#18!Donnie is used to the chaos
deadtiredghost · 4 months
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It do be canon tho.
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Can you write about the Last Ronin where we were his girlfriend before everything went to shit and we meet him again but he also get to meet his child as well? Btw I frickin' love your fanfiction, I hope you keep expanding you work.🥹
16 Years: part 1 (Angst)
TLR!Michelangelo x reader
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Part 2 (18+) Part 3 (18+)
A/N: Thank you so much🖤 I feel like writing for TLR has opened whole new world of writing for me, and I will love to do more, even if I cry every time😭🖤 I had “Tout L'univers” by Gjon’s Tears playing on repeat as I was writing this, so when I tell you I was bawling my eyes out, I was BAWLING. For some reason I just had to make everything worse for poor Mikey😭
Warnings: Spelling, The Last Ronin and The Lost Years spoilers, loss of loved ones, loss of child, mentioning of suicide, trauma, self hatred, crying (not just in writing, omg), and probably a lot more.
For 16 years, Mikey had tried to live with the spirits of those he had lost. Trying to find peace with them, and let them be. But he just couldn’t. Mikey just couldn’t rest with all these faces he used to love surrounding him, knowing that he could not help them. Raphael, Leonardo, Casey, April, the Fugetoid, Master Splinter, Donatello, Gerel, Shaka. All of them haunted him, speaking to him, telling him what to do. His brothers even went so far as to belittle him for his actions and failures. Every. Single. Day.
But if there was one face that Mikey couldn’t handle around him, it was yours. He dared not to look at you, nor the child you carried on your hip. The pain from seeing the two of you, in complete silence, not speaking a single word, being the only ones that actually did as he asked - staying quiet and letting him think. He looked at you once, the pain of seeing you and the young child in your arms, was almost enough for him to end it all before he even made it to Korea.
But though Mikey never looked at you, he felt your presence with him everywhere he went. You always followed closely behind, carrying your little bundle of love, just like you did the day he lost you…
Mikey hated how clearly he remembered it. It had been absolute chaos. They never had a chance. Leo had told him to bring April and the Fugetoid, all making sure nothing happened to you. You, Mikey’s girlfriend, who had been in the second stage of your first pregnancy. You, the only woman that Mikey had ever loved. You, the only person who was willing to let him think of something, other than his horrible war of a family feud, and his so-called destiny. You, the love of his life, and the only reason Mikey has seen a reason to fight in the first place…
Mikey had lingered for too long. That’s at least what he told himself. He should just have done as Leo had said, and gotten you out of the building. He should never had hesitated. If he hadn’t, then maybe you wouldn’t have been caught in the explosion. Then maybe you, April… and the kid would still have been alive.
Mikey still remembered how strangely numb he had been when he woke up from the explosion. His body ached all over, but it was as if he felt nothing. You were all gone. There was no way any of you could have survived that explosion. Leo, the Fugetoid, Casey, April, you… and them. That was what Mikey referred to the long lost life as - them. Giving them a name would just slowly kill him over time, making everything harder than it needed to be. Almost as hard as it was so leave the ruins of your grave, without trying to look for your body. But as much as Mikey wanted to stay and look for you, he had to leave for the last family he had left, before they too were gone.
But like always, he was too late for that too. Donnie and Master Splinter was already far gone when he made it to Japan. That was Mikey’s breaking point, and the first time he wished to end his suffering. Everyone was gone. His friends, his brothers, his father, the love of his life and his unborn child. Mikey was angry. Not just at the world around him, but himself. He could just have stayed with the two of you. He could have found you and laid you to rest. Giving you, his brother, his friends and his child a proper burial. But he didn’t, and he hated himself for it.
Mikey hated himself everyday. He hated himself for not being able to protect you, and he hated himself for not taking care of you. And taking care of his own damn child. As he forced himself through the snow of the Japanese mountains, as he trained under Master Yip, when he momentarily went blind in Mongolia, and when he had to fight for his life in Ukraine, before finally defeating Death Worm in Italy, all Mikey could do was think about you and how hate himself. But soon he learned that there was only one way to make up for his mistakes. Revenge. Revenge for all that had been done to his family. Oroku Hiroto would have to feel the pain that Mikey had been feeling for the past 16 years. And that was what Mikey came to New York for. Revenging all of his family, especially the one that didn’t even have a name.
But as it has happened so many times, Mikey’s plans did not go as he intended. His first assault on Oroku Hiroto was a failure to put it frankly, leaving him wounded as he had to retreat to the sewers he once called his home. Here he intended to do what any honorable ninja would do - take his own life before the enemy could get him. But then, for the first time in 16 years, life had better plans for him, the universe deciding to keep him alive once more. Mikey’s wounds were so great, that he passed out of blood loss before any harm could be done to him. That was when Casey Marie found him, calling out for her mother, telling her to help.
Mikey woke up in a warm bed a few hours later. Confused, he scanned his surroundings, wondering if he was dead. It looked like the lair - his old home. But then he saw April, and for the first time the world shone a light upon him. April, his dearest friend, was alive. In all these years, she had been alive. He learned that she was not alone. Her daughter was there too.
“Is it just you and your daughter down here?”, Mikey asked as he slowly swung his legs over the edge of the bed.
“No”, April answered calmly, a smile spreading over her face. “We do live with two others. I really think you should meet them, Michelangelo. Right now they’re out in the sewers, looking for stuff to bargain with on the Black Market, but I think they could be home any time soon”.
And as if April’s words were magical, distant clatter of metal could be heard, alerting them to people entering the lair.
“Aunt April!”, the voice of a young man yelled, the volume of his voice getting stronger as he approached the room. Then he barged in, proudly holding up something in his hand. It looked like a little metal lump with wires sticking out all over the place. “See what I found! Can you believe it?! Someone just dropped this into the sewer! Don’t they know how much this is worth?! Idiots! Imagine the comic books I can get out of Tinker with this! I can finish father’s old collection!”
Mikey froze at the sight of the boy. It was not his impressive height he had for a teenager, nor the muscles on his arms that shocked Michelangelo, but it was the color of the boy's skin. It was green. Light green to be specific. Mikey’s eyes wandered over him, taking him in, ignoring the growing smile on April’s lips, or how the boy suddenly seemed to notice the large turtle’s presence in the room. Mikey’s mouth was dry as he saw the three slender fingers on his hands, his lack of hair, the outline of what looked like a plastron on his front, and the unmistakable shell-like shape on his back. And his eyes, strangely recognizable.
The boy’s hand fell to his side, the metallic object suddenly not seeming interesting anymore. His eyes wide as he took the stranger sitting on the bed. Mikey in turn just stared. The two of them looking with their mouths agasp.
“Yoshi”, a voice sounded out in the hallway, breaking the silence. Mikey’s heart almost stopped. He knew that voice. It was the voice he had longed for so long. The voice he had blamed himself for silencing. Yet there it was. Just outside the door. “Be nice to your aunt. She might be working…”
You froze in the doorway. Mikey almost broke down. It was the face he had forced himself to look away from for 16 years. The face of the silent woman that used to carry a baby around wherever he traveled. You looked older, but still as beautiful as the day he first met you. Your eyes sparkling with the same light he fell in love with, all those years ago.
“Mikey?” you whispered, holding back a sop as your eyes began to water. The mentioning of his name caused the boy’s eyes to flicker.
Mikey could only nod, feeling his heart pump his blood so fast that he was starting to get dizzy. You ran to him, hugging him tighter than you ever had before. His hands tightened around you, his throat knotting up, making him fight for air. He buried his face against the crock of your neck, feeling all of your muscles move as you sobbed against him. You cradled his head against you, holding him against you, tracing his head, shell, shoulders and arms.
“I’ve missed you so much, Mikey”, you sobbed, bringing his head up to look at you, before placing a quick kiss on his lips. That was what broke him. He returned your quick kiss with urgency before he broke down in tears, hiding his face against you once more. 16 years of fear and pain finally boiled over, Mikey could finally let it go. At least for a short while. He almost clawed at your clothes in order to get you closer to him. It was as if no physical connection was enough.
“I’ve missed you too, (Y/N)”, he choked out, letting the tears fall as your comforting hands made shapes on his skin.
Still holding on to Mikey, you turned to look at the boy. The poor guy looked so confused, but Mikey had a feeling. The boy most likely also had. Both of them just waiting for her to confirm what they had already guessed.
“Yoshi, sweetheart”, you said, wiping a tear away, before reaching out a hand to him. “Come and say hello to your father”.
Neither Yoshi or Mikey said a word, staring at each other as he made his way over to you. April wiped one of her own tears away, before she left the room with a smile, closing the door behind her. It was time for the three of you to catch up.
You slowly moved out of the way, letting Yoshi stand in front of Mikey. None of them knew what to say. All they could do was look at each other, trying to calm their erratic breathing. Then suddenly, Yoshi launched forward, wrapping his arms around his father in a tight embrace, the tears rolling down his face. Mikey hugged back immediately, finally getting a chance to hug the kid he thought he had lost.
“I’m sorry, Yoshi”, Mikey choked out, trying his best to keep calm. “I’m sorry I couldn't take care of you and your mother”.
“It’s okay, dad”, Yoshi said, smiling even though his eyes were overflowing and his body was shaking. “I took care of her while you were gone”.
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reworldeverlight · 5 months
WARNING! 18+ [blood, mutilation, injury]
I was very sad and bored. And as a result, I wanted to write a short excerpt on the bad ending of my story. I'm sorry, I don't speak English, so I used a translator to translate, as always. I am not sure that I have managed to correctly convey what I have written in my own language. Besides that, please don't beat me up for my poor writing skills. It's been a long time since I've tried to write my own stories. 👉👈
Lying behind the concrete floor, surrounded by the rubble of the building, his trembling gaze was directed somewhere through the walls. Pain gripped his entire body, and a piece of rebar in his chest prevented the much-desired scream from escaping. He tried to make at least some movements, but his body treacherously refused to respond to the signals of his fading mind. Looking down, in the murky purple flicker of his broken mechanisms, he could see the large fragments of the ceiling, which, having collapsed, crushed his legs. His senses were racing in a frenzy of chaos. Fear and pain mixed together and forcefully squeezed his chest, instantly bringing him out of a state of shock. Through the tears that made everything swim in his eyes, he could only see the wreckage of a building with fittings dangerously sticking out of them. What was left of his staff lay nearby, slightly sparkling. Long moans of pain mixed with wheezing echoed hollowly through the small space. Right now, he would rather be unconscious than feel all this pain. He could not attempt to send a distress signal... Not only because he could barely move his limbs by a couple of centimeters, but also because only fragments of his mechanisms remained.
The battle shell was torn to shreds, and from under it, one could see its bleeding, cut soft shell. A large sticky pool of blood spread rapidly, staining the concrete in a dirty burgundy color. His strength was leaving his body with a parallel growing pain consuming his entire body. It hurt to breathe, all the wounds ached with pain, and my back felt like it was on fire. As soon as he took a breath, he immediately coughed up blood, which once again caused him terrible pain.
He could always find a variety of ways out of any critical situations, but alas, this time was not one of those. The hope of being saved by one of the family members faded along with the blurred vision from rapid blood loss. The groan was replaced by a cough with blood again and he was even more twisted from pain.
"And where is this life of yours flying before your eyes?" He thought mockingly, feeling himself sinking into darkness.
This pathetic attempt to keep his mind in his body, and himself in consciousness, was useless and tears began to flow in large streams to the floor, mixing with the pool of blood under his head.
"It hurts so much... Don't close your eyes, Don! Don't you dare sleep!"
He hoped to the last that someone would show up at the last moment and save him. But still... He couldn't keep his heavy eyelids open and his eyes closed.
"My son..."
"Hey, Dad! Da-ad!"
"Donnie..." He felt a light touch and opened his eyes.
Everything was so bright that he winced for a moment. But when his eyes got used to the bright light, he immediately met her gaze. She was sitting over him, holding his hand with a sad smile and tears in her eyes. Behind her, he could see the silhouettes of some of his family members. His chest tightened with sadness, he got up from the ground and immediately hugged the girl sitting in front of him.
"I failed..." His voice faltered.
"It's okay, Donnie." She pulled away from him and put her hand on his cheek.
"You handled yourself well, brother." A heavy big hand landed on his shoulder.
With tears in his eyes and a lost smile, he looked at everyone who stood in front of him. It took him a little while to put all his thoughts together and realize everything that had happened.
"Dad! They are already waiting for us!" The voice of the young boy standing next to him was as perky as he remembered it, and for a moment it brought back pleasant memories.
"Let's go. We have to go." The soft voice seemed to echo in his head, making his heart in his chest shudder.
Big Brother helped him up, and he, without letting go of her hand, followed them. The bright, pleasant, warm light ahead grew brighter, smoothly dissolving the echoes of his pain, and with the pain, fear also dissolved.
And soon their silhouettes disappeared in a bright pleasant light.
"You're home again.."
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blindrapture · 4 months
While this book has many names and many people in it, all the events and opinions portrayed are fictitious. Some real names were used, with permission, but only for aesthetics’s sake. People often express confusion over some of the emoticons in the story. Most are self-explanatory, but just bear in mind that every one has eyes and a mouth. .w. has the periods as the eyes and the w is related to the "kittyface" of :3, with the former emoticon intended as an expression of humble happiness (something like "Aw, shucks!"). The < in <:D is intended as eyebrows, not a party hat, no matter who tells you otherwise. This story is long. The first draft was started in 2011 and continued until 2013, the second draft finished the story in 2013, the third and fourth drafts were refinements of the whole and came around 2014. The fifth draft added a lot more content, introducing an element you'll see as the "Attacheds," and this came in 2015. This formed the basis for the sixth draft in 2016, which was published on Amazon as the First Edition. That draft saw refinement and tweaking for several years (the seventh draft). What you are looking at now is the Second Edition, the eighth and final draft. The point of all this is: I have had many opportunities to change this story. I have taken many things out. The content and how it is treated will make you uneasy, somewhere, somewhen. It is best to read this story by yourself, where you can feel your emotions rawly and give them space. Privacy is a theme here. There are many more themes for you to discover. Good luck.
