#200K 1-Step Challenge
itspreety · 4 months
Prop Firm Trading
Start your Prop Firm Trading with The Talented Trader. Discover opportunities for success in proprietary trading through our innovative programs. Join us to access top-tier resources, expert guidance, and a supportive community. For more: https://www.thetalentedtrader.com/
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kristenjohn · 3 months
Seize the Opportunity: Unlocking Commodities Prop Funding for Trading Success!
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Just like tangible goods, such as agricultural products, gold, metals and oil, commodities have varied dynamics as compared to financial assets, like bonds and stocks. Different factors like supply and demand dynamics, macroeconomic trends and geopolitical events influence the prices of commodities, offering prop traders the scope to profit from these market drivers.
Commodities prop funding at Smart Prop Trader can hedge against currency fluctuations and inflation, allowing the prop firm to reduce overall portfolio risk through diversification. Market exposure and major price movements make commodities one of the most significant components in prop firm trading strategies.
An Overview of Smart Prop Trader as a Commodities Trading Prop Firm
Smart Prop Trader, under the able leadership of its CEO, Blake Olson, has been operational as one of the best firms for commodities prop funding. The firm offers trading on DX Trade and C Trader platforms and partners with Think Markets as its broker. The range of account sizes available with the firm includes $10K to $200K, catering to a wide array of aspiring traders willing to pay a refundable fee ranging between $97 to $997.
The firm's 2-step evaluation procedure features a profit target of 7% for Phase 1 and 5% for Phase 2, with the maximum total drawdown fixed at 8% across all account sizes. This indicates that the firm takes proper risk management seriously. With the firm, traders get an assortment of instruments suitable for varied trading strategies. These include commodities, FX pairs, cryptocurrencies and indices. Leverage options tailored to individual asset classes include 1:100 for the FX Pairs, 1:2 for Cryptos, and 1:20 for Indices and Metals.
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scanandeggs · 1 year
Building a Community and Rapid Testing: Our 3-Day Experiment
Today’s post is a little different since it’s not specific to Thailand. It’s about our experience with a rapid test cycle.
When we decided to stay here and work away from everyone else, we set goals for what we wanted to achieve. We wanted to move forward and improve in major areas that we think are essential for success. One of our clear problems was that we felt we could not build a community. We had developed several cool products and even had successes selling them, but we always failed to build a passionate community around them. The reason? Some weird and illogical discomfort with posting on social media and fear of failure, I guess. So, what could be the solution? On one hand, we had to figure out the core reason, and on the other hand, we had to step outside of our comfort zone. That’s also one of the many reasons for this blog.
At the same time, we also wanted to test if we could create a cool 3D asset and sell it immediately. Since our assumption was that we were bad at finding the right target audience, we needed something very niche.
Day 1 and Day 2
We created a crushable beer can that looks cool but is definitely not something many people need. It was perfect to test if we could find the right people. We posted a video in one of the main professional Reddit groups in our industry, and the reaction was astonishing. Within the first 24 hours, approximately 200K people saw our video, and we had 200+ upvotes. If we could reach so many people with a video we created in one day, it’s time to build our community. So, we decided to build a Discord group for fellow 3D developers. It’s a huge community filled with amazing people who we always loved to work with. We created a server, implemented a basic bot, and came up with the purpose of the group. It’s a community for Unreal Engine artists who love to play around with cool assets and participate in exciting challenges. There will be a weekly new asset to be used for creating stunning pictures and videos. People have to create something and share it till Sunday, so they can get the next asset. Sounds fun. The first week’s asset will be the beer can we created.
Day 3
As I’m writing this blog post, it’s 10 AM on the third day. We’ve decided to launch the group at 11 AM, so things are getting more exciting now. We have a small 3D animation tool we created for ourselves a couple of months ago and decided to share it to make people join our new server.
The way I see it, there are three potential outcomes of this rapid test.
Nobody joins. If nobody joins the server, we will have to sit down and brainstorm new ways of connecting with a community.
Many people join. That would be amazing, of course. We can keep growing the community and move on to experiment with the other things we want to test while we are here.
Few people join. From a motivational perspective, that’s the worst scenario. If that happens, we will keep working very hard to make those few people satisfied, but we wouldn’t feel rewarded for our work.
Anyhow, whatever happens, we’re excited to see the outcome. I’ll let you know tonight!
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nyxocity · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
Thanks to @redmyeyes for the tag!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
82, although that's not even close to my actual total. There's a bunch on LJ that have never been transferred (all shorter works)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,780,805 (over 2mil on LJ)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Mostly three, plus a couple dips into a few other pools. X-Men Comic Book fandom, Buffy & Angel fandom (they kinda count as one since it's the same universe), and Supernatural & SPN RPF. Dips have included Dragon Age, Firefly, a tiny bit of TVD, a Sons of Anarchy crossover.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is tough if I go by numbering. Homework Verse has the most kudos scattered across all parts, but Stranger Than Fiction has the most as a single story. Anyway...
Homework Verse (J2 RPF, 200k+ words) - My very first RPF fic, Supernatural or otherwise. Two of my online fandom friends basically TOLD me I was going to write Teacher/Student J2, and I kept protesting that I drew the line at RPF. They didn't care. 200k later, here we are. This story was a game changer for me; it made me fandom famous. I still love those boys with my whole heart, and they still talk to me sometimes.
Stranger Than Fiction (Sam/Dean, 50644 words) - This story idea took root immediately following the episode The Monster at the End of This Book. I quit the Big Bang I'd already begun writing for that year (which was Who Watches Over Me, which I finished and posted for BB the following year) to write this story. It just took hold hold of me and took over. I wrote it in 6 weeks and it was easily the most fun I ever had writing anything--I cackled like a madwoman most of the time.
Who Watches Over Me (J2 RPF, 96591 words) - This story was, at the time, the toughest thing I'd ever written. Little did I know that would become the norm and not the exception, as I began to write more complex stories. It was by far the longest story I had ever posted all at once in its entirety (rather than chapter by chapter) and I had no idea if people would like it. Fortunately a lot of people did.
Like Staring Into the Sun (Sam/Dean, 23243 words) - Ah, my very first hardcore Wincest fic. I remember writing the first chapter of the story (meant to be a one shot honestly), and just sitting there, at 5am, being terrified to post it. It was twisted, dark and intense and SO porny I was scared people might think I was weird. There wasn't anything like it out there at the time. As it turns out, people loved it so much I ended up writing eight more parts.
Like a Fish Out of Water (Sam/Dean, 59498 words) - I have a lot of love for this story. It didn't come to me easily, but it was fun to write. I remember smiling a lot and just having a nice, warm cozy feeling the whole time. I had no idea if anyone was interested in reading this many words of what amounted to a dramedy curtain fic
Of course there are other stories that I feel deserve love, but I can't argue with these.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do. And by that, I mean I try. I don't always succeed in answering them all, but I answer as many as I have time and energy for. Life is busy and there is writing to do as well. I read every comment I get (multiple times) and I feel guilty for all the ones I don't answer, because they mean SO MUCH TO ME. Like you took time to leave this beautiful, well thought out comment, or even a keysmash, or a heart, in response to something I wrote. That means the world.
I WISH there was a reaction function for comments on Ao3, so I could heart things, or laugh in response. Replying with emojis without words feels weird. So yeah, a reaction function would be amazing. But in the meantime, I do my best.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. Probably A Touch of Evil. Interestingly, it's also a HAPPY ending, so there you go lol. It's a serial killer love story with a happy ending that comes at an exorbitant price.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not sure why the OG post skips from 6 to 8 lol . So, yes, I have written a few minors crossovers. Mostly Faith in the SPN verse with the boys, nothing too crazy, because she fits right in. But for long stories, I have written all of ONE crossover. It's Dean Winchester/Jax Teller (SPN / Sons of Anarchy). My crossovers so far have tended to make sense to crossover, so I don't think any of them are crazy.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. I got some hate on a Buffy/Xander fic back in the day. I got really excited and had fun with it. Like yeah, now I'm SOMEBODY! You're no one til someone hates you lol Most of that was people who were haters of the ship, or were like, gross, they're like brother and sister (they weren't, they were FRIENDS). I've gotten nasty comments here and there on some of my SPN fic. My favorite was the person who accused me of having a "Top Dean Agenda". I STILL laugh about that one. I don't respond to that crap.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Have you MET ME? LOL If I ever post a story without smut just put me out to pasture, because I'm done. And all kinds. Het, Gay, PWP, Plotty porn, mostly super kinky but some vanilla (but intense). I used to challenge myself regularly to see if I could up my kink game--like hmm, but could I write THIS? I haven't written really kinky sex in a long time, though. Might be time to do that.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Several times. Who Watches Over me was stolen by someone and converted to One Direction Lourry fic. Literally just did a name change. Someone else stole a bunch of my one shots and passed them off as their own. I know there were a couple other instances but I only vaguely remember. I never got too deep into it, most of the time the people who discovered the theft already told everyone else too, and the plagiarist had been hammered by them so hard that I didn't have to step in before they took it down.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I used to get requests so often that I just posted my usual response in my profile for people to read instead of replying. Definitely into Russian and Chinese for most of the stories listed with most kudos above.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A few times on one shot fics. SO MUCH FUN. I love co-writing with people.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Sam/Dean. Easily. Hands down. I just love their unique relationship, bond and love so much.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Well I finally finished A Touch of Evil after posting 3 chapters in 2009 and never touching it again until 2017. And I never thought I'd finish that. So never say never, I say. That said, there's the third and final part of my X-Men comic book epic that remains unfinished by about five (shorter) chapters, and it HAUNTS ME. But I don't think I'll ever finish it.
