#22 october
newyorkthegoldenage · 7 months
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Cover of the October 22, 1932 issue of The New Yorker, by Peter Arno.
Photo: Condé Nast
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dateinthelife · 7 months
22 October 1965
Unable to play the part he has in mind fast enough, George Martin plays the piano solo for "In My Life" at half speed an octave down, so that when sped up it will sound the correct tempo and pitch.
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wiiildflowerrr · 7 months
FULL SET: 5 Seconds of Summer at When We Were Young 2023 (36m12)
Day 2, 22 October 2023
Someone on Twitter flagged this up but it refreshed before I could get their name! Will try to find it again.
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stairnaheireann · 7 months
#OTD in Irish History | 22 October:
In the Liturgical calendar, today is the Feast Day of Pope Saint John Paul II. He is widely known to Catholics as Saint John Paul the Great, especially in the names of institutions. It is traditional to celebrate saints’ feast days on the anniversary of their deaths, but that of John Paul II (22 October) is celebrated on the anniversary of his papal inauguration. 1389 – Thomas Mortimer who was…
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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National Nut Day
Walnut, Hazelnut, Chestnut, Kola Nuts, Pine Nuts, Cashews, and more. There are more types of nuts in the world than most people realize, and many more of these are used for food than people suspect. Most people have a favorite kind of nut, most commonly involved in a favored kind of treat, but there are varieties and uses for nuts that are not commonly known.
Did you know that the flavor in your cola originally came from the Kola Nut? Or that Beech Nuts are commonly used as feed for animals? From ages past these high-fat, high-protein tree seeds have served as a major source of winter survival. Their natural ability to be stored and resist decay throughout the winter has made them a valuable resource for animals and humans alike.
What’s even more fascinating is that nuts have been revealed to have notable health benefits for those with a history of Coronary Heart Disease by lowering LDL cholesterol concentrations.
Learn about National Nut Day
National Nut Day has been created in order to encourage the public to consume healthier snack options. What is your go-to snack? A packet of crisps? A chocolate bar? We know that we are guilty of going for the unhealthy option more regularly than we should! So, why not use National Nut Day as the perfect opportunity to switch up your workplace snack? Some nuts, or a combination of nuts and dried fruit, is a healthy snack that will bring a lot of benefits.
The great thing about nuts is that there are so many different types and varieties to choose from. They come in many different sizes and shapes. You have everything from wrinkly walnuts to teardrop-shaped almonds, and so you are bound to find something that appeals to your taste buds.
We also love National Nut Day because nuts are not only delicious, but they are nutritious as well. Different nuts have different benefits. For example, almonds are rich in vitamin E, calcium, and protein. Another beneficial type of nuts is pistachios. They are high in fiber and they can help to reduce a rise in blood sugar after you have had a meal. Walnuts are also very popular, and they are a great source of omega-3 fatty acid. They can improve factors relating to heart health. Or, what about cashews? Cashews can improve blood pressure and they have a good nutrient profile too.
It is definitely a good idea to do a bit of research on your favorite nuts on Nuts Day too. You will be surprised by the different benefits that are associated with the variety of nuts out there. For a piece of food that is so small, it certainly packs a powerful punch when it comes to the different nutrients and benefits that it can bring.
History of National Nut Day
The Liberation Foods Company organized National Nut Day to celebrate the long and storied history of the nut, as well as to dispel some pernicious myths, such as the persistent idea that peanuts are a nut for instance. Nuts have been part of our diets for time out of mind, a trait we likely learned by following our fuzzy four footed brethren to their winter stores.
Since the inception of National Nut Day, great festivals have sprung up around the world to celebrate the versatility and great taste of the nut. There’s nothing like the rich smell of roast nuts to remind you that fall is here, and there is nothing to soothe a sweet tooth like a roast candied nut. Orange Glazed, Cinnamon, Sweet Chipotle are just a few of the common and more unusual flavors available in the world of the nut.
How to celebrate National Nut Day
The best way to celebrate National Nut Day is by treating yourself to your favorite nut related treat. Whether that’s a nut rich doughnut or a bag of your favorite roasted nuts, National Nut Day is an opportunity to indulge in the rich, nutty taste of.. well.. nuts!
