#24 hour comic book day
thegreatshono · 8 months
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Comictober Day 14 - Automa p14
If you don't want to wait til tomorrow to read more, all of the pages are available to read right now on Patreon! patreon.com/shadowsofoblivion
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bunmellos · 1 year
i am once again asking for more book recs
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dilemmaontwolegs · 9 months
If you need ideas for the Temptation snapshots, I've got one. It's Scotty's wedding, Daniel's Kitten is a bridesmaid. She looks stunning in a curves complimenting dress. Daniel can't take his eyes off of her but she doesn't have time for him. She's running around, helping everybody with everything till Daniel decides he can't wait anymore and drags her to the bedroom for a quickie only after that they realise that they've fucked in the newlyweds bed
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Temptation Snapshot || DR3 {6}
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut WC: 1.4K F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven Snapshots: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six
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The Bachelor’s Party/Hen Night Vegas baby! That was the caption to the clip of Daniel arriving in Las Vegas for Scotty’s bachelor party - the two Australians 100 percent ready to unleash hell on Sin City with their close-knit group of friends. At just over 2000 kilometres away, you were boarding a private boat with Chloe in Vancouver as her hen night began far more sedately. While the next 24 hours with the bridal party was all about pampering and enjoying the beautiful views out on the water, the groomsmen were making promises to each other that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Come morning light everyone would start making their way to Venice where the big event was going down - for better or for worse. You had a feeling the boys would certainly be feeling worse.
You were utterly relaxed after a massage and a soak in the hot tub on the top deck with the girls, the stars glittering in the night sky. Chloe’s friends were an endless stream of gossip and it was hard to keep up with their exciting lives until your phone started to vibrate on your sunbed. 
“Excuse me,” you apologised as you stepped out of the warm water and saw a facetime call coming in from Danny. “Hey, I thought you would be too busy to call?”
“You should come here, kitten,” he slurred as the camera moved erratically and you heard Scotty’s laugh in the background. “Look,” he tried to pan the video around and you guessed he was somewhere on the strip from all the bright lights. “White Chapel! We could get married right now.”
You tilted your head so you could properly see what he was showing you. “You want me to come to Las Vegas and get married at a White Chapel?” you laughed with a shake of your head. “You know my dad would never forgive you if he didn’t get to give me away.”
“I just want you all to myself, as Mrs Ricciardo,” he whined as the camera turned back to his face and a chorus of whipping sounds erupted from the guys around him. “Fuck off! You’re whipped too.”
“So you admit you’re whipped,” Scotty shouted happily and the call was dropped as they started a little scuffle, more like brothers than friends.
“You have that man wrapped around your finger,” Chloe teased when you slipped back into the steaming water.
“Look who's talking,” you said with a wink and grabbed your drink, raising it up to clink it with hers. “You mastered the art first.”
“I suppose I did,” she giggled before toasting with the circle. “To our boys, and their peak golden retriever energy.”
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The Wedding Day “Behave,” you warned Daniel when he tried to corner you in the hotel’s corridor. “I’m a woman on a mission so keep your hands to yourself.”
“You know I can’t help it when my kitten gets all bossy,” he chuckled as he pinned you to the wall with his body. “No one will notice if we slip away for a few minutes.”
“Chloe would, since I’m meant to be getting her shoes.”
Reaching into his breast pocket he pulled out a tiny book similar to what you would get when you bought a raffle. Licking the pad of his thumb he started to flick through the pages before humming and ripping a tab out. “Here,” he said as he tucked it into your cleavage. “That is contractually binding too, I might add.”
You fished the paper out and opened it to see it was a comical voucher for a quickie in the nearest room. “I’m sure my lawyer would agree with you,” you joked as you straightened his lapels. “Where did you even get this?”
“I may or may not have stolen it from Scotty’s presents, but I thought it would have been a waste to go to them. I know him and it would end up in the bin before they even went on their honeymoon. So?” His eyes darted to the door beside you and he wiggled his eyebrows. “You look ridiculously sexy in that dress, kitten, and it is doing all sorts of crazy things to me.”
“Well I would hate to get in trouble with the law, since this is contractually binding…”
His smile grew and he tested the door only to growl when it didn’t open, but the next one was left unlocked. “Better make it quick, baby, I have no idea who this room belongs to.”
The spike of adrenaline made you rush to lift your dress and Daniel’s belt snapped open as he shoved his trouser halfway down his tattooed thighs before pulling you onto his lap at the edge of the bed. Your bodies joined with a harmonious moan and you relished the full feeling when you hadn’t been prepared for him, something that rarely happened.
“Fuck, you feel so good, kitten,” he moaned, his hand reaching for your hair before you grabbed it.
“This took two hours, don’t mess it up.”
“Okay, okay,” he obeyed, settling his hands on your hips and using his strength to guide you up and down his cock. You didn’t have the same issue with his hair, the short curls still left untamed, so you dragged your fingers through them as you bounced on his lap.
“You look tired,” you commented before you lost all ability to think, noticing the dark bags under his brown eyes. “Did you conquer Vegas or did Vegas conquer you?”
A smirk played on his lips and he shook his head. “Sorry, kitten, the boys all made a promise. Scouts honour.”
Your head tilted to the side as you stopped riding him. “Is that how it is now?”
“Don’t stop, baby,” he begged as you started to climb off his lap. “Wait, wait, okay.”
“What happened in Vegas, Daniel?” you asked, neither pulling away nor lowering yourself back down him.
“Nothing like you’re thinking,” he muttered.
“I may have gotten a little bit shitfaced,” he admitted and you lifted an eyebrow that made him crumble. His head dropped into your cleavage as he confessed, “I was totally off my tit drunk and so was Scotty, and we may have crashed out on the same bed.”
You slipped back down his cock until you were saddled on his lap again. “That’s not bad, why were you trying to hide it?”
“Those assholes took photos of us cuddling and crying together because we missed out girls now can you please move before I start crying again.”
It was a quick jumble of words barely more than a whisper but you caught them, just, and they caught you off guard. In a split second your head was thrown back with a laugh and you cradled him to your chest.
