#aries 2024 reading
alyjojo · 9 months
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New Year Reading for 2024! 🌟 - Aries
Preshuffle: There are some debt or financial issues in your world that probably already exist, because I’m getting you’ve been putting it off or not really doing anything about it, and that’s going to change this year. Money issues cannot be ignored anymore, it’s showing up as The Devil before you finally take the lead and decide to do something about it. For some, this could involve a child, custody, child support, legal fees, or combined resources with an ex. A very specific story, you could have a “joint” something that’s an ex’s problem, but they’re not paying it and you’re the one getting checks garnished or bill collectors sending threats, just as an example. Hopefully not.
Meditation: I guess with tumultuous stories I’m just going to see the same crazy plummet Tower or whatever that I’ve been seeing the last couple of months. Yours is a psychotic water ride with some real dangers, all aiming for the head, you had to duck & dodge, had to pay attention. Aries rules the head - and my Aries moon son hits his head once a WEEK 🤦‍♀️ so take that as a literal warning and be careful please. Y’all should come with helmets. This thing went down for ages, sharp turns, even upside down which how is that possible with water and does that mean something - idk. Water is emotions in tarot, could just be crazy emotions. By the time you finally get to the bottom, it ejects you violently into a tiny pool, and you climb out, soaking wet, and there are these two guys in suits next to it literally (condescendingly) “rating” your performance. As if it were a performance! You got an 8.2, if that means something, and once you realized you were being rated for this hell you just went though, you were pissed, and flicked a nickel really hard at the first guy’s forehead with a “fuck you” 😡
🔸 Whole of Your Energy: 8 Cups, Ace of Pentacles rev, 5 Wands, 5 Pentacles
Regarding: 3 Swords
Child support is a clear struggle for those having to pay it (or your ex just not paying it, could be either), you could be battling it out with an ex over money for some portion of the year. I’m also getting a child having issues, doesn’t even have to be your own, could be a step-child, niece/nephew, sibling, someone needs money or help that includes money in some way, and it could fall to you to help them. Even if you can’t do much, you’re still doing something. This can be a child’s activity or extracurricular that you’re needing to go 50/50 with an ex on and it’s not possible, one of you could be going broke trying to do everything alone in a two+ person venture. Or some outside person (a child?) causes some chaos or destruction and you’re stuck with a bill you can’t afford. I heard “medicine” for someone, could be for you or someone else. I do get this being something outside of yourself - like you didn’t ask for this, and if you did, you didn’t think it would be this freakin’ hard, or expensive.
A separate story, for those who are trying to have some creative sort of business venture or opening up a shop of some kind, you could find yourself spending a lot more than you’re getting. I see direct competition around you, could be the area you’re in - if a physical place - or the market could just be saturated with the same thing you’re trying to do. In either story, there are some things you’re needing to abandon because it’s just not working out, and I get that you really don’t want to, but you can’t afford it, aren’t approved, don’t get a loan, some necessary (expensive) repair prevents it, material prices skyrocket, etc. Many different possibilities, details, and reasons, but overall you’re needing to focus on your money this year - and the career portion flat out says don’t sign up for anything or add anything more than you’ve already got 💯 Some of you are needing to scrap an idea altogether once you realize the details involved, it may be a case of wishful thinking - likely a plan made last year, since that’s what’s needing to be left behind.
🔸 Character Card: The Musician 🎷
A very positive card, this person has already been through the struggle and hardship of life, and they’re playing their songs out loud in order to share their message and inspire others around them, while waiting for the ship that takes them into a new cycle with new problems, lessons, blessings, etc., everyone gathers around to hear The Musician’s song. For some, it can speak to them deeply, and you may be helping to inspire someone else, or being inspired.
🔸 Relationship: Queen of Cups & The Devil
Regarding: King of Cups rev
This feels more like your person’s issue than yours, but it’s going to cause a rift between you for some time. They’re either someone that likes to please themselves in a certain way, I’m not seeing shopping or money issues, but they indulge in things that keep them stuck for long periods of time. Could be watching the same tv shows over and over again, keeping their mind rooted in a specific time period of their life. Or you have the Musician card, it could be music. ✨Media✨ Something like that, something that makes them extremely emotional, because they show up as an empath possibly or someone whose emotions are heavily affected by what they do - and what they do isn’t always positive. At least some part of it. They may also take “self care” to an extreme, to the point it’s actually just selfish. Or that could be you, either/or. There is a routine of some kind, or even a part of their personality that is extremely emotional, immature even, like they can’t contain themselves or “get a grip”. It will be the biggest issue between you this year.