16) What are your writing strengths?
NOW we get to the hard questions. I'm really good at dialogue, bouncing banter back and forth between characters, and I have a sense for how long a scene should be. I just KNOW when it's going on too long, even if there's more that needs to be said, and I try to tighten it up in that case.
A friend of mine once told me "Porn is my gift". I don't write as much of it as I used to, but yeah, I shine in that area.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
So I always reach a point after writing so many words in an unpublished fic where I'm like, I have no idea if this is even any good/makes sense/hangs together etc. Beyond that, I've been writing for so long that I've had so much practice that I've strengthened a lot of my weaknesses. I'm sure I still have some, but I don't FEEL them like I used to anymore. That said, there are things I simply will not write. Like historical pieces. Because I would research the fuck out of every detail trying to get it perfect and then I would still doubt myself completely.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I mostly try to avoid it, because there's no way I would ever get the language correct. I usually write it in English and then explain that they're saying it in another language. Like, "What are you doing?" the man asks, speaking in Chinese. Then reiterate in the continuing dialogue in various ways that they're speaking in Chinese.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
X-Men Comic Book fandom. I was reading a lot of Remy/Rogue fic back in 1996-1997, and one day I was like, you know what? This person did a pretty good job on this story. It's not great, but it's pretty good, and if they can have the guts to put it out there, then I can do it, too.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is a tough question. I don't love all my children equally, but I love them all a lot in different ways lol
Remembering favorite is different than which one I think is BEST... Homework Verse is probably my favorite. I was learning so much about writing then, I was really growing, and discovering, and pushing my limits. Those characters lived and breathed in me, I swear they spoke through me from some alternate universe. They feel so REAL to me. There's so much of what I've learned in life in that story, like really, big, life changing ideas and understandings that happened to me that I put into that story. There's so much of me in that story, and yet there's so much of THEM, too. It's their story, but it's also mine. It's raw and not entirely perfect and it feels like home to me.
So that's it, that's my piece. I feel like EVERYONE has been tagged since it took me 3 days to have time to do this, but I'm basically tagging any of you writers out there who haven't done this yet!
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steamlore · 3 years
HighFleet - Shipbuilding Guide
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Learn how to build ships that have better performance and higher cost-efficiency than built-ins!
HighFleet Shipbuilding
(Initially created August 5th 2021 for game version 1.1)Building effective ships in Highfleet can be extremely frustrating to new players; but is a very rewarding task. Player ships can significantly out-class built-ins in terms of cost-performance and efficiency. This guide is oriented towards players who are not cheating or have not racked up a giant score for new game mode. While the guide can help players who don’t care about fuel expense or cost efficiency, these items are an important consideration in the guide.
Ship Editor Basics:
Hopefully someday Konstantine will explain this ingame... I've had to tell dozens of players how to place multiple parts without going back to the parts menu every step... -You can hold shift whilst placing parts (left click) to retain that piece on your cursor, so that you can place another immediately. -You can create a disconnected segment of a ship, band-box select it, then right click lift the entire piece. You can place/rotate the entire piece… including shift-placement for very fast construction.
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Fig.2 Incidentally, I discovered a placement bug with the antenna... -If your editor seems to have locked up, drag select your main hull (the piece of ship containing the Bridge) and right click to attach to your cursor. Place it somewhere empty and your game should be responsive again. This is assuming you are building a sane ship under 200k of cost, ofc...
Highfleet Ship Design Theory
Hybrids suck. Do not build hybrids. Some may find this controversial, but this seems really obvious, and quite a few other players agree with me on this. TacticalShips (that are designed to duke it out in ship vs ship combat) and Strategic/Support/Auxiliary ships should be built very differently.(Other than AAW pickets, but they are a special case and the angles your opponents will start from in Air Defense Mode are far more limited than in Ship vs Ship) Reasoning? -In ship vs ship combat, you get to pick which ships on your team get to appear. Thus, unless you screw up badly, there is no reason for your tanker, missile carrier or sensor ship to ever have to get shot at by cannons. -Tactical ships want to minimize cross-section, to minimize probability of getting hit and mass required for a given armor thickness. Lots of fuel tanks *greatly* increases cross section, mass, and engine count required to achieve a given design speed, making them inferior in combat. -(Good) Tactical ships should use mostly gimballed engines to have maneuverability in combat. This means they are less fuel efficient for a given mass of ship and design speed. -Electronics (Search Radar, ELINT, FCS Radar, IRST, and Jammer) do not function behind armor. They have reduced function through structure too, so don’t get too fancy with structural cages. -Support ships want to use as many static engines as possible, to maximize their fuel efficiency (as well as cruise speed for a given budget). It is my experience that a fleet of optimized tactical ships and optimized support craft is both deadlier/more durable in combat and more fuel efficient than a fleet of hybrids.
Fundamentals of Tactical Ship Design
Ships need to consider how they will fight, what class of targets they will be optimized against, and how they will protect themselves. Players must also consider their own limitations; saying “speed is overpowered and the best defense” might be true, but most players are not 11 Honor Lightning Pilots and therefore should probably not try to fight cruiser fleets in an ultralight. Similarly, if your aim is bad, pick weapon systems with faster reloading speeds and larger magazine sizes, and maybe pack more missiles.Thrusters should be placed towards the extremities of a tactical ship, for example, the corners on a boxy design. Thrusters high up above the center of mass of a ship generally improves stability, placing them below center of mass decreases stability. Increased stability makes landing easier, while decreased stability allows for doing backflips and other tricks while dodging. As stated earlier, tactical ships want to be as compact as possible for a given amount of capability (generally measured by speed/weapons/defense), this makes you harder to hit and easier/cheaper to protect with passive defenses. Unless you are the greatest pilot of all time, you will find yourself getting hit eventually. Losing your bridge = dead ship; losing the ammo usually results in an explosion that (depending on amount of ammo and size of ship) may instantly kill it, and having fuel tanks get hit may cause fires. Obviously getting hit in power, engines or weapons is bad and will lead to a decrease in the ability of your ship to fight, but they are less instantly fatal than an ammo explosion. Therefore, you want to protect your ammo and bridge as much as possible, then fuel and generators. Generators and crew compartments also have more hitpoints than fuel or ammo, which makes them a decent way to protect your explodey bits. While losing the bridge is an instant kill on that ship, it’s fairly durable and less prone to sudden death than ammo. Thus on small ships you protect the ammo even more than the bridge; i.e. hide ammo from expected direction of fire behind the bridge. For ships with relatively few and light weapons, it is possible to spread out your ammo so that some of it exploding does not cause a chain reaction. For ships with lots of heavy weapons, that becomes impractical and the ideal is to centralize your ammunition and bury it as deep as possible behind other components.
