#2024 horoscope aries
astrosolutions · 5 months
Aries May 2024 Horoscope Prediction For Personal Growth
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Aries May 2024 horoscope: The month of May will go through many ups and downs for Aries. At this time, even if you get good results in your career, various health problems may surround you. Find out in detail how the month of Aries will be spent through the monthly horoscope.
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airisu7425 · 5 months
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Nyan Koyomi - Natsume Yuuchinchou Desktop Calendar 2024 - April/Aries
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ezukll · 4 months
𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗚𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 🔮
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Gemini season is likely to bring about changes and exploration in areas related to communication, learning, and socialization. You may find yourself presented with opportunities for personal growth and development through interactions with others or new knowledge and skills.
During this time, you may feel a desire to express yourself and communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively. The focus may shift towards intellectual pursuits and a desire for mental stimulation. You may also find yourself more open to different perspectives and expanding your social circle.
As a Taurus, the 2024 Gemini season may bring a time of transformation and renewal in areas related to communication, learning and adaptation to changes. You may feel compelled to embrace new ideas and ways of thinking, and may find yourself engaging in conversations and learning experiences that help you grow and evolve.
During this period, you may find yourself focusing on improving your communication skills and expressing your thoughts and ideas more effectively. This may involve learning new languages or techniques for expressing yourself, as well as engaging in conversations with people who think differently than you do.
Gemini, the 2024 Gemini season is your season, and it likely brings about a time of celebration and recognition. You may find yourself receiving recognition for your accomplishments or being the center of attention during social gatherings. This is a time to bask in the limelight and enjoy the spotlight that is on you.
During this period, you may find yourself reflecting on your goals and achievements, and re-evaluating your priorities and how well you are living up to your potential. You may also have the opportunity to explore new creative endeavors or ideas that excite and inspire you :)
Cancer, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself being more sociable and outgoing than usual. You may find yourself drawn to social gatherings and events that involve intellectual exchanges and discussions. This is a good time to expand your social circle and engage in conversations with people who have different perspectives and viewpoints.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more introspective and reflective about your personal and emotional relationships. You may find yourself re-evaluating your emotional needs and seeking harmony and balance in your interactions with others.
LEO ♌︎
Leo, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more confident and self-assured. You may find yourself feeling more energized and motivated to pursue projects and ideas that excite and inspire you. This is a good time to express yourself and shine in social situations, as you may feel a stronger desire to be seen and recognized for your talents and achievements.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more spontaneous and adventurous, as you may be more willing to explore new ideas and ways of thinking. You may also find yourself feeling more creative and passionate about pursuits that ignite your imagination.
Virgo, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more intellectually stimulated and curious. You may find yourself feeling more excited about learning new things and exploring different perspectives and viewpoints. This is a good time to focus on intellectual pursuits and engage in conversations with people who think differently than you do.
During this period, you may find yourself reflecting on your routines and habits, and looking for ways to add more variety and novelty to your daily life. You may also find yourself feeling more motivated to work on personal development and self-improvement projects.
Libra, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more diplomatic and sociable than usual. You may find yourself engaging in discussions and intellectual exchanges with others, and finding ways to find common ground and compromise in situations where different perspectives may exist. This is a good time to focus on relationships and finding ways to build connections with others.
During this period, you may find yourself reflecting on your partnerships and collaborations and seeking ways to improve or strengthen them. You may also find yourself feeling more creative and inspired in your artistic pursuits.
Scorpio, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more curious and adventurous than usual. You may find yourself feeling more excited about exploring different ideas and perspectives, and finding innovative solutions to problems. This is a good time to focus on learning and development, and to expand your knowledge and understanding.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more courageous and willing to take calculated risks in your personal and professional life. You may also find yourself feeling more passionate and driven to pursue your goals and objectives.
