#2 full doodle pages to color after this
chippuyon · 1 year
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getting ready in the morning
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paper-starz · 11 months
after so many hours, days, months.... ITS BACK!
And now, after careful observations, I present to you fine fellows a few theories and observations. THIS WILL BE VERY LONG AND IT WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE UPDATE!!
OK to start off, lets debunk a theory thats been bugging me: THE WELCOME HOME NEIGHBORS ARE DEAD THEORY!
yeah.... has been debunked. Look no further than the guestbook! PG 2 SPECIFICALLY!
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Image reads: idonotknowwhatclownis_iaskedfrank_hesaidbarnaby_hereisbarnaby.png
So, Wally was able to ask Frank what a clown was during the time of this ask, therefore, none of the puppets are dead (yet)
"But Paperstar!" I hear you cry. "The neighborhood descriptions were in past tense, while Wally's and Home's neighborhood descriptions were in present tense!"
And for that, I have a simple answer: The puppets aren't aware. Since they aren't aware, they still think that they are living during the 70s. To us, the 70s have already past! And since Wally and Home are aware that they aren't living in the 70s anymore, they use present tense. NOW ONTO THEORY NUMBER 1
As we all know, when we look into the website, doodles (presumably made by Wally) are littering the website and sending us into secret links!
While these doodles are fun, creepy, and cool to look at... have we ever stopped and wondered how exactly Wally is doodling onto the website?
By doodling onto a book.
Throughout the website, we see few instances of Wally doodling. Where was he doodling on specifically?
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On a red book. But I can take it FURTHER.
I believe the book that Wally is doodling on is THIS ONE
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All 3 things connected to Wally. (Lord knows Wally loves drawing swirls and eyes, especially in this update) "But PAPER!!!" I hear you scream. "THIS BOOK IS IN REALITY! HOW CAN WALLY GET THIS BOOK IF HE'S STUCK IN WELCOME HOME?" Ah, patience, dear viewer! This is called the Red BOOKS theory, not the Red BOOK theory. It's simple, there's two books, one in Welcome Home, and one IRL. As above, so below
Whatever happens above, also happens below!
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And it seems like the Question Answerer is in possession of this book as well.
Which brings me to my next theory!
Specifically Wally (pretty much confirmed) and the Question Answerer.
If the Red Books theory is (hypothetically) true then the IRL book SHOULD be able to doodle onto the site as well! But how do we know this?
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Pay close attention to these doodles of Barnaby. Notice one that's... Different from the others?
As you see, the right one is scraggly, rushed, not coloring in the lines at all!
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Yeah, so it appears to me that Wally draws neater, while the 2nd doodler seems to draw messier and they don't even color the full drawing in most of the time! (For all I know this info could be vice versa. With Wally being the messier drawer and the 2nd doodler being neater.) BUTTTTTT IF YOU WEREN'T CONVINCED OF THESE DOODLES, I HAVE MORE EVIDENCE TO PROVE MY THEORY OF TOO DOODLERS
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And yet, there are hearts littered not only in the Guest Book page, but all across the website as well. And unless Eddie is helping Wally draw hearts every time he needs to draw one, then I doubt that Wally is the one doodling these hearts.
And for the last piece of evidence saying that there IS a second person, look no further than the HANDWRITING.
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Say it with me kids! "One of these things is not like the other!"
It's all lowercase, while Wally usually writes in all UPPERCASE, and in red.
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Even his signature supports this statement as well!
Therefore, dear viewers, I believe we need to pay closer attention to the doodles. Who is the one ACTUALLY writing to us?
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maudiemoods · 1 year
Wooo commissions sheet!! Please read all of this post if you're interested :)! You can check my availability in my bio!
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Full body examples
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Sorry! I don't really have any half body examples but when I do, I'll update this!
Head shot examples!
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Sketch examples!
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I also do full body flat colored sketches! They're $22!
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Alsooo!! I have small sketch pages! They come with two full body sketches, some goofy doodles and one or two head shots for $40!
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This is the only good example I have 🧍🏼‍♂️
I accept Cash App and PayPal ! all payments are upfront! I need two weeks to complete a commission, after that, I can refund you or you can wait longer for me to finish. Whichever you'd prefer!
I can draw: original characters, fan made characters, ship art, slightly suggestive stuff (and I mean very slight), and furries
I can't draw: NSFW, heavy gore, extreme mecha, realism, hate art, or anything illegal, muscular people 😔
If you have any questions, just ask! I'll let you know if I can or can't draw what you'd like!
I will have 2 slots open at a time! If they are closed, I can give you an option to be on a waiting list but that's unlikely!
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jadetheblueartist · 2 months
Spider’s Web Widens
This rottmnt au takes place about three months after the movie and follows Big Mama’s assistant/fifth turtle sister- Frida Tang.
Here’s the blurb:
Daughter. Champion. Assistant. Frida was soon to be Big Mama’s official number one. And she would do anything to accomplish that goal. After an unfortunate incident, Frida was on her own and just needed to find one measly thief. Just find the thief and she could become Mama’s number one. Easy. With some interference from a family that has long grieved Big Mama and a full proof plan for capturing the thief, Frida knew she couldn’t fail again.
She wouldn’t.
Frida || Camille
Trailer || check out my side blog dedicated to the comic :) @spiders-web-widens
Frida Concept (Headshot and Full Body) || Frida Color Concept || Frida Sketchbook Page || Frida Pose Practice || Frida Sketches from my Notes (ft. Big Mama) || Little Frida Doodles (ft. the One and Only Ice Cream Kitty) || Frida Color Concept (pt. 2) || Frida Sketchbook Page (pt. 2) || Autism Frida || Frida Practice || Little Frida Doodles (pt. 2) || Little Frida Doodles (pt. 3) || Fridaaaaa (now on a whiteboard) || Little Frida Doodles (pt. 4) || Camille Brainstorming || Face Shapes || Official Camille Concept || Pigtails Camille || Frida and Kaida || Frida Design Update || Mother’s Day || Frida Color Concept (pt. 3) || Camille with a braid? || Raccoon Camille || Camille Doodles || Big Sisters || Big Mama Turnaround || Big Sisters (pt. 2) || TMayNT Day Twenty-Four || Deep Breaths || Leo and Frida || Magma Doodle || Father’s Day || Teehee
Why, Frida? || Frida Brainrot || Mommy Issues || Frida Story Update || Frida Story Update (pt. 2) || Big Mama and Frida’s Relationship || Camille Name || Spider’s Web Widens Sampler || Speech Patterns || Soft Asks (pt. 1) || Soft Asks (pt. 2) || Soft Asks (pt. 3) || Mommy Issues (pt. 2) || Soft Asks (pt. 4) || OC Asks || Memes || Surfer || Lil Q and A || Camille’s Dimension?
