theluxuriansecret · 5 months
Diary Entry 04232024
Dear Diary
I am filled with intense emotions that I can only reduce down to anxiety at this time. It is a very uncomfortable feeling that grows with intensity each day.
Yesterday, I finally had the talk with my dad and shared my feelings towards him / about him, with him. Maybe it's his cadence, maybe it's the way he talks, maybe it was the lack of eye contact. He definitely heard me, but I don't know how much he understood. He is trying to be a more active person in my life and I definitely asked like why after all this time. Why now? He said he realized that through his depression and not being able to support his family the way a "man should" really took a toll on him. But does he realize that there are areas you can make up in when you are lacking? That his emotional absence had an actual effect on his family? He says he does and he is trying to do better now, but actions truly speak louder than words. So as long as he puts in effort I will too. I hate to make our relationship sound so transactional, but I refuse to give a lot of my self to ANYBODY who doesn't deserve it.
I am feeling anxious in my relationship as well. I noticed that every time we see each other, I feel like once he goes home he won't love me anymore, which is completely crazy. In a weird way I feel like as he heals, I regress, which is so insane? Because I also know that is simply not true. His progress is absolutley larger than mine BUT he is facing so many of the trials and tribulations I went through last year. Small steps are still steps. I guess also, I still feel like I may say things that are too outlandish and will scare him off. But I think that it is worth the risk if that means being with someone who truly loves me for me.
TBH I have been lacking in confidence lately. I have been doubting myself and questioning my worth, and I hate that for me. It is uncharacteristic of me at this point in life, and yes some of those feelings can always emerge and then go away by rebuilding (or continuing to build, however you decide to look at it). I really need graduation to come and go, that really is my biggest issue. I need to take these pictures, and I need to walk that stage, so undergrad stressers are no longer plaguing my life. Also my cavity is really bothering me and I really need to find a primary care physician.
That is all.
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plenilune · 1 year
'strolling in with Mark Fisher on one thigh'
I mean yeah already danced with THE WEIRD AND THE EERIE in one hand at the club* why not enter prepared
* this was one part pretentious motherfucker one part the lines to the bathroom and bar were really long but it kept backfiring bc 23yrold boys kept being like A BOOK???? WOW THAT'S SO DEEP WHAT'S A BOOK not realising how much older than them I am and I had to take deep breaths so I didn't brain them with my martini glass
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cruzheidyyy-com · 5 years
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what 23 looks like 🤪😉 grateful for another year!!
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winterrose42 · 3 years
Love that i have the Grandma Instinct TM. Stressful situation? *makes tea* *cleans* *does laundry* *offers cookies* *cleans* *airs house* *makes beds* *more tea will surely fix it* *tidies* *cleans* *tidies* *putters around putting small things away* *laundry* *tea* *cleans* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ
Where did this come from? Why is this the default?? Mystery for the ages
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starsarebleeding · 7 years
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i’m 31 i got carded
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love when some guy tries to tell me the laws of my own goddamn state and business just because he’s active duty and im some lowly 23yrold hotel concierge
sir, i hate to break it to you, but if it was illegal for me to be asking for a copy of your orders, you would not be the one telling me this at 6:30 at night.
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montilyets · 4 years
what do you dislike about Sakavic? I agree (the racism in aftg is not a good look, also so dislike the way she treats predatory age gaps ex: Kevin/Thea, Andrew hooking up with Roland a 23yrold at 17 and those both being okay to her etc. is really sus) but was wondering if you had any other reasons
the misrepresented mental illness and drug use, indeed the way she (mis)represented her characters of color (thea, nicky, the moriyamas), the way she talks about trauma in certain cases etc.
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yourtenderaddiction · 4 years
HB to me I guess
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azure-emily · 6 years
SPORT NEWS: Nuno plotting January move for 23-yr-old, some Wolves fans react: 'Don't mind'
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I made a RedBubble!
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Hi, you can call me D, Des, Digital, Digi. Any is fine.
I am a 23yrold NB Spoonie trying to make some money to be able to support myself on, hopefully, to try and be less of a burden on my family. I am usually an artist, but with that going nowhere I’ve decided to try Graphic Design? Is that the term? If you love what I have done so far I have a bunch of prints on lots of items! Would love for you to check it out! Every bit helps! Thank you♥♥♥ https://www.redbubble.com/people/dgitldisociasyn
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brodudepants · 7 years
I just realized that I am 100% capable of getting a mother fucking used AUDI
Me an almost 23yrold WITH AN AUDI
Sidenote: EVERYONE should look into used cars for the first one they’re buying. Private market, used dealership, used certified ALL ARE GONNA BE CHEAPER THAN NEW
I’m sure you all knew that but I just wanna reiterate that
Also if for some reason you do gotta go new, look into trading in after 2 years. Maybe your needs have changed, maybe you can go older.
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aqua-harry · 7 years
Ugh, pretty sure that's the same age hating anon that comes around every few months to stir things up. It's clearly someone young, and they're threatened by the fact that harry enjoys, and sees no problem, in dating older women. They're threatened because they know that at this stage of his life harry is more likely to date a 30yr old than a 16yr old. I personally don't think he would date anyone much younger than him, he's not the typical 23yrold. He's mature with life experiences
If they want to get mad at straight facts, that’s their own prerogative. It’s just ridiculous and quite embarrassing that they feel the need to attack others simply because they can’t see what’s in front of their face.
If we’re talking seven years one way or the other, I absolutely agree with you. Harry is 100% more likely to date a 30 year old over a 16 year old. He wouldn’t even be able to go out for drinks with a 16 year old. In America, he’d have to get his girlfriend home by a certain time because in many states, 16 year olds have curfews that are set by law.
And let me be very clear about this: I am not bashing teenagers. I am quite literally just stating facts.
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ebhonii · 5 years
There is always that one popular 23yrold white girl actress that is shoved down our throats every year🤦🏽‍♀️
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Apparently my 18yrold sister wants me to convince her 23yrold bf that our whole family doesn't hate him and it's like??? I hate him the most lol He's a creep who lied to her at least once so he could go out on a date with some other girl, has never taken my sister on a date but expects her to pay for things for him, can't hold down a job, makes inappropriate and disrespectful comments about me and my mom, and fucking lies about situations to cause drama between my sister and our mom (and me too apparently since apparently he's the one who told her that I was conspiring against him with the homophobic grandmother). Oh and by the way apparently he doesn't know what seasoning is??? Or what fully cooked rice is??? And he eats his steak well done??? Like basically he's the last person I'd want to spend any amount of time around.
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