#2014 ubw
sakuraswordly · 2 years
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i know people have said ufotable fsn gil looks younger and i def agree, but i dont think it was intentional. this happens across the board to characters ufotable's animated across many years. just look at what they did to shiki lmao
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rinshiroufan · 1 year
An Analysis of Two Different (Yet Complementary) Endings: UBW in the VN and the Anime; and What They Mean
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So I recently finished my re-watch of Ufotable’s unjustly maligned 2014-15 adaptation of Fate/stay night���s Unlimited Blade Works route; I thoroughly enjoyed myself, which wasn’t shocking at all—Rin/Shirou is only my favourite fictional relationship (not just romantic, but any kind of relationship). It did however induce to more thoroughly and exhaustively compare the anime original conclusion to the two’s story with the original ending as presented in the VN, if only because I suspect that a careful reading of the nuances of the characterization of both will yield some very fruitful results. It might seem a bit paradoxical at first, but I’ve come to find these two scenes while seen incredibly fondly by most Shirin shippers are in fact quite underappreciated—because there’s just so brilliant and intricate in the subtle ways in which they manage to weave in so much depth and substance into exceedingly simple and seemingly plain plot developments. They are insanely thematically rich, and people often are left far too dazzled and enchanted by the magic of the superficial writing that they miss the genius hidden beneath the surface.
We’ll start off with the comparatively simpler part of the analysis: the original conclusion to Rin and Shirou’s story.
The Ending in the VN
For the purposes of this analysis, I will be skipping all of the epilogue sans the final classroom scene; the reasoning is quite straightforward and should be readily obvious—most of what is of relevance to this analysis is basically confined solely to Rin and Shirou’s final conversation. This disclaimer might appear to be superfluous to some, but I decided to include solely due to my recognizing an asymmetry in the structure that I chose to employ herein—because the section posterior to this one will have to deal with comprehensively picking apart the entirety of episode 25 of the anime. There was a distinct possibility some readers might find the decision somewhat puzzling, so I think it would be no great harm to tell people what precisely they are getting into, though I consider the content itself will be perfectly sufficient in providing people with an understanding of the thought process behind it. So without further ado, let’s finally begin.
The crux of the conversation between Rin and Shirou that caps off UBW is her invitation to him to tag along with her to London as she goes to continue her training in becoming a proper magus—and Shirou’s reaction to her doing so. I will now post all of Shirou’s key internal monologues relating to the matter during his initial contemplation of the matter, omitting all of Rin’s elaborative comment interspersed throughout Shirou’s thoughts for comedic effect, in order to allow us to better understand what precisely the story is trying to communicate here.
She speaks casually, but I'm sure it's an amazing thing. …But London, huh? …That's certainly too far away. My father wasn't in the Magic Association. I'm just like him, and I don't like formal stuff.
…But I might be able to move there. I can start working more, study English, save up traveling and living expenses, and find a job over there…
No, no, let's say I am able to rent an apartment there. I don't know what kind of a place the Clock Tower is, but I'm sure Tohsaka will get even busier. …Then it should be better for me to go there after I become a proper magus by myself. Yeah, that sounds good. First of all, London isn't suited for me. I bet I'll faint if I go there and if it's filled with people like Kotomine———
It is at this point that Rin finally notices Shirou has wandered off in his thoughts and thus not paying attention to her—subsequently presenting what amounts to an ultimatum to him. But before we go into that, let us more carefully and studiously parse what we have been presented with here: a dialectic. A dialectic meant to represent Shirou’s inner conflict—an exceedingly minor and trifling conflict, no doubt!—between his ideological aversion and distaste for formal magecraft and the sorts of individuals drawn to it, and his curious desire to nonetheless follow Rin wherever she goes. For literary effect, the text chooses not to immediately explicitly reveal what might be behind this willingness to nonetheless move to London despite his misgiving, but anyone who has been paying even the tiniest bit of attention can easily deduce what might be the cause. Nevertheless, the story firmly establishes a key piece of information going forward—Shirou is not fond of the Mage’s Association. He would certainly not choose to associate himself with them of his own volition.
But now that we have the set-up, we are almost immediately greeted with the pay-off—the previously posted CG of Rin’s brilliant visage in an adorable hunched over position and adorned with a radiant, loving smile, accompanied by the following text: 
"So, what will you do, Shirou?" She asks me gently, with eyes that see through me. "——————" My face turns red. Her words and expression blow away my humility and my dislike of the Magic Association. …This is what I mean by Tohsaka holding my weakness. I can't help it if I fell in love with her.
“Oh, why go silent now? I haven’t heard your answer yet.“
She keeps smiling mischievously. She knows what my answer is, but she's mercilessly attacking me. "Uh… I, um…" To be honest, London is too far away, but I can't imagine myself being taught by anyone other than Tohsaka. And I never even thought about parting with her. Most of all, I want to be with Tohsaka. "Be clear, this is important. Will you still come with me, even if it's as my assistant?" She looks up into my eyes. She looks so attractive that I feel like my heart will pop out of my mouth. "S-Shut up, you idiot…! You idiot, idiot, idiot! I-I-If it's so important, tell me about it in a more appropriate place! I can't answer you when it's so sudden…!!!"
I don’t know what’ll happen to me if I keep staring at her, so I look away. ...I still feel Tohsaka’s presence.
She’s happily watching my reaction.
"Hey, Shirou. What's your answer?" She murmurs gently. ………She's got me beat. Is it this hard to nod and reply honestly? "………" But I can't turn around unless I say it to her.
"……You idiot. Don't ask me such an obvious question." I meet Tohsaka's gaze and tell her my honest opinion. Her smile broadens at those words.
