#12 word poem
lua-pele · 5 months
how does it feel when you keep making me look like a fool? when you keep letting me drown in my thoughts in the middle of the night asking myself
"am i not enough?".
was it satisfying?
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jb-cohen · 2 months
People around me keep getting younger. I find my way back on the rocks. Listening to the water
thinking about cows.
Last night I left
Without moving my body—
Last night I left without moving my body
And she asked me where I went
I’m on the rocks,
There is a beautiful man next to me
And I can’t help but to wonder
How I got so lucky
But maybe I always have been
There is love everywhere
It’s out there for you
It’s out there for me
It’s where people don’t mind your silence
It’s in the dog who made you hesitate going out the door
It’s in patience
It’s in listening ears
You’ll see it between the two geese
swimming together, communicating
to the one across the pond
It’s in questions
It’s in allowing youthful connection
It’s in a willingness to learn
It’s in the ones who ask you were you’ve gone
Where you’ve been
and how it was
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autumnsunshine10 · 1 year
Next Stop
Okay so here's the thing--
My guard went out to lunch
Then one shuffled up offering
Profundity temporarily covering
Nitty-gritty insipidity--for shame!
Trenchcoat drenched...look away.
Parking my backside on a bench,
Sitting out another grand slam game;
Pop up scrimmage on the fly,
Suiting up umpire style...
Learned lesson, belatedly applied.
Supplanted, supply and demand
Disenchanted by an elephant
In the room I read wrong.
My head can't wrap around
Tunnel vision distance...
Put the fun in funneling,
The scam in scampering.
There's nothing to see here--
Heavily cloaked fully clothed,
Dragging busted baggage...
So it's not just a compact carry-on.
That's fine, I'll take my chances
On the next bus to stop by.
Prompts: there's a thing, park bench
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“Hurt? Hurt is just a passing bruise, a fleeting pain. What you left me feeling was a cataclysmic upheaval, I was debilitated and traumatised. I was not merely hurt; I was devastated, consumed by a catastrophic sorrow that shattered my very being. It was a symphony of chaos and calamity, a storm of ruin that left nothing but desolation in its wake.”
- Excerpt from a story I no longer share #2 // saying you ‘hurt’ me was redundant // krupapatelreads on Instagram.
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a-quiet-observer · 9 months
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evergreenwords · 7 months
Myrtles, motion, misbehave.
Toxic perspectives make us slaves.
Climb the trees, become immortal.
Live a life more free of toil.
Emerging through a secret garden.
Softer hearts can often harden.
Please fret naught for you are gold.
We hear that story you've never told.
Just take a breath and pick your flowers.
Don't be afraid to leave your tower.
-s.z (Cyclic)
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getcareless · 1 year
City Flowers
City flowers on my mind
all the street lights glow.
I planted seeds,
now the memories grow.
I think of you,
something about your eyes.
The neon jungle groans.
There’s petals and
all the love for you, I
feel it in my bones.
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nest-being · 2 months
i love art!!! i love comics!!! i love poetry!!! i love prose!! i love music!!! i love animation!!!! i love fashion!!!! i love creative expression!!! i love seeing the beauty and brutality and complexity of the world explored in so many different ways!!! i love knowing there is a human being behind every creative work- driven to create and tell stories as a form of communication and connection!!! art is life!!! art is humanity!!! art is existence!!!!!
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jjoie · 2 months
satan's best friend
Ruler of all that is evil,
has a right-hand man,
the spawn of all evil. Yet
they were once all fallen angels,
who help give life, but, at the snap
of a finger
or two,
can be taken away
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lua-pele · 6 months
Your beauty lights up my night as your soft glow soothes my soul. Yet it cant fill the void, for i long for the sun that vanish at dusk.
"Full Moon"
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jb-cohen · 21 days
The intimacy of the escalator
Knowing there is depth
and warmth to every
Coat and bag around you.
Most people are good
I think most people may just want connection
in the same way I do.
-may 12, 2024
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talk-to-themoon · 10 months
No I’m sorry,I’m actually still just a 12 year old girl with a bleeding heart and a bottle of tequila.
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autumnsunshine10 · 2 years
Never Have I Ever
Call me Sunshine only
If you don't mind eclipses at times
Random as cracks on asphalt
Never would I ask to be taken as steady
Sanity but a waxing crescent
Engine sputtering in the night
Trying to turn over futilely before
Restlessly scratching at the same itch
Never would I have acquired this ache
Had I never seen the light
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aias-or-ajax · 4 months
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peachsukii · 6 months
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you burned it all to the ground lit the match without a second thought watched the fire dance and the ashes flicker unbothered at the damage left behind
you said forever, and i believed you pinky’s intertwined, a sisterhood forged in spirit putting on your best performance for the crowd were you holding the knife all along?
i want to hate you for not choosing me every word you promised haunting my memories a broken oath and an empty ultimatum washing your hands of everything we built
pages of secrets torn from our storybooks the battlefield littered with regrets hearts at a standstill, daggers in hand tainted history and bitter confessions
how could i not see through your façade? the mask you wore all those years i trusted your faith, the bond we wove as friends you let it unravel and fall into the grave, shovel in hand
was it really just pretend - a decade’s worth of time? i had to convince myself it was real so i can sleep at night knowing nothing was a waste but i can’t help but wonder how seeing my name makes you feel
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⋆ ˚ʚɞ — i can go days, weeks, months without thinking about her and then bam, those feelings come out of nowhere. grieving a friendship that you thought would last forever never gets easier. she was in my wedding party and i was in hers, ya know? you'd think shit like that mattered. so many memories with our friend group with her in it, it's hard to think of the good times with her shadow lingering through said memories. ugh. happy wednesday lol
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a-quiet-observer · 1 year
i’m supposed to be secure
in knowing one day i’ll be secured
but at the same time i can’t expect it
i can’t initiate it
i can’t see it coming
i have to be okay with being alone
more than okay
i need to love it
i need to stop looking for what my life could be
and just love what it is
what it is
when i’m alone
friends are forever
men are disposable
that is until
your friends find ‘the one’
and suddenly
you’re the last person
they text
the last person
on their mind
the last person
they think of when they see something funny
or something sad
when you tell them you’re lonely
they’ll smile and say
‘keep your hopes up,
you’ll find love someday!’
as if someday didn’t come like lightning for them
and eons for me
7/24/23, 12:16am
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