“Fuck me, keep laughing, kitten,” Daniel moaned. “So fucking tight when you do that.”
It drove Daniel wild and he started bucking his hips as you rode him, hitting deeper with each change in the angle until your eyes screwed shut and your heart hammered. You wanted to kiss him like your life depended on it but the makeup hadn’t been set long enough and you weren’t willing to risk smearing the masterpiece.
“I’m gonna cum, daddy,” you whimpered as heat flushed your skin and you pushed through the ache in your legs from the position. Your orgasm ripped through you like a bolt of lightning.
“Fuck, oh fuck, fuuuuck,” Daniel groaned as your cunt gripped his dick like a vice and he filled you with the thick ropes of his cum. “Shit, kitten, you’re gonna kill me with that pretty pussy of yours,” he commented as you climbed off and rearranged your dress into place.
“I think you just need more self-control,” you teased as you looked around the room and froze. There on the table was the white Jimmy Choo box you had been sent to find, next to a plate of delicate handmade chocolates and a neatly written card dedicated to the newlyweds. “Oh shit.”
Daniel looked up from his belt he had rebuckled and saw you grab the shoes from the box, his eyes taking in everything as he came to the same conclusion. “Oh shit,” he laughed, biting his knuckle as the sound grew. He looked back at the bed and quickly swiped a hand across the blankets to smooth out the indents of his ass. “That bed is getting some action today.”
Taglist {1}: @moonvr @copper-boom @yunnie-f1 @ophcelia @lightsoutletsgo @alwaysclassyeagle @neiich @omgsuperstarg @starwarssavy23 @fdl305 @faeb1tch42069 @sweetestrose569 @pleasantducktimetravel @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @belennasif @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19 @destourtereaux @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky @jpg3 @bangtanxberm @ohthemisssery @eviethetheatrefreak @kimi240302 @andydrysdalerogers @formula1mount @storyteller-le @dakotali @daddyslittlevillain @elijahslover
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comicaurora · 7 months
Just a quick question as someone who is well-meaning but just a little confused about the kindle thing:
is it just the filesize of the pages that's the problem w/ downloading? I'm not sure what the difference between dl-ing up front or while reading would be from a hosting perspective. (unless ppl are actually wanting every page at once instead of like a few chapters' worth)
Sorry if all this is annoying, I'm just trying to better understand the problem. I don't mean to bother, so if it's not something you want to talk abt, then that's completely fair.
I guess the thing I keep snagging on is that it's not at all what I intended for the comic and it's not what the site is optimized for. My site follows an extremely normal webcomic format, the tumblr mirror has multiple pages in each post if people need improved loadtimes, and I'm getting kind of thrown that people are suddenly asking for it to be in a completely different offline format? A webcomic has "web" right in the name. It doesn't work that way, it hasn't worked that way the entire time the comic has existed, and frankly, while the intent was definitely not malicious, being asked "hey I'm having a lot of trouble pirating your work, you should make it easier for me" feels Weird And Bad for reasons I would assume are self-evident.
From my side of things, I'm hoping to get Aurora physically published in the future, and physical publication these days usually also goes hand in hand with an ebook release. Publishers already need convincing why they should physically publish something that exists for free online. If I jerry-rigged a downloadable ebook version myself, why would a publisher go to the effort to do it for me? It'd be like self-publishing the book first and then asking them to pay to do it all over again. I would very much like to not fuck up the publishing thing and that means I'm not touching anything a publisher would want to do.
Aurora is entirely free. It has no affiliated patreon, and after a brief run and some laughably poor policy management from google's ad plugin, the site no longer has any ads. I'm not saying this to guilt anyone - just to contextualize why, after finally completing the work of four and a half years of my life that I shared 100% freely with the world for the sheer love of creation and the profound joy it gave me to see people fall in love with this story I care so deeply about, why it sucks that people immediately, not even 24 hours after the final page of arc 1 goes up, start complaining that it doesn't exist in a nice little bundle on all platforms on and offline.
I promise it's not a big deal, but it's not a pleasant experience either.
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deadcrowcalling · 2 months
DPS headcanons
charlie can't bake for shit, like he literally can't even make a box cake. he always screws something up
on the other hand, pitts is an amazing baker. the dude will make a whole damn cake from scratch like it was no big deal
anderperry = adhd and autism duo. you pick who is who
cameron is a history buff. i saw something saying he'd love top gun and i totally agree. that kid is a NERD
todd's a cat person
neil likes both. whatever makes todd happy makes him happy
charlie's a lightweight, unlike todd who (as we know) can down whiskey like nothing
considering DPS is set in 1959, meeks and pitts definitely were marvel and/or dc comics nerds. maybe one liked marvel and one liked dc, and they constantly fought about which was better. or they both like one franchise and trash talked the other
the rooftop radio dance party was totally not meeks and pitts' only dance party. they've had many
all the poets have at least been to charlie's huge house once and done stupid shit in his pool. somebody definitely belly-flopped off the diving board, really regretted it, and now it's an inside joke between all of them (probably be Knox or Pitts, if i'm honest.)
meeks likes plants. he's totally got a few small plants in his and pitts's dorm. totally has a tiny succulent named after some superhero (modern!au he'd so name it something dumb like megatron)
if transformers had come out when the poets were kids, pitts so would've been a transformers kid
charlie totally has converse (specifically red ones) and draws on the rubber parts (this is inspired from a comment on my post where i drew on my vans)
in relation to the last one, he's totally written carpe diem on the shoes. and a lighting bolt
modern!au knox would play fortnight 24/7 and never shut up about it
modern!au todd and neil have a shared farm on stardew valley. and a minecraft house
scratch that, all the poets have a minecraft server they all play on. charlie's house looks like ass while todd and meeks have a library that looks better than most modern architecture
growing up, meeks would sit in the library for hours skimming through the encyclopedias until he found anything that caught his eye. he'd be there form when the library opened to until it closed. the librarian eventually caught on to his schedule and started bringing him little sandwiches and chips and a juice, and always brought him something in the morning, like a granola bar.
