#3:56 PM · Aug 15
Detroit: Become Human - Chronology and timeline of events... (CANON)
The chronology and timeline of events ( https://detroit-become-human.fandom.com/wiki/Chronology ) in the world of Detroit: Become Human.
1915: Birth of Arnold Brook.
1917: Zlatko Andronikov's family flees the revolution in Russia.
1963: Birth of Carl Manfred (July 13).
1978: Birth of Michael Brinkley (January 24), Amanda Stern (May 14).
1980: Birth of Gordon Penwick (June 10).
1982: Birth of Dennis Ward (June 11), Jeffrey Fowler (August 8).
1983: Birth of Christopher Gray (June 18).
1985: Birth of Hank Anderson (September 6), Cristina Warren (September 15).
1987: Birth of Jonah Graham (December 9).
1988: Birth of Joseph Sheldon (August 14), Gary Kayes (December 3).
1989: Birth of Derek Myers (May 7), Ben Collins (September 12).
1991: Birth of Zlatko Andronikov (September 21).
1992: Birth of Douglas Mitchell (August 10).
1993: Birth of Rose Chapman (March 31).
1994: Birth of Captain Allen (December 2).
1995: Birth of Edward Dempsey (February 8), Richard Perkins (July 13), Todd Williams (September 21).
1999: Birth of  Isaac Falone (March 10), Elizabeth Wilson (March 25), John Phillips (October 11).
Death of Arnold Brook.[1]
Birth of Chris Roberts (May 16).
2000: Birth of Michael Webb (September 9).
2001: Birth of Jimmy Peterson (February 1), Caroline Phillips (May 23).
2002: Birth of Elijah Kamski (July 17), Gavin Reed (October 7).
2005: Birth of Pedro Aabdar (January 25), Rosanna Cartland (December 12).
2008: Birth of Carlos Ortiz (October 27).
2009: Birth of Nathan Clark (August 18), Chris Miller (September 30).
2010: Birth of Leo Manfred (March 21), Joss Douglas (October 24).
2012: Birth of Samuel McCray (April 10).
2013: Birth of Adam Chapman (August 5).
2018: Elijah Kamski founds CyberLife, creates first androids.
2021: Release of RT600 "Chloe".
2022: RT600 Chloe first android to pass the Turing test.
2027: CyberLife sells 1 millionth android.
2028or 2029: United States pass the Android Act.
2029: Hank Anderson promoted to the rank of lieutenant (reported on August 22).
Release of ST200 "Chloe", first industrially produced android.
CyberLife leased a disused warehouse. (Extras Gallery)
CyberLife starts the commercial production of androids.
KNC's interview with Chloe (April 25).
Release of JB100 OR Andy (12-2027).
Death of Amanda Stern (February 23).
Elijah Kamski named Century magazine's "Man of the Century". Later, Kamski resigns as CEO and leaves CyberLife.
Red Ice Task Force dismantles a Red Ice network (reported on February 3).
Birth of Emma Phillips (September 2).
Release of EM400 (2028), Jerry (06-2028).
Birth of Cole Anderson (September 23).
Release of PC200 and PM700.
2032: Release of AX400, Kara (04-2032).
2037: Rose Chapman starts helping deviants.
2038: the year Detroit: Become Human takes place.
CyberLife reaches market valuation of $850bn.
Release of TR400 OR Luther (01-2030), HK400 OR Carlos' Android (05-2031), URS12 Android Bear (10-2030).
Androids introduced into the United States military and Michigan law enforcement. Red Ice Task Force seizes boat with nearly 1t Red Ice (reported on November 23).
Release of Ralph (/WR600?) and PJ500 (2031), Josh (11-2031).
Birth of Sumo (April 2031).
Release of JB300 336 445 581 (/JB300?) (05-2033), YK500, Alice (07-2033).
Carlos Ortiz spent several stays in a psychiatric hospital in 2033.
Release of PL600 (2034), Simon (02-2034).
April 2034 Season Finals Detroit's Champions Take An Early Lead (Basketball Magazine poster around Hank's Desk)
Release of "Traci"s WR400 and HR400 (2035), North (10-2035).
Death of Cole Anderson (October 11)[8].
Detroit Gears basketball Playoffs (Seen at Hank's desk)
Cristina Warren elected President of the United States.
Carlos Ortiz spent several stays in a psychiatric hospital in 2036.
Release of KL900 OR Lucy, Rupert (possibly plus WB200?).
Reported missing: Simon (February 16), Rupert (October 11).
Death of Rose Chapman's husband (estimated, "died 2 years ago" in 2038[9]).
The year 2038 is the temporal setting of Detroit: Become Human.
global population 10 billion.[10]
The first DPD case file about deviants ("dates back nine months")[11]
RK800 "Connor" released (08-2038).
Birth of Damian Miller ("three months ago" in November).
Aug 15th: Chapter "The Hostage".
around 7:30 PM: Daniel takes Emma Phillips hostage.
Death of John Phillips (estimated 07:29 PM), Officer Antony Deckart (estimated 08:03 PM), and another officer (found dead in the pool). Officer M. Wilson is wounded by Daniel, death optional.
CyberLife sends RK800 Connor as a hostage negotiator. ITM televises the hostage situation.
08:29 PM: Chapter "The Hostage" begins. Connor arrives at the Phillips apartment.
08:30 PM: DPD reports that a deviant android is involved. (ITM report)
09/14: An android waiter (AV500 #234 777 821) in Fast Coney Dogs attacks Charles Bell and escapes.
10/04: Gordon Lopez's AL series android disappears. North deviates at a customer's home and escapes.
10/05: Eden Club manager Floyd Mills reports to the police that North is missing.
10/06: North arrives in Jericho (North has been in Jericho "4 weeks, 3 days, 11 hours" on Nov 6 after 5 PM).
around 10/17: Carlos Ortiz killed by Carlos' Android. (Based on his body being dead for 19 days on Nov 5th)
10/22: An android (AP700 #480 913 802) attacks her owner Sarah Cornwal, the house, and escapes.
Friday Nov 5th: Chapters: Shades of Color, The Opening, A New Home, The Painter, Partners, Stormy Night, Broken, Fugitives
CyberLife zoo opens in Detroit.
Several Russian warships have taken position in the Barents Sea since Saturday October 30th. (CTN news)
09:38 AM: Chapter "Shades of Color" begins. Markus arrives in Greektown to pick up Carl's paint from Bellini Paints.
09:58 AM: Chapter "The Painter" begins. Markus arrives back at Carl Manfred's House.
03:24 PM: Chapter "The Opening" begins. Todd Williams picks up Kara at Android Zone.
04:53 PM: Chapter "A New Home" begins. Todd and Kara arrive at Todd Williams' house.
"around 8" (PM or AM): Landlord calls police because he found Carlos Ortiz's corpse.
09:14 PM: Chapter "Stormy Night" begins. Dinner in the Williams house.
09:42 PM: Chapter "Broken" begins. Markus and Carl arrive home from the opening of Carl Manfred's retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.
10:58 PM: Chapter "Fugitives" begins. Kara and Alice to get off the bus in Camden.
11:21 PM: Chapter "Partners" begins. Connor arrives at Jimmy's Bar to pick up Hank Anderson.
Saturday Nov 6th: Chapters:
The Interrogation, From the Dead, Waiting for Hank..., On the Run, Jericho, The Nest, Time to Decide, Zlatko, Russian Roulette, Spare Parts, The Eden Club
During the night: Russian carrier and American patrol boat reported to have exchanged warning shots in Arctic, no casualties. (~CTN news[11])
KNC reports on the first artificial intelligence to write a book.
CTN reports that a CyberLife prototype detective android is assisting the DPD. (~CTN news[11][15])
President Cristina Warren makes speech to Congress, demanding that Russian troops withdraw from the Arctic region. (~CTN news[8])
N/A: Severe hurricanes blight Mid-West, dozens killed. (seen under the scrolling header during Waiting for Hank.)   (~CTN news[8])
12:41 AM: Chapter "The Interrogation" begins. Hank interrogates Carlos' Android.
03:34 AM: Chapter "From the Dead" begins. Markus reboots in Solid Waste Landfill.
08:42 AM: Todd Williams' dead body is found by a friend and reported to the police. (If killed by Alice or Kara)
09:56 AM: Chapter "Waiting for Hank..." begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then arrives at DPD Central Station.
10:25 AM: Chapter "On the Run" begins. Kara wakes in Camden.
03:02 PM: Chapter "The Nest" begins. Hank eats at Chicken Feed.
04:30 PM: Chapter "Jericho" begins. Markus travels to Ferndale Station.
06:24 PM (estimated[16]): Death of Michael Graham at Eden Club.
05:13 PM: Chapter "Time to Decide" begins. Markus meets Jericho androids.
07:45 PM: Chapter "Zlatko" begins. Kara and Alice arrive at Zlatko Andronikov's House.
07:51 PM: Chapter "Russian Roulette" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then visits Hank Anderson's home.
08:01 PM: Chapter "Spare Parts" begins. Jericho androids raid CyberLife Warehouse and Docks.
