#28 Days Later adaptation
im-immortal · 1 year
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Longer Than A Heartbeat
a beth greene/daryl dixon adaptation of 28 Days Later
A mysterious virus suddenly sweeps across the United States, sending the entire nation into chaos. It is unlike anything the world has ever seen before, turning healthy human beings into lethal, feral, bloodthirsty shells of their former selves within seconds of exposure. It is described only as “an infection of rage.”
Then the mass evacuations begin.
28 days later, Beth Greene wakes up all alone in a deserted hospital.
Moonshine Awards 2022 Winner for Best Multichapter WIP and Best AU WIP!
chapters: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen | twenty | twenty-one | twenty-two | twenty-three | twenty-four | twenty-five | twenty-six | twenty-seven | twenty-eight | epilogue  
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ascendent · 1 year
hate to be a hater but tlou gay romance might've actually affected me if not for the cliche and ableist euthanasia plotline
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'If Peaky Blinders made the Irish actor a household name, will Christopher Nolan’s nuclear blockbuster send him into the stratosphere? He talks about extreme weight loss, hating school and why his next character won’t be a smoker.
Cillian Murphy is struggling with what he can and can’t say about his title role in Oppenheimer, the latest Christopher Nolan epic, such is the secrecy surrounding this film. Murphy is under “strict instructions” not to talk about the content. Which is awkward when you’ve flown to his home in Ireland to interview him specifically about playing the physicist who oversaw the creation of the atomic bomb, later detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It’s not clear who issued these instructions. Nolan? The studio? The US government? All I know is that as well as Murphy being gagged by hefty NDAs, I am not allowed to see it (“bit unfortunate”, he concedes).
So, yes, here we sit in an empty upstairs room of a restaurant near his house in Monkstown, Dublin, working out how to do this. The room is dark, the sun shining through a solitary Velux lighting his features like a Géricault. The only background noise is the low hum of a wine refrigerator. Murphy loathes interviews, looks visibly tortured at points. But he relaxes when I ask if he’s pleased with Oppenheimer. “I am, yeah,” he says. “I don’t like watching myself – it’s like, ‘Oh, fucking hell’ – but it’s an extraordinary piece of work. Very provocative and powerful. It feels sometimes like a biopic, sometimes like a thriller, sometimes like a horror. It’s going to knock people out,” he adds. “What [Nolan] does with film, it fucks you up a little bit.”
Nolan wouldn’t disagree. The director recently told Wired magazine that some of those who’d seen it were left “absolutely devastated … they can’t speak”. Which sounds like a bad thing, but is related perhaps to the thought of the 214,000 Japanese people, overwhelmingly civilians, who lost their lives when the bombs were dropped. Kai Bird, the historian who co-authored American Prometheus, the 2008 biography of J Robert Oppenheimer upon which the film is based, said he was still “emotionally recovering” from seeing the film, clarifying that it was “a stunning artistic achievement”.
Murphy’s portrayal is said to be astonishing (“Oscar-worthy” is the buzz). This is not unbelievable. While Hollywood might not know him as a leading man, this quietly intense actor has long been celebrated in the UK and Ireland, most notably for his nine-year stint as Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders. When he first appeared on our screens, looking like a renaissance painting of Saint Sebastian – chiselled head contrasting with translucent blue eyes – it was impossible not to be distracted. He appeared first on stage in Enda Walsh’s Disco Pigs, then the screen adaptation. Then 28 Days Later; Intermission; Ken Loach’s The Wind That Shakes the Barley. Previous collaborations with Nolan include the Dark Knight trilogy, Inception and Dunkirk, “significant milestones in my career,” he says, adding that Nolan “might be the perfect director”.
It was Nolan’s wife, the producer Emma Thomas, who called Murphy one afternoon at the home he shares with his wife, artist Yvonne McGuinness, and two teenage sons. Nolan doesn’t actually have a telephone, or an email, or computer for that matter: “He’s the most analogue individual you could possibly encounter.” So, Emma said Chris would like a word and passed the receiver, then the director came on the line. “Cillian, I’d love you to play the lead in this new thing,” he said. Murphy tries to recreate his response to this news. “I was lost for words. But thrilled. Like beyond thrilled.” It is characteristic of Murphy that the modulation of his voice barely changes as he expresses this. He was so stunned, he had to sit down. “Your mind explodes.”
In the absence of the three-hour feature, I scrutinise Oppenheimer’s three-minute trailer. It’s a rush of snapshots against the crackling of a Geiger counter. There’s Murphy, short back and sides, lifting 1940s eye goggles; blue and red atoms coming at him fast; orange light; white light; blackout; silence. Massive explosion against the backdrop of space. Overlaid is Murphy’s narration, “We’re in a race against the Nazis / and I know what it means / if the Nazis have a bomb.” There’s Matt Damon looking porky as army general Leslie Groves, director of the Manhattan Project: “They have a 12-month head start.” Murphy, pointing with cigarette: “18.”
He has put back on some of the weight he lost for the part, I’m relieved to see; his skin isn’t quite so taut over his skull and there are freckles over those eagle-wing cheekbones. He was determined to nail the scientist’s silhouette “with the porkpie hat and the pipe”, testing himself to see how little he could eat. “You become competitive with yourself a little bit which is not healthy. I don’t advise it.” He won’t say how many kilograms he lost, or what food the nutritionist told him to cut out. NDA? “Ach, no. I don’t want it to be, ‘Cillian lost x weight for the part’.”
Then again, the hurtling speed at which Nolan worked, crisscrossing the US, made it easy to skip meals. Murphy began to forget about food in the same way he began to forget about sleep. “It’s like you’re on this fucking train that’s just bombing. It’s bang, bang, bang, bang. You sleep for a few hours, get up, bang it again. I was running on crazy energy; I went over a threshold to where I was not worrying about food or anything. I was so in it, a state of hyper …” he gropes for the word, “hyper something. But it was good because the character was like that. He never ate.” Oppenheimer subsisted on little more than Chesterfield cigarettes and double-strength martinis, rims dipped in lime. “Cigarettes and pipes. He would alternate between the two. That’s what did for him in the end,” Murphy adds, a nod to the scientist’s death from cancer in 1967. “I’ve smoked so many fake cigarettes for Peaky and this. My next character will not be a smoker. They can’t be good for you. Even herbal cigarettes have health warnings now.”
I raise method acting and Murphy tilts his head and frowns. “Method acting is a sort of … No,” he says, firm but with a half smile. Oppenheimer had many defining characteristics, not least walking on the balls of his feet and a vocal tic that sounded like nim-nim-nim, but Murphy didn’t want to do an impression. Nolan was obsessed with the Brillo-texture hair, so they spent “a long time working on hair”. And the voice. The real question for Murphy was what combination – ambition, madness, delusion, deep hatred of the Nazi regime? – allowed this theoretical physicist to agree to an experiment he knew could obliterate humankind. “He was dancing between the raindrops morally. He was complex, contradictory, polymathic; incredibly attractive intellectually and charismatic, but,” he decides, “ultimately unknowable.
“Listen, it’s not like a spoiler,” he says, checking himself before he leans in, “but there are incidents in his early life that were quite worrying; very erratic.” They are in the film and the book, he steers. I suspect he is referring to Oppenheimer’s postgrad at Cambridge in 1926, when he placed a poisoned apple on the desk of a tutor towards whom he harboured complicated feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. Arguably, this was attempted murder. But Oppenheimer’s rich New York parents rushed in to bundle him into psychoanalysis. He was diagnosed with “dementia praecox”, a term describing symptoms associated with schizophrenia.
Murphy likes these complex characters; they’re his meat. People that don’t necessarily follow the – yawn – traditional transformative arc of storytelling. Not villains, exactly (although he’s played a few, including Scarecrow in Dark Knight and Jackson Rippner in Red Eye): “Villains are good if they’re well written, but if it’s one note or a trope, then they are dull.” He likes a script to stretch leisurely into all corners of the human condition, “all the shades”. At the same time, you have to understand his exceptional ability to portray interiority, physically manifesting intense human emotion without a word, radiating fierce, consuming energy. Which he does today, actually, when I stray off track.
Although Nolan is usually, shall we say, antiseptic in his approach to romance, Oppenheimer represents a significant shift. He told Wired the love story aspect “is as strong as I’ve ever done”. It features prolonged full nudity for Murphy and Florence Pugh, who plays Oppenheimer’s ex-fiancee, as well as sex, and there are complicated scenes with Emily Blunt, who plays his wife, “that were pretty heavy”. Murphy turns coy: “I’m under strict instructions not to give away anything.”
He asks if I’ve heard of chemistry tests. “They put two actors in a room to see if there’s any spark, and have all the producers and director at a table watching. I don’t know what metric they use, and it seems so outrageously silly, but sometimes you get a chemistry and nobody knows why.” This is a roundabout way of saying his scenes with Blunt and Pugh conjure this magic. His established bond with Blunt (they co-starred in A Quiet Place II) meant “the audience gets something for free”, he says. “You can be immediately vulnerable and open, and try stuff. There were moments where I remember saying, ‘I couldn’t have done that if it wasn’t with you.’”
Murphy, 47, grew up the eldest of four in Cork. His father was a civil servant, his mother a French teacher. They were a middle-class family, musical; his father “can pick up any instrument”, his brother played piano, and they regularly got stuck into “traditional Irish sessions”. Bookshelves were stuffed with literature, the radio often on, the “shitty” TV set not so much. Home life was busy but his parents taught him French and Irish, and sent him to an all-boys academic, rugby-playing private school. “I got all the education” he says, drily.
The story of how much he disliked the Presentation Brothers College, the hard-drinking masculine emphasis, how he found solace playing guitar in a band, is much rehearsed and he says today he doesn’t want “to slag the school off. I hear it’s great now.” Something about this experience seems nonetheless unsettling. He had one friend, who is still his best friend, “so I wasn’t, like, an outcast”. He played rugby for the first couple of years, but abandoned it “because everyone was all of a sudden towering over me.” Was it an unhappy time? He shifts. “It was OK. I was a bit of a messer, like I’d get in trouble and say nothing. It wasn’t the ideal school for me.”
He enrolled in and dropped out of a law degree at University College Cork, which created some friction with his parents (when I ask if his own sons will go to university in Dublin, he says, “Whatever they want”). He continued with the band, his first creative love but the one that got away. When they were offered a contract with Acid Jazz records, he turned it down for a number of reasons, he says, crucially that he didn’t feel good enough. He still writes and plays at home but, no, you won’t be hearing any of his recordings, ever, he says.
It’s a funny thing talking to Murphy. He’s at once garrulous (on the craft, or literature, or ideas) and reticent (pretty much anything else). I sense in previous interviews that he skates over issues close to his heart – such as the expression of emotion in Ireland and the need to teach empathy in schools. But when I try to drill in to these topics, get to the root, he clams shut, emitting energy like a nuclear reactor.
Later, in a different context, he will tell me a truth: “I’m stubborn and lacking in confidence, which is a terrible combination. I don’t want to put anything out that I don’t think is excellent.” But he clearly hates the pantomime of publicity, asking why I am returning to certain topics and repeating lines I’ve read elsewhere. I can almost see him at home with its views towards the Irish Sea, complaining to his wife as they tuck into supper: “Another one, asking the same fucking questions.”