However, it’s followed with Ace of Swords & Flash, both indicating an “aha!” moment that wakes them up to this issue. Or you. You could be communicating this to them in a way they suddenly get it, or you could be introducing them to new things in a way of being romantic. Like not just “saying” the thing flat out, but moving differently to encourage change in different directions. For example, my husband and I like Sinatra a lot, say that’s a source of irritation for you & them for some reason. It reminds them of their ex and they get irritated, so you start playing something more…new & romantic. Creating new memories to “get stuck” on more or less, positive ones. With loving action, dates, spending time together, probably you instigating this, you’ll both overcome whatever issue you’re having 🧡 It’s like they need a hand to step outside of themselves and join you - in right now, today, and tomorrow, that direction, with love. This could be you too. Musician seems directly connected to your partner, and for the singles too, someone may literally be dating one, or are one.
Couples Oracles:
34 Stuck
You may be stuck because you are overly attached to a method or piece.
17 Flash
A creative flash of inspiration will come to you and quickly give you the perfect solution.
🔸 Singles: King of Wands & Ace of Cups
Regarding: Judgement
You’re getting a lot of attention this year, being positively magnetic for some of you 💋 people can’t seem to get enough of you, or you could have several people around you with a crush, flirting, willing to ask you out or say yes if you do. For some there is a very clear return of something - an ex - that’s only if you want them because I get they want you. You could separate and get back together in the same year, for some. Many of you are probably working on your appearance, cutting/dyeing your hair, getting tattoos, going to the gym, buying new clothes, whatever that is for you. You singles are focused on *glowing up* to bring in what you want. If it’s an ex, it’ll work. If it’s someone new, that’ll work too. I’m getting you could pretty much have whoever you want. Do I see long term, not really, but I see a new start no matter who it is you want to be with. If it’s an ex, it’s a brand new beginning, you’re both letting old shit go.
I pulled a card for any specific person Spirit wants to highlight and got The Storyteller. Could be a fire sign too, this King of Wands may be them for some, you for others. They could work with children or have a great relationship with them, they’re an entertaining personality. Kinda controlling. They like to call the shots and direct things, they have a way of speaking that captures the attention of many people, and they may do an amazing job of performing for “an audience”. Could be a literal musician, or someone with a following, and fans. It’s also possible that they travel a lot or don’t tend to stay in one place, there’s a nomadic vibe here, but I don’t get that being suspicious, more like it’s just part of them, or maybe their job. It’s also possible to start something you later have to leave due to travel or distance.
Singles Oracle:
04 - Recycle
Learn from the past and apply it to creating your vision of the future.
🔸 Career: Page of Pentacles rev & 2 Pentacles
Regarding: Knight of Cups
Probably this is where most of the contention at the beginning fits in. Whatever you have planned for up to this point will probably change, and you’re going to need to be flexible in how this works out for you. I see a lot of financial concerns in the beginning, and needing to abandon something being a real issue. For some of you, it’s possible your job decides to shut down a location and you can either move somewhere else to continue working for them, or you have to find something else entirely. They might not even be offering to help pay your moving expenses should you choose to continue with them and actually move, meaning if you have six months left on a lease, you’re on your own to pay that off. AND moving costs. Or if you have a child here, a battle with the other parent & custody could be what’s being mentioned.