-TMNT Fandom Family Reunion Masterpost
-Fanart (I am so honored to include this)
-Frida Fanart by @decadentstrawberrysauce
-Frida and an oc by this user on Pinterest
I’m working on getting a kind of comic going for this story, so stay tuned :)
Here’s my blog Masterpost that has guidelines for interactions (obviously I can’t force you to follow anything, but I would definitely appreciate it if you did ^^) and other stuff.
:D okay, I’m done.
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oftlunarialmoon · 7 months
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5 Agere Activities for a Rainy Day (Indoors Edition)
Ciao lovelies! We’re moving into spring here where I am, and with the spring, comes LOTS of rain. There are many outside ideas to do for agere, (and yes, even some rainy day ones!) but today, I’d like to share 5 of my favorite agere activities to do on a rainy day, or on days where I can’t go outside (snow, too hot, etc.)..
All of the ideas I’m sharing today are my personal faves!
Idea #1: Change your doll’s (or stuffies!) outfits….or make them some outfits!
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Super old pic, I know (I have wayyy different hair now, lol), but this idea is still one of my faves. Picking new outfits for my dolls is always super fun and sometimes I even have a mini photoshoot with them after changing their looks. I can also turn this idea into a full afternoon of play by setting up a “doll salon” to select their looks and they each get a spray of choice perfumes and hair brushes :) 
If you don’t have clothes for your dolls/stuffies, you can also make them clothing or accessories! I’m aiming to put some tutorials of that sort on the blog and possibly on the Youtube channel soon, but for now, here’s some tutorials that I have already made to get you started:
There are many fun and simple methods for making doll clothing or accessories, I once again have to highly recommend MyFroggyStuff’s Youtube channel for this! She has awesome ideas and she makes it all seem so easy. 
Idea #2: Take a fun Bubble Bath!
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Taking a fun and relaxing bath is a nice way to both regress, and practice self-care! You can find cute bath toys like these at dollar stores, and bath bombs, bubble bath, bath fizzies, etc as well! I even love buying the “bath puppets” which are just washcloths that go on your hands like a puppet, and are shaped like animals! I have a sharkie and a froggie. When I take baths or showers, I like to imagine going through a checklist with my scrubby buddy (most often Mr Sharkie) to make sure I get 1000000% clean! Sometimes I even make a little song of this and hum it to myself. :)
It’s also nice having access to fun body washes and soap! My current favorite body wash is scented from “Viva las Vegas SWEET” which is some kind of perfume thing, but it smells like candy, and it looks cute out of the tube! (it’s pink and shimmery 0.0)
I’ve also seen body washes for babyshark, Barbie, and other kids franchises! Oh, and even some grown-ups products are still cute for this too! I have a Hello Kitty sugar scrub that was intended for grown-ups, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t cute anyway! :) Oh, and Crayola makes body wash “crayons” as well, the tubes are crayon shaped and the body washes are colorful!
Okie, okie, that’s a lot of me rambling about baths, sorry >.<
Idea #3: Play Video Games!
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Sometimes there’s nothing better than wearing comfy clothes, having a nice snack, and playing video games! On rainy days this activity feels super cozy and wonderful, and there are lots of games out there that are cute and good for agere!
My current faves are Animal Crossing New Horizons on my Switch, Sandbox Coloring App on my phone, Nintendogs on my 3Ds, and Minecraft on my PC! I love that games are on a lot of different devices, so that I can always find something to do~
I think Animal Crossing is a really cool game for age regressors, and the New Horizons one is very cute for a lot of reasons! I can dress my avatar up in cute fashions and i can even buy…..pacis! and…..Cute kawaii dresses!!! :0 You could make your dream agere outfits in this game, and i do it all the time, tbh!
Idea #4: Journaling or Writing in a Diary!
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I love love love my regression journal! I use stickers, washi tape, coloring pages, crayons, markers, and more on it, and it’s really freeing to have a journal that doesn’t need to be neat or tidy. My daily journal is also my regression journal, as I am someone who is semi-regressed all the time! :3 I also do vent journal entries in this journal (to share with my therapist), and lists, collages, doodles, info pages…lots of things! 
I have an article on here actually about Agere Journaling! 
I also want to briefly ramble about my stickers, I have found 2 really good sources of stickers for my journal. The first is a subscription service called Stickii, which sends you a themed sticker pack every month, these packs include stickers from lots of independent artists and I really love each one I’ve gotten so far (I’ve gotten 2 so far.) **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
The second is Blippo Kawaii Shop, which sells sticker mystery bags which I have an opening video of on OFT’s IG! :) I love their selection of kawaii stickers, and it’s always fun getting a package from them. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
Idea #5: Play with Legos or building blocks! 
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Something that I love doing when I am small is playing with building blocks or legos! I like the Minecraft sets or the dollar store legos! :) I use the legos to build things for my mini town and dollhouse, as well as make dollrooms! :) 
Megablocks have larger blocks as well if you regress younger and want something more simple. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
You can use building blocks to make obstacle courses for your minis, specific types of buildings for playing pretend, mecha robots for epic battles…….>.<’ sorry my brain totally went to gundam XD
They also sell building block sets for making iconic characters like pikachu and other pokemon, as well as other anime and game characters! I think this type of block is called a nano block.
What do you think of these 5 agere activities for a rainy day? What activities are your favorite when small? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you lovelies and having great discussions!