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OVERTURE May 20 (Modern Invocation) May 21 (Title Drop From Red Sky)
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ACT I May 23 (Donnie) May 24 (The Pillar) May 25 ("world with empty eye sockets") May 26 (Aubade feat. Mistress Dread) May 27 (In Blackpool) May 28 (Cipher for a Million Years) May 29 (Everyone's Benefit) May 30 ("Cakes mean the party funds") May 31 (Tropes) June 1 (Kissing a Corpse) June 2 ("le bouffon blanc") June 3 (Great Dodongo of the Congo) June 4 (SLCEM) June 5 (Womp Womp) June 6 ("Doppelganger") June 7 (The Minotaur of Lloret de Mar) June 8 (Vorke, the Face Stealer) June 9 (Systematic Chaos) June 10 (Clearly Exaggerated) June 11 ("Promise you'll never?") June 12 (Donnie Goes to London) June 13 (missing) June 14 (There Were Strangers at the Birth of the Earth) June 15 ("How are human minds biggest") June 16 ("I'll kneel.") June 17 (Going Brazilian) June 18 (In the Name of Comcast...) June 19 ("ENGLAND'S THEIRS NOW") June 20 (Tally Marks) June 21 (Bad Jokes) June 22 (Classic Jokes) June 23 (Ten Years in Jail) June 24 (Tell Us Yourself) June 25 (Liverpool) June 26 ("Fears. There's the rub.") June 27 (Secret Friend) June 28 (The Fourth Rake of the Apocalypse) June 29 (Rael's Exodus, I: Start with the Pronouns) June 30 (Rael's Exodus, II: Indisen) July 1 (Rael's Exodus, III: Fear the Day) July 2 (Rael's Exodus, IV: EAT) July 3 (Rael's Exodus, V: The Anatomy of Everything) July 4 (Rael's Exodus, VI: Wishful Thinking)
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ACT II July 5 (Duck and Cover) July 6 (American Anxiety) July 7 (Ciphers of the Blind Man's Book) July 8 (The God Machine) July 9 (School Bus) July 10 (Family Expression) July 11 (Sempiternity) July 12 (Grimaldi's Mad Language) July 13 ("Operation: Rise Against Fear") July 14 (Guy Fawkes) July 15 ("yes, quite nice") July 16 (Infinite Series) July 17 (The Grand Gtheru) July 18 (A Conversation with Tiresias) July 19 (More Tally Marks) July 20 ("red ochre corridors") July 21 (Who Once Ruled the Streetlights) July 22 (Walking) July 23 (Goodbye, Swamp Queen) July 24 (Sanctuary Francisco) July 25 (Avoidance) July 26 (See, the Thing is...) July 27 (Maybes and Mysteries) July 28 (Synecdoche) July 29 (Crotch Museum) July 30 (King Real) July 31 (Ground and Pound) August 1 (Don't Speak Its True Name, I: Peace) August 2 (Don't Speak Its True Name, II: Mirrors) August 3 (Don't Speak Its True Name, III: Colors) August 4 (Don't Speak Its True Name, IV: Music) August 5 (Don't Speak Its True Name, V: Dominiere) August 6 (Don't Speak Its True Name, VI: The Ghost) August 7 (Don't Speak Its True Name, VII: Friend)
(and for bonus rambles talking about the creation of the story, see here)
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tmnt-tychou · 2 years
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Remember That I Love You
Universe: Rise
Human/Yokai War AU
(Sniper)Donnie x Mona Lisa (hints of Donnie x Mona x Leo)
This Story is 18 + Adults Only
Full story found here.
She marched him into the tent, hand on his wrist in a tight grip. Donatello could feel her irritation with him, but felt no need to rectify it. Let her be irritated. He could always weather her. He set his long-range sniper rifle against the cot as he was motioned to sit.
Mona Lisa plopped herself in a fold-out chair in front of him with a huffy “Let me see it.”
Not happy about his situation, he offered his hand, of which had been hurting all day. Not that he would have admitted to anyone. The black, fingerless glove was clearly wet around his palm, though the dark color wouldn't explain what exactly the substance was. Mona carefully slipped it off to reveal a bandage soaked in blood and puss, dirty with grime and sweat.
“Donatello!” she barked. “When was the last time you changed this bandage?”
At the use of his full name, he finally felt chastised and glanced away. He had been out in the field for days. Being a sniper meant he would sometimes be sitting in the same position for hours, waiting for his targets. Often the same was waiting for him. In silent, infinite stalemates, each chancing on the other to make the first move. And often that first move meant a bullet in the head. There was no time to fiddle around with bandages when one's own life was on the line.
Which meant that the small blister that had formed between his thumb and trigger finger had now exploded into an open, weeping wound. It was worse than Donatello had imagined it to be. He had no concern for himself, but he felt bad that Mona had to see how bad he had neglected it. When she squeezed the wound, he flinched in pain and more puss came out.
She didn't have to say anything more. Her irritation was already clear as she set to work cleaning the wound. He hissed when she doused it with antiseptic and she gave him a look that said he deserved that pain for his negligence.
“Leave it to the open air for a while,” she finally said. “Let it dry out. And keep it clean. I swear, Donnie, all of you are terrible. What are you guys going to do if I'm not here to keep an eye on you?”
That sounded like a threat. Like one day she expected she would no longer be around. He looked up at her and he could see the last of her resolve drain from her before his eyes. She suddenly looked so tired, so defeated. It wasn't a look he was used to seeing on her. But that was before the accident.
The sudden war between the humans and yokai had been chaos, with the mutants caught in the middle. Unaccepted by humans, treated with a thin tolerance by the yokai, they had no choice but to side with the latter, but it was rough. Trained in ninjutsu, mystical arts, and now military artillery, the turtles' lives had always been one of adapting to their environment. Survival and keeping the family together was top priority. Mona Lisa herself proved to be adept at learning both hand to hand combat and sharp shooting. She had a deadlier aim than some of the turtle brothers.
But that was before an enemy explosive had combusted practically in her face. She was lucky it hadn't taken off her head. She was bed-ridden weeks after, not just from burns, but from ruptured ear drums that left her in a nauseating state of vertigo.
She never fully recovered. She still lost her balance every now and again. The left side of her face was scarred, her eye rendered milky and sightless. Her depth perception was still a little off, hindering her once impeccable sharp-shooting skills. She could no longer be a soldier and instead spent her energy treating the wounded.
With what little energy she had left. Any time Donatello returned to the camp, he noticed there was less and less of it. Her light was going out. And he was allowing it. He had never forgotten that he loved her, but maybe he was letting her forget. This wasn't the life he had envisioned with her when he and Leonardo had finally gotten their shit together and she had let them in.
He didn't expect it to be perfect, but he thought they could find some kind of normal. A house, a career, maybe even children. A family living a domestic lifestyle without ninjas and demon armors and alien invasions. But here at age 32, living in a military tent while the world had become its own enemy; this was something he had never imagined. And he didn't always know what to do.
But he knew he loved her and that was never going to change. Did she know? These days, she always ducked her head away when he looked at her, so he couldn't see a full view of her scarred face. She never smiled, never assaulted him with her indomitable spirit anymore. It had all been drained from her while he was off on missions. And he suddenly missed her so badly it hurt, even though she was right in front of him.
“When was the last time I made love to you?” he asked lowly. His heart ached because he didn't know the answer.
Full story found here.
Tag list:
@thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @hotredphoenix @post-apocalyptic-daydream @leosgirl82 @dilucsflame33 @happymoonangel @fluffytriceratops
I can’t get these tags to work: (maybe fix your settings?)
@beautifulfunanchor @akesdraws-blog @asultrysiren
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chaoticspeedrun · 2 years
Brighter to my eyes 2
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Summary: Leo is good at reading people, it's what makes him a good strategist, but those blue hues of hers elude his sharp intuition.
Perhaps if they didn't he'd realize he didn't have to change himself for her to see him like he wants her to.
A.N. I wrote this fanfic over an idea of Rise! Leo using a cloacking brooch to hide his true self but it evolved into something way bigger, this fic will takes place in ROTTMNT after "Newsworthy" but April is 18 starting college instead of in High School, while the MC and Raph are 17, the twins 16 and Mikey 15.
Pairing: Rise!Leo x OC, Leo x Reader
Warnings: Angst, FLUFF, Sibling shenanigans, MC is a nerd, but a mean nerd in leather.
April rushed into the lair taking Leo by surprise as he stumbled from the top of the ramp on his skateboard with a yelp, colliding against Raph.
"Guys you won't believe this!" April stated excitedly while ignoring the chaos she'd caused.
Mikey grinned at her "Hey April! What's up?" He tilted his head questioningly.
"Victoire Blanchet is what's up" she said looking very proud.
"The girl you said would never even know you existed?" Donnie asked without removing his eyes from his phone screen.
"Well, yes, but I was wrong because she just invited the five of us to her halloween party!" she exclaimed holding up the invites.
"WHAT?!" the four turtles rushed over to her and each took one invite examining them carefully.
"B-but how did you get this?! She only invites her friends to this party! It's like, super exclusive!" Leo asked turning the invite over on his hands with sparkly eyes.
"You guys are looking at Victoire's newest friend who she spent the whole afternoon with" April exclaimed proudly before narrating what had happened.
"Oh but she has terrible taste in Jupiter Jim movies-"
"She likes Jupiter Jim?" Mikey asked with a bright grin and fists clenched in excitement while Leo scoffed and pulled out his phone.
"Yeah-duh she does, and April doesn't know what she's talking about because the JJ highlight on her instagram shows she has incredible taste actually" Leo showed off his phone with a story about Jupiter Jim sails the seven galaxies to which Raph and Mikey 'ooohed' while Donnie and April shook their heads in disapproval.
"Well there clearly had to be something wrong with her" Donnie stated like he knew it was coming "Alas, for an artist bad taste could be fatal, sigh."
"Anyways" April went back on track "I mentioned you guys when we were talking about JJ and when she invited me to her party she invited you guys too!"
"Oh! Oh! what did you mention about me?" Mikey asked
"Did you talk about my dashing good looks?" Leo asked running a hand through his head.
"But surely you didn't mention our whole uh, situation" Raph asked pointing vaguely at himself and his brothers.
"No, BUT it doesn't matter, because this is a costume party and you guys are excellent costume makers" April said pointing to the invitation where in a corner it said 'Be spooky or get droopy'.
"We are? Ow" Donnie asked before getting nudged by April "I mean, we are! Of course!"
"Oh we're going to be the best JJ turtle aliens they've ever seen!" Leo smirked.
Up until the night of the party they were perfecting details on their Jupiter Jim alien costumes and a space cadet costume to match for April, all of them excited on their way to the haunted house.
Leo was the most excited about it and kept adjusting his fanny pack as he walked.
After reaching the place April tried to surpress her excitement to look cool seeing Victoire at the front greeting some people and guiding them to the backyard.
The house was huge and dark, the yard filled with glowing pumpkins and skeletons looking as if they were crawling out of the ground, one of them hanging from a tree as well as an inflatable black cat with a 'Happy Halloween' poster in its paws, the house itself though it looked old had obviuously been renewed recently, mixing the old with new details that helped the creepy look.
When April got closer she noticed Victoire's costume, she was dressed as Kid Pursuit, a hero sidekick who April only knew from Leo's comic book collection, her hair had been temporarily dyed red and her outfit included a leather jacket and skates the character didn't usually wear.
Victoire looked at them as they neared and a smile grew on her face as she waved at April "Hey, you made it! And these must be your friends, hi!"
April grinned "Yeah! These are Raph, Donnie, Mikey and Leo" She said pointing at each turtle as they all gave a little wave at her, except Leo who was surprisingly quiet "Guys, this is Victoire!"
"Woah" Victoire seemed entranced "Your costumes are stunning! You guys really are artists, how did you make them?! No one who's arrived looks as good!" she said with an attentive gaze that put them a little on edge.
"Oh this? Well not to gate keep but the methods utilized for the production of our costumes are absolutely classified! Top secret" Donnie claimed quickly, and while he seemed nervous Victoria just chuckled and nodded.
"Alright alright, keep your secrets, so let me make sure I got this right" Victoire pointed at the red wearing turtle "Raph, short for Raphael?" he nodded and smiled at her.
Victoire pointed at the purple turtle eyebrow raised "Donatello?" to wich he curtsied in confirmation, she smiled and pointed at the blue turtle who seemed surprised as she paid attention to him.
"Leonardo, right?" she grinned and Leo visibly swallowed before smiling at her and mustering the best smirk he could.
"At your service, but girls like you can call me Neon Leon" He immediately looked like he regretted his words but calmed slightly as Victoire just chuckled before continuing.
"Okay, Leon then" she said before turning to Mikey, giving Leo the chance to straighten his legs that suddenly felt a little unstable.
"And last but not least Michelangelo? Can I call you Angelo?"
"You got it girl!" Mikey grinned and she nodded happily at them.
"Well welcome! Come on! Everyone is in the back and later we're going to have a test of valour inside the house, whoever goes through the most rooms wins"
As she guided them in the guys all stared in awe at the backyard were the real party was being held.
Despite the house being old, which was perfect for the theme, the backyard had the most work done to it, there was a huge pool decorated with fake frogs with tiny hats, many tables with spiderweb themed tablecloths and cauldrons in the middle with smoke coming out of them, a beautiful garden fully decorated with more pumpkins, bones and gnomes popping out from strange places, there was even a piñata that looked like mothman waiting by the side.
The guys were ecstatic as they admired the place and everyone's costumes, soon a couple approached Mikey telling him they loved his costume and the stickers, Mikey happily started conversing with them about stickers and they all started sharing their art.
April and Raph quickly found the snacks table and started timidly chatting with some people around about how good the food was, slowly starting to look more comfortable.
Donnie was surprised by some Jupiter Jim fans who were talking to him about the series and how realistic his tech looked, to which he started showing off how real it actually was.
Leo however glanced at the girl that was still beside him, listening to his brother's conversation and looking around.
His throat was dry.
He knew she was pretty, anyone with social media in New York had stumbled onto her picture at least once, and yet he now realized she wasn't the photogenic sort, because her pictures weren't close to the real thing, she exuded confidence out of her very being, she walked with purpose, like she owned the world and like everyone else believed she did.
To some it might seem arrogant, but she didn't feel like that, Leo started understanding why April wanted to be her friend so badly.
"So, Kid pursuit the first?" He asked making her turn her attention from his twin to him "Or the third? Because the googles look like the original's but the jacket doesn't, it looks amazing though"
As Leo spoke of the character she was dressed at Victoire's eyes sparkled at him and his stomach turned "I'm dressed as the first, but I just thought I'd need a jacket for the cold and also just because I thought it would look cool" she said "You've read the Hot Pursuit comics?"
He grinned more confidently this time "Yeah! But I'd never met a fan of Kid Pursuit most people pick Hot Pursuit or another sidekick like Nightingale"
She rolled her eyes "Ugh, I know! And most don't even realize the Hot Pursuit they grew up with is Kid Pursuit grown up and taking the mantle."
Leo was elated as their conversation kept going rapidly like a ping pong match between both excited teens about comic books like the pair of nerds they were and he started feeling more comfortable.
"Ok, so, why the turtle aliens from Jupiter Jim?" She asked curiously and he tensed a little.
"Ah well, it was just indubitably such a great arc, you know? My brother's and I were thinking it'd be a challenge."
She hummed in agreement "It's just so realistic, did you use latex for the skin and then make up? Doesn't it stain?" She asked reaching up to his arm and before Leo could panic they heard someone calling her name, allowing him a chance to breathe again.
"Hey, I'm gonna announce the test of valour" Her friend (Scott, Leo thinks he heard) told her and Victoire nodded at him turning back to Leo for a moment.
