#13 minutes. bam.
icypiece · 2 years
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Perfect voting presentation. No notes.
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bl-bam-beyond · 11 months
A LOOK BACK at Bas & Pete
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3 Episode Micro Series (Approximately 13 minutes total) From Mith Bangkok
More of an extended cologne commercial. Telling the story of a shy freshman Pete (TEERAPAT RUANGRITKUL aka DIN formerly Earth) who has a crush on his senior Bas (CHATCHAWAN JITRAXTHAM aka FLUK)
Unable to approach Bas, Pete join the drama club where Bas is the man. However Pete isn't the only one that likes Bas. A cute girl name Jang also likes him. Though she never confesses she approaches Bas for "help" with her acting.
Jang does a scene with Bas and is applauded and admitted to the drama club, while Pete is dumped from the drama club.
Sitting alone in an empty classroom Pete laments losing his only chance to be near the guy he likes.
Bas suddenly appears with the note Pete left on a piece of cake on Bas' locker. Bas asks if it was from him. Pete can't speak. Bas smells Pete and then smells the paper saying the scent is the same.
Bas figures it all out. Asking Pete if he likes him, that he joined the drama club because of Bas.
Bas says Pete doesn't have to try drama club which he's not good at, because if he can't find away to approach him, that Bas will find a way to approach him (confirming Bas likes Pete as well)
The two smile at one another...the end.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
This micro series stars FLUK AND DIN who later starred together MY SECRET LOVE. Sadly the side couples ruled that series...well not sadly. Din also played Wayo #2 in 2 MOONS 2
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[Nickname: FLUK]
[Nickname: DIN formerly EARTH]
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 11 months
She’s a maneater part 1/?
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parings: melissa schemmenti x reader
warnings for this chapter: melissa is a bully
you woke up with a jolt as the blanket was ripped off of you for the fifth time that night.
"oh my god, melissa" you groan, turning over, expecting to see her sleeping but shes wide awake on her side, with her head resting on her hand.
"you kept letting go of me and im tired of it." you chuckle slightly, trying to ignore your irritation. you pull her into you quickly, she yelps out. you lean in close.
"a simple ask would do you just fine, my love." you whisper against her lips.
"well, you know me, stubborn as always" she smiles and connects your lips, the domestic nature causing your heart to stutter, she pulls away slowly, her hand coming to your cheek. "I love you."
you and melissa weren’t always this way, it took a lot to get where you are now.
you were late your first day, traffic was stressing you out and you struggled to find parking spot in such a busy street, you had to park 5 minutes away. you were rushing into the school doors, through the hallway when-
you slam right into the red headed teacher. her papers went flying and so did your ego. the look she gave you might as well killed you.
“i am so sorry-” she immediately drops to the floor, grabbing her stuff. you follow, trying to compensate for your clumsiness.
“why are you running through the doors anyways? if your kid is late then sign the damn tardy slip” angry radiating from her words.
“oh no- i don’t have a kid. i work here. i actually just got hired” her head swings over to look at you. you wish the earth would swallow you whole.
“30 minutes late on your first day” she scoffs. “great first impression, you’ll definitely get along with ava” she storms off, leaving me confused and flustered.
I walk down the hallways to the principals office, Ava is already leaning on the door frame, ready to great me.
"you're late." she says, sternly.
"I know, I'm so sorry, I couldn't find a parking spot so I parked super-"
"it was a joke, I don't care" she walks into her office. "pshhh no one told me I hired another Janine." she laughs, looking at the camera. the guy zooms in on my confused face. "anyways, you're in room 12, just down the hall, where you came in. your kids are currently with ms. schemmenti's class, room 13, you're taking her third graders also. if you talk to Melissa, she'll sort out who's who's." Ava's already on tiktok, laughing about a video before I can respond.
its going to be a long day.
I look up at the sign on the door that says room 13, I take a deep breath before opening the door, knocking as I do so. All of the attention is on me as the room goes quite. I look around the room, only seeing the students.
"hey kids! I'm the new third grade teacher that's going to be next door." they all shout hi in return. "where's your teacher?" I ask as the door opens again.
"oh god, not you again." I spin around, seeing the same redhead from earlier.
"uh- hi, im y/n y/ln. the teacher next door" I say, holding my hand out waiting for hers. she looks down at my hand and then back up at me, before rolling her eyes.
"alright guys! this is ms. y/ln, she will be taking half of you's with her, so if you're in third grade, please line up at the door, single file!" the students jump up, lining up in an almost perfect line.
"thank you, ms. schemmenti, if you need anything, ill be just over there." I say as I point towards the wall. she doesn't even look at me so I take it as a hint to leave.
three months later
“i’m tired of the new kid, she waltzes in here, all miss clumsy but charming, takes over the kids hearts and everyone loves her” melissa vents to barbra
“remind me again, are you trying to offend or compliment her? she’s been doing everything right, she’s the teacher we’ve been wanting to work here, what do you hate so much about her?” melissa stands up, pacing the 2nd grade class.
“she’s a newbie, and newbies make mistakes that we can’t afford” barbra shakes her head, not believing melissa.
“that’s not the real reason” the bell rings “talk to me when you find out the reason, until then, be nice to the kid” melissa huffs as she sits back down, watching barbra walk out and her kids march in.
a/n: first chapter of my new series is done!! this is a short chapter just to get something out there, hope you guys like it!
taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @dopenightmaretyphoon
to be added to my taglist, send in an ask!!
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smileatthesky · 5 months
Things I would’ve done if I ran watcher before putting up a paywall
Super low patreon tier for like $1 a month purely for support, like next to no benefits just for fans who want to support but don’t have heaps of spare income
Create a show that was simply to pander to the audience and generate revenue - literally put Ryan and Shane in a room and have them talk about a certain funny thing. Make it super low budget and super unscripted to be extremely rewatchable. Bam instant hit
Not hired new people whilst on the verge of supposed financial collapse
Streamline video making process (what do you mean it took 13 people for one 3 minute video???)
Not start a show with the premise of spending ludicrous amounts of money (esp. in a recession)
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Royal Pain Part 23
Hey, guys! This story is back, baby! And is the start of the four chapters that are all one run on chapter basically. You'll see why at the end of this chapter I held off until I got the resolution written.
I still have some room on the tag list but not much, only six slots. So once it fills up, that's it, I will take no more requests for the list once it hits fifty.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22
There wasn’t time for Eddie to see Steve and Wayne before the show, well for any of them to see their loved ones before the show, really.
Eddie’s knee was bouncing as hard as it was when he played in front of Steve for the first time.
They had all met Metallica at the sound check and had hit off, much to everyone’s surprise. But they had their own pre-show rituals and Corroded Coffin had theirs.
“Fuck,” Jeff said, coming back from the bathroom. “I think I’ve thrown up more times tonight than I did that time we all thought it would fun to main line tequila shots for two hours straight.”
Everyone winced in sympathy. That was a bad time for everyone all around.
“Who would have thought that after years of hard work,” Brian said, “that we would be opening for Metallica? Holy shit, this is our lives!”
Jeff smiled, looking a little less green around the gills. “Mandy said that if I waited for us to be ready, we would never take that chance,” he said, rubbing his hands on his pants. “And she’s right. We’ll never get a chance like this ever again.”
Gareth chewed on his thumb, gnawing at it worryingly. Eddie got up and put his arm around their youngest member. “Hey, this isn’t us selling out. This isn’t us giving up our dedicated following. This is us testing the waters to see if this is something we would enjoy doing.” He kissed the top of Gareth’s head. “We won’t know if we prefer smalls gigs at the Nightmare Hole over stadiums, if we haven’t played stadiums, okay?”
Gareth nodded. “I’m just being ridiculous.”
Jeff came over sat down on the other side of him. “No you’re not. It’s a valid concern. But Eddie’s right, too. How do you know you prefer intimate sessions over roaring crowds if you’ve never played to those roaring crowds?”
Gareth sighed. “Yeah, I guess.”
Brian tilted his head. “It’s the sound, isn’t it?”
All three other members turned to him. Gareth’s jaw dropped. He opened and closed his mouth several times trying to refute Brian’s claim, but found he couldn’t.
Jeff twisted in his seat to look at Gareth a little better. “Loud noises bother you?”
“Gare-bear...” Eddie said softly. “Why didn’t you say something?”
Gareth blushed and looked at his hands, picking at the skin around his nails. He shrugged. “I never thought about it. Until Bri said something, I didn’t even realize that might be why.”
Brian had been digging in his bag while they talked and chose that moment to brandish his find. “Tada!” He waved the noise canceling headphones around like a flag. “Wear these!”
Gareth stood up and gingerly took them from Brian and help them tenderly. He looked up Brian like he was a god damned hero.
Brian tapped on them. “Just plug them into little sound device they gave us and bam! No more sound. Or at least very little.”
Gareth fell on his friend giving him the biggest hug. Brian hugged him back fiercely.
“I just want to make sure you have fun out there, okay?” he whispered.
Gareth nodded.
There was a knock on the door and a stage manager poked his head in.