08:17 PM: Chapter "The Eden Club" begins. Connor and Hank arrive at the Eden Club.
Sunday Nov 7th:
Chapters: The Pirates' Cove, The Bridge, The Stratford Tower
01:02 AM: Chapter "The Pirates' Cove" begins. Kara's group travels by car.
01:19 AM: Chapter "The Bridge" begins. Connor and Hank in Riverside Park.
09:24 AM: Chapter "The Stratford Tower" begins. Markus sits on a street bench and gets an idea.
Monday Nov 8th:
Chapters: The Stratford Tower cont., Public Enemy, Midnight Train
01:30 PM: Chapter "The Stratford Tower" cont. Markus infiltrates the Stratford Tower.
01:59 PM: Markus is recording the message in Stratford Tower (Connor' "Pupil Reflection" scan is timestamped "13:59:54").
04:06 PM: Chapter "Public Enemy" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then Connor and Hank arrive at Stratford Tower Floor 79.
05:10 PM: Chapter "Midnight Train" begins. Kara's group arrives at Rose's Farm.
Tuesday Nov 9th:
Chapters: Capitol Park, Meet Kamski, Freedom March, Last Chance, Connor, Crossroads
01:51 AM: Chapter "Capitol Park" begins. Jericho androids discuss Stratford broadcast.
02:00 AM: Jericho android teams attack the five CyberLife stores in Detroit simultaneously. Markus and North arrive at Capitol Park 10 minutes previous.
11:17 AM: Chapter "Meet Kamski" begins. Hank (+/- Connor) arrives at Elijah Kamski's house.
12:04 PM: Chapter "Freedom March" begins. Markus on roof, reflecting.
04:13 PM: Chapter "Last Chance, Connor" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. At DPD, Connor has to find Jericho.
N/A: Military androids removed from service(~CTN news), resulting in armed forces losing 2/3 of effective personnel. Androids are ordered to be turned over to the authorities, to be delivered to the nearest police station or army barracks, to be put in camps. The lack of androids shuts down services and utilities such as hospitals, schools, water, electricity, networks. (~KNC news[19]) Detroit is under curfew.
09:34 PM: Chapter "Crossroads" begins. Kara's group is driving to find Jericho.
10:45 PM: FBI and military raid on Jericho (~Warren press announcement)
Wednesday Nov 10th:
Chapters: Night of the Soul
06:00 AM: national curfew declared (~Warren press announcement)
Chapter "Night of the Soul" begins.
04:17 PM: Markus visits Carl's grave. (Pay Respects)
07:31 PM: Markus visits Carl's house. (Welcome Home) Then Markus in church (Markus on Sacred Ground). OR Jericho androids in church without Markus. (Connor/North on Sacred Ground)
07:31 PM or N/A: Connor speaks to Amanda (Thin Ice), visits Hank (Hank's House).
N/A: Android leader gives speech in undiscovered Jericho. (Markus/North Among the People)
09:24 PM: President Cristina Warren press announcement on Jericho raid, curfew etc. (Battle for Detroit)
Thursday Nov 11th:
Chapters: Battle for Detroit (events from multiple paths)
N/A: The U.S. Army has set up temporary camps in most major cities (Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Boston, San Francisco) to gather and destroy androids. (KNC News report, which is heard in Kamski's house if everyone died)
"at/since dawn": Androids take to the streets, either in peaceful demonstration (Markus Demonstration) OR fighting to liberate camps (Markus Revolution).
10:48 PM: Connor arrives at CyberLife Tower. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower)
10:51 PM: Kara's group in West Side Industrial on the way to Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
10:56 PM: Androids march down Woodward Avenue onto Hart Plaza (Markus Demonstration/Revolution/North)
11:01 PM:
11:02 PM: Kara's group reaches Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit, Risky Checkpoint)
11:06 PM: Kara's group enters Enclosure. (Kara Captured)
11:07 PM:
11:08 PM:
11:15 PM: Kara's group reaches Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit, Safer Detour)
11:15-30 PM: Last bus from Detroit Bus Terminal departs to Canada Border. Cross-border bus service is suspended afterwards.
11:16 PM: Hart Plaza barricade is attacked. (Markus Demonstration)
11:26 PM:
11:30 PM: Kara's group arrives at US-Canada Border. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
11:36 PM: Kara's group enters Canada. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
11:57 PM: Kara's group arrives at banks of Detroit River, Canada. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
presumably before midnight: President Cristina Warren gives speech (Battle for Detroit).
Connor arrives at Floor -49. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower) OR Connor on Hart Plaza rooftop. (Connor's Last Mission)
Androids at Hart Plaza launch attack. (Revolution)
Connor vs Connor-60. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower)
Hart Plaza final assault, Markus vs Connor, vs tank. (Revolution)
Androids in Hart Plaza barricade. Perkins offers deal. (Markus Demonstration)
Kara's group facing destruction in Hart Plaza camp. (Kara Captured)
Hart Plaza androids arrested, Markus killed (Markus Demonstration, surrender)
Kara's group arrives at banks of Detroit River, Delray. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
Friday Nov 12th:
Chapters: Battle for Detroit cont.
12:01 AM: Hart Plaza and CyberLife Tower android groups meet. Android leader gives speech. OR Machine Connor checks on Markus's corpse, after the latter's surrender to Perkins.
07:37 AM: Kara's group wakes in Solid Waste Landfill. (Kara Captured)
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dailytomlinson · 5 years
Louis Tomlinson may be one-fifth of one of the biggest boybands in the world, but there's so much more to know about the singer than the fact he was in One Direction. Now that he's getting on with his solo music career - AND just dropped his amazing new single 'Two Of Us', Louis is a major household name across the world.
Here's everything you need to know about Louis Tomlinson:
1) Louis’s middle name is William.
2) Louis Tomlinson was born on Christmas Eve in 1991.
3) Louis is the oldest member of One Direction. He’s 13 months older than second eldest Zayn Malik.
Check out One Direction through the years: View Gallery 11 photos 1 / 11 One Direction © Shutterstock One Direction auditioning on The X Factor One Direction formed on The X Factor in 2010. All five members auditioned as individual contestants and were put together as a group by Simon Cowell.
4) Louis Tomlinson's star sign is Capricorn. Apparently, typical Capricorns live by the motto, ‘Slow, steady and win the race.’
5) Louis was brought up in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Other famous people who hail from the town include Jeremy Clarkson, Kevin Keegan and Brian Blessed!
Jeremy Clarkson JEREMY CLARKSON AND BRIAN BLESSED © SHUTTERSTOCK 6) Louis once said that he is a big fan of girls who eat carrots!
7) If Louis had a superpower, he would be able to fly.
8) Louis’s favourite band is The Fray.
9) Louis’s favourite song of all time is ‘Look After You’ by The Fray.
10) Louis’s celebrity crush is Natalie Portman and his man crush is Robbie Williams - who he recently sat next to on The X Factor judging panel.
11) He also once said that Robbie is his biggest role model, telling Metro Radio "I’ve got a massive musical icon and that’s Robbie Williams. We actually got to sing with him on The X Factor and it was absolutely amazing."
X Factor ROBBIE WILLIAMS, AYDA FIELD, LOUIS TOMLINSON AND SIMON COWELL © SHUTTERSTOCK 12) Louis has approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds of solos on ‘Up All Night’ – the second least behind Niall Horan.
13) Louis auditioned on The X Factor by singing a version of Plain White T’s ‘Hey There Delilah’. He got a clean sweep of yeses from the judges.
14) Louis's parents are Johannah Deakin and Troy Austin. They split up when Louis was young, and he eventually took on his stepfather Mark Tomlinson’s surname. Johannah sadly passed away in 2016, Louis paid tribute to his mum on the anniversary of her passing.
15) Louis has five younger half-sisters - one on his father's side (Georgia), and four on his mother's side (Charlotte, Félicité, and twins Daisy and Phoebe).
16) When he was just 11-years-old, Louis had a role as an extra on ITV drama_**_ Fat Friends. His newborn sisters Daisy and Phoebe starred as babies on the show.