And now for the most important thing in this outro…..I get to say……
STAY AWESOME!! You are awesome, just as you are, and you should look at yourself with love and kindness. Don’t forget to love yourself, whether you practice self-care, treat yourself, or take care of your future self by getting a task done ahead of time, self love is important!
Okie, all my ramblings aside, see you in my next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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kaecodes · 18 days
As Promised, A Poll
As I mentioned before, I intend to put out a series of Free to Use skins with consistent features & standards that are easy to install, edit, & use. These will be designed off of the inspiration of specific games, series of games, & genres of games.
I will, however, only be using games I can clearly see a visual language in the UI of. I went through a few hundred games yesterday perusing UIs & considering atmosphere to determine the shapes, themes, & vibes they might offer that would work in a skin.
I now have a working, if incomplete, list to pull from. So now, I'm going to post a weekly poll with games to choose from & brief descriptions of their general design philosophy. That said, I am already working on two skins that are inspired by games; Alan Wake 2 & Control both from Remedy games.
A sampler of the Alan Wake skin, which will be called Vigil. My notes for the skin were: Green, Moody, Noire/Surreal Detective, Lovecraftian/Unknown Menace.
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As you can see, the header starts with a greeting for logged out members, or an announcement brief in the case of the logged in member. Clicking the username or briefing button in the box will bring up a full page modal containing userlinks, quicklinks, & a large custom account switcher if logged in, or featured wanteds if not. It's nothing fancy, but I thought a visual would help folks know how I design based on what will seem like vague/brief descriptors in the polls.
Speaking of which, it's time to get to the first of them. Of course, the Remedy inspired skins will be my first works, but I'd like to collate a list for what comes after, so when I hit a block or am just doodling while busy, I can get a head start on designing others...
Feel free to pick the one you like most, don't worry, none are being eliminated unless they have no interest at all, this is just about forming an ordered list based on demand. I want to make skins that are needed the most the fastest. That's all for now, thank you all so much & I would be obliged if the reach was extended through sharing <3
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blazenfire223 · 1 year
[ID in undercut]
Some non-ineffable doodles
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[Slide 1/10: A sketchbook page of Blue Pearl from Steven Universe. There is a colored, full body Pearl to the left of the page and in colored pencil, a smaller pearl on her knees looking up to the upper right side of the page, and a headshot of her to the bottom right. She is smiling, and there are hearts that float around her.
[Slide 2/10: A sketchbook page of Yellow Pearl from Steven Universe. There is a full body, colored version to the left side of the page. Her head is in profile while her body is in 3/4ths view. Her right arm is outstretched while her left is at her chest. Her right leg is lifted and pointed. In colored pencil is headshot to the top right, another headshot below the colored version's outstretched arm, and a smaller full body Pearl in a diamond salute pose.
[Slide 3/10: A sketchbook page of Pearl from Steven Universe. There is a full body, colored version on the left side of the page. She has her right arm extended and her left behind her back holding her spear. Her legs are crossed. To the top right is a headshot of Pearl smiling and blushing and to the bottom right is her in her Steven Universe Future outfit playing the guitar done in colored pencil.
[Slide 4/10: A sketchbook page of Pink Pearl from Steven Universe. There is a full body, colored version on the left side of the page. She is half pink on the left side and half black and white on the right. She has her hands up and out in her White Diamond pose, but her legs crossed. There is a smaller version to the top right, doing the full White Diamond pose, a headshot, and a small happy Pink Pearl done in colored pencil.
[Slide 5/10: A sketchbook page of a big fluffy squirrel done in gel pastels. Below it are sunflowers, a storm cloud, a mushroom, and a watermelon.
[Slide 6/10: A traditional colored pencil with graphite self portrait. Storm is in their dad's car after just getting their glasses fitted. One finger is on their face while their tounge sticks out cutely.
[Slide 7/10: A sketchbook doodle page of cubism self portraits plus a Aziraphale head in the same style.
[Slide 8/10: A colored pencil sketch of young Michael Sheen giving a thumbs up. It was a reference found on Pinterest.
[Slide 9/10: A sketchbook doodle page of Parrapa the rapper. Little doodles of him, his face, music notes, and microphones. In the top right corner he tells you to believe. Another doodle he has his hands in his pockets, another he is holding up a peace sign with a grin, a little spooked expression ovwr to the right, and the bottom left he takes up a small corner of the page he's looking up at the other doodles.
[Slide 10/10: A traditional colored pencil doodle of a pink furby saying "kay-may-may-u" which translates to "I love you". /End ID]
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nemisisnemi · 1 month
Nemi's art masterlist #2 #1 #3
last updated: May 17, 2024
☆terms to know☆
leoberi- leona nesoberi mugona- mug leona spoonona- spoon leona juff- buff jade ruff- buff rook
Leona Kingscholar pt 2
leona in a dress stepping on you leona blepping in a dress grumpy leona in a dress overblot leona leona gives you a heart<3
more leona angst
Persona & self indulgent
old art of nemi's persona 
pixelated leona gives nemi cake 
messing with leona  
sticker faced leona 
cuddling leona & leoberi 
leona cheek to cheek squish wip 
leona cheek to cheek squish fin?  
holding leona's hand under a tree 
old art of squishing leona's cheeks 
laying on leona's lap after midterms  
cuteness aggression towards leona 
a mischievous deal with nemi 
what nemi looked like in some dreams 
old persona looking into night sky 
old persona design myth thing  
current pfp 
old chibi self portrait + blood warning 
coming through ram ram's window 
2021 even older persona art 
twst doodles in SAT prep 
Oc stuff
oc in twst masquerade event 
oc doodles 
mr red eye candy redesign 
old wip of Day 
old sketch of Olive 
Olive with pliers 
Olive doodles + fight with leona
mermaid oc 
Olive with bright colors and blood 
full page of Day 
cheng feng (spookys twst oc) 
mushu inspired oc og concept sketch 
mushu inspired oc sketch 
mushu inspired oc 
old art of an oc 
mystery oc with x over mouth 
girlfriend ocs based on stickers 
characters drawn based on stickers 
old art of giant mushroom with eyes 
old art + creepy warning 
old art with bright colors  
old art of Rose & an unnamed oc 
Link to masterlist: #1 , #3
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usagiverse · 7 months
Will be updated over time. Feel free to support me on Ko-fi !