With this, before anything, I’m getting to “read the fine print”, don’t just blindly agree to something and don’t sign anything until all sides have been carefully considered. Are they moving you to a more expensive area, but paying you the same? Is traveling or any movement in your career really worth what you’re giving out in return? Last year you were dead set on something, and now you’re being asked to not be quite so confident, make sure you check and double check everything you’re signing up for. You’ll be distracted, or it’s possible someone wants you to do something and they’re purposely distracting you, so you’re then stuck in a contract or something you didn’t sign up for - or weren’t aware of. Be very careful with that. You could be deciding to move for love too, if your person is at a distance from you, or they may be doing that for you, and your finances may change in this way. Whatever you’re leaving behind is a source of excitement and inner conflict - both, maybe even competition on some level. Ambitions could take you far, just be sure you aren’t being bamboozled or signing up for something you don’t actually want. You could also get stuck “being nice” for someone or taking on extra and don’t know what that actually entails until you’re stuck with it.
Career Oracle: Distractions
When you are trying to solve a problem, you will often be tested by distractions.
🔸 What needs to be left behind in 2023: 2 Swords rev & 8 Pentacles
Regarding: Page of Wands
Not a fan of this energy tbh. It’s like last year you were super confident about where things were going, you were motivated, inspired, and ready to take on new experiences or head in a new direction with your career. That’s very positive, and that’s what’s needing to be left behind, which is a pause for me…you *need* to be unsure, skeptical even, dotting every t and actually reading contracts or proposals sent to you this year. For work travel, The World can indicate the literal world, it may not be a few miles away, but sending jobs overseas or having you work with those where there’s a huge language barrier…may not be an issue, but you may not be totally aware of what you’re signing up for either. Additionally with this, is the trust in others to make decisions for you, especially regarding your career. You can’t assume everyone is working in your best interest, in fact I’m getting they could be purposely distracting you in order to lead you to believe something - and stick you with some bs. I do see really good potential, but it’s case-by-case, for some it’s great and the issue is settling a lease contract & moving costs. For others, there is a whole custody battle or combined assets shortchanging you somehow, tricky contracts and the like.
All three Mercury retrogrades move through the fire signs this year, and this reading may be highlighting those times specifically - astrologers warn of these things for everyone at that time - but especially you 💯 For the risings, the Pluto dance between 10th & 11th Houses definitely show more online activity or “world” involvement, and Jupiter moving from your 2nd to your 3rd opens up communication in a big way with foreign contacts, but a move would probably be closer to where you are already than actual long distance travel - unless the 3rd/11th house rulers are in the 9th. Some of you could get lucky with an online thing or creating a social media page of some kind, this is likely a boost to any online/social media creators.
Leave Behind Oracle:
77 Confidence
Know and feel this affirmation, beyond a doubt: “I AM all that I need to get what I want.”
7777 show anything stuck with your relationships will move forward with success.
Many ones and Aces show possible missed opportunities in (new) love and money due to distractions around you or in your way. That could cost you - especially money.
8888 shows leaving something behind, and this may possibly be an impulsive or very fast decision needing to be made - regarding your work. Some of you will intuitively know exactly what to do, others of you may have that choice made for you by someone else - probably regarding work. Or a custody thing, could be forcing you to pass up on a financial opportunity you’d otherwise consider.
Astrological Shifts in 2023 (for Risings):
Jan 01 - Mercury direct in Sag
Jan 21 - Pluto enters Aqu (again) - 11th 🤝 House
Feb 14 - Mars conj. Pluto Aquarius - 11th 🤝 - likely intense, powerful, & transformative, could highlight power trips, anger, aggression or control issues in regards to friendships, networking, social media & the internet, all of which will be undergoing a massive transformation for you for a long time
Mar 09 - Mars Aqua squares Uranus Tau at 5:55 P.M. - likely a day of conflict - 11th 🤝 vs. 2nd 💰, likely a conflict in personal values, could be relating to money, someone may make you feel self-conscious or you do, don’t compare what you have to other people, everyone is on a different path than you
Mar 21 - Venus conj Saturn Pis - love & boundaries go hand in hand
Mar 25 - Lunar Eclipse in Lib - 7th ❤️
Apr 01 - Mercury retrogrades Ari - 1st 🫵
Apr 08 - Solar Eclipse in Ari - continued lessons from the nodes throughout this year, issues between masculine/feminine likely, father/mother, action/reception, others/self
Apr 24 - Mercury direct
May 18 - Venus conj Uranus & Sun conj Jupiter, all in Taurus - 2nd 💰all very positive, you could receive a sudden windfall, a bonus, score tickets to a festival/game, it’s a good time to play the lottery because why not
May 25 - Jupiter enters Gem - 3rd 🗣️ could boost relationships with siblings, neighbors, the people in your neighborhood, and your communication is more likely to come off as charming, witty, you’ll be able to convince others of anything and win people over easily
May 29 - Mars conj Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 1st 🫵 be careful where safety is concerned, especially with driving or anything where you need to pay attention, no texting, the actions of others could potentially hurt you, and 22’ may make that literal so let’s not & be safe 🙏
June 29 - Lilith enters Lib - 7th ❤️ is a sexual, steamy, taboo, temptation sort of placement, likely only felt if/when it aspects something in your chart, but it’s a double edged sword that may show itself as anger, obsession, jealousy, darkness, bringing out the worst in people around you…check your own motives with everyone, and then check theirs before rushing in or knee-jerk reacting to things.