17) Spurred on by his appearance on Fat Friends, Louis attended acting school in his spare time and eventually had small parts in 2006 ITV drama If I Had You! and Waterloo Road.
18) When he first auditioned for The X Factor, Louis was a sixth form student at Hall Cross School in Doncaster.
19) Louis also attended The Hayfield School in Doncaster, but dropped out when he failed his first year of A-levels.
20) Louis had a number of part-time jobs before The X Factor, including working at a local cinema and as a hospitality waiter at Doncaster Rovers Football Club.
21) As a student, Louis played the lead role of Danny Zuko in a high school production of Grease. He says playing the part gave him the confidence to audition for The X Factor.
22) When he was younger, Louis wanted to work on a farm.
23) Louis would love to copy Michael Jackson and have a pet monkey. He said, "I'd like to adopt a chimpanzee and build an eternal friendship, that would be amazing."
24) Louis’s favourite colour is dark red.
25) Louis is a big fan of Las Vegas rockers The Killers. After seeing them perform at V Festival, he tweeted, "Watching Mr Brightside live last night was unbelievable. LOVED The Killers!!"
Louis Tomlinson ✔ @Louis_Tomlinson Watching Mr Brightside live last night was unbelievable. LOVED The Killers !!
22.8K 6:09 PM - Aug 20, 2012 Twitter Ads info and privacy 30.4K people are talking about this 26) Louis suffers from a ringing noise in his right ear. Although yet to be officially diagnosed it’s thought it could be tinnitus which can lead to deafness if untreated. He once said, "I am going slightly deaf in my right ear. It’s tinnitus, something like that," before joking that it was because of screaming fans.
27) According to his bandmates, Louis has the smelliest feet in One Direction! Niall once said, "Louis wears plimsolls with no socks so his feet get very sweaty and the sweat is captured. If we are on a bus or something and he takes them off we all pretty much start gagging."
28) Louis was given a telling off by police when filming the ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ video Los Angeles in July 2011 for his erratic driving. Afterwards, he explained, "I got pulled over by the US police. They thought I was all over the place. The officer goes, 'Listen, man, I can shut this thing down if you carry on driving like this. You're driving like a maniac.' And I was like, 'Man, put the gun down. I don't want no trouble.'"
WATCH: One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful (Official Video)
29) Louis says that he and his 1D bandmates are like brothers. Admitting that they occasionally bicker, Louis told Digital Spy, "Because we're around each other so often it's like arguing with your siblings. You fall out with them, go away and have a bit of a paddy, then come back and get over it."
30) Just like Zayn and Harry Styles, Louis supports Manchester United Football Club.
31) Louis’s favourite track on ‘Up All Night’ is the Ed Sheeran-penned track ‘Moments’. The track appears on the deluxe version of the record.
32) If Louis could give anyone a tip when auditioning for The X Factor it would be "just be yourself and really try and get your personality through in your song choice and interview."
33) Louis once owned a Porsche Boxster and sold it on eBay in 2012 for £30,000.
34) When Zayn’s ex-girlfriend Rebecca Ferguson took to Twitter to complain about being overworked by her management, Louis had very little sympathy! He wrote in a now-deleted tweet, '@RebeccaFMusic Success is impossible without proper hard work.'
Rebecca Ferguson REBECCA FERGUSON © SHUTTERSTOCK 35) Louis loves to party! He once told TOTP magazine, "To be honest, I’m sure the majority of 20-year-olds go out and party. I’m not going to feel oppressed."
36) Louis is a giver and not a taker. In fact, there’s nothing he enjoys more than giving his friends and family presents. His late mum Johannah once told Sugarscape, "He’s not a materialistic person himself, but he likes to give people things. He spoils me and the girls and he's happiest doing that."
37) Louis once said that he likes snuggling up in bed with one of the One Directioners... HARRY! He said, "A few weeks ago I made a cup of tea, then went and got in bed with Harry and we watched a show called something like The Top 50 Boybands Of All Time." Nice!
38) Apparently, Louis has revealed that his least favourite food is baked beans.
39) Louis once said his favourite country is France.
40) Louis is an avid fan of surfing. In fact, he loves the beach so much he says he’d like to get married on one.
41) It takes over 30 minutes for Louis to get his hair ready in the morning.
42) Louis admits he’s a really bad cook. Despite this, he appeared alongside Harry in a cooking segment on This Morning in September 2011.
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43) One of Louis's favourite mottos is, "Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain."
44) The two traits Louis looks for in a girl are confidence and a good sense of humour.
45) In 2011, his mum Johannah and stepdad Mark split up. Speaking about his mum, Louis said, "It must be so much harder for her because I’m living this fantastic life and being so busy every day whereas she’s still in the old life I was in but without me... It must be really difficult for her not to get upset."
46) Louis’s pet hate is when people chew their food too loudly.
47) Louis has size 10 feet.
48) A man who works in the music industry once tried to have a snog with Louis! "It was a press guy.... he just started going in for a kiss!" said Louis.
49) Louis loves Marmite and has big dollops of it on his toast.
50) Louis admits that he’s a messy person. In fact, he hasn’t met anyone who’s messier than him!
51) Louis is pretty decent on the piano and he loves to play ‘Mr Brightside’ by The Killers.
52) Louis says he’ll "never get used to" the adoration he receives from fans. He once said, "At the end of the day we’re doing something that we really love and to be appreciated for that is really nice."
53) Louis’s favourite TV shows are Misfits and One Tree Hill.
54) If Louis wasn’t a multi-million selling pop megastar, he reckons he’d be training to be a drama teacher.
55) If Louis could visit any planet it would be... Narnia. Erm, it’s a fictional place Louis!!
56) Louis hates rumours, especially when they involve Harry and himself. In a Tumblr interview he explained, "Me and Harry are best friends, people look into our every move. It is actually affecting the way me and Harry are in public, We want to joke around but there seems to be a different rumour every time we do anything."
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57) Louis is prone to sleepwalking and once tried to get into Niall’s bed!
58) Louis once said that if a movie was made about his life, he’d like Leonardo DiCaprio to play him.
59) The first time Louis ever spoke to Harry was in the toilet at The X Factor auditions in Manchester.
60) Louis is a big fan of silly string! He’s sprayed it on stage at gigs, press conferences and even at a security guard who refused to let him speak to fans.
61) When he was 14, Louis played lead guitar in a band called The Rogue with his schoolmates.
62) When One Direction formed, Louis’s big ambition was to go "straight to the top." Proof that dreams come true!
63) In August 2012, Tulisa prank called Louis during a live webchat. When Louis answered she spoke to him in a Donald Duck voice in front of thousands of viewers. The N-Dubz star tweeted afterwards, 'soz babe we had 2 get ya! Thanks 4 being a laugh n entertaining us!'
Tulisa ✔ @officialtulisa @Louis_Tomlinson soz babe we had 2 get ya! Thanks 4 being a laugh n entertaining us!
266 8:23 PM - Aug 5, 2012 Twitter Ads info and privacy 579 people are talking about this 64) Louis was fined £80 for speeding on the way to V Festival in 2012. It’s reported that he was going 48mph in a 40mph zone. He’ll also get three points on his licence. Ouch!
65) Despite having smelly feet, Louis is a big fan of shoes! His favourite types are chinos and Toms.
66) Another of his favourite mottos is "live fast, have fun & be a bit mischievous."