READ USAGI-VERSE HERE ! Episode 一 : Litter Of Rabbits [ 1... ] [ 2... ] [ 3... ] [ 4... ] ......TBD......
Do not use any of my artwork or comics without permission. This includes using my work for profiles, translations, reposting on other sites, coloring pages, selling for profit, or claiming my work as your own.
Q & A: 1. What do you use? I use Medibang Paint for drawing all of my pages and artwork on a Wacom Mobilestudio Pro. 2. When do you update? I don't have a schedule, and I don't intend to set one. I'm a freelance artist, this is a personal project, and I'm a full time student. I will update and post when I have time but do not expect any level of consistency. The more you ask, the less I'll want to. 3. What is this? This entire blog is a bunch of what-if's surrounding familiar characters from Usagi Yojimbo, Usagi Chronicles, and Rise of the TMNT. The main storyline from start to finish is about all Usagi characters, their backstory, and any other relevant plot points during the time of Rise, and after the movie. Basically, I took "What If Usagi In Rise?" to 4 more levels. (I'm Fine) 4. CW's | TW's ? I don't really know how to do this sort of thing, uh..... There may be blood, violence, swearing, romance, and death. As far as I know. I intend to keep this as SFW as possible, with some dark undertones. No abuse, gore, weird pairings, or nudity here!
NAVIGATION: #usagi-verse | Main tag for the comics #uv | Anything Usagi-Verse related outside the comics #uv asks | All questions asked & answered so far (feel free to send me more asks, just check the guide first!) #uv art | Art tag! (Will be mostly finished artwork, not including asks otherwise my entire blog including the comics would be listed here) #uv guides | Everything you need to help get around this blog or learn more about UV as a whole #references | Colored references of characters appearing on this blog #relationships | In depth mentions of character relationships that may not be covered in the story itself #yuichi usagi #shuji usagi #mizuki usagi #miyamoto usagi | All media containing the character you are looking for, including what's in the comics! #yuichi #shuji #mizuki #miyamoto | Media containing the character you are looking for EXCEPT for what's in the comics (to keep you spoiler-free, in case you needed it? or to have better reference of the character without having to read about them.. idk) #bunnon | All Bunnonymous Asks #bunnon usagi | Bunnon Is An Usagi (artwork of Bunnon) #ft turtlesona | This is my turtlesona, who shows up in posts sometimes! They are selectively mute and only choose to communicate in noises. #uv s/o | Shoutout tag for all the awesome creators out there ! If you're looking for more people to follow, check this tag #not uv #uv au | Any other art, post, or whatever that does not have any relation to UV in terms of being canon-- this may include other characters, alternate AUs, random doodles, or fanon / fan headcanon interactions! #fan arts | For all art done by others of UV, be sure to support them as well! #bunbuns | Usagis but in their true form.. cute little bunbuns #insert nerd emoji | I talk in depth about stuff sometimes... (Deeper explanations on the work, characters, comics etc. or in-depth asks)
Thanks for reading, and have fun in Usagi-Verse!
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Hello! Your super secret santa here! Was looking through some of your tags to decide what to draw for you and wanted to ask some questions if that's okay ❤️
1.) For galaxies, do you have a ref of their full bodies and what the base might look like for Y/N? And perhaps what Y/N in the story might look like? I'm very interested in it as a subnautica fan myself haha!
2.) For eventide, are there any particular outfits you have for them that you prefer them in? And what kind of jobs they might handle? I don't know much about them but I would love to hear what info you do have to offer!
(Gosh I really hope this goes through as anon)
These are excellent questions! (I'm practically BUZZING with excitement already, omg)
Galaxies: Okay, so I do have a full-body one for Sun, and I'm going to post it here because at this point I don't know when the coloring book is getting released to everyone? Or if it already did? Anyway, so here's that, I've been a bit of a mess since May so I haven't even gotten around to finishing coloring this piece (it's my own coloring page, I recognize the irony). So, Fish-Sun in flats (with Sea Monkey babies):
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(I absolutely love Subnautica and Below Zero!!!!)
Now, Moon didn't get finished because a lot of really awful things happened all at once at the end of May and beginning of June, I got repeatedly sick, and so I didn't get around to finishing Moon's coloring page yet. It'll be done eventually, but for now, I'll show you what I did do.
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(it actually breaks my heart a little, because I had so many plans for this one, aaaahhhhhhh) So Moon's form in general is pretty similar to Sun's design (long, almost eel-like). He was supposed to have more spines that you can kinda see in the original sketch of Moon in the ref pic, and his design was going to be very inspired by a lionfish, spines down the back and at the "hips".
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The end of his tail was actually inspired by an axolotl, I just really liked drawing the little fin on my original sketch (which is long gone) and was like "Yeah, don't care that it looks odd, he's an alien". I do have plans to add more sub-sections of the story later (piratespiratespiratespirates) and I'll probably have to design baby Sun and Moon eventually, but I imagine both will be similar to axolotls, since they're supposed to be related species.
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Eventide: Actually yes, I did draw up a buncha outfits! I couldn't tell what was too many refs and what would be wanted, so I cut a bunch of doodles of Eventide that I've got.
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So, Eventide is a child unit built by my YN with Sun and Moon's help. She starts as a small child (5-6 years old) and "grows up" (through physical upgrades and hardware updates as her AI learns and grows) with her mum, two dads, and two human sisters. Story-wise, I have the plot for her to get up to about 15-16 (not because she dies, just because I haven't planned beyond that), and she wants to do all sorts of things. Legally, she is the property of YN and not Fazzbear Entertainment, and I'm not sure how to address the whole "can she legally have a job?" thing because I also don't know how to address the whole "Robots are people too, but how do I give them rights", so mostly it's the typical teenage/child level of "I want to be a ballerina and a doctor and a scientist and also I want to do what Mom does (officially, a handler for Sun and Moon and considered an expert in certain kinds of AI and human interactions that go into having a complicated family situation (two robot partners, two human children, one robot child)) and also she wants to do what Sun and Moon do (they will eventually be "retired", this is an agreement YN has with Fazzbear after a disastrous situation at another location, and they will be released permanently into YN's care at that point, but again, that's further down the line). At this time, her "job", as YN states (eventually, when I get there in the story), is to "be a kid and find out what all that means". (As for what she will probably do, I'm leaning towards a baker/barista, a marine biologist, or an artist of some sort.)