“Five minutes guys.”
Gareth straightened up and composed himself as his friends strapped on their instruments.
They all filed out but Gareth hung back for a moment. Eddie turned and smiled at him.
“Come on,” he said fondly, holding out his hand. “Let’s go make some noise.”
Gareth laughed. “Hell yeah!”
Steve was showed to the VIP box where a lot of people were already there. Some of them he knew like Gethin and Miranda. Wayne, too. Most of them were complete strangers and suddenly he felt like he didn’t belong here.
Everyone else here was family. Steve wasn’t even a boyfriend. Not yet anyway. They had barely kissed the once before this landed on their laps. Eddie even had to cancel his tattoo appointment for today. That’s how new this all was.
He took a step back. Then two. He was about to turn and run when Miranda spotted him.
“Steve!” she called out, making every head turn his direction.
Which did not help his feelings inadequacy in the slightest.
She leapt to her feet and dragged him over to sit between her and Wayne.
“I’ll introduce you all after,” she said. “So glad you could make it. Jeff was saying he was worried you wouldn’t be able to because of work.”
Steve blushed. Which meant Eddie had been terrified. “I wouldn’t have missed this for anything.”
She raised an eyebrow and twisted around to look him in the eye. “You sure? Because it looked like you were going to bolt to me.”
Steve shook his head. “I would have found somewhere else to watch them. But I don’t belong here with family and the significant others. I’m just...me.”
Miranda slumped down in her seat with a sigh. “Steve, of course you belong here. Eddie only had two people in the whole world he wanted to see him open for one of the biggest metal bands in the world. And you’re sitting next to other one.”
Steve looked over at Wayne who chuckled.
“Do we have to tie you down, Steve?” he asked fondly.
Steve shook his head. “No, sir. I’ll be good.”
Wayne hummed. “Glad to hear it. Now quiet down. My boy is about to play.”
Steve smiled for the first time since arriving at the arena.
The house lights went down and the stage lights went up. Steve leaned forward, elbows on his knees, chin propped up on his fists. Eddie was always beautiful to behold, but fuck. Like this, under the spotlights? He was incandescent.
Eddie leaned into the microphone and introduced his band to the audience.
“We don’t usually play other people’s music, but we got permission to do this one,” Eddie said. He nodded to Brian, who grinned.
Corroded Coffin’s bassist began to play, the first few notes in and the crowd went apeshit. Completely crazy. Steve turned to Miranda. “Shit. I think I know this one. It’s Master of Puppets, right? From Metallica?”
Miranda nodded. “Damn straight it is.”
Steve was on his feet screaming in an instant. Everyone was cheering and having a good time. Maybe he shouldn’t be here, but until someone said something, he was going to cheer Eddie on the loudest. He loved his metal boyfriend with all his heart.
Eddie stumbled off the stage covered in sweat and higher then he’d ever been on weed. The rest of the band was jumping and screaming too. There was no greater feeling in the world.
They got better than front row seats to Metallica as they watched from backstage.
Even after thirty-five years they still knew how to bring the house to their knees.
They celebrated with the band for a bit before their families were ushered in. Eddie had even cleared it with the band for Dustin and his friends to come meet them but only for five minutes.
Dustin and Mike were freaking out, but Will hung back, still shy. But Lars came over and talked to him for a minute and that really made Will’s day. Hell, his entire year if he was being honest.
They all filed out leaving the ten family members alone with the boys of Corroded Coffin. Gareth’s parents and twin were fawning over him calling him brave and saying how proud they were of him breaking out of his comfort zone.
Jeff’s dad and Mandy’s mom were huddled over in the corner with the couple, just hugging each other tight. No words needed.
Brian had his sister and Cecil and his sister chatting excitedly, hands waving about as they broke down their favorite moments of the concert.
Eddie picked Steve up and whirled him around kissing him soundly on the lips. “Baby, did you see us out there?”
Wayne chuckled. “Oh just him and about thirty thousand other people.”
Eddie kissed him on the cheek fiercely. “I’ve never felt anything like it! It was so amazing.”
“You were amazing, Eds,” Steve said. “All of you were. It’s you guys were made for that stage.”
Eddie kissed him again. “I’m so glad you were able to make it! I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to come.”
Steve kissed the side of Eddie’s mouth tenderly. “Well you see I had a cancellation this afternoon, so I was able to shift my schedule to accommodate my boyfriend opening for Metallica.”
Eddie blushed. “I’m sorry I had to cancel, baby.”
“I’m not mad, sunshine,” Steve assured him. “I’m happy for you.”
They kissed again.
Wayne waved Steve off so that he could hug Eddie. “I’m proud of you. Now don’t be getting too famous to see me, you hear?”
Eddie’s eyes welled up and his pressed his lips together. “I would never. I promise. I’ll always come to you, I swear it.”
Soon it was time to pack it all up and hit the road for home.
Everyone said their goodbyes and they all parted ways. With Eddie promising to stop by the shop tomorrow to reschedule his appointment.
Steve was beaming. High off the euphoria of watching Eddie live out his dream. He had never felt like this about anyone before and he couldn’t wait to tell everyone about how awesome Eddie did and how the crowd went wild for their music.
He really should have seen it coming. He should have been prepared. But he wasn’t.
Eddie didn’t come into the shop that day, because he called instead. Metallica had offered to let them opening for them for the rest of their tour. For the next two weeks, Corroded Coffin would be going on the road with one the world’s biggest metal bands.
And leaving Steve behind.
He fought hard to be happy for his boyfriend. But everything between them was too new. Too tender.
They didn’t even get to say goodbye in person and Steve was left with that feeling of not being good enough.
For anyone.
Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee
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thisapplepielife · 2 months
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
Cat Distribution System
Week #13 Prompt: Cat or Farmer's Market | Word Count: 587 | Rating: T | POV: Argyle | Characters: Argyle, Jonathan | CW: Language, Recreational Weed Use | Tags: Modern AU, Silly Fluff, Argyle Goes To Get One Kind of Brownie, Comes Home With Another
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"You bought a cat? At the farmer's market?" Jonathan asks.
No, no, no. 
Is he goofy? Has Jonathan already been smoking the ol' sticky icky icky without him? That won't do. He was supposed to wait on Argyle to go get the good brownies at the farmer's market. You know, the good ones. If you can follow that drift. 
But buy a cat? Of course not. You can't buy cats at the farmer's market. Cats are just at the farmer's market sometimes, and then you just…take one home. If you want. If you're chosen. If the cat distribution system is smiling down upon you and yours.
Then, and only then, you get a cat. And it gets to not be homeless anymore. Win-win for everyone. But his buddy Jonathan looks concerned. There's no room for concern here. Only happiness at their good fortune at winning today's cat lottery.
So, yeah. Argyle wanted. He definitely wanted. A cat? Who wouldn't want a cat? What a fun brochacho to add to the house. Cats have the best energy. Having a cat will be way better than hiring someone expensive to Feng Shui the place. 
"Argyle? Are you listening to me?" Jonathan says, more snappish this time. What bee is in his bonnet? 
The cat is wiggling and squirming, and Argyle puts him down. He immediately darts away.
"Little, dude. Wait! You gotta meet Jonathan. He's your other dad. I told you about him!"
"Argyle," Jonathan says, and he looks exasperated. But he always looks like that, so Argyle isn't concerned. "I don't think I'm meant to be a cat dad. I'm allergic."
"Not anymore, dude," Argyle is happy to inform him. He knows this. His uncle's cousin on Margy's side has a friend who knows a guy from work who was able to, like, stop being allergic. To his own cat. Not to other cats. But to his own. 
Through love.
Or exposure.
Either way. It happened. And BAM! No more allergy to Mr. Snaggletooth. Or Fred. Argyle doesn't know what that cat's name is, but it's probably something real good.
"My cat allergy doesn't exist?" Jonathan asks, and immediately wipes at his eyes that do look a little watery and red.
But it's psychosomatic. Or the weed. Argyle's sure of it.
Or, maybe the cat exposure therapy takes longer than five minutes. Maybe it'll take a day. But once you've claimed your cat as your cat, then you won't be allergic. Because the cat is family now, and you can't be allergic to your family. It's against the universe or some shit. For sure. Argyle's absolutely certain.
"Say he's your cat," Argyle demands.
"Declare it."
Well, he doesn't have to say it out loud. He just needs to think it. And surely he's thinking it. 
"You won't be allergic tomorrow," Argyle informs Jonathan, and then hands over the sack of special brownies that he bought from behind the curtain, before he found Brownie the cat. 
He should probably formally introduce Jonathan.
"His name is Brownie," Argyle states.
"He's not brown?" Jonathan questions, but takes the tray of brownies out of the sack, inspecting them.
"No, but he was near the brownies. And we have brownies. And now we have him. It's a Brownie day. All around."
Jonathan doesn't look excited about Brownie the cat, but he does look happy about the brownies, as he takes a big bite.
Argyle smiles. That's it. One or two of those, and Jonathan will love Brownie.
He'll love everything.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun!