67) If Louis was Simon Cowell for the day, he says he’d go on a date with Susan Boyle.
After his successful stint on last year's The X Factor, Louis delighted his fans in March when he dropped his amazing new single 'Two Of Us'.
The song, which is adored by fans, is a tribute to Louis' late mum Johannah Deakin. Johannah left behind seven children, including Louis, at the end of 2016, when she lost her battle with an aggressive form of leukaemia at the age of just 42.
Louis' track 'Two Of Us' features the lyrics, "I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud. I'll be living one life for the two of us."
The article was followed by a tweet:
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Birthday, Bored, and Crush: 2:04 PM Wed Aug 7 @ 78% Pick a number? REDDIT THE BASICS SEX & SEXUALITY 49. Are you a virgin 1. Age 25. How many followers do you have 2. Gender 26. Favorite subreddit 50. Has anyone seen you naked 3. Height 27. Favorite redditaor 51. Have you any tattoos /piercings 4 5 Welght 28. Amount of time you spend on reddit 52. Have you had a same sex experience Where are you from 29. How many people have you chatted with 53. Have you ever sent a nude 6. Zodiac sign 30. Last person you DM'd/Chatted 54. Have you ever sexted 55. Have you ever kissed anyone 7 First name 31 How many subreddits do you follow 8 Birthday 32. Do you follow any NSFW subreddits 56. Am I attractive FAVORITE THINGS LOOKS SEXUAL NSFW 9 Favorite color 33. Hair style 57 Bra/dick size 10. Favorile food 34. Hair color 58. Pubic hair natural, trimmed, shaved or none пor 11. Favorite music genre 35. Eye color 59. Do you have any body hair 60. Guys-only: are you circumcised 12. Favorite song 36. Body type /build 13. Favorite movie 37. Ethnicity 61. How often do you masturbate 14. Favorite tv show 38. Favorite outfit 62. Last time you masturbated 15. Favorite anima 39. What are you wearing 63. Have you ever watched porn 16. Favorite thing to do 40. Type of underwear you wear 64. Ideal sexual /physical atributes 65. Favorite sexual fantasty LIFE/EXPERIENCE RELATIONSHIPS 66. Turns ons Turn offs 17. Your hobbies / sports 41 Sexuality 67. Any kinks 18. Future job /ambitions 42. Relationship status 19. Have you drank / smoked 43. Who is your crush MISC. 20. Have you done drugs 44. Celebrity crush 21. Do you have any pets 45. Have you ever cheated on someone Ask whatever you like (can't say no) 46. Idcal girfriend / boyfriend 22. Best memory 47. Idea of a perfect date 72. Ask me on 23. Most embarrassing mome ent 48. Have you asked anyone out 24. Dream vacation EXTENDED EDITION JULY 2019 THE REDDIT R/TEENAGERS PICK A NUMBER GAME Bored and horny atm. Pick a number (16F)
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sofunsd · 5 years
時序才過了立冬,冬天的色彩已經緩緩的開始覆蓋上秋天的顏色,漸漸由橘紅色轉換成亮晶晶與紅綠相間的色調,或是白花花的 一片。白雪覆蓋的山頂上,較冷的北加州滑雪場逐漸地開放,聖地牙哥的朋友們可能得再等一會兒,先在城市裡渡個小小的聖誕歡樂假期吧!本周終於有強檔新片上演,就是小編等了好久才上演的J.K.羅琳魔法世界全新冒險五部曲中的第二部大作《怪獸與葛林戴華德的罪行》(Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald) 。週五晚間強勢登場,小編預計電影院旁,可能又將出現大批影迷,露宿排隊等候吧~~!
Top #3:
Tree Lighting and Santa’s Arrival (11/16)
當您在準備開始計畫為假日開始購物時,不妨來Carlsbad Premium Outlet中心與我們一起喜迎聖誕老人,並幫助他點亮兩層樓高的聖誕樹。順便逛逛零售商開始您的假日購物,包括Nike、Kate Spade New York、Vans,Old Navy Outlet Kids&Baby、Sunglass Hut、Tumi等品牌,超過90家設計師和名牌直銷店,在此都有駐點喔~當晚,當地合唱團和舞蹈團將提供娛樂活動。Carlsbad Premium Outlets®位於I-5和Palomar Airport Road的交匯處,交通便利,是聖地牙哥首屈一指的購物目的地之一。
時間:11/16 , 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
地點:Carlsbad Premium Outlets, 5620 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Top #2 :
U-Pick Fuyu Persimmons (11/10~25)
每年的十月開始,一直到隔年的三月是柿子盛產的季節。尤其是十一月正是柿子開始盛產的時間,這裡的柿子樹高度生長約十到二十五英呎之間,每一棵樹每年大概能夠生產三百顆到四百顆的柿子。位在聖地牙哥北邊,大約一個鐘頭車程至 Valley Center,這裡的一個果園種植了許多的柿子樹,每年的十一月都會開放給民眾親手去採收柿子,但是時間並不長,僅三至四週而已。這裡出產特有 King Size 的 Fuyu King Persimmons,是一般店裡買不到的喔!
大家不妨利用十一月的週末,到 Valley Center 走一趟,把握這個難得機會吧!
時間:十一月的週六、日 (11/ 10-11,  17-18 , 24-25 共三個週末),上午9點至3點。
地址:32829 Lilac Road, Valley Center, CA 92082, Interstate 15 North to Old Castle Road. Go East on Old Castle to Lilac Road turn off. Go left on Lilac 4.4 miles.
Top #1 :
The 2018 Mother Goose Parade (11/18)
鵝媽媽遊行Mother Goose  Parade是聖地牙哥縣El Cajon地區每一年最大的閱兵式,每年遊行都吸引了數千名觀眾到場觀看。趕在感恩節前的周末,先來個慶祝活動暖個身。由志工朋友們,的不分年齡和種族,一起齊心協力準備這項遊行,多年下來已經成為一種傳統,也將大家的心凝聚在一起。來自美國各地的城市,超過百個豐富多彩的花車,是鵝媽媽遊行最吸睛的一部分。
時間:11/18, 1:00pm
地點:El Cajon
▼▼▼ 其他活動 More ▼▼▼
The Del Mar Antique Show & Sale (11/16~18)
時間:11/16~18, 11am~ 5pm.
地點:Del Mar Fairgrounds
Rady Children’s Ice Rink at Liberty Station (11/17~1/6/2019)
溜冰也能作公益!今年在Liberty Station,由Rady Children’s Hospital 、 SENTRE 、NBC 7 San Diego、 Liberty Station 等單位贊助。活動開始於十一月份一直到明年一月份。 來這裡的朋友不會無聊的,每一天現場都會有些特別的活動,配上假日的燈光、音樂效果,很適合全家共樂。此外,來這裡又可以做公益,可以幫助 Peckham Center for Cancer 及 Blood Disorders at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego,真是一舉兩得。
時間:11/17~1/6/2019,  10am – 10pm(感恩節、聖誕節除外)
地點:Liberty Station, 2875 Dewey Road San Diego, California 92106
價錢:成人$15/ 十二歲以下兒童 $13 /軍人及10人以上團體 $10 / 季票$50,冰鞋頭盔包含在票價內
Holiday Street Fair (11/18)
時間:11/18, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
地點:Encinitas 101 MainStreet
聖地牙哥亞洲電影節秋季影展 (11/8~11/17)
又有電影可以看囉~11月8日至17日將於聖地牙哥的Ultrastar Mission Valley影院,舉行第19屆聖地牙哥亞洲電影節(SDAFF)。 開幕之夜、閉幕之夜和SDAFF頒獎晚會都有機會看到明星走紅地毯。本屆秋季影展將為觀眾帶來自20個國家的160多部,30種語言的電影,規模達歷史之最。今年,我們擴大電影節,加入在Mira Mesa放映的機會,提供給聖地牙哥北部地區的觀眾和社區。 亞裔製片,大放異彩!今年夏天, 「Crazy Rich Asians」 及「Searching」 這兩部叫好叫座的電影,證明了亞裔美國人可以成為票房的吸金器,同時也凸顯獨立電影製作的重要性。沒有這些電影工作者的這些新思想、新鮮事物、新聲音,就不可能有機會聽到、看到這個不同的世界,而電影展也是功不可沒,若無這些願意出錢、出力為電影相關產業打拼的幕後工作人員,也沒機會被發掘,而大放異彩!一起來支持電影產業吧~
地點:Ultrastar Mission Valley at Hazard Center
地址:7510 Hazard Center Drive | San Diego, CA 92108
Fall Racing Festival (11/9~12/2)
秋季的賽馬季登場~Del Mar賽馬場將於11月9日(星期五)開始,Del Mar賽馬場將全面展開。粉絲們將可期待精彩的賽馬比賽、美味的食物和飲料,以及為大學生提供特殊的一天活動。為期四天的開幕週末期間將有免費來自Pepper的雷鬼音樂搖滾音樂會。
地點:Del Mar racetrack
Movies 週末電影推薦!
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
身為J.K 羅琳的粉絲,他的每一本書、每一部電影小編都會去朝聖,這部新片當然也不例外囉~電影敘述,在上一集《怪獸與牠們的產地》中,美國魔法部在紐特(艾德瑞迪曼 飾) 的幫助下成功的捉拿了魔法界最大的威脅:葛林戴華德。但葛林戴華德早已放話會逃出枷鎖,到時候他會廣收信眾,培養一支純種的巫師大軍,統御所有莫魔生靈;而他真如他自己所預言一般,順利逃出監獄並且一步步展開他的邪惡計劃。
為了阻止葛林戴華德,鄧不利多(裘德洛 飾)招攬了過去的得意門生紐特來幫忙,紐特向來心中只有魔法界的奇獸,對於這個世界即將發生的危機渾然不覺,但鄧不利多看準他的性格特質,把這次關係著全世界莫魔與巫師們的關鍵任務交給了紐特,這項任務比想像中的艱難,就連最親的朋友與家人都面臨了考驗,日益擴大的嫌隙與鴻溝也正一步步挑戰魔法世界的安寧~
Viejas Outlet Center Ice Rink (11/2~1/21)
就在11月才開始幾天,我們已經開啟假期的模式了! Viejas Casino&Resort 渡假酒店裝飾了大廳,並開放了冬季室外溜冰場。客人可以在南加州最大的戶外溜冰場玩耍90分鐘,成人票16美元,12歲及以下兒童14美元,還有季票可以一玩再玩。!溜冰場的開放時間為周末下午3點至10點以及週一至週五下午5點至10點(退伍軍人節和感恩節除外)。
地點:5003 Willows Road Alpine,CA 91901
Reverberate: Sound + Image Exhibition (~1/9)
地點:Museum of Photographic Arts, 1649 El Prado,San Diego,CA 9210
Wicked (~11/25)
綠野仙蹤 WICKED應該是一部大家耳熟能像的故事,這部百老匯轟動的經典劇,看看在Land of Oz發生的事情……但是從不同的角度來看。主角Dorothy到來之前,還有另一位年輕女子,出生時翡翠般的綠皮膚,聰明、火熱、被誤解,並擁有非凡的天賦。當她遇到一個非常受歡迎的金髮女郎時,他們從最初的競爭變成了不友好的友誼……直到世界決定一個為「好女巫」,而另一個「邪惡女巫」。 極具創造性的故事,極具戲劇張力!原創音樂會讓你發笑、哭泣、思考。
時間:now~11 / 25
地址: Broadway San Diego, 3651 Fourth Ave,San Diego,CA 92103
戲劇  Old Globe Theatre 
Dr. Seuss’sHow the Grinch Stole Christmas! (11/3~12/29)
Dr. Seuss’s應該每一個小朋友都認識的兒童圖書作者,改編自Dr. Seuss’s的故事書,已歷時20年的經典【聖誕怪傑】Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas 又再度上演。「This Time of Year」、 「Santa for a Day」及 「Fah Who Doraze」這些眾所週知的聖誕節歌曲,再利用廣受歡迎的動畫版的聖誕怪傑改編後,就成了年復一年的經典音樂劇,也是老環球劇場(The Old Globe Theatre)年度的大戲之一!過去的幾年中一直是對自閉症兒童、家庭,還有其他有特殊環境的家庭進行關懷演出。真的讓人揪感心~
地點:the Old Globe Theatre
生活挑戰和發現 (15% 優惠)
聖地牙哥海洋博物館被評為世界上最好的海洋博物館之一,千萬不要錯失參觀世界上最具歷史意義和最令人興奮的船舶的良機。聖地牙哥海事博物館成立於1948年,為美國收藏歷史船隻最多的博物館。博物館位於聖地牙哥灣,館內的主要收藏為1863年的鋼鐵船印度之星號(Star of India)。 另外1898年的渡輪柏克萊號(Berkeley),船內為圖書館和研究資料館。 聖地牙哥海事博物館位於北港道(North Harbor Drive)西側,介於槐樹街(Ash Street)和葡萄街(Grape Street)之間,在聖地牙哥國際機場南邊。
1492 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101
開放時間:每天 9am – 8pm
Flagship 豪華遊輪
賞鯨、刺激噴射船 (10%優惠)
(619) 234-4111
990 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101
10% 優惠碼:sofun18
驚嘆連連的飛行體驗 (15%優惠)
地點:3717 John J Montgomery Dr
Segway Tour San Diego
地點:1355 North Harbor Drive (next to the Wyndham Hotel), San Diego, CA  92101
預約方式:(805) 650-7770 or (619) 3427244, [email protected]
想要在大海中潑水但是不會被水給濺濕?樂高樂園的海洋生物水族館就有這種可能性喔!有兩個最新的展覽「黑夜水族館」(Sea at Night)及「鯊魚任務」(Shark Mission),在有趣的互動方式下接觸、瞭解海洋生物。「黑夜水族館」是民眾在模擬生物發光波,根據他們的腳步做出反應,或跳,或躍,或潑水都可以產生不同的反應,與在太平洋海灘感覺很相似喔!「鯊魚任務」讓孩子們見到六種不同種類的鯊魚及和魟魚。小朋友可以從互動活動和遊戲了解解剖學,環保等概念。你也可以觸摸鯊魚的牙齒、鯊魚皮和蛋,甚至體驗「鯊魚籠」的感覺。
時間:Mar 19, 2018 – Aug 31