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Art Tiers (mobile version)
These are the minimum requirements asked of artists for the works they are paired with. Artists may always create at a level above the art specified in the tier. Examples are merely examples and creativity is encouraged.
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Doodle Tier: <5,000 words OR finished after September 8
Works in the Doodle Tier will not be automatically paired with an artist and are not guaranteed to receive art. These works will still be added to the AO3 collection at the end of the event and promoted on our socials. Since these works would not otherwise receive art, even a silly doodle or a sketch is a wonderful gift!
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Tier 1: 5,000–9,999 words
Works in Tier 1 will be paired with 1 artist who is willing to provide a simple, finished art piece (not a doodle). For example: line art illustration, colored “chibi” style piece, sketched comic.
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Tier 2: 10,000–19,999 words
Works in Tier 2 will be paired with 1 artist who is willing to provide a detailed, finished art piece or equivalent. For example: flat color illustration, line art with background or line art comic (3-5 panels/1 page), sketched character sheet.
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Tier 3: 20,000–29,999 words
Works in Tier 3 will be paired with 1 artist who is willing to provide a detailed, polished finished art piece. For example: full color illustration, flat color illustration with background or comic (3-5 panels/1 page), “promo poster” or book cover.
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Tier 4: 30,000–39,999 words
Works in Tier 4 will be paired with 1-2 artists who will create a total of two pieces, which will consist of:
one Tier 3-level piece AND one Tier 1-level piece
two Tier 2-level pieces
one complex finished art piece. For example: full color illustration with background, extended grayscale comic (10-20 panels/2-4 pages), detailed character sheets.
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Tier 5: 40,000–49,999 words
Works in Tier 5 will be paired with 1-2 artists who will create a total of two pieces, which will consist of:
one Tier 3-level piece AND one Tier 2-level piece
one very complex finished art piece. For example: detailed full color illustration with background, extended flat color comic (10-20 panels/2-4 pages), colored character sheets.
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Tier 6: 50,000–59,999 words
Works in Tier 6 will be paired with 1-3 artists who will create a total of two or three pieces, which will consist of:
two Tier 3-level pieces
three Tier 2-level pieces
one Tier 4-level piece AND one Tier 2-level piece
one advanced finished art piece. For example: full color extended comic (10-20 panels/2-4 pages), flat color long comic (25-35 panels/5-7 pages).
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Tier 7: 60,000–69,999 words
Works in Tier 7 will be paired with 1-3 artists to create a total of two or three pieces, which will consist of:
one Tier 4-level piece AND one Tier 3-level piece
one very advanced finished art piece. For example: full color long comic (25-35 panels/5-7 pages), short sketched animatic.
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Tier 8: 70,000–79,999 words
Works in Tier 8 will be paired with 1-3 artists to create a total of two or three pieces, which will consist of:
two Tier 4-level (or equivalent) pieces
one Tier 5-level (or equivalent) AND one Tier 3-level piece
one Tier 6-level (or equivalent) AND one Tier 2-evel piece
one very advanced finished art piece. For example: grayscale extra long comic (40-50 panels/8-10 pages), short grayscale animatic.
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Tier 9: 80,000–89,999 words
Works in Tier 9 will be paired with 1-3 artists to create a total of two or three pieces, which will consist of:
three Tier 3-level pieces
one Tier 5-level piece AND one Tier 4-level piece
one Tier 6-level piece AND one Tier 3-level piece
one very advanced finished art piece. For example: flat color extra long comic (40-50 panels/8-10 pages), short flat color animatic, medium-length grayscale animatic.
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Tier 10: 90,000–99,999 words
Works in Tier 10 will be paired with 2-3 artists who will create a total of two or three pieces, which will consist of:
two Tier 5-level pieces
one Tier 6-level piece AND one Tier 4-level piece
one Tier 7-level piece AND one Tier 3-level piece
one very advanced finished art piece. For example: full color extra long comic (40-50 panels/8-10 pages), medium-length flat color animatic.
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God Tier: 100,000+ words
Works in the God Tier will be paired with 3 artists who will create a total of three pieces, each one Tier 4 or above.
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maridotnet · 2 years
Fighting the urge to just say ALL OF THEM for the art ask, so... 2, 8, 11, 20, and 23!! (This is me limiting myself.)
aww hi sandra!!!! your self restraint is admirable hahaha thank you for the ask!! 2. what's your favorite thing about your style ooh starting off with a hard one I see....umm most of it tbh!! I've worked hard to pick up my favorite things from the art I see, and while it's always a work in progress, I like how decisive I've gotten. Much less wishy-washy and afraid of mistakes than I used to be! I also like how I draw hair :) 8. what's the most fun and the least fun parts about your process Most fun is lining!! I love how important each line is, the texture of them, the way they get messy and expressive in a sketch. Coloring is my least favorite :// esp with the marichat may pieces, it just takes so LONG! I love how it looks, and I'm always happy I did it after but...ugh...it takes forever with trad art and always wears my wrist out 11. show us the last thing you drew, be it a finished piece or a small doodle it was either this little dame
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or this sketch of an OC from one of my partner's fantasy novels
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20. a piece from this year that you're really proud of I'll put these two, for two different reasons! one because it was a struggle in planning (i went through SO many different thumbnails!!), and I put in a lot of effort (chat blanc), and the other because I didn't put in any strenuous effort at all, and let myself just coast along in a comfort zone (adrien) 23. what's something you hope people notice when looking at your art the love!!! drawing is a huge act of love for me! and also the details!!!! with more complex illustrations (aka Marichat May - less the more spontaneous stuff, like the full modeling pages I've been doing), I put SO much thought and planning into some of them, and it's incredibly heart warming when someone notices and comments :))))
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ennaku-sirri-da · 2 years
Smile For Me Timeline thing
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So I made this for my AU but I figure its helpful for fans who want otherwise as well. Its subjective i guess, with some objective facts.
