#30 Day Smothers Brothers Challenge
yokasaris · 2 years
Prompt #29- Fuse
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FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge The clan was well equipped to disassemble the camp and move on short notice, and they set to work soon as a runner returned down the mountain with approval from the Ixal. However, several of the Naumov family noticeably lagged behind. Zhan'a would have offered help, but a disapproving look from Lhei'a stayed his hand. "He's sore ya banged his mum," Waes said with a shrug, nonchalant. "He'll get over it." "Oh, that's why he's gotta short fuse with me for no discernable reason. Huh." He tied off the roll of leather from his own mother's tent, pausing briefly to glance at Lhei as she and her daughter did much the same across camp. Lhei'to was safely sleeping strapped to his mother's back. "Why, though?" Standing to stretch briefly, Waes answered through a yawn. "He's been all sweet on Rekhad since ya brought her back. But, ya made it weird 'cause she's now his brother's dad's daughter." Zhan'a grimaced, pointing at her with his cigarette. "She ain't my daughter, though. So it's... brother's dad's sister's daughter. Menphina's tits, man. Anyroad, in that case, who cares?" "Rekhad's mum's gone and ya act like her mum and she treats ya like her mum. Close 'nough." After another stretch, Waes bent back down to finish folding blankets. "Rekhad ain't gonna be happy that yer plannin' on leavin' again, by the by." "Yeah, well." Shoulders sagging, Zhan'a reached to scratch at one large spotted ear. He wasn't entirely sure if he could take the sad puppy eyes that inevitably awaited him from that impending conversation. Not after the trying couple of days he's had. "Once everyone is safe with Methuli's folk, I need to go back south. Find Sahzi before the trail goes cold, if that's even possible. Ya know. Findin' lost people. That's my thing. Yeah..." "I'll do it." Zhan'a stared, his ear flicking backward away from his hand and back again. Once he'd actually processed those words, he canted his head to the side. "Wait, what?" Waes lifted the rolled blanket, holding it to her chest as her own ears shifted backward. "Ya want to stay with Lhei'to and Rekhad. I ain't got kits. But!" At the last word she raised her voice to smother any argument. "I'm just as fast as ya. I can track just as good as ya. 'Sides, ya don't even really think she's alive, yeah? I can find her. Easy." He almost said that they would have to ask her mother's permission, knowing full well Vhier would never not allow it. Not for Sahzi's sake. However, Waes was an adult, not a kit trailing in her mother's wake. Still. "If you think you're up for it," Zhan'a said carefully, his slower 'city voice' in full effect. "But, I would suggest telling your mother you're leaving. Otherwise you'll probably have her tearing off after in worry." Waes glanced to where Dulan was sitting, alone, by the edge of camp. Staring into the forest, refusing comfort from her family or clan even as passersby offered soothing pets of the ears and the like. "I'll tell Mum and Dulan. I'll find her. I will."
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calvero · 2 years
First Album You Got - Day 5 - 30 Day Smothers Brothers Challenge
First Album You Got – Day 5 – 30 Day Smothers Brothers Challenge
My answer for this is the same as Day 3. Very first one in any format was the Sibling Revelry on cassette. First vinyl was Purple Onion. Not only my first albums but also my favorites 🥰 And I share how I got each one of those in that post. And since I showed the front covers of those albums also on Day 3, and I didn’t want to use the same picture again, I decided to share the back covers this…
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Meeting Shouta’s parents on Christmas
Hello all you beautiful people! So here is the last part in the Aizawa mini series. I fell in love with all these Characters and this head cannon so I will probably revisit them! As usually the reader is neutral in every since of the word! I hope you guys enjoyed this series. 
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
After a month of preparation you meet Aizawa’s Parent over the course of a week
Words: 3,098
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
“Ooh my goodness what are we gonna do!?” You said pacing around your living room. Shouta looked at you and chuckled at your frazzled state.
“We get in my car and drive to my family house as planned, pretend to enjoy ourselves so we can come home and cuddle with my fat cats.” He said, pulling you into a hug. 
“You want me to show up to meet your parents without the gift I ordered for you dad? Shouta are you outta your mind.” You said to him with a pout.
“Well that's debatable but I do know my parents and they aren't even expecting anything so it's fine. You can just tell them we’ll get it to him when we get it. Now let's go!” He said trying to drag you to the car.
“Aizawa Shouta! I am not going anywhere unless it's to a store to buy your Dad a gift.” You said giving him a glare. He stared back as if to question if you were being serious. You cocked an eyebrow at him, challenging him to disagree.
“Were gonna be late to get there, do you want that?”
“Better to be late than to show empty handed especially when everyone else has gifts.” You said with a shrug. Aizawa laughed but nodded as you both went to the store. You wandered around the place for an hour before you found something you actually liked. Now you were in the car messily wrapping in as you pulled into the driveway of your destination.
“Okay goodness gracious we barely made it but we're here and I have gifts for all your siblings and their lovers and their kids! Didn't think I would pull it off but here we are in one piece.” You said mostly to yourself.
“Kitty Cat you start talking to yourself and I might leave you to enter the den of wolves by yourself.” Aizawa said as you both got out of the car. You let him take in your overnight bags and get help for the millions of presents somehow packed into your small car you didn't wait long as you felt as presence behind you.
“Hello you, perfect example of a gorgeous human being!” The voice said from behind you.
“Shinji, how nice to see you.” You said with a sigh.
“You know if you’re tired of sighing that way… I have a better way to make you sigh.” He said winking at you. You had to push back all the thoughts of murdering him and just smiled but before you could say anything another voice interjected.
“See I told you we had to come out here! Shinji stop hitting on y/n their dating our little brother you snake.” Saika said, hitting him over the head.
“Can't help it, sis!” He said with a laugh.
“Well for this week you absolutely will have better control overself or so help me God Shinji! Anyway y/n you’ve got me, Shinji and sora at your beck and call, what do you need help with?” Saika said with her graceful smile.
“Oh just this.” You said pointing to the car packed with presents. Sora seemed to choke on air at the amount of gifts.
“God, didn't Shouta tell you didn't have to buy everyone a gift, you poor thing!” Saika said hugging you.
“Well he did but I just really like you guys and loved getting to know you this past month so I wanted to.” You said waving her off.
“More like you wanted to impress our parents, huh cutie?” Shinji said teasing you before he started to grab presents as to avoid his sister wacks.
“Ignore him! My mom is dying to meet you, Shouta’s never brought anyone home.” She said as her and Sora grabbed some more presents. As they went in you pulled out the last two rounds of presents and waited for Aizawa who wasn't far behind.
“Hey love are you ready?” Aizawa said, picking up the presents you set out.
“I am totally not!! I barely remember everyone's name! We should just slip away right now!” You said beginning to pace some more.
“Babe i'm gonna go inside and wait on you, come in whenever you want but remember we are late.” He said with a light chuckle.
“Sho!! don't you go into your house without me!” You said picking up the gifts and following him like a lost puppy. That was that and soon you were inside the house with a lot of eyes on you. You followed aizawa while bowing and placed the toys underneath the huge tree.
“Alright now that that’s done let me meet the one whose stolen my baby’s heart so effortlessly!” A woman said coming over to you. You bowed deeply to her and she let out a melodious laugh.
“How cute, no need to bow so deep! I should be bowing to you, you who is able to make my stoic Shouta blush, giggle and pout!” She says grabbing your face and pulling it around as if to inspect it.
“Oh Honey, you stop it! They are just being polite, you know like Japanese culture requires them to be.” A tall man said coming over to you.
“I'm just saying! Anyway you can call me Mina and this is my parasite of 41 years Hirohito! Nice to meet you!” She said hugging you, you were a bit surprised by how informal and kind they were.
“Excuse my parents, they were born and raised in America! No less Japanese but they are a bit more informal and that does shock a lot of people.” Shojiro said scratching his neck. 
“Oh hush boy! Don’t put a warning label on me and your mom as if we are damaged goods.” Hirohito said, knocking him over the head.
“Now it’s getting later we should all wash up and get ready to eat! I made something special for you all. And Sho I put a king size bed in your room since you’ve finally brought someone home. If you want to take advantage of that and make me some grandchildren then don’t worry we will hold up dinner for you!” His mom said kissing his cheek. He groaned and grabbed your hand and pulled you away and soon you were in his room.
“See, was that so hard?” Aizawa said with a flushed face.
“Ehh you look like it was, tomato paste! But I think it went okay! I can do this!!” You said hyping yourself up.
“Yes you can, kitty cat. After dinner only 6 more days to go.”
“WHY do you guys do Christmas gatherings for a week!” You whisper yelled at him.
“Because we have a doting mother who wants to smother us every chance she gets and a father who would do anything for her.” He said serious, you laughed and got ready for dinner. When you and Aizawa made it to the dining room, you were met with three huge dining tables. Almost every seat filled.
“Sweetheart, you and y/n come sit right here! I’ve got so many things to ask you!” His mom said waving you over.
“Thank you… Mina. Your way to kind!” You said with another bow. Dinner was pretty quiet at first but how quiet can you be with like 30 people in one room.
“Saika, dear, you were in charge of the schedule this year can you read it off for everyone.” Mina said.
“Of course! So on the 20th aka tomorrow it’s all about decorations and the tree! 21st is all about taking the kids to see Santa! 22nd is Family photo day! 23 is the gingerbread houses contest and reindeer games! 24th is sugar cookie making and movies! 25th is a grand breakfast and present opening! Bring forth the cup of straws!” Saika said giggling. Sora rolled his eyes but got the cup and passed it around, everyone taking a straw. 
“Okay now blow into if red dust comes out you’re in charge of taking the kids to see Santa!” She announced and everyone did. Of fucking course red dust billowed from you straw. You looked at Shouta and he shook his head at you and your heart dropped.
“So then it’s me and you, how fortunate!” Shinji said waving at you. You couldn’t control yourself and your head dropped onto the table dramatically.
“Haha, Shinji y/n already knows what a pain in the ass you are! you must be losing your style dear! Not to worry y/n, Shinji will be on his best behavior won’t you?” Mina said as an ominous silence fell over the room. Shinji didn’t hesitate to nod.
“Okay then! Y/n, welcome to the Aizawa family. I hope you enjoy your first Christmas with us! With that let us begin the 6 days of chaos!” Mina said laughing lifting her glass, everyone joined laughing. Okay maybe this won’t be so bad you thought for a brief second.
20th - 5 Days till Christmas
“Dad I understand you like to hang lights up dangerously but do you have to drag y/n into it.” Aizawa said as he watched you nervously. You were on the roof helping his dad put up a few decorations and lights.
“Of course I did, if they’re gonna be an Aizawa one day they gotta learn all our trade secrets.” He retorted as if it was common knowledge.
“I’ve never seen my little Sho so worried. I can’t figure out if it’s because your kind and you love him so much or if you’ve got him by the balls or maybe even both.” Mina said with a slight chuckle. This made you warm in embarrassment and you lost your footing and began to fall, of course taking the old man with you.
“Shit!” Aizawa said as he quickly used his capture weapon to grab both you and stop your impact from being damaging.
“Yeah alright, me and y/n are opting out of decorations this year.” He said dragging you who was still in his captured weapon toward the door.
“Oh honey calm down it would have just been a small bump and maybe a sprain. Would you at least help Shinji and Sora with the kids, decorating the tree?” She said with a kind yet manipulative smile. Before either of you could respond yelling was heard from inside
“Damn it, Yukio stop breaking the glass ornaments and Maki stop recording and help me!” Shinji yelled. 
21st- 4 Days till Christmas 
“Shinji what the hell do we do!” You said pacing.
“Hold on stop talking I’m thinking.”
“Like hell I’m trusting your brain! We just have to ask them to let us take pictures anyway.” You said with determination. You see everything was going well until and elf said something to Haru that Jun took as bullying. A fire light in that boy like you had never seen he was on top of the elf giving him the business in seconds. After he just mumbled things like ‘Bakugou said you can’t let people bully you.’ And ‘gotta put bullies in their place.’. Then when you tried to get him to apologize he glared and said ‘no, I can’t let that bully win’ and just like that y’all were kicked out.
“No look let’s just disguise them! Tetsuya and Haru stitch clothing and Haru and Umi switch! Then Maki will take them and her pictures with them.
“What about Maki though they saw her!” You said not believing you were actually going along with his crazy plan.
“Oh I have a change of clothes, gotta be prepared when you’re going out with uncle Shinji!”  She said cheerfully.
“That’s my girl! Now go do this thing!” He said giving her and high five. Someone how Shinji’s ridiculous plan worked and the parents didn’t even notice, they were all too drunk or tired. 
22nd - 3 Days until Christmas 
“There is no way I'm taking pictures wearing this.” Sora said as he pulled the clothes from the box.
“Yeah mom, why did you make Sho pick clothes this year you know he cant even dress himself! It’s because you babied him so much, you know.” Shojiro said, looking as equally as disgusted at the clothing.
“Hey now! I put my baby in charge of the clothing and you all are gonna wear it, end of discussion. Also if anyone babied him it was all of you so blame yourself.” Mina said, ending the discussion as Shouta wore a crazed grin.
“I like the clothes Uncle sho’ta.” Nozomi said rocking on her heels.
“They are pretty cute huh?” He said ruffing her hair.
“Ah ah ah! Don't you go infecting my kids with your bad fashion sense!.” Saika said, covering Nozomi's ears. At this you all broke out into laughs before heading to put on the outfits and prepare for maybe the most embarrassing photos known to man.
23rd - 2 days till Christmas
You were not an artist by any means but when you heard the winner got the honor of passing out presents you were purposely trying to lose. You knew them apart mostly but if they were all wearing the same pajamas with their hair tied back it was going to be a stuttering mess. However your plan of making a 3 out of 10 gingerbread house was foiled quickly. Aizawa wasn't really a competitive man or so you thought but when you to were paired against Shinji and Shojiro he went berserk! You looked at the gingerbread MANSION with a sigh.
“Shouta i’ve never seen you so invested! It's amazing.” Said Shizumi the resident artist in the house.
“Yeah uncle Shouta and L/N! You definitely got my vote!” Daisuke said smiling at you, you smiled back at him warily. The family all wrote down the people of their choosing and put it into the Santa hat. Now as names were being drawn you were biting your nails.
“Shouta and Y/n will be our Clauses this year.” Hirohito said with a small smile.
“Yay y/n wins.” Haru and Jun danced around you. You giggled before glaring at Aizawa in a way that said when we get home your sleeping on the couch, he just kissed you sweetly.
24th - 1 Day till Christmas
“Uncle Shouta stopped making so many cat cookies! Santa wants other shapes too!” Tetsuya said, hitting Shouta repeatedly on his legs. You laughed evilly as you formed another cat cookie and wrote Shouta’s name on the corner.
“I like your cat cookies.” Nozomi said, playing with her hair. Aizawa picked her up and spun her around.
“Okay, yep that's weird Baby brother! Why is Nozomi clinging to you? What did you do?” Shiori said looking back and forth from you and Shouta.
“Nothing.” Shouta said with a smirk. The family then looked at you hopeful.
“Well would you look at that! It's about time to watch the Grinch isn't it, Rei?” You asked the young boy. He eagerly nodded wanting to escape the situation. 
“You got Rei too? What is happening!” Saika said as she grabbed Rei bringing him to her chest.
“Huh where is your DVD player? I got to put the disk in.” You said completely ignoring her.
25th - Christmas Day
The gift giving had been going pretty successfully. You only Stuttered a few times but you hadn't given anyone the wrong present and let Shouta take the ones with Nicknames you didn't know. But this right here was the moment of truth, the moment you had been preparing for. In your right hand you had a gift for Shizumi and in your left one for Saika. You looked at the two twin like sisters and handed the gifts to each respectful sister hoping you were right. They opened the gifts and smiled so you guessed you were correct had everyone's eyes not been on you, you would have done a happy dance.
“Alright last gift before Mom and Dads are for Miss Nozomi!” Shouta said signaling you to get the present you and him picked out for the young girl.
“Alright this is from me and Uncle Shouta!” You said to the girl handing her the blue box. She said a quiet thank you before tearing into the box. Inside the box was a note which she took out.
