: In My Daughter's Eyes: Martina McBride 46: Planet Zero: Shinedown 47: All Around Me: Flyleaf 48: What You Want: Evanescence
I've Hit the Text Limit: Part 2!
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zombubble · 3 months
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From In Memory; In Truth Chapter 11:
Mild violence cw:
The Wrath is already hurtling downward, their disguised blade ready to cleave him in half but he dodges to the side, back on his feet in an instant. With a wave, Wei Wuxian pulls his armor on, dulling its shine to hide its radiance. Just in time; the Wrath swings their sword and glances off his bracer as he deflects it. They swing again and he sidesteps with a spin, leaps back up into a tree. Wei Wuxian flings a bolt of energy at them as they leap towards him but they twist in the air, pushing off a tree to change their trajectory. Following closely, they get a hit in against his side but he kicks the sword away—not out of their hands, but away—shortly after. Leaping backwards again, he dodges a few more attacks, lets one glance off his pauldron as he comes in with a kick and sends the Wrath flying some distance away. They’re already on their feet when he gets there, ready to strike a blow on his head. Both arms crossed above him, he catches the blade and kicks their chest to force them off of him. “What sort of fight is this?” he asks. “Sword against fists? Where’s your sense of honor?” The Wrath looks at him, red eyes in shrouded black smoke behind what Wei Wuxian sees, now, is a ghost mask. He chuckles. “Do like the mask, though,” he says. “Very fitting. I must commend y—” The sword flies at him now and he catches it—and it screams in his head, oh, it screams so loudly for blood for vengeance for something to carve, kill, rend to nothingness, slake the thirst the thirst the thirst— Wrenching itself out of his grip, it flies back to its owner. “You’re clearly pissed about something,” Wei Wuxian says, “and I get it. I don’t blame you; if I’d become a ghost, I’d probably be just as resentful. If I know what you want, maybe I can—” “I need no help from the gods,” the Wrath says, its voice distorted, slithering in three tones at once. “So much work to disguise yourself!” Wei Wuxian says, jumping back to a treetop. The Wrath follows. “It’s almost like you don’t want to be recognized.” Oh, that pisses them off. With a roar, they attack Wei Wuxian again, kicking him into a clearing before trying, again, to cleave him in twain. He rolls one way, then the other—kicks them to get back on his feet and deflects the next strike easily. Their foot hits the side of his head, sending him careening into a boulder. Fuck. Ow. They approach. He kicks them—they fly, but use their sword to slow their momentum just enough to swing around, sending themselves back at him. Lightning-fast, they run at him, sword raised and he braces himself, the ground breaking under his feet as he digs them in. Reaching up, he grabs their arms, stops them, leaves grooves in the ground a meter and a half long from where he’d been when they met. In the near distance, a tree cracks. Falls. The forest settles around them and there’s a flash of white to the west. Wei Wuxian looks and sees them—the Twin Jades, both staring in shock—and then— Whoa, fuck, the ghost yanks his head down, knees him in the face to break his nose and then kicks the side of his knees to make Wei Wuxian stumble. When he does, they grab an arm and the corresponding leg and yank, spinning twice before he’s sent careening straight at Lan Wangji and his elder brother. Shit. Shit shit shit. Twisting, Wei Wuxian forces a downward trajectory, bounces once, but it’s not enough to stop him and he ends up slamming into them, all three of them landing in a heap on the forest floor. Ow. A firm chest moves under his cheek and when he looks up at the owner, Lan Zhan is looking at him with wide, worried eyes. “Hey, thought I’d meet you guys out here,” Wei Wuxian says, grinning. He can feel blood running down his face.
alskjdfl A funnier scene than some of the other, more painful ones I had in mind. This was so fun to write, though!! I haven't gotten to write many real fight scenes before I started up with this story, so it was a fun exercise that I look forward to editing.
As I work on the epilogue, going back and re-reading earlier parts of the story makes me have at least three (3) emotions, possibly twenty-nine (29). Can't wait to actually edit and get it published.
Cannot. Wait.
