#27 Near is a bit of a perverted…
thedetectivesystem · 1 year
Please write more 17 year old Near x 27 year old Near when and if you are able to, do you have any head canons, yet? If so, i would intrested to hear? What type of personalities would they have? Who would get more shy or embarrassed ?🥹💕💕💕
hi hi ! :3c thank you so much for asking ! i have content to give… i also have so many wips but i find this pair to be very lovely… i do have headcanons ! 17 year old near is actually a bit different from 27 year old near and that is mainly due to mental age and being raised in a different generation.
so first, this is how they meet and to give some more context to this au !
17 Near is a transgender man while 27 Near is a cisgender man. It’s brought up as 17 Near asks if 27 Near is like him (he’s assuming that 27 Near is a trans male like him and is just really far into his transition) but 27 Near says, “No, I am a cisgender man. However, I find this particular difference between us interesting.”
This is an AU where 17 Near was born again in different circumstances, so two Nears exist in this universe without the other knowing.
They met online, and it makes 27 Near look like a big creep when he’s just genuinely confused to why someone who looks and acts a lot like his younger self exists.
There are noticeable differences as 17 Nears physique is different from 27 Nears, but he’s smart, and he decides to see if he can get answers if they have the same name, what happened, or if it’s just genuinely a person who acts and looks scarily like him in the past (As well as having the same first name.) By of course making an account in attempts to talk to the person.
17 Near has a bit of… Personal baggage of daddy issues.
17 Near was about to block 27 Near because blank profile and account, obvious creep, until 27 Near brings up a person question that he personally remembered in his childhood. He is then called a creep and asked how he knew that about him (17 Near.)
Things do escalate and they engage in conversation, 27 Near knew how to keep 17 Near in conversation well, and for hours, it’s himself after all.
Nears account is filled with pictures of his toys and stuffed animals, very very few photos have himself in it and it’s usually never a full face picture unless he’s showing how cute he looks for the day in his little outfits. (OOC, I know, though keep in mind it’s a modern setting and he was raised differently and had online spaces. Not in a chronic way though, he knows better than that.)
When 27 Near finally shows what he looks like (because there’s no way 17 Near would ever want to visit an online friend if he doesn’t know what they look like and no established trust is put) 17 Near is amazed and of course finds him to be very handsome. Most would say his taste in men is very odd.
17 Near doesn’t remember Wammy’s, Mello, Matt, etc. Until a bit later when 27 Near opens up to him in their online chat (27 Near wanted to test the waters to see if 17 Near remembered as well.) It’s a slow process but he begins to dream of those things, it’s also traumatic for 17 Near, as technically it happened to him too just in another life.
Once they do meet once they engage in conversation about the memories, they meet in a public place such as a cafe. (17 Near still being cautious for his safety, which is completely understandable regardless of who it is.)
17 Near dresses cute for this occasion, although cautious, he’s still attracted to 27 Near (he wonders if this is a real life equivalent to selfcest, it is.) I’m thinking of a casual ouji outfit, comfy and stylish.
personality wise, 27 year old near is an INTJ 5w6, 17 year old near is also an INTJ 5w6, although he is more of a feeler and clingy towards his loved ones in situations that 27 year old near would have to bottle down in order to solve a case.
here is a fact, 17 near doesn’t have a job, as not a lot of jobs are really autism friendly and the one he would work (librarian) he needs a higher education.
“who would be more shy or embarrassed?”
17 near would be more shy and embarrassed. 27 near can hide it well until he gets in situations he doesn’t expect himself to be in.
17 Near also has ADHD inattentive type.
17 Near has abilities that 27 Near does not such as cooking and baking. 17 Near learned these skills to be able to survive on his own and he genuinely enjoys it.
27 Near notices the differences in 17 Nears body and verbals behaviors when 17 Near grows more and more comfortable with him. Such as his stims (unmasking) and odd wording. (17 Near refers to himself with internet terms such as a “boywife” or “femboy”, 27 Near had to look up what these meant though given the context he has a good guess, he just wants to make sure.)
Socks, both of them have so many pairs of the same plain socks. Aside from 17 Nears thigh highs and frilly socks that he will wear when more open with 27 Near.
Referring to one another as “Near” is not confusing to them, and luckily the SPK just calls 27 Near “L”.
17 Near sometimes doesn’t let Rester make 27 Near lunch (he forgets to eat a lot due to autism and being busy with cases or stimming/building with his toys.) Just so he can make 27 Near cute bento meals for lunch.
The age gap is weird to the SPK, but it’s technically himself despite a few differences so they don’t question it.
17 Near actually makes the first move by giving 27 Near a kiss on the cheek because “a prince must give his gratitude to his knight.” When 27 Near catches him when he slips on one of his toys.
Stuffed animals fill the bedroom 27 Near let’s 17 Near have for when he comes over to stay the night. 17 Near calls it his “nest.”
Physical affection is a big love language of 17 Near, as 27 Near isn’t used to physical affection so he will gives gifts and likes quality time.
Sexuality wise they’re both gay.
27 Near really likes the thigh highs 17 Near wears.
if you have anymore questions feel free to ask !
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lemurlegs · 4 months
Hello everybody I'm finally back with a new chapter, I'm sorry it took so long, I had difficulty writing it, and i was a bit busy too. Anyways this chapter is longer. It explores a lot of things Ginger has done in her past, and we're gonna learn about the powers we possess.
Wordcount: 8.6k
Warning: murder, ritualistic sacrifice, cannibalism
Previous chapter
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Chapter 5.
Dreams and powers
Alastors pov 
After a whole day of dealing with his wayward contracts, while his body didn't show it, he felt exhausted. He was ready to head back to the hotel and relax near his bayou.
As soon as he manifested in the living room, he caught sight of everyone sitting in a circle on the floor. Charlie immediately jumped up and greeted him, asking if he wanted to join their group activities.
Alastor wanted to refuse; he was tired and rarely felt the need to join in the silly exercises Charlie hosted. But before he could finish his sentence, she cut him off, explaining that they were sharing stories about their pasts and it was currently Ginger's turn. More information? How convenient.
He walked towards the group and settled on the couch next to them. No way in hell would the Radio Demon sit on the floor like some common sinner, he had a reputation to uphold. As he crossed his legs and got comfortable, after that he told Ginger to continue.
She started explaining that she had no idea why she ended up in Hell.
Alastor was confused, tilting his head at her comment. At the cafe that morning, she had mentioned using her womanly charm to manipulate men and hinted that she sometimes killed those she deemed worthy. To him, that seemed like a pretty obvious reason to be sent down here.
Charlie asked her to clarify.
"I mean that I don't think I'm innocent or something; I just don't know which of my sins got me here.” she shrugged. Answering nonchalantly.
At that, Angel Dust suggested she list her sins to figure out which one got her sent to Hell. Alastor was ecstatic; maybe her sins would explain her strange magical knowledge, and he might even learn what happened to her the day before, when she got attacked.
But as soon as he got his hopes up, Ginger quickly dismissed the idea. However, her response only made him more curious. A list of sins so long it would take hours to go over? Hoho, don't threaten him with a good time. 
That's when Alastor realized something. If she truly had committed so much evil, how did she manage it in such a short time? Not that he would ask a woman her age, of course—that would be ill-mannered—but she didn't look more than 27, but of course looks can be deceiving.
As he snapped out of his thoughts, he realized they had moved on to another topic. Charlie suggested that everyone name three things they were good at or enjoyed doing.
Angel's response made him grimace with disgust. The perverted spider always has a way of dampening his mood. He was listening to the group name their likes and talents, seemingly bored by how uninteresting they were. That's when he saw Ginger get excited about Husker's response.
“Magic, you say? What kind of magic?” her eyes were shimmering hopefully with a hint of excitement as she leaned towards the barcat.
Her happiness was short-lived when Husk clarified he was talking about card tricks.
Hmm, so she is indeed interested in magic. Maybe she's a practitioner. Or she could just be curious because of her attackers, since they clearly used magic on her. But how could she get herself in a situation like that on her first day? I mean, he knew this was hell but still. Maybe she knew her perpetrators? He shook off that though for now. Instead he began wondering about what kind of demon powers she might have and thought of ways to make her use them. That is, if she even knows she has them. Hmm, he hadn't considered that.
But Alastor didn’t have time to dwell on the topic any longer since it was now Ginger’s turn to share.
“Okay. Well, let’s see. I really like history, particularly the 1920s. I enjoy reading and I like singing. 
Particularly the 1920s? My, my, isn’t that interesting—a sinner as young as her interested in history, especially a time when he was alive? That's a rare sight.
After she finished, it was his turn. As he explained his love for jazz and cooking, as well as torturing souls, everyone fell silent at that of course, he sure loved getting a reaction from the crowd. Charlie quickly tried to salvage the situation and decided to call it a night.
Before they could leave, Ginger reminded everyone that Alastor hadn't answered the first question. Everyone was shocked by her boldness, even Alastor. He couldn't decide if it was boldness or foolishness.
To ask such a thing from him, the feared overlord, the master tormentor, the Radio Demon—it took guts, he had to admit that. He decided to humor her forwardness.
"My, my, quite bold, are we?" he said, his tone laced with amusement. "Well, if you must know, I was a serial killer in the 1920s, cleaning the streets of New Orleans. I'm quite certain that's why I'm here." He said proudly. 
As Alastor observed Ginger's serene smile and listened to her nonchalant acceptance of violence against the cruel and wicked, he felt an unfamiliar sensation stirring within him. It was a peculiar mix of intrigue, admiration, and something else—something he couldn't quite place.
The idea that someone shared his perspective on the nature of sin and punishment was undeniably intriguing to Alastor. Here stood someone who not only understood his worldview but embraced it. How exciting.
After this pleasant surprise, everyone left to retire for the night. Ginger walked to the kitchen for a quick dinner. This was the perfect opportunity to set his plan to discover her powers in motion. He used his shadow magic to warp behind her, ready to spook her, when she greeted him without even looking.
How in the ever-loving hell did she know he was there?—he thought. Narrowing his eyes, he stepped closer to her, looking down at the fox demon who is so full of secrets. 
When he asked, she gave an unsatisfactory response: a lucky guess. He almost rolled his eyes at that. Right, like he would believe that. He'd find out soon enough.
Alastor then began his plan. First step: getting her out of the hotel. That should be easy enough. He owned her, after all; she needed to listen to him.
“I need you to pick up some fresh cuts of meat from the butcher for me tomorrow. I'll write down the address for you.”
He conjured a notebook and pen, ready to scribble down the location, when she gave him a skeptical response and questioned his intentions. This made him a little annoyed. Who was she to question him? She had no right. He owned her.
He reminded her that her curiosity would get her in trouble if she kept asking more questions. She responded with sass. Oh, that’s it. He had been nice, but she needed to be taught a lesson. After all, he was the one in charge here—she needed to learn some respect.
Alastor threatened her, turning into his more demonic form, getting up in her face and telling her it was best if she did what she was told.
And to that, she didn't even flinch, as if she wasn't standing in front of a terrifying, cruel overlord. Giving a nonchalant response, she agreed, but it left him confused as to why she didn't react. Most demons would be cowering away in fear by now.
He wrote down the location and left her. He needed to think about the next steps of his plan. Once in his room, he lit the fireplace and sank down in his chair.
Step one was completed; now it was time for phase two. Once she went to pick up the meat as he asked, he planned to send one of his rowdy souls after her. He'd send those souls who had tested his patience, a lesson long overdue, he thought. And if she tore them apart? Well, he wouldn't mind. In fact, he hoped she did.
"Oh, how I wonder what kind of powers she has," he thought out loud. 
As Alastor's thoughts drifted towards Ginger's potential powers, he couldn't help but imagine the myriad ways they could be utilized to his advantage. Each possibility sparked a new wave of excitement, fueling his curiosity and ambition.
He envisioned Ginger wielding elemental magic, conjuring flames to engulf their enemies or summoning storms to wreak havoc upon their foes. With such power at his disposal, he could easily dominate the battlefield, using the forces of nature to bend his enemies to his will.
Or perhaps Ginger possessed the ability to manipulate minds, weaving illusions to deceive their adversaries or bending their thoughts to her whim. With such a power, she could infiltrate the minds of anybody.
Alastor's mind raced with possibilities, each scenario more tantalizing than the last. As he contemplated the many ways Ginger's powers could benefit him, Alastor's ambition burned brighter than ever before. With her by his side, he could ascend to even greater heights of power and influence, his name echoing throughout the halls of Hell as a force to be reckoned with. But first, he needed to uncover the truth about Ginger's abilities, and he was determined to do whatever it took to unlock her secrets.
After about some time he decided to check up on her room.
Maybe he could reveal something about her. After all, a person's room often tells a lot about them. He rose from his seat, left his room, and began approaching Ginger's room.
As Alastor strode through the dimly lit corridors of the hotel, his shadow danced eagerly along the walls, its form undulating and twisting with an otherworldly grace. It moved in tandem with Alastor's every step, a silent companion that mirrored his movements with uncanny precision.
As they approached Ginger's room, the shadow seemed to pulse with anticipation, its movements quickening with an eager anticipation. It hovered near the door, casting a dark silhouette against the wood as if eager to delve into the mysteries that lay beyond.
Alastor's voice echoed softly in the corridor, his words punctuated by a faint chuckle that reverberated through the air. As he spoke, his shadow danced eagerly beside him, its movements fluid and graceful.
"She's very interesting, isn't she?" Alastor mused aloud, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "So full of secrets, and the longer I observe, the more questions appear."
His shadow seemed to sway in agreement, its form pulsating with a silent energy as if echoing Alastor's sentiments. 
Together, they stood outside Ginger's room, the anticipation palpable in the air as Alastor prepared to delve into the mysteries that laid beyond.
Holding his ear up to the door, he listened for any signs that might indicate she was still awake. Upon hearing light snoring, his smile widened. He began fading away into the shadows. Now in his dark incorporeal state, he reached under the doorway, trying to slide into the room. But as soon as he began slipping in, some sort of strong force ejected him. It was as if the very fabric of the magic repelled his intrusion, rejecting his shadowy essence with a forceful expulsion.
Thrown back against the opposite wall, Alastor's incorporeal form recoiled from the impact, momentarily stunned by the unexpected counterattack. Undeterred by the initial setback, Alastor attempted to regather his composure and make another attempt. Yet with each subsequent effort, the resistance only grew stronger, the strange magic proving to be a formidable obstacle to his shadowy form's entry. What the hell did she do to block HIS magic?
He started reforming into his physical form, clenching his fists in frustration. Stepping up to the door, he hovered his hand over it. Closing his eyes, he tried to focus, to see if he could feel anything magical. Surely enough, he began sensing a very strong locking seal on the entrance.
Opening his eyes, he began trying to reveal it. Maybe if he recognized the sigil, he could find a way to break it. The hand that was hovering over the door began to glow a soft green. Lifting his hand, he started moving it all around the wood, hoping to find the sigil's location.
As his hand reached the top of the door, a violet-colored glowing sigil revealed itself. So it was one hundred percent confirmed: Ginger was indeed someone who knew her way around magic. Judging by the fact that he couldn't recognize the marking, the lock kept him from entering, and the magic seal felt powerful. He knew she wasn't just some small fry witch—oh no, she was very strong. After all, keeping the Radio Demon out from anywhere was certainly an accomplishment.
As Alastor scrutinized the violet-colored sigil, he felt a palpable sense of power emanating from it. It wasn't just a simple ward; it was a formidable barrier, intricately woven with layers of protective magic. Each line and curve of the sigil seemed to pulse with energy, repelling any attempt to breach its defenses.
As he attempted to unravel the sigil's enchantments, he encountered resistance at every turn. It was as if the magic itself resisted his intrusion, pushing back against his efforts with a stubborn resilience. No matter how he tried to manipulate it, the sigil held firm, its protective barrier unyielding.
Frustration simmered beneath Alastor's calm exterior as he grappled with the realization that he was facing a foe of considerable power. The locking magic was not just keeping him out of the room; it was actively thwarting his attempts to understand it, a testament to Ginger's formidable abilities. With a sigh, Alastor withdrew his hand, acknowledging defeat for the time being. 
As he turned away from the door, his mind raced with possibilities. What other secrets lay hidden within Ginger's room, and what could they reveal about her true nature? Only time would tell, but one thing was certain: Ginger was not to be underestimated.
He started feeling glad he didn't eat her when he found her. But it made him wonder.
What else could she do?
Ginger's pov
As you slip into an unconscious state, it's as if you're descending into a soft, ethereal mist, cocooning you in its gentle embrace. Weightlessness overtakes your body, as if gravity has released its hold on your body. With each passing moment, your senses become hyper-aware, amplifying every sound, touch, and scent, pulling you deeper into the enchanting realm of dreams.
Once you fall completely asleep you find yourself surrounded by an ocean of blackness. As you swim through the boundless void, your mind clears like the dissipating mist, allowing you to focus with newfound clarity. 
With a whispered command of your imagination, the shapeless expanse begins to ripple and shimmer, as if responding to your words.
Slowly at first, tendrils of color emerge, painting delicate hues upon the empty canvas. Shades of emerald green intertwine with the deepest ebony, weaving a tapestry of shadows and light. The void trembles with anticipation, eager to take form under the spell of your creative will.
As your focus on the image you're trying to create the transformation quickens, and before your eyes, the formless void begins to coalesce into solid substance. Trees materialize from the darkness, their gnarled branches reaching skyward like ancient sentinels guarding the secrets of the forest.
Leaves unfurl in a symphony of verdant whispers, and the earth beneath your feet takes shape, soft and yielding to your touch. The air thrums with the pulse of life, carrying the scent of moss and damp earth on its invisible currents.
With a final surge of energy, the metamorphosis is complete—a dense, dark forest now stretches as far as the eye can see, its canopy of foliage obscuring the starry sky above. 
Stepping onto solid ground, you feel the damp earth beneath your feet, and the cool breeze blowing through your ginger hair. Your senses are immediately drawn to a soft, white glow hovering just ahead. The orb emits a gentle luminescence, casting flickering shadows upon the towering trees surrounding you. The orb floats effortlessly ahead of you, leading you deeper into the heart of the forest. As you follow its gentle guidance, the dense foliage begins to thin, revealing a clearing bathed in the silvery light of the full moon.
At the center of the clearing, you pause, mesmerized by the celestial beauty above. And as you gaze upon the luminous orb hovering before you, a presence begins to materialize—the figure of the Goddess emerges from the ethereal glow, her presence commanding the space around her. She is adorned with long, flowing black hair that cascades around her like wispy shadowy tendrils, moving with an otherworldly grace.
Upon her forehead, a shimmering moon sigil gleams with an ancient power, marking her as a divine being of lunar origin. Her long flowy dress, a radiant silver hue, seems to shimmer and glow, its incorporeal form appearing almost ghostly against the backdrop of the night.
She floats effortlessly above the forest floor, her gaze fixed upon you with eyes that are completely white, devoid of iris or pupils.
Surrounding her is a dark aura, vast and impenetrable, swirling with an intensity that speaks of depths unknown. She is the embodiment of darkness itself, not in its malevolent sense, but as its keeper.
She is Mona, the Moon Goddess. 
When she fully manifests before you, you bow to the powerful Goddess. As you raise your head, she extends her hand, and you watch in awe as it transforms. At first, it is an indistinct shadow, a mere silhouette in the dim light. Slowly, it begins to change, like smoke swirling and condensing into a solid form. The edges of the shadow blur and ripple, then start to coalesce, becoming more defined. Dark wisps of energy dance and weave together, gradually shaping into the delicate contours of a hand. The hand becomes fully corporeal, rich with the detail of veins, knuckles, and the soft, warm skin of a living being. 
She cups your cheek, and you lean into her touch, feeling the comforting dark energy seep into your very being. Calm washes over you, and your worries slip away under her warm, motherly touch.
She withdraws her hand and begins to speak, her voice resonating through the dark forest.
“What brings you here, my child?”
“I seek your guidance, Mother. I have descended into your realm, Hell. I’m trapped in a situation I cannot escape without your help. The coven of the Sun God, your brother’s worshippers, are here. They have cursed me, condemned my soul to rot away within a year. Please, Goddess, tell me you can help.”
You remove your clothes to reveal the sigil to the Goddess. She steps closer and with a delicate touch of her fingertips, tracing around the scar, she examines the curse. Her expression grows sorrowful as she reveals her answer.
“I’m sorry, my child, but the only one who's able to undo the spell is the one who casted, either by their own volition or by death.”
You felt your heart sink. Your coven, they would never forgive you, they have too much hate for you. And killing them? Well easier said than done, there's a lot of members and they are a lot more powerful than you are, especially together. It was hopeless. 
“No, no, no!” You groan in frustration, the tension gripping you like a vise. With a heavy heart, you bury your face in your hands, fingers digging into your scalp as if trying to alleviate the weight of your despair. Each breath feels labored, each moment filled with a sense of hopeless anguish that threatens to consume you whole.
It was all over, you're going to die in a year and there's nothing you can do. 
You feel a warm hand touch your shoulder, sending a calming energy through your spine. You sigh, gradually calming down from the Goddesses comforting touch. That's when you realize you are still in danger, the coven can still find you and drag you back to the torture cell. Not to mention not wanting to involve the hotel in this mess, that would surely end horribly.
You lift your head to look at Mona, a small empathetic smile on her face as she looks at you. You wipe off the tears that you just realized were rolling down your cheek. With a few sniffles and shaky breaths you finally gain back some composure. 
“There is another matter you might be able to help me with, Mother. I want to learn about my demon powers and how to use them. If the coven returns and tries to hurt me again, I need to be prepared. Could you please show me how to harness my powers?”
With a warm, reassuring smile, Mona extends her hand. As she does, shadowy tendrils emerge from her fingertips, weaving through the forest like hungry serpents. They consume the surroundings, devouring the familiar landscape until all that remains is a dark void. In this abyss, the only source of illumination is the faint, ethereal glow emanating from the Goddess herself.
“Let's begin," says the Goddess.
"To discover your powers, you must delve deep within yourself, exploring the darkest corners of your past. Take a deep breath and reflect, recalling your most grievous transgressions."
You inhale deeply, centering yourself, and begin to sift through your memories, navigating the murky depths of your past misdeeds.
As you focus on a particular memory, your surroundings shift. You and the Goddess materialize within the memory itself, witnessing your past unfold like scenes from a movie.