“And I never even thought about parting with her. Most of all, I want to be with Tohsaka.” That’s the key portion here. The internal tug of war between Shirou’s deep-seated hatred for the common amoral magi and the stifling environment of Clock Tower on the one hand, and his unbridled love for and admiration of Rin is decisively and unquestionably resolved in Rin’s favour. It was barely even a contest. Returning to previously discussed dialectic, it is noteworthy how Shirou considers moving to London at a later time than Rin so that he wouldn’t represent a burden for a Rin less likely to be able to spend precious time with him. Hell—the guy already starts making plans about how he’s going to move there without her even inviting him or expressing that she wants him to go with her! He’s so lovestruck that the mere mention of her moving to London has his immediately making preparations so that he can be with her. It’s odd to think that Shirou could possibly find some way to work more than he already does, but that’s not stopping him. Shirou’s internal back and forth weighing his options, contrasting his reservations towards moving to London with his obvious preparedness to go there for Rin’s sake, is presented as barely even really being a proper conflict; the outcome was determined from the very start. There was simply no other way this could have been resolved—Shirou wants to be with his Tohsaka.
But why is this the conclusion to UBW? Why precisely was it so important to finish the route like this, with this particular scenario, with this particular character dynamic? It might seem like this is just the logical conclusion to how the story should be: it’s hardly in-character for Rin, someone who is portrayed as someone who loves magecraft and finds it fun, to not eventually go to Clock Tower, given that one of the themes of the route is her and Shirou’s learning to walk their chosen path out of their own love for it and on their own terms; it also helps reaffirm Shirou’s love for her. But how exactly does this help cap off Shirou’s character arc? How does this serve as a fitting conclusion to his character arc taken in its entirety, including his conflict with Archer? The essential element here is Shirou’s invocation of Kiritsugu, prefacing the rest of his comments elaborating on his opposition to the Association; Shirou’s refusal to move to London is symbolically associated with his ideal. The core question of UBW of course is “Will or will not Shirou become just like Archer?” He is after all walking on the same path, headed to the same direction. What makes him so different? This scene is meant to answer that: his love for Rin. The entire scenario is a microcosm of Rin and Shirou’s relationship, showing why he won’t become Archer: he loves Rin more than he wants to pursue his ideal. Of course Shirou wants to become a superhero—but he wants to be with Rin even more.  Shirou will always treasure the precious time he spends with Rin far more than he does his adventuring. Whatever corner of the world he may be in, whatever conflict is afoot, no matter how faraway he may be—he will always find his way back home, the place where he truly belongs: with Rin. The girl who loves him, and whom he loves back.
And I really cannot think of a more fitting poem to end that scene than...
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The Ending in the Anime
In episode 25 of the 2014 UBW TV anime adaptation by Ufotable, we finally get to see Rin and Shirou’s life together in London.
It makes for incredible fanservice, to say the least.
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He’s giving her a headpat—SHE’S SLEEPING ON HIS SHOULDER!!! Thanks for humouring my pic dump; now, onto the analysis.
Within the confines of the anime, the classroom conversation between Rin and Shirou is quite heavily abridged, positioned very deliberately so that it may be carefully instrumentalized for the specific narrative purposes of the broader narrative of the London epilogue it is situated in. It is in short repurposed. We will have to return to the specifics of that later. For now, let’s begin analyzing how the narrative unfolds.
The epilogue has a three act structure, divided over three in-universe days. The first day acts as the set-up; the second day as the elaboration; and the final day provides us with the conclusion. Now, the first day is mostly fanservice, and this is not without reason: while it lays the foundation for Shirou’s inner conflict that we see unfold over the next two days, it is a mostly laidback story that simply invites us to enjoy Rin and Shirou’s nearly idyllic life in London. It’s a way to frontload almost all of the pure, unadulterated fanservice so as to allow for more narratively relevant elements to be positioned at the very end, which is precision-focused to delivering a fitting conclusion to Emiya Shirou’s arc—which isn’t to say that the latter portions of the story lack fanservice, or that the frontloaded fanservice has no purpose whatsoever; rather, the later fanservice simply has more thematic depth to it. The early fanservice meanwhile serves mostly to establish what Rin and Shirou’s life in London is like; it’s purpose is to establish what is at stake. Many have lamented that Ufotable cut a lot of the elements which were included in Nasu’s original script (most likely rejected due to the Ufotable animation staff’s qualms with having to do another exhausting 45 min episode), but ultimately it was for the better in my estimation; it resulted in far more focus. Instead of wasting time on the total mediocrity of a character that is Luvia, the existing story utilizes her wisely for a specific purpose—to establish just how much Rin has changed over the narrative. I mean, the girl went from freaking out at the suggestion she might be fond of a certain redhead to being so openly enamoured with him that’s she willing to throw down with other girls for flirting with him! The idealized portrayal of Shirou’s new idealized life with the girl he loves is interspersed with discussion of his receiving an invitation to join the Association—and the implications of that. The day ends with Shirou’s mentioning that his heart lies elsewhere; in his pursuit of the ideal.
The next day is fairly laidback as well, but also a bit more... contemplative. Rin and Shirou’s ruminations on the Holy Grail War and what they learned from it during their visit to Glastonbury aren’t exactly directly connected to the central conflict of the narrative, but they nevertheless help portray just how much more mature these characters have gotten, how much they have changed since the events of HGW. It’s important to have Rin portrayed in a much more serious light; after all, the beginning of the episode had her used as comedic relief. Yes, it’s a perfectly fine way to establish just how much Rin truly loves Shirou, but the conclusion to the episode ultimately relies on her being both loving and mature; she’s always been the more intelligent, level-headed and wise of the two, so it stands to reason that it would be quite prudent remind the audience of that as it becomes important once again. Once more, we are treated to a dialectic; the hopelessly in love Rin of the first day meets her antithesis in the wise, contemplative Rin of the second day, ultimately resulting in the synthesis we encounter in the final resolution to the narrative. Having Rin portrayed as being both more mature yet also more fun than Shirou also reinforces just how much more at ease she is at Clock Tower than he is.
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On the ride back home, Shirou has a flashback. And we suddenly find ourselves back in Fuyuki, two years prior.
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Anyway, we return to our repurposed classroom scene.