Sagittarius, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more spontaneous and experimental than usual. You may find yourself feeling more motivated to try new ideas and activities, and to explore different perspectives and opportunities. This is a good time to focus on creative pursuits and self-expression, as you may feel more inspired and motivated to express your unique ideas and talents.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more adventurous and willing to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. You may also find yourself feeling more curious and open to new experiences and people.
Capricorn, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more focused on your goals and objectives. You may find yourself feeling more organized and disciplined, and more motivated to work towards your long-term goals. This is a good time to focus on your professional and career aspirations, and to take practical steps towards achieving them.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more confident and authoritative in your interactions with others, and being more willing to take charge and make decisions. You may also find yourself feeling more grounded and practical in your approach to problem-solving.
Aquarius, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more curious and innovative than usual. You may find yourself feeling more inspired to explore different ideas and ways of thinking, and to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. This is a good time to focus on your intellectual pursuits.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more open-minded and willing to consider different ideas and perspectives. You may also find yourself feeling more social and interactive, and having a desire to connect and engage in discussions.
Pisces, during the 2024 Gemini season, you may find yourself feeling more imaginative and creative than usual. You may find yourself experiencing bursts of inspiration and creativity, and feeling more motivated to express yourself through art, music, or other creative pursuits. This is a good time to focus on your emotional and spiritual well-being, and to tap into your intuition and use it to guide you in your decisions and actions.
During this period, you may find yourself feeling more compassionate and empathetic towards others, and being more willing to offer emotional support and understanding.
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cosmicpuzzle · 5 months
Jupiter Transit in Taurus for Taurus Rising
Jupiter in 1st house:
This is a year of new beginnings for you. You may start something new in your life.
You may join a college or a new job or a new relationship.
Something about your life will be new this year.
Physically you will feel confident and may gain weight too.
This is a year you will feel confident but be cautious not to be over optimistic.
New opportunities can come in your life.
Things can progress without much effort.
You may have success in relationships and love as Jupiter aspects both 5th and 7th house simultaneously.
There may be possibilities of long-distance travel as Jupiter aspects 9th house.
For Readings DM
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bxtxnx · 8 months
[☉□♃] watch your mouth.
The Sun is squaring Jupiter until February 5, so if you have any social media following, no matter how small, be careful with your words.
Being too harsh, insensitive or not thinking your words through will get you in hot water and affect you harshly.
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ajje-111 · 4 months
Zodiac Sign Mood Board for June
Happy Summer everyone! Be safe this season and I wish everyone to be well on their journey, xx
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
Shake-Ups, Fresh Starts, and Mercury Retrograde
     As we wrap up the crazy astrology of July 2024, things only get crunchier in August, thanks (in large part) to Mercury Retrograde. The good news? Mercury doesn’t station direct until Sunday, which means you have all week to get your ducks in a row and prep for the backwards slide. Mishaps, miscommunications, and mysterious misplacement of your keys / phone / wallet will likely ensue; laughing at the missteps and backing up your technology, whilst giving into the reflective nature of the 3-week-long transit, is highly recommended.
     The other good news? We have a lovely opportunity to start over and re-stoke a flame for your creative projects, passions, romantic life, and/or star power. And after a tense and restless jolt to your love life or wallet, these also get a reset come Sunday. Relationships move from dramatic and passionate to organized, efficient, and nurturing. Those are the main events of this week. Here’s the actual astrology:     
July 30 – Venus in Leo trines retrograde Chiron in Aries (23°55)
Aug. 2 – Venus squares Uranus in Taurus (26°)
Aug. 4 – Leo New Moon (12°36)
Aug. 4 – Venus enters Virgo
Aug. 4 – Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo
     For the record, Aug. 4 happens in this order: Leo New Moon at 5:13 am MST, Venus enters Virgo at 8:22 pm MST, and Mercury stations retrograde at 10:56 pm MST. So, goal-setting, intention-setting, any sort of plan, publication, release or launch is still OK on the Leo New Moon, as Mercury isn’t technically retrograde yet. (Yes, Mercury is in its shadow phase, which many people say is MUCH WORSE than Mercury Retrograde, but I’m not sure how or why. Anyway!) Long story short: don’t let mercury Rx scare you away from living.
