#2020 Clear Vision
yuelaos-codex · 10 months
bg3 sweep, neil winning, gow valhalla and ff7 rebirth. what a time to be alive
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biancabelairs · 2 years
in other news. not enough has been said about how triple h's obsession with relitigating the sad last days of nxt black and gold is fucking over bianca
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opencommunion · 7 months
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The Stop Cop City movement has sought to prevent the expropriation of part of the Welaunee Forest for the development of an 85-acre police mega training center: a model town to prepare the state’s repressive arms for the urban warfare that will ensue when the contradictions of their exploitation and extraction become uncontainable, as they did in 2020 after the APD murdered Rayshard Brooks.  That murder, and all those that came before, were the lodestars of the Black-led movement during the George Floyd uprisings; their demands were no less than the dismantlement of the entire carceral system. Unable to effectively manage or quell the popular street movements, the Atlanta Police Foundation set out to consolidate and expand their capabilities for surveillance, repression, imprisonment, armed violence, and forced disappearance. One result is Cop City, which has been racked by militant sabotage, land occupation, arson, and popular mobilizations, in an attempt to end the construction and return Atlanta to its people.  As the Atlanta Police Foundation was unable to contain the 2020 Black rebellion, so too have they been unable to quell the resistance against Cop City. The press reports that the project is hemorrhaging money and is mired in delays and difficulties. For their part, the city, the state, and the federal government, have in turn employed every tool in their power to destroy the movement. Last week, the Georgia State Senate passed a bill to effectively criminalize bail funds in the state; RICO charges have been contorted to target networks of support and care that surround the fighters; and last January, APD assassinated the comrade Tortuguita in cold blood while they rested in their tent in the forest. It is clear that Stop Cop City represents one of the conjunctural spear tips for expanding the existing systems of counterinsurgency that span Africa, Asia, and the Arab world.  Today the system’s belly rests atop Gaza, whose rumblings shake the earth upon which we walk. Through its Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) program, the APD has sent hundreds of police to train with the Zionist occupation forces. And in October 2023, after Tufan al-Aqsa, the Atlanta Police Department engaged in hostage training inside abandoned hotels, putatively intended to “defeat Hamas,” in an advancement of tactics for the targeting of Black people. With every such expansion, the ability of counterinsurgency doctrines to counteract people’s liberation struggles grows. The purpose of counterinsurgency is to marshal state and para-state power into political, social, economic, psychological, and military warfare to overwhelm both militants and the popular cradle—the people—who support them. Its aim is to render us hopeless; to isolate and dispossess us and to break our will to resist it by any and all means necessary. This will continue apace, unless we fight to end it. Stop Cop City remains undeterred: on Friday, an APD cop car was burnt overnight in response to the police operation on February 8; yesterday, two trucks and trailers loaded with lumber were burnt to the ground. An anonymous statement claiming credit for the former, stated: “We wish to dispel any notion that people will take this latest wave of repression lying down, or that arresting alleged arsonists will deter future arsons.”  As the U.S. government and Zionist entity set their sights on the Palestinian people sheltering in Rafah, as they continue their relentless genocide of our people in Khan Younis, Jabalia, Shuja’iyya, and Gaza City, the Stop Cop City movement has clearly articulated its solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. They have done so with consistency and discipline, and we have heard them. Our vision of freedom in this life and the next requires us to confront and challenge the entangled forces of oppression in Palestine and in Turtle Island, and to identify the sites of tension upon which these systems distill their forces. This week, as with the last three years, the forest defenders have presented us one such crucible.
(11 Feb 24)
National Lawyers Guild, Stop All Cop Cities: Lessons For a National Struggle (video, 1 hr 45 min)
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nasa · 10 months
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A Geminid meteor streaks across the sky as the Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft is rolled out by train to the launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Sunday, Dec. 13, 2015, in Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky
Make a Wish! How to See the Geminid Meteor Shower
Every December, we have a chance to see one of our favorite meteor showers – the Geminids. To help you prepare, we’ve answered some of your most commonly asked questions. Happy viewing, stargazers!
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These radar images of near-Earth object 3200 Phaethon were generated by astronomers at the National Science Foundation's Arecibo Observatory on Dec. 17, 2017. Observations of Phaethon were conducted at Arecibo from Dec. 15 through 19, 2017. At time of closest approach on Dec. 16 at 3 p.m. PST (6 p.m. EST, 2300 UTC), the asteroid was about 6.4 million miles (10.3 million kilometers) away, or about 27 times the distance from Earth to the Moon. Credit: Arecibo Observatory/NASA/NSF
What are the Geminids?
The Geminids are caused by debris from a celestial object known as 3200 Phaethon striking Earth’s atmosphere. Phaethon’s origin is the subject of some debate. Some astronomers consider it to be an extinct comet, based on observations showing some small amount of material leaving its surface. Others argue that it has to be an asteroid because of its orbit and its similarity to the main-belt asteroid Pallas.
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All meteors appear to come from the same place in the sky, which is called the radiant. The Geminids appear to radiate from a point in the constellation Gemini, hence the name “Geminids.” The graphic shows the radiants of 388 meteors with speeds of 35 km/s observed by the NASA Fireball Network in December 2020. All the radiants are in Gemini, which means they belong to the Geminid shower. Credit: NASA
Why are they called the Geminids?
All meteors associated with a shower have similar orbits, and they all appear to come from the same place in the sky, which is called the radiant. The Geminids appear to radiate from a point in the constellation Gemini, hence the name “Geminids.”
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A Geminid streaks across the sky in this photo from December 2019. Credit: NASA
When is the best time to view them?
The Geminid meteor shower is active for much of December, but the peak will occur during the night of Dec. 13 into the morning of Dec. 14, 2023. Meteor rates in rural areas can be upwards of one per minute this year with minimal moonlight to interfere.
What do I need to see them?
As with all meteor showers, all you need is a clear sky, darkness, a bit of patience, and perhaps warm outerwear and blankets for this one. You don’t need to look in any particular direction, as meteors can generally be seen all over the sky. If you want to take photographs, check out these helpful tips.
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An infographic based on 2019’s meteor camera data for the Geminids. Credit: NASA
Do you have any advice to help me see the Geminids better?
Find the darkest place you can and give your eyes about 30 minutes to adapt to the dark. Avoid looking at your cell phone, as it will disrupt your night vision. Lie flat on your back and look straight up, taking in as much sky as possible.
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A Geminid streaks across the sky in this photo from December 2011. Credit: NASA
What will the meteors look like?
According to Bill Cooke, lead for the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, “Most meteors appear to be colorless or white, however the Geminids appear with a greenish hue. They’re pretty meteors!” Depending on the meteor’s chemical composition, the meteor will emit different colors when burned in the Earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen, magnesium, and nickel usually produce green.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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jakei95 · 1 year
[Post in English] Something Nyx and I want to publicly address, regarding the recent allegations in the Glitchtale Crew's Discord Server and it's moderators. I really apologize for the upcoming wall of text. These are our Twitter threads I have pasted them here, in case you don't have access to said platform. I have also added some additional notes to provide more context. All details under the line:
NyxTheShield: (Transcription from his official twitter thread) I read some mean comments lately and I just wanna be super clear: I havent been related to Glitchtale since at least 2022. I never considered myself part of the community and went through some much shit while doing stuff for it that my mental health was completely destroyed.
For people who thought I was an admin of the server, that was just in paper. I was constantly de-admin'd, demodded and kicked from the server through the years for simple stuff like asking the rest of the mod team to not say slurs or standing up against the Midnight Crew. I personally left the server for a long while because I really did not want to be around some of the people there. All of this happened years ago (from 2016~ to around 2020). On the early years, my full income came from Youtube/Glitchtale. I was a broke college student and my economic stability depended on it. Despite this, and making literally hundred of tracks and hours of music for the series, most of the income came from my own ad revenue. I was paid less than 2000 USD for all of the work. Essentially, I was paid in exposure.
This wouldn't have been an issue for me if at least I got to keep my artistic vision with the series. That didn't hold true for long.
From the second season and onwards, and in multiple instances, I would score the entire OST for the episode, watch the episode when it released, and then find out a completely new section of the episode (usually a battle scene) with music from somebody else This was completely demotivating to me because I wasn't being paid, the tracks would not fit the rest of the OST at all, and most of the income I made from the battle scenes. I had to work for weeks trying to compose music for glorified powerpoint presentations (Basically everything that's not a battle scene on the series was just still frames of characters barely moving) and do all the heavy lifting and I wasn't even let known about the guest tracks.
This added to the feeling of having absolutely no power within the community. I don't know if this was intentional or not (I don't wanna presume malice), but all of these things together contributed to me distancing myself from the community.
Honestly, there is A LOT more shit that went down these early years that are extremely traumatic to me that I would prefer to not talk about unless completely necessary, but I feel this is a good amount of context for what I wanna talk about next.
As you might be aware, extremely serious (and true) allegations were made against Camila and his partner, Veir, which was accused of grooming minors from 2015 to 2021 There are really good videos out there explaining the entire timeline of what transpired, but I specifically wanna talk about 2020.
(Jakei's note: Links to said videos are here: [1] [2] [3])
In that year, a public document was made by my head mod CrystalFlame alongside 2 other mods in the GT server, that exposed Veir and their actions. This document went mostly unnoticed. Even more, Crystal went through a lot of abuse for coming forward about their abuse and was almost ostracized from the UT AU community because of this.
Because of this, I was asked directly by one of the victims (and also representing the other victims) to please not speak up (Citing that they just wanted to move on and didn't want to involve themselves with more problems and expose themselves)
All the info was kept very vague from me, including the people who were involved, the extent of the stuff that went down, etc But I knew enough to know it was serious. I followed their request and didn't speak up publicly about this, but I banned Veir from my server, warned all of my mods and people close to me in those circles about Veir, and constantly tried to get Camila to please adress the situation. Despite this, she did not listen and we all know how stuff went down later in 2022, where the allegations came back again with full force. This time around I wasnt asked to stay silent so I spread the word around and confronted the entire mod team. I was shortly banned after that.
I needed to address this because this thing has been eating me alive for years. I was intentionally kept in the dark about a lot of context and nuance that would have completely changed my mind about speaking up or not about what happened in 2020.
Everything is easier in retrospective, and with the knowledge I now have about the situation I know for a fact that I would have spoken up about all that happened. But being asked directly to not speak up by the victims was something that goes against what I am Sorry for the long rant, but I really needed to get this off my chest. I am tired of having to deal with this kind of stuff. As a content creator/public figure I am trying my hardest to keep the communities I am active in as safe as possible.
I feel I could have done more for the Glitchtale community regarding the grooming situation, but all of the years of abuse that I endured really fucked up my judgement. I am not very good at dealing with people and I always trust the people close to help me for this kind of stuff
Sadly, in this case, those same people who were close to me were also the victims, so they couldnt have known or had a way to help me out, I should have helped them instead. Most if not all of what was described in this thread is backed up by screenshots, chat logs, and direct testimony from the people who were involved during this time.
I don't want to direct hate to anyone or start a witchhunt, I am doing this purely to decompress a bit and try to vent some of the trauma I experienced all these years.