"I'll be right back Okay? I wanna join you and your brothers on the test" she said before turning back around and meeting some of her friends at the top of the stairs to the house.
Scott called for everyone's attention and the volume of the music was lowered while everyone turned to look, Donnie turned back to his twin and the others joined them right after.
"Okay guys! Who's ready to go into the haunted house?"
There was a chorus of excited calls from the crowd as they all got closer to the entrance, Victoire lifted her arms and told everyone to make a line and groups to go inside.
"You can get a sticker inside every room that proves you went in, whoever has the most stickers at the end of the night wins and gets the trophy!" As Victoire said this one of her friends pulled up a trophy with the shape of a little ghost on it.
The turtles and April were all immediately aiming to win but Mikey looked especially excited at the whole idea and they all got in line to enter the house.
Once it was their turn Victoire approached April asking her if she could join their team "I have a good feeling about you guys going through the whole thing" she smirked and April nodded happily at her.
They all walked through the door being greeted with the dark inside of the house and the loud creaking of the floor as the music resumed outside.
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papermoonloveslucy · 2 years
The Young People of the Lucyverse ~ Part 3
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W.C. Fields famously warned performers never to work with children or animals. Luckily for us, Lucille Ball consistently disregarded his advice. Here’s a look at some of the young performers and characters of the Lucyverse.
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“Lucy and the Drive-In Movie” (1969) ~ Jackie Berry is a married friend of Kim’s who has a newborn named Wendy. Her husband is said to be in the service. Jackie Berry uses her married name for the character. She ws the real-life wife of Ken Berry from 1960 to 1972, an actor championed by Lucille Ball. 
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“Lucy and Jack Benny’s Biography” (1970) ~ Lucy plays Jack’s mother and  Michael Barbera plays Benny as a boy. Barbera was a child actor who was 12 years old at the time of filming. He accrued 18 screen credits before leaving the industry.
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“Lucy Cuts Vincent’s Price” (1970) ~ Lucy says she previously talked on the phone to Mrs. Vincent Price when arranging entertainment for a big party the Price’s threw. In 1970, Vincent Price was married to costume designer Mary Grant (inset photo), although her name is never mentioned here. Making small talk on the telephone, Lucy asks about Little Vicki. This is a reference to the Price’s 8 year-old daughter, Victoria. Although Lucy visits their home, both characters remain off-screen.
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“Lucy the Laundress” (1970) ~ Lucy smashes into a laundry truck. In order to pay for the repairs, she has to go to work at the laundry and encounters the owner’s two daughters Sue Chin Wong (left) and Linda Change Wong (right). Linda is played by Rosalind Chao who makes her screen debut with this episode. She created the role of Soon-Ye Klinger on “M*A*S*H” and “After M*A*S*H” but is perhaps best known for playing Keiko O'Brien on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Deep Space Nine.” During that series she also filmed The Joy Luck Club. More recent credits include “Blackish,” “This is Us,” and “The Catch.”  Heather Lee (Sue Chin Wong) makes her screen appearance in this episode. When Lucy meets the sisters, she greets them in an exaggerated and condescending Chinese accent. The girls look horrified and answer back in voices totally devoid of any Asian influence. To further the humor of Lucy’s backward thinking, the girls are eating hamburgers with ketchup, a typical American-style meal.
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“Lucy and Ma Parker” (1970) ~ A criminal mastermind (Carole Cook) enlists two little people (Jerry Marin and Billy Curtis) to play her ‘children’. Milton (Marin) is dressed as ‘Little Mildred’ in the style of child star Shirley Temple. Curtis plays Herman Golab, who is dressed as Buster Brown.  
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“Lucy and the Italian Bombshell” (1971) ~ Harry’s former flame Donna Colucci (Kaye Ballard) is married and has a large brood of children: Ricardo, Anna Maria, Louisa, Luigi, Vincenzo, Dino, Lucrezia, Alfredo Jr., Margarito, Bruno, Rosa, and Frederico - all of whom appear uncredited.
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“Lucy and Donny Osmond” (1972) ~ Lucy takes her pre-teen niece Patricia (Eve Plumb) to see her favorite singer, Donny Osmond. Plumb is probably best known as the middle daughter, Jan, on TV’s “The Brady Bunch” (1969-74). She filmed this episode simultaneously with “The Brady Bunch” which aired Friday nights on ABC. This is her only time acting with Lucille Ball.  Coincidentally, Desi Arnaz Jr. made a guest-appearance on “The Brady Bunch” in 1970 where he was the ‘dream date’ of Jan’s sister Marcia (Maureen McCormick). 
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“Lucy and Her Prince Charming” (1972) ~ Harry hastily arranges a home wedding ceremony for Lucy and a Prince (Ricardo Montalban) - including a flower girl and a ring bearer - played by two uncredited young actors. 
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Mame (1974) ~ Lucille Ball plays Auntie Mame to orphaned Patrick Dennis, played by Bruce Dern as a child. 
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“Life With Lucy” (1986) ~ Lucy Barker and Curtis McGibbon (Gale Gordon) are grandparents to Becky and Kevin McGibbon. Becky is played by Jenny Lewis. Ten year-old Lewis appeared in all 13 episodes, only 8 of which were aired.
“Yes, Lucy was a bit rough around the edges, and yes, she constantly smoked cigarettes on the set. She would pull her face back with tape, sort of like a cheap face-lift.“ ~ JENNY LEWIS
Philip Amelio (Kevin McGibbon) made his screen debut on “Life With Lucy” at the age of 10. He played Stephen Baldwin’s younger self in the film Born on the Fourth of July (1989). He gave up acting by his early teensPhilip died in  2005 at the age of 27 due to a mis-diagnosed bacterial infection. 
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Kelli Martin (right) played Becky’s friend Patty in two episodes of the series. Born in 1975, she made her acting debut at age 7 and went on to be seen as an Emmy-nominated regular on “Life Goes On” (1989-93) and “Christy” (1994-95) in which she played the title character. 
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“Lucy the Diamond Cutter” (1970) ~ German diamond cutter Gustav (Wally Cox) calls Kim and Craig “the Katzenjammer Kids.” The Katzenjammer Kids was a comic strip created by German immigrant Rudolph Dirks which appeared from 1897 to 2006. The strip featured twins Hans and Fritz, who rebelled against authority. 
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“Lucy and the Generation Gap” (1969) ~ In the final sequence of the musical episode set in outer space, the Carters sing “Kids” a song written by Lee Adams and Charles Strouse for the 1960 Broadway musical Bye Bye Birdie. The musical was filmed in 1963. This song is originally about the generation gap, so it requires the least lyrical changes. It was sung on stage and screen by Paul Lynde, playing the father of free-thinking kids obsessed with an Elvis-like rock and roll singer.  
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jasontoddisbest · 2 years
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I posted 835 times in 2022
That's 835 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (10%)
748 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 423 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#rottmnt - 200 posts
#save rottmnt - 160 posts
#chaos squad - 112 posts
#rise of the tmnt - 49 posts
#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles - 46 posts
#donatello - 27 posts
#donnie - 25 posts
#leonardo - 24 posts
#donnie rottmnt - 21 posts
#leo - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the nickelodeon network is not yet revealed their plans with tv show “rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles“. but by comparing with previ
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just realized if you look up just "disaster twins", Leo and Donnie show up as the top result lmao
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540 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
ROTTMNT Incorrect Quotes pt. 9
Y/N: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me
Leo: Okay, but in my defense, Donnie bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.
Y/N: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
549 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
ROTTMNT Incorrect Quotes pt.8 (?)
Leo: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
Y/N: How am I supposed to know?
Donnie: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
Y/N: *sighs*
Y/N: You wouldn't be trapped.
616 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Sibling Love, am I right?
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738 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ROTTMNT Incorrect Quotes pt. 10
Y/N: You have to apologize to Leo
Donnie: Fine.
Donnie: "Un-fuck you" or whatever.
1,002 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pegasusrose1920-blog · 4 months
A stands for Amensia
Imagine the possibility a hit to the head could take you?
Doesn't sound like something anyone should attempt, does it?
Yet Raph and Leo got a rude awakening in this sense due to a heated argument after a mission, the others knew this was coming and were dreading it on the way back.
Raph: Leonardo, what were ya thinking, ya could've got killed from the stunt ya pulled back there!?
Leo: I would have been perfectly fine if you just stayed focused on the task I gave you so none of those idiots would get near me while I was dealing with their leader but no, you just had to "save me" so they got away!
Raph: Ya rather I let ya get hurt?
Leo: Yes, we need to get these things under control before we have a repeat of what happened with the Krang!
Raph: Dad should have left me in charge, none of my missions involved anybody being put in danger!
Leo: Bullshit! You would always put yourself in harms way all the time so when I do it, it's wrong!?
Raph: I can handle getting hurt, I'm bigger and stronger than ya, it takes a lot to put me out!
Leo: Ya wanna call me weak?
Raph: Don't make me fight ya, Leo..
Leo: What, you afraid you'll lose?
Raph: Ya got me pissed, I can turn ya into pancake no problem right about now..
Leo: Oh yeah? Prove it.
Mikey: Come on guys, this is ridiculous.
Leo: Exactly why we should end it with a bang!
Raph: Bring it on, small fry!
Donnie: I'll get the medical kit..
Mikey: I can't watch.
The two happened to be arguing near the entrance where there was little to break as the two ran at one another full force, Raph waited until Leo came close to give him a hefty closed fist to his gut.
He took the punch like a champ as he spat out the blood from internal damage and came at him with a strong left hook to the face to which Raph gave him a right hook in return.
Each punch was harder than the last a couple of kicks served as a break for their raw knuckles, some claws entered the ring as well along with the occasional bite eventually they both were at the same level of exhaustion.
The slider knew they needed to call it quits so he decided he would finish him off with everything he had to which he did get blown back but the landing was brutal. There was a sharp ledge that you had to go over in order to get through the entrance of the lair, they would often scrap or stub their toes on it on the way in or even out, his bottom half landed onto the floor while skidding towards said ledge until the back of his head collided with one of the corners of the block.
He landed on his side, completely knocked out as Leo took a minute to catch his breath until he heard his brothers behind him but his ears were ringing until he got a good look on how his hit resulted. He saw a bloody splatter pattern on one of the corners while a pool of blood surrounded his head, he ran over the best to his ability it was obvious that he had broken his leg during the brawl.
Leo: Raphael, Raphael, come on, wake up, wake up!
Raph: Mmm *wince* my head...huh?
Leo: Thank Pizza Supreme, you're okay!
Raph: Uh..do I know you?
Leo: R-raph, this isn't funny, what's my name?
Raph: Can you maybe tell me my name?
Mikey: Lee, are you done being animals?
Raph: Can he tell me my name, sir?
Mikey: R-raphie, Leo, what did you do!?
Donnie: Raphael, that is your name, your age is 18 years, you are a humanoid alligator snapping turtle, some will call you a mutant, others will call you a yokai.
You were born as a normal species of an alligator snapping turtle, a yokai, a humanoid goat, name being and still is Baron Draxum bought you from a pet store along with who you see around you now.
He among us brought us to his laboratory in a yokai populated area known as the Hidden City, he had committed many crimes within this city so he was forced to live in hiding but continued to cause chaos among yokai and humans.
He had a plan in place to create the most powerful of warriors to start the process of wiping humans off the face of the earth.
Hamato Yoshi was one of the most greatest fighters the world had ever seen, he used his incredible skill for fame as the star Lou Jitsu.
Soon through all the excitement, he met a woman, Big Mama, she tricked him into believing that she was in love with him but instead she forced him to fight for yokai entrainment in a stadium known as the Battle Nexus.
He was eventually freed by Draxum and taken to his lab where he held him captive within a special cage where Lou Jitsu and all four us were put alongside one another.
With us in the same captivity his DNA and a chemical known as mutagen altered our own DNA and made it so we were no longer average turtles we were the warriors that Draxum wanted.
Yet our new father wouldn't allow us to become what Draxum wanted us to be, our father got exposed to the mutagen when trying to save us from our creator's plan to destroy the human race.
Now you know how you came to be and how we did as well.
You are the eldest,Hamato Raphael Sansito,
Your twin brothers, the first mutated by three seconds, Hamato Leonardo Vincent,
The second mutated by five seconds, Hamato Donatello Von Ryan,
And finally the youngest, Hamato Michaelangelo Colura.
Retrograde Amnesia, we will help you regain your memories, however, you and Leo decided to get into a fight and need medical attention.
Donnie grabbed the two of them by their shells while dragging them down the hall to the med bay while Mikey followed not too far behind.
Raph: I take it that your upset with us?
Donnie: Infuriated! *slaps both of them*
Raph+Leo: OW!!!
Donnie: Irritated sigh, Michael, please go retrieve me a medical cart.
Mikey: Sure.
The softshell stayed quiet while working on the two until the snapper had another query.
Raph: So, why did you hit me if you are now treating my wounds?
Donnie: It's called tough love, you use it on us frequently..
Raph: I do?
Donnie: Yes.
He had finished up with Raph and moved onto to Leo, the slider had silent tears streaming down his face, how could this have happened, he just had to pick fight with him, didn't he? The snapper rested his hand on Leo's shoulder to which he glanced his direction to see yet again another puzzled expression.
Raph: Why are you crying?
Leo: *sniff* You don't know who you are or who we are..and it's all my fault.
Raph averted his gaze until he saw some horizontal scars across his brother's ankles, a memory came to mind of him seeing their father knick his legs with his sword in the dojo. He looked down at his own hands and saw the illusion of there being fresh lash marks across his knuckles while his father's shouts made his ears ring. He looked the box turtle over and saw his right eye had a diagonal scar across it as well along with the eye itself being slightly discolored, again he saw their father with blood dripping from his tail with his brother holding his eye, trying to hold back the urge to scream out in pain. Donnie was in the middle of setting Leo's leg to which he winced while his breathing laboured, Donnie noticed that the snapper was showing signs of retrieving his memory and turned his twin's leg in the opposite direction of the fracture. Leo cried out in pain while trying to catch his breath while attempting to see through his tear blinded eyes as Raph's attention got drawn once again, his demeanor seemed protective but he didn't know why.
Until the memories of old came flooding in..
He was sixteen, the twins were fourteen, and Mikey was twelve and a half, they were still learning how to use their weapons and how to fight properly just probably not in the way they should have..
Raph had his tonfas as his primary weapon, his hits towards his sensai were pulled back to avoid hurting him but his kindness only granted him raw bleeding knuckles from his father continually using his tail to slash them repeatedly.
Leo had his odaci as his primary weapon, he would never take his training seriously leading to his childishness only granted him with dripping red stripes alongside his line ones on his legs from his sword continually being used to puppet his movements.
Donnie had his bo staff as his primary weapon, he tried using his tech to his advantage but his genius only granted his shell to be continually jabbed by the end of his staff until the once green morphed to black and blue.
