dumblr · 8 months
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kundst · 11 months
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Rogier van der Weyden (Be 1399-1464)
Bust of St Catherine (c. 1435)
Tempera ans oil on wood
Gulbenkian, Lissabon
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nikolamga · 27 days
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cmonbartender · 2 years
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Saint Barbara (1437) - Jan van Eyck
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ELLE No.1437 - 2 July 1973 - Photographed by Patrick Demarchelier
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my-chaos-radio · 3 months
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Release: January 3, 1979
Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a heart of glass
Seemed like the real thing, only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
Once I had a love and it was divine
Soon found out I was losing my mind
It seemed like the real thing, but I was so blind
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
In between
What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine
Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind
If I fear I'm losing you. it's just no good
You teasing like you do
Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a heart of glass
Seemed like the real thing, only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
Lost inside
Adorable illusion and I cannot hide
I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside
We coulda made it cruising, yeah
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light
Ooh, oh, ooh, oh
Ooh, oh, ooh, oh
Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a heart of glass
Seemed like the real thing only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
In between
What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine
Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind
If I fear I'm losing you it's just no good
You teasing like you do
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Chris Stein / Deborah Harry
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wrongwarp · 8 months
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grouchydairy · 1 year
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raphaelius2305 · 1 year
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#ThankYouLove ... #SunDateOutingGifts ... #WasWonderful ... #GreatTime ... #1404 ... #0123 ... #1437 ... (at Uptown Jalan Reko) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cokiayev5_-FfcZLwK62eQYBveurdCUwxORAi40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moonmausoleum · 1 year
The Burning Skeleton in Venice
In Cannaregio district in the city of Venice, there is a burning skeleton of a mean man that is cursed to haunt the city around Campo de l’Abazia. 
In Cannaregio district in the city of Venice, there is a burning skeleton of a mean man that is cursed to haunt the city around Campo de l’Abazia.  Walking around the picturesque streets and canals in Venice you might think you are so safe. There are people everywhere and the windows so close to the street are always open. Wandering over the curved bridges and walking over the old cobblestone,…
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glucosehighs · 2 years
Everyone on MSBY knows about Sakusa’s penchant for giving unnecessarily extravagant gifts on his teammates' birthdays. Because of his privileged upbringing and his small circle of friends growing up, Sakusa apparently has zero conception for what constitutes appropriate gifts.
Hinata’s birthday celebration is held at a little izakaya near the gym. The humble, quiet setting is completely at odds, however, with the giant claw machine Kiyoomi wheels in.
“Happy birthday, Hinata,” he grunts as he shoves the machine upright with his shoulder. 
“W-what’s that, Omi-san?” Hinata asks.
Sakusa looks at him like he’s the one making no sense. “I asked you what you wanted for your birthday and you said you like arcade games? I asked Komori, and apparently this is the kind of game people play at those arcade places.”
Hinata looks faint. “I meant that we could all go to an arcade, or something! You didn’t need to get me a whole claw machine!”
Sakusa shrugs. “Too late, I already bought it. If you don’t want it, you can sell it, or something.” 
Before Bokuto’s birthday, he’d been very careful not to drop any hints whatsoever about his gift of choice. Still, the entire team breathes a sigh of relief when Sakusa arrives at the party absent of any large boxes. 
That is, until the time came for them to present their gifts.
After Inunaki gifted Bokuto with a voucher for his favourite sportswear brand, Sakusa clears his throat a little and places a long rectangular box on the table. Bokuto opens it and finds a row of five beautiful, incredibly expensive-looking watches, laid in crushed velvet.
“Uh,” Atsumu finds his voice first. “So are ya gonna make him choose one, or...”
“No? Those are all for him. Bokuto’s always late, so maybe if he has a watch he’ll finally learn to tell the time.” Sakusa’s jibe does little to hide the pleased smile playing at the corner of his lips. 
Bokuto, on the other hand, is completely terrified. All the watches are clearly authentic models of some fancy European brand he can’t pronounce, and- oh god, are those diamonds embedded in the watch’s face? Bokuto cannot deal with this level of responsibility. He’s going to be mugged the moment he leaves this place.
Sakusa is still looking at him with an eager sparkle in his eyes though, and no one has the heart to tell him that once again, his gift is completely inappropriate. So Bokuto smiles weakly and thumps Sakusa on the back, and then surreptitiously shoots a panicked text to ask Akaashi to hire a few armed bodyguards to escort him home.
On Meian’s birthday, he decides that enough is enough. For all he appreciates the nanny Sakusa hired to babysit his kids, the sheer amount of money Sakusa is spending on his teammates’ birthdays simply does not sit right with him. More importantly, his teammates are increasingly pressured to match the extravagance of his gifts. Much to Bokuto’s despair, he can no longer give out his signature “free hugs” coupon book for birthdays. Adriah has had to switch from convenience store-bought wine to actual supermarket-bought wine. 
