#173 people who like my stuff?!?
canmom · 1 year
Animation Night 173: Takashi Nakamura
Hi everyone! It's that time of the week again~
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The day that puppets bite their gloves off.
Tonight on Animation Night we'll be taking a look at the works of Takashi Nakamura (中村 たかし).
Nakamura is a director who flies under the radar a bit over here, but for those who know him, he's a unique director - one who we've actually encountered a couple of times before, actually! He directed one of my favourite shorts in Robot Carnival [Animation Night 158] Chicken Man and Red Neck, in which the machinery of a city comes alive to have a violently strange Bosch-like party led by a strange red-robed robot, witnessed only by one salaryman on a moped...
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...and if you remember when we looked into the three adaptations of Project Itoh's novels [Animation Night 127], he co-directed Harmony with Michael Arias, a powerfully understated film about a high tech biopower future and people who reject its utopia through a suicide pact. We also saw him in the Japan Animator Expo, with the charming Bubu & Bubulina...
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But let's give a fuller story...
As an animator, Nakamura entered the industry very young, signing on as a colourist and inbetweener at Tatsunoko in 1974 - at which point he was only 16, an aspiring mangaka newly arrived in Tokyo. Working in Tatsunoko's distinctive 'industry within an industry', he was introduced to Hirokazu Ishino's 'Anidō' association, in which he was introduced to not just many important animators but also had the chance to see animation from around the world, from Norm McLaren to Japanese independent animators like Kenzō Masaoka. The two films that got him most excited were Takahata's Horus, Prince of the Sun [AN41] and Disney's Fantasia [AN15], both of which contained incredible flexes of effects animation.
(Incidentally, it makes me happy that a lot of the films Watzky mentions showing at Anidō showed up on here! Following in the footsteps of giants and all that.)
Once Nakamura got the animation bug he put aside his manga aspirations and became a key animator, going freelance a couple years later. In 1979 he saw Galaxy Express 999, and got to witness the insane 'liquid fire' effects of Kanada, and he instantly became a devotee - soon enough getting a chance to work with Kanada directly.
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And by the early 80s Nakamura was definitely making a name, already working in animation direction and solo-animating entire episodes of Gold Lightan for Tatsunoko. The next couple of years he'd end up working on Nausicaa, Macross DYRL and the with Rintaro [AN53, 134] on Genma Taisen. By now he was specialising hard in effects (not unlike Anno!), and his work had become terrifyingly elaborate, look at this building collapsing into every single element or the clothes coming to the life under the power of a psychic. His work also inspired another incredibly significant animator to enter the industry - Kōji Morimoto, future cofounder of Studio 4°C - and they ended up working together on Genma Taisen.
Meanwhile on Nausicaa, Morimoto handled some of its most memorable scenes like the opening sequence where Nausicaa is pursued by the giant Ohmu. Once again you see his fascination with effects and debris, like the shot where the Ohmu explodes out of the forest, sending stalks flying in every directions. In Macross DYRL he animated the scenes of the gravity flipping sideways and a street's worth of stuff tumbling down all at once, elaborating on a scene by Itano from the TV show.
In short, if there's lots of bits of stuff flying around in a mid-80s movie, there's a good chance that Nakamura was involved somehow.
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Such a focus made him a perfect fit for the 'realist school' developing in the late 80s - whyat you might loosely call the Otomo circle. You see his work on both Manie-Manie/Neo Tokyo and Robot Carnival, and naturally enough he ended up part of the team for Akira. Given what he'd already accomplished, could he somehow step it up another notch? You bet.
Going by sakugabooru comments, Nakamura's role in Akira was mainly related to two things: explosions, and animation direction. Considering how iconic the explosions in Akira are, and how challenging it was to animate Otomo's very solid and 3D designs... the success of the film depended a lot on Nakamura's insane drawing skills. Further, he was a kind of 'teacher' to the rest of the staff, such as Morimoto. But this was apparently the 'limit' for Nakamura, and after Akira he turned from creating animation for others.
And this point marks a major stylistic turn in Nakamura's work. Starting with the World Masterpiece Theatre adaptation of Peter Pan, on which he worked as character designer, he adopted a highly stripped-down, simplified style. With all the Akira goodwill, he was able to pull in many of the new stars of the 'realist' school, from Okiura to Ohira. But his work became a lot less flashy, focusing more on a Disney-like approach where it's about creating a consistent sense of life rather than individual flashy sequences.
The Hakkenden [AN 122] was one of his first chances to experiment with the new style as a director, with Episode 4 really kicking off the series' trend of completely redesigning the characters according to the sensibilities of each director. He also worked on the kinda obscure but gorgeous realist-school film Junkers Come Here [AN 118] as his own film debut, Catnapped!, progressed.
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So Catnapped! This is a weird movie. Many people see a Disney influence in its style, and it definitely broke the 90s trend with a younger target audience - but Disney could never make a movie filled with as much imaginative strange shit as this one. Watzky points out how much Otomo influence there is in the direction - dense environments and elaborate multiplane shots, in contrast to simple character designs which afford a lot of movement. These designs allow great animators like Okiura [AN139] (who animated most of the finale) to really go to town. There's a great para in Watzky's article on the different directions taken by the 'realist' animators.
Catnapped is a pretty short film at less that 80 minutes, a revel of visual imagination; Nakamura's next film A Tree of Palme is just as distinctive but in a different direction. It's another take on the Pinocchio story [c.f. AN138], but a very 'dark, metaphysical' one, with its biggest inspirations apparently being French - Moebius and René Laloux [AN71, 93], with Mutsuo Koseki coming up with art direction capable of comparing to Laloux. The three year megaproject pulled in animator legends from across the board - Inoue, Ohashi, Ando, Masuo, Matsutake, Umetsu! (Count how many directed part of Robot Carnival).
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The character designs of Palme look simple in stills, but once you see them in motion, they're anything but - incredibly volumetric and full of life and movement.
In the 2000s and 2010s, Nakamura ended up working with Colorido and 4C a lot (naturally enough given the connection with Morimoto!), increasingly making effective use of CG in his projects. This led up to The Portrait Studio (写真館 Shashinkan) (c.f. AniObsessive) in 2015 - an almost solo short film, with Nakamura writing, storyboarding, designing characters and doing all the key animation, which is a kind of slice through Japanese history through the lens of a photographer who just wants to figure out a way to get his client to smile.
Much like Palme, The Portrait Studio combines simple character designs (in a stylised picture-book look) with very precise, realist animation on 2s and 1s to lend them a sense of density and 'existence'. Moreover, unlike most anime, it uses the raw pencils as finished lines instead of redrawing them clean on a computer. The style might call to mind Otomo's Cannon Fodder, and in fact the two films share a colour designer. 3D is integrated with an unusual degree of skill and subtlety. It makes for a fascinating combination, a very memorable and impactful film for all its apparent simplicity.
So, that's our focus for tonight! We'll be watching Catnapped!, A Tree of Palme and The Portrait Studio, and getting to find out what the deal is with Nakamura - one of the Very Important Guys in the history of anime, influential on so many of my faves... but all too often overlooked by people who aren't like, huge animation nerds.
If that sounds fun, come join me at twitch.tv/canmom - going live in just a minute! I've been wanting to do Nakamura for ages, and today I finally found energy for a writeup. See you there~
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yukidragon · 3 months
Sunshine in Hell Height Headcanons
It's June 15, which as many of you know from this official profile, that it's Sunny Day Jack's birthday today!
You might also know that it's [Redacted]'s birthday thanks to this ominous picture Sauce shared last year on this day. Funny how these two totally distinct characters share a birthday isn't it? 🤔
Anyway, I was hoping to have written something for this year to celebrate, but like last year my spoons are way too few and far between. I was also hoping to do something self-indulgent for my own birthday, but same lack of spoons halted me there too.
So, until I can stock up on more metaphorical utensils to help me do the stuff I feel like doing, I'm going to celebrate by rambling a little bit about some headcanon details.
Sunshine in Hell differs from the game demos in a number of ways, and one of them is Jack's height. As you might've seen from the profile link, Jack is canonically 6'2", but in my personal headcanon continuity, I decided to make the gentle giant quite a bit taller than that. Because it amuses me, and I struggle with imagining Jack as shorter than Cove Holden.
When deciding how tall to make Jack in my stories, I also decided to do a height chart for him and a few other characters as well. It helps to better imagine characters interacting when you can see how tall they are compared to others.
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Yes, I threw in a few extra love interests to the mix, as well as a couple other MCs. I was curious to see how tall Alice would be compared to her sisters, and I had to throw in their love interests as well.
As an aside, it tickles me that even after I made Jack significantly taller, he's shorter than Bo's horny "Feed Me" form.
For those of you that need the conversion from centimeters to feet and inches, or have trouble reading the image, I'll write them down for easy reference.
Alice: 162 cm / 5'4"
Jack: 198 cm / 6'6"
Shaun: 178 cm / 5'10"
Nick: 173 cm / 5'8"
Ian: 170 cm / 5'7"
Bo: 180 cm / 5'11"
Barbie: 184 cm / 6'0"
Bo "Feed Me" form: 216 cm / 7'1"
Elias: 185 cm / 6'1"
Coraline: 172 cm / 5'8"
As you can see, Shaun, Nick, and Ian stuck with the canon heights in their profiles. It's just Jack who got a height increase because it's what I imagined his height to be from the start, and Sunshine in Hell is basically my headcanons that diverge from the game's canon, so I do what I want. It's also fun to imagine scary yandere Jack towering over every single one of the love interests. It adds to the intimidation factor too despite his gentle giant persona.