Read YOUR Weekly Horoscope for FREE on The Cosmic Almanac:
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aengelren · 7 months
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starcrazypie · 1 month
September 2024 Horoscope: The Month Ahead
The September 2024 horoscope signals that it's time to change. The planets show it - and you know it. Deep down, this is a key moment...
Before I started writing the September 2024 horoscope, I reminded myself of this month’s major themes by re-reading the forecast for September 2024 that I wrote for the 2024 Big Horoscope. That was published in December 2023, so what did I predict way back then? The major theme I picked up on was a generational shift; that process (one way or another) reaches a conclusion this month. There is…
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astrosolutions · 6 months
Aries Horoscope: Aries April Monthly Horoscope Predictions, 2024
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Aries Monthly Horoscope 2024 April: Aries will spend the month of April through various ups and downs. This month there will be improvement in career and business. On the other hand there may be problems in love life. Let’s know in detail what will happen in the life of Aries in the month of April.
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Aries Survey
If you find yourself agreeing with the statement or engaging with the behavior often write “F” for frequently. If the statement is sometimes true write “S”and if it is never true write “N”
Would you describe yourself as a leader, someone who is ready to stand up and take charge? ____________
Have you ever been called ambitious? _____________
Do you like to challenge yourself (especially if others are watching)?____________
Do you ever get angry and then not remember exactly why? ____________
Do you usually take dares?______________
Are you easily bored? _____________________
Do you have trouble being impulsive?________________________
Do you fall in love quickly?_____________________
Do you get into fights?___________________
Do you enjoy competition?______________________
If you don’t feel comfortable answering any of the following questions please leave it blank.
What are some of your passions and hobbies? Are you employed? If so, what is your career?
Are you involved in a romantic situation? Have you ever been married?
Do you have one or two best friends or a group of close friends? What kinds of things do you do with your friends?
What is your biggest challenge? (I know this is a really personal question so you don’t have to answer it).
What are five words that best describe you?
Would you like to go by your real first name (no last names) or would you like to make up a name? If so please write it here.
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ezukll · 5 months
𝗧𝗮𝘂𝗿𝘂𝘀 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 🌷
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During this time, an Aries native can expect to gain more confidence and self- assurance. There is a powerful energy during Taurus seasons that brings a sense of stability and structure that can positively impact the lives of Aries natives. This can also be a period of increased prosperity and success for many of them. It's an ideal time to focus on matters related to security, property, and investments. Taurus season also encourages the Aries native to slow down and take things one step at a time. It's not always about rushing headfirst into new situations or adventures.
An Aries native can also make the most out of the 2024 Taurus season by focusing on their inner world and finding ways to develop their self-awareness and emotional maturity. It's a great time to get to know themselves on a deeper level, reflecting on past experiences and learning from any mistakes or lessons that came up in the past. They can take small steps toward self-development, setting intentions and goals for themselves going forward. The Taurus season is also a great time to focus on creating stability and structure in their life, prioritizing matters of security and reliability.
Taurus natives can expect a lot of positive energy and prosperity during the 2024 Taurus season. Taurus is a sign of stability and reliability, and this season can enhance those aspects of their life. They can experience an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence, along with an overall feeling of well-being. Taurus natives may be more focused on their needs and priorities, making this an ideal time for setting intentions and goals. It is also a great time for self-care, reflecting on past experiences, and finding ways to become more comfortable and at ease with who they are.
Taurus natives can also make the most out of the 2024 Taurus season by focusing on their relationships, both familial and romantic. Taurus is a sign of stability and attachment, and this season can enhance those aspects of their life. They can take steps to strengthen their connections with others and focus on communication and compromise to make those relationships stronger and more solid. Taurus natives can also set intentions related to expanding their network and cultivating new relationships with others. It's an ideal time to focus on matters related to creativity and self-expression, cultivating their natural abilities and creativity.