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Fig2b, examples of what -not- to do. TLDR cram components as close to each other as possible, make ship smol as possible for same number of stuff. Put thrusters near the edges/corners for better turning. Put critical components behind less important parts to die as slowly as possible, the order of importance is Ammo & Bridge > Fuel > Generators > Everything else
Basic Design Challenge
Alright, put the above information into practice. Go build a simple ship with following (additional, make sure you incorporate the lessons learned so far) specifications: - Cheap as possible - 4x AK-100 - Solid top armor - Line of 2x1 Reinforced structure on each side - Thrust-Weight Ratio at least 3 - 2 static thrusters - No fuel tanks or ammo directly exposed - Range at least 750km You should have something that looks like this:
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Fig.3 Ugly, and poorly optimized, but that can be fixed! This is a cheap and basic frigate sized bottom-fighter, one of the more powerful archetypes in Highfleet. Even with this crappy hull you can probably (with decent aiming/dodging) clear Difficulty 3/Small Tester with negligible internal damage… But your ship is nowhere near it’s potential. Heck, it can’t even land! How to improve this? Well, get ready to read alot of words and stare at lots of pictures… First we’ll overview the parts that go into tactical ships before we swing around to advanced design methods…
There is no such thing as best weapon, only best weapon for a given situation for a given player. Thus players will have to decide what weapons to fit to what design. n 2A37 AK-725 AK-100 D-80 MK-1 MK-2 MK-6 A-220 Cal 37mm 57mm 100mm 130mm 180mm 180mm 180mm 220mmR Mag 50 14 4 4 1 2 6 6 RoF (burst length) 2000 (1.51) 350 (2.4) 400 (0.6) 240 (1) N/A 180 (0.66) 180 (2) 120 (3) Reload (per second) 20 (2.5) 10 (1.4) 7 (0.57) 10 (0.4) 6 (0.16) 10 (0.2) 7 (0.85) 20 (0.3) Turret Speed Normal Normal Normal Normal Slow Slow Very Slow Normal $$$ 3000 1500 2000 4000 4000 6000 24000 4000 Size 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 Ammo Req 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 4 Power Req 0.7 0.7 1 1 1.8 2.4 6 3 Crew Req 6 6 6 6 12 24 50 5 In terms of damage per shot (and anti-armor performance when using non-AP munitions), the weapons efficiency is: 37mm *Rocket launchers are very effective when they connect, but their rocket rounds start out slow, then accelerate, requiring a different lead reflex compared to firing guns. Their rockets are also easier to shoot down/dodge than cannon shells. 2A37 With good aim, the CIWS can be extremely potent against lightly protected opponents with it’s 2000 RPM and 50 round magazine. However, it takes 20 (!) seconds to reload it’s magazine, meaning once the readied rounds are depleted, holding down the trigger only fires 2.5 shots per second! Therefore if your aim is bad, it is recommended you open fire only when you have maneuvered into point blank range. (The 2A37 also my recommended weapon of choice for Air Defense ships and a good secondary battery for larger tactical ships to shoot down incoming shells and missiles) Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary AK-725 Commonly regarded as a mediocre weapon, the 57mm lacks the stopping power of 100mm+ weapons, or the ability of the 37mm to saturate the local airspace. However, it is the cheapest gun mount, and actually fairly strong in large numbers (8+) due to it’s large magazine size (14) and great reload rate (10 seconds, or 1.4 rounds per second), extremely friendly for gunners without a disciplined trigger finger. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary AK-100 On paper, the AK-100 is inferior to the D-80; both have the same magazine size and logistical footprint but the other is higher caliber and does more damage, right? Yet the AK-100 is a fan favorite, while the D-80 is not. For one, the AK-100 fills it’s 4 round magazine in 7 seconds, while the D-80 needs 10. Next, AK-100 has a fire rate of of 400 RPM compared to the D-80’s 240, meaning a shot-cluster from the AK-100 is almost twice as tight as that from the D-80. Faster magazine filling speed and higher ROF also make it decent in point defense, when using Proximity shells. And of course, it is half the price of the D-80… Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing D-80 For all the advantages of the AK-100, the D-80 offers non-trivially more burst damage up front and better anti-armor performance, as well as a larger proximity shell that has a bigger splash area. If you are a very good marksman and can reliably hit a ship zooming around while flying fast yourself, the D-80 will simply kill the opponent faster on the same logistical footprint. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing, Laser Guided MK-1 The first thing you’ll notice when using Big Guns is the reduced turret speed. It just rotates slower than other weapons, making it worse at high speed close range combat. It also requires more power and crew than the standard guns. Unpopular with most players due to it’s single-shot nature. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing, Laser Guided MK-2 Quite potent against enemy cruisers with Armor Piercing Ammunition, the MK-2 does cost the same amount as 3 AK-100s and uses more than twice the crew of 3 AK-100s, and uses almost the same power as 3 AK-100s… While there are arguments for not mounting the weight of 3x AK100, the 180mm guns are simply less flexible when not fighting heavy ships. There is some debate whether players should use 4x MK2 or 1x MK6… it depends on your aiming skills. If you are very confident of your marksmanship then 4x MK2 can be superior. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing, Laser Guided MK-6 At the cost of a decent frigate before you even factor in logistical footprint, the MK-6 has a higher cost than it’s paper stats show; 8x Ammo requires another 4MW in power and 40 crew to operate… and those crew quarters require power too… and the power generators require more crew. Altogether a MK-6 costs about 30,000 Gold and adds over 2000 tons of mass to a ship. This is before you consider how many more engines (and fuel and crew and power and armor to protect the huge volume!) it takes to keep the same design speed with that extra mass! To top it off, the MK-6 has the same rotational speed issues as the MK-1 and 2, but worse. Opening fire also causes white flashes and shakes to appear on your screen, making aiming more difficult. That being said, with good aim and proper ammunition selection you can obliterate an enemy cruiser in a few salvos. Extremely destructive armament, suitable for use on capital ships to fight other capital ships. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing, Laser Guided A-220 The only ship-based rocket launcher in game, the A-220 offers excellent burst firepower on a relatively low logistical footprint. However, due to difficulty of leading targets, increased ease of dodging and vulnerability of your attack to point-defense, it’s fairly unpopular with players. Ammo Types: I don’t actually know all the ammo types you can fit to Rocket Launchers. TLDR: Big guns only cost efficient vs big ships (unless you are Simo Hayha II). AK-100 generally adequate vs everything and can change ammo to be better at whatever it’s facing. Use A-220 if you are a hipster.
Landing Gear Design & Propulsion Selection
Landing Gear
Landing gear (“Legs”) require at least 2 parts for good articulation. They don’t have names as of 1.1, so I will arbitrarily label them:
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Fig.4a Types A, B, C, D from left to right n Type A Type B Type C Type D $$$ 400 200 100 50 Power Req 0.4 MW 0.2 MW 0.1 MW 0.07 MW (*) Mass 238t 80t 18t 3t *Estimate When piloting a very light ship (say, under 750t) and with good control, you can just use skids to land. But generally most ships should use landing gear, tactical ships to gain an edge in repair speed, strategic missile/aircraft carriers for faster reloading of expended missiles/replacement of destroyed aircraft. I even put legs on my tankers and spyships; ships without the ability to land just don’t make sense in this world. However, especially on smaller ships, you want the lightest possible legs to avoid excessive thrust/power wastage. For brevity’s sake I’ll just show the types of legs I find appropriate for a given tonnage of ship, though if you are very gentle (zero horizontal motion, less than 9km/h touchdown) with landing you can make do with legs that aren’t quite up to par to save mass/power.
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Fig.4b Ultralight
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Fig.4c “Corvette Legs” 1x Type C + 1x Type D, suitable for ships up to ~2000t mass
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Fig.4d “Frigate Legs” 2x Type C, suitable for ships up to ~4000t mass
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Fig.4e 1x Type B + 1x Type C, suitable for ships up to 8000t
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Fig.4f 2x Type B, suitable for ships up to 12000t
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Fig.4g 1x Type A + Type B, suitable for ships up to 16000t
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Fig.4h 2x Type A, suitable for ships up to 20000t For ships that are heavier you can use more than 1 pair of legs to compensate, or just land *very* gently.
The RD series are significantly more fuel efficient but require Large Hull sections. Due to their sheer mass of Large Hull sections it becomes inefficient to build small ships with RD series engines, and very expensive to build fast ships (even if large) with them. Faster, smaller ships will use D-30, NK-25 and D-30S engines for propulsion. Larger, slower ships should use the RD-59 and RD-51. As stated before, tactical ships will want to use mostly gimballed engines and support ships should use mostly static engines. While it is possible to propel a large ship with small engines, the large ship will have extreme fuel consumption for its mass and design speed, not recommended when fuel is one of your biggest expenses in the campaign. TLDR: Use small engines for small ships, strongly consider switching to big engines around 6000t of ship.
Reinforced Hull Reinforced hull has the same hitpoint total as an armor block, but at one-fifth of the weight. It’s not perfect, though, because it doesn’t have the damage resistance of armor; you can see this when interlaced armor/reinforced structure triangles get hit by a missile; the structure triangles go deep red or die immediately, whilst the armor triangles (that didn’t fall off from the missing structure) go pink/light red.They Read the full article
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fullmoon-sketch · 2 years
January recap - Trying new thing(s)
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January became month of new things. I have tried new activities that I’ve never tried before. Some worked, some ruined. Hahaha
1. Running I am proud of my running journey and achievement so far. 100 km January running challenge is achieved!! I really really enjoy its ups and down and I think I’ll consider running as new habit that I will keep doing it. But, at the end of the challenge I felt uncomfortable with my right foot then it become worse after I tried to run more. Even after take a break for a week there is no sign of recovery. Fix I got ankle injury. Hope some advice like exercise, leg training and ankle compression bandage will be helpful. Wish me luck :)
2. Drawing The idea came when I accidentally found water color pencil in the box that my friend gave me about 10 years ago when I was in college. Last month when I told 1 of my housemate that I wanna try painting, she opened a box from her cabinet and gave pages of watercolor paper. She said “use it mbak, I give you as compensation of my guilty feeling because of my laziness”. And she bought such a high quality watercolor paper (around 200k IDR). This month, I only created few picture. To be exact, 1 final picture (as on pict above) and some trial of painting technic that only brush here and there. But I have bunches of water color videos in YouTube and Pinterest folder. So instead of drawing, this month my drawing level was collecting painting ideas. A lot. Hahaha
3. Gardening As on the pict, I felt overclaim when put gardening here. Since I live in a rent room and the only possible thing if I wanna grow plant is indoor plant, I chose cactus. The other consideration was the seller told me cactus only need water once in a week (sound simple).  Since it’s my 1st trial, I bought one tiny 15k cactus. And voila, it’s failed. Hahaha. The white round shape at the top of cactus (is it flower?) was broke and its plant seems shrunk. Should I try again?!