“Look at your favorite uncle.” She said before looking straight at Shouta making all the other brothers gasp. In Shouta’s arm was a cute 3 legged kitten which had the girl darting toward him but slowed when she got to him so as not to scare the cat.
“Thank you!” The girl said, rubbing at her teary eyes. You and Aizawa had been teaching her how to care for cats knowing she wanted one. In all honesty she knew she was getting a cat she just didn't know when. You had asked her parents as well but didn't tell then when either so as to have a bigger reaction from the family.
“No need to thank me! Just promise me to take care of him real well.” Aizawa thumbed away the last of her tears. She nodded rapidly before snuggling the kitten who seemed to enjoy the attention. The last arc of gift giving went well as did the extravagant breakfast you had all prepared together. Now you were all saying goodbye.
“Y/n dear I do have one last parting gift for you.” Mina said as you rounded the corner with your bags. You placed down your bags and went to her side.
“I know you and Shouta haven't been together too long but I want to thank you. He acts tougher than he is. He would rather bear all the responsibility and pain and suffer alone. Not to mention the way he puts himself in danger rather than ask for help. With you he seems different, and you put him in his place. You’ve made me feel at ease for the first time since he entered UA as a student. So welcome to the family, we're so glad to have you.” She said putting something into your hands. You bowed at her and opened your palm to see a key to this house and a few pictures taken over the course of the week. You waved goodbye to them all and got your bags and made the short trip to your car where Shouta was waiting.
“Why do you look like you're going to cry.” He said worried.
“Because there are 365 days till next Christmas.” You said to him smiling.
MHA Masterlist
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Today in History
On January 26, 1984, Michael Jackson's hair caught on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial.
JAN. 28, 1984
Michael Jackson hospitalized after fireworks mishap on set of Pepsi commercial
LOS ANGELES -- Superstar Michael Jackson, hospitalized with burns from fireworks that ignited his hair during filming of a commercial, was quietly discharged from a hospital Saturday against his doctor's recommendation.
Dr. Steve Hoefflin said he believed it was best for Jackson to stay at Brotman Memorial Hospital, but reluctantly agreed to his release at 12:30 p.m. PST (3:30 p.m. EST). Hours earlier, he had told reporters Jackson would be hospitalized 'for several days.'
'We recommended that Michael stay, but we determined this could be done as well out of the hospital as in the hospital,' Hoefflin said. 'Despite our recommendation, he felt he did want to be treated as an outpatient.
'He was quite happy. He felt better after a good night's sleep. He's in excellent health and was showing very rapid signs of recovery. He's very pleased it was not more of a severe burn.'
Hoefflin said he did not know where Jackson planned to go.
Jackson, 25, was dancing down a stairway at the Shrine Auditorium Friday night in a scene for a multi-million dollar Pepsi commercial when a special effects smoke bomb apparently misfired and set his pomade-slicked hair ablaze.
Nurse Pat Lavalas, the burn unit supervisor, said Jackson was in good spirits Saturday morning and he received many telephone calls, including get-well wishes from singers Teddy Pendergrass and Stephanie Mills.
'He left in good spirits and his condition is good,' she said. 'He didn't speak about the accident to us. He watched 'American Bandstand' this morning and people were getting his autograph.
He sang a Stephanie Mills song in the bathroom. He stayed in bed and opened telegrams, and he got a big kick out of one from a fan that said, 'I know you're hot, but this is ridiculous,'' the nurse said.
Just hours before Jackson's secretive departure, Hoefflin told reporters the singer was in satisfactory condition with second-degree burns and a small third-degree burn on the back of his head.
'He's in moderate pain, he's much more tired than we anticipated. He needs sleep at this time,' Hoefflin told reporters at a hospital news conference.
He said Jackson may require reconstructive surgery.
Jackson, the country's top singer, won seven American Music Awards earlier this month and picked up a record 12 Grammy nominations. Hoefflin said Jackson will be able to attend the Feb. 28 Grammy presentations at the Shrine 'if he feels up to it.'
A spokesman for Jackson said the singer requested that a tape of the accident be made public as soon as the film can be processed.
'Michael wants to make certain that his fans know exactly what happened,' Larry Larson told reporters at the hospital.
Asked if Jackson was contemplating a lawsuit, he said, 'There's no indication at this point.'
Hospital officials said the medical center had been inundated with thousands of phone calls since Jackson arrived and a spokesman pleaded with the public to stop calling, saying emergency calls could not get through.
The singer's 'Thriller' album topped the music charts last year, placing an unprecedented six singles -- including 'Billie Jean' and 'Beat It' -- in the top 10 and spawning several popular videos.
The accident Friday night occurred before a horrified audience of about 3,000 people who won tickets to the taping from a local radio station.
One witness told United Press International that Jackson removed his jacket without breaking stride and tried to put out the fire.
'There was supposed to be an explosion for his big entrance,' Daryoush Maze, 25, an extra in the cast, said. 'As he went off, an explosion went off and there was blue smoke all around his head and neck. There were no flames, just blue smoke from the stuff he had in his hair.
'It seemed like it was part of the show. He was doing it very professionally, still dancing. He's a good trouper.'
About a block from Jackson's boyhood home, nearly 1,000 people clad in their Sunday best jammed into a small, stuffy basketball gym to hear the candidate speak.
After a church choir sang a few hymns, Jackson's mother, wearing a deep blue dress and a 'Jackson in '84' button, triumphantly introduced her son to the throng.
Jackson took the stage and led the audience in his familiar 'I am somebody' chant.
'Our mission is justice at home and peace abroad,' he told the townspeople. 'I've watched the growth of this city and this state and I see the need for more growth.
'We have the need this day to have a spirit of redemption and reconciliation -- to rise above historic divisions that have stunted our growth. This is a period for us to beat our swords into plowshares.'
Jackson spoke of Greenville as once being the textile capital of the world, and noted the slump in the industry today that has put thousands out of work.
He called for an end to the 'dislocation of the textile industry.'
'This generation must realize when a plant closes, it closes without notice. Men cannot feed their families; mothers cannot nourish their children. That kind of reckless economic conduct must challenge us to open a new economic order.'
Jackson also visited a small bar that sponsors a softball team Jackson played on during the 1960s.
The presidential hopeful was the team's starting first baseman.
'He's a long-ball hitter,' said Charles Chiles, a patron of the establishment who remembers Jackson's days on the softball field.
Jackson also climbed onto the fender of a brown Cadillac parked near the bar during the afternoon and urged about 200 onlookers to register to vote.
'You can help me and you can help yourself,' he said. 'If we register to vote our children will not have to grow up as we did. They can get jobs. They can develop and grow.
'We can not only hang around on the corner, we can own the corner.'
Moonwalk book page 235-238:
Later one of the doctors told me that it was a miracle I was alive. One of the firemen had mentioned that in most cases your clothes catch on fire in which case the whole face can be disfigured or you can die. That’s it. I third-degree burns On the back of my head that’s Almost went through to my skull, so we had a lot of the problems with it, But I was very lucky.
What we now know is that the incident created a lot of publicity for the commercial. They sold more Pepsi than ever before. And they came back to me later and offered me the biggest commercial endorsement Fee in history. It was so unprecedented But it went into The Guinness Book of World Records. Pepsi and I worked together on another Commercial called” The Kid”, And I gave them problems by limiting the shots of me because I felt the shots they were asking for didn’t work well. Later, when the commercial was a success, he told me I had been right.
I still remember how scared those Pepsi excuses looked the night of the fire. They thought that my getting burned would leave a bad taste in the mouth every kid in America who drank Pepsi. They knew I could have sued him and I could have. But I was real nice about it. Real nice. They gave me $1,500,000 Which I immediately donated to the Michael Jackson Burn Center. I wanted to do something because I was so moved By the other burn patient I met while I was in the hospital.
“ I have a plan to spend most of 1984 working on some movie ideas we had, But those plans got sidetracked. First, in January, I Was burned On the set of a Pepsi commercial I was shooting with my brothers.
The reason for the fire stupidity, pure and simple. We were shooting tonight and I Wassupposed To come down a staircase yes magnesium flash bombs Going off on either side of me and just behind me. It seemed so simple. I wanted to walk down the stairs and these bombs Would blow up. We did several takes that were wonderfully timed. The lighting effects from the bombs were great. Only later did I find out that these bombs Were only two feet away from either side of my head, which was a total Disregard of the safety regulations. I was supposed to stand in the middle of a magnesium explosion, two feet on either side.
Then Bob Giraldi, the director, Came to me and said, “ Michael, you are going down too early. We want To see you up there, up on the stairs. When the lights come on, we want to reveal that you’re there, so wait”
So I waited, the bombs went off on either side of my head, and the sparks set My hair on fire. I was dancing down the ramp and turning around, spinning not knowing I was on fire. Suddenly I filled my hands reflexively going to my head In an attempt to smother the flames. Are you feeling down and just tried to shake the Flames out. Jermaine Turned around and saw me on the ground, Just after the explosions had gone off, and he thought I was shot be someone In the crowd — ‏because we were shooting In front of a big audience. That what I looked like to him.
Miko Brando , Who works for me, was the first person to reach me. After that, it was clhaos. It was crazy. No for me could probably capture The drama of what went on That night. The crowd was screaming. Someone shouted, “ Get some ice! “ There were fantic running sounds. People were yelling,” Oh no!”. The emergency truck came up And before they Put me in Isow the Pepsi excutives huddled together in a corner, looking terrified. I remember the medical people putting me on a cot And the guys from Pepsi were so scared They couldn’t
even bring themselves to check on me.
Meanwhile, I was kind of detached, despite the terrible pain, I was watching all the drama unfold. Later they told me, I was in shock, but I remember enjoying the ride to the hospital because I never thought I’d ride in an ambulance with the sirens wailing. It was one of those things I had always wanted to do when I was growing up. We got there, They told me there news crews Outside, so I asked for my glove. There’s a famous shot one waving from the stretcher with my glove on. hooting tonight and I Wassupposed To come down a staircase yes magnesium flash bombs Going off on either side of me and just behind me. It seemed so simple. I wanted to walk down the stairs and these bombs Would blow up. We did several takes that were wonderfully timed. The lighting effects from the bombs were great. Only later did I find out that these bombs Were only two feet away from either side of my head, which was a total Disregard of the safety regulations. I was supposed to stand in the middle of a magnesium explosion, two feet on either side.
Then Bob Giraldi, the director, Came to me and said, “ Michael, you are going down too early. We want To see you up there, up on the stairs. When the lights come on, we want to reveal that you’re there, so wait”
So I waited, the bombs went off on either side of my head, and the sparks set My hair on fire. I was dancing down the ramp and turning around, spinning not knowing I was on fire. Suddenly I filled my hands reflexively going to my head In an attempt to smother the flames. Are you feeling down and just tried to shake the Flames out. Jermaine Turned around and saw me on the ground, Just after the explosions had gone off, and he thought I was shot be someone In the crowd — ‏because we were shooting In front of a big audience. That what I looked like to him.
Miko Brando , Who works for me, was the first person to reach me. After that, it was clhaos. It was crazy. No for me could probably capture The drama of what went on That night. The crowd was screaming. Someone shouted, “ Get some ice! “ There were fantic running sounds. People were yelling,” Oh no!”. The emergency truck came up And before they Put me in Isow the Pepsi excutives huddled together in a corner, looking terrified. I remember the medical people putting me on a cot And the guys from Pepsi were so scared They couldn’t
even bring themselves to check on me.
Meanwhile, I was kind of detached, despite the terrible pain, I was watching all the drama unfold. Later they told me, I was in shock, but I remember enjoying the ride to the hospital because I never thought I’d ride in an ambulance with the sirens wailing. It was one of those things I had always wanted to do when I was growing up. We got there, They told me there news crews Outside, so I asked for my glove. There’s a famous shot one waving from the stretcher with my glove on.
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
Week 3.
Dec. 12
I woke up after 1PM.
After some tired browsing on TV Tropes and chatting, I made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Cheesy smothered mushroom chicken. This was pretty tasty and most of the family liked it.
Today just was emotionally and physically exhausting. Didn’t get around to exercising at all. But I did spend time making Sanders Sides inspired lighting configurations for my keyboard backlight & lightbar.
(I also decided to sit out this year’s DAREBEE SNOWFIGHT. Just too tired and stressed to keep track of all the snowballs.)
I got to bed a few hours earlier than yesterday.
Dec. 13
I woke up after 2PM.
After some coffee and light video editing for a trivial video - I played catch-up with most of my exercise today.
First, yesterday’s DD. 2′ leg raise hold with EC (from floor, 1′/1′). Pretty breezy work.
Second, today’s DD. 20 back extensions with EC. Also manageable. Do think that run of the YAC was helpful upping/maintaining back conditioning.
Third, Day 12 of the ‘20ACC. 3x12 side bridges, done in one super-set (18/18). A bit  challenging, but still doable at that load.
Fourth, Day 13 of the ‘20ACC. 3x13 reverse angels, done in one super-set. Doable, had to shimmy around so my hand wouldn’t hit my chair. Was a bit challenging!
Fifth, Day 13 of the FhP. Level 3, no rest. No bounce switching due to energy levels - all 50/50 approach. This was very manageable to get through without resting.
Last, Day 12 of the Fit Christmas Program. 200 butt kicks, done in one go. That definitely got me winded! I think I went between a jogging and running pace. Happy I managed that, though!
Spent rest of night chatting and watching The Producers with a friend (the one with Gene Wilder).
I got to bed obscenely late.
Dec. 14
I woke up a bit after noon, I believe.
First, today’s DD. 40 climber taps with EC. Doable.
Second, Day 14 of the ‘20ACC. 3x14 side lunges, done in one super-set. I alternated sides for each rep.
Last, Day 14 of the FhP. Level 3, 30″ rest. Whenever I felt like my push-ups were getting sloppy I tried to focus on actually feeling my pecs during the action. Def got tougher as I went along.
After several hours of the usual, I was struck by some inspiration to write again. That was fun.
I got to bed a bit earlier than yesterday.
Dec. 15
I woke up after 1PM and one of the first things I did was today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 30 alt arm/leg raises with EC. This was pretty breezy to get through.
Second, Day 15 of the ‘20ACC. 3x15 sit-ups, done in one super-set. I didn’t NEED to do that, but I found myself feeling all determined for it. Definitely took some digging in for the last ~10 reps.
(After a bit of recovery time for my abs...)
Last, Day 15 of the FhP. Level 3, 1′ rest. Yeah more sit-ups. Oof, I like them. Hope I didn’t miss parts of the sequence a couple times through the WO, out of inattention. But by the time I finished Set 5, I was like, “it feels like I did everything right, my abs aRE SPENT.“
I spent most of night chatting and feeling stressed about family and community stuff.
I got to bed in the green zone. Had a bad time trying to stay asleep, woke up around 2AM and only got back to bed by like 6AM. =_=
Dec. 16
I woke up after 11AM.
Hit the showers and went with brother on some errands.
Once at home, did today’s exercises.
First, today’s DD. 40 knee-to-elbow crunches with EC. My seat was a tiny bit irritated from all the sit-ups yesterday. But I’m just happy I could remain balanced. Not the best form/ROM, but still pretty intense.
Second, Day 16 of the ‘20ACC. 3x16 sitting twists, done in one super-set. Breezy load, still a tiny bit of discomfort for same reasons as the DD.
Last, Day 16 of the FhP. Level 3, ~30″ rest. Kicks are always a lot of fun. Didn’t do any bounce-switching today. Might try to do that more often, going forward, for a bit more cardio.
After that, I made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Firecracker meatballs. Still a pretty okay recipe. This week was pre-set selections because menu changed on me.
I spent rest of night on the usual, still feeling restless.
I got to bed obscenely late again.
Dec. 17
I woke up after 1PM.
Did some chatting before today’s exercises.
First, today’s DD. 2′ leg extensions with EC (”donkey kicks”; 1′/1′.) I counted 113 reps done by the end of it. So close to 1/sec, but oh well. A fun exercise.