For Gemini natives, the 2024 Taurus season can be a time for finding stability, security, and structure in your life. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, providing a sense of reliability and predictability that can be comforting to a sign like Gemini, who is known for being quick-witted and adaptable. Gemini natives can use this time to focus on matters of security and reliability while also fostering stability in their relationships. This can be a time of self- reflection for many Geminis, helping them to find a sense of inner peace and balance.
Gemini natives can also use the 2024 Taurus season to focus on finding stability and structure in their life. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, giving Gemini natives an opportunity to find a sense of comfort and predictability. Gemini natives can develop new systems and routines that focus on their physical and emotional needs. It's a great time to prioritize self-care, finding activities that help them relax and recharge. They can also reflect on past experiences and learn from any mistakes or lessons that came up in the past. Additionally, Gemini natives can use this season to focus on financial matters.
For a Cancer native, the 2024 Taurus season can be a time for focusing on their inner world and creating a sense of stability, structure, and security in their life. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progress, providing consistency and predictability that can be comforting for Cancer natives, who often feel their emotions deeply and crave stability and security. This is a great time for Cancer natives to focus on matters of the heart and nurture their relationships with loved ones. They can explore what truly matters to them and set intentions related to their emotions, values, and relationships.
It helps to use this period to focus on inner growth and self-exploration. Cancer is a sign of emotion and sensitivity, so exploring and expressing their feelings can be beneficial during this time. They can take the opportunity to look within and explore their thoughts and emotions, cultivating self-awareness and self-compassion. Cancer natives can also focus on matters related to stability, safety, and security. It's an ideal time to prioritize self-sufficiency, fostering independence and resilience. Additionally, it's a great time to focus on their physical health.
𝗟𝗘𝗢 ♌︎
Leo natives can benefit from the stability and structure of the 2024 Taurus season. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, which can be beneficial for Leo natives. Taurus energy can help them to focus on matters of self-expression and creativity, expanding their horizons in those areas. It's a great time to take steps towards their goals and objectives, especially in creative and artistic pursuits. It's an ideal period for developing their self-confidence and taking risks. Leo natives can also make the most out of this time by connecting with their passion and nurturing their ambition.
Leo natives can also use the 2024 Taurus season to focus on building connections with others. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, which can provide a sense of comfort and security for the Leo native. During this period, they can take steps to fostering communication and cooperation, forming positive relationships with others. Additionally, this is an ideal time for prioritizing their health and physical fitness. Taurus energy encourages self-care and balance, which Leo natives can benefit from, especially in terms of their physical well-being. It's an optimal period to prioritize their needs and take care of themselves.
For Virgo natives, the 2024 Taurus season can be a time for focusing on their inner world and fostering a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progress, providing a sense of predictability and reliability that can be comforting for Virgo natives. During this time, they can set intentions related to self-development and creating new forms of security in their lives. It's an ideal period to nurture and value their uniqueness, finding ways to express themselves in creative and innovative ways. Additionally, they can focus on matters related to health and wellbeing.
For a Virgo native, the 2024 Taurus season can also be a period of opportunity for developing their inner world and fostering a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, providing consistency and predictability that can be comforting to Virgo natives. During this time, they can set intentions and goals related to self-development, taking steps toward their desires and objectives. Virgo natives can also focus on matters related to their health, wellbeing, and work/life balance. It's an ideal time for grounding themselves and prioritizing stability and security in their life.
Libra natives can benefit from the stable and secure energy of the 2024 Taurus season. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, providing consistency and predictability that can be comforting to Libra natives. During this time, they can focus on exploring their needs and desires, seeking out the things that truly matter to them. They can set intentions and goals related to matters of passion and creativity, fostering a new sense of confidence and self-expression. Libra natives can also focus on their interpersonal relationships and fostering harmony and connection.