5. Learning Spain The progress is superb slow, lack of Spanish exposure, the pronunciation is tricky, inconsistent learning (sounds full of excuse, huh). Not sure will continue. Haha
6. Reading Atomic Habit is kinda key of my success on creating running habit until I can achieve my 100km. Reading while implementing its content at the same time is the most effective way. This book gave the detail explanation about habit mindset and practical step to create habit (or leave bad habit) in a simple and applicable way.  Man searching for Meaning is a book written by a Jewish psychiatrist who write about his experiences as a prisoner in Auschwitz, a big Nazi camp concentration. He not only told us how he can survive but also his observation of prisoners to face the lowest point of his life.
Overall, thanks January!!
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unit-zero-two · 4 years
Best part of rolling Abby was getting to do her interlude. Lots of interesting stuff in there. Was very much an epilogue to Salem. That said, the most interesting part was all the side characters it featured and how they interact and relate with Abby. The interlude opened with Sheba and David doing business negotiations while Abby watches. Things don't go well though, and it becomes quickly obvious that the pair don't get along well.
Commentary below the cut (lots to say with lots of pictures)
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I love Sheba and her expressions so much. She keeps up a good façade, but David is skilled at getting under her skin, and we get to see different sides of her in this interlude. Before things get ugly, Geronimo steps in, and he features prominently in this interlude.
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Negotiations broken down, David heads off. He’s nonchalant like usual, but also not willing to budge. We really need more of him. I think the majority of his character stuff is in the Sanzang event (limited) and his interlude. Sheba has something to tell you, but two others arrive with news.
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Turns out Abby and Gilles gets along, and he's polite and kind to her. And she’s the same back. Foreigner Gilles when, DW? Abby leaves as Giles warns you that he saw danger coming from the stars. Sheba reveals that she had a vision of the same.
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They both warn you and start to prepare for a coming disaster. It’s an interesting addition to their power sets as Casters, their different types of Clairvoyance or knowledge of danger.
Part 1 has no combat. There's four parts and only 2 and 3 have combat, very much like Salem did. This interlude is much more interested in telling a story and developing characters and lore than it is in challenging the players. Although there is a 200k health Foreigner boss in one part. She was easy enough to beat though.
We also learn that Chaldea Abby and Salem Abby are two distinct existences. Salem Abby is traveling through the stars and Chaldea Abby is just her having gone through the regular Witch Trials, not the EoR stuff. But Salem Abby visits, possessing her other self and invading your dreams. Luckily, the Master Protection Squad were on duty to help us.
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Nezha and Geronimo take a front and center role. It's an interesting expansion on their abilities, especially in pertaining to dreams. And their view points on dealing with “threats”. Nezha loves Abby, but they also clearly understand how dangerous Abby is, and don’t want to see her fall to darkness. Geronimo as shown here and in his interlude is good with kids, but he’s also not one to go easy if there’s danger. Once again, I wish Geronimo has been in Salem (probably in place of Robin).
Beating Abby, we then talk her down and have a cute heart to heart. She apologizes for everything she did, and tried to do, in the interlude.
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Lavinia, Carter, and Sanson also make appearances as spirits and talk about Abby from the wings. Salem Abby foreshadows that she knows the LB Prologue is going to happen soon as well. All in all, a nice conclusion to the Salem chapter hidden in a limited Servant's interlude. Mixed feelings on that, but glad that I got to play through it.
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savrenim · 4 years
I love you and I love IFMLAM but,,, I also don't have the mental capacity to try and remember what has happened previously and/or re-read 200k right now. Is it quite alright if I ask you for a summary of the previous rounds?
Yeah totally! Under the cut:
Round 1: event-wise, basically the same as the musical. a quiet take on “if Aaron Burr was the Seer, absolutely nothing happens differently, and also oof the dramatic irony of musicals kind of having fourth-wall breaking is replaced in the written medium by Burr knowing what’s going to happen and not really believing it, and then slowly believing it more and more until he can’t stop it from happening.” Burr ends up saying “if I could pay in my own blood, I would do so seven times over, I would–” in a moment of incredible guilt as Alexander is dying, and, uh, who really knows how Seers work (I do, I know how Seers work) but for some reason it looks like time is repeating and, uh, here we go.
Round 2: plagued by guilt, Aaron tries to make Everything Go Right. This…. kind of works. He ends up confessing to Alexander exactly what is going on the first winter of the Revolutionary War, and getting together with Alexander. The War goes better than great–it will, in fact, end several years early–but Alexander is no longer quite Washington’s favorite and is sent away for Winter’s Ball. Aaron attempts to befriend Eliza so he can introduce her and Alexander, but is frustrated to find that Eliza is not interested in Alexander, Alexander is not interested in Eliza, and the fact that he’s been paying attention to Eliza means that everyone now expects him to marry Eliza. Begrudgingly, he does, although he intends to absolutely give Eliza the best possible life once he has committed as he also feels very guilty about how he left her a widow with no monetary assistance.
Come the Constitutional Convention, with encouragement from Alexander in the years leading up, Aaron decides to attempt to get slavery banned from country in the Constitution. He just barely manages to succeed, and in the process forms an unlikely alliance with James Madison. Alexander never makes it to the Constitutional Convention, but still is Secretary of Treasury. Things actually go pretty much identically to Round 1, except Aaron is sent to England to ward off the War of 1812 and comes back and finds Alexander has submitted his name and gotten him successfully elected Vice President while he wasn’t even there. This makes him very upset, and strains his friendship with James, who thinks Alexander is using him. The next election, Alexander insists on running Aaron for President with now himself as Vice President, and James Madison (with Jefferson in tow) decide to step in and stop Alexander as the threat he seems to be what with controlling Burr via Dramatic Blackmail They Have. Aaron assumes this blackmail is about his and Alexander’s relationship during the war. It is revealed that the blackmail is actually over the fact that Alexander has been sleeping with Eliza since pretty much day 1, and is still the father of his children.
Aaron decides that the only way to proceed forward is to not break with Alexander and not even bother to deny the rumors, because at this point the rumors going around about everyone are ridiculous and he figures if they don’t react, they’ll coast it out. He’s right. Unfortunately, Alexander can’t bring himself not to care when James Callender publishes claims that Alexander’s mother was a whore, and challenges Callender to a duel, gets shot, and dies. About two years later, Philip also decides to get in a duel about his own legitimacy, gets shot, and dies. Aaron completely shuts down and Eliza decides to try to send him on a ship to South Carolina where John Laurens, who survived the war just fine, is now Governor. The ship is lost at sea. (You know, the exact way his daughter Theodosia died.)
Round 3: Aaron decides that his problems came from the fact that everyone knew he was the Seer, so he decides to just not tell anyone. He also decides that the one person who didn’t betray him or really try to use him was James. He befriends James at Princeton. During the war, rather than risk himself, he decides to go to France to work with Benjamin Franklin to try to figure out what actually makes Seers tick so that he can maybe write out the science of what’s happening to him. The war ends, Aaron comes back to the States, and Franklin tries to pressure him a bit too hard to reveal himself and speak against slavery at the Constitutional Convention, and he decides to flee again back to France, because there are more historical resources there on Joan of Arc he can study. Unfortunately, in France there is Thomas Jefferson who has figured out that Aaron is the Seer because of some old notes of Franklin’s and good gut instincts, and uses it to blackmail him (as not revealing that he was Seer during the war is treason) and have him seized and placed under house arrest. He returns to the States when Jefferson returns, and decides to continue feeding Jefferson information about the future and all-around cooperating because of the good chance that if Jefferson figures out Madison knew, Madison would also be complicit in this treason.
This lasts until the Election of 1800, when Aaron is distracted by James being sick and doesn’t step down and declare Jefferson winner quickly enough, cue Jefferson deciding that Aaron has crossed the line for the last time and needs to die. He ends up running and is put just as he was historically on trial for treason for a ridiculously large number of things, all trumped up charges. As it becomes increasingly obvious that Jefferson rigged the House of Representatives to vote against him, he decides to dramatically drink poison on the stand instead of letting the US government and perhaps entire nation fall apart at the caliber of scandal that the very third president might already manipulate things to such an authoritarian state. 
(There is eventually still an impeachment trial along with half of Congress resigning as James and Alexander use Aaron’s written visions and testimonies to bring Jefferson down because they decide screw him, and they manage to succeed without destroying the country, although barely.)