It's a memory of the first person you killed after massacring your coven. You wanted to steal his money since you were low on cash. The tavern you've been working in as a barmaid barely made you enough to get by. He was sitting at one of the tables close to the bar, already heavily inebriated. He was taller than you, but not by a lot, he was also a smaller skinnier build. Not a very attractive fella. He was known to be a drunkard, hitting on the barmaids, touching them inappropriately. He was the perfect target. 
Approaching him with measured steps, you wear a practiced seductive smile, your eyes gleaming with calculated allure. As you settle onto his lap, you can feel the weight of his gaze, clouded by intoxication, lingering on your form as the smell of sweat and ale filling your senses.
Leaning in close, you weave a tapestry of lies with your words, each syllable dripping with honeyed deceit. You stroke his ego, praising his strength and attractiveness, while subtly steering the conversation to your advantage.
With every whispered compliment, you draw him deeper into your web of deception, until he's putty in your hands, oblivious to the danger lurking beneath your facade.
After a few more drinks and a skillful exchange of words, you deftly pilfer the man's pouch without him even noticing, slipping away from the table with your prize in hand. Leaving the drunken mess of a man to his own devices, you disappear into the shadows of the tavern.
Days later, a group of men emerged from the doorway, stomping in angrily into the tavern. You recognized one of the men as the one you stole from a few nights ago. 
They approached you, shouting a growling demanding you give the guys money back. You try to calmly explain that you don't have the money. You tell them that you're poor and you work because your husband can't. You explained how you stole the money to buy medicine for him. They seem to ignore your words, throwing insults and threats your way. That's when the owner shows up and demands that they leave his tavern.
With a few more insults and profanities exchanged, the men left. After your shift finishes and you begin walking home, immediately feeling uneasy. Your intuition tells you to beware. Glancing over your shoulder, you catch sight of the men trailing behind, their menacing silhouettes growing ever closer. The men from the tavern hot on your feet as you speed up, eventually turning to a full sprint. Ducking into a narrow alleyway, you press yourself against the cold stone wall, breath coming in ragged gasps as you watch the men scour the area, their shadows looming ominously in the flickering lamplight.
One with a mustache comes close to your hiding spot. He's a lot bigger than the fella you robbed, he could easily overpower you. Sensing the need for a distraction, you whisper a barely audible incantation. A sudden loud bang reverberates from the other side of the street. Startled, the men pivot towards the noise, their attention diverted as they rush to investigate.
You have the chance to make your escape, but something mischievous starts bubbling within you. How much fun it would be to mess with them. You quietly run behind a tree, you begin slowly climbing it. From your elevated vantage point, you weave another spell, projecting your voice to the spot where you were originally concealed.
The men, drawn by the illusion, scramble to the empty hiding spot, their frustration evident as they find nothing. Delighting in the chaos you've created, you repeat the process, sending them on a wild goose chase around the alleyways. At some point your cheeks start hurting from smiling, trying very hard to keep the laughter escaping from your throat.
But soon, your amusement wanes, and you decide it's time to make your escape. With a final diversionary spell, you project the sound of running footsteps in the opposite direction, leading the men away as you slip quietly from your perch. As they give chase to the phantom sound, you descend from the tree, straightening your dress with a composed air, ready to disappear into the night.
As you descend from the tree, you're startled to find yourself face to face with the man you robbed days ago. 
“She's here!! The thief is— UGHH” instinct takes over and you swiftly plunge your pocket knife you always keep with you into his stomach.
He collapses, gasping for air, clutching his wound in agony. Despite the rush of power coursing through you, there's no time to revel in it. With a menacing smile, you turn to flee, but the approaching footsteps of the men from before hasten your departure.
As you sprint through the streets, desperation sets in, your breath coming in ragged gasps, your legs burning with exertion. With the men hot on your trail, you realize you can't outrun them for much longer. Frantically scanning your surroundings, your eyes alight on a nearby house with a clothesline adorned with drying garments.
Without hesitation, you dash towards it, ripping the men's clothing from the line and hastily donning the disguise. A hat pulled low over your brow completes the transformation, obscuring your features as you blend into the shadows of the night, evading capture once more.
“Hey, boy, have you seen a woman running this way?" 
The largest man pants, desperation evident in his voice. Without a word, you gesture in the opposite direction of your intended escape. They nod in gratitude, their footsteps quickening as they follow your false lead.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you hurry home, hastily packing your belongings as you prepare to leave the town behind. Before stepping out into the streets, you take a small knife and make a precise, deliberate cut across your palm, the pain sharp and immediate. Holding a deep bowl beneath your hand, you watch as the deep crimson blood drips steadily into it.
With your blood as the cornerstone of the ritual, you add rusty nails and rotten eggs, dried thorns and dead insects, a splash of vinegar, and a pinch of wormwood. These ingredients, potent and foul, amplify the dark energy of your spell.
Next, you write down the names of the men who pursued you, they were regulars so you have heard their names slip from their mouths. Placing the slips of paper into the bowl, each one soaking in the blood and other ingredients. The connection to your enemies is now tangible, their fate sealed within the mix.
Striking your flint and steel, you light the contents of the bowl. The flames flare up with an eerie glow, the blood sizzling and hissing as the hex activates. You watch intently as the fire consumes the mixture, the power of your blood magic sending waves of sickness and misfortune to the men who wronged you.
As the fire dies down to smoldering embers, you feel the energy of the hex solidify. With a final glance at the dying flames, you quickly duck out of your home, slipping into the night to begin your journey to another town, leaving the cursed remnants behind.
This was the first town you abandoned in such a manner. After three years of residing there, you depart due to a murder you committed, devoid of any remorse. It marks the beginning of a pattern, a cycle of fleeing from consequences that will repeat itself in towns to come. 
With the memory dissipating like smoke, shadowy tendrils throwing you into another.
As you delve into the next memory, the scene unfolds before you with chilling clarity. You find yourself in a dimly lit room, the air heavy with the scent of iron and decay. Your pulse quickens as you confront the man who dared to lay a hand on you.
It's 1886 and it's the first time you used your blood magic to kill someone. The man, Joseph, was someone you were fond of. You didn't exactly love him. No, the ability to love has been something you couldn't xperience anymore, and you'll be damned if you ever trust a man again. 
Either way he was somewhat close to you, but he mistook that friendship as something more. He tried to court you, not taking no for an answer. Joseph tried to get you to agree to go on a date with him several times, eventually he grew tired of you declining him and tried to use force against you. You two were in your home having a few drinks when he tried to kiss you. Pulling away from him only resorted to him grabbing you angrily to shove his lips against yours. You managed to escape his grip and knock him out quickly, he was out cold immediately as you broke a bottle of wine over his head. So that's where you were now, in the basement, with his form sprawled out on the cold altar table, bound and unconscious. 
It was the perfect time to try out a new ritual dedicated to the Huntress Goddess. You were trying to find a perfect victim after all, and of course not wanting to just kill any innocent rando, it was very convenient timing on his part really.
His face contorts in confusion as he begins to stir, awakening to find himself at your mercy.
As you stand before the bound man, his chest exposed on the altar, a tense silence fills the dimly lit basement. You can feel the weight of his gaze upon you, a mixture of fear and confusion flickering in his eyes. With a steady hand, you reach for your tools, the implements of your craft gleaming in the faint light.
“Why are you doing this?" he demands, his voice tinged with desperation. "What do you want from me?"
You pause, regarding him with a cool detached look. "What I want is of no consequence to you now," you reply, your voice low and steady. "You have trespassed against me, and now you must face the consequences."
His eyes widen in realization, a flicker of panic crossing his features. "Please," he pleads, his voice cracking with fear. "I didn't mean to hurt you. It was a mistake, I swear. We can fix this, go back to being friends." Joseph was begging like a pathetic puppy. Disgusting, he thought he could just have you, but what else did you expect from a man? They take what they don't own without hesitation or remorse. You are ready to make him pay for his actions.
You remain unmoved, your resolve unshakeable. "Words mean nothing now," you say, your tone devoid of emotion. Taking the sharp blade out of its sheet, a beautiful knife, with the handle made out of a deer antler, intricate symbols carved on it. "Actions have consequences, and yours have led you here.” you point the knife to his chest, you see his breath quicken, eyes widening, expression turning into that of a cornered animal. 
As you begin the ritual, his protests grow more frantic, his struggles against his bonds growing increasingly desperate, but you pay him no mind. Attaching the deer antlers to your victim, tying them to his head securely. You dedicated this animal, your perfect prey, to Fenja, the Huntress Goddess. Your focus is unwavering as you channel the dark energies swirling within you.
By offering this man's life to the Goddess, you will be granted protection from all dangers for an entire year. She will shield you from harm and guide you on the right path.
As the ritual reaches its climax, you draw upon the man's life force, draining his blood from his wrists with a steady hand. The crimson liquid flows into the deep bowl beneath him, pooling with dark intent as you prepare to channel its power.
With practiced precision, you carve intricate sigils into his chest, dedicated to the hunt, each stroke imbued with the ancient symbols of your craft. The man's skin yields to your touch, the marks etched into his flesh like a twisted tapestry of agony and despair.
With that you pick up your spell book, whispering incantations in an ancient language, praying to Fenja to grant you protection and to humbly accept the offering in trade. With the last words leaving your lips you hover over the man's sprawled out body. He's barely conscious because of the blood loss. With a savage determination, you reach for the sacrificial dagger at your side, its blade glinting in the dim light.
With a swift and merciless stroke, you plunge the deer bone dagger into the man's chest, tearing through muscle and sinew until you reach the prize you seek: his still-beating heart. With a triumphant cry, you wrench the heart from his chest, holding it aloft with a savage hunger in your eyes.
And then, without hesitation, you sink your teeth into the pulsing organ, tearing into its flesh with a primal ferocity. The taste of blood fills your mouth, a heady mixture of triumph and power coursing through your veins as you consume the man's essence. 
Your body quivers as a surge of power courses through you, each fiber vibrating with the intensity of the Huntress's magic. Your eyes alight with a mesmerizing hue of deep purple, as if infused with the very essence of the hunt.
The spell had worked, making that year incredibly peaceful. No one tried to expose you as a magic practitioner, you robbed and tricked people effortlessly, and you remained free from sickness and disease. It was perfect. The only downside was a little cannibalism, but with such a great payoff, why not? This ritual was just a modified version of what you did in the coven, where you used a raw deer heart instead of a human one. Somehow, the heart of this man gave you much more power than the deer’s. After that, you repeated the spell yearly.
As the memory begins to fade, reminders of past actions flicker into view, but before you can dwell on them for long, you're swiftly pulled into another memory, whisked away from the haunting echoes of the past.
As 1922 unfolded in New York, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The roaring twenties were your favorite decade, even with the tragic things that happened, now you were witnessing its glorious resurgence. With anticipation bubbling inside you, you eagerly embraced the era's vibrancy and allure. It was time to relive the golden days of the twenties once again.
You were sitting on a barstool of your favorite speakeasy, sipping on bootleg hooch and whisky imported from England. The Blind Tiger was owned by a man who was famous all over New York. Marco Moretti, a notorious bootlegger, a cruel criminal who held the coppers in the palm of his hands, and insanely rich.
The velvety warmth of fine whisky caressed your throat, igniting a familiar thrill as you took another sip. A symphony of smoke and spirits swirled around you, mingling with the lively jazz melodies that pulsed through the air. Your finger traced the rhythm of the music on the table, echoing the fast-paced tempo. Amidst the sea of elegant suits and dazzling dresses, joyous laughter and spirited dancing filled the room, painting a vibrant tableau of revelry and indulgence. Ah what a time to be alive.
With a cigarette poised between your lips, you fished out your lighter from your bag, anticipating the comforting glow of a flame. However, despite your best efforts, the stubborn lighter remained unyielding, failing to spark. Frustration increases as you click it repeatedly.
"Ugh, God damn it," you muttered, cursing the heavens for denying you the simple pleasure of a nicotine fix. Disheartened, you slumped forward, resting your head on the worn bar table. Suddenly, the faint sound of another flick and the crackle of fire caught your attention.
Raising your head, you leaned into the offered flame, finally igniting your cigarette. As a wave of calmness washed over you with each inhale, you glanced up to thank the gentleman responsible, only to realize you were face to face with an actual mobster, none other than Marco Moretti, the owner of the speakeasy.
“Thank you kindly, sir” you look at him and my my he was handsome too. 
“Of course Bella, it's my pleasure” he said, offering you a sweet smile.
As the night went on, you found yourself talking and laughing with him, the smoky haze of the speakeasy wrapping around you like a veil. Marco was more than just a notorious figure; he was magnetic, captivating, and before you knew it, you were drawn into his world.
You were good at deception and trickery, at least that's what you thought until you met him. But he was like a mastermind, always ten steps ahead, fooling everyone effortlessly. As you two got closer, Marco introduced you to the inner workings of his empire, teaching you the art of discretion and the finesse of manipulation. You became his confidant, his right hand, his partner in crime, and soon, the two of you were running New York together.
Horse races at Belmont Park became your playground. You and Marco would arrive in style, decked out in the finest attire. The crowds would part as you walked through, a power couple exuding confidence and control. You placed bets with an air of nonchalance, always seeming to know the right horse to back, thanks to the inside information Marco had at his disposal.
Nights were a spectacle of luxury and excess. Lavish balls hosted in grand mansions became the norm, where the city's elite mingled with the criminal elite under a veneer of propriety. You danced under crystal chandeliers, the jazz music lively as alway. Every event was an opportunity to forge alliances and reinforce your status.
But it wasn't just the glamor that defined your days. You were involved in the meticulous planning of heists and the orchestration of elaborate bootlegging operations. You learned how to navigate the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld, gaining a reputation for your cunning and ruthlessness. Together, you bribed officials, outsmarted rivals, and expanded your influence, making the Moretti name synonymous with both fear and respect all around the country.
One night, after a particularly successful operation that involved smuggling a massive shipment of whisky through the city's sewers, you and Marco stood on the rooftop of the Waldorf Astoria, looking out over the glittering skyline of New York. 
Marco turned to you, his expression serious. "We've come a long way, Bella. This city is ours for the taking, but we have to stay sharp. The higher we climb, the further we have to fall.” 
He pulled you close to his chest, kissed the top of your head. Your relationship with him was complicated. You two were necessarily a couple, but it wasn't friendship either.  It was a weird in-between thing you two had, since both of you knew that being together would do more harm than good. 
But you loved each other, maybe not in the romantic sense, but you cared for him deeply and he cared for you two. It felt like nothing could stop the two of you. That is until one fateful night tragedy struck.
It started as a routine operation, a delivery of bootleg whisky to a new speakeasy on the Lower East Side. You and Marco were confident, your plan meticulously crafted. But as you navigated the narrow alleyways, a trap was sprung. Rival gang members ambushed you. Gunfire erupted, the sharp cracks of pistols echoing off the brick walls.
Marco and you fought back fiercely, but you were outnumbered. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut—this wasn't just a skirmish; it was an execution.
“Get out of here, Bella!" Marco shouted, shoving you towards a narrow escape route between two buildings. "I'll hold them off!”
“Are you insane Marco, this is suicide!” you protested, your heart pounding with fear and anger.
“Go!" he commanded, his eyes fierce and determined. 
Tears stung your eyes as you hesitated, but the gravity of the situation forced you to comply. With one last, anguished look at Marco, you fled, the sounds of gunfire and shouts fading as you ran.
You found refuge in an abandoned warehouse, heart heavy with dread. Minutes felt like hours as you waited, hoping against hope that Marco would emerge from the shadows, unscathed. But deep down, you knew the truth. He was gone.
The grief and rage from Marco’s death propelled you back to the Moretti mansion with a fierce determination to regroup and plan your next move. However, as you approached, the eerie silence and the flickering lights filled you with a foreboding sense of dread. The usually bustling estate was ominously quiet.
You stepped inside, and the scene that greeted you was nothing short of a nightmare. Bodies of Marco’s loyal men and women lay scattered, their lives brutally snuffed out. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and your heart sank as you realized that the rival gang had struck again, this time with a devastating blow. 
Suddenly, rough hands grabbed you from behind, yanking you into the main hall where the leader of the rival gang, a menacing figure named Vito Rossi, stood smirking. His henchmen surrounded you, their faces twisted with malicious glee.
“Well, well, look who we have here,” Vito sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. “The infamous queen of the Moretti empire. Too bad your reign ends tonight.”
They tied you to a chair, and Vito leaned in close, his breath hot and rancid against your face. “We’ve taken everything—your money, your power, your family. Now, we’ll take your life.”
Stupid fools, they should have known better than to mess with you. And what they did to the Moretti family, the closest people you deemed family in a long while. People who took you in, accepted your wickedness, welcomed it and loved you for who you are. And they butchered them. Now they think they are going to kill you too? I don't think so.
Your heart pounded with fury, but on the outside you remained calm, closing your eyes you focused on the incantation.
“Blood be still, body freeze, halt their will, bring them to their knees.”
The words rolled off your tongue in a whisper, and a sudden chill filled the room. Vito paused, confusion flickering across his face as the room filled with dread, the feeling of dark magic surrounding them. His men looked around uneasily, their bravado wavering
“What the hell is—” Vito’s question was cut off as his blood began to freeze in his veins. One by one, the gang members’ eyes widened in terror, their bodies locking into place as the spell took hold.
With a flick of your fingers, the ropes binding you to the chair snapped, falling to the floor with a soft thud. You stood, your expression cold and resolute, and walked over to Vito, who was now immobilized, his eyes filled with a mix of horror and disbelief.
“You underestimated me,” you said softly, your voice echoing in the silent room. “And now you’ll pay the price.”
With deliberate steps, you collected the bags of money they had stolen, securing them in a large satchel. The room remained deathly silent, save for the faint clicking of your heels on the tiled floor.
1928, you're sitting on a train, with bags full of cash and a broken life. Heading to New Orleans, changing your appearance, starting a new life. This wasn't the first time you've done this, so why does it hurt to leave? 
Even with the pain of losing someone so important to you, you find yourself happy in a bittersweet way. With deep breath you're ready to create a new life for yourself once more. 
The air is thick with the scent of smoke, mingling with the metallic tang of fear. Dark figures loom around a crackling bonfire, their distorted shapes dancing eerily in the flickering light. Voices rise in a cacophony of chants, their words twisted and distorted, sending shivers down your spine.
Amidst the chaos, a haunting sound cuts through the night air – the heart-wrenching cry of a child, its echoes reverberating through the darkness. You can feel the weight of despair pressing down on you as you strain to shut out the horrifying scene unfolding before you. Your breathing quickens, vision blurs as you drop to the floor. With your eyes trained on the ground, you pull on your ears, trying to ground yourself somehow as you relive the worst thing that happened to you.
Suddenly, there's a sickening gurgle, followed by a woman screaming, and then unsettling silence that hangs heavy in the air like a shroud. Your heart clenches as you realize the depth of the darkness that surrounds this memory, its tendrils reaching out to ensnare you in its grip. With a sense of dread, you shut your eyes tightly, trying to escape the haunting images that threaten to consume you whole.
That's when you feel a pair of hands grip you, yanking you from the deep dark memory. Tears are rolling down your cheeks, your heart rate slowing down as you realize that the Goddess pulled you out of the nightmare. Looking around you find yourself back in the void, Mona close to you, comforting you after the painful reminder of your past. 
“It seems this is not something we're ready to look through. Moving through memories like this can be dangerous if we get too lost in them. They can pull you in, making you relive them forever. I needed to pull you out when you reacted in such a manner.” 
You turn towards the Goddess, slowly coming back to your normal self, pushing down the thoughts of pain and suffering. 
“Was it enough revisiting to know what kind of demon magic I have?” You ask tiredly, hoping that you don't have to jump to another memory again.
“Yes, it will be enough”replied the Goddess.
“So, what kind of magic do I possess?“
“What is it that you've observed my child?” Asked the Goddess.
“I tricked them. I used my words, my magic, my womanly charms and my resourcefulness and fooled all of them. And once I was done, I changed my appearance and my name and moved away, just to do it all over again. Those who deserved my help, I protected fiercely and those who crossed me paid the price.”
“And what kind of power would you possess if this is what you did in life”
“Trickery?” You ask.
The Goddess Mona, with her ethereal glow and an air of timeless wisdom, smiles at your realization. "Indeed, trickery is your gift," she affirms, her voice a melodic whisper that reverberates through the obsidian walls of the training room. "The power of trickery is multifaceted and incredibly potent. Let me explain the abilities you can harness from it."
She raises her hand, and a cascade of shimmering shadows forms a delicate, intricate web in the air. The web is a mesmerizing tapestry, each thread pulsating with a different hue, weaving a vibrant display of color and shadow. The strands are as fine as spider silk, interlacing in complex patterns that shift and shimmer as they move.
"First, you have the ability of Illusions," she begins, her fingers dancing through the threads. "You can manipulate the senses of others, creating images and sounds that deceive and confuse. With practice, you can even craft entire landscapes, making your enemies question their reality."
A thread of silver light glows brighter, and she touches it gently. "Next is Shape-shifting. You have the power to alter your appearance at will, adopting new forms to blend in, evade capture, or mislead. This ability goes beyond mere disguise; you can mimic voices, mannerisms, and even the aura of those you emulate."
The web shifts, and a dark, almost invisible thread comes to the forefront. "Then there is Invisibility. By bending light and shadow, you can render yourself unseen. This can be momentary, a flicker to avoid detection, or sustained to move unseen through the world."
Mona's hand moves to a vibrant, glowing thread of pink. "You also possess Charm and Persuasion. This isn't just about speaking convincingly; you can infuse your words with magic, compelling others to see things your way, believe your lies, or even act against their own interests. With this, you can sway the minds and hearts of those around you."
Finally, she touches a deep crimson thread, pulsating with a dark energy. "And then there is Blood Bending. This is unusual but since you used your blood in your craft while you were alive it is not surprising that you possess this gift. This rare and formidable power allows you to manipulate the blood within living beings. You can control their movements, immobilize them, or even inflict pain. This ability is incredibly dangerous and must be wielded with the utmost caution. It gives you dominion over life itself, turning your enemies into mere puppets under your command."
Mona lets the web dissolve, its threads dissipating like mist. She steps closer, placing a hand on your shoulder, her touch warm and reassuring. "These are your gifts, the powers of trickery. They are tools for survival and conquest. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use them wisely, my child."
“Thank you Goddess, I really appreciate your help” you bow to her in gratitude as the space shifts again, returning to the dark forest. 
“I think it's time you returned to the real world now, child. You should practice your powers.” 
Without much time to process her words, She snaps her finger and you're jolted awake from your bed. 
Oh my, you're quite a powerful demon. 