Libra natives can also use the energy of the 2024 Taurus season to focus on their relationships both with others and themselves. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progress, creating a sense of stability and structure in their lives. During this time, they can take steps toward fostering harmony and connection in their relationships, taking the opportunity to communicate their needs and desires clearly and effectively. Libra natives can also take a deep look inwards and explore their inner world, nurturing their self-development and self-expression.
For a Scorpio native, the energy of the 2024 Taurus season can be a time to focus on their inner world and foster a sense of self-awareness. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, providing stability and consistency that can be comforting for Scorpios. During this time, they can take steps toward finding balance and harmony within their emotional and spiritual worlds, setting intentions related to self-exploration and personal growth. It's an ideal period to develop their innate creativity and nurture their sensitive side. Scorpios can also prioritize matters related to self-care during the Taurus season.
A Scorpio native can also take advantage of the stability and reliability of the 2024 Taurus season to focus on matters related to their inner world and personal growth. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progress, providing a sense of stability that many Scorpios can benefit from. During this time, they can set intentions related to understanding and deepening their emotional and spiritual world. It's also an ideal time for fostering self-awareness and self-love. Scorpios can prioritize self-care and nurturing their own needs. They can also explore their creativity and foster their natural artistic inclinations.
During the 2024 Taurus season, Sagittarius natives can experience a shift toward slowing down their fast-paced way of life and focusing more on their emotional and spiritual needs. Taurus energy encourages taking things slowly and steadily, providing a sense of stability and ease for the sag, and this slower pace of development can be beneficial to them. During this period, they can reflect on their life path and set intentions towards personal growth and development. They can explore their deeper values and reflect on their passions. Additionally, they can prioritize matters related to family, friends, and close relationships.
For a Sagittarius native, the 2024 Taurus season can also be a time to explore their deeper feelings and values. Taurus energy encourages focusing on matters related to self-growth and development, and this can be beneficial for the optimistic and adventurous Sagittarius. They can take a deep look at their inner world and reflect on their thoughts, actions, and feelings. Taurus energy encourages setting intentions related to self-exploration and nurturing their deeper needs. It's also an optimal time to focus on their physical and emotional well-being.
During the 2024 Taurus season, Capricorns can shift their focus from external success and material gains to fostering self-confidence and inner development. Taurus energy encourages self-exploration and self-care, and this shift can help Capricorn natives grow and reach their full potential. They can set intentions related to their inner world, working on self-awareness and exploring parts of themselves that they have overlooked in the past. Capricorn natives can also take a look at their past experiences and learn from any lessons that came up during that time. It's an ideal period to prioritize their inner needs.
For a Capricorn native, the 2024 Taurus season is a great time to focus on self-exploration and personal growth. Taurus energy encourages taking things slowly and calmly, which can be beneficial for the disciplined and hardworking Capricorn. During this time period, they can set intentions related to their inner world and foster self- awareness. Capricorn natives can start by reflecting on their past experiences and taking steps towards self-acceptance. They can explore their innate sensitivities and nurturing side.
Aquarius natives can experience a shift towards focusing on their inner world and fostering self-growth during the 2024 Taurus season. Taures energy encourages taking things slowly and steadily, providing a sense of security and reliability that can be comforting to the independent and adventurous Aquarius. During this time period, they can set intentions related to their emotional and spiritual needs, working on self- development and nurturing their sensitive side. Aquarius natives can reflect on their past experiences and take steps towards self-awareness and self-acceptance. They can prioritize matters related to inner peace and self-expression.
The 2024 Taurus season is a great time to focus on self-awareness and fostering a sense of inner peace. Taurus energy encourages taking things slowly and steadily, providing a sense of stability and consistency that can be beneficial for Aquarius natives. During this time period, they can set intentions related to their emotional and spiritual needs, working on self-development and nurturing their sensitive side. Aquarius natives can reflect on their past experiences and take steps towards self-awareness and self-acceptance. They can prioritize matters related to inner peace and self- expression.