Mikey had his kusari-fundo as his primary weapon, he would often make unpredictable sloppy movements when he fought but his carelessness only granted multiple blows from his sensai's tail to the face while often making sure his eyes were open to make sure the damage wasn't just external.
His surroundings melted into the design of the dojo as he was sparring with his father feeling his knuckles get sliced into while he demanded him to hit him harder but he didn't have the heart then or now..
He soon heard Leo's cries of pain along with the blade slicing into his bare flesh, demanding he stop acting like a child, no matter how hard he tried to show him he was maturing it was never enough..
Next came the noise of the end of a wooden bo staff being jabbed into Donnie's exposed shell to where all was heard was a set of garbled gasps as blood continued to spray out from his lips onto the floor, he would never use his tech but still found himself in tears on the floor while his back became bruised and swollen from each hit..
The last was the crack of the rat's tail as if it were a whip breaking open the fragile skin on his face while ensuring his brothers didn't get hurt but ended up with agonizing pain with tears irritating the wound further..
The wails of his brothers filled his ears all at once leaving him overwhelmed but his memories came to life, his purpose was and always will be to protect his brothers but he had forgotten the threat was only a test..
He lunged at the softshell with his teeth bore and his claws released out into the open, he heard someone shouting his name he didn't recognize the voice at first until the scent of blood entered his nostrils.
Raph: L-leo? D-donnie!?
Donnie: Hey Raphalla, mind getting off of me?
Raph: Y-yeah, of course, ya okay?
Donnie: Mm..need stitches, I think..
Raph: Don, I'm so sorry, I swear someone was hurtin, Leo.
Leo: He was just setting my leg, Raph..
Raph: How'd ya break it..?
Leo: We got into a fight and you kicked my leg in..
Raph: I told ya I would hurt ya real bad..
Mikey: What th-I leave for two minutes and y'all go crazy, wait, Raphie, do you remember us?
Raph: What ya talking about, Mike?
Mikey: You do! You hit your head and didn't know who we were, you didn't even have your normal voice!
Raph: Oh, well Lee, guess ya did beat me.
Leo: I'm really sorry, I should have kept my mouth shut, you know better than me when it comes to leader stuff..
Raph: I'm sorry too, I should know that ya have yer own way of leading but please don't make yerself the target to protect us, okay?
Leo: I'll keep that in mind, Miguel, can you get Donnie patched up while Raph finishes me up?
Mikey: Yeah, no problem!
Raph: It's not set yet, is it?
Leo: Nope.
Raph: Alright, deep breath, one, two, three.
Leo: Augh! Mmm..
Raph: Sorry bud, ya nauseous?
Leo: Mhm..
Raph: Okay *gives him an emesis bag* here, ya need a minute?
Leo: *nods and proceeds to throw up after*
Raph: *rubbing his shell* There ya go, just let it out, ya almost done?
Leo: *spits excess* There's more *throws up again*
Mikey: Raph, is everything okay in there?
Raph: Yeah, Leo just had to get sick, I've got em.
Leo: I'm done..
Raph: Ok, let's get ya wrapped up then.
Donnie and Leo collaborated together in order to make advancements in their medical arsenal so they were able to still fight after sustaining significant injuries so in this case fracture wraps were used to cast any broken bones. Most of his other wounds just needed some basic bandaging, Donnie did need stitches in both of his shoulders but the type used was known as absorption sutures which would mend the skin without scarring immediately after they were placed while contusion patches were applied to reduce possible swelling.
Leo took Raph's advice and no longer used himself as bait on missions instead he would use pairing tactics to bring down their enemy quicker while reducing the risk for injury. The pairs would include a defense and safety, the defense directly took care of the enemy while the safety got any bystanders out of immediate danger while tending to any injuries or illness that may have been present. Brothers and sisters or a combination of the two never are happy go lucky with one another, quarrels would and still will happen but hopefully the two learned their lesson on escalating conflicts to a degree that may cause one to get seriously hurt.
Or did they really learn their lesson?
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moxfirefly · 4 years
A quick little thing birthed between last night and today. Felt mushy and romantic so please enjoy this.
Rated Mature -for mentions but nothing graphic- (18+ years)
How the guys know they’re in love.
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Mikey knows he’s in love the moment he gazes at you laid back on his bed. You’re in a towel, freshly showered, hair wet and a face sheet on your face. You’re scrolling your phone, feet moving to the beat of the music the two of you have been listening to all night. The two of you had just finished some rather fun activities and had both showered.
He knows he’s in love because you’re vulnerable yet a ease with him. He’s got a perfect view of your most intimate places when you lift your leg to scratch a terrible itch on your calf. You’re so at ease in the chaos of his room, he can’t help but admire you. He’s at the end of the bed on his side, propped up on his elbow and smiling like a fool.
Even when you look up from your phone and catching his blue orbs on you, you nudge him with your foot with a giggle.
He laughs when you chuck the face sheet at him. He can’t stop laughing when you climb on him, towel getting stuck and pinned in your playful wrestling. He can’t stop laughing between kisses, feeling your smooth and supple skin against his own reptilian one.
Mikey knows he’s in love just by these little things. It’s always been about the little things with him.
He loves the fact that you’ll put on a Knicks jersey to bed just cause it belongs to him. He loves that you let him braid your hair cause he’s obsessed with your pretty locks. He loves that you’ll let him bury himself on your side, face on your chest, legs intertwined because it’s the safest he’s ever felt.
He loves that you love him.
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Raph knows he’s in love by the crazy amount of pet names you give him. We’re talking from cute to absurd to just plain naughty. He loves the way they roll off your tongue like it’s muscle memory by now.
A soft ‘baby’ usually smooshed against his cheek with a kiss. It’s mostly ‘baby’ throughout the day, he’s pretty much sure you haven’t said his name in a long time, well aside from intimate activities but even then.
It’s ‘my mans’ when you’re gushing over him, accompanied by clapping or a good smack to his bicep or rear. He loves how heated you get with his impressive shows of strength. Even if you’re not much of a gym rat like he is, you’ve learned a thing or two about names and positions, you listen entranced when he explains muscles, anatomy, gaining and leaning out. Raph can’t hide a shy smile when you tell him he’s a ‘smart cookie’.
That’s one of the absurd ones, albeit a personal favorite for him, ‘smart cookie’ sounds like something that falls more under Donnie’s category, but no. You’ve used it often and never in frivolous way. It’s sincere and meant.
‘Viking’ is an absurd one and at that he truly raises a brow ridge at. You had joked about it once in your post coital bliss, hands running over his perfectly built body. You had told him he was a strong Viking man, that it was a vibe he just gave off. Her busted out laughing and while he isn’t huge on it he loves that it’s said after he does something impressive, like opening that jar of pickles you never can seem to do.
In private though, well in private he greatly enjoys ‘Daddy’ and gun to his head he can’t even explain why. It slipped out of you one day, he had you on all fours, those big hands of his spreading your cheeks and spanking them. You had moaned it out, completely lost in the pleasure of his thick cock hitting all the right spots. He had been stunned but not deterred, if anything he had driven so much harder and faster into you. He loves when you sneak up on him and whisper it against his neck, hands frisky and arousal evident. Raph tested the waters with it to make sure, asking you in that low voice of his “what’ya want daddy ta’do, baby girl?”, he swore you creamed yourself on the spot that night.
Raph knows he’s in love, with every little pet name you give him. He can’t go without hearing the ones he likes, even wondering what bizarre new one you will come up with. He knows he’s in love because your voice carries that love in the pitch in which you say those names.
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Donnie knows he’s in love when you touch him. Random little touches to his body, not all of the sexual nature of course. Touches that span the entirety of a day, with you caressing, gripping or ghosting across his body in nothing but a loving way.
He notices that it can be absentmindedly on your behalf too. You’ll come up behind him and wrap an arm across his chest, hand rubbing his chest as you ask about his online ongoings. The rhythmic caress makes him feel so gooey on the inside, a joyful spread in his chest. He loves when your hand lands on his thigh, your small digits drumming on hard muscle, slipping and sliding here and there.
You almost always fall a sleep grabbing him. A hand gripping his bicep, propped against his shell, or his personal favorite close to his heart. He loves that you’re big on hand holding and find an excuse to grab his hand whenever opportunity presents itself.
Donnie knows he’s in love when your eyes get clouded and your hand become less stationary on him. When you bite your bottom lip as your hand runs up his forearm (which he knows you’re obsessed with) and make a detour to the sides of his torso. Nails digging as he moves above you, scratching a path to his thighs before grabbing his rear and pushing him harder into you. That, that absolutely guts him and makes him cum.
It’s evident in the way you’ll cup his face when you kiss him hello or goodnight. He’s counted the minutes you’ve gone without touching him while together, it never exceeds more than ten minutes.
Donnie falls harder and harder for you with every touch of yours he feels.
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Leo knows he’s in love when you kiss him. He’s received so many kisses by you and all express different things, different feelings. He knows the importance of it when he arrived one day and had not kissed you.
‘You haven’t kissed me hello’ You had pouted when Leo was taking off his shoes, he had smiled and done just that.
He’s not sure which he loves more, the sensual lip locking the two of you engage that leads to much more.
Or those chaste little kisses throughout the day you just absolutely have to give him.
He had been grumpy once, probably a fight with Raph, and you had sat on his lap and littered his face with pecks until he couldn’t stop smiling. He knows he’s in love when you kiss his arm because you passed by him, kissed his hand while watch a movie, kissed a path down his hard muscled body. Your lips have declared territory on every inch of him.
Leo is absolutely goo when you kiss his forehead and the top of his head. He’s re-smitten when you kiss a trail from his cheek down his jaw while he reads out loud to you. Each brush of your lips reminding him that it’s necessary to feel him, to make sure that he’s palpable and real. He’s lost in that love when you thrust down onto him but must have your lips against his, swallowing his moans.
It’s the lazy make out when he sends you to nirvana. It’s the soft morning pecks that initiate even more lazy morning sex.
It’s the ‘please be careful’ kisses.
It’s the ‘oh thank god you’re safe!’ Kisses.
It’s the ‘I Love you so fucking much’ kisses.
That’s how Leo knows he’s in love.
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Will you do a drabble of when Bart, Dawn and Donny all lived together?
lol the chaos XD
Iris exchanges an exhausted look with her husband as Barry comes into the kitchen, rubbing his face. Handing him a cup of coffee, she muses, “I remember why we stopped at the twins.”
“Here I was thinking it was because we couldn’t deal with changing more dirty diapers.” Barry winces as he hears a crash from upstairs. “Might need to let the boys know they can’t kill each other.”
“At the very least, Bart can’t kill Donny.” Iris shrugs, “He won’t exist otherwise.”
“Why doesn’t she call for you?”
“Because she’s a daddy’s girl.”
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westcoastbroadway · 5 years
If you like this musical, try that musical pt1
aka there's tons of great musicals with no audiences so let's hype them up!
If you like Beetlejuice, try Addams Family!
okay, this one's not so underrated, but unless your school did a production of it, you're probably not super familiar with it. the school productions are also the tour production, whereas the Broadway run was a little different. the storyline follows a grown up 18 year old Wednesday and the chaos that ensues when she introduces her happy-smiley-grew-up-in-ohio boyfriend and his family to hers.
If you like Hamilton, try 1776!
have you ever been listening to Hamilton and wishing John Adams got a better role than he did? probably not, but if you were then maybe you'll like 1776! it's another, older, musical based off the revolutionary war only this one is John Adams based.
If you like Les Miserables, try Bandstand!
both period pieces centering on wartime, Bandstand and Les Mis are shows with lots of complex characters with long backstories. Bandstand follows Donny Novitski and the bandstand band he forms with fellow war vets. along with the wife of a fallen soldier, they enter a contest for bands honoring the troops, after all who better than the troops themselves? It's heartfelt, and moving, with just enough humor and incredible jazzy music
If you like My Fair Lady, try She Loves Me!
both shows originated in the fifties and sixties and have had several successful revivals (and both have had Laura Benanti play the leading lady). the story follows the workers at a parfumerie in the 1930s and their relationships. the main couple, georg and amalia, despise each other but both of them have fallen in love with people they secretly write letters to, not knowing the identity of their penpals...you can guess where that leads. where My Fair Lady very distinctly belongs to a certain era, She Loves Me is much easier to understand and much more relatable for the modern stage.
If you like Six, try Assassins!
Six and Assassins are both the untold stories of historical figures that get a bad rap. for Six, that's obviously all of Henry the 8th's wives and for Assassins that's...everyone who tried or succeeded to kill a US president. they're similarly set up, in a sort of musical revue fashion where they are all introduced in an opening song, each have a song to tell their story, and then come back together at the close
If you like Hadestown, try Venice!
both shows take place in a post apocalyptic society, are tragedies, and are based off of other tragedies. for Hadestown, that's the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, but for Venice that's Shakespeare's Othello. both have really unique styles of music, Venice being a rap musical from before Hamilton made it big, and bring a fresh take to the genre of musical theater.
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blindrapture · 3 months
MONDAY JULY 4TH, 2011 (Rael's Exodus VI: Wishful Thinking)
9:12 AM I dreamt of leaving a beach. Donnie’s still sleeping. She looks adorable. :3 ..in a.. badass kinda way! .w.;;
9:31 AM Now she’s awake. Hi there! :D
9:59 AM We’re gonna go up to the bridge and see how Richard’s doing.
10:20 AM I heard no footsteps other than our own this time. I’m glad. c:
10:23 AM Richard looks pretty tired. But he wants to keep going. He says we’re almost there. A couple more hours, in fact. This’ll be my first time in America in.. eleven months. It’s a rather alien feeling.
10:49 AM ..holy fuck, I am hungry. x_x When was the last time we ate? We’re going to the dining room place. There might be some food left over. We said we’d bring some back for Richard.
11:03 AM There’s still some pies left. Pork pies, cornishes, and.. huh, a lot of tinned beans. Donnie can have the beans. I insist. >w> ..god, I’m weird.
11:18 AM We brought the food back to the bridge. Richard took some cornishes and some tinned beans. I’m having pork pies and sausages. Donnie wanted some of everything. Fine by us! :3
12:22 PM The sea’s been so calm. I guess EAT does want us passing.
12:48 PM Richard advises that we go get whatever things we have and be ready to go. According to his best guess, we’ll be arriving in the next half-hour.
1:04 PM Okay, got my folder of CDs, got Tiger Stripes, got a bag I’ll fill with whatever’s left in the kitchen, got my outfit. Donnie’s got her frying pan and a second bag for food, plus some books she’s found lying around. I spy Tolstoy. ..and her outfit, of course. She’s not naked. >_>
1:17 PM Ooh, plenty of food here to grab.
1:26 PM ..Yates’ room! Hello, prog CDs.
1:29 PM Yes, I did just snatch whatever ones I didn’t have. Shut up.