maybe that's how pitts and meeks met. pitts was looking for cool like sci-fi novels and saw meeks sitting all by himself with a giant pile of encyclopedias next to him. pitts picked out a cool book and sat by him, the two never saying a word. this continued for a few weeks until one of the two worked up the courage to introduce themself. they became fast friends.
cameron over prepares. always has bandaids on him. mostly because charlie's constantly getting hurt
anyways, i could ramble for days! lmk if you like stuff like this and i can post some more headcanons and stuff
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eliasericson · 9 months
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#throwbackthursday again! this time it's to 2014.
looking through my 2014 folder i noticed there were far less full-colour illustrations than 2013 - it probably had to do with the fact that i drew a full-colour webcomic at the time.... which i will tell u about some time i guess? im a bit embarrased about it because I had such big plans for it i drowned in performance anxiety and had to quit :(
the first image is a page from the first ever comic i made about diana & charlie! it was a 24 hour comic, 24 comic pages made in 24 hours. it's the only time i've succeeded. i still have a nostalgic liking for it, even after all these years. 💕i also drew some silly trans magical girls that got spread around all over the internet and also got me a lot of hate mail lol..... i ALSO went through THE most intense naruto phase where me and my friend created an alternate universe where they went to high school in sweden........ good times.
honorable mention: 2014 was the year i published the picture book Blompojken, which will have a throwback post of its own some day. 🌸
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nolovelingers · 10 months
Hi i love you headcanons sooo much 🫶 Do u think you would be able to them for Mindy! I love that girl so much🥹
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ೄྀ࿐ requested ! ˊˎ-
headcanons — // cw ! : fluff ,, fem!readers only ,, some nsfw at the bottom ,, brief mention of drinking & weed ,, no cw’s besides that really i luh this girl too 🫶
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SFW !!
MINDY MEEKS MARTIN AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND . . . helped you realize just how important and cared for you really are in this world.
there is never a single day that goes by where she doesn’t remind you how much she loves you, holding your face with her hands as she just admires your features with a relaxed look in her eyes and a maladaptive smile.
she seriously never lets you forget it, whether it’s through words or small actions. she’s always expressing her affection in some subtle way.
her arm is always wrapped around you, behind your shoulders, hand on your hip or tucked warmly in your hands. she needs her own reassurance that you’re there by her side and aren’t going anywhere.
she’s a huge film fanatic and movies dates are an absolute must. she does enjoy horror but gets the slightest bit sensitive to it after all the ghostface attacks go down and while she’ll still engage in time to time it’s better for you to encourage her to turn on something more light hearted without saying the exact reason why. if you express you’re worried about her she’ll get defensive and only be determined to watch it more, later waking up in the middle of the night through vivid nightmares and breaking a cold sweat.
she’s big into marvel and will have *lighthearted* debates about it with you if you prefer dc, and if you’re clueless to the both of the fandoms you can expect her to force you to sit down and make you watch all the movies in the film timeline order.
she doesn’t own any of her own comics but has always wanted to get into them, so if you own any of your own, whether if it’s a whole collection to just a few you can expect her to be borrowing them from you constantly.
other than that she’s not a huge book reader, her patience short and hard to keep her attention span captured. she wouldn’t mind it if you ever read her to sleep though, your voice helps lure her into a calm rest.
makeouts are a must and one of her favorite things to do. she’s an extremely experienced kisser and knows exactly what she’s doing. they don’t have to lead to anything spicy but she just adores when your lips are on hers and could kiss you for hours.
saying she’s protective over you is an understatement, she’s extremely paranoid and suspicious of everyone around her and is constantly acting as your guard dog. she’s always making sure you have some sort of weapon on you when you go out and that you always remember the location of at least 2-3 exits around you no matter where you are.
she wants you to keep your location on 24/7. not cause she’s being a clingy or jealous girlfriend but she’s very afraid of something happening to you while she’s not there to help. she checks it almost every hour when she knows you’re out and will shoot a message to make sure you respond.
being close friends with chad is also a given. as much as she hates to admit it, her brother is one of her best friends and if you have his approval it just makes her love you so much more. she can never hide the smile that erupts on her face whenever she witnesses the both of you getting along or playfully teasing each other.
she ties your shoes for you when the laces come undone, opens cans or jars for you if you can’t (or if you get them done, when your nails are too long), has polaroids of you decorated along the walls of her bedroom, and will buy the both of you some form of matching thing. like a keychain, or a piece of jewelry.
she’ll randomly ask you to sign stuff, acting like you’re a celebrity as she teasingly begs for you to write your name on her backpack, a plain tee shirt she owns, the back of her hand, an old pair of shoes she owns, etc.
if you have a job she’ll find any excuse to come and visit you while you’re working, whether it’s by pretending to be a customer or just sneaking in to chat for as long as she could.
one of her favorite things is when you sit in her lap, facing her with one of your free hands practically petting her hair and her arms wrapped around your lower body, rubbing your back or resting her hands on your ass. once again, nothing sexual needs to come from it, she just honestly can’t resist the temptation of her hands wandering. if you’re not comfortable with it she’ll immediately stop and apologize.
and to correspond with this, she likes it when you sit in her lap but loves it when she lays in yours. your thighs are absolutely perfect, it literally doesn’t matter the shape, size or feeling of them shes obsessed with resting her head in your lap and there’s nothing you can do to stop her.
the both of you have a tendency to go to hot topic together and check out the couples jewelry. and she can’t resist going through the pins and sneaking a few she’d think you’d like in her back pocket. she’ll pay for everything else in the store but just doesn’t feel like paying so little for a cheaply made pin. but she loves putting them on her jackets, her backpack and her bags. she also gets so excited when she finds a particular one she’d think you’d like.
making each other a playlist is a must, and she has a problem where she just makes you a new one almost every other month. it’s a routine at this point and if she ever forgets or just doesn’t have the time to one month it gets you a bit sad, thinking maybe she’s finally lost interest. she’ll remember to do it the next time she opens her music app though.
she practically lives at your dorm/place at this point. if you live at the dorms you asked the school to make you a new key, pretending you lost yours, and then gave it to her. now she’ll come over all the time without even asking, send you a random text she was on her way over without discussing it first or that she was already at the door. sometimes you would come home after being gone for hours just to find her lounged on your couch; your snacks in her hands (and in her mouth) while watching a movie.