Bo and Elias don't have canon heights like the SDJ love interests, so I mostly just did whatever felt right to me for them. Bo's regular height was influenced by the mafia AU picture Sauce drew. It served as a very good height comparison chart all on its own. As you can see, Bo is just tall enough to reach Jack's smile if you don't count the ears and poofy hair.
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All credit to the awesome Sauce for their lovely art of course and for feeding my headcanons. As always, I want to link to the SnaccPop Patreon as gratitude for being cool with me using their art in my posts. If you're a a free or paying member, consider checking out an important survey that went up to help guide the team in their future endeavors.
Bo looks so short compared to Jack, doesn't he? In my headcanon land, it's just a matter of perspective, and next to other people Bo is pretty darn tall. Though he's just one teeny tiny inch shorter than his puppy.
You bet your sweet bippy Barbie takes smug satisfaction in that one inch height superiority. Bo talks so big as a big bad alpha dog, but the puppy he's trying to dominate is just a bit bigger and badder than he ever expected.
Of course, Bo gets to turn it right back around on Barbie with his monster sized "Feed Me" form. Like werewolves that become huge compared to their human selves, when Bo's inner beast comes out to play, he adds on quite a lot of height and muscle. He towers over even Jack! Still, even when super sized, he's no match for Barbie.
As you can see, despite being the eldest child, Alice is shorter than her two younger sisters, especially Barbie! They got more of their dad's height genes, while Alice took more after their mom in that department. Barbie and Coraline are quite a bit taller than average, a fact that Barbie revels in, and Coraline can find a little awkward sometimes, especially during moments of weakness. It can be hard to help someone stand back up and walk when they're much taller than you are after all. It leads to some embarrassing moments for poor Coraline.
On that same note of surprisingly tall people with chronic illnesses, I thought it would be interesting if Elias would have been a very tall man if not for his illness. There's no canon height for him and he's floating with Jack and Bo in the Christmas picture, so it's hard to go with a comparative height. So, I went with what felt narratively interesting to me. With his legs being twisted, and him being hunched over with a cane, he probably appeared shorter than he actually was. It's hard to see his exact height with his lower half ghostly and indistinct as well. It's only when he actually bothers to give himself legs and stand with both feet planted firmly on the ground that he can show off just how tall he really is.
While I'm on the topic of height, I wonder if one of Ian's insecurities was his height. Some men have issues if they're shorter than their peers, and Ian is the shortest of the love interests. I can imagine it certainly didn't help if he was bullied for being short along with his general "nerdy" appearance back in school.
Still, Ian has nothing to complain about at the height he's at as a fully grown adult. Even if the other love interests are taller than he is, Ian is still above average for men in the US. He's just got the misfortune of being the shortest guy in a group of very tall people. At least he doesn't have to worry about taking the bottom spot in the height chart like Alice.
Yes, Alice is a bit self-conscious about being so short compared to her peers, even if technically she's also above average height for a woman in the US. She feels especially tiny when standing next to Jack.
Though, admittedly, Alice does find it very nice to feel tiny and delicate when Jack sweeps her up into his arms. It makes her feel less self-conscious about how chubby she is when her big strong giant of a boyfriend can carry her around so easily. Once she gets over the initial fear that he might drop her, she'll soon look forward to being whisked away by her silly clown.
Oh, and if you're wondering about Mary's height... I'm still debating if I want her to be around Alice's height or a little taller. She had the same eye color in both lives due to the eyes being windows to the soul, but there were other physical differences due to different parents introducing different genetics. I need to ruminate on that fine of detail more and see what feels more interesting to me narratively.
Though even if Mary was as tall as Barbie, she'll still be short enough for Joseph to sweep into her arms since he's just as much of a giant now as he was then. Not that it would stop him from trying even if his sunshine was bigger than him. Nothing will stop Joseph/Jack from showing his love for his sunshine!
I think I'll wrap things up on that fluffy note. I hope y'all enjoyed me going off on a headcanon ramble after such a long time. With any luck, I'll be able to get to answering some asks soon. Thanks for reading!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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Out of universe:
I just discovered this blog, and I had a question I couldn't find an answer to on the FAQ page. How does this concept compare/differ/relate to SCP?
OOC: Well, I’m definitely inspired by SCP (among other things people have pointed out in the almost 70k notes on the posters post, like Control, Portal, Omega Mart, tumblr user melinoelabs, some others I’m sure I’m not remembering). I’m a fan of SCP, I think a lot of people following me are.
As far as comparisons, there’s definitely a lot of thematic overlap between SCP and OPN, enough that fans of the SCP will probably be fans of this.
That being said, there is no intentional lore/story similarity between SCP and OPN. They are not meant to be in the same universe, and no actual lore characters/features/etc are meant to be in both unless they came from somewhere else first. Aside from very general and basic concepts like “cognitohazards” or “memetics” of course, but I’m sure SCP didn’t really come up with those, just popularized them.
As to how it differs, I can point a few things out from an author’s point of view, so take the following with whatever grains of salt you’re comfortable with.
1) I am, intentionally, building a world that is a little brighter than many settings of the same type. There’s horror and intrigue, absolutely, but there’s fun, and silliness. When brainstorming or sounding-board with my friends and co-writer, I often use the phrase “that’s goofy, but the goofiness is not disqualifying”. I mean, two months ago, an LSD-powered Alice in Wonderland themed AI saved Halloween. There’s a little bit of ambiguity, of course - the intentional clash between the “voice” of Norm who is a fundamentally optimistic person with a bias vs the darker tone of Meghan’s interviews (found in the #interview tag) is something I’m cultivating, but I hope overall it’s clear I’m intending a brighter, less grim dark tone.
2) SCP relies on a lot of wholly original content - SCP-173 did not exist as a concept before it was written, whereas much of my work leans on a basic assumption that every existing myth, legend, or folktale is at least a little bit true. The “kitchen sink” approach. SCP of course does deal with Bigfoot, or fae, or what-have-you, and I have a good chunk of concepts that are wholly original as well. It’s a mostly-true generalization that I do keep to as a design tool. Most of the posters rely on well-known concepts and the ones that don’t can be ascertained from context clues like the etymology of “Ontophage”. This is also a factor in my appreciation of real-world concepts like bureaucracy humor.
Hopefully that answers some questions! Feel free to ask more. I’ll be traveling the next few days so I might be a little quiet, but ooc stuff is a nice change of pace.
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noname-nonartist · 3 months
So this is a random question about your JJK/PJSK AU, but y’know how Mizuki can’t really eat hot stuff because their tongue is sensitive? I was wondering if you thought of anything that has to do with that! Also will you do any big changes to anybody’s design? (Especially the hair)
(Im sorry if Im asking too much btw-)
Oh, don’t worry about asking too much! I always welcome any asks about the pjsk+jjk AU! ^w^
For the Mizuki question on their sensitive tougue, I actually think it’s just what Mizuki was born with.
It’s actually a common thing for people to have their tongue be sensitive to heat! It’s called a cat tongue and it’s usually genetics iirc! :oc
So appearances changes… ngl most of the jjk cast are gonna mostly keep their appearances the same! Or like. The same in my style, since I do draw Yuuji with more of a square face compared to the anime. •3•;
I just think it would be a funny and silly moment when Nobara realizes that Yuuji’s pink hair and Akito’s orange hair is natural while she’s the only one who dyes her hair. (Akito does too but it’s just only a bit on his bangs kek~)
I am gonna have Yuuji have a huge growth spurt when he’s going to his second year tho! A full 9 cm growth spurt~ >:3c
Making him go from 173 cm —> 182 cm tall! And yes, everyone is super shocked about it~ X3c
I obviously also have my own headcannon on how I draw the pjsk characters too! Like, I always give An a tan and gives her dimples when she smile~
And I draw Shizuku taller than she is in cannon~ (she’s 182 cm in my heart! And I also gonna have her be 184 cm yall going into her third year! >:Dc)
Oh! And I also gonna have Choso with his hair down normally, but don’t worry! His iconic hairstyle will still be appearing since I’m gonna have so Choso put his hair up like that whenever he’s cooking, and he cooks a lot! (For his siblings and due to his job as a chef~)
The mini story behind that is gonna be that when he was really young, one of Choso’s younger brothers was crying while they were cooking. And Choso try to cheer him up, and when he put his hair up like that, the little bro smiled and laughed~
Hence why he decided to always has his hair up like that whenever he cooks~ (or like whenever he wants to get his hair outta of the way kek~)
Thank you for the ask!!! ^w^/
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connorboyyy · 2 months
Hello, it's been a while since I've sent something lol. Had my birthday and a bunch of other stuff in the last few weeks, so my month's been busy lol
I've been debating on if I want to make a sideblog for DBH or not for a little while (I haven't posted much on my main in a while and feel awkward just posting random stuff again lol, plus I'd like to start organizing my fixations into side blogs or whatever lol), plus I've kinda wanted to rewrite DBH or something (though I'm not the best writer).
Anyway, I'm curious on some headcanons you have about androids themselves? Like any functions or lifespans or what?
