#2 germinal an II
study-with-aura · 5 months
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Tuesday, May 7, 2024
It felt like there was more writing than usual today, so my hand started hurting. I had to switch to typing for a few things, but that's okay. For some reason, I also started to feel quite fatigued just before my lunch break this morning. I made some green tea to drink with lunch, and that seemed to help. Normally my parents don't like me having caffeine, but they are okay with me having it if I feel like I need it. They aren't fans of it on a daily basis, which is strange because I know both of my parents drink coffee every morning!
I hope everyone is doing well this week! I know it is the end of the academic year for some of us, and it is a very stressful time! But we got this! We are almost done! <3
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Probability Review + honors review
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Units 4-6 vocabulary + read the news + submitted fable writing assignment to Mom for grading (97%) + looked over non-fiction writing assignment + CLEP Test practice question
Spanish 2 - Reviewed La Comida vocabulary + reviewed the preterit and imperfect
Bible I - Read Matthew 19-20
World History - Watched a video on Margaret Thatcher + read about Indira Gandhi + read about Golda Meir + typed up a paragraph for each female world leader (typed because I wrote out a lot today and my hand hurt)
Biology with Lab - Answered questions about flower structure and reproduction + continued germination lab
Foundations - Read more on virtue + completed the next quiz on Read Theory + worked on the outline for my argumentative speech
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry daily mastery challenge + completed High School biology daily mastery challenge + completed World History Unit 6: Lesson 12 (parts 2-3)
CLEP - Completed Sample CLEP Test Questions 46-60
Streaming - Watched The Cuba Libre Story Episode 7
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 196-228 of Into the Bright Open by Cherie Dimaline
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Philippians 3)
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guiltycorp · 22 days
Just finished replaying Dragon Age II (first time i played it i was a teenager) and I have so many thoughts on Anders, as one does...
I think the centrist message of the game is strengthened many times by Anders being the only main character actively working to change the status quo of the story? When every other character opposes drastic change it feels like Anders is ‘betraying’ the core group by making those story-changing decisions on his own, and a random player’s allegiance will likely be to the mc and all of their chosen companions rather than those specific in-game groups like mages or elves. As Hawke, you can’t really directly participate one way or the other, you are simply giving your support to decisions made by the other characters, and so the first side to do something drastic is the one that feels like the more wrong one — narratively it’s of course more satisfying when it comes from the othered side (so, Qunari in Act 2, mages in Act 3).
Also, the nuance that the writers tried to include with numerous mentions of the mental toll of growing up in isolation against your will, the abuse that templars can easily cover up, swift executions — all of that is countered by blood magic and the existence of the Tevinter Imperium, and so again a random player walks away thinking ‘it’s a difficult situation but yes, perhaps there’s just no better solution for the mage problem’. Which is by design, of course, but leads to conclusions like 'ehh Anders only proved the other side right'. There's also of course the disconnect between the Chantry and the templars, the game is careful in painting the Chantry as 'blind to the abuse' rather than as the actual source of it. The Chantry came up with Magi Circles and the Templar Order is its military subdivision, but that can be easily overlooked when the local Grand Cleric was written as completely neutral despite her position of power, and so a major part of the audience reacts strongly to the destruction of a religious building as a parallel to modern real life burning of churches and mosques rather than recognizing the in-game context. Destroying the Chantry meant that Anders sought to change the system itself rather than targeting the symptoms (specific evil templars), and it is a much more powerful symbolical gesture in that way. As somebody who grew up in the faith, in one of those Circles, he is declaring that the Chantry failed him and others like him - he is not an outsider in this situation, no matter his current apostate status... And tbh I've always read Justice/Vengeance as more of an allegory than a straightforward demonic possession, pledging yourself wholly to the cause.
Also I have to mention… So Disco Elysium’s list of inspirations included the novel Germinal which is why I read it, and without spoiling too much I’ve been wondering if DA2 writers were also inspired by it. It’s a story about miners striking against their employers after being driven to it by abject poverty and hunger - everyone in the novel is aware that this strike is, unfortunately, beneficial to the company and so eventually the only available method of further protest is violence… There is an anarchist that reminded me of Anders, a man called Souvarine who has already been through a failed uprising (failed assassination of the russian tsar), who has a soft spot for a pet rabbit and who has a much better understanding of politics & socioeconomics than most other characters. Despite his educated background and delicate physical features, his personal ideology is alarmingly violent in a way that both impresses and scares the main character. He is absolutely not meant to be either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and the author carefully avoids casting judgement on his actions despite their severity - I am pretty sure that his role in the book is representative of political revolutionary movements as a whole.
I absolutely recommend the book, especially if you liked Disco Elysium or Les Mis (or have been an Anders defender for a while lol), it is less hopeful than either one of them but in a very sympathetic way, sadly still very true to our lives. Best thing I've read in years. But yeah idk ANYWAY, DA2 has way too many mining-related environments for me not to at least consider this might not be a coincidence ahaha, in which case it’s a shame the message of the novel was interpreted through a much more ‘fun fantasy video game both sides are always wrong’ lens.
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josefavomjaaga · 11 months
Bessières's correspondence
This is for @flowwochair: the index of the documents in the "Fonds Maréchal Bessières" in the French National Archives. Not much about the content, unfortunately. I summarised some points that I imagined were not all that interesting to you. Please let me know if there is something you'd want to have more details on and I will look if there is more.
1) Letters and orders by Napoleon to Bessières, dating from 1796 to 1813. It’s organized by the different armies and contains mostly »official« stuff of some importance, like documents related to the double abdication of the two Spanish Bourbon kings in 1808. Murat’s name is mentioned once, in connection with one document:
copies of Napoleon's instructions to Murat on how to deal with the Spanish, 17 and 28 April 1808
Maybe also of interest: some of the documents concern the reorganisation of the troops after the Russian campaign and date as late as mid and end-April 1813, so only days before his death
2) Letters from princes of the imperial family to Bessières
Mostly interesting because a large chunk seems to be labeled »a.s.«, which I believe to mean »autographe signée«, i.e., handwritten and signed. Most correspondence of important people would have been in the hands of secretaries, with the sender merely signing them. Bessières being worthy of receiving letters that these imperial princes had written themselves hints at a special position of trust.
41 letters from Joseph Bonaparte, related to events in Spain (1808 – 1811)
2 letters (not written by Jerome himself) about uprisings in Kassel in 1813
And here you go: 29 letters by Murat, in his own handwriting, relating to the daily report on the Guard, the policy to be followed, and to military events in Spain (dated 5 August 1805 to 5 June 1808)
Followed by some stuff for me: 22 letters from Eugène de Beauharnais, in his own handwriting and »d’un caractère surtout personnel« (of primarily private nature), dated 27 January 1805 - 5 June 1808
Other than that, there are letters from Josephine, Lebrun, Hortense, Stéphanie de Beauharnais, Méneval and the secretary of Madame Mère.
The rest of this section are documents related to Bessières’s military career, decorations etc.
3) Some personal letters. The connection between them escapes me
from Bessières to his sister-in-law (?), 22 February 1808.
from Bessières to a marshal on the reorganisation of the Guard, 27 January 1813.
from Madame la Maréchale concerning her financial distress, 12 December 1813 and 12 December 1814.
Facsimile of a letter from the Marshal to his wife, after his departure for the 1813 campaign
4) Certificates, letters of service and appointment, decorations
Some documents as early as 1792 among them, but mostly bits and bobs that seem unrelated
5) Letters adressed to Bessières – Army of Italy and Army of Egypt. 55 pieces
6) Ministers' reports to the Emperor and various letters. Plenty of documents and letters among them that are neither written by or adressed at Bessières
7) Imperial Guard I (Organisation, financial reports etc.)