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voxofthevoid · 2 years
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I posted 5,280 times in 2022
That's 2,627 more posts than 2021!
296 posts created (6%)
4,984 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,071 of my posts in 2022
#the locked tomb - 152 posts
#i love my anons - 140 posts
#anon - 113 posts
#grimmichi - 40 posts
#my fic - 35 posts
#ask game - 32 posts
#bleach - 32 posts
#grimmjow jaegerjaquez - 27 posts
#fic of yours truly - 21 posts
#kurosaki ichigo - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i–and every writer i know on a personal level–am quite aware of the distinction between shit that's okay in life and shit that's fun in fic
My Top Posts in 2022:
“Stop groping my pulse. If you’re hungry, just eat.”
Grimmjow’s sleepy, extremely grumpy voice tears through the dreamy half-doze Ichigo was starting to sink into. The words themselves take a moment to coalesce into something meaningful.
When they do, he regrets everything.
“I’m not hungry,” he says into Grimmjow’s hair. “And I am not…”
Grimmjow shifts, and some of the shorter strands of his hair, slightly damp from his nightly shower and mussed to hell from Ichigo’s complete inability to resist a wet, half-naked Grimmjow, slides boldly into his nose.
He pulls back, sneezing violently, and almost misses what Grimmjow says.
“…just molesting my throat for fun? Pervert.”
“What the—I’m innocently cuddling you, not molesting your throat, and will you stop phrasing it like that, you degenerate asshole?” For good measure, Ichigo pulls back the hand that was spread loosely over the base of Grimmjow’s throat. And sure, his thumb was on the pulse, stroking idly, but he wasn’t groping anything.
“Why? It’s accurate.” Grimmjow, like the pissy cat he is, refuses to concede. “You never touch my dick like that.”
“For fuck’s sake, Grimmjow, if I went for your dick the way I do for your throat, you’d have bigger problems.”
“Promises,” the crazy bastard purrs.
86 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
“In point of fact that’s not actually Crown’s boyfriend, Nona, it’s her sister, but I don’t think anyone could blame you for getting confused.”
Thank you, Palamedes, for voicing what we've all been thinking
131 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
"At that point I wished I’d used the fucking conspiracy theorists instead of the cows. Nobody would’ve cared if I’d turned people inside-out who think vaccines have nanites in them that mine cryptocurrency."
Muir is changing me and my taste in fiction, particularly prose, at a fundamental level, and I don't think I will ever recover.
155 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
I don't know if I'll ever recover from "When I am in heaven I will remember your mouth, and when you roast down in hell I think you will remember mine."
I mean
Holy shit.
290 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Being an extremely picky reader, I have a lot of sympathy for people who can't find the kind of fic they want to read, who don't resonate with many popular fanon, who have tastes that just aren't often addressed in most fic. The smaller the fandom, the worse off these woes, usually. What I don't give two shuddering shits about are the folks who make this the authors' problem.
Fanfic detractors love to say it's not real writing, but even putting aside the 101 ways that's total bullshit, the sheer act of writing takes time. At my fastest, I could write maximum 1200 words an hour; these days, it's closer to 500. Yet, you have so many writers churning out fic after fic, ranging from bite-sized bits to epic-length monstrosities. That's hours and hours of our lives. I set aside 2–3 hours a day for writing, and you can bet those add up fast.
So here you have these people creating scores of content for the hell of it, putting it up for free, and expecting damn near nothing in return. There are outliers, of course, but the general sentiment I've seen is that we don't want money, and we don't demand comments, though we appreciate the everloving shit out of them. At the core of it, writing fic is a labour of love, and fandom is a gift economy.
You know what's not a gift? Being a little shit in the comment/ask boxes of your local fandom writers.
It's fine, absolutely a-okay, spectacularly acceptable to not like or even viscerally hate any given character, trope, ship, or even specific fic. But listen, that's a you problem—and it doesn't have to be problem at all if you just click that pretty X and exit the story posthaste. The author won't even know you'd been there, and you're free to go wash out the taste of whatever fuckery made you nope out. If you're inclined toward writing yourself, you can even give the tried-and-true art of writing out of spite a go.
But, for the love of god, don't hop into the comment box and list all the ways in which the author could've made the story the one you wanted.
It's not your story. It's also clearly not for you. The writer wrote the story they wanted the way they wanted it. Leave it the fuck alone.
Some writers may ask for concrit; feel free to give it, provided you've nailed the constructive part of constructive criticism.
But their writing has typos and grammar errors: Shit happens, and we're not robots. Ignore it, or if you can't stand it, stop reading.
But it'd have been better if it was another ship/character/direction: That's your opinion, which will remain valid for only as long as it stays solely in your head. Again, stop reading. Exit quietly.
But the content is problematic: My brother in Christ, it was meant to be. We're not all pearl-clutching puritans. Stop reading things that upset you, especially if they're tagged!
Harassing authors won't get you the content you want. Nor, for that matter, will politely pestering them make them see the holy light of whatever crusade you're on. Most you'll manage is break the confidence of a fledgling writer or drive someone vulnerable out of fandom. And if that's your endgame, you're the kind of trash a handful of words from voxofthevoid.tungle.com can't change, so fuck you anyway.
Creativity begets more creativity. In every fandom I've written for, I started writing because, after a point, reading wasn't enough. I have specific tastes that don't always align with broader fandom tastes—for instance, I like out-and-proud sadists and writing my favs as tops/doms, whereas the predominant trends seem to favor the opposite. I also like very specific kinds of fuckery with my fluff, which are often hard to find. All that's fine. I have MS Word and the will to use it.
Granted, writing fic deliberately tailored to my tastes isn't the same as reading fic that's coincidentally tailored to my tastes, but that's fine too. I can be immeasurably grateful to the wonderful folks whose writing does strike a chord in me while also endeavouring to one day make someone say, "Damn, voxofthevoid, this is exactly the story I needed." That's what I want to give to fandom.
Others are free to think, "Yikes, voxofthevoid, you're fucked in the head," and be on their merry way; just don't make it my problem.
And if you, personally, don't have the time or inclination to be the porn fic you want to see in the world, there are other ways to encourage the kind of content you want to see. Participate in fandom exchanges. Seek out writers that take prompts or requests. Send positive encouragement (not rude demands) to the writers whose work you enjoy.
Don't throw a tantrum in the comment/ask box. It helps no one. It pisses off a lot of people. Nobody benefits.
Someone who's very, very tired of seeing entitled shits make fandom a nightmare for everyone
2,430 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 37
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Chapter 37: Save Me
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6  🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17 🡪chapter 18 🡪chapter 19 🡪chapter 20 🡪chapter 21 🡪chapter 22 🡪chapter 23 🡪chapter 24 🡪chapter 25 🡪chapter 26 🡪chapter 27 🡪chapter 28 🡪chapter 29 🡪chapter 30 🡪chapter 31 🡪chapter 32  🡪chapter 33 🡪chapter 34 🡪chapter 35 🡪chapter 36
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
Loving you like I never have before I'm needing you to open up the door If begging you might somehow turn the tides Then tell me to I've got to get this off my mind
I never thought I'd be speaking these words I never thought I'd need to say Another day alone is more than I can take
Won't you save me Saving is what I need I just want to be by your side Won't you save me I don't want to be Just drifting through the sea of life
click here to be on the update list
                                              When I woke up, my lips curled immediately. My cheek was pressed against Niall's chest and he smelled amazing, so good in fact that I inhaled until my lungs were full and ended up rubbing my nose against him gently. I could barely believe that I had admitted my feelings to him. I didn't regret it, it was becoming very heavy on my shoulders, but at the same time, I didn't know if I was ready for a relationship, and I didn't know if he was either. I knew we'd have to talk about it but it scared me and I didn't want to hurt him or be hurt. I just wished things were easier, that we both hadn't been hurt by unworthy people in toxic relationships before. I knew that we would be able to give ourselves completely to each other if we hadn't had our hearts broken that way, and I hated knowing that my relationship with Henry could ruin what I had with Niall.
I kept my eyes closed but moved my chin up, leaving a small kiss near his chin and I heard him breathe in deeply before I felt his arms wrap around me. It made me realize how cold I was and how good it felt to have him hold me close. I shut my eyes tighter and tried to cuddle him more as I shivered in his arms.
"'Morning." he mumbled, making me smile.
"Good morning." I replied, my lips brushing on the skin of his neck. "I'm sure we would have slept better in the bed."
He chuckled and pulled me closer to him. "Yea, I'd bet a blowjob on it."
I chuckled and my eyes fluttered open. "That early in the morning? Really?"
He laughed a bit and bent down to reach my lips, pressing his against them a few times softly and letting out a low groan. I brought my hand and slipped my fingers in his hair, caressing it gently as I focused on the way his mouth felt. My heart fluttered and I felt so stupid but I really couldn't help it. When Niall kissed me, even in a simple way like he was, I felt like the whole world vanished, leaving only us two. It was scary but it was also magic, as cheesy as it sounded.
"Yes, really." he finally replied when his lips left mine. "Having my girlfriend's body pressed against mine tends to do that."
My heart seemed to stop and I held my breath. We hadn't discussed about our status yet and I was a bit surprised that he just assumed we were now dating. I couldn't blame him and I was not mad, but somehow, it was stressing me and I was not sure why.
He moved his face away a bit to look at me and my lips parted, my heart skipping a beat as I looked at him. It seemed surreal that someone like Niall wanted to date someone like me and at the same time, I felt so lucky to be loved by such an amazing man. Was that how real love felt like? Was that what it felt like to love someone who loves you back?
"I mean, I know we didn't really discuss it but," he shrugged a shoulder and ran his tongue on his bottom lip. "It sounds good, doesn't it?"
My traits softened and I pressed my lips together, just looking at him. He was right, it did sound good and I liked it more than I should. But at the same time, I felt my heart sink in my stomach at that thought.
"Niall, I don't know-"
I stopped suddenly and jumped when we heard the key turn in the lock. I found Niall's hand and squeezed his fingers tight, a bit scared that it was an employee and not one of our friends, but when the door opened, my jaw dropped at who was behind it.
"You're welcome." Abby said, sending us an amused smile, shaking the keys and making an annoying sound. "Noah sent me. He drank too much last night and we just saw your message. Took me half an hour to find which closet you guys were locked in."
I got up and Niall did the same, grabbing his boxers as I took my underwear and when I turned around, Abby's eyebrows were raised. It was hard to know what she was thinking about but she ended up just sighing and turning around.
"Hey, Abby, thanks." Niall finally said, following her out of the closet.
She turned around and sent him a small smile that disappeared immediately when Niall grabbed my hand in his. His intertwined our fingers and I swallowed hard as my heartbeats accelerated. Abby's gaze turned to me and once again, I held my breath. She was looking at me as if she was ready to jump on me and rip my eyes out but after a while, she just raised her chin and eyebrows up.
"You're welcome."
I sort-of expected Niall to let go of my hand when Abby had left but he didn't, and I felt stupid for thinking that. Niall was not doing this to make Abby jealous, he was doing it because he wanted to. He wanted to hold my hand and be with me. Was I really going to ruin this?
We took the elevator in silence and when we finally walked back in our room, I squeezed Niall's hand tighter, scared that he'd just let go. He pulled on it and turned around, walking slowly backward with a smile on his face and bringing me with him.
"We should really take a shower."
He nodded and the smirk on his face made me chuckle. I let him bring me to the bathroom and closed the door with one of my feet. I hated the way I was feeling, a mix of fear and happiness that made my stomach twist but my heart flutter at the same time.
He let go of my hand and cupped my face gently, bending down to kiss my lips.
"Let me help you, okay?"
I nodded and he just grabbed the bottom of my shirt, passing it over my head and messing my hair at the same time. I chuckled and he did too, his mouth quickly finding mine again as he pressed his smile against mine.
"I just knew you were not wearing underwear and I like that." he added in a whisper, a smirk still spread on his lips.
"Pervert." I replied with an other chuckle as he worked on my pants.
I quickly reached for the back of his shirt and helped him take it off as I pushed my pants away, focusing on taking off his. I laughed a bit when he pulled on his socks, almost tripping, and when we were finally naked, he started the shower, waiting for the water to get warm. It took only a few seconds and I followed him, placing the curtain back and tilting my chin to look in his eyes. I loved this intimacy more than I could explain and when he took a step back to get under the stream, I smiled more. I loved looking at him naked, and this time, it was not even sexual. I could understand why he was a model and I thought about all the pictures I could take at this exact moment.
"Come here." I whispered, making him raise his eyebrows. "Just bend down."
I grabbed the shampoo and poured some in my hands before bringing them to his head, rubbing my hands slowly his hair and scratching his skull at the same time. He groaned and his eyes closed, making me smile even more as I let my hands run on his chest and shoulders to wash him. He turned around and my fingers traveled on his back and down his butt and when I was done, he turned around slowly and bent down to kiss me again.
He didn't say anything but did the same to me, rubbing his hands slowly but gently in my hair before letting them slide on my shoulders, breasts and stomach. He reached for my back while kissing me again and I smiled against his lips when his hands brushed on my ass.
"Are you done?" I asked in a whisper, making him nod slowly.
"Mmhm, yea."
I rinsed my hair under the water and he did the same and we finally got out grabbing towels and walking back in our room. I shivered slightly and sat in bed before yawning. He walked to the other side and pulled on the blankets before laying down in bed. I frowned but I did the same, shivering as I let my towel fall on the carpet.
"I can't believe Abby's the one who unlocked us." he finally said, shaking his head and chuckling again.
"And she was pissed, too."
Niall turned around in bed and when I turned my head to look at him, he was frowning.
"Really? I didn't notice."
He seemed sincere and it made my lips curl. I couldn't believe he hadn't realized that taking my hand had bothered Abby so much that she was not able to hide the annoyed expression on her face. I felt Niall's hand slide on my stomach and he pulled me closer, turning my body his way so we were facing each other. His fingertips ran up and down my back softly, making goosebumps appear on my skin as his eyes moved slowly on my face, making me blush slightly. He probably couldn't see it though, since the curtains were closed and despite the room not being completely in the dark since it was sunny outside.
"This is how we should have slept last night." he pointed out after a few minutes of silence. "We should nap."
I felt his forehead lean against mine and I closed my eyes, my lips curling slightly. It felt so good to be close to him and it made me think of all the days we had spent together at his apartment, making me want to go back there desperately.
I was almost asleep, my mind creating scenarios of us together, when I heard his voice.
"I love you."
I woke up feeling Niall's hand run on one of my breasts before moving to the other. Somehow, I had turned around when I was asleep and we were now spooning. I could feel his hard cock press on my ass and I whimpered low, my eyes still closed. I loved knowing he wanted me and somehow, it made me feel desirable for the first time in my life.
"Fuck, I want you." he whispered near my ear.
I smiled more and grabbed my hair, moving it away from him, immediately feeling his lips pressed on my neck as he ground on my ass.
"I dreamed about you riding me." he added low, nibbling gently on my lobe and making my eyes flutter. "You're gonna have to ride me tonight baby."
"Mm, why not now?"
"Because I'm way too horny and this is going to be quick."
I felt two of his fingers slip inside me from behind and quickly, he replaced them with his cock. He pushed it slowly inside me as I felt my clit throb and when he was completely in, I squirmed a bit to feel him even deeper. One of his hands traveled on my side until my thigh and he started thrusting in and out of me slowly, his mouth leaving soft kisses on my shoulder and making me shiver.
"I love you so much." he murmured in-between kisses. "You feel so good, fuck."
I could feel myself throb around him and even if I was extremely horny, I tried to focus on his words and the softness of his kisses and caresses. I had never felt that kind of love, especially not while I was having sex, and I ended up wondering if it was what 'making love' was all about. His hand slid very slowly until my breasts again and my eyes fluttered when his fingertips brushed on my nipples. My lips parted and I let out a short moan, making his movements slightly faster.
"Jesus... fuck."
I felt him push himself hard against me as he leaned his forehead on my shoulder and the thought of him cumming made me feel dizzy. When he came down from his high, he was panting and he just moved away to lay on his back. I chuckled and did the same as we stayed in silence for a few minutes. After a while, he turned around on his side and I felt his hand slip down my stomach again to reach between my legs. Instinctively, I spread my legs and he sent me a smile, holding his head with his hand.
I felt two of his fingers slip inside me and finally go back to my clit, rubbing it gently at first and a bit faster after a minute or two. I loved that I didn't have to ask him to make me cum and when I felt an orgasm form in the pit of my stomach, my eyes shut tight and my back arched as I held my breath. I came hard, my body shaking as he kept touching me until I( relaxed on the bed.
I kept my eyes close until I felt him move on top of me to kiss my lips, making me whimper in his mouth.
"You make me happy, Devie, so fucking happy."
I smiled and looked in his eyes, moving my head to reach for his lips again. "You make me happy too."
I put my head back on the pillow, a smile still plastered on my face, and when he bent down to kiss me again, we heard someone knock roughly at the door.
"Okay you two! It's time to get out of there! We're going out for dinner!" I recognized Lewis voice and chuckled a bit when Niall grimaced.
"Yea, put your clothes back on, you two had enough sex for today!" Louis added, making me smile even more.
Niall peeled away from me with a sigh and got up, grabbing a pair of boxers in his bag and putting them on before doing the same with a shirt.
"We're coming!" I just yelled. "We'll be downstairs in 10 minutes!"
I got up and started dressing up as I heard Niall groan again near me. "They're so fucking annoying." he mumbled, making me smile.
"Hey, we're here to spend time with our friends, yea?" I pointed out, using the same words he had used with me the day before.
"I am!" he pointed out, making me laugh.
We went to a restaurant on the main street and laughed a lot. Niall didn't mention anything about us and I was thankful for that. I was not ready to share it with anyone if only because I was not even sure of what I wanted. Saying it out loud would also make if official and I wanted to have a discussion with Niall first, even if I was dreading it.
We ended up walking back to the hotel and I watched Mandy bend down to grab some snow, forming a ball with it and throwing it at her brother. I knew immediately where this would lead and not even a minute later, we were all throwing snowballs at each other. I heard laughs and a few screams as I tried to dodge all the projectiles thrown at me and when one hit me behind the head, I turned around to see Louis smirking at me and raising his eyebrows.
I was about to throw one back at him but Niall beat me to it. The snowball hit Louis right in the face and my lips parted in surprise until Louis wiped the snow from his face, spitting some that had landed in his mouth. I started laughing as Niall smirked and Louis finally turned to Niall, clearly up for revenge.
He started running after him and I laughed when Louis jumped on Niall's back, making him fall down. They ended up both laying on their backs in the snow and I moved over Niall, smiling at him and holding out my hand for him.
"Need help?"
He smiled but instead to let me help him up, he pulled on my arm, making me fall on top of him. I let out a small scream and started laughing when he wrapped his arms around me. I knew all our friends were near and I didn't know who was actually looking at us but all I cared about was the way Niall was looking at me.
"You said you'd try snowboarding with me." he pointed out in a very low tone.
"I'm better at snowball fights." I admitted, pressing my lips together and raising my nose up, still laying on top of him.
"Come on, please."
I sighed and gave in after a few seconds. "Alright, when?"
"Tonight! I'll show you the basics."
We stared in each other's eyes for a while and I realized that I couldn't tell him no, not when he was looking at me like that, and I finally nodded. His hand reached for my cheek and I felt his warm fingertips on my cold cheeks. His eyes fell on my lips before quickly looking back in my eyes and it made me smile.
"Come on you two! Or we're leaving you here!"
We laughed together and finally got up, trying to get rid of the snow on our clothes before to join our friends. I felt Niall's finger brush against mine as we walked and my heart skipped a beat. I loved him way more than I was ready to admit but I knew that eventually, I'd have to open up completely, no matter how scary it was.
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h-x-l-p-l-e-s-s · 4 years
Enough (Lams Fanfic)
(12/25/2020 - 12/27/2020)
We woo we woo we woo!
It’s the gay ambulance here to satisfy all your gay needs with another trash fanfic! So… enjoy!
Word Count: 1.3k (11 Pages on Google Docs)
Warning: Profanity, Stress, Mentions of Making Out/Kissing
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens
In a matter of seconds, the world began to crumble before his eyes. He dashed to his house, not even considering looking behind him.
17 hours wasn’t enough. 1,020 minutes wasn’t enough. 61,200 seconds wasn’t enough.
He opened the front door to his house. John could feel a burst of wind against his arm. “Hey, babe!” He grinned.
Before Alex could respond, he was already in his room. It was normal for him to rush into his room like that. John assumed he had a transcendent fanfiction idea and didn’t want to forget about it, so he left Alex alone.
“You have to study for tomorrow’s test, restore two months of homework, and complete your part of your history project. If you thought this was gonna be simple, you’re a fool.” Alex thought to himself.
Alex could never have a perfect work-life balance. He was either spending time with John but stressing out internally or studying but feeling like he’s neglecting John.
Pulling an all-nighter was no issue for Alex. It was the lack of time, the short notice, the strict mindset he held, the punishments Alex suffered if things didn’t go as planned.
He opened his laptop and did the easy part first, the project. Before he knew it, two hours had disappeared in a flash.
Alex heard a knock on his door. “May I come in?” John asked. “Mhm,” Alex replied.
John entered the room. The first thing he noticed was Alex sitting at his desk, the computer glowing being the only light in the unlit room.
“Last minute school project?” John quizzed. “Dinner’s ready if you wanna eat it now.”
Alex was ignoring him for a few seconds until he realized what John said.
“Oh, sorry. I kind of zoned out. I’m not hungry.” Alex misinformed. There wasn’t enough time in the day to take breaks to eat. He could barely afford to take a thirty-second break to go to the restroom.
“Alright, it’ll be in the microwave,” John concluded their conversation and left the room.
Two extra hours had passed. Alex had just finished his history project. Only 13 hours remained. That wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough. He wasn’t enough.
John knocked on Alex’s door once again, this time to say goodnight.
“Hey, Alex.” After waiting ten seconds with no response, John decides to enter his room anyway. “Would it kill you to turn on a light?”
“Yes.” Alex’s voice was shaking. John began to worry a bit. John turned on the light to see Alex on his gently crying on his bed.
“Babe!” John ran towards him to hug him. “What’s wrong?” Alex vigorously shook his head.
“Here he goes again, being a pain in the ass. How do you not get it? If you fail school, you’ll fail John. He’ll finally leave you.” Just like that, Alex began to cry more.
“Lex! What’s wrong?” John wiped his tears, but it was ineffective.
“I’m not good enough,” Alex murmured. “What was that?” John asked. He moved towards Alex to cuddle with him.