地點:LEGOLAND SEA LIFE AQUARIUM, 1 Legoland Dr., Carlsbad, Ca
兒童大自然巡禮  (全年)
Children’s Nature Retreat
另一個很多朋友可能也不知道的好地方便是「Children’s Nature Retreat」,在這裡你可能可以遇到超過100種來自世界各地馴養的家畜並與牠們互動。還可在這片寧靜牧場風格的小山上,享受大自然。
地點:5178 Japatul Spur, Alpine
價錢:$15~$25; under 2 free
速度:科學運動  (全年)
Speed: Science in Motion, San Diego Air & Space Museum
時間:Open daily, 10 am-4:30 pm.
地點:San Diego Air & Space Museum, Balboa Park
票價:$10.75-$19.75; ages 2 & under free
網址:. www.sandiegoairandspace.org
Tour the USS Midway Museum
時間:Open daily, 10 am~5 pm
地點: 910 N. Harbor Dr., downtown San Diego
價錢:$8-$21 (if purchased online); under 5 free
SD 週末農夫市場(全年)
san diego farmers market
想吃新鮮健康的食物麼?周末早起拉上小伙伴一起去聖地牙哥各大 Farmers Markets逛逛吧!「食當地、食當季」已經成為了如今的健康飲食趨勢,而美國的Farmers Market就如同菜市場一樣,每周固定時間當地農民會在這裡售賣自己種的蔬菜水果、蛋奶肉魚,  隨著客流量的增加,不少Farmers Markets也會有農民自製的蜂蜜果醬,手工飾品等等小玩意售賣。http://www.sofunsd
周末去哪FUN?帶你漫遊 San Diego (11/16~18) 時序才過了立冬,冬天的色彩已經緩緩的開始覆蓋上秋天的顏色,漸漸由橘紅色轉換成亮晶晶與紅綠相間的色調,或是白花花的 一片。白雪覆蓋的山頂上,較冷的北加州滑雪場逐漸地開放,聖地牙哥的朋友們可能得再等一會兒,先在城市裡渡個小小的聖誕歡樂假期吧!本周終於有強檔新片上演,就是小編等了好久才上演的J.K.羅琳魔法世界全新冒險五部曲中的第二部大作《怪獸與葛林戴華德的罪行》(Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald) 。週五晚間強勢登場,小編預計電影院旁,可能又將出現大批影迷,露宿排隊等候吧~~!
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eraload843 · 2 years
Comand Aps Ntg2 Firmware Update
Last post
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Looking for Mercedes-Benz Comand APS NTG4-212 Europe 2017/20 by camaro » Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:18 pm Rating: 0.8%
13 Replies
Last post by cabarkapa1 Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:27 pm
AUDIO 50 APS NTG 4 DVD v13.0 2012/2013 by Keks777 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:55 pm Rating: 0.11%
8 Replies
Last post by xDaemon Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:07 pm
Mercedes-Benz TELEMATICS CDS And DVDS by memiblue » Tue May 25, 2021 2:44 am
0 Replies
Last post by memiblue Tue May 25, 2021 2:44 am
Mercedes Comand APS NTG2 V19 2017-2018 by salsero » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:30 pm Rating: 0.23%
7 Replies
Last post by vmann Thu May 20, 2021 1:12 pm
Mercedes Comand NTG2 V 17.0 2015/2016 by hurrycanepc » Tue Sep 08, 2015 3:16 am Rating: 0.92%
13 Replies
Last post by kirildz Mon May 17, 2021 10:05 am
Mercedes-Benz COMAND ONLINE NTG5 STAR2 v.14 EUROPE 2021 by memiblue » Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:03 pm Rating: 0.46%
3 Replies
Last post by yassineihouna Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:19 pm
Mercedes Benz Comand Online NTG 4.5 Australia-New Zealand Ve by Keks777 » Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:36 pm
3 Replies
Last post by rborth06 Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:19 am
MERCEDES BENZ Navigation update 1 ... 4, 5, 6by CarsFan » Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:58 pm Rating: 0.34%
78 Replies
Last post by nihonjin Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:12 pm
Mercedes-Benz COMAND ONLINE NTG5 STAR 1 v.15 EUROPE 2021 by memiblue » Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:34 pm Rating: 0.11%
0 Replies
Last post by memiblue Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:34 pm
(HELP) GPS Navigation Conversion (NZ) by Exenus » Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:07 am
3 Replies
Last post by raedghalayini Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:42 am
Looking for SE Asia map update for NTG4 W204 by Ttrd888 » Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:21 pm
0 Replies
Last post by Ttrd888 Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:21 pm
Update Map Pilot 2016 Europe (Audio 20 CD) by duf666 » Sat Aug 03, 2019 3:39 pm
0 Replies
Last post by duf666 Sat Aug 03, 2019 3:39 pm
Map V7.0 (2012) NTG 4.5 North America by shonet » Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:42 am
0 Replies
Last post by shonet Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:42 am
Mercedes cls 200 GPS language by jimware » Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:11 pm
0 Replies
Last post by jimware Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:11 pm
Comand aps 2.0 Navi CD by rabenkind » Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:57 pm
0 Replies
Last post by rabenkind Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:57 pm
Looking for Mercedes W176 NGT4.7 comand navigation maps by ramses19912 » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:55 pm
0 Replies
Last post by ramses19912 Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:55 pm
Looking GPS for C220 2011/11 Break by b22222c » Wed Jun 06, 2018 1:46 pm
5 Replies
Last post by salsero Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:44 pm
Looking for Mercedes-Benz Comand APS NTG2.5 Europe 2016/2017 by prim01 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:11 pm
3 Replies
Last post by cucoarac Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:48 pm
Looking for Mercedes-Benz Comand APS NTG4-212 Europe 2014 A2128279059 by camaro » Sat May 24, 2014 10:06 am Rating: 0.11%
5 Replies
Last post by gerdsch Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:30 pm
Mercedes Benz Comand NTG 4.5 Online map Europe V.10 by pnl15 » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:22 pm
4 Replies
Last post by gb0410 Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:11 am
Mercedes Comand APS NTG4 (204) V10 by Koral » Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:56 pm
5 Replies
Last post by MarcSpike Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:36 pm
Australian maps for W211 E-Class? by 65fbk » Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:15 pm
0 Replies
Last post by 65fbk Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:15 pm
Mercedes Comand APS NTG1 V13 2012/2013 by Koral » Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:52 pm
14 Replies
Last post by JohnWhiteII Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:38 pm
Mercedes-Benz Comand APS NTG4-212 Europe v11 by josemiguelarana » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:33 am
0 Replies
Last post by josemiguelarana Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:33 am
Activate the internet function in Command. by nameck » Sun Oct 09, 2016 11:01 pm
0 Replies
Last post by nameck Sun Oct 09, 2016 11:01 pm
NTG2 maps Australia by Ausycb » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:39 am
0 Replies
Last post by Ausycb Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:39 am
Looking for 2014 Mercedes-Benz NTG4 DVD v13.0 north america by maverick11e » Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:41 pm
3 Replies
Last post by MysticMartin Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:07 pm
Looking for latest update for 2011 E350 North America by SoCalGuy » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:00 pm
1 Replies
Last post by MysticMartin Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:52 pm
Comand Aps Ntg2 Firmware Update Download
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Command Aps Ntg2 Firmware Update Windows 10
COMAND-APS (NTG2.5) This is a cost reduced (as far as I can see) NTG4 system all in one physical device used from Model Year 2009 in the A, B, W211-E, CLS, ML, GL, R, SL and SLK class vehicles replacing the NTG1 and NTG2 system previously fitted. It can easily be identified as the telephone hangup / pickup keys are red and green (NB, so are.
Some of you may have seen my other posts about purchasing a car for the other half, and wanting to add a reverse camera to the existing COMAND APS NTG 2.5 unit. The objective is: Provide the other half with a stereo system that can stream bluetooth, have up to date maps and allow the use of a reverse camera. So i have 1 of 2 choices: 1.
It is relatively easy to install COMAND APS NTG2.5 in the A, B, CLC, ML, GL, R and SLK class without Harmon Kardon (HK) sound system. It is also relatively easy in E or CLS with Audio-20-CD head unit (without HK) - it is more difficult in E and CLS with COMAND or Harmon Kardon but.
0 notes
skotch · 6 years
tagged by @takizawah a super long time ago
30 Questions Tag Rules: Answer thirty questions, then tag twenty blogs you would like to know better. 
1. Nicknames: cloud, koda, platinum
2. Gender: gal
3. Star sign: Leo 