Aaron doesn’t know any of this, he decides to start Round 4 having learned the lessons: okay fucking admit to being the Seer early on so no one can blackmail you with it (goes good), find and befriend James Madison again! (goes entirely off the walls), and now he’s back and ready to rumble and honestly doesn’t really know what he’s doing except that he’s maybe tired of letting people walk all over him.
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shinneth · 4 years
subject to future deletion
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Normally I wouldn’t resort to that and I might end up being too lazy to do it anyway, but between getting sick again, dealing with some very intense verbal abuse every day irl, and the monthly burdens of the gender, I’m really not in a good place right now and I need to vent something. 
It’s officially gotten bad enough to interfere with my ability to write, even though I’m at a point in my current story that I’ve been very eager to reach... and every step of the way I’m struggling to write it and I hate what I currently have and it’s taking everything in my current power to not just scrap it entirely. 
Basically, I think I’m failing as a writer.
The irl stuff is actually not what I’m gonna get into because it’s really nothing new and it’ll probably resolve itself, but the side-effect of suffering that kind of negativity is that it enhances lingering negative feelings you’ve had about other things.
Namely, things you do to get away from the pains of the real world. The things you do to have fun and get some enjoyment out of life, no matter how challenging it is to be in this thing because it’s so wrongfully derided and demonized by the majority of your peers.
I try to keep telling myself it’s just because I’m still relatively very new to the fandom compared to my contemporaries, but as I’m typing this right now and listening to my favorite wrestler Shelton Benjamin in an interview, immediately I see the pit I’m starting to fall into. 
Like, it’s uncanny. This is what he said as I started on the above paragraph:
“If I sit and constantly compare myself to other people’s successes, you would drive yourself crazy. Because no matter what, there’s always someone who’s gonna be more successful.”
“I need to remember where I come from; how far I’ve came.”
Basically, in the very small world of Stevidot (and to a lesser extent, SU’s fandom as a whole), despite my efforts, I feel very much like the Shelton Benjamin in a small, dedicated group of talented Stevidot content creators.
Which is to say, I’m basically a midcarder in the mix with a bunch of top-tier legends. Shelton graduated from the same group as some modern very well-known mainstream stars that I can easily associate with a very well-known and accomplished Stevidot contributor.
Shelton graduated with the likes of John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Dave Batista, and Randy Orton. At least half of those names should be at least vaguely familiar for my followers as most of them have had such great success that they’re known in avenues beyond wrestling (save for Randy Orton, but he’s well past outshined his father as a legendary wrestler who’ll never be forgotten). 
I could easily say Watcher is the John Cena of Stevidot, while Platon’s probably the Brock Lesnar... sinderella0069′s the Batista. But I honestly don’t feel like I’ve done enough (or stood out enough) to even be a Randy Orton for this pairing. I’d at least give that honor to Ig just for being so active with it on Tumblr despite the wave of hatred thrown her way (even though she’s shifted focus onto Stevinel now). 
Again, I keep trying to tell myself that it’s because I’m not even remotely as tenured in the fandom as any of them are. 
Then I see this said in a review on a very recently-made Stevidot story...
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And said reviewer has not once ever left a review on any Stevidot story of mine. Not even a follow or a favorite or a goddamned kudos. Considering I currently have an actively-updated Stevidot story going on (and a two-shot that I just did last month), I highly doubt my stuff was just overlooked.
Now, is it true that Stevidot is hard to come by? Of course it is. But this isn’t the first time I’ve seen a fellow Stevidot fan lament about the lack of Stevidot content while completely disregarding anything I contribute.
I know there’s one that outright doesn’t like my content based on personal taste (nothing to do with Stevidot itself, just how I execute it). There’s another big-name who shows no interest whatsoever in reading what I have to offer - and at this point I feel that’s for the best, because I have a feeling they’d hate my execution as well. 
While I’ve always primarily written for myself, I also felt a great fulfillment for providing content for a niche crowd that really deserves more than what they have. I think Stevidot’s a fantastic pairing with tons of unexplored potential and should be much more readily available than it actually is. Even if I tend to not get many reviews, I keep track of the site traffic every day on my stories and I know for sure that there are people reading my stuff. Since I’m really bad at leaving reviews myself, I go out of my way not to whine about not having very many overall for my series since I’d be a huge-ass hypocrite to do so. 
Statements like the the aforementioned review and statements I’ve seen elsewhere by those who I know are at least aware of me are like stakes through the heart.
Because it can only mean one thing: my content doesn’t count.
I’m honestly not sure which is worse for me; being critically panned for the stuff I’ve put my all into over the past year, or being treated like my stuff doesn’t even exist. 
I prided myself on contributing as much as I did for Stevidot over this past year. Quantity doesn’t = automatic quality, but I’ve got 20+ years of writing experience in, so even someone with a shit self-esteem like myself can’t just say I’m an objectively bad writer, because I’m not. 
But apparently it doesn’t matter that I put in over half a million worlds in the name of Stevidot to a good chunk of the very tiny Stevidot fanbase; according to them, my contributions are irrelevant.
Is it my fault?
One thing I will admit is a detriment to my particular brand of Stevidot is that, save for one story (which happens to be by far my most successful Stevidot story in terms of recognition numbers), the rest of my series follows a continuous narrative that greatly deviates from canon as of Change Your Mind. I’m also notoriously a very verbose kind of writer - I have the tl;dr curse something fierce. 
So all stories I’ve written since my main 3-act series (which ended up being nearly 200k in length on its own) have been direct sequels to that. Because of the heavy deviation from CYM, the environment of the following stories is very different and easy to get lost in if you skipped GA entirely. 
Because there are so many dangling threads and new opportunities to be had after GA ended, I basically committed myself to my AU.
It’s not like anyone else is going to explore these possibilities.
Beyond that, honestly, I just don’t want to rewire my brain back to the canon status quo - not after the shitloads of character development I’ve not only given Steven and Peridot, but nearly everyone at this point has had a moment or two of really intense character growth. 
I like having Peridot co-star with Steven. I like having her become a more competent and active teammate than she’s portrayed in canon (while still giving her comic relief moments). I like that I didn’t redeem the Diamonds and instead had them killed off to force our protagonists to deal with the fallout of the collapse of a mighty empire on a much grander scale than what’s going on in the actual show.
In a way, this AU of mine has helped me cope with the shortcomings of the show itself. I already went on a stupid tirade once about how the sadistic nature of my writing has basically made me no-sell whatever trauma Rebecca Sugar’s throwing on Steven and upsetting everyone else. I’m still fairly certain I’m still outdoing her in that department. 
And because 100% of my passion for creating Stevidot is through this narrative I weaved, I have no desire to leave it. 
So I’ll admit my stories aren’t exactly the most accessible to the average reader who hasn’t been following my work since Day 1. 
Then again... I first got into Sinderella’s series completely ass-backwards at first. I eventually read it in the proper order, and like many of the great Stevidot epics, it’s canon divergent from a much earlier point in the series, so it was very easy to get confused about why certain things happened differently at first... but ultimately, I wasn’t that bothered by it because I just wanted some good Stevidot. I’d figure out the finer details later. 
I really do owe this author more props than I’ve actually given - she’s one out of two readers I know for a fact have been following my series since the beginning without missing a beat. I’ll probably review her newest story sooner or later now that it’s complete. 
Not gonna lie, though... when I saw our numbers side-by-side like this:
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Considering they’re very similar stories (Stevidot smuts that were originally meant to be one-shots), mine is over a month old and hers is only a few days old and there’s already that big of a gap in our numbers? 
It’s hard not to feel like a failure; like I did something horribly wrong to suck this bad by comparison. 
I really should stress that I bear no ill will against Sinderella or any Stevidot author; this isn’t a competition, so this isn’t a matter of popularity. I knew coming into this that I wouldn’t get popular overnight; especially not with such an unpopular ship being the focus of my story. 
But when other Stevidot stories get frequent reviewers that I’ve never seen once acknowledge my stories even passively, I can’t help but feel like I’ve massively fucked up somewhere. That despite all my efforts, I might as well be invisible. When they say “Oh, good thing your story is here! It’s been such a Stevidot drought around here until you came along!” to other authors after I’ve written half a million fucking words in under a year for this ship...
You know, is it unreasonable to feel that I utterly fucking failed in several ways? 
I guess it’s no wonder why I’m struggling to keep writing. I still want to - like I said, I’m at a part I’ve been eager to write for a while now - but ever since I started it, I’ve just hated almost all of what I have so far (almost 8k words). And I’m really having trouble trying to salvage it.
I’m honestly not the type who’d scrap all my progress and start from scratch once I’ve gotten this far in. But maybe I’ll have to make an exception this time, because I think I finally made the mistake of trying to write while being mentally and emotionally distraught.
I thought I’d calm down once I wrote all this out, but honestly, I’m not really feeling it. Now I’m wondering if I should have just reached out to someone instead of making this, because now I’ll come off as a whiner with my pansy-ass first-world problems. 
But then again, I’d be an asshole to subject anyone to my idiotic woes. 