1:41 PM Huh, Richard’s quiet. …you’ve gotta be kidding me.
1:42 PM Goddammit. Another suicide. Why, Richard? Why? We were nearly out. >_< We were nearly out!
1:45 PM ..oh my god, I get it. We actually.. well… gah. Richard killed himself because we reached America. I can see land up there. But I can also see something else up there. Fields of zombies. As in, the land is absolutely covered in zombies. And these are all moving individually. They’re either Indisen or the normal zombies. If there’s a difference. A lot of them are watching our boat, very angry and hungry. Tiger Stripes, please give us some strength. Please give us a lot of strength. This is gonna be carnage. And how are we even gonna get over there? I don’t want to risk swimming. I might ruin this journal, for starters.
1:48 PM Donnie’s trying to get the boat moving.
1:50 PM She’s got it! Goddamn, I love that girl. >w<
2:07 PM ..we have officially reached America. Heading to exit the Exodus now.
2:15 PM Goodbye, R.M.S. Exodus. You did your last job very well for Queen and country. ..I see a sign nearby. We’re in Atlantic City, New Jersey. And the zombies are everywhere. Well, Tiger Stripes, old pal… it’s time to get back to work.
3:53 PM THERE’S NO END My arms are aching. The zombies just keep on coming. Donnie’s still going on. What a trooper. If she can soldier on, I can, too.
4:17 PM We found a shop not filled with zombies. We’ve barricaded the door for now. We just need to rest.
4:53 PM Donnie’s ready. I guess I am too. There’s a map of the town here. We’ve planned out our course. We’re just gonna get out of the city, and find some place not filled with zombies. Then we’re gonna figure out where to go next.
4:59 PM Okay. Out into the chaos.
7:49 PM We’re approaching the outskirts of the city. The zombies keep coming, though!
8:32 PM Oh god, finally, they’re all gone. We’re just gonna rest. Here. On the grass. Pain in my limbs. x__x
8:40 PM I hear thunder.
8:41 PM Oh my god, that is not thunder, that is the thunderous footsteps of a large mob of motherfucking zombies in all directions. Getting up now. Tiger Stripes, we just don’t get a break.
9:02 PM They keep coming. And coming. And coming. Oh my god. Blood raining from the sky after Tiger Stripes smacks each one.
9:22 PM ..holy fuck. It’s the gas mask guy! The what was it THE GRIM REAPER!Up there in the sky! Death! "Rise, my huddled masses! Wretched refuse of this teeming shore! Be thou my tempest! Toss these exiles to their golden door!" what door what is he talking about Donnie says it's a metaphor we're uh we're aching already and he's summoning more
9:24 PM We've ducked into a building, this was once a restaurant We don't have long before they realize where we went Just hide in the kitchen, catch our breath
9:25 PM Wait. Hang on. "What?" This kitchen is familiar. Where have I seen this before? Rows of counters, and a giant.. oven… donnie's looking closer "it says B-4000k…" Is this just... a coincidence? "It has to be. This was in Blackpool. This was where we…"
9:26 PM I walked back out the way we came in and found a completely different place. Donnie, come here. she's bewildered "A post office? This was a restaurant. We absolutely ran into a restaurant." So. So this is rabbit hole shit. now she's annoyed "Oh. No, of course it is." But is this how rabbit holes work? Looking like.. actual places we know were in the real world? "They're magical portals, Jordan. They can work however they want." But there's, like.. a logic… "Look out there! We're still in Atlantic City, but a different part of it. The zombies will all still be gathered near that restaurant, and obviously we're nowhere near them now. If we're careful, we might be okay." Well. Shall we look for a different building? A place to sleep, and a place not so close to this, um. Portal?
10:42 PM We found what used to be a hotel. Some of the doors were knocked off the hinges, so we got into a room, and we found a bed that isn't such a mess. It's quiet outside, with no sign of zombies. Not even if we poke our heads out the window and listen really close to the distance. I think we made it. I think we actually made it.We’re actually in America. .w. That was one hell of a voyage, for sure. …not to mention, one hell of a welcome party. >_> EAT said the Fears were watching out for us, that they want to get a look at us now that the Harlequin’s gone. ‘Cause we’re X factors. Looks like Gas Masky is another one of the Fears. Looks like he controls the zombies. And it looks like he’s focusing his attention in the States for now. Lovely. I get the feeling we’re gonna be seeing a lot of Fears over here. And of course, all the monsters that aren’t Fears. Maybe we’ll also get to see Bones.
11:00 PM One other thing’s been stumping me for an incredibly long time is the elephant in the planetary room itself: Rapture. We find out information about it a lot, but we still don’t actually know what it is. I’ve been hearing a lot of theories, mostly conflicting ones, but no matter what, the link to all of them is that it’s coming. Whatever Rapture is, it’s coming, and it’s related to both Indisen and the portals Doors. The Doors are key. What could individualistic sentience possibly have to do with gateways to another universe? There’s more to all this, clearly. What more, “Rapture” is generally a good thing, right? It’s, like.. Christians generally say it’s the day Jesus returns, or it’s associated with him in some way. That’s a good thing. Should we be fearing it?
11:11 PM I wish we can make it out of this alive. I wish I can find Bones. I wish I can find Danny, for that matter. And Fentzy. I wish I can find Fentzy, too. I wish for all the strength Tiger Stripes can give me. And I wish Rapture wasn’t coming.
11:12 PM I don’t know why the hell I make all these wishes at 11:11. It’s just a superstition. It’s not like it’ll ever come true. But still, I feel like I need to. I dunno. I guess I’m a wishful thinker.
(Attached: “Coincidentally, not long after witnessing the primordial formation of the Earth, the Devil took me to a more recent time– the Incans are more recent than the start of the planet, that’s what I mean– where we ran into EAT herself. I don’t remember how the conversation got to this point, but eventually that Camper was pointing a finger down a temple’s elusive hallway. --- Look, this discovery is groundbreaking in its implications! This hallway leads to places beyond the stars, places beyond the farthest stars! Whatever is down this path is something contained in the deepest pits of the deepest corners of the deepest regions of deep space. And somehow, that something has a passage leading right here. And this is what humans call ‘the underworld.’ So we need to see. I distinctly remember looking at the Devil and his omega face glancing expressionlessly back at me. Whatever either of us was thinking, we weren’t saying; this memory is entirely without context. The next thing I remember, I woke up in a bus stop in the rain.”)
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BATIM SOL AU- School Daze Chap.6: The Boris Chapter
So as I was planing this story I kind of left out what Boris is doing while Alice and Bendy were at school. This is what made me pause the story for a while as I had to think of what Boris should do as he's not in school. After playing around some ideas I got one and soon the rest of the chapters started to come to me!
It was the following day, and after a good night sleep Alice started to feel better. She and Bendy grabbed their lunches and quickly dashed out the door for school. “Bye Boris!” Alice and Bendy yelled giving their wolf friend a hug before leaving the house and meeting up with their friends from school. Once they were gone, the wolf toon went inside the house and looked out the window waiting for Alice and Bendy to come back from school.
Which won’t be for another eight hours.
Henry and Linda looked at their wolf toon son looking out the window like a child waiting on their parents or a pet dog waiting for their owner to come home. Henry frowned feeling sorry for the poor wolf. Linda came in with two cups of coffee and looked to see Boris still looking at the window.
“Poor thing.” Linda whispered.
“Yeah.” Henry replied with a sigh. They felt guilty no school would take in the poor wolf, but would take in an angel and a demon in. Now Henry somewhat understood why Boris couldn’t get in, as for one he looks more animal like, and animals weren’t allowed in school, and arguing with a principle would just make things harder for Alice and Bendy to get in, so he stayed quiet and understood.
When Boris was first told, he didn’t mind at first, but just after two hours of Alice and Bendy being in school the sweet wolf toon started to get bored and would keep his eye on the window wondering when they will be home.
This left Henry and Linda to wonder how to help cheer up Boris and give him something too do. “You got any ideas, Henry?” Linda asked.
Henry sighed. “Nothing in mind. What about you?” He asked.
Linda sighed and shook her head. Henry sighed again as they kept an eye on Boris, drinking their coffee, and thinking of what to do. “Maybe I can bring him to work with me?” Linda suggested.
Henry faced his wife. “Are you sure your boss will allow him?” He asked. “I mean you work in a cafe, and food plus Boris equals chaos!”
Linda laughed. “Don’t worry Henry. I’ll make sure Boris eats nothing on my watch till lunch.” She promised. Henry was about to speak again, but Linda cut him off, and, even if he doesn’t give Boris a job, Mr. McNamara loves dogs, so Boris can spend time outdoors.” She explained. Henry gave a smile, at least if Boris doesn’t have a job at least he has something too do while Alice and Bendy are at school.
“Alright.” Henry sighed. Linda smiled and gave Henry a kiss on the cheek and went to tell Boris the news. Henry saw the wolves ears pick up when Linda told him he’d be going into work with her today. Boris gave his mother a big hug before giving her a big kiss on the cheek and thanking her as he went up to his room to get ready.
“I’d say he’s happy.” Linda chuckled walking back to her husband.
Henry laughed as well. “Yep.” He replied.
After breakfast, Linda got ready for work wearing her pale blue and white uniform that came with a dark blue bow tie. She tied her hair in a bun with a hair tie and walked downstairs seeing Boris happily ready to go. She ruffled Boris’s head and they both walked towards Linda’s car.
As they drove, Boris sunshine smile started to fade into a nervous frown. Linda took notice of this and put her hand in Boris’s. The wolf looked up at his mother who smiled at him. “Your going to be alright Boris. I promise.” She reassured.
Boris sighed. “I’m nervous if everyone would be scared of me.” He whispered.
Linda heard what he said and shook her head. “No one should be scared of you!” Boris turned to his mother figure and his smile became a bit wider. “If someone does have to say something, they should say it to me! Because no one calls any of my children names.”
“Thanks ma.” Boris replied.
“Always Boris.” Linda replied back. Boris took a deep breath to ease his nervousness on their way to the cafe. To cheer him up, Linda played some music from the radio, and it started to calm the wolf’s nerves.
The drive wasn’t too long and soon they got to the cafe. “Well here we are.” Linda announced. Boris got out of the car and soon sniffed the air smelling an aroma of delicious foods from pancakes to sandwiches.
“Everything smells so good here!” Boris beamed. His mouth drooling as the smell of food overwhelmed him. Soon Boris’s ears picked up when a man around 10 years younger then Linda came outside. He’d paused when he saw Boris right in front of him.
The wolf gave a small whimper and waved at the man. The man smiled and ruffled Boris’s head making the wolf smile. “Linda you weren’t kidding!” The man laughed.
Linda chuckled. “Boris this is Martin, Martin this is Boris.”
“H-hello.” Boris whispered waving.
Martin smiled and waved back. “Hello!” He beamed. Boris got to feel comfortable and sighed knowing things will be alright. Linda and Boris followed Martin inside the place and Boris smiled seeing the interior of the place. It had many white tables and booths, paintings were all over the wall, and the smell of food was stronger inside then outside.
“Wow! Everything smells so good!” Boris beamed.
“Thank you Boris.” Martin replied. “If you want to try anything let me know.” Boris nodded promising to order something for lunch later today.
Throughout the day, Boris just relaxed outside of the cafe listening to the music that played. He looked out the window to see Linda taking orders to people being seated. Boris smiled and got to color using the activity book. Boris giggled as he finished his activity book and went to look through it.
As he was drawing he saw a young man come by with a painting kit and easel. The man looked exactly like Martin, only younger probably around 18 or 20. The young man looked at Boris for a second, before flinching back.
The young man and Boris both jumped seeing the other. The young man walked closer to the wolf and poked his nose. “Wow either your alive or that’s a pretty cool Boris costume!” The man beamed.
Boris shook his head. “Not a costume! I’m 100% alive!” Boris beamed.
The man chuckled. “That’s so cool! How did you become real?” He asked. Boris got nervous and stepped away from the man. Boris never want to bring up how Joey brought him, Bendy and Alice to life. Its just a sour memory now. The man took notice of Boris’s expression and felt bad. “Sorry if its personal. Shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“Its alright. I-I’m just not comfortable talking about it.” Boris replied forgiving the young man.
The man smiled back. “Well I’m Donnie, Martin’s son.” Donnie held his hand out for the wolf.
Boris smiled. “Boris the wolf!” Boris replied.
“I know.”
“You do?” Boris replied, surprised someone knows about him.
Donnie nodded. “Of course, my dad used to watch the cartoons when he was a kid and I watch them too at my art school!” He explained.
Boris smiled hearing many young people started watching their cartoons. “That’s amazing. No one has seen the cartoons in years, glad they're being brought up again!”
“I know! Lots of people my age enjoy them! They're hilarious!” Donnie agreed. Boris smiled as he and Donnie talked. As they talked Donnie grabbed his paints and started to paint on the canvas. Boris looked at Donnie and saw he was painting a sunset over a lake. Boris’s eyes sparkled as he saw live like the painting looked.
“That looks beautiful.” Boris commented.
Donnie smiled. “Thank you. Did you see the other paintings inside?” He asked. Boris nodded. “That was all my paintings.”
“Really?! Your good!” Boris beamed.
“Thanks again Boris.” Donnie replied. Boris smiled and kept watching Donnie finish his painting.
After two paintings, Boris and Donnie started to get hungry and went to order lunch from inside the cafe. Linda smiled seeing Donnie again especially seeing him with Boris. “Hello Donnie. I see you met Boris.” Linda beamed.
“Yep! He’s been keeping an eye on my paintings.” Donnie explained.
Linda smiled. “Well I know what you want Donnie, but Boris what do you seem interested in today?” She asked. Boris looked at the menu and wasn’t sure what to order. Everything looked so good it was hard not to order three things off the menu.
“Let him have what I’m having. I’ll pay for it.” Donnie suggested. He put his hand on Boris’s arm making the wolf smile. Linda smiled back and nodded at the two going to place their orders. Soon enough their orders came, which was a grilled cheese with bacon and some chips. Boris licked his lips seeing the delicious sandwich right in front of him.
Donnie paid for the sandwiches and the two sat outside enjoying their lunch. As they ate the two talked more about how Donnie got into painting as well as his father put all of them in the cafe. “So you were 14 when you found out painting was your passion?” Boris asked, surprised Donnie was that young.
Donnie nodded as he finished his sandwich, Boris was done with his earlier. “Well I’ve been into all kinds of art, its just painting called out to me when I went to an art museum and just figured I should do it.”
Boris smiled, but gave a sigh. “Think I might get into painting?” He asked.
Donnie smiled. “Anyone can paint. It takes practice to make something amazing I made, but as long as you pick up a brush and know what you want to make you can paint something amazing!” Donnie explained. Boris smiled and knew what to ask Linda later after work.
The rest of the day, was Boris chatting with his new friend Donnie and even painting something himself, which he was proud of. Donnie smiled and gave his new friend a thumbs up, making the wolf beam in happiness.