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 7 months
General Rated Fics Masterlist (4)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 /
Created: December 12th, 2023
Last Checked: —-
A Taste of Love-mrspeetamellark (ao3) Summary: An Everlark secret admirer fic. Written from the following prompt on tumblr from lemonluvgirl87: How about a prompt based on the idea of Peeta secretly courting Katniss through food dishes he prepares and leaves outside her door, on her desk, etc? And she falls in love with the food (it's tailored to her tastes and interests) and eventually really wants to find out who is cooking for her and knows her so well. Then she finds out it's Peeta somehow and BAM! They fall in love.
always and together-asmileyoucouldbottle (ao3) Summary: One night, Katniss hears Peeta upset from night terrors, and goes to him. There, she makes a vow to herself and him to stop pushing him away and stand by him. Takes place month after Peeta and Katniss move back to District 12.
Assignment: Kitchen Duty.-albinokittens300 (ao3) Summary: As a refugee of the rebellion, Katniss is assigned to work in the kitchen in the underground District of 13, which apparently still exists. There she sees the familiar yet unfamiliar face of Peeta Mellark, and enacts a plan to repay a debt. It doesn't go exactly how she expects.
Forts-Mollywog (ao3) Summary: Snippets of Everlark reclaiming their childhood post war
i saved you a piece-Word_Addict (ao3) Summary: Post Mockingjay, Peeta bakes bread and reflects on life.
Not Going Anywhere-sweetlovegone (ao3) Summary: "Before I can really register the events of the past minute, I feel those strong steady arms that guarded me from the nightmares wrap around me and hold me as tight as possible." Oneshot. Mockingjay Reunion if Peeta hadn't been hijacked.
Office Affairs-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: AU-Modern Everlark Story done for birthday prompt for @everlarkbirthdaydrabbles on Tumblr for the prompt: fluffy coworker everlark
Turkey Shoot-alliswell21 (tumblr) Summary: Peeta has secretly been getting hunting lessons from Gale, so he can surprise Katniss with a non-store-bought turkey for Thanksgiving.
Under My Skin-VanillaCottonCandy (ao3) Summary: “I always, always loved you. So much.” He says it, not as a compliment or endearment, but as a dark fact, as a burden to bear. As if it were a heavy load he was forced to carry. “Did that mean anything you? Did I mean anything to you? Or was I just second best to him?” / Day at the lake goes incredibly wrong when tracker jackers come into the mix.
Wild Onion Flowers-Mollywog (ao3) Summary: “I gave you flowers once? Real or not real?”
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verilly · 7 months
March 9th / Requiem / AVD ✶
Aqua Hoshino x Reader
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This is PART ONE, check out other parts in the link below!
REQUIEM: Sixth New Genesis!
What's to come: [Reader likes both genders], [This part is a lore heavy chapter, so no Aqua content here yet...], & [This is posted on Wattpad]
[Songs of the Chapter: "My Love is a Hellfire" by SLAVE.V-V-R feat. MEIKO, "Salvage" by Rulu, "RUMA" by Karikibear]
[4,196 words]
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
Today is March 9th.
Today, you assume, will be your death date, but it might not be. Even if you survive a minute past 12:00, then you would win. You win and the cycle might finally end.
How do you know? Because you have already lived 4 separate times before this. Each time, you died on the same day. March 9th. The only difference is, you have been one year older each time. 12, 13, 14, and 15 respectively.
*In your first life you were born as a sickly young girl with blonde hair, not that you had it for too long. The body was frail and as a result was stuck in the hospital all the time, but that's when you were gifted with those double digits. When you were younger, you had these three other girls that you would play with all the time. You wouldn't say you were gifted musically or anything, but it was fun pretending that you all were in a band together.
You all promised each other that you'd become an official band and make their fans smile when you got older, but they did. You didn't.
When the calendar was marked March 9th, you flatlined with your brother desperately holding onto your hand. The pain was hard to handle at first, just as how people said it was like, death was nothing but a sweet black embrace.
*Your next life, you were gifted with a healthy body, one of a peppy and pushy pink haired girl. You were somewhat boy-ish, but life was fun. That's when your eyes gazed upon the pretty idols dancing on the TV's screen: they were beautiful.
You wanted to be just like them from the age of 8, and when you turned 13, you achieved that dream and officially became one of them. You were in a group of 4, and you guys trained hard for the debut! It took months to prepare for, and by then, you had just turned 14.
You weren't in the center of the stage, but that's okay, as long as you could finally make people smile, then you'd smile right next to them. Something horrible happened when you were on the second song though. A whole stage light fell, and it fell right on top of you.
Farewell to a normal idol debut.
Your body was small, could you believe that it fully entrapped you under it? You couldn't hear or see what the audience's reactions were, nor your own coworkers next to you, either stepping away in horror, screaming or trying to help you. So...
*The life after that, the moment your blue haired body could start moving, you searched for what happened to your last self. Well, back then the internet wasn't really a thing, and Japan's news was fast paced. You never found out. This time, your father was a nice man. He owned a café and a karaoke bar! You were so lucky to have him, but you were most lucky to have your auntie!
She was basically your mother, but she moved to America once this new body turned 12. So without her, you were back to her lonesome. Of course you made a few friends... actually, you met this girl. She was really cute, and she had this extreme talent for singing! You did too, so you together decided to make a singing group to perform at your dad's café and see the smiles on the customers faces!
When you turned 14, your dad finally broke the news to you. Your auntie never went to America. She died from an illness that you never found out about, and apparently... you were the only person who didn't know. In fact, the entire town knew, and they were keeping it from you.
The town you thought was your family, all lied. You ran out onto the street in anger and with a tear stricken face, then BAM! Crash! A truck rushed into you.
*In your most recent life, you were back in the hospital. Though this time, your soul wasn't the one on the bed, no, you were the older brother, and your sister's sweet voice was taken from her. She was hoarse, it pained you to see it all, especially since she was still so young.
You wanted to make her smile, she loved musicals, so you decided you would play one out for her, and she smiled. You made that smile. After months without a single flinch of the face, you finally managed to do something extraordinary! You were 15 when you decided to make your own troupe and start making other people smile. Suddenly, your sister's condition worsened. So, on your own free will, you made the decision to undergo surgery and donate one of your kidneys. The surgery was on March 9th, can you guess what happened next?
*You've always had this goal to make people smile with music, and you still do now. You made a name for yourself as "Jasminsi." Believe it or not, you have grown somewhat of a following! You want to save people with your music, even just one person would be enough.
To be honest, you only came to this realization about a year ago. So instead of playing your life like some sort of game, you decided to try and better yourself. So, you hired someone to take care of you. She's about your age, 16, and honestly you can't help but feel that you have fallen for her.
The time is 11:05, only 55 minutes until it's no longer March 9th. It's about time for you caretaker to leave for the day. You feel safe whenever she's around, you want her to stay with you. You want to say goodbye.
You want to say something, anything—
"Alright Kazumi, it's time for me to leave," Hanae says, grabbing her coat off my newly built coat rack, "Goodnight."
"G-goodnight." you say, clawing at the kitchen table's fabric. You watched as she smiled and left your apartment, you heard her lock the door.
Oh how you wish you could've said something else to her.
You double checked everything in the house to be extra cautious. Locked doors, closed windows, unused appliances are turned off. There isn't anything in this house that could kill you.
You sigh as you trot back into the bedroom, crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling. 10 minutes had passed by, nothing was wrong. You smiled to yourself. Recently, life has been nice. You don't want to let it go just yet, you want to be someone that Hanae can love.
You have learnt a lot about her throughout the past year, how she plays the drums, she likes to sing, her favorite food is apple pie, and how her all time favorite person is an idol. Her name is Ai.
Miss Ai is about 16 years old right now, you are her age. You doesn't have a massive following like her, but what you have isn't exactly something to laugh at either. You always loved and enjoyed idols, but never in this lifetime have you truly loved one like Ai.
You can see what most people find appealing about her, but when you asked Hanae, she told you it were her—
You smell something burning, you can hear the crackling of fire. Your eyes widen as you bolt out of bed and open your door. There's a fire in your apartment, coming from the kitchen. It's already blocked the one exit. You're 7 stories high in the sky, there's no way you'd survive if you tried to jump from a window.
How could this happen? Your eyes widened even more as you harshly smacked yourself on the head, "I never checked the stove. Hanae and I were cooking a meal to get ready for tomorrow". You don't know how the surroundings caught on fire, but you hold your breath as you walk back to your room. You check the clock, 11:55.
Five minutes, and it'll no longer be March 9th. The cycle will end and you might be free. Either way, this life will mean nothing. You're trapped. The fire moves quickly, the light reflecting off your eyes as you grips your bedsheets. The heat already hurts, tears threaten to roll from your eyes.
That's right. Hanae's most favorite thing about Ai were her eyes. You really like them too, they are quite beautiful. Maybe if you had those, Hanae would have fallen for you as well.