4. Height: 5′6

5. Current Time: 4:32 PM

6. Birthday: aug 5 

7. Favorite bands: wwpj, faded paper figures, joywave
8. Favorite solo artists: toro y moi, rac, aristophanes, seth sentry
9. Song stuck in my head: morphine by princess nokia 

10. Last movie watched: The Walk

11. Last show watched: American Horror Story

12. When did I create my blog: 2015-ish

13. What do I post: fandoms i like, memes
14. Last thing I googled: commanding officer

15. Do you have other blogs: too many
16. Do you get asks: no

17. Why did you choose you url: bi-han and kuai liang 

18. Following: 56

19. Followers: 156
20. Favorite colors: everything except orange

21. Average hours of sleep: 7-ish

22. Lucky number: 97

23. Instruments: the recorder

24. What am I wearing: pajamas

25. How many blankets I sleep with: 21
26. Dream job: corporate lawyer

27. Dream trip: Dubai
28. Favorite food: gyro
29. Nationality: American

30. Favorite song now: When I Know More by We Were Promised Jetpacks
Tagging: whoever i guess
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memoriesofkpop · 6 years
Home Part 2 and 3 Full Text
BTS’s Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst; drama
Word Count: 1,491
Part 2 and 3 Full Text
Days have passed and no one has heard from her.
“It’s reasonable though. You DID yell at her and blame her for ruining your life,” Jungkook stated. Jin smacked the back of the maknae’s head.
“Hush,” he scolded. Yoongi couldn't help but look down and remain silent. They had placed her phone in her apartment mailbox, hoping she would receive it. That was the only thing they were willing to risk putting out, thinking that it would be too risky to place wallets and keys. They had been waiting for a call that never came.
Suddenly, a calm ringtone echoed throughout the room. Despite being from an unknown number, Yoongi immediately picked it up, hoping it was her.
“Hello?” he said into the device.
“Where is Y/N?” said the voice in return.
“Who is this?” Yoongi questioned sternly. The other boys in the room began to gather-- closing in on Yoongi in order to attempt to hear what was happening.
“My name is Kim Yoona. I am a friend of Y/N and a co-worker of hers. She hasn’t checked into work in a few days and we are beginning to worry. No one has heard from her,” she stated. Yoongi froze at the words he was hearing. “We heard you guys were close. We’re just trying to locate her,” the voice continued.
“I...I haven’t heard from her in days. Not ever since she stormed out..we had an argument,” Yoongi said solemnly.
“Ah...I see...Do you perhaps know anyone else we can call?”
“I’m afraid not…”
“Hm...okay. If you hear from her, or if any information on her surfaces, please do not hesitate to call this number. If i do not pick up, please leave a message.”
“Of course,” Yoongi said, feeling utterly defeated. The call ended and he placed the phone back onto the table with a blank face-- his mind completely wiped clean due to shock. He simply could not digest the conversation he had just been thrown into. He refused to believe that she was gone.
“What happened?” Jimin asked cautiously, inching closer to Yoongi.
“I...They...They said she’s gone missing,” Yoongi stated, the last few words barely audible as it trailed into the air. “She hasn’t been to work for a few days…no one has heard from her” he started again, this time louder for them to hear.
“Maybe someone stole her phone ad she felt ill so she didn’t go to work,” suggested Jin.
“She would have found a way. She’s always on top of her responsibilities. That just her personality,” Yoongi retorted.
“I’m sure she’s fine. If anything, the police will be on the case,” said Jimin, trying to comfort his Hyung.
“...You’re right. Maybe I’m just overreacting. She is probable at another friend’s house and just doesn’t know any numbers to call…” Yoongi said out loud, mainly to comfort himself. However, he knew, deep down, that this was a lie.
“That’s the spirit!” Jin said, patting Yoongi on the back. Despite the love and support from his members, Yoongi couldn’t help but feel the immense guilt that continuously gnawed at him, slowly driving him insane.
Wednesday; Aug 24, 2016
[01:26 am] Yoongs <3: Hey, where are you?
[01:32 am] Yoongs <3: Please call us back...We just want to make sure you’re safe
[03:48 am] Yoongs <3: Please...I’m so sorry. About everything
[04:13 am] Yoongs <3: Please come home...
Friday; Aug 26, 2016
[08:23 pm] Yoongs <3: The police came over today.
[08:25 pm] Yoongs <3: They’re calling you a missing person now…
[08:28 pm] Yoongs <3: Please...If you see this...come home. Or even call the police.
[08:33 pm] Yoongs <3: I’m sorry…
Sunday; Aug 28, 2016
[09:56 pm] Yoongs <3: They came over again.
[09:56 pm] Yoongs <3: The police.
[10:04 pm] Yoongs <3: They contacted your family as well.
[10:04 pm] Yoongs <3:We’re all worried.
[10:04 pm] Yoongs <3: You’re coming home...right?
Monday; Aug 29, 2016
[09:46 pm] Yoongs <3: They said the chances of finding you now are decreasing dramatically.
[09:50 pm] Yoongs <3: I miss you.
[09:50 pm] Yoongs <3: Please come home.
[09:51 pm] Yoongs <3: My love, please tell me you’re on your way.
[11:08 pm] Yoongs <3: I coun’t take it. I has a feew drienks.
[11:11 pm] Yoongs <3: youu arent heere to sttop mer.
[11:13 pm] Yoongs <3: Whhy arnt yu here?
[11:15 pm] Yoongs <3: Hey…
[11:15 pm] Yoongs <3: Heyy.
[11:15 pm] Yoongs <3: hey!!
[11:16 pm] Yoongs <3: Wbhere aree yhou
[12:28 am] Yoongs <3: I’m so sorry fore verything.
[12:29 am] Yoongs <3: I am sorrry for not believeing in you.
[12:29 am] Yoongs <3: I am sorry for turning mmy back on you
[12:29 am] Yoongs <3: I’m sorry for being a terrible human being, let alone a terribble boyffriend
[12:30 am] Yoongs <3: I am msorry! Please just come homme
[01:11 am] Yoongs <3: i love you moret han ou will ever know
[01:12 am] Yoongs <3: i ahte that the last memeory we have of each other is us screaming and yelling at one another.
[01:13 am] Yoongs <3: i want to hold you colose and tell you that you are my everything.
[01:14 am] Yoongs <3: i want you back..please..
Following Tuesday:
[10:23 pm] Yoongs <3:I can’t stop thinking about you
[10:24 pm] Yoongs <3: The members say that i’ve gone insane.
[10:26 pm] Yoongs <3: Tell me darling, have I gone insane?
[10:30 pm] Yoongs <3: I just want you to come home
[02:42 am] Yoongs <3: They have tried stopping me tfrom drikning mre. Buut i need it.
[02:43 am] Yoongs <3: it helps munumb my mind.
[02:44 am] Yoongs <3: tell them to give it back to me
[04:34 am] Yoongs <3: theey wet to beed. I found the stash. We should be drinking together.
[04:35 am] Yoongs <3: ourr little sseecret
[04:37 am] Yoongs <3: why wont you rerply to me?
[06:48 am] Yoongs <3: they caught me again. Cme help me take it back.
[06:49 am] Yoongs <3: it’ll be like out secret spy mission to stealp good from the dridege
[06:52 am] Yoongs <3: i miss you…
A week later:
[11:27 pm] Yoongs <3: The police said there was nothing else they could do but wait.
[11:28 pm] Yoongs <3: I’ll always wait for you...so please come back to me.
2 weeks later:
[10:51 pm] Yoongs <3: I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you in a long time. I am working hard on your case. Don’t worry, I will find you.
[10:55 pm] Yoongs <3: They want to cancel all your cards and phone line. I didn’t let them. What if you need them? You need a phone and cards in this world
A week later:
[11:28 pm] Yoongs <3: The leaves are starting to fall off.
[11:30 pm] Yoongs <3: I remember how much you like autumn. You said the weather was just perfect and that winter was too cold.
[11:31 pm] Yoongs <3: But you love the cold breeze and snow anyway. You always say it’s beautiful.
Days later:
[11:57 pm] Yoongs <3:Today is this year’s first snow. I hope you can see it from wherever you might be. I bet it is still not as beautiful as you are right now.
A week later:
[10:01 pm] Yoongs <3: People have told me I have to get back to work and move on with my life.
[10:02 pm] Yoongs <3: how can I move on?
[10:04 pm] Yoongs <3: You are my life.
2 weeks later
[09:03 pm] Yoongs <3: It is pouring rain tonight. Are you keeping dry? Don’t catch a cold… I know you like to dance in the rain, but make sure you dress warmly first
Dec 25, 2016
[08:13 am] Yoongs <3: Merry Christmas, my love. I have presents here for you. Will you please come home to open them?
[08:15 am] Yoongs <3:I want to see your face when you open these.
[08:17 am] Yoongs <3: I love you.
Dec 31, 2016
[10:28 pm] Yoongs <3: I wish I was there with you, wherever you are. We can watch the fireworks together. The boys miss you too. We always have a spot open just for you. Right between me and Jimin, just like before.
July 28, 2017
[09:13 am] Yoongs <3: The world is starting to seem brighter again. It’s starting to hurt less now when I see that empty spot you always filled in..
Aug 16, 2017
[12:46 am] Yoongs <3: They said they found a body. The police thinks it could be you. I still have hope though. I like to think you are living your life out there. Happy.
Aug 21, 2017
[10:04 pm] Yoongs <3: It has been a few days since you came back to us. Today was the day we sent you off into the skies. You are beautiful, my love. We will miss you dearly. Please rest well now. Darling, welcome home.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 2 and 3 Full Text
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socialine · 3 years
20 Great Tweets That Made Indians LOL In 2020
20 Great Tweets That Made Indians LOL In 2020
1. 04:24 AM – 08 May 2020 2. 06:43 AM – 19 Aug 2020 3. 04:00 PM – 14 Oct 2020 4. 06:30 AM – 18 Oct 2020 5. 03:15 PM – 09 Apr 2020 6. 06:18 AM – 05 Apr 2020 7. 06:03 AM – 22 Aug 2020 8. 04:30 AM – 22 Aug 2020 9. 06:36 AM – 06 Mar 2020 10. 11:56 AM – 07 Feb 2020 11. 05:32 PM – 20 Aug 2020 12. 10:24 AM – 28 Apr 2020 13. 03:25 PM – 16 May 2020 14. 02:06 PM – 03 Sep…
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh News
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Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh News
Curating the news about Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh.
AEF Announces 2020-2021 Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Recipients
2108, 2020
AEF Announces 2020-2021 Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Recipients
wpaadmin2020-08-21T16:27:51-05:00August 21st, 2020|Categories: Society|Tags: Armenia, Armenians, Gyumri, Yerevan|
The Tufenkian family The Armenian Educational Foundation’s Board of Directors and Scholarship Committee announced the 2020-2021 Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship Award recipients. Three $3,000 scholarships have been awarded to Armenian undergraduate students at accredited United States colleges or Universities. To qualify for this scholarship, students had to be of Armenian descent, have a minimum 3.0 grade point average, show financial need, and be actively involved in the Armenian community. In total, 51 applications were received for the Richard R. Tufenkian Scholarship. The committee diligently reviewed and selected the following three students. Arman Ghazaryan Arman Ghazaryan (Vayk, Armenia)Arman Ghazaryan was born in Armenia [...]
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Bulgaria's "Cross" news agency highlights Hikmat Hajiyev's comments on Armenia's national …
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Serzh Sargsyan: Karabakh issue can be resolved through "int'l coercion"
wpaadmin2020-08-19T07:45:04-05:00August 19th, 2020|Categories: Politics|Tags: Armenia, Artsakh, Karabakh|
Serzh Sargsyan said on August 19 that Armenia emerged victorious in the Four-Day War of April 2016.
Published February 20, 2020 at 08:00PM. Read full article at Stem Cells in the News Portal.
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tisfan · 7 years
Bean There, Done That
Writing Format: Outsider POV - Stony Bingo Card Challenge
Alice Epshteyn @Alice_schnorr What’s in your cup? Excellent coffee reviews and coffee shop run downs in NYC.
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Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr What makes a coffee shop aesthetic? 3:15 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 102 Replies  196 Retweets  287 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Some people would say, the look and feel of the shop must add in some way to your coffee drinking experience. 3:16 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 32 Replies   156 Retweets  311 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Is the atmosphere dark and brooding, like their African single-source roast. (feel like this should be in a Batman movie. Very Gotham City.) 3:18 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 90 Replies   603 Retweets  1297 likes 
