#Dick Smothers
oldshowbiz · 16 days
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Dick Smothers singing Georgy Girl on a Pop Art set
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gone2soon-rip · 9 months
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TOM SMOTHERS (1937-Died Boxing Day,December 26th 2023,at 86.Lung cancer).
American comedian, composer and musician, best known as half of the musical comedy duo the Smothers Brothers, alongside his younger brother Dick (1938-). Together,they went on to host a hugely successful comedy variety show in the US,from 1967 to 1969. The brothers political views on the show,and off,caused both controversies and popularity,the former amongst the conservative older views,and the latter,for their liberal supportive ideologies,with younger generations of viewers.
Smothers and John Lennon played acoustic guitar during the recording of Lennon's 1969 song "Give Peace a Chance"
Tom Smothers - Wikipedia
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tuttle-did-it · 9 months
Tom Smothers (of the Smothers Brothers comedy team) has passed away at 86 from cancer.
Tom and Dick Smothers changed American television forever with The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour-- and eventually lost their TV show-- because they satirized politics (especially Nixon) and religion, combatted racism and protested the Vietnam War (before it was all cool).
They were instrumental in the counterculture of the 1960s.
They also helped launch the career of Steve Martin.
This is the episode that got them fired from CBS, and there is commentary at the beginning and ending from The Smothers Bros talking about how it all went down.
There was an investigation after, and CBS was found to be in breach of contract and had to pay the cast for the show for a full season.
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CBS - Dick and Tom Smothers in 1965
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pygartheangel · 7 months
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Latest Blog Post: Martin Scorsese's "CASINO" (1995)
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genevieveetguy · 3 months
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. Listen to me very carefully. There are three ways of doing things around here: the right way, the wrong way, and the way that I do it. You understand?
Casino, Martin Scorsese (1995)
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mygrowingcollection · 5 months
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Dick Smothers
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my-cheshyre · 9 months
Fanart bunny
Got this image in my head, but I can't draw for sh!t and I refuse to DALL-E or AI. So I'm just going to throw this idea out there, both to share the pain and on the offchance someone wants to pick it up and run with it:
I picture cartoony-style figures like @gingerhaze used to draw.
Thor & Loki as the Smothers Brothers.
Loki is Dick, holding a spear in place of the upright bass.
Thor is Tom, holding Mjolnir like a guitar, and saying their famous catchphrase:
"Mom always liked you best!"
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Damian stands in a cage with his brothers. He taps his foot impatiently.
Damian: Where is she?
Jason: She?
Damian: I texted my mother before they stole my phone. Father is going to take too long.
Dick: What... What did you tell her?
Damian: That I've been captured, she's close to our location and they're torturing me. She should be here-
Screams are heard from the top floor of the lair.
Damian: She's here.
Talia running down the stairs: Tifl! Tifl!
The door knocked down with a battery ram. Talia spots Damian, ignoring the other captured Wayne boys.
Talia: My tifl! Hold on let me just the keys from this man's corpse.
Talia snatched the keys to the cell from the dead guard's hands and unlocked the cell, snatching Damian out and closing the cell before the other boys can leave.
Tim, annoyed: Thanks for that!
Talia, tightly hugs Damian. He pats her arm, uncomfortable but happy she saved him.
Damian: Um, thanks mother.
Talia: No thanks needed, my tifl is safe.
Damian: And my brothers.
Talia: Yeah... Good for them.
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
You mentioned that Fae Dick doesn't allow anyone near Jason while he is healing. How does Bruce handle his son being alive again, only for his other son not to allow him near? What does it take for Fae Dick to allow Bruce near the newly resurrected Jason?
Predictably, Bruce does NOT handle it very well.
For one, Dick squirreled Jason away into his own rooms and refuses to let anyone inside on the threat of being chased outside manor grounds by a murder of crows. Only regular meals by Alfred are accepted, and even he is only allowed a few supervised minutes in Jason’s presence before Dick grows antsy and shuts the door in his face.