Also watched the Tech Demo with Kara and such, where she says stuff like how her "battery" can help her run automonously for, like, 173 years? That's a long time, especially since it seems like the rest of their body (or at least several) has planned obsolescence?
She also mentions she's a third-generation AX400, which also makes me curious about how "generations" of androids work.
Rambling a lot, lol, but yeah, I'm just curious about what your thoughts or ideas are on how they function and whatnot :0
- Connor-#51
It’s so nice to hear from you again! :) And happy belated birthday 🎉
You should definitely make a side blog for DBH! It’s so fun, you’d love it. And a rewrite would literally be so awesome! Having a sideblog is really useful for promoting your fics and other content too 🫶
OOH LOVE THIS QUESTION ‼️ Here’s a few Android head canons I have when it comes to functionality and all that:
More “common” androids (such as caretakers, houseworkers, and receptionists) have much longer lifespans than more “advanced” models like combat androids or those made for special cases—like Connor. I think this because those “common” models tend to be quite personable. They’re usually in a home, form routines that humans close to them rely on, and even as times change a maid’s program barely has to be updated. Cleaning, cooking, and babysitting stays pretty consistent. Whereas more special case androids are usually in fields that change wildly and however they were made or appear probably won’t suit the conditions for long. So I head canon those common androids probably are built with the intention of longevity (even if new models become available, upgrades aren’t required) whereas models like Connor are built with the intention of a shorter shelf life.
I know rationally it’s accepted (and maybe confirmed? Can’t remember) that their skin and hair is a hologram. But I personally headcanon it’s not and that they can coat themselves in a layer of synthetic skin and hair. I feel it like makes more sense to 1.) make people more comfortable with the androids (it’s gonna be way easier for a child to bond with a caretaker android if when she takes its hand, it feels like human skin rather than hard and cold) and 2.) when considering sex work androids, who is going to want to pay to be intimate with something hard and plastic-y feeling to the touch yknow? I’m sure people would, but if it doesn’t feel human, I doubt it would be as popular. And I’m sure they would make the others in the same way even if they’re not doing sex work cause I additionally headcanon that pretty much all androids (except for children and maybe a few others) have some kind of genitalia. Because we know how people are, I’m sure any android that works in the home is probably equipped for intimacy. And there are the life partner androids as well. Etc, etc.
I know a lot of people head canon them to be very heavy cause they’re walking machines full of thirium, but I don’t think androids are any heavier or lighter than standard human weight. I imagine the weight of their blood is the heaviest part as their bodies are probably made of something sturdy but lightweight. And the inner mechanisms coming in at the second heaviest. I just think that would even out to being more or less pretty standard
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i-can-not-art · 4 months
076 is shipped with a standard facility guard who's name I forgor, that one's a relatively nice ship. also there's the fact that according to at least one cannon (?) SCP 173 and Dr. Clef had relations, so much so that 173 won't attack Clef, meaning he is in fact THAT GOOD in bed. (Yes I regret sending this ask, but it's interesting info.) - Crackfic
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I’d like to add that I 100% think Clef is a reddit mod, discord mod, and avid tf2 player just read his file dude
(Also ik that the SCP foundation is fucking weird so like of course there’s sex jokes and stuff, but please keep in mind that I’m a minor, I don’t want people being weird about my stuff)
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cornus27florida · 2 months
What did you think of CPC’s ending? 👀👀
Hi IHF!!! I am really sorry to just replying cuz I overthinking so many things, I kinda want to write many things about CPC's ending but that's making me go here and there...
As an overthinker, along with a big procrastinator, I realized how long I keep your question in my inbox unanswered... This also I portrayed through fanfiction at AO3 ``June's Dump" which initially about month June at CPC, so 7 months timeskip as we have George and his sommelier wedding - which def invite Jamie, but I wonder if the venue at Plaid Palace thus we have Plaid Royals reactions over them... Hmph, fix time! I need to fulfill ‘em all!!
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Back to basic, the initial question... What do I personally think about the CPC's ending as in epilogue 173? Well… I have mixed feelings, so I have some clashed opinions
As a wiki editor personal thought, I am kind of annoyed at a certain 'new' editor that cut off many things in the page as Mocha already gives the foundation... Peri was even shocked by my strong reactions over that annoyance... Although from there I see how unstable my emotions are, I literally have too many mixed emotions that I can't describe! Nevertheless I finished the story part up to completion, and I think that page is pretty much done. There's my thought as fandom wikia editor lmao but that's too much technical
As a wiki editor personal thought, I am kind of annoyed at a certain 'new' editor that cut off many things in the page as already Mocha gives the foundation... Peri even shocked to my strong reactions over that annoyance... Although from there I see how unstable my emotions, I literally have too many mixed emotions that I can't describe! Nevertheless I finished the story part up to completion, and I think that page is pretty much done. There's my thought as fandom wikia editor lmao but that's too much technical and boring
...although nvm, I will be myself who rambling to things that I love and I won't change at that aspect haha - here come v.02!
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So, here is another of my thoughts but based on TV Tropes! This more at happy note~
(Disclaimer: I didn't mainly edit in there, but I do some minor editings here and there - although those never done lmao)
Also it's open secret for everyone, that TV Tropes content is hella subjective but at least they are funny - hence why I feel better informations database is at fandom wiki instead
"Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: The final chapter takes place six months later, and Gwen writes in her diary about what happened then:
Jack learned about Lilyth and her painting curse, then he cried for a whole week over her.
> We know Jack cried in happiness as reunite with his wife once again, IDK that sentence feels like Jack cried in sadness which the opposite of reality
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Lorena got an A+++++ for her final class project.
The kids are getting along with the family, and both Jamie and Leopold made more artwork for the walls so Lilyth could travel through them around the castle.
Jack held a celebration to acknowledge the people who helped defend the castle from the invasion. He hasn't visited Leland in prison since.
Jerry was promoted to Chief Warden, while Beckett got demoted and transferred far away from Maria.
> poor Beckett, in wiki there Mocha add sentence which technically objective but lack in Tropes :  Jerry got everything Beckett wanted - a princess, a promotion (to Chief Warden), and recognition from the King himself - while Beckett was demoted and moved to a station as far away from Maria as possible.
Suzana officially joined the Pastel Troops.
> It's actually from ep 171 about Suzie plan to move out to Pastel Kingdom, but ep 173 as the epilogue itself never explicitly tell it? Probably due to it from Gwen's POV that uninterested with military stuff... I am more curious about the location of the new "home" where the throuple LorZanCe are lmao, likely at Pastel Kingdom I guess
The Club got Gwen's painting from the Conservatory back by distracting them with Laverne.
The forest of the Cursed Princess Club was declared a protected area by the king so it's never in danger of being invaded again.
> Remember the spider's conversation about a new member of the CPC incoming? Who?? Heck yeah, sequel potential!
Frederick has been hard at work studying to one day become king and receives support from his family.
> At discord, me and some buddies are joking about how Frederick is going during timeskip espc as he is technically the 'special member' but hasn't got his own slumber party yet... Hence why we got amused on the scenario of him sneaking out on a night to get initiated, but his kingdom mistaken it as something serious and send an army to fetch him out from initiation LOL (in similar sense of ep 148 ending where Prez shocked to see Plaid soldiers lining and thought they are merely fetching Frederick, and in our scenario that assumption of Prez becomes reality). Oh well, I hope in the promised side stories we have Frederick's slumber party (and Maria as well! Although I also hope Lorena and Jamie get the open arms to join the CPC? Well let's see/Fanfic for cope)
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Prez stopped taking her medication and resorted to her old way of dealing with her curse. With the growing acknowledgement and support for the Cursed Princess Club, she is looking to expand to help more people who are cursed.
> regarding Prez point, this kinda too summarized on my liking lol. First about the expansion as moving out to a new and bigger building, we don't know exactly where but I really really hope it's at Plaid Kingdom. That way with reformed Plaid Kingdom whose initially negative thoughts toward cursed people (let's see; Leland feels the cursed need to be fixed first, while Blaine and com. Tattersall sees cursed as a monster which needs to die), now on the hands of kinder people espc the crown prince himself is close with CPC - that makes the CPC expansion more meaningful IMHO. Also cuz Plaid has larger land xD
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> the period pauser pill (it's not birth control y'all, please don't mix 'em up, fandom!) indeed merely temporarily solution and I have doubts from very first time as see it through eyes of biologist that concerned with drugs side effects espc for long use - even if those pills possibly non synthetic ones=lesser side effects. Basically ALL drugs are technically poison that is used on right doses, time and matched person with many has strict rules under prescription. That's why Whitney suddenly bought it kinda concerning, although I can see the comedic effect and temporarily 'relief of the curse' on that solution haha. Permanent solution possibility for Prez is to get 'reproduction organs/system removal' surgery - the HYSTERECTOMY.. here I spill a bit of spoiler secret of RaS as my ff series, I want Prez to consider that option
Themidora reunited with lobster lover, Benedict, who tricked the wicked sea cucumber into cursing him so he could be with her.