8) Imperial Guard II (contains one more letter by Eugène!)
9) Imperial Guard III (Holland in 1810)
10) Legion of Honour and pay. 73 pieces, 1804 to 1813
11) Russia. Letters adressed to Bessières, situation reports, mostly from before the campaign started
12) Letters from Napoleon, the imperial family, the royal family and several famous personalities. A lot of them obviously from after Bessières’s death, among them (condolation) letters to Madame la Maréchale from
Napoleon - 6 May 1813
Madame Mère – 7 May 1813
Marie Louise – 5 May 1813
Caroline Murat – 25 May 1813
Eugène Beauharnais – 2 June 1813
Joachim Murat – 8 June 1813
Also contains 18 letters from Hortense de Beauharnais to Madame la Maréchale, dated 1809 to 1813, letters from Madame la Maréchale Oudinot, from Laure Junot, from Wellington (handwritten!) and plenty more
And on a happier note: a letter by Joachim Murat dated 1 Germinal year VIII (22 March 1800)
13) Related to Bessières’s city house
14) Correspondence between Marshal Bessières and Madame la Maréchale I
3 letters from Bessières to his wife, 2 prairial-15 vendémiaire an XIV (22 January-7 October 1805)
75 letters of Madame la Maréchale to Bessières, found in the cassette of the marshal after his death, 5 January 1806-1 May 1807
29 letters of Bessières to his wife, 26 March-13 December 1808
15) Correspondence between Marshal Bessières and Madame la Maréchale II. Continuation from above
72 (? I’m not sure about the numbering here) letters from Bessières to his wife, 5 January 1809, 28 September and ... 1811
48 (?) letters from Madame la Maréchale to the Marshal, January-9 December 1811
16) Correspondence between Marshal Bessières and Madame la Maréchale III. Continuation from above
9 letters from the Maréchale Bessières to her husband, 19 March - 16 December 1812
40 letters from Bessières to his wife, 13 January 1812 - 24 April 1813
17) Related to the electoral college of département Haute-Garonne
18) Personal papers, financial documents, real estate etc.
19) Letters to Madame la Maréchale during Restauration and July Monarchy
20) Collection of autographed letters unrelated to Bessières
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childlikegoblinqueen · 11 months
SCOM Micro Writing Notes:
Once again, Hunter is stuck in the middle of a petty rivalry between his sisters.
But it’s thick with subtext.
Luz is still mad that Vee and Hunter (and Cabin 7, but mostly the latter) watched Cobra Kai without her.
Vee is upset that some of the old hags tales about Grimwalker biology might actually have merit (also they are being pushed by a toxic political candidate with a vendetta against her family)
Hunter doesn’t want to add to Willow’s stress and Darius finally has given Hunter something he had been asking about for over a decade.
Belos’ ledger about his predecessors… at least one that covers the first 100 years of them.
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Judgments pronounced month by month by the Paris Revolutionary Tribunal, from its installation to its abolition
Source: Le Tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris: d’après les documents originaux conservés aux archives de l’Empire, suivi de la liste complète des personnes qui ont comparu devant ce tribunal (1866) by Émile Campardon, volume 2, page 217-225
Tribunal from March 10 1793
April 1793 (6 to 30)  Death sentences……………………..9  Acquittals or releases[1]……………16  Sent to a different tribunal………….1  Total number of accused……………26
May 1793 (1 to 31)  Death sentences………………….….9  Acquittals or releases…………….….23  Sent to a different tribunal……….….2  Total number of accused………...….34
June 1793 (1 to 30)  Death sentences…………………….15  Acquittals or releases……………….33  Deportations…………………………..3  Sent to a different tribunal…..……….2  Total number of accused………..…..53
July 1793 (1 to 31)  Death sentences……………….…….14  Acquittals or releases……….……….47  Deportations…………………………..1  Confinement…………………………..2  Prison……………………………….….1  Sent to a different tribunal………..…..1  Total number of accused……………..66
August 1793 (1 to 31)  Death sentences………………...…….5  Acquittals or releases……………..….36  Deportations…………………….……..1  Confinement……………………………1  Sent to a different tribunal………..…..2  Total number of accused……..………45
September 1793 (1 to 30)  Death sentences…………………….17  Acquittals or releases……………….37  Deportations………………………….6  Confinement…………………….……1 Sent to a different tribunal…..……...1  Total number of accused……………62
October 1793 (1 to 8)  Death sentences…………………….13  Acquittals or releases……………….11  Confinement…………………………..1  Prison………………………………….5  Total number of accused…………....30 
Vendémiare year II (September 22 to October 21 1793)  Death sentences…………………….10  Acquittals or releases……………….11  Deportations…………………………..1  Confinement…………………………..2  Prison…………………………………..9  Total number of accused………..…..33
Brumaire year II (October 22 to November 20 1792)  Death sentences………………..…….65  Acquittals or releases…………..…….45  Deportations…………………….……..1  Banishment…………………….……….2  Confinement………………………..…..5  Prison………………………………….…2  Seclusion………………………….……..1  Total number of accused……….……..33
Frimaire year II (November 21 to December 20 1792)  Death sentences……………….……….67  Acquittals or releases…………………..91  Deportations……………………………..2  Confinement……………………..………3  Prison………………………………….….3  Total number of accused……………….166 
Nivôse year II (December 21 1793 to January 19 1794)  Death sentences…………………..…….61  Acquittals or releases…………….…….101 Confinement……………………….……..2  Prison………………………………..….…3 Total number of accused………………..167 
Pluviôse year II (January 20 to February 18 1794)  Death sentences………………………….68  Acquittals or releases…………………….106  Deportations………………………..……..12  Confinement………………………………..5  Prison…………………………………….…3  Sent to a different tribunal…………….….4  Total number of accused…………………198
Ventôse year II (February 19 to March 30 1794)  Death sentences………………………….116  Acquittals or releases…………………….79  Deportations…………………………..…..5  Confinement……………………..………..1  Sent to a different tribunal……………….5  Total number of accused…………………206
Germinal year II (March 21 to April 19 1794)  Death sentences……………………  ..….155  Acquittals or releases……………….…….59  Prison…………………………..……..….…3  Sent to a different tribunal…………….….1  Total number of accused…………………218
Floréal year II (April 20 to May 19 1794)  Death sentences…………………….…….354  Acquittals or releases…………………….155 Confinement……………………………….4 Prison…………………………………….…6 Seclusion……………………………..…….4  Total number of accused……………..…..525
Prairial 1 to 22 year II (May 20 to June 10 1794)  Death sentences…………………….…….281  Acquittals or releases…………………….120  Confinement……………………..………..6  Sent to a different tribunal……………….1  Total number of accused…………………408
After the law of 22 Prairial is passed
Prairial 22 to 30 year II (June 10 to June 18 1794)  Death sentences………………………….228  Acquittals or releases…………………….44  Total number of accused…………………272
Messidor year II (June 19 to July 18 1794)  Death sentences………………………….796  Acquittals or releases…………………….208  Confinement……………………..………..1  Total number of accused…………………1005
Thermidor 1 to 9 year II (July 19 to July 27 1794)  Death sentences………………………….796  Acquittals or releases…………………….208  Confinement………………………..……..1  Total number of accused…………………1005
Thermidor 10, 11 and 12 year II (July 28, 29, 30 1794) Death sentences after outlaw declaration…….103
Thermidor 27 to 1 Sans-Culottides (August 14 to September 17 1794)  Death sentences…………………….…….14  Acquittals or releases…………………….273  Sent to a different tribunal……………….3  Total number of accused…………………290
1 Sans-Culottides to Brumaire 1 year III (September 17 to October 22 1794)  Death sentences………………………….24  Acquittals or releases………………..…..242  Deportations………………………..……..2  Prison………………………….…………..1  Confinement………………….…………..38  Sent to a different tribunal………..…….4  Total number of accused………….……311
Brumaire year III (October 22 to November 20 1794)  Death sentences………………….…….5  Acquittals or releases…………………..223  Confinement……………………………..8  Total number of accused……….………236
Frimaire 1 to 28 year III (November 21 to December 18 1794)  Death sentences…………………..…….3 Acquittals or releases…………………..99  Confinement……………………………..2  Sent to a different tribunal………..……1  Total number of accused………………105
Tribunal of 8 Nivôse, installed Pluviôse 8 year III (January 27 1795) 
Pluviôse year III (January 20 to February 18 1795)  Acquittals or releases……………..…..17  No accusation………………….………3  Sent to a different tribunal……………10  Total number of accused………..……30
Ventôse year III (February 19 to March 20 1795)  Death sentences……………………….1  Acquittals or releases………..………..16  Confinement…………………. ………..2  Sent to a different tribunal………….…2  Total number of accused………………21
Germinal year III (March 21 to April 19 1795)
Acquittals or releases……………..…..4  Confinement………………..…………..1  Sent to a different tribunal……….……7  Total number of accused………..……12
Floréal year III (April 20 to May 19 1795) Death sentences…………………….16  Acquittals or releases……………….17  Confinement…………………………..3 Sent to a different tribunal……….….10  Total number of accused……………46
From April 6 1793 to 22 prairial year II (June 10 1794) 2358 accused appeared before the revolutionary tribunal and were judged the following way:
Death sentences…………………….1258  Acquittals or releases………………..969  Deportations…………………………..34.  Prison…………………………………..28  Confinement…………………………..40  Sent to a different tribunal……….….23  Banishment……………………………2   Seclusion……………………………….3  Total number of accused…………2358
From 22 prairial to 9 thermidor year to (June 10 to July 28 1794) 1703 accused, judged as followed:
Death sentences…………………….1366  Acquittals or releases……………….336  Confinement……………………………..1  Total number of accused………..…1703
On 10, 11 and 12 thermidor, 103 people declared outlaws were executed.