Jakei: (Transcription from my official twitter thread) I would also like to share my experiences about my relationship with the Glitchtale Creator, Camila Cuevas. Publicly, we appeared as close friends, but in reality, that friendship was based on bullying and mistreatment, and this affected my mental health deeply.
Years have passed, and the memories still cause me pain. I decided to remain silent, but after the revelations of grooming cases in her community, I realized I wasn’t being too sensitive. The time has come to speak up about my experiences.
During the early years of Underverse, I was dealing with a serious depressive episode. Simultaneous internal and external pressures as an independent artist amplified my mental strain. Meeting Camila felt like finding a genuine friend who shared my passion for the fandom and understood the struggles of being a content creator amidst toxicity. At my lowest, I became compliant to doing things that I didn’t want to, just to keep people around me happy. For Camila, this meant allowing her to belittle my work and make me the butt of her jokes.
Only our veteran followers may remember the 'roasting games' between us on Tumblr (consisting of mutual insults), a spectacle where she'd always win. However, it was a game she privately forced me to "play" and I ended up accepting, despite the discomfort it caused me. These 'games' would give her a cool and strong image in the fandom while painting me as the dumb, 'cringe-worthy' friend. In essence, I became her personal punching bag, unknowingly reinforcing his reputation.
Camila's favorite term to demean my series 'Underverse' was “Cancerverse”. It felt like a constant contest where she'd always position herself as the superior writer and animator simply because my story and animation techniques didn't fit her standards. Years of being subjected to her ridicule left my self-esteem in ruins. I was okay with the negative feedback by some fans, but when my 'friend' publicly disrespected my art, it made me question my abilities as an artist.
I can't deny there were times when she gave me advice to deal with hate or hurtful comments. However, her damaging comments and treatment outweighed those moments of support.
My depressive state worsened around July 2017, where I had accepted people pushing me to do things I wasn’t comfortable with, while being part of Camila's demeaning games, just to appease her ego. I was introduced to Nyx during this time, he offered his music for my series, and eventually we started dating. We met in person in Chile, where I also met Camila. I hoped our friendship would strengthen but everything felt the same. Before I moved to Chile with Nyx, Camila reached out to me in dms, attempting to turn me against him because he opposed the use of slurs in the GT server. She claimed Nyx was being 'brainwashed' by his American friends belonging to the black and LGBTQ+ communities. She made fun of my dating choices, suggesting I was entering a toxic relationship, while showing off her relationship with her then-boyfriend (later exposed as a pedophile). She even quoted her own mother assuring me that Nyx would 'get back to normal', and if it didn’t happen, she would let me live in her house, almost like if she was telling me that Nyx would hurt me or make me feel miserable.
It only took Nyx 3 months to realize that the GT server was going in the wrong way. I initially felt compelled to defend Camila due to my inferiority complex, but soon realized Nyx was right. (Jakei's note: Not only Nyx was right, a lot of people that called her out over the years were right, yet they were not listened to at the time)
Even then, I found it difficult to distance myself from Camila due to the false sense of obligation I felt towards her. My fear of her making fun of my work kept me from interacting with others in the short period of time I stayed in her Discord server. I was afraid that she and her echo chamber would talk behind my back, something that I found out was happening in private chats until recent years.
Rebuilding my self-esteem wasn't an easy task. I began noticing the red flags – Camila's lack of respect not only for me but Nyx also, the emotional manipulation Nyx was suffering from Veir (something he used to do all the time with his other victims), her attempts to 'roast' me in front of her family and fans in the Underverse/Glitchtale meetings, and her constant criticism of my artstyle not being compatible to hers in the few collabs we made.
All these 'small' instances, dismissed as insignificant by many, caused me immense pain while treating my depression. I felt it was too late to express how I felt, as I feared being labeled as attention-seeking or oversensitive by her and her fanbase. Ironically, the moment she talked about her traumas after being bullied in the past, her feelings were the only ones that mattered any time she was involved in a problematic situation in the fandom and deserved to be the only to get pats in the back.
I never expected a sincere apology, as I was convinced she didn't remember or didn't care about the hurt she caused. I tried to maintain a facade of good terms with her, both publicly and privately. Eventually, I distanced myself from her, unfriending her and banning her from my own server even if she didn't interact there. I started focusing on my own work and the people who appreciated it. Despite this, the aftermath of the bullying continued to affect me.
Everything fell into place when the grooming accusations against her former boyfriend and server mods came to light. It was a shocking revelation, but it validated all my doubts and fears about her. The purpose of sharing my experiences is not to stir up drama, but to address the concerns of those worried about my association with Camila. I want to make it clear that I will never tolerate such behavior. Although the things I did for her in the past cannot be erased, I hope Camila at least deletes the animation remake I did for her and all the collabs that boosted her views for free, though I'm not optimistic about it happening.
As I've matured, my hope is that she and her crew learn from their mistakes, start behaving like adults, and take responsibility for their actions in their future projects and with their new followers. But I'm skeptical about any real change, especially if their server continues to exist. The best course of action for me was to cut all ties with Camila and Glitchtale.
NyxTheShield (now my husband) and I have endured too much from our treatment by Camila. We no longer want to be associated with her or Glitchtale. It's a chapter of our lives that we wish to close. It's time for us to focus on recovering our mental health, as remaining silent is only prolonging our pain. We have been working to improve our mental and physical health over the past few years and this is a crucial part of our healing process.
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dalishious · 10 months
A BioWare Guide on How to Murder a Fanbase
I have been a Dragon Age super-fan for almost fourteen years, now. I have played every game, with every DLC. I have read every novel, lore book, and every comic — yes, even the terrible ones that are better off forgotten. I have seen the anime film, the animated series, and the web mini-series. I have enjoyed all of these pieces of the franchise over and over, more times than I can count. So, make no mistake: the negativity you’re about to hear comes from a place of love for this fantasy world, developed by many creative people over the years. I would love nothing more than to see the resurrection of passion in the Dragon Age fandom again. But the unfortunate truth is, that resurrection is only needed because BioWare took the fandom out back and shot it in the first place.
In December 2018, three years after the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Trespasser epilogue DLC, BioWare first announced the then-untitled next Dragon Age game with a teaser trailer. At this point, most fans were anticipating this would mean within the next couple years, we would see the game. This assumption was based on the fact that Dragon Age: Inquisition was first announced in 2012, and released in 2014, with an extra year of development added last minute.
There have been dribbles of extra content since then, adding to the franchise. This was enough to keep some fans still breathing and interested. 2020’s Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights was a lovely anthology. 2020’s Dragon Age: Blue Wraith and 2021’s Dark Fortress were wonderful comics tying up the story started in Knight Errant. And 2022’s Dragon Age: Absolution was a well-animated series with an interesting cast of characters and story. But all these still left the fandom with a major question: What was going on with the next game? It was untypical of BioWare to be so secretive, in comparison to how they handled sharing information of the past games in the franchise. The only form of updates fans still have to go on is mostly just concept art and short stories, hinting that something must be in production. But why was the wait so long?
In 2015, the first version of the next Dragon Age began with a clear vision, clear scope of practice, and a reportedly happy developer team. Most gloriously in my book, there was no multi-player… but this did not align with the Electronic Arts typical money-mad schemes. EA’s push for “games as a service” meant they wanted to monetize all their games as much as possible, and therefore, they wanted them to be a live service — as Anthem demonstrated, that meant sacrificing things that are staples of good RPGs, like narrative and character choice. So in 2017, version one of the next Dragon Age was scrapped and replaced. This new version would have, in total or to at least some degree, an online portion of play.
There is one part of Schreier’s article, “The Past and Present of Dragon Age 4,” that really sticks out to me, regarding this:
“One person close to the game told me this week that Morrison’s critical path, or main story, would be designed for single-player and that goal of the multiplayer elements would be to keep people engaged so that they would actually stick with post-launch content.”
The idea of splitting up components of a game into single-player and multi-player is a terrible idea, because it means that there would be a large bulk of content only accessible through online gaming; something many fans, like myself, are repulsed by. Even if I did enjoy it, I spent most of my life growing up with either no internet or shoddy internet incapable of playing online games. I know many rural people who are still in that position, losing more and more of their favourite gaming pastimes because they are locked out of the ability to play them. It is a disservice to hide content behind a wall like this, especially in a world that is so lore-heavy like Dragon Age. The news of multi-player in Dragon Age understandably upset many, and this is when I first noticed a large drop off in excitement over the next game.
However, in 2021, the failure of Anthem (multi-player) and success of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (single-player) led the executives at EA to bend to the wishes of BioWare leadership and allow them to go back to the drawing board yet again on the next Dragon Age. This meant removing all multi-player content!
While I am very happy that there will reportedly be no multi-player in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, I can’t help but feel bitter and a little disgusted over the ridiculous development time spent on something no one but EA wanted in the first place. If it weren’t for this foolishness, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf would be in our hands right now. Instead, it’s been in development hell for nearly nine years and counting. Nine years is a long time to expect fans to carry a torch for you through radio silence, but it’s no wonder BioWare has shared barely anything about the next game; it’s been in flux for so long, they likely haven’t had anything concrete to show.
BioWare hurt its reputation even more when the news broke that the studio very suddenly laid off 50 people who were working on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. This is pretty damning on its own, but BioWare took it a step further. Former developer Jon Renish shared a statement revealing that the studio was only willing to offer laid-off employees two weeks of severance per year of service, and denied health benefits. The denial of health benefits in particular is a pretty wild move for a studio with a reputation for “stress casualties”. The latest news on this is that BioWare has still so far refused to negotiate better severance packages, leading to a lawsuit. The lawsuit originally had 15 former employees, but this dropped due to the fear of not being able to afford to pay their bills. So now, while EA sits on $400 million net income, the laid-off employees are struggling to buy holiday presents for their children. These horrid business practices are not to be ignored when accounting for a lack of faith in a studio. What kind of monsters reward workers who make your games special with vaguely reasoned lay-offs?
The latest news on the Dragon Age: Dreadwolf front from BioWare came early this month, December 2023, with a trailer… announcing a trailer that will come next summer… that will announce the release of the game. Supposedly. Maybe. We’ll see. But by this time, BioWare is something of a laughing stock of their own fandom. Reactions to the video released with a pretty map graphic and a few rendered locations were, from what I personally observed, mostly sardonic in nature. People have commented on the vapourware nature of the game, and like all vapourware, that leads to disintegrating trust.
Despite all this, people like Mary Kirby, (one of the veteran Dragon Age writers who was a victim of the layoffs,) said, “it’s bittersweet that Dreadwolf is my last DA game, but I still hope you all love it as much as I do,” encouraging fans to still support the game when it eventually is released. But after every misstep BioWare has taken, that’s a tough sell now. Fans are finicky, RPG fans more so than others, one could argue. We have our favourites, and many of us stick to those favourites for life over our appreciation for the artistry — but that relationship between studio and fan should go both ways. EA and BioWare has betrayed that relationship, and it will take a hell of a lot to build it back up again, now.
[This piece is also available on Medium!]
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greycaelum · 1 year
Hey, how do you think younger/teen gojo would react to meeting his future family? Like, would he be over the moon, or like "what, i get married? Gross." If you think this idea could be fun to write, please do. I really love how you write and would really like to read this scenario if you were to write it.