LEGO Batman ✔ @LEGOBatmanTHEMOVIE Replying to @alice_schnorr Run like Batman, drive like Batman, DJ like Batman. Drink the coffee like Batman. 3:18 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · Gotham City 17 Replies  734 Retweets  1783 likes
LEGO Batman ✔ @LEGOBatmanTHEMOVIE Replying to @alice_schnorr Dark. Brooding. Important. 3:18 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · Gotham City 10 Replies  832 Retweets  1005 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Replying to @LEGOBatmanTHEMOVIE Well, then you’ll like this coffee. Dark, brooding, full of itself. 3:19 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 6 Replies   78 Retweets  105 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr This cafe has something to recommend it; highly toned backside on the brunette in line. You could bounce a quarter off that. 3:21 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 21 Replies   187 Retweets  211 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Replying to @fem_freak I confess, I _am_ objectifying, but you would be, too, if you could see dat ass. 3:23 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 92 Replies   184 Retweets  300 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Okay, doing my job now. Kenya AAA, 8/10. Little oily. Brorista gets points for not trying to tell me what to order. 3:28 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 87 Replies   487 Retweets  506 likes 
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Replying to @DDoomVDoom You know the kind of guy I mean. Little girls can’t order coffee, it’s a big manly drink. I see you with your 10 sugar packets. 3:32 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 2 Replies   1109 Retweets  1297 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Dat ass sat down across from me. Looks like he’s waiting for someone. Drumming fingers, checking phone. Meet-cute waiting to happen? 3:33 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 17 Replies   321 Retweets  557 likes 
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Big and Blond wearing tee two sizes too small. Disguised mouth dropping open as cough. OMG, shop goes up 2 stars for the view! 3:40 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 37 Replies   544 Retweets  911 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Oooh, it is a first date! I turned off the music, leaving headphones in. This should be interesting! 3:41 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 101 Replies   448 Retweets  701 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Late coffee, could turn into early dinner? B&B has very open body language, he’s leaning in, one arm on the table. 3:43 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 75 Replies  499 Retweets  559 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Dat Ass is more casual; leaned back. Complaining about the coffee. Answering all B&B’s questions, but hasn’t asked any of his own. 3:48 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 35 Replies   532 Retweets  796 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Oh, a question: Dat Ass shows interest at last! Oh, B&B is an _artist_, isn’t that precious? Contracts out for advertising firms to pay bills. 3:51 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 49 Replies   521 Retweets  773 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Ooooh! First misstep; Arts&Crafts complains about cold, callous businessmen with no appreciation for art? Dat Ass? Is a CEO. 3:56 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 32 Replies   529 Retweets  691 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Mayday Mayday! Date going down in flames! Both of them closed body language now. Arms crossed. You could land an airplane on Dat Ass’s pout. 4:06 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 259 Replies   549 Retweets  1006 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Arts&Crafts, maybe should not mention that Dat Ass “looks adorable when he’s angry.” That’s like dating 101. 4:06 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 1093 Replies   796 Retweets  1578 likes 
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Replying to @dating_101 Yeah, I hear ya. Everyone needs a list of First Date No-No’s http://www.datingloveandsextips.com/1st-date-conversation/ 4:08 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 302 Replies   1754 Retweets  3697 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Oh, Arts&Crafts is backpedalling. Told anecdote about live-model art class he was in. Good material. Dat Ass is smiling again. 4:10 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 33 Replies   522 Retweets  773 likes 
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Replying to @raven_darkholme I don’t know what live-model class, he didn’t say. Did you fall off the table while modeling? 4:11 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 1 Replies   517 Retweets  559 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Apparently they’re a blind date; mutual friend set them up. Dat Ass is telling long, self-involved story of how mutual and he met. 4:16 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 34 Replies   533 Retweets  778 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Replying to @raven_darkholme Good, it wasn’t you. Sounds embarrassing! 4:18 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 2 Replies   559 Retweets   607 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr She was his personal assistant. Now she’s junior veep at one of his smaller wholly owned subsidiaries? Nice fast track! 4:19 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 33 Replies   564 Retweets  787 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr I need a new job! No, no, kidding, kidding, boss. I do not. I love my job. I love my boss. I promise! 4:22 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 101 Replies   1277 Retweets  1814 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Replying to @coffees_of_the_world Thanks for the offer, I’ll utilize it when @Rave_reviews and I sit down for our next salary discussion. 4:25 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 7 Replies   256 Retweets  599 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Arts&Crafts met their mutual in sky-diving class. He had a Groupon. This guy is precious, Dat Ass, snap him up. 4:31 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 68 Replies   557 Retweets  601 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr I am now listening to Arts&Crafts explain Groupon to a Fortune 500 CEO? 4:33 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 42 Replies   531 Retweets  673 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Dude, he doesn’t need to discover new restaurants. He could just _buy one_ if he wanted it. 4:37 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 83 Replies   576 Retweets  713 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Food preferences. Dat Ass likes schwarma, burgers, and coffee. Arts&Crafts makes a joke about fondue. And roast turkey legs at the fair. 4:41 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 37 Replies   503 Retweets  740 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Dat Ass made LOTR joke “red meat, right off the bone.” Oh god, nerds in love. They are bonding over Tolkien. 4:42 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 138 Replies   558 Retweets  689 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Now they are arguing over elves at Helm’s Deep. This could go well, or it could go terribly. Both know the source material. 4:51 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 220 Replies   1955 Retweets  2109 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr My coffee is long gone. My job is done for today. But listening in on this is fascinating. 5:11 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 501 Replies   328 Retweets  619 likes
Alice Epshteyn ✔ @alice_schnorr Awwww, they’re going to go for date #2. Good luck Dat Ass and Arts&Crafts. Wish I could get a sneak peek at them in a month. 5:19 PM - Aug 12, 2017 · New York, New York 375 Replies   556 Retweets  1009 likes
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asuitcaseofmemories · 7 years
"There’s a Storm in my Head and it’s Killing all the Flowers.”
I've been relatively vocal about having anxiety. I've had a LOT of people message me with support, suggestions, and pure curiosity. I'm always happy to answer what I can... Because though I realize my truth is the same as countless others. I also realize many of them suffer in silence. I think the more I share my struggles, the more others can hopefully understand what their friends, family, and loved ones are going through. I decided to give a brief glimpse of my thought pattern for just a simple trip. I went to Shanghai, which mind you I have been to at least 6 times now. Here ya go...
Okay I really have to get moving on those train tickets for Thursday. I open my computer and search for tickets to Shanghai from Hefei on Aug 31st. My appointment is at 1, so if I leave by 10 that will be fine. No wait, I can't eat breakfast before or my anxiety will make me throw up... I should leave earlier then get lunch there. Yeah, I need to eat I guess. I'll book the 8:00am train which means I have to catch the 7:00 subway and wake up at 6:00.
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Okay this train station is closest to where I want to eat. I write down the date, time, and train number. I'll book 3:30pm return. Oh god, what if they're running behind and my appointment goes late, or the line at the subway is long, or I get on the wrong one on accident, and then miss my train? I better make it for 5 just to be safe. Shit, I need to have the concierge order these before the seats are taken... Excuse me while I check 3 different times to be sure he has the correct train info. He's annoyed.
I get the tickets and I immediately check the time, date, and train number.. Phew they're correct. I put them in my purse and go to walk away... Wait! Maybe they're the wrong station, better check them, again. Okay, they're right. Wait, maybe I have the stations confused? It is a big city... I better Google it to be sure. Okay all set, no worries!
11:45pm- I'm falling asleep but I suddenly realize that I NEED to plan out my day so I'm not late for anything. I check the address for Shanghai Station for the 8th time. I get the street address for the place to eat (in Chinese) justttt in case the subway is down or something. Remember I did see an article a month ago where that did happen. It will probably happen again, could be tomorrow. What's the subway station nearest to the restaurant? Hmm I better cross reference that 5 times. Google says that will take 32 mins on the subway, it'll take at least 10-15 minutes to buy tickets, another 5 minutes to walk from the station to the restaurant... Okay so I'll get to the restaurant at 11:04. It's only a half hour cab ride to the doctor from there. But wait, maybeeee traffic will be terrible. I should  leave at noon instead of 12:30... just to be safe.
Okay, now I can go back to bed. Wait... Hmm I better look up the address for my doctor in Chinese... Just in case the cab driver can't read the business card font. Maybe I'm being silly? No I'm not, that's happened before. Do it. Okay go to bed. Wait! How am I getting back to the train station? Okay Google says it's a 35 minute cab ride, but it's probably 50 with traffic. That means I should get a cab by 3pm. I'll get there by 4 and the train boards at 4:37, and the security line could be long...
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I feel better, now I can sleep. Wait... What if I can't get a cab? I took the subway from there last time. It was like a 13 minute walk, but I can't remember if I had to switch lines. Was the ticket line long there? Shit I can't remember. I better double check the line number and stop for the train station, again.
Seriously it's 2am and I have to get up in 4 hours. I finally begin dozing off, then I think "what's the weather going to be like?" I better check my weather app. It doesn't say it's going to rain, but maybe it will. Oh no I left my umbrella at that restaurant tonight.