Second, Day 17 of the ‘20ACC. 3x17 leg raises, done in one super-set. This definitely took some digging in to accomplish. But I managed to get through it without any breaks. Neck only really started to feel much strain in the last ~10 reps or so.
Last, Day 17 of the FhP. Level 3, 1′ rest. I did my best to do my push-ups more slowly and with better attention to form. I kinda like how this program involves small numbers at a time to invite focus on that rather than trying to do them as fast as possible just to get through them.
I spent rest of night on the usual noise.
I got to bed around the same time as yesterday.
Dec. 18
I woke up after 1PM and one of the first things I did was today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 20 stacked push-ups with EC. Doable, if a bit sloppy.
Second, Day 18 of the ‘20ACC. 3x18 plank rotations, done in one super-set. I was highly tempted to break it up, but decided to press through. Probably got a tiny bit sloppy too, but I’m just happy I managed things.
Last, Day 18 of the FhP. Level 3, no rest. Fairly breezy to get through. Now - if we stacked one side at a time, this might’ve been a bit more intensive. But that wasn’t the case (given the side-switches in each set.)
(SNOWFIGHT ended here, but again - didn’t participate.)
Made some dinner, spent most of night on the usual and poked the iZ!AU document some more.
I got to bed around the same time as yesterday.
Summary of Experience:
I completed the Fit Christmas Program a day later than I intended to, on Dec. 13 (the 12th was an extremely low energy day.)
I was able to get Level 3 done for each relevant day (8). For all the Challenge days, I managed in one set. Remaining days were Tendon Strengthening Days and required doing things in one set. For all the days with Levels, I didn’t need to stop for much rest.
I’m still working on the Advent Challenge and Fireheart Program. Will summarize those when I get them done.
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for ya boi tate 2, 3, 10, 18, 30, 38, 44, 57, 64, 70, 80, 92, 100
For the original character asks
Oh, Tate, my sweet boy who wasn’t even supposed to be an original character, but evolved on his own and silently demanded that I tell his real story. He was entirely unanticipated, and now I can’t shut up about him.
Character context: Tate Merlyn, hailing from the being-reworked-and-written Distortion ‘verse. Tommy’s twin brother in a world where Malcolm decided to bring his young sons to the League of Assassins and train them for his own purposes. It takes many years for the brothers to get out, but they eventually settle back into Starling City, falling in with a certain vigilante operation and forming a tight-knit friendship (and later become roommates) with Felicity.
2. Do they like animals? Well, Tate doesn’t not like animals. However, the circumstances of his life didn’t give him a chance to have a pet, nor put him in contact with domestic animals often, and he never really let himself feel anything about that lack. At first impression, he’s ambivalent about animals.
But find him in a brighter future and give him a kitten to hold or a dog to run into on the street, and he’ll melt the second he makes eye-contact with them. Lots of soft, dopey smiles all around.
3. How do they dress? Ah, yes, a topic that honestly shouldn’t hurt as much as it does.
Given that this is a universe where Malcolm is an even shittier father than in canon and has two sons who he’s shaped into his personal weapons from a young age, Tate doesn’t have a fashion sense for much of his life. When he isn’t in League uniform, his clothes are all black and gray, meant for utility and nothing more. The most he’ll allow himself is whatever excess warmth he can get from an old sweatshirt or hoodie, if one is on hand.
Even once he’s free enough to choose for himself, for a long time, Tate just… sticks with his wardrobe and its utter lack of character. Practical is fine, and it saves him time if he just grabs whatever’s in his drawer without looking--it’s about all the same, anyway. Why add another step?
It takes active intervention from Tommy and Felicity (and an incident involving a laundry mix-up) for Tate to start introducing more variety to his closet. He still opts for deeper, darker colors (more autumnal) for everyday wear, but at least it’s color. He’s also into flannels, though he has to be careful with any facial hair he might have, because he’ll make himself ripe for lumberjack-related playful mockery.
There are also plenty of warm sweaters and sweatshirts, because Tate loves being cozy, though the colors of those tend to lean on the lighter, softer end of the spectrum. He loves them, and over time begins to wear them more often than just around the house.
10. Do they have any nicknames? “Tater Tot.” There was no escaping that one, especially with a brother like Tommy. It’s often met with a fond “asshole” in reply, because these boys are such children.
He’s been called a few other silly things by those around him, though not quite to the level of a full-on nickname. Still, they’re often said quite lovingly, which fills Tate with a sort of warmth.
(He can’t say the same about the other names he’s gone by, so… he’ll take this.)
18. What flaws do they have? Tate’s biggest flaw is that he’s self-sacrificial as hell. It’s a character trait that sets up his whole role in the story, one that’s evolved painfully over time and the consequences of which are hooked deep in the narrative. Tate is just a dear, tragic boy whose attempts to protect and save his brother at the expense of himself go catastrophically wrong sometimes, and it takes him a very long time to unlearn that behavior.
Tate has plenty of other heavy-stuff flaws, but in more lighthearted terms… he can’t cook an edible meal, no matter how hard he tries. He can bake a little, if it’s just cookies or box-mix cake, and he’s a tea-making master, but any actual entree stands a fair chance of being toxic for human consumption. His archery skills are also abysmal--despite it being his father’s forte, and later surrounding himself with so many bow-wielding vigilantes--to the point where a plate of pancakes is more likely to be lethal than arrows fired by Tate. The people in his life lovingly refuse to let him live these foibles down.
30. What music do they enjoy? For the most part, Tate likes whatever songs make him happy, or simply jive with him. He’ll dig into some artists if more than a few of their tracks already appeal to him, but by and large he’ll rely on stumbling across individual songs that have a nice sound, no matter the genre.
He does tend to favor pieces that are more instrumental or have subtler, simpler vocals, though. It’s partially because that’s best suited to his quiet demeanor, and partially because lyrics are a bit of a tough spot for him, especially with more emotional, introspective songs. He can certainly appreciate well-crafted songwriting, but every once in a while a line will strike him in a particular, relatable way, and it makes him uncomfortable. Tate’s also a bit of an old man with a lot of top hits, grumbling about how he just wants some fun tunes, but here’s everyone talking about their bodies and other people’s and what they’re going to do with them, can he please just get songs about platonic affection every once in a while.
38. Are they the hero, or anti-hero? Definitely a hero, even though he won’t think of himself in those terms for a very long time, and his introduction in the present of the narrative--catching him at his lowest, darkest, most threatening point--sure doesn’t make it seem that way. His journey from that stage to the soft, heroic boy he becomes is messy and complex, but so meaningful.
44. How do they speak? Examples - Are they soft spoken, hot heated, vulgar Truly, my favorite part of this precious boy, the most defining Tate trait. He just… doesn’t speak much.
It’s not that he’s not good with words, or doesn’t pay much attention--Tate is pretty damn eloquent when he wants to be, and is observant to a fault. He’s merely incredibly selective with when and how he uses his words, which is a very distinctive contrast from Tommy’s frequent need to say something. Tate is fully capable of getting his point across with his body language and expression alone, or lets his brother do the talking for both of them.
To some extent, this is his nature, to be quiet and lean more into the nonverbal, but it was certainly exacerbated by the conditions he grew up under. In dealing with Malcolm and any sort of League business, Tate’s instinctive defense was to keep silent and speak only when expected--typically in response to or in clarification of orders. Quiet became less of something calming and wanted; and more of a necessity, a protection, a falling-in-line.
Tate may speak more often--not by much, but somewhat--in better times, but that’s because he feels comfortable and free enough to do so, and he’s leagues from being as talkative as Tommy. Still, even his silence is different, more expressive of his current mood instead of just serving as white noise, a smothering and muting of his feelings.
57. What do they do when they are happy? Tate is just a very tactile, huggy guy when he allows himself to be, and that often becomes particularly clear when he’s in a good mood. The happier he is, the more octopus-like he gets with his clinginess, but it’s sweet.
Either that, or he just dives head-first into his love of tea--making it, organizing his collection of it, buying more of it...
64. Do they like to dance? If he’s asked, Tate won’t answer that question--he’ll just silently raise his eyebrows and stare pointedly back at whoever brought it up. (If it’s Oliver or Roy, there’s another layer to the look, a clear returning of the question to them in challenge.)
The truth of it is yes, he does like to dance if the music and time are right, but he looks like a suburban dad at a barbecue when he does and he’s well aware of that fact. Better to act like he’s a townsperson from Footloose than hint that he even attempts to have a sense of rhythm.
70. Do they like themselves? Oof.
Tate… he’s done things. Granted, most of them were because he never actually had a choice unless he was willing to risk the consequences (if he was the assured sole recipient of them, he’d be more likely to; unfortunately, this was rarely ever the case, so Tate would fall in line for Tommy’s sake), but Tate is still accountable for how they went down. For as much as he can attribute his actions to trying to keep himself and his brother alive and free from as much harm as is avoidable, there’s still literal blood on his hands.
The thing that burns Tate the most, though, is the one decision he made of his own volition with the direct intention of hurting Tommy--again, for his safety, but that doesn’t make it any better. While the twins reconcile and rebuild their brotherhood even stronger than before, it’s still a blackened spot in their history even with the truth of it unraveled.
The question of whether or not Tate likes himself will be met with a vehement no for longer than anyone around him might expect, even as he gets more comfortable in his new life and knits himself into a group of people he can trust and who care. It’s recovery from the harm of the past, but Tate won’t feel comfortable in saying he likes himself until he figures out who that even is.
It’ll take time, but one day he’ll have a positive response.
80. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse? Oh, Tate has the necessary skills down pretty darn well, knife expert ex-assassin and survivalist that he is. His biggest problem in that situation would just be the bitter frustration that he spent nearly 20 years of his life just trying to make it through a terrible situation, and he gets out only to be dumped into this? It’s another long fight for his life, which is disheartening for a guy who’s finally let himself admit that he just wants a chance to actually live. But he’ll handle it with grim determination, and hopefully with his brother at his side.
92. If they were given minutes to live, what would they do? Who would they want to see and say? Tate wouldn’t say much of anything here--he rarely ever needs words to express himself to the fullest.
Depending on the timeline--even solely focused on his better days--the number of people he’d want to see varies (thankfully, it grows as the years pass). But if he’s on a tight time limit and can only choose a few, then it’s without a doubt Tommy and Felicity. The three of them are the core found family (well, the twins are obviously twins, but still), the foundation of Tate’s life free of his father’s plans. And all Tate would want from his last minutes is to have the two of them present, to hold and be held in a tight group hug.
Tate is truly a simple man--just give him his people and a hug, and he can make peace with the situation.
100. Are they a day, or night person? Tough to say with Tate. For most of his life, he’d never really had that luxury--he’d be up at the asscrack of dawn or wide awake under the night sky depending on what was required of him. He’s adaptable by necessity.
But if we look to his better future… he’s still kind of middle-ground. He’ll generally be up at a reasonable definition of early in the morning, but also likes to take naps around the house when it’s particularly sunny and he’s not busy. Likewise, Tate will be fully alert at night for the amount of time he needs to be (whether it’s for crime-fighting-related activities, or just movie night), but will pass out the second he drops onto his bed, if he feels safe and comfortable enough with his surroundings to do so.
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Prompt #12 - Fingers Crossed
FFXIV Write 2019 - 30 Day Writing Challenge
Hosted by  @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast
Breakfast in the Fortemps manor was pleasantly sedate, until Emmanellain came into the dining hall.
"Greetings on this beauteous morning, one and all."
Artoirel looked up at his brother, a small frown on his face, "You're unusually sprightly for the early hour of the morning."
"Why wouldn't I be? The weather is clear and fine, and there is good company to enjoy!" He swept an arm out to indicate the three scions sitting at the table.
Alphinaud paused, his cutlery hovering over the eggs he was tucking into, Tataru gave the youngest member of the house a broad smile, and the warrior didn't respond, instead taking a long sip of tea.
"I'm glad to hear that my son," Lord Edmont said, "Perhaps you can thus ease my mind concerning rumours that have reached my ears about the activities you engaged in last night."
Emmanellain immediate began waxing lyrical about what he had been up to last night, of course none of which was anything like the scandalous rumours that had reached his father's ears.
When he finally paused for a breath, the warrior spoke, "Your performance would be far more convincing if you fingers were not crossed behind your back."
The younger elezen flushed and spluttered, the hand that had been hidden behind him was quickly brought forward. Lord Edmont fixed his son with a steely look, which quickly had him mumbling excuses and ducking back out of the dining room, Honoralt giving a short bow to them before he followed.
"How did you know he was doing that?" Artoirel asked.
"Honoralt. He was suppressing a smile. And it's the action I would expect from a four year old trying to hide their actions," she replied, completely straight faced.
Artoitel tried valiantly to smother a smile, failed, and then raised a pot, "More tea?"
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30 Day Watcher Challenge!
11. COMPANIONS: tell us about your watcher’s opinions on their inner circle! do they recruit all of the available companions? do they do all of their quests? are there any that your watcher is particularly fond of/hostile towards? do their opinions towards any companions change during the game or their personal quests?
I’m splitting this between the first game and Deadfire!
Aoife did recruit all the companions he could, but he did not do all their personal quests.
The two didn't see eye to eye in the beginning. Aoife knew he was hiding something and he knew he probably had his reasons, but Aoife being honest as all get out, he didn't much understand his reasoning why. Also Aoife’s  tendency to want others to look for their own paths and understanding got the pair off to bad starts more than once since Aloth wanted the leadership and direction Aoife could give, but wouldn't. Once Iselmyr was revealed and Aloth fessed up more about himself, Aoife grew more understanding and was more keen to offer more support and direction to him. It was still never to smother him or point him exactly in the direction he needed to go, but rather a guiding hand. They grew into friends much more easily that way and were quite close when they dealt with Iselmyr in the Sanitarium. But, after the reveal he had been working for the Leaden Key, it was the last straw on the horses back. Aoife didn't tell Aloth that he needed to go or stay until the group reached Twin Elms. It was there that Aoife told him that he wanted him to stay, but as an equal and as a friend; not behind him, but beside him. 
The pair of them ended up exceptionally close despite their difference in opinions. Aoife encouraged Aloth to sublimate Iselmyr and told him that Kith deserved to know the truth, regardless of the consequences and he went on to dismantle the Leaden Key.
He had a kind of warmth that Aoife readily warmed up to. The two of them hit it off pretty quickly and easily since Eder took a lot of his Watcher things with the idea of “huh....that’s pretty neat.” And he left it at that. It’s just something Aoife does! They grew into fast friends. But as time went on, Aoife enjoyed the lessons in his long winded stories and tried his best to help Eder find the answers to the questions he had since Eder was always there to check on him to make sure he was eating and sleeping the best he could. The pair of them ended up as sounding boards as time went on for posing belief questions and thoughts about what was going on.
Eder treated him like a leader, but also as a close friend and Aoife loved that. He encouraged Eder to look closer at his faith and he grew skeptical and believed the gods to be false. He moved to Dyrford and became the mayor.
It didn't take long for Aoife to grow tired of how he talked down to others and his general sexist attitude. His intense faith in Magran also threw Aoife for a loop, but was far from the other glaring issues he saw. He wasn’t keen on Durance’s attitude of testing him and being judged by someone he felt was better than him. It reminded Aoife too much of his brother which left him with a lot of uncomfortable hateful rage. The final straw was when Aoife grew tired of hearing him call every other woman a “whore” and how he treated Aloth and Iselmyr, along with everyone else. It wasn’t like they couldn’t handle him, but Aoife didn't want someone like him associated with the lot of them He dumped him out of the party, saying that if he dared to talk to anyone in his company with such vile language again, he wouldn’t be responsible for his brain tearing his soul into small enough pieces to be just like a Hollowborn he took so much pleasure in killing.
Aoife got along incredibly poorly with Durance and left him to his own devices, not caring what he did with his life. He did not do Durance’s personal quest, nor did he care the man died in self inflicted immolation.
 The two of them quickly grew close once Aoife got past how loud and big Kana was. The pair shared a lot of stories about their adventures back and forth to pass the time and scholarly knowledge. They did a lot of scavenging on the Endless Paths together once the floor had been cleared of enemies, looking for old books or artifacts. They did retrieve quite a few, the whole collection ending up on display in Caed Nua. The pair shared a lot of old sea shanties and songs back and forth with each other. Kana helped a lot with Aoife thinking that they could make it out of the lot of this safe and sound and that it was going to be alright. Kana was like a big happy rock of sunshine for Aoife. 