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What exactly is the goal of this scene? Shirou’s monologues, so crucial to the scene in the VN, are wholly excised. We can see Shirou’s blushing like crazy (I can’t blame him...), but we are otherwise left clueless as to his considerations whether or not to follow Rin to London. The thematic relevance of the scene in the VN is gone; no-one, going based solely on the anime, could possibly have realized that this particular scene was meant to be a microcosm of their relationship, showing my Shirou will not become Archer. If anything, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say that the scene is just there to fill in the gaps about what happened in the immediate aftermath of the events of Fifth HGW and act as more Rin/Shirou fanservice. It’s the final episode, so why not just give your audience diabetes ten times over? Just look at it!
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God, I’m really sorry if this many images bothers anyone—but I just can’t help it, it’s too cute and amazing.
But yeah... good fanservice. Doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything thematically relevant or important to the characterization our heroes receive, right?
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This... is what the episode is all about.
Shirou doesn’t want to betray Rin.
“Thanks for bringing me with you.“ Shirou is profoundly grateful to Rin for giving him this wonderful opportunity to be with her and spend time with her. He is so very happy to be able to cherish his time with the girl that he loves... but he can’t stay at Clock Tower. Rin is the only reason that he is happy there. He feels uncomfortable with the subject of his future there, too afraid to openly and honestly express his feelings to Rin, because he doesn’t want to break her heart. For all that Shirou has matured, he is still just a young man trying to find his place in the world, confused and scared; scared that he might have to abandon the girl he loves so dearly—scared of what she might say. He doesn’t want to spit all over her effort and hard work, all that she has ever done for him; fundamentally, Shirou’s conflict in this episode is about Rin. It’s about his struggling with the difficulties of maintaining the relationship that he has built with her, and his fears that it might not last. His fears that Rin wouldn’t understand what he’s going through, and reject him for it. And that in doing so... his fate will as Archer will be sealed.
But that’s not what happens. When he is finally forced to explain himself to her, he is surprised to hear that she isn’t mad at all. No, she’s wholly supportive of him! Encouraging, even! In fact... she’s the one reassuring him. Earlier in the narrative, Rin was Shirou’s foil as the down to the earth realist to his wide-eyed, idealism. Rin was the one with the self-esteem issues; Shirou was the one who kept charging at the impossible without a doubt in his mind about his chances of success. The confession was all about Shirou’s providing Rin with the necessary support to get back up due to his holding her in a higher regard than she did herself; to Shirou, she was always the amazing, incredible girl who never quits despite all the things weighing on her back. And now, in a beautiful symmetry... it’s her, the girl who didn’t think she had it in her to strive for the impossible, giving encouragement to him, the boy who never did quit, who now has doubts about his future... to never quit. Because she believes in him, just like he believed in her.
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People tend to grievously misunderstand what Rin says in this episode—it’s responsible for like 90% of the stupid takes on this episode and the future of the Rin/Shirou pair. She never claims that she will always follow Shirou around; she quite openly states that she eventually wishes to settle down at Clock Tower, because pursuing magecraft is fun, it’s her dream, and it makes her happy. She just doesn’t think that is necessarily incompatible with her being with Shirou. Just like Shirou had made a temporary sacrifice coming to London to spend time with her, so too will Rin now make a slight detour from her path to accomplishing her dream to support the most precious person in her life. It’s why I find it somewhat regrettable that Shirou’s monologues were removed from the classroom scene; it would have been nice to have it be readily apparent within the show itself without recourse to the VN that there’s a symmetry between Shirou’s going to London with Rin and Rin’s going on adventures with Shirou. I understand the omission, given the excellent execution, but it was nonetheless an imperfection solution; perhaps the only one there was. But I can still lament, can’t I?
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Rin and Shirou’s relationship is going to face a lot of issues. It’s not going to be easy. A clash of wants is inevitable. But Rin is willing to make it work. She is going to make it work. For both of their sakes. The beauty of Rin and Shirou’s relationship is in its striving towards an ideal; it can never be perfect, but it still comes close to being so. Its imperfections make it more than perfect. Theirs is a relationship just like any other—filled with ups and downs. The proof of their love is not in the absence of problems, but in their having the patience, understanding and mutual respect to overcome them, together. Many people when praising the Shirin pair like to adduce its being the most “realistic” of the three VN relationships in its favour. I think such people are doing it a massive disservice by doing so. Shirin is wonderful because it’s a highly idealized version of a normal relationship. Just look at the episode! Their love story is a like a fairy tale! The entire story is about Rin and Shirou, partners in crime; just the two of them against the whole world. Falling love in the midst of a conflict filled with strange mystic mages and legendary heroes from the past. And yet... it feels so down to earth. It feels like something that could occur in your own neighbourhood. What makes me love it so much is this careful but amazing balance between reality and fantasy; it’s just the story of a boy and a girl falling in love... but it feels like a grand epic. Both of them are strange and downright weird people... yet they are also just two regular teenagers, doing regular teenage things. Two regular people, stuck in extraordinary circumstances where they don’t belong... and making the best of it. Together. And nothing exemplifies that more for me that this one final scene at the end of episode 25, perfectly encapsulating why they are so great.
Many people lament the absence of more physical affection between Rin and Shirou, in both the VN and the anime. I sympathize with such people; I myself wish we had gotten many more hugs, kisses and cuddling than we did. And yet... I feel as though in decrying what is not there, they fail to appreciate what was there. Because frankly, few things have made me as emotional as this one handshake.
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transboykirito · 9 months
cook with me for a second
so kirito, nagito komaeda, and shirou emiya fate (2014 anime only) were all voiced by bryce papenbrook in english
but also kirito abridged and shirou ubw abridged were (are?) also both voiced by yamatosfx
therefore nagito
this ended so ominously im fearing for my life did nagito kill you before you finished typing
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typemoonconfessions · 2 years
wait. 2018. how long have the mods been in the fate fandom (AND if it's longer than 3 years - HOW?)