The fire envelopes your body, out of all the deaths, this is the most pain you have been through. You cry out in pain, no words, just screams. You're sure someone could've heard her. You can feel the skin on your body melt off of you, while you're still conscious you try to avoid the pain to the best of your ability by staring at the clock.
The clock strikes 12 as tears roll from your eyes. It's no longer March 9th. You fall to your knees as the fire sways inside of you.
ⁱᵗ'ˢ ᵃ ˢʰᵃᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐʸ ᶜˡᵒᶜᵏ ʷᵃˢ ⁵ ᵐⁱⁿᵘᵗᵉˢ ᵃʰᵉᵃᵈ.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
Hanae shakes as she runs back to the apartment complex, she had forgotten to turn off the stove after making a nice stew for you. By then, an hour had basically passed by.
Her eyes widened in terror as her eyes trailed up to where your apartment sat. It had been set ablaze. Not only the it's surroundings, but slowly making its way to the homes next to it.
Hanae dropped to her knees, parallel to how you dropped to yours as you were engulfed into flames. Hanae's soft, perfect knees fell onto the pavement as her precise hands quickly rummaged through her bag to find her phone.
She dials *1-1-9 as she speaks in a shaky voice: "H-hello? I'd like to report a fire."
-End of March_9th
You open your eyes once again, the cycle continues. The woman holding you had a soft look on her face, you could tell that you were going to be gifted with amazing genes.
You were born with [hair-color] locks and gleaming eyes, eyes that were just like Ai Hoshino. You guess that the world really did feel bad for you. Your parents, Juria and Mihiro [last-name], were kind. You did well, without them knowing, you had your fair share of no-limit internet time. Catching up on all that you missed.
Though, the only goal you really had in mind was to find Hanae again. Of course you couldn't say that directly to anyone, you can barely move your stubby little body around crying out loud!
Both parents were teachers, so they didn't have a lot of time to spend with you. You were chucked over to a nanny who barely did her job. Luckily for you, you have the memory and knowledge of a recently deceased 16 year old, and 4 others for that matter. All these thoughts stuck in a small little baby's body. If you wanted to, you could've become a child prodigy, but it's not like your family had the resources or outlets to get known even if you were one.
You sat watching the TV for hours on end since you didn't have a phone to use. No phone meant no internet, no social media. However, if you were lucky, the babysitter would leave her phone out when she fell asleep on the couch. Easy for you to open the blue birds app.
You still remembered your password from your previous alias, "Jasminsi", so you used it. Apparently Hanae had remembered the password too because she made a post saying that you passed away on March 9th during a tragic house fire.
There hadn't been any updates on the account since.
The stars in your eyes shone bright as you went through the numerous people giving me their condolences, you thought it would be best if you didn't interact with anything like that. You wouldn't want people thinking Hanae was a liar.
You had your mind set after your past failed attempts at living. You still want to make people smile through music, and you want to survive another March 9th. You want to break this chain of events.
But for now... You can just sit back and relax. Watch as things go on in the real world.
You are [name] [last-name], and this is your new life... and you're gonna make it worth your while.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
You've always had a gift for music. Whether it's keeping with the tempo, singing, creating songs, mixing, or playing on a toy xylophone. You decided that since you had time, you would make your own brand. Quite ambitious for a 5 year old, but you need something to do. Plus, you had the brain of a high functioning 16 year old and a few other lives.
Since a few years ago, there's been a rise of internet celebrities, and a good chunk of them have kept their real identities a secret. You're aiming to be one of them.
You can be an idol, a virtual idol. Which, after hearing the tragic incident with Ai, it's the safest option you could think of for creating content that would make people smile.
Onto the drawing board you go, you need to test what this body could do. If you could sing, you'd be set.
"Yureru faiyaa sakebu furai hai atashi somarereba," You sang, facing the mirror, watching your lips move instinctively, "Futari no shiawase toka tsumoru jounetsu wo ageru wa..."
It was a simple melody, a song that has stuck with you since the depths of fire swallowed you whole. Hanae loved this song. Back when you were frail and small, but not anymore. You decided to keep that in mind whenever you needed sympathy points.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
You started your channel off when you were 8, you still had free reign over all your devices. At first, it was videos on how well you could draw. Then it turned to small animations. Then you posted your first ever video of you singing. Clearly it didn't gain any attention, but it was a starting point.
The older you got, the higher the quality of your videos became. Soon, you encountered a new phenomenon.
You felt as if you were running out of time. You're 14 now, and you're an internet-obsessed-shut-in-teenager, in other words being a 'hikikomori'. This isn't how you planned for your life to go.
You posted cover after cover, hoping somehow you'd make it big. You'd only gotten about 17 thousand followers on your Twitter account and about 2/3 of that amount on your YouTube.
That's when you found out about your fathers heart failure. You felt sad, but your mother had become a shell of her old self. She cried for days on end, but you only felt sadder because you didn't feel the way she felt. You couldn't feel her devastation. The loss of a father, no, perhaps you had too many fathers to feel any connection, even if he may have been a good man.
However, you made a song out of that feeling, you basically used your mother. You're glad you did. That song got over a million views in less than a week. Of course those numbers kept going up and up. Soon enough, you were making revenue money off of it. You thanked your mother and sent her back home to her real family, somewhere in the countryside of Japan. Were you cruel for that? You assumed as much, yet you felt this was best, for your mother and for you. You had a goal to achieve.
This wasn't your first time living alone, you could handle it all. Now you could spend all your time making music and living it up! *Song after song, you were breaking milestones again and again. Even with simple covers. People here thought that 300 thousand was amazing while you sat on your high and mighty throne of a million.
Not only that, you've officially become what you dreamt of being. *You officially became a virtual idol as well, the model you used for streaming was absolutely beautiful. You were a [fantasy-creature]. An absolute goddess of music. You were so happy and impressed that you got to this point in so little time. The name was [alias].
You don't think your eyes have ever been brighter!
You are now a world renowned faceless singer that everyone in Japan has heard about at least once. Heck, even people from other countries have talked about you. You've seen their support in your comments.
You still have to go to high school though, and maintain a social life even when you haven't dared step foot inside of middle school in this lifetime. You were smart enough to pass into any school you wanted, you just had to choose which one.
You set your sights on Yoto High School, it's divided into two sections. One for general academics, and one for talented celebrities and influencers. People like those get spots in famous companies right after graduation, usually, so it would be nice to spend some time with them, but you decided to dedicate your fame to staying faceless. So you went with the general program.
You're now 16 again, and you're finally stepping into school after three years. Your uniform is freshly cleaned thanks to the work you've learned from Hanae and you can go on with an average high school life while secretly being an influencer.
-End of Requiem
You were assigned to class 1-D in the general course. Though, as you passed the gate, you saw many famous faces. From actors to models, the variety was huge. On the other hand, the people in general education were mostly chill. The girls styled their hair to fit the latest trends to stand tall and fit in with the famous people surrounding them, and the boys were... boys.
You sat in the back of the class, taking these very needed steps into the real world were very hard for you, especially since you've barely had any contact with strangers for the past 16 years. You wouldn't say that your body was weak, but it did come to your attention that you had inherited your 'fathers' heart defect.
You smile as people start flooding into the classroom, however, one person caught your eye. A tall boy with messy, but somehow at the same time, tamed blonde hair. What really caught your attention were his eyes. Just like yours, he had a star embedded into his right eye. Someone like you, that's rare.
Fortunately for you, he took the seat next to you. So, as a first step, you decided to make your first conversation of the school year. You suck up the anxiety growing in your stomach and turn your head towards him, "Hi there," he turns his head to face you. His eyes widened, almost as if he's seen a ghost, *"I noticed your eye there, it's really cool, just like mine☆!"
"Yeah... they really are just like yours." He smiles, "My name is Aqua Hoshino, what about you?" The star in his eye grew dull, morphing into a slightly darker gray.
"My name is [name] [last-name]," You let out a small smile as you give him your hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you!☆" He looked down at your hand, contemplating for a second before shaking it, "Would you like to take the honor of being my first friend?"
"Gladly." Aqua nodded, you let go of his hand first. The eye contact was uncomfortable to say the least. He just kept staring into your eyes, you looked away as you sweat. You couldn't understand what was going on in his head, but even if he wanted time to pause and keep examining you, class started soon.
You sat back on your chair, sitting straight as you opened a page of your newly bought notebook as you waited for the teacher to start class. Even then, *You don't think Aqua stopped staring.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
School was never something you liked going through, especially since the start of social media. Luckily for you, having lived 5 other times has really come in handy for education. For example, in your first life, the time spent at the hospital was full of studying since you didn't have anything else to do. As of being in grade 10, *you've been taking the general course, and you're on pace, just like the average majority in Japan. You did need a back up plan if becoming an internet celebrity wouldn't work out after all.
You scanned the classroom around yourself, your classmates had already made their friend groups, though, they were probably just clinging on the ties they had from middle school. This would be the perfect time to jump in to make friends, otherwise, there would be no time for you to make any more anymore. The girl who was sitting next to you had jumped out of her seat to confront you with a smile on her face.