Aoife ended up encouraging Kana to help create a better Rauatai and use the tablet as inspiration, leaving him to return home to help create a new age of growth for his people.
Aoife was most often curious of her and her people and her place in within her community since he had never gone that far south. He wanted to understand her search and what it meant to her and her people. He often questioned the worth of the journey for her community in comparison to missing her family. Beyond that, the pair would often talk and critique each others form with a bow and show each other the differences in how they were taught. He talked with her a lot about his homeland and his own family and his relationship with his mother and siblings; it was nice to hear from someone who was a mother about her own experiences with her children. She gave him a lot of insight into how his mother must’ve felt while raising both him and dealing with her other son.
Aoife encouraged her to tell Persoq about his family and what had become of them in the years since his death and return to life.
Aoife was intimidated by her at first. It didn't have to do with her being godlike, but more with her presence and sense of self. She knew her purpose in life and she stuck to it, which was something Aoife never had in his life. Her being around and her strong dedication to her principles and place in life brought to Aoife the idea that he didn’t have that in his life. Not that he was particularly upset or decided it was truly lacking, but it was quite stark to him. He admired her a great deal, but did question her dedication and if the group she was dedicated to deserved her. He did push on her a little in some aspects, but the pair ended up as casual friends and mainly colleagues. He did regret how things ended after Hollowborn Crisis with her being banished; one of the lessons of how doing good for the whole often leaves the few in bad places.
Aoife encouraged Pallegina to make a new deal to include the Dyrwood, but didn’t strengthen the Dyrwood, and she was banished.
Aoife was surprised by him. Not much by his appearance since it’d be akin to the kettle calling the pot black, but by how he generally...lived in the world. The most defining thing that stuck with Aoife for years about Hiravias was that he ate the intestines of the deer despite knowing what was in them and that Aoife himself had refused because he knew what was in them. But, he still ate them just....to keep the joke going. If Hiravias had nothing else, but he still had more than that, was that he had his humor to keep him going. His outlook on the gods and rationalization of the fact was refreshing to Aoife. He explained himself and his process and how both Galawain and Wael played a role in things. The pair were tentative friends and Hiravias did a lot of work to get Aoife to understand jokes. 
In the end, Aoife pushed him more towards Wael and the endless search of questions they provided.
Grieving Mother:
Aoife never really met someone before who could work alongside his own mental gymnastics and he realized how much people feared Ciphers and their minds. She was always like a puzzle he was trying to pick apart while she tried to do the same. They would spin themselves in circles talking back and forth about their lives, giving each other impressions and images rather than talking a lot in words. It was a tentative comfort on Aoife’s end between them and he tried his best to push her to realize her mistakes and that a comforting lie isn’t better than a painful truth and that it does no one any good to live blindly. 
He didn't wipe her memory and pushed her towards that painful truths are better than comforting lies.
Deadfire companions are next!
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calvero · 3 years
The 30 Day Smothers Brothers Challenge
The 30 Day Smothers Brothers Challenge
I know this is more niche than my Charlie Chaplin one. And even more niche than the Doctor Who challenge. For example, some of you might be thinking to yourself: “Who the heck are the Smothers Brothers?” In a nutshell: Tom and Dick Smothers are real life brothers and from 1959 to 2010 they performed as a musical comedy team, with Tom on acoustic guitar and Dick playing double bass. Both of them…
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senatushq · 2 years
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NAME. Jasper “Jas” * Ophelia “Effie” Stewart AGE & BIRTH DATE. 30 (26)  & June 6th, 1992 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/Her // Male & He/Him SPECIES. Terror VARIANT. Doppelganger OCCUPATION. Barista at the Last Bean // Musician FACE CLAIM.  Daisy Edgar Jones & Joseph Quinn
( tw: abandonment, murder, blood ) The mud plugged up her nose, smeared against her tightly scrunched eyelids and bled into her mouth when she finally caved and took a gulp of air through the muck. Her palette filled with the minging tastes of earth and blood and strawberry milk, which made her nearly certain she’d vomit. Her hands clawed at the wet ground, fighting to slip free of the smothering grip on the back of her skull.
  “Eat up, Piggy!” Spit the owner of the hand doing the smothering. A squawk of laughter lifted up from the goons like a flock of hormone-addled parrots. It was no mercy that the girl’s ears stayed clean. 
  Earlier in the week, a plague of second-years had turned up with itching with lice, and as such Effie’s lunchtime refuge in the library had been shut for fumigation. Instead, she’d decided to take her lunch in the courtyard, hoping the public stage would deter the brute squad. Her heart had sunk when she heard the stampede of footsteps behind her, and seconds later her plastic tray was tumbling in the air, showering her in a hail of peas and pink milk. The rest happened in a blink. 
  “I didn’t know they let farm animals try out for theatre, did you?” Sneered the ringleader, ripping her up by the braid. “We’ve got a ring for your nose after you’ve finished your slop-” A sharp elbow to the stomach interfered with the monologue.
  Effie picked herself up, scraped knees singing in the February cold, and ran. Her lungs felt ready to burst by the time she reached the rugby field, but she kept running, feeling peril tailing close behind, scanning the uniforms for a face near-identical to her own.
  The relief was immediate. Jasper’s face was like hers, but significantly less muddy and locked into sternness seeing the state of Effie’s. He’d already separated from his lounge of friends, like he’d been fully expecting the slight, mousy-haired girl to tear through the brush with a face full of mud and blood and tears. She threw herself behind the impenetrable fortress of her brother’s slightly-taller frame. Jasper’s arm belted protectively across his elder sister - by two minutes. 
  Such was the pattern for the Stewart twins. When their father knocked about and raised his voice, they sheltered under the bed and passed the time spinning stories, using the wood platts as a stage. When the archaeology scene dragged half of the Stewarts to a new country across the globe, the twins stayed perfectly in tune. When heartbreak befell them both in adolescence, it sent the other twin careening into the gutter with them. When Effie’s bakery flailed, Ozzy was there to pick up the pieces. And Effie was the one who, when she felt like she was coming down with the worst flu of her life, drove six hours from her college to Berlin to pull her brother out of a weeks-long bender with his shotty bandmates and cleaned him up before rehab. As it turns out, the celebration she’d cut short was for a single on their EP hitting the UK’s top 50. Ten days later, with Jasper finishing detox and Effie’s fever waning, the record went gold.
  After that, she felt her brother less but saw him everywhere. On vinyls gracing the endcaps at the local bookstore, on the morning news, laughing awkwardly at passes made by hosts twice his age. He became a sensation, and she the sister of somebody who broke free of hometown’s grip and mentioned it by name in radio interviews. She fought back her resentment, flipping her bakery sign each night with a persistent lump in her throat and sense of finality in her position in life. Not that it wasn’t well earned, he was always the brave one, the stepped to a challenge while she’d freeze up, chain herself to the bed she’d made or shrink away until the threat moved on to a more worthy target. But the brother who threw himself toward danger in her stead wouldn’t sit by and let her be patronized, objectified, commercialized in the way that he was now.
  That line of logic made it easier to justify icing over when the subject breached his career, the agents, the industry promises. To her dismay, one such promise solidified into an EU tour, during which she was forced to liquify and lock up her bakery for good. For the first time, her twin wasn’t there to dampen the burden of hardship. Failure, she learned, tasted like mud and blood and leftover strawberry cake. She tried to stuff out the undercurrent of fulfillment she felt, no doubt his, and feel her own goddamn emotions for once.
  Nonetheless, she always felt him. Unexpected fits of euphoria, bouts of illness, followed by all-encompassing numbness. The morning she spent hugging the porcelain bowl until her spine felt it would come rocketing out too, she didn’t even have to check the news to know where he was. Nearly a year passed after that with radio silence between them. 
  Then, the death of their father called the twins both back to the Rome estate. Jas looked… surprisingly well. He said he was sober, and the quiet months since they’d last spoken didn’t betray the claim. He headlined a new band and had a girlfriend he wanted Effie to meet. She designed collector ouija boards or cards or something like that. No, Bryan was no longer in the cards, nor was the bakery. Effie was back in business school, pursuing a Master’s. He offered money. She refused it, and excused herself to the chapel, where she barricaded herself against the stained glass and sucked down a flask in solitude. Whether out of intuition or just good will, Jasper insisted on driving her back to her accommodations when the ordeal was over. Over the long drive in a ridiculously expensive vintage car, the twins began the work of untangling the web of hurt that years of separation had woven between them.
  The ride to the estate was soon full of punch-drunk laughter, the two belting along to the radio like they were children again. Then, riding off of Running Up That Hill, a lush guitar riff led into an all-too-familiar voice crooning through the radio. Bile rose in Ophelia’s throat at the put-on grittiness of it. In a flash of petulance she’d regret for eternity, her hand smacked against the console, silencing her brother’s canned voice. Even brand-new sutures couldn’t keep the wound she’d dealt months ago from ripping open again. She swore if she were sober then, she would’ve heard the hurt rip through Jas from within before it breached his armored skin and spilled outwards into an epic argument. 
  A hulking shadow darted across the road, interrupting the pools of the headlights. Effie didn’t hear the screech of tires over the mounting tenor of her voice, frightened by her twin’s newly exposed wound she felt as deep as her own. But she felt the world violently shift in time with Jasper’s hand on the wheel, and the sickening pull of her insides as the blurred treeline ate up the view beyond the windshield. She felt her brother’s arm whip protectively over her torso as they crashed towards it, and then she died.
  What remained of Effie woke up. Formless, weightless, flickering weakly like the still-popping engine now warped around a tree trunk. If she had fingers, she’d have used them to pluck at the grass as she waited until the ambulances came. After one look in the mangled wreck, the paramedics shook their heads and waved to kill the sirens. 
  Effie searched herself but didn’t find him. Couldn’t feel him. He wasn’t there. Other things were. Their old estate, the shell of her business, the empty venues, and conversations that buzzed near-indecipherable like TV static through the screen. Her flicker danced between them, haunting the realms of what was and what could have been, observing how time passed in the lives that had succeeded hers. 
  She traipsed the veil like a tightrope walker, not knowing just what it was keeping her suspended or when it would give out and plunge her into the depths below. What she knew for certain - no one would be there to catch her when she fell. Her imagined audience’s applause collapsed into unison, into a rhythm that crescendoed and overpowered her weakening light.
A flash of a near-identical smile in the crowd.
Bum-boom. Bum-boom.
Her sure step faltered, slipping on the tightrope.
Bum-boom bum-boom bum-boom bum-boom-
  Then there was clawing, fighting, pulsing, drowning, digging, sputtering, digging, digging. The manicured earth trembled. An arm tore up through the soil like a bone-white sapling. The sinewy hand gripped and nails dug at the loose earth, pulling her body up with sinews restrung and flesh renewed. Breaching the earth she gasped, feeling her stinging lungs drink in the foreign luxury of air as soil tumbled from her face.
  Effy gripped the family headstone for support, toeing indelicately past the shrine of flowers and records and carefully-laid candles encircling the open grave. She stumbled from the toothy limestone grin of the graveyard, but paused under a streetlight to vomit a sludge of rot and chemicals and an assortment of wriggling things. Her clothes were worm-pocked and reeked of the grave. 
  Collapsing to the curb, the reanimated terror could do nothing but feel the full weight of grief and fear felt by the living wash over her, sucking out her sanity with the ripping tide. This was wrong. Not her. Never her. It was supposed to be Jasper, if anyone. He was the fearless one, the one who loved without conditions, the one with a life worth saving.
  The self-comforting hold around her knees grew firmer as the hours drew on, until it grew unbearable for this new body to idle any longer.
  “It’s okay,” Croaked a voice from the depths of her throat, several octaves deeper than her own but no less familiar. The terror jumped, searching for the source of the haunting distortion. Broadened fingertips brushed a protrusion from her neck, before catching on a hint of stubble just above. A ghoulish hypotheses set in Effie’s mind. A trembling hand crept towards it’s hairline, pushing back through the wild, razor-cut curls that fell the way he’d always worn it. “This is okay. It’s okay.” The dead twin’s voice tumbled from the abomination’s mouth. We’ll be okay. The doppelganger tested again, soon melting into the safety of the mimicked voice.
  In her reserved lot of purgatory, the terror no longer felt alone.
+ intuitive, versatile, ambitious – deceptive, egotistic, withholding
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zephfair · 6 years
Day 8 Bleach fic Grimmichi
Still going with the 30-Day AU Challenge
Day 8: Horror Movie AU
UGH This was the hardest day so far because I’ve never seen an entire horror movie, so I wasn’t going to do anything for this one. Then I got the humorous mental picture of Grimmjow actually trying to be scary which morphed into Halloween. And then I realized that I just really wanted the two of them to get it on.
THEN I wrote 3,500 words of dirty, filthy sex only to realize in HORROR this morning that this is Tumblr and yeah, I probably shouldn’t post real porn on here lest I be banned or blacklisted or whatever is going on these day to censor folks.
THAT made me think that I maybe I should actually post this entire Dumpster fire worth of fic on AO3 so it’s somewhere safe. So I just did that.
ANYWAY, the beginning of this story is under the cut RATED MATURE and then here’s the link to AO3 where the graphic sex is. If you like that sorta thing. No judgment here.
While making regular visits to Earth after the war, Grimmjow learned just enough about human culture to be mightily confused by it and its nuances (learning mostly from TV and Urahara’s insane crew didn’t help), but when October 31 rolled around, he knew exactly what to do.
He used Urahara’s Amazon account to order what he needed and got ready in the alley behind the shop where no one could see.
At sunset, he drifted up to the Kurosaki residence and rang the bell, waiting and ready.
Isshin opened the door, took a long look and slammed it in Grimmjow’s face. “Ichigo, it’s for you!” his shout was loud enough to barely be muffled from the door.
Grimmjow didn’t move, rang the bell again, and the door opened with a pretty young girl cheering out, “Happy Halloween! Oh. You’re big. Do you want some candy?”
Grimmjow ground his teeth but didn’t answer.
“What is it, Yuzu?” another girl joined the first and looked up at him. “Ha. Nice. Ichigo!”
She slammed the door shut again.
Grimmjow was sorely tempted to just cero the door and maybe the entire house when the door opened the third time.
“What the...ah!” Ichigo actually jumped back and Grimmjow lost it. He doubled over laughing so hard he couldn’t draw a breath.
“Oh fuck you!” Ichigo said, immediately recognizing the maniacal laughter.
“You. Really. Thought.” Grimmjow couldn’t talk from laughing so hard.
“You’re a hundred feet too short to be a real Menos,” Ichigo snapped and Grimmjow hooted.
“Then why did you jump? I saw you!”
Ichigo muttered something under his breath, but Grimmjow grabbed the door before it could slam again. “I thought this was the stupid human tradition, to dress up and frighten each other.”
“Well, yeah, sorta.”
“And I did frighten you,” Grimmjow leaned forward then remembered he was still wearing the mask. He pulled it up and grinned at Ichigo.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty,” Ichigo informed him then reached out and grabbed his hand before Grimmjow could ask what that saying meant. “We’re ready to start the movie.”
“With your family?”
“Annual tradition. You might as well meet them sometime,” Ichigo said, leading him in. “You ever heard of Friday the 13th?”
“The day?”
Ichigo grinned n an expression that Grimmjow knew mirrored his own usual mad smirk. “Oh, you’re in for a treat.”
If Grimmjow had been wont to worry, he might have been nervous finally meeting the family of his … Ichigo but the fact that he didn’t think about it long enough to even define their … thing they had going on meant that he didn’t care. Or whatever.
Still, there was something a little unsettling when Ichigo led him into the family’s living room and didn’t drop his hand.
“Everyone, this is Grimmjow. He thinks he’s funny. Grimmjow, this is everyone,” was all Ichigo said before pulling him toward the couch.
Grimmjow pulled off the mask completely and dropped the hood before sitting beside him. Isshin was looking—glaring?—but didn’t say anything other than, “Snacks are on the table. We’re all out of souls but there is pizza.”