“I’m gonna fail.” He got up from his bed and walked towards his desk. He couldn’t afford to get comfortable.
“Alex, no. Put your books away and talk to me.” John tossed his books onto the floor, making Alex look at him. “What’s wrong with you?”
He ignored John and grabbed his books again, rushing towards the living room. At this point, John was just a disturbance.
“Here he goes again. Treating John like an obstacle rather than a boyfriend. You’re a piece of shit, Alex.”
Alex let out an exaggerated sigh. He got up and walked to John’s room, assuming he was there.
“Babe.” Alex hesitated to open the door, but he did. “I’m sorry.” He hugged John.
“Oh wow, choosing John over homework? I can’t keep up with you, Alex.”
“Now that we’re good, why were you crying?” John seemed sincere and serene, unlike Alex.
“N-no reason.” Alex’s eyes were more fatigued than usual. On top of that, he seemed more stressed than usual. John could sense something wrong.
“Lex, I may look gullible but I’m not,” John went to sit down with him.
“You’re wasting your time, Alex. Need I remind you that you only have thirteen hours… well twelve and a few minutes, left?”
“I swear, it’s nothing. I just wanted to apologize.” Alex got off of the bed but was pulled back down by John.
“Alex, you were cryi-” John began to speak but was interrupted by Alex. “I don’t have time for you, John!”
Even though John felt a bit sorrowful after that was said, he knew it accidentally slipped off of Alex’s tongue.
“You don’t mean that, and I know you don’t. You’re just stressed.”
Alex sighed and sat next to John. Before John knew it, he heard a muffled sob near him.
“I’m just conflicted.” Alex whimpered. Noticing Alex like this was odd. Nine out of the ten times he’s the one comforting John. Now it was John’s turn.
“I have so much work to do, yet, I don’t know if I should be spending time with you right now or working.” Tears gently slid down Alex’s pale cheeks, cascading onto his oversized shirt.
“I only have twelve hours to study and restore months of homework, John!” Alex bawled.
“How’d you lose months of homework?” Though John needed to comfort him, he was still curious.
“Jefferson mugged me today just because I threw away two cups of microwavable Mac & Cheese.” Alex began to sob more. “Fucking took my homework, threw a book at me, and called me a geek.”
To witness Alex crying was too much for John. He moved closer to Alex and wiped his tears.
“Babe, you need to calm down.” John soothed him, but it wasn’t enough. He, still, wasn’t enough.
Alex stayed silent, trying to hold his tears in. There’s not enough time to break now. Desperately wanting to leave, he told John he was okay.
John ignored him and held him tighter. Their arms were squeezing each other. Though Alex felt a bit uncomfortable, he soon felt peaceful near John.
“I can’t do this for much longer.” Alex took his cold, pale hand off of John’s. “I’m just wasting ti-” John shushed Alex by kissing him.
That kiss soon evolved into them making out. That’s three hours down the drain.
“John, I have to go now. That’s three fucking hours wasted. I can’t afford to fa-” Alex’s tone wasn’t as panicky as before, but it had the same stressed tone from earlier.
John put his finger over Alex’s mouth. It slowly slid down to Alex’s hand. He grabbed his hand tightly and tossed Alex onto the bed.
“John!” Alex thought John was going to do something he had no business doing, but he was wrong.
“You have such a perverted mindset, Lex!” John threw a pillow at him while jokingly saying that.
“Also, what class do you have to do homework for?” John pulled his phone off of the charger while asking that. He seemed sanguine considering the current situation.
“Adams. Y’know, the one that always calls in substitutes.” Alex leaned over John’s shoulder to see his phone.
“Gotcha. I’m more than positive I can persuade him to give you more time. Is a month good?” Alex nodded as a response.
All of his stress rolled off of him immediately after that.
“And we can study together for a few hours after you eat.” John put his arm around Alex, looking at him.
“Lex, you need to be less hard on yourself.” John requested. His eyes sparkling in the dim room. For some unknown reason, Alex felt cozy near him.
“No promises, John. No promises.”
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thebonggirll · 4 years
Chapter 27 - Awkward
Chapter 26 
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The last day of internship turned out way emotional that Y/N expected it to be. Baiji was bawling like a baby and her sidekick didn't nag her to be professional for the first time. Mostly because she didn't expect the interns to be so daring and different from the other ones. Oikawa was trying to act indifferent and manly but almost teared up when they arrived at the station. Everyone promised to keep in touch with each other.
Y/N's school started right after their internship. She filled in about how they started texting each other which felt extremely suspicious to Kyoka, but she was happy about the progress. Her eyes often went towards the door, waiting for that hot headed blond to enter the class. All of this progress was fine to her but, she wasn't sure if they were supposed to act like they were before or just talk to each other naturally. She knew how he acted in front of his squad whenever she talked to him. He felt embarrassed to talk to her and mostly avoided her in school.
"You know it's kind of weird how he suddenly did a 180 and started talking to you. I mean, he literally calls everyone an extra except for his own squad," Kyoka said to her.
"To be honest, I find this weird too. But it's nice to talk to him. He's funny sometimes and it's fun to tease him. He gets riled up so fast," Y/N said.
"Oh my god, you sound like you're went out with a guy on a date and now you're giving me review about the guy," Kyoka chuckled, "do you still blush?"
Y/N scoffed and said, "Shut up, you blush while talking to Kaminari. I've noticed it too."
"I blush when I wear skirt too, he's not special," Kyoka said, trying to defend herself, her cheeks going pink.
"Sure, you must be speaking the truth with that blush on your face," Y/N laughed.
The door opened, followed by Kirishima and Sero laughing loudly and saying, "Holy crap! What the hell Bakugou!" She looked at them and was presented with a sight - Bakugou looking like a pretty boy. He had his hair properly combed down.
Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. No matter how cute he looks, his attitude doesn't go well with that hair. She heard him complain and shout at them, "Stop laughing. My hair has gotten used to this and I can't get it back the right way. Did you not hear me? I'll kill you both!"
"I'd like to see you try pretty boy!" Sero said, still laughing. Y/N quickly took out her mobile and clicked picture of him.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!" Bakugou shouted, his hair popping back up to what it usually looked like. She turned back to see Kyoka talking to Mina and Tsuyu, probably catching up to what their internships were like. Soon the conversation turned to the topic of hero killer and Kaminari pointed at them saying, "Now if you wanna talk about the ones who really changed, it was those four."
"Oh yeah! The hero killer!" Sero said.
"Glad you guys made it back alive, seriously," Kirishima said."
Y/N looked at the two boys being pulled by their collars by Bakugou who was looking at her back. She didn't know how to react and in a rush, she laughed and loudly called, "Hey pretty boy! Haha!"
The whole class looked at her, noticing her sudden weird behavior followed by Bakugou shouting, "SHUT UP GRANDMA! I"LL KILL YOU!!" They were just surprised that Y/N actually made fun of him for the first time. Thankfully it didn't last long when Kaminari suddenly started talking about the viral video of the hero killer. Well this was awkward for both of them. After fighting with each other almost everyday, it was kind of hard to be suddenly friends with him and joke with each other. She usually had no problem but with Bakugou, when they just became friends, she didn't want it to become an issue. She wasn't so sure if he was gonna act like they usually did before their internship.
Bakugou also, found it a bit hard but he wasn't one to overthink about such things. So he talked to her naturally but at moments, when he looked at her, it made him feel shitty somehow. Like he wasn't doing something right.
Some kind of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
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"I am ready! Hope you're ready to return to your lessons! Today it's hero basic training! Feels like I haven't seen you in a while! Welcome back!" All Might said, "Now then, listen carefully for what's in store. We're going to be conducting a little race. Take everything that you've learnt in your internships and apply it in this rescue training."
Iida's hand shot up as he asked the obvious question, "If it's rescue training, then shouldn't we be in USJ instead?"
"Ah, that facuility specializes in disasters. As I said earlier, this is a race. So prepare yourself! You're about to step into Field Gamma! Inside is a metal labyrinth densely packed with steel factories, so good luck finding a way around. You'll be competing in groups of five and one with six! Each person starts with a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send you the distress signal and you do what you must to rescue me! Whoever finds me first, wins!" All Might said and slowly turned his head towards Bakugou with his fingers pointing towards him, and said, "But try to keep property damage to the bare minimum please."
"Why are you pointing at me-" Bakugou asked, turning his head away.
The first team included the students who had the best mobility in class - Iida, Ojiro, Mina, Midoriya, Sero and Y/N.
Sure she had good mobility and she could've won because of her speed too but jumping in an area with unstable footing and slippery surface, wasn't exactly favorable for her quirk. Her foot slipped at least three times. It was something she needed to work on and later find a way that will help her balance herself.
After the class was over, as the girls started changing into their uniforms, they started talking about their recent progress. Y/N got a lot of praises for her new technique, even though she came third in the race.
"We thought that was a one time thing you did during festival!" Mina exclaimed.
"Yeah, the hero I was training under said I should work on that since it can come in handy, you know?" Y/N smiled, awkwardly. She wasn't used to compliments.
"Yeah-" Mina got interrupted by Kyoka saying, "What the heck is this?"
Everyone turned around and found a small hole on the wall. The girls were all halfway to change into their uniforms, that is, half naked when they heard a voice, a very familiar and perverted one from the other side of the wall - the boy's lockerroom.
"Hey Midoriya! You won't believe what I just found! The jackpot! Someone made a hole into this wall! Our previous generation has given us a gift! You know what's next door, right? The girl's lockerroom!!" Mineta said pointing to the wall, where a poster was half ripped off to Midoriya who's mind was occupied with what All Might said after their race.
Iida being the gentleman and righteous person he is, immediately revolted against it. Hoping to stop Mineta before he did something bad, he said, "Don't even think about it! Peeping on them like that would be criminal!"
Mineta tore off the whole poster off and desperately said, "Then you'll have to throw me in solitary confinement cause you can't stop me!!!" He looked through the hole, hoping to get a glimpse of any of the girls, "I wanna see Yaoyorozu's curves, Ashido's slender waist, Hagakure's floating underwear, Uraraka's super tight body, Asui's soft boobies, Y/N's b-" Before he could further say anything vulger, Kyoka put her earphone jack through the hole and hit his eye.
"Ugh! Thanks Kyoka!" Uraraka said.
"Despecible. We're gonna close this hole immediately!" Momo said.
Kyoka went to her locker and started dressing back to his uniform as soon as Momo came forward to close the hole. Y/N lightly smacked her head and said, "I know that look."
She sighed and said, "Ofcourse you do. But he even called your name."
"And thankfully you didn't let him continue," Y/N's turned back to her locker, "Because I despise people like him more than any one else. Fucking disgusting."
"I might be crossing a line...but did you...face any kind of.."
"Kind of..I guess," Y/N said sighing, "I'll talk about it someday. I don't wanna kill my mood."
"Oh yeah, I forgot. You're gearing up to get a boyfriend."
"Shut up," Y/N said supressing her smile and biting her lips, "it's not that serious."
"Oh my god, you want to be serious!"
"Wha- shut up! I mean, ofcourse but not now!"
"No offence but a guy as rude and dense as him is not a good idea..." Kyoka said, "but you already have a crush."
"I am fully aware how bad that is. Besides," Y/N smiled, "I feel like...it's not the right time to date. We should concentrate on becoming a hero first."
"Well I'm just glad you know that."
"To be honest, I think almost every U.A. students do."
"You didn't have much girl friends did you?"
"....I did."
"Your cousins don't count."
"Aizawa's gonna make us stand outside if we are any more late than this."
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Bakugou probably didn't hear about the little commotion because most of the time he ignores people, but Kirishima did fill his ear about that. Well, he was friend with a talkative guy to not know about things. And he didn't exactly have a reaction besides, "Whatever."
Aizawa made an announcement at the end of the last class, "Well it''s almost time for summer vacation. Don't get too excited. You can't just relax the entire month. You'll be training while you're camping in the woods. However, those of you who don't pass the final exam before the semester is over, will have summer school."
The whole class was half excited and half nervous, but overall way more looking forward to their training and sleepover. "Come to think of it, we never had a sleepover huh?" Y/N said to Kyoka while they were near the exit gate.
"Half of the time we are too tired. I think we would actually be sleeping if we have sleepovers," Kyoka said.
"Unless, we call the girls together oneday. But to be honest, I am not a whole ball of energy like Mina. I'll be sleeping anyway," Y/N chuckled, "Alright, bye!"
As Y/N was walking towards the station, she noticed her new friend on the way.
"Hello pretty boy~"
"Shut up! And use that mouth to read language cause your mistakes make me puke!"
"How do you even know that?!"
"Fucking Kirishima! He talks too much!"
"And you shout too much. Chill dude-"
"You're the one to talk," Bakugou muttered.
"I only shout at you though," Y/N said, "it's like the only form of communication when you're shouting."
"SHUT UP GRANDMA!" Bakugou shouted, "I've seen you get angry before."
"....he's disgusting. I mean don't you guys feel that way too?! Mineta, a fucking hero with an attitude like that?!!" Y/N said, "Besides, didn't you hear what he said about us girls? What he was about to do? If Kyoka didn't stop him, he would've commented shit about all of us. Doesn't it make you angry? Doesn't it bother you?!"
"Why should it?" Bakugou blurted out, "I don't care about extras like him."
"....okay," Y/N said. The rest of the time they walked together was silent. It was uncomfortable an awkward. It wasn't what exactly Y/N wanted to hear from Bakugou. Maybe somewhere she felt this was what he might answer, but a huge part of her did think he would hate Mineta's actions too.
But Bakugou on the other hand meant what he said. He didn't actually care. He isn't supposed to. But why was he feeling like this again? And even after Y/N said fine?
Just like before, some kind of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
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Chapter 28
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zrtranscripts · 5 years
Season 8, Mission 27: I Will Kill Again
Order Of The Red God
SHONA REID: I wish we could have been friends, Five. I bet you're scared down there in the dark. I can just imagine you running through those caves, stumbling between shadow and stone. You should see it up here. It's gorgeous! Green hills, cloud-swept skies. I love this island, Five. I was born and bred here. It's part of me. Shame half the folk living here are idiots. Gossips like Morag Brown. They don't see who I am. They just see the laird's kid, plucky lass and nae much to think about. But I've got power, Five. The fruit of this island in my blood. That's why I wish we could be friends. Because you can see the real me.
Tom went down heavy when I shot him, eyes wide. You lot really thought it was my dad, didn't you? Leading the skincoats. You thought he stole the Edda. The key to the red fungus growing on the mainland, the secret of why has died off there but strives here. The key to that bloody Prime Minister of yours who thinks she can tell us our island is quarantined! Is that you, Five? I'm sitting right by the cave I led Tom out of. I see shuffling down there.
I took his gun along with his headset. That is you, Five. I recognize your shadow. Hoping to get out this way, I bet. Tom couldn't get past me, and neither can you. [gunshot] Missed. Ah well. That's it, Five. Swerve around, back into the depths. I better follow you. Can't have you telling everyone about me. You run those caves. I know you like a race, but I was faster than Tom. I bet I'll be faster than you, too.
SHONA REID: Do you see the carvings on the walls, Five? The twining circles? They're ancient. Left by the first islanders, markers of the deepest tunnels. We are deeper than you've ever been. Lachlan and I used to run these caves. My idea. The old myths say these tunnels are full of ghosts, spirits of long-dead islanders. I was little when my mum passed away. Meningitis. I used to think if there were ghosts down here, maybe I'd find hers.
There's a lot of ghosts around this island, Five. Tom was right. I did shoot Lachlan's decoy that night on the beach. Lachlan was supposed to be there alone. The decoy looked like him in the storm. When I realized my mistake, I meant to go after him, make him pay for tricking me. I could have got to the Edda then, but you lot had shown up. Put the island on alert. I had to get off the beach fast.
I was so angry with you, spoiling all my plans! But you did provide one thing. The death that was foretold. Your Ellie was the first sacrifice of the season of the red god. I see your torch flickering ahead of me, Five. Dying batteries. [gunshot, stalactite crashes to ground] Almost got you there, didn't I? Don't worry. I meant to hit that stalactite, drop it to block the passage. Just making sure you turned right instead of left.
See the carvings overhead? Clouds and lightning cut into the rock. The ancients saw storms as sacred. It's the last sky you'll see through human eyes, Five. My gift to you. You keep running straight. There's something else I want to show you before the end.
SHONA REID: Take a moment, Five. Look around. Not many have seen the cavern you're passing through. Isn't it something? All those stone pillars and altars, carvings on every surface. My mum would have loved this place. She was writing a book on the mythology here, left me all her notes after... After she died. 
This chamber was made by ancients. People who lived here long before the Vikings came. I always wondered what they meant it for, but now I know. The red god in my head connects me to all its followers, past and present. I see them here, dancing between the pillars in the very first ceremony for the king of the rocks. It was so long ago, they weren't even fully human! Before we spoke, before we ever lit a fire, the red god loved us! Who do you think taught us about fire?
Look up, Five. On the ledge above you. Or had you lost me? [gunshot] Oh, good reflexes, darting behind that pillar!
The Vikings wrote about the king of the rocks. Their Edda is our oldest written record of it. They witnessed so many things on our island, including our red god. The wizard Loki stole some red god from this isle, used it to create her wakened warriors, mingled it with plagues for her amusement. The Vikings didn't understand the alliance that existed here. Since time began, some islanders have been taking the red blessing. Step out of the shadows, friends.  
Do you like the skincoats, Five? And the flaming torches? We're big on the traditional look. The history books called us guardians of law and order, but we're so much more than that. We're the order of the red god. The protectors of this island's secrets. The order appeared to me as a child. I used to wander the caves, playacting legends from mum's notes. I was obsessed. The perfect recruit. They called me blessed.
No point backing towards the altars, Five. I'm above you. There's all nine of us encircling you. No more bullets, but we don't need them. Everyone who drinks the water on Mor Island, come this season, gets a little red god in their veins, a little of the red god and a little of the silver mud in perfect balance. The red makes Mor Islanders just that bit smarter, longer-lived, and thanks to the silver, they get to keep their humanity. A beautiful symbiosis.
But we in the order take extra sacrament. Keeps us fast and strong. The red god connects us, whispers in our dreams. What Lachlan Jones told Morag Brown was right. We see through each other's eyes. If there's red god in you, we can start to sense your thoughts. Morag was right not to think too hard about the Edda. If she'd envisaged it in her mind, we'd have seen it. That's where you can never defeat us. There's a line of us stretching back millennia. I can even see my own hand faintly as it writes the Edda all those years ago.
And I see us closing in on you from every side. Look at you, Five. Squeezing between those altars and diving through that arch. But the tunnels past there are a labyrinth! Keep running all you like! We know this place by heart, and we enjoy the chase.
SHONA REID: These caves really twist and turn, don't they, Five? So dark and shadowy. We almost lost you. Don't worry. There are ledges on top of the tunnel you're in. I've got people watching you.
Ach, honestly Five, this wee chat is like therapy. The thing about being in a secret order of only nine people is you dinnae get to gossip much. I've been bursting to show your lot who I really am. I killed Callum. He was going to break our oldest traditions, move the king of the rocks. We couldnae allow it, so I stepped up. The youngest in the order, and the bravest. I struck him with that rock. It was a family duty.
Poor Lachlan was the perfect scapegoat. We were shocked years later when we heard he'd found the Edda. So I sent him a message pretending to be my dad, told Lachlan he'd be forgiven if he brought it home. Remember how I said some of the coastal caverns flood, Five? The old islanders built channels into these caves, ways to redirect the flow. One of their little traps. Pull the right ropes, lift the right stones, and the floodwater goes anywhere. We're sending it to you.
That night on the beach, after I killed Lachlan's decoy, I searched his boat. He'd run off with the Edda, but guess what I found instead? A wee metal box, and the red god provides. Because then I bumped into you lot. I had Janine's control box all along. All I had to do was make her sicker now and then, keep you mad for Jones, and you lot hunted down the Edda for us. Had to smash the box on that ice bridge, or you would have wondered why Lachlan hadnae used it to heal himself.
Remember our last cave, Five, where I kept scorecard? All those grave-marked faces, that's the old way. To keep trophies of your hunt. I didnae kill them all, but I brought Lachlan here. I get credit for the fallout. I could have killed you there, but I like you, Five. You helped save the island from those disgusting godless modern zoms. And the Edda still needed sniffing out.
You've got a destiny, Five. The same as me. I knew it as soon as I heard your name. There are five circles in the symbol of eternity, the red god's sign. You've been chosen. Once you're one of us, you can help us eradicate the tainted undead from the mainland, the abominations that perverted the red god's gift. We're the only ones who can do it.
LAIRD REID: [distorted] Runner Five, hello. Can you hear me?
SHONA REID: There goes your torch, Five. Our eyes are used to this gloom. Yours aren't. And the water is rising.
LAIRD REID: [distorted] Runner  Five, hello! It's Laird Reid. Five, if you're hearing me, please follow the signal. Run in whatever direction my voice sounds strongest. I've called help. I can get you out, but you need to follow my voice. Run.
SHONA REID: We see you feeling your way along the cave walls, Five. Just give up. The water's already thigh-deep.
LAIRD REID: [distorted] This signal keeps fading. [?] stabilizing this bloody walkie-talkie. This should be on private channel. Okay, got it. I know you're surprised to hear me, Five. I – I was out looking for Shona. She said she was going for a run near Bas Sands. Since the ice bridge, I don't like her staying out late.
I heard Tom's last moments. He set his comms to transmit on the island's walkie-talkie frequency. Must have hoped someone was near enough to overhear. Shona's not a killer, Five! Look, those people drugged her, or-or tricked her, or... or something. I'm at the cave exit near where Tom died. If you hear me, home in on my voice. The louder my signal, the closer you are. And if you hit a dead end, double back. I hear flooding on your end. Hurry!
SHONA REID: I see you tilting your head, Five. Like your listening. You're moving with a lot of purpose. Someone's helping you, aren't they? Fine. If you're being difficult, I told you I have eyes on the ledges above you. All of you, climb down to intercept Five. I dinnae care if there's flooding. Nobody escapes our sanctum! Give chase, everyone. Run!
LAIRD REID: Look ahead, Five. That daylight at the end of the tunnel? That's where I am. The mouth of the cave. Keep going. You're clear of the flooding. I'm sorry about Tom, Five. He seemed like a good man.
SHONA REID: My people are right behind you, Five. I see you through their eyes.
LAIRD REID: Hurry, Five! There are skincoats following you!