July 06 - Venus Can square Chiron Ari - 4th 🏡 vs 1st 🫵 home & family could trigger wounds inside of you that hit you right in the heart, what those are will differ for everyone, some may be positive & healing being Venus
Aug 04 - Mercury retrogrades Vir-Leo - 6th 🤒🐶 & 5th 🎉
Aug 19 - Venus Vir opposes Saturn Pis & Jupiter Gem squares both - 6th 🤒🐶, 12th 😵‍💫, and 3rd 🗣️ could relate to gossip at work about secrets or things you didn’t know, mental health is highlighted, so is physical health, and learning associated with that, if there was a transit that is like “your dog might get sick” it could be this one, or your neighbors dog might keep you up and piss you off - you may finally pop off about it & do something
Aug 27 - Mercury direct Leo
Sept 01 - Pluto enters Cap (last time) - 10th 🔨
Sept 16 - Venus Lib opposes Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 7th ❤️ & 1st 🫵 - not a fan of the degree being 22’, involves or addresses pain with your closest relationships, could show breakups, healing issues, counseling with the T Square, but centered around wounds
Sept 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Pis - 12th 😵‍💫, preparing for the nodes to shift next year
Oct 02 - Solar Eclipse Lib - 7th ❤️
Nov 19 - Pluto enters Aqu (for good) - 11th 🤝
Nov 25 - Mercury retrogrades Sag - 9th 😇
Dec 06 - Mars retrogrades Leo - 5th 🎉
Dec 15 - Mercury direct Sag
Dec 24 - Jupiter Gem squares Saturn Pis - 3rd 🗣️ vs. 12th 😵‍💫 could relate to sharing difficult news, filling others in, gossip, learning information you didn’t know that makes your brain go “whaaaat??” or being the one with that information, what others say or news you get may affect you on a very deep level.
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astrosolutions · 6 months
Aries Horoscope: Aries April Monthly Horoscope Predictions, 2024
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Aries Monthly Horoscope 2024 April: Aries will spend the month of April through various ups and downs. This month there will be improvement in career and business. On the other hand there may be problems in love life. Let’s know in detail what will happen in the life of Aries in the month of April.
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ajje-111 · 4 months
Zodiac Sign Mood Board for June
Happy Summer everyone! Be safe this season and I wish everyone to be well on their journey, xx
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killingthecringe · 2 months
Shadamy Week 2024. Day 5: Singing / Injury
Better she flee far from his blast radius in the hopes of surviving his destruction, even if he had to light her on fire himself.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
Shake-Ups, Fresh Starts, and Mercury Retrograde
     As we wrap up the crazy astrology of July 2024, things only get crunchier in August, thanks (in large part) to Mercury Retrograde. The good news? Mercury doesn’t station direct until Sunday, which means you have all week to get your ducks in a row and prep for the backwards slide. Mishaps, miscommunications, and mysterious misplacement of your keys / phone / wallet will likely ensue; laughing at the missteps and backing up your technology, whilst giving into the reflective nature of the 3-week-long transit, is highly recommended.