The dark-haired girl ignored him as she ate, but the lighter-haired girl smiled brightly. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Grimmjow. I’m Yuzu, that’s Karin. Sorry our brother has no manners.”
“He was raised in a barn. By wolves,” Karin said with her mouth full.
Yuzu wrinkled her nose. “So were you. Gross.”
Grimmjow looked at Ichigo who just picked up the plate next to him and went back to eating. Well, if he’d built up any kind of picture of what meeting the … Ichigo’s family was like, this was way more low-key than he could have hoped.
Then Isshin dimmed the lights and put in the movie. Grimmjow would never admit to a fascination with TV and movies, but it was something that he enjoyed in the human world more than most things.
But the film they watched in the quiet darkness was something else. It was funny and terrible. It made him want to laugh and when the fake blood flew, he did laugh. Loudly and so suddenly that Ichigo choked on the soda he was drinking.
“What the—shut up,” Ichigo hissed, wiping at the sticky drops on his shirt.
Grimmjow just grunted in response but kept grinning. Ichigo elbowed him and Grimmjow pushed him away.
“Shhh,” Yuzu ordered, her eyes glued to the screen, her arms hugging a cushion. They obeyed.
Until the next gruesome murder on screen. Yuzu jumped and Karin swore when Grimmjow let loose another raucous laugh.
Ichigo slapped him in the face with a couch cushion then held it there. “Whaaat?!” Grimmjow grabbed at Ichigo’s hands to break free from the smothering.
“Shut up! We’re trying to watch the movie!”
“But it’s hilarious!” Grimmjow wrestled the cushion away from Ichigo and propped it behind his own head.
“It’s not supposed to be funny.” Ichigo’s outstretched hands looked like they were trying to decide if outright strangling would be more effective.
“It’s not?”
“No, it’s scary,” Ichigo said and Grimmjow burst out laughing again.
“This? This is what you call scary? Ulk—” Ichigo’s hands found their target.
“Shhhh,” the other three hissed at them.
Grimmjow broke Ichigo’s hold and gestured to the TV. “You actually think this is scary? I can show you three ways of killing them easier unless you’re actually looking for more blood spray and then I can tell you—”
Ichigo’s hand slapped over his mouth to quiet him. Grimmjow huffed through his nose and licked the palm. Ichigo glared but didn’t move.
“Ichigo, take your—” it was good to see that Isshin was struggling for the right word too— “guest away if he can’t be quiet. I don’t need his suggestions on more efficient ways of slaughtering the innocent right in front of my young, flowering blossoms of—”
“Shut up, Dad,” Karin said as she smacked Isshin’s face with Yuzu’s pillow.
“Ugh, come on,” Ichigo stood up and moved his hand to pull Grimmjow up too. “We’ll go to my room since you can’t keep your big mouth shut.”
Grimmjow wasn’t sure what he’d done to piss off everyone, but he wasn’t about to complain about the chance to be alone with Ichigo in a bedroom. Ever since they’d started doing … whatever it was they were doing, it was a rare treat to be completely alone somewhere private. And comfortable. Much nicer than an alley somewhere.
As soon as Ichigo shut the door behind them, Grimmjow crowded close. He was held off by the firm hand on his chest. “Don’t even think we’re going to—”
“To what?” Grimmjow breathed right in his ear as he brushed his lips along Ichigo’s cheek. He kissed his way down along Ichigo’s jaw.
Ichigo helpfully tilted his head as the kisses trailed down his neck and said, “We’re not going to do this or you’ll think it’s a reward for your bad behavior.”
“Bad behavior?” Grimmjow scoffed and pulled Ichigo’s hips closer by his belt loops. “What’re you talking about?”
“Weren’t you being obnoxious on purpose just so we could ditch my family?”
Grimmjow planted his hands firmly on Ichigo’s ass but pulled his face away to say, “How was I obnoxious?” He couldn’t quite muster up the irritation to be truly angry when Ichigo’s hands were running up his chest and his breath was warm over his lips.
Ichigo’s chuckle was a warm gust. “Nevermind,” and he pressed his lips to Grimmjow’s. Grimmjow opened his mouth eagerly but Ichigo kept the kiss light, tracing his lips against Grimmjow’s top lip first then outlining the bow with the tip of his tongue.
The teasing touch made Grimmjow shiver and tighten his hands on Ichigo’s waist. But Ichigo didn’t hurry. He paid equal attention to Grimmjow’s bottom lip as he slid one hand up into Grimmjow’s hair and wrapped the other around his back to hold him close.
Grimmjow was breathing as hard as he would in battle when Ichigo finally finally licked into his impatient mouth. Grimmjow responded so fervently, he felt Ichigo’s back hit the door. He growled what might have been an apology as he slid his tongue against Ichigo’s to get him to play.
Battling Ichigo Kurosaki in this way had soon almost equaled the joy that fighting him gave Grimmjow. It was another way to enjoy the passion and energy that Ichigo put into everything he did.
Now Ichigo used the hand in Grimmjow’s hair to pull his head back. Grimmjow didn’t want to break the kiss and dove back in before Ichigo pulled him back again.
“The fuck’s wrong?” Grimmjow said, but Ichigo was pushing him then, and when Grimmjow felt the bed against his knees, he sat. Ichigo crawled right onto him and continued the kiss as if they’d never parted.
Grimmjow had two wonderful handfuls of Ichigo’s ass and he squeezed appreciatively before he encouraged Ichigo to grind down against his growing hardness. Then he moaned when Ichigo found just the right undulating motion and broke off with a gasp.
“Not laughing now, are you,” Ichigo said, looking down at Grimmjow and grinning his rare sincere grin.
“Nothing funny about this,” Grimmjow agreed and before Ichigo could get any ideas about taking charge without a fair fight, he flipped Ichigo ass over teakettle onto the bed. While Ichigo was still mid-bounce, Grimmjow climbed on top, his black cloak spread out over them.
“What the hell, I was trying to take things slow for once, you assmunch.” Ichigo pushed at his chest but it was like trying to roll a boulder off of him.
“You like it when I munch your ass,” Grimmjow leaned down to kiss him but Ichigo’s face was doing some kind of contortion he’d never seen.
He pulled back while Ichigo covered his eyes with one hand and said, “You can’t just say something like that.”
“What? I only said—”
“I know what you said! I’m saying don’t say it again! It just doesn’t sound...right.”
Grimmjow rolled his eyes because Ichigo couldn’t see it. He pulled Ichigo’s hand away and smirked down at him. “So I’m allowed to do it, just not to talk about it?”
“Yes. No. Oh my god, I don’t know, just shut up and kiss me.” Ichigo’s face was alight with a blush that Grimmjow was sure he could feel. He tried it, kissing Ichigo’s warm cheek and then the other before taking his lips again.
Ichigo seemed to take out his frustration through his kiss now, and bit at Grimmjow, writhing under him while he pulled at Grimmjow’s hips. Grimmjow didn’t have any interest in taking things slow either, but he did realize they needed to get unclothed somehow.
He slipped one hand down and under Ichigo’s T-shirt and palmed the tight abs he found. He tried to take the shirt with him as he slid his hand up to the flat chest, but it got stuck. He sat back on his heels and tugged at Ichigo’s shirt. “Off.”
“You too,” Ichigo agreed, sitting up far enough to pull his shirt off.
Then Grimmjow opened the fasteners of the cloak and let it fall off his shoulders and bundle at his hips. Ichigo immediately clamped his hand over his eyes again and blushed. “You’re naked!”
“Well, yeah. Isn’t that the point?” Grimmjow rolled his eyes again. “Why are you blushing? We’ve been naked together before. A lot.”
“I know,” Ichigo snapped and glared at him. “But I can’t believe you were naked under there the whole time that you sat downstairs with my sisters. It’s like you’re...more naked.”
“More naked,” Grimmjow smirked. “That’s a good one.”
“Why didn’t you wear something under there?!”
“What do you think that Menos wear under their cloaks?”
And Ichigo covered his eyes and groaned again. “Ugh, why did you have to say that?! Thinking about Menos isn’t sexy!”
“Doesn’t feel like you have a major problem with it.” Grimmjow’s grin grew as he circled his ass a little. Ichigo’s hardness didn’t feel like it had flagged much.
“You’re a freak,” Ichigo grumbled.
“That’s what gets you off,” Grimmjow said as he leaned over and kissed him breathless. Ichigo’s hands worked and pulled the cloak away completely so he could touch all of Grimmjow’s smooth skin and hard muscle. He stroked up and down his back as Grimmjow stretched back out over him.
“Jeans,” Ichigo reminded him breathlessly.
Grimmjow grumbled but finally sat back so Ichigo could open his belt and fly. Then Grimmjow took over, pulling the jeans and briefs together over Ichigo’s slim hips, and down his long legs. He whipped them off dramatically with a snarl that made Ichigo roll his eyes, but Grimmjow knew it was amusement.
“Socks,” Ichigo commanded and Grimmjow parroted back “socks” sarcastically, but he removed them too. Then he looked at the entire naked body spread beautifully before him and could have thanked whatever deity looked out for Hollows for the gift he was given.
Ichigo was apparently waiting for Grimmjow to just pounce on him as usual and braced himself. That made Grimmjow want to be contrary.
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maggyme13 · 7 years
Old Lady Part 12
I hope you like this chapter. I know it´s short and it doesn´t happened to much. I see this as a filler between the previous chapter  and the next.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
You were out of the door and in the main room, before your brother could react to your last comment.
"Remind me not to piss you off doll.  You´re as frightening in the ring as your brother." Tig greeted you from his seat at the bar.
"Don´t worry, I don´t punch or kick people who pisses me off-" You answered and he looked a bit puzzled.
"- I shoot them. Or send my brother."
Earning a little smile.
"Your ex  is an phsychic idiot. Would the situation be different-"
"- he would be counting carrots from beneath the surface. But he needed to make it complicated."
You sighted earning yourself some laughs , but also frowns.
"So Chibs, hows the prospect?"
"Aye. But you got him good. Nose cracked and a black eye. His stomach is bruised as well, from your legs. Won´t be able to do hard work for a day or two without pain." The medic answered you.
"Serves him right." Gemma commented from behind you. "Should have kept his cake hole shut the other day."
She was still pissed.
"What did he say that makes you so angry?" You asked her interested.
"Bullshit. Said he don´t understand, why he has to listen to the Old ladys and the girlfriends. It should be the other way around. Because we only need protection and can´t  do shit on our own. Did a good job on him, could had last longer."
Her comment made you frown deeply.
"Yeah. But I saw Hap coming outside. Didn´t want to be responsible for a dead prospect. His ego must be pretty shattered now." You laughed a bit at you last comment.
The Queen and you had wandered outside during your little conversation.
"I would have done it myself, but I´m having heart problems." Gemma answered you honestly.
She gestured towards the pickniktables in a silent question to sit down.
"So what is it with Juicy-Boy and you?" She asked you in a neutral tone making your eyes roll on their own.
"No disrespect, but you are the third person asking me this today. Why does everybody ask me that today? Seriously."
She cocked an eyebrow at you.
"I assume Happy just asked you the same back in little Loverboys room?"
"Yeah. How do you know?"
"Well, he looked pretty  pissed  because of your little fight there.  But when you said you would use his room to take your shower, he nearly lost it. Stormed at him and stared him down, before he went after you. He ignored the prospect- for once. And now you´re givin´me a look I usually would kick asses for."
"Sorry Gemma. It´s just a bit much. Not only  the bullshit with my ex, but now I have be careful around my brother and Juice, because a wrong look could cause in later death."
"I know what you mean. So what will you do , when your ex is fertilizer?"
"Don´t know. Maybe staying here. Maybe I will return back to Tacoma.  Or joining the military. Who knows? It all depends on when this is over, what happened until then and what my dear brother is thinking."
Her look told you, she wouldn´t let you of the leach this easily and you sighted.
Told it Hap and Hulk already, can tell her this as well.
"He´s cute. A bit easy to scare for my liking, but that´s my brothers doing."
"Just cute?"
"Don´t know. I feel save around him. Don´t get me wrong. Hap and the others let me feel save as well, but he doesn´t make me feel smothered.  "
"He´s one of the few good. Would never ever treat a woman the wrong way. But he´s still a kid in his head. I saw the way he looks at you. I swear, the first day, when you were wearing your brothers shirt as a dress he was in a different world."
You couldn´t suppress a smile.
"Do they have any traces of the bastard?" she asked you with worry in her voice.
"No. But I feel like I am still watched. I´m not allowed outside the parking lot. I feel like I am drowning in here."
"I know your feeling. I hate Lockdowns more than hell. Why don´t we go inside and you help me make some sandwiches with the leftovers of yesterday night."
"Yeah. Have nothing else to do. So let´s go. Whats left?"
"Got some steak, pulled-pork and chicken."
You nodded in understanding.
When you entered the kitchen. Gemma told you , where to find the leftovers and you started to gather the rest.
"Honey. I forgott I need to take care of some stuff. You think you can manage this on your own? "
"Sure Gemma. I will just grab Chucky or one of the prospects if I need help."
"Thank you honey. Will be back soon."
And with that, you were alone in the kitchen.
Well, lets get  food and music started.
You were almost finished , when the matriarch returned.
"I am back sweetheart. Wow, you´ve been busy. Why don´t we get these to the boys?"
"Sure. Let me just wash my hands."
Milli was sitting on top of the bar when Dounut came to her.
"Hulk said you are feeling watched?"
You just nodded in return.
"I know SamCrow has a cabin in the woods they use to hide in or get a break. I know you. You
don´t like to be held captive. I wanted to ask them if you could hide there, but I wanted to speak with you first."
"That would be awesome. I need to see something else. But how do you want to get me there without them knowing?"
"We will find a way. Let me speak to them."
Your eyes followed him and eyed him speaking with Jax. He nodded and you nearly jumped.
Freedom I am coming!
Dounut saw your beaming smile and came back for you.
"Seem you watched us. He said that will be no problem staying at the cabin. We will speak in todays church about it. You can go pack your things. Any preferences on your watch dog?"
You groaned.
"I don´t care but not my brother. Please. "
Donut laughed.
"Don´t worry, we need him as a bloodhound not a guard dog."
"Church is in 30?"
"Then I will start to pack."
You was  just finished packing, when Juice entered your brothers dorm room.
"We will get you to the cabin tonight. There will be a BBQ as an disguise. No one will see you leave."
"Is it already decided who will join me in exile?"
Your Question making him blush a bit.
You, really?
"Yeah. They decided to send me with you. I can do my research from there as well. I made sure to get internet and everything there in the best possible way. So don´t worry, you can watch movies there or play games."
"Sounds good. But you are really the only one to keep me company up there?"
"Yeah, but don´t worry. We have an excellent security system up there."
"Don´t get me wrong. It´s not that I don´t trust you to keep me save, I am just wondering that Hap and the others were good with that."
"Was surprised myself." He admitted. " We will go as soon as the BBQ get´s really started. I will leave you to pack the rest of your things now. See you later then"
Is he uncomfortable?
Some minutes later Hulk entered, followed by your brother.
"Mohawk-boy talked to you? Good. In Case you need them." Hulk handed you a pack of condoms with a little grin.
Happy growled in respond.
"We will be there in under 20 minutes if anything goes wrong. As soon as we have the bastard, you can come back. Don´t do anything I have to kill him for."
You rolled your eyes and packed Hulks gift on top in a challenging manor.
Part 13 is online
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koumikoumikoumi · 8 years
Digimon Adventure tri. 30 Day Challenge #22
Ships you enjoy
So, my OTP is Koumi, but I also enjoy brotherly Jyoumi (once Mimi even called his brother Shin nii-san), Michi and Daimi because Taichi and Daisuke both have personalities that fit Mimi. Almost every Mimi pairing works and is fun, so I don’t complain much! I also enjoy Sorato.