After Linda’s shift was over, Boris waved goodbye to Donnie and they left the cafe. “So Boris do you want anything? You were such a good boy today.” Linda suggested.
Boris nodded knowing what he want. “Think you can get me a painting set. I want to try out painting just like Donnie.” Linda smiled and nodded as they made their way to the paint store. Once they made it, Linda walked inside and told Boris to wait as she went in. Boris waited in the car excited to get his new paint set and to start doing some paintings of his own.
After 10 minutes, Linda came out with some paint, an easel, paint brushes, and a few canvases. Boris had his hands and face on the window smiling seeing all the supplies for his first painting.
Linda and Boris got home, and the wolf was happy to see Bendy and Alice home working on homework while having some blueberry muffins for a snack. “Hey Bendy! Hey Alice!” Boris yelled.
“Hey Boris!” The two toons said together.
Henry came by after washing dishes and smiled seeing the wolf toon and his wife come back from the cafe. “Hey Boris how was the cafe?” He asked.
“It was great!” Boris cheered. “Everyone was so nice and I made a new friend!”
Henry chuckled. “That’s great!” Boris nodded and rushed into the bedroom taking five muffins with him. This left, Bendy, Alice and Henry confused. Linda giggled sitting down at the table eating a blueberry muffin for herself.
After the toons finished homework and dinner, Linda told Henry everything that happened today. Henry was shocked to know many of the co-workers enjoyed Boris’s company especially the son of the manager. “That was the first time Donnie smiled and had a friend in like forever.” Linda repeated what her boss, Martin told her.
Henry gave a soft chuckle. He too remembered Donnie as a little boy and even gave him a drawing on his birthday a few years ago. “Boris was created to be kind and helpful, even though he and Bendy but heads in some cartoons Boris does care for people.” Henry explained. Linda smiled and leaned on her husband’s shoulder and smiled.
“Henry, Linda.” Bendy started. Henry and Linda looked down at the demon who looked surprised.  “You may wanna come up to our room and see this.” Henry and Linda looked at one another in sync with Linda smiling a second later, and ran up to the toons room. When they got there they saw Boris paining another picture with two others drying, leaning on the wall.
One of the paintings showed a lighthouse by the sea during a horizon, and the second one was some pretty purple, blue and white flowers in a garden with birds and squirrels around it. The third painting Boris was working on, was a colored recreation of the drawing Henry made of the toons that he gave to Joey years ago.
“Boris.” Henry started. The wolf stopped and turned to face his family. “What’s all this?”
“Oh I discovered my true calling, Henry.” Boris started. “You see at the craft store today, I found these painting kits and asked Linda to buy it for me. So after coming up with some ideas, I did my first set of paintings.” Boris explained.
Henry and Linda got a closer look at the paintings and were in awe at them, mostly Henry was ate awe. “Boris,” Henry started. “This is amazing.”
Boris chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. “Aww shucks. Thanks Henry.” He replied, blushing.
“It really is amazing Boris!” Bendy beamed. “You have the art skills of Henry!” Boris smiled wider feeling the love from his family.
“Its not as good as Henry’s.” Boris replied.
Henry chuckled and put his arm around the wolf. “Nope, Bendy is right. You are good as me.” He repeated.
“I am?”
Henry nodded. “You are. This is my art style.” He explained. Boris smiled and put his arm around his father figure. Henry gave a small smile to the recreation of the drawing he once sent Joey years ago, he never showed it to the toons before, so how did Boris know about it. “Boris I have a question.” The wolf turned to him and nodded. “H-how did you know about this drawing of you, Bendy and Alice. T-that was my old drawing I gave Joey when we opened the studio.”
Boris rubbed the back of his head. He barely remembered when he saw it, but where he saw it was clear in his mind. “Well when I was created, I saw the drawing in Joey’s office. I-I wanted to ask him, but never did since Bendy told me he would get mad over small questions.” He explained. “Then one day when I wanted to ask, the painting was gone.”
Henry nodded taking all of this in. He knew Joey was sensing Boris asking about the photo, and had to cover it up before the wolf asks more questions, but never an answer.
“B-but.” Boris stuttered. “I hope you don’t mind I recreated it, and in color too!”
Henry looked once more at the painting and smiled. The entire background was painted in many shades of greens and blues, but Bendy and his friends still stayed the same black and white color. It did make the painting pop out though.
“I love it Boris!” Henry commented. Boris smiled and gave Henry a huge bear hug. Henry gave a slight chuckle as he hugged the wolf back. Linda, Alice and Bendy smiled and hugged Boris as well.
Linda went over to her husband’s ear and whispered, “You’re welcome.” to him. Henry smiled at his wife, before letting go from Boris’s hug and hugging his wife.
“What got you the idea for Boris to craft?” He asked as he dipped his wife.
Linda squeaked, and chuckled. “I figured we were on our way home from the cafe, Boris saw all the cute paintings and decided he want to paint too.” She explained. “Was surprised he’s as good as art as you were.”
Henry chuckled and lifted his wife back up and kissed her slowly on the lips. Linda smiled and kissed her husband back. God she missed having long kisses with Henry like this, they haven’t did this since they were young.
Though the Stein’s didn’t realize they were making out in front of their toon kids. Boris chuckled, Alice awed seeing her parents being adorable, Bendy felt sick to his stomach. “Yo! Henry! Linda! KIDS ARE IN THE ROOM YOU KNOW!” Bendy shouted. Henry and Linda stopped kissing and turned to their toon kids. While two of the toons didn’t mind the devil darlin did. “Seriously! You had to get all romance in front of us!” Bendy shouted. Bendy still ranted about the whole kissing thing as he left the room to brush his teeth or clean his eyes out what he just saw.
Henry and Linda laughed and followed Bendy, hopefully to calm him down over the make out fiasco.
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Missing (you) | Taron Egerton
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Requested by anon:  1 and 18 with Taron Reader goes missing on a night out and Taron goes looking for her? Cheers love 🥰
Word count: 1.3k
Warning: swearing, angst, violence
Note: not my gif! 
I changed it up just a little so the story would make more sense. Hope you like it, darling! Much love, Mer xx
#1 -  “Had I known I was going to have guests over at 4 a.m., I would’ve tidied up.”
#18 -  “Where were you? Do you have any idea as to how worried I was?”
It was late, cold and you were alone. You hadn’t been all night, though. Taron went out clubbing with a few friends of his. You loved seeing him with his friends, so you planned a little wine and dine with a few friends of yours. They left a little after 1 a.m. and you weren’t expecting Taron to be home before 3. So in the meantime you did some cleaning up and relaxed on the couch. Before you knew it, you dozed off. A loud noise coming from the garden woke you up, though. Taron always came through the front, so in your half-awake state you were already a little worried. 
You grabbed your phone, finger hovering over the emergency call button, while you patiently waited on another noise. You were praying it was just the storm rushing though the garden, but your prayers hadn’t been heard. You saw a flashlight shining through the curtains, so you softly yet quickly made your way to the kitchen. In pure panic, you dropped your phone halfway to the kitchen. You held your breath, hoping they didn’t hear you. Grabbing one of the kitchen knifes, you sat down behind the kitchen island.
“I swear to God I saw her walking in here. Why else would her phone be in the middle of the hallway?” a manly voice came from your right. You squeezed your eyes shut and held your breath. If you were quiet, they’d just leave and nothing would happen.
“Well, where is she? I don’t see nothin’ here,” another man spoke. You heard footsteps around you, when all of a sudden it got silent. You made yourself small, but it didn’t work.
“Well, well, well, there she is! The woman of the hour!” The first one spoke again.
“Had I known I was going to have guests over at 4 a.m., I would’ve tidied up,” you tried to joke, but it came out weak. They chuckled at your fragile state and took a step closer.
“And she’s a jokester. Don’t we just love that, Kyle?” he smirked at the one on his left, now known as Kyle.
“We do, Donny,” he replied. Kyle and Donny, noted.
“Please just leave, I have nothing,” you stuttered. You backed away from them, but Kyle grabbed your ankle, so you couldn’t leave. Your heartbeat thumped loudly in your chest and you wanted nothing more than have Taron right next to you.
“We know you don’t, but your itty bitty fiancé does. Now, where is that man of yours?” You struggled to loosen your foot, but he held a firm grip on it. You held the knife in front of you, but your hand was shaking.
“He’s not home. Please just leave! I’ll say nothing and pretend you weren’t even here. Please leave me alone,” you spoke. Donny tsk’ed and shook his head.
“Sorry, babes. No can do. Now, what we can do is take you with us the easy way or the hard way. What do you prefer, Princess?” Kyle yanked you towards him while Donny got rid of the knife you were holding.
“Get out of my house!” you yelled, “Help!!”
“The hard way it is, then.”
You struggled in their grip, waving and slapping your hands and arms around but they were too strong. In the chaos of them trying to tie you down, you managed to kick Donny in the face. 
“You’re going to pay for that,” he hissed. Kyle tied your hands tightly behind your back, making you wince. You had tears streaming down your face as you screamed at the top of your lungs, trying to get someone to hear you.
“Please just leave me alone! You can have the whole house if you want. Please don’t take me, I’m pregnant!” you yelled. It was the first time you said it. You hadn’t known for long. A tiny bump was showing and you were planning on telling Taron that weekend. If you were still alive, that is.
Their hands stopped moving and the house got silent. Your broken sobs were the only thing heard. You heard the men whisper around you, but you were too caught up in your own sadness and fear to actually hear what they were saying. You felt a panic attack coming up, but that disappeared when a damp rag was placed over your mouth and you fell into the darkness.
When Taron came home from the club in the cab, the first thing he noticed was the unlocked front door. You never left the house unlocked and ready to rob. The slightly intoxicated Taron sobered up within seconds as he busted through the door. Panic rose inside him when he didn’t see you anywhere. He called your name a few times, but when you didn’t reply he got really scared. He saw your phone laying in the middle of the hallway and a knife on the floor. He quickly checked to see if there was any blood in sight, but fortunately he didn’t find anything.
“Taron? Oh thank goodness you’re home! I didn’t see them coming in, but then she suddenly started screaming and I panicked, so I didn’t want to come in because I didn’t know what was going on. But then I saw them get in a car with her and she looked unconscious. Oh Taron, I was so scared! I called the police the second I heard her scream, but I don’t know where they went!” your neighbour, Sally, explained to Taron. She was shaking and tears filled her eyes as she told the horrible news to your fiancé.
“What?! Who took her?” he nearly yelled, making Sally wince. “I don’t know! There were two men, it all happened so quickly..”
Moments later, the police arrived and quickly took Sally’s statement. They took Taron with them while trying to find the car Sally described. Taron heard other patrol services chat over the radio, mostly about others trying to find you, when suddenly he heard a similar car had been pulled over for suspicious behavior. Soon after the news came it was in fact that car, with you in it. Racing through the neigborhood, he quickly arrived at the scene. He jumped out of the car and ran towards you.
You were sat in the backseat, your eyes heavy from the drugs they gave you. Your make-up was smudged all over your face and you looked pale as a ghost. His heart broke when he saw the state you were in and wanted nothing more than to hold you close and never let go.
“Where were you? Do you have any idea as to how worried I was?” he whispered to you.
“Tar?” Your voice was hoarse from all the screaming. All you could see was a shadow. You lifted you hand and not even a second later it was held by a warm hand beloning to no other than Taron. When he saw the red and bloody marks on your wrists, he almost ran to the arrested men who hurt you.
“It was so scary,” you whispered, while your bottom lip quivered, “They were suddenly there and I couldn’t leave. I don’t know what they wanted, but they took me.” Taron held you close as he brushed your hair softly with his fingers. “It’s okay. I’m here now.”
Your body shook as you cried your little heart out to Taron. “They almost hurt the baby, Tar.” He froze. “I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you with candles and cuddles and everything. It should’ve been perfect, but now I ruined it. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. This is not your fault, you hear me. They hurt you and they never should’ve done that. No one is to blame here, but them. We’ll have them locked up so they won’t hurt you. You both,” he said as he placed a hand on your belly.
“You’re not mad?” you silently asked. He smiled softly as he kissed you.
“I could never be mad at you, princess. I love you, forever and always.”
.. .. .. .. ..
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
It's probably worth the time to revisit the 'Iran Cables' in light of Trump's decision to assassinate the head of Iran's 'Quds' force Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani and what retaliation against the United States might look like.
Iran Is Secretly Moving Missiles Into Iraq, U.S. Officials Say
The buildup of a hidden arsenal of short-range missiles is the latest sign that American efforts to deter Iran have largely failed.
By Julian E. Barnes and Eric Schmitt | Published Dec. 4, 2019 | New York Times | Posted January 04, 2020 |
WASHINGTON — Iran has used the continuing chaos in Iraq to build up a hidden arsenal of short-range ballistic missiles in Iraq, part of a widening effort to try to intimidate the Middle East and assert its power, according to American intelligence and military officials.
The buildup comes as the United States has rebuilt its military presence in the Middle East to counter emerging threats to American interests, including attacks on oil tankers and facilities that intelligence officials have blamed on Iran. Since May, the Trump administration has sent roughly 14,000 additional troops to the region, primarily to staff Navy ships and missile defense systems.
But new intelligence about Iran’s stockpiling of missiles in Iraq is the latest sign that the Trump administration’s efforts to deter Tehran by increasing the American military presence in the Middle East has largely failed.
The missiles pose a threat to American allies and partners in the region, including Israel and Saudi Arabia, and could endanger American troops, the intelligence officials said.
Both Iran and Iraq have been gripped in recent weeks by sometimes violent public protests. In Iraq, some are protesting against Iranian influence.
Iraqis “do not want to be led around on a leash by the Iranians,” Representative Elissa Slotkin, Democrat of Michigan and a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said in an interview. “But, unfortunately, due to the chaos and confusion in the Iraqi central government, Iran is paradoxically the best poised to take advantage of the grass-roots unrest.”
Iranian officials did not return a request for comment.
Tehran is engaged in a shadow war, striking at countries in the Middle East but thinly disguising the origin of those attacks to reduce the chance of provoking a response or escalating the fight, military and intelligence officials said.
An arsenal of missiles outside its borders gives advantages to the Iranian government, military and paramilitary in any standoff with the United States and its regional allies. If the United States or Israel were to bomb Iran, its military could use missiles hidden in Iraq to strike back against Israel or a gulf country. The mere existence of those weapons could also help deter attacks.
Intelligence officials would not discuss the precise model of ballistic missile Iran has sneaked into Iraq. But short-range missiles have a range of just over 600 miles, meaning that one fired from the outskirts of Baghdad could strike Jerusalem.
American intelligence officials first warned about new Iranian missiles in Iraq last year, and Israel launched an airstrike aimed at destroying the hidden Iranian weaponry. But since then, American officials have said the threat is growing, with new ballistic missiles being secretly moved in.