"My name is Eruru Osawa," The girl with short magenta colored hair stated, "I went to Matsushita Middle School! I really like your phone's case, I think it's really pretty!"
"O-oh! Thank you, Osawa." You smile back, "I bought it at the mall a while back, I think that [color] really suits me, what do you think?" You stutter out awkwardly, the energy this girl emitted from her small body was crazy overwhelming.
"I think it fits great! I love the star theme throughout it, it matches your eyes!" She smiled, pulling a seat to sit next to you, "You know, I've never seen someone with eyes as unique as yours! Well... there was this one girl on this poster I saw a few years ago... I can't seem to really remember her name though..."
"Ai?✶" Your eyes gleamed.
"Yeah! I think that was her name!" Eruru jumped out of her seat, hands balled into excited fists, "Ai! What a wonderful and pretty name!♡" Eruru's shouting seemed to have caught the attention of the blonde next to you. You could feel him stare again.
"Ai was an... idol. She passed away over a decade ago though. The story was absolutely horrifying, you should really look into it before you make any hasty decisions on becoming an idol- ★If you ever wanted to of course." The stars in your eyes darkened as you rest your head on the palm of your hand.
"Oh... well, I wasn't really planning on becoming an idol anyway" Eruru sighed, a smile still on her face, "There's a family business calling to me! Even if I have 3 other older siblings that are all runner ups, but... I have hope that it'll be passed down to me!"
"That's nice... I'm glad people still have hope." You sink down onto your desk.
"Oh, didn't you bring lunch?" Eruru tilts her head, taking out a box from her bag, "We could share if you want!"
"Huh? No it's alright, I have my own lunch." You lied.
"Well I have some candies here!" Eruru sifts through her pockets and grabs out a handful of candy. She tossed them onto the desk, she had a real variety: toffee's, lollipops, gum, sour candies, even a whole apple, she had it all. "Take any you want!"
"Oh, I'm fine Osawa-"
"Hey, could I get one of those?" Aqua asked, dragging his chair to my desk, it was getting quite crowded. "The gum's fine." Eruru smiled brightly as she handed him a piece.
A few minutes of lunch passed, it was in complete silence, not one you would consider enjoyable but Eruru soon broke it for you. She whispered in your ear, all smiles as usual, "[name], I think that Aqua likes you! He's totally staring! Hehe!♡"˚
-End of A_Vauge_Discommunication
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Thanks for reading this far! Click the highlighted red text to check out the full series! Updates will come out slowly because technically these are three chapters all in one. If you want the new chapters in real time, check out my Wattpad! (aliusworld)
Wanna see more? Check out the other chapters here! {CLICK ME}
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taekooktimeline · 10 months
December 8, 2023 -
Jk goes live days before enlistment! As he walks back to his place, he mentions that “crazy fans” are at the front of his home these days, and reminds them (even though he shouldn’t have to, people really should learn respect and boundaries) not to come.
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Timestamp 3:48
To compound this point, and how under a microscope members are, someone shouts out as he walks back to his home, “Kim Taehyung,” which causes Jk to look back, before he says he won’t show his (shaved) hair.
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Timestamp 4:58 https://x.com/kookieantae4eva/status/1733541288413429887?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Back at his home, Jk shares that he got Bam in Daegu (and how sweet is it that Jk picked the puppy who couldn’t drink his mom’s milk?) -
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Timestamp 14:09
Which, of course, naturally made myself and everyone else flashback to when Daegu-born Taehyung shared this precious photo of him and Daegu-born puppy Bam on Weverse, and wrote that he raised Bam since he was young -
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And during Festa 2021, Tae had commented he wanted to find a friend for Tannie, but his dad may hesitate about him getting a second dog. Jk had smiled knowingly and said his dad would meet the dog and “love it.”
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Recap of Tae’s Weverse post - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2021/668193486339801088/november-16-2021 
Recap of Festa 2021 - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2021/654793371031928832/start-of-may-mid-may-2021
Festa 2021 raw link - https://youtu.be/wRWMeT6ykFU?si=GJpgCuj35GGhnuFw, Timestamp for conversation is 13:03
With only fifteen minutes left in his live, Jk informs viewers that he’s sweaty and he’s going to change. As he steps off camera, he sings BTS’ “blood sweat sweat & tears” but he changes it to “blood, sweat, get it out.”
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Timestamp 1:16:11 https://x.com/nonakv99/status/1733116445737861282?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://x.com/camthkim/status/1733112709363933441?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Translation -
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As noted above, Jk’s change of lyrics is a direct reference to Jinny’s Kitchen: Team Building (S1, 2023), when Wooshik (Wooga member, actor and Tae’s friend) made a mistake during the God of Communication game. Jk changing BTS’ lyrics to Wooshik’s indicates Jk watched the two-part series.
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https://x.com/vitaemintae/status/1733115070559969456?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://x.com/tkkslayy/status/1733116530039345225?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Jk originally was wearing this outfit when he first started his live -
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But when there were only about 13 minutes left of his live, he emerges from off camera in a new outfit, his “fight for love” Rloveution pride collection sweater. Interestingly, after changing into this sweater, he sings three snippets of Taehyung’s “Layover” songs. He didn’t change out of his “sweaty” clothes for over an hour, so I find this to be a statement, but please decide as you like.
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Timestamp 1:17:23 (when he sits back down)
Outfit -
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Jk asks what he should do, then starts singing Tae’s “slow dancing.”
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Timestamp 1:18:55 - 1:19:40 https://x.com/_k91230v_/status/1733114210887033334?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Accepting various requests, he sings brief excerpts such as BTS’s “Let Go.” However, he refuses to sing “Magic Shop,” explaining that it’s too high (refer to the screenshot below), though he expresses willingness to listen to it. Immediately after, he spontaneously sings a snippet from another of Tae’s songs, specifically “Love Me Again,” with the lyrics “love me again…love…nobody else.”
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Timestamp 1:23:26 - 1:23:32 https://x.com/_k91230v_/status/1733115083721740545?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
He seamlessly performs a series of song snippets, beginning with the word “euphoria” and transitioning to “louder than bombs I break.” Following that, he melodiously croons, “rainy days, I’m thinking ‘bout you,” blending words and melody while swaying to the rhythm. Notably, this is from Tae’s creation, “Rainy Days,” featured in his solo debut album “Layover.” Subsequently, he skillfully weaves in the words “fake love” and a snippet of “my you,” followed by a diverse array of snippets from various other songs.
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Timestamp 1:24:24 - 1:24:36 https://x.com/_k91230v_/status/1733115465634111888?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Compilation of Jk singing three of Tae’s songs - https://x.com/eri_purpledream/status/1733117037030133875?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Raw - https://weverse.io/bts/live/3-142418350
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prettygoododds · 1 year
20 Questions for fic writers
Thanks @wellbelesbian for tagging me. Such fun questions! Tags below the cut.
How many works do you have on AO3
68! Wow, I did not realize this.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Carry On Series aka Simon Snow fandom aka Snobaz
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
When the Ink Dries
Can I Change My Mind (this one blows my mind, how it continues to stay at the top)
Namaste Away
Every Lover Has A Little Dagger In Their Hand
We're So Starving
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or Why not?
I try to, but I'm very bad at it. It's something I need to work on.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
We Were Pity Sex, Nothing More and Nothing Less It doesn't even pretend to be kind.
Also, I'm Right Where You Left Me It's short, but cuts right to the bone.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of mine do have a happy ending (when I go sad, I go hard). If I had to choose a few, I suppose:
Where Did the Party Go?
Namaste Away
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Had a few recommendations on how to tag a few works, or to make it more user friendly but everyone has always been very kind with those suggestions. The Carry On fandom is a really good fandom.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I'm slowly dipping my toes in that water. I've posted a few works that have smut, but I'm still very tentative about it. I don't know what kind really. Regular?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, but I'm not opposed to it.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Snobaz, hands down. It's the one I come back to every time. My comfort ship.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have 2 WIP currently and both of those will be finished. My other WIP not on AO3 are just sitting in my google docs, where no one can see them shivering in the corner, neglected.
16 What are your writing strengths?
Oof. I'd like to think I'm good at dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and setting a scene. I'm working on it though, and that's the important bit I suppose *shrugs shoulders in Simon*
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Not something I've attempted. I won't say I never will, but I will probably not unless I absolutely have to
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Somewhere, in the depths of fanfic.net are my abandoned Twilight fics. And that is where they will stay until the death of the planet.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I have a few and when I'm questioning why I think I should be doing this at all, I read them to remember I started because I wanted to write the stories I wanted to read.
When The Ink Dries - I started this fic waaaaay before I ever posted it and it was the reason I decided to participate in my first Carry On Big Bang. It's my fic first born.
I'm Not A Pitch - This fic popped my AO3 cherry. I posted it before I could second guess myself. It's full of errors, but I wouldn't change anything about it.
Vibe Check - I wrote this in a few hours when I was feeling silly and it is still one of my favorites
Who Wants Ramen? - My friend and I giggled endlessly when I plotted this one out.