Mod Lolly got into Fate in early 2014 like six months before the UBW anime came out by watching Zero (so almost 9 years)
Mod Pollux got into Fate in 2016 by stumbling across a picture of Fate Perseus (so about 6 and a half years)
as to why we're still here... well nothing else has Gil or Avicebron so-
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mreiyouscience · 3 months
Fate Stay Night UBW
The Essentials of “Fate Series” - 人類史最大の英雄譚 - | Fate/Grand Order 配信3周年記念映像
Sacrifice - Fate/Stay Night UBW • AMV
【2014】Fate/stay night unlimited blade works: Archers Caladborg II
Archer vs Lancer - Full Fight HD | Fate stay night Unlimited Blade Works
Saber vs Berserker (uninterrupted Sakuga Battle)
FATE/STAY NIGHT UBW 2 TV - Berserker vs Gilgamesh (BAF) Sub Español
Please, come to me, Saber!
[HD] Unlimited Blade Works - Shirou Vs. Gilgamesh
Fate Zero Excalibur Scene - Saber destroy the holy grail - Fate Zero エクスカリバーのシーン - セイバーがカップを破壊する
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koffeenoe · 3 years
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This is such a good anime fr <3 and I love this route, soon I’ll be finish watching heaven’s Feel Route too (╹◡╹)♡
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ziracona · 3 years
One thing I fucking love about Unlimited Blade Works is how they handle the relationships between the older characters and younger? Like, (spoilers ahead), if there was /ever/ a built in ‘excuse’ for an adult man to have weird vibes with a seventeen year-old girl? Archer gets summoned by his heckin /wife/ and childhood crush, but since it’s him from the future summoned to his own past he’s like thirty four and she’s 17, and he’s not weird about it /once/. Like he clearly loves her and holds deep and lasting affection—she’s super important to him. But he takes his chance to be anonymous to her now and does everything from ‘Unit Get Money’ vibes to actively roasting her about not being attractive like the gremlin bestie he is in UBW. He’s like the living embodiment of ‘when your friend is a year younger than you’ memes. It’s not as major a point but similarly, Cù Chulainn thinks Rin is great (she is), but he’s never weird about her because she’s a kid, you know? It’s just very normal and like ‘yes of course how else would it be?’ behavior all around. King gets himself killed for her even though she’s not on his team just because he’s incredible and while he’s burning to death and dying from his stab wound at the same time he’s just like “What a cool girl. : ) Come look me up someday when you’ve got a few more years on you. 😌” and dies, like, what a fuckin exit GOD I love Cù. There’s so much intimacy and affection and love and attachment between Archer and Rin specifically, before and after she knows who he is, but it’s /never/ romantic and weird, but it’s not like they don’t know how to write them loving each other without making it weird and avoid them either, they just are like ‘they love each other but he’s the version she’s not at yet and she’s his long ago which makes them dear dear something that’s a kind of friendship and a kind of partners and a kind of family’ and it just fits perfectly. I adore how well they’re written in 2014 UBW it’s just *cheff kiss* everyone else take notes.
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blog-imbadass · 6 years
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bookishnerdygirl21 · 7 years
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One of my favorite anime couples Shiro Emiya and Rin Tohsaka.
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coe-lilium · 3 years
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Gilgamesh - 3rd sprite redesign
After almost two years, I’m back on my bullshit of redesigning Fate Servants. Here’s a “more Sumerian-looking” Gilgamesh, something I had in the back of my mind since the first time I saw him (back in...2008? Damn). 
*usual disclaimer: DO NOT REPOST ON OTHER SITES*
Breakdown of changes and references under the cut.
I kept... well, very few things, both from his Archer and Caster design because neither of them remotely say “this figure is from Sumer”. The tattoos, jewelry, eye color and -of course- the crown stayed: the rest had to go. 
Biggest differences are of course
1. skin tone and hair color 
2. the clothes, which are based on Fate/Zero’s first ED and the 2014 UBW flashback scene, ancient statues and reliefs. 
The red “fluffy” side of the tunic is a kaunakes, a garment widely used in Sumer and all of Mesopotamia during and after Gilgamesh’s time. From my -limited- researches it seems that the higher the number of sewn-in tufts or woven-in loops the higher the rank of the wearer, so I gave Gil the highest number I saw attested (from a relief of the god Ninurta) 
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rinshiroufan · 1 year
The thing about Rin in Heaven's Feel is that nobody actually gives a single fucking shit about her.
It is deeply ironic; deeply ironic in a very contemptible manner. It is rather infuriating, for me personally—to see this rather complex and intricate character be so thoroughly underappreciated in any truly substantive fashion; to see people gloss over her brilliant and nuanced characterization in UBW; to see her—admittedly considerably less-written—HF incarnation reduced to a few easily digestable scenes, tragically overlooking the deeply imbedded nuance in the story; to see people fawn over an inferior iteration of the character at her peak—only to then not voice a single complaint when said iteration gets butchered beyond recognition.
The thing about Rin in Heaven's Feel is that nobody actually gives a single fucking shit about her.
The Heaven's Feel film trilogy adaptation by Tomonori Sudou is... not good. Not in the slightest. Explaining why it's all so bad would require a lengthy, thorough essay of its own; and frankly, I would rather this blog remain but a place for my venting my random frustrations about the discursive strictures fettering any proper analyses of Rin as a character—and above all, as a love interest—in the broader ecosystem of the FSN fanbase... admittedly so completely arbitrarily, but alas. But ultimately—it is quite revealing to observe what are the most common complaints that people about said adaptation after a careful perusing of online discussion of the films: the fact that the films did not give important side characters like Illya and Kirei their due. For such important characters, not enough time is devoted to fleshing them out as complex and nuanced conscious actors in the story.
Which is quite interesting since there is another exceedingly prominent character that receives an interesting and peculiar arc of her own.
Tohsaka Rin.
Rin's role in the story is reduced substantively and much of her characterization is actively butchered... yet none care.
Well—it's quite simple! If you are someone who adores Rin as a character and as a love interest for Shirou, then HF is really primarily a sideshow for you. The core of Rin as a character is to be found in UBW; thusly, her dedicated fanbase cares mostly about UBW. And UBW got an adaptation that most Rin fans utterly adore—for all complaints one may adduce against the 2014 show (most unfair and incorrect in my estimation), most people who like Rin agree that it at the very least did our girl justice. So what if HF didn't do her justice? We got to see Rin and her Emiya-kun in London!