Maybe this’ll pass. I��m hoping it’ll pass. I really, really really really don’t want to lose my drive to write again. I was used to it coming and going in short and random spurts for almost all my life - then it finally came to me and stayed with me just a little under a year ago, and I’ve been desperate not to let it go because I’ve been more productive now than I’ve ever been in my 20+ tenure as a writer. 
I don’t want this to go away. There’s still so much more I want to tell. 
But then my logic goes... if you tell the story and no one’s there to hear it, is it ever really told?
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darkling-er · 6 years
youtuber au for far cry 5 & ocs, because crack
Joseph Seed:
he would probably have a religious vlog every day, where he reads comments and gives advices
he often does live streams
he calls his subscribers, “my fam”
he ends every video with: “I am your Father and you are my children, and together we will march to Eden’s Gate”
in which Eden’s Gate is a vidcon
he has about 100K followers
Jacob Seed:
he has bad video quality, he makes videos with his phone and it’s always vertical
he makes either 1 minute videos or videos that are 1 hour long
he makes tips about survival, how to make fire, how to make a bow, etc
and he doesn’t reply to any comments, only if it’s an ask, in which the person doesn’t understand his tips, which he replies with: “If you can’t follow my steps, then you’re an idiot”
he has 100 followers max
Faith Seed:
her videos are professional, she has a perfect set up, she’s always happy and cheerful
she calls her subscribers her angels and often does Q&A videos
she has a “my addiction...” video in which she’s sad and tells about her difficult past
usually she makes videos with a meaningful message, she talkes about a lot of illnesses, how bullying is wrong, how a person should always love themselves, etc
and probably will do a special video about her make up and dresses if her subscribers ask her
she has about 2 million followers
John Seed:
his content is all kinds of stuff: vlogs, Q&A-s, political rant, cooking videos ( in which he usually fails and gets super angry and smashes stuff ), flexing with his money
he did once a “draw my life video” because people asked for it, since then he has gained a lot of followers and he started drawing other stuff too in his videos, because people asked for it, liked his art
he’s all charismatic and kind with his followers, but he replies to his haters in such a manner that people are kind of scared of him
his quality is great, because he can afford all the expensive, professional cameras, etc
he has merch and likes to promote it a lot
he has about 800K followers
Sharky Boshaw:
his channel is all about pranks, challenges and experimental videos ( usually about fire and burning stuff )
he doesn’t care about subscribers or haters, he does whatever he likes to do for fun
people either hate him and think he’s stupid or really like him
he has about 500K followers
Mayan Thornton:
gaming channel
he either plays old school games or new ones
he likes to do collabs with other gamers
he loves to have fun and doesn’t care about haters, or that ‘he’s too old to have a gaming channel’
he has about 400K followers
Trinity-Hope Johnson:
music channel
she does covers sometimes, for requests, but she mostly posts her own music
her music videos are usually nature footages
she plays the piano, the guitar and sings
she rarely does Q&A videos, because she’s camera shy
she has about 700K followers
Noah Winters:
he only posts short videos about him and Omega, his wolf
one of his videos got viral, it was less than a minute long video, in which he got tackled by his wolf, it was a vine
he has about 200K followers
Malcolm Callum:
he has a youtube channel because he has a website, where he takes requests and sells his craftings
he makes good quality videos
he makes tutorials on how to carve pumpkins
he also posts videos on how he makes his craftings ( wooden figures, decorations, etc )
he has about 100K followers
Atlas Cove:
he owns a cooking channel
he makes tutorials on how to cook and bake
he often makes different cake decorating tutorials
he likes to interact with his subscribers and asks for feedback on how they succeeded with their foods
he tries to answer every comment he gets
he has about 20K followers
Tee Enderby:
he posts videos about skateboarding and tips on how to skate board
he likes to have live streams and Q&A-s
he has about 50K followers
Rhea Jessop:
she has an ASMR channel, her videos are usually an hour long
she likes to do livestreams and Q&A-s
she has about 600K followers
@onl-you I would love to hear about your ocs *-*
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vilanelle-sh · 3 years
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Swift Gloomhoof - Mount - Dreamshrine Basin - Ardenweald
The goal is to loot the Swift Gloomhoof mount from an elite rare called Night Mare located in Dreamshrine Basin in Ardenweald.
To be able to see Night Mare a few steps need to be taken to assemble the Dreamcatcher. Matjz on wowhead has put together an excellent guide on how to assemble the Dreamcatcher. 
Personal Notes:
Part 1: Finding the Broken Soulweb in Thirna Scithe will find you dodging elites for this item. As a demon hunter in the Venthyr covenant I had a huge advantage going into this challenge as the Soulweb is located on the top of a flattened cliff if you will. 
I stood facing where the treasure was shown on the mini map. After trying to approach from the front and trying to find branches others had mentioned I quickly scrapped that idea. 
Facing the trees and to the right I saw an opening in the rocks. There were two elites right underneath it. I used Door of Shadows to get on the ledge above them. Then to the right I used my double jump to climb up the backside of the rocks to make my way to the top of the platform.
When you get to the top you will see a cart and the item you need is underneath the seat on the ground. I thought it was hard to see so it took me a few seconds to locate it. It looks like a small branch.
Part 2: Elder Gwenna needs to repair the Broken Soulweb for you. If you’ve done all your main Ardenweald quest lines she should be where she needs to be to do the repair. If she isn’t located at the supplied coordinates you may need to finish quest lines before you can continue with this. The full guide was provided by Matjz on wowhead.
Part 3: You need Ysera (so glad she made an appearance in this expansion!) to turn your item into the Dreamcatcher. Even if you are not in the Night Fae covenant walk to entrance of the Heart of the Forest. There are two guards standing out front who will allow you to talk to Ysera and she will enchant the Soulweb for you.
Note: Others have mentioned this on wowhead but I too fell victim to talking to Ysera while mounted and thus my item was not enchanted by her. I quickly realized my error and logged out / back in and talked to the guard again and was able to receive the Dreamcatcher successfully.
Note: I would absolutely keep the Dreamcatcher in your bags ever after this encounter. You never know if it’s used for other adventures as we are still uncovering things about the expansion.
Part 4: With your Dreamcatcher you are now able to go to the Dreamshine Basin. The Dreamcatcher will phase shift you for 5 minutes at a time so make sure to keep your Dreamcatcher buff active! You will need to wait for Night Mare to spawn. The first time I did this Night Mare was there immediately but when I realized I needed help we waited another 15-20 minutes to see her again.
The Encounter:
Night Mare is a level 62 elite with 400k health. I would not recommend attempting a solo. At 180 ilevel I can clear 200k solos so I knew I should enlist some help. Luckily I was able to find a hunter and mage who needed Night Mare as well. We had no problem downing the elite together. There is a close range attack that i just flew in and out of but nothing too extreme in my opinion. We all gleefully looted the mount as seen in the screenshot.
0 notes
enrconsultancy · 3 years
How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Mobile Game?
The range of cellular app downloads, in trendy, has soared in current years and in keeping with Statista, the once a year downloads with the aid of 2019 reached 204 billion. 22.37% of those apps are cell games to be had for both iOS and Android.
Some spend money on growing some thing specific, some just clone the popular games, some introduce their personal simplified (or superior) versions of them, and so forth. In this article, we’ll speak approximately the game improvement levels, the reasons for developing some thing specific, and the cost of growing a cell game.
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Where do you start the improvement of a mobile game? First of all, you need to define the motive of your app or cellular recreation. Why do you need to create the app inside the first place? From a business attitude, there are several motives:
You need to increase your customers’ engagement
You need to increase brand focus
You want to boom sales
You’ve were given an concept which you assume may end up very famous. (Test out your idea before you make investments too many budget into it.)
You’re bored and need to create some thing. (Technically, this is a motive as nicely, however this normally works simplest if you’re mastering the way to broaden apps yourself and need to check out your information. Otherwise, your funding without a clear purpose can be useless.)
Once you know why you want the app, you want to create a Game Design Document (GDD). While the phrase “layout” may sound as though this is best about photo layout, it covers plenty greater:
General recreation description element:
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Game putting - wherein does the game take region?
Game tale - what’s your recreation approximately? Is there a tale at the back of it? For instance, Mario’s aim is to save the princess who was abducted through Bowser or King Koopa. Or in Zombies, Run, the tale is which you’re one of the runners who need to bring home numerous artifacts from beyond the safe zones. The game story is an non-compulsory feature, but it allows your gamers to feel a part of some thing larger instead of just killing their time.
Gameplay mechanics (how does the consumer have interaction with the sport) and the description of how points are earned for your app and the way these points help the person (Can they be spent? Can the user set a file?)
Description of numerous degrees and the way ranges differ from every other (if there's multiple level)
Design component:
Wireframes layout to reveal how all app’s monitors are connected to and interact with each different
The list that outlines all artwork property that your recreation or app would possibly want (art, animations, audio, and so on.) and a wellknown style guide of the appearance and experience (you might consist of examples of different apps or art portions that you like for the dressmaker to apprehend what you're searching out.)