From 24 thermidor year II to 28 frimaire year III (August 11 - December 18 1794)
Death sentences…………………….46  Acquittals or releases……………….837  Confinement…………………………48  Sent to a different tribunal……….….8  Deportations…………………………..2  Prison…………………………………...1  Total number of accused……….……942
Finally, from 8 pluviôse to 28 floréal year III (January 27 to May 17 1795) 109 were judged as follows:
Death sentences…………………….17  Acquittals or releases……………..54  Confinement…………………………..6  Sent to a different tribunal……….29  Non-indictment.……………………….3  Total number of accused…………109
[1] The aquittal was pronounced by the tribunal sitting in open court, and release by the tribunal assembled in the Council Chamber.
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victorurr0z · 1 year
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Eva Hesse
Untitled or not yet, 1966
Nets, polyethylene, paper, lead weights, and cord
71 in. × 15 1/2 in. × 8 1/4 in
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Eva Hesse
Repetition Nineteen III(1968)
Fiberglass and polyester resin, nineteen units
Each 19 to 20 1/4" x 11 to 12 3/4" in diameter
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Eva Hesse
Accession II, 1969
Galvanized steel and vinyl
30 3/4 × 30 3/4 × 30 3/4 inches
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Eva Hesse
Right After, 1969
approximately: 5 × 18 × 4 ft
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Eve Hesse
Contingent, 1969
Cheesecloths, latex, fiberglass
overall 350 h x 630 w x 109 d cm, each panel 30 kg
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Louise Bourgeois
Cumul I, 1969
white marble on wood base
51 x 127 x 122 cm
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Louise Bourgeois
Untitled, germinal(1995)
Length 6.5”
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Louise bourgeoise
Torso, self portrait ,1963
White Marble
29.5in by 19.5in by 13.75in
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Louise Bourgeois
Articulated liar, 1986
Painted steel, rubber, and metal
Dimensions variable, overall approximately 9'
3" x 21' 6" x 16' 1"
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 Louise Bourgeois
Sleeping Figure,1950
Painted Basel wood
6' 2 1/2" x 11 5/8" x 11 3/4"
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laresearchette · 1 year
Thursday, June 15, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: LOOK INTO MY EYES (Sundance Now) TRUE CRIME STORY: LOOK INTO MY EYES (Sundance Now) THE VILLAINS OF VALLEY VIEW (Disney Channel Canada) 8:00pm PROJECT RUNWAY (CTV Drama) 8:00pm/ (CTV Life) 9:00pm STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS (CTV Sci-Fi) 9:00pm PRETTY FREEKIN SCARY (Disney Channel Canada) 9:00pm 60 DAYS IN (A&E Canada) 9:00pm BOOKED: FIRST DAY IN (A&E Canada) 10:00pm OUTCHEF’D (Food Network Canada) 10:00pm
2023 US OPEN (TSN3/TSN4) 9:40am: First Round - Part I (TSN3/TSN4) 1:00pm: First Round - Part II (TSN3/TSN4) 8:00pm: First Round - Part III
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Jays vs. Orioles (SN1) 3:30pm: Rays vs. A’s (SN) 7:00pm: Rockies vs. Atlanta (SN Now) 8:00pm: Pirates vs. Cubs (TSN2) 8:30pm: Guardians vs. Padres (SN/SN Now) 10:00pm: White Sox vs. Dodgers
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN5) 7:30pm: Stamps vs. Redblacks
FUNNY WOMAN (W Network) 9:00pm: After accepting the marriage proposal, doubts begin to germinate in Barbara's mind.
SUPERMARKET STAKEOUT (Food Network Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): The competing chefs search for the right ingredients to make fries; the chefs put their best fruit forward as Alex Guarnaschelli asks them to make a fruit-centric dish.
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zealctry · 2 years
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anon asked: *shakes you* tell us more about the symbolism in jashinism. you mentioned a lotus once?? elaborate, por favor.
( flowers in Hidan's religion, let's goo. )
so agave plants are native to the Caribbean and the Americas, but this is my fantasy world and I do what I want, so now they are also found within the Naruto world because I said so ( mostly because the symbolism is beautiful and appropriate, let me live a little ). that said, whilst several species of agave exist, the one that is most interesting as a symbol in Jashinism would be the Agava Americana, often ( incorrectly ) termed the ‘century plant’ ; sun-loving, the plant grows slowly, over several decades ( just like humans on their journey to spiritual enlightenment ) , eventually reaching majestic proportions ( it’s not unusual for leaves to reach up to 1 m! ). it is long-lived, up to 5 decades, and it is monocarpic – it only blooms once, producing a very tall, branched flower stalk. as such, blooming signals impending death. upon the start of blooming, the middle leaves gather together like hands in prayer, the upright leaves surrounding an emerging bud. the bud is atop an ever-lengthening stalk ( several meters tall! ) that stretches tall toward the sky ( much like the disciples' souls and devotion ). upon flowering, the plant will die, but not before producing numerous seeds &  offshoots, which easily propagate it ( for a disciple of Jashin, the parallels are clear: once one reaches enlighten and accomplishes their  role on this earth to a satisfactory degree, they will finally be allowed to be put down to rest .. . .whilst going out in a spectacual way, at the peak of their glory. yet one is replaced by many via spreading the word & practices in the world. ) random facts: much like jashinists, agave plants thrive on a bit of neglect and can be aggressive ( as their sap is irritating and sometimes have sharp thorns which can cause injuries to children and pets. ) cultivation at home is both allowed and encouraged ( the plant's blooming is an occasion to rejoice, especially if it coincides with a hoursehold event ).