SHONA REID: Is that... my dad? Is he helping you? Don't think he can stop us, Five. We've seen the Edda. The red god's ordered a new king of the rocks. We know how to perfect it. It's chosen us. It's chosen me. No one is getting in our way.
LAIRD REID: Five, those figures are almost on you. Get out of that cave, run!
LAIRD REID: Five, you made it. You're in daylight.
SHONA REID: My people are still behind you, Five. We can chase you just as well into the light.
LAIRD REID: They're still coming. I left my rifle at home. Bolt for those trees! We need cover.
PAULA COHEN: Five! It's okay. It's us.
LAIRD REID: Look, Five, coming over that hill. Janine and Dr. Cohen. They're firing on the skincoats. That's it! Back, you devils! Back into the caves. [gunshots] Colonel, the skincoats are retreating. You can stop!
[JANINE DE LUCA screams in rage]
PAULA COHEN: It's okay, Janine. You're -
JANINE DE LUCA: Out of ammo. Yes.
PAULA COHEN: The laird called us for help, Five. We came as quickly as we could. We... found Tom's body. Jody's with him. Janine ordered Sam to stay with her. I'm glad you're okay.
LAIRD REID: Colonel, I know Tom was your brother. My daughter's hurt you. She's not thinking -
JANINE DE LUCA: A killer, Mr. Reid. She's lied to us, manipulated us, and declared war on us. There will be time to grieve later. We must fall back to safety. Five, you and Tom have uncovered our true enemy at enormous cost, and I swear I won't let his death be in vain. I will stop Shona Reid, no matter what it takes.
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bahboh1004 · 5 years
Lessa 3 Ch 13
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Lessa and White being cute in the omake. It’s a great gold mine for reaction facial expressions for most any situation.
1.          s: crash shatter 2. 3.     a. Let's stop right there. 4.     a. Since it seems like your floundering, I will help you personally. 5. 6.     a. So who are you looking for? 7.          s: crunch crunch     a: It's a pleasure. Raynald. 8.     a. You're now the youngest of the apostles?     b. You're not very cute.          s: plop plop 9.          s: plop plop plop 10.          s: shwaaa 11.     a: You... This son of a bitch... 12.     a. What kind of language is that to an uncle.     b. Even the sky is blessing our meeting.          s: pfft 13.          s: grin 14.          s: grind 15. 16.          s: boo boo boom 17. 18.          s: bang 19. 20.          s: boom 21.          s: psss 22.     a. pfft 23.          s: grab 24.     a. ?! 25.          s: crack 26.          s: boom 27.          s: grind 28. 29. 30.          s: bang 31.     a. o~hoho... after tasting your fists, I'm reminded of my elder brother.          s: crumble 32.     a. although you're nowhere near his level.          s: step step 33.          s: smack 34.     a. What did you do to Lucy 35.     a. Ahh... Could you stop your crooning of Lucy~ Lucy~?     b. Your world is going to be destroyed anyway. 36.     a. Your little sister isn't the important thing here. 37.     a. I'll tell you something even bett...          s: smack 38.     a. I would die for that kid 39. 40.     a. pfft, I'm well aware of that.     b. Families are like that. 41.     a. It's the most revolting thing to me.          s: appear 42.          s: patter 43.     a. Well, sure. For a human, you've trained pretty well.     b. 'Ra' is such a pervert. What I did to Lucy and what Ra did to you aren't that different, you know? 44.     a. But since you're such a boring fellow, you can't use the power he gave properly. 45.     a. You needed to have learned a bit more from 'Ra.' 46.          s: slide     a. Lucy isn't like you. 47.     a. A soul with a type of high utilization like Lessa.     b. I searched around for something like that. 48.     a. Oh dear~. You meeting Lessa in your past life by coincidence isn't because you were anything special.     b. It was because I picked Lucy... no, Barry. 49.     a. You said you would die for that kid? 50.     a. pft.     b. Try dying.          s: sit 51.     a. You'll just realize just how insignificant you are in this universe. 52.     a. From the beginning...          s: pit pat 53.     a. You're saying you... played with our lives from the beginning, right?          s: pours 54.     a. Fxxxing bastard 55.          s: crackle pop crackle pop     a. oh. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.          s: roooooaaaaarrr 61. 62. 63.          s: appears 64.          s: d-d-d- 65.          s: appears 66. 67.          s: touch 68.          s: boooom 69.          s: roooaar 70.     a. Ahaha....!     b. So 'Ra' was more talented in making monsters? 71.     a. Since I'm used to handling animals.          s: rumbleee 72.          s: boom 73.     a. I'm going to have to punish a bucking animal.          s: bzzzt omake 1.     a. Why do I have to do stuff like running errands for Curly?     b. He wanted shampoo and what?     c. E-excuse me... Ch..Char..les..          s: tap tap 2.     a. I told you not to call me like that! I'd rather be called Freddy     b. Sorry.     c. But this right here, it is perhaps.... 'Bread'...?     d. That's right.     e. You wanna eat it? Why? 3.     a. Is this how you become an apostle...?     b. It's not for me of course, but because I want to feed my human friends...          s: squeeze..          s: ?? 4.     a. Do as you please. But why are you asking me?     b. That is! 5.     a. Because I don't have any money. 6.          s: booboom 7.     a. Are ya a real idiot...? You were going to pay?!     b. At the turn of the century, who pays in an empty convenience store!!     c. And you thought I'd of course buy it for you? So shameless!     d. Just pay for it somehow! Even if the owner is gone, just taking something is stealing, am i wrong! 8.     a. Then what are you gonna do.     b. I don't have any money too heh 9.          s: booboom 10.     a. At the very least, I brought some pretty rocks... 11.     a. Please accept at least this. I'm very sorry for how this all turned out.          s: shake shake          s: bow 12.     a. I've never earned money before. There was no other way.     b. In that regards, I'm the same.     c. Then how did you eat and survive?     d. I took it.     e. ......
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (gocha!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Howdy dandy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone is doing well. Spring is near, and cherry blossoms are blossoming like darling dears. Be sure to be safe from those awful pollen. Getting the sniffles is no fun. Well, with that said, let’s this show on the road, we got loads to tell so you know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter is getting intense. We first meet another Kaido’s goons who’s a head jailer name Solitaire that ate some monkey type zoan fruit. Anyway, she’s all getting upset after the guards are failing to capture an intruder that stole the keys to the cuffs. It was none other than Raizo who is on the mission. Meanwhile, Luffy took out another head jailer name Daifugo who is some type of scorpion zoan type. Everyone is in shocked to see that Luffy broke the iron rule of attacking any of Kaido’s goons. The prisoners can’t help but stay away from the situation. Old man Hyou gives gratitude to Luffy for sticking up for him. Hearing the commotion made another head jailer name Babanuki who ate some elephant type zoan fruit that turns his stomach into a canon. He got angry for Luffy’s defiance and shot him straight on. Poor Luffy took a hit. Suddenly, the All-Star Beast member, Queen, shows up doing his dance show and settle the situation. Seems he has crush on Komurasaki, and wasn’t aware of the news of her death. Anyway, he asked Babanuki to rank the terrible situations. So he ranks no.3: Eustass Kid escaped, no.2: keys to the cuffs are gone, and no.1: Luffy is on the run. All three situations made him go nuts about it and demanded them to get the situation fixed. Back at Ebisu town, Law, Ussop, and Franky are hiding out at Tonoyasu’s humble home as he welcomed them with a kind smile knowing that they are friends with Zoro. Apparently Zoro was chasing someone and ran off far who knows where. Sanji is elsewhere looking for the bathhouse to check out the girls. Meanwhile, Nami, Shinobu, and Robin are enjoying a relaxing time at a unisex bathhouse with men giving the old perverted look. Anyway, Shinobu explains that it will be difficult to gather 5000 members for the rebellion looks at a possibility of gather only 500 members. She goes one further saying that gathering more members would be easy if they had help from Hyogoro of the flowers. Apparently, she says that 20 years ago, Hyogoro was a big time yakuza gangster that ran the underworld of Wano and influence many yakuza leaders and villagers. People admired his chivalry attitude that even Lord Oden admired him as well. However, when Orochi took over Wano, he refused to serve him and disappeared. The leader of the Oniwaban, Fukurokujuu, was loyal to the Kozuki clan, but decided to serve Orochi instead. A traitor that Shinobu could not forgive and left the Oniwaban group. Now these days, Hyogoro is now a myth. At the end, back in prison, old man Hyou and Luffy are face to face with Queen. He makes a deal with Luffy that he would ask Kaido forgiveness and to join his crew, but good ol’ stubborn Luffy refused. Queen then tells old man Hyou that it’s a shame that back then Kaido and Orochi tried many times to convinced him to join their cause due to his reputation back. Old man Hyou is none other than the legendary Hyougoro of the flowers. Poor old man Hyou begs to forgive Luffy and instead punish him. Queen says came up with an idea to settle the situation. While Raizo is in a pinch to try to help Luffy, a voice from behind the cage calls out to him claiming to be a man name Kawamatsu. An old friend perhaps? Who is this Kawamatsu? What has Queen decide to punish both Luffy and Hyougoro? SO MUCH INTENSE! Don’t miss this week’s chapter! Episode will resume this week so don’t miss it. Now on with the goods. First, Tongari-san is a bit busy cuz this week is the anniversary so we’ll do the announcing in his place. First, on March 31st, it’s free entry day. You must some accompany of a friend, or group, or family. Single is not allowed to enter the park free if you don’t have a buddy to join you. Next, the tower are giving out free anniversary stickers. Sanji’s restaurant and Cafe Muigwara are giving stickers of Sanji and Robin if you dine there. Ticket and Tongari store are giving out stickers of Luffy and Nami. On the 4th floor, the Tongari carnival are giving out sticker of Zoro, the original medal coin maker will give out sticker of Ussop, Chopper’s Sunny tour will give Chopper’s sticker, if you dine at Franky’s cola bar, you’ll get Franky’s sticker, and if you play another mini game, you will receive Brook’s sticker. If you collect all the stickers, take your sticker to the ticket counter, you’ll get a sticker of Tongari-san himself. Speaking of Tongari-san, his birthday is this Wednesday. To celebrate, if you follow his Twitter page and leave a bday message, you’ll get a special anniversary bromide card. This is only on Wed. Also, these two medal coins are the new anniversary coins that has Luffy and Tongari-san. It’s 600 yen to have it customized. Next, all arcades will stock the new World Figure Colosseum of Sanji in Diable Jamble attack. It will be in color and b&w version. Wanna this prize? You have the power in your hands. Beat that devilish crane. Moving on, here are the new bday goods of Franky and Sabo. For Franky, stores are selling his artboard, letter cup, and bromide card set. For Sabo, stores will be selling his birthday button, art board, yummy sweet treat, and a wanted poster folder. Next, starting this Friday, Jump Shop will be holding a stamp rally. If you collect stamps from Straw Hat stores and Jump Shop, you’ll get a free prize. If you visit 3 or 12 Jump Stores, apparently, you’ll get an even more amazing prize. Details will be explained more. You can follow their Twitter page. Event will go on until Sept.30th. Next, Animate stores will be holding a special Jump event. From March 15th to April 4th, if you shop for goods, you’ll receive a free random bromide card of any anime. For OP, they’ll give out bromide cards of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji from Wano chapter. Next, check out the cover of vol.20 of WCI that has the awesome Carrot in sulong mode. It will be released on April 3rd. Next, this summer, Log Collection will released new DVD package of Zou. On July 26th, Zou will be released. ON Aug.30th, Mink will be released. And on Sept.27th, will be released. Last, but not least, here are more designs of the Straw Hats in the upcoming movie, STAMPEDE. Phew! I think that’s everything. Also, we’ll leave upcoming episode titles. That’s all we got! Tune in next week for more news and goods. All righty, boys, let’s call it a night.
 Episode titles:
Ep.876: “The Man of Humanity and Justice! Jimbei, a Desperate Massive Ocean Current”-March 17th.
Ep.877: “Time for Farewell! Pudding’s One Last Request!”-March 24th.
Ep.878: “The World in Shock! The Fifth Emperor of the Sea Arrives!”-March 31st.
Ep.879: “To the Reverie! Gathering of the Straw Hat Allies!”-April 7th.
 Stamp rally event: https://twitter.com/OP_stamp_rally
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teresa60521-blog · 6 years
Side Effects
chapter 27: 1 year 
From the little noises coming from Kazumi by the door and her cheerful slaps against the glass, people were walking up the walkway. Uraraka left her position of hanging decorations up (yeah, they should’ve done it a little earlier) to scope out what was happening. She saw Kirishima and Kaminari making funny faces at Kazumi through the screen and laughed.
“Hey guys!” Uraraka scooped Kazumi up and then opened the door so she wouldn’t go toppling out. Kazumi whined for a second before gripping onto the front of Uraraka’s shirt and looking around bewildered. “What? Did you see Uncle Kirishima and Uncle Kaminari?” Uraraka asked, bouncing her daughter a bit and pointing to the two in front of her.
Kazumi tipped her head back and smiled when she saw the two of them. Apparently a month was enough time to not be scared of Kaminari anymore after zapping her. Uraraka put Kazumi down on the floor once more so she could crawl over to the two teens.
“They’re not her uncles.” Bakugou said from behind her with his arms crossed over his chest. He was dressed simply in a pair of sweatpants and a black tank top. Uraraka frowned.
“Excuse me, we are all one big family.” She poked him on the cheek.“You need to change.”
Bakugou scoffed. “Why?”
Uraraka mimicked his pose and raised an eyebrow. She was dressed in a nice sweater and her favorite pair of tight-fitting jeans. She looked party ready. Bakugou looked he was going to lounge around on the couch all day. “It’s Kazumi’s birthday party! You have to look nice!”
“For these morons?” He motioned to Kirishima and Kaminari who were crouched down and tickling Kazumi. “She’s not going to remember!”
“Katsuki, please.” Uraraka lowered her voice. “I just want this to be nice.”
Bakugou exhaled heavily and then turned around to stomp up the stairs. His shoulders were tense and Uraraka revelled in the bulging muscles. She would never get tired of seeing his muscles on full display and it was kind of painful asking him to put on a proper shirt. Uraraka lived for those black tank-tops.
But this was for Kazumi and Uraraka didn’t want to have pictures of Bakugou looking sloppy. She wanted these memories to be pleasant. She wanted them to look familial.
Uraraka almost couldn’t believe it had already been a year since Kazumi was born. Uraraka felt like it had only been a couple of months but Kazumi was so big and she would only continue to grow every day. She loved seeing her baby getting closer and closer to walking each day, getting closer to her first words, first sentences…
It hadn’t been perfect along the way, but they had gotten there. And there would be many more years to come. Hopefully years with less fighting, less being told she wasn’t good enough, and less concussions. Uraraka was still recovering from that last one, migraines still plaguing her. Bakugou urged her to see a doctor or at least go to Recovery Girl but Uraraka was stubborn. If it became an actual problem where it was hindering her from performing well, then she would go see Recovery Girl. For now she would take over the counter pills whenever she got a migraine. Those did the trick just fine.
Uraraka opened the door for more of her classmates as they came in waves. It was just like the baby shower, her whole class sans Mineta. She didn’t want that little pervert here ogling her and the other girls, or God forbid her child. Bakugou would definitely have a fit if he was here near his daughter anyway. Mineta really had no filter and they don’t know what he would say about a baby.
“Is this fine?” Bakugou growled from behind her. When she turned she jumped a little bit because Bakugou was wearing a color. She couldn’t remember the last time, outside of class, where he had worn an actual color and not something on the gray scale. He was wearing a nice red button down and black jeans that looked like they were two sizes too big for him. It was a start, though she would always yearn for the Best Jeanist jeans that Bakugou seemed to burn after use. She tried to find them one day after snooping through his drawers but, one, she had gotten caught, and two, they were sadly nowhere to be found. There was no way she could afford a pair either.
“Perfect!” Uraraka beamed and kissed the corner of his mouth, feeling his hand caress the small of her back as she did. It was the little things that he did that said ‘you’re welcome.’ It didn’t matter if it didn’t come out of his mouth.
“Where’s my daughter?” Bakugou asked, narrowing his eyes among the sea of his classmates. It looked like Momo had her, a nervous but giddy look on her face. Kazumi was looking at her with wide eyes, as Momo was a new person for her.
Uraraka scanned the room to make sure everyone had something they needed. When her eyes landed on Todoroki, she followed his gaze to Momo and smirked. She removed herself from Bakugou’s embrace and sidled subtly up to Todoroki’s side.
“Hi Todoroki-kun.”
Todoroki didn’t take his eyes off his (secret) girlfriend. At least, Uraraka was sure that they were still together. She hadn’t exactly had the time to get any details lately. But by the awestruck look on his face and the way he was radiating warmth, Uraraka figured they were still seeing each other.
“Hello.” His voice was monotone.
“Todoroki-kun, you’re on fire.” Uraraka said a little loudly. She was stirring the pot a bit, but it got Momo’s attention. The young couple met each other’s eyes and Momo’s face immediately turned red.
“Shit…” Todoroki mumbled and the flames coming from his clothes quickly dissipated. Uraraka giggled and pocketed this new information for later. She would definitely have to alert Momo to it and tell her to be careful. She would also have to tell Midoriya and Iida, as they would get a kick out of it. Maybe not Iida so much as Deku….
She turned away from Todoroki and almost collided with Iida, her friend placing a hand on her arm to quickly steady her and then pull away as if burned.
“You need to be more careful, Uraraka!” Iida announced and Uraraka smiled. “And it is not nice to tease people.”
“It’s all in good fun, Iida-kun! I’m happy, I just want to show it!” She beamed and placed her hands on her hips. “I’m happy you all are here. It means a lot to me and Bakugou too… Even if he won’t say it out loud.”
Iida sniffed and pushed his glasses up. “We are very happy to be here and support you all! You have grown as a person, Uraraka.”
“Really?” Uraraka placed a hand on her cheek. She had been told his before but she didn’t always see it. She felt more motherly but otherwise? She was still the same teenage girl who was determined to become a hero (on her own accord now) and wanted to be with her friends. Nothing significant had changed.
“Yes.” Iida nodded.
Uraraka would also have to pocket this new information. She made her rounds with everybody, getting swept into a conversation, somehow, about how cute Bakugou’s father was with Mina and Hagakure. Mitsuki and Masaru had made appearances in the kitchen, getting all the food ready for the group. Surprisingly Mitsuki was keeping her mouth shut and Bakugou hadn’t provoked her, probably because he didn’t want to be embarrassed. Uraraka was glad. The two of them together and arguing would only be trouble and she absolutely did not want that. Not on the day of her baby’s birthday.
This was her baby’s day. Nothing could ruin it, not even Bakugou’s sour attitude.
Bakugou had stolen Kazumi from Momo’s arms and was begrudgingly talking to his “squad” as he kept her occupied. Everybody was cooing over Kazumi and it made Uraraka happy. She was still overwhelmed by their support and how none of them saw her coming back to school, in their class, as special treatment. She was lucky to have the friends that she did.
“You’re tearing up, Uraraka-san.” Midoriya said from beside her, a look of concern etched onto his face. He had definitely matured these past two years as well; being away for a while helped her see just how much Midoriya had grown not only physically but mentally too. Uraraka wondered if his crush on her was still lingering or if he had finally moved on. She hoped he could find somebody to be happy with in the future.
“I’m just happy.” She wiped her eyes and sniffed, not wanting to smudge the minimal makeup that she had on. It was just mascara but she knew it could be messy if she cried real tears.
“You, you shouldn’t cry if you’re happy!” Midoriya smiled, “Heroes are always supposed to smile.”
Uraraka laughed. “Where’d you learn that from? All Might?” Midoriya laughed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He had, indeed, gotten that from the former Number One Hero.
“You know, Uraraka-san,” Midoriya began, “I’m happy that Kacchan has somebody like you. To keep him grounded. I guess it gives a whole new meaning to Ground Zero…” He snickered at his own joke and Uraraka only encouraged him to keep talking with a gentle smile. “I’ve never seen him so open with somebody until you came around. And he hasn’t been as… mean I guess. As he used to be. Which I appreciate.”
“I told him to stop bullying you. Multiple times.” Uraraka said softly, “He still hasn’t told me what his issue with you was. Why does he hate you so much, Deku-kun?”
Midoriya sighed. “I think he saw me as a threat. To his individuality or whatever. He fell one day from a really high point when we were kids and I was the only one who went to help him because he was my friend and I wanted to make sure he was alright. But he didn’t like that. And then I didn’t get my quirk until middle school so I was weaker than the rest of them… He doesn’t like people who are given special treatment.” He side-eyed Uraraka and Uraraka hunched into herself. Was Deku implying that she had received that and Bakugou didn’t care because of their circumstances?
Midoriya would never be so rude, at least not intentionally.
“So because you tried to help him he doesn’t like you?” Uraraka asked, simplifying his whole explanation. It seemed kind of silly but considering Bakugou’s superiority complex, it made a lot of sense.
Midoriya shrugged. “I guess. There’s no explaining anything Kacchan does.” He stretched his arms above his head and sighed. “I’m just happy he’s changing because of you and Kazu-chan.”
“Kazu-chan?” Uraraka tilted her head to the side and grinned. “That’s so cute! I’m stealing that!”
Midoriya only laughed and looked at her sadly before the clouds in forest green eyes parted. He looked like he was going to say something else but Mitsuki’s voice cut through everyone’s.
“Who’s ready for cake?!”
Everybody was excited for it, as everybody had strict diets to keep in shape to handle UA’s hero course load. A little bit of a cheat wouldn’t hurt anybody though.
Bakugou put Kazumi in her high chair in which she immediately protested, kicking her legs wildly and bursting into tears. Uraraka rushed over and wiped her tears, letting Kazumi hold onto her fingers until she calmed down. Kazumi was still pouting though as she looked out into the faces of the class. Everybody was smiling at her which seemed to put her at ease.
“Okay!” Mitsuki cut up a large piece of cake and placed it in front of Kazumi. “She can smash that up and eat it however she wants.”
Uraraka knew this was the plan but she was already dreading the bath she was going to have to give to Kazumi later, especially with the overload of frosting slathered over the cake. Maybe she could pawn it off on Bakugou, but it was unlikely. A slice was distributed to everybody but Uraraka was more focused on Kazumi and capturing her rubbing the cake over her face than eating her own slice.
Everybody watched with cameras poised as Kazumi dipped her finger into the frosting first, then bringing it to her mouth to taste. She seemed to look to Bakugou or Uraraka for reassurance to make sure it was okay and when both of them nodded she grabbed a big handful of cake and shoved it in her mouth. Uraraka honestly hadn’t expected her to do much but Kazumi shrieked in laughter as she rubbed whatever she couldn’t fit in her tiny mouth all over her face. Phone cameras shuttered as everybody took pictures from different angles that Uraraka would be begging for later.