During the 2024 Taurus season, Pisces natives can experience a shift in their focus towards fostering a sense of self-awareness and inner calm. Taurus energy encourages taking things slowly and patiently, providing a sense of stability and reliability that many Pisces natives can benefit from. During this time period, they can set intentions related to their emotional and spiritual needs, exploring their deeper feelings and honing their intuition. Pisces natives can focus on prioritizing matters involved in their inner worlds, reflecting on past experiences and learning from any lessons that came up during that time. And it's an excellent period for fostering self-care and nurturing their more sensitive side.
For a Pisces native, the 2024 Taurus season is a great opportunity to explore their emotions and harness their instinctive insights. Taurus energy encourages a slow and steady progression, providing a sense of comfort and predictability. pisces natives can set intentions related to their inner world, focusing on fostering self- awareness, emotional healing and spiritual development. During the Taurus season, they can make strides toward inner exploration, taking the time to listen to their feelings, intuition, and gut instincts. It's also an excellent period for focusing on their physical and emotional health and embracing positivity and joy.
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symbolicliving · 9 months
New Goals - New Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Capricorn - This Week's Astrology
January 8 to 14, 2024 - This week we have a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th and Mercury enters Capricorn January 13th.
It's officially a New Moon in Capricorn January 11, 2024 at 6:57 am ET
It's time to set new goals to climb that mountain.
Last week, we started the New Year with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius going direct on January 1st to move us forward in a new direction. This week…
Mercury now direct is having another challenging interaction with Neptune in Pisces which can blur decisions, indicate a wavering of aims now.
We have the New Moon in Capricorn January 11, 2024 to put more focus on our goals,
Mercury enters Capricorn on January 13, 2024 to join Mars and the Sun already in Capricorn – Happy Birthday Capricorns.
Capricorn is a Cardinal sign which is great as a New Moon to start putting more energy toward new goals. What do you value? What do you want to achieve? What needs to be done for growth, productivity and prosperity? What is the goal of your efforts? What strengths and tools can you use to climb higher? What talents of yours do you want to manifest and improve? Working in cooperation with others also has the power to create potent change now, but there is also the potential of disagreements about the overall vision. Strong willpower and perseverance achieves.
Mars and Pluto are also in Capricorn now giving us extra willpower, determination and energy to achieve our goals, and transform abilities into tangible rewards.
Your New Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs are designed around the current trends in astrology with the Aspects and Transits of Planets through the Signs and corresponding Houses for January 8-14, 2024.
Thank you for being a friend.
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bxtxnx · 6 months
[♂☌♄] you better work.
Tomorrow, April 10, Mars is conjoining Saturn, so it's time for you to do something about your income.
If you've been trying to earn money via art, this is the day to open your comissions or to sell a piece.
Do something behind the scenes or take a non-traditional course of action. The conjunction happening in the sign of Pisces will make those of you working in the arts or doing anything which isn't seen by the general public earn money thanks to the aspect happening at the 14th degree, ruled by Taurus, the sign where the $$$ is.
As Britney said it - you better work bitch. ☽
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astrologiaxo · 6 months
✨🌕 What Do You Need To Know About Your Relationships For This Eclipse Season?! - ALL SIGNS 🌕✨
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astrology-with-charu · 2 months
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𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗻 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 @𝟮𝟯º𝟯𝟮’ 𝗔𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝟮𝟵 𝗗𝗲𝗰
ℌ𝖊𝔞𝖑𝔢𝖗 𝖔𝔯 𝔗𝖔𝔯𝖒𝔢𝖓𝔱𝖔𝔯
Chiron started its journey in Aries from 17 April 2018, starting a process of waking up our wounds of individuality, initiative & action. Wounds we didn’t know existed but who have been silently running our psychological patterns & life choices. Much like a torn tendon which doesn’t let you put pressure on that one foot cause your subconsciously recall its weak and wouldn’t be able to take it & you will fall - you just didn’t use your weak points in Aries due to a wounding you have forgotten you received.