ii. LOTUS.
shame on me, because this is actually a twist on concepts held by many ; the lotus flower is held in high esteem across several current world religions, and although there are some variations, it is generally considered a symbol of purity, spiritual awakening, and strength — the latter two being most important to the discussion here, as well. lotuses take root within muddy ponds and, through resilience, persistence, and strength, raise through the murky waters to bask in the light ( of knowledge ) and bloom with unblemished perfection. as such, they are regarded as a symbol of being able to rise above the murkiness of everyday life. further, the way in which a lotus blooms is beautiful: the ( ignorant, unenlightened soul ) bud unfolds its petals in turns, gradually, and its bright yellow center is the last to be revealed ( the soul opening itself up to the divine truth that was hitherto hidden ; self-actualization & enlightenment through stages ). in Jashinism, the symbolism is twofold: 1. showing persistence and resilience to pierce through the muddy waters of ignorance and 2. all life is, at its root ( just like the mud & murky waters ), suffering/ugliness/unrest that one must bear and pierce through ; no mud? no lotus. ( the lotus showing admirable resilience throughout its growth to its bloom being pretty much equated to the journey of spiritual growth ). resilience, in general, is a key factor: the lotus has an incredible amount of will ; a seed can withstand the absence of water for literally thousands of years, yet still germinate ( both an encouragement for persistence and resilience, and the concept that it is never too late to bloom/start upon the spiritual journey/convert – the young, the old, all are welcome )! random facts: red lotuses most prized. cultivation is not allowed ; lotus flowers, stems, leaves, or roots may not be either picked or ingested. seeds may be consumed ( either raw or roasted, and they are delicious ).
one of the rare true sky-blue flowers, with a white & golden yellow center. the flowers open at dawn ( representing the light through which truth emerges ) and die out at dusk ( representing the inevitable death one owes at birth ). the flower of the will of god, chewing its seeds may help you commune with him. ( fun fact — don't do drugs unless you're fully informed of wtf you're doing— these seeds contain a hallucinogenic compound, D-lysergamide, which induces psychedelic effects when consumed in high enough amounts. consumption can also cause severe stomach upsets and suicidal ideation, so it's a freaking Russian roulette. )
other worthwhile mentions: thistle.
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supermilletstcs · 8 months
"From Farm to Table: Understanding the Millet Production Process"
Millet, a group of small-seeded grasses, has emerged as a nutritional powerhouse and a sustainable alternative in agriculture. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricate process of millet production, from the vast fields where these grains are cultivated to your table, where they transform into delectable dishes.
I. Introduction
A. Definition of Millets
Millet, often underestimated, is a collective term for various small-seeded grains belonging to the grass family. These grains have been a staple in many parts of the world for centuries, contributing significantly to global diets.
B. Growing Popularity of Millets
In recent years, millets have gained traction as a superfood due to their exceptional nutritional content. As people become more health-conscious, the demand for these grains has surged, prompting a closer look at the millet production process.
C. Importance of Understanding Millet Production
Understanding how millets are produced is crucial for appreciating their journey from the farm to your table. It sheds light on the agricultural practices, technological advancements, and challenges faced by farmers and producers.
II. Types of Millets
A. Common Millet Varieties
1. Pearl Millet
Pearl millet, known scientifically as Pennisetum glaucum, is one of the most widely cultivated millets globally. Its adaptability to arid and semi-arid regions makes it a vital crop in many countries.
2. Finger Millet
Eleusine coracana, commonly known as finger millet, is rich in calcium and other essential nutrients. It is a staple in parts of Africa and Asia, contributing to the dietary diversity of communities.
3. Sorghum
Sorghum, a diverse genus of grasses, includes varieties cultivated for both human consumption and animal feed. Its resilience to harsh conditions makes it a valuable crop in various regions.
B. Super Millets' Contribution to Millet Diversity
1. Exclusive Millet Varieties Offered by Super Millets
Super Millets, a leading player in the millet market, takes pride in offering exclusive millet varieties. These varieties, carefully selected and cultivated, contribute to the diversity and richness of the millet landscape.
2. Nutritional Benefits of Super Millets
Super Millets goes beyond traditional millet varieties, focusing on nutritional excellence. Their millets are not only flavorful but also packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
III. Farming Millets
A. Ideal Climate and Soil Conditions
Millet farming requires specific climate and soil conditions for optimal growth. Understanding these factors is fundamental for farmers to ensure a successful harvest.
B. Sowing and Germination Process
The journey begins with the sowing of millet seeds. The germination process is a critical stage, where the seeds sprout, establishing the foundation for a healthy crop.
C. Pest Control in Millet Farming
Pest control is a perpetual challenge in agriculture. Millet farmers employ various strategies, from natural predators to innovative technologies, to protect their crops.
IV. Growth Stages of Millet Plants
A. Seedling Stage
The seedling stage marks the beginning of the plant's life cycle. Millet plants require careful nurturing during this phase to ensure robust growth.
B. Vegetative Stage
During the vegetative stage, the plant develops leaves and stems. This phase is crucial for the accumulation of nutrients and energy.
C. Flowering Stage
The flowering stage is a visually enchanting period in millet cultivation. It signifies the plant's readiness for reproduction, leading to the formation of grains.
D. Grain Formation
Grain formation is the culmination of the growth stages. The tiny flowers transform into grains, containing the nutritional goodness that millets are renowned for.
V. Harvesting Millets
A. Optimal Harvest Time
Harvesting at the right time is paramount to ensure maximum yield and nutritional value. Farmers carefully monitor the crop's maturity before initiating the harvesting process.
B. Traditional vs. Modern Harvesting Techniques
While traditional harvesting methods persist, modern techniques, such as combine harvesting, have streamlined the process, making it more efficient and less labor-intensive.
C. Machinery and Equipment Used
Mechanized harvesting involves the use of specialized machinery, ranging from combine harvesters to threshers. This mechanization has revolutionized millet harvesting, enhancing productivity.
VI. Post-Harvest Handling
A. Drying and Threshing Millets
Post-harvest, millets undergo drying and threshing processes. These are crucial steps to prevent spoilage and ensure the grains are ready for further processing.
B. Storage Methods
Proper storage is imperative to maintain the quality of millets. Farmers and producers adopt various storage methods, from traditional silos to modern silo bags, depending on their resources.
C. Challenges in Post-Harvest Handling
Post-harvest handling poses challenges such as moisture control, pest infestation, and transportation logistics. Overcoming these challenges is essential to deliver high-quality millet products to consumers.
VII. Millet Processing
A. Super Millets' Processing Facilities
Super Millets takes pride in state-of-the-art processing facilities. These facilities ensure that the millets retain their nutritional integrity and meet the highest quality standards.
B. Cleaning and Milling Millets
Cleaning and milling are integral parts of millet processing. The removal of impurities and milling into flour or other forms are carefully executed to produce premium millet products.
C. Packaging Millet Products
Packaging is the final step before millet products reach consumers. Super Millets prioritizes eco-friendly packaging, aligning with their commitment to sustainability.
VIII. Role of Technology in Millet Production
A. Smart Farming Techniques
Smart farming integrates technology for precision agriculture. Millet farmers leverage sensors, drones, and other tools to monitor and optimize various aspects of cultivation.
B. Data Analytics in Millet Farming
Data analytics plays a pivotal role in decision-making for millet farmers. Analyzing data on weather patterns, soil quality, and crop health enables informed choices throughout the farming process.