If he could get out of going to Cannes, of standing on red carpets, dressed as is his habit for a funeral, hair shellacked, hands in pockets; if he could turn his back on the coloured-foam mics thrust in his face, he would. He really would. No, it dawns on him now, there’s something even worse than the red carpet; there’s the talkshow rounds. The very word “talkshow” comes out of him like a pain from his ribcage, as if the parcelling out of amuse-bouche anecdotes, offering them up to the forced laughter of that false god of show business, the studio audience, is in itself the most cheapening experience known to mankind.
“I do them because you’re contractually obliged to. I just endure them. I’ve always found it difficult. I’ve said this so many, many times.” Then there’s the double wince of realising that, yes, he’s done it again. He’s laid into the industry that feeds him. His hands raise slowly in surrender. “I want to just caveat this by saying, I’m so privileged. I’m so happy to be doing what I love. I’m really lucky. But I don’t enjoy the personality side of being an actor. I don’t understand why I should be entertaining and scintillating on a talkshow. I don’t know why all of a sudden that’s expected of me. Why?”
There’s an awkward silence. I say that he reminds me of Naomi Osaka, the tennis player who refused to talk to journalists after the French Open in 2021. He says he feels “100%” sympathy with her, “because why should she have to perform?” Then he relents. “But I get it. I get it’s a kind of ecosystem where the film feeds the publicity which feeds the talkshows which goes back and feeds the film, so, like, that’s how it works. I suppose I’m just not good at it. At interviews, at this stuff,” he gestures at me. He says after he leaves me today he’ll be going down the stairs thinking of all the things he’s said and worrying it’s come across all wrong. “Do you know what Sam Beckett said? ‘I have no views to inter.’ I love that. That should be the interview.”
We return to his art, the tension falls away and he’s back to his charming self, charged air evaporating. Since Oppenheimer, he’s also wrapped Small Things Like These, an adaptation of Claire Keegan’s brilliant novella set in 1985 in a small Irish town on the edge of which is a convent and “laundry”. Murphy is a huge fan of Keegan. He remembers reading her 2010 novel Foster on a train and having to pull his hoodie over his face because he was crying so hard. Anyway, he’d wanted to work with the Peaky Blinders director Tim Mielants and they were throwing ideas around in his sitting room when Murphy’s wife suggested Small Things. “No, there’s no way,” Murphy said. “That’s going to be gone already.” But when he called the agent, he found it was available. “I went, ‘No, you’ve got to be fucking kidding.’” Murphy pitched the idea to Matt Damon, who has set up a studio with Ben Affleck. “From there it all just happened really quickly.”
Murphy plays Bill Furlong who, funnily enough, is a man of few words. Keegan’s light-touch writing is everything he loves in art – the sense that you are not being bashed over the head by an idea. That’s how he tries to act, he adds. “I’m always trying to cut lines in scenes, because I feel like you can transmit it. Like when you see a person on a train thinking, or driving a car, and you are purely observing someone and feeling the energy that is vibrating from them. That’s the sort of acting I love. In a lot of film and television, they want to cut those bits to go to the action. I like films that pose the big questions and then leave it to the audience.” Perhaps this is at the heart of his reticence in interviews? That he doesn’t feel the need to explain.
He still finds it “nuts” that the last of the Magdalene laundries closed in 1996, that it was illegal to buy condoms in Ireland until 1985, that divorce was made legal only in 1996. He remembers vividly thousands of people still going to see moving statues in Cork when he was growing up. “Crazy. But, like, how far the country has come since then, we’re so socially advanced now compared with where we were. But you must look back. And art is a better way of doing that than reading all these reports [into the laundries].” (Afterwards, he emails me: “The nation is actually dealing with an unresolved collective trauma. Who knows how long this will take to heal, but I feel strongly that art, film and literature can help with that process. It’s a kinder and gentler sort of therapy. I hope that our movie can help with that in its own little way.”)
Because he’s a nice man, because he doesn’t want me to feel bad about our encounter, and because he’s generous and hospitable, Murphy finishes by telling me some of the best places to visit in Ireland. He and his family are staying here for the summer. They’ve had it with air travel and his home town of Cork is only a couple of hours away. He supplies me with other recommendations: a great book he’s just read, Brian, by Jeremy Cooper, oh, and there’s the Francis Bacon studio exhibition I should catch on my way out.
But before I go, what has he learned from playing Oppenheimer? Foremost, he says, that scientists think differently. He knew this already from playing physicist Robert Capa in Danny Boyle’s Sunshine (2007) and hanging out in Cern, home of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, for research. “I had dinner with all these geniuses. I’ll never understand quantum mechanics, but I was interested in what science does to their perspective.” He sought their opinions on subjects that matter – love, politics, our place in the universe, “infinity, or whatever the fuck. Because they have a completely different way of taking in information than we do. I remember one scientist saying, ‘I don’t believe in love. It’s a biological phenomenon, the exchange of hormones between the female and the male. That’s all. Love is a nonsense.’” Murphy taps the table with his hand. “I couldn’t go along with that, obviously.”
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oh-snapperss · 2 months
Medusa: The Much Needed Shift from Monster to Survivor in Percy Jackson (2023)
I am posting this on request of a couple folks! This is a part of a much bigger portfolio I submitted to my college mythology course, so if anything seems abrupt or short, that's why. Enjoy!
Reader discretion advised: the analysis below includes non-explicit discussion of sexual assault and rape.
From the beginning of the Percy Jackson series recently released on Disney+, it was clear that many changes were going to be made throughout the series both from the book series it derived from, and the myths Riordan first retold in his books. One of the most remarkable changes to the series can be found in episode three, and stood out with the dialogue below:
Percy: “So you’re not a monster, what are you then?”
Medusa: “A survivor.” (“We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium” 23:22)
The decision to portray Medusa in this light is in stark contrast to any other adaptation involving her. Moments before this, Percy tells Grover and Annabeth that he thinks they can trust her, and that his mother had always told him Medusa’s story with the point “She isn’t what people think,” (21:52). This sets the stage for the following conversation, and the idea that Medusa in the myths may have been misunderstood as just another monster of Greek mythology.
In fact, Medusa’s physical appearance in the series is also markedly different from the original myth. Instead of being “monstrous” with wings, tusks of swine, and hair made of hissing snakes (“Medusa in Mythology”), the actress wears a veil over her hairand eyes, a nice dress, and has perfectly done makeup, with red lipstick. Her appearance brings empowerment to Medusa while also humanizing her, and a sense of fear or apprehension to the watcher. The answer to why these changes were made can be found in the relatability Medusa’s story has for today’s victims of rape and a patriarchal society that is unfair to women who have been assaulted.
Myths of Medusa describe her story without much pity: Either Poseidon rapes her in Athena’s temple or they willingly have sex; Athena, enraged, punishes Medusa by turning her into a monster. Poseidon goes unpunished, as he is a god (“Medusa in Mythology.") However, in current day climates, it is impossible not to draw similarities in Medusa’s story to the way victims are treated often in society. The assaulter goes unpunished, while the victim must live with the emotional, physical, and mental harm of such an attack. In fact, from my personal experience and things I have seen in the tattoo parlor I have gotten tattoos from, some victims have chosen to get tattoos of Medusa as a sign of being a survivor of such an assault. Thus, this brings back the director’s choice to portray Medusa differently in Percy Jackson than before.
Another notable difference in Medusa’s behavior is that she does not immediately attack Percy, Annabeth, and Grover (who would be considered the heroes of the story), instead offering them lunch and her perspective on what happened to her originally. By allowing Medusa the chance to speak her perspective on what happened to her, the directors of the show push for a world where women and victims are able to speak. With the show being watched by many younger teens and children, in addition to adults, an important message is carried to watchers, and her story is handled in a way that any victim watching can hear the message that they are not alone.
The director’s decision to show Medusa in this other light comes to a conclusion with Percy refusing the chance to betray his friends for her (28:03) a few minutes later, and from there the story aligns closer to the myth it derived from. The fight between the heroes and Medusa is not long, ending after Annabeth puts her hat of invisibility on Medusa, and Percy beheads her. Visually, this fight is markedly different to the myth—Medusa’s beheading is done with a hat of invisibility on, so there is no blood or gore shown (31:41). This change can easily be explained by the shows rating of TV-PG, combined with the fact that most likely, Disney would not have wanted such a gore filled scene on their platform.
Overall, the changes to Medusa’s story are headed in a positive direction much needed in the current climate of society, despite not staying exactly true to the source material.
Works Cited
“Medusa in Greek Mythology.” Greek Legends and Myths, https://www.greeklegendsandmyths.com/medusa.html. Accessed 20 March 2024.
“We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium.” Percy Jackson and the Olympians, season 1, episode 3, Disney+, December 26, 2023. Disney, https://www.disneyplus.com/play/7a078c8a-2a03-4171-a647-a4f5ed12e738.
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mrchiipchrome · 1 year
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W.C.- 3,2 k
People have always asked you why you’re so incredibly fast, is it because of your above average hamstrings or is it because of plyometrics?
To answer this question would be a pain in the ass, you could say that it was a little bit of everything. All throughout your life you’ve worked on strengthening your hamstrings and now it’s like they were made of steel. This was so that you could reduce the possibility of hamstring tears and other injuries to your legs. Plyometrics helped you with that explosive movement needed to drive forward and to be able to keep at that same speed throughout a longer period of time, though you only started using them later in life. Some people even thought that you were doping, but that was quickly debunked.
Though after you broke into the senior national team at the age of 16 the footballing community soon accepted that you were just speedy, especially for a youngster. Coming up through the youth groups along the likes of Jessie Fleming and Jordyn Huitema, you’d always been able to beat them in a footrace. 
When Jessie went off to college, you thought the decision was perfect for her and that she could learn and evolve her game to adapt to the brutality of football in America. But, even though she wanted you to follow in her footsteps, having become almost like sisters after spending so much time together, with the college route that was not what happened. Instead of committing to play college ball, you declared for the NWSL draft as soon as you turned 18 where you were selected first overall to the Washington Spirits. It wasn’t that you were bad in school per se, you weren’t interested in playing at college level.
You played football during the days while you took online classes in the evenings, classes in sports science where you found out about plyometrics. Those exercises became a daily occurrence and you soon found yourself even faster than before along with having a better technique while running and jumping.
After 2 years with the club, a rookie of the year award, two consecutive NWSL MVP’s and two golden boots under your belt your contract with the club ended. You had two options, resign with the club that drafted you or take your talents to Europe who had top clubs in bidding wars for you. Rejecting clubs like PSG and Eintracht Frankfurt, you settled for following your former teammate Rose Lavelle and national teammate Janine Beckie to Manchester City, signing a record contract with the massive club.
And while it was seen as an escape from the lockdown in the U.S. for players like Rose, the club had won your heart like no other, or rather one person in it had. A certain English forward, speedy like hell, blonde hair, 163 cm tall.
Lauren Hemp had stolen your heart with her subtle stares and quick feet that danced across the pitch in a way that had you entranced.
Moving in with Janine Beckie after signing the contract in the summer of ‘20, you met the English forward exactly 2 days 8 hours 34 minutes and 28 seconds after you had stepped on that plane heading from Dulles to Manchester airport, not that you were keeping track. It was like you were in one of those rom-coms Rose liked so much, your eyes met hers across the field and it was like everything suddenly made sense.