     The other good news? We have a lovely opportunity to start over and re-stoke a flame for your creative projects, passions, romantic life, and/or star power. And after a tense and restless jolt to your love life or wallet, these also get a reset come Sunday. Relationships move from dramatic and passionate to organized, efficient, and nurturing. Those are the main events of this week. Here’s the actual astrology:     
July 30 – Venus in Leo trines retrograde Chiron in Aries (23°55)
Aug. 2 – Venus squares Uranus in Taurus (26°)
Aug. 4 – Leo New Moon (12°36)
Aug. 4 – Venus enters Virgo
Aug. 4 – Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo
     For the record, Aug. 4 happens in this order: Leo New Moon at 5:13 am MST, Venus enters Virgo at 8:22 pm MST, and Mercury stations retrograde at 10:56 pm MST. So, goal-setting, intention-setting, any sort of plan, publication, release or launch is still OK on the Leo New Moon, as Mercury isn’t technically retrograde yet. (Yes, Mercury is in its shadow phase, which many people say is MUCH WORSE than Mercury Retrograde, but I’m not sure how or why. Anyway!) Long story short: don’t let mercury Rx scare you away from living.
Read YOUR Weekly Horoscope for FREE on The Cosmic Almanac:
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Fire sign zodiac (leo, aries, sagittarius) for ONLY may & june 2024 tarot & oracle
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krisluxxeeempress · 10 months
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I kept hearing Libra, as I was preparing for your message. This could simply be due to Libra being your opposite sign and you can never have one energy without the opposite, and or, your person is currently dealing with a relationship that they are currently in or a past relationship that is affecting them now. If it’s affecting them then you should know it’s affecting, you. This is only confirmed because the first card out was the world card reversed, which usually indicates a cycle is not completed, a situation is not yet addressed. Following, the two of cups and the six of swords reversed came out to clarify. The energy feels like you, the reader, are single and in separation from this person. The reason being is more than likely because they are still dealing with someone that they may claim is an ex or not. Regardless, there is still a connection or emotional attachments to a connection that hasn’t been released, addressed or healed. If you are not single and what I am describing is YOU AND THEM, it looks like it’s time to release them officially. I see the King of wands reversed clarifying the ten of wands upright. (sidenote: I smell coffee and I don’t drink coffee) This past situation with another person or YOU AND THEM, has become a burden to say the least. The masculine in this situation feels emasculated, for sure. Let’s say your person is still holding onto an ex and how that emasculated them, this makes it easier to understand why and how this is affecting YOU & THEM. If this is reversed, (without getting confusing, because it’s starting to feel that way) YOU & THEM need to move on from each other because it’s clear there is no respect and it’s affecting them emotionally and mentally. Some of you are simply moving on from this person because they were unable to move on from a past failed and traumatizing relationship which resulted in being breadcrumbed and CONFUSED with their wishy-washy behavior. If you have moved on due to this toxic behavior, I do see them wanting to make move towards you come January,2024. They feel you are the one that got away and they realize that holding onto their past was and is the cause of you moving forward. They worry about you being single and finding better, finding someone or multiple people who are more than willing to give you everything you want and deserve. I am not sure how they are able to observe you, because they are- and they can tell you are not “spinning the block”, or checking for them like they are checking for you. They feel like you cutting them off is equivalent to a funeral. Considering their wishy-washy behavior, it’s easy to intuit that your “relationship” with them was back and forth, on and off, hot and cold and now it feels final to them, like you died. Now keep in mind, if this is your EX and they “moved on” from you and they are with someone new, understand, they are still talking of you and want you. (I do apologize for the confusion)
You could be dealing with someone who has strong Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius placements. If not, there’s a strong 12th house placement present. This person may have a child with their ex, and this has caused more confusion and emasculation. I also feel for some they were married before with whom they share a child with. It’s almost like they are trying to prove their ex wrong by being a great father and subconsciously trying to prove their ex is missing out on them. It’s like some unspoken vow they made to never marry again or be in a committed relationship after the breakdown of that previous relationship or marriage. It makes me wonder if heavy cheating was involved, regardless, it’s a bit weird and operating on a subconscious level that they are having a hard time breaking and moving on from. If you are on the receiving end of this, move on because I see that you will be living your best life, truly. I literally see that in the cards- I am not just saying that to make anyone feel better! I also feel like if there is a child involved, someone is scared their child mother or father, will raise child support if they find out they are in a new relationship! This person is literally in mental jail. Spiritually, this is indicating some strong witchcraft and spell work casted upon this person to be committed to an ex, that more than likely moved on their damn self but is using YOUR PERSON, financially. The roles can be reversed, and again, I apologize if this was confusing, but I am telling you there’s spell work involved and or heavy manipulation, fear and control tactics being implemented causing them to be stuck but wanting you. The energy feels like the “Get Out” movie. Save yourself and move forward and do not look back, otherwise their demons will attach to you AGAIN!