C. Super Millets' Technological Innovations
Super Millets stays at the forefront of technological advancements. From precision farming to blockchain traceability, their commitment to innovation ensures the production of high-quality millet products.
IX. Millet-Based Products
A. Flour Products
Millet flour is a versatile ingredient used in a myriad of culinary creations. Its nutty flavor and nutritional richness make it a favorite among health-conscious consumers.
B. Whole Grain Products
Whole millet grains are incorporated into various dishes, adding a wholesome touch. These grains are rich in fiber, promoting digestive health and overall well-being.
C. Ravas (Semolina) and Its Uses
Ravas, derived from millets, serves as a nutritious alternative to conventional semolina. Its applications in baking and cooking contribute to the diversification of millet-based products.
X. Health Benefits of Millets
A. Nutritional Profile
Millet's nutritional profile includes essential vitamins and minerals, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet. Its gluten-free nature also caters to individuals with dietary restrictions.
B. Dietary Fiber and Digestive Health
The high dietary fiber content in millets supports digestive health. Regular consumption aids in maintaining a healthy gut and preventing digestive issues.
C. Millets in Gluten-Free Diets
For those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, millets offer a wholesome alternative. Super Millets' commitment to providing gluten-free options aligns with the growing demand for such products.
XI. Culinary Uses of Millets
A. Millets in Traditional Cuisine
Millet has been a culinary staple in various cultures for centuries. Traditional dishes showcase the diversity of millet applications, from flatbreads to porridges.
B. Super Millets' Recipes
Super Millets provides a treasure trove of recipes, showcasing the versatility of their products. From millet pancakes to savory dishes, these recipes inspire culinary creativity.
C. Millets in Contemporary Dishes
In contemporary cuisine, millets are making a comeback. Chefs and home cooks alike experiment with millets, incorporating them into salads, bowls, and even desserts.
XII. Sustainable Agriculture and Millets
A. Millets' Environmental Impact
Millet cultivation has a lower environmental footprint compared to some conventional crops. Its resilience to diverse climates and efficient water usage contribute to sustainability.
B. Millets in Crop Rotation
In sustainable farming practices, millets play a role in crop rotation. This helps improve soil fertility, reduce pest infestation, and promote overall soil health.
C. Super Millets' Commitment to Sustainability
Super Millets actively participates in sustainable agriculture initiatives. Their commitment extends from environmentally friendly packaging to supporting farmers practicing eco-friendly cultivation.
XIII. Challenges in Millet Production
A. Market Demand and Supply
Despite the surge in demand, balancing millet production with market fluctuations poses challenges for farmers and producers.
B. Lack of Awareness
Limited awareness about millets and their benefits remains a hurdle. Educational campaigns are essential to inform consumers about the nutritional value and versatility of millets.
C. Government Policies and Support
Government policies and support play a crucial role in the success of millet production. Advocacy for favorable policies can further boost the growth of the millet industry.
XIV. Future Trends in Millet Production
A. Global Acceptance of Millets
As awareness grows, millets are gaining acceptance on the global stage. The diversification of diets and the demand for sustainable alternatives contribute to this global shift.
B. Research and Development in Millet Farming
Ongoing research and development initiatives are key to enhancing millet production. From disease-resistant varieties to climate-smart farming practices, innovation is shaping the future of millet cultivation.
C. Super Millets' Future Initiatives
Super Millets continues to lead the way with future-oriented initiatives. From collaborating with research institutions to expanding their product range, they remain at the forefront of the evolving millet landscape.
XV. Conclusion
A. Recap of Millet Production Journey
From the humble seeds planted in the fields to the nutritious grains harvested and processed, the millet production journey is a testament to agricultural ingenuity and sustainability.
B. Encouraging Millet Consumption
Encouraging consumers to embrace millets is not just a culinary choice but a step towards supporting sustainable agriculture and reaping the health benefits these grains offer.
C. Super Millets' Role in the Industry
Super Millets, with its dedication to quality, innovation, and sustainability, plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the millet industry. Their commitment ensures that millets continue to be a staple in the diets of health-conscious individuals worldwide.
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cleoenfaserum · 9 months
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Today I conclude this series of all of Cronnenber's films posting two of his films herein, Stereo (1969) and Crimes of the Future (1970) with poor rating of 5'1 and 4'7 respectively. I will be starting a series of Michael Crighton's books turned into films and films he has directed.
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The film is nothing but a bore with the occasional visual provocation.
It is not a good film in any conventional sense.
However, Stereo proves that it is possible to be boring and interesting at the same time. David Cronenberg: Stereo (1969) — 3 Brothers Film
859-1 https://ok.ru/video/7373617170995
Stereo is a 1969 Canadian science fiction film directed, written, produced, shot and edited by David Cronenberg in his feature film debut. Stereo was Cronenberg's first feature-length effort, following his two short films, Transfer (1966) and From the Drain (1967). The plot follows several young volunteers who participate in a parapsychological experiment.
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The film’s rudimentary plot follows individuals undergoing an experiment in “pattern brain surgery” and telepathy put on by the Canadian Academy of Erotic Inquiry. A young man in a cape (queer scholar) enters a mysterious institute and engages in social and sexual experiments with other individuals. There is no dialogue. There is no recorded sound. There is an intermittent commentary throughout by unseen figures who are meant to be intellectuals or scientists analyzing the action on screen and contextualizing it for the viewer, although their commentary consists of little more than pseudo-scientific babble.
WATCH the film STEREO (1969) that follows...
859-2 https://ok.ru/video/5899837442767
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Crimes of the Future is essentially Stereo: Part II. Like its predecessor, it is filmed without sound.
An art-film that pushes esoteric themes without delivering much in the way of conventional drama or entertainment.
It is the second of David Cronenberg’s introductory experiments in narrative filmmaking, another early stage in the germination of a brilliant, deviant artistic mind. David Cronenberg: Crimes of the Future (1970) — 3 Brothers Film
859-3 https://ok.ru/video/7373742213683
Crimes of the Future is a 1970 Canadian science fiction film written, shot, edited and directed by David Cronenberg. Like Cronenberg's previous feature, Stereo, Crimes of the Future was shot silent with a commentary added afterwards, spoken by the character Adrian Tripod (Ronald Mlodzik).
Although the film shares its title with Cronenberg's 2022 film of the same name, the latter is not a remake as the story and concept are unrelated, however there is a loose connection between the two films, as the main premise of the 2022 film, "creative cancer" also appears in the 1970 version. (Crimes of the Future (1970 film) - Wikipedia) with an IMdB rating 4'7, Crennenberg's worst rated movie.
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Crimes of the Future is set in a fictional 1997 where women have largely died off due to a disease known as “Rouge’s Malady;” the disease is spread through the use of cosmetic product.
859-3 https://ok.ru/video/2068454967869
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study-with-aura · 5 months
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Wednesday, May 8, 2024
All of this review lets me see how much I have learned in my first year of high school, but at the same time, cumulative exams are NOT fun. There is SO MUCH information! And I'm still learning more information in Biology and World History! I mentioned this in yesterday's post, but my piano harmony and theory exam is on Friday, and I am much more worried about that than the practical! Almost done, almost done. And the best present of all during finals week, Julien will be home! He's taking his finals right now, and I'm not sure if he'll be coming back over the weekend or early next week. He won't tell me. He's going to get squished like my squishmallows. He better be ready for it!