You Can Call Me Babe for the Weekend - I spend a lot of time listening to music and plotting out the story that a 3-4 minutes song can tell. 'Tis the Damn Season was an immediate movie in my head and as soon as I could plot it out and put it on paper (so to speak) I did.
And last but not least Sugar, We're Going Down Swingin - This is pure self indulgence. I got into hockey, I wanted the boys to be hockey players...bam, here's a fic with almost no hockey in it, but sometimes they talk about it.
I'm don't know who's already been tagged, so sorry if I double up:
@facewithoutheart @imagineacoolusername @artsyunderstudy @shemakesmeforget @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ionlydrinkhotwater @rimeswithpurple @aristocratic-otter @cutestkilla @blackberrysummerblog @nausikaaa @supercutedinosaurs @nightimedreamersworld @valeffelees @iamamythologicalcreature @shrekgogurt @ileadacharmedlife @martsonmars @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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jodithann827 · 6 months
One Night Stand (Revised)
Rated X (this chapter is general)/ Ao3/ @today-in-fic
Monday, March 10 1993
J. Edgar Hoover Building
Dana Katherine Scully takes a deep hesitant breath as she boards the empty elevator, pushing the button for the basement level, watching it light up like a light bulb. She closes her eyes and licks her lips, a noticeable habit when any type of nervousness overtakes her. She compares the descending elevator with the possible descent of her career in her head, at least from the rumors she hears swirling around Quantico. She’d just been given a new assignment. No more teaching. No more Quantico. Field work. Actual fieldwork. With a partner. Fox Mulder. What kind of a name is Fox anyway? Perhaps a family name? Nothing like starting with a male partner whom she would undoubtedly have to prove herself to as an agent simply because she’s a woman. Nothing like a change to her job description to turn her world upside down. It seemed like she had only just gotten into a routine when bam… new routine was needed. She leans back into the far wall of the elevator, her eyes closed. She can do this, make it work. She always welcomes a challenge; but when her work schedule changes, it means many people need to adjust. However, she knew the day was coming, and as she told her parents, she’d be expected to do fieldwork at some point in her career. Thankfully they supported her, as they saw how happy and fulfilled she feels with her work.
The elevator hits the bottom floor and along with it, her stomach. She gets off and hesitantly looks around, glancing around one corner, and then the next, attempting to see which direction she should head. It’s certainly not much to look at. Shelves that haven’t seen the better part of daylight in what looks like years are filled with boxes covered in dust, filled with files from who knows when. She heads down the hallway, looking for the office of Fox Mulder. She spots it at the end of the hallway, the door partially closed. She closes her eyes and takes a calming and reassuring deep breath, wanting to make the best first impression possible. She gives a firm, but quiet knock on the door. A muffled voice answers, “Nobody down here but the FBI’s most unwanted…”
It’s suddenly as though the sky decides to open and drop a ton of bricks, or rather several tons, onto her. That was a voice she would never forget as long as she lived, a voice ingrained in her mind; one that she could pick out of a lineup. It can’t be. This is not happening. Of all the people, of all the jobs, of all of the offices. No, it can’t be. She takes a long, deep breath, and slowly and hesitantly opens the door. She’s at a loss for words. He’s facing away from the door, looking at a set of slides. He looks the same; save for a pair of glasses that she can view from his profile. Time stands still. Walking away isn’t an option since she is already in the office, in his space. She quickly calculates in her head that she has roughly 1.3 seconds to figure out what to say. She opens her mouth but words escape her. She’s in complete shock. Nope, shock didn’t even begin to cover it, she muses. She takes a deep, grounding, breath.
As if it all happens in slow motion, the man, Fox Mulder, turns his chair and looks to see who graces his presence. His eyes grow wide. His hand raises to the side of his face, slowly taking off his glasses, staring at the figure in front of him. Dumbstruck, that’s the only word Mulder can think of. Time stands still for about 2 minutes, neither knowing what to say and neither thinking they could talk, as if talking might break the bizarre moment they find themselves in. Dana swallows her shock first.
“William…” is all she can get out.
“Dana…” is what he can stammer.
Swiftly, something snaps in her head and Dana defaults into her professional mode. Extending her hand to him she says, “Agent Mulder, I’m Dana Scully, I’ve been assigned to work with you.”
J. Edgar Hoover Building
“Pick up the phone” Dana states harshly into her cell phone, as if her sheer will would allow the person on the other end to pick up. She paces outside the front of the Hoover building. She’d left the office roughly ten minutes prior, stating that she needed to pack, and saying she would see Mulder the next day at the airport. “Come on, pick up!” she shouts again, frustration littered across her face. A few agents and other personnel walking by pause to look at her. She tucks some hair behind her ear, attempting to gain some composure.
“Hello?” a quiet voice answers.
“911. I need to meet you, now. Starbucks on 8th,” Dana says, hanging up the phone as soon as the words leave her mouth.
“Dana, what is going on? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Ellen says breathlessly, as she joins her friend at a small corner table. She takes in Dana’s appearance and immediately envelopes her in her arms. The minute she feels safe in the cocoon of her friend, Dana bursts into a waterfall of tears. Dana Scully never cries, as she’s an intensely private person, which tells Ellen that whatever her friend encountered, it’s more than serious. Almost to the point of hyperventilating, Ellen guides her to a chair, whispering, “Dana, honey, whatever it is, it will be okay. Have a seat. Did something happen to Ahab, your mom?” Ever the best friend, Ellen bends down in front of Dana, eye level, and rubs her hand in into Dana’s shaking ones.
Scully shakes her head at Ellen’s questioning. “No, my family’s fine. I saw him , Ellen.” She manages to gulp the last sentence out of her mouth, attempting to compose herself. Her body had gone on the defense earlier and only now was she finally reacting to her morning. Ellen’s eyes crinkle, as though she’s rapidly thinking. After a heartbeat, her eyes bulge, like tea saucers, suddenly registering Dana’s words. Opening her mouth, then shutting it again, attempting to form the words in her brain first.
“Wha… whe…ho…” she stammers, still unable to complete a thought. Though Dana doesn’t mention a name, Ellen knows without a doubt who her friend is talking about. It had taken Dana weeks to get over her one-night stand from years ago, and when she finally had, she found out she was pregnant and all of the thoughts and feelings surfaced again. She stands, knowing Dana’s okay, for the moment, and takes the seat across from her.
“William and I had more in common than we knew. Remember I told you he worked for the government, but he never told me what?” Dana pauses, waiting for her friend’s understanding to kick in. All Ellen does is nod, still in shock.
“Surprise! He’s an FBI agent,” Dana says, flatly. Ellen’s open palm flies to her mouth like metal to a magnet. Her eyes go wide again in disbelief. All Dana can do is nod.
“Wait a second,” Ellen ponders, “weren’t you supposed to get your new assignment today…” she drifts off, finally connecting the dots. “Oh Dana…” she adds.
“Apparently William is his middle name. Fox William Mulder and he is my new partner,” Dana manages to say before a fresh round of tears spring from her eyes.
“It’s ok Dana, it’s going to be ok,” Ellen reassures her, taking her hands in her own from across the table.
“Of all of the jobs…” Dana states, shaking her head, once again in disbelief.
Ellen looks at her friend with a small smile. “Maybe it was meant to–
“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence, El,” Dana quickly cuts her off. Her voice is level, but stern. “My life is finally together. I’m in a great place. I’m doing well. I’m finally on my own, without my parents. I have a set schedule. I knew that was going to change with fieldwork, but now, on top of changing everything, I have to work with him . What do I even say to him?” She quickly starts hyperventilating again.
“The truth,” Ellen suggests, knowing the look Dana will bestow upon her. As if on cue, Dana glares at her, like Ellen grew three heads. “Well, why not?” Ellen feigns innocence. “Dana, it’s not like he was some guy you were with who up and left you. You, two consenting adults, had a one-night stand. You decided that that is all it would be.
“Yeah, but Ellen, you know that it wasn’t that easy for me,” Dana admits, softly.
“It took you weeks, hell months, to get over him. He got into your head. I know, I was right there beside you, holding you up through it all” Ellen remembers.
“Oh my god, what do I tell my parents?” Dana asks, unexpectedly thinking about them.
“Why do you need to tell them anything for now? He’s your work partner. They don’t have to know,” she reminds her, then adds, with a sly smile, “So, how did he look?”
To this, Dana grins, momentarily flashing back to that one night. “Like not a day has passed,” she tells her friend. “Same hazel eyes, same beautiful smile. And of course, we didn’t talk about it. Side-stepped it completely. We got right now to business…” Ellen’s eyes gleam with excitement, but Dana add, “The case Ellen, we got right down to talking about our first case.” Ellen smiles, seemingly unconvinced.
“You’re not going to be able to ignore the elephant in the room for long,” she says.
Dana ponders this, knowing her friend is right. “What the hell do I say? Hi, WIlliam whose real name is Fox. I know we had an amazing time together and I struggled to get over you, even though I thought it was for the best, it wasn’t. I wanted to call you but then it was too late. Oh, and by the way, I got pregnant with your love child.”