I recommend reading the image description if its too messy.
[ID: A fan-made Smile For Me timeline on paper with colored sketchpens and regular blue pen. 
The top says ‘Smile-For-Me’ in allcaps and theres a doodle of Dr. Habit smiling, leaning and tipping his hat--the words are in his speech bubble.
Before the dates start, ‘Gregorian Calendar’ is written and circled at the side.
Then comes the dating of the S4M events. It is written ‘Modern Period’ and under it ‘20th century(1901 to 2000)’
Below it--’Habit is born Jan 1, 1957′ at 37 years old.
An arrow below that points to ‘Events of his life’. Besides that heading is another arrow to something off topic circled and starred ‘Point of interest’ which is that Habits handwriting changes (through the diary pages we are about to discuss).
The first date is June 4,1967. This is marked as child diary page with a drawing of a tooth. 
Then in green sketch, 7 years pass. The second date is April 11, 1974. This is marked as school-going teen(?) diary page, and a sprout springs from the tooth.
In green sketch, 9 years pass. The third date is January 9, 1983. This is marked as college adult diary page, and a plant with closed lips grows from the tooth.
In green sketch, 5 years pass. The fourth date is October 45, 1988. This is marked as dentist adult diary page, and the plant’s lips smile.
In green, 2 years pass. The fifth date is March 11, 1990. This is marked as Habitat dream(?) diary page, and the plant has become a full Tooth Lily.
Now is a box saying ‘TV Tropes info’.
Below that is a starred ‘Tim Tam uses they\them(Singular They)’ and its written as a ‘Point of interest’.
Below that-’Epilogue takes place, not long after the game?’ and an arrow leads to an underlined ‘confirmed’ with a circle ‘Only 1 year later’. The source is Habits twitter.
Below the epilogue sentence, circled and highlighted in yellow-- ‘Chatrooms look like late 1990s.’ An arrow leading away from that has written on it in dark green-’’Smile For Me can span any amount of time.’
All this is one section on the right.
Now on the left is a box reading 'Extra’ in allcaps. Its starred with ‘Hmm..’ and ‘Math!’
Below that in a singular fancy bracket is written, ‘Kamal(underlined, allcaps) is 28-33. Late 20s to Early 30s in 1994( circled and marked as mid 90s).’ The 1994 circle is connected by a long line to the TV Tropes info box and about the connection, it is written ‘game implied to take place in 1994.’
Below and near the bracket is ‘Epilogue in 1995?’, as it came out one year later according to Habits twitter. An explanation nearby is proposed for ‘Twitter invented 2006...Perhaps Habit ‘’cached’’ the website to tweet’’.
Further below all this is a section with the orange bullet-point (subjective) dates of the 90s. The early years are 1990 to 1993. The mid years are 1994 to 1996. The late years are 1997 to 1999.
Above and near these is written the earliest year the game can happen, assuming it takes place in the late 90s, as ‘1997′ in which case 7 years from 1990 will have passed, which is written in orange pen. Similarly is written for 1999, the latest the game can happen, and two years passed from 1990.
An arrow leading to these date explains that ‘Habitat probably(?) built late 90s so...’ and this arrow connects to the chatroom design fact.
The conclusion, which is to the middle-extreme left of the paper, is boxed as ‘Concl’. Under it is written ‘ Time is weird. In Smile For Me especially. Could be either mid or late 90s.’
Overall the paper has a yellowish tone over it, edited effect. end ID]
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kuturkoglu · 13 days
The Traveler's Journal: Capturing Moments, Memories, and Adventures
Welcome, fellow wanderers! 🌍 Whether you're a seasoned globe-trotter or someone dreaming of your first big adventure, the idea of a travel journal might have crossed your mind. It's a magical way to capture the essence of your journeys, a place where memories live forever, and stories come to life long after the return ticket is used up. Sit back, relax, and join me on this journey into the world of the traveler's journal. We'll explore its benefits, how to get started, and some creative ways to make your travel journal a treasure trove of unforgettable experiences.
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Why Keep a Traveler's Journal?
1. Preserving Memories
Traveling is full of fleeting moments that can be hard to remember as time passes. A travel journal acts as a time capsule, preserving those precious memories. Imagine flipping through the pages years later, reliving the sights, sounds, and emotions of your adventures.
2. Creative Outlet
Travel journaling is a fantastic way to express your creativity. Whether you're sketching a beautiful landscape, penning down poetic descriptions of your experiences, or pasting in mementos like tickets and postcards, it's a creative outlet that enhances your travel experience.
3. Personal Growth
Writing about your travels helps you reflect on your experiences, understand different cultures, and learn more about yourself. It's a journey within a journey, fostering personal growth and a deeper appreciation for the world around you.
4. Sharing Stories
A travel journal is a wonderful way to share your adventures with friends and family. It’s more personal and detailed than social media posts, giving your loved ones a genuine glimpse into your travels.
Getting Started: The Essentials
So, you’re convinced about starting a travel journal? Great! Let’s dive into the essentials you'll need to get started.
1. Choose Your Journal
The first step is picking the right journal. Here are a few options to consider:
Traditional Notebook: Classic and versatile. Choose one with durable pages that can withstand the wear and tear of travel.
Digital Journal: If you prefer typing over writing, apps like Day One or Journey offer digital journaling with multimedia capabilities.
Sketchbook: Perfect for those who love to draw. A sturdy sketchbook can handle both sketches and written entries.
2. Writing Tools
The tools you use can enhance your journaling experience. Here are a few recommendations:
Pens and Pencils: Carry a variety of pens and pencils for different writing and drawing styles.