Officials said Iran was using Iraqi Shiite militias, many of which it has long supplied and controlled, to move and hide the missiles. The Iranian-backed militias have effectively taken control of a number roads, bridges and transportation infrastructure in Iraq, easing Tehran’s ability to sneak the missiles into the country, officials said.
“People are not paying enough attention to the fact that ballistic missiles in the last year have been placed in Iraq by Iran with the ability to project violence on the region,” said Ms. Slotkin, an expert on Shiite militias who recently visited Baghdad to meet with Iraqi and American officials.
Ms. Slotkin pressed Iraqi leaders on the threat from Iran, telling them that if Iran launched a missile from Iraqi territory, it could threaten the American training effort in Iraq and other support from the United States.
The United States was concerned about potential Iranian aggression in the near future, John C. Rood, an under secretary of defense, told reporters on Wednesday, but he provided no details about what prompted officials’ concerns. CNN reported on Tuesday about American intelligence officials warning about new threats by Iran against American forces in the Middle East.
Tensions in the Persian Gulf have risen since attacks on oil tankers this spring, including off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, as well as a major drone and missile strike on Saudi oil fields in September. The Trump administration and European allies have blamed Iran, which has denied responsibility for the attacks.
Mr. Trump opted against a military strike in response to those attacks, but has authorized the United States Cyber Command to strike targets in Iran, although military and intelligence officials have said such electronic attacks are unlikely to deter Tehran.
Last year, Reuters reported that Iran had moved ballistic missiles into Iraq. In a public report released last month, the Defense Intelligence Agency reported that Iran’s ballistic missiles were “a primary component of its strategic deterrent.”
Tehran has been building up its arsenal to better dissuade the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia from attacking.
While decades of international sanctions have weakened the Iranian military, the agency’s report said Iran had invested in its domestic infrastructure, allowing it to continue to develop capable cruise and ballistic missiles.
In the strike in September, Iran used sophisticated cruise missiles to attack Saudi oil facilities and disguise, at least for a time, where the strike originated. Those missiles were fired from Iran, but flew around the northern Persian Gulf before striking their targets.
Positioning missiles in Iraq as well as in Iran would further allow the Iranian government to create initial doubts about an attack’s origins. Obscuring responsibility, if only for a short time, is a key part of Iran’s hybrid war strategy, in which it tries to keep its adversaries off balance and pressure them without prompting a larger crisis or even war.
Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., the head of the military’s Central Command, has said that he does not think that the American defensive buildup has deterred Tehran. Last month, he said that he expected Iran to try to mount additional attacks in the region.
General McKenzie added in a later interview, “It’s the trajectory and the direction that they’re on.”
Leaked Iran Cables: Key Findings From Secret Documents
Leaked spy cables reveal how Iran came to dominate the political and military spheres in Iraq. Here’s what the hundreds of documents tell us.
By Karen Zraick | Published Nov. 18, 2019 | New York Times | Posted January 4, 2020
Details from a trove of secret Iranian intelligence cables were published simultaneously by The Intercept and The New York Times on Monday. The leak exposed Iran’s vast influence in Iraq, detailing the painstaking efforts of Iranian spies to co-opt Iraqi leaders and infiltrate every aspect of political life.
The trove consists of roughly 700 pages of reports and cables written mainly in 2014 and 2015 by officers in Iran’s version of the C.I.A. who were based in Iraq. The documents were sent anonymously to The Intercept, which shared them with The Times.
The Intercept and The Times verified the authenticity of the documents but do not know who leaked them. In encrypted messages, the anonymous source said that he or she wanted to “let the world know what Iran is doing in my country Iraq.”
The cables are being published at a pivotal moment in Iraq
The country has been roiled by deadly antigovernment protests in Baghdad and the Shiite-dominated south for nearly two months. Protesters have called for an end to Iranian influence and corruption. At least 300 people have been killed.
At the same time, tensions are high between the United States and Iran. President Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions last year. The White House has blamed Iran for attacks on Saudi oil facilities, reviewed war plans and rushed ships to the Persian Gulf.
The Trump administration also said it had intelligence showing that Iran was preparing attacks on American targets in Iraq. Iraqi officials are increasingly worried that a provocation on either side could set off a war between the powerful countries vying for dominance in their homeland.
The leak reveals how Iran came to dominate the political and military spheres in Iraq
Many of Iraq’s leading political, military and security officials have had secret “special relationships” with Iran, including Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi. The Iranians have long been known to influence Iraqi leaders, many of whom became allied with Iran as exiles battling the regime of Saddam Hussein, but the character of their relationships has rarely been revealed in such detail. The revelations could increase pressure on those officials as protests continue.
Many of the files show that as senior American diplomats met behind closed doors with their Iraqi counterparts in Baghdad and Kurdistan, their conversations were routinely reported back to the Iranians. A top political aide to a former speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, for example, was identified as an Iranian intelligence asset.
Iranian officials also cultivated networks of informants who had once worked for the Americans. After the American withdrawal from Iraq in 2011, many of those informants were jobless and fearful that their work as spies would be revealed.
One former C.I.A. asset, known by the nickname “Donnie Brasco,” offered to sell Iran the locations of agency safe houses, details of weapons and surveillance training, and the names of other Iraqis who had spied for the Americans.
The cables provide a sort of final accounting of the American invasion of Iraq
The notion that the Americans essentially handed control of the country to Iran now enjoys broad support, even within the American military.
The cables show how Iran began amassing power in the chaotic aftermath of the 2003 American invasion. Iran quickly moved its best intelligence agents to Iraq, seeking to counter what it saw as Washington’s aggression.
The invasion, of course, became an occupation. The army was dismantled and officials linked to Mr. Hussein’s regime were stripped of their posts, fueling grievances in Sunni communities. As the country descended into sectarian conflict, Shiite communities looked to Iran as a protector.
The documents also provide a rare glimpse inside the secretive Iranian regime
The cables show how tensions arose between Iranian intelligence units as Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the commander of the elite Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, recruited and mobilized Iraqi militias to defend its interests.
At one point, agents from the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, the Iranian version of the C.I.A., feared that Iran’s gains in Iraq were being squandered because Iraqis resented the militias. Above all, they blamed General Suleimani, criticizing him for posting photos on social media publicizing his role in the military campaign against the Islamic State.
The Iran Cables: Secret Documents Show How Tehran Wields Power in Iraq
Hundreds of leaked intelligence reports shed light on a shadow war for regional influence — and the battles within the Islamic Republic’s own spy divisions
By Tim Arango, James Risen, Farnaz Fassihi, Ronen Bergman and Murtaza Hussain | Published Nov. 19, 2019 | New York Times /The Intercept | Posted January 4, 2020 |
IN MID-OCTOBER, with unrest swirling in Baghdad, a familiar visitor slipped quietly into the Iraqi capital. The city had been under siege for weeks, as protesters marched in the streets, demanding an end to corruption and calling for the ouster of the prime minister, Adil Abdul-Mahdi. In particular, they denounced the outsize influence of their neighbor Iran in Iraqi politics, burning Iranian flags and attacking an Iranian consulate.
The visitor was there to restore order, but his presence highlighted the protesters’ biggest grievance: He was Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, head of Iran’s powerful Quds Force, and he had come to persuade an ally in the Iraqi Parliament to help the prime minister hold on to his job.
It was not the first time Suleimani had been dispatched to Baghdad to do damage control. Tehran’s efforts to prop up Abdul-Mahdi are part of its long campaign to maintain Iraq as a pliable client state.
Now leaked Iranian documents offer a detailed portrait of just how aggressively Tehran has worked to embed itself into Iraqi affairs, and of the unique role of Suleimani. The documents are contained in an archive of secret Iranian intelligence cables obtained by The Intercept and shared with the New York Times for this article, which is being published simultaneously by both news organizations.
The unprecedented leak exposes Tehran’s vast influence in Iraq, detailing years of painstaking work by Iranian spies to co-opt the country’s leaders, pay Iraqi agents working for the Americans to switch sides, and infiltrate every aspect of Iraq’s political, economic, and religious life.
Many of the cables describe real-life espionage capers that feel torn from the pages of a spy thriller. Meetings are arranged in dark alleyways and shopping malls or under the cover of a hunting excursion or a birthday party. Informants lurk at the Baghdad airport, snapping pictures of American soldiers and keeping tabs on coalition military flights. Agents drive meandering routes to meetings to evade surveillance. Sources are plied with gifts of pistachios, cologne, and saffron. Iraqi officials, if necessary, are offered bribes. The archive even contains expense reports from intelligence ministry officers in Iraq, including one totaling 87.5 euros spent on gifts for a Kurdish commander.
According to one of the leaked Iranian intelligence cables, Abdul-Mahdi, who in exile worked closely with Iran while Saddam Hussein was in power in Iraq, had a “special relationship with the IRI” — the Islamic Republic of Iran — when he was Iraq’s oil minister in 2014. The exact nature of that relationship is not detailed in the cable, and, as one former senior U.S. official cautioned, a “special relationship could mean a lot of things — it doesn’t mean he is an agent of the Iranian government.” But no Iraqi politician can become prime minister without Iran’s blessing, and Abdul-Mahdi, when he secured the premiership in 2018, was seen as a compromise candidate acceptable to both Iran and the United States.
The leaked cables offer an extraordinary glimpse inside the secretive Iranian regime. They also detail the extent to which Iraq has fallen under Iranian influence since the American invasion in 2003, which transformed Iraq into a gateway for Iranian power, connecting the Islamic Republic’s geography of dominance from the shores of the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea.
The trove of leaked Iranian intelligence reports largely confirms what was already known about Iran’s firm grip on Iraqi politics. But the reports reveal far more than was previously understood about the extent to which Iran and the United States have used Iraq as a staging area for their spy games. They also shed new light on the complex internal politics of the Iranian government, where competing factions are grappling with many of the same challenges faced by American occupying forces as they struggled to stabilize Iraq after the United States invasion.
And the documents show how Iran, at nearly every turn, has outmaneuvered the United States in the contest for influence.
The archive is made up of hundreds of reports and cables written mainly in 2014 and 2015 by officers of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security, or MOIS, who were serving in the field in Iraq. The intelligence ministry, Iran’s version of the CIA, has a reputation as an analytical and professional agency, but it is overshadowed and often overruled by its more ideological counterpart, the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which was formally established as an independent entity in 2009 at the order of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
In Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria, which Iran considers crucial to its national security, the Revolutionary Guards — and in particular its elite Quds Force, led by Suleimani — determine Iran’s policies. Ambassadors to those countries are appointed from the senior ranks of the Guards, not the foreign ministry, which oversees the intelligence ministry, according to several advisers to current and past Iranian administrations. Officers from the intelligence ministry and from the Revolutionary Guards in Iraq worked parallel to one another, said these sources. They reported their findings back to their respective headquarters in Tehran, which in turn organized them into reports for the Supreme Council of National Security.
Cultivating Iraqi officials was a key part of their job, and it was made easier by the alliances many Iraqi leaders forged with Iran when they belonged to opposition groups fighting Saddam. Many of Iraq’s foremost political, military, and security officials have had secret relationships with Tehran, according to the documents. The same 2014 cable that described Abdul-Mahdi’s “special relationship” also named several other key members of the cabinet of former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi as having close ties with Iran.
A political analyst and adviser on Iraq to Iran’s government, Gheis Ghoreishi, confirmed that Iran has focused on cultivating high-level officials in Iraq. “We have a good number of allies among Iraqi leaders who we can trust with our eyes closed,” he said.
Three Iranian officials were asked to comment for this article, in queries that described the existence of the leaked cables and reports. Alireza Miryusefi, a spokesperson for Iran’s United Nations mission, said he was away until later this month. Majid Takht-Ravanchi, Iran’s U.N. ambassador, did not respond to a written request that was hand-delivered to his official residence. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif did not respond to an emailed request.
When reached by telephone, Hassan Danaiefar, Iran’s ambassador to Iraq from 2010 to 2017 and a former deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ naval forces, declined to directly address the existence of the cables or their release, but he did suggest that Iran had the upper hand in information gathering in Iraq. “Yes, we have a lot of information from Iraq on multiple issues, especially about what America was doing there,” he said. “There is a wide gap between the reality and perception of U.S. actions in Iraq. I have many stories to tell.” He declined to elaborate.
According to the reports, after the American troop withdrawal in 2011, Iran moved quickly to add former CIA informants to its payroll. One undated section of an intelligence ministry cable shows that Iran began the process of recruiting a spy inside the State Department. It is unclear what came of the recruitment effort, but according to the files, Iran had started meeting with the source, and offered to reward the potential asset with a salary, gold coins, and other gifts. The State Department official is not named in the cable, but the person is described as someone who would be able to provide “intelligence insights into the U.S. government’s plans in Iraq, whether it is for dealing with ISIS or any other covert operations.”
“The subject’s incentive in collaborating will be financial,” the report said.
The State Department declined to comment on the matter.
In interviews, Iranian officials acknowledged that Iran viewed surveillance of American activity in Iraq after the United States invasion as critical to its survival and national security. When American forces toppled Saddam, Iran swiftly moved some of its best officers from both the intelligence ministry and from the Intelligence Organization of the Revolutionary Guards to Iraq, according to the Iranian government advisers and a person affiliated with the Guards. President George W. Bush had declared Iran to be part of an “axis of evil,” and Iranian leaders believed that Tehran would be next on Washington’s list of regime-change capitals after Kabul and Baghdad.
AROUND THE WORLD, governments have had to contend with the occasional leak of secret communiqués or personal emails as a fact of modern life. Not so in Iran, where information is tightly controlled and the security services are widely feared.
The roughly 700 pages of leaked reports were sent anonymously to The Intercept, which translated them from Persian to English and shared them with the Times. The Intercept and the Times verified the authenticity of the documents but do not know who leaked them. The Intercept communicated over encrypted channels with the source, who declined to meet with a reporter. In these anonymous messages, the source said that they wanted to “let the world know what Iran is doing in my country Iraq.”
Like the internal communications of any spy service, some of the reports contain raw intelligence whose accuracy is questionable, while others appear to represent the views of intelligence officers and sources with their own agendas.
Some of the cables show bumbling and comical ineptitude, like one that describes the Iranian spies who broke into a German cultural institute in Iraq only to find they had the wrong codes and could not unlock the safes. Other officers were browbeaten by their superiors in Tehran for laziness, and for sending back to headquarters reports that relied only on news accounts.
But by and large, the intelligence ministry operatives portrayed in the documents appear patient, professional and pragmatic. Their main tasks are to keep Iraq from falling apart; from breeding Sunni militants on the Iranian border; from descending into sectarian warfare that might make Shia Muslims the targets of violence; and from spinning off an independent Kurdistan that would threaten regional stability and Iranian territorial integrity. The Revolutionary Guards and General Suleimani have also worked to eradicate the Islamic State, but with a greater focus on maintaining Iraq as a client state of Iran and making sure that political factions loyal to Tehran remain in power.