Bruce is… both concerned and reluctantly hopeful. But mostly he’s his usual pessimistic self and assumes that Jason is an impostor trying to trap Dick in a deal, or attempting to gain a foothold in the batfamily looking like his dead son.
Dick is very much aware of Bruce’s distrust and apprehension which is about ninety percent of the reason he doesn’t allow anyone near Jason. He refuses to have anybody probe and prod at his alive baby brother. Bruce can grow screw himself. Dick doesn’t know how— and he doesn’t care— but Jason is alive. And he’d rather eat iron than make him doubt his place in the family ever again. (Dick has not forgiven Bruce for not believing Jason about Garzonas. Neither has Bruce, but that’s beside the point.)
So yeah, Dick has Jason safely squirreled away and is doting on him like a mother hen, feeding him fae magic and healing the damage to his body one by one.
Bruce only has a chance of meeting Jason if he can let go of his mistrust long enough to let himself believe that’s truly his dead son come back to life. Otherwise Dick will not allow him anywhere near Jason.
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mikakuna · 7 months
thinking about how isolated jason was throughout his entire life is not for the weak!!!
as a child, he was homeless, both parents gone, and had no friends. he couldn't have been more isolated during a time where he should've been making friends in school.
as robin, he had no hero friends his age like dick, tim, and damian have. all he had was bruce and alfred. it didn't seem like any of the school kids particularly liked him. he was so alone during his robin years, those young teenage years where he should've been surrounded by friends and peers.
then he comes back to life, gets sent to a care home where he's unaware of everything, survives alone on the streets for a year, lives with talia for a year where he's just basically used like a science experiment while catatonic, and then he finally returns to gotham and literally just works alone. artemis and bizzaro come later on but even they eventually leave.
he was so alone and it's sad to think that he never got the chance to be a typical hero or child like dick, tim, and damian got to be
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oldshowbiz · 8 days
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The Dick Smothers image airbrushed on the side of your van
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Jason, Tim, and Dick all get magically reverted to their robin selves and now Damian has to get them back to the cave to fix everything.
While they're all willing to follow Damian, (even if it's just to demand answers from Bruce on Dick and Jason's parts) only Tim is happy with the situation. ("I succeeded in being Robin and I get to hang out with both previous Robins and the new one? This is great!")
Dick thinks that his name was stolen 3 times. Jason thinks he was fired and kicked out like Dick was. Tim thinks he either died or found someone more fit to be Robin and support Bruce. Damian is just confused that his brothers seem to have done 180 of their opinions on him.
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danvssomethingorother · 2 months
Pre Death in the family line, Bruce was like the biggest dad guy ever in comics. He was a clingy parent but still he was just so happy to have Dick and Jason.
I need you guys to know Bruce being physically abusive towards Dick was usually an elseworld thing and not part of the normal continuity
You know the meme where Batman slaps Robin? That wasn’t in the main timeline, that was a very strange else world story, it’s ridiculous and great. Basically Superman is part of the reason the Waynes die and Bruce has been preparing his entire life to kill him and Robin doesn’t understand his logic so he gets slapped.
Anyway the point is Bruce didn’t start slapping his kids around until the 90s. And it wasn’t until much more recently in the last time line before the reset Bruce was just beating and gaslighting his children to go undercover and fake their deaths.
Classic Bruce loved being a dad. He was clingy as hell to Dick and they had a weird codependency going on but they had a pretty wholesome relationship besides that.
Sometimes even I forget that comics have only recently (like within last 30 years of an 80 year comic series) started making Bruce the fucking worst.
I know a lot of batfamily fans want sweet and loving Bruce so the golden age is really great just for Bruce being the biggest dad to ever dad.