Business & Technical component:
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Business version (aka monetization options, inclusive of top class, freemium, ads, in-app purchases, or subscription)
The description of the technology with a purpose to be used for the app advent
The description of all extra systems that the app will be relying on for logging in, analytics, push notifications, commercials, and advertising and marketing, and many others.
Also, on the way to provide an explanation for in reality what you’re waiting for from designers and builders, you want if you want to answer the subsequent questions (or at least to be privy to them, so that you can decide on the first-class path of motion with your sport builders):
What platform are you targeting?
Computer (Windows / Mac / Linux)
Console (PlayStation / XBox / Wii)
How many gamers?
Social participant (e.G. Scrabble, which connects the person with different humans around the arena and that they take turns or Two Dots that display you how you compare against your friends on Facebook)
Update frequency?
Does the game want to be on line all the time?
How regularly will you want your users to replace the game with new content, levels, or stay activities?
What is your app’s language? Does it need to be localized?
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What markets are you making plans to goal? (App markets offer numerous alternatives to post your app in sure countries or international.)
The answers to those questions will layout the foundation for developers and venture managers so one can understand what are your expectations and requirements and, as a result, will be capable of estimate approximate budgets, timelines, and milestones.
In order to test out the layout’s appearance and experience in addition to to peer how the idea will paintings with your capability target audience, the following step is to create a playable prototype of your recreation for centered platforms (as an instance, iOS).
What is included inside the prototype?
The preferred layout of the sport (information may be brought later)
Important mechanics that would assist the person recognize the way to play the game
This step additionally takes a while, but prototypes assist you identify the feasible weaknesses before you spend money on actual game improvement and errors that had been by hook or by crook neglected in the course of the preliminary ranges. For instance, you can see if people can without problems recognize a way to use your recreation, what degrees are too tough to bypass, or how your recreation would paintings given distinctive user behavior.
For any type of venture, structure is one of the most important steps that would permit your app or website to grow and scale. Considering the reality that the app marketplace is ever-converting, choose a modular architecture in preference to a monolithic. This might help you to introduce updates and changes greater without difficulty, making your assignment flexible.
Right structure can help your venture to have streamlined and optimized approaches, which, in turn, will help your cell sport paintings quicker. In the age while all of us wishes almost instantaneous gratification, even a few extra seconds of wait time may hurt your consumer engagement price.
From the technologies’ aspect, architecture is also an important problem due to the fact one of a kind languages and servers interact with each different.
The massive part of prep paintings is done. Now the sport developer wishes to continue to real sport development. The fashion designer prepares all the art work based totally at the topic that became defined inside the GDD, including gameplay, menus, degrees in addition to promotional arts. The developers inside the interim increase the game common sense that is primarily based on the designed art.
The testing segment is not only for seeking out insects or developer mistakes. The number one challenge of QA engineers is to ensure that the sport or the app that became evolved meets the requirements and is understandable to the users.
One of the beneficial resources for trying out is user comments. Sometimes you gained’t even suspect that a person might use your app, which is why you need diverse customers for the trying out section as well as expert QA engineers, who realize numerous approaches of trying out your app (overall performance trying out, unit trying out, load testing, usability trying out, and so on.)
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There are many technologies used for the improvement of cell video games, however the maximum famous are Unity and Unreal Engine.
Unity is the engine we use at HUSPI for plenty of our apps and video games. It is versatile and easily customizable. One of the advantages of Unity is that it's also a pass-platform generation, which lets in you to create apps for numerous systems at the same time, using mutual backend.
What structures are supported?
Windows Phone
Tizen OS (used mostly by means of Samsung)
Fire OS (used by Amazon Kindle capsules)
How tons does it price to use Unity (as of June 12, 2020)?
Free - for non-public use (if sales or funding is less than $100K within the closing 12 months)
$forty/month for Unity Plus version (if revenue or investment is much less than $200K within the closing one year)
$150/month for Unity Pro edition (if revenue or funding is over $200K within the last twelve months)
$200/month for Enterprise edition (if revenue or funding is over $200K inside the last twelve months)
Usually, the fee doesn’t remember if you’re using a improvement organisation since it’s the price blanketed by using the outsourcer (except you would like to own your license.)
What are some video games evolved using Unity?
Pokemon Go
Lara Croft Go
Angry Birds 2
Fortnite created with unreal engine
The advantage of the Unreal Engine is that one does no longer need big programming abilties to create a recreation with its help. However, at the identical time, it is effective enough to create beautiful 3D snap shots that win users’ interest.
What systems are supported?
PC (Windows / Mac / Linux)
Consoles (PlayStation four / Xbox One)
Mobile (iOS / Android)
VR structures
How plenty does it cost to use Unreal Engine (as of June 12, 2020)?
Free - for small initiatives
five% royalty if your lifetime gross revenues from the product exceed $a million USD
What are a few video games developed the use of the Unreal Engine?
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
Borderlands three
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How plenty does all of this technique value from starting to release and sport guide? The most effective honest and definite answer that we will let you know in this newsletter is that it relies upon.
As you have got seen inside the first part of our article, where we've got mentioned the improvement stages, creating a game requires answering a whole lot of questions and setting priorities. Most of the priorities contain allocating price range to that unique a part of the game (as an example, a custom soundtrack or just inventory heritage song).
Game development can start from $1,500 for a simple shooter, for instance, as we've got created for fun at HUSPI when we had been testing out the talents of Unity. What’s the top stage of the charge? It may be over $1,000,000.
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drummcarpentry · 4 years
Behind the SEO: Launching Our New Guide — How to Rank
Posted by Cyrus-Shepard
Seven years ago, we published a post on the Moz Blog titled "How to Rank: 25 Step Master SEO Blueprint."
From an SEO perspective, the post did extremely well.
Over time, the "How to Rank" post accumulated:
400k pageviews
200k organic visits
100s of linking root domains
Despite its success, seven years is a long time in SEO. The chart below shows what often happens when you don't update your content.
Predictably, both rankings and traffic declined significantly. By the summer of 2020, the post was only seeing a few hundred visits per month.
Time to update
We decided to update the content. We did this not only for a ranking/traffic boost, but also because SEO has changed a lot since 2013.
The old post simply didn't cut it anymore.
To regain our lost traffic, we also wanted to leverage Google's freshness signals for ranking content.
Many SEOs mistakenly believe that freshness signals are simply about updating the content itself (or even lazier, putting a new timestamp on it.) In actuality, the freshness signals Google may look actually take many different forms:
Content freshness.
Rate of content change: More frequent changes to the content can indicate more relevant content.
User engagement signals: Declining engagement over time can indicate stale content.
Link freshness: The rate of link growth over time can indicate relevancy.
To be fair, the post had slipped significantly in all of these categories. It hasn't been updated in years, engagement metrics had dropped, and hardly anyone new linked to it anymore.
To put it simply, Google had no good reason to rank the post highly.
This time when publishing, we also decided to launch the post as a stand-alone guide — instead of a blog post — which would be easier to maintain as evergreen content.
Finally, as I wrote in the guide itself, we simply wanted a cool guide to help people rank. One of the biggest questions we get from new folks after they read the Beginner's Guide to SEO is: "What do I read next? How do I actually rank a page?" This is exactly that SEO guide.
Below, we'll discuss the SEO goals that we hope to achieve with the guide (the SEO behind the SEO), but if you haven't check it out yet, here's a link to the new guide:
How to Rank On Google
SEO goals
Rarely do SEO blogs talk about their own SEO goals when publishing content, but we wanted to share some of our strategies for publishing this guide.
1. Keywords
First of all, we wanted to improve on the keywords we already rank for (poorly). These are keywords like:
How to rank
SEO blueprint
SEO step-by-step
Our keyword research process showed that the phrase "SEO checklist" has more search volume and variations that "SEO blueprint", so we decided to go with "checklist" as a keyword.
Finally, when doing a competitor keyword gap analysis, we discovered some choice keywords that our competitors are ranking for with similar posts.
Based on this, we knew we should include the word "Google" in the title and try to rank for terms about "ranking on Google."
2. Featured snippets
Before publishing the guide, our friend Brian Dean (aka Backlinko) owns the featured snippet for "how to rank on Google."
It's a big, beautiful search feature. And highly deserved!
We want it.
There are no guarantees that we'll win this featured snippet (or others), but by applying a few featured snippets best practices—along with ranking on the first page—we may get there.
3. Links
We believe the guide is great content, so we hope it attracts links.
Links are important because while the guide itself may generate search traffic, the links it earns could help with the rankings across our entire site. As Rand Fishkin once famously wrote about the impact of links in SEO, "a rising tide lifts all ships."
Previously, the old post had a few hundred linking root domains pointing at it, including links from high-authority sites like Salesforce.
Obviously, we are now 301 redirecting these links to the new guide.
We'll also update internal links throughout the site, as well as adding links to posts and pages where appropriate.
To help build links in the short-term, we'll continue promoting the guide through social and email channels.