The thing is I tend to enjoy relationships where people challenge each other to be and do better. Sorato and Koumi are very different from each other: Sora and Yamato are somewhat different sides of the same coin, while Koushiro and Mimi are two different coins. I think Sora and Yamato would greatly improve each other as they both seem to struggle with love and trust. They would learn to accept themselves and improve from the love they receive from the other. For Koumi it’s different, I don’t see it in a “love conquers all" kind of way, perhaps more of a “getting on each other’s nerves made us care for each other”?. To be honest, as I said in some previous post, before Tri. I didn’t even know Koumi could be a thing - it never crossed my mind, as my childhood favourite pairings were romantic Mimato and friendly Jyoumi - but that scene in the car where Koushiro blushed looking at Mimi made so much sense I started shipping them. Yep, as quickly as that. The fact that one complements the other’s faults is, perhaps, my favourite thing about them. I’m a fan of opposites attract, no doubt, and Mimi and Koushiro are total opposites, but they somehow got to be friends and actually get along with each other well. Mimi’s effect on Koushiro would be clear, but I think Koushiro would also have a great impact on Mimi, teaching her to be more patient and to think before acting, allowing her to mature. Very few people are able to point a finger at Mimi Tachikawa and say “you did wrong” in such a harsh way as Koushiro did. Sora and Jyou, two people who’ve been in that position, seem to approach her in soothing, not judgmental way. Though she’s grateful to them, Mimi deeply values sincerity and urges people to say things to her face. Moreover, in Adventure Mimi used to complain about guys/Digimon giving her too much attention or having second intentions when approaching her because of her good looks (though she’s aware of that, she also used her looks to get her way ≧◡≦) so that’s a trait she wouldn’t overlook and would probably prefer someone more deep and discreet who valued her personality. I can see plenty of reasons for both of them to like each other.
Sorato is cannon and I’m happy for them. I wish Koumi would be too but if no one’s willing to take that step, I’m happy for them to just be closer and bond as friends.
PS: I don’t think Koushiro’s OOC. It’s just a new side of him. He still is respectful and polite, but also a conflicted teenager now.
PS2: Though I think of Mimi as different from her mother, I can’t help picturing a careless Koushiro being smothered by food and unwanted cuddles. Tentomon and Koushiro’s mother would be happy x)
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it-refused · 8 years
30 Day Writing Challenge (Family) - Day 2
2. Write about siblings.
Characters: Sans, Papyrus
Rating: G
C/N: angst, illness
Word Count: 1257
Sans woke up sometimes, and Papyrus was always there.  He was bright, loud, and, most importantly, encouraging.  He held Sans' small hand and filled in the silence in between Sans' few struggling statements.  Sans usually tried a joke, or, sometimes, a reassurance.  
Monster skeleton bones were always a little warm.  They were more magic than anything else.  Papyrus had never thought it strange.  
Sans seemed cold. Papyrus found his gloves and pulled them on for him and got the blankets out of his own bedroom and piled as many as he could on top of Sans' still body.  
Papyrus paced around the room, trying to think of something else to do.  He went through the stack of books he had already read.  He had found Sans' favorite physics and joke books, and his favorite books to read to Papyrus. Even the joke books hadn't woken Sans up for longer than a few minutes.  
"kind've missing lungs if you're lookin to smother me," Sans mumbled.  
Sans weakly curled up.  His eye sockets stayed closed and his rib cage slowly rose and fell.  "more 'n this, less than a hundred."  
Papyrus was just glad to hear him saying anything, even if it was a complaint.  He tried a single blanket and tucked him in.  
"maybe one more'n that," he said.  
Papyrus wrapped him up in a blanket cocoon.  He looked safe, in there.  
"never moved my arms much anyways."  
Papyrus ran out of the room and quickly heated up some junk food Grillby had given him to try and convince Sans to eat.  He hurried back up and Sans hadn't moved at all since he left him.  
"'s that..."
"guess i'm dying."
Sans was quiet.  
One of Sans' eye sockets cracked open.
"ok." He closed his eye again.  
He propped Sans up a little and freed his arms from the blankets.  "IS THIS DISGUSTING SMELL NOT SOMEHOW APPETIZING?"  Papyrus held a french fry in front of Sans' face.  
Sans tried a few fries, and Papyrus could tell he was only doing it to make him feel better.  Papyrus did not care why he ate.  
"love you, bro," Sans said, as Papyrus settled him back down.  "no matter what."  
"OF COURSE.  I LOVE YOU, TOO."  He took Sans' gloved hand again.  
It was hours before Sans said anything else.  When he woke up, he picked at his food, but didn't complain.  
Papyrus read to him. Sans didn't react to much, but his eyes were partially open and he seemed to be listening.  
When Papyrus set the book down, Sans said, "you're so cool."
"you'd do ok even if i wasn't around."
"WHAT?" Papyrus reached up and touched his own chest.  There was a pain there, suddenly.  "WHY WOULD I WANT TO BE OKAY WITHOUT YOU?"
"you'll be great, no matter what."
"'m just tired."  
"how'd you get so good?"  He closed his eyes.  "not from me.  this lazy bones just wants to sleep."
"don't really want to wake up."  
Sans had trouble holding a spoon, the next time he woke up.  He was too weak to keep it steady.  Papyrus helped.  Sans moved like there was a heavy weight making every movement nearly impossible.  
"I KNOW THIS IS HARD.  I AM PROUD OF YOU," Papyrus said.  
"heh."  He blinked a few times, a little too fast.  
Papyrus dragged the television upstairs.  Sometimes Sans would be too tired to talk, but he would stay awake for a while and listen to the television. Papyrus would comment on what was going on, and describe it when Sans had his eyes closed.  
"sorry." The television volume was low, but Papyrus could barely hear him.
"gonna keep beating that same drum, huh."  
"love you too, bro."  Sans rolled onto his back and sighed.  "this is sure a pain, though."  He started to prop himself up on his elbows. "ugh."  Papyrus helped him sit up.  
"YOU ARE DOING VERY WELL," Papyrus said.  They had let him bring Sans home because he was not supposed to make it, and he would be more comfortable surrounded by his own things.  "YOU CAN TAKE AS MUCH TIME AS YOU NEED."  He was not going to let himself think about how Sans had not been expected to make it.  There was a pain in his ribcage he needed to ignore.
"jeez.  what's all this?  c'mere."  
"I AM NOT CRYING!  THERE IS JUST SOMETHING IN MY EYE SOCKETS."  It important that he be strong enough for two skeletons.  
"well, wipe it on my shirt.  i don't care."  
Papyrus closed his eyes, for a second, hot tears trailing down his face.  "I AM COMPLETELY FINE."  He hugged his brother, pressing his face against Sans' stale-smelling shirt until it was soaked through.  
"i'm ok," Sans said.  "it's ok."
"sure i am. never been better."  
"NYEHEH." He pulled back.  "WELL, I CERTAINLY HOPE THAT IS NOT TRUE." He looked Sans over.  He had almost been able to pretend Sans really was ok when he wasn't looking at him.  His eye sockets felt damp again.
"c'mon.  i'm not that ugly.  i've got some fans."  
Papyrus turned off the television for a while and read to him.  He picked Fluffy Bunny, since it was something they would both enjoy.  When he closed the book, he could tell Sans was ready to sleep again.
"hey, paps?" he said, as Papyrus properly tucked him in.  
"i'll be ok."
"uh.  yeah. sure, ok."  
"every day," Sans repeated.  He sighed.  "got it."  
"i know."
Whenever Sans fell asleep, Papyrus threw himself into tasks to push away the fear that his brother might not wake up again.  But, he did.  
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Final goodbye: Recalling influential people who died in 2019
A lauded writer who brought to light stories overshadowed by prejudice. An actress and singer who helped embody the manufactured innocence of the 1950s. A self-made billionaire who rose from a childhood of Depression-era poverty and twice ran for president.
This year saw the deaths of people who shifted culture through prose, pragmatism and persistence. It also witnessed tragedy, in talent struck down in its prime.
In 2019, the political world lost a giant in U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings. He was born the son of a sharecropper, became a lawyer, then an influential congressman and champion of civil rights.
Cummings, who died in October, was chairman of one of the U.S. House committees that led an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump and was a formidable advocate for the poor in his Maryland district.
Another influential political figure, U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, died in July. Stevens was appointed to the high court as a Republican but became the leader of its liberal wing and a proponent of abortion rights and consumer protections.
Wealth, fame and a confident prescription for the nation’s economic ills propelled H. Ross Perot ’s 1992 campaign against President George H.W. Bush and Democratic challenger Bill Clinton. He recorded the highest percentage for an independent or third-party candidate since 1912. He died in July.
The death of Toni Morrison in August left a chasm in the publishing world, where she was a “literary mother” to countless writers. She helped elevate multiculturalism to the world stage and unearthed the lives of the unknown and unwanted. She became the first black woman to receive the Nobel literature prize for “Beloved” and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012.
Among those in the scientific world who died in 2019 was Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, the first person to walk in space. Leonov died in October. Others include scientist Wallace Smith Broecker, who died in February and popularized the term “global warming” as he raised early alarms about climate change.
In April, Hollywood lost director John Singleton, whose 1991 film “Boyz N the Hood” was praised as a realistic and compassionate take on race, class, peer pressure and family. He became the first black director to receive an Oscar nomination and the youngest at 24.
Doris Day, a top box-office draw and recording artist who died in May, stood for the 1950s ideal of innocence and G-rated love, a parallel world to her contemporary Marilyn Monroe. She received a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2004.
The year also saw the untimely deaths of two young rappers, leaving a feeling of accomplishments unfulfilled. Grammy-nominated Nipsey Hussle was killed in a shooting in Los Angeles in March. Juice WRLD, who launched his career on SoundCloud before becoming a streaming juggernaut, died in December after being treated for opioid use during a police search.
Here is a roll call of some influential figures who died in 2019 (cause of death cited for younger people, if available):
Eugene “Mean Gene” Okerlund, 76. His deadpan interviews of pro wrestling superstars like “Macho Man” Randy Savage, the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan made him a ringside fixture in his own right. Jan. 2.
Bob Einstein, 76. The veteran comedy writer and performer known for “The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour,” “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and his spoof daredevil character Super Dave Osborne. Jan. 2.
Daryl Dragon, 76. The cap-wearing “Captain” of Captain & Tennille who teamed with then-wife Toni Tennille on such easy listening hits as “Love Will Keep Us Together” and “Muskrat Love.” Jan. 2.
Harold Brown, 91. As defense secretary in the Carter administration, he championed cutting-edge fighting technology during a tenure that included the failed rescue of hostages in Iran. Jan 4.
Jakiw Palij, 95. A former Nazi concentration camp guard who spent decades leading an unassuming life in New York City until his past was revealed. Jan. 9.
Carol Channing, 97. The ebullient musical comedy star who delighted American audiences in almost 5,000 performances as the scheming Dolly Levi in “Hello, Dolly!” on Broadway and beyond. Jan. 15.
John C. Bogle, 89. He simplified investing for the masses by launching the first index mutual fund and founded Vanguard Group. Jan. 16.
Lamia al-Gailani, 80. An Iraqi archaeologist who lent her expertise to rebuilding the National Museum’s collection after it was looted in 2003. Jan. 18.
Nathan Glazer, 95. A prominent sociologist and intellectual who assisted on a classic study of conformity, “The Lonely Crowd,” and co-authored a groundbreaking document of non-conformity, “Beyond the Melting Pot.” Jan. 19.
Antonio Mendez, 78. A former CIA technical operations officer who helped rescue six U.S. diplomats from Iran in 1980 and was portrayed by Ben Affleck in the film “Argo.” Jan. 19.
Harris Wofford, 92. A former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and longtime civil rights activist who helped persuade John F. Kennedy to make a crucial phone call to the wife of Martin Luther King Jr. during the 1960 presidential campaign. Jan. 21.
Russell Baker, 93. The genial but sharp-witted writer who won Pulitzer Prizes for his humorous columns in The New York Times and a moving autobiography of his impoverished Baltimore childhood. He later hosted television’s “Masterpiece Theatre” on PBS. Jan 21. Complications after a fall.
Michel Legrand, 86. An Oscar-winning composer and pianist whose hits included the score for the ’60s romance “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” and the song “The Windmills of Your Mind” and who worked with some of biggest singers of the 20th century. Jan. 26.
Kim Bok-dong, 92. A South Korean woman who was forced as a girl into a brothel and sexually enslaved by the Japanese military during World War II, becoming a vocal leader at rallies that were held every Wednesday in Seoul for nearly 30 years. Jan. 28.
James Ingram, 66. The Grammy-winning singer who launched multiple hits on the R&B and pop charts and earned two Oscar nominations for his songwriting. Jan. 29.
Donald S. Smith, 94. He produced the controversial anti-abortion film “The Silent Scream” and, with help from Ronald Reagan’s White House, distributed copies to every member of Congress and the Supreme Court. Jan. 30.
Harold Bradley, 93. A Country Music Hall of Fame guitarist who played on hundreds of hit country records and along with his brother, famed producer Owen Bradley, helped craft “The Nashville Sound.” Jan. 31.
Kristoff St. John, 52. An actor best known for playing Neil Winters on the CBS soap opera “The Young and the Restless.” Feb. 4. Heart disease.
Anne Firor Scott, 97. A prize-winning historian and esteemed professor who upended the male-dominated field of Southern scholarship by pioneering the study of Southern women. Feb. 5.
Frank Robinson, 83. The Hall of Famer was the first black manager in Major League Baseball and the only player to win the MVP award in both leagues. Feb. 7.
John Dingell, 92. The former congressman was the longest-serving member of Congress in American history at 59 years and a master of legislative deal-making who was fiercely protective of Detroit’s auto industry. Feb. 7.
Albert Finney, 82. The British actor was the Academy Award-nominated star of films from “Tom Jones” to “Skyfall.” Feb. 8.
Jan-Michael Vincent, 73. The “Airwolf” television star whose sleek good looks belied a troubled personal life. Feb. 10.
Gordon Banks, 81. The World Cup-winning England goalkeeper who was also known for blocking a header from Pele that many consider the greatest save in soccer history. Feb. 12.
Betty Ballantine, 99. She was half of a groundbreaking husband-and-wife publishing team that helped invent the modern paperback and vastly expand the market for science fiction and other genres through such blockbusters as “The Hobbit” and “Fahrenheit 451.” Feb. 12.
Lyndon LaRouche Jr., 96. The political extremist who ran for president in every election from 1976 to 2004, including a campaign waged from federal prison. Feb. 12.
Andrea Levy, 62. A prize-winning novelist who chronicled the hopes and horrors experienced by the post-World War II generation of Jamaican immigrants in Britain. Feb. 14.
Lee Radziwill, 85. She was the stylish jet setter and socialite who found friends, lovers and other adventures worldwide while bonding and competing with her sister Jacqueline Kennedy. Feb. 15.
Armando M. Rodriguez, 97. A Mexican immigrant and World War II veteran who served in the administrations of four U.S. presidents while pressing for civil rights and education reforms. Feb. 17.
Wallace Smith Broecker, 87. A scientist who raised early alarms about climate change and popularized the term “global warming.” Feb. 18.
Karl Lagerfeld, 85. Chanel’s iconic couturier whose accomplished designs and trademark white ponytail, high starched collars and dark enigmatic glasses dominated high fashion for the past 50 years. Feb. 19.
David Horowitz, 81. His “Fight Back!” syndicated program made him perhaps the best-known consumer reporter in the U.S. Feb. 21.
Peter Tork, 77. A talented singer-songwriter and instrumentalist whose musical skills were often overshadowed by his role as the goofy, lovable bass guitarist in the made-for-television rock band The Monkees. Feb. 21.
Stanley Donen, 94. A giant of the Hollywood musical who, through such classics as “Singin’ in the Rain” and “Funny Face,” helped provide some of the most joyous sounds and images in movie history. Feb. 21.
Jackie Shane, 78. A black transgender soul singer who became a pioneering musician in Toronto where she packed nightclubs in the 1960s. Feb. 21.
Katherine Helmond, 89. An Emmy-nominated and Golden Globe-winning actress who played two very different matriarchs on the ABC sitcoms “Who’s the Boss?” and “Soap.” Feb. 23.