And if you are someone who only cares about Rin inasmuch as she is Sakura's sister, and a foil to her in her own arc, with no appreciation of her in UBW—then you don't actually care about Rin. You don't understand her at all, and I hate you, and you should shut the fuck up about her.
The other thing about Rin in HF is that she's not some profoundly well-written character.
Her arc has no real meat—unless one, of course, takes into account how her arc in HF relates to her arc in UBW and how one analyzes Rin from a holistic perspective. But no-one does that... So we'll leave that for later. It all really boils down to "Rin don't like her sister... but then she DO!!!!" Brilliant. Riveting stuff. Perhaps one might cry out folly; it is a crime to be so reductionist with how the character is written. And that would be true to a certain extent—the way the story is executed certainly elevates a lot of the meagre, flaccid writing. But ultimately, Rin still basically just boils down a girl struggling between her humanity and her commitment to magecraft. Which is what Rin is—but without all of the richness, depth, nuance, flavour, brilliance that really takes that rather simple conflict and fleshes it out beyond what anyone could have imagined would be its potential... of UBW. The arc has no added complexity beyond Rin steeling herself for a whole route—before at the very changing her mind, suddenly. The effectiveness of the moment is greatly enhanced by the presentation: the way the CG is drawn; Kana Ueda's delivery; the music; the je ne sais quoi; etc. It's ultimately a testiment to how one may take a very simple story, and make it incredibly compelling and involving and wonderful...
But it is still, ultimately a very simple story.
And Rin in Heaven's Feel, viewed in isolation from her characterization in Unlimited Blade Works, is a very simple character.
Which is why no-one gives a shit about her.
Can anyone really think of a single person who considers HF Rin to be superior to UBW Rin that would consider Rin their favourite character? Or in their Top 3 FSN characters? Top 5 even? Anyone who wasn't already drawn to and fond of her character, who was ambivalent on her, but then were suddenly blown away—to the point she clawed her way all up to the top—simply because of that CG of Rin hugging Sakura?
No such person exists.
Because HF Rin is a mediocre character.
Past all the whiny melodrama and tearful theatrics—which are, admittedly, fairly effective—there is no substance.
No-one gives a shit about Rin in HF.
There's only so much actual passion a character on the upper bounds of mediocrity just barely missing being actually good can actually inspire—which is why people usually praising her to high heavens (not entirely earnestly, mind you) are Sakura fans who only care about Rin and her feelings and her struggles and her own meaningful characterization inasmuch as she serves as a therapeuth for Sakura, and nothing else. Rin is good because she makes Sakura feel good—and isn't that wholesome!?!? But pierce the veil the veil of wholesomeness—and one finds but the empty void; Rin in HF is a lifeless husk. She is but a homunculus to serve as a means to assuage Sakura's guilt and make her happy.
Except—she isn't. While the HF Rin that exists in the popular consciousness is naught but a 6/10, the ACTUAL HF Rin is a shining 10. Rin in HF is an amazing character—it's just that people don't deserve her. And the HF films failed to capture that. Because Sudou is one of those aforementioned Sakura fans; and the way he treated he is arguably worse than the way he treated Kirei and Illya.
Here, it might be worthwhile for me to link a previous essay of mine. One that admittedly is exceedingly flawed and perhaps ought to be substantially rewritten, but one that I think nonetheless succeeds at conveying the core of Rin as a character—not just in HF, but the whole of FSN. But I shall attempt to within the bounds of this essay summarize key points in order to explain why the HF films just butchered her so thoroughly.
In essence; Rin is defined by her relationship with Shirou. Rin is Shirou's foil. The two are meant to be contrasted, for the many parallels and similarities are accompanied by complimentary contrasts; while both are held back by the legacies of their fathers and ultimately transcend them by making the same essential realization in UBW, the way they get there is substantially different—Shirou's being more... tumultuous. And in HF, the key difference between them is that Rin doesn't try to save Sakura, while Shirou does. Because it is impossible. And Rin doesn't do the impossible. Because unlike in UBW, where she is under the influence of her Shirou—her behaviour being contrasted not just to HF Shirou's, but to her own from the previous route—she has no-one to truly encourage her to embrace her human, idealistic side over her machine-like magus upbringing. Rin saves Shinji, despite his attempting to rape her; but she doesn't think of saving Sakura until the very end, when she can't kill her. Shirou is the personification of Rin's human idealism—just as Saber is Shirou's. Her desire to never quit; no matter what. Buried deep inside years of conditioning to act opposite to that.
It's why her high jump confession is the single greatest piece of characterization Rin receives in HF. It is the key to unlocking Rin as a character—not just in HF, but arguably in FSN as a whole. It is about who Rin is at her fundamental core.
And the HF films fucking ruin it.
How, exactly? Oh... let me count the ways.
Let us begin by analyzing the surrounding context of Rin's confession to Shirou in the VN, and then in HF. In the VN, Shirou has had sex with Sakura three times by then. The two of them are quite firmly in relationship territory; it is quite safe to say that, in fact, there's no chance whatsoever of Shirou's switching rails to court Rin instead. Rin and Shirou have spent an entire route interacting almost every single day with one another. The situation in the HGW has only gotten graver, with the Shadow having killed hundreds of people by then. When Rin gives Shirou what essentially amounts to an admission of her feelings for him, she is releasing pent up stress from the war, as well as seeking a resolution to her feelings... now that any chance of her being together with Shirou has essentially passed. It's a moment of vulnerability for Rin; it is important that it come during a period of high stress for the characters, stuck in the Emiya household as the world around them unravels and they have no means of achieving catharsis—especially given that Rin has interacted with Shirou enough, and has witnessed enough of his stubborn courage to save Sakura, for her to fall in love with him, while knowing there is no chance of her getting to consumate that love. Ironically, Shirou's unbridled displays of affection for Sakura charm Rin as well...
