#1937 book
lepetitdragonvert · 5 months
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Text and illustration by Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo
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The Hobbit book was published 87 years ago on September 21, 1937.
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miramelindamusings · 1 year
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@prudensvulpes requested Sora with Dylan Hollis' energy where he has his own cooking channel! Thank you so much for your patience! And this was alot of fun to do! I used Dylan Hollis' "Fake Apple Pie" tiktok (shortened to certain moments and some moved around for comedic effect!). I hope you like it and thank you again :)!
And here's a bonus sketch because I couldn't resist drawing Sora's face lighting up the same way Dylan Hollis' does when a recipe is actually good!:
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nemfrog · 1 year
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"A coyote trotted across the road." Firecracker. 1937.
Internet Archive
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yesterdaysprint · 2 years
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The Buffalo Evening News, New York, November 27, 1937
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ducktracy · 5 months
Do you own any Looney Tunes production art?
i’m incredibly fortunate enough to say that I DO!! i own this wonderful photostat model sheet from Porky the Wrestler!
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a photostat is essentially the ‘30s equivalent of a photocopy, so it’s not THE actual model sheet drawing, but it was still in the hands of at least one of the animators who worked on the short! if you hold it at a certain angle and get the light to reflect off of it, there are actually some indentations of writing, as if someone was writing on a piece of paper on top of it… and of course the hooves and side snout drawn in marker which aren’t meant to be there (maybe it was a slow work day?)
i actually still haven’t gotten it framed, i need to… but i also just really enjoy being able to hold it in my hands and try and make out the writing indentations on top and also lose my mind at Oh My God Someone In The Tex Avery Unit Touched This At One Point. plus, the material is glossy/has a cardboard sort of feel to it (like a more sturdy printed photograph) so it’s not as delicate as animation paper and gets along fine sitting on my shelf as is HAHA. still, definitely want to find a proper means of displaying it sometime!
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Vintage Magazine - Gay Book Magazine (Mar1937)
Art by Earle K. Bergey
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noweateny · 3 months
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adaptations-polls · 3 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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misforgotten2 · 5 months
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Magic Recipes recipe pamphlet - 1937
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casualoddities · 5 months
Jane of Lantern Hill Vintage
Mclelland and Stewart - Toronto- 1937
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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La petite sirène / The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen
Albums du Père Castor
Artist : Ivan Bilibine
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cursemewithyourkiss · 4 months
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Ronald Colman as Rudolf Rassendyll in The Prisoner of Zenda (1937)
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trashpandasquotes · 7 months
I got you to look after me and you got me to look after you and that's why.
-John Steinbeck
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obsidian-sphere · 9 months
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Blue Book, July, 1937.
The Moon Gods by Edgar Jepson and Sidney Gowing.
Aren't you glad you use Dial of Destiny? Don't you wish everyone did?
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fashionbooksmilano · 9 months
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I volti del Tibet segreto
16 grandi fotografie di Fosco Maraini
Lyra Libri, Como 1998, 16 foto, 24,4x34cm, ISBN 978-8877332134
euro 15,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Tibet : ricordi d'un tempo felice
Una sorta di breve introduzione, dal significativo titolo Tibet: ricordi di un tempo felice, e 16 ritratti fotografici di tibetani - uomini, donne, vecchi, bambini, monaci, laici - compongono questo particolarissimo album firmato da Fosco Maraini. Si tratta dunque di un felice omaggio che uno dei più noti e raffinati conoscitori di quei luoghi e di quelle popolazioni ha voluto offrire a un popolo e a tradizioni culturali ormai estinte. Le fotografie, infatti, risalgono ai tempi delle spedizioni che nel 1937 e nel 1948 l'autore ha compiuto in quelle terre con Giuseppe Tucci e ci restituiscono per immagini l'incanto e la suggestione di un luogo, il Tibet, prima della barbara invasione cinese, dall'identità perduta.
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