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters: { Transcend }
—Gojo Satoru X Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis:
Thinking about it now. Since he's in the future, maybe he should see what happened to you too. It's not like he's a stalker. It's more like a friend watching over a friend. That's right, that's it. Fuck who is he joking with? Are you married? Did you stop working for the jujutsu college? D-Did he get to tell you you're his crush?
𑁍 Genre: fluff, time-leap, mystery if you squint
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (1.6k)—/teen Satoru, mom reader, Saika roasts her dad—/
𑁍 A/N: This is the second shot for this time-travel trope, I hope you like it~
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It's not beyond the knowledge of anyone close to him to know he's got a long-running crush on the beautiful girl working as a window for the college. That every mission he's secretly hoping she's the one putting down the curtain so he could at least see a glimpse of her.
So it's not a surprise if he dives head straight to save her after hearing she fell into an unknown domain that distorts space and time.
The blinding sun seared through Satoru's vision. The noisy street followed by the crowd overwhelmed his hazy senses.
"What..?" Tall buildings he's never seen, and billboards he's never stated at bombarded him. But it was the very same Shinjuku he has known. What's with the 3d billboard with a huge cat in it? He doesn't remember that when he passed here yesterday.
The huge billboards. Changes in the scenery. And the shop he used to visit doesn't look the same.
It didn't take him much to understand what happened.
"Future huh? This is crazy." Rubbing the back of his head, Satoru sighed and started looking around. 
That curse must still be too young. The problem now is, how to get out of this time bubble. From the posters he passed on the establishments all of them have one in common, it's the year 2020.
Moreover, than that, he needs to find you first. Your curse energy is nowhere to be found.
"This is gonna be a one-long wild goose chase." He scratch the back of his head and lined up his choices on how to do this mission of finding you.
Thinking rationally he should go back to Jujutsu Tech and find Principal Yaga. Maybe the old man knows something about your location. So he walked and walked and walked. As much as he wants to take a train he cannot, he forgot his wallet in the car. Too distraught after hearing you were in danger.
Thinking about it now. Since he's in the future, maybe he should see what happened to you too.
It's not like he's a stalker. It's more like a friend watching over a friend. That's right, that's it. Fuck who is he joking with? Are you married? Did you stop working for the jujutsu college?
D-Did he get to tell you you're his crush?
"You look so tired."
A young girl with curly hair wearing a white shirt and brown apron pats Satoru's shoulders. She's holding a pot of flowers while looking at him curiously. 
"I have water and snacks inside, come in, you look like a guy who walked from Shinjuku to Tokyo."
Well, he is that man. We're talking about, walking that more or less 7-kilometer distance between Shinjuku to Tokyo. Surely he could've rode the subway but it's different to see how different 2020 Tokyo is.
Satoru's eyes landed on the plaque of the shop and the beautiful varieties of flowers displayed inside the place were seen through the clear window.
Fluer-de-Lis Bouquets
Satoru turn around, and the young lady only smiled. Go... A voice inside his mind whispered as he stare at the name of the shop. He finds himself entering the cozy establishment. Inside, the sunrays reflected in the window seem to glow and the place seems surreal and mystifying. Small butterflies hover over the flowers, the plants are alive... With vibrant petals and beautiful leaves that seem to greet you with their pleasant colors.
"You have beautiful eyes..." The young lady murmured as she set down a plate of souffle pancakes topped with whipped cream and milk tea. Satoru didn't waste time digging in. He is tired and starving after all.
"You haven't seen my eyes yet," Satoru replied touching the sunglasses hiding his eyes. A defensive stance over taking his curiosity. The lady smiled, shaking her head, sitting in front of Satoru to drink her chamomile tea.
"It's rare to see a soul like yours, you see. You don't even belong at this time. I can't help but speak my mind freely." She chuckles and puts a red rose on the table. "Being honest with her and yourself will prove more fruitful than sneaking behind her back. Youth really is rose-colored even for a boy like you, huh?" The woman chuckled. Her brown eyes seems to hold nothing and everything beyond.
Satoru frowned. He's met his fair share of eccentric people. But this one is different.
"What else do you know?"
The woman merely smiled and put a finger over her lips.
"She may or may not end up with you here. You may observe but never intervene for you do not belong here in this timeline. When the time is up, go back to where you came from, from then on the choice is yours."
The next thing he realizes is he's standing at a crossroads. The shop and the woman were nowhere in his sight. The rose in his hand is the only memento that it wasn't a dream.
"Excuse me!!!" A woman came passing through, bumping against his shoulder almost making Satoru stumble forward. "Sorry!!!"
Her faint cherry blossom scent quickly registered Satoru's senses. Did he cancel his Infinity? He doesn't remember...
A bright sparkle hit his eyes, and he could never be mistaken for the swirling cursed energy on the gem around the woman's finger. He could be blind but still recognize it. From the tips of her hair, her scent to the thin but impenetrable film of cursed energy encasing her body is no doubt brimming with his cursed energy. Even with no second glance, anyone who knows him would easily recognize her as his. 
"You!" Satoru called at the running girl but the crowd is too busy for him to get past through. "Hey! Wait!" Satoru squeezed through but to no avail, as he lost sight of her.
Fuck who was that? His head turned to all sides to see even a trace of her but it was gone. Not even a residual of the curse energy. Who was she to have that so much essence of his?
Could it be...?
Did his parents get him a sibling or what?
... Satoru scratched his undercut. A fleeting thought passed through his mind.
A rose-colored scene, a woman in a white dress and a ring on his hand... Her sweet smile and his pounding heart.
"Nahh, that's not possible." He chuckled to himself. Getting married, huh? Fat chance. Is there any woman who can tolerate him? He doesn't have time for that.
But you have time for that. Who did you marry? Is your husband treating you well? You must look gorgeous when you matured more.
Perhaps you grew your hair longer. Or maybe your lips smile wider now making the tiny crinkle of your eyes. You would definitely look so breathtaking. After all these years was he able to finally tell you his little crush?
Did you turn him down? You look like the type that will turn him down and start avoiding him when he confesses.
So many questions are running into his mind until he ended up in some alley and the loud laughter of kids were loud.
He looks up to see a big house covered with tall trees by the fence. It's not possible to see the people outside but he can hear the kids laughing. Perhaps running around the frontyard.
"Ahhh! You kicked it too far!"
A soccer ball flew out the fence and hit Satoru's head.
An irk mark formed on his forehead. Kids! He probably lost his ability to cast Infinity because two Six Eyes users are not allowed to exist in the same time.
The sound of the gate and hurried footsteps came forward.
"I'm sorry for that Onii-san, can we have our ball back?"
Satoru turned around, ready to give the kids an earful. 
But the words got stuck in his throat the two fluff of white hair and one with blue eyes looking up to him. 
"Ah!" The title girl was about to say something but the older boy put a hand over her mouth.
"Can we have our ball back Onii-san?"
There are many kids out there with white hair and blue eyes, right? Although unusual it's not impossible to meet kids that look like him when he was also just a kid.
"Hey, who's your dad?"
The curiosity flew out of his mouth before he could suppress it.
"It's Papa!" The little girl who has the same hair and eyes as him chimed up but hid behind her brother's back, just peeking a little at Satoru.
"Kou? Sai? What's taking you so long?"
No one would understand how his throat constricted at the sound of that voice, or how his heart clenched so hard he could barely breathe when the kids ran toward the woman and hugged her hips. Or how disbelief, fear, and relief filled him at the same time when the eyes that met his were yours.
And there was that scent of his cursed energy clinging unto you like a second skin. You were that woman earlier. Is this what he thinks it is?
You look just as stunned as him.
His eyes landed on the kids who looked at him curiously.
"Mama, why does Papa look like a stick?" The little girl poked you and pointed at him.
You were still tongue-tied as you stare at him for a long time.
"W-Would you like some tea inside?" You stammered a bit and pointed to the big house. "I'm sure you would like some zunda cream kikufuku, no?"
"Yeah...?" Satoru was dying inside to ask you so many things. "But, hey..." Satoru summons all courage he has to ask you.
"Did I make you happy enough?"
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
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General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @loml-riri @pelicanpizza @emichou-chan
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subskz · 2 years
200811 - s.cb
note: this is a reupload from my old blog. let’s all pretend that today is august 11th, 2020
content: sub changbin, dom reader, praise, oral (m receiving), a bit of overstimulation, begging, riding, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, female reader
word count: 4.9k
The wide, beaming smile hadn’t left Changbin’s face once throughout the entire course of the evening, you were certain his cheeks must have been aching by now. If they were, he showed no signs of it as he giggled from across the room with Jisung, his nose scrunching up adorably and filling your chest with fondness.
It was his birthday—arguably the most important day of the year, in your humble opinion and his not-so-humble one—and you and his closest friends had taken on the very ambitious challenge of throwing him a surprise party.
The days leading up to it had been stressful to say the least. Splitting the arrangements between eight people with wildly different visions proved to be a borderline impossible task, and Changbin’s nosiness hadn’t made things any easier as the rest of you had frantically tried to plan the celebration behind his back.
His nagging questions of why you were all suddenly so busy and who you were always texting had put your acting skills to the ultimate test, and you’d hoped desperately that you’d be able to keep things a secret until the big day arrived.
Worst of all, Seungmin had come up with the wicked idea for everyone to pretend that they’d somehow collectively forgotten it was Changbin’s birthday up until the party actually began. This, of course, did not sit right with Seo Changbin, and he made that very clear to you from the moment you’d greeted him on the morning of August 11th as if it were any other normal day.
Seungmin’s scheme had failed to take one very major detail into account, that being, Changbin’s impressive talent for complaining.
“You know none of the guys have talked to me today?” he’d mentioned to you at one point. “Not even a text message.”
You’d put up your best neutral front, hoping to sound as nonchalant as possible when you responded. “Is there a reason they should’ve?”
You’d felt bad about it, you really had, but you were also determined to make the surprise as satisfying as possible for him. That came with a price, however, and in the end you’d spent the majority of the day putting up with Changbin’s exaggerated huffs and brooding glares in your direction.
You knew he wasn’t afraid to just outright tell you why he was grumpy, but you also knew that for something as special as this, he wanted you to figure it out for yourself.
The others had an unfair advantage; they were able to ignore Changbin with ease since they weren’t living with him. You didn’t have that luxury, however, and you couldn’t help but feel like the weight of the entire plan rested squarely on your shoulders. Things had nearly fallen apart when he’d received a congratulatory call from his family members, and you’d cursed yourself for not factoring that in, conveniently slipping into the bathroom before he could catch you listening in.
It had taken nearly all of your strength to keep up the oblivious act around him for those few excruciating hours, your resolve weakening further each time he grumbled to himself or trudged around like a kicked puppy.
When Changbin had dramatically announced to you that he was going to the gym for his regular workout, you’d felt a flood of relief, instantly rushing to your phone to notify everyone else.
you: all clear guys! bin’s heading out
lino 😼: lol how’s he handling it
you: not well, he’s been sulky all morning
seungmo 🐶: i can’t believe he really thinks we’d forget his birthday…
chan 🐺: wasn’t it your idea? ^^;
seungmo 🐶: yeah, but isn’t it sad that it actually worked?
hyunjin 🥟: he told me happy birthday a day early this year 😐he probably thinks it’s normal to forget
lino 😼: hehehehe our dumb binnie
you: be nice ): he’s really going through it
chan 🐺: we’ll be there soon, no worries!
Once the boys had arrived at your apartment, you’d all made quick work of setting up for the party—or rather, as quickly as it could go with decorations being knocked over left and right and Hyunjin fussing over the state of every last detail. Felix and Minho had taken it upon themselves to bake Changbin a cake, and though Minho’s artistic choices for its design were a bit questionable, it still looked delicious.
With a bit of work and a lot of patience, the eight of you were eventually able to finish most of what you’d planned before Changbin returned.
Jeongin had been in the middle of scolding Hyunjin and Jisung for managing to get tangled up in a collection of streamers when the front door suddenly swung open, signaling Changbin’s arrival. Jeongin paused mid-sentence, mouth still hanging open as the man of the hour shuffled into the apartment with his gym bag slung over his shoulder.
Before any of you even had the chance to shout “surprise”, Changbin beat you to it with a shout of his own.
“Ah, seriously!”
He threw his hands over his head, his bag dropping to the floor. You and the others rushed forward to swarm Changbin, breaking out into collective laughter as he sank down into a crouch. He pushed his face into his knees, letting out a loud, frustrated groan as it set in that he’d been fooled for the entire day.
Chaos quickly ensued with everyone talking at once, half of you cheering loudly for the birthday boy, and the other half mimicking his reaction. Despite his embarrassment, the brightest grin was plastered on Changbin’s face when he lifted his head. You felt your heart swell with affection, knowing right away that all the stress from the past week had been worth it.
Any sign of his earlier crankiness disappeared in an instant, and he spent the next few hours beaming and giggling as everyone doted on him to make up for the devious prank.
Seeing Changbin being showered in love and adoration so openly made you happier than anything else. It was one of the rare occasions where his friends toned down their usual teasing and showed him just how much he really meant to them.
In your mind, you’d always thought of Changbin almost as the glue that held everyone together—the steady foundation that you could all rely on—and after seeing the amount of care everyone had put into making this day so memorable for him, you were certain that they would agree. Of course, there were still a few playful jabs here and there courtesy of Jeongin and Minho, but overall Changbin was treated the way you personally thought he should be treated every second of every day.
On a more selfish note, however, all the attention he was receiving had kept him busy for most of the night, and you hadn’t been able to spend much time with him. The more time passed, the more difficult it became to shake the growing urge to snatch him away for yourself, even if just for a brief moment.
It was for that reason that when the party drew to a close, you were quick to start wrapping things up. You tried your best to be as subtle as possible as you ushered the boys out, claiming that it was late (it wasn’t) and that Changbin was tired (he wasn’t).
Everyone had done their part to help gather the decorations and tidy up your apartment before leaving, but that didn’t stop Chan from hovering behind to ask if there was anything else you needed. You had to grit your teeth in order to suppress your impatience, knowing you were being unfair to him. You loved the guy, but in that moment his excessive kindness was more of an obstacle than anything else.
“It’s alright,” you smiled. “I think we’re good.”
“You sure? What about the dishes?” Chan asked, peering over to glance at the full sink.
That caught Changbin’s attention, and he piped up immediately. “Feel free to deal with them,” he called out with the smirk of someone untouchable. “The last thing I’m doing on my birthday is washing the dishes.”
Chan chuckled, and you couldn’t help but join in, knowing that Changbin was referencing the many, many times he’d ended up having to clean after a failed, last-ditch attempt at rock paper scissors. Despite that, you were determined to send Chan home. After a whole day of denying Changbin affection, followed by a whole evening of him being preoccupied with all his friends, you wanted nothing more than to be alone with him.
“We’ll handle them, don’t worry,” you reassured Chan. “Get some rest, we all need it after how hectic the past few days have been.”
At that, Chan seemed to give in, and he flashed you an appreciative smile. “Alright, if you’re sure,” he agreed, gathering up his things. “Goodnight, you two. Happy Birthday, Bin!” he called.
“Night, Chan!” You gave a small wave, and Changbin saluted with two fingers as the man quickly scurried out of your apartment in hopes of catching up with the others.
When the door was shut at last, you locked it with a relieved exhale and immediately made your way over to Changbin. He gave you a curious look as you slid your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you.
“What’s up?” his voice softened.
“Finally have you all to myself,” you murmured, reaching up to wipe a stray bit of frosting from the corner of his mouth. Changbin giggled shyly at that, and you breathed in his scent as he nuzzled his face into your neck. “Did you have fun, Binnie?”
“Mhm,” he hummed. “You guys really got me today.”
You thought back to how inconsolably grumpy he had been, pressing an apologetic kiss to his head. “It was so hard to hold back from giving my baby attention all day,” you complained.
Changbin whined dramatically in agreement, bringing his face back into view to pout at you. “Even harder for me.”
“I know,” you sympathized. “That’s why I’ve got a gift to make it up to you.”
He squinted. “Didn’t you already give it to me?”
Changbin’s excitement had been akin to that of a kid in a candy store when he’d opened the present you’d gotten for him—a Leo necklace to match the zodiac shirt that he loved so much, as well as a new set of headphones after he'd managed to lose his for the umpteenth time. He’d sworn with the most endearing pinky promise that he’d be sure to keep track of them for you, but you were willing to bet that if you asked him where they were right now, he wouldn’t be able to say.
You ran your fingers carefully up and down his side, feeling up the curve of his waist before giving it a gentle squeeze. “Mm…this is a different kind of gift.”
There was a pause, then a faint flush spread across Changbin’s cheeks.
“Oh,” he squeaked.
You smiled, lifting your gaze to find his pupils dilated and locked on you. “Does that sound like something Binnie would want?”
The lilt of your voice was all it took to make him melt. He bit his lip before responding, a completely innocent quirk of his that still managed to drive you crazy.
“Yes, please.”
You unwrapped your arms from around him to take his hand into yours, delicately entwining your fingers.
“So polite.” You ran your thumb along the back of his warm hand. “Come on then, it’s in the other room.”
You tugged at Changbin’s arm, guiding him down the hall and into your shared bedroom. He glanced at you out of habit when you reached the bed, silently asking for your permission to make a move. You tilted your head to grant it, and he wasted no time before settling onto the mattress with a cute, giddy hum.
The way he watched you as you joined him made your heart beat faster in your chest. A look so dark and intense, but still so vulnerable, as if whatever happened to him next rested solely in the palm of your hand. Pain, pleasure, or anything in between; he would accept it all if it came from you.
“Binnie was so patient for me, today,” you purred, leaning so close that your lips were just a few centimeters apart from his. “He deserves an extra present, don’t you think?”
Changbin nodded slowly, eyes flickering down.
“My good boy,” you cooed, voice dripping with affection. “So good, even when everyone was so mean to you.”
The feeling of your breath fanning over his skin made him shiver lightly, and before he could manage to say anything, you closed the space between you, crashing your lips into his. He mewled in a way that he might’ve been embarrassed about if every part of his mind and body weren’t aching for your attention. Instead, all he felt was relief as he fell back into the comfort of the pillows with you.
Without breaking the kiss, you made your way on top of him. Your hands moved up to cup his face, squeezing his full cheeks to open up his mouth and slip your tongue past his plush lips. The birthday cake had left a lingering sweetness in Changbin’s taste, and you relished in it along with the sigh he let out as your tongue brushed against his.
He raised his arms to wrap them around your waist as the kiss heated up. You moved your mouth hungrily against his, only interrupting your rhythm to take his lower lip between your teeth. Changbin whimpered as you nibbled on the plump skin, filling you with the urge to bite it until it was swollen and bruised.
You pulled back for a moment to catch your breath. His half-lidded eyes met yours, their typical gleam clouded over with a haze of lust, and the corner of his mouth quirked up in a lopsided grin. You brushed your thumb along his doll-like lips, admiring how red they’d become in such a short time.
“You’re so pretty, Binnie,” you murmured, playing with his lower lip gently. Changbin’s breath hitched at the compliment, and you leaned back down to pepper his face with kisses. “My pretty baby. Everything about you is irresistible,” you mumbled between pecks.
He whined softly—a pointless protest when you knew how much each word of praise from you sent his arousal skyrocketing. His hands gripped the back of your shirt with more urgency as you moved down to his neck. You trailed wet kisses along his tender skin, and you felt a tinge of satisfaction when he began to squirm beneath you. He pushed his hips up ever so slightly, his hardening length pressing against your thigh.
The involuntary plea made you smirk against his skin, and you left one last open-mouthed kiss at the base of his throat before pulling back.
“Need something?” you asked innocently.
Changbin bit down on his lip, tensing in embarrassment as he realized how easily you’d read him. You slid your index finger down his chest, tracing the full curve of his pecs beneath his shirt. “If the birthday boy asks nicely, he can get whatever he wants.”
He averted his eyes without a word, making it clear that it would take some prompting on your part for him to admit what was on his mind. Your finger continued to trail down his stomach, and you marveled at the way it clenched under your feather-light touch.
“Don’t be shy,” you encouraged, earning a squeak when you gave his waist a pinch. “Don’t you want your gift?”
Changbin’s cheeks flushed, so deep that you could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. He swallowed hard, bracing himself before finally speaking up.
“Want your mouth, please,” he breathed.
You pressed your lower half against his bulge, feeling a glimmer of amusement when he squeezed his eyes shut with a gasp.
“You gonna let me taste you, Binnie?” you teased. “I wonder if my baby’s sweeter than his cake.”
The mortified wail that escaped him didn’t disappoint. You giggled as he shoved his face into the pillow, the tips of his ears matching the shade of his cheeks. “Ah...really,” his groan came muffled. “Stop embarrassing me.”
“Stop being so cute and I’ll think about it.”
Changbin lifted his head to give you a half-hearted scowl, the pout on his face only serving to prove your point. You leaned down to press a kiss to his nose, and he mellowed out again in no time.
He spread his thighs obediently as you lifted yourself off of him to settle between his legs. Without warning, you began to palm at his bulge, and, like clockwork, he bucked up into your hand.
“Already so hard for me.” You gave him a gentle squeeze. “You love the attention, don’t you?”
He didn’t bother to deny it. Instead, he whimpered your name softly, and the sound coupled with the pure want in his expression was enough to make heat pool in your stomach.
Carefully, you slipped your fingers under the waistband of his pants to slide them down. Changbin lifted his hips off the mattress in an attempt to make things easier for you, and you gave his thigh an approving pat.
“Good boy,” you praised, making his eyes shine.
Changbin’s breath hitched as you tugged off his underwear and he sprang free, the cool air hitting his length in a way that made him quiver. You admired the sight briefly before taking him into your hold, giving him a few gentle pumps. “You ready, baby boy?”
“Yes, yes, please,” He didn’t waste a second. “Need you.”
It shouldn’t have surprised you anymore, how strained he would sound after just a few delicate touches, but even now it still made your heart flutter.
You gave the head of his cock a few kittenish licks, letting the taste of his precum flood your tongue. Changbin fully gasped, and it was soon followed by a broken moan when you wrapped your lips around him all at once.
The jolt of pleasure he felt was only amplified with the way you sucked intently on his tip, swirling your tongue around it in a way that made him certain he wouldn’t last long.
You began to bob your head along his dick, using your hand to stroke the base as you did so. His hips bucked reflexively when you slid your tongue along his slit, and he stuttered out a meek apology. You hummed around him in response, giving his thigh a squeeze to signal that it was okay.
Changbin’s moans gradually grew less and less restrained, and their sweet sound urged you on. You hollowed your cheeks around him, fully engulfing his cock with the silky heat of your mouth. He bit down hard on his lower lip in a failed attempt to mask an especially pathetic cry, hands pawing the bedsheets for something to grab onto.
You pulled off to catch your breath, releasing his length from your mouth with a sinful, wet pop. His chest rose and fell rapidly in the moments you gave him to compose himself, and he had to hold his tongue to stop himself from instantly begging you for more.
“You taste so good, I might just get addicted,” you purred, swiping your tongue across your lips for good measure. Changbin let out a flustered squeak at that, hands flying up to hide his face and making you giggle with delight. “Do you like it, baby?”
He peeked down at you timidly from between his fingers. “Mhm,” a low whimper was all he could manage. “Please, don’t stop.”
You shushed him gently, licking a long stripe up his cock and making him shudder. “I’m gonna take care of the birthday boy for as long as he needs.”
You took him fully into your mouth once more, and he released a sharp cry as his length hit the back of your throat, arching off the bed in a fit of pleasure.
“A—ah!” he choked out. “Please, please.” The veins in Changbin’s arms began to protrude from his death grip on the sheets, and you had to press down on his hips to pin them back against the mattress. You remained steady for as long as you could, swallowing around his cock and making him mewl your name.
“Close,” he warned, tossing his head from side to side. “Can I—ah—can I cum?”
You took your sweet time before letting him slip from your mouth again. A hiccup escaped him as the addictive heat was suddenly lost, leaving his dick twitching helplessly in protest against his stomach.  
Changbin’s eyes blinked open, his expression hazy and disoriented as it met your playful one. “No, please…” he slurred. “Wh-why?”
“You can hold out a little longer for me, can’t you, Binnie?” you pouted. “I’m not done tasting you yet.”
A low, pitiful whine built up inside him, exciting you more than it probably should. “Th-that’s not fair,” he objected weakly. “You said…you said you wouldn’t stop.”
You rubbed soothing circles into his thighs with your thumbs, trying to mask your amusement. “Hm…I did, didn’t I?” If Changbin hadn’t been so distracted by the hot ache in his abdomen, he might’ve caught on to the mischievous intent laced in your next words. “Alright, no more stopping.”
At that, you dragged your lips down his slick length once more, barely covering half of it before Changbin came undone all at once.
He emptied into your mouth with a near sob, seed spilling down your throat. You felt his thighs tremble beneath your fingertips as he thrusted shallowly into the heat of your mouth. He rode out his orgasm to completion, only finding it in him to control himself once the last wave of pleasure passed.
Though Changbin had stopped, you showed no signs of doing so. His cock spasmed on your tongue as you continued sucking gently, the mixture of drool and cum making the sensation all the more overwhelming for him.
A pitiful noise escaped the boy, and his hand flew up to cover his mouth when it dawned on him what you had in mind. He bit down hard on his palm, using all his willpower to resist thrashing around in the sheets as you worked your mouth without a care in the world.
Your lips curved playfully around his dick, unable to mask how much you enjoyed every broken plea and call of your name that echoed through the room.
Changbin’s free hand pawed around aimlessly in the sheets, searching for yours. You softened when you noticed it out of the corner of your eye, reaching out and locking your fingers with his.
He endured it as best he could for the next several seconds, jolting and whimpering, but never once complaining as you dragged your tongue along every inch of him.
Finally, when the overstimulation became too much to bear, he gave your hand an urgent squeeze, and you instantly pulled back, careful not to let your teeth graze his length when it slipped from your mouth.
Changbin panted heavily, flopping his head back against the pillow to recover from the intense, unrelenting pleasure you’d put him through.
After catching your own breath, you sat up from your position on the mattress to crawl back on top of him. You leaned down to press your lips against his plush ones, sliding your tongue into his mouth and eliciting a muffled whimper from him as his own essence flooded his tastebuds.
A thin trail of saliva connected your lips when you broke the kiss. Your gaze met his to find him looking practically entranced, eyes dark and wide and watching your every move with unfettered adoration.
“That was mean of me, huh?” you pouted. “But look at how well you took it. I’m so proud of you, angel.”
He licked his lips, his earlier shyness creeping back up on him. “Thank you,” he sighed.
“Don’t thank me yet.” You brushed your fingers through his damp hair. “There’s more to your present, if you want it.”
Changbin’s heart jumped at that, and though he looked utterly exhausted, you didn’t miss the glimmer of excitement that crossed his face.
“More?” he asked breathlessly.
“Only if you want. My baby deserves to be spoiled on his birthday, don’t you think?”
He giggled in response, scrunching up his nose before nuzzling bashfully into your palm.
“Is that a yes?”
“Mhm,” he mumbled into your hand. “Spoil me, please.”
With a smile, you gave his face an affectionate pat and shifted from on top of him. “Sit up for me, Binnie,” you ordered gently.
Despite how spent your mouth had left him, Changbin complied right away. He pulled himself upright on the bed, scooting back so that he was leaning against the headboard. “Good boy,” you cooed.
Changbin didn’t take his eyes off of you once as you undressed yourself at a very deliberate pace. You placed your garments to the side before settling into his lap, throwing a leg over his thighs to straddle him. His breath hitched when your heat pressed against his dick, making him jerk against you.
“Your body’s so honest,” you commented playfully, pushing your hips down to draw out a soft whimper from him. “How cute.”
He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, his whole body tensing in anticipation of your next move. You reached down to take his length into your hold, pleased to find that he had already grown half-hard again. With a deep inhale, you lined him up with your entrance and sank down slowly.
Changbin’s hands immediately grasped at the bedsheets, a moan escaping him that was nothing short of angelic. The way his cock stirred up your insides sent a shiver down your spine, and you let out a content sigh of your own as you connected with his base.
“Such a big boy,” you breathed, grazing your nails along his broad shoulders.
He squeezed his eyes shut, head falling forward to press against yours. “S-so good,” he stuttered. “Don’t know how much I can–ah–take.” As if to confirm his words, his cock twitched inside you.
“Mm, that’s alright, Binnie.” You rested your hand on the back of his head, tugging lightly at his hair. “You can cum whenever you want.”
At that, you lifted your hips to slide up on his length, and Changbin whined lowly as you came back down, walls fluttering around him.
You repeated the motion, carefully building up a steady pace. He was still hypersensitive from his earlier orgasm, and it was evident with every shameless moan that spilled out of his lips. “Hah...you’re amazing,” he gasped out. “Seriously g-gonna go crazy.”
His babbling made you laugh breathlessly. Using your grip on his shoulders for leverage, you began to bounce faster. “You’re so pretty like this, Binnie,” you cooed. “Letting out all those cute cries while you fill me up so perfectly. Such a good boy for me.”
Changbin practically keened at the praise, the sinful noise making you clench around his length. All that time you’d spent toying with him had gotten you more worked up than you’d realized, and when the head of cock brushed your sweet spot, you felt the heat in your core spread.
“Kiss me please,” he begged suddenly, his nose brushing against yours. “Wanna kiss...”
The adorable request made your heart skip a beat, and you quickly complied, pressing your lips against his hungrily. Changbin’s sweet voice spilled into your mouth, his hands flying up from the bedsheets to grab desperately at your hips.
His whines grew higher and higher in pitch until he finally broke the kiss with a sob. “G-gonna cum!” he warned. “Please...can’t hold back anymore!”
“Cum, baby boy. Let it all out.” You ignored the way your thighs began to burn from the effort, instead speeding up your movements to send him over the edge.
Within seconds, the tension in Changbin’s stomach snapped and his second orgasm washed over him. His mouth hung open, eyebrows knitting together as the white, hot pleasure flooded his senses. The feeling of his seed spilling inside of you brought about your own climax as well, and the way your walls clenched around his cock as you came nearly sent him into a frenzy.
Your shared panting echoed through the room as your highs gradually began to waver. When the last few jolts of pleasure had spread through your body, you blinked your eyes open to find Changbin in a blissed out state, hair tousled and skin glistening with sweat.
He gave you a shy, lopsided grin. “Can I say thank you now?”
Your face broke out into a smile of your own, and the sound of his boyish giggles graced your ears. “Sure, you can.”
You brushed his sweaty bangs out of his eyes, and he melted under your touch, pushing his face into your palm with a content sigh.
“I love you,” he murmured instead.
It came timid and quiet as ever, but that didn’t stop it from making butterflies erupt in your stomach. You slid your arms around his shoulders to pull him to your chest, and he nestled into you like second nature. “I love you, too,” you hummed. “Happy Birthday, Binnie.”
“Makes me wish every day was my birthday,” he joked, drowsiness quickly overtaking him.
“Yeah?” You pressed a kiss to his head. “I’ll be glad to treat my baby like this any day.”
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writingmochi · 5 months
i only said | a visualizer and a teaser
cast: soobin ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: as you stood on the crowded train while making eye contact with the boy from the neighboring school. light shines into the dim train car as it becomes empty and filled with sand. approaching you is a humanoid figure, who calls you the king and queen of viliya—the island kingdom that is plagued with nightmares that haunt its people which you and the boy are also not immune to
genre: two lost souls find comfort, silent lovers, magical realism, meet ugly, hurt/comfort, adventure, thriller, coming of age, romance, high school au (both are 19 and in senior year), late 2010s au, modern royalty au, angst, fluff, mature content (phobias, trauma, war, explicit smut)
inspired by: music my bloody valentine's "i only said" (1991), txt's 2019-2020 star seekers music videos ("nap of the star", "magic island", "eternally"), and movies bridge to terabithia (2007) and tigers are not afraid (2017)
word count: 361 (teaser)
release: will not write so i can shock you ;) but it's going to be in 2024
message from the moon: i've been noticing a drought of epic and fantastical txt fics lately. so, i'm gonna do it myself :]
p.s. yes, late 2010s are already nostalgic enough that it can be its own au with its own style and tech
part of the loveless anthology
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you always experience something weird when the train is nearing cheongdam. it is as if your senses are being attacked in a sweep when goosebumps form in a wave before it calms down. then it starts again as the train approaches the outdoor part of its journey to cross the body of water. the lights inside start to flicker as you see outside to view the han river from under the bridge, yet sometimes, it's not a river, but a beach.
the sky is the clear turquoise blue that reflects the seawater. the view of the river bank turns into sand that's lining the barrier of land and sea. you could sometimes hear the sound of crashing waves from it even if you only see the setting sky as it changes from day to night. though now, that turquoise sky is getting darker and darker, even darker than the sunset you usually see when you cross on the hanging tracks from the cheongdam bridge to ttukseom park.
then you see it: the visions.
quick timelapse of the neon street, crumbling buildings crashing down as their support couldn't hold on, humanoid beings who can fly as they attacked something dark. only the color orange highlights everything before you see flickers of a woman with long platinum blonde locks and white dress, calling out your name as your eyes are trying to focus on her heterochromia ones.
you've always held onto the nearest surface as you glance at the dots turning red between cheongdam and ttukseom park stations, breathing in and out as you felt your palm getting sweatier when you felt the whole compartment seemed to shake more and more as you approached the bridge and let the light from outside coming in. recently, the shakiness is getting rougher and the vision more frequent. but, you've always try to comfort yourself and see the boy across from you if he is okay.
because it seems like you're not the only one to notice all the things you've experienced, especially when you see him mumbling whilst staring at the red dots lighting up on top of the door when the train approaches the bridge.
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taglist: @raeyunshm @leilasmom @evidive @boba-beom @kwiwin @heesw1fe @aloverga @endzii23 @fluffyywoo @camipendragon @hiqhkey @wccycc @cha0thicpisces @y4wnjunz @yeehawnana @beansworldsstuff @kimipxl @blurryriki @amazzwon @stayzentiny @rebsmoonn @angelbythewindow @ttyunz @itzzz-yerin @shinrjj
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
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cutecherrygirl · 8 months
Felix - Love you Goodbye
Warnings: Angst, smut.
Summary: The year is 2020, and Skz is going through hard times. This causes the members to start overworking themselves and go through waves of stress. Your boyfriend Felix is persistent but you can see everything is starting to take a toll on him. Scared of becoming a burden, and also wanting Felix to be able to give his full focus on the group you decide to end things. Before that happens though, Felix wants just one more night with you.
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You and Felix have been together for a year. To be honest, you both have never been happier. Felix had never felt so much love from one source alone. Being together was like something out of movie scenes, that is until recently. These past couple of weeks have been more than hectic. Hyunjin went to Hiatus ,while skz were trying to figure out how to perform Cover is Du4 without Hyunjin.
You’ve attempted to help in any way you possibly could. You would bring lunch and dinner over to the boys dorms when you had time, and when horrid rumors about the members started to suffice you would try to be there emotionally for them as best as you could. There were also plenty of nights where none of you would get any sleep thanks to due dates or practice. You truly tried your best, but you were only one person. You could see how not only exhausted Felix was, but all of the members. 
Even though everything was rigid, they continued to work hard. You felt bad, only being able to watch from afar. That’s when you started to think, how hard it must be for Felix to try to juggle a relationship & his work. He shouldn’t have to worry about not being able to make time for you then feel bad because of his career. You also had just received a job offer in a different country. You knew first hand that with both of your already crazy schedules, a long distance relationship would not be possible.
You sighed, looking up at the ceiling. You had to carry out the toughest decision of your life. You had to do it. It would be harder later than now. Still though, you laid in bed, deep in though. Is this really where it’s going to end? Just like that? The situation didn’t seem real to you. Suddenly your thoughts are interrupted by your phone ringing. It’s now or never. You gulped and answered the phone.
"Hey Lixie..."
“Baby…” Felix whined from the other side of the line. You couldn’t help but smile. “Yes bub?” He was so cute. “I miss you. Come see your cute Chicken boyfriend.” Felix spoke with a sweet tone. You giggled. “I’ll be there in 10.” With that you hung up the phone. You sat up from your bed, realizing the reality that was about to hit you both. You rushed and grabbed your car keys, heading out.
“Hello there, my sweetie.” Felix greeted you at his room door. He pecked your lips, smiling afterwards. You looked down, allowing your thoughts from earlier to eat you up. Felix noticed something was off and looked down at you. “Are you okay baby?” He asked, concern clear in his voice. Your eyes looked up to meet his own. “Felix we need to break up.” Your words lingered in the air. The room was suddenly silent, your breathing being the only thing audible. Felix was looking towards the ground, unable to say anything. “What are you talking about? Is it me? Was it something I did? Y/n I promise I can-'' You stopped his babbling, “No Felix, it’s nothing you did.” Your voice started to become shaky and your vision blurry. You took his hands in yours and he held on tight. “I’m moving out of the country, I got a job offer. It just wouldn’t work. And you should be able to focus on Skz.”
You smiled as you continued, trying to hold back tears. “Plus, I don’t doubt Skz will conquer success.” It was the truth, they were the strongest group of people you’ve ever met. You had every bit of faith in them. “But it’s not fair to the both of us if we can only hold each other back. It’ll be better if we both just ended things here.” There was no doubt Felix’s heart was breaking at this very moment. But he understood your every word. You were right. He couldn’t argue with that.
“Where are you going?” He asked trying to focus on the more positive. “If I tell you that, you’d just end up at my doorstep.” You forced a smile at your remark. “So? I love you Y/n.” Felix couldn’t contain his tears anymore. He grabbed your waist, pulling you into his embrace. Felix held on tightly, letting his cries become vocal as he sobbed into the crook of your neck. “I love you too.” You joined him in woe. You caressed his back, trying to sooth him by any means. Felix lifted your chin up with his fingers. He planted a soft tender kiss. But even that couldn’t stop the tears. The kiss became more sloppy but longing at the same time, the taste of your salty tears mixed in added additional wetness. You suddenly pulled away, looking him in the eyes.
“Stay with me… one last night.” Felix requested. How could you deny him? Tonight would be the last of each other, why not spend it in pure sensual love?
You nodded in response and once again Felix’s lips met yours. This time it was more passionate, more heated, but still full of heartbreak. Felix’s hands began crawling up your shirt, rubbing small circles into your bare waist. His touch was something you had never gotten used too, goosebumps spread all over. His tongue slipped into your mouth, twirling around with yours. After being like this for a good minute, the heat became too much for Felix. He pulled away, a tiny string of saliva pulling between you. He lifted up your shirt.
His lips rushed to kissing your exposed skin. He was sucking, licking, biting all over your neck and collarbones, while unclamping your bra. Your breathing became heavy. You couldn’t help but moan softly as Felix found your sweet spot. It was a good thing some members were gone for a family visit, & the rest of the members were out of the dorms.
Once Felix got your bra off he picked you up and laid you on his bed. He hovered over you kissing you again. 
You were still his for the time being. You tugged at his shirt, usually he would smirk at your eagerness, but he just bit his lip trying to refrain from a look of bitterness. He pulled his shirt over his head. You sat up and began kissing his upper body, small sweet pecks. Felix sighed at the feeling. Everything was hot but his mind kept going back to the fact this would be the last he would be able to feel your lips all over him like this. Felix grew frustrated and pushed you back down into the bed.
He pulled your jeans off with haste, you gasped at his swift motions. He went down and kissed your hardened nipples. He grinded down on your heat while his tongue swirled around your breast. “Felix..” You moaned his name, letting him take over every inch of you. “What baby? Tell me what you want.” His voice was breathy, trying to mask the shakiness. You grinded up into him, creating heated tension. You moaned again, “Felix, I want…” You trailed off. You pulled Felix’s face down, you bit his ear softly, a moan escaping his plump lips. “No. I need you.” You stated. With those words, he unbuckled his pants, stripping off the last remaining clothing. 
Before he could move further you grasped his member in your hand. Felix sucked in his breath quickly. You bent over leaving wet kisses up and down his shaft. Felix closed his eyes as you took him in your mouth. He loved when you sucked him off. “Just like that baby.” He exhaled. You detached your mouth and smiled up at his scrunched up expression. His hair already clung to his sweaty face. Oh, how you were going to miss him. Felix went back to hovering over you and slipped off your panties. You let out a shaky breath, remembering for the hundredth time that this was the last time.
It’s like you were both connected, because Felix felt it too. He looked down, making direct eye contact. His eyes held nothing but both, love and melancholy. “I love you so much.” He said, You smiled sadly at him, too scared to respond to anything, scared because this was becoming real. Felix aligned himself with your entrance and slowly pushed in. You moaned loudly. Felix kissed you passionately. Once he felt you adjust he slowly pumped in & out at a slow pace. Even though you were lost in the euphoria of the moment your heart continued to ache. Felix made love to you slowly and lovingly. He made sure that you could feel his love for you, even as his chest felt like it was being ripped open. “Felix..”
You moaned his name, gripping his hair. He grunted lowly. He quickened his pace. “You feel so good Y/n. Keep moaning my name baby.” He was engulfed in these hot flames of arousal and despair. He clung onto your body because this was the last time he’d be able to hold you this close again. You shut your eyes, a single tear rolling down as you moaned. You kissed Felix’s shoulder, relishing in the feeling of him inside you. The thought alone was enough to send you over the edge. Your body shuddered as you came undone around him.
Pretty soon you felt his movement become unsteady and sloppy. With a few more thrust he pulled out, letting out low moans as his hot liquid released on your lower stomach. Your heavy breathing was the only thing audible in the room now. Once Felix calmed down he grabbed a towel and cleaned you up. He laid beside you pulling your body close to him. He pecked your temple and closed his eyes. He knew yours remained on him but he ignored your gaze on purpose. He didn’t want to come to terms with the reality in front of him. He didn’t want to let you go.
He didn’t want to hear you speak a word because he would fall apart all over again. Maybe if he just held you close & shut his eyes all of this would’ve been a bad dream. He’d wake you up to the smell of pancakes, you’d strut into the kitchen with his shirt on, and he’d be able to see your beautiful smile once again.
Serenity had taken its course as you engulfed yourself in the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. You closed your eyes and fell into a slumber by the boy you who would soon become a memory.
Your eyes fluttered open. Your first instinct was to look towards the window. The color of the morning was a taint greyish blue. Meaning, the sun hadn’t come out yet. Your head turned towards Felix’s sleeping body. His blonde hair was sticking up in all sorts of places, his lips swollen were puffy, and the duvet outlined the silhouette of his body beautifully. You smiled, mentally snapping a picture of his state in your head. You pecked his forehead tenderly. The feeling of overwhelming heartbreak returning. You stood up gathering your things and putting your clothes back on. You grabbed your keys and turned the doorknob to leave. You looked back at Jimin one last time and frowned. The tears formed in your eyes but you hastily walked out, leaving before you could turn back and do something stupid.
A couple hours later, when the sun was peeking through the windows Felix slowly opened his eyes. He smiled remembering the events of last night. He turned to look at your sleeping body but he was met with emptiness. And there was his cruel reality. The loneliness had hit him like a ton of bricks. His heart clenched in his chest and the tears built up in his eyes again. Could you really be gone? For good? Forever?
Felix looked around the room in panic looking for any piece of you. Suddenly your existence itself felt like a dream. A dream that was never true. A dream that was disappearing from his memory. To his dismay, not a trace of you was found. It was like you were never there. Felix wept aloud, his hand gripping his chest tightly. The pain was too much to bear. He fell to his knees as the tears ran down his face nonstop. His worst nightmare had come true. This really was the end.
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genericpuff · 4 months
I must’ve dropped LO before any announcement about this show happened (or if I was still around I was too busy scrolling past it to see the comments). I think I may have dropped it maybe before the trial? So hearing some of this stuff that happened in the comic is just wild. Like the Bees panel is making me think Rachel saw the “welcome to Applebee’s, would you like Apples or Bees?” “Bees?” “HE HAS ORDERED THE BEES! RELEASE THE BEES!” joke and thought it would be a hilarious thing to draw given Persephone’s blank stare as she just…released the bees.
Also, Zelda’s getting a movie??
Ah so the show was initially announced back in Season 1 if you can believe that, in 2019. But I suppose that goes to show how under-announced it was LOL (literally out of the handful of articles about it they're all just like "JHC bought the production rights, it'll happen maybe hopefully soon" and now it's like... 5 years later with no new information, fucking oof)
and yeah I need to make it clear that that bees scene was so divisive it resulted in the creation of a whole new critical community, it's literally how we got /r/UnpopularLoreOlympus over on reddit. The opinions over it clashed so hard that all the critics went "that's it, we're making our OWN space" and the fans went "k byeee!" and now ironically the space ULO made is now way more active and populated than the main space they broke off from 💀
And yes, Zelda's getting a movie:
And I'm gonna be real with you, my expectations are basically on the floor. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised like we were with the Mario movie, but the names attached to it aren't exactly inspiring a lot of hope LOL So I'm sure y'all will be hearing me talk about that at length once it actually releases god knows when. TBH I think they would have been much better off making an original show or something, the reality is that the lore and storytelling style of Zelda needs a lot more room for development than a single movie can really accomplish, but again, maybe they'll surprise me and it'll be good. It's just unfortunately being made in the decade of the 2020's when good and promising movies seem to be harder to come by.
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dearly-somber · 8 months
the other girl | h.hj | skz
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-> pairing. cheater!hyunjin x female reader
-> genre. angst, breakups
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 586
-> warnings. cheating, reader finds another woman’s nudes on Hyunjin’s phone
-> a/n. I was writing a lot of cheating fics back in the day, huh…
-> collection. songfic
-> started. Sept. 17th, 2020 @ 22:35
-> fin. ???
-> edited. Fri., Jul. 14th, 2023 @ 23:05
You’re laying with your back propped up against the headboard, fiddling mindlessly with your fingers while deep in thought. You’ve had a suspicion that he had been cheating on you for quite some time now, but somehow you’d managed to convince yourself otherwise.
Why was it bothering you so much now, you wonder? Because he’d called you by a different nickname. It wasn’t unusual, but it was odd. Of course, it was something small. But even the way he’d walk out of the room to take a call (something he’d never done before), and then come back with a large smile on his face, utterly pleased with himself, was suspicious.
Your head darts up to the doorway where Hyunjin is leaning against the door, hands folded over his chest. He’s dressed and ready to go already.
“Can’t you stay a while longer?” you ask hopelessly, already knowing what his answer will be. Doesn’t matter that you just had sex—he’d leave immediately after. It sent a tidal wave of alarms off in your head that you’ve been pushing down for god knows how long now, all because you want to believe that no, he wouldn’t do that to you.
He smiles at you sadly, looking down at his combat boots before clearing his throat. “I’ll be back tomorrow?”
You sigh, sliding out from under the covers to get dressed. Hyunjin watches you closely as you get dressed into your own clothes, choosing for the first time in forever to not wear something of his before you saunter close. With a hand on his shoulder, you stand on the tips of your toes to place a resigned kiss to his cheek.
“See you tomorrow.” You smile sadly before turning back and sitting down in bed, hopping onto Twitter to distract yourself.
Hyunjin feels the guilt eating at him as he exits your apartment, shoving it down when he receives a picture of Olivia in lacy-black lingerie.
come over xoxo
Hyunjin bites his lip, looking dejectedly back at your door before heading to Olivia’s house a few blocks away.
It’s unsurprising when exactly four months later you see Hyunjin’s phone ding with a notification from Livia🍑. You look at the bathroom door, steam emanating through the crack at the bottom while Hyunjin hums to some song he heard on the radio.
Biting your lip, you unlock his phone (you shared passwords when you moved in together) and check the message only to close your eyes quickly after seeing it. What person would ever feel comfortable sending pictures of them masturbating?
Hyunjin comes out of the shower whistling, stopping immediately with his hand gripping the towel around his waist. You look at him with a pissed smile and sad eyes.
“All I’ve been wondering since I started suspecting was which one of us is the ‘other girl’, in your world. The diamond versus the pearl. Who’s the first and who’s the fool? At this point I don’t even wanna know.” You shove the phone into his chest, tears streaming down your face as he blunders, stumbling over his feet and his words to try and get you to stop and listen. He knows he’s too late by the determined shoving of your clothes into a travel bag, just wanting to get back to your apartment. Anywhere he isn’t.
“Y/N, please—“
“Don’t. We’re over,” you spit, wiping your tears with the back of your hand before fumbling to unlock the door through your blurry vision. “I’ll move your stuff.”
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robertreich · 1 year
The GOP’s Attack on LGBTQ Americans, Revealed 
Republicans don’t seem to care that Ronald Reagan once starred in a film that featured a prominent drag scene or that Rudy Giuliani did a skit in drag with Donald Trump.
Suddenly, they’re trying to ban or restrict drag performances in at least 15 states, with bills so broadly worded that advocates warn they could be used not only to prosecute drag performers, but also transgender people who dare to simply exist in public.
These bans are part of a cynical campaign to demonize the LGBTQ+ community. MAGA politicians are stoking fear over imaginary dangers to distract from how their policies only help themselves and their wealthy donors.
In the first half of 2023 alone, Republicans across the nation introduced a record number of bills to strip away freedoms and civil rights from LGBTQ+ Americans, largely targeting transgender and gender-nonconforming people.
By banning gender affirming care for minors, GOP lawmakers are effectively practicing medicine without a license — overruling the guidance of doctors, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. And they’re lying about what gender affirming care even is.
Genital surgery, for instance, is rarely, if ever, done under the age of 18. It’s not even all that common for adults. Politicians like Ron DeSantis are lying about it to scare people.
And the Republican presidential frontrunner has made it clear that trans people have no place in his vision of America.
MAGA lawmakers and pundits falsely claim trans people and drag performers are a danger to children and the public at large, when there is no evidence at all to support that. None. Trans people are in fact four times more likely to be the victims of violent crime.
These scare tactics are dangerous. Recent analysis found a 70% increase in hate crimes against LGBTQ+ Americans between 2020 and 2021, as the surge of these bills began. And that’s only counting hate crimes that get reported. 2020 and 2021 each set a new record for the number of trans people murdered in America.
The cruelest irony is that these Republican bills pretending to protect children actually put some of the most vulnerable children at greater risk. LGBTQ+ kids are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide, especially transgender children. Gender-affirming care reduces that risk. That is why it is life-saving.
Don’t Say Gay laws strip away potentially life-saving support. A teacher discussing sexual orientation and gender identity won’t turn a straight kid gay. But it will make an LGBTQ+ student 23% less likely to attempt suicide.
The tragic truth is that Don’t Say Gay Laws and health care bans will cause more young lives to be needlessly lost.
If Republicans really cared about protecting kids, they’d focus on gun violence, now the leading cause of death for American children. If they were really worried about children undergoing life-altering medical procedures, they wouldn’t pass abortion bans that force teens to give birth or risk back-alley procedures.
What the GOP’s vendetta against the LGBTQ+ community really is, is a classic authoritarian tactic to vilify already marginalized people. They’re trying to stoke so much paranoia and hatred that we don’t notice how they are consolidating power and wealth into the hands of a ruling few.
We need to see this attack on LGBTQ+ Americans for what it is: a threat to all of our human rights.
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alexbkrieger13 · 6 months
Double vision
Partners on and off the pitch, Bayern pair Pernille Harder and Magdalena Eriksson have firm convictions on all the big topics facing women’s football in an era of exciting growth and mounting pressures
In a room at Bayern München’s training ground, Magdalena Eriksson and Pernille Harder are talking bicycles. One of their favourite things about Munich, the place they have both called home since making the switch last summer from Chelsea to Bayern, is the ease of travel for cyclists in the Bavarian capital.
Eriksson: “Now we live quite centrally so we can use our bikes to get anywhere.”
Harder: “It is a bit easier to bike here in Munich than in London.”
Magda: “We even took our bikes to Oktoberfest once.” 
Pernille (laughs): “We were biking straight!”
This is the beauty of an interview with the pair (even one conducted over Zoom, as this one is): you raise a subject and they bounce it around between them, their insights and reflections interspersed with lighter moments and laughter. And, as arguably their sport’s highest-profile couple – Harder is a two-time UEFA Women’s Player of the Year, Eriksson a Sweden stalwart – they have plenty to say. 
Both care deeply about matters on and off the football pitch. They are members of UEFA’s Football Board (of which more later), they support the Common Goal project – pledging one per cent of their salaries to support football charities – and on top of that they are advocates for the LGBTQ+ community. 
But, first, back to finding their feet in Munich, where the duo bring serious know-how to a Bayern side with big ambitions, despite an early exit from the Champions League in January. In Harder’s case, the Denmark forward knew German football already from her three years with Wolfsburg between 2017 and 2020. For Eriksson, after six seasons in England with Chelsea, this is an entirely new experience – which is exactly what she was hoping for.
“I think that’s how we are as people,” says the former Blues captain. “A reason why we moved is I am really curious about a new culture and a new environment.” From the sounds of things, that decision is paying off too. Away from the pitch, she is enamoured of the local coffee shops; on it, she has been impressed by the way “a lot of the girls take responsibility around the dressing room and with how things should work around the team. There’s quite a clear structure of different responsibilities, and the players take ownership of that. That’s something more like how it was in Sweden, and not at all in England. It makes us take responsibility and it’s something I appreciate.”
As for Harder, she elaborates on the unique culture of Germany’s biggest football club – one which attempts to marry sustained success with humility. “It really is a club where you have to work hard, be humble but also know your worth,” she says. “It’s a bit weird. There is no arrogance: we know we’re good, we know we are a big club, but we know we also have to work hard. There’s a lot of respect for each other, and it’s not only in our team. When we go to the campus and meet the academy boys or some of the other staff, you have the respect. You treat others the way you want to be treated, and that’s a really good value which aligns with my values.”
Now both in their thirties – Eriksson is 30, Harder 31 – they knew the women’s game before its lift-off moments of recent years. Thus, they bring a helpful sense of perspective to any discussion of its development, and how it might evolve in years to come.
If female footballers today have opportunities beyond the dreams of previous generations, they face pressures unknown by their predecessors too, as Eriksson explains. “I think there are two sides to every story. Maybe, when we grew up, there wasn’t that much pressure, but with a growing platform [and how] the women’s game is growing, there is also growing pressure. The fans are growing, social media is growing, so there are two sides to it.
“We can really help the younger generation of today to deal with that kind of pressure, which you have to be able to manage as a footballer,” she adds. “You have to find what you need to focus on and what you should really just shut off and not focus on. You need to find the people that you talk football with and the people’s opinions you shouldn’t care about.”
Harder picks up the thread: “When we were younger, there was only one focus and that was football – to get better and to win. It was just football: that was the thing we played for. Now, there is so much more and, with social media, it’s also about a lot of individual awards, individual recognition, when the focus should be on the team. And I think it’s easier to be distracted [from] having that right focus. That’s something important to think about…”
“And to remind yourself about on a daily basis,” Eriksson cuts in. “And also to spread that within the team – that it’s a team sport and the team wins, the team loses, the team scores, the team concedes. All of those things.”
“Except when Magda scores!” adds Harder with a laugh, teasing her partner over a goal she scored in the week of this interview.
Jokes aside, the pair obviously think a lot about the game, which makes them natural choices to sit on UEFA’s Football Board, the body set up last year to draw on the knowledge of current and former players and elite coaches in the shaping of women’s football. For Eriksson, it’s “inspiring to know you get a direct line to some really big decision-makers”, and the welfare of players – “the football calendar and making football sustainable” – is something both women are keen to highlight.
“We all want a long career, but sometimes if you have to play all the time and have no break, that will shorten it,” says Harder. “Often, we have tournaments in the middle of summer or late summer, so we have four or five weeks before the tournament for our summer holiday, but then we don’t really have that time off because you train to prepare for the World Cup. And then, after the World Cup, [Magda] had ten days and I had two weeks off, and then you just go straight back into it. So, you have to put the tournaments earlier so you have at least four weeks after when you can really, medically, relax and be ready for the new season. Everything else is just too hard mentally and for the body.”
“It was the same last year with the EURO and the amount of injuries we saw after,” says Eriksson, who, ironically, just days after our interview, suffered a metatarsal fracture in her left foot. “Again, [it was] a couple of weeks off for a few, even less for others, and then you are straight back into a high-performance environment where you immediately have to play games. Finding a balance in the calendar where you get the breaks at the right time and don’t have too many games in short spaces of time is the most important thing.
“The fact we are starting now to do research on women’s bodies and women’s players is the first step. With the way we train, the way we train conditioning, everything is based on research on men’s football players, men’s athletes. We don’t know if it’s the same for us. Should we train more or less, or in a different way?”
From Harder comes further food for thought. “When you think about it, we use the same football as the men. It isn’t that I want to change it, but it’s also the same size of pitch and we don’t have the same body; we don’t have the same strength in the muscles. I don’t know the impact from every time I shoot or make a pass, if that’s actually a bigger impact on my muscles than it is on a man’s. That’s something I think it would be quite interesting to look at. I don’t know if it’s something we want to change and have a lighter ball. Maybe it’s just small percentages of how heavy the ball is that could change it.”
“There is rivalry in women’s football, but respect, love and joy always come first”
It’s fascinating to hear this to and fro on the physical side of the game they love, and it’s not the only challenge they see. We talk too about misogyny and what Harder describes as “a mindset of some people who don’t want to change [and see] that women can also play football, women can also be commentating on men’s football, that they also have knowledge about football. They have their mindset and their values about it and it’s really difficult for them to change.”
What is not in question is that women’s football has taken giant steps already in terms of status and recognition. As the commercial opportunities grow, however, neither woman wants to lose the things that make it different from the men’s game. Eriksson recalls the celebratory atmosphere in Australia and New Zealand during the last Women’s World Cup; she cites too the friendly fan dynamics in the club realm.
“We are coming off the back of a fantastic World Cup where there were only positive emotions connected to the games. Of course, some teams win, some teams lose – that’s part of football – but the way the tournament was held and the fan culture, that was amazing. So much positivity, so much joy, and that’s everywhere in women’s football fan culture right at the moment. That is what we want to keep. In women’s football, that rivalry is still there, but the respect, the love and the joy is always what comes first.”
The last word comes from Harder, ever the finisher. “It won’t be easy to keep it like that, but that at least is the aim.” 
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floral-comet-whump · 22 days
consider institutionalized living weapon whump. mmmm. I will now explain this autism fueled hyperfixation that has been going on and off for me in the last 3-5 years
content warnings (all fictional): general whump stuff, child abuse, child soldiers, living weapon whump (kinda), conditioning, discussion of genshin impact (since I'm not tagging this post as genshin in fear of normal genshin likers on tumblr stumbling onto whump and not knowing what it is, therefore whump likers who dislike genshin and have the tags blocked would still view this (maybe. idk how tag filtering works)), multiple whumpers/carewhumpers, multiple whumpees, fantasy whump, briefly mentioned eating disorder
OKAY so back at like 2020 or 2021 I was ACTIVE in the genshin rp scene and one of my friends made a fatui oc that, due to being the only survivor of a snow blizzard, was adopted into the fatui and raised to be a soldier! also this was before inazuma's release so shoutout to [unnamed bc we fell out of touch so I don't know if they'd like to be named] for predicting the house of the hearth!
anyways their oc was not only an absolute BANGER, but also sparked what I now realize was whumperflies in 14 yo me! so I copied it with my own oc. also had the stellar idea to think that if [friend's oc] was integrated, why not make it a whole program? badabim badaboom fatui orphanage. I shit you not the first thing I came up with is that the rejects get sent to dottore
uhhhh as stuff came out and someone leaked a fatui orphanage then the secret shrine maiden quest came out I TWEAKED. my oc got updates. leaks about lyney (and lynette) being from the hoth(house of the hearth) brought me back after I'd gotten bored. I desperately held myself back from telling everyone their surnames. I listened to their leaked voicelines. I read their stories.
it was not as bad as I envisioned in my head. fym arlecchino saved them!! white knight white knight!!! fym they're not sleeper agents!!!! fym freminet has a job he enjoys that is in no way related to the fatui?!!?!!! free time and healthy hobbies on my extremely fanonized interpretation of a fictional orphanage we previously only had teeny tiny crumbs about?!?!?!!!;1!?!
arlecchino releasing made me fully give up on the vision I'd originally had on the hoth. I generally do actually like the canon hoth, but I was super attached to this whole miniature concept I'd invented and shared with so many people.
so I'm making my own child soldier orphanage!!!
CONSIDER CHILD SOLDIERS IN WHUMP. WITH CONDITIONING. consider telling children that have nowhere else to go (and whumper KNOWS they have nowhere else to go) they can either join the military or continue whatever they were doing. consider training and conditioning them. consider reminding them where they'd be, had carewhumper not taken them in. consider "letting them off easy" via punishment, or threatening to put them to other use.
consider teaching those children happy lies of doing good, and shattering that reality when they dare be ungrateful and try to run away. consider always making the expectations on them clear. consider the bonds these children will form both with each other and carewhumpers. parental whump my beloved. consider living weapon whumpee that isn't an on-field combatant. consider living weapon whumpee who's allowed to be a person as a reward.
consider living weapon whumpee who was previously rescued from a different kind of whumper and is just perfect for molding into a killing machine. consider orphans children willingly volunteering for the military because the program is well known. consider generations upon generations of this where previous whumpees retire to work in the same orphanage so that they'll never have to move out, prolonging the cycle of violence with promises of family. and that family isn't even false, just conditional.
whumpee who was rescued from a vampire thrall trade and is constantly reminded where they would've been had carewhumpers not been so generous as to rehabilitate them. ungrateful little thing, always reacting so slow, cowering from the vampires the carewhumpers have taken in as if they're the same one, either hoarding food or immediately wolfing it down.
whumpee who was abandoned as a child and came in to a place they knew they'd be accepted, but gradually realized the danger behind it and tried escaping. they were brought back and thoroughly disciplined. it's obvious that they're using a facade once one simply reads their file or asks them, but that doesn't matter so long as they're obedient.
a whumpee turned carewhumper that sees nothing wrong with what they're doing. they were raised this way, and though it was very scary, so is life in general. they certainly wouldn't have survived in this world without this orphanage, and much less by being coddled. the children brought here have all had difficult experiences that have scarred them, they can't be treated like normal kids.
that's all the ocs I have thought up for it rn soz
yeah!! will also be in a typical high fantasy setting because I prefer it a whole lot more.
I'm honestly unsure of what to call this thing. I can't really go with the house of the hearth. at some point I internally called it erysimum institute because I read destroyer and the name beldam institute just sounds rlly catchy. also erysimums symbolize faith in unfortunate situations which I think fits perfectly. but the loneliness/shyness part of wallflowers (a prominent type of erysimum) is a little less fitting.
I'll definitely change the name because I want it to be as original as it can be!! probably to some kind of flower meaning rebirth or smt but idk.
p.s: it would have art!!!
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formlines · 1 month
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Qwalsius/Shaun Peterson
from the website: As the saying goes, hindsight is 2020. Of course this references vision, but as much as I shy from these nuanced phrases, it’s inevitable. Not unlike the other phrase, “I wish I knew then what I know now”. Just before the pandemic I was setting on making–and still am–the work of my dreams. I always wanted to see the art tradition of the land I was born and have deep roots in recognized in a higher profile. Like roots, it takes time for a message to break through and connect. All that said, there were foundations that helped me get there, which are many.
In process of carving I have always been aware that the cedar I carve was alive, and from this place, and therefore sacred. It can be daunting to think about what you are shaping into something and be lead into paralysis by analysis. Which lead to my naming of this print as such. I felt it wasn’t easy to name something with complex reflection, which it is ultimately named. It is something that isn’t talked about often, but it’s not always clear what I am making as I am making it, or why it comes to be a driving factor for me to make it.
As a Native artist, I’m often asked about casinos and stereotypes of my culture. We are unfortunately not well represented or visible. To some, we are like unicorns in the wild, which is something I have finally made peace with over the years. In the end, we are human beings like anyone else, but with a unique history in the land of the free and home of the brave.
During the time of ‘lock down’ in the early pandemic, I was nervous like anyone else, but somewhat reluctant about how I could express it. I had worked on designs that could be looked at as a card deck, and from there this image shaped itself. Examining what our ancestors would think about how we live today, caught in a game of monetary values as a gauge of worth. Yet, all the while thinking of underlying values of the environment that shaped our culture.
Harvesting cedar bark from the trees to provide shelter and clothing is, or at least was, commonplace at a time. Bark pounded into soft fiber, roots woven into hats, capes lined with eagle down as means to literally remind us our connection to the land and its values. It was a different time and a different world in many ways. However, in time of isolation–which I have to do as part of my nature of occupation painting or carving–I recalled a powerful memory of a woman and man wearing cedar clothing, not entirely, but a hat, a backpack and eagle feathers crossing the street in downtown Seattle. It made me light up to know that they were not putting on a show or flaunting culture in opposition, but moving about as we all do in our daily lives.
Something about that memory made me put a pen in my hand and start drawing something from what was not comfortable, necessarily, but felt right to me. In this time of reflection I was thinking about the mask of this day we wear for function and not for show. Then, equally, how we put on a mask to show how happy we are when we aren’t, and how it took a pandemic for some to come to grips with this. I would be lying if I said this wasn’t something I wrestle with, but I’m no shaman, I’m no leader, I’m a product of my environment. I’m fortunate to have roots that kept me grounded here and I see the power of reflection in so many ways. Like anyone else, looking into my phone doesn’t tell me who I am or where I came from. No more than a screen does, or looking in the mirror.
I also wanted to depict somehow a modern reflection of a story of a man who sought fire for power so much that he had become it. Without humility, we give up more than we know. For some it is time, for some it is value, but there is resolution where lightning touches the water.
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