There are often events held by vendors of nuts and their enthusiasts, where they share activities, introduce new types of nuts, and even share the best nut recipes. So get out there and improve your health and your winter with these shell-covered treasures.
There are plenty of other activities that you can do on National Nut Day. This includes making your favorite nut butter. A lot of people love nut butter, but why go to the store and purchase the premade version when you can probably make a much nicer version yourself? All you need to do is grab your favorite nut and throw them into a food processor. Most people will add some sweetener, and then all you need to do is blitz the combination. It really is as easy as that. Some people love their creation so much that they simply eat it out of the food processor. We won’t tell if you don’t!
Another way to celebrate National Nut Day is by adding them to your meal. Nuts are incredibly versatile, meaning they can be added to everything from breakfast to dinner. They go just as good in oatmeal as they do a stir-fry or salad. You can also brighten up someone else’s day on National Nut Day by bringing them a nut-based treat. A snack-sized packet of nut goodies is bound to put a smile on anyone’s face. It’s always nice when someone thinks about you, right?
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juliehowlin · 7 months
22 October
In 1987, a man out hunting Deer discovered an unmanned plane which had crashed into a tree. The would be pilot had crank-started it, and it had taken off without him and flown 65 miles before the tree got in the way.
10 weird and wonderful thigs which happened on 22 October:
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streetsofdublin · 2 years
Dundrum is a stop on the Luas light rail tram system in Dublin, Ireland which serves the suburb of Dundrum. It opened in 2004 as a stop on the Green Line
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crawfishcomic · 6 months
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dailykafka · 7 months
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— October 22, 1913 / Franz Kafka diaries
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onlinehorseproblems · 6 months
I don't understand the "starkid only does hatchetfield musicals 😡" train. Because if i were lang brothers???
i would also make multiple musicals and readings of the different aus involving my OCs, like Oh you liked the coffee shop au?? haha just wait till you see the catboy au
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Etoiles moping, Jaiden showing off her "ASS" shirt, and QSMP representation in the crowd at Twitchcon Vegas.
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lily gladstone on the cover of british vogue! oscar era incoming ikdr!!
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wiiildflowerrr · 7 months
Fan: “Are you a parxsos truther?”
Awsten Knight: “I absolutely fucking am.”
When We Were Young, 22 October 2023 X
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in Irish History | 22 October:
#OTD in Irish History | 22 October:
In the Liturgical calendar, today is the Feast Day of Pope Saint John Paul II. He is widely known to Catholics as Saint John Paul the Great, especially in the names of institutions. It is traditional to celebrate saints’ feast days on the anniversary of their deaths, but that of John Paul II (22 October) is celebrated on the anniversary of his papal inauguration. 1389 – Thomas Mortimer who was…
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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National Color Day
National Color Day on October 22 gives you a chance to stop and reflect on the relationship we share with the colors that surround us and the innumerable ways in which they impact us. How long has it been since you stopped by a garden to admire a yellow sunflower, or gazed at the deep blue sky? We invite you to celebrate the power of colors today!
History of National Color Day
National Color Day celebrates and enlightens people about the significance attached to each color. Humans have always shared a deep relationship with the colors that surround them. As we grow up, our tastes evolve and so does our association with the things that we once liked. But this omnipresent element of nature hardly gets its due recognition.
National Color Day is celebrated to recognize the duality of our relationship with colors. We often use colors to our benefit but we seldom talk about the power and influence that our chosen color has on our mood, state of mind, and attention span.
The right color can enhance your beauty and the wrong one can ruin a photograph. Our brains associate colors with memories and shape our experiences of melancholy and trauma. Much of the impact that a color can have on us is based on our biology, and then there’s our personal relationship with colors. The advertising industry reaps great benefits from the color theory, which illustrates our predisposition to some colors. For example, a combination of red and yellow can stimulate our brain — a concept that reflects on the logos of McDonald’s, Netflix, KFC, and Target.
Launched by General Motors in 2009 as a part of a promotion for a brand new Chevrolet, National Color Day has been celebrated ever since.