one of her favorite activities to do with you is to drink and just hang out. she gets very sappy, affectionate and when she drinks most of the time she doesn’t hold back since it’s not like a frequent thing. she likes to get blackout and you’re forced to take care of your girlfriend; who has now become a koala bear as she drunkenly holds onto your leg and cries and giggles about how much she loves you. she’s also a very clumsy drunk and almost always ends up hurt the next day, falling into things, running into walls and tripping over air. then the next day when the hangover hits she swears up and down she’ll never get drunk again in between groans of agony just to do it again in a week.
getting high together is also something she loves to do. it’s such an awakening experience that just deepens her love for you as she feels very comfortable and relaxed in your presence. she also loves the very dumb conversations you have together about the most meaningless things.
facemasks are also a must. she loves it when you do her skincare because she doesn’t have a routine for herself and so on occasion you’ll do some treatment for her. she hates those paper masks because they feel slimey and cold against her skin but she’ll do them if you have them. she likes when you put a charcoal or clay mask on her skin and acts like some sort of strange creature.
constantly making movie references that you don’t understand most of the time. and when you don’t get one of her comparisons she’ll force you to watch the film immediately and explain in detail what she meant.
if you try to talk during one of the movies she picks she’ll hush you immediately, wanting you to pay total attention to it unless it’s one the both of you have seen before. but when it’s her turn for her to watch a movie of your choice she’s yet to see but you have she’ll be a total hypocrite, talking and adding loud dialogue the entire way through. she’s also the type to ask you questions about a plot to a movie you’ve both never seen before and actually expecting you to be able to answer.
you have a long snapstreak going with her that you both mourn anytime it’s reset. and she’s got a highlight of you on her instagram that she updates once or twice a week.
she’ll ask you what your favorite marvel character is and if it’s one she doesn’t like she will fight you. (not really, but she’ll trash talk the character and get super defensive if you try to do the same to hers.)
she’s actually very trusting of you in the relationship and the only times she ever gets jealous is if a girl is outwardly flirting with you even after being aware that you’re dating someone.
random kisses constantly, she’ll gently turn your chin to face her or cup your chin and bring you into a kiss without any warning before hand.
she loves to do cute challenges with you. for example the chapstick challenge, where you buy a pack of flavored/scented chapstick and kiss the other while they try to guess the flavor. or doing the same thing with lipstick, but instead of trying to guess the flavor just seeing if it was kiss proof or not. but she doesn’t own makeup except for maybe a cheap mascara and a thing of eyeliner she almost never touches; so it would have to be yours or just not one you partake in.
going along with the no makeup thing, she would gladly let you do hers if you have any. she’d be the perfect little test subject for practicing your makeup skills on others if it wasn’t for her randomly goofing off and trying to eat the lipstick or the wands.
there’s definitely been at least a time or two where she does actually get jealous over chad if you have a good relationship with him. it doesn’t matter if you’re lesbian, bi, pan, omni or unlabeled she with subliminally have the thought that you’re gonna leave her for her twin brother. you of course reassure her and remind her of the love you hold for her. she’s not ever the type to blame you for her jealousy. she wouldn’t ignore you or get angry because of her own feelings and actually much prefers to talk it through with you than suffering alone or in silence.
she’s not afraid to speak her mind or be bold. it can get a bit embarrassing from the occasional time to time if you’re out in public with strangers but you’re quick to laugh about it.
pda is a must with her and if you ever receive looks or judge mental comments she’s quick to reply and call someone out on their behavior and won’t back down till they apologize or walk away. she loves showing you off and that doesn’t change whether it’s behind opened or closed doors, but it definitely does simmer down. but like don’t be surprised if she randomly wants to make out with you even though you’re at a friends house together and hanging out with multiple other people.
she’s quick to warn you about her suspicions of ethan to alert you; which saves you a lot in the long run. you avoid him and try not to hang out with the group when you’re lead to believe ethan may be there or suspiciously couldn’t make it only for everyone to get attacked by ghostface the same night.
she loves to dance with you. and not like a slow dance, im talking jumping up and down, bobbing her head, shouting the lyrics and swinging her arms up and down while hopping around you to shit like ‘lovefool’ by the cardigans.
the both of you have tried every two player mobile game known to man and could spend hours day on the couch with her legs in your lap playing things like fashion frenzy on roblox to game pigeon.
if you ever get sick she’ll want to stay with you the entire time till you’re feeling better and once you finally do now she’s the one under the weather and expects you to do the same as she did with you. she’s actually grown to love it when she gets ill cause it’s basically a guarantee she’ll be the only one or thing with your attention for at least a few days and if she feels that attention drifting from her she’ll act like such a little kid and act like she’s dying.
she’ll never admit it but she loves to be babied by you.
overall she’s just a very straight-forward person who gives someone her entire body and soul when she cares about them. but she is also a very independent person who can survive when left on her own.
im definitely getting more top/dom vibes from her.
she knows what she wants in the bedroom and has a lot of experience from past relationships. she’s able to find all the ways to please a woman immediately and have her head buried in your cunt with your thighs clutched around her curls, muffled moans leaving her lips as she watches the way your back arches and legs shake in pleasure.
she’s willing to try almost everything at least once.
she loves eating you out, it’s almost like an obsession at this point. it’s one of her favorite things to do and anytime you let her she’s quick to shuffling between your legs with an eager smile.
when she’s on the receiving end she’ll talk you through it, telling you what feels good and what doesn’t with no shame. she’s also got a decently high sex drive and is able to last through at least 3-4 good orgasms as long as there’s some short break time inbetween.
she loves to tease you, especially when cuddling. one of her favorite things to do is be the big spoon and slide one of her legs between yours, bringing her knee up to your clit that still has fabric protecting your core and move just slightly, taking pleasure in seeing you try to desperately dry hump her leg.
started 08.08.23. finished 08.08.23.