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the writer in me…she’s cooking…i think this is the longest thing ive written yet. i shall leave a sample below so i’m satisfied with sharing at least a little bit before i post the full thing (this to me takes place in the new batman adventures universe but feel free to imagine otherwise):
Dick is worried. Tim isn’t the chattiest kid but he can certainly hold a conversation. Dick’s tried everything: school, movies, TV, even casework. All he’s gotten are some unenthused grunts and hums. Tim may not biologically be Bruce’s kid but he sure does take after the guy. He cleaned up a bit before leaving and there’s a little bit of color back in his face but he still looks tired. Devastatingly so. Dick keeps stealing glances at his little brother in the passenger seat of the car. His arms are folded tightly against his abdomen, as if he’s protecting his stomach from something and a slight shiver courses through his body despite Tim bundling up with at least three layers, a scarf, a hat, and very thick gloves. The kid’s got to be cooking in his makeshift snowsuit, but then again…
They’re stopped at a red light. Five minutes out from the mall, three minutes out from the nearest urgent care.
Dick steals another glance towards Tim and decides to reroute to the clinic, get him checked out. Dick tuts quietly, it’s a shame he’s starting to come down with something right before Christmas, right before his first Christmas with them. Dick’s been in his shoes before; falling in a pond ice skating with Barbara. She managed to be just fine whereas he spent Christmas on Bruce’s couch laid up with pneumonia. He hardly remembers that Christmas from being so damn delirious but he remembers the warmth that wasn’t from fever. It was familial. The whole time he remembers being with someone. It was hard to deduce who was with him when but he was never alone. And if Tim was about to go through what he had been through, or something similar, he’d need them. But first, Dick just wanted to check for a fever in the first place. All signs pointed to one but Dick wasn’t sure yet. Careful not to wake the sleeping boy, Dick reaches out for Tim’s forehead.
Dick quickly retracts his hand and places it back on the wheel, pressing the gas. To the mall. Tim doesn’t jolt awake but the car horn is clearly loud enough to stir him. He blinks slowly with a grimace, like he’s in pain.
“Are we there yet?” Tim asks, pitifully quiet. Like talking louder than a whisper would kill him.
“Almost, Tim, you can go back to sleep for a bit,” Dick says, taking a left towards the mall.
Tim makes a disapproving noise. “I wasn’t sleeping.”
Hm. Denial is the path he’s choosing here.
“Are you sure? Your eyes were closed and you weren’t talking. Telltale signs of sleeping to me,” Dick says lightly, trying not to come off like he’s interrogating Tim.
Tim laughs a little. “Nope, just resting my eyes.”
“Okay, old man. You’re too young to rest your eyes. Resting your eyes is for old people. Just look at Bruce.”
“Oh my gosh, B, is that you?” This gets a more hearty laugh from Tim. It’s the most awake he’s looked since this morning.
alrighty thats all im posting, im gonna show the utmost restraint until i actually finish this thing.
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dykedvonte · 6 months
thinking abt what you said with house viewing Benny as a son and I’m obsessed. Like. The man spent most of his life before the war presumably alone, and then after the bombs fell he was alone again, save for AI he himself devised. Then he decides to pull in some Tribes, and one kid shows promise! So sure, treat him well, train him, groom him to be his protege, then next thing you know UH OH he’s got developing paternal feelings towards this guy. Wanting some semblance of a family when the time has long since passed, yet fostering that feeling all the same seems so accurate for him. Benny meanwhile only views him as a boss, and not a particularly good one at that. makes me wonder how House must’ve felt when he found out about Bennys plans
I view it as House blames only himself for this, cause he kind of does in canon (strap in this is a long one).
When reflecting on the issue of Benny, House chastises himself first and foremost for not acting quickly enough when it comes to priming Benny. He describes Benny as being ambitious, ruthless and capable; compliments coming from a man like House. House has an ego and while he is logical enough to understand there was never any evidence Benny saw him as a father-figure, he lacks the humility to admit he let his own views on his relationship with Benny blind him to the activities happening behind the scenes.