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - 1st and 2nd quarter review
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Units 7-9 vocabulary + read the news + + worked on non-fiction writing assignment (due next Thursday) + CLEP Test practice question + reviewed final study sheet
Spanish 2 - Reviewed Los Artes vocabulary + reviewed more on the preterit and imperfect
Bible I - Read Matthew 21
World History - Typed up a short essay about a current female leader and her accomplishments (I went with Kaja Kallas who is the Prime Minister of Estonia because she was in the last docuseries I watched as an interviewee, and she seemed interesting)
Biology with Lab - Learned about some phyla of invertebrates + filled in graphic organizer chart (first two sections) + continued germination lab
Foundations - Read more on virtue + completed the next quiz on Read Theory + worked on the outline for my argumentative speech
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry daily mastery challenge + completed High School biology daily mastery challenge + completed World History Unit 1 test (89%)
CLEP - Completed Sample CLEP Test Questions 61-75
Streaming - Watched The Cuba Libre Story Episode 8
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 229-274 of Into the Bright Open by Cherie Dimaline and finished the book
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Romans 8)
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rnomics · 10 months
IJMS, Vol. 24, Pages 16473: TFIIB-Related Protein BRP5/PTF2 Is Required for Both Male and Female Gametogenesis and for Grain Formation in Rice
Transcription factor IIB (TFIIB) is a general transcription factor for #RNA polymerase II, exerting its influence across various biological contexts. In the majority of eukaryotes, TFIIB typically has two homologs, serving as general transcription factors for #RNA polymerase I and III. In plants, however, the TFIIB-related protein family has expanded greatly, with 14 and 9 members in Arabidopsis and rice, respectively. BRP5/pollen-expressed transcription factor 2 (PTF2) proteins belong to a subfamily of TFIIB-related proteins found only in plants and algae. The prior analysis of an Arabidopsis&nbsp;atbrp5 mutant, characterized by a T-DNA insertion at the 5&prime; untranslated region, demonstrated the essential role of BRP5/PTF2 during the process of pollen germination and embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Using a rice transformation system based on CRISPR/Cas9 technology, we have generated transgenic rice plants containing loss-of-function frameshift mutations in the BRP5/PTF2 gene. Unlike in the Arabidopsis&nbsp;atbrp5 mutant, the brp5/ptf2 frameshift mutations were not transmitted to progeny in rice, indicating an essential role of BRP5/PTF2 in both male and female gamete development or viability. The silencing of rice BRP5/PTF2 expression through #RNA interference (#RNAi) had little effect on vegetative growth and panicle formation but strongly affected pollen development and grain formation. Genetic analysis revealed that strong #RNAi silencing of rice BRP5/PTF2 was still transmissible to progeny almost exclusively through female gametes, as found in the Arabidopsis atbrp5 knockdown mutant. Thus, reduced rice BRP5/PTF2 expression impacted pollen preferentially by interfering with male gamete development or viability. Drawing upon these findings, we posit that BRP5/PTF2 assumes a distinct and imperative function in the realm of plant sexual reproduction. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/22/16473?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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eternal177 · 1 year
Bucellari (Prologue 2: The Loyal Soldier)
At the same time, in the imperial palace, on the highest of the mountains that surround the capital, Claudia Mena, the lover and concubine of the emperor far from the distant Elagacian coasts where the family and the most faithful followers of the emperor remained, she was giving birth to his majesty's illegitimate children.
The night was chaotic, and Flavius Scalla, the emperor's butler and captain of the palace guard watched the scene below the mountain with concern. The capital was on fire, and it was difficult to decipher what was happening at any moment. According to some reports, the second and fourth legions, under the command of General Glacian had opened the gates of the city to the Dead Dragon Alliance, others said that it was the legions of the senate that had taken control of the forum while the alliance entered through the sewer. Others said that all the chaos had started in the circus as a fight between the blue and red fans. Either way, the city was out of control, and the situation was steadily getting worse.
A short time ago they had been able to repel the third assault of the rebels on the palace gates, and it seemed that they would not withstand many more attacks like the last one. To top it all off, some reports talked about the emperor's death.
Flvius watched the situation from the balcony as he tried to see something he had missed. Some hope in that abyss of blood and fire. Some light beyond the cruel flames that ravaged that ancient city in the darkness of the night.
-What are you doing here Flavius, and where is my father?- said Pesna II, the young son and heir of the late emperor, from behind Flavius. He had his father's face, but unlike him, his eyes were the imperial purple so common in the royalty of the Elgade
-I wasn't doing much… I thought. We've lost control of much of the city. Most of our forces have been completely decimated, those that remain will not take long to suffer the same fate. And if that wasn't enough, there are reports that point to the death of his majesty… - The young prince, barely an adult, was completely in a state of shock. he watched the city gaping, still unable to believe that his father was dead.
-But, that can't be true, can it? My father can't be dead…- The boy watched the infinity in the direction of the urban battlefield in which the home of the altarians had been transformed. He seemed absent in his own world. - Does that mean I'm the emperor now? But if father hasn't taught me how to rule yet…-
-Calm down boy, just because they say the emperor is dead doesn't mean he really is… The latest reports said it was General Glacian, and he has always been loyal to your father. They've known each other since they were little kids… Surely these are rumors and lies by the traitors to keep us loyalists hopeful… - Although what he was saying seemed to make sense, there is no there was too much hope behind those words. The situation could not be worse. Most of the enemies that Eskyla had made during her long highborne life had gathered today to end the reign of the Emperor's house.
-Maybe you're right Flavius…- Before you could say anything else, an arrow suddenly went through the boy's head. The Bucellari saw in horror how the life was extinguished from the eyes of the young Pesna, who fell to the ground lifeless, whose innocent blood stained the one who had sworn to protect him with his life if necessary. Flavius knew the sins of the father, indeed he had participated in many, but the son… The son was innocent! Who had reaped that beautiful life? What had cut that cutting before you can germinate and grow into a grandios tree?!
Flavius looked over the balcony again, and saw the first vanguards and a new full-scale assault advancing across the garden. A pointy-eared bastard had killed the young emperor! An elf hunter wearing an old bow and leather clothing had died in the heir of the world! That coward had seen the young heir thanks to his cursed elven sight and without a moment's hesitation he had ended a life that had barely begun.
But as much as you hurt him, it was not the time to mourn the fallen young star. If the emperor and the heir were dead, the children of the emperor's concubine would be the first to be put to the sword if the enemies broke in. His duty was to protect the imperial family, and cursed would be his name if he wasn't the last line of defense!
Flavius made his way inside the palace, hiding from the barrage of arrows and rocks fired from the crude though effective catapults the kobolds had built on the orders of their Drakonian masters.
The number of people who made up this last attack could only mean one thing. The city had fallen. The emperor's forces had been completely or almost completely exterminated, and now it was the palace's turn. The situation was unsalvageable, and it occurred to him to surrender that place, to ask for mercy for those who were still alive… But if the son or daughter of the emperor was born alive, his duty would be to protect them, to be a last line of defense on the heart of the palace.
Once within the safety of the palace's sturdy stone walls Flavius rose and hurried to the purple room where his majesty's concubine was giving birth. That security was merely temporary, and he didn't want to stay inside the palace if it was stoned.
He had little time, the enemies were at the gates, and in a situation like that it was difficult to maintain discipline, even less without his commander in the front line with them, but the emperor's child was his highest priority.
Flavius flung open the doors of the purple hall and burst in. A boy and a girl were in the arms of the midwives. For the glory of the lord of lights! They were twins! But the mother had lost a lot of blood in childbirth and was dying in bed.
The captain of the bucellari sped to his late master's concubine, the only woman he had loved for so many years before entering the emperor's service. Flavius was devastated and desperate. Neither does she! She couldn't die! He knelt beside her and took her hand, completely ignoring the midwives or the children.