> I am surprised but in the side of “wao, so LambCat chose that option” because I kinda guessed it before. Thermidora "solution" is either to de-transform back as lobster so can reunites with Benedict (probably through searching 'lobster' serum from that background cursed serums merchant, or probably Jack allows the Clam to be used for betterment of CPC members not for greed) OR Benedict somehow finds a way to meets with her. I am more surprised with the way of latter guess to be true, because the method is kinda mundane "trick the sea cucumber to curse me so I can walk on land!" way + Thermidora wish of 'meeting hot summer lobster' to be true somehow LOL. Her premonition comes true and that's silly sweet panel ^^
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Whitney returned home to his kingdom for Blacquelyn's coronation. She now wears a coat made from Greyden's fur.
> I wonder about Whitney's status in the Monochrome Kingdom but it seems won't be explained. So my guess as in HCs: Queen Blacquelyn actually 'likes' Whitney more than Greyden from the start, probably in the way of 'being girl is never to claim the throne' so Whitney never heeds her much. Which as Whitney presumed to die and Greyden raising to power, Greyden make havoc to bring his harem to the palace and annoys his sister so much = reason why Blacquelyn decides to throws throne of Greyden (which I and Axel have HC, got neutered LOL)
Nell and Jolie officially got married.
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> Very happy for the wedding! Personally I thought their wedding itself is beautiful but the guests scene kinda iffy me a lil bit. Like why Pastel Kingdom only has Maria, Gwen, and Jack? Where are Lorena and Jamie?? I think they are busy chasing their dreams so choose not to attend, or LambCat simply lazy to draw them lol/jk. Also this kinda controversial intake espc to Syrah lovers, but personally I don't feel humored at all with Syrah still flirting with Jack when she must know how strong the love of Jack/Leelathae-Lilyth.. So that scene leaves bad taste to me, this excluding poor Saffron moment. Sigh, the ship of Syrah/ Saffron is officially sunk. I am kinda accepted it but I just feel weird despite being female myself, I feel many female characters are easily 'get away' with things while male characters gets repetitive/redundant/unnecessary misfortunes - some of folks at discord agree with that statement but at the end of the day I want CPC for their heartwarming wholesomeness, not to pick fights at anyone and I am still learning about that. I wonder if Nell and Jolie moved out to stays at the Lace Kingdom as I feel CPC need some delegations that stays at their own kingdom, that's what Tori wants for Monika after all. Speaking of Monika, she technically can have 2 suitors as one Tori and other Orson lol - but epilogue is not deciding her end so I feel who Monika ends up to isn't important? At least her dream to open a stall for jewelry becomes reality, although a certain someone at discord is mad about lack of Monika's appearance overall....
Aurelia got together with Celso after their meeting at the castle.
> This super simplified explanation about Aurelia, and a certain someone labeling Celso as her boy toy - which make me think both of their characters downgraded uhh. Anyway to be honest I am not really a fan of both of them as they are alright characters but not really special as in 'meh' territory. Unlike Orson/Monika as the ship of a Princel/CPC member, CeLia is too rushed imho (they literally meet each other during the night of invasion arc) with the dash of concerning acid mouth from both + we don't know if the "True love's kiss" attempt from Aurelia to Celso really happening or not, but it's so concerning - realistically in my HC about cures for Aurelia, we can develop some utensils that won't melt with her spit (they have magics, duh) with probability of chopsticks could not touching directly with mouth along it's saliva during consumption of certain foods OR developing (more realistic!) melting curse counter which high in acid with something like specialized mouthwash high in alkaline
Maria got to fulfill her dream of singing her recital for everyone, which caught the eye of her idol and they began collabing.
> Good for Maria :3 Also the side stories sneak peak has Maria like performing on a certain stage with a new outfit which the image can be seen at P.S at the end, I wonder if she does an idol live stage under Bozart tutelage?
Blaine is now on a journey of self atonement, but has made sure to attend Maria's recital.
> Some people love Blaine so much, I am not really sure if to be honest.. I just hope that Blaine at least attempts to communicate with his family (sans Leland ofc) in his journey, especially his youngest brother who becomes crown prince right now could get some pointers about how to lead people of their kingdom. My opinion about Blaine fits the most with Mono's opinion in that sense after all
As for Gwen, she no longer sees cracks in her reflection. She is happy with Frederick.
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> that's how TV Tropes conclude things but I feel I need to add more (for another time, remind the future me plz) as I feel Gwen and Frederick, being the protagonist and the deuteragonist respectively, need to be on separate points? From what I get (thus my personal thoughts) by rereading ep 173 at uncountable times, Gwen technically doesn't stopping see cracks in her reflection BUT every time she feels down which make the cracking - she will read her mother's letter that she put on her bedroom wall (I kinda hope there's a couple pictures with Frederick inside Gwen's bedroom, but well at least we have that lovely finale panel)
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> The content of Gwen's mom deserves a separate point! Her letter is so warming although there’s some parts that imho too female-exclusive, hence in the fanfiction that I made, Dear Me, I make the content to fits everyone :D
> What's TV Tropes forgot but I will make it up someday, but fandom like at this Tumblr doesn't by some folks, is the crucial final step implicitly told regarding Frederick's character development. He is purposely growing giant sunflowers at the front yard of his palace, showing that he didn't afraid of sunflowers anymore as well making peace with his past as got bullied (I still wondering his bullies where about although I have assumptions they are too 'broken' to show up to public anymore). 
Last for real, GwenDerick/FredDolyn last finale panel is very similar with Frederick's dream as Frederick on the left side of us, holding hands with Gwen with blushing face. That panel is freaking cute and fits the CPC epilogue so much in my humble opinion, what I dream is becomes reality - of wholesomeness ^^
Conclusion: (u could just jump to here, HEHEHE XD )
Long Story Short, overall the epilogue as in the CPC's ending is satisfying to me espc that lovely very last panel. Certain parts like Aurelia's solution of her curse or Prez just back to her old method seems lackluster, but to me is not that bad. I feel the 'backlash' of enjoyment actually from the fandom itself by some 'people' that I will put as anonymous, those I label as 'ungrateful' with some points I already mention. Also I know I am pushing myself so unhealthy regarding editing stuff… I love it actually so no pressure to me at all, but I know it’s kind of my running of realities of adulting hence why I need to ‘touch some grass’ as well
I forgot to mention that I guessed long ago (and confirmed to be right!) that Gwen will write a diary at the epilogue as inspired by her mom's diary. Although a bit of 'offs' are due to initial thought about 'the diary of lilyth' is filled with grief so it meant to be hidden, while Gwen's diary meant to be read to her kids with Frederik [one of comedy is silly sentence that in form of: dear my lovely kids, I want to tell you that your father does not love me at first sight but used to be so scared of my appearance but see now how hard he loves me now :) as a means for the complete opposite as a form of happiness to tell everything about CPC... So a kind of epilogue "I write my own story - reveal" because some episodes which are heavy-centric of Frederick like at ep 70 and 145, no way others could explain it unless those come from Frederick himself. That scenario could happen once Frederick and Gwen becomes true lovebirds that cozy w each other - to reveals true selves
Here is some bonus from LambCat's Patreon that somehow I get the updates including the HD pictures !!
 I really want to get stable and high paying jobs soon :0 so I can be financially independent, thus can support LambCat through the paywall like subscribing her Patreon as well as buying CPC books!
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latentspaceofficial · 24 days
research tangent! scp x wh13
so this is something a little bit different than what i normally talk about. i'm putting on a different cap today. ok little nerd moment thats been living rent free in my head for days. ive got an antistatic bag on my desk thats been sitting here for a while and i noticed something familiar
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that sure as hell looks like the scp foundation logo
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which got me really thinking. so its very obvious to me that the scp logo takes inspiration from this iso or ansi symbol. but whats even more odd was looking at the timeline of the scp wikis birth. im a zillenial (god i hate that word) so my childhood was watching markiplier play scp:cb, scrolling the old wiki, fucking with cleverbot. fun stuff like that. i was still a drooling idiot. when sci-fi renamed to syfy. but i remember the switchover and not being allowed to watch eureka because there were some "goddamns" in there. but i was allowed to watch warehouse 13, in spite of steve's existence. i was way too into the steampunk and lore of warehouse 13 when it was relevant. so much so i had a fucking farnsworth ringtone on my lg shit phone and i thought it was the coolest thing. i'm also still gay as hell for h.g. wells and her fit.
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but anyway anyway. the premise of warehouse 13 was finding dangerous "artifacts" that imbued special status affects on people and to neutralize them with "neutralizer grid polyethylene static bags" as they say. their motto being "snag it. bag it. and tag it." or something to that effect.
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what im getting at is that warehouse 13 has a similar premise to the scp foundation, but more mainstream comedy and less psychological horror. there's a tangential link between wh13 with scp via anti static bags and the symbol. so i looked into this a bit. through cursory searches, i didn't find anyone really talking about this other than a similar premise. so i looked at timelines. in july 2008 the scp foundation wiki (idk which one) was started, while wh13 piloted on july 2009. with a year delta, it seems clear "who stole from who". but wait. writing, pitching, and filming takes quite a while. is a year really enough time? i can't find any trademarks registered by universal nor any evidence of a canadian filming license. so this is where i stopped typing on my phone and started researching. the waters are a bit muddy, so bear with me. wh13 was co-written by a handful of people and rewritten as well. but the original plot was announced by sci-fi here in october of 2007
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according to wikipedia (the free encyclopedia), inspirations for warehouse 13 include the x-files, raiders of the lost ark, something called moonlighting, and this show from the late 80s and early 90s called "friday the 13th: the series". i'd never heard of it, but it shares the vaguest premise with both wh13 and scp to keep bad artifacts away from harming people.