Chiron goes retrograde at 23º32’ Aries & like a phantom pain it all wakes up. You have been too busy trying to give lessons to others & forgot to heal yourself. So the questions come up.
Why do we not do what we want to do for ourselves & how does that wound us ? Why can we teach but not do the same in our life ? Why we can see potential in another clearly but not ourselves ? Who wounded your defiance & made you a sheep for sake of getting along in relationships ? How were you tamed ? By love, manipulation or fear or shame or trickled down feeling of inadequacy? Did it physically hurt when you stood up for yourself ? Or was it an emotional scar that wakes up to warn every time you stand your ground ? Why do you not laugh like a free child ? Why do you hide your drive, your success, your passion from the very people who are supposed to be your partners in life ?
We have a whole generation of damage with Pluto in Libra opposing planets in Aries so no it’s not just you or me who feel that way. I feel Chiron in Aries is healing a lot of these aspects our generation carries in our chart and it’s happening through healers coming in our life. But not in the shape or form we want. They may not be the saints lovingly healing it all through their healing touch. Won’t that be so non Aries, so non violent, so non Plutonic. How can it be ? Nah. We got a toxic brew of healers & tormentors…
The healers of our generation come first to wake up the very wound we have forgotten. We suppressed them not understanding why we don’t do right by ourselves. Cause it hurt when we did at one time. No child is born to fear their free actions, their free smile, their free spirit - it’s an acquired pattern. The tendon that hurts when you are about to take that step you know you need to take to make what you need happen - that tendon needs to be healed and thats why that “healer” is here. I know a lot of those healers are hurting you right now but it’s so you remember what you suppressed to make “nice” in the Pluto in Libra times. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to those born after 1984 but yeah the GenXers and my early millennials are getting a dose of their own medicine right now so we do not pass this pattern down the generations, stopping people from being their true self cause it’s inconvenient to the harmony as they know it, it disturbs the symmetry they know or its not pretty how they like it or its not a kosher relationship as they believe one should be.
Living and not just surviving in relationships, in partnerships while managing to be your own person - oh what a challenge of North Node in Aries & South Node in Libra has come up with for all of us. Chiron says let’s make it impossible to move forward if you do not heal the imbalance you have between the “you” and “we”. Aries Sun - yes I am looking right at you as I am looking at myself with my Sun pat conjunct this Chiron retrograde (~13/14 April born) - Did you meet your “healer” or your “tormentor” . It’s tough to say which is which. 19 Feb Chiron North Node conjunction would have been key to look back to for the current process. Every fear, every insecurity, every wound ever dealt to your ego, your life path, your sense of self - your light - right now is being woken up so you never forget why you dim it and for who or what.
For all of us even if you are not an Aries Sun or Aries anything, you are seeing why you give your individuality, your independence, your spirit, your fire away. Whats your wound ? Who stole your courage ? Are you being pushed in the corner to finally stand up for yourself and prove yourself or fight for your independence to remember who you are ? I know it’s all coming out chaotic right now - its shadow period, I told you words wouldn’t be right at the moment. See beyond words - why are you fighting ? What are you fighting for ? It’s not the petty things or the subject at hand at all. This is repeated patterns especially in relationships, for Aries Sun women its especially related to men or father figures in their life. Ways in which we undermine ourselves and shrink ourselves in partnerships to fit a predefined peg. The healer comes with a message or with a tormented lesson and just like that we are in that wound, in the throws of another time long time back when this was repeated and we changed forever. In this moment of weakness its very easy to give into south node in Libra comfort and give into a partnership or another person to comfort us into feeling whole & form unhealthy patterns of codependency which ultimately will keep you away from strengthening the weakened Aries muscle. You would need to stand up for yourself, there is no choice or not doing anything about anything is a choice you and me are making to continue with that weak muscle which is slowly disintegrating and for Aries Sun thats not even a choice as it’s their entire identity which is diminishing without working on that muscle. Disappearing slowly as we know them, what a loss that would be to loose an Aries Sun identity, its a gift which is being rejected, dishonoured.
