nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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Louis Darget (French, 1847-1923) Fluidic Thought-Image Photography 1896
(L) Inscribed: “Photo… of thought. Head obtained by Mr. Henning, having a plate wrapped in black paper on his forehead while he played the piano. Opposite him on the piano was a portrait of Beethoven. Could this be that [same] portrait reflected by the brain onto the plate through the black paper. Comt. Darget”
(R) “Photograph of a Dream: The Eagle.” 25 June, 1896. Inscribed: “Obtained by placing a photographic plate above the forehead of Mme Darget while she was asleep.”
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lemuseum · 5 months
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nemfrog · 1 year
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Cats and their rodent admirers. Simplicissimus. July 18, 1896. Cover art.
Internet Archive
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zegalba · 1 year
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An X-ray image of the blood vessels of the hand made using mercury injection (1896)
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jeannepompadour · 4 months
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Bridesmaid dress, House of Worth (French, 1858–1956), silk with pearl trim, 1896
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weirdlookindog · 9 days
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František Kozics (1864-1900) - Nacht im Moor (Night in the Bog)
illustration from Jugend #15, 1896
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 months
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Artist : Anton Seder
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chic-a-gigot · 5 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 16, vol. 18, 19 avril 1896, Paris. 11. Robe de maison en foulard mauve. Modèle de la Capdeville, 58, boulevard Haussman. 22. Corsage Tannhaüser en lainage violet évêque. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
(11.) Robe de maison en foulard mauve, de forme droite, froncée devant et dans le dos, avec pli rond rapporté retenu par une ceinture de ruban nouée de côté, i rangs de petite Valenciennes ornent le devant et le haut des manches; la manche ballon, très basse sur l’épaule, se termine par un bracelet de ruban, double col rabattu orné de dentelle.
(11.) House dress in mauve foulard, straight, gathered at the front and back, with round pleat held in place by a ribbon belt tied at the side, rows of small Valenciennes adorn the front and the top of the sleeves; the balloon sleeve, very low on the shoulder, ends with a ribbon bracelet, double turn-down collar decorated with lace.
Matériaux: 10 mètres soie ou 5 mètres lainage, 20 mètres dentelle.
(22.) Corsage Tannhaüser en lainage violet évêque, rentré flans la jupe, le devant avec col revers est croise de côté; il est ouvert du lia ut sur un plastron en pareil surmonté d’un col de velours, garniture de velours assorti. Manche d’une seule pièce avec revers velours.
Matériaux: 3 mètres de tissu, 1m,50 velours.
(22.) Tannhaüser bodice in purple bishop wool, tucked into the skirt, the front with lapel collar is crossed sideways; it is open from the lia ut on a bib in the same surmounted by a velvet collar, trimmed with matching velvet. One-piece sleeve with velvet cuff.
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• Dress.
Department Store: Fox
Date: 1896-1899
Medium: Wool, silk
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vintage-sweden · 6 months
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Solar eclipse on August 9th, 1896. Sweden.
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mocamagical · 9 months
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How can i not love them together. They're like two purple parallel lines, i just want to see what their dynamic would be! They're both kind of loners but like, in totally different ways. Like Chrome will get to lunch, Tsuna will ask if anything interesting happened today (basic polite small talk), she'll say not really. Hibari bursts through the door like dodging him was an arrogant slight against him, Tsuna can't deal.
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digitalfashionmuseum · 9 months
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Beige and gold bridesmaid’s dress, 1896, American.
By A. F. Jammes.
Met Museum.
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lemuseum · 2 years
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nemfrog · 10 months
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A horse tells ghost stories to another horse. The Animal story book. 1896.
Internet Archive
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misscromwellsmonocle · 2 months
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Harvest in Ukraine (1896) by Mykola Pymonenko
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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