You had only been broken out of the moment by a barreling Janine Beckie, heading straight for you with no apparent need to stop. You had let out a loud groan the second she made contact with you, bringing you both down to the ground with her momentum. Greeting her, you hear scattered laughs from all around the pitch and as you had gotten up your eyes drifted in an effort to meet her enticing ones again.
After that, you and Lauren had become the tightest knit pair in women's football, even tighter than the ones that had known each other way longer than the two of you had. You know exactly what the other will think before they think it, it’s like you can hear each other's thoughts because you can make each other roll on the floor in laughter with just one singular look. You were known as City’s dynamic duo and one of Manchester’s two dynamic duo’s along with Alessia Russo and Ella Toone all while dominating the league.
Now having been at City for 3 years you’re constantly reminded on how you made the right choice, getting to play with your favorite girls and continuing to win awards. One of those being an olympic gold with your national team, one of the best moments of your current international career. Lauren had decided not to return with the rest of the national team when they were knocked out of the tournament, choosing to come and support you instead as you played for the final. 
She was the first one you ran to when you were let go to celebrate with your families, you didn’t have anyone else there as they were disapproving of having football as a job and deciding to freeze you out of family events while not going to any games. Although, Lauren and your national teammates were more than happy to fill that hole their absence left in your heart.
When Janine left for Portland in 2022 you felt quite lost for a while, your roommate and the person who had become more like a family member to you left. You felt betrayed for a while before coming to the realization that the move had nothing to do with you or the team, just that she had to leave for a situation that was better for her. 
But still the formerly shared apartment felt too empty and eerie without another presence accompanying it. One morning, while walking into the training grounds with your favorite person she gives you an offer you just can’t refuse.
“I could always move in with you, you know. I mean if you want to, my lease expires in like 2 months and you’ve been complaining about the apartment being empty ever since Janine left and I know I won’t fill the space that she left-”
���I’d love for you to move in with me Tempo.” And that was the start of an even deeper understanding of each other, even more inside jokes than before and an inexplicable amount of protectiveness directed towards the shorter girl. You had already had little to no tolerance towards players going in for tackles that were more aggressive than needed or players targeting her, but when you moved in together that tripled.
The amount of yellow cards your mouth and subsequent protectiveness had earned you made Georgia look like an angel in comparison.
When the 21/22-season ended and you had signed another long term contract with the Manchester based club, you decided to go home to Canada for a bit as you were given some time off. You had promised to get back in time for the start of the Euros, and you were never one to break a promise.
So after a vacation where you had eventually went and visited your former roommate, you made your way back to England to watch your best girl and her national team hopefully lift the trophy at the end of July. 
And like you had done the year prior, Lauren makes her merry way right into your arms with you being the first one she greets. And there you stand with her in your arms, just muttering reassurances and words of praise before releasing her to her parents. Now both of your medals hang together in your living room, right above your tv.
Parting ways with Lauren has been hard ever since you met her, even if it only was for a week. But as you stand in her arms at the Manchester airport, you contemplate on not even taking the plane to France for the international friendly. She lets her grip on you go, letting her arms hang limp at her side from where they were just placed around your waist. But your grip doesn’t lessen, not wanting to leave her. The voice over the speakers calls out the number of your flight and the gate which you should find yourself in during the next few minutes. Giggling softly into your ear, she gives you a nudge to indicate that you should let go but you just do the opposite.
“You have to let go sweets. I love you and we’ll see each other after the break.” Her revelation has your heart beating out of your chest despite how many times it's been said between the two of you, never in the way you want to though.
“Love you too, so much my Hempo Tempo. I promise to sneak away to watch the Brazil game, maybe I can convince Jessie to watch it with me.” Your own confession has her heart beating restlessly in her chest as you finally let her go with a kiss to her temple. Hearing the last warning for your boarding ring out between the walls of the airport, you take your hand baggage and walk towards the gate. You don’t turn around, knowing that  you wouldn’t be able to board the plane.
The nearly 2 hour flight was incredibly boring and you spent most of your time restlessly sitting in your window seat, tapping rhythmically on the food board. When you finally arrive in France you’re ready to crash in your bed, having flown late at night, but you had promised to call your roomie to call her when you arrived in the star-shaped country.
You stay on the call until you’re laying in your hotel bed, under the covers and in your favorite hoodie of hers. It was oversized though for her, but the length fit you perfectly. And like usual you were roomed with Jessie, the older forward seemed to have a special power for getting you to calm from your hyper activeness. 
As you’re dozing off you hear Lauren mutter out a quiet ‘I’m in love with you’, but your brain is way too tired to process the sentence before she hangs up the phone.
You nearly convince yourself that the confession was made up by your mind in a moment of vulnerability, especially when your flatmate acts like nothing happened the next day, texting her normal good morning. You stand your ground though, sure of what you heard her say over the phone.
Jessie can tell how distracted you are when you sit down with her for breakfast, your mind at a million places at the same time. She doesn’t push you to talk, contently sitting in the comfortable silence just waiting for you to crack up like you usually do when you have too much  on your mind and need someone to vent to.
“I think Lauren’s in love with me”, your whispered confession has Jessie looking towards you, a soft smile playing at her lips.
“What makes you think that?”, she replicates your tone, curious but not invasive, as she whispers back to you.
“Well, I’m pretty sure she confessed last night when I was on the brink of sleep. It’s also the way she acts around me, I haven’t really noticed it before but she’s always been more…”
“Affectionate?” The older Canadian finds the exact word you were searching for and you send her a quick grateful smile before continuing,
“Yeah, affectionate. My City teammates have pointed it out to me for a while now, but I’ve never really given it much thought, now after I heard what I heard I’ve been thinking a lot about our interactions.” Nodding in thought, Jessie asks the crucial question that you know has been at the tip of her tongue since you started the conversation.
“And how do you feel about it?” The question is one you have to think over long and hard, thousands of emotions swirling around in your head making your judgment clouded. It seems like everyone knows exactly what you’re feeling, except you.
“I don’t know, I mean my head is saying one thing and my heart a completely different thing. Everything’s so divided and I don’t know what I feel at the end of the day.” The words are spoken through short breaths and quick movements, indicating your stress.
“What is it that your heart is saying?”
You reply without thinking as your heart clearly takes the reins of your body before your mind takes over again. 
“That I’m completely and utterly in love with her”
“And your mind?”
“That I’m in love with her but that she doesn’t love me back and that I have no chance with her.”
“You should know that letting your heart take over every once in a while isn’t a bad thing. Everyone can see how much you love each other, your mind is always going to make up insecurities and lies just so that you don’t step out of your comfort zone. But your heart” She puts her index finger right above where your heart is beating steadily, “is always going to tell you the truth. And now it’s telling you that you love her, so just listen for once.”
“When did you become so wise?”, you’re back to your joking ways, retreating back into yourself as things become real all of a sudden but you take Jessie’s advice to heart.
“I always have been, you’ve just always been too slow to understand. Come on now we’ve gotta go to training.”
A few days later you find yourself sitting in your hotel room sending Lauren a good luck text, all your teammates sitting at various points around the room waiting for the game to start. Somehow they had all overheard you when you were asking Jessie about the game, which led to them inviting themselves into your hotel room to watch the game with you.
You pay extra attention to the small rapid forward of the England squad, watching as her feet carry her all over the pitch. Small exclamations are let out as the Brazil players are more rough than necessary, not just towards your best friend.
Your cheers bounce around the small room as Lucy assists Ella for the first goal of the match, your usual rival playing for Lauren’s team which means that she’s in your good book for the night. When the whistle for half-time blows you sigh a quick sigh of relief, not having to see anyone get battered even more. 
As the second half starts you’re at the edge of your seat, Brazil coming out blazing while England just manage to stop their attempts. What happens in the 88th minute of the game completely takes your attention from everything else.
As Lauren’s going in for a header, the Brazilian player's body is in the way and her elbow smacks right into her nose. You can see how the blood is gushing from her nose as she goes down, and your breath hitches in worry. Frozen in your place, the camera zooms in on her face as blood rushes from her nose and down into her mouth and you can feel how the bile is rising in your throat.
This wasn’t the reaction your teammates were expecting, just sitting there completely zoned out, they were expecting a furious Y/n storming around the room shouting in all directions. But they leave you be after a stern look from Jessie, the girl having moved beside you for comfort. You can’t focus for the rest of the game, not as Brazil equalizes or during the pens. 
Getting the ‘i’m okay’ text did little to assure you, but ultimately you had to believe her as you couldn’t fly out to check if she was actually okay. During the nightly facetime call you observed how she seemed to be in a bit of pain, even though she was slightly loopy from the painkillers she had been given to combat the obvious source of hurt.
The rest of the international break goes by fast, Canada drawing 2-2 with France off a brace from yours truly and England losing for the first time in 30 games with a 2-0 loss to Australia. And if you’re being honest, you were waiting for the chance to go home now.
Packing your bags, you’re off to the airport towards Manchester, and this time the flight felt like 18 hours instead of 2. But you make it to Manchester and the only thing you want to do now is to embrace Lauren and do as Jessie told you.
Luckily enough for you, Lauren had promptly told you that she would pick you up from the airport, no argument from you there. Now the only thing you need to do is find her in the sea of bodies.
A familiar squeal sounds behind you and you turn around just in time to catch a sprinting Lauren in your arms, careful to not bump her nose in the process. You lift her in a tight hug, just cherishing her company that you’ve missed oh so much. Eventually, you put her back onto the floor before making a split second decision.
Taking her face in your hands, you let your heart take over as you pull her into a sweet kiss, the kiss being everything it’s supposed to be. When you don’t feel her reciprocate you start to pull away, thinking that maybe Jessie had been wrong anyways and that Lauren didn’t like you back. It seems like Lauren comes to her senses at the last second though as she pulls you closer by putting her hands on your waist, tilting her head up slightly so that you don't have to lean down as much and pressing her lips more firmly into yours.
Pulling away from her has a whine escaping her lips as she goes up on her tippy toes to press a few quick pecks against your lips. This whole situation taints your lips with a permanent smile and as the girl opposite you asks a question you can’t help but tell her the truth.
“What was that for, bubs? Not that I didn’t enjoy it…”
“Well my dear Hempo, I followed my heart and it led me to you. You’re the reason why my heart beats a little faster and why my palms get sweaty, you’re the reason why I sometimes stumble over my words and why I can’t seem to focus when we’re in the same room. I am completely and utterly in love with you, and if I heard you right then I think you feel the same way.”
“You heard that?” Only giving a nod in response, you clasp her hand in yours as you stroll to the exits of the large airport. Out of nowhere, you let out a hum before speaking up,
“You know what they say Tempo, ‘the airport has seen more genuine kisses than a wedding hall’, I think we just proved that my love.”
Y'all better pray for me, I finished writing this instead of studying for my test tomorrow, but I hope you all like it as much as I do :) also gif is hilarious
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dailyhawkmates · 2 months
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˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
Use #hawkmatesaw2024 & #dailyhawkmates to participate!
Dear Hawkmates lovers, on May 5th, 2020, our favorite couple got their happy ending after decades of torment from DC Editorial. Four years later, we’re celebrating this most precious moment by hosting a Hawkmates Appreciation Week on @dailyhawkmates. The event will run from May 22nd to May 28th.
All participations are welcome and the content can be either gifs, edits, fanfics or fanart. There is a list of prompts for you to follow.