Charles McCarry, 88. An admired and prescient spy novelist who foresaw passenger jets as terrorist weapons in “The Better Angels” and devised a compelling theory for JFK’s assassination in “The Tears of Autumn.” Feb. 26.
Jerry Merryman, 86. He was one of the inventors of the handheld electronic calculator. Feb. 27. Complications of heart and kidney failure.
Ed Nixon, 88. The youngest brother of President Richard Nixon who was a Navy aviator and geologist and spent years promoting his brother’s legacy. Feb. 27.
Andre Previn, 89. The pianist, composer and conductor whose broad reach took in the worlds of Hollywood, jazz and classical music. Feb. 28.
John Shafer, 94. The legendary Northern California vintner was part of a generation that helped elevate sleepy Napa Valley into the international wine powerhouse it is today. March 2.
Keith Flint, 49. The fiery frontman of British dance-electronic band The Prodigy. March 4. Found dead by hanging in his home.
Luke Perry, 52. He gained instant heartthrob status as wealthy rebel Dylan McKay on “Beverly Hills, 90210.” March 4. Stroke.
Juan Corona, 85. He gained the nickname “The Machete Murderer” for hacking to death dozens of migrant farm laborers in California in the early 1970s. March 4.
Ralph Hall, 95. The former Texas congressman was the oldest-ever member of the U.S. House and a man who claimed to have once sold cigarettes and Coca-Cola to the bank-robbing duo of Bonnie and Clyde in Dallas. March 7.
Carmine “the Snake” Persico, 85. The longtime boss of the infamous Colombo crime family. March 7.
Vera Bila, 64. A Czech singer dubbed the Ella Fitzgerald of Gypsy music or the Queen of Romany. March 12. Heart attack.
Birch Bayh, 91. A former U.S. senator who championed the federal law banning discrimination against women in college admissions and sports. March 14.
Dick Dale, 83. His pounding, blaringly loud power-chord instrumentals on songs like “Miserlou” and “Let’s Go Trippin’” earned him the title King of the Surf Guitar. March 16.
Jerrie Cobb, 88. America’s first female astronaut candidate, the pilot pushed for equality in space but never reached its heights. March 18.
Scott Walker, 76. An influential singer, songwriter and producer whose hits with the Walker Brothers in the 1960s included “The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore.” March 22.
Rafi Eitan, 92. A legendary Israeli Mossad spy who led the capture of Holocaust mastermind Adolf Eichmann. March 23.
Larry Cohen, 77. The maverick B-movie director of cult horror films “It’s Alive” and “God Told Me To.” March 23.
Michel Bacos, 95. A French pilot who’s remembered as a hero for his actions in the 1976 hijacking of an Air France plane to Uganda’s Entebbe airport. March 26.
Valery Bykovsky, 84. A pioneering Soviet-era cosmonaut who made the first of his three flights to space in 1963. March 27.
Agnes Varda, 90. The French New Wave pioneer who for decades beguiled, challenged and charmed moviegoers in films that inspired generations of filmmakers. March 29. Cancer.
Ken Gibson, 86. He became the first black mayor of a major Northeast city when he ascended to power in riot-torn Newark, New Jersey, about five decades ago. March 29.
Billy Adams, 79. A Rockabilly Hall of Famer who wrote and recorded the rockabilly staple “Rock, Pretty Mama.” March 30.
Nipsey Hussle, 33. A Grammy-nominated rapper. March 31. Killed in a shooting.
Sydney Brenner, 92. A Nobel Prize-winning biologist who helped decipher the genetic code and whose research on a roundworm sparked a new field of human disease research. April 5.
Ernest F. “Fritz” Hollings, 97. The silver-haired Democrat who helped shepherd South Carolina through desegregation as governor and went on to serve six terms in the U.S. Senate. April 6.
Cho Yang-ho, 70. Korean Air’s chairman, whose leadership included scandals such as his daughter’s infamous incident of “nut rage.” April 7.
Marilynn Smith, 89. One of the 13 founders of the LPGA Tour whose 21 victories, two majors and endless support of her tour led to her induction into the World Golf Hall of Fame. April 9.
Richard “Dick” Cole, 103. The last of the 80 Doolittle Tokyo Raiders who carried out the daring U.S. attack on Japan during World War II. April 9.
Charles Van Doren, 93. The dashing young academic whose meteoric rise and fall as a corrupt game show contestant in the 1950s inspired the movie “Quiz Show” and served as a cautionary tale about the staged competitions of early television. April 9.
Monkey Punch, 81. A cartoonist best known as the creator of the Japanese megahit comic series Lupin III. April 11.
Georgia Engel, 70. She played the charmingly innocent, small-voiced Georgette on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and amassed a string of other TV and stage credits. April 12.
Bibi Andersson, 83. The Swedish actress who starred in classic films by compatriot Ingmar Bergman, including “The Seventh Seal” and “Persona.” April 14.
Owen Garriott, 88. A former astronaut who flew on America’s first space station, Skylab, and whose son followed him into orbit. April 15.
Alan García, 69. A former Peruvian president whose first term in the 1980s was marred by financial chaos and rebel violence and who was recently targeted in Latin America’s biggest corruption scandal. April 17. Apparent suicide.
Lorraine Warren, 92. A world-wide paranormal investigator and author whose decades of ghost-hunting cases with her late husband inspired such frightening films as “The Conjuring” series and “The Amityville Horror.” April 18.
Mark Medoff, 79. A provocative playwright whose “Children of a Lesser God” won Tony and Olivier awards and whose screen adaptation of his play earned an Oscar nomination. April 23.
John Havlicek, 79. The Boston Celtics great whose steal of Hal Greer’s inbounds pass in the final seconds of the 1965 Eastern Conference final against the Philadelphia 76ers remains one of the most famous plays in NBA history. April 25.
Damon J. Keith, 96. A grandson of slaves and figure in the civil rights movement who as a federal judge was sued by President Richard Nixon over a ruling against warrantless wiretaps. April 28.
Richard Lugar, 87. A former U.S. senator and foreign policy sage known for leading efforts to help the former Soviet states dismantle and secure much of their nuclear arsenal but whose reputation for working with Democrats cost him his final campaign. April 28.
John Singleton, 51. A director who made one of Hollywood’s most memorable debuts with the Oscar-nominated “Boyz N the Hood” and continued over the following decades to probe the lives of black communities in his native Los Angeles and beyond. April 29. Taken off life support after a stroke.
Ellen Tauscher, 67. A trailblazer for women in the world of finance who served in Congress for more than a decade before joining the Obama administration. April 29. Complications from pneumonia.
Peter Mayhew, 74. The towering actor who donned a huge, furry costume to give life to the rugged-and-beloved character of Chewbacca in the original “Star Wars” trilogy and two other films. April 30.
John Lukacs, 95. The Hungarian-born historian and iconoclast who brooded over the future of Western civilization, wrote a best-selling tribute to Winston Churchill, and produced a substantial and often despairing body of writings on the politics and culture of Europe and the United States. May 6.
Peggy Lipton, 72. A star of the groundbreaking late 1960s TV show “The Mod Squad” and the 1990s show “Twin Peaks.” May 11. Cancer.
Leonard Bailey, 76. The doctor who in 1984 transplanted a baboon heart into a tiny newborn dubbed “Baby Fae” in a pioneering operation that sparked both worldwide acclaim and condemnation. May 12.
Cardinal Nasrallah Butros Sfeir, 98. The former patriarch of Lebanon’s Maronite Christian church who served as spiritual leader of Lebanon’s largest Christian community through some of the worst days of the country’s 1975-1990 civil war. May 12.
Doris Day, 97. The sunny blond actress and singer whose frothy comedic roles opposite the likes of Rock Hudson and Cary Grant made her one of Hollywood’s biggest stars in the 1950s and ’60s and a symbol of wholesome American womanhood. May 13.
Tim Conway, 85. The impish second banana to Carol Burnett who won four Emmy Awards on her TV variety show, starred in “McHale’s Navy” and later voiced the role of Barnacle Boy for “Spongebob Squarepants.” May 14.
I.M. Pei, 102. The versatile, globe-trotting architect who revived the Louvre with a giant glass pyramid and captured the spirit of rebellion at the multi-shaped Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. May 16.
Niki Lauda, 70. A Formula One great who won two of his world titles after a horrific crash that left him with serious burns and went on to become a prominent figure in the aviation industry. May 20.
Binyavanga Wainaina, 48. One of Africa’s best-known authors and gay rights activists. May 21. Illness.
Judith Kerr, 95. A refugee from Nazi Germany who wrote and illustrated the best-selling “The Tiger Who Came to Tea” and other beloved children’s books. May 22.
Murray Gell-Mann, 89. The Nobel Prize-winning physicist who brought order to the universe by helping discover and classify subatomic particles. May 24.
Claus von Bulow, 92. A Danish-born socialite who was convicted but later acquitted of trying to kill his wealthy wife in two trials that drew intense international attention in the 1980s. May 25.
Prem Tinsulanonda, 98. As an army commander, prime minister and adviser to the royal palace, he was one of Thailand’s most influential political figures over four decades. May 26.
Richard Matsch, 88. A federal judge who ruled his courtroom with a firm gavel and a short temper and gained national respect in the 1990s for his handling of the Oklahoma City bombing trials. May 26.
Bill Buckner, 69. A star hitter who made one of the biggest blunders in baseball history when he let Mookie Wilson’s trickler roll through his legs in the 1986 World Series. May 27.
Thad Cochran, 81. A former U.S. senator who served 45 years in Washington and used seniority to steer billions of dollars to his home state of Mississippi. May 30.
Patricia Bath, 76. A pioneering ophthalmologist who became the first African American female doctor to receive a medical patent after she invented a more precise treatment of cataracts. May 30. Complications of cancer.
Leon Redbone, 69. The blues and jazz artist whose growly voice, Panama hat and cultivated air of mystery made him seem like a character out of the ragtime era or the Depression-era Mississippi Delta. May 30.
Frank Lucas, 88. The former Harlem drug kingpin whose life and lore inspired the 2007 film “American Gangster.” May 30.
Leah Chase, 96. A New Orleans chef and civil rights icon who created the city’s first white-tablecloth restaurant for black patrons, broke the city’s segregation laws by seating white and black customers, and introduced countless tourists to Southern Louisiana Creole cooking. June 1.
Dr. John, 77. The New Orleans singer and piano player who blended black and white musical styles with a hoodoo-infused stage persona and gravelly bayou drawl. June 6.
John Gunther Dean, 93. A veteran American diplomat and five-time ambassador forever haunted by his role in the evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in Cambodia during the dying days of the Khmer Republic. June 6.
Sylvia Miles, 94. An actress and Manhattan socialite whose brief, scene-stealing appearances in the films “Midnight Cowboy” and “Farewell, My Lovely” earned her two Academy Award nominations. June 12.
Lew Klein, 91. A broadcast pioneer who helped create “American Bandstand” and launched the careers of Dick Clark and Bob Saget. June 12.
Pat Bowlen, 75. The Denver Broncos owner who transformed the team from also-rans into NFL champions and helped the league usher in billion-dollar television deals. June 13.
Charles Reich, 91. The author and Ivy League academic whose “The Greening of America” blessed the counterculture of the 1960s and became a million-selling manifesto for a new and euphoric way of life. June 15.
Gloria Vanderbilt, 95. The intrepid heiress, artist and romantic who began her extraordinary life as the “poor little rich girl” of the Great Depression, survived family tragedy and multiple marriages and reigned during the 1970s and ’80s as a designer jeans pioneer. June 17.
Jim Taricani, 69. An award-winning TV reporter who exposed corruption and served a federal sentence for refusing to disclose a source. June 21. Kidney failure.
Judith Krantz, 91. A writer whose million-selling novels such as “Scruples” and “Princess Daisy” engrossed readers worldwide with their steamy tales of the rich and beautiful. June 22.
Dave Bartholomew, 100. A giant of New Orleans music and a rock n’ roll pioneer who, with Fats Domino, co-wrote and produced such classics as “Ain’t That a Shame,” “I’m Walkin’” and “Let the Four Winds Blow.” June 23.
Beth Chapman, 51. The wife and co-star of “Dog the Bounty Hunter” reality TV star Duane “Dog” Chapman. June 26.
Tyler Skaggs, 27. The left-handed pitcher who was a regular in the Los Angeles Angels’ starting rotation since late 2016 and struggled with injuries repeatedly in that time. July 1. Choked on his own vomit and had a toxic mix of alcohol and painkillers fentanyl and oxycodone in his system.
Lee Iacocca, 94. The auto executive and master pitchman who put the Mustang in Ford’s lineup in the 1960s and became a corporate folk hero when he resurrected Chrysler 20 years later. July 2.
Eva Kor, 85. A Holocaust survivor who championed forgiveness even for those who carried out the Holocaust atrocities. July 4.
Joao Gilberto, 88. A Brazilian singer, guitarist and songwriter considered one of the fathers of the bossa nova genre that gained global popularity in the 1960s and became an iconic sound of the South American nation. July 6.
Cameron Boyce, 20. An actor best known for his role as the teenage son of Cruella de Vil in the Disney Channel franchise “Descendants.” July 6. Seizure.
Martin Charnin, 84. He made his Broadway debut playing a Jet in the original “West Side Story” and went on to become a Broadway director and a lyricist who won a Tony Award for the score of the eternal hit “Annie.” July 6.
Artur Brauner, 100. A Polish-born Holocaust survivor who became one of post-World War II Germany’s most prominent film producers. July 7.
Rosie Ruiz, 66. The Boston Marathon course-cutter who was stripped of her victory in the 1980 race and went on to become an enduring symbol of cheating in sports. July 8. Cancer.
H. Ross Perot, 89. The colorful, self-made Texas billionaire who rose from delivering newspapers as a boy to building his own information technology company and twice mounted outsider campaigns for president. July 9. Leukemia.
Rip Torn, 88. The free-spirited Texan who overcame his quirky name to become a distinguished actor in television, theater and movies, such as “Men in Black,” and win an Emmy in his 60s for “The Larry Sanders Show.” July 9.
Fernando De la Rúa, 81. A former Argentine president who attracted voters with his image as an honest statesman and later left as the country plunged into its worst economic crisis. July 9.
Johnny Kitagawa, 87. Better known as Johnny-san, he was a kingpin of Japan’s entertainment industry for more than half a century who produced famous boy bands including Arashi, Tokio and SMAP. July 9.
Jim Bouton, 80. The former New York Yankees pitcher who shocked and angered the conservative baseball world with the tell-all book “Ball Four.” July 10.
Jerry Lawson, 75. For four decades, he was the lead singer of the eclectic cult favorite a cappella group the Persuasions. July 10.
Pernell Whitaker, 55. An Olympic gold medalist and four-division boxing champion who was regarded as one of the greatest defensive fighters ever. July 14. Hit by a car.
L. Bruce Laingen, 96. The top American diplomat at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran when it was overrun by Iranian protesters in 1979 and one of 52 Americans held hostage for more than a year. July 15.
Edith Irby Jones, 91. The first black student to enroll at an all-white medical school in the South and later the first female president of the National Medical Association. July 15.
John Paul Stevens, 99. The bow-tied, independent-thinking, Republican-nominated justice who unexpectedly emerged as the Supreme Court’s leading liberal. July 16.
Johnny Clegg, 66. A South African musician who performed in defiance of racial barriers imposed under the country’s apartheid system decades ago and celebrated its new democracy under Nelson Mandela. July 16.
Elijah “Pumpsie” Green, 85. The former Boston Red Sox infielder was the first black player on the last major league team to field one. July 17.
Rutger Hauer, 75. A Dutch film actor who specialized in menacing roles, including a memorable turn as a murderous android in “Blade Runner” opposite Harrison Ford. July 19.
Paul Krassner, 87. The publisher, author and radical political activist on the front lines of 1960s counterculture who helped tie together his loose-knit prankster group by naming them the Yippies. July 21.
Robert M. Morgenthau, 99. A former Manhattan district attorney who spent more than three decades jailing criminals from mob kingpins and drug-dealing killers to a tax-dodging Harvard dean. July 21.
Li Peng, 90. A former hard-line Chinese premier best known for announcing martial law during the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests that ended with a bloody crackdown by troops. July 22.
Art Neville, 81. A member of one of New Orleans’ storied musical families, the Neville Brothers, and a founding member of the groundbreaking funk band The Meters. July 22.
Chris Kraft, 95. The founder of NASA’s mission control. July 22.
Mike Moulin, 70. A former Los Angeles police lieutenant who came under fire for failing to quell the first outbreak of rioting after the Rodney King beating verdict. July 30.
Harold Prince, 91. A Broadway director and producer who pushed the boundaries of musical theater with such groundbreaking shows as “The Phantom of the Opera,” “Cabaret,” “Company” and “Sweeney Todd” and won a staggering 21 Tony Awards. July 31.
D.A. Pennebaker, 94. The Oscar-winning documentary maker whose historic contributions to American culture and politics included immortalizing a young Bob Dylan in “Don’t Look Back” and capturing the spin behind Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign in “The War Room.” Aug. 1.
Henri Belolo, 82. He co-founded the Village People and co-wrote their classic hits “YMCA,” “Macho Man” and “In the Navy.” Aug. 3.
Nuon Chea, 93. The chief ideologue of the communist Khmer Rouge regime that destroyed a generation of Cambodians. Aug. 4.
Toni Morrison, 88. A pioneer and reigning giant of modern literature whose imaginative power in “Beloved,” “Song of Solomon” and other works transformed American letters by dramatizing the pursuit of freedom within the boundaries of race. Aug. 5.
Sushma Swaraj, 67. She was India’s former external affairs minister and a leader of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. Aug. 6.
Peter Fonda, 79. The actor was the son of a Hollywood legend who became a movie star in his own right after both writing and starring in the counterculture classic “Easy Rider.” Aug. 16.
Richard Williams, 86. A Canadian-British animator whose work on the bouncing cartoon bunny in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” helped blur the boundaries between the animated world and our own. Aug. 16. Cancer.
Cedric Benson, 36. A former NFL running back who was one of the most prolific rushers in NCAA and University of Texas history. Aug. 17. Motorcycle crash.
Kathleen Blanco, 76. She became Louisiana’s first female elected governor only to see her political career derailed by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Aug. 18.
David H. Koch, 79. A billionaire industrialist who, with his older brother Charles, was both celebrated and demonized for transforming American politics by pouring their riches into conservative causes. Aug. 23.
Ferdinand Piech, 82. The German auto industry power broker was the longtime patriarch of Volkswagen AG and the key engineer of its takeover of Porsche. Aug. 25.
Baxter Leach, 79. A prominent member of the Memphis, Tennessee, sanitation workers union whose historic strike drew the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to the city where he was assassinated. Aug. 27.
Jim Leavelle, 99. The longtime Dallas lawman who was captured in one of history’s most iconic photographs escorting President John F. Kennedy’s assassin as he was fatally shot. Aug. 29.
Valerie Harper, 80. She scored guffaws, stole hearts and busted TV taboos as the brash, self-deprecating Rhoda Morgenstern on back-to-back hit sitcoms in the 1970s. Aug. 30.
Jimmy Johnson, 76. A founder of the Muscle Shoals Sound Studios and guitarist with the famed studio musicians “The Swampers.” Sept. 5.
Robert Mugabe, 95. The former Zimbabwean leader was an ex-guerrilla chief who took power when the African country shook off white minority rule and presided for decades while economic turmoil and human rights violations eroded its early promise. Sept. 6.
Robert Frank, 94. A giant of 20th-century photography whose seminal book “The Americans” captured singular, candid moments of the 1950s and helped free picture-taking from the boundaries of clean lighting and linear composition. Sept. 9.
T. Boone Pickens, 91. A brash and quotable oil tycoon who grew even wealthier through corporate takeover attempts. Sept. 11.
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, 83. A former Indonesian president who allowed democratic reforms and an independence referendum for East Timor following the ouster of the dictator Suharto. Sept. 11.
Eddie Money, 70. The rock star known for such hits as “Two Tickets to Paradise” and “Take Me Home Tonight.” Sept. 13. Esophageal cancer.
Phyllis Newman, 86. A Tony Award-winning Broadway veteran who became the first woman to host “The Tonight Show” before turning her attention to fight for women’s health. Sept. 15.
Ric Ocasek, 75. The Cars frontman whose deadpan vocal delivery and lanky, sunglassed look defined a rock era with chart-topping hits like “Just What I Needed.” Sept. 15.
Cokie Roberts, 75. The daughter of politicians and a pioneering journalist who chronicled Washington from Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump for NPR and ABC News. Sept. 17. Complications from breast cancer.
David A. Jones Sr., 88. He invested $1,000 to start a nursing home company that eventually became the $37 billion health insurance giant Humana Inc. Sept. 18.
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, 83. The former Tunisian president was an autocrat who led his small North African country for 23 years before being toppled by nationwide protests that unleashed revolt across the Arab world. Sept. 19.
John Keenan, 99. He was the police official who led New York City’s manhunt for the “Son of Sam” killer and eventually took a case-solving confession from David Berkowitz. Sept. 19.
Barron Hilton, 91. A hotel magnate who expanded his father’s chain and became a founding owner in the American Football League. Sept. 19.
Howard “Hopalong” Cassady, 85. The 1955 Heisman Trophy winner at Ohio State and running back for the Detroit Lions. Sept. 20.
Karl Muenter, 96. A former SS soldier who was convicted in France of a wartime massacre but who never served any time for his crimes. Sept. 20.
Sigmund Jaehn, 82. He became the first German in space at the height of the Cold War during the 1970s and was promoted as a hero by communist authorities in East Germany. Sept. 21.
Jacques Chirac, 86. A two-term French president who was the first leader to acknowledge France’s role in the Holocaust and defiantly opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Sept. 26.
Joseph Wilson, 69. The former ambassador who set off a political firestorm by disputing U.S. intelligence used to justify the 2003 Iraq invasion. Sept. 27.
José José, 71. The Mexican crooner was an elegant dresser who moved audiences to tears with melancholic love ballads and was known as the “Prince of Song.” Sept. 28.
Jessye Norman, 74. The renowned international opera star whose passionate soprano voice won her four Grammy Awards, the National Medal of Arts and the Kennedy Center Honor. Sept. 30.
Samuel Mayerson, 97. The prosecutor who took newspaper heiress Patty Hearst to court for shooting up a Southern California sporting goods store in 1974 and then successfully argued for probation, not prison, for the kidnapping victim-turned terrorist. Sept. 30.
Karel Gott, 80. A Czech pop singer who became a star behind the Iron Curtain. Oct. 1.
Diogo Freitas do Amaral, 78. A conservative Portuguese politician who played a leading role in cementing the country’s democracy after its 1974 Carnation Revolution and later became president of the U.N. General Assembly. Oct. 3.
Diahann Carroll, 84. The Oscar-nominated actress and singer who won critical acclaim as the first black woman to star in a non-servant role in a TV series as “Julia.” Oct. 4. Cancer.
Ginger Baker, 80. The volatile and propulsive drummer for Cream and other bands who wielded blues power and jazz finesse and helped shatter boundaries of time, tempo and style in popular music. Oct. 6.
Rip Taylor, 88. The madcap, mustached comedian with a fondness for confetti-throwing who became a television game show mainstay in the 1970s. Oct. 6.
Robert Forster, 78. The handsome and omnipresent character actor who got a career resurgence and Oscar nomination for playing bail bondsman Max Cherry in “Jackie Brown.” Oct. 11. Brain cancer.
James Stern, 55. A black activist who took control of one of the nation’s largest neo-Nazi groups — and vowed to dismantle it. Oct. 11. Cancer.
Alexei Leonov, 85. The legendary Soviet cosmonaut who became the first person to walk in space. Oct. 11.
Scotty Bowers, 96. A self-described Hollywood “fixer” whose memoir offered sensational accounts of the sex lives of such celebrities as Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Oct. 13.
Harold Bloom, 89. The eminent critic and Yale professor whose seminal “The Anxiety of Influence” and melancholy regard for literature’s old masters made him a popular author and standard-bearer of Western civilization amid modern trends. Oct. 14.
Elijah E. Cummings, 68. A sharecropper’s son who rose to become a civil rights champion and the chairman of one of the U.S. House committees leading an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. Oct. 17. Complications from longstanding health problems.
Alicia Alonso, 98. The revered ballerina and choreographer whose nearly 75-year career made her an icon of artistic loyalty to Cuba’s socialist system. Oct. 17.
Bill Macy, 97. The character actor whose hangdog expression was a perfect match for his role as the long-suffering foil to Bea Arthur’s unyielding feminist on the daring 1970s sitcom “Maude.” Oct. 17.
Marieke Vervoort, 40. A Paralympian who won gold and silver medals in 2012 at the London Paralympics in wheelchair racing and two more medals in Rio de Janeiro. Oct. 22. Took her own life after living with pain from a degenerative spinal disease.
Sadako Ogata, 92. She led the U.N. refugee agency for a decade and became one of the first Japanese to hold a top job at an international organization. Oct. 22.
Kathryn Johnson, 93. A trailblazing reporter for The Associated Press whose intrepid coverage of the civil rights movement and other major stories led to a string of legendary scoops. Oct. 23.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, believed to be 48. He sought to establish an Islamic “caliphate” across Syria and Iraq, but he might be remembered more as the ruthless leader of the Islamic State group who brought terror to the heart of Europe. Oct. 26. Detonated a suicide vest during a raid by U.S. forces.
John Conyers, 90. The former congressman was one of the longest-serving members of Congress whose resolutely liberal stance on civil rights made him a political institution in Washington and back home in Detroit despite several scandals. Oct. 27.
Ivan Milat, 74. His grisly serial killings of seven European and Australian backpackers horrified Australia in the early ’90s. Oct. 27.
Vladimir Bukovsky, 76. A prominent Soviet-era dissident who became internationally known for exposing Soviet abuse of psychiatry. Oct. 27.
Kay Hagan, 66. A former bank executive who rose from a budget writer in the North Carolina Legislature to a seat in the U.S. Senate. Oct. 28. Illness.
John Walker, 82. An Arkansas lawmaker and civil rights attorney who represented black students in a long-running court fight over the desegregation of Little Rock-area schools. Oct. 28.
John Witherspoon, 77. An actor-comedian who memorably played Ice Cube’s father in the “Friday” films. Oct. 29.
Walter Mercado, 88. A television astrologer whose glamorous persona made him a star in Latin media and a cherished icon for gay people in most of the Spanish-speaking world. Nov. 2. Kidney failure.
Gert Boyle, 95. The colorful chairwoman of Oregon-based Columbia Sportswear Co. who starred in ads proclaiming her “One Tough Mother.” Nov. 3.
Ernest J. Gaines, 86. A novelist whose poor childhood on a small Louisiana plantation germinated stories of black struggles that grew into universal tales of grace and beauty. Nov. 5.
Werner Gustav Doehner, 90. He was the last remaining survivor of the Hindenburg disaster, who suffered severe burns to his face, arms and legs before his mother managed to toss him and his brother from the burning airship. Nov. 8.
Charles Rogers, 38. The former Michigan State star and Detroit Lions receiver was an All-American wide receiver who was the school’s all-time leader in touchdown catches. Nov. 11.
Raymond Poulidor, 83. The “eternal runner-up” whose repeated failure to win the Tour de France helped him conquer French hearts and become the country’s all-time favorite cyclist. Nov. 13.
Walter J. Minton, 96. A publishing scion and risk taker with a self-described “nasty streak” who as head of G.P. Putnam’s Sons released works by Norman Mailer and Terry Southern, among others, and signed up Vladimir Nabokov’s scandalous “Lolita.” Nov. 19.
Jake Burton Carpenter, 65. The man who changed the game on the mountain by fulfilling a grand vision of what a snowboard could be. Nov. 20. Complications stemming from a relapse of testicular cancer.
Gahan Wilson, 89. His humorous and often macabre cartoons were a mainstay in magazines including Playboy, the New Yorker and National Lampoon. Nov. 21.
Cathy Long, 95. A Louisiana Democrat who won her husband’s U.S. House seat after his sudden death in 1985 and served one term. Nov. 23.
John Simon, 94. A theater and film critic known for his lacerating reviews and often withering assessment of performers’ physical appearance. Nov. 24.
William Doyle Ruckelshaus, 87. He famously quit his job in the Justice Department rather than carry out President Richard Nixon’s order to fire the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate scandal. Nov. 27.
Yasuhiro Nakasone, 101. The former Japanese prime minister was a giant of his country’s post-World War II politics who pushed for a more assertive Japan while strengthening military ties with the United States. Nov. 29.
Irving Burgie, 95. A composer who helped popularize Caribbean music and co-wrote the enduring Harry Belafonte hit “Day-O (The Banana Boat Song).” Nov. 29.
Allan Gerson, 74. A lawyer who pursued Nazi war criminals and pioneered the practice of suing foreign governments in U.S. courts for complicity to terrorism. Dec. 1.
Juice WRLD, 21. A rapper who launched his career on SoundCloud before becoming a streaming juggernaut and rose to the top of the charts with the Sting-sampled hit “Lucid Dreams.” Dec. 8. Died after being treated for opioid use during a police search.
René Auberjonois, 79. A prolific actor best known for his roles on the television shows “Benson” and “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” and his part in the 1970 film “M.A.S.H.” playing Father Mulcahy. Dec. 8.
Caroll Spinney, 85. He gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl for nearly 50 years on “Sesame Street.” Dec. 8.
Paul Volcker, 92. The former Federal Reserve chairman who in the early 1980s raised interest rates to historic highs and triggered a recession as the price of quashing double-digit inflation. Dec. 8.
Pete Frates, 34. A former college baseball player whose battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease helped inspire the ALS ice bucket challenge that has raised more than $200 million worldwide. Dec. 9.
Marie Fredriksson, 61. The female half of the Swedish pop duo Roxette that achieve international success in the late 1980s and 1990s. Dec. 9.
Kim Woo-choong, 82. The disgraced founder of the now-collapsed Daewoo business group whose rise and fall symbolized South Korea’s turbulent rapid economic growth in the 1970s. Dec. 9. Pneumonia.
Danny Aiello, 86. The blue-collar character actor whose long career playing tough guys included roles in “Fort Apache, the Bronx,” “Moonstruck” and “Once Upon a Time in America” and his Oscar-nominated performance as a pizza man in Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing.” Dec. 12.
Robert Glenn “Junior” Johnson, 88. The moonshine runner turned NASCAR driver who won 50 races as a driver and 132 as an owner and was part of the inaugural class inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame in 2010. Dec. 20.
Elizabeth Spencer, 98. A grande dame of Southern literature who bravely navigated between the Jim Crow past and open-ended present in her novels and stories, including the celebrated novella “Light In the Piazza.” Dec. 22.
Lee Mendelson, 86. The producer who changed the face of the holidays when he brought “A Charlie Brown Christmas” to television in 1965 and wrote the lyrics to its signature song, “Christmas Time Is Here.” Dec. 25. Congestive heart failure.
Jerry Herman, 88. The Tony Award-winning composer who wrote the cheerful, good-natured music and lyrics for such classic shows as “Mame,” “Hello, Dolly!” and “La Cage aux Folles.” Dec. 26.
Don Imus, 79. The disc jockey whose career was made and then undone by his acid tongue during a decadeslong rise to radio stardom and abrupt plunge after a nationally broadcast racial slur. Dec. 27. Complications from lung disease.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/12/31/final-goodbye-recalling-influential-people-who-died-in-2019-2/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/12/31/final-goodbye-recalling-influential-people-who-died-in-2019-2/
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calvero · 3 years
How did you become a fan? - Day 1 - 30 Day Smothers Brothers Challenge
How did you become a fan? – Day 1 – 30 Day Smothers Brothers Challenge
So there I was in 1986, a 13 year old kid, flipping TV channels on our TV in our family room looking for something to watch. And then I see them. It was on the Nickelodeon channel during a block of shows called Camp Nickelodeon (shortly later to be renamed Nick at Night). It was a black and white sitcom that I had never seen before – “The Smothers Brothers Show”. And two guys who (I thought) I…
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