Now, essentially none of this holds true for the HF film trilogy. There are basically no scenes of Rin and Shirou interacting casually and bantering (read: flirting) with one another; the only time we ever see them interact is on the battlefield; Shirou and Sakura have not had any sex at all by that point; the confession itself occurs just after the Shadow kills Archer, as opposed to a prolonged and arduous period where the characters are left feeling helpless and powerless, completely come over with despair, their relationships with each other decaying ever and ever more. Simply put, the character has no actual reason to confess at all; Rin is a character who suppresses her emotions. Who was taught to see such human traits as a weakness that prevents one from becoming the truly amoral magus.
She also hasn't really been socialized like a normal person either—she feels awkward when trying to express her feelings, and her affection is clumsy. This really shows through in the way Rin behaves when she relays to Shirou her experience of the high jump; she's very clearly embarrassed. She is forcing herself to tell Shirou how she feels and she is clearly uncomfortable; constantly blushing, and with body language that conveys vulnerability. It's a moment that Rin takes very seriously—because Shirou isn't just a crush for her. He is the encapsulation of all that she pines for; he is her inspiration. That moment of his stubbornly refusing to back down meant a lot to her.
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Not in HF2 of course! The worst film of the trilogy by far has her treat her single most precious memory as a fucking joke. Rin in the films is completely at ease when conveying the story to Shirou. She is upbeat and whimsy when retelling the events that are of concern; she has a smile all the way throughout her entire recollection. She even fucking chuckles as she's telling the story. And Shirou fucking laughs. He fucking laughs. In the VN, he is basically rendered speechless—he offers a few perfunctory observations of Rin and her emotional state to further articulate some of what Nasu probably felt could not be adequately conveyed through the dialogue, for the sake of the audience; but he does not offer any lengthy commentary on what Rin had said to him. He is so shocked by what he has heard that he really isn't capable of processing it. Because Rin Tohsaka just confessed to him. She obviously still means a lot to him, even in the routes where he doesn't fall in love with her; yet the film has him fucking laughing at the confession. And it only really helps to reinforce just how seriously Rin herself takes the conversation as well—not at fucking all. The film ironically takes Sakura's own biased perspective of the events in the VN at face value and adapts Rin as though she were an all-confident girl who keeps ignoring her suffering and desires—glossing over her own suffering, her own unique characterization, her own nuances, her own desires, her own dreams, her own conflicts, her own perspective.
And why? Why is the film adapted the way it is? Why is the high jump confession moved so much earlier in the story? What is its purpose in this heavily altered version of the story?
To lead to Sakura's stupid piece of shit sex scene.
That's it.
It's to allow a segue into a cheesy, superficial pandering piece of shitty fanservice—while also surgically removing any and all indication that Rin and Shirou like each other despite the latter's growing feelings for Sakura regardless of whether or not it negatively impacts the story; because Sakura's resentment of Rin's closeness and chemistry with Shirou is crucial to the escalation of the conflict between them. Because even putting aside the more nuanced aspects of her characterization, the films fail to coherently and successfully adapt even the most simplest of basics about her character either—Rin never acts cruel towards Sakura, she never belittles her, she never acts cold when interacting with her; it's the single most barebone adaptation that could've possibly been made. And frankly, the entire fight scene is fucking dogshit too, as is the hug between the sisters; it has none of the pathos and gravitas of the VN. The fact that there was no build up towards it scarcely helps it.
Even from the narrow perspective of the average moron who doesn't comprehend Rin in the slightest, the film still fails to capture of positives of their Rin, despite her being a dry, mediocre and ultimately shallow character.
Yet none complained; because they couldn't give less of a shit about Rin.
And thusly—Rin was reduced from an excellent, nuanced and thoroughly developed character, to naught but a prop that exists solely to make Sakura feel good. Rin has no existence, no characterization, no depth, outside of her being someone to stroke the ego of Sakura fans and their favourite character; a fucking comfort pillow.
And no-one cares—either because they are so deeply satisfied with the way Rin was handled in UBW, whether the route or the anime, (which, I honestly can't blame them) or they're fucking drooling morons who don't like her in the first place; if you don't like Rin in UBW, you don't like her at all. That's the simple truth of it all.
The thing about Rin in Heaven's Feel is that nobody actually gives a single fucking shit about her... except me.
I am tired like feeling I'm the only person who truly likes and appreciates this character.
I know it isn't true. I've spoken to plenty of people who have articulated and espoused many of the analyses I have written of the romance Rin has with Shirou, and how the way that Rin is written in HF helps add further depth to it retroactively. And yet... so much bullshit still pervades discussion of FSN online.
It really does pain me to see the way people discuss this wonderful, amazing character; to see her continually get reduced to being just Sakura's sister—while having the sheer audacity to believe and argue that UBW reduces Rin to just a "babysitter" for Shirou with nothing else truly defining her.
I am sick and fucking tired of seeing people talk about her the way they do.
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I've come really to loathe and resent this moment. I really have.
It has completely distorted people's image of Rin. It has completely destroyed online discussion of Rin.
I've come to think that having her be the deuteragonist of FSN was not worth it at all; for all the sheer amount of depth she receives from being so, the amount of horrid takes that one is forced to sift through because of her arc in HF is too great a trade off for me. I sincerely think that shit takes about Rin online would have bee insanely more bareable had it not been for HF; had it only been people saying she received no development at all.
But you now what really fucking sickens me?
People who dare have the fucking GALL to express fucking "pity" for her.
"Oh I wish Nasu developed Rin a bit more in UBW she has no arc there!"
"I WANT to like Rin and she has great potential but it was squandered!"
"OOOH if Nasu does an FSN remake, he should rewrite UBW so Rin gets a whole lot more development there! It's an amazing opportunity!!!"
...just who the fuck are you to express pity for this character? You didn't even have enough respect for her to pay attention to a single one of her scenes in UBW or piece together how she works as a character. Nasu wrote an incredible nuanced arc for her and you didn't even have the basic decency to appreciate before thinking you have any fucking right to talk about how sad you feel for her because she got "shafted in her own route."