♡ Day 1 | May 22
↪ Your Favorite Hawkmates Pairing (Carter/Shiera, Katar/Shayera, Carter/Kendra, Carter/Shayera)
♡ Day 2 | May 23
↪ Your Favorite Past Reincarnation Pairing (Your Favorite Past Lives)
♡ Day 3 | May 24
↪ Your Favorite Hawks Comic Run
♡ Day 4 | May 25
↪ Your Favorite Hawkmates Adaptation
♡ Day 5 | May 26
↪ Your Favorite Hawkmates + Side Character(s) Dynamic
♡ Day 6 | May 27
↪ Your Favorite Hawkmates Love Confession
♡ Day 7 | May 28
↪ Free Choice
To participate, simply post your creations on your own blog and make sure to state which day & theme you’re posting for in the caption as well as tag #dailyhawkmates & #hawkmatesaw2024 if you’d like us to reblog your post here. Delayed posts will be accepted, so don’t worry if you miss a day or two. Reblogging this post is not necessary, but we’d appreciate it if you helped us spread the word!
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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tinfairies · 3 months
I know left 4 dead will never get a show adaptation and if it did, it'd probably be shit
But that doesn't stop me from casting actors for the main 8 survivors and also making subplot to the overarching plot we have in the game
I'd want the infected to be all special and practical effects. As little CGI and computer editing as possible. I also want the camera to be somewhat low quality, similar to how 28 Days Later was filmed
I want the low lighting scenes to be atmospheric and not just straight up pitch black (too many shows cannot do this right istfg)
I want a hard rock cover of The Devil Went Down to Georgia as the end credit song for the first episode and Cage the Elephants song No Rest for the Wicked to be the end credit for the last episode
I have so many thoughts and I have literally nothing to do with them
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN : cute dogs, missing lyrics, interview clues, evisu numbers, :01 & the continuing bottled joy saga 🫶🏼
it’s been a while since i made a proper post like this that talks about various cpns going around bxg circles recently so here you go. have some candy!
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let’s start with a fake story that seem to be close to this video of zz coaxing cute dogs and him “complaining” about them rejecting him…
WDB’s run was around early feb to june filming and then this fake rumor was released january 2023 and it is ZZ complaining to WYB, it talked about when zz was filming someone brought an animal and it didn’t want to look at him. It was always facing away, ( kinda like these dogs ) and he said “ oh look at it. it doesn’t care about me”. the rumor even said he was squatting down, which is what he was doing in the video. even him saying bye-bye.
As with all fake rumors, take this with a grain of salt. There are about 4 accounts on weibo that labels themselves as fake resources and most of them post stuff like this. Just day to day occurrence between the boys. It’s up to you if believe it or not that these things are more truth than just coincidence. the fact that a couple of them turn out to be validated later on by photos/videos is a reason why cpfs love it so much.
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( the cutest and goodest puppy 🥹🥹🥹 )
It’s so funny, these cute dogs know that he already has a puppy at home so they are wary of getting close 😂😂😂😂
• In BTF’s behind the scenes video, there was a part where he was singing along with his castmates to a Jay Chou song ( Sunny Day ) and he skipped singing certain lines. The one he sang goes : Once upon a time, someone loves you for a long time…
and then he skipped singing the following parts :
However, the wind gradually blows the distance far away
但偏偏 風漸漸 把距離吹得好遠
It's hard to love one more day
好不容易 又能再多愛一天
But at the end of the story you seem to say goodbye
BXGs are interpreting it as him adapting ZZ’s superstition of not saying “bad things” ( remember the boat scene in the cql bts too ) and in this case the bittersweet lyrics of parting from someone you have loved for a long time. An example of this with ZZ singing at Double 11 night and he did not sing the “bad lines” too.
You may say that this is just WYB not wanting to sing along anymore and he was doing something else, but as a cpf who believes in certain things— it’s very sweet. 💕 They are so careful when it comes to their relationship that they don’t wanna jinx it like this.
• ZZ had an interview for WDB and one of the things I loved about it was how he described true love as a flow of companionship. To those who are not watching WDB, his character had a childhood first love ( hongling ) and he described that as that fiery and unrestrained kind of youthful love. But the one he ended up with and marrying ( xiaomei ) is one that’s like a steady stream ( flow of water ). It reminds me of him and WYB. No. Listen. They might have started bickering and as kids who fell in love but it grew into something more steady as the years went by. It’s why i love domestic stories of LRLG cause it shows how their love is. They make the most mundane things sweet, it’s not always bit gestures and fanfic type stories — more often, it’s almost boring because they are literally living their day to day life together.
There was also a part where the interviewer was asking about his line saying “i will only miss you” to hongling and he said something like, he has thousand things he wants to say but ended up with that, the whole I MISS YOU being secretly said is something we CPN. both of them using “…” on their posts and when this comes up, it means i miss you
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• In the EVISU video, the numbers are so sus!
13 (yizhan) 28 ( love bo ) 33 (zhan zhan )
and then below, that 23.
Don’t judge. CPFs are really just so sensitive with numbers. 😅
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• The posted today and we think that ZZ missed the time. WYB is 18:01 and ZZ was 19:02! Maybe he meant to match and make it 19:01 but he missed!
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• Here is a good place to catch up if you don’t know anything about the whole Bottled Joy saga — but this example is the latest. before this, they posted a video making green tea ( like the one in cql they shared i supposed ) and ofc turtles were cackling. but this one goes back to the cpf-friendly designs. they shared these two bottles for their 6.18 sales and we noticed that the colors looks sus. appearing to reference wyb’s panther and zz’s guangdian art. what a good pair ✨
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nightshadeplant · 2 years
Manhwa News
Upcoming Anime
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Name: Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion
Release Date: April 2023
Summary: When Park Eunha dies in modern-day Korea, she awakens in the body of Raeliana McMillan, the eldest daughter of a nouveaux riche baron. However, this is no ordinary world; it's the exact same one as a novel she once read. Beloved by her family, it would seem as though she is in a fairy tale. But Raeliana is far from the main character—she is a mere plot device, whose murder at the hands of her fiancé instigates the entire story. Raeliana has no intention to accept her fate quietly. She sets her eyes on someone in a position of great power—the vieux riche male protagonist Duke Noah Volstaire Wynknight—aiming to completely change the original story. Using her knowledge of future events, Raeliana offers information to Noah on the condition that he acts as her fake fiancé, but the Duke's two-faced nature throws a wrench in her plans!
Notes: Out of seven volumes two have been printed in English.
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Name: Solo Leveling
Release Date: 2023
Summary: In a world where hunters — humans who possess magical abilities — must battle deadly monsters to protect the human race from certain annihilation, a notoriously weak hunter named Sung Jinwoo finds himself in a seemingly endless struggle for survival. One day, after narrowly surviving an overwhelmingly powerful double dungeon that nearly wipes out his entire party, a mysterious program called the System chooses him as its sole player and in turn, gives him the extremely rare ability to level up in strength, possibly beyond any known limits. Jinwoo then sets out on a journey as he fights against all kinds of enemies, both man and monster, to discover the secrets of the dungeons and the true source of his powers.
Notes: The date has not been specified yet however there are five volumes out so far in English. 
Upcoming Manhwa
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Name: A Stepmother’s Märchen
Release Date: August 2023
Summary: The marchioness Shuri Von Neuschwanstein is no stranger to hardship: her husband dies when she’s still a teenager, leaving her to manage his lands and raise his semi-grown children herself. Her stepchildren never warm up to her, and other nobles disparage her behind her back. 
Years later, however, it seems her efforts have finally paid off: her eldest stepson is to be married and take over the estate, freeing her of many responsibilities. But shortly after learning the cruel truth that she’s not invited to his wedding, she dies and wakes up on the day of her husband’s funeral seven years earlier! If Shuri is to live these seven difficult years all over again, she’s going to do things differently. Can she write her own fairy tale ending this time around?
Notes: The date hasn’t been specified by Seven Seas Entertainment yet but I will update once there is a confirmed date. The release date is for the first out of the four volumes that have been published in Korean.
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Name: Who made me a Princess
Release Date: March 28, 2023
Summary: The story of Athanasia, forsaken princess of the Obelian Empire, ends with her execution at the hands of her own father—or does it? Her tragic tale is the plot of the novel The Lovely Princess. But now, a modern woman who read the book has just woken up as baby Athanasia herself, filled with her own memories and knowledge of the story she’s stuck in! 
Determined to survive her doomed fate, infant Athanasia embarks on this new life with a plan: avoid attention and hoard valuables to fund her escape. When her plan goes awry, she suddenly needs to charm her way into the good graces of her father, the beautiful tyrant emperor, so he doesn’t kill her again!
Notes: The release date is for the first volume, there are currently seven published volumes in Korean and a few more for pre order. There has been talk about it getting a donghua in 2023 however I’be only seen talk about it in Reddit and a picture so till there’s more information I won’t put WMMAP as being adapted.
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Name: The Remarried Empress
Release Date: November 22, 2022
Summary: Navier Ellie Trovi was the lifelong companion of Sovieshu, the emperor of the Eastern Empire, with whom she spent her youth discussing the empire they would build together. She was intelligent, compassionate, and courageous. She was the perfect empress of the Eastern Empire, until the day Sovieshu fell for another woman, demanding a divorce. However, it was Navier who shocked Sovieshu, his beloved mistress, and a speechless court as she coldly declared: “I accept this divorce…and request an approval of my remarriage!”
Notes: The following manhwas are released by Yen Press who has decided to pick up multiple manhwas. These will or have already been released in 2022. Remarried Empress is completed with six volumes and one coming out soon in English.
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Name: Villains are Destined to Die
Release Date: November 8, 2022
Summary: In the Easy Mode of Daughter of the Duke Love Project!, you play as Ivonne, the duke’s long-lost daughter who quickly gains the affection of the various male characters to win the game. Very easy! In Hard Mode, you play as “villainess” Penelope Eckhart, the duke’s fake daughter who starts her adventure with negative affection points. Very hard…and filled with gruesome deaths?! Misunderstood and pining for love, one girl finds that she has much in common with Penelope and tries again and again to get her “good ending.” She is granted one more try…when she falls asleep and wakes up as Penelope herself in the hostile world of the game!
Notes: So far this manhwa contains four volumes with the first volume in English coming out in a few days. 
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Name: My Gently Raised Beast 
Release Date: December 13, 2022
Summary: The orphaned Blondina lives a tough life on the streets, left only with a memento from her late mother—one that proves she is the child of the emperor of Ates. From the streets, Blondina moves into the royal palace where she lives a lonely existence…that is until she befriends a brash and surly cat named Amon. Not only can Amon talk, but he also turns into a cute boy! The truth is, Amon is no mere cat but rather a member of the Divine Leopard Clan, a group of powerful demi-humans often at odds with humanity. Will the two be able to stay friends despite all the conflicts?
Notes: The first out of six volumes will be released.
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Name: The Boxer
Release Date: December 13, 2022
Summary: “He doesn’t have the same hunger for superiority that drives every human being.” The enigmatic Yu lives his life without joy or purpose. All aspects of the young man are a mystery to those around him…save for his superhuman athletic abilities. Yu has rhythm, grace, and power on the level of the top pound-for-pound fighters, and his potential is too much for the legendary Coach K to ignore. Taking the young prodigy under his wing, the two shock the world of boxing, fight by fight, as Coach K attempts to make Yu the greatest of all time. But what exactly compels Yu to keep entering the ring...?
Notes: Contains four volumes in Korean so far. 