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well what about the scp wiki? when did it form? well it's complicated. (i'm sorry for my poor cropping, it will happen again)
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the scp wiki itself states that the original scp came from 4chan and that a lot of original organization happened on 4chan. indeed 4chan is the source of famous scps such as 173
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posted on june 2007 is the original lore post about 173 and can be seen as the beginning of scps. which pre-dates the announcement of wh13. i don't know about you, but how fast you could go from trolling 4chan to a pilot script? at this point "some government authority retrieving dangerous magic embued items" was not a previously done idea and was indeed original. the x-files kinda did this before with balancing larger plot arcs with mini plot supernatural occurrences, not all aliens. but nothing about being an authoritative group that comes in and cleans up super natural mishaps. nah, mulder and skully just stayed in the basement or took an occasional road trip to see a whistleblower. i honestly love scp far more than wh13, but i'm going to be the devil's advocate and not give the new era spin on an old idea to the scp wiki just yet. 173 is an scp, but the idea of scps is not fully laid out yet. the thread was also deleted days later and thus only lived in the minds of active forum users of the time as fan derivatives were made. so there was a period of time where the fandom had started to form, but no official wiki existed. the semi official scp wiki formed in january 2008. later than the announcement of wh13 but before the pilot of the show ever aired in july 2009. so it's always possible the writers were 4channers and yoinked the idea. again, it's so fascinating how close in time and narrative the scp wiki and wh13 are. i personally doubt the writers were on 4chan at the time, but neither the wiki nor the show writers exist in a vacuum. i think it all warrants scrutiny and there's no smoking gun saying who inspired who, or if it's absolute coincidence. that is unless some ogs from the scp wiki or the writers of wh13 are able to speak on it. i'm curious what other people think.
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reanbowful · 2 years
hey hey Rean, can i have a request for teddy with a pretty tall gf reader? (bcs I see how he reacts to tall people like Gerard ;)) ). And she also teases him a lot
I'm fcking inlove with ur works 👺❤️
Ahh this is so cutee! Reminds me of lovely complex (if you dk what that is go watch it rn!!) And thank you sm!! I’m so happy that you enjoy my writings hehe
Also ngl, I react the same way as Teddy whenever I see tall ppl T_T (the dread of short ppl)
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if you’re taller than them
(gray, alex, teddy, eugene)
gray yeon / yeon sieun
Honestly, Gray is not that tall to begin with. He’s like 158 cm (or around 5’2).
So I don’t think it would be such a surprising thing if you’re taller than him.
Tbh, I don’t think he would mind it at all. Gray is not really someone who’s super conscious about his height or anything.
In fact, you two would be that cool short boy/tall girl couple.
He might actually even prefer it if you’re taller than him.
If you tease him about it, like for example, you ruffle his hair and pull on his cheek.
Instead of getting annoyed, Gray would get shyy. And it would be the cutest thing ever.
He would try to pass it off as annoyance, but the redness on his cheeks tells you otherwise.
He will get back at you though.
I can totally see him pulling off that, ‘Hey you have something on you, come here.’ and when you bend down, he’ll give you a peck on the cheek.
Oh and how he will be smirking to himself once he saw how flustered you became.
Payback successful 😈
alex go / go hyuntak
Hm. I feel like Alex wouldn’t really mind that much either.
He would be super impressed with your height though. He’s 173 cm or 5’8, that’s already pretty damn tall for a girl. If you’re even taller than that, that’s quite something.
Alex would make sure to make use of your height for every single purpose that he can.
“Babe, can you get that for me? Yeah, that one at the top shelf.”
“Babe? The AC’s rattling, can you check it for me?”
“Babe, we need to clean the top of the cupboard. Can you help me with it?”
Of course, if you get mad at him for always asking you to do stuff for him, he will laugh and tone it down.
Just to impress you, he will bring a freaking ladder to get you books at the tallest shelves.
“Wasn’t I so cool just now?”
Just smile and nod :)
He also enjoys those moments when you guys are at a public transportation and he can just lean against you since you’re so tall.
He also like being hugged by you. He likes the feeling of your chin on his head, and the sound of your heartbeat right by his ear.
teddy jin / jin taeoh
Teddy! Oh boy. He would be a total wreck.
When he saw how tall you were, he would just outright REFUSE to stand next or anywhere in close proximity to you.
If you show him a sad face, he will immediately feel bad. Swallowing his pride, he would walk to approach you.
“Hey.. um. Look, I don’t really mean that-“
Then you will go and put him in a headlock, ruffling his hair.
“AHAHAHA I was just kidding!”
You betrayed him.
Once you let him go, he will stomp away immediately. Face flushed and a series of curses muttered under his breath.
He wouldn’t show his face for a couple days after, you actually thought you angered him for real. But then he came to see you.
You were walking home from school when you saw a certain blonde crouched on top of a wall near your neighbourhood. (he’s just like a cat fr)
“Hey lamppost! I don’t appreciate what you did to me last time. I was caught off guard.”
You looked up at him in amusement when he jumped down, dusting off his pants.
“I’ll consider us even if you come with me to a nice pizza place I reserved.”
You crossed your arms. Smiling deviously.
“Alright, let’s go.”
You walked over to the pizza place with a trashing Teddy on your arms. Yea. You carried him all the way there like the sadist you are.
Expect to not see him again for at least a week after that. Give him time. He needs it to recover.
eugene gale / seo juntae
Ahh Eugene would be the absolute sweetest.
When he saw you for the first time, he will be mildly shocked to see just how tall you are.
But after that, Eugene would be the best boyfriend ever.
He wouldn’t care if you’re taller than him or if you’re shorter. He just.. likes you.
He would be such a supportive and caring boyfriend.
You were at the mall to look for shoes to go to your cousin’s wedding and saw a cute pair of heels. You tried them on and they look so perfect to go with the dress you have at home.
But, then you remembered Eugene. You were already taller than him, so wearing heels would only accentuate on your height difference. What would the family say?
“Ah! Y/N, those heels look so good on you! You should get them!”
“But, Eugene.. I’ll be so much more taller than you if I wear them.”
Eugene would be so confused honestly. It’s your shoes and how it makes you look good. Feel good about yourself. Why should you be concerned about him when you’re the one wearing those shoes.
“Don’t mind me! I think you look very pretty wearing them!”
We love a secure man✊
He will end up convincing you to just buy the heels and wear it for the wedding.
Throughout the entire night, he made sure to compliment you and let you know just how perfect you look.
If not in the eyes of others, at least you are to him.
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stepswowdsen · 1 month
【KagePro】 KuroEne Shibari (Rope Bondage) + Maid Kuroha plays with Ene (NSFW) 🖤💙
Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator (NSFW)
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It just came to mind but ngl it'd be cool to draw a long forked snake tongue variant of this doodle as well. It'd be quick to draw as well.
I think the 1st one with the smug grin fits more, but both are nice ^^
KuroEne Scenario Ideas (NSFW)
Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator
Maid Kuroha plays the roleplay game with Ene
Kuroha ties Ene up with mild shibari (rope bondage)
Sen's Meow Meow Mfs
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Masc charas I don't play about: Meow meow mfs 🐈‍⬛🖤🤍
Evil/morally bankrupt little guy!
(Tbh my faves are usually giant…)
Though I have faves who are average height too, like Hibari and Judar
Douman (FGO): 200 cm (6'7")
Hibari (KHR): 169 cm (5'7")
Xanxus (KHR): 188 cm (6'2")
Idate (WATGBS AU): 185 cm (6'1")
Judar (Magi): 173 cm (5'8")
Kuroha/Saeru (KagePro): 182 cm (6'0")
Note: While possessing Konoha's body
I'll put my previous ramble posts under the cut since this post is based on my previous posts. I'll also put my new ideas under the cut too
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Anyways I think putting a Content Label and Read more before posting NSFW is a good idea cuz it gives people the option whether they want to opt into seeing it and a warning beforehand so they don't get jumpscared by it (like if you're in public or something)
I prefer clothed intimacy most of the time like it just looks sexier to me. Since the charas are fully clothed, it's pretty tame and nothing explicit is showing but putting a warning cuz the context is NSFW
Anyways I'm trying to practice drawing NSFW cuz I wanna get good at it one day 🙏
Normally I post rambles that I prepared in advance to post cuz I just copy paste them from my Notion docs but I felt sleepy yesterday so I didn't post them before. So I'm just gonna post some stuff I had in mind Ig
Gonna put a warning cuz the doodles are fully clothed intimacy, but REALLY NSFW.
Anyways I'm glad I'm getting better at drawing NSFW ^^
These are much better than my doodles from 2021 - 2022 (which I won't even show cuz they look like doodoo)
Maid Kuroha plays the roleplay game with Ene (NSFW)
Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator (NSFW)
Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator (NSFW)
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It just came to mind but ngl it'd be cool to draw a long forked snake tongue variant of this doodle as well. It'd be quick to draw as well.