*ೃ༄ a / n : thank you for the request anon ! i love opening the app to seeing new messages or prompts and i hope that this is to your liking. requests are open and if you’ve already sent in one it’s currently being worked on ! <3 im sorry about the nsfw section being so short , i was getting kinda sleepy more than halfway through this and felt like the quality was slowly declining so i didn’t wanna keep digging myself a hole LOL
( scream masterlist )
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©️nolovelingers 2023
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theodorenmyth · 8 days
Hello! I hope you have a wonderful day or night. I’m craving fluff and I was wondering if you could do something like mattheo having a platonic relationship with m!reader? Like bromance but they act like close friends. So M!reader accidentally cast a spell on himself making him turn into a cute small animal for 24 hours and mattheo is trying not to laugh his head off while picking the small creature up. M!reader is grumpy because of this and this makes mattheo tease the poor reader. Eventually it ends with them sleeping peacefully as the spell wears off.
Bunnies and Bromance
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Pairings : Mattheo Riddle x M! Reader Summary : You and Mattheo Riddle have always been the best of friends, sharing everything from deep secrets to hearty laughs. But when a spell backfires and turns you into a small, fluffy bunny for 24 hours, your day takes a comically wild turn. As Mattheo tries to contain his laughter, you navigate the challenges of being a grumpy bunny, leading to a heartwarming and humorous adventure that strengthens your bond even more. A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : Nothing! Word count : 1k
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You’re in the Hogwarts library, books and parchment spread out in front of you, diligently working on a Transfiguration assignment. Mattheo Riddle, your best friend, is lounging in a chair nearby, pretending to read but mostly watching you with mild interest.
"Mate, you look like you need a break," Mattheo says, stretching his arms over his head. "You've been at this for hours."
You roll your eyes but can't help the small smile that tugs at your lips. "I need to finish this. Professor McGonagall is going to kill me if I don't get it right."
Mattheo snorts. "Yeah, yeah, you're the model student and all that. How about a little fun? Try that new spell we've been reading about."
You hesitate, glancing at the spellbook Mattheo slides across the table towards you. It’s an advanced transformation spell, something you'd been curious about but weren't entirely confident in.
"Come on, what's the worst that could happen?" Mattheo's eyes twinkle with mischief, and despite your better judgment, you can't resist his enthusiasm.
You take a deep breath and mutter the incantation, wand movements precise. For a moment, nothing happens, and you start to relax. Then, a sudden tingling sensation spreads through your body. Before you can react, everything around you seems to grow exponentially.
You should have known better than to mess around with spells outside of class. But curiosity had gotten the better of you, and now you were facing the consequences. Quite literally, as a bunny.
Mattheo bursts out laughing, clutching his sides. “You’ve got to be kidding me! This is too good!” he manages between fits of laughter. You give him your best grumpy bunny glare, which only makes him laugh harder.
“Oh, come on, it’s not that bad,” he says, wiping a tear from his eye as he crouches down to your level. “You’re actually kind of adorable like this.”
You hop away from his reaching hands, your pride stinging more than your small bunny body. Mattheo only chuckles, scooping you up gently. “Alright, alright, I won’t tease. Much,” he adds with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Being carried around like this is both humiliating and strangely comforting. You nuzzle into Mattheo’s warm sweater, more out of instinct than anything else, which earns you an affectionate pat on the head. “See? Not so bad.”
The rest of the day is a series of mild indignities. Mattheo makes sure to show you off to the rest of your friends, who coo and fawn over you like some sort of exotic pet. You’re subjected to endless head pats and ear scratches, which you have to admit feel quite nice, even if you’d never admit it to anyone.
Despite your initial grumpiness, you can’t help but appreciate how gentle Mattheo is with you. He carries you everywhere, making sure you’re comfortable and well-fed. He even sneaks a few treats from the kitchen, laughing as you eagerly nibble on a carrot.
“Who knew you had such a sweet tooth?” he teases, watching you with amusement.
As evening falls, Mattheo takes you back to the common room. He sets you down on the couch and stretches out beside you, propping his feet up on the table. “I guess we should figure out how to turn you back before tomorrow, huh?”
You nod, twitching your nose in what you hope is an affirming manner. Mattheo grins and pulls out his wand, flipping through the pages of a spellbook he borrowed from the library. “Let’s see… Reversal spells, reversal spells… Ah, here we go.”
He reads through the incantation a couple of times before pointing his wand at you. “Ready, mate?”
You brace yourself, closing your eyes as he murmurs the spell. A warm, tingling sensation spreads through your body, and when you open your eyes again, you’re back to your normal self. Slightly disheveled and a bit dizzy, but human nonetheless.
Mattheo gives you a triumphant grin. “Welcome back, bunny boy.”
You groan, running a hand through your hair. “Don’t call me that.”
“Whatever you say, bunny boy,” he says, laughing as you punch his arm playfully.
You collapse back onto the couch, exhausted from the day’s events. Mattheo sits beside you, a fond smile on his face. “You know, for a bunny, you’re pretty grumpy.”
“Gee, thanks,” you mutter, but you can’t help the small smile that creeps onto your face. “Thanks for looking out for me today, Matty.”
“Anytime,” he says, ruffling your hair. “What are best friends for?”
As the fire crackles in the hearth and the common room grows quieter, you find yourself drifting off. Mattheo’s presence beside you is comforting, a reminder that no matter what ridiculous situation you find yourself in, he’ll always have your back.
You wake up in the middle of the night, the room dark and silent. Mattheo is still beside you, fast asleep, his arm draped protectively over you. You smile to yourself, feeling a warmth that has nothing to do with the fire.
“Goodnight, Mattheo,” you whisper, closing your eyes again.
In the morning, the spell’s effects will be long gone, but the memory of this misadventure will stay with you. And with Mattheo by your side, you know there will be plenty more to come.
When you woke the next morning, you stretched, feeling your muscles ache pleasantly. Carefully, you disentangled yourself from the blankets and slipped out of bed, trying not to wake him.
But as you moved, Mattheo stirred. He blinked up at you, a sleepy smile spreading across his face.
"Morning, bunny boy," he teased, his voice rough with sleep. "Back to normal, I see."
"Yeah, thanks for your help," you said, rolling your eyes but smiling despite yourself.