Colored Markers and Pencils: Add a splash of color to your journal entries with markers and colored pencils.
Glue Stick and Tape: For adding mementos like tickets, postcards, and photos.
3. Accessories
These additional items can add a unique touch to your travel journal:
Stickers and Washi Tape: Fun and decorative elements to brighten up your pages.
Polaroid Camera: Instant photos to paste into your journal.
Envelopes and Pockets: For storing small keepsakes like coins, maps, or pressed flowers.
Making Your Journal Unique
1. Start with a Personal Touch
Begin your travel journal with a personal introduction. Share why you love traveling, your goals for this journal, and what you hope to gain from your journeys. It sets the tone for the adventures to come.
2. Daily Entries
Dedicate a few minutes each day to jot down your thoughts and experiences. Describe the places you visited, the people you met, and the feelings you had. Don't worry about being perfect; it's all about capturing the moment.
3. Sketch and Doodle
Even if you're not an artist, sketches and doodles add a unique element to your journal. Draw landmarks, street scenes, or even the delicious meal you had. It's a visual memory that complements your written words.
4. Collect Mementos
Glue in tickets, postcards, maps, or any small items that remind you of your trip. These mementos add texture and dimension to your journal, making it a more interactive experience.
5. Use Prompts
Sometimes, writer's block can strike. Use prompts to keep the creativity flowing. Here are a few to get you started:
What was the highlight of your day?
Describe a conversation you had with a local.
What was the most surprising thing you learned?
How did you feel when you first arrived at your destination?
Exploring Different Styles of Travel Journals
Travel journals come in various styles, each reflecting the traveler’s personality and journey. Let’s explore some popular styles.
1. Narrative Journal
This style focuses on storytelling. Write your entries like a diary, narrating your day-to-day experiences in detail. Capture the emotions, the atmosphere, and the interactions that make your journey special.
2. Bullet Journal
Bullet journaling is a structured way to document your travels. Use bullet points, lists, and symbols to record key information quickly. This style is great for those who like organization and efficiency.
3. Scrapbook Journal
A scrapbook journal combines writing with visual elements. Use photos, sketches, stickers, and mementos to create a vibrant and colorful representation of your travels. It’s a creative and artistic way to document your journey.
4. Sketch Journal
For the artistically inclined, a sketch journal is perfect. Focus on drawing and sketching the sights and scenes you encounter. Complement your sketches with brief notes and descriptions.
5. Digital Journal
Tech-savvy travelers might prefer a digital journal. Use apps or blogging platforms to document your travels with text, photos, and videos. It’s a convenient way to keep everything in one place and share your journey with a wider audience.
Tips for Consistent Travel Journaling
Consistency is key to maintaining a travel journal. Here are some tips to help you stay on track.
1. Set a Routine
Establish a journaling routine that fits your travel schedule. Whether it’s in the morning with a cup of coffee or at night before bed, find a time that works best for you.
2. Keep It Handy
Always have your journal and writing tools easily accessible. Carry them in your daypack so you can jot down notes whenever inspiration strikes.
3. Be Flexible
Travel plans can change unexpectedly. Be flexible with your journaling and don’t stress if you miss a day. Catch up when you have the time and don’t let it become a chore.
4. Capture the Moment
Sometimes, writing in the moment captures the essence of an experience better than trying to recall it later. Take a few minutes to jot down your thoughts and feelings as they happen.
5. Enjoy the Process
Remember, your travel journal is for you. Enjoy the process of documenting your journey and don’t worry about making it perfect. It’s the imperfections that make it uniquely yours.
Stories from Fellow Travelers
Let’s take a moment to hear from fellow travelers who have embraced the art of travel journaling. Their stories might just inspire you to start your own.
1. Anna’s Solo Adventure in South America
Anna, a solo traveler, started her journal to document her six-month backpacking trip through South America. She filled her journal with vibrant sketches of Machu Picchu, colorful descriptions of the Amazon rainforest, and heartfelt reflections on the friendships she made along the way.
"My travel journal became my best friend. It was there for me during lonely nights in hostels and during moments of awe at breathtaking landscapes. Looking back, it’s incredible to see how much I’ve grown through my travels."
2. Mark and Lisa’s Family Road Trip
Mark and Lisa decided to document their cross-country road trip with their kids. Their travel journal is a mix of drawings by their children, funny anecdotes from their journey, and photos of the landmarks they visited.
"Our travel journal is a family treasure. The kids love looking back at their drawings and reading about our adventures. It’s a beautiful way to relive those memories and share them with future generations."
3. Sophie’s Culinary Journey Through Europe
Sophie, a food enthusiast, used her travel journal to document her culinary adventures across Europe. She included detailed descriptions of local dishes, recipes she learned from locals, and sketches of bustling markets.
"Traveling for me is all about the food. My journal is filled with recipes and stories from the kitchens I visited. It’s like having a little piece of Europe in my home."
Creative Ideas to Elevate Your Travel Journal
Looking for ways to make your travel journal even more special? Here are some creative ideas to elevate your journaling experience.
1. Interactive Pages
Create interactive elements like fold-out maps, pop-up sections, or envelopes filled with surprises. These add a playful touch to your journal and make it more engaging.
2. Language Learning
If you’re visiting a country with a different language, dedicate a section of your journal to learning key phrases. Write down new words, practice your handwriting, and document your progress.
3. Mood Trackers
Use mood trackers to record your emotional journey. Color-code your moods and create a visual representation of how you felt throughout your travels.
4. Postcard Diary
Send yourself postcards from each destination and paste them into your journal. Write a brief note about your experiences on the back. It’s a fun way to document your travels and receive a piece of your journey in the mail.
5. Travel Playlists
Create playlists that capture the vibe of each destination. Write down the songs and artists that you listened to during your travels. Music has a way of transporting you back to a specific time and place.
A traveler's journal is more than just a book; it’s a companion on your adventures, a keeper of memories, and a creative canvas. It’s a space where you can pour your heart out, capture the beauty of the world, and reflect on the profound experiences that travel brings.