Also did an alt version where Kuroha has a long forked snake tongue
I think the 1st one fits more cuz I like the smug grin, but the 2nd one is also cool
I'm not really paying attention to the way the clothes are drawn in these since I just wanna get the basic idea down
I love their expression here hehe
Also just put the JP version this time cuz I prefer the text formatting in JP. It's easier to format text. I also included the cropped versions
Ene suspended by ropes (shibari rope bondage) (NSFW)
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Kuroha/Saeru and Ene play a little game 🖤💙🐍🐇
When Kuroha proposes wanting to play a game of shibari rope bondage and tying her up, Ene gets all embarrassed as usual, and then agrees to play with him.
Kuroha: I won't deny that. But knowledge comes from experience, right?
She makes him promise to just make it tight enough so that she doesn't fall, or anything, and that it only feels pleasurable and not painful. And Kuroha agrees with her terms.
I redrew Ene’s expression a few times but I’m pretty happy hehe
I still wanted it to be a comfortable position for her so I think this is ok.
Mild bondage is ok for me when it comes to ship intimacy 👍
I’m not into the heavy/extreme forms of it.
I’m not paying too much attention to the ropes so I just used a brush to get the basic idea down.
I'll also show the version without the rope brushes cuz it's covering the sketch
Technically it’s just Ene but it’s KuroEne (implied). I didn’t know how to fit Kuroha into the piece so I’ll probably sketch something different with him. Like showing his reaction on the other side.
Or drawing both of them from side view, like when Kuroha walks up to her and leans in to touch her face gently while she's tied up.
Suspension bondage where Ene gets held up by ropes and has mild shibari (rope bondage) over her clothes 🥰💞
I was wondering whether to make the ropes black or red… Black, yellow, and red, are all Kuroha’s colours, so I think either is fine. I should probably add more ropes later.
Mf wants to see a needy Ene beg for him 🥰 Once he gets the reaction he wants, he’ll cut the rope that holds the vibrator in place, and then fuck her himself like that. When they’re done, he lets her down.
Ene: Let me down gently! Carry me! Ene is a delicate flower!
Ene: (//>3<//)
These two are so fun to write ship scenarios for, including ship intimacy… The pros of a guy that knows (almost) everything, can change his body into anything he wants, and is very open to experimenting in sex 👍
KuroEne AU: Maid Ene plays the roleplay game wtih Kuroha (NSFW)
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Sadistic meow meow mf plays a game with Ene in a maid outfit where she does maid roleplay for him (ie. cleaning the room, making tea) while having a vibrator inside her and Kuroha sits back and messes with the settings. And when he's satisfied, he fucks her.
KuroEne AU: Maid Kuroha plays the roleplay game with Ene
I'll just summarize this. Ene wants to get "revenge" on Kuroha/Saeru for teasing her mercilessly last time. Last time being the above scenario I described ^^
Ene's attempts to embarrass and fluster Kuroha/Saeru just ends up flustering her more. Her forms of "punishment" for Kuroha/Saeru's "bad behaviour" (Him not doing what she wants, like him spilling paint all over the walls and floors when she tells him to clean), are not punishments at all for him.
Ene decides to "punish him" for making a mess, by face sitting on him and making him take it and ordering him to eat her out, but then just has a sudden realization to herself like "Wait a minute… Is this even a punishment for him???"
(It's not.)
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Kuroha: Come now. Do you really think I'd let you have your fun with me, only for me to be a passive participant?
Kuroha: I don't want to make things TOO easy for you. That would simply be boring.
Kuroha: But, let me make one thing clear. I'll be sure to claim my reward after we’re done.
Ene: That’s just so like you… Ok, ok! We’ll take turns! It’s only fair!
Kuroha: Of course~ It’s only fair we both get what we want.
Ene: Just wait until you're the one getting teased!!! BRING IT ON!!!
Ene initially thought that embarrassing him would be EASY (a piece of cake), but it turns out that while he likes getting teased in intimacy, he has no sense of embarrassment. And she eventually realizes that and decides she needs to change her game plan.
(In Ene's mind -> He's a mega pervert)
Kuroha just shrugs cuz of course he has perverse tastes. But then simply says that knowledge comes from experience.
Ene thinks to herself that while she likes taking the reigns in bed, she's actually not as good at the "punishment games" type of intimacy that he (Kuroha) is.
Ene thinks she can tease and fluster Kuroha once he's the one playing maid/Servant for her, but as always, he is going along with her whims because it's fun for the both of them. He causes mischief because he doesn't want to make the game "too easy" for her.
I wasn't sure whether I wanted to include this but I had this idea where Ene starts mimicking what Kuroha did in their previous games
Just had this thought where Ene tells him to lift his maid's skirt up for him, and Kuroha notices and picks up on it like, "I see, I see… You're copying what I did, hm? Well, I don't mind." And then does as asked and lifts his skirt up. Ene looks down and goes like (.) when she sees that he's hard, and immediately turns red-faced. And then screams, "Don't you have any shame!?!?" (///)
If I were to draw this, I'd have one of those manga panels where it's just a view of the outside of the building/house, and a speech bubble of Ene screaming like $(&!@%!@!%@)!%@
And Kuroha starts laughing at how Ene's attempts to embarrass him are just embarrassing her more. Then says, "Is it really such a big deal? We've done it countless times before. I don't have such inhibitions."
And Kuroha just goes like, "But how could I resist such a sweet and alluring prey, hmm~? It's simply too tempting~ I can't wait to see the expressions you'll make~ It makes me aroused just thinking about it…! How you'll moan and whimper and twitch—"
And Ene just fumes red from embarrassment and goes like, "ANDDDD THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!!!"
Like god this mf just says/does the most provocative shit to provoke her on purpose 😭
DAKLSKLDSKLDKLS this idea is so funny to me ngl
KuroEne Shibari (Rope Bondage) (NSFW)
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Thinking about KuroEne shibari rope bondage with Ene with the rope ties over her clothes…
It's still gonna be mild shibari though
It's not my thing for it to be super heavy.
I thought about the Outer Science MV, and how it's scattered with telephone poles and cords, and various junk heaps strewn across the backgrounds
Ngl it'd be cool if it's like…
Cuz I was trying to decide whether I wanted Ene to be tied up on the bed just with her arms on the bed (and her back on the bed), like usual sex positions
Or whether I wanted her to be suspended a bit (still in a comfortable position, though), where she's suspended in the air via ropes and held in place via his ropes and black aura spirals
I decided to go with mild suspension/hanging bondage. But I'm open to drawing both ^^
Cuz again I'm not into heavy/extreme kink stuff in my ships' bedroom intimacy.
Ene pouts and huffs at him that the ropes BETTER not come loose cuz it'd be super unsexy if she falls on the ground during sex, and Kuroha tells her not to worry because he's made sure the ropes are tight/secure enough and that he knows what he's doing.
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
Reed Laurier
(this is my self insert if I was a student at NRC)
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THE PICREW IS NOT MINE OC Maker I know I know the edit is bad. I was Lazy! The beauty mark is under the wrong eye because I’m An idiot
Male, he/him, bisexual
Species: half mer
Dorm: Octavinelle
Grade/Class: Junior/3A
Birthday: October 13 (Libra)
Age: 18
Height: 173 cm
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Club: science club
Likes: Event planing
Dislikes: cleaning
Favorite food: egg rolls
Least Favorite food: cake
Talent: he can sing
(I’m literally putting random stuff for all this lol)
His Signature spell is called liminal space. He can trap people within a mind realm resembling abandoned aquarium. He rarely uses the spell because he doesn’t have a very good blot tolerance and using it accumulates blot very quickly often causing him to pass out.
Cool Facts:
technically he’s a self insert, but he’s a lot more like mature and stoic than me. I don’t know man
He did not know he was a merman till book 3. His mother is from queendom of roses and his father was a merman who decided to live on land
There was a hidden library in his house that had books on the coral sea and the sea witch. Reed would often sneak off there
He works at Monstoro Lounge
Floyd’s nickname for him is frogfish
Rook’s nickname for him Is Monsieur Sweet Briar
He’s close with Azul, Jade, and Floyd though still feels somewhat out of the loop. He’s best friends with Trey and Rook, and is kind of close to Leona because they’re in class together. He knows Riddle and Cater because of Trey, and Vil because of Rook but he tends to keep his distance from Vil.
he has little rhinestones under his eye because I thought it looked nice
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leviathanswingman · 6 months
15 questions tag game!
thank you so much for tagging me @melverie <33 (answering on this blog bc why not)
01 - Are you named after anyone?
nope! not with my old name, not with my current name either. I did name myself after one of my Sims characters though, which is mildly embarrassing but also very in character for me.
02 - When was the last time you cried?
i'm not that much of a crier if i'm being honest. don't wanna admit it but you really have to beat emotions out of me with a baseball bat. i think i cried a little when i finished watching the untamed?
03 - Do you have kids?
my cats are my human children boys. also my OCs Yuuta and Valac. also om!Luke of course.
04 - What sports do you play/have you played?
absolutely none :D i have always been painfully unathletic. honestly, the playground used to be my absolute fear zone, i would always manage to get a ball thrown against my head in one way or the other. i also managed to snap my ankle by running one time so. i'm trying to get into running and doing home workouts atm, but i do try to walk places when my schedule allows it (especially bc the busses in my city do whatever the fuck they want anyway)
05 - Do you use sarcasm?
I would never.
06 - What is the first thing you notice about people?
the way they treat the people that are around them. it does say a lot about a person. right after that would probably have to come the way they look at you. over here there's a lot of people who just like to shamelessly stare and sometimes you just gotta throw that stare right back to assert dominance
07 - What's your eye color?