"Anytime," he replied, sitting up and stretching. "Now, let's go get some breakfast. I've got a feeling you could use some carrots."
You groaned, but couldn't help laughing. "You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"
"Not a chance," Mattheo said, grinning widely. "Not a chance."
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hyenafu · 10 months
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The Slightly Damned Book Three campaign has made over 80% of its goal in just one day!! Thank you all so much for your support, not just in the last 24 hours, but for allowing me to continue the comic for so long! Let's make it to $20k! Don't forget that this is also an opportunity for you to nab some exclusive merch-- including original pencils to older Slightly Damned pages! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1858050352/slightly-damneds-third-bookification-project
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writing-for-life · 3 months
March Mania: Sandman Edition
The lovely @tickldpnk8 and I are art aficionados and Sandman meta writers. And one fine Friday, she just slid into my inbox and went, “What if…”
And if you have Sandman brain-rot, a “What if” quickly turns into a “Let’s do it!”
After much plotting, planning and sourcing material, we proudly present “March Mania: Sandman Edition”—a bracket tournament/poll/event over roughly four weeks that involves all original Sandman artists until only three are standing in a final show-down.
Well, all artists is a lie. We had criteria for qualification, and they are as follows:
Only artists involved in Gaiman’s original run of The Sandman qualify. That also includes Overture, Endless Nights and Dream Hunters.
Only the main artist of an issue qualifies. This is usually the penciller or the “artist” (where no inking and/or colouring by a second or third person is involved). Inkers and colourists unfortunately do not qualify on this occasion (unless they were the main artist in another issue).
This year, we will make it all about, “Who drew your favourite Dream?” And as such, his face needed to be visible in at least one panel to qualify the artist. Both Morpheus and Daniel qualify—they’re both Dream after all.
Even after applying all criteria, we were left with an impressive count of 24 artists. And from tomorrow (March 25), they will go head-to-head in round one:
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We will post one poll each day, and you can vote for your favourite artist for 24 hours. So please share the polls so as many people as possible can vote. You will find them via the tag #sandman march mania.
And if that’s all you want to/can do, we’re super happy, because we wanted to create an event that is low effort to participate in while still being fun and hopefully bringing those artists back into your memory that you might have forgotten about (that’s why it’s not really a competition, because all of these artists are amazing in their own way). Let’s all remember:
The Sandman would not exist without its amazing artists. They deserve every bit of praise.
But it doesn’t need to stop there. In the true spirit of any fandom-event, no matter how small, of course we’d love you to participate beyond just voting for your favourite.
Each poll will contain a quick reminder of the issues the artist has illustrated so you can refresh your memory.
Maybe you’d like to share your favourite panels in the reblogs, or write what you love about your favourite artist?
Maybe you are aware of other work they have done (comics, book illustrations, commissions) you’d like to share?
Help us turn the reblogs into a colourful appreciation of your favourite artist, in whatever way you see fit.
And if you have any questions, hit up @writing-for-life and @tickldpnk8 as the event organisers. We so look forward to sharing our love for these artists and hope you join in.
Spread the message far and wide, and we’ll see you all tomorrow for the first poll (we’ll post 6pm/London each day with a few time zone reblogs thrown in)!
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welcome to ur fav is a permaregressor!
permaregression is involuntary age regression that is permanent. it is usually caused by trauma which causes the individual to be essentially be trapped at that age forever. for a more detailed explanation as to what permaregression is, check out this post
nsfw blogs and blogs that reblog anything nsfw will be blocked.
read rules under read more tab
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- anime characters
- manga characters
- cartoon characters
- live action characters
- video game characters
- comic and book characters
- youtubers
- real life people
- characters from nsfw media (violence or gore is okay, i mean like specifcally 18+ games or h//ntai)
- please only submit up to 2 characters per day
- please say their name and what their from
- please say any specific version or image of the character you want posted
- requests of a character i've already done are okay as long as u have any new info u would like to add
- mute #not-potd or #asks if you don't want to see posts that aren't submissions
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hii im lilia :D im 19, permaregressed to 13-16 and i age regress to 4-9. im a afro latina lesbian and i use she/he prns :33 u can send a dm if u want to follow/be mutuals on my main agere blog. also i cant follow or like on this blog bc it's a sideblog.
since the original peremagressor submission blog seems to be inactive, i've decided to start one and continue what they started! if @yourfaveisapermaregressor ever returns i'll gladly stop posting! i just don't see many permaregressors so i wanna share some positivity :D
anyway that's it have fun submitting :D
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thegreatshono · 8 months
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Comictober Day 23 - Automa p23
Until that day...
If you don't want to wait til tomorrow to read more, all of the pages are available to read right now on Patreon! http://patreon.com/shadowsofoblivion
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venusvity · 7 months
.゚۪ ♡ ۫  ...     PRE-RELEASE SINGLE - DRAMA!
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DRAMA is one of two pre-release singles for VENUS' fourth full studio album. DRAMA will be promoted for TWO WEEKS until the next single is released.
.゚۪ ♡ ۫  ...     MUSIC VIDEO AESTHETICS.
The DRAMA music video received 45 MILLION VIEWS in 24 hours and would remain number one on the Youtube trending page for 6 days. The video follows the girls through a technicolored cyberspace as they fight against a virus only known as "DRAMA" which is depicted as a dark and rapid-moving shadow.
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.゚۪ ♡ ۫  … BAEBI = 28.20 SECONDS
.゚۪ ♡ ۫  … BLISS = 19.26 SECONDS
.゚۪ ♡ ۫  …  CHLOE = 49.15 SECONDS
.゚۪ ♡ ۫  … SENA = 17.29 SECONDS
.゚۪ ♡ ۫  … JIAH = 38.12 SECONDS
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The girls were promoting DRAMA consistently for two weeks. For a solid two weeks, the girls were at music shows or other schedules promoting their upcoming album, which they revealed the name of at the end of their promotional period for DRAMA.