Its fruitless to try to convince others that the you that they always knew still exists inside or just fruitless to trying to prove anything to anyone. If that gives you any incentive or strength sure take the bait but it’s just that - a bait for someone else dealing with their own wound. Chiron in retrograde is so not about whats it to others at all. It’s the period to heal your own innate Aries qualities - doing the things you know you need to do, take the road you have always said you wanted to take, taking the action you always said you are going to take. Leo season is helpful as fire begets fire - bringing healing to our fire nature. At first too much of it. You take a bandaid out or get a person out of prolonged mind numbing anaesthesia - ah the screaming. It’s painful, it’s been painful this past few days of feeling it all with Chiron standing still turning retrograde but now till end of year (29 Dec) - we have so many supporting aspects to benefits from healing our Aries nature. There is so much to be gained by focusing this on ourselves versus looking outward for both cause of pains and offers of relief to others.
What are these Aries qualities I talk so much of healing ? When I was a small kid - my relatives used to say I shoot first & think later. I do not think anyone would really say that to me now. I am Aries Moon which I lived fully as a child & my Aries Sun is opposed by Pluto so I learned the art of modified behavior over years & assumed my Scorpio ascendent cloak as I grew to have any social presence. Only people very close to me know my Aries Moon & I myself have a love hate relationship with it cause I have had a life time of being judged for it even by close ones, especially by close ones. I did and still do a lot of things which one would be foolish to do including writing this article which my whole family would end up reading but yeah ok. So yes shoot first think later I would say. Doesn’t mean the gun needs to point at anyone, it isn’t even about anyone else, its about you - what you want out of this life, who you want to be, whats the unconquerable, unexplored land you wish to go to and not be a sheep anymore. This is the arrow you have been holding from your quiver stretched all ready to go but you just are doing the Virgo thing (significator of Chiron) - of trying to get the aim just exact and loosing time.
I am not worthy of it, I do not have the energy, the courage for it, I need to overthink this idea to death vs trying and finding out quickly, I have to have to assume a fixed identity all my life, I would wallow in self pity and judgement cause I failed before & I will forget all about my victories, I would like to wallow in emotions which clearly kill my drive, power & sexuality, let me find someone who can lead me vs being the main protagonist of my story one more time, let me see from the corner of my eye who is clapping or smirking when I take my first step so I have an excuse to back out immediately - do you hear yourself ? I am not trying to be rude here - I am taking my own advice where I am shooting this article without thinking but saying what I know instinctively in my bones to be true. What do you know in your bones to be true for you ? Can I dare you to stop stopping yourself and stop being your own worst enemy ? Can I provoke you as your tormentor to tell you there is not very many years left to do this ?
Aries qualities you have to look forward to once you actually take action despite your misgivings - Single minded action, self assured action (not externally incentivised life), assertion, authenticity, lack of indecision, no time or thought to judge self or another, pure raw energy & drive undeterred by analysis paralysis, ease, delight in doing things for the sake of doing them and the new experiences it would bring irrespective of the end outcome, physical vitality - irrespective of how you feel - doing physical things.
Gift of this year - Jupiter in Gemini will form many supportive aspects with Chiron which we can tap into through expansive mindset, positive words for self and what we are doing, expansion of knowledge of unexplored territories & finding positive associations or teachers who can help us heal. Granted Oct - Nov is when Jupiter will be more accessible for this to be exact (12 Oct & 2 Nov).
But there is nothing like Leo season to let your Sun heal (15 Aug especially - Independence Day 😂). Mercury in Leo trine to Chiron is key aspect of Mercury retrograde repeated - 18 July, 23 Aug, 2 Sept . Fiery words that come out of this wound we are healing would get perfected to convey what you want to in constructive manner and during this retrograde you and I would understand our wound better and what it drives us to do or lash out or not in what ways.
Cause we got to learn to handle our fire right.
Love, Charu 🔥 ♥️
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