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Name: The World After the Fall
Release Date: November 8, 2022
Summary: A new series from the creative team behind Omniscient Reader. A tower one day appeared in the skies, standing out as a beacon of chaos and apocalypse. A heroic and powerful lot known as Walkers cleared the tower floors in order to save humanity, until the day that the Stone of Regression was discovered. Walkers could now “return” to the past, and slowly, everyone left. The brave few who remained formed Carpe Diem, a group of people who refused to abandon the world and represented humanity’s last hope. But once the last Walker reached floor 100, he no longer knew what to believe…
Notes: Another manhwa that the first volume comes out in a few days.
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Name: Tomb Raider King
Release Date: November 22, 2022
Summary: In the year 2025, mysterious tombs appeared all over the world, each housing an ancient relic granting supernatural abilities. The lucky few who quickly obtained these relics ruled over powerful monopolies. Others came to serve them, such as Jooheon Suh, a “raider” who hid in tombs to steal relics. Betrayed by his employer, Jooheon is left to die but instead finds himself transported 15 years in the past. Armed with years of tough raiding experience and knowledge of what is to come in the world of relics, does Jooheon have what it takes to become the “Tomb Raider King”?
Notes: There are six volumes that have been printed in Korean.
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Name: What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? 
Release Date: April 18, 2023
Summary: Vice Chairman Youngjun Lee and Secretary Miso Kim have been the star duo of their company for nine years...until Miso suddenly decides to quit! But Youngjun is smart, rich, and used to getting what he wants—and he wants Miso to stay. So when he discovers she’s leaving in order to find a husband, the only logical way to keep her at his side is...offering to marry her?! Too bad she’s just not that into him!
Notes: While it is being released by Yen Press it wasn’t officially announced like the other six on top of this manhwa. However, since it is still in the website and even has a release date I will be placing it here. It’s slightly weird that it wasn’t announced but since the first volume is meant for 2023 while the other manhwas by Yen Press are meant for 2022 it might be officially announced later. 
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jackiequick · 4 days
Jennie Rue Woods — Marvel’s Timeless Gal 📝
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Full name: Jennifer Ruth Underwoods
Other Identity: Jeanie Woods
Nicknames: Jen, Jennie, Jeanie, Jean, Ruthy, Rue, JJ, Dollface, Barbie, Quinnie, Fefe
Age: 28–32 (87 years of age)
Birthday: June 30, 1923 (Cancer)
Height: 5’5 (5’7 in heels)
Occupations: Waitress, Coffee Girl, SSR Sectary, Agent, Widow, Mama Bear, Assistant
Alias: Alexa Bowmen, Paige McKenna, Jacquline Stark, London Holloway, Olivia Erhart, Eliza Pearson, Emily King, Barbra James Scott, Ashlee Lance
- Parents, Alexander & Fran Underwood (dead)
- Older Sister, Dolores Marie Underwood (dead to her)
- Sister, Peggy Carter (the big sister she never had)
- Brother Figures, Jack Thompson & Daniel Sousa (her boys)
- Howard & Maria Stark (her found family)
- Anthony Edwards Stark (her nephew #1)
- Rei Stark ( #1 godchild )
- And list goes on!
Relationship status: Single, but has dated and been engaged once
Personality: Jen is a sarcastic goofball with a heart of gold despite all the crap she been through in life. On occasion she is spirited, stubborn and determined. Not just that, she’s quick-witted with a sharp tongue. However she is very kindhearted, a little slow at times but she’ll get there, she can get distracted very easily at times and motherly to those around her.
Due to being on her own for a good part of her life, she ended up being observant and trying to be resourceful. She has a knack for getting information without raising suspicion and being sneaky for the most part.
Evie has a vintage and classy style, often seen in 1940s-inspired dresses, with a touch of modern flair. Her wardrobe reflects her independent spirit and love for classic fashion. Even as she progresses over the decades she stays with a simple yet gentle sense of fashion as a way to blend in with the crowd.
Proficient with weapons, particularly guns.
Basic combat
Previously worked as a nurse during WWII, honing her medical skills.
Quick thinker, adapts well to challenging situations.
Handle a control panel
Design and disguise
Jen grew up in a decent sized house with a Russian father and a Italian-American mother, along with her older sister Dottie. When it came to both children, their parents loved them both the exact same.
However, behind the smiles and glittering eyes on both daughters held an small rivalry that over time.
Dottie was always the one-upper of the pair, acting like she knew more and always one step ahead of everything. Hell, Dottie enjoyed having her nose in her young sister’s business, ignoring her most of the day, parenting her like she was a second-mother and treating her sister, Jen, like a pest that she couldn’t stand.
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But Jen wasn’t far behind either, as she rather enjoyed sometimes sticking her nose in older sister’s business, taking her sweater without asking and bugging her with whatever new thing she was obsessed with at the moment. The difference was that Jen knew her limits, as she held a fear behind her smile when it came to Dottie, often intimated by her status and rude attuned attitude.
It didn’t help that both ladies couldn’t be more different when it came to their interests.
In result, it often led to plenty of bickering, fighting over every single thing possible and barking off more than they can chew.
However, it all came to a sudden pause when their father Alexander was overseas with Dottie to Russia saying they had business to attend to. Her mother only simply nodded and hugged them both watching them drive away, before entering the house to continue her daily task, asking Jen to follow behind.
The girl was confused on the matter and questioned the trip later that night. Her mother, Fran, simply told her that Dottie was one of the few girls signed off to train and becomes a skilled fighter.
Saying that one day, Jennifer might get her turn to do the same but the young blonde refused the idea. She rather stay home, be a kind young lady, fall in love, paint all the gardens in the fields and learn what she needs to in America. She visited Russia before, as she always found it to be colder and unassuming to her likely.
Whatever Dottie was doing, Jennifer wanted no part of it.
Thankfully, with a small sigh, her mother agreed to her dreams and kissed her cheek.
Years later, Jennifer would learn what her sister was doing and fought to not follow the same path. She had to desire to become a skilled fighter in Mother Russia and train to be become an assistant to The Red Room. But faith had other plans, as her parents promised her to do a trail run, live in Russia and educate herself into getting certificate of achievement.
Just for a few short months. 3 months.
With a deep sigh and small grunt, she did so as promised. In The Red Room, she was made to watch videos on culture, read books, take any notes and practice her knowledge on what she already knows. Not just that, Jennifer was brought in to take up a couple of activities such as dance, carefully handle weaponry, learning basic combat and drive a vehicle, if she ever needs to hot-wire and getaway.
Jennifer wouldn’t admit it but a small part of her enjoyed watching the women in those rooms all move in one single motion like trained dancers, ready to performance for a show on stage, and she was in the front row getting a glimpse of the sight.
She looked over her shoulder as a tall shadow took behind her, she gulped assuming it was one of the teachers ready to shout in her face for sneaking out of her bedroom this late in the afternoon, but instead it was her older sister.
“What?” She grunted out, spinning to face the taller blonde.
The tall blonde held a slinging smirk, “Nothing. Like what you see?”
“You’re new high ponytail or the performance?”
“Both, Fefe.”
“Don’t fall me that. What do you want?”
“Just want to know if my baby sister is enjoying it here?”
“You mean having my wrist cuffed to the bed, being held in a isolated room twice a week with no windows and a locked door? Oh yeah, I love it.” She repiled with a sarcastic tone.
Dottie grinned, “And having me here as a upper classmen.”
“Yeah…that. When are you gonna realize you’re just as insane to enjoy this, Dot? You love it here and actually find it trilling. I don’t.”
“Oh, Fefe, when are you gonna realize that with this opportunity you can be just like me? With grace and perfection.”
“That’s my point. I am not like you and I will never be like you. And when my time is up, I won’t be seeing you ever again.”
And Jennifer was right.
She was out of the building soon enough, in hopes to keep her head down and never have to be stuck in a place like that again. But Dottie did warn her as a hard heavy threat, one day, they will try and offer you a deal, snatched her up and order her to work for them.
Jennifer grunted and hoped with her luck, she wouldn’t. However, as lucky as she was with never being dragged there again, she did have Dottie reappear later on her life once or twice just for add measure…
📰~The 1940s~ 💡
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Plenty years past since those 3 sleepless months within that building and Jen couldn’t be more pleased with herself to be blessed to see a new path her way.
She was living in New York City, Queens as a waitress and painting on the side. She enjoyed painting the city skyline, the people in the park and her favorite flowers whenever possible. She was what many called her, a cartoonist. And her job wasn’t so bad either, yes the clients can be rude and annoying at times, but she made it work.
And her uniform was her biggest perk of her job. The simple teal-blue dress, her white headband, brown flats and her cute pins over her apron.
It was good, also with the fact she clocked out early to visit the fair, as everyone was there to see all the new attractions, men getting tested to see if they’re qualified for the war, people going dancing and much more. One evening, she found herself reading the newspaper wondering the fair, enjoying the sights, getting a drink and eventually standing in the crowd to see the main attraction.
Howard Stark. The Expo.
Little did she know that the man on that stage would change her life, by becoming apart of it.
She laughed, awed and smiled during the show. Even catching glimpses of his young sibling on stage, who eventually joined him.
She looked over her shoulder noticing a ‘help wanted’ signed stamped over a couple of posters, removing one of the tickets and followed to the small building to see what can could apply for. It seemed with the war going on, they need volunteers to help nurse the men on the field and inside buildings. Jennifer thought for a moment, onto her decision but then realized that it was worth it to help the good wanting to men serve their country.
Two weeks laters, she was working as a volunteered nurse. She got tested, signed off and given new uniform to wear. When a certain doctor asked for her name, it seemed like he missed heard it, as he wrote down a different name under her paperwork.
Instead of Jennie Underwood, he put down ‘Jeanie Wood’.
Jen didn’t know if it was on purpose it or not, but it taken her by a surprise at the name. The last person to give her a similar name like that was her 5th grade English teacher, yet she wasn’t complaining. She liked it, a lot.
And if she had to admit, she enjoyed it more than she expected, making friends with the other nurses, checking on the vitals of men and women, along with cleaning their wounds. It’s also when she met Miss Margaret “Peggy” Carter, who came in to recruit some nurses for an experimental program to help out the war, as she was handpicked to do so.
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To say, Peggy Carter wowed Jen was an understatement. The women was kind, fierce, charming, witty, a little sassy, had a stronghold on her role here and cared for others. It surprised her how Peggy took a liking to her during those days spent on the job.
That same week, she met Howard Stark as he was preparing for the super solider experiment that she was apart of. The moment Howard met her, he was dazzled, in awe and flirting with the blonde. That was the first time Jennie ever actually blushed and smiled, turning her face to hide her blush from Howard’s darling compliments and witty comments.
Howard simply smiled at her blushing and went off to finish preparing his equipment for the day, before offering to buy her lunch. His tongue accidentally slipped nicknaming her ‘JJ’ for short. Jennie hesitated as she removed her gloves after preparing the equipment and serum with the other nurses needed for tomorrow. One of the nurses nudged her to say ‘yes’ as Jennie just smiled and nodded, following the brunette out the door.
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The following day, she met Steve Rogers, as she was there helping to performance the processor and watching the man transform from a skinny kid to a tall solider. But the cheers and awes were cut short as Dr. Erskine died, causing Jennie to remove a gun off the table aiming at the person who fired the shot, but missed by a close second as the man ran out the door. Before she can get a second to blink, Steve and Peggy raced out the door to follow him. Jennie stayed behind to help, get Dr. Erskine to a more comfort position and calm down the crowd.