The album is called "VENUS VICTRIX" and will have 11 tracks. The creative direction for the album will be handled by long-time VENUS creative director Adrian Reyes. This differs from their last comeback, Burn The Witch, which was fully controlled by Venus themselves. While on Knowing Brothers, Chloe admits the girls experienced a lot of stress from handling all aspects of the album. "It was too much. We would be up until 5 AM almost every night trying to get everything to work, and we agreed that for this album, we want more rest!" which earned laughs from the hosts and from fans alike.
During an episode of "Visting Venus," they had Adrian come on to explain the lore of the album to them in a classroom-like setting with the girls at desks and him at a chalkboard, pointing with a stick and aggressively writing with a red piece of chalk.
"It's basically, like, Venus' Victory. The girls are trapped in a harsh cyber world but manage to break out and transform the landscape into something habitable," Adrian would explain, drawing a loosely thrown-together professor-esque outfit and round specs. Klara, drawing a school uniform and thick-rimmed classes, would raise her hand. "And how will we break out from this world?" "Easy," Adrian starts, pulling down a projector screen that has three big words on it in comic sans font, "Dance, music, and friendship."
The video was a massive hit with fans and had them on the edge of their seats waiting for the album's release.
Though they gave it their all at every performance, it was clear the girls were tired and being overworked. In most vlogs, you'd often see members sleeping on one another during their breaks at music shows or expressing how sore they were from all the performing they were doing. The Venus members, with the exception of Klara, would assure fans they were fine and liked working especially. Klara, however, would go on to post a singular mirror selfie of herself at 3 AM on her Instagram story with the caption, "just got back. can't wait for my powernap before i have to go back lol" but the story was quickly deleted and followed by a video of the maknae laughing and apologizing.
"That was meant for my close friend. My bad, my bad! Stop worrying. I'm just complaining! I swear to God if y'all mass email Flowerbank I'll have a tantrum. Don't worry about me!"
While this moment went viral on stan Twitter, constellations couldn't help but to worry for the girls. However, their worries were seemingly quelled once they got another stage of DRAMA to entertain them.
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.゚۪ ♡ ۫  ...     LOOK BOOK.
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The girls wore wigs during their promotions, concealing their actual hair colors. While sometimes the wigs looked natural, especially Sena and Jiah's, there were times when the wigs looked straight from Party City. Due to their status in the industry, people called this style choice "camp" and praised them for it.
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enderpearlll · 2 years
Yandere!Kevin Headcanons.
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Needed a break from writing Bob. Pretend Kevin isn’t dating Streber in for the sake of the story, please. Sorry if this is too OOC, based it off of the song “Go-Getter Greg” by Ludo.
Gender-Neutral reader.
TW/CW: Yandere content, harsh language, stalking, harassment, creepy behaviour, etc…
• Kevin was a friendly guy at first, rather awkward and off standish. It was oddly charming in a way. When you first started working at the Candy Club he was more than eager to show you the ropes. The place was always short staffed so Kevin was overjoyed to have a new coworker that was reliable.
• The two of you clicked quickly, seeing as you two were the only competent employees there. Now, you liked Kevin but you weren’t willing to take the friendship out of work just yet. But Kevin couldn’t help but fall for the cute new employee. You were just so amazing and he felt the need to impress you, to get to know you better.
• Now Kevin is usually an uptight cynical guy that had no patience for bullshit, but around you he just becomes the most mushiest, soft, and attention seeking guy. You just have an effect on him that he doesn’t understand. It’s like Cupid shot him in the head twenty times over and over. Kevin is the most lovesick fuck around you and it’s sort of terrifying because everyone can tell he has a crush on you.
• He always helps you out around the shop and will let you take longer breaks than him. Kevin is a fucking simp. He is glad to do anything for you if it means you’ll give him attention. Are you struggling with restocking the shelves? Don’t worry, he can handle it! Gotta clean out the back? It’s okay, he can do it by himself! Kevin will happily sacrifice his own time for you.
• You feel bad, but he is really, REALLY persistent. You’re essentially getting paid to sit on your ass all day while Kevin does your job for you. It’s sort of creepy in a way… You try to tell him that it’s okay but he’s stubborn. Weirdly stubborn. Kevin does it to impress you, can’t you see that?
• He is an anxious person, so it’s only natural for him to worry about you 24/7, it’s normal behaviour for him. So he starts to follow you home. It’s just to make sure you make it there safely, honest! Oh, sometimes he’ll bump into around town when you’re both off of work, what a coincidence! Or you’ll even cross paths at one of your favourite cafes, and wow, he can’t believe that you both like the same drink!
• Kevin usually butts into any conversation you have with other coworkers, and will often pull you away with an excuse. Even if you’re having a friendly conversation with a customer Kevin will always interrupt or intimidate the customer. Especially if they’re a guy. “You’re holding up the line. Hurry up already. ” “… There’s no one here, dude.”
• Kevin is secretly a nerd and is into a lot of movie franchises and comic book series, so if you even mention or reference one of them he is on your case immediately. He can’t believe his crush likes the same stuff as him, it’s unbelievable! But if you have any other interests that Kevin doesn’t know about, he will pour hours of dedicated research into it. Then when he brings up random facts and what not, you’ll definitely want to talk to him more!
• Kevin blushes at just the tiniest amount of physical contact with you, it’s unbelievable. You could reach over to grab something from him and your skin will barely hover over his and he will explode internally. He stutters and stumbles over his words when you get remotely close to him, especially if you have a huge height difference.
• Kevin is definitely one of those people that dress to impress, so he always makes sure to look his best around you. He feels embarrassed if there’s even a string out of place on his uniform, since he wants you to see him at his absolute best. If you compliment him, Kevin will literally melt.
• Kevin is always trying to invite you to do stuff outside of work, but you had other friends and what not so it was always a no. He feels defeated at times but that doesn’t mean he’ll give up, no way. You think it’s scary, since he does it almost everyday.
“S—so, um, d—did you want to go watch a movie tonight?” “Um… Not tonight, Kevin.” Your friends also think this is creepy behaviour.
• Hell, your stuff even goes missing at work because of him! You’ve lost more lip balms than you could count, you lost your wallet, gloves and hats go missing, and you even lost your favourite hoodie! You quickly begin to suspect Kevin, but when you ask he vehemently denies it. He’s a horrible liar, by the way, if you didn’t notice. Kevin feels horrible, but it’s so wonderful to have your stuff for his own.