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animatronic-archive · 10 months
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To break away from CPI shows this is Daniel and the Dixie Diggers made by sally corp, this show has two variations known the quintet which is the photo on top with Scratchmo, Daniel T bones, Percy, Beau and Huck the bottom is a trio show with only Beau,Daniel,Scratchmo. quintets locations (Mark Twain’s Riverboat Playhouse - South Florida, Arizona Pizza Pizazz - Columbus, Ohio Pinocchio’s - Bountiful, Utah Station Alpha - Pikeville KY Dixie Dog Show Time - Phenix City, Alabama Paddlewheel - Lancaster MA Pizza/Roll on America - Groton, CT (ROA and paddlewheel are the same) Merlin’s Skateland (Merlins Magical Kingdom) - Salisbury, Maryland Paddlewheel Casino - Las Vegas Adventureland - Des Moines Iowa Hersheypark - Hershey PA Riverside Park - Agawam, MA Rusutsu Resort - Hokkaido JAPAN Sang Bang Wool - South Korea FunHouse - Delphos, Ohio Squirty Worms - Lima OH Food Pavilion - state fair TX Choo Choo Charlie’s - St. Catherines ON The unknown trailer show - MA) trio locations+ones below (Roller Kingdom / Kidz Zone ,Wild World)
11 of these trio shows (Oklahoma City OK, Greensboro NC, Charlotte NC, Austin TX, Mesquite TX, Clearwater FL, Tulsa OK, Memphis TN, Metairie/New Orleans LA, South Houston TX, North Houston TX)were put into Celebration stations instead of the Pantone/Woof show aswell as having Jethro P. hogg occupying them besides one show in Knoxville TN that had The rockin rascals which was basically the trio+Jethro retrofitted into Major moose, Calvin cat, Purcilla purr, and Hurricane hound. one of the bots from the Austin TX show is now owned by a fandom member known as wizbangs/Wizzy whos got him in working order. before he got him the show was sent to Clearwater FL which sat and was used for parts.
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Then there is enchanted castles show it has its own history which will have a post dedicated to it but to make it brief enchanted castle had before down sizing its show a retrofitted quintet minus Percy
Prince,Lance and Godfrey
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cannoli-reader · 18 days
As a follow up, I hate that we never see her aknowledge that she was at fault for her relationship with Rand souring. Like, all the others EF5s managed to mantain a level of trust and cooperation with him, as well as Min, Aviendha and Elayne. And in book 11 she still acts as tho she's completely in the right. I mean, girl you were trying to invade his dreams everynight since you learned how to do it! On another note, the chekov's gun of her ruined relationship with Nynaeve after the dream assault is also not dealt with, thanks BranSan (ruined is a bit strong but you know what i mean). Sorry for the two long messages in a row, it's just that you're one of the only people I've seen actually discuss Egwene's more negative traits.
I don't think she is at fault for their relationship souring, I think they just grew apart. Romantically, they were never really each other's one true love, it was just a pairing of convenience within the confines of Emond's Field. For the rest of it, Rand's issues drew him away from all his friends and put distance between them. His love interests have their relationships with him, because they are compatible with those issues. Basically, he is who he is, and she is who she is, and never the twain shall meet. The thing is, Rand knows who she is, and accepts that about her. He doesn't really have expectations or standards of the people in his life and generally a good handle on who they are, and he accepts that about them. The problems generally come with his own underselling himself, and feeling unworthy to reach out to them.
With Egwene, he accepts her loyalties, and is still friendly to her, and does what he can to be supportive. He doesn't put unreasonable expectations on their relationship or get embittered by her failure to live up to them. So in that sense, their relationship never really sours. They're just working for different companies, members of different political parties, or playing on different teams. And I think in day-to-day stuff, that does not touch on the subject of the story (in other words, the interactions that never make it onto the page), Egwene is nice and can be fun to be around. It's the only explanation I can think why so many people become and stay friends with her, despite things like clearly tattling on Aviendha's deliberately annoying Rand when she is supposed to be getting him to open up to her.
Their relationship doesn't need her to make an effort to maintain or improve it, because they were never going to be anything more than friendly opponents, just by being who and what they were. With their lives limited to Two Rivers stuff, their differences would have been complimentary perspectives on their shared agenda of raising a family and running a farm. But once out in the world, with a lot more possibilities open to them, they are going in different directions. Or more precisely, Egwene is going as fast and far in a particular direction, and Rand is not going to be interested in following her down that road. Really, for Egwene & Rand to stay close and trusting each other, one or both would have to give up everything they are and what is important to them, and make their world all about the other one.
His girlfriends, by contrast, have interests or natures that are sufficiently open and general that going down Rand's path with him is as good a way as any to get what they want out of life. Basically, they are the sort of people who can be with Rand without compromising themselves, and Rand and Egwene can't.
And without excusing particular actions of hers, I think Egwene was drawn into the boys' ta'veren web as a kind of spur to get certain things done, and in the grand scheme of things, there was no place for her in a world that did not have Tarmon Gaidon on the horizon, to justify her relentless drive to self-aggrandizement. And let's not forget, Rand, from the first book to the last is always very good at reading Egwene. He laughs when she tells him she is apprenticing under Nynaeve, because he knows Egwene will never ever be content as the understudy or number two, much less waiting behind a 24 year old in a lifetime position. He keeps mum when Egwene asks about the black rider, and Mat & Perrin tell her, because he knows she won't believe him. And it goes on, all the way up to Merrilor, when he is counting on her opposition and need to flex to gather the leaders of the nations together for a common purpose, and saving him the work. So to a certain extent, they maintained a good relationship, because it was everything Rand needed it to be.