After that whole event, things were put back into swings as the war went on, Steve became Captain America serving his country, Peggy was brought to help, along with Howard and Jennie to do their part in serving for the better of their playing field.
Once again, she was given a slight change of clothing instead of white, it was light browns and a dark brown jacket to watch.
Jennie was put to work, not as a volunteered nurse, but a someone who helped with the design and coordinates for any trips. She put her skills to some use, which made her smile. Soon enough, the war ended per say in some victorious cheers and others in sorrows for the ones they lost.
When Steve Rogers went down in the plane, after speaking to Peggy on the radio as their side of the speakers cut to static, Jen was the first to enter the room and pull the English brunette into an tight embrace.
💭 ~Meetings and revisiting the past~📑
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Once the war ended, Peggy and Jen stayed friends, keeping Howard in touch of course. As both were brought to working in New York City at The SSR (which would later on become SHIELD), Peggy worked at an assigned sectary despite her endless response to her being able to do more. Daniel Sousa saw more in her, which made the women smile at the thought and respect she got from him.
Meanwhile Jen didn’t mind it being the coffee girl/assistant at the SSR, basically a sectary with a nicer name. It gave her a flexible schedule most days, other days she was spent working later hours at her desk.
Thankfully she had Agent Jack Thompson to keep her company, despite his personality, the man saw Jennie as a little sister whenever she entered the building. As if he wanted to shield her from harm and have her stand back from the tough stuff, even through she reminds him that she seen men come back from the war wounded or worse.
Jack would sometimes buy her burger if they knew everyone was gonna be working a late night. He would often bicker with her and Peggy as the English women rolled her eyes, but Jen would respond by saying that it seems like Thompson has a crush on Carter. Which results in Peggy chuckling at the blonde women.
Things were going fine until Howard Stark was wanted for crimes against the country, recruiting for Peggy to help find the truth and prove him innocent. She even entrusted his butler Edwin Jarvis to asset her with the investigation.
In which Jennie met while she was getting herself coffee one morning at the diner where she used to work as a waitress, ordering Mr. Jarvis a coffee.
Mr. Jarvis smiled and thanked for, offering to pay for her donut as an exchange. They soon became friends after that. Little did Jarvis know that Jennifer would become good friends with his lovely wife, Ana, too.
Jennifer didn’t want any to be thrown too far into the mix of things, as she eventually joined to the two Brits on their investigation.
Especially after the plot thicken, she started to be thrown in for a loop as The SSR all visited Russia and reunited with The Howling Commandos, finding themselves in a building that once held many men and women who were spies.
The beds with handcuffs, weird therapists, scientists and much more on that visit to Russia. At one point, Jen froze as she stayed rubbing her wrist at the sight, as it took A Howling Commando to drag her out of the rooms. Hell, some of their own agents froze at the sights, meanwhile others stayed strong during the fight.
On the plane ride home, Jen started to let Peggy in on why she froze, but not everything, as Peggy held the blonde close. Jen was given flashbacks to those 3 months in Mother Russia, the trips she went on and how during the war she remembered the men she had to nurse coming home lost to confused.
But the biggest punch to the grunt was when she saw her older sister on the streets of NYC, under some false name living at The Griffith Hotel for Women, pretending to be some new lady here and wanting to go sightseeing. It made her sick, especially since Dottie got closer to Peggy and watched her baby sister from afar, with sneaky eyes to see her next move.
That’s when everything made sense to Jen.
Dottie was here undercover working for someone who was framing Howard Stark and having everyone turn against the man. Peggy didn’t fully believe Jennie at first when she came in with her claims, Jack Thompson nor Daniel Sousa did either, but soon enough the truth came into full force.
As one could imagine things took a turn for people at The SRR, as they close in on Howard Stark, the true enemies are revealed and much more to everyone involved. As they planned to draw out the real threat, The Leviathan.
But it goes awry when Dottie Underwood distract the agents while Stark is kidnapped, as her boss uses hypnosis to make Howard drop as gasp he invented called “Midnight Oil” to onto Time Square.
Thankfully with Jarvis’s help, they all found them just in time. Jack Thompson and Daniel Sousa handled The Leviathan, who’s name was Johann Fennhoff. Meanwhile Jennie, Jarvis and Peggy handled Dottie, while also trying to convince Howard to not drop the gas over Time Square.
To say Dottie was excited to see her sister again in full swing and having a thrilling fight with Peggy was an understatement.
However this time, Jennie wasn’t too frightened to fight her sister again, as she found strategy and strength in herself to be more confident. It was a bigger perk, that this time around, she had Peggy who was more than intrigued to battle Dottie after their last encounter.
In the end, things were brought to light, they defeated Dottie (who escaped), the right people were imprisoned with scheming with Zola and everyone was given a chance to breath once again.
But like always, life for Jen didn’t stop there as she moved to Los Angeles for her next adventure…
🦅~The 50s—60s~ 🕰️
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In 1956, things were looking swell for Jennie as she was working for SHIELD in Los Angeles as an agent. She had her own office, meetings scheduled, kept designing models, going out to dinners and the occasional trip for sizable missions.
She discovered she had a little love for the unknown, collecting items, designing, doing presentations and going on trips to report new things back to SHIELD headquarters.
She was the one to design the SHIELD logo and style of the front over the years after all. Her and Howard liked with idea of an eagle with spread wings.
-> Eagles with its keen eyes symbolized courage, healing, hope, vision, resilience and most importantly strength.
However one late spring night, everything flipped on it’s head for Jennie. It was one of their agent’s bridal shower and she was invited to join in the celebration, free drinks and food, of course she was coming.
Yet, she was soon about to regret that trip.
She was driving home in one of SHIELD’s invented cars, that was had a working mentor that connected to the battery phone. She was on the phone was Jarvis’ wife, Ana, talking about how wonderful her weekend was, crossing a simple long bridge, when a light shower of rain started to fall from above. It wasn’t anything unusual, the weather did call for a light shower that weekend, but what took her by surprise is the springing dose of snowflakes.
“Uh, Ana, I’ll have to call you back…” She said, hanging up the phone and hanging it back where it belong.
It was simply magical to such a sight, however it went from beauty to a beast wanting the snowflakes became a slamming balls of hail hitting the car as she started to carefully hurry along the bridge. However the road soon became dangerous, causing her to swirl off the path and hitting the railing as her car went flying and smash into the water.
The faint sounds of the phone could be heard, ringing with a voice on the other end as the car drowned into the large body of water. In the car, Jennifer was silent with bruises and cuts all over her body, her forehead held a large cut that was covered by blood.
Her breathing stopped as her heartbeat slowed down in seconds, her core body temperature dropped greatly. At that very moment her heart stopped beating.
At 8:55pm, a blot of lighten struck the car. The volts of electricity impact was more than strong enough to reset the heart into a clear rhythm. Jeanie Woods—Jennie Underwoods body slowly lifted from the lower end of the car to regain its awareness. Her head rushed to the surface, jolting out of her anoxic state, causing her to draw her first breath in 4 minutes.
Cough and breathing heavy, Jennie regain memory of recent events, using all her skilled strength within her to carefully climb out of the car, knocking the side door open capturing the cool air that surrounding her.
She breathed heavily, spreading outside of the side door and swimming forwards to the surface, finding a pot of greenery in the cold depths of the night. Once she climbing onto the grass, rolling over as she let her back hit the grass such a reliving impact. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened it once again to watch the snowy sky fall onto her cool skin.
Well, she was screwed.
Thankfully she crawled onto her feet and found the nearest gas station, entering a phone booth to call Jarvis to pick her up. And being the good friend he was, the man arrived with a blanket as well, bringing to his house to stay the night. She explained to Jarvis the accident, planning on trying to recall everything she could remember to have it on record of that night and how the car was totaled in the process, but the man didn’t care as long as she was safe and sound.
As the years went, she credited her appearance to a healthy diet, often exercising, skin care, good genes and just plain luck. However actions was required only months laters when she was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction.
“Ma’am, it says here that you were born in 1923.” Said the officer.
“That’s right, officer.” She repiled with a kind smile.
“That would make you 40?”
“Yes. I look young for my age.”
“Ma’am I might have to hold onto this.”
The two talked by the man didn’t look so convinced, asking to come by the station tomorrow if possible and to bring her birth certificate.
That’s when she knew she needed to start packing, calling up family and making a few adjustments to her life. That’s when she moved back to New York City for a while, keeping her job within SHIELD, but taking up studies for medicine to research her condition, talks with other scientists.
But they all slowly came to the conclusion that it seems like there was no results for her condition, despite the records, recalling of events and etc.
It happened again where officers would stop the women and question her appearance, age and name. Even tried to take her into the station, as she would always do what she must to get out of it, even call up a friend for witness.
Packing up once again, making a couple of whole calls and planes to drive off somewhere off the grid of neither New York or LA, she found herself in San Diego instead. Making sure that Peggy, Howard, Jarvis and their friends know what to do, if anyone contract them, remove any records and to do something about the officers who taken her originally.
In result, Jennie Woods went on to change her name, keep her files close to her chest, residence and appearance the best she could every decade. And to never speak a true word of her fate to answer living soul (unless they were family of course).
To her relief, as the years went on things calmed down and she was less frequently questioned, however she would get wondering eyes at work.
🐤~Auntie JJ~ 🪿
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-> May 29th, 1970 her nephew Anthony Edward Stark was born.
The day she held that tiny will soul in her arms, she knew she would love him til her dying days. She would take care of him, spoil the boy, and make sure he knew he was loved, even if she wasn’t there everyday to see him.
And that she did.
In the 70s, Maria and Howard knew they would need a pair of helping hands, aside from Jarvis, as they offered for the women to live with them. And of course, she said yes.
Jennie was there every step of the way and she loved it. Watching Tony grow up, taking his first step, first words, teaching him to read and write. Hell, when he was old enough, Tony would draw her so many drawings that she hang up in her office showcasing her godson’s work.
There were plenty of days and nights where neither of his parents were around as work and events took up their time, so in result if she was free, Jennie would do it.
“..’So after Lisa sewed on the missing button, she gave Corduory a big hug.’ The End. Now it’s time for my little bear to go to sleep.” She said closing the book with a smile.
Usually the 7 year old would give her a sleepy remark but after the long day he had, he decided against it. He rolled onto his side getting comfy.
“Auntie JJ?” He yawned in his small voice.
“Yes baby?” She asked standing up and putting the book back on his bookshelf.
“Would you always love me like Lisa love Corduroy?”
Jennie paused what she was doing as a small smile appeared on her lip at the question, she turned out and kneeled over the bed, placing a hand above Tony’s small cheek. Her warm touch smooth his worries.
“Of course I will, bubba” She replied and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
He smiled in returned, “Can we have pancakes tomorrow?”
“We will have to see. But first night night.”
“Night night.”
She gave him one more smile watching as his eyes closed, pulling his blanket closer. When she knew it was clear to leave, she gently closed the door behind her and escaped to the living room to watch a rerun of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
Midway through the episode, she paused the taping and through back onto what Tony asked her earlier. She looked down at her lap, playing with the throw pillow in hand and sighed deeply. She knew why he asked that question, with his parents getting busier as the day goes by, especially at such a young age, it makes sense Tony would wonder if the adults in his life still love him.