“No more buying expensive gifts,” Meian says firmly. Sakusa pouts, and strikingly resembles Meian’s own children. 
“We love them, but you know we’ll appreciate anything else you give us just as much, right?”
Sakusa reluctantly agrees, and Meian considers the matter settled.
By Atsumu’s birthday, he and Sakusa have started dating, and Sakusa announces that, as Atsumu’s boyfriend, he will be organising the celebration. 
“Are you sure he won’t go overboard?” Barnes mutters worriedly to Meian. 
“I talked to him about it,” Meian says dubiously. “It should be fine, right?”
They were proven wrong when the team arrives at Universal Studios Osaka at 10am on Saturday, to find the area completely deserted.
“Omi, are you sure the park isn’t closed today?” Atsumu asks tentatively.
“I should hope so,” Sakusa’s brows furrow. “Seeing as I requested for it.”
The team is suddenly aware that they are, indeed, the only people standing in the park. All the rides are operating and all the food stores are open, but apart from a couple of park attendants welcoming them in, the park is deserted.
“Sakusa-kun,” Meian says sternly. “I thought I said no more expensive gifts.”
Sakusa’s expression is immediately petulant. “You said no more buying expensive gifts. I simply rented the park. Atsumu hates waiting in line for amusement park rides.”
“Oh my god,” Meian thinks he’s about to have an aneurysm. “From now on, no one spends anything more than 3000 yen on birthdays. Understood?”
Sakusa looks mutinous, but nods anyway. Meian sighs, and lets the team loose in the park.
At the end of the day, Sakusa and Atsumu take the kiddy balloon ride to watch the sunset over the amusement park. In the peaceful silence that only comes with the absence of their rowdy team, Sakusa becomes Kiyoomi. Atsumu waits until the balloon is all the way up before venturing a cautious question.
“So,” Atsumu says, trying to focus on something other than how Kiyoomi’s eyes are gorgeous in the last golden rays streaking across the pink sky. “I love all of this, really. But without it- I’ll still like you just as much! I guess what I’m tryna say is- you don’t have to do all this.”
“I know,” Kiyoomi says. He gives one of his rare, precious smiles, and Atsumu tucks it away carefully in a corner of his heart. “But I want to, because I want to show you how much I like- no, love you.”
(Later, when the team asks why Atsumu’s eyes are red and swollen when they get off the ride, Atsumu will blame it on his allergies.)
With all this in mind, it’s understandable that Atsumu goes through something of a crisis when Kiyoomi’s birthday approaches. After all, what do you get the guy who has everything? After exhausting option number 42, Atsumu gives in and decides to call Komori. 
He endures Komori’s shrill laughter for a whole minute after he explains his predicament to him. “Dude,” Komori says. “Don’t sweat it. Kiyoomi’s a simple guy, really. In fact, he’d probably hate any kind of extravagant party. In any case, you’re the unlucky bastard dating him. Shouldn’t you know him best?”
Unfortunately, Komori is right. Atsumu is forced to return to the drawing board to come up with something just as thoughtful as anything Kiyoomi gives his teammates on their birthdays. 
On the day itself, Atsumu invents a few thinly veiled excuses for Kiyoomi to pick up some items at the supermarket, and enlists the help of Bokuto and Hinata to stall him there for an hour while he begins his preparations. 
“... What’s all this?” Kiyoomi stops short in the doorway when he finally returns home at a quarter to seven.
Atsumu stands nervously in the middle of the sea of fairy lights that is their living room. “I was gonna have everyone over, but I knew it would make you stressed out about cleaning up and disinfecting after they left,” Atsumu says. “And I know you like eating at home more than anything. So I got ‘Samu to make some umeboshi onigiri and I rented the DVD for Spirited Away. I know it’s on Netflix, but you like supporting DVD rental shops so I-“
Atsumu is cut off, abruptly, by Kiyoomi crossing the apartment in a few strides and pressing their lips together. When they finally break apart, Kiyoomi rests his forehead against Atsumu’s and looks straight into his eyes. “Atsumu,” he says. “This is better than anything I could have asked for.”
It’s Kiyoomi’s birthday, so why on earth is Atsumu the one on the verge of tears? Kiyoomi laughs when he says as much, and Atsumu thinks, with a stunning degree of coherence, that he is going to marry this man one day.
“So you don’t hate it?” Atsumu asks again, for good measure.
“I love it,” Kiyoomi says emphatically. He presses a line of kisses from the tip of Atsumu’s ear to the base of his neck, and it takes a heroic amount of self control for Atsumu to pull away. 