So, whether you’re about to embark on a grand adventure or just dreaming of far-off places, consider starting a travel journal. It’s a journey within a journey, a way to make every moment count, and a treasure trove of memories that you’ll cherish forever.
Happy travels, fellow wanderers! And don’t forget to take your journal along for the ride. 🌟
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kymmiejournals · 1 year
2020-2021 Digital Dark Dated Planner + Stickers by Kamipi
This post contains affiliate links. If you take action (i.e. make a purchase) after clicking my affiliate links, I’ll probably earn a few bucks which will help keep this website running or just to buy a cup of coffee. You know I only recommend products that I actually use, love and trust, right?
Hey lovely,
Let's talk about black-colored pages or planners, have you tried to use one?
I remember way back in high school, I used to write with a gold glittered-gel pen on black paper whenever I send love letters to my friends and even to my crush! The contrast of colors makes it pop and creates this classy vibe. I also made some doodles of constellations or galaxy and it's super fun and enjoyable! 
In today's post, the 2020-2021 Mid-Year Digital Dated Planner in Dark mode by Kamipi shop has lots to offer, including stickers in 6 different hues. What sets this planner apart is the texture of the digital paper used, it's not just your typical black paper. This planner includes hyperlinked tabs for easy navigation between Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily and other detailed spreads, plus a master index page to access different trackers, subjects and layouts. Dated from July 2020 - June 2021, perfect for students who started the semester late due to pandemic.
Tools and Resources
Any note-taking app (ex. Goodnotes or Noteshelf, etc.)
iPad 2019 7th Gen (10.2”)
Apple Pencil 1st Gen
Replace your Apple Pencil tips
Paperlike matte screen protector
1 High-Resolution Planner PDF with 450+ pages (Monday start)
1 Goodnotes Sticker file which includes pre-cropped stickers
6 PNG transparent Full Sticker page for cropping to be used for other projects
252 PNG transparent individual cropped sticker images
2020/2021 Digital Dark Dated Planner
Perfect for minimalists or those who like to keep things simple.
Master Index
An easy way to access different Planning templates and Notes layouts.
2020-2021 Calendar
A full view on the mid-year calendar. The months and numbers are clickable to Monthly, Weekly and Daily.
2020-2021 Key Dates
The months are clickable to the Monthly page. This is where you can summarize the whole mid-year, you can either use color blocks to track your appointments or draw symbols to mark your tasks or activities.
Quarterly Overview
3 boxes arranged per quarter that is clickable to each month.
There are 5 individual dividers to set your subjects or categories.
Different templates that you can duplicate and use. The Notes consists of:
Two Column
Four Column
This section offers different layouts and tracking for your:
Project Planner
Meeting Notes
Password Tracker
Grocery List
Meal Planner
My Goals
Mood Tracker
Habit Trackers (2 formats)
Workout Log
Project Time Planner
Travel Planner
A page perfect for planning the whole month ahead. Each box is clickable to their respective Daily page, while the numbers on the left side are clickable to Weekly. You will also have access to the Summary page.
This page is for specific activities for the whole month, you can write your To Do's, Goals, Important Dates, track your target Habit and so much more.
This includes time blocks that are perfect to track your schedule for the whole week.
A more specific page dedicated for the whole day. You can transfer the schedule from the Weekly page to this and list all top priorities and tasks.
Bonus: Stickers
250+ High-Resolution Stickers (Pre-cropped PNG in a separate Goodnotes file) in a real texture look with 6 different hues:
Light Blue
Kamipi on Instagram
Kamipi on Etsy
This post is not sponsored nor paid by Kamipi, I am only reviewing products that I use and love [know more]
The fonts and graphics used are separate purchases and not included in the planner
What do you love most about this digital planner?
Any questions or suggestions about this blog post?
Get access to Freebie Library!
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bananaomaha · 2 years
Doodle god cheats first 100
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#Doodle god cheats first 100 how to
#Doodle god cheats first 100 full
#Doodle god cheats first 100 code
Stonehenge: Stone + Stone + Stone Pyramid of Cheops: Sand + Corpse + Stone Sphinx: Human + Beast + Stone Basilisk: Lizard + Poison + Stone Santa's Sleigh. For example, you cannot create Lightsaber without first creating Sword, Energy, and Light. They are only unlocked if you have the necessary elements for creation. Use this simple cheat index to help you solve all the doodle god combinations. Artifacts are a side area of Doodle God (App) and the Facebook social game.
#Doodle god cheats first 100 how to
If you find alternate solutions to the ones provided in this guide, we encourage you to share them with other readers on our User Tips page. However below is a cheat list of all the doodle god artifacts and how to get them. For example, while our guide suggests that Food can be created by combining Weapon and Beast, it can also be created by combining Human and Tree. Doodle God Main Game Combo Solutions Air Fire Water Alcohol. The way we organized this master element sheet is by the order of when you should unlock the various elements. Some elements can be created in a number of ways. With this awesome walkthrough answers and cheat sheet, you can complete your Doodle God collection in no time. It takes around 0-1 hour to unlock all of the trophies on PlayStation 4.
#Doodle god cheats first 100 full
Since the combinations done in Episode 1 does not carry over.The solutions provided in the guide will allow you to create every element in this game, however, these are not the only solutions. Full list of all 11 Doodle God trophies - 6 bronze, 4 silver and 1 gold. Proceed to episode 2 and do your combinations there. Human + Fabric If you have followed the walkthrough step by step, you will unlock Episode 2 after this combination This page contains Doodle God Blitz cheats and guide for all elements with all combination list. Doodle God Walkthrough Episode 1 : Doodle God Walkthrough Episode 4 : World of Magic. A complete list of combinations required for 100 completion of Doodle God: 8-bit Mania. This is the last Doodle God guide for the Episodes mode Use the next Doodle God cheats to finish Episode 4
#Doodle god cheats first 100 code
Doodle God Main Game Combo Solutions Air Fire Water Alcohol 100 List of Combinations in Doodle God: 8-bit Mania. Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2021: Cheatbook-Database 2021 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from. With this awesome walkthrough answers and cheat sheet, you can complete your Doodle God collection in no time.
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