And she meant what she said earlier, this unconditional love she has for her nephew is true. She adores that tiny little troublemaker, even if she sometimes drives him nuts, it’s one of the reasons she cares for him. He’ll keep on learning , as time slips through her fingers watching him grow up.
She knew she will be always try to be there for him, even if she’s in a different city, she’s only one call away.
And she was right.
Tony’s auntie JJ is there for him every time she can be. The smallest moments and his biggest. His graduations, his first true inventions, taking him out for ice cream, reading him bedtime stories, making him bacon on his birthday, the two of them sneaking off to watch movies late at time and the list goes on.
Hell, if she’s in the same room and near by, JJ is there to poke and pinch Tony when he says something he isn’t supposed to. Which results in him yelling a small, “Ow!” As she’ll give a smile in return or a certain look to tell him to quit it.
There are moments that his aunt JJ would have a date pick him and Tony would try to question his intentions with his aunt. Little did she know her godchild Rei would be the same way in the future. Every single one of her dates biggest haters.
Mysteries, romance and detective novels
Waking up late
Coffee (of course!)
Classic movies from the golden era & sitcoms
Vintage fashion and style
Painting & Drawing
The sun setting
Cold coffee
Being underestimated or misjudged
Chaos in the house
Being underdressed or overdressed for an event
Sitting still for too long
Big Crowds
Closed spaces
Horror movies (however she enjoyed CW’s Supernatural)
Fast rides
- Fluent in Spanish and English.
- Russian and Italian
- And some French
—Additional information:
- Jennie has a couple of scars, some small and some are a little big
- She tends to wear reading glasses or sunglasses at a lot
- You can sometimes find her on the couch wearing her earbuds listening to her favorite songs or binge watching a series on her IPAD
- As said before she likes jewlery, so in result you can find her wearing rings, earrings and sometimes necklaces. Such as her charm bracelet she got as a gift back in the 80s from a old friend
- She has traveled a lot over the years, sometimes she been a place more than once or even lived there. As well, as she met a couple of likely faces too
- Due to trying to keep up her energy and stamina levels, when it came to changing her appearance Jennie always tried to have a little fun. Such as dying her hair different a color, giving herself a new haircut, buying statement pieces that seemed timeless and testing out makeup to make her blend in with the crowd
- When it comes to makeup, she tries to keep it rather simple (she used to wear a lot of over the years but it resulted in some acne)
- When she’s under stress or filled in anxiety while in public spaces, she tends to play with her nails, add pressure to her inner palm, rubbing her wrist, wipes her sweaty palms on her jeans and etc
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—That’s all folks! I wanted to add more detail about her but then it would’ve been wayyyy too long of a ride 😅
Anyways pls let me know what you think! Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @xgoddessoffandomsx @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @sherloquestea @parisparker269 @djs8891 @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs
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palmviolet · 1 month
top 5 movies to watch before going to sleep
ooh see i'm not really a relaxing comfort film type person... i tend to watch movies before i go to sleep just because that's the only time i feel 'justified' in doing so (too tired to do any actual writing/work) so it tends to be whatever's on my watchlist. so this top 5 is just going to be top 5 movies i have in the past watched before going to sleep
28 days later (2002). thankfully horror doesn't really affect me because i would Not recommend this as a bedtime lullaby. an absolute classic of the zombie genre, cillian murphy gets his star moment and society crumbles.
aftersun (2022). crying yourself to sleep after this one is a 10/10 experience, would recommend. i'm really not setting anyone up for pleasant dreams here
white noise (2022). also a very disturbing premise but i guess it's got a lighter tone? based on the delillo novel of the same name, a flawed adaptation but a very fun one.
phantom of the paradise (1974). everyone needs to watch this movie right now. it's rocky horror's lesser known sibling, the campest, wackiest rock musical of all time with such fun performances and costuming and staging.
a single man (2009). and we're back to sadness. apparently when i'm too tired to write i'm not too tired to experience every painful human emotion at once and dissect some pretty esoteric narrative choices.
this was probably not what you were expecting with this list... apologies for that. but thank you for the ask!
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im-immortal · 2 years
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Longer Than A Heartbeat
a beth greene/daryl dixon adaptation of 28 Days Later
A mysterious virus suddenly sweeps across the United States, sending the entire nation into chaos. It is unlike anything the world has ever seen before, turning healthy human beings into lethal, feral, bloodthirsty shells of their former selves within seconds of exposure. It is described only as “an infection of rage.”
Then the mass evacuations begin.
28 days later, Beth Greene wakes up all alone in a deserted hospital.
[updates every Sunday]
chapters: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen | twenty | twenty-one | twenty-two | twenty-three | twenty-four | twenty-five | twenty-six | twenty-seven | twenty-eight | epilogue
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noosayog · 2 years
[7:28 AM] Hirugami Sachiro - you're not prepared for a puppy. your vet convinces you otherwise.
wc: 900
warmings/content: fluff
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You thought you knew what you were getting into when you adopted a puppy and you knew puppies were a lot of work. But this is beyond your imagination. 
You didn’t know that puppies have to pee every 2 hours. This means you wake up at 1 AM, 3 AM, 5 AM, and 7 AM throughout the night. And half the time, your puppy is too cold, too scared, or too anxious to pee outside, so you stand outside in the wee hours of the morning, waiting on your puppy to pee, only to give up 15 minutes later. With what seems like spiteful intentions, she pees instantly upon setting paws on your hardwood floors.
You didn’t know they are too excited to sleep. With some help from the internet, you read that puppies are supposed to sleep at least 18 hours a day. Not yours. Breathe a bit too loud, and she is instantly up and zooming to your side in hopes of some excitement. 
You didn’t know that they only know how to play by biting. Her little puppy teeth are sharp and have already punctured every corner of your couch and chewed off bits of paint on every chair and table leg. She has even chewed through the stitches of her stuffie and would try to swallow its poor cotton guts. 
Lastly, you didn’t know they needed to see the vet so often. So here you are sitting in the vet’s office at 7 AM, smelling of half-digested puppy food- 
Oh, that? On the drive here, your puppy threw up on you, your passenger seat, and all over the center console. You also didn’t know that puppies apparently get carsick, so add that to your list. 
So again, here you are, sitting in the waiting room of the clinic, smelling of half-digested puppy food, and dark circles worse than finals week of undergrad. You’re stressed and exhausted. So much so that you admit you had spent the hours of 5 AM and 6 AM reading up on how to return an adopted puppy. 
The door of the waiting room opens and a man in blue scrubs calls out your puppy’s name. You stand up and follow him into an examination room, puppy wiggling in your arms. 
“Good morning! I’m Hirugami Sachiro and I’ll be checking up on your pet today. How are you?” the vet introduces. 
“Honestly, I’m terrible. Thanks for asking.” 
He nods knowingly and offers to take your puppy. He handles her easily, despite her squirming in excitement at the prospect of some attention. “First time dog owner?” 
You nod, too ashamed to admit that you were not prepared for the responsibility of owning a dog. 
He looks up from your puppy, and gives you a gentle, knowing smile. “It’ll get better, I promise. I’m sure you’re a wonderful pet parent.” 
Suddenly, you’re bursting into tears. You bring the paws of your hoodie up to rub at your eyes. “I’m just not confident that I can take good care of her. She’s so sweet and cute but she doesn’t seem happy with me and I’m just so stressed and I haven’t slept for more than 2 hours at a time in the past 3 days,” you wail. 
With your puppy in his arms, he sits in the chair next to yours. “For sleep, try not to stress about her too much. Dogs adapt well to schedules and if you leave her in her crate to sleep for the night, she’ll get used to it much sooner than you would think. And well, for her happiness, I promise you that your puppy is happy and loves you.” He holds your puppy up by her front paws and gives you a little wave with the left paw. “This is definitely the look of a happy pup, expert’s opinion.” 
Your puppy gives a little yip, like she’s in agreement. 
You let out a choked giggle at the silly sight and sweet gesture. “Thank you, it’s just been so rough and I’ve never done this before.” 
“A lot of first time dog owners deal with puppy blues. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re doing great.” 
A bit calmer now, you begin to feel embarrassed. “Sorry for venting and melting down in front of you. You were just trying to do your job and you had to be my therapist too.” 
He laughs and sends your puppy off with a healthy diagnosis and a treat, and you with a lighter heart. 
Two months and five vet visits later, you’ve built a manageable lifestyle around your puppy and developed a steady friendship with Hirugami. On your pup’s most recent visit, Hirugami gives her her final rounds of vaccinations. To you, Hirugami gives the sweetest smile and the gentlest pat on the shoulders like he’s proud of you. Casual touches have been more frequent in your visits; they come in the form of patting your head when you’ve shared a puppy milestone, brushing your fingers when he plucks your puppy from your arms, and shoulder-to-shoulder bumping when he leans in to explain information pamphlets. You ignore the erratic beating of your heart, rationalizing that he probably treats all his patient’s owners with this level of care. 
On your way out, you hear Hirugami shout your name and you turn around to see him jogging after you. 
“I was thinking. Now that your dog has all her shots, would you like to go on a walk with me and my dog? So she can socialize with other dogs?” 
Your heart is beating quickly again but you do your best to stamp down your hopes. He’s just being polite. He treats all his clients this way. He’s just a nice person by nature. 
He grins like he knows what you’re thinking. “I’m asking you on a date, by the way.” 
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'If you’ve ever read an interview with the Irish actor Cillian Murphy, you might think him shy, irritable, or even neurotic. Journalists love to write about how closed-off he is, that if you ask him anything too personal he’ll shut down and give one-line answers. This makes their job very hard, they say. But what those interviews don’t tell you, is that if you let Murphy talk about a subject that he actually wants to talk about – such as his epic new film about the father of the atomic bomb J. Robert Oppenheimer – he’ll go on for ages. And he’ll be very open and interesting while he’s doing it. He might even make a joke.
He does this when NME meets him at a posh hotel in Soho. We’ve just walked into the room. Murphy is sat down, wearing a black v-neck jumper over a white t-shirt, black trousers and a pair of very pointy Chelsea boots. He seems relaxed, and greets us with a cheery “hello!”. Then he recognises the thick paperback tucked under our arm as a copy of American Prometheus, the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography from which Oppenheimer is adapted. We’d intended to read a quote from the book later but Murphy cuts in on our explanation. “No, you brought it in here to be pretentious,” he grins. “Would you like me to sign it for you?”
There are people who would sell their grandmas for a mere glimpse of Murphy, let alone an autograph. He’s been dogged by screaming fans since the early days of his career – when he broke out as often-shirtless apocalypse survivor Jim in Danny Boyle’s 2002 horror hit 28 Days Later. Brummie gangster series Peaky Blinders made him a global star, but his most famous film roles are notable because they’ve often come from collaborations with the same director. Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi blockbuster Inception, war thriller Dunkirk and his Batman trilogy all featured Murphy as the supporting curio – a side character that pops up every so often to steal your attention from the main protagonist. But in Oppenheimer, the duo’s latest creative partnership, he finally is the main character.