“Good,” Atsumu says, and steps aside to reveal their friends’ faces grinning at them from a laptop screen. “Because our friends are on video call right now, and we have to stop right here unless you want them to watch us, y’know...“
“Get some, Kiyoomi!” Komori’s tiny face hollers from the corner of the screen. Inunaki and Bokuto join in with shrill wolf whistles of their own. “Happy birthday, Omi-san!” Hinata shouts.
“You are all idiots,” Kiyoomi tells them, but his eyes are curved into little crescents so Atsumu knows that despite the quiet, nondescript celebration, he’s succeeded in giving Kiyoomi a birthday as memorable as any gift he’s given his teammates.
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peccatula · 7 months
i should make a pythia (hello charlotte) oc/sona. i really watn to they are so gender especially the freyas...theres a reason i made bunny freya my icon on here i love her sm
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lostdrarryfics · 1 year
hey guys looking for an eighth year fic where draco kept getting bullied and assaulted, and he responded by moaning etc lol to throw them off, hope someone knows which fic this is cause i’m pretty sure it’s a popular one, thanks!!!
We believe you’re looking for Adventures of a Suicidal Gentleman by GallaPlacidia, which has been deleted. You can find an archive of Galla’s works here.
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storytimewithnova · 10 months
From Post-It Notes to Forever
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The plot:it was a normal day at Fukurōdani college for Iwazumi Keiji or so he thought that was until he went to his locker to put away some text books he found a post it Note with the Number 143 he thought it was like a locker number or something he even asked his twin brother Hajime what it meant his brother lied and said he didn't know on fateful day before a training camp offically started someone walked behind Keiji and said 143 I love you the person was someone keiji had been admiring from afar and alway considered out of his league Suna Rintaro niw stiod before him Keiji turned and said say that again Rintaro said 143 I love you Iwaizumi Keiji add in elements of the song case 143 from stray kidz
The story: It was a regular day at Fukurōdani College for Iwazumi Keiji. He went about his usual routine, attending classes and interacting with his friends. However, everything changed when he went to his locker to stash away some textbooks. Among his belongings, he discovered a small, pink post-it note with the number 143 written on it.
Confused, Keiji pondered over the meaning behind this mysterious number. Was it a code, a locker number, or something else entirely? Seeking answers, he decided to approach his twin brother, Hajime, who coincidentally attended the same college. "Hey, Hajime, do you have any idea what this number 143 means?" Keiji asked, holding up the post-it note.
Hajime, knowing the secret behind the note but deciding to play along, shrugged nonchalantly. "Nah, no clue, Kei," he replied with a mischievous smile.
Perplexed, Keiji couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue surrounding the number 143. He couldn't shake the feeling that it held a significant meaning. Little did he know that a fateful encounter was about to shed some light on the mystery.
Just before an official training camp was set to begin, Keiji found himself walking through the crowded halls of the college. Lost in thought, he was suddenly startled when a voice murmured, "143. I love you," from behind him. He turned around to find himself face-to-face with Suna Rintaro, the person he had silently admired from a distance but always believed to be out of his league.
Surprised and taken aback, Keiji stammered, "Uh, say that again?"
With a faint smile, Rintaro repeated, "143. I love you, Iwaizumi Keiji."
Keiji's heart raced, and a mix of emotions flooded his mind. The meaning behind the number 143 had finally revealed itself in this unexpected confession. It was a direct reference to the song "Case 143" by the popular K-pop group Stray Kids.
Overwhelmed by the moment, Keiji mustered up the courage to respond, "Rintaro, I... I love you too."
As they stood there, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them and their newfound connection. And from that day forward, Keiji and Rintaro embarked on a journey filled with love, support, and a shared appreciation for the music that first brought them together. The number 143 became a symbol of their special bond, a reminder of the day their paths crossed and their hearts intertwined.
Keiji and Rintaro's relationship blossomed as they spent more time together during the training camp. They discovered shared passions and interests beyond their initial connection through "Case 143." They would spend hours discussing their favorite music, watching movies, and exploring the campus.
Their friends began to notice the genuine affection between Keiji and Rintaro, and it didn't take long for the news to spread throughout Fukurōdani College. Although Keiji had never been one to seek attention, he couldn't help but bask in the happiness of openly sharing his love for Rintaro.
Meanwhile, the members of Stray Kids, unknowingly becoming an important part of Keiji and Rintaro's story, were gaining even more popularity. "Case 143" became one of their most beloved songs, and its lyrics resonated deeply with fans worldwide.
One day, Keiji decided to take a leap of faith by reaching out to Stray Kids, sharing their story and expressing their gratitude for creating a song that ultimately brought him and Rintaro together. Touched by his message, the members acknowledged them during an interview, dedicating a heartfelt rendition of "Case 143" to Keiji and Rintaro.