Smirking, Ellen replies, “Well, I wouldn’t put it like that. Look, Dana, you don’t have to tell him anything you don’t want to. Maybe use the opportunity of this case to feel him out… figuratively, not literally,’ she says, eyes gleaming. “Where is your case taking you?”
“Oregon,” sighs Dana.
“Perfect,” Ellen assures her. “That is a nice long flight for the two of you to catch up. Remember, he has no idea what went on or what you went through these last few years. In his eyes, it was a one-night stand almost 3 years ago, one that, might I remind you, was your choice. I’m sure a lot has happened to him since too. I know probably not nearly as much as you’ve been through, but still,” she adds when Dana gives her the Dana Scully patented eye-roll.
“I wouldn’t change the outcome, El,” Dana insists.
“I know,” Ellen says, standing, needing to get back to the office. She hugs her friend tightly. “Go, get to know who he is now, and just go from there,” she heads for the entrance, then turns to her friend. “Remember, Dana, I am just a phone call away, no matter what time. If I need to jet out to Oregon to kick some ass, just let me know and I will kiss Rob and Trent goodbye and come save you.” She finally gets a genuine smile from her friend.
“Thanks, El,” Dana replies, her face conveying a bit more relief than when she first entered the coffee house.
Dana watches her friend leave. She takes a deep breath. She can do this… can’t she?
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jmdbjk · 2 years
JK Welive #1-2 & JK/Tae IG live
People sure have their panties in a knot over Jimin and Jungkook and Tae and shipping and JK's live, and Bam, and a J tattooed on a finger and just... damn people. You act like your life depends on this shit. 
To keep track of what we’re talking about let’s organize it like this: JK welive #1, JK/Tae IG live, JK welive #2, JM welive, JK welive #3, JK welive #4 (taken down, yet to see if it will be put back up). That’s a lot of maknae line to unpack. 
But bottomline: Jungkook is mostly at home nesting with Bam. Leave him alone. Y’all keep making me say that. INTROVERTS UNITE!
Boy arrived for Welive #1 wired and ready to defy the employee manual that says no live broadcasts without permission. 
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Jungkook was a little solemn when someone asked about Jin in the comments. “Jin is doing ok.” and “Jin sometimes sends us a message in group chat.” JK didn’t seem like he wanted to elaborate on it.
He wonders why he thinks of Army when he’s drinking... man is crying in his beer over us!
Within 20 minutes he was all wound down. His sweet eyelids started getting droopy while he read Army comments. 
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Then he got second wind and started searching for something to sing for us... finds Vibe, drools over Jimin for a sec, gives Taeyang some badass love, starts to sing the song before he even gets the lyrics up on the screen... knows the choreo of course... 
Rumor confirmed: Bam is the luckiest dog in the universe. Jeon Jungkook wipes his butt after he poops. Who else in this world can say that? Who?
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Besides the Bam butt wiping TMI, Jungkook also said he emptied his freezer so he could keep his (8) frozen beer mugs in there ready for action. And also (10) smaller glasses... maybe pilsner glasses? 400ml is not a small glass. 18 large servings of adult beverages. Priorities.
TMI: JK sings while he pees.
Kookie philosophy: if a rock doesn’t get rained on, it will crack and break. So another round of beers please. Gotta stay hydrated according to Kookie.
He attributes his being able to sit in the dark in his house with Bam and drink beer and literally breathe, to Army. Thanks to Army. You are welcome, baby!
Jungkook also says if you don’t have these three things, get out of here:
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Gotta admit, I was stressing for a minute over the remark that he’s stopped working on his album... but Jungkookie says he’s kind of into this living like a rock for now. He’s not feeling pressured or overly anxious to be working or trying to make himself work. How he said what he said implies maybe he is really relishing this “doing what he wants at age 25...” Good for him. He deserves to slack for a while. 
At about 1 hour and 13 minutes in he pulls J-Hope’s “More” up on the noraebang screen and begins to rock out. I LOVED THAT!   Then he realized Namjoon was in the comments and thanked him for being his savior. And y’all didn’t tell me he sang Daechwita!!!! ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!!! Even though he substituted Suchwita in the lyrics hahahahahaha. He also praised Taehyung on changing up his singing style as it became sweeter. Good job! AWWWW.
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And he got me laughing out loud when someone commented for him to stop drinking, it’s not healthy... he says, if his body stays healthy it wonders what it’s supposed to do and it stops doing its job so he introduces unhealthy components (like beer) for it to wake up and fight inside and that’s how he’ll become healthy... HAHAHAHAHAHAA, oh Kookie. Don’t tell people that! they will believe it! Armys are gullible! 
What he really meant with that explanation is: “don’t lecture me.”
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Bless his neighbors... who surely can hear him singing through the walls at 4:00 a.m. ...
Jungkook gave us the long awaited tattoo explanations. Honestly, does anyone think NO ONE has EVER asked him what the tattoos mean? Do you think he’s NEVER had to explain to anyone? EVER? What exactly would anyone expect him to say about certain ones? He also didn’t speak about covering the tiger with the black sun... he says when he first got them, he didn’t put much thought into it so maybe the tiger was one of those things and he covered it up with something that had more meaning. An eclipsed sun. And he got the eye because he wanted to be mindful of his actions because he’s always being watched... he says this right after saying he got tattoos thoughtlessly, LOL! He doesn’t like the moon on his shoulder and intends to get it covered someday. It’s okay, the sun is eclipsing because of the moon inside his elbow. 
I’m sad to hear he had a bad tattoo experience here in the States.
ALL of the complex tattoo meanings that have been floating around have ALWAYS been fan speculation. 
And, Tattoo Proof Anon, I deleted your ask because nothing has been debunked. Don’t you have a life or something you should be paying attention to instead of parking on blogs waiting for your “gotcha” moment that’s never gonna arrive?
A nod to Polyc’s incredible talent:
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HAHAHAHAHAHA Tae comes into the comments and JK is like, “hold on Taehyung, I’m talking about something sincere...” Bro don’t interrupt me, I’m talking to Army about something serious.
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Switch to Instagram...
Then, for the first time in the history of Bangtan, two members do a simultaneous Instagram Live... 
The IG live... was short... JK seems tentative about doing the live in Instagram... man was all “don’t tell me what to do” while on Weverse but  Instagram has him questioning his morals. Tae smiles big when he sees Bam, apparently having not seen him in a while. Tae makes a little snarky “if it makes money comment” about it and then after playing with the Instagram filters and remarking that Weverse needs to make a zoom feature so they can all be on at the same time because two is not enough, Tae said “I gotta sleep, peace out.” Later, bro.
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Back to Weverse...
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Welive #2: Jungkook mentions he is going to detox for five days... and then eat something yummy. That lasted less than 24 hours as we’ll see in his #3 Welive.
He mostly is singing his heart out in between telling Armys not to lecture him.
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Y’all didnt tell me he (half) sang Despacito!
Someone already put a clip of his Welive he just did singing Dreamers on YouTube:
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I thought for sure he passed out on us.
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And he finally calls it a night after the sun rises... sweet (stubborn) thing.
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I’m choosing (right now) not to be concerned with Jungkook’s stoppage on working. However, I reserve the right to change my mind should more information become available.
JM’s Welive, JK #3 Welive and #4 (if they put it back up), to come after the Weverse translations are provided. 
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pose4photoml · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
I got tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul and @bl-bam-beyond thank you both for the tag! 🥰 love these games!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes- a friend of my mother who died when they were young
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last month - my cousin passed away
3. Do you have kids?
Yes - although due to medical issues, I never thought it would happen. My doctor yelled at me a few times to give up BUT I’m stubborn and I now have two teenagers
4. What sports do you play/have you played? Softball, volleyball cheer squad and field hockey (I tried tennis but I did better playing against the wall and not an actual opponent)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
YES- and love it when I meet someone who can match me with their own sarcasm
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Height (mostly because everyone is taller than me 😉 ) and then their eyes 👀
7. What’s your eye color?
Brown with specs of green
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both - but will watch either also depending upon who I’m watching with as not everyone likes scary stuff.
9. Any talents?
Used to play the piano but it’s been a hot minute. Also not sure if this counts but I’m been told I have a talent for making friends and making others laugh (especially if they are in a bad mood)
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Taking photos , photo shop, scrapbooking and of course reading! Unless you count naps cause I love to take naps -lol
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes - a cat we adopted from a shelter, interesting fact he has an extra digits on three paws.