-Flavius…- The new mother said in a tender and weak voice. It was noticeable how much effort it took him to exhale the slightest sigh. -…you have to save my children… Take them, take them away…-
A tear welled up in the mother's eye as she smiled at her former lover. -How, sweetie, we are surrounded…- The guard replied while kissing her hand, throwing overboard any kind of subtlety when showing his love for a wife of the emperor.
-This palace has secret tunnels. Departures that take you away from the capital… You must take my children far away from here, but their brothers cannot know of their existence…- The dying woman explained to him, making a grimace of pain due to exertion. In his gaze he pointed to a wall, indicating that behind the purple velvet was one of the tunnels he was warning him about. -These children are born in purple… They are destined to rule… If none of their brothers find out about their existence, their lives will be in danger… You must go west. Whatever you do, don't come near Eskyla's house…-
-But, the west is ruled by the barbarian kingdoms! You can't think the sons of the emperor would be safe there!- Cryed Flavius while looking at her with tears flowing down to his beard.
-Flavius... My children would be safer with with wolves than with their brothers... You must promise that to me if you ever truly felt anything for me. Promise this to me and I would die in peace....- Flavius saw a fierce spark of determination on her eyes.
-I promise... My love...-With those words, Claudia breathed her last, and the hand she was giving her old lover lost what little strength she had left. A smile reigning over her face, proof of the strengh of her will.
Flavius cried disconsolately in the arms of the woman he loved for a moment. There were so many things you wanted to say to him, so many moments that were stolen from them… But a landslide moved them all. The gates had fallen, the enemies were entering the palace. There was no time to mourn her, like so many others who would not see the sun rise again.
Flavius stood up and motioned for the matrons to follow him as he made his way to the wall that Claudia had pointed to moments earlier. Flavius tried everything. He looked for hidden levers, buttons on the walls, false walls, until finally he saw that it was as easy as pushing the wall to the left. Immediately, Flavius lit a torch, and entered the tunnel followed by the three midwives, the oldest of whom was carrying the children.
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gravitascivics · 1 year
[Note:  This posting is subject to further editing.]
 An advocate of critical theory continues his/her presentation[1] …
By way of transition from reporting on how critical theory developed during the latter decades of the twentieth century, this posting addresses some loose issues. Specifically, this blog described how critical theory drifted toward a more varied set of views among the ranks of its advocates.  That included addressing more directly pedagogic applications.  Here, in this posting, a few further transitional points will be made.
That time period, the late 1900s, was noted for the variation the theory adopted and of note was the contributions of Jurgen Habermas.  That variation addressed concerns from political advocacy positions by other critical theorists and from a philosophic perspective which happens to have been initiated early on by Max Horkheimer.  These sorts of varied arguments led to developments among academics such as the initiation of the sub-field, political psychology.  
Of note is the work of Erich Fromm (The Authoritarian Personality and The Fear of Freedom) who developed methods that escaped the limitations of empiricism.  Whether emanating from these scholars or elsewhere, these themes took certain degree of popular interest among what became known as the counterculture movement – the “love generation.”
And this counterculture also stressed the themes of personal politics, sexual liberation, and the critique of authoritarian family and educational structures, it was in large part following a direction mapped out by the Institute’s early study written by Horkheimer, “Authority and the Family,” which was published in 1936.[2]
While this last citation identifies some of the earlier thinking that led to what eventually developed within critical thought, these developments basically took place in the post-World War II years, especially in the sixties.  With years to germinate, this sort of argumentation either contributed or even energized newer “liberation” movements, such as the feminist movement.
And with that backdrop, one can venture into how critical theory has affected pedagogic concerns. Recent postings have been reviewing what proved to be the most meaningful challenge to what has been since the late forties the main perspective guiding civics, the natural rights view. The dominant view relies on the philosophic tradition of classical liberalism as espoused by many political thinkers, none more eloquently than John Locke.
It is a tradition bolstering the rights of the individual and can be most succinctly summarized as the belief that people have the right to do what they individually wish to do if by doing so they do not interfere with the rights of others to do likewise.  While stating that this dominant view is strongly held by the American populace, it is as any given view of governance and politics – dominant or not – subject to challenging views.  
In the case of natural rights, that would be, more than any other view, critical theory.  It, critical theory, holds to various beliefs and values that counter the prevailing view. For example, while it might favor a level of individual rights, critical theory does not rely on liberty as its trump value, it instead relies on equality. Some might consider its view of equality as radical in that, in its purest form, champions equality of results – or that all are equally able to experience individually their humanity.
That is, this view promotes equality in which all in society, to a meaningful degree, share equally in societal benefits. As Marx put it, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”  With just that distinction one can anticipate that critical theory, if it were to hold a dominant position in a nation’s collective view of governance and politics, would promote a drastically different civics educational curriculum than what now is in effect.  
But does all of critical theory relate to civics education?  From what this blog has reported of late, one can readily argue that all the concerns encompassed by critical theory literature deal with questions appropriate to civics.
The point of briefly reviewing above the last notions of critical development in the post World War II years is to draw readers’ attention to the more recent developments associated with critical thought.  Currently, critical literature directly addresses such issues as multiculturalism, sexism, classism, or teacher training. But the following quote indicates how civic issues underlie typical reported critical research and advocacy:
 What remains unclear in the debate within critical pedagogy is the relationship (or tension) between utopian thought, values, and pragmatic theory. In other words, while the postmodern and poststructuralist critiques have led many radical educators to accept the problematic and contingent nature of values – including those of radical democracy – there remains an inclination on the part of critical educators to employ such contingent values (e.g., emancipation, freedom, empowerment, democracy, justice, solidarity, etc.) as the basis of a utopian view to orient sociocultural formation.[3]
 Fancy language to say that critical educators are concerned with the meat and potatoes of what makes up civics education.
But how can critical educators view the natural rights perspective as being a threat to equality or any other political value? The notion that the dominant view of allowing everyone to go about their lives as they wish as long as each of them avoids hurting others seems fairly noncommittal or neutral.  If so, “what’s the beef?”
Critical literature discards the claim that the dominant, liberal approach is a neutral one. Basically, critical pedagogy holds that the natural rights view is one that supports the current distribution of power and wealth. It argues that that view’s advocates' most influential strategy in gaining support consists in espousing discourses that bolster the advantages of pure capitalism and the almost total reliance on science as a source of legitimate and useful knowledge (a position that can be called scientism).
The critical approach would have students engage in a series of inquiries in which they would delve into the oppressive character of the dominant system and learn how that system accomplishes the following: deprivation of equality of condition, socialization of not only the upper segments of society but also the oppressed segments, maintenance of the legitimacy of the system, and the processes of value formulation on an individual basis with little or no concern for the consequences such formulations have on the interests of the common good.[4]
That formulation instead advances the interests of the upper classes or other advantaged groups to the detriment of those not so advantaged. And therefore, a good deal of inquiry that students would take on in a critical curriculum would be centered on analysis of the dominant language as expressed in common discourses, which sets up the context and parameters of people’s thinking and actions.
And with that, this transitionary posting will come to an end. Again, the goal is to impart sufficient information to consider the work of the Brazilian educator, the late Paulo Freire.  For those who might want to look ahead, the key work Freire contributed to critical pedagogy literature, is Pedagogy of the Oppressed.  There is also an institute, the Freire Institute, where one can look up related information online.
[1] These postings that convey the basic information regarding critical theory heavily depends on the overview provided by William Outhwaite.  See William Outhwaite, “Critical Theory,” in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought, edited by David Miller, Janet Coleman, William Connolly, and Alan Ryan (Cambridge, MA:  Blackwell Publishers, Ltd), 106-109.