As for her arc and still thinking she's in the right as of the last book Jordan finished ... that's a plausible character arc, because nothing happened to make her think otherwise. It's the flip side & parallel of Rand's descent in the second half of the series. But where he is going dark and hardening himself, corrupting himself with negative attitudes and feelings to fight the Shadow, she is corrupting herself with institutional thinking, getting caught up in the White Tower and its issues as if that is all there is, and forgetting that it should be just a means to an end. Her equivalent of the Dragonmount revelations would have been a gradual realization, as she witnesses the division and strife within the Tower, that she is part of the problem and needs to change her approach. NOT a sudden epiphany, right when that understanding offers her an excuse to bend instead of breaking on the rock of Elaida's equal certainty in her own legitimacy. I also think that would have led to her keeping Siuan at arm's length, because she was the devil on Egwene's shoulder urging her down that path. This, combined with whatever Jordan had in mind with her confrontation of Rand at, or leading to, Merrilor, might have suddenly left her isolated and feeling kind of friendless, as she goes back to Nynaeve and Elayne, or the Wise Ones, and they are friendly, but only so far, and all too conscious of her Amyrlin status. That is where I think some reconsideration of how she has been working with her friends would come in, with her making some effort to be more accommodating to them, offering olive branches or concessions, not in spite of politics, but finding a way to merge the personal and political, like, doing things for them, as an indicator that she can and does trust and respect them, rather than the favoritism or utility her previous assistance (e.g. raising Nynaeve & Elayne to the shawl) was couched as. I think the arrangements worked out for the Last Battle, under Jordan, would have been the culmination of the relationships between the characters, with their personal connections overcoming the political problems, and Egwene would learn a lesson, and act on it, in the midst of this.
Regarding making amends for the dream assault on Nynaeve, again, I don't think that's coming without some sort of incident rubbing what she did in her face. And given Nynaeve's own growth since that moment, she's not really going to be sulking or put out over it. It would probably take something like a similar incident arising in the shared awareness of Nynaeve and Egwene, and Nynaeve making it clear that her response to this is rooted in her personal experience. I think it would have to be Egwene trying or doing something shady with her dream powers and Nynaeve to call her on it. Just empathizing with someone else's trauma isn't going to bring her to remind Egwene, because her experiences with Moghedian after that would have been a lot more prominent in her mind. I think Egwene's attack and Moghedian's rolled together in Nynaeve's mind, along with all the frustrations she had been experiencing in the real world at the time, so that when she breaks down to Elayne and Birgitte on the boat to Salidar, Egwene's actions are just a small part of the trauma she subsequently works through with their friendship. So that's really in Nynaeve's past, she got through it, and she's beyond letting it hurt her or drag her down. That's why I think it would probably only ever come up with Nynaeve needed to confront Egwene about doing that a second time.
In Wheel of Time, I think a useful approach is in the Rolling Stones song, that goes "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might just find you get what you need." We might want justice for Egwene's (and many other's) transgressions, but we can't get that. Instead, what we need is for Nynaeve to heal from it, for it not to harm her in the long run. And she does.
At the end of it all, Rand and Nynaeve are alive, relatively happy and with most of the people they love, most notably the people they love who are good for them. And Egwene got what she got. And I can live with that.
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vintagelasvegas · 1 year
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Wonder World - W🌐W - Maryland Parkway, February 28, 1968
Frank Mitrani Photographs (PH-00332) UNLV Special Collections & Archives
Among the first wave of suburban shopping centers to open around Las Vegas in the 60s was Wonder World Discount Department Store. Founded by a corporate developer in NYC, the first location opened in ‘62 at Decatur Blvd & Vegas Dr. VP of the parent company Herb Kaufman relocated to Las Vegas in ‘66 and turned Wonder World into a local chain, opening Wonder World at Maryland & Twain in 1968, and two others at W Sahara, and E Owens in North Las Vegas. Each department was leased with their own check-out; WOW owned the stores and property.
Wonder World Industries became Chanin Development Corp in ‘71 and developed Regency Tower, the first residential high-rise in Las Vegas. Kaufman later became the producer of Kenny Kerr’s Boy-Lesque. Pay Less bought Wonder World in ‘86, and phased out the name by ‘88.
Photo: Elvis shopping for ammo at Wonder World in the 70s.
Discount Store Opens Thursday. Review-Journal, 11/4/62; Wonder World Opening. Review-Journal, 2/29/68; Birthday Sale. Review-Journal, 10/30/75; S. Caudle. Colorful Herb Kaufman. Review-Journal, 8/7/77; M. Caruso. Wonder World undergoes transformation. Review-Journal, 7/31/86; Wonder World conversion completed. Review-Journal, 2/25/88; T. Hawley. Before Walmart or Target, Las Vegas had Wonder World. News3LV 12/6/2017.
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