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deathsweetblossoms · 7 months
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“So be angry, my lion, and let the world tremble in your wake."
This Dark Descent
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alyjojo · 20 days
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September 🏋🏽‍♂️ 2024 Monthly - Aries
Preshuffle: It’s like you can see a problem coming from a mile away and have plenty of time to prepare for it, you’re not even answering the phone 😆 Aries isn’t home.
Meditation: Some Devil 👺 in a costume laughing maniacally to a bunch of kids in costumes, it’s clearly Halloween. There’s a whole house decorated with spooky things and fog machines…planning early?
Main energy: 5 Cups rev
What’s going on in September:
10 Pentacles, Page of Wands rev, Knight of Wands rev, Knight of Cups rev & 6 Pentacles
First thing I heard was “these damn kids” and I died laughing 😂 Someone has them, and they’re the type to spring shit on you without asking, planning, or thinking of the practical elements involved - like there’s no way you’re buying a $300 costume for one night, they must be trippin’. Or they gave you an idea in July, you bought the thing, and now they’re changing their minds in September - you do not even care, they better go back to liking Peppa Pig because that’s what they got. Whoever and whatever is involved with you this month is getting the response of “Deal with it 😎” whether they like it or not. I’m also seeing forced family costumes, like everyone is dressing up as an Inside Out character and you don’t care how much they protest…they probably will.
Outside of children, this could be work or family members where everyone has gone their own way and someone in particular or (for most), you, are trying to wrangle everyone back together. One person doesn’t communicate with anyone and leaves everyone waiting for responses. Another person has a crazy relationship or intense commitments and they’re hard to get ahold of. A third person is kinda dreamy & delusional in your opinion, but what can you do? I don’t see you judging anyone (out loud), more like you just want everyone together again. It’s possible it’s always you doing this though, why can’t everyone else get their shit together for once? You’re the leader and director of this show, clearly, but…isn’t that what you want? Wouldn’t you be unhappy if you weren’t that person? Could be something to think about - for now though you’re questioning your role as in, do others reciprocate your efforts? And going from there. That’s fair 💜
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus & Aries
Oracle: ✨
29 Changes 🍁
Like ripples from the smallest drop of water in a pond, the smallest of changes in one’s life can bring about the greatest rewards. Think about changes you can make in your life. These do not have to be grand, sweeping changes. Judicious, small changes can add up to life changes after time. Think about small changes you can make now to add to your quality of life: clean out clutter, commit to walking every night after dinner, cut out processed food from your life. Alternately - big changes are coming your way.
Trust Your Path 🧭
Listen to intuition, seek direction, and embrace discovery. Answers reveal the journey within.
True Intentions 😏
Stay authentic and aligned, trusting your inner wisdom to guide you toward genuine fulfillment.
We enter into September as:
Righteous Raspberry 💅🏽:
“I have the same high standards for myself as I do for others.”
This is a message to lighten up! Notice your present attitude towards others. Perhaps you’re being too hard on yourself, and others as well. Allow others to be as they are. Supporting others around you creates allies. Watch your expectations, you could be setting yourself up for disappointment. You cannot be satisfied if you expect others to live up to standards you can’t even live up to. Besides, others are not you. Do it wrong, mess it up, have flaws. Trying to make the world perfect will only exhaust and alienate. Allow things to simply be. Look for what’s right in your world.
What is to be learned in September:
Royal Purple Brick 🧱
“She resists what she clings to.”