National Color Day timeline
1700 The Color Wheel
Sir Isaac Newton discovers the visible spectrum of light and studies the impact of color for the first time.
1810 Goethe’s Investigation
Artist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe explores the psychological aspects of colors and lays the foundation for the color theory.
1870 The Colorimeter
French photographer Jules Duboscq invents the colorimeter to measure the wavelengths absorbed by a particle.
1898 Alfred’s Photometer
American painter Alfred Munsell invents the photometer to measure luminance, a.k.a., the color value of an object.
National Color Day FAQs
What is the most unpopular color?
According to a survey, yellow is the most unpopular color, with a fan base of just 5%.
Why do people see colors differently?
Rods and cones, the two types of cells inside the human eye, determine what color we see. Wavelengths of a color matter as much as our own absorption of it, because 90% of the color we interpret is based on our memory.
What color is ‘the dress’?
The dress is actually blue and black. Due to the blue light being overrepresented by the shadows, many people see it as white and gold.
National Color Day Activities
Color your stress away
Organize a ‘mix and match’ color event
Wear your least favorite color
Indulging in arts and crafts and painting, in particular, has tremendous benefits. It is more than stroking a brush on paper — painting forces you to connect your body to your mind. October 22 is a great day to reconnect with your inner self.
Mix magenta with yellow and you get red. Combine red and green and you get a shade of yellow. Colors are nothing but a big group project. This National Color Day, educate yourself about how these shades come into existence and don’t be afraid to get your hands ‘colored’ in the process.
Many will advise you to rock your best colors on National Color Day, but not us. Because we believe in embracing change. This year, peep into your closet, pick out a piece of clothing you’d never dare to wear, and step out of your comfort zone.
5 Facts About Colors That’ll Blow Your Mind
Blue is the warmest color
Red comes first
Hate stress? Think pink!
Code green for rest, yellow for panic
Bulls hate red? Well, that’s a lie
According to a study, blue is the world’s most popular color, with 40% of people picking it as their favorite.
Red is the first color that an infant can see, as it has the longest wavelength.
The color pink relieves anxiety and stress because of its calming effect and palliative qualities.
Fixing your gaze on the color yellow can cause nausea, whereas staring at green colors can calm your mind.
Bulls can’t even recognize the color red, let alone be triggered by it — it’s the movement of the muleta that angers them.
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ohcaptains · 2 years
jfhdhfjf i just can’t stop thinking about him fucking the newest front of house who’s just really good at her job and he appreciates how easy she is for him when everything else is hard especially when she lets him fuck her when he needs to blow off steam SORRYEYY ?????
Carmy doesn’t know when it happened.
Doesn’t know when it started, but he’s starting to think it’ll never stop. You’re just so…helpful. Good at the till, good with the customers, good at the fancy new coffee machine Carmy had bought (just for you) and good at expediting, when shit got busy, and he needed another hand. Good, good, good, good – fucking brilliant, if you ask Carmy, wasted on a place like The Beef, or The Bear, or the shit hole his brother left him, that he’s trying to make good. Good, good, good. Good at other things, too, like keeping quiet when you’re in his office and he’s fucking you from behind. Or, getting loud when you’d managed to get to his apartment, and he’s saying how thankful he is.
He’s spilling the truth into your mouth when you gasp his name, hitching your legs up higher so he can hit that spongey spot that makes your eyes roll back – makes you go quiet. Until you’re sobbing out how thankful you are. Gripping his curls, nose pushed against his, I like making things easier for you, Carmy. You whisper as you grind into him, I like being good for you. That’s how it starts – this whole good thing.
“Good,” he’d comment when you finished a particularly hard lunch rush. “You did good,” and he’d see it. See the way your face relaxed and feel how he’d want to say it again.
He can’t stop saying it. Can’t stop when it’s after closing and everyone’s gone home. When he’s got you against the door to his office, mouth pushed into your ear, and he’s taking his time, making his strokes deep and steady as he says, so good for me. Such a good fucking girl. I’m not letting you leave this goddamn restaurant – and he kisses you between words, between grunts and groans – not letting you leave my goddamn sight.
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