Uraraka kept glancing at Bakugou, who was entirely focused on Kazumi with the biggest grin on his face. His cake slice was long forgotten as he took a video of his daughter eating the cake. Uraraka knew if she opened his phone she would see tons of photos and videos of their daughter. It was adorable.
“She’s a goddamn disaster.” Bakugou said as Kazumi finished up the last of her cake. Most of it had gotten on her clothes but Uraraka hoped she at least got to eat a little of it. Uraraka wiped Kazumi’s mouth and cheeks gently with a napkin and got most of it off her face. Her hair was a lost cause entirely.
“This is what happens when you give a one year old cake.” Uraraka said and pouted a little when she had to say that Kazumi was one. She was always going to be her little girl.
Bakugou huffed and shook his head. “I don’t even wanna take her out of that thing.”
Uraraka cackled and cleaned off Kazumi’s hands. Kazumi smiled at her and swung her legs to kick up the table part of her chair. Little cake crumbs bounced off the side and onto the floor. Uraraka was glad that they didn’t have a dog or else that would be a mess in itself.
“Do you want help cleaning up?” Momo asked from behind her.
Uraraka grinned at her over her shoulder. “No, don’t worry about it! I’m gonna change her and then we can open gifts. We’ll deal with the mess later. Thank you though.” Momo nodded but still looked like she wanted to help. Uraraka gave her a quick hug before unbuckling Kazumi from the high chair and carrying her upstairs. The onesie she was in needed to be scrubbed free of cake before going in the wash but that was an issue for another time.
They all sat in one big circle while Uraraka and Bakugou took turns having Kazumi in their lap to open presents. She would get about halfway through each gift before giving up and pushing it away for Bakugou or Uraraka to finish. It made everybody hysterical and they calmed down when Kazumi would inspect every gift. She loved the stuffed frog that Tsuyu had given her and it immediately went into her mouth, even after Uraraka told her that was yucky. Kazumi still wanted to put everything in her mouth.
Once all the presents were opened the excitement died down, some of their classrooms began leaving with promises to hang out like this again. Even though they all lived in the dorms together, they agreed that it wasn’t the same without Bakugou and Uraraka there. Kazumi ended up falling asleep in Bakugou’s arms but he wouldn’t have gotten up to say goodbye anyway.
“Let me help.” Momo insisted even though Uraraka said she didn’t have to. The two of them washed the dishes together and left Iida and Midoriya in charge of cleaning up the wrapping paper while Bakugou put Kazumi down for the night. They would just give her a bath the next morning. She was tuckered out from all the excitement.
“So, Todoroki-kun caught fire when he saw you holding Kazu-chan.” Uraraka nudged Momo and pink washed over the taller girl’s cheeks.
“He’s so embarrassing.” Momo giggled a little and put her hands on her cheeks.
Uraraka grinned. “It was sweet! He really cares about you.”
Momo laughed nervously and nodded. “I-I guess you’re right.”
“He was smitten.”
“Bakugou-kun’s the same with you, you know.” Momo said seriously, trying to diverge from the currently topic. “He’s not nice to anybody besides you.”
“I wish he was nicer to others…” Uraraka trailed off, “but I guess it’s good he’s nice to me.”
Momo nodded frantically and they finished up cleaning, the rest of their class leaving. Uraraka heaved a heavy sigh as she shut the door and leaned against it. She officially had too much social interaction for the day, especially since she had seen everybody just yesterday in class. Sunday’s were her only break from that madness. It was a maturity thing; Uraraka guessed she could see how she had changed in that regard. Becoming a parent had made her grow up a lot.
She trudged up the stairs and changed into more comfortable clothes before infiltrating Bakugou’s room. She made him move over in his bed before collapsing next to him, snaking herself under his arm.
“I’m exhausted.”
“You ran around all morning decorating and then all afternoon and night making sure everybody was happy. No shit you’re exhausted. You do too much.”
“You could’ve helped.”
“I did!” Bakugou knocked their foreheads together gently. “I handed you all the shit to put on the walls, I blew up all the damn balloons. I opened most of the gifts for Kazumi…”
“Okay, okay.” Uraraka giggled and cushioned her head on his shoulder. Bakugou’s fingers mindlessly trailed up and down her side, sending shivers down her spine. “I can’t believe our baby is all grown up.”
Bakugou’s eyebrows pulled down as he frowned. “She’s one.”
Uraraka shook her head. “She’s an adult.”
Bakugou breathed out a laugh and it tickled the top of her head.
“Do you think we’re doing a good job?” Uraraka asked quietly.
Bakugou didn’t answer for a long time. He continued scrolling through his phone, some social media app Uraraka didn’t recognize. “I think so,” he finally said, “She’s happy. Shitty Hair and Pikachu were tellin’ me they think I’m doing better than they thought. All of them didn’t have much faith in me.”
“Well, you are a wild card.” Uraraka teased and leaned up to kiss his jaw. “Do you think it’ll be harder, you know, when we graduate?”
Bakugou groaned. “Let’s not think about that right now. It’s shut up time.”
Uraraka jabbed him in the ribs but closed her eyes to relax anyway. She ended up falling asleep and missed where Mitsuki quietly scolded Bakugou for having Uraraka in his bed. But there was no moving Uraraka and their little secret escaped them. As long as Uraraka was comfortable though, none of them could be mad. She deserved a good rest, especially for the next few months.
Graduation was upon them, a daunting figure in their future. They would need all the rest they could get.
11 notes · View notes
coreytravelogue · 6 years
Fort McMurray - June 8, 2018
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It is a good thing I took a few weeks to process what was a mixed kind of long weekend filled with nostalgia, decent weather, ok times and good ol Alberta anger. This trip covers my May 25-27 trip to Fort Mac.
The first thing I noticed coming into Fort Mac was the smoke, apparently there was a forest fire near the highway, felt well I came in at the right time. We flew through to a sea of grey trees. At first I thought it must be normal till I seen patches of green lush trees here and there. That will be a ongoing theme of my report of my hometown.
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I touched down in YYM expecting to walk into the same old shack or warehouse I left Fort Mac from 11 years later to discover a brand new airport. I just came from Calgary International which was a decent looking airport renovated to be pretty impressive but this was on a different level. I won’t say it was high tech because the airport was too small to have golf carts moving people around like Calgary but it was brand spanking new and down right gorgeous. Say what you want about Albertans but when it comes to building stuff they don’t half measure it, they go big and the money is put into it. Again this will be a reoccurring theme.
After I got my fridge magnet because I figure there wouldn’t be a place to buy one in the city I set out to do something I didn’t get to do very much while I lived in Fort Mac; take the bus. Mind you as a kid I was spoiled so my parents drove me where ever and if they didn’t I either walked or if it was summer I rode my bike there. As a kid and a teen if felt buses at least the ones here were dirty and worn down, at least the ones I remember were. However in the last 11 years I have become more into and more of a user of transit than I ever was when I was I was in Fort Mac last. To say the least my expectations were at knee level but again I was pleasantly surprised.
The bus that pulled up looked brand new and the interior looked wont say sparkling new but definitely within the year new. If it wasn’t I will say they better be paying their janitors well because they kept their buses in tip top shape. The best part about the bus wasn’t the bus itself though it was the price; a buck twenty five...... A BUCK TWENTY FIVE! Even. If it is only good for and hour that is still a steal at least for someone like me who has had to shell out 2.50 plus just to use a bus to get somewhere 15 min drive/train from where I was each time. On a buck twenty five if you wanted to you could grab a bus from the airport and get right to the back of timberlea and back (in 2018 oil bust Fort Mac traffic at least).
I was in Gregoire within 5 minutes but it didn’t go along the highway which I should have expected but since Gregoire has always been half industrial and half residential you don’t need to look hard to see the one way in and one way out of Fort McMurray and what I saw was not there last time I was there. Where there was once armies of green beautiful birch trees were now frontlines of grey and some still burnt trees still standing from the fire that came too close to burning down my hometown. It wasn’t a good feeling to me, while I was. Never the outdoorsy type I always appreciated how beautiful what forest we did have here. It is hard to not notice it since this city is surrounded by it and it is five hours of it south before you seen another city.
The trip down Gregoire hill made it more real for me. For 20 years so many times as a kid I would go up and down Gregoire hill. The trip up is not memorable because it is a uphill trip and a Gregoire with all due respect is not really a go to place in the city, it was always the trip down I looked forward to whenever I was returning home, especially after a five hour road trip from Edmonton which was usually the case. From the hill going down if you looked right there was always trees among trees as green as fresh grass that you couldn’t see past. Now most of them burnt to never be green again. Despite that if you looked below young treelings were growing beneath them that breathed hope in me however it would probably take a generation or two maybe barring another forest fire before they would grow to be as big or as green as their predecessors were.
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Instead of heading straight to the main terminal I wanted to start my tour of the city from start of Franklin Ave which is basically the Main Street of the city, very much the Hastings Street of the city like Vancouver it literally covers 90% of downtown. Where I stopped was a place I knew fairly well which was once a trailer park where an aunt and uncle used to live. I remember both me and my cousins whom were around my age all going back to the house for recess to watch tv or do whatever as it was just a five minute walk from my high school. They were already in the process of developing that area into something by the time I left but I never knew what. Returning I noticed they turned it into a sports facility for Keyano College, the only real college or post secondary institution in the city. The main building had remained the same, still made of bricks w it’s floors that look like they came from 70s (another reoccurring theme) however unlike most things as I grew up the college was almost always well kept and you wouldn’t be able to guess the age of at least the theatre entrance from looking at it. Then there is the purple building that has always been purple and still is, always wondered why it was coloured purple I never found the answer.
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Right next door to it was my high school, Composite High School where from 1998/99 to 2002/03 (I graduated in 2002 but I spent an extra year upgrading) I went to school. I was looking forward to going inside and reminiscing on the time I spent there. Mind you most of my memories were of sitting against walls and lockers in between classes and during recesses when my cousins soon graduated or left schools themselves. However I was not able tog eat in because the school appeared to be undergoing major renovations. Long over due I am  sure like most things in Fort Mac a lot of things have been left to I won’t say rot but used long after it should have been refurbished.
Composite never really looked like a dingy or run down place, they reputation went to Father Mercredi High School whose run down and edgy condition matched the student attitudes I who went to it. It was never the nicest looking high school either in the city which went to West Wood High School which was seemingly the high school for rich kids in the eyes of everyone who didn’t go to that school because unlike Comp and Merc West Wood seemingly had everything and everything looked brand new. Hopefully after these renovations Comp will get that distinction because it deserves/deserved to. Composite was always over crowded, I don’t know if it was as. Over crowded as the other but it always felt like it. Father Merc and West Wood were both situated in Thickwood and technically were for kids in the Thickwood, Timberlea, Dickensfield and surrounding neighbourhood. While they are the biggest neighbourhoods those schools were for those neighbourhoods.
Composite on the other hand is the only one on the other side of town which means it has to cover not only cover downtown but Gregoire, Abasand, Beacon Hill and whomever from the other neighbourhoods Merc and West Wood would cover who want to be with their friends.
Suffice to say I was disappointed and walked a couple blocks down to Dr. Clark Elementary which was open. I never really had great memories here. I will always resent the school, the principal and whomever closed Clearwater Elementary for making me have to go there. The three years I spent at this school felt long and torturous to me. That being said Clearwater is a office building now and had been for decades so this place would be the closest I would have to guide to nostalgia. The staff did not see it that way however and I can’t really blame them. I went in and asked politely if I would be allowed to walk around the school. They then gave me a look as if I was a pervert and told me they have nobody to give me a tour because it was sports week. The perv look was tinged with a look I would get from a lot of people. That why the hell would you want to come here look.
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Fort McMurray is not a tourist destination, most people who live or have lived there will tell you people only go there for one main reason and it is not for the pizza (even though their pizza is good) it is for money. Thwarted again at another chance to breathe in nostalgia I continued my way down Franklin. I noticed the Hospital on hospital hill still looked like it was built in the 70s with the same colour scheme but it was in the middle of being renovated itself. When I went inside it was the same old floors and same old look. Thankfully the emergency room got renovated though, that area always looked like a shit hole. Now it looks like a sit table place.
From the top of the hill is where I got to see just how close the fires came before it almost touched downtown. It got way too close than I would have wanted it to. Thinking about it now it does allow me to appreciate what I could have lost here, though as you will come to see there is not much if anything left for me in Fort McMurray outside of memories that are stale because so much of what I grew up with and known in Fort Mac is gone for good or bad.
The next stop were two malls that I hung out quite a bit both in my early childhood and late teen years and that was Plaza One and Two. Plaza One is still the same name but for some reason they decided to change Plaza Two to River City Centre and gave it a brand new colour scheme to where it not long has the 70s black and warm orange but the late 90s light black and cyan blue. The interior was still the same however minus the ramp way I called it as a kid. It was a ramp way that lead to the upstairs portion. It was built in a circle formation, I used to run up and down the ramp all the time when I was a kid. There were no stores I remembered as a kid outside of two; Shoppers Drug Mart whom only moved to the IGA Grocery store portion of mall (I wonder if it still has a mould and rat problem?) and the other was a place called Mom’s Resteraunt.
I have very vague memories of that place only that I had one or two burgers there as a kid and I liked them but apparently they have gone downhill. I tried to eat here during my time but thwarted again.
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Plaza One was once one of my favourite hang out spots, prior to how it looks right now it used to be a T shaped sort of a building. The right side of the building has remained the same but the left went through changes. There used to be a straight line that would intersect with the right side but they decided to remove that intersection for some reason that made no sense to me, maybe the need for parking  space but even then that never made sense. For years and even now behind the plazas there was always a shit ton of parking space and when it wasn’t paved I remember it being just a empty field. I might be wrong as I am reaching back to the early to mid 90s but that is what I remember.
Prior to that change and even a little while after depending on the side there were shops you could always fine me in. On the right side was a comic store I don’t recall going to much, I can’t remember why as this was during my comic book binging time. I am assuming it was because I had no money and the store guys didn’t like me there or because they just never had stuff I wanted or it was too expensive. I really don’t know the reason why I just know the place closed in the early 00s like most of the comic book shops at that time. There was a online gaming room there as well that I can’t remember the name of but I remember for a summer or two all my friends hung out there to play computer games because at that time it was much more easier to play there than a t home. Not everyone had a computer or internet let alone a strong connection. this place allowed kids to play computer games together in each other’s presence with little to no lag and To play games that they may not have afforded to own. I didn’t like this place not because of they staff or anything it was just I never saw the point, I could play most of these games at my house against my friends and I knew they could too. Plus the games I wanted to play I never could get people o play because this was the era for which Counterstrike was the game everyone was playing.
The most important shop on the right side, the one that is still there and will remain unless the owner decided to stop is Jomaa’s Pizza. Have I had better pizza sure but I would say Jomaa’s ranks in the top five if not at the number 2 spot and i would still buy it over my number one because it is cheaper. When people ask me how I like my pizza I often think of that place and how they did it. Jomaa’s is a institution in Fort Mac, it just is. I wound. Up having pizza for dinner that night from there as well as Saturday night and Sunday morning. That is how much I love their pizza.
One the left prior to the renovations used to be a cards and collectables shop,  unlike the comic book shop the owner loved me and my friends hanging  around because we actually spent a fair bit of money there. This was during the short window of time where I collected cards. There was only really one card collection I sought after and for a few years i would come in only buying those packs in order to try and complete the collection which I never did at least until 7 years ago when I decided to just eBay the rest of it (I like tot insist what I start even if it takes me 15 years or so). I did buy other cards and try to collect others but never with the same vigour as I did with X Men Ultra Fleer 94.
The other place as soon as I say it you immediately think ahh so that is where his love for that came but you would not be.....entirely correct. There was a Doniar shop three shops away from the cards store that if my parents had to choose the first place to find me if they needed to track me it would be here but not because of the doniars but because of the arcade games in the store. I can’t remember which games they had there outside of Super Ghosts and Goblins but since the arcade was a easy walk away from my house whatever spare quarters I had often went there.  I never if ever bought doniars there though I wish I did. I do remember now and then the owner giving us a slice of doniar meat now and then and I do remember having one doniar and not minding it. It was a taste of a doniar that made me want o have another when I got older but at the time I was more into candy and sweet stuff. Sour tasting foods didn’t become big into my life till I was a teenager. I never understood why this place closed down, it never seemed dead there. Part of me thinks it may have turned into Jomaa’s because i think they did serve pizzas there and the owner I believe was Lebanese (they have a long and strong presence in the city). Weird how I just possibly put two and two together but that is only an assumption. When they shop possibly moved the arcades didn’t thus why as a kid the shop may as well have been dead to me.
Next stop was the most important part of the tour; my old neighbourhood. First thing I spotted was newish but terrible paint job one of the old apartments had. For years it was just beige and brown but they painted it in rainbow colours which I have no problem w it’s but the shades made it look disgusting to the eye.
At f fist glance the neighbourhood which I inhabited for 20 years appeared in tact however it only took 3 houses down before I started to notice. Somethings were missing, missing namely certain houses.
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After I moved away from Fort Mac the city was experiencing the biggest boom its ever had. This city lives and dies off the price of oil so when the prices are high the city is booming and moving, if the oil prices are low the city is hurting and dying on the vine. During this boom many developers had it in their mind to want to try and add more condos to the downtown area. The only issue is there was no more room to be had. So like smart developers they decided to try and buy out houses from. Our neighbourhood since we were located very centrally within the downtown area. It makes perfect sense, and during this time they did succeed in buying properly from particular home owners. Once they owned the property they tore the house down and basically attempted to snatch more and more property. However it’s pretty easy to see when you are down there to notice either they could never find the right price to get the remaining houses and/or they couldn’t do it fast enough before the low price of oil ruined whatever interest there was to do so. So now all that is left is empty lots that used to be houses, one of which was home to one of my childhood friends. It was weird, almost being like in a Doctor Who episode even. That being said it didn’t make much of a difference to me as long as one or I guess two houses.
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After the nostalgia trip I headed back down to Franklin Ave and continued my tour but I started to realize how hot it was getting and the harshness of the sun was getting sharper so I needed to get sunscreen. I first looked at Safeway since I worked at the gas bar for two years. The slant area where skaters used to always play looked completely run down, not worth skating over now. The Safeway itself looked the same as it always did but I decided not to buy sunscreen there and chose to go to Superstore instead. What wound up happening on my way there nearly spoiled my entire trip.
As I was walking down that way I noticed 3 guys walking in my direction, I noticed Anne of them notice some guy under a tree whom started to that guy started to kick the shit out of him. The second guy ran towards the other to try and stop him. As I was watching as this was going on the third guy told me to keep on walking. I told him he did not need to threaten me, if I was a smart man I would have just walked away but sadly I am not a smart person and my pride kicked in. The guy rebutted thinking he could intimidate me, till I gave him the Corey Stare and told him he does not need to threaten me. I would like to think I gave him the look of I am not looking for a fight but if you are looking for one I will give it to you.
He did nothing and I walked away and passed by another group of guys who wanted to try and hassle me but I ignored them. For the rest of the day I was pretty bitter about that altercation. What can I say that event reminded as to why I left this city.
Peter Pond Mall was next, Peter Pond Mall was and remains the main mall of the city. I have spent many a time here and seen it as it has gone through its many changes however it is still very much the same old place.
I made my way to the government building which was as orange as ever but without the library and in its place a cafe. There was once a bar across the street next to a stereo store but like the houses in my neighbourhood it was just a empty up un utilized property. The theatre I seen so many movies in was also a empty space. The building that used to be the video store has been split between a empty spot and a blood donation area.
Next was the Morrison Centre, another sort of mall though slightly not. It was always a area that had a interesting mix of stuff. Once it had a comic book store and a computer game store. Now neither are there but other stuff that doesn’t interest me outside of a brewery which is new and a statue in front of it which was the only Jayne hat table statue I could find. There were some small statues but all were absolutely filthy and don’t count in my eyes.
I wanted to go see the new McDonald Island but by the time I got very close I realized my ankles were about done after all the walking and decided to just head to where I would be staying for the weekend. As a kid going from Mac island back to my neighbourhood was fairly easy, you just had to go through the syne then bang. However it was not that easy, the syne had changed a fair bit since I was there last. As a kid it was basically a poor or lazy person’s dumping ground and just a place for sea boats to land and take off. Now the entire area was being torn up for what I later discovered was a building of a new road to ease the traffic on Franklin which makes perfect sense. The problem was they were still making the roads which made it very difficult to get back to my old neighbourhood but I finally did.
I arrived and met my host who was nicer than I was expecting. I was expecting the worst but the guy was basically a lot like me it seemed. His children however looked at me like a alien but I can’t say I blame them. If I was them I would probably be no better seeing a stranger come around every now and then. I dropped my stuff off and decided to have Jomaa’s pizza which was still as awesome every followed by going tot he brewery to have the hometown beer.
While I was there some local guy was singing covers of 90s music which felt very appropriate at the  times since much of that music was music I grew up on. I ate the most vegetarian thing I could find in the menu which was a falafel burger. I then proceeded to have a taste of every beer they had. Can’t say I was entirely impressed but it wasn’t bad. I do think the brewery does have a long way to go on quality but in all honesty even the fact I that the city has a brewery is a big step up. Event he liquor stores had a ok selection, over priced selection but a decent bit. Before I left the only real options you had was of the Molson, Labatt or Old Milwaukee variety. There were others but outside of the generic brands that was it. I think a lot of that has to do with the beer boom that has happened over the last few years. While it has been bigger in Vancouver the waves were felt there.
After having my fill of beer I headed back to my room and rested my legs for the night.
For breakfast I wanted to go to Mom’s Resteraunt in Plaza 2 but it was closed when it should have been opened and decided to go to the Newfie resteraunt called Kozy Korner. I only remember being in this place once and I remember I disliked it so much I faked fainting as a kid for the entirety of it. As a kid I never liked going to traditional style joints because as a kid I felt why bother going to these places if the food was going to be the same as home (I never took into consideration my mom was sick of cooking all of the time, I was a child). Plus the quality was always touch and go. I remember the place being ok looking as a child. Coming in this time it didn’t look run down but it looked like it has needed a renovation for awhile but hasn’t. I decided to try something new and have eggs benedict. The place itself was not bad, definitely Newfie oriented but no better than any other traditional food place.