And he’s a good one too. Oppenheimer was an American scientist who made vital discoveries in quantum physics during the 1920s and ‘30s, going on to oversee the creation of the atomic bomb for the US Government – two of which were dropped on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, killing an estimated 220,000 people. Oppenheimer spent the rest of his life campaigning for disarmament, appalled at the weapon (his preferred term was “gadget”) he had helped to give the world. He also drank heavily and had a reputation as a womaniser, despite being quiet and sometimes socially awkward. Murphy calls him “contradictory” and “complex”, which is like saying Suella Braverman doesn’t like immigrants. “I do think that he believed it would be the weapon to end all wars,” Murphy continues, attempting to explain how a left-leaning humanitarian could spend two years perfecting the ultimate killing machine. “He thought that [having the bomb] would motivate countries to form a sort of nuclear world governance.” Murphy pauses. “He was naive.”
Was that naivety a choice though? Oppenheimer had an explosive ego, once attempting to poison a university professor who chastised him when he was a student. Could his desire to achieve such as historic breakthrough have led him to ignore his own better judgement?
“That’s an interesting take,” says Murphy. He runs his hands through his hair, which is styled into wavy curtains. He does this a lot when thinking a question over. “Chris used this amazing phrase. We were talking about Oppenheimer’s arc and he said, ‘You know, he’s dancing between the raindrops morally.’ That unlocked something in my mind when I was preparing.”
To play the role of Oppenheimer, Murphy went very deep. He read the Bhagavad Gita – a 700-page Hindu religious text that the physicist famously quoted from (“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”) Then he started “skipping meals” in an effort to slim down to Oppenheimer’s rail-thin frame. During the actual shoot, Murphy smoked so many fake cigarettes that he worried it harmed his health. “They can’t be good for you,” he told The Guardian. Oppenheimer himself died of throat cancer in 1967.
On top of the physical strain, Murphy delved into some pretty dark emotional places. He had six months to research before filming began in February 2022, and during the 67-day production he often worked 18-hour days. War, genocide and the nuclear holocaust are unpleasant to think about at the best of times, never mind your every waking moment. It must have been brutal.
“You always have to take a holiday after a job,” he concedes, as though being a Hollywood actor is no different from plumbing toilets. “It’s not because… as some journalists like to think, you’re a method actor or whatever. It’s because you give so much time to the job and then suddenly you stop. You have all this displaced energy, you know, so you kind of don’t know what to do with yourself… But I’m a very easygoing sort of person. It doesn’t weigh me down.”
We suspect Murphy isn’t being entirely truthful here. Such is the intensity of his performance – all simmering discontent and wide-eyed panic attacks – that it’s difficult to believe he just shook the weight of global armageddon off each night before climbing into bed. Emily Blunt, who plays Oppenheimer’s wife Kitty in the film, has said Murphy regularly skipped cast dinners because of the “monumental” pressure he felt. “Of course he didn’t want to [eat] with us,” she told People magazine. Matt Damon, brilliant as mustachioed military boss General Groves, agreed: “His brain was just too full.” When we push Murphy on the subject, he reveals a little more. “I didn’t go out much. I didn’t socialise much, mainly because of the amount of work I had to do… I became so immersed in the role.”
To make the experience yet more profound, cameras rolled only “a couple of days” before Russia invaded Ukraine. The West united to impose stringent economic sanctions on Vladimir Putin and his people. The value of the Ruble plummeted, Russian billionaires were booted out of London and Moscow became a cultural ghost town with the likes of Green Day and Iron Maiden cancelling gigs. Putin’s response? To start lining up tactical nukes along his borders. Armageddon seemed closer than at any moment since the Cold War. Murphy (and his castmates) felt the heat. “It was everywhere, and we were fully aware of that,” he says. “The threat [of nuclear war] has escalated and receded over the years since 1945… and now it’s back. It’s always there, this Sword Of Damocles that is hanging over us.”
Murphy, 47, knows what it’s like to exist against the backdrop of conflict. He grew up during the Troubles in late 1970s and ‘80s Cork, Ireland, where reports of sectarian violence in the north often dominated the news. His mum was a French teacher and his dad worked for the civil service. As a teenager, he was obsessed with music. He read NME and loved Frank Zappa and The Beatles. To illustrate his fandom, he tells us about a trip he took to Liverpool, later in life, to see the legendary Cavern Club, where the mop tops first cut their teeth on stage. “I walked down to [the street where the Cavern Club is supposed to be],” he says, “and it wasn’t there. It was somewhere over there!” He gesticulates with his hands. “It’s not the real Cavern. It’s just a mock-up!”
Inspired by John, Paul, George and Ringo, Murphy and his brother formed a band: The Sons of Mr Green Genes, named after a Zappa tune from the avant garde groover’s 1969 album ‘Hot Rats’. The songs were similarly experimental, filled with “wacky lyrics and endless guitar solos”. Eventually, an indie label based in London, Acid Jazz, put a five-album deal on the table. He and his brother turned it down, citing reasons of artistic independence, but for a while rock and roll appeared more inviting than the movies.
Murphy is often disparaging about his songs to journalists, but they must have been doing something right. He’s also self-deprecating when we bring up the underrated 2002 short film Watchmen, which he co-wrote with BAFTA-winner Paloma Baeza – his only attempt at a screenplay. “I just never thought that I was good enough really,” he says. “It’s why I haven’t, you know, pursued the music either… I like to do one thing quite well.” He adds that it’s unlikely this will change in the future.
Murphy will be far too busy to write songs or screenplays for a while anyway. The first reviews for Oppenheimer are out, and some critics have him earmarked for an Oscar. He’ll charm his way through awards season no doubt, just as he does at the Paris premiere the night before our interview. Done up in a black suit with mustard shirt and matching oversized tie, he looks a bit like the handsome English teacher your best mate had a crush on. Walking the red carpet, he is happy to answer questions, speaking at length about Nolan’s genius and the “amazing” reaction to Oppenheimer so far. You can tell he’s enjoying himself.
Murphy’s not on duty tonight though, with London’s premiere scheduled for the day after our chat. Then he’ll be waiting to get on with his next gig, the dark indie drama Small Things Like These, adapted from Claire Keegan’s bestselling 2021 title, in which he’ll take the lead role. Following his breakthrough blockbuster with a low-key Irish drama is typically understated of Murphy, so not unexpected. More box office projects loom on the horizon – a standalone Peaky Blinders movie and the long-awaited horror threequel 28 Months Later – but he says he has “no new information” on either.
It’s difficult to say what Oppenheimer means for Murphy. He is a household name in the UK and Ireland, but less so in the States, where some still see him as a ‘TV actor’. In a recent interview to promote the film, Robert Downey Jr. talked of Murphy’s life “changing” after Oppenheimer, as if he’s a fresh actor on the scene. In a sense, Downey Jr. is right. This is Murphy’s first lead role in a sure-fire smash. And the parts he gets offered now may be a bit starrier. But don’t expect to see him in spandex on a Marvel soundstage anytime soon.
“I like unknowable, ambiguous, kind of enigmatic [characters],” he says. “To me that’s human life: the knotty, weird grey areas… A good man’s life is wholly uninteresting.”'
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secret-bug-pain-blog · 4 months
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@febuwhump Day 11 - ALT PROMPT - Last Man Standing
Hello. Another alt prompt. A lot of them didn't really hit the spot, whump-wise, so we're sort of budgeting our replacements here - don't worry about the delay on the last two days, we were travelling and watching small children and not particularly available. This one's Fun Leif Activities!
Leif can't remember how long he's been here.
He stands over his teammates, tense and ready. There are monsters in these woods, beasts who will rip them asunder- beasts that have already done all too much after them. His wings are flared in a display of threat, his muzzle frozen over with icy fangs, his fur a bristling array of needles.
He can't remember what it was he was fighting. He can't remember why. It doesn't matter. His bones and his guts twist to suit his need. He bares his teeth at those he only knows as enemy, and he flares his wings, and he bites and scratches and shreds at those who get too close.
If they get to his teammates, then they're dead. If he loses, then they're dead. There is no room for error. There is no room for rest. There is no room for mercy.
(There's something wrong with his hands. There's something wrong with his eyes. There's something wrong with his antenna.)
Leif turns on his heel, baring fangs at yet another enemy. The warning he speaks is in a language he cannot comprehend. He has a program for it, somewhere, but he cannot run it now- too much space, too much processing. He has a duty, he must perform it well, he must perform it without error or falter or-
(He maintains the ice over their bodies. Preservation. Cryogenics. The brain doesn't begin to rot until the heart's been stopped for four to six minutes.)
Daggers of ice stop most enemies in their tracks. Yowled curses and slashing blows make up for the rest. His shell grates up against itself as he lunges, twisted at angles it was never meant to go. The discomfort doesn't matter.
He has to protect them. Or they will die.
(Brain activity fully ceases after ten minutes. The person is considered brain dead. To restart a heart, there must be some electrical activity remaining.)
He has to protect them. Or they will die.
(A bee's muscles will lock up in environments under 55° farenheight, preventing it from flying. When below freezing temperatures, a bee's body will slowly cease to function. Eventually, it will shut down entirely as its bodily fluids freeze.)
He has to protect them. Or they will die.
(A northern scarab beetle can persist in temperatures below zero for up to six hours at a time due to the minor warm-blooded adaptations present in the north and the high degree of insulation offered by their unique shell structure. Despite this, the species still relies on hibernation to survive the winter, much like its unawakened kin. Deprived of a burrow or shelter, they will still eventually die of exposure.)
He has to protect them. Or they. Will. Die.
ZM-28 bares its teeth at an enemy, barking out a warning in a language that it doesn't speak. The enemy does not heed it. Their chitin crunches beneath its ice, its claws, its teeth. They flee with nothing more inflicted than a handful of daggers, shoved into its shell. An acceptable margin of injury. A fix to be completed later. No significant detriment. The half-eaten ganglia severed are nonvital enough that they may not even need to be recombined.
Old programs whir in the back of its head. This place is wrong. It is not where it was meant to defend. Frozen moss crunches beneath its feet, rather than frosted tile. The subroutines imbedded in it tell it that it is at the wrong place. The core of its programming protests that it doesn't matter.
It is not a lab guardian. Something in it rejects the idea of being in a lab at all. It has a quarry, and that quarry must be defended. Its paws twist awkwardly under it as it moves to check on its quarries, touching up the ice that contains them.
It was not meant to die. It was not meant to be killable. It was built with immortality in mind, to fuel the continued survival of its creators. Its subroutines are carried to serve those creators once they succeed.
Its creators are gone, and its colony is dead and dying, and all that matters is to protect.
It flings an icicle at an enemy.
All that matters is to protect.
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valenfield-inspo · 9 months
This is so sad 😔
"At some point, Valenfield could have become canon: in an early script written by George Romero for the first Resident Evil movie, Chris and Jill are officially dating. But, due to a number of reasons, the production of Romero's version of the movie was halted, and then rejected completely."
Yep I remember 1st hearing about the rejected Romero plot. It's a shame too b/c George A. Romero was the absolute godfather of zombie horror films. We would of never had films like "28 Days Later" if it wasn't for his ever iconic "Night of the Living Dead" (1968). I believe I read it was rejected mainly b/c Constantin Film studio wanted Romero to tone down the gore and Romero flat refused to do so. I guess they wanted the gore to be really toned down to get a safer rating so it would be able to be released in more countries. Romero just didn't want to compromise and I kind of don't blame him for that. But yes he did have Valenfield as a thing in the movie. You can read the script here if you have never read it before. I'm also going to provide a link of an unofficial comic adaptation user Sisslethecat did from Romero's script here, might be NSFW-ish but here's a page of one scene from the script: https://twitter.com/Sisslethecat/status/1495817104364388355
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