Long-term, we could also do outreach to help build links.
To be honest, we think the best and easiest way to build links naturally is simply to present a great resource that ranks highly, and also that we promote prominently on our site.
Will we succeed?
Time will tell. In 3-6 months we'll do an internal followup, to track our SEO progress and see how we measured up against our goals.
To make things more complicated, SEO is far more competitive than it was 7 years ago, which makes things harder. Additionally, we're transparently publishing our SEO strategy out in the open for our competitors to read, so they may adjust their tactics.
Want to help out? You can help us win this challenge by reading and sharing the guide, and even linking to it if you'd like. We'd very much appreciate it :) To your success in SEO.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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lakelandseo · 4 years
Behind the SEO: Launching Our New Guide — How to Rank
Posted by Cyrus-Shepard
Seven years ago, we published a post on the Moz Blog titled "How to Rank: 25 Step Master SEO Blueprint."
From an SEO perspective, the post did extremely well.
Over time, the "How to Rank" post accumulated:
400k pageviews
200k organic visits
100s of linking root domains
Despite its success, seven years is a long time in SEO. The chart below shows what often happens when you don't update your content.
Predictably, both rankings and traffic declined significantly. By the summer of 2020, the post was only seeing a few hundred visits per month.
Time to update
We decided to update the content. We did this not only for a ranking/traffic boost, but also because SEO has changed a lot since 2013.
The old post simply didn't cut it anymore.
To regain our lost traffic, we also wanted to leverage Google's freshness signals for ranking content.
Many SEOs mistakenly believe that freshness signals are simply about updating the content itself (or even lazier, putting a new timestamp on it.) In actuality, the freshness signals Google may look actually take many different forms:
Content freshness.
Rate of content change: More frequent changes to the content can indicate more relevant content.
User engagement signals: Declining engagement over time can indicate stale content.
Link freshness: The rate of link growth over time can indicate relevancy.
To be fair, the post had slipped significantly in all of these categories. It hasn't been updated in years, engagement metrics had dropped, and hardly anyone new linked to it anymore.
To put it simply, Google had no good reason to rank the post highly.
This time when publishing, we also decided to launch the post as a stand-alone guide — instead of a blog post — which would be easier to maintain as evergreen content.
Finally, as I wrote in the guide itself, we simply wanted a cool guide to help people rank. One of the biggest questions we get from new folks after they read the Beginner's Guide to SEO is: "What do I read next? How do I actually rank a page?" This is exactly that SEO guide.
Below, we'll discuss the SEO goals that we hope to achieve with the guide (the SEO behind the SEO), but if you haven't check it out yet, here's a link to the new guide:
How to Rank On Google
SEO goals
Rarely do SEO blogs talk about their own SEO goals when publishing content, but we wanted to share some of our strategies for publishing this guide.
1. Keywords
First of all, we wanted to improve on the keywords we already rank for (poorly). These are keywords like:
How to rank
SEO blueprint
SEO step-by-step
Our keyword research process showed that the phrase "SEO checklist" has more search volume and variations that "SEO blueprint", so we decided to go with "checklist" as a keyword.
Finally, when doing a competitor keyword gap analysis, we discovered some choice keywords that our competitors are ranking for with similar posts.
Based on this, we knew we should include the word "Google" in the title and try to rank for terms about "ranking on Google."
2. Featured snippets
Before publishing the guide, our friend Brian Dean (aka Backlinko) owns the featured snippet for "how to rank on Google."
It's a big, beautiful search feature. And highly deserved!
We want it.
There are no guarantees that we'll win this featured snippet (or others), but by applying a few featured snippets best practices—along with ranking on the first page—we may get there.
3. Links
We believe the guide is great content, so we hope it attracts links.
Links are important because while the guide itself may generate search traffic, the links it earns could help with the rankings across our entire site. As Rand Fishkin once famously wrote about the impact of links in SEO, "a rising tide lifts all ships."
Previously, the old post had a few hundred linking root domains pointing at it, including links from high-authority sites like Salesforce.
Obviously, we are now 301 redirecting these links to the new guide.
We'll also update internal links throughout the site, as well as adding links to posts and pages where appropriate.
To help build links in the short-term, we'll continue promoting the guide through social and email channels.
Long-term, we could also do outreach to help build links.
To be honest, we think the best and easiest way to build links naturally is simply to present a great resource that ranks highly, and also that we promote prominently on our site.
Will we succeed?
Time will tell. In 3-6 months we'll do an internal followup, to track our SEO progress and see how we measured up against our goals.
To make things more complicated, SEO is far more competitive than it was 7 years ago, which makes things harder. Additionally, we're transparently publishing our SEO strategy out in the open for our competitors to read, so they may adjust their tactics.
Want to help out? You can help us win this challenge by reading and sharing the guide, and even linking to it if you'd like. We'd very much appreciate it :) To your success in SEO.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
epackingvietnam · 4 years
Behind the SEO: Launching Our New Guide — How to Rank
Posted by Cyrus-Shepard
Seven years ago, we published a post on the Moz Blog titled "How to Rank: 25 Step Master SEO Blueprint."
From an SEO perspective, the post did extremely well.
Over time, the "How to Rank" post accumulated:
400k pageviews
200k organic visits
100s of linking root domains
Despite its success, seven years is a long time in SEO. The chart below shows what often happens when you don't update your content.
Predictably, both rankings and traffic declined significantly. By the summer of 2020, the post was only seeing a few hundred visits per month.
Time to update
We decided to update the content. We did this not only for a ranking/traffic boost, but also because SEO has changed a lot since 2013.
The old post simply didn't cut it anymore.
To regain our lost traffic, we also wanted to leverage Google's freshness signals for ranking content.
Many SEOs mistakenly believe that freshness signals are simply about updating the content itself (or even lazier, putting a new timestamp on it.) In actuality, the freshness signals Google may look actually take many different forms:
Content freshness.
Rate of content change: More frequent changes to the content can indicate more relevant content.
User engagement signals: Declining engagement over time can indicate stale content.
Link freshness: The rate of link growth over time can indicate relevancy.
To be fair, the post had slipped significantly in all of these categories. It hasn't been updated in years, engagement metrics had dropped, and hardly anyone new linked to it anymore.
To put it simply, Google had no good reason to rank the post highly.
This time when publishing, we also decided to launch the post as a stand-alone guide — instead of a blog post — which would be easier to maintain as evergreen content.
Finally, as I wrote in the guide itself, we simply wanted a cool guide to help people rank. One of the biggest questions we get from new folks after they read the Beginner's Guide to SEO is: "What do I read next? How do I actually rank a page?" This is exactly that SEO guide.
Below, we'll discuss the SEO goals that we hope to achieve with the guide (the SEO behind the SEO), but if you haven't check it out yet, here's a link to the new guide:
How to Rank On Google
SEO goals
Rarely do SEO blogs talk about their own SEO goals when publishing content, but we wanted to share some of our strategies for publishing this guide.
1. Keywords
First of all, we wanted to improve on the keywords we already rank for (poorly). These are keywords like:
How to rank
SEO blueprint
SEO step-by-step
Our keyword research process showed that the phrase "SEO checklist" has more search volume and variations that "SEO blueprint", so we decided to go with "checklist" as a keyword.
Finally, when doing a competitor keyword gap analysis, we discovered some choice keywords that our competitors are ranking for with similar posts.
Based on this, we knew we should include the word "Google" in the title and try to rank for terms about "ranking on Google."
2. Featured snippets
Before publishing the guide, our friend Brian Dean (aka Backlinko) owns the featured snippet for "how to rank on Google."
It's a big, beautiful search feature. And highly deserved!
We want it.
There are no guarantees that we'll win this featured snippet (or others), but by applying a few featured snippets best practices—along with ranking on the first page—we may get there.
3. Links
We believe the guide is great content, so we hope it attracts links.
Links are important because while the guide itself may generate search traffic, the links it earns could help with the rankings across our entire site. As Rand Fishkin once famously wrote about the impact of links in SEO, "a rising tide lifts all ships."
Previously, the old post had a few hundred linking root domains pointing at it, including links from high-authority sites like Salesforce.
Obviously, we are now 301 redirecting these links to the new guide.
We'll also update internal links throughout the site, as well as adding links to posts and pages where appropriate.
To help build links in the short-term, we'll continue promoting the guide through social and email channels.
Long-term, we could also do outreach to help build links.
To be honest, we think the best and easiest way to build links naturally is simply to present a great resource that ranks highly, and also that we promote prominently on our site.
Will we succeed?
Time will tell. In 3-6 months we'll do an internal followup, to track our SEO progress and see how we measured up against our goals.
To make things more complicated, SEO is far more competitive than it was 7 years ago, which makes things harder. Additionally, we're transparently publishing our SEO strategy out in the open for our competitors to read, so they may adjust their tactics.
Want to help out? You can help us win this challenge by reading and sharing the guide, and even linking to it if you'd like. We'd very much appreciate it :) To your success in SEO.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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