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I knew day 2 was going to be another full day and I knew it was going be a full day. Started with walking to Lion’s Park. Lion’s Park was my favourite park growing up as a kid. My parents would often take me there on special occasions or picnics. I remember having lots of fun there but as I grew up the park got run down and turned into a campsite for homeless people. Returning I am glad that park has been completely redone. Well not entirely redone but I should say cleaned up and it looks about as good as I remembered it minus the huge slide and the other playground stuff that was there as a kid. I am glad it is this way right now and seeing kids playing and having fun there. I decided to do something I had only ever done once and could barely do and that is walk up Gregoire Hill.
If this was me in 2005 or even 2007 I would have a hard time going up this hill, it is a rather long and steep hill but going up this this time wasn’t so bad. Only hard part about it was getting a up close look at all the burnt down trees in and around trail. From the midway point of being up on Gregoire hill I got to see just how close the fire was to overtaking downtown. I had heard that the fires were sitting right on top of the downtown area but never came down. Downtown sits in the valley portion of the city. It serves as great protection for Fort Mac people because tornados cant hit it and in terms of fires it also can protect as well but doesn’t save from floods though. However I noticed nearly a line between where the trees were untouched and the ones that were burnt. Fort McMurray is lucky to still be standing.
I finally made it up to Gregoire, it hadn’t really changed much from w hen I last went up there. Still very much a industrial area with some residential pockets. I wanted to go to the Oil Interpretive Center. I had not. Been there since I was a child and wanted tot o in there to see how the oil industry was spinning their importance to the city/Alberta/Canada/World but apparently there was a power outage in the area and the Center was closed. So basically everywhere I wanted to go to I could not go to.
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After that I decided to cross the highway to see where was once a RV area for those who did not want to camp far from the city. It was no longer there anymore just big blank space just like much of downtown. However unlike where other places burnt down and new trees were starting this property looked like it would developed. Could not help but t hint of Big Yellow TAXI BY Joni Mitchel. This was a sector of beautiful forest, now in a few years it will be another line of liquor stores (to add tot he three in a 4 block radius in Gregoire alone), a car dealership (2 already in the area), a gas station and a fast food Joint like A&W. Depressing
Crossed the highway and paid a 1.25 to get back downtown and let fate decide whether I went to Timberlea or Thickwood first. I preferred Thickwood because Timberlea was never part of my childhood or barely. It was a new neighbourhood during my time and it is one that continues to grow to this day because it is the only area for which can grow. My ticket was still good and for about an hour and a half I got a full tour of not only Thickwood but The outside end of Timberlea. The bus driver looked at me weird from t I met it ime wondering why I didn’t stop anywhere while he was driving. I only got off when we got back downtown.
Upon returning I decided to go probably the only place I hadn’t been to since coming back and to the only people I still know here in the city, I went to McMurray TV to catch up with Daryl and Gerry.
Though my first real job was at Superstore selling Christmas trees I feel my first true job was working at McMurray TV as basically the odd job guy. Everything they needed to get done around the store I did. Whether it be cleaning, installing electronics, stocking shelves, reorganizing, basically everything. I was a bit shy going in, could never understand why. They were always great to me and were always loyal to me. I walked up to them and it took Daryl a moment before he realized it was me. Both him and Gerry seemed happy to see me and both seemed absolutely surprised at how thin I was. It is often hard for me to imagine feeling like I am in good shape because I am so used to being in the shape I am in. If I am honest with myself I am in decent shape, not cut or really lean but in decent shape, definitely not fat or over weight. They asked me where the other half of me was which reminded me of how heavy I was before I left when I was a little north of 200 pounds. They had always owned much of the city block they inhabited but now it felt more literal as they took over the Chinese resteraunt that was next door turning it into more TVs in the TV room. The place where I used to go in and out of to hunt down boxes had now become a furniture display area for them. Gerry and Daryl had always tried to grow their business and they still are. They and their family are as much a staple of the city as Jomaa’s, more so than them I would say. After reuniting I decided to finally head to Macdonald Island.
Last time I seen Mac Island it was basically a generic red building whose curling rink was also used a trade show area every now and then. What I saw returning is probably the king of all red centres. Like I have said before say what you want about Albertans.when they commit to something or fund something to get something built they do not half ass it at all. This red center had just about everything, so much it puts all other red centres to shame. It had a gym, library, ice rink, running track, a couple of base ball diamonds, football and baseball arena like areas for big crowd games, floor hockey rink, water park as well as a water park within and that was just all I could say. I wish I brought my swimming trunks is all I could say.
By the time I finished it was too late to do anything unless I wanted to go back to the bar but I didn’t want o do that, not in Fort Mac. What I wanted to do was try more Alberta beer that I haven’t tried before. I bought a 6 pack of beer then went to Jomaa’s for my last bit of beer. Spent the rest of night drinking beer I thought I never had but I did and it wasn’t that great and only had four. Ate most of the pizza but left enough for breakfast the next day.
I laid in bed and watched a movie called Suck It Up and Porcupine Lake. Bother we’re ok movies but nothing to shout home about.
Slept in a bit and before leaving I had a pretty decent talk with my host. I found out he used to be a government official working for the municipal government. He was very knowledgeable of the city but since retiring has basically started selling paintings for which he looks good at. Basically doing his own form of portraits of famous people including famous or important Fort McMurray people. We talked about the city in the past, the fires as well as pipeline stuff. Thankfully he respected my opinions on it, I think he understood the BC side, there was no arguments on that end which I was glad. I really hoped to avoid getting into arguments about pipelines with people here and thankfully I did.
I knew I didn’t have time to do much but one more thing which was to see my house one last time. I knew I must have creeped some people out walking past there all the time but I found seeing my house an not being able to go into it probably the most painful part of the whole trip and made it hard to leave. After walking by there I got on the bus and headed back to the airport.
Outside of nearly getting into a fight this trip had no setbacks and no issues, no travel delays no nothing just simply was around. Well no setbacks outside of not being able to go into either school I went to, my house or the oil sands center everything was uneventful.
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Now that it has been two weeks since this trip I haven’t had any dreams about Fort Mac since which is good. I do feel like it was a worth while trip, would like to come back again in the next 5 years this time and not 11 years. I do not know if I want to bring my girlfriend here, it’s not really a exciting city and I have already gave her the tour via google maps. If I was to come back I would scope out the places I missed like the Center, Waterways, Beacon Hill and Abasand. Mainly the places hit by the fires. I didn’t go there mainly because I never really went to those places a lot as a kid so I have no real attachment to them but I would go there next time. I do feel like I got closure with this trip, much needed closure.
Fort McMurray is not really the same city I left, mainly for the good. When I left it was a angry, testoserone driven city ruled by bitumen and was run down. Now while the city is still a bit angry and testosterone driven after the fire there has been a greater need to give the city a much needed make over, more money is put into infrastructure and it shows. When I was a kid I felt like this city was safe and family friendly, as I grown older I came realize that the city was losing that family appeal. I am glad this city is trying to fix that with all the playgrounds and cleaning the streets up but there are still instances where poverty is evident parts are unsafe.
The city feels like a relative I had a falling out with that I meet up with after a long while. The relative still has a ‘problem’ but you know they are trying to clean up their life. The effort is there to change but it is not happening over night. One thing that has changed about this city is that it tries to be tourist friendly though if you were in the eyes of people here people would think you are weird because why would anyone want to visit this city if they are not here for money? This city lives and dies on bitumen and that is the saddest part, as much as I want this country and Alberta to get off the oil addiction getting off it would basically sentence Fort McMurray to death unless there was a way to make it thrive without bitumen and that does not look likely at all at this point in time and won’t be for a long time.
Grading my hometown, that feels very weird but let’s get started.
Transportation, this and another was a big surprise for me because coming in I had a very low bar. My previous experience with transit in this isolated areas is that it is over bare bones and basic and that is it. Fort Mac’s transit is still very basic but it covers everywhere you could go if you need to. Every 30 min a bus will take you somewhere easily. The buses are extremely clean and the best part about it is it’s dirt cheap. I am shocked transit is not used enough but probably because of the stigma behind using the bus in a city driven pun intended by having your own truck and driving your own way around. Dollar twenty can get you anywhere for an hour and you should be able tot eat there in an hour.
This city was always very bikeable, not safe to bike on the streets but enough side streets to use to get you where you need to go. As for walking this city is small and most places are walkable outside of going up the hill. I am not impressed with Gregoire’s lack of sidewalks. I give transportation a 3/4 C. May seem like much but the price of transit as well as its coverage on top of bike trails and the walkable size of the city it is the reason for this grade.
Food was another surprise but it was a pleasant surprise. When I left this city had next to no food options. There was Mexican, Chinese, traditional and pizza. I don’t want o say Italian but I don’t recall an Italian place. In downtown alone I seen so many other kinds of restaurants, so many cultures it was shocking. I didn’t go to any of them outside of Jomaa’s simply because of time but it is night and day difference. I will still give it a 1/2 C simply because there are lots of options but little options but the options are the same now as regular cities versus not on the level.
The beer has also come a long way, though I think that has to do with the beer boom over the last few years but still there are so many options now and it is great. That being said the beer is still expensive here needlessly and this is not just because of Fort Mac it is like this in Edmonton too. Too overpriced for the quality and the beer in the city while still drinkable is very meh. With that I grade it with a modest 1/3 C.
Fort McMurray is still a fairly boring place to live. They have made strides though with Mac Island and they have always had bike paths, hiking and camping on top of the one museum they have but that is about it. Winter there is skiing as well but yeah there are still not many options ad this city has nearly no night life unless you want to drink with dangerous people. I have heard many  stories over my life in Fort Mac of people basically getting mugged getting beaten up even if they did nothing while hanging around bars thus why I didn’t stay around long during my trip. With that I give the city a 1/4 C grade for things to do.
If you asked me Friday night what the vibe was it would be a next to no vibe for Fort Mac but if you asked on Saturday or Sunday I may have eased up. This vibe of the city is still negative and worrisome. Much of that is the economic uncertainty of the city but that being said I lived int he city during large economic growth and the city still had a angry and negative vibe. While visiting this city I felt like a alien in the city. I kept getting looks from people like “Who is that guy, why the hell is he taking pictures of the A&W? Why would anyone want to come and visit here if not for work?” Outside of my host and maybe one or two people I didn’t really feel welcome in Fort Mac. This city has always been defensive but if they want to draw people in outside of just for work and money they have be nicer and given the Alberta Anger that he city perpetuates they got a long way to go. I give the city 1/8 of a C on that.
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So the overall grade of may as well be CC on the Corey Scale (or 1 23/24) and I think that is a fair grade. Fort McMurray is not a travellers destination and that not a knock on them,w ell maybe it is but the thing is it is a city built to be a place to house people who work in the oil sands. People don’t go there unless it is work that is just how it goes. The city is boring, there is very few t hints one could do here that one could not already do in their home town. Nothing really sets Fort Mac aside from another place outside of the fact that you go there for money. Like Whitehorse it does have a outdoor element you can’t quite get in bigger cities but that really is it while Whitehorse still had other things one could do even if it could be a day affair. In all honesty if I was a visitor here the only thing of note here would be the Oil Sands Interpretive Centre and maybe MacDonald Island....that is it.
That being said the city has vastly improved since I lived here, it is turning less into a man made shit hole/Ralph Klein’s wet dream and more of just a regular city again. I am happy I went and I may return again because I while it is no longer my home or a place I even recognize anymore it is still my hometown and nothing can change that.
That concludes the rest for my long distance travel for the summer. It will be in September when I go to Australia and try to see as much of the country as a kind while being with my girlfriend. If I go anywhere it will probably be Victoria or even Edmonton but I don’t even feel they count anymore. I have thought about Kelowna or other places in the BC interior but I think this summer needs to be another summer of saving even though I tend to always work through the summer but especially now if I plan to do a lot of flying in Oz. I am excited I am not going to lie but September feels way too far away from me. Till the next time I leave VanCity,I shazbot nanu nanu.
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myhauntedsalem · 6 years
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Vampire of Barcelona
On 10 February, 1912, a young girl named Teresita Guitart Congost was in the city of Barcelona when she met a homeless, beggar lady. This lady promised her many lollies if she went with her. She took the lady’s hand and started walking. After a while, she realized that she was walking further and further away from her home, so she started to protest and struggle. The homeless beggar lady produced a black cloth which she tied around Teresita’s head, and carried her for the rest of the distance. When the cloth was removed, Teresita was in an apartment, and there was another little girl there. The beggar lady cut Teresita’s hair, told her she didn’t have any parents anymore, that she was to call her ‘step-mamma’, and changed her name to Felicidad. Teresita was very young, and had no idea what was going on, so did as she was told. She was also not allowed near windows or the balcony, and must stay inside all the time. For the next few weeks the beggar lady would go out during the day and would leave Teresita in the house with the other little girl, whose name was Angelita. There were rooms they were not allowed to enter, but one day they decided they would anyway, and in that room they found a sack full of children’s clothing. The clothes were covered in blood. A big boning knife was also in the bag, covered in blood. One day Teresita, without really thinking, went to the window and looked out. A lady from a neighboring property, whose name was Claudia Elias, was looking back. She looked straight at Teresita. The beggar lady quickly came over to the window. The neighbor, asked the beggar lady who the little girl was, but the beggar lady did not answer. She closed the window and drew the blinds. She pinched Teresita whenever she was naughty. A few weeks later, on 27 February, the girls were in the apartment on their own again when the beggar lady returned, and this time she had some policemen with her. The police asked her what her name was. She told them her real name, not the made up name the beggar lady had given her, and they took her home to her mother and father. So ended the sordid career of Enriqueta Martí i Ripollés. Her mistake was kidnapping a child whose parents caused a fuss. Teresita’s photograph had been in the newspaper every day since her disappearance, and when the neighbor, Claudia Elias saw her in the window, she recognized her. She mentioned her suspicions to someone else, who went to the authorities. An excuse was found to raid her house (a dispute over chickens no less) and that is when the police found Teresita and Angelita. It was Angelita who had the most shocking story to tell. She told of how there was once a five year old boy named Pepito who also lived there. One night Angelita saw Enriqueta kill him on the kitchen table. Little is known of Enriqueta’s life before moving to Barcelona, Spain in the early 1900s. It was known she was very attractive, and that she worked in several upper-class houses as a serving girl. It didn’t take her long to realize that she could make more money from her looks than as a servant, so went into prostitution. Her time as a prostitute also showed her the darker, seedier side of human nature. Acting on the demands of her clients, and her own, baser instincts, she rented out a nice apartment and opened her own brothel in 1909. This brothel though was not the normal variety… her brothel was for the pedophiles of Barcelona, and was filled with children aged from five to fifteen. This brothel was entirely for the richest and fully depraved men of Barcelona. She looked so innocent, and had such an authoritative air about her, that children seemed to trust her and would follow her. Apart from Teresita and Angelita, these children were not destined to live for long. Once their ‘usage’ was up, in regards to sick perverts sexual flavors, they would be killed. Enriqueta’s brothel was even raided once. A case was opened up, but it was all mysteriously swept under the rug. It is assumed that someone with power, who frequented the brothel, managed to hush up the case. Prostituting minors is one thing, and something which can never be forgiven, but what she did to those children once their time was up was another thing entirely! You see, Enriqueta saw herself as a bit of a witch doctor! Whilst servicing the rich men of the area by providing young, innocent flesh for their pleasure, she would also provide potions and poultices to the wives of these men. Potions entirely made up of children’s remains. She would kill her poor little victims, and then she would crush the bones of the kids, combine the powdered bones with body fat and blood, and would sell her elixirs and facial cremes to the privileged. And worse still, those who purchased her potions knew exactly what they were buying. Many aging nobles craved the infant remains, believing the benefit was that it slowed the aging process. She reached a point where by day she was a beggar lady, out on the prowl in search of children, and by night she would put on her best dress and go out to the elite society balls and gatherings, mingling with the upper class. During the investigation, it was discovered that Enriqueta had several apartments in Barcelona, all designed for different uses. One in particular was used as her execution chamber, and was littered with remains, jars of body parts, others of hair and blood and fat…. In another apartment, located in the most luxurious of suburbs, was where she kept her brothel. During a raid of all of her premises, the police located at least ten bodies, prepared perfectly for their cosmetic purposes. They also found ancient books made of parchment which had handwritten ‘recipes’ for her potions, dictated in elegant calligraphy. There were also coded letters and notes which caused a lot of controversy as they detailed a list of names of very important figures in Barcelona at the time. It is believed they were clients of Enriqueta. She operated her ‘business’ over the span of 20 years, so it is assumed she kidnapped a large, but indeterminate number of children in that time. For her crimes, Enriqueta was dubbed “the Vampire of Barcelona”. She was imprisoned while the investigators gathered more and more evidence against her. If found guilty, she would have faced execution by the garrotte. One year and three months after being arrested, her fellow inmates attacked her and beat her to death. Although dead, this did not give the families of the victims any closure, as the full extent of her horror went to the grave with her. She was buried in an unmarked grave in Cementerio del Sudoeste.
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Expect the Unexpected
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Word Count: 2,351
Warnings: just fluff here 
Request: Can you do a Dean x reader where (Sam and deans ages are like around season 2 for this) Sam and Dean have to visit Stanford again and while they're on a case dean ends up watching a girl (the reader) dominating in volleyball, they basically fall in love.
Author’s Note:  If you want to be tagged, leave an ask or message and I’ll add you! Same goes for my Series Rewrite! If you want to request a fic, please send them in! I love writing what you guys want!
Feedback is always appreciated
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“Hey, Sammy, we got a case and I bet you’ll love it!” Dean said with a grin, holding the newspaper in his hand.
“What is it now? We just got done with the last one.” Sam said after exiting the bathroom after he took a shower.
“Take a look.” Dean said, tossing him the paper. Sam caught it easily and read it, frowning.
“Neighborhood cat finally finds a home?” Sam asked as he read the headline.
“Read below it.” Dean said, giving his brother the bitch face. Sam rolled his eyes and looked at the other article, straightening up when he finished.
“Stanford? There’s a haunting at Stanford?” Sam asked with a soft smile, remembering the good time he had at that school before it was ripped away from him.
“Yeah, maybe we’ll get to see hot college girls, you know, bring one home? Or two? I heard they really like that shit.” Dean said with a smirk.
“Dean, you’re, like, 30 years old. Most of these girls are 18, 19, or 20. Maybe a few years older than that.” Sam said, disgusted.
“Okay, first of all, I’m 27. And second of all, I have experience. I’d blow them away.” Dean said with a smirk.
“Okay, I’m going to bed. We can leave in the morning.” Sam said, throwing the paper back at Dean who caught it easily.
“Yeah, alright.” Dean said, getting ready for bed too. He was excited to see all those college girls.
“You ready for the big game?” One of your students, Fauna, said with a smile. You looked up from your desk of paperwork and you smiled at her.
“Yes, we are so going to win this year, I know it.” You said, getting up from your desk.
“You’re participating in the teacher’s game, right?” She asked, following you out of your office to where the equipment was.
“Yes, I am. But you know that game is just for fun. I don’t know why we have it every game when it doesn’t count towards your score, you know?” You said, grabbing the bag of volleyballs.
“We get to see you in action, Coach. You’re so good. I mean, we didn’t get good from learning from someone else. We learned from you.” Fauna said. You walked into the huge gym since it was home game. All your students stood, staring at you with huge smiles.
“Alright, ladies, this is going to be a tough game. I know that because of the recent events happening in the school, people are freaked out but I need all of you to be ready for this game. Can y’all do that for me?” You asked with a big smile on your face as the girls got riled up, grabbing the bag of balls out of your hand to start practicing.
This was going to be an exciting season.
Dean zoomed down the roads, going way over the speed limit. He was drumming to one of his rock songs, humming along to it while Sam read more about this case from the passenger’s seat.
“Dude, can you go any faster?” Sam said, looking at the speedometer.
“I can.” Dean said with a shrug, pressing more on the gas pedal to go just a little bit faster. Sam chuckle and he shook his head, not saying another word about it. If Dean got pulled over, there was no doubt in Sam’s mind that he would be able to get out of it.
“So, what have you got?” Dean asked, turning the music down a little.
“Well, there has been sightings of a ghost in the school, trying to kill young girls but never got the chance to do so. However, there was a girl who got severely injured due to the spirit grabbing her throat and trying to kill her.” Sam said with a sigh.
“So, what should we go as this time? FBI? Substitute teachers? The new gym teacher? I had some fun last time when I was a teacher.” Dean said with a loose smile.
“Those were kids, Dean. These are college students. At Stanford, no less. Things are different here.” Sam said, shifting in his seat.
“Still, doesn’t hurt to check.” Dean said with a chuckle. They made it to Stanford in no time, walking to the Dean’s office to talk to the person in charge. FBI Agents won this round but Dean won’t give up on being a teacher again.
“What can I do for you gentlemen?” The Dean said with a smile, letting in the Winchesters.
“I’m Agent Jimmy and this is my partner Agent Page. We’re here about the recent attacks on students.” Sam said, flashing his badge at the Dean.
“Why would the FBI be interested in this?” He asked, leaning against his desk.
“We go where they send us.” Dean said after putting his badge away.
“Right, well, what can I do for you?”
“We just wanted to question the girls that got attacked if you don’t mind. Also, take a look around the hallways and classrooms where the attacks happened.” Sam said, acting very professional.
“Of course, follow me.” The Dean said, leading the Winchesters out of his office and to the building where the attacks happened.
“Thank you for this.” Dean said with a tight smile.
“Of course, if you need anything else, you know where my office is.” The Dean left the Winchesters alone and since there was no one in the tiled hallway, they took out their EMFs and started scoping the place out.
“You know, we’re right near the gym. I bet someone is in there.” Dean suggested with a hint of a smirk.
“No, Dean, we have a job to do.” Sam said, scowling his brother. Dean nodded and he continued to look for any signs of a haunting.
“This had got to be the easiest haunting we’ve had in a while. Should we tell the Dean that one of his science teachers has a real skeleton in his office?” Dean asked, glad the hunt was over and done with.
“Nah, just be glad that no one else will get hurt.” Sam said, chuckling.
“Hey, I hear a game going on in the gym. Come on, just a peak. The case is over and no one actually died. I call that a win.” Dean said, walking over to the double doors that led to the gym.
“Fine, but when you get the police called because you were being a pervert, I am not bailing you out.” Sam said with a sigh, walking to the doors. Dean opened them just far enough that he and Sam could squeeze through them.