08 - Scary movies or happy endings?
both? it really depends if i'm being honest. i really like me a good slasher or thriller, but sometimes you just gotta watch something with a nice happy ending to lift your mood a little
09 - Any talents?
oh i can come up with a mean pun (threat)
10 - Where were you born?
11 - What are your hobbies?
currently that would have to be writing, writing and writing xD i am slowly getting back into old hobbies as well. i've been really stressed for a few years and am slowly regaining the energy to do things that i like again i like gaming (currently trying to navigate between genshin/hsr/ace attorney/danganronpa) and i have started to learn Russian and relearn some French.
12 - Do you have any pets?
i have two cats! the older one is really smart, a hater at heart and an absolute bastard who WILL start terrorizing me at 7am bc he needs to be fed IMMEDIATELY. also the reason my doorhandles are turned downwards, man will just let himself in by flinging his entire bodyweight on top of the door handle. the younger one is small (klein und kompakt), kind of stupid and a bit TOO loyal for his own good (treudoof). i picked him up off the street when he was maybe 2 weeks old bc his mother abandoned him for being too sick.
13 - How tall are you?
I'm 173 cm / 5'8
14 - Favourite subject in school?
English and German classes and anything related to literature tbh. French classes sometimes. I also really loved my theatre classes.
15 - Dream job?
i don't think i necessarily have one? i really love writing and will maybe try to write my own stuff and try to publish it someday. if it doesn't work out then so be it.
i'm also currently studying to become a social worker, and i do like the work. it isn't my dream job, but i don't think it has to be for me to be passionate about it.
my dream job would be me living by the sea, going on walks, writing and doing jack shit if i'm being really honest right now.
not tagging anyone for now, but this was fun!! if you see this and wanna do it, do feel tagged by me!!
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by @stealingpotatoes, thank you for the tag!
Were you named after anyone? yeah but would rather not share
When was the last time you cried? when that anon and i were talking about din djarin and his baby daughter. yeah i cried abt it.
Do you have kids? no and i probably never will but i do get really bad baby fever from time to time
Do you use sarcasm a lot? consistently, almost nonstop
What’s the first thing you notice about people? idk i usually check if they’re clean. i have a texture problem and i never ever touch anyone before i know that they’re 100% clean and washed their hands and smell alright or like nothing at all. will refuse to touch anything anyone else has touched too, so i always check if someone is in general clean
What’s your eye color? hazel brown
Scary movies or happy endings? no preference but i like thrillers with happy endings
Any special talents? not really though i have a great knack for being the director of photography whenever i’m working on one of my filming projects
Where were you born? would rather not share
What are your hobbies? photography (photoshop mostly), entertainment journalism, filming, sometimes writing
Have any pets? nope though any pet we ever did have was short lived or taken away
What sports do/have you played? none really, i’m not a sports person. i don’t like competitions and stuff
How tall are you? 5’8 or 173 cm
Favorite subject at school? probably ASL but maybe entertainment film. love biology though.
Dream job? no clue but smth in the entertainment field is what i’m looking for. either that or biology
15 mutuals 💀 uhhh @hinderr @bleakbluejay @veradragonjedi @vanishedangels @kyberjelly @engagemythrusters @tobytost @commandercodys-wife @raph-lachouette @iamscoby @idontthinkiknow @lou-who-writes @lil-dormouse @kaiibuir @kamsspice
no pressure
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 13 ARYA II (pages 173-187)
While scavenging a veggie patch, Arya and her boys meet up with some travelers who 'invite' them to an inn up the road where Hot Pie laments the baking quality, and Arya meets an old friend.
The Reader advises that those playing along with the drinking game Do NOT consume alcohol for this one, even if they typically do.
"Off to Gulltown to see the fair maid, heigh-ho, heigh-ho... ... "I'll steal a sweet kiss with the point of my blade, heigh-ho, heigh-ho."
Well, now we know why there's only seven dwarves, I'd kick this guy out of the group too. Snow White and the Restraining Order (1997)
... now I have Heigh Ho stuck in my head, I just got the Anastasia song out ಥ_ಥ
"What if it's some honest man back there, though? Or some poor woman with a little babe at her breast?" "An honest man would come out and show us his face. Only an outlaw would skulk and hide."
... *gestures incredulously to the very recent history of people slaughtering the innocent and honest folks of the area regardless of side, giving the honest men and women every reason to hide from strangers* Are you sure about that?
(I'm half expecting them to be calling a bluff with zero intention of actually loosing any arrows, but, given this story, and the people in this area... they very well could be the kind of people who'd kill innocents by accident "just in case.")
"- This great lout with the brown teeth is Lem, short for Lemoncloak. It's yellow, you see, and Lem's a sour sort. -"
... Yeah, I'll count it. Lemon(cloak) = 🥛
"- There's an inn not far ahead kept by some friends of ours. -" ... "Sharna is the innkeep's name," Tom put in. ... "Sharna's husband, and am orphan boy they took in. -"
huh, sounds like the folks from the inn that the BROadtrip crew just passed through... waiiiit a minute *squints in suspicion* because I was told that that one time I was like "it would be frustratingly ironic if girl on the shore was Arya" it wasn't her because "timeline stuffs" so maybe it is that inn? Ohhhh, I love a good near miss.
One of my favourite dramas (The Long Ballad) has an episode in the back half of the series where the main characters keep missing each other as they wander around the markets independently of one another despite some of them being on the look out for the rest. The timings are just. So Good. And none of the misses feel contrived. Annoying, because I want the crew back together already, but organic.
"That they do," agreed Lem Lemoncloak.
Lemon(cloak) = 🥛
"Do you think Sharna might have lemons down in that cellar of hers?" said Anguy to Tom as they watched Lem splash around, cursing. "A Dornish girl once cooked me duck with lemons." He sounded wistful.
Lemon(s) = 🥛🥛
The painted sign above the door showed a picture of some old king on his knees.
It is the inn! but how much later?
Anguy shuffled his feet. "We were thinking we might eat it, Sharna. With lemons. If you had some." "Lemons. And where would we get lemons? Does this look like Dorne to you, you freckled fool? Why don't you hop out back to the lemon trees and pick us a bushel, and some nice olives and pomegranates too."
Lemon(s/tree) = 🥛🥛🥛🥛
Thank goodness my drinking-game drink is water, or this chapter would have me wasted on lemons.
"Well, here's to His Grace," ANguy the Archer called out cheerfully, lifting a toast. "Seven save the king!" "All twelve o' them," Lem Lemoncloak muttered.
hehehe. they (kings) do seem to multiply when you take your eyes off them. Lemon(cloak) = 🥛
... Ahhh, Brienne called it, innkeeper's husband was sending them to a trap! She's so clever. (and they were only just there! they were so close!!)
Arya remembered the shaft that had brushed by her ear. She wished she knew how to shoot arrows.
"she wished she knew how to shoot arrows."
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D&D suck at their job (and can't read through their "this is girl-bossing right?" glasses) = 🥛
I know it should seem like a point for Arya, a life skill under her belt, but given the way and the number of times these sorts of changes keep cropping up... I don't think D&D understood the characters, character arcs, or the assignment in general as well as they think they did
Hot Pie made a face as soon as he tasted it. "That's bad bread," he said. "it's burned, and tough besides."
Ooohhh, is this the inn where Hot Pie stays? I remember from the show, he ended up working at an in somewhere. (But as we've just discussed, sometimes the show must be taken with a pinch of salt.)
He laughed aloud. Anguy joined in, and then they were all laughing, Lem Lemoncloak, Sharna and Husband, even the serving boy, who had stepped out from behind the casks with a crossbow under one arm. Arya wanted to scream at them, but instead she started to smile...
Lemon(cloak) = 🥛
... and then everything goes to shit. Oh but this feels like a panic response from Arya, the kind of false fight or flight that comes from a PTSD trigger. She doesn't know it's going to go bad, but this is too much like a previous encounter which did go bad, and she's reacting before the proof.
Not necessarily a bad thing, given the continued danger she's been in, and because we don't know if it's going to be okay or not, but that immediate jump to action instead of sussing out the situation does read more like panic.
...Oh? Harwin? A friend?
Well, he'd better be if he led her pony around, and because he just outed her secret identity.
Oh that's...
For a moment she didn't know how to answer. She'd had so many names. had she only dreamed Arya Stark?
Oh, that's scary. For her grip on her core identity to be so faded... she needs so much therapy, and affirmation, and probably hugs too. It'll be good fro her to spend time with someone who knew her as Arya, to reaffirm that sense of identity before the connection to it becomes even more tenuous... as long as Harwin is still on her side.
In other news, I am sloshed. Watch. *rolls side to side, sloshing like a half empty barrel of wine* so many drinks ಥ_ಥ
Lemons = 6 Lemon(cloak) = 4 D&D suck = 1
🥛= 11
I think that's the most drinks per chapter I've had... maybe I shouldn't have counted Lemon(cloak) but I didn't know the first time, and then it was too late to change it... ಥ_ಥ
actually, you want to hear something funny? When I'm reading fic now, every time one of my drinking game words pops up, I have to physically stop myself from marking it and taking a drink. You'd think it wouldn't be so bad, the only really mundane words are lemon, ruby, and the swears. BUT. surprisingly common. actually. 🤭
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 year
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Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
172. The Delicious Death by Kayla Cottingham--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
THIS DELICIOUS DEATH fell more prominently into my TBR list because of a friend who read it and made it look like a really good and bloody time. She wasn't wrong!