Go fuck yourself. Seriously, if you're reading this and you've any one of these opinions, I want you to know that I despise you and you should just shut the fuck up. Don't talk about Rin. Don't even fucking mention her. Don't look up art of her. Don't even fucking THINK about "handing it to her." You haven't got the fucking right. Your opinions are worth shit.
The thought of an FSN remake just makes my fucking stomach churn. The idea of Nasu rewriting UBW—which I quite honestly consider to be as close to perfection as a story can possibly get—feels me with terror and dread. I can only imagine how more fucking awful it would make discussion of Rin, UBW and her role in it and FSN as a whole. I can easily foresee; Nasu changing Rin's romance with Shirou to the point it's fucking unrecognizable. Just to pander to stupid motherfuckers who didn't like it in the first place. Adding a bunch of sappy, pukeworthy melodrama and lengthy monologues screaming the fucking themes and characterization in your face; as opposed to the subtle brilliance of UBW as it actually exists. Nasu is going to abandon people who actually liked Rin/Shirou and UBW for what is was... all to please people who never liked it, and never would have liked it in the first place. I am not sure I would be able to brave through all the braindead comments about how much fucking BETTER the remake's romance is than the original—all by people who liked that shitshow of romance in HF. And even worse? If Nasu does decide to leave UBW alone, then people are still going to be insanely insufferable. "Oh boo hoo, Nasu could've fixed the romance and Rin's character, but he didn't! Isn't that sad BOO HOO" Fuck off.
You know what I think? Rin shouldn't be in the fucking remake at all! Just remove her. Completely remove her from the story. Rin doesn't fucking exist. Replace her route with the Illya route. "But what happens to Archer?" I'm sure Nasu can think of something. Illya and Rin are actually quite similar; I'm certain some of the latter's functions in the story can be transplanted over to the former. But really—I don't care. The FSN fanbase does not deserve Rin. At all. They should not have the opportunity to even glance at her; clearly, she was too great for them to appreciate. I am sure some of the more vile pretend-fans lamenting her "getting shafted" will still sully her name by deigning to "pity" her; but at the very least this will be great way to spit in their fucking faces.
Frankly... there are some days where I wish Rin hadn't existed at all.
But I think there's a silver lining to all this.
Because I think seeing all this scum just completely misunderstand Rin has made me appreciate her romance with Shirou more—and how much he truly loves her.
Because anyone trying truly comprehend Rin in UBW and how the storytelling slowly unravels her nuances is relying almost wholly on storytelling conventions and tools which allows to deduce aspects of the characters by the very fact that we as an audience understand that we are experiencing a story; a story that has had many of its elements structured in a particular to produce a narrative that is compelling and involving. It is thus easier for us as viewers to realize things about the characters in a story than it is for others in a story to make the same realizations. It is easier for us to understand Rin, not only because we are allowed an objective birds eye view of the events, but also because Rin is actively being contrasted with Shirou. And taking Shirou's character traits into account allows us to make inferences about Rin. The two characters interplay with one another, and that allows us insight into both. There is also the fact that so much of what we know about Rin is revealed to us through Shirou, who in his dialogue and monologue describes so much of Rin's neuroses so amazingly well. As well as that we have a whole other route which further contextualizes Rin's behaviour. But Shirou himself of course exists within the confines of the narrative; he has no alternative set of events to compare how Rin behaves differently between both and why; and he has no narrator to point out to him Rin's flaws, her anxieties, her strengths and her inner conflict.
Shirou has no help over the course of the story. It's just him and Rin. He figures her all out... all on his own. Simply by being around—interacting with her, talking to her, fighting alongside her, observing her—he is able to peer deep into her heart and understand her even better than she does herself. He is able to achieve something people with far more information available to them were simply unable to do—and I think that that speaks as to just how much he just really loves her.
The FSN fanbase certainly doesn't deserve Rin, not at all; but Shirou most certainly does. I think that he's quite literally perfect for her.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.
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I just love these two so damn much. Seeing them cute and happy together makes all the bullshit worthwhile in the end. I am so happy Fate/stay might exists. I am so happy the 2014 adaptation of UBW, which is what got me into Fate, exists. I never would have had the chance to be entranced by either of them.
They really are amazing, and deserve esch other.
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tainbocuailnge · 3 years
keep thinking about how if you told 2014 fate fans fresh off the ubw anime that fate would get an extremely popular mobile game they’d probably believe it but if you told them that mobile game would end up being an extremely elaborate advertisement campaign for the tsukihime remake they’d laugh in your face about thinking the tsukihime remake was actually gonna happen
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strangefellows · 2 years
honestly i checked my past fateposting and lmfao i watched zero/ubw back in 2014 and that’s it i’m shocked and appalled at myself
me, your batshit anthropology major who loves anime/video games and specifically complex characters and plots and is also a literature nerd, staring at fgo like WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE
thankfully i have NOT dropped a zillion dollars in gatcha yet my luck for my true loves has held so far (max 3 pulls to get all of my 100% Need You pulls so far) but god help me if i have to blow money when oberon-vortigern’s banner hits I WILL DO IT i have 300 sq so far and i’ve been putting off EoR for this very reason I WILL HAVE MY ASSHOLE
anyway, anyone mutual or not is free to ask me shit about my opinions on story/characters and who my grailed kids are etc etc PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT MY MASTERSONA AND HER STORY I HAVE SO MANY HCS!!!! (i have fanservants too oops) (also brb stuffing my 1000 vortigern hcs into a t-shirt cannon ready for the first person to ask)
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sparklecryptid · 3 years
my newest gudasona is just me
just me in a world where the the plot of UBW didn’t happen until 2014 and all the main characters were still in highschool back then and gudasona me was in the same year as sakura and was buds with her and only vaguely into the plot because ‘hahahaha no fuck this completely i have vague memories of how shit goes down i am not getting involved.’
anyway. in 2016 fresh out of highschool and needing a job gudasona me (who is named mint) takes a sketchy job application and gets roped into chaldea
and then they wind up in fuyuki and wind up summoning. fucking. either Archer Emiya himself or Gilgamesh (Asshole Archer version) and promptly has a moment where he has flashbacks to the worst fucking year of his life as his classmates tried to murder each other.