The fear of stepping out, of being abused, has grown so great that you no longer need a wall of fear to prevent you from living - a simple brick will do. Which of course symbolizes that what frightens you is much smaller than you imagine. What we resist, we cannot heal. Royal Purple Brick appears when we are resisting something, and may indicate a loss of faith. This is a sign of fear holding you back in some way and preventing you from moving forward. If you are experiencing pain, holding on tighter will only worsen the situation. Fear may also indicate you’re trying to save yourself from a path that will not serve you! Are you following your true passion? Is it divinely guided?
This can also indicate presently using your energy in a self-defeating way. Use your courage to let go of control and allow Spirit to come in and heal you. The promise of Royal Purple Brick is freedom after surrender. In letting go you may feel some discomfort, but you’ll also allow healing in. The fear of something is always greater than the actual event. This time period will be a life changing experience for you. Accept mystery. Release the brick and be free.
Purple may be a lucky color 💜
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8thhousepriestess · 3 months
[ Aries - Virgo ] PT. I
🐦‍🔥✨ All Signs Horoscopes July 2024 🔭
[ Astrological forecast for all 12 zodiac signs ]
💫 Read for your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign. Or all 3! Rising Sign will likely be most accurate overall.
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🩶 Find me on Instagram @8thhousepriestess for witchy / boho inspired wire wrapped Crystal gem jewelry & oddities, Tarot & Astrology insights!
For my other platforms & socials check out my Linktree
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theleylinesblog · 5 months
Here’s to a love that blooms like a flower and ceases to wilt. Happy April
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thecosmicangel · 7 months
Virgo Full Moon Messages 2024 🌕❄️✨
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Pisces, Virgo,Libra,Capricorn,Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius & Cancer your readings are up on my channel. Fixed signs your reading will be up tonight. You can watch for your S/M/R sign.
Thanks for supporting my YouTube channel 💗
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pumpk-n · 9 months
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i’ve had a rlly lovely start to the year (~:
recently i’ve had such a rough go at things, the past few days have been so refreshing and filled me with hope and happiness. here’s to hoping it sticks around ✨
~ i switched up my altar again, and have started to slowly get ready for spring. most of my downtime has been spent tidying or doing research and taking notes to help further my practice. it’s been so nice to start to reconnect to my spirituality again.
~ caught a tiktok of a rlly sweet person who wrote out their 2023 resolutions and taped them onto mini prosecco bottles and documented completing/opening each bottle and i decided to do that too! i’m really bad at acknowledging things that i accomplish, and there is a lot of tangible stuff i need to do this year, so here are my bottles! i have 8 goals, including paying off debt, fixing my sewing machine, learning bass (even if it’s badly), and getting new car tabs. i tried to make a reasonable balance between actual hard (including mentally hard) tasks and creative things that i’ve been mulling over but have to drive to start. i also started a collective list of goals i want to accomplish by the end of this year that are less impressive but bigger broader things i dont want to slip my mind.
~i also ended up not wearing anything in this picture. so it goes.
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tarot guidance for fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, spring 2024
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 10 months
Your FREE 2024 Astrology Reading
Get ready for a 15-minute ride that spills the cosmic tea on how 2024's astro drama is hitting you. No fluff, just real talk about what's up and how to boss it.
Don't be that person who misses out on the cosmic 411. This ain't your grandma's horoscope—it's your roadmap to owning your destiny. So, drop the drama, snag your FREE reading, and let's face 2024 with a smirk, swagger, and a whole lot of cosmic wisdom. Your Rising Sign's about to show 2024 who's boss. Ready or not, here you come.
Your FREE 15-minute reading for 2024 is LIVE, and available on my website. Here’s all you’ve got to do to access your FREE Reading:
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Yep, that's it. Just subscribe to my Astrology Newsletter, and get your FREE 2024 Astrology Reading for your Rising Sign.
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tarotpathways · 2 months
Daily Horoscope for July 5, 2024: Insights from Tarot and Astrology
Welcome to your daily horoscope for July 5, 2024! Today, we delve into the insights provided by planetary placements, astrology, and tarot cards to give you a comprehensive guide on what to expect. Aries Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune Horoscope: Mars in Virgo brings unexpected changes and opportunities. The Wheel of Fortune suggests that luck is on your side, and things may turn in your favor.…
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