13. How tall are you? 5’4 😉
14. Favorite subject in school?
Middle school was PE but high school and college was math
15. Dream job?
I would LOVE to own a bookstore that has a small cafe attached a few couches or comfy chairs for people to sit and relax. (AND no toys)
I don't know who of you already done this one. But if you have, please just tag me in a comment so I can read a little bit about you 🥰 If you see this and not tagged but want to share then please also tag me And as always: If you don't want to play along, just ignore me 💜
@iguessitsjustme @heretherebedork @lena221bee @lutawolf @mlcpopfan @respectthepetty @poetry-protest-pornography
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clay-pidgeon · 10 months
you keep talking about eridan pyrope
give us the deets
eridan is a character who i do Not fucking like but is also extremely interesting/entertaining to me. so yeah rambles under the cut
heres my “notes” section in his doc
Eridan Pyrope, instead of being a military history obsessed douche, is a law history obsessed douche. It’s just slightly warping his thing so he’s got a sliiiightly different lense to be a dick about. On the “i’m mean to Eridan” note: what the fuck is up with that trolltag? I came up with it, but it’s still kinda stupid. “Garnishment” refers to a very specific law thing (it’s like an auspitice for owed money I think? Phrasing it for the homestucks) that isn’t particularly applicable to what Eridan Pyrope does (which is be a shithead lawyerboy) and “corrupt” is just outwardly stating he’s a dick with an interestingly warped view of justice. His quirk is me turning v and w upside down—look at that, it’s an n and a m. This leads to a couple weird cases of pronunciation, but I don’t really care enough about this guy to expand on that. “Innsanne” kinda looks weird and you might pronounce it with a short a. Bam, done, I don’t have to talk about this guy anymore. His situation with Feferi is similar to how it is in canon, but with the added danger of Flarping—they’re moirails, he wants to be matesprits, she doesn’t really want to be either and just wants to stop having to deal with all his melodramatic Eridan bullshit. Rightfully so. 
i could talk at length about how i frequently go “eridan sucks and i dont like him” in this thing, but nevertheless write about himfor 200 straight words. i literally say “I don’t have to talk about this guy anymore” and then…talk about him more . Right after explaining a bit of his quirk i explicitly stated i didnt want to talk about. my thing about eridan is that, yeah, i dont like him (the murder, the “nice guy” thing, the genocide-y tendencies) but hes also VERY interesting to me. hes just so shitty in a way thag entertains me. obligatory “he was raised on Planet Murder” also. tldr Eridan is so shitty and interesting about how shitty he is
a thing i didnt touch on in the note is his classpect, newly pyroped, is prince of mind—destroyer of logic, i guess. as a prince, he embodies the aspect of heart which is pretty literal in his (if failed) romantic endeavors and emotion-driven decisioms (he IS 13 tho tbf) AND hes driven to irrationality Very Very Notably in bloodswitch murderstuck
since every fucking plotline i think of has to be stupidly circular and complicated (i didnt even touch on bloodswitch hivebent, which is even MORE convoluted but doesnt include eridan in a large way) bloodswitch murderstuck is a chain of events: feferi serket goes missing on the meteor, eridan gets anxious and starts pointing fingers, goes grimdark (like in canon) and starts murdering (rip vriska. for like 10 minutes) and knocks equius vantas unconscious, also revealing his blood color. then eridan pyrope gets vengefully murdered by a clown catgirl right as feferi returns from her meteor exploration trip . it gets worse from there probably but thats the main thing
i reference him having a v warped sense of justice in my notes—specifically calling him “corrupt.” (hes 13 jesus fuck me from. last night. this was an exaggeration tho) i think the guy uses law and justice to further his own agenda, probably in a similar way to the “made for each other” thing in feferis case, and also as a way to exert control in a kinda mind-y way, citing logic in more emotion-based decisions he makes to justify (hehehehe) them
his ancestor (they are unnamed rn :[) was murdered by nepetas, because i heart funky parallels forever and ever and also because dualscar got murdered by ghb in canon so thats pretty easy. he was probably some sort of personal lawyer of cerulean condesce? unsure. point is this funky little lawyerboy is getting so many words out of my idiot head
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, June 26
BUFFY: Oh, give me a break! This is all wrong. See, first you would get the big guy, with a flying kick. Then you would take out all the little ones, bam, ba- see, now with the flying kick. (scornfully) From a dead stop! What's powering it, raw enthusiasm?
~~The Replacement~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Runaway Slayer by badly_knitted (Buffy, Giles, Willow, Joyce, PG)
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boring normal tuesday by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, T)
Damnation with Veil by nozenfordaddy (fenna_girl) (Wesley/Lilah, T)
Memories of Magic by cmk418 (Willow/Tara, G)
In Their Proper Place by cmk418 (Giles, Xander, G)
Everything Changes by cmk418 (Buffy/Angel, T)
Bloodlines United by Anonymous (Buffy, Blade and Steven Universe xover, T)
reminiscing on what-ifs by howtowords (Buffy, Willow, Buffy/Faith, Not Rated)
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What the Drabble? Vol. 2 - Ch. 39 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Party's Just Begun by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
Joan and Randy’s Night Out by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Weekly Drabbles #139 — Milk No Sugar by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Partners - Ch. 1-2 by eevol76vamp (Spike/Other, Not Rated)
The Usurper - Ch. 1 by CambrianBeckett (Buffy/OMC, E)
Maybe it Was a Tuesday by nozenfordaddy (fenna_girl) (Wesley/Lilah, M)
Ending of the Beginning - Ch. 1 by danu40k (Buffy, Angel, T)
Arrive Before the Birds. - Ch. 1 by EverythingElse (LupineConstellation) (Buffy/Spike, other pairings, E)
A Slayer Transformed - Episode 1 - Ch. 8 by Philister (Faith, Transformers xover, M) COMPLETE!
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Arrive Before the Birds - Ch. 1 by EverythingElse (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] - Ch. 13 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Thirty Minutes or Less - Ch. 6 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Devil's Trill - Ch. 15 by Murray (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
So It Goes... - Ch. 8 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here - Ch. 80 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Possessed - Ch. 20 by Brooke724 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Stomping on buterflies - Ch. 4 by Blackoberst (Buffy/Spike, 18+)
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Possessed - Ch. 20 by Brooke724 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Thirty Minutes or Less - Ch. 6 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
So It Goes... - Ch. 8 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Lives Here - Ch. 80 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Sand 1: Rationalizations by myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, T)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Desire by foundatlantis (Xander/Spike, NSFW)
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Manip / Wallpaper: Nightmare by revello-drive-1630 (Buffy, worksafe)
Manip / Wallpaper: Kill Her by revello-drive-1630 (Buffy, Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: Well, my philosophy— do you want to hear my philosophy? Life is short. by ladyverdance (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: Ranking Buffy Summers' hair evolution (as voted by my followers) 5/11 by buffysummers (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: I felt your heart beat. by ptieuca on Tumblr (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: The first soldier down. Yeah. - Angel the Series | 1x09 → 5x12 by mycatismyfriend (Angel, Doyle, Cordelia, worksafe)
Gifset: You can’t turn your back on the Council... by itslilahhere (Buffy, Angel, Wesley, worksafe)
Gifset: Who Are You? (4.16) // Dead Things (6.13) by ladyverdance (Buffy, Faith, Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | 5.18 // 6.10 by andremichaux (Buffybot, Buffy, Spike, NSFW ish)
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Manip: You Belong With Me by loveisntbrains (Buffy/Spike, NSFW ish)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Stake fodder's rewatch [S1, ep 1 and 2] by Stake fodder
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"I, Robot... You, Jane" by oveliagirlhaditright
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PODCAST: Episode 62: Rm w/a Vu by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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a list of my favorite YouTube fuffy edits - Fuffy fanvids recced by fictiongods
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ISO: classified12345 seeks fics from the POV of the scoobs on Fuffy?
[Fandom Discussions]
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What she says: I’m fine! What she’s thinking: Do vampire bodies produce fluids other than blood? by witchothewest
drusilla: why does grandmummy call you babygirl? by lessnowon
Coffy is what people think JeanEmma is!!! [also Fuffy and Wuffy thoughts] by lesbianmarrow
[list of] buffy ship names. by lesbianmarrow
John Constantine and Ruper Giles [headcanons] by hannibalhasthetardisat221b
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POLL: would gay sex fix them? Spike x Riley by wouldgaysexfixthem
POLL: would gay sex fix them? Giles x Ethan by wouldgaysexfixthem
POLL: (no special powers, treat this like it’s the actual WWE) Team Vampire Slayer by could-they-be-a-pro-wrestler
POLL: Round 2 Poll 12 [and multiple other polls] by btvsepisodetournament
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SMG in the news a lot..... by Moptop
Most peculiar Buffyverse quotes updated by Stake fodder
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I *really* wish that [this book] would be turned into a mini series or a movie series. by emther01
The Slayer demon essence by jogaforacont
The First vs. Glory by LessTrack6622
Wait a second, help me get this right. I've just watched Angel S2E16 [Angel and his soul] by irenezreick
Anne (Lily/Ricky) [a conceptually horrific episode, which are others?] by trufflesniffinpig
Does anybody else think like Tara and Dawn feel like fanfic OC's? by rosehathaway13
Are buffy comics worth reading? by Broccoladyy
did the monks make dawn who she is? by Willing_Scallion5600
Just started watching Angel by lauanimau
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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CONVENTION: James Marsters to Attend GalaxyCon Raleigh [North Carolina, USA] 27-28 July 2024 via dontkillspike
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