“Ooh a volleyball game. Dude, those girls are hot.” Dean said with a grin, walking further into the gym to see the whole game. His breath was literally taken away from him when he saw who was playing. The teacher’s game was in full play with you and two other coaches from Stanford on your team.
Three teachers from the opposing school was against you but you didn’t care. You were winning anyways. Despite this being just for fun, you liked going against the other teachers. You loved being a coach for volleyball since you played it all your life.
You were a hunter for the Supernatural before you became a volleyball coach. You just weren’t happy hunting and now you were. Of course, you knew what was going on in your school but you couldn’t do anything about it since you had a game to focus on.
But that didn’t mean you hunted on your spare time. If there was a case in California, you would take care of it since you were already there but you never actively looked for them.
“I got it!” You yelled, running to hit the ball, which you did, sending it way over the net. Dean watched you and he was mesmerized by your every move. So much so, that he walked to the bleachers and sat down with a confused Sam following him.
Sam looked at his brother and he could see how smitten his brother was for you. He decided to keep quiet and watch the game. He missed this school and all of his old teachers but he knew that coming back here would never happen.
You dominated the court, always hitting the ball and never letting the other opponents get a point. For the last shot of the game, you saw you could make the perfect spike. You ran to the net and jumped up, spiking the ball on the other side which granted you the winning point.
The buzzer sound went off and your whole team cheered, running to you to give you hugs. You smiled and high fived all your students including the teachers who were on your team. You parted ways from the group and shook your opposing team’s hands.
You knew this was a friendly game and everyone knew it so there were no hard feelings.
“Okay, ladies, get ready and make me proud.” You said with a smile, telling which girls would be playing first. The girls who were playing got ready while the other ones sat on the bench, waiting and watching their teammates.
You walked to the bleachers, grabbing your water bottle and taking a seat. You heard hushed whispering and you looked over to see two unbelievable attractive men arguing. Thanks to your hunter senses, you were able to pick up a few words they were saying.
Dean. Hunt is over. Got a new hunt. Need to go. You stared at the two men, thinking that they were hunters. It made sense because the texts you got for other teachers stopped. You wanted to know more but cheers from your students sounded and you knew you had a game to focus on.
“That's my girls!! Good job!” You yelled to them when your team scored a point. They gave you a thumbs up and went back to playing.
“This seat taken?” You looked up to see the more attractive man of the two, smiling at you.
“It is now.” You said with a chuckle. He took a seat and nodded towards the game that was going on.
“You did really good out there. Have you been playing volleyball for a long time?” He asked.
“Yeah, I have. Not my whole life, though but that’s a different story.” You said with a smile. Between hunts and teaching, you never really had time for relationships and if this man was a hunter, then you knew nothing could ever happen between you two unless you left your job which you didn’t want to do.
“What did you do before?” He asked.
“What’s your name?” You asked, changing the subject.
“Dean. And yours?” He asked, holding his hand out. You took it, shaking it and ignoring the feeling of how good it was to be touching him. He had strong hands, you could tell.
“Y/N. I couldn’t help but overhear you and your friend over there.” You started. You had to know that what you heard was what you thought it was.
“What did you hear?” He asked, stiffing up immediately.
“You’re a hunter, aren’t you?” You asked.
“A hunter? What do you mean by that?” He asked, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips.
“Don’t worry, I used to be one,” You said, pulling up the sleeve of your uniform, showing him the anti-possession tattoo you had on your inner forearm. You looked over to see the other man Dean was with perk up at the sight of your tattoo.
“Yeah, that’s my brother Sam over there. We were hunting the spirit you had going on here.”
“Well, I hope you took care of it. It had been attacking some of my students but I couldn’t do anything since I’m a little rusty on my skills. Plus, I have a job to focus on.” You said, pulling the sleeve back down.
“Why did you leave?” He asked.
“Why haven’t you? Hunting didn’t make me happy. I mean, I loved that I was able to save people but I was always on the road, never having somewhere to call home, and I was alone. I never hunted with someone else.”
“Well, my brother and I live in a Bunker in Kansas. That’s kind of our home base, if you will. You know, if you ever want to get back into hunting, you could come with us. I know what it’s like to hunt alone. It’s never easy.” Dean said with a chuckle.
“Dean, I appreciate the offer but I’m happy here.” You said, watching your students play.
“Well, here’s my number just in case you change your mind.” He said, reaching into a student’s backpack for a piece of paper and a pen. He scribbled his number down, handing it to you.
“Is this your way of asking me out? Because I can assure you that I am not an easy woman.” You said, taking the paper.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He said, smiling at you. You looked over at Sam who looked at his watch impatiently.
“I think your brother is going to go mad over there. You better leave. People need saving and things need to be killed.” You said, putting the paper in your bag.
“Think about my offer, no?” Dean said, standing up. “I would hate to see that number go to waste.”
“If you’re lucky.” You said with a giggle. He winked at you and walked to his brother where he slapped him in the head for being impatient. You laughed and looked at the game, Dean never leaving your mind.
If someone told you today that you would accept his offer, that you would be living in the Bunker with them and hunting again, you would call them crazy.
If someone told you that you would be in a relationship with Dean, that you would fall in love with him, you would call them crazy.
But, you know what they say….
Expect the unexpected.
Forever and ever:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @innernightwerewolf @wishedworld @justanotherdeangirl @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja @deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi
Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spn-applepie-imagines @tahbehonest @carribear31 @tacklesackles
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raekaotik · 7 years
Here we go?
So, @ebbqol tagged me to do this forever ago. I'm slow as shit, but here it is.
1. Name: Rae
2. Zodiac Sign: Cancer Sun, Aries Moon, Leo Rising. So much fire....
3. Three Fears: Spiders, heights, needles
4. Three Things I Love: Skulls, dragons, the color black
5. My best Friend: What are friends??? Probably my husband, people don't seem to stick around to reach best friend level. And I'm horrible at opening up.
6. Last Song I Listened To: Uuummmm Oh Lord by In This Moment
7. Four Turn ons: Sass, dominance, intelligence, and a sense of humor
8. Four Turn Offs: Loud ignorance, holier-than-thou attitudes, stereotypical girliness, not listening (especially to no)
9. Dream Date Scenario: Something personal, which of course sounds super vague. If an idea/activity/event/anything immediately makes you think of me, then it is most likely a good idea. I don't like flashy or expensive dates, we could literally just watch something on Netflix or get a Redbox and have takeout, and I'll be over the moon. Just give me your time, and I'll try my best to make it worthwhile.
10. Tattoos/ Piercings: I have 6 tattoos, currently; a crescent moon on my hip, a barcode on one ankle and a chain of paper people on the other, Disturbed's Guy and a Hylian shield on one calf, and the Evanescence logo on the other. I only have piercings in my ears; one set is gauged to 00, and I have 2 in the left ear and 3 in the right.
11. Why I joined Tumblr: Truthfully, so I didn't have to steal my husband's phone to look at porn, and I've found all sorts of fun, not perverted things as well. Now there's very little porn on my dash.
12. How I feel Right Now: Tired as shit, but I'm a glutton for punishment.
13. Something I really, really want: My own space to be myself, and people that love me who understand that I just need to be a burrito sometimes.
14. My relationship status: Married with 2 wonderful step kids.
15. The meaning behind my URL: I prefer Raynai, but that spelling was taken.
16. Favorite songs: Shit, umm... Anything Disturbed, Bloody Creature Poster Girl by In This Moment, Battle Born by Five Finger Death Punch, Papa Roach's Born for Greatness, Natural Born Killer by Avenged Sevenfold, Shinedown's cover of Simple Man..... There's a ton along those lines.
17. Favorite Movies: Every Riddick movie, The Emperor's New Groove, A Knight's Tale... I know there's more, but I'm drawing a blank at the mo.
18. Favorite bands: Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, Papa Roach, Three Days Grace, In This Moment, Halestorm, Five Finger Death Punch, Shinedown... Oodles
19. Three things that upset me: Not being able to help those I care for, people quick to judge, and being expected to change to appease someone.
20. Three things that make me happy: Creepy-cute things, anything Zelda, tiny versions of things
21. Three things I find attractive in other people: Wit, humility, emotional maturity
22. Something I love: Sleep
23. Someone I miss: My mother
24. My relationship with my parents: My mom, great. I don't really talk to my dad anymore.
25. My favorite holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and 4th of July.
26. Someone from tumblr I would date: Hhrrrmmmmmm yeah. No clue.
27. A confession: I am often too lazy to eat, even though my stomach is making all the rumblies.
28. Favorite drinks: Cherry Coke, ruby red and tangerine juice, Full Throttle.... Ice water is also nice.
29. Favorite foods: Pastas, tomato sauces, BREAD, snacks, candies, sunflower seeds
30. Favorite smells/ scents: Lilac, lavender as long as it's not super strong, jasmine, dragon's blood, burning wood, sulfur..... black cherry
31. Three things that annoy me easily: Being spoken over when actually part of a conversation, being talked down to, and being interrupted while reading.
32. My pets: Oh damn.... 2 dogs, Kara the pit bull and Abbie the pit/lab mix; 2 cats, all black Salem and Tiger the dark tabby; 2 bearded dragons, Dante and Lucifer, and a piebald ball python, Gunn.
33. How I got into witchcraft: Cheesily enough, my mom and I used to watch Charmed all the time when I was little... I was always interested in witchy stuff, and in highschool I started looking into Wicca. It was a decent start, but it didn't quite fit. When I finally moved out I started doing more research, and now here we be. I'm still working out kinks (ha), but I do know that spirit work is a thing I enjoy.
34. My practice/path: I am a beginning spirit worker who's still trying to find her feet. I find Celtic and Norse mythologies interesting but I'm still digging.
35. Something that’s constantly on my mind: ....Yes? I tend to have an internal chatter running, and there's almost always parts of songs floating around in there.
36. Three habits I have: I apologize a lot, and I pick at my nails/cuticles too much, and I don't speak up when I sometimes should.
37. My future goals: To have a stable home life and the income to provide for my family. I don't need to be rich, I just want to be able to pay bills and afford food. I also want to iron out my path and maybe pass it on to future children.
38. Something I fantasize about: Having a tiny house. Clearly not as my main house, but I'd use it for witchcraft or reading or crafting. It'd be my space to be me.
39. Favorite Colors: Black, blood red, hunter green
40. What I did yesterday: Worked. So exciting.
41. My talents: Ummmmm math, sarcasm, chainmaille... This is always a hard question.
42. Celebrity crushes: Lizzy Caplan, Russell Crowe, and Matt Gubler, off the top of my head.
43. Myers- Briggs Type: INFP-T
44. Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Rooster
45. Ideal place to live: Somewhere quiet with lots of trees, preferably near mountains. Not isolated, but not on top of neighbors either.
46. My perfect day: A whole day where I can lay around and do nothing, or anything.
47. Where I want to vacation to: What are vacations?
48. Do I want kids: At some point, but not this minute.
49. My favorite thing to learn about/ study: Learning is awesome, in general, but science is cool as shit.
50. A random fact or quirk about me: My typing style changes a bit when I'm angry. Like, I use proper phrasing and grammar, and tend to stop using contractions like don't or can't.
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diabolikdrabbles · 7 years
Would you answer 17 21 27 please I'm curious af
17)  Describe each brother with one word. 
Shu: Fainéant.
Reiji: Recherché.
Ayato: Braggadocio.
Kanato: Disquieting.
Subaru: Clemency.
Kino: Forgotten.
Ruki: Soigné.
Kou: Veracity.
Yuma: Assiduous.
Azusa: Breviloquence.
Carla: Potent.
Shin: Mercurial.
21) First thoughts compared to your thoughts now.
First thoughts: Wow, Ayato is so cool. I want to marry him. Why isn’t Yui defending herself? RUN YUI OMG. Reiji’s too strict. I don’t like him. Shu’s boring. I don’t understand him. Subaru reminds me of Zero Kiryuu from Vampire Knight. Tragic backstories for them. Kanato is creepy. I don’t want to be near him. Laito is a freaking pervert. Can’t he calm down?
Thoughts now: Every character is super complex with their own problems thanks to Karlheinz’s project. They are more than what the anime showed us, and I have a better understanding of everyone now, especially Yui. She did not deserve my previous ignorant thoughts about her. I admire the diaboys greatly and have my favorites, but I probably would never marry any of them. The Diabolik Lovers series is an overall interesting otome series and people should give it a chance.
27) Who was the first brother you fell for?
Ayato. He’s the one I related to the most. It doesn’t help that he’s the poster boy for the series and sang for the opening of the first season either. lol But he has overcome a lot, and I admire him. I found him attractive, but in real life, I probably wouldn’t date someone like Ayato. He is still quite immature. I would wait until he learns how to be a bit more responsible. (Although he hasn’t quite proven this yet as he recently bought a crap load of takoyaki mix as revealed on Twitter.) You can also see why I love Ayato so much here.
-Admin Yuuzuki
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aeroknot · 7 years
@yellowflasher​ said: tell me abt this show bc i have been thinking of watching it
ahhhhh!! i’m so glad you asked me to talk about this show!! haha
as usual I’m a fucking insufferable, over-talkative spaz!!!
ummmmm ok!! it’s kinda like... Jessica Jones mixed with Tombstone mixed with Grimm?? and X-files as far as Monster of the Week and agents who pine for each other goes? & i’ve seen peeps compare it to Supernatural but I never watched that so... SHRUG. 
so the premise is that our wonderfully complex anti-hero chick wynonna earp returns to her hometown of Purgatory (somewhere in the U.S. near Canada; I personally think Montana because it’s the most western state bordering Canada (in the first ep Wynonna asks a fellow bus passenger “your first time out west?”) that’s not Washington or Idaho, bc neither of those seem like its setting esp. since Idaho is just a sliver of the whole border, tho it could be North Dakota or Minnesota I guess?--  EH it’s kind of not been touched on as far as I know and anyway it doesn’t matter shut up aero just---). she is the great-great grandaughter of wyatt earp, the righteous 19th century wild west u.s. marshal raining down hellfire on USDA grade A Assholes. but then he’s cursed!! and his kills are actually cursed in hellfire!! even if they’re killed, they resurrect from hell the next time a new heir turns 27 if not all of them have been defeated, and they’re demons trapped within the borders of Purgatory (har har go figure), or in the show’s terms, also called Revenants. earp had a renown 77 kills, and the only way to break the curse is for his heirs to hunt down and shoot all 77 kills before the heir dies-- the heirs have the power to wield his mystical gun Peacemaker which sends Revenants back to hell. wynonna is our fantastically loveable resistant heroine because she was never meant to be the heir-- her older sister, the firstborn, was supposed to be, but shit went down (which got her ostracized and locked up in psychological institutions) and now she is the heir. and I’ll move on from synopsis to opinions because I don’t want to start spoiling anything and the show should just speak for itself!
reasons I’ve enjoyed it!!!:
Wynonna Fucking Earp. early on I described her as a “slightly perkier” Jessica Jones. That was wrong-- in the SLIGHTEST part. she is a WAY WAY PERKIER Jessica Jones. and I fucking cannot get enough of it. Like... Dark-haired leather-jacket-wearing harrowed-past-having orphaned-and-outcasted-as-children anti-heroes are mostly typically supposed to be deadpan, snarky, grumpy, sexily standoffish, and often secretive and hard to read, and only rarely invested in others. And she is that, often, yet SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT. She is: GOOFY!! CRASS!! EMBARRASSING!! PLAYFUL!!!! She smiles a lot!!! She celebrates victories! She cracks jokes! She expresses her desires upfront and unabashedly, and without games! She is emotionally vulnerable with loved ones and friends and grows even more in this throughout! She actually asks people for support and comfort!! & She busts balls endearingly! She’s courageous and helpful! She’s brash and brazen--and yeah, this gets her scolded by others, but rarely does it feel like she’s punished for her impulsive heroics by her writers, as I often feel (male) writers of female heroes (or usually side-heroes) tend to do (probably she’s not punished because mostly women are writing this story, gee isn’t that weird? hah). There’s consequences, yeah, but it usually works out and she’s still the hero ultimately. She’s basically the plucky hero wrapped in anti-hero fodder, and I have completely fallen for her. She makes me laugh so much with her dialogue and makes me feel represented with how WEIRD she ultimately gets to be. Plus, she is emotionally vulnerable almost every episode, and her sister even succinctly chides her with “for a lone wolf, you sure are needy.”
getting to that, HER SISTER!!! Waverly is amazeballs. I think she even used the term amazeballs in an episode, recently-- she’s that amazeballs. She’s still growing a lot, but she’s definitely quintessential underdog baby sister, and I’m here for it, because she’s also reinforced as an integral part of the story and gets her own romance even before Wynonna and it’s so wonderful. Waverly constantly has a new skill or tidbit of information up her sleeve-- she’s inventive, thorough, super super damn nerdy, and also social and kind and popular. Plus, she’s with Nicole Haught (and I just cannot get over the playfulness of some of these names in the story, lmao) and they’re just fantastic together and I’m so happy to see them together every time. So far it’s good lesbian content. My face honest to god always cracks into a smile when they’re together. also um!! i want her entire wardrobe!! 
The Earp Sisters are just... Their sisterhood is so rich and complex and SATISFYING. Like I actually feel like I’m watching REAL SISTERS. They are gross and raunchy with each other, and I laugh so hard. They are sweet and supportive to each other and I cry. They are competitive and jealous and conflicted with each other, and I’m relieved to see this-- to see all these layers to them. It’s great writing and acting for a sister bond and I’m just excited to see sisterhood being such an integral theme for a t.v. show. 
the SYFY effects are sometimes silly but I still enjoy it. the ENTIRE CONCEPT is actually pretty silly and sometimes goes cheesy, even, but I still am endeared by its approach just the same. The storyline itself is... often confusing me, and I LIKE that, believe it or not. I don’t mean “confusing” as in the plot doesn’t make sense-- it does-- I mean “confusing” in the sense that it’s, hm, how should I say... I guess kind of disjointed? There’s always a Random Revelation thrown in suddenly, or weird Twist that literally had NO foreshadowing, and often it seems like the story progresses with big chunks of time in between episodes which can be hard to place and pace the action and relationship developments... Usually I’d probably nitpick all this, but actually, it keeps me very transfixed because usually I can completely predict what will happen next due to a show’s use of foreshadowing, but this show often completely bypasses such a dance with the audience, and though I sometimes question if that’s effective storytelling, I honestly think I’m really starting to respect this method, and so I want to stick around for it. I could probably go into way more detail with this, but then I might start spoiling things, so I’ll leave it at that. Someone who constantly predicts the “reveals” in a show, even at an episode-by-episode pace, gives this a seal of approval!! Nothing “revealed” is particularly earthshattering and it’s often given away in such a matter-of-fact tone, but it propels the story in interesting ways without a ton of hoopla in trying to ever pull one over its audience, and I like and respect that. They’re like “oh fuck! This weird idea we had is A Thing now. Let’s explore that more together, viewers!!”
(I will say some of the deaths are not as effective as I think they could be because of the above evaluation of the approach to plot/pacing/twists/reveals, but I’m still interested in those choices. brings me to a legit critique tho: they should uh... stop killing so many Cool Women right after immediately introducing them. It’s starting to worry me. :\ but also...? I’m trusting? I think? still? anywho!)
I’m a Tombstone-loving Fuck and Doc Holliday is one of my favorite real-person enigmas of history and this Doc Holliday incarnation is supremely gratifying. He is consistently entertaining and intriguing!
I was initially all in for Holliday and THEN FUCKING DEPUTY MARSHAL XAVIER DOLLS CAME FOR MY WHOLE HEART. Go! Look at his special eyes! Look at his HEART EYES at my DAUGHTER WYNONNA. He has my whole approval. I’ll buy the ring for him. I’ll plan the proposal. DO IT.
-- ok aside from my shipping bullshittery also Dolls is just. An amazing guy. I love him. He’s a boss in so many senses of the word, and he constantly surprises me. I feel like he’s... A Capital-A Adult? You know? He’s mature, and methodical, and clever, and talented, and confident. It’s funny to me that he’s called “the stick in the mud” and yet through small tidbits we see he’s really not (he can be playful or perverted, too), he’s just Grown. A Man. Focused, with an Agenda and a Goal. It’s lovely to see him come out of his shell a bit and be cheeky and then at the end of S1 just like... OPENLY ADORE the people he’s around. But it’s also a breath of fresh air somehow to see An Adult Man. I don’t know, maybe it’s what the actors bring, too, because both Doc and Dolls really just strike me as assured individuals, each of them just really secure in their sense of identity, which makes them GREAT foils to Wynonna, and it’s just fabulous, really. I like adulthood being given this reverence and care. It makes someone like me, hedging out of her twenties, feel a little bit more like there’s still a space in media and storytelling for people over 35. lmao. (and admittedly 35 is still fucking young, but Hollywood would have us believe it’s time to go out to pasture at this age)
and on that note DOC HOLLIDAY AND DOLLS TOGETHER. I JUST. *clenches fist* THEY’RE SO GREAT. AND WITH WYNONNA I JUST. It IS A LOVE TRIANGLE, in the barest evaluation, yes. And I prefer Dolls with Wynonna, yes, and usually I, yes, Fucking Can’t Stand Triangles, but the way these writers are approaching this has me fucking bowing down to them. I am really enjoying the way they’re taking this so far. I laughed to myself the other day because the realization suddenly dawned on me like “oh.... Fucking Anciently Old Immortal Pale Guy + Mystically Endowed Outcast Brunette Girl + Man of Color With a Secretive Monster Backstory” is fucking..... Twilight. This is Twilight. If it had a Wild West spin and was written, you know, WELL, and the characters were a thousand times more interesting. Is Emily Andras trying to come for Stephanie Meyers? MAYHAPS. 
I’m gonna give some rapid fire thoughts to wind down: GREAT MUSIC SELECTIONS, fun shootouts!!, LESBIANS!!! <33333, mostly interesting villains, good cinematography, action!, mystery!, HUMOR!!! THAT DIALOGUE!!!! WRITE ALL MY LIFE AND INTERACTIONS W/ OTHERS W.EARP WRITERS!! 
I could go on and on which is in my fucking nature I’m so goddamn sorry look at this pit you’ve opened but ultimately my answer is: It is so fucking fun. It is a Delight! A DELIGHT I TELL YOU. I get joy from this; I laugh, I’m entertained, my brain thinks hard but not too hard, the characters have infiltrated my heart so damn quickly. DELIGHT. I’m so sad I’ve caught up but also I fucking bought a Season Pass on Amazon prime for s2 so even though I don’t live with cable anymore, I’MMA BE ON THIS.
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