As their college years continued, Keiji and Rintaro faced challenges that tested their relationship. The demands of school and athletics often left them with limited time together. However, they overcame these obstacles with patience, understanding, and unwavering support for one another.
Keiji never forgot the significance of the number 143, and he made it a personal tradition to surprise Rintaro with little gestures on the 14th of each month. Rintaro cherished these thoughtful expressions, always treasuring their connection and the love they shared.
After graduating from Fukurōdani College, Keiji and Rintaro pursued their separate careers, but their love remained unwavering. Keiji became a renowned physical therapist, while Rintaro pursued his passion for music and joined a successful band.
Years later, Keiji and Rintaro found themselves attending a Stray Kids concert in their city. During an intermission, the stage lights dimmed, and a video montage began playing on the big screen. As Keiji and Rintaro watched in awe, memories of their college days, the number 143, and their journey together were beautifully displayed.
The Stray Kids members shared personal messages expressing their gratitude for being a part of Keiji and Rintaro's love story, followed by a surprise performance of "Case 143." Keiji held Rintaro's hand tightly, tears of joy streaming down their cheeks as the familiar melody filled the concert hall.
In that moment, surrounded by the music that had first united them, Keiji and Rintaro realized that their love story was timeless. The number 143 would forever remind them of the magical day they found each other and the beautiful connection they shared. Together, they stood at the forefront of their own love song, cherishing each other as they continued to create their own melodies in harmony.
time past and Rintaro was getting nervous he wanted tonight to be special so he made a post it note like back in college and laid it on the kitchen table with breakfast for Keiji to find when he woke up the note said 1437 that was it he then Proceed to set up a little scavenger hunt that would lead Keiji to his favourite over view spot and there he planned to tell him the meaning of that number like he did 143 after he set the nite down he went to set up the over view as Keiji was waking up seeing the bed was empty he made his way down stairs to the kitchen because he was hungry and he instantly for the Note and read it 1437 an extra number added to a number so Significant to them, he wondered what it meant then he saw an extra peice of paper thar said sorry i wasn't there when you woke up love good morning but i am going to make you work as you can see there is an extra number to our number you are going on a scavenger hunt to find the meaning and me see you soon my love Keiji rolled his eyes but got ready after saying this better be worth it suna Rintaro he was sent all over the place till finally he made it to the over view and suna was there looking handsome hello love i set up this picnic and just in time for the sunset and as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Keiji and Rintaro sealed their love with a promise of forever. They embraced each other, savoring the moment and the overwhelming rush of emotions.
News of their engagement spread quickly amongst their friends and the Stray Kids fandom. Fans rejoiced and flooded social media with messages of love and congratulations. Stray Kids themselves couldn't contain their excitement and sent their warm wishes to the newly engaged couple.
Keiji and Rintaro began planning their wedding, keeping it intimate and filled with personal touches that reflected their journey together. They included elements inspired by "Case 143" in the ceremony, making it a true celebration of their love story.
On their wedding day, as Keiji stood at the altar, his heart brimming with joy, he couldn't help but reflect on the serendipitous events that led him and Rintaro to that moment. They had come a long way from the day Keiji found that mysterious note in his locker. It had sparked a chain of events that brought him the love and happiness he never thought possible.
Surrounded by family, friends, and the melodious tunes of Stray Kids' music, Keiji and Rintaro exchanged their vows, each word a testament to their love and commitment. Their union was sealed with a kiss, symbolizing the beginning of a beautiful journey as husband and husband.
The reception was filled with laughter, tears of joy, and heartfelt speeches. As the night carried on, Stray Kids took the stage and serenaded the couple with a special performance of "Case 143," adding a magical touch to the celebration.
Keiji and Rintaro danced their first dance as a married couple, wrapped in each other's arms, feeling the love and support from everyone around them. They knew that their love story would continue to grow and flourish, just like their favorite song.
Years passed, and Keiji and Rintaro continued to build a life filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams. Together, they navigated the highs and lows, always holding onto the significance of "1437" and what it represented.
And as Keiji looked back on those fateful days at Fukurōdani College, he couldn't help but be grateful for the simple post-it note that had changed his life. It had led him to his soulmate, his best friend, and the love of his life—Suna Rintaro.
In the end, their story proved that sometimes, the smallest gestures and coincidences could spark a love that transcended distance, obstacles, and even time itself. "1437"—a number that would forever hold a special place in their hearts and serve as a reminder of the extraordinary love they were blessed to share.
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govtshutdown · 2 years
Roll Call vote on the Continuing Resolution. The vote was delayed by Senators Lee of Utah and Scott of Florida both trying to add amendments. The amendment votes failed. The bill now goes to President Biden who has until midnight to sign it.
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