This portrait is all the more striking at a time of heightened tensions between the United States and Iran. Since 2018, when President Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions, the White House has rushed ships to the Persian Gulf and reviewed military plans for war with Iran. In October, the Trump administration promised to send American troops to Saudi Arabia following attacks on oil facilities there for which Iran was widely blamed.
With a shared faith and tribal affiliations that span a porous border, Iran has long been a major presence in Southern Iraq. It has opened religious offices in Iraq’s holy cities and posted banners of Iran’s revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, on its streets. It supports some of the most powerful political parties in the south, dispatches Iranian students to study in Iraqi seminaries and sends Iranian construction workers to build Iraqi hotels and refurbish Iraqi shrines.
But while Iran may have bested the United States in the contest for influence in Baghdad, it has struggled to win popular support in the Iraqi south. Now, as the last six weeks of protests make clear, it is facing unexpectedly strong pushback. Across the south, Iranian-backed Iraqi political parties are seeing their headquarters burned and their leading operatives assassinated, an indication that Iran may have underestimated the Iraqi desire for independence not just from the United States but also from its neighbor.
In a sense, the leaked Iranian cables provide a final accounting of the 2003 United States invasion of Iraq. The notion that the Americans handed control of Iraq to Iran when they invaded now enjoys broad support, even within the United States military. A recent two-volume history of the Iraq War, published by the United States Army, details the campaign’s many missteps and its “staggering cost” in lives and money. Nearly 4,500 American troops were killed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died and American taxpayers spent up to $2 trillion on the war. The study, which totals hundreds of pages and draws on declassified documents, concludes: “An emboldened and expansionist Iran appears to be the only victor.”
Iran’s rise as a power player in Iraq was in many ways a direct consequence of Washington’s lack of any post-invasion plan. The early years following the fall of Saddam were chaotic, both in terms of security and in the lack of basic services like water and electricity. To most observers on the ground, it appeared as if the United States was shaping policy on the go, and in the dark.
Among the most disastrous American policies were the decisions to dismantle Iraq’s armed forces and to purge from government service or the new armed forces any Iraqi who had been a member of Saddam’s ruling Baath Party.
This process, known as de-Baathification, automatically marginalized most Sunni men. Unemployed and resentful, they formed a violent insurgency targeting Americans and Shias seen as U.S. allies.
As sectarian warfare between Sunnis and Shias raged, the Shia population looked to Iran as a protector. When ISIS gained control of territory and cities, the Shias’ vulnerability and the failure of the United States to protect them fueled efforts by the Revolutionary Guards and Suleimani to recruit and mobilize Shia militias loyal to Iran.
According to the intelligence ministry documents, Iran has continued to take advantage of the opportunities the United States has afforded it in Iraq. Iran, for example, reaped an intelligence windfall of American secrets as the U.S. presence began to recede after its 2011 troop withdrawal. The CIA had tossed many of its longtime secret agents out on the street, leaving them jobless and destitute in a country still shattered from the invasion — and fearful that they could be killed for their links with the United States, possibly by Iran. Short of money, many began to offer their services to Tehran. And they were happy to tell the Iranians everything they knew about CIA operations in Iraq.
In November 2014, one of them, an Iraqi who had spied for the CIA, broke and terrified that his ties to the Americans would cost him his life, switched sides. The CIA, according to the cable, had known the man by a nickname: “Donnie Brasco.” His Iranian handler would call him, simply, “Source 134992.”
Turning to Iran for protection, he said that everything he knew about American intelligence gathering in Iraq was for sale: the locations of CIA safe houses; the names of hotels where CIA operatives met with agents; details of his weapons and surveillance training; the names of other Iraqis working as spies for the Americans.
Source 134992 told the Iranian operatives that he had worked for the agency for 18 months starting in 2008, on a program targeting Al Qaeda. He said he had been paid well for his work — $3,000 per month, plus a one-time bonus of $20,000 and a car.
But swearing on the Quran, he promised that his days of spying for the United States were over, and agreed to write a full report for the Iranians on everything he knew from his time with the CIA.
“I will turn over to you all the documents and videos that I have from my training course,” the Iraqi man told his Iranian handler, according to a 2014 Iranian intelligence report. “And pictures and identifying features of my fellow trainees and my subordinates.”
The CIA declined to comment.
Iranian spies, Iraqi officials say, are everywhere in the south, and the region has long been a beehive of espionage. It was there, in Karbala in late 2014, that an Iraqi military intelligence officer, down from Baghdad, met with an Iranian intelligence official and offered to spy for Iran — and to tell the Iranians whatever he could about American activities in Iraq.
“Iran is my second country and I love it,” the Iraqi official told the Iranian officer, according to one of the cables. In a meeting that lasted more than three hours, the Iraqi told of his devotion to the Iranian system of government, in which clerics rule directly, and his admiration for Iranian movies.
He said he had come with a message from his boss in Baghdad, Lt. Gen. Hatem al-Maksusi, then commander of military intelligence in the Iraqi Ministry of Defense: “Tell them we are at your service. Whatever you need is at their disposal. We are Shia and have a common enemy.”
Maksusi’s messenger continued, “All of the Iraqi Army’s intelligence — consider it yours.” He told the Iranian intelligence officer about secret targeting software the United States had provided to the Iraqis, and offered to turn it over to the Iranians. “If you have a new laptop, give it to me so I can upload the program onto it,” he said.
And there was more, he said. The United States had also given Iraq a highly sensitive system for eavesdropping on mobile phones, which was run out of the prime minister’s office and the headquarters of Iraqi military intelligence. “I will put at your disposal whatever intelligence about it you want,” he said.
In an interview, Maksusi disputed saying the things attributed to him in the cables and denied ever working for Iran. He praised Iran for its help in the fight against ISIS, but said he had also maintained a close relationship with the United States. “I worked for Iraq and did not work for any other state,” he said. “I was not the intelligence director for the Shias, but I was intelligence director for all of Iraq.”
When asked about the cable, a former American official said the United States had become aware of the Iraqi military intelligence officer’s ties to Iran and had limited his access to sensitive information.
By late 2014, the United States was once again pouring weapons and soldiers into Iraq as it began battling the Islamic State. Iran, too, had an interest in defeating the militants. As ISIS took control of the west and the north, young Iraqi men traveled across the deserts and marshes of the south by the busload, heading to Iran for military training.
Some within the American and Iranian governments believed that the two rivals should coordinate their efforts against a common enemy. But Iran, as the leaked cables make clear, also viewed the increased American presence as a threat and a “cover” to gather intelligence about Iran.
“What is happening in the sky over Iraq shows the massive level of activity of the coalition,” one Iranian officer wrote. “The danger for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s interests represented by their activity must be taken seriously.”
The rise of ISIS was at the same time driving a wedge between the Obama administration and a large swath of the Iraqi political class. Barack Obama had pushed for the ouster of Prime Minister Nouri Kamal al-Maliki as a condition for renewed American military support. He believed that Maliki’s draconian policies and crackdowns on Iraqi Sunnis had helped lead to the rise of the militants.
Maliki, who had lived in exile in Iran in the 1980s, was a favorite of Tehran’s. His replacement, the British-educated Haider al-Abadi, was seen as more friendly to the West and less sectarian. Facing the uncertainty of a new prime minister, Hassan Danaiefar, then Iran’s ambassador, called a secret meeting of senior staffers at the Iranian Embassy, a hulking, fortified structure just outside Baghdad’s Green Zone.
As the meeting progressed, it became clear that the Iranians had little cause to worry about the new Iraqi government. Abadi was dismissed as “a British man,” and “the Americans’ candidate,” but the Iranians believed that they had plenty of other ministers in their pocket.
One by one, Danaiefar went down the list of cabinet members, describing their relationships to Iran.
Ibrahim al-Jafari — who had previously served as Iraqi prime minister and by late 2014 was the foreign minister — was, like Abdul-Mahdi, identified as having a “special relationship” with Iran. In an interview, Jafari did not deny that he had close relations with Iran, but said he had always dealt with foreign countries based on the interests of Iraq.
Iran counted on the loyalty of many lesser cabinet members as well.
The report said the ministers of municipalities, communications, and human rights “are in complete harmony and at one with us and are our people.” The environment minister, it said, “works with us, although he is Sunni.” The transportation minister — Bayan Jabr, who had led the Iraqi Interior Ministry at a time when hundreds of prisoners were tortured to death with electric drills or summarily shot by Shia death squads — was deemed to be “very close” to Iran. When it came to Iraq’s education minister, the report says, “we will have no problem with him.”
The former ministers of municipalities, communications, and human rights were all members of the Badr Organization, a political and military group established by Iran in the 1980s to oppose Saddam. The former minister of municipalities denied having a close relationship with Iran; the former human rights minister acknowledged being close to Iran, and praised Iran for helping Shia Iraqis during Saddam’s dictatorship and for help defeating ISIS. The former minister of communications said that he served Iraq, not Iran, and that he maintained relationships with diplomats from many countries; the former minister of education said that he had not been supported by Iran and that he served at the request of Abadi. The former environment minister could not be reached for comment.
Iran’s dominance over Iraqi politics is vividly shown in one important episode from the fall of 2014, when Baghdad was a city at the center of a multinational maelstrom. The Syrian civil war was raging to the west, ISIS militants had seized almost a third of Iraq, and American troops were heading back to the region to confront the growing crisis.
Against this chaotic backdrop, Jabr, then the transportation minister, welcomed Suleimani, the Quds Force commander, to his office. Suleimani had come to ask a favor: Iran needed access to Iraqi airspace to fly planeloads of weapons and other supplies to support the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad in its fight against American-backed rebels.
It was a request that placed Jabr at the center of the longstanding rivalry between the United States and Iran. Obama administration officials had been lobbying hard to get the Iraqis to stop Iranian flights through their airspace, but face to face with the Quds chief, Iraq’s transportation minister found it impossible to refuse.
Suleimani, Jabr recalled, “came to me and requested that we permit Iranian airplanes to use Iraqi air space to pass on to Syria,” according to one of the cables. The transportation minister did not hesitate, and Suleimani appeared to be pleased. “I put my hands on my eyes and said, ‘On my eyes! As you wish!’” Jabr told the intelligence ministry officer. “Then he got up and approached me and kissed my forehead.”
Jabr confirmed the meeting with Suleimani, but said the flights from Iran to Syria carried humanitarian supplies and religious pilgrims traveling to Syria to visit holy sites, not weapons and military supplies to aid Assad as American officials believed.
Meanwhile, Iraqi officials known to have a relationship with the United States came under special scrutiny, and Iran took measures to counter American influence. Indeed, many of the files show that as top American diplomats met behind closed doors with their Iraqi counterparts in Baghdad, their conversations were routinely reported back to the Iranians.
Throughout 2014 and 2015, as a new Iraqi government settled in, the American ambassador, Stuart Jones, met often with Salim al-Jabouri, who was speaker of the Iraqi Parliament until last year. Jabouri, although he is Sunni, was known to have a close relationship with Iran, but the files now reveal that one of his top political advisers — identified as Source 134832 — was an Iranian intelligence asset. “[I] am present in his office on a daily basis and carefully follow his contacts with the Americans,” the source told his Iranian handler. Jabouri, in an interview, said he did not believe that anyone on his staff had worked as an agent for Iran, and that he fully trusted his aides. (Jones declined to comment.)
The source urged the Iranians to develop closer ties to Jabouri, to blunt American efforts to nurture a new class of younger Sunni leaders in Iraq and perhaps bring about reconciliation between Sunnis and Shias. The source warned that Iran should act to keep the parliament speaker from “slipping into a pro-American position, since one of Salim al-Jabouri’s characteristics is credulousness and making hasty decisions.”
Another report reveals that Nechervan Barzani, then the prime minister of Kurdistan, met with top American and British officials and Abadi, the Iraqi prime minister, in Baghdad in December 2014, and then went almost immediately to meet with an Iranian official to tell him everything. Through a spokesperson, Barzani said he did not recall meeting with any Iranian officials at the time and described the cable as “baseless and unfounded.” He said he “absolutely denies” telling the Iranians details about his conversations with American and British diplomats.
Sometimes, the Iranians also saw trade value in the information they received from their Iraqi sources.
One report from the Jabouri adviser revealed that the United States was interested in gaining access to a rich natural gas field in Akkas, near Iraq’s border with Syria. The source explained that the Americans might eventually try to export the natural gas to Europe, a major market for Russian natural gas. Intrigued, the intelligence ministry officer, in a cable to Tehran, wrote, “It is recommended that the aforementioned information be used in exchange with the Russians and Syria.” The cable was written just as Russia was significantly stepping up its involvement in Syria, and as Iran continued its military buildup there, in support of Assad.
And although Iran was initially suspicious of Abadi’s allegiances, a report written a few months after his rise to the premiership suggested that he was quite willing to have a confidential relationship with Iranian intelligence. A January 2015 report details a private meeting between Abadi and an intelligence ministry officer known as Boroujerdi, held in the prime minister’s office “without the presence of a secretary or a third person.”
During the meeting, Boroujerdi homed in on Iraq’s Sunni-Shia divide, probing Abadi’s feelings on perhaps the most sensitive subject in Iraqi politics. “Today, the Sunnis find themselves in the worst possible circumstances and have lost their self-confidence,” the intelligence officer opined, according to the cable. “The Sunnis are vagrants, their cities are destroyed and an unclear future awaits them, while the Shias can retrieve their self-confidence.”
Iraq’s Shia were “at a historical turning point,” Boroujerdi continued. The Iraqi government and Iran could “take advantage of this situation.”
According to the cable, the prime minister expressed his “complete agreement.” Abadi declined to comment.
EVER SINCE THE start of the Iraq War in 2003, Iran has put itself forward as the protector of Iraq’s Shias, and Suleimani, more than anyone else, has employed the dark arts of espionage and covert military action to ensure that Shia power remains ascendant. But it has come at the cost of stability, with Sunnis perennially disenfranchised and looking to other groups, like the Islamic State, to protect them.
A 2014 massacre of Sunnis in the farming community of Jurf al-Sakhar was a vivid example of the kinds of sectarian atrocities committed by armed groups loyal to Iran’s Quds Force that had alarmed the United States throughout the Iraq War, and undermined efforts at reconciliation. As the field reports make clear, some of the Americans’ concerns were shared by the Iranian intelligence ministry. That signaled divisions within Iran over its Iraq policies between more moderate elements under President Hassan Rouhani and militant factions like the Revolutionary Guards.
Jurf al-Sakhar, which lies just east of Fallujah in the Euphrates River Valley, is lush with orange trees and palm groves. It was overrun by the Islamic State in 2014, giving militants a foothold from which they could launch attacks on the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf.
Jurf al-Sakhar is also important to Iran because it lies on a route Shia religious pilgrims use to travel to Karbala during Muharram, the monthlong commemoration of the death of Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Imam Hussein, a revered figure for Shias.
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