I was so surprised by this one (mainly because I took a bite out of it without reading the synopsis first), so I was thoroughly entertained. I didn't know how normalized the horrors of this book were, so that was a unique and fun reveal. I think it was such a good exploration of how the world treats people that don't fit into the "typical" human category. The fear and the exclusionary actions of some of the characters were very on the nose when we think about today's society.
I enjoyed the twists and turns and how these girls fought to save each other and others like them. They didn't depend on men to help them--they were total bad asses. They were just a little hungrier than most badasses, and you know what? That's perfectly fine.
I also find it strangely timely (for when I read it) that these catastrophic events take place during a huge musical festival when the events of Burning Man were happening. It was an interesting and totally coincidental line up of events.
Also, love, LOVE the romance in this and how diverse it was. And the flashbacks, although sometimes a pet peeve for me, really helped me understand why some of the characters were the way they were.
Finally, this book really made me think of GIRLS SAVE THE WORLD IN THIS ONE by Ash Parsons. If you enjoy this one as much as I did, I think you'll enjoy that one!
173. Stiff by Mary Roach--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was really excited to read this one because I've heard really good things about Mary Roach. And while I DID enjoy this for the most part, it got to a certain point where I kind of just wanted it to end.
The first half was really interesting. It was morbid, but I've never been too squeamish when it comes to the topic. We are all temporarily in these bodies and when we leave, our bodies are left behind. So, learning what we can learn from those bodies and how they're treated was fascinating. There was humour thrown in there to break up the dark tension and I really appreciated it. There was also a lot of historical research about grave digging and how certain practices have been adopted over the years.
But then the second half started and I just...I'll admit, my attention started to turn away from Roach's words and my interest started to wane. Just goes to show that even though these topics have always made me wish I had more aptitude for the sciences, my attention would never linger long enough to fulfill such fanciful futures LOL.
Anyway, this was good overall--even with that latter half (for me). I think this is a great Autumn read. You get to learn some neat stuff and get the sometimes creepy forthrightness of science.
174. Fall of Ruin & Wrath by Jennifer L. Armentrout--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I received a copy of this book from the publisher because I interviewed the author for Indigo on Instagram. This did not affect my review in any way.
I usually read books like this one as audiobooks because my attention strays so much now that I'm older. So, I was a little wary because I had to read this by a deadline AND I had to read the physical copy. I was so happy to see how easily the story pulled me in and how addicted I was to the story.
I loved the main character and her energy--it gave me huge flashbacks to when I read Armentrout's books in the past and how addicted I was to them. There's just something always so compelling and addicting about her writing. I especially loved how the MC spoke her mind and was honest with herself about what she wanted and needed to survive.
When the love interest came in, I was even more hooked. I LOVED the sexual tension and how he was so unapologetically himself. Listen, I have acknowledged that what would normally be red flags in real life are very green flags (sometimes) in books like this one because, sigh. This love interest can get it.
There were other pretty cool things about this book, like how we learn about why the world is the way it is and the power of the natural world around the characters. I also felt like the story, even though it's mainly set in one place, was so compellingly written that it didn't need too much complication settings-wise.
My one complaint is the over-use of the ellipsis punctuation. The story was great, but some pages had at least two instances of...the character...talking...like...this...or describing...describing something...something like this. For me, it ruined the flow of writing and even if the scene happening was a serious or emotionally-charged one, I was taken right out and found myself giggling at yet another ellipsis.
My biggest way of recommending this book for reluctant readers is that it very much gave me SJM vibes, so if you're a fan of her fantasy romance books, then you might like this. I had a lot of fun and the spicy moments were very, very fun.
175. The Stranger by K.A. Applegate--⭐️⭐️⭐️
While I found this instalment to be one of my least favourites, I DO see the importance of it.
THE STRANGER is a perfect example of how these are just kids who are fighting a nearly impossible war. They are given the opportunity to either stop what they're doing, or keep going and honestly, what do you think you'd do if given that opportunity?
As the story progresses and the stakes rise, we are constantly being reminded that these are kids.
I'm still incredibly excited to keep seeing where this series takes me. The books are short, but they pack some pretty great messages.
176. Go Down Hard by Ali Seay--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My friends have read and loved this book and I can completely see why.
This book was so much fun. I know that this is horror, but I was so entertained by the one-liners and the comedic timing. Also, what are the chances of a woman serial killer moving in next door to a men who is also a serial killer?
I also loved how he eventually showcases why she is the way she is and that despite all the stoicism and the mask some people wear, people like him are all the same in the end. The cat and mouse game between the two characters really emphasized this point and made it even more entertaining to me, as a woman.
I highly recommend this one for those who want to read horror novellas, but are wary of gory horror. Yes, there is murder, but the social commentary and icky factor of this man makes this book more than worthy enough for the horror category!
Also, not to mention how ADDICTING this book was. I had to put the book down because I had to get up early the next day. So worth the sleepless night, though.
Never have I rooted for a serial killer before. Oop.
177. Landbridge by Y-Dang Troeung--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was one of the more creative memoirs I've had the pleasure of reading. The text was full of photography and was cut into, as the title describes, fragments. It was incredibly readable and I enjoyed learning more about the heartbreaking history of Cambodia, and the reality of life as an immigrant in Canada in the '80s.
I think, however, that my absolute favourite part of this text (as heartbreaking as it is) were the letters Troeung wrote for her son. They were moments and thoughts captured in time that he can one day look back on whenever he thinks of his mother. While the rest of the text had really important experiences and histories retold, even personal experiences, it was these snippets that capture my heart.
The author's story is heartbreaking and that dedication at the end broke me, especially knowing just how important those letters will now be to her son.
I highly recommend "Landbridge" for anyone who enjoys reading immigrant memoirs and for those who want to open their world up a little more. Not only does this explore the grief one might experience over a country your family had to leave, but you will be a part of the living grief the author shared with the reader in the letters for her son. Gorgeous and heart shattering.
178. The Murders of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I LOVED this one. The writing, off the bat, was incredibly compelling and addicting. It felt beautiful and full of so many things I wanted to highlight. The story idea is so unique and had some genuinely terrifying moments.
What would you do if your blood was enough to create clones of you almost instantly--murderous clones that hated you?
There were searing moments of sadness where I grieved with the mc, and moments where I laughed until tears came to my eyes because she's so socially awkward.
This being a novella also made this a super quick and addicting read.
Immediately ordered the next two books and will hopefully read them soon!
179. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-read in September 2023-
Oh Eric, the things that happen to you. I was a little wary going back into this one because I vaguely remembered what happened with Eric, but I was happily surprised and thoroughly entertained. For once, Sookie got to have a hot girl summer moment with the vampire. Screw Bill.
We get to meet a character in this one who will also change Sookie's life forever and I'm exciting to re-explore that world with her. This is where the story starts to truly get more and more fun!
Also, I was hella looking forward to that conclusion. Iykyk.
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts!
Happy reading!
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15 questions, 15 people
thanks @transboyzuko for tagging me! legit read your post and was like 'aww i wish i got tagged to do stuff like that:(' and then you tagged me! anyways:
1. Are you named after anyone?
My middle name was my mother's middle name, and my initials are the same as my fathers(i think that's where the gender started). Also, I have the same name as a locally famous guy from my hometown, so I used to say all the places named after him were named after me instead lmao
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago while watching a kdrama (rowoon is such a good actor y'all)
3. Do you have kids?
Haha, good one
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played tennis for most of my childhood through high school, and was on a pop/cheer dance team for like five years when I was a kid, and I still dance for fun :)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
why would I do that
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm autistic, this is a terrible question.
7. What's your eye color?
Good question. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way babey! I'm too soft for most scary movies, unless they're fun and thinky
9. Any talents?
Sure, I'm mildly good at languages and artsy stuff. I'm also a bitching (and, technically, professional) whistler
10. Were were you born?
In a hospital(read it and weep, bitches)
11. What are your hobbies?
Learning about languages, linguistics, etc. Some music-y, artsy stuff. Writing. Reading. Picture me as a an artsy gay rich man from the Victorian age, but one who dabbles and doesn't get too good at any of it
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes, my two sweet babies, a purebred husky(inherited) and a little street mutt that's probably some mini schnauzer/Irish wolfhound combo. They're both adorable and have big personalities
13. How tall are you?
Like 5'8" ish, I think it's like 173 cm?(I'm ~American~)
14. Favorite subject in school?
Any foreign language! After that, probably English bcs you get to read and write and talk about it. I know, shocking, right?
15. Dream job?
I do not dream of labor.
But yeah like a cushy bs job with good pay and benefits that can afford me a comfortable lifestyle in which I can pursue my passions in my free time
I, in fact, do not have 15 active mutuals lmao so here are some mutuals/people I follow/people who follow me: @jatersade @aire-bnb @themainbeetleboy @killmongerdreams @negativeginger @theneurospicecabinet @muspellssynir @thisblogiscool @adriannlily @gender-luster @lostmy-waa-aa-aay @cristaldacier @criscrave @fenatics @the-modern-typewriter
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