Maybe I should've packed my backpack tonight, what if I forget something tomorrow? Okay I need to pack my passport, cash, tissues, sunglasses, glasses (in case I need to take my contacts out), eye drops (ya never know), contact case, coins for the subway, headphones for music, water, my iPad... Am I forgetting anything? Yeah you're forgetting to sleep. Go to bed Jess.
I feel the satin of my eye mask brush my face as I pull it on, and I take a deep breath. Why am I so nervous? My palms are sweating and my heart feels like I just ran the mile for the first time. I literally JUST did this trip 2 weeks ago. I went to the same area for lunch and everything. *1 hour later* I lift up my eye mask, after not sleeping a wink. What time is it? 3:30am. I pull my eye mask back on then immediately tear it off. WHAT. How is it 3:30?? Okay if I fall asleep now I'll get 2.5 hours of sleep. Go to bed.
One hour later I rip off my eye mask in panic... Shit did I set an alarm? I better check its for AM not PM. Okay good, it is. I close my eyes... Shit... Am I sure 6am is early enough? Ugh stop worrying and go to bed. I toss and turn for a bit and finally start to doze off. Great, now I gave to pee.
After the chill of the cold tile woke up my feet, I made my way back to the bedroom and slowly climbed back into bed. Shortly after I doze off, Corey's alarm sounds. That means it's between 5-5:15am think. A second alarm goes off... It's probably 5:30 now. Maybe I can sleep for a half hour.
I hear the shower start and think BUT maybe I should just get up to be sure I have everything around in time?
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It's 5:45am and I am scrolling through my phone making sure I have everything screenshot for directions. I make a detailed itinerary down to the minute in my notepad, just to be on the safe side.
6:00am and my alarm blares as I'm holding it in my hands. Great, I feel like I'm going to puke. Why? Why didn't I sleep? I'm hungry. I wish I could eat but I will definitely get sick. Maybe I'm already going to get sick? I need coffee like yesterday. I should wait until I get to the train station otherwise I'll have to pee between here and there and I don't have time for that. But I'm so thirsty. No-don't drink anything or you'll have to go. I glance out the window. Ughhh why did I forget my umbrella yesterday? It's raining.
I begin getting ready and panic hits me. Why do I feel like I can't breathe? I'm literally putting on blush. Nothing is happening. Oh my god I'm having a heart attack. I AM NOT. But maybe I am, that does happen. I Google "symptoms of a heart attack" and "symptoms of a panic attack" ...again, like I don't do this everyday. I should really just bookmark them. Ugh why's this always happen to me?
I do a breathing exercise, that I don't have time for, because if I don't I'm surely going to DIE. My heart has slowed and I can finally breathe normal, but all that anxiety just wrecked my stomach for the day. Yay, that will be great to deal with. I'm out of Imodium which I'm basically taking as a multivitamin at this point.
I glance at my watch, shit! I've got to go or I'll be late! I put my hand on the door handle, and quickly remove it. Now I'm rummaging through my bag to be extra sure I have everything, again. I am meticulous as I rearrange the pockets I have my belongings in. Someone could steal my passport if I'm not careful! That does happen sometimes.
I push the down button outside the elevator 15 times for good measure. What's taking so long? I hear the ding of one arriving, and I get in. I glance at my watch- Yes, I'm on time! The elevator begins to slow and I immediately remember that time a few weeks ago when it briefly stopped working between floors with me and Corey in it. Oh god I'm going to die! Oh never mind, it's just someone on the 10th floor. Oh god I know him. "Good morning Jess!" "Hey, heading to work?" ... That's a stupid question. Why would you ask that? You know the bus leaves at 7, what else would he be doing? He definitely thinks I'm an idiot right now, because I am. "Yes" he replies. Lord, these last 4 floors feel like an eternity. I want to tell him I almost puked on him for a second there, but I just say "have a good day" instead.
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It's 6:52am, and I know the subway leaves at 7 on the dot... The subway is right there, but naturally I'm freaking out anyway. I run down the large flight of stairs faster than necessary ... Oh no it's 6:56 what if it leaves early (Realistically I could take the next one and be fine)? I run down the next flight of stairs too. The sign says 4 minutes until the subway car arrives, obviously. I pace back and forth as I skim over my itinerary in my phone, for the 4th time this morning. I feel like a lunatic and now I look like one. I gaze at the map to ensure I know my stop, which is named Hefei South Railway (duh). I count the number of stops 4 times for good measure. I look at my watch. 7:00am, the subway cars are here.
I get on and grab an empty seat without making any eye contact. I slowly pick my head up and everyone is looking at me. Please stop. Maybe they're staring because my music is too loud? I dull it to the minimum and after a few moments I peek again... No they're still staring. I'm very aware of my skin's surface at the moment and it feels like it's crawling with a million tiny legs. A shiver goes up my back and I swallow much too loud for this silent car.
Shit, was that one stop or two? I was too focused on the million legs that I lost count. Ugh I can't see the map from here. Why did I sit here? Maybe I should I get up and look? No. I don't want this lady to think I moved because she sat down; I know my stop's not for 20 minutes. Plus if I stand I'm guaranteed to have to pee. I argue with myself for 10 minutes and begin to panic that maybe I missed the stop.
All the atoms in my body feel like they're about to burst into flames. I kind of wish they would. I can't take it anymore! I'm getting up reading the map! I'm sure the panic is evident on my face as I quickly remove my ass from the bench. Oh, I still have three stops. I better just stand here next to the door; maybe they'll stop staring at me if I squeeze into this corner? Nope. In the door's reflection I can clearly see all of their watchful eyes and heads on a swivel. Why does this subway car feel like it's closing in on me? I can't breathe. Am I going to cry? Because I feel like I'm going to cry. No really I can't breathe right now.
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I close my eyes and pray to God to have pity on me and make me invisible to these watchful eyes. I hear the automated baby voice over the intercom talking; my stop is next. The subway arrives at Hefei Station and the I hear the hiss of the doors as they open. No sooner and I'm gasping for air as I catapult myself out of the car at a speed you'd think I was trying to escape death. I mean, it felt like I was. Phew, I did it. I almost hyperventilated for a moment there. Okay, no really...where the fuck's the bathroom in this place?
Step one of 40, but I did it.
So if you don't have anxiety you're probably like WTF is wrong with this chick; seriously who worries like that? Well, I do... And chances are many of your loved ones do too. This is just a glimpse of the hell going on constantly in my brain- just a snippet of ONE topic. My brain rapid fires thoughts like these, on countless subjects, ALL day long. It is exhausting, and frankly getting out of is a miracle most days. Sleep evades me at night, and consumes most of my days. I can't remember what it's like to feel "normal" and not feel this hell. This is just my daily, constant anxiety... not even a bad panic attack. Traveling used to give me the MOST enjoyment. Even though it's harder than hell to get to that destination, I push myself to get there. I have my bad days, weeks, sometimes months... But I will not let anxiety or depression control my life.
If you're out there struggling and feel crazy in your head...just know we are crazy together, and I like to think I'm a fun time.
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onlywat · 5 years
Feb 7.2019 Ankit
Hello, Here's a copy of the chat transcript you requested: Initial Question: Hi,13 days ago I've chatted with Astrid who requested a refund of $14.60 to my credit card But I still wait 04:19 PM PST Ankit(Amazon): Hello, my name is Ankit. I'm here to help you today. Hello Albina. 04:19 PM PST albina gio: Hello, Ankit,13 days ago I've chatted with Astrid who requested a refund of $14.60 to my credit card But I still wait 04:19 PM PST Ankit: I do get your concern regarding the pending refund, and will surely help you with this. Just for confirmation could you please help me with the Order#? 04:20 PM PST albina gio: Order on Aug 24, 2017 (112-4496819-9758634) 04:22 PM PST Ankit: Thank you for all the details albina. 04:23 PM PST Ankit: I see and confirm that the order was delivered back in August 2017 and then a return exception was made for you on Oct 15, 2018. 04:24 PM PST Ankit: Just for confirmation May I know when the product got picked up from you? 04:26 PM PST albina gio: There was such interesting situation 04:27 PM PST albina gio: I send you my chat Here's a copy of the chat transcript you requested: Initial Question: Hi, is it possible to clear the situation with Sam Edelman Women's Lorissa Stud Collar Trench Coat return? 03:50 PM PST Astrid(Amazon): Hello, my name is Astrid. I'm here to help you today. Can you please confirm the order number? 03:51 PM PST albina gio: Ordered on Aug 24, 2017 (112-4496819-9758634) https://smile.amazon.com/returns/order/112-4496819-9758634/shipment/D9g8MHK29/item/jlshmspspoqvwn?ref_=spr_lbl_expr 03:52 PM PST Astrid: Thanks for the order ID! Let me take a look at the order and I'll be right back 03:52 PM PST albina gio: ok 03:53 PM PST Astrid: I can see you were supposed to return this item because we issued a refund in advance for you But the item was never returned So the returns center charged you again 03:55 PM PST albina gio: yes.There was weird situation 03:56 PM PST albina gio: at 2018/10/15 15:22:53 I chatted with Yogesh(Amazon) he created a return label 03:57 PM PST Astrid: alright 03:58 PM PST albina gio: few minutes later I chatted with Zygania 03:59 PM PST albina gio: or Sigania who cancel return and leave me more than 14 $ 04:00 PM PST Astrid: Alright, just a second 04:00 PM PST albina gio: I do not save this chat(( 04:00 PM PST Astrid: I can see the chats, no worries 04:01 PM PST Astrid: I can see the agent told you you were not supposed to return it so I've successfully requested a refund of $14.60 to your credit card. You'll see the refund in the next 3-5 business days You won't be charged again 04:03 PM PST albina gio: thank you/ Is it possible to add it to my gift balance? 04:04 PM PST Astrid: No, it is processed to the original payment of method automatically i'm so sorry 04:05 PM PST albina gio: thanks a lot 04:06 PM PST Astrid: My pleasure! Thank you for being a Prime member And I hope you have an amazing rest of your day! Please go ahead and click on the "End Chat" button in the upper right corner of the chat window. 04:06 PM PST albina gio: Astrid, I really appreciate your help. Have a nice day. 04:28 PM PST Ankit: Albina I got it. Allow me just 2 minutes to look into this and fix the same for you right away. 04:29 PM PST albina gio: ok 04:31 PM PST Ankit: Albina I see and confirm that the refund was processed yet it never went through and you had to contact again. Preventing any delays I have cancelled the pending refund and gain reversed the charges. The amount may take a maximum of 3-5 business days as per bank's policy. 04:32 PM PST Ankit: You are not to worry with this any longer. Please. I want to make sure I have covered your concern for today, please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with? 04:32 PM PST albina gio: Please, Ankit, check this return. This is already the fourth call to support. 04:33 PM PST Ankit: I can assure the issue has been resolved and this would be the last time you are contacting regarding the issue albina. 04:34 PM PST albina gio: thanks a lot, Ankit 04:34 PM PST Ankit: Thank you for allowing me to assist you Albina:) It was a pleasure. Is there anything else I can assist you with today? 04:35 PM PST albina gio: That's all Thanks again) 04:35 PM PST Ankit: Thank you for appreciating Albina. Take care:) Just one thing before you go! Please spare a few seconds to click on the end chat located on the top right hand side :) Have a great day! Bye:) 04:35 PM PST albina gio: (^:^) 04:35 PM PST Ankit: :) Thank you. Amazon.com
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