I doubt that House was as aware as he makes out about what Benny was doing, he knew early on but certainly not early enough to stop Benny from hacking and obtaining a securitron along with getting the chip in the first place. I take it he was distracted by all the possibilities he was calculating of Vegas' success and growth with him steering and Benny as the new figure head, not because of any normal affection for Benny but the admiration of his capabilities. It's to be noted that House believed menial incentives (likely caps, booze, basic needs, etc..) were enough to keep Benny tame like the other Chairmen but, as evidenced by the Omertas and Mortimer in the WGS, this is not enough when it comes to more driven Vegas citizens. This implies he still undervalued Benny and created a space in which Benny felt the need to rebel.
House in my eyes is not sentimental in the traditional sense. I can imagine his pride was severely scorned as someone he certainly deemed dumber than him was, albeit only for a little, able to out-gambit him. It would definitely hit home seeing how his brother also betrayed him but I feel like that's why he's so apathetic when he tells the Courier to do as they see fit with Benny. I doubt the way he terrorized his brother brought him any emotional satisfaction other than a "Now who's in charge!" ego boost. Putting that same emotional intensity towards Benny isn't worth it because who does it benefit? Wasted time, wasted planning, and most importantly wasted potential are all he gets from continuing to be hands-on with Benny. I say the closest example is not being able to throw out old toys due to the memories attached but knowing it's necessary as they are broken or just taking up space for new ones, and then asking someone else to do it so you don't need to get caught up in the feelings of throwing something you put so much effort into. It's not Benny House cares about in my mind, not in a way that sounds healthy to any non-emotionally constipated individual, but what he could've represented for him, which is why he so quickly offers the same position to the Courier.
As for Benny's view on all of this, it was a long time coming. Benny didn't and doesn't believe House is a completely shitty boss. He admires what he's been shown and admits House knows how to run the strip, but disagrees with the directions. Ideologically, House is an anarcho-capitalist while Benny is just an anarchist. House wants to run the strip to profit, though money is not what he's concerned with being rich with anymore. Benny wants a free state that he wishes to become a place for the people, except for the Chairmen who would be on top (I like to remind people that Benny's motives were selfish but not for personal gain/power as was it for the people he actually saw as family). Benny was never looking for a father but a future. He was not interested in being adopted, or having the chairmen adopted, as bigger names still overshadowed in House's legacy.
Truly, it's easiest to summarize as House feeling strongly and thinking positively enough of Benny to start incorporating him into the future of Vegas (a huge honor actually) while Benny was so disillusioned by House's ego and indifference that he thought the only way Vegas could be the future is with House gone.
#tdlr House saw Benny as the perfect face of his Legacy while Benny saw his legacy as a stagnant mosquito infested pond#its more complex as house certainly would of been irate if he hadn't known and the courier came to kick benny's ass#but more someone being mad youre fucking with their things#i likely thing that even in a more traditional father son relationship House is conditional and would force Benny to confrom more to his#standards as I also believe the Chairmen are more tightly monitered due to bennys unique relation to house and being the first tribe#so itd be smothering and oppressive for someone like Benny even though imposing his beliefs and standards would be how House shows affectio#and fatherly praise which would result in Benny probably wanting to act out even more. like the only way a father son dynamic is healthy an#works is if house would relent some control and show he sees benny as an equal which would never happen cause its house but its still tragi#to me cause house has that longing for something more personal to him than Vegas and tries to fill it with progress cause its rather hard#to create those bonds in the state he is in and benny was the closest thing to that and even that he inadvertently ruined#but on benny house kinda ruined him cause the chairmen for all intents and purposes liked and trusted benny as a leader after bingo who#benny really only killed because of the illusions of grandeur house put into a young impressionable mind and how bingo refused to hear him#not to absolve him of his wrongdoings and being a dick but benny didnt just attack bingo he challenged him and won and in the end while#nostalgic none of the chairmen choose to leave and go back to the old way which says something cause they can leave#this is long and honestly should a seperate post on benny cause i have thoughts on him and how more people need to add his all roads traits#to get a cohesive picture of how hed really act#benny gecko#benny fnv#fallout#fallout new vegas#robert edwin house#mr house fnv#mr house#ask#anon#sorry if this is confusