#2024 Predictions
bewareofthenewphannie · 9 months
(not so) very serious 2024 predictions:
they drop an album of their most iconic little songs. they change nothing about the original sounds except that they have dan dramatically playing the piano after every track to hit those 30 seconds.
the phouse address is leaked and it turns out to be a filming set. both they and us do not acknowledge this fact ever again.
phil announces a book. it's about keeping houseplants alive but is very clearly just a thinly veiled metaphor for something else. nobody can quite agree on what that something else is and fights ensue. (when it's released in 2025 it turns out to be a book about houseplants. nothing more.)
dan and phil are guests on some british cooking show. they are incredibly domestic but more shockingly, actually capable of making edible food. at some point dan very briefly catches fire.
they start a podcast where they interview people but it's painfully obvious that the person being interviewed is just one of them doing a weird voice.
dan starts being very active on tumblr. he doesn't interact with anything even remotely connected to him or the phandom and instead posts exclusively black and white aesthetics. nobody thinks too much about it until one day it turns out it was all an elaborate scheme to announce a tour.
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punkonbus1701 · 9 months
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kalki-tarot · 10 months
Love & Career in 2024 🖤🍷💸
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I'll be using tarot cards and my own intuition so it may not resonate with everyone. Keep in mind that this reading is purely for entertainment purposes so be mindful of your own actions and choices. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings.
Pick a pile masterlist 🖤
Pile 01
8 wands, 6 wands, page of swords, queen of swords, knight of pentacles
Hello beautiful souls 💓
Let's talk about your career first. I'm seeing you getting praised or popular very fastly. If you're manifesting something career related then it's your sign it's gonna enter your life soon! You'll get a promotion at your workplace and if you're still studying then I'm seeing you're gonna be the top student of your class. Everyone will praise you and you'll be in Everyone's talks and gossips about how did you achieve it.
If some things got stuck or stagnant then a change is coming soon. All this stagnant energy will flow away and new creative and inspiring energy will lead you towards success my dear pile 1. Don't worry just be consistent and your efforts will be recognized and appreciated very soon.
New ideas will be put into action or will be manifested in reality. If you wanna start a new course then it's the right time to do so. I'm seeing communication for you too. You'll get new opportunities and will make new contacts and connections in your work life which will help you alot leveling up more.
Your overall energy is the Queen of swords which tells me that this year, you'll just focus on your goals and won't spend too much time thinking about the bs. Your plans would be clear cut and will be put into action. I'm not seeing you procrastinating or smth like that. It's a very fast, quick and easy going energy, but stable throughout.
New opportunities on the way! I'm seeing you getting a job letter or something like that. If you're struggling with getting a job then an opportunity is out there in 2024! So be ready ♡
2 wands, 8 wands, 9 pentacles, Temperance, 6 swords, 9 swords ( 5 pentacles, the devil, 4 pentacles, the moon, 5 swords)
Woah! You know what pile 1, we need to let go of some things before before it's too late. We need to let go of things even if it hurts only for our own good. The bad or good news is I'm seeing you breaking up or finally letting go of a toxic relationship or love. You've held it in for so long and in 2024, I'm seeing you releasing all of that. It's better to leave than being left out in the cold, right?
2024 is the year of a fresh start and ending the cycles. It's the year to relax and heal. It's great that you're walking away from such people. I know it takes a lot of strength and courage to do that and you have the guts to leave someone so toxic and unhealthy for you. I'm not necessarily seeing someone new entering in your life. I'm seeing YOU, choosing to walk away from this situation.
You'll know that the grass is greener on the other side. You'll explore new things in love. Maybe go on a few dates? By the end of 2024, you'll be balanced spiritually and physically. You'll be properly healed and you'll discover much more about yourself rather than other people. It's necessary to know ourselves before trying to understand some one else. That's it for you, please reblog this post if you liked it. Thanks ♡
Pile 02
3 of swords, page of pentacles, ace of swords, 6 of wands, the devil, 8 of wands
Career wise, Things may get a little rocky for you this year. But don't worry, with extra caution and mindfulness you'll be able to thrive through this. The advice I'm getting for is to not take any shortcuts for success to come fast, as it'll only result in your own downfall.
Be careful of people who look very nice and popular as they're not what they seem from their outer side. Just focus on grabbing opportunities and working truthfully for yourself and your loved ones. Your creative energy would be at peak this year, it's time for you to realize your potential and work with it next year.
Your 2024 is the year to hustle hard so be dedicated to your work/study. Lot's of success will be at your door if you don't fall into any traps.
Knight of cups, wheel of fortune, 9 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, the hermit, 7 of wands ( 9 swords & 8 pentacles )
Wow babe! You've done lots of healing and lot's of self care in 2023! And now it's the time for love finally coming into your life through divine intervention in 2024. As we have the wheel of fortune here, I'm seeing You've finally let go of the old cycles and karmic patterns.
The old thinking patterns and attachment wounds will be healed. You'll fight your way through this very powerfully. You've done a lot of self introspection and self discovery in 2023.
You are one step ahead of pile 1, you're asked to just go with flow and let the universe guide you through the vast ocean of sadness to the never ending love. A romantic, water sign energy may approach you with love 👀 next year. Abundance and clarity will flow through just don't complex your emotions any more. Trust your intuition and let it guide you.
That's it! Pile 2 ♡ If this helped you a little bit please comment and reblog xoxo
Pile 03
The magician, Temperanc, ace of wands, 8 wands, ace of cups, the fool (king of cups)
The year 2024 will bring you lots of emotional satisfaction in terms of your career. You would be a successful person, but with the right actions and decisions. Create a path for yourself and walk on it. You should have the desire amd commitment if you wanna achieve something in life.
In 2024, there is a need for you to have a clear mindset snd step wise approach. Do everything in a proper balance. Good things take time to manifest. Your dedication and ability to stay composed under pressure will help you stand out.
Whatever you're thinking about, go for it. Just "go for it", don't think too much if that gives you happiness. Whether you've been thinking about launching a project or reaching out to a new networking connection, 2024 is the time.
Next year would be an year of swift progress and rapid growth. Everything will seem so fast and would gain momentum. You may even travel for work.
Something would be headed your way in your professional life, whether that's a new job, a new responsibility within your current role, or even a new business partner or connection, a new and promising path may be opening up.
You'll overall enjoy this year in terms of your professional or career life.
10 swords, 2 of wands, knight of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, queen of swords, 5 of wands, the tower ( 9 swords, 7 cups, magician )
Listen pile 3, to be honest 2024 would be rocky for you, you know. I channeled that you should not go alone in clubs or pubs or take any drinks with strangers. Be careful guys.
For some of you I'm getting that you guys are just staying single this year and focusing more on your self growth and options in love. You may solo travel or go on solo dates. You know loving yourself and all.
You may actually reach out to a therapist if your experiences were not so good in love before. If not, then I'm seeing you reaching out for yourself, my love. You're giving yourself the love and warmth you've never received from anyone else. You're now, not letting bs people get into your life and make a hell out of it. You're tryna stay healthy and happy.
For some of you, there's an advice of manifesting new love in your life. Get into that mindset. List down all the qualities you want in a partner and visualizing would also help you.
I'm seeing a divorce for some of you, or even a legal matter that involves a person you once loved. They probably lied and deceived you. You may fight for yourself in the court this year. Sending Lots of hugs and love to you dear if this is happening to you. Stay strong and you'll be more blessed. 💓✨️
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thesirencult · 10 months
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This time of the year our spiritual senses are heightened. Possibilities, the past and the future, for a few nanoseconds we are in the in between. Throughout 2024 we will all be transformed. In this reading I will go over which parts of your psyche will be touched by the year that holds the meaning of number 8, transformative and abundant.
"New Year" readings ar available for 25€. If you are interested just shoot me a private message.
Hope you enjoy this general reading and may your soul find the guidance it has a thirst for... S
“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
Dear Pile 1,
2024 will transform the way you see change . Up until now you may have been resistant to changing certain aspects of your life. This could have something to do with your childhood and the way you, transforming and letting your emotions and intuitive sparks control, got you shamed and alienated.
This year you will learn the power rebranding has. It is never ever too late to change our direction and to let our instincts take the wheel for a change.
You will be transformed and blessed through the need for constant change and movement this next year and your ability to adapt will be sharpened.
At the end of the year, you will no longer see change as something that cause insecurity and fear. You will see it as the catalyst of the process of creating, YOU.
I know that right now you might be scoffing 1. Getting out of your safe zone is not easy for you. You may have prominent cancer on your chart, Saturn touching your moon or a strong moon placement.
Trust the process and let your soul go through the movements and cycles of transformation. Growing pains.
“Asking the proper question is the central action of transformation- in fairy tales, in analysis, and in individuation. The key question causes germination of consciousness. The properly shaped question always emanates from an essential curiosity about what stands behind. Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
Pile 2, we are all in this together.
I picked this pile too and I want to tell you how this energy makes me feel. Everything is possible, until you ask the question you want to ask and make your choice. Let me break it down for you.
We are in need of a deep self-searching period. For the next few days, until December 31st take your time to ask the right questions. First and foremost ask yourself "What do I really want and need?"
2024 will transform us because it will make us ask questions. Question everything and everyone. Having questions is not bad. Be humble. We don't have to know it all. This makes me feel like we are going to be learning something new this year that will put us in the position of "the student".
This year you will come closer to your inner child because, guess what? Children ask a lot of questions and they are the OG philosophers.
This is how philosophy and science came to be in our world, per Plato and Aristotle. Because humans dared to ask questions.
This year will transform you to your core. Be delusional.
The key theme here : This year will transform the prism through which we look at life. We will realise that it is much better to guide ourselves as a student and look at life as a big wonderful world. Believe in the impossible. Curiosity killed the cat but WISDOM brought it back to life. Take good care fellow Plutonians 🫡.
“When a woman is frozen of feeling, when she can no longer feel herself, when her blood, her passion, no longer reach the extremities of her psyche, when she is desperate; then a fantasy life is far more pleasurable than anything else she can set her sights upon. Her little match lights, because they have no wood to burn, instead burn up the psyche as though it were a big dry log. The psyche begins to play tricks on itself; it lives now in the fantasy fire of all yearning fulfilled. This kind of fantasizing is like a lie: If you tell it often enough, you begin to believe it.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
This is your fake it till you make it year. Big imposter syndrome vibes will follow you around like a rainy cloud.
"Do I deserve all the good things which are happening for me?", you ask. The question you should be asking yourself is "Should I read Pile 2, too?" 😂. All jokes aside learn to question that voice that says that you don't deserve as seat on the table.
You are a master at setting the table, now it is your time to sit on your lil chair and relax while others bring you the food.
2024 will put you in a position of authority. You hold the wheel now so do what you gotta do and don't blame your little self (are you a Virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn?) for not getting all the way there. Little by little the castle gets built 🏰.
Disclaimer :
Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Tarot readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. A tarot reading is never 100% accurate. All tarot readings given by me are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. A tarot reading does not replace professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. The contents of a tarot reading are not legally binding. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your tarot reading are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by me, your tarot reader. I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my tarot readings. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times. Tarot readings are also copyrighted and their creative content belongs to the creator.
As always, you CONTROL your life.
You have FREE WILL.
Freedom comes with RESPONSIBILITY.
Anyone that tells you otherwise doesn't have your best interest in mind.
Lots of love and kisses xoxo ❤️
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cosmicmermaidwitch · 8 months
pick a pile: your 2024 predictions 🪅
paid readings: ❀ kofi ❀ info ❀
note: this is a collective message, take what resonates and leave what doesn't ! choose the picture that speaks the most to you ☆
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pile one ₊ ⊹
a song that might be significant during the year: magic shop - bts
an animal that might be of significance: walrus
in 2024 you will begin to feel indifferent about your current career lifestyle. you will notice that you need help and guidance when it comes to being overloaded with work and responsibilities. this will lead to getting new ideas on how to manage your work, not being all by yourself with it anymore. you are also going to find a new hobby, something that has been interesting you for a while but you have been too afraid to try. dont be scared to try something new, I see that youre scared of the judgement and would rather hide that passion of yours, its time to let go and free yourself from peoples expectations.
summer of 2024 is going to take a wild turn. someone new will come in, if youre in a relationship already your connection will deepen greatly. a chapter of your life and people in it will be left behind in order to fulfill this. you will be way more confident in yourself, not only when it comes to work but also when it comes to your emotions. I see you embracing the tower moment because you know the storm won't last long. your inner masculine will awaken and dominate during this period.
during the times where the leafs fall, you will be thinking of changing things up a notch. you will be pondering a lot about what kind of future you want to have. youre being encouraged to not fall down the rabbit hole of constantly being in your own head during this time. I see here that you will spend time with friends, but also with yourself a lot. be good to yourself and dont underestimate your power.
you will be entering winter with a lot of romance and passion, you and your destined person will take a step further during this time. this might take up some restless nights and make you anxious about commitment with this person. you will have to make the decision, whether or not you are ready for it, I see that deep down you are but your worries blind your vision. know that success is within you, you just have to take the path to find it.
pile two ₊ ⊹
a song that might be significant during the year: late night talking - harry styles
an animal that might be of significance: horse
the spring of 2024 will bring a rapid change. you will be influenced a lot, but will have to find the strength and courage to go your own way. a lot of people will be removed from your life during this time, this will be a good change. it might be hard at first, go easy only yourself and remember that the universe sends and removes people from or into your life for a reason, some stay for a season and some for a lifetime. the ones that no longer serve you will disconnect from your energy.
after the turbulent energy from the spring time, things will turn out great for you in summer. when it comes to your connections, you will be much closer to the people you love and form a great divine union with them. as well as more confidence, your career life will gain a lot of fortune, you will be in luck financially. nevertheless I see you being in your head a lot during these times, you sadly doubt yourself too much.
during fall, the universe will send you to your right path after seeing how much you've been in your head. they will send you information that will spark a light of hope in you, this will lead to you finally embracing confidence and taking the steps you were too scared to take before. the exhaustion from life will be gone during this time, its a good period to go above and beyond without taking on a too heavy load.
the winter time will be nostalgic for you, a lot of people from your past will come towards you to reconnect. this will be a hard decision for you to make, since some might not have treated you the fairest. you will need to go inside and check on yourself, what do you want? is it worth to risk another heartbreak, or will they finally treat you right? these will be questions following you during those times, be cautious but remember that you are a divine being, you will know what to do when the time is right.
pile three ₊ ⊹
a song that might be significant during the year: broken clocks - sza
an animal that might be of significance: panda
in 2024, you will finally free yourself. you will find ways to move forward and close the chapters that no longer serve you in the current times. I see you taking care of yourself a lot, being with the people you love and leaving behind the ones that have caused chaos in the past. financially, it's looking really good in spring. some fortune is on its way, maybe in ways you didn't expect it to come towards you.
during summer, I see you taking that financial gain to help people in need, your empathy peaks during this time a lot because you will notice how life has been giving you great fortunes. people will see you as a higher status after this, this could have pros and cons but nevertheless, you will have helped someone. this will grant them, but also you, happiness and fortune. remember that what you give to the world, you receive back twice as big.
fall is looking romantic and cozy, a deep emotional connection will be formed during these times. you will both take parts in healing each other, this could be past wounds or insecurities you carry around when it comes to love. this will help you regain your perspective on how you want to be treated and how you want to treat the ones you love. your love life is going to evolve to a higher status.
winter will bring similar energy, like the one you had in spring. this will be your final realization, a moment of light finally showing you the way. you and your person will make harsh decisions, but this will work out for the two of you in very good ways. the carefree energy combined with the fortune could be alarming, but for the most part it is actually the way you have always wanted to be.
reminder: a tarot reading is not absolute. this is for entertainment purposes only!! as a tarot reader, i will offer my opinion and advice, but will not interfere with the free will. any decisions made or actions taken by you as a result of a tarot reading are your sole responsibility. i will be honest in what i see and will not give false hopes or empty promises in order to keep you happy. a tarot reading does not replace professional opinion or advice. no refunds for paid readings !
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omgspacecowboys · 9 months
my only predictions for 2024 is that Dan will post a photo on Instagram on October 19th with a sarcastic comment about 15 years of knowing Phil, and the phandom will have a meltdown
he'll do it fully to fuck with us
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energeticwarrior · 9 months
2024 predictions
a *cooking video* not just baking i want to see these two make a proper beef wellington or something
dan and phil try to play pickleball
i want to see them play minecraft hunger games don't ask
in the spring/summer maybe they'll show us what they've been planting in their garden!!!
new houseplants
phil x mullet (this one is a joke)
one of them will have a hilarious interaction with a random large business again on twitter (pizza hut?)
dan gets a comedy special on netflix (i'm just hopeful and he is talented what can i say)
dab and evan have babies on the sims and their child get named devan (because eab is gross-sounding and devan is so gender)
i hope they get a dog (i have been wishing for this every year since 2017)
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thesensteawitch · 8 months
What Blessings Are Coming For You In 2024?
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea Souls!🩵
I am back with another collective reading. Take a deep breath and choose your pile intuitively!🤍
To book a personal reading checkout the links below:
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Check My REVIEWS Too!
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Ace of Cups, 8 of Swords, 4 of Swords, Seven of Wands, The Tower
~You will be blessed with a solution during tough times.
~You'll be given enough time to relax and reflect. Know that you'll feel that time is running out but that'll all be in your head.
~ Anything that doesn't work out in your favor will be a blessing in disguise.
~ Your new self will be taking birth.
~ Don't sleep on the calling of your heart.
~There's a childhood dream of yours that destiny will be pushing you to go after. You'll be unsure as it will be a new territory for you. Your old life has to die for the new life to begin.
~Close your eyes and sit in a meditating position to get clear guidance. Your dreams will give you some clues. Track them.
~I also see someone new coming into your life (romantic or work). This will be an emotionally fulfilling connection.
~You will be called to follow an artistic pursuit. The choice to paint the picture of your life will be in your hands.
~Your thoughts will be very powerful this year. Whatever you think will manifest. So don't fall into negative thinking patterns.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- The Sun, 9 of Swords, 10 of Cups, King of Wands, The Hierophant
~After weeks/months of anxiety a new life will emerge. Your mental health will improve.
~A new chapter of your life will be beginning. You'll feel anew.
~The answers you have been desperately looking for will be coming to you. The answers will be divinely guided.
~As you've grown so much you'll be helping others based on your experience of life. You'll have some great insights to share with the world.
~People will be interested in knowing what you've got to say.
~For some of you I even see popularity on social media.
~Know that the difficult phase is over. You'll feel abundant in every way possible. Especially emotionally! You'll be surrounded by your kind of people.
~Expect new and deep connections on your journey ahead. You'll be overjoyed to have such amazing and understanding people in your life!
~The fulfillment you've been seeking in several areas of your life is coming! I also see travel to your desired place.
~Initially this year your income might be equal to your expenditure. But soon you'll be entering the abundant phase as you playfully put efforts into your work. The more you enjoy the process the more you'll gain.
~2024 is your year!
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Knight of Swords, 7 of Wands, 5 of Cups, 9 of Pentacles, 7 of Cups
~Your angels will try to communicate with you with angel numbers such as 777, 789, etc.
~An emotional breakthrough will bring some positive change in your life.
~Peace will again be restored.
~You are recommended to spend time alone and get comfortable in your own company.
~Financially you'll be doing great but you'll see the results of your hard work near September.
~Try not to find your escape in connecting with people from the past. It will only bring more confusion and heartbreak.
~Stay happy with a few relations that you have got. They are the true blessings in your life. Because if those who left would've been a blessing too then they wouldn't have left in the first place. They were simply a lesson. Don't cry over spilled water. Look what you've got.
~You will be spiritually awakened this year. You'll be called to practice gratitude. The more you're grateful for the more you get.
~You will receive great communication in work-related areas.
~To have more fulfilling connections start valuing yourself first. Don't try to find your worth through other people.
~This year is here to transform you and make you comfortable in your skin. It will show you that you're worthy of love and you don't need to prove that to anyone at all.
~Birds and cats can be another sign that your guides are near and are protecting you from any challenges coming up in your life.
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magnetostits · 9 months
i’m positive at least one of these will happen
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astroyongie · 9 months
2024 Planetary Predictions: Saturn
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Please check your rising or your placidus for the houses.
Saturn will be in Direct Pisces in: 1st January to 28 June / in 15th November 
Saturn will be in Retrograde Pisces in: 25th May to 8th October to 14th November 
Aries Rising or Pisces 12th house
what a start of the year Aries, with pisces in the 12th house, theres quite a lot happening here indeed. the start of year can feel a little rough, because your mental health will be going through a few changes and a few complications, pisces energy gives a lot off illusions and added with the Neptune energy this isnt easy. However theres also some chance, because if you out into pratique your talents you will be able to achieve some dreams. Be aware of promontory dreams and seeing into the unknown.
when Saturn will be retrograde, this will be even more complicated and expect your mental health to have here some downgrade. pisces energy isnt easy and there evil be a lot of victim like feelings, you using things as a coping mechanism and as a way of escapism and overall being very sensitive to things that happen to you. please take care of yourself.
Taurus Rising or Pisces 11th house
Listen beautiful being, now is the time for you to shine and to use this energy wisely. with this placement it is time for you to enjoy your friendships and to start being more socially active and more engaged with your values and morals. overall a good period for you to be the center of the attention of your social circles
be aware of fake friendships that will be revealed during retrograde. this is a good thing because it will give you a nice cleansing of people around you but it will still be painful to accept. careful with being too escapist as well
Gemini Rising or Pisces 10th house
Gemini, listen this is your year when it comes to career and goals for your future, use the Saturn energy to achieve everything that you want. pisces energy will give you lots of dreams and this is the time to conquer everything that you dream off by putting the right amount go effort in your networking. Expect your status to raise up
Take all you can because when Saturn retrograde arrives it will be taking stuff away from you if you aren't careful. during these time you might feel stuck of that your projects aren't involving as fast as you might have wished them for. be patient and don't be a victim of your own game. PATIENCE ! That will be the thing you need to deal with before seeing your reputation go up again
Cancer Rising or Pisces 9th house
Cancer this is a good moment to travel, to change your horizons. for many this will be synonym of changing countries, changing places and traveling where your heart desires. if you are planning or doubting yourself, this is the the big yes that yes, take your changes and go forward. take that change because you wont regret it. for some this could be changing education area, changing a moral, a value or even a religion/spiritual path.
of course, retrograde will bring you doubt and a lot of anxiety from your choices of moving around, of changing your educations, your religions or places in general. just hold on tight, you will feel very sensitive and cry a lot but after October things will get back into place
Leo Rising or Pisces 8th house
My Leo siblings, this start of the year will quite something. this will depend case per case, but most of you will start your active sexual life during this period until May. for those who have already started, there will be here some novelty to your sexual life. expect new things happening.
But please be careful during summer time, with Saturn in retrograde theres the possibility of accidents happening around your sexual life which is why remember that you have to restrict yourself in some cases. don't put yourself in danger, don't use sex as a coping mechanism and just overall don't be reckless. death will be walking by your side during these period, be aware of it and be careful of how you deal with some events
Virgo Rising or Pisces 7th  house
this is such a good start of the year for your Virgo, when it comes to relationships expect you to reach here some goals. for those who aren't in a relationship, expect to find love, to find crushes and to overall fall in love with someone that is around you (or that will come into your life). use the pisces energy to be happy and enjoy yourself! for those who are already in a relationship, this is the time for planning, for spending time with your love ones and overall enjoy the peace.
Because between may and October things will be more complicated. some of you will suffer harsh breakups, lies in the relationship, or huge struggles/difficulties that will put the relationship in a tight spot. For those who will be single, theres will be the possibility of unrequited love.
Libra Rising or Pisces 6th house
We start the year okay here, usually any injuries that you have suffered will get back into place. most of your libra will also go through some spiritual and mental healing with the pisces energy so please take it to take care of yourself
however between may and October there will be some health issues again (that will get better once Saturn gets back to direct). during this time, physically be aware of any diseases of accidents that touch your feet area, pituitary glands and pineal glands. also some major hormonal issues here. mentally it will also be a very complicated moment of your life, with a lot of setbacks and mental health complications coming back
Scorpio Rising or Pisces 5th house 
Okay Scorpio, i have already said this in Jupiter and I will say it again, careful with your sexual activities unless you want to have kids because here many of you will get pregnant or have children due to Saturn energy. pisces energy will also give you dreams that can be turn to be real. Its a good period for you to fall in love, to be in touch with your feelings and to have overall fun without worrying about your heart
Retrograde will bring here some difficulties. most of you will feel bored or start using things (or substances) as a way of escapism because Saturn energy can be quite awful and you don't know how to cope with everything that is happening in your life. be aware of behaviors that you should avoid and are aware of it.
Sagittarius Rising or Pisces 4th house 
my babies, expect to enter this start of the year in big. this is such an important moment to be around the ones that you love and be around your family. good period to turn your family dreams into reality to get back to your roots and feel more connected with your ancestors as well. Some of you can also start getting ready to prepare your own family as well!
When Saturn will be retrograde, it will bring with it some difficulties inside your family. Expect every to be slightly sensitive, arguments erupting every now and then and a lot of conflict. you might use too much the card of victim so also take responsibility for your actions during that time
Capricorn Rising or Pisces 3rd house
capricorns, we are starting this year softly and with you being able to open more with people and be more communicative. use that emotional side you got to listen to people, to listen to what we are telling you and try to use your mind to make decisions. This isnt a time for you to use your heart. be smart, yet trust your intuition a lot. this is a good moment to practice spirituality as well.
when Saturn gets retrograde we will meet some difficulties here. You will feel overwhelmed rather easily and because of that your mind will be too much to handle. overthinking can be a thing, such as shutting now and not tailing to anyone. seek help if necessary and don't push yourself away
Aquarius Rising or Pisces 2nd house
Whatever your dream of, whatever you wish to have, this is your moment to get it. use the pisces in 2nd house energy to get everything that you want and everything that you have dream off being able to be on your hands on its physical form. this is a good period to invest in dreams and business, in thing that you want. great period to also involve skills that you wish to get better at
Saturn retrograde will put you on a tight spot. for some, you will see some of your dreams slipping through your fingers while being unable to get them back. while for others you will simply get stuck when it comes to money. financial difficulties or unable to proceed with your plans.
Pisces Rising or Pisces 1st house 
Listen here, this is your year when it comes to transformation of yourself. it is time to have a new haircut, to start a clean skincare, to eat better, to change your closet, buy yourself new outfits and just overall change yourself appearance wise. I would advice for many of you to use a soft style instead of sharp, with pale colors to put yourself In a good position
during summer this can be quite tricky because Saturn will make you believe that nothings is worth it. some of you will probably get back to old habits and do yourself some harm while others will get too extreme with this. hold on tight and try your best to stay in the middle ground until the beginning of October where everything gets back to the normal.
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oliverreedmasterass · 8 months
My GVF Predictions for 2024
Sam will attempt to grow a beard similar to George Harrison circa 1970. He'll nearly get there, but when he starts braiding it, his friends and family tell him to shave it off
A new music video will come out for either Sacred the Thread or Farewell for Now out of the literal blue
videos of Danny singing Bon Jovi in a Nashville karaoke bar will unearth
Josh will get another piercing
GVF will issue an apology, revealing that they accidentally deleted the files for the Broken Bells music video
Jake will commit to speaking in nothing but latin for an entire interview
Some cryptic sign will be dropped that Oliver Reed isn't dead
Something's gonna come out of that mystery song that they've been playing during their jam sessions on stage, I swear
Josh is gonna try to bring back shoulder pads and he may or may not pull it off
At least a few members of GVF will accidentally make their way into the background of a Mastercard commercial like Michael Clifford did in 2014
Danny will get another tattoo of something goofy, like a frog playing a banjo or a dorito bag
Sam will want to get a tattoo too, but talk himself out of it while it's happening so he's left with a dot tattooed on him, which he calls a freckle tattoo
GVF will release a new curated spotify playlist, but it's just Nicki Minaj's Pink Friday album
Josh will tease a new short film about space pirates with Jake cast as the evil, latin-speaking three headed villain
New outfit debuts all around for the next leg of the Starcatcher tour, including more capes, more sparkles, and more chains
Josh has spent their entire break trying to figure out how to apply pyro to his microphone so he can shoot shit out of it, which he will test during their next performance
GVF holiday single drop, but they're all giving their worst Frank Sinatra impression and it's a clusterfuck
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toasterghostie · 9 months
2024 Predictions:
-Swifties join together as a hivemind to become a fifty foot collective being and start hunting down Taylor's exes,
- ai written songs reminiscent of a mix of vocaloid and "Carol and Tuesday", we revolt after.
-David Tennant comes out as bisexual,
-tiktok makes a new trend where you sit in a busy intersection/road and try to make something with an easy back oven before you get ran over/ arrested/ removed,
-surge in cowboy aesthetic on Instagram where you wear jeans, eat beans and collect horse memorabilia, homosexual undertones optional but encouraged.
-pegging joke in new Dr who episodes,
-we get another equally hilarious fucked up painting restoration as the weird Jesus,
-Porygon is forgiven by Pokémon™ and Pikachu is held accountable for his crimes in a live action court room recording, the defender is wearing the chubby Pikachu costume and their lawyer is wearing Misty's outfit but with a red tie.
-Wednesday S2 has painter dude accidentally sleep paint himself a new face as the in universe excuse for changed actor.
-Scientists introduce rats to just dance, they start beating global top records within the first week,
-politicians start getting pelted with rubber chickens in public.
-Someone puts googly eyes on the Eiffel tower, three months later same thing with the statue of liberty.
Last but not least;
-Disney's first gay character.
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fandom-cereal · 9 months
2024 predictions:
oil spill
charles dies
minecraft large update
new console generates lots of hype only to bomb
musk gets involved with shady, enron-esqe scam
new species of lizard discovered
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Jupiter-Uranus 2024 (The Big Zap)
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I noticed this very interesting planetary force that will be coming together and will be felt specifically from February till end of April 2024.
It’s something that only occurs every 14 years, and paying attention to how this will affect in a collective and an individual level during this time could be beneficial.
Jupiter bring expansion and Uranus gives it a sudden “oomph” or energy force making it even more noticeable. As sudden and bright as lightning, and perhaps as loud as thunder. It comes with major spiritual AND technological changes to the entire collective that will trickle down to all of us in some way.
For a lot of people this might be the “lottery ticket” or sudden activation that will lead them to a very significant event, and for some others it will be the sudden realization that will lead them to upgrading a certain aspect of their lives. As if it was a necessary calibration or adjustment.
It is important to have the correct focus and to be in alignment to enjoy the more positive effects, and its not to say that if you are not aligned to your path it will be terrible, but its like the universe will push you towards doing so which might not necessarily be pleasant.
Here are some briefs explanations of how this conjunction will play out depending on where it will be sitting in your natal chart:
1H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your desires, environment, physical appearance, health, mannerism, outlook towards life, personality, and self-interests.
2H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your resources, finances (gain or expenses), security, freedom, and perhaps necessity to become more vocal/expressive.
3H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your hobbies, skills, vehicles (for good or bad so be weary), communication through technology, gossip (towards your or you towards others), reading, academic duties, short traveling (meaning within your country or outside but for a fixed amount of time), and overall your mindset.
4H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your home (meaning moving to a different one or something radical occurring within it), shocking family news, in your emotions, real estate from homeland, wealth from parents, and mothers health could improve for the better or the opposite if there are underlying conditions that have not been treated.
5H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your creative expression (hobbies as well), friends, romantic life/love affairs (won’t necessarily be long term), motherhood (getting pregnant 👀), feeling the urge to take more risks (like gambling or market stock), overall lots of fun/joy that could lead to overindulgence so be mindful.
6H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your daily routine (adding more technology day to day or it breaking down), in healthcare, in exercising, in work (workaholic vibes or changes in employment), cooking (doing so more or having accidents in it), healing, getting a new pet, employees (if you have a company).
7H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your agreements (contracts), partnerships of all kinds (beginning of one or change in status if you are in one already), one-one businesses, perception of others, and overall interpersonal style.
8H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your finances (particularly savings or income you get from others as gifts of some sort), occult practices you’re interested in, perceptions of your sexual energy, psychic experiences, partners family, and overall major transformations that will help you integrate more your dark/toxic traits. an opportunity to reinvent yourself.
9H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your beliefs/religious/spiritual systems, opportunities of settling abroad (permanently or just a long journey), high education (getting more educated in a subject through an institution), fathers health, or abilities to predict future events.
10H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your career/profession, public perception (getting more noticed for good or bad), finances (money earned from work), ambitions, worldly perception, and anything related to the relationship you have with your superiors.
11H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your social circle (close friends and acquaintances), ambitions/aspirations for the future, memberships you pay of any sort, finances (return from investments, business income, or anything that affects money long term), social media presence, and overall your hopes or wishes might take a sharp turn to align you where you are meant to be.
12H ➡️ sudden changes or expansion in your finances (loss of money or increase in expenses), opportunities to travel abroad, hidden affairs, spirituality, self limitations, karmic responsibilities, and possibilities of working through your blind spots.
If you want to take it a few steps further, take a look at where the lord of that house is sitting at, and it will give interesting details to the grand picture.
Jupiter-Uranus conj sitting in 2nd house of resources and finances
Lord (planet ruler) of 2nd house is sitting in 9th house of foreign travel, luck, growth, beliefs
There will be sudden financial changes or expansion of their resources in relation to foreign matters, education overseas, father, ideologies, spiritual growth, traveling, etc
Please keep in mind these topics will manifest differently depending on the natal planets or angles in your chart it might touch as well.
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queercatwithhat · 8 months
should i do dnp 2024 predictions or is that just silly now?
ah, fuck it
they change the name of their joint channel, maybe to "dan and phil"
phil gets a tattoo!
dan introduces a new concept for his main channel
they start a podcast and it's got the unhinged stereo energy
a cute selfie just randomly captioned "date night" gets posted cause they just don't gaf anymore
dab and evan get a child and this child has the yet strangest name, not the obvious "devan"
catboy phil somehow
daniel howell will wear a black, longer skirt and look beautiful
they go undercover as stan accounts and we all lose our shit
some sort of accident during a gaming video
amazingdan reactions
dan does not shut up about phil's ass
cornelia posts another tweet about them that's calling them best gay uncles or something like that
they start playing a long, emotional storygame like life is strange or detroit become human and one of them cries
they upload a video on valentines day and whatever it is, it's so corny that no one knows wether or not they're just fucking with us
they do another mukbang and this time dan talks a bit about the we're all doomed recording just like last time when they we're chatting about the interactive introverts dvd
also small addition; this mukbang isn't pizza again, instead i'm feeling indian, like yes shove that samosa in my mouth plz
seth everman comeback just for phil
phil announces a big, creative solo project (go phil go!!!!)
they announce a tour for 2025
full phouse tour never happens but they do show us some areas of it and we all realize they're not just rich, they're rich rich
think that's it for now =P
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thesirencult · 9 months
Astrological Predictions I Wrote Down Last Year Which Are Still Relevant- and will continue to be!
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Note: I'm not here to spread fear and anxiety. Bad aspects do not exist. Our lives and the way the Art Of Astrology is expressed in our reality is a mix of different colours and vibrations. These predictions have been made with my own personal way of interpretation so please don't ask how I came up with some things. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to see the "mechanics" and "practical details" behind the predictions, simply read them and see if intuitively you vibe with them. Keep in mind these are written in a "personal notes" style so it is a tiny bit chaotic!
A year ago I did not post any content about astrology and tarot online, at least at this scale. Posting these personal observations is not a way fro me to "toot-my-own-horn". I'm actually quite skeptical about Astrology's capacity to "predict" but right now, looking at those notes it is apparent that most of those things have already manifested or are beginning to take form in our physical reality.
Enjoy and let me know what your thoughts are about what's coming.
Pluto In Aquarius (23/3/2023, 3 months and then again in 2024): 20 year cycle, society, tech, consciousness, innovation on STEROIDS, last time 795,819, 1781 -> discovery of uranus, islamic/arab domination in north africa, fall and rise of dynasties in europe (foundations of europe as we know it now, al-Khwarizmi founded the field of algebra
Saturn In Pisces (7/3/2023, 26 february, may 2 2026): structuring the "unstructureable"
Jupiter In Taurus (16/5/2023-25/5/2024): wisdom of nature, stay ready/still, green
17/7/2023 -> N.Node in Aries/S.Node in Libra: love-war, Ares-Aphrodite, war between the feminine and the masculine. Fall of red pill and radical feminism, individual vs parrtnership.
Where Jupiter goes, Saturn follows. Dune, The Hermit energy. In the past few years with Jupiter in Pisces and Aries disillusionment was IN! Fights through screens (Aries), were just another day. Saturn clears the way after Jupiter's orgy. Dreams NEED a practical use (note from now : we have this whole hustling culture thing of set goals and be practical, we are basically trying to give structure to our dreams and create a step by step path to our vision). Example: astrology, NFTs and crypto, drugs, manifestation, art -> how are they contributing to our society and the betterment of it? Dissolving-then Forming-> identifying, dreaming-act/plan -> success. Only through the loss of individual power we realize we are nothing without a link to the rest of "life". Submitting to something greater/ fear (misty) of something destroying us or confronting external life. Sacrifice/Servitude. Who are you when stripped away from the world? (prison): stripped off the matrix/network, inner contemplation, power to serve to experience unity, science+spirituality meeting. loneliness + isolation = going deeper within,monk mode. developing a conscious ego. Information utilized/weaponized to help/guide the masses. Increasing consciousness and broadening the mind. We are realizing we are experiencing the "shadow" not the "idea" (Plato/Jung/archetypes)/Antigone-> divine law / human law/ loss of faith and search dor a new framework of values. Discipline in meditation, yoga driven towards God. Fight between atheism+spiritualism/nihilism+purpose. Turning inside because you lost faith, there you will find God and meaning. The form has outlived its usefulness -> conflict with the status quo and law. No church in the wild/godless. Saturn's death by Jupiter (taurus = structure).
Transformation of rules, social norms, ideas of humanity and how we use science+technology to manifest those ideas. Social + technological REVOLUTION. Renaissance. Turning to humanitarian, liberal arts/spreading knowledge-teaching. Astronomical discoveries, vaccines/antibiotics(shortages?), innovations in trade, change in the way religions and churches are structured as well as other organizations. More open. Blockchain. "Anonymity" but transparency. 48 laws of power, the prince. philosophy-> utilitarian/kant/pure reason. "how to maximize happiness for the majority. streamlined techniques. Pluto in Aquarius will bring the desire to reform. After 2044 these changes will be established. Everything will be brought to the surface. going deep and facing demons. PROMETHEUS MYTH , FIRE -> DARK SIDE OF TECH (note: AI). decentralised internet, open sourcing, energy. YOU CAN'T REACH GOD THROUGH TECHNOLOGY/CAN YOU? Grid failures+extreme weather. Internet cables connecting countries -> separation from WEB -> Who are we? power over...= domination / power with...= networks Pluto -> Πλούτος, abundance but can turn to greed -> eruption -> realizations. Society = individuals -> change= self change!
Society is going to turn its hopes, wishes , knowledge, resources and tech powers towards abundance and sustainability. Physical environment = abundance. I'm seeing a rise in holistic+cyclical approaches, natural medicine and art expression close to natural processes. Expect movement from big cities to the countryside and creation of luxury reatreats/hotels close to nature-sustainable.
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