[2] William Outhwaite, “Critical Theory,” in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought, edited by David Miller, Janet Coleman, William Connolly, and Alan Ryan (Cambridge, MA:  Blackwell Publishers, Ltd), 106-109, 108.
[3]Lisa. J. Cary, “The Refusals of Citizenship: Normalizing Practices in Social Education Discourses, Theory and Research in Social Education, 29, 3 (Summer 2001), 405-430, 417.  Postmodern is defined by Collins Dictionary as “a late twentieth century approach to art, architecture, and literature that typically mixes styles, ideas, and references to modern society, often in an ironic way.”  Science Direct defines poststructuralism as “an intellectual movement that emerged in philosophy and humanities in the 1960s and 1970s.  It challenged the tenets of structuralism, which had previously held sway over the interpretation of language and texts in the humanities and the study of economics and cultures in the social sciences.”  Both encourage heightened interest and focus on cultural factors in how language and reality is interpreted.
[4] Neil O. Houser and Jeff J. Kuzmic, Ethical Citizenship in a Postmodern World: Toward a More Connected Approach to Social Education for the Twenty-First Century, Theory and Research in Social Education 29, 3 (Summer 2001), 431-461.
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edenmartinez · 2 years
Breast cancer receptor status should by Gissel Rendom
desesprinde ⚫part of the diagnostic work of Cancer, including diagnosed or recurrent for patient with psycho Here state by no histochemistry with or within Fluorescence in situ hybridization if needed cand HR Status including ER and PR 13 several gene expression assays are avalaible That can help predict risk of recurrence and response to systemic therapy ! More Ready has been germine mutation testing especored ento mannegements of" Looking for BREA mutation
 To guide agovant Therapy Select on For patient with Herz 2 negative breast cancer. "Lasly measurement of the Ki-67 antigen can be helpful when Considering specific Targeted Therapies such as abemaciclib at the beginning of breast tumor. Among why Like driver patient with metastasis, her 2 positive! Breast cancer approximately 80% will develop in the brain. The early breast cancer based on disease characteristic and risk Sequencing papilla therapies  with He g2 
Question: ASK CDK4 inhibitor to ANZ KI 67N when the byopsi is clear
Byopsi with ultrasound
Treatment medical
Table of medicaments
Ribociclib 600 mg (there 200mg tablets) once daily for 3 weeks, once dayly for 3 weeks followed by week without taking kisqali
Letrozole or anastrozole 
Follow your doctors  recommended dosing Schedule.
Fulvestrant when taken with kisqali
500 mg doce on days 1,15 and 29 during the first month of treatment, and 500 mg doce once monthly thereafter.
Take the recommended dose of KISQALI® (ribociclib) once each day at about the same time, preferably in the morning
You can take KISQALI either with or without food
Swallow KISQALI tablets whole with a glass of water. Do not chew, crush, or split the tablets
Do not take any KISQALI tablets that are broken, cracked, or that look damaged
Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice while taking KISQALI
If you miss a dose of KISQALI or vomit after taking a dose of KISQALI, do not take another dose on that day. Take your next dose at your regular time
If you take too much KISQALI, call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital emergency room
Diagnosis may help patients and caregivers: oitential to reduce stigma, alleviate feelings of gult or blame for individuals and caregivers, initiation of multidisciplinared care, preventio of future unnecesary testing
ormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative early stage breast cancer, cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4/6) inhibition in combination with endocrine therapy could represent an alternative to multiagent chemotherapy. We aimed to evaluate the biological and clinical activity of neoadjuvant ribociclib plus letrozole in the luminal B subtype of early stage breast cancer.
CORALLEEN is a parallel-arm, multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase 2 trial completed across 21 hospitals in Spain. We recruited postmenopausal women (≥18 years) with stage I–IIIA hormone receptor-positive, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status 0–1, HER2-negative breast cancer and luminal B by PAM50 with histologically confirmed, operable primary tumour size of at least 2 cm in diameter as measured by MRI. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) using a web-based system and permuted blocks of 25 to receive either six 28-days cycles of ribociclib (oral
Type of genetic obesity
Prader willi
Pharamecutical molécula
Mode of administration
N= 24 result pws 19-69 years Double- blindrc,  one simple doce (oxytocin vs placebo)
Number of cases
5 on going Trials Phase(II and III)
Significan Increase in trust in other and decrease in sadnes tendencias (P=0,02) with les disruptive behavior
(P=0,03) in the day 2 days Following administration tan parts with placebo
Mechanism in Endocrinology update on treatment for patient with genetic obesity
The idstinntion between syndromic does non syndromic monogenic obesity his its limitation as clinical y certain forms of obesity can be accompanied by neuro developmental and/or psychiatric disorder In addition, There is a overlap in their photo-physiology, as mostreate forms of obesity involve central anormalityes. Common forms migh also benefic from the development in the future
Pathology of breast cancer in pregnancy
Aminoglycosides )otototrial amphotericin B)nefrotoricies Chloramphenicol. Nitrofurantorna, endefficient hemolysis of glucose 6-p (sulfonamide dehydrogenated as nitrofurenntoine, kerniterus, tetracycline, teething disorders)  
Grupo A:
 Amikacina, ampicilina, carbonicilina, clindamicinina, Cloranfenicol, Eritomicina, Gentamicinia, niacida, kanamicina, meticilina.
Sulfamidas: Cotrimoñole, Tetraciclina, Tobramicina.
Sangre __ Antimicrobials in breast milk
Grupo B: 
Concentration plasmatic easily absorbable in bresast mkilk but with risk for the breastfed.
Grupo C: Concentatrion   almost in breast milk for the breastfed
Acido Nalidixi
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600 mg once daily for 3 weeks on, 1 week off) plus daily letrozole (oral 2·5 mg/day) or four cycles of doxorubicin (intravenous 60 mg/m2) and cyclophosphamide (intravenous 600 mg/m2) every 21 days followed by weekly paclitaxel (intravenous 80 mg/m2) for 12 weeks. The total duration of the neoadjuvant therapy was 24 weeks. Randomisation was stratified by tumour size and nodal involvement. Samples were prospectively collected at baseline (day 0), day 15, and surgery. The primary endpoint was to evaluate the proportion of patients with PAM50 low-risk-of-relapse (ROR) disease at surgery in the modified intention-to-treat population including all randomly assigned patients who received study drug and had a baseline and at least one post-baseline measurement of ROR score. The PAM50 ROR risk class integrated gene expression data, tumour size, and nodal status to define prognosis. This trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03248427.
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montagnarde1793 · 5 years
Citoyens nos Collegues Nous N’aurions que des [sic] Bonnes nouvelles à vous Apprendre Si la mort du Général haxo n’étoit pour la Patrie une Veritable perte. [...] Les ordres ont été donnés de Suitte [sic] pour que Les Colonnes qu’il Commandoit Continuassent Leur mouvement Contre Charete [Charette]. Le général en chef à La tête de quatre mille hommes marche du même Côté. [...] au reste tous [sic] paroit assez tranquille Sur la Rive droite de la Loire et L’esprit Public Commence à Se remonter dans [[raturé :]cette Commune] [[au-dessus, de la main de Prieur :] nantes]. hier Decadi, il S’est fait une fête Patriotique à laquelle assistoit un peuple immense. La Gaieté y Regnoit. Les Cris de Vive la Republique, les Chansons Patriotiques, L’enthousiasme même tout annonçoit que le Peuple Nantais est Bon et qu’il aime la Revolution. il ne faut ici que Comprimer Les riches et les Egoistes. Salut et Fraternité
Lettre de Prieur de la Marne et Garrau au CSP. Nantes, 2 germinal an II (SHD Vincennes GR B5 8).
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