Mint voice: Mash, kill me
(Meanwhile the other servants he has summoned wind up dumped in the control room and its literally everyone else from the Grail War. Medsua and Cu are there, so Kojirou and Medea, Artoria is there. Depending on who is with Mint either EMIYA or Gil is stuck with them.
Other servants from the ten pull include: Enkidu, Jack, and Arjuna.)
(Enkidu being there is the only reason Gilgamesh stays and doesn’t outright kill Mint.)
(Thank you Enkidu)
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akampana · 4 years
Let's go whit the main course Gilgamesh/arturia/diarmuid for the ask game fell free of doing this as much ambiguous as possible for TPOF sake
Gilgamesh x Arturia x Diarmuid - SHIP IT! SHIP IT TO THE HEAVENS ABOVE!
NOT GONNA LIE, ANON, was really dreading having to answer this ask because there is no amount of text space that could ever truly define why I love these three so goddamn much. Damn. 
I know that in The Play of Fate, them as a love triangle are one of the narrative’s driving points but that’s not the only way that I ship them. They’re also my OT3. 
And hahaha yeah, I’ll try not to go super in depth and leave some for TPOF. (When that finishes tho, maybe I ought to revisit this ask.)
What made you ship it?
I already went through Diarturia and Gilart in separate asks, but hardcore shipping them as a love triangle and as an OT3 came a few years after my first watch (and several re-watches) of both FZ and FSN, right before UBW came out in 2014. 
Around that point, little old me had just been writing Gilart and Diarturia, but I kept thinking that there was just something missing. I’d conclude all these old stories and come up short. It was like every possible happy ending I had for either ship just lacked this special something that I couldn’t quite define. 
I only found it later, when I entertained my first “What if?” These two men obviously like Arturia in different ways, which I thought were mutually exclusive before, but...what if they weren’t? 
And that’s when it came to me: The King, the Knight, and the King of Knights.
I have been obsessed with them ever since.
What are your favorite things about the ship? 
I’m physically restraining myself from typing more but here are the basics:
They fit the Three Knight Classes Dynamic.
There are two of each. Two Knights, Two Kings.
Two extremes and one middle ground.
That all of them have compelling backstories that make things more complicated than they should be.
One of these complications, for example, is their tangle with the word “perfection.” We have someone born ‘perfect’, one who gave up everything to be ‘perfect’, and someone whose ‘perfection’ was his downfall.
Another would be their perspective on humanity. Gilgamesh was detached but he actually rooted for humans, and acted as appropiately as his 2/3 god mind could act. Diarmuid also chose the humans over the fae and went on to serve a mortal king alongside other ordinary people, despite himself being a demigod. Arturia became inhuman for the sake of her kingdom, and unlike the other two, she possessed not a drop of divine blood. 
Its all really interesting no? :)
The colors of their eyes. Honestly, just that alone makes me wanna cry oooh i love them so much huhu
That there is a possibilty that none of them would ever truly understand each other, but that this triangle presents the best conditions to try.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about your ship?
Not enough smut
Maybe that they deserve more content as a whole ship rather than a love triangle. Better hurry up on my drafts. :)
Thank you SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK. I hope I answered well enough.
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gainaxvel3o · 4 years
Opinion: Unlimited Blade Works 2014 is the best way to get into Fate.
Initially released in 2004, Fate/Stay Night is a well known visual novel with three central routes: FATE, Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven’s Feel. FATE had been (sort of) adapted by Studio DEEN back in 2006, while UBW and Heaven’s Feel have been adapted by Ufotable. There is that UBW movie by DEEN in 2012, but we don’t mention it. In addition to these anime, there is also the prequel Fate/Zero and the hundreds of spin offs like Grand Order or Apocrypha or other series I don’t know or care about. The natural question begins: How do you get some newbie into Fate?
I mean, obviously the Visual Novel exists and its probably the most optimal way to get into it? But let’s say you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like VNs or just wants something to watch. This is for you.
The Heaven’s Feel movies are definitely the worst way to go given how much it relies on backstory and knowledge of the other routes to fully get. One might suggest the 2006 Fate anime, which does have a reasonable case for it given it’s based on the first route of the game (with enough of the two routes to stand on it’s own) and properly sets up mysteries for the other routes. However, the problem with that is that... well, the 2006 anime is kind of crap. I’ve seen better animation from hentai, Shirou comes across as a sexist asshole if you don’t already know his thought process from the VN, it’s slow and the mixing of the routes doesn’t always work. Even if you watch a fanedit that removes the spoilers from other routes, it’s a questionable production, only to be watched by those willing to sit through it chronologically.
Fate/Zero isn’t the best way to introduce someone either, but for different reasons. It’s a fantastic show with rich and deep characters and story... but it’s also a tragedy built on the idea that you’ve seen Fate/Stay Night in it’s entirety, spoiling a ton for newcomers and while it works on it’s own in that sense, it doesn’t serve as an example of what Fate is typically like.
Which means that, at least in my view, the Ufotable UBW series is the best way to go. It has several advantages over other adaptations lack, namely:
-Ufotable Animation. Nuff said.
-It properly adapts the prologue and it’s story is paced fantastically.
-A more likeable Shirou with more overt and interesting character development, especially in his conflict with Archer.
-Based on a more action heavy route that won’t bore audiences.
-Goes out of it’s way to plug holes and questions answered by other routes so it’s more self contained.
-It has the best Lancer death, which is great.
It’s not entirely bulletproof however. A character in one route is revealed early in this one, Illya doesn’t get much time to play compared to other routes, and there will be some unanswered questions and WTF moments that won’t make much sense without the build up from the first route. 
However, in my view, that serves to enhance the experience. If you want to know Saber’s story, there’s the old anime. If you want Kiritsugu’s story, Fate/Zero exists. If you want to see more Sakura, the Heaven’s Feel movies exist. I think even the average onlooker will get enough from Unlimited Blade Works 2014 to want to investigate more of.
I’ll still be waiting on Ufotable’s FATE Route adaptation though.
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