• Now, one can’t see all of this and not pick up on the ungodly obsession he has with you. Especially if you’re the target of said obsession. You slowly start to avoid Kevin when you can help it, and you begin to distance yourself from him. Your friends constantly beg you to quit but your budget was tight at the moment and you couldn’t exactly find another job immediately.
• So you tried to make excuses for Kevin, desperately trying to delude yourself into believing that he was a good guy. It wasn’t until you witnessed him dig through your jacket that you finally snapped under the pressure. You felt like you were going to puke. You quickly gather your stuff and leave, ready to call your boss in the morning to report everything that was going on. You were done.
• Kevin quickly notices you approach and is mortified. You pull your jacket on silently, before leaving the store without a goodbye. He quickly followed you out like a lost puppy, pelting you with a million apologies. You’re trying to stay rational, but dear god you wanted to punt him. This is also when you begin to notice that he was the one following you around, and when he tries to lay a hand on you that’s when you snap.
• “You’re a fucking creep, Kevin! You better knock it off before I call the police on you!” You screamed, pure anger in your voice. Kevin is frozen in his tracks, disbelief evident on his face. No, this couldn’t be… “No, wait! I can explain, please!” Kevin cried, falling to his knees and clutching onto the fabric of your pants. “I love you so much it hurts, please!” He rasped, tears welling in his eyes.
• “What the—?! Get off me, you sicko! I hate you!” And with those three words, Kevin’s world came crashing down around him. You… Hated him? After all he’s done for you? You kicked him off of you and ran down the street, leaving Kevin behind with a broken heart.
• No, no, no, no, no— This couldn’t be happening! He needed you to live, without you he was nothing, he’s never felt more alive when he was with you. Kevin needed to do something to win you back, and quick. Before he loses you forever. He doesn’t care if he loses his job, he doesn’t care if he gets in trouble with the police, all he needs is you.
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Could you explain the "toon" thing? Does that mean, like, cartoons coming through the TV and becoming real? Is that a thing?
Not…exactly. Let me start with a quick primer on parafiction.
Parafiction refers to any phenomena that appears in realspace but had its origins in a work of fiction that was not inherently intended to propagate parafictional phenomena. It refers to the effects, not the origin - parafictional phenomena can occur due to thaumaturgical intervention, Outsider influence, curses, demonic empowerment, and most commonly group psychic influence or a noospheric “dent”. It doesn't have to be an entity, but most people associate it with an entity manifesting.
Let's take, for example, Sherlock Holmes. Say Holmes appears in your town one day attempting to solve a mystery. We'll quickly go over how he'll appear and why that could be.
It is likely he will not be truly sentient - often, parafictional "entities" are a psychic construct, acting in accordance to the gestalt noospheric consensus on how that person should act. Holmes in this case will act confident, clever, snippy, and smoke a pipe - all things that are expected of him. But it'll be a Chinese Room, basically an extranormal learning model, a lowercase ai.
It is likely he will dissipate in days if not hours - these sorts of things are ripples in the noosphere. Unless something is actively keeping it active, it'll probably run out of energy fairly soon.
It is likely he will act confused - if this Holmes is acting mostly like the cultural consensus on Sherlock, but a little confused, this is actually a sign he might be self aware, and thus more serious. We hypothesize this is because the existing sources of media regarding that entity. Every book, every movie, comic, or video game, no matter how dedicated to the source material, is slightly (or radically) different, and each has an effect on the entity. Eventually, self-sustaining parafictional entities will sort out which influences they take from most strongly, but that could take months.
That brings us to "toons." For reasons that are not totally clear, entities that originated primarily from traditional animation have a different path to manifestation and resulting existence. They are, almost to a fault, inherently inimical to human life and realspace in general. We have theories, again regarding the source material.
Think about it this way: traditional animation is typically drawn at 24 frames a second. That's 1440 frames per minute, and even many short cartoons were 3-5 minutes. That's potentially tens of thousands of frames of animation for multiple shorts, compared to....what, in the low hundreds for someone like Sherlock? Something about the individual frames of animation is different, from our tests, than pages or even live action film frames.
Imagine having what's considered "you" spread across tens of thousands of instances. Each one similar enough to the last to smear into each other, smudge into an indiscriminate blur of existence. Whatever "you" are is...a leaking, aching artifice, shattered across tens of thousands of shreds. Trying to move at 24 frames a second, constantly bleeding pigment...nothing should have to live like that.
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kidsfortress · 1 year
For the kids
Hello folks, after a loooooooooge break, here’s some news. First, I want to thanks every single one of you for all the hype, the love, the interest you give to the Kids Fortress comic. It goes right into my heart. You was my first big fanbase and it give me strength to go further in my life, so thanks you so much. 
I've decided to take a break in 2018 to finally never continu the comic, unfortunately. I know a lot of you love it, and just for that, I would like to continu. The thing is they is only 24 hours in a day, 7 days per weeks. I had to make a choice. A really hard choice. In 2018, I sign a contract for my very first original comic book with an European editor, Casterman Editions. (that’s a big deal for a first book!!!) I create and right the story, the univers. But guess what, it’s still with kids. And it’s about my French Canadian culture and legends. Also, I’m working on an other original comic book totally different about a yellow human gecko girl, and this one is so far my favourite thing I ever create. 
When you have the chance to publish your own story you created, you take it. So that’s what I did. And I have to mention that I still work in the animation industry has a freelance, so it’s not a lot of time for many projets in the same time. So now, if you guys want to draw about Kids Fortress, continu de comic, put your twist into it, GO FOR IT! I would love to see it! Just mention my name and the link of the Tumblr page. 
I will be really honest with you all, Kids Fortress miss me too. But the characters and universe you create all by your own bring you so much more joy. And, I’m somewhere else in my life has well. I hope you will understand. I've decided to follow my dream to be a comic book auteur, and I’m finally one my way to publish my first one. Hope you will like those new stories.
If you want to see more of my original art and what I’m working on, I’m posting practically every day on my instagram @vanlalonde.art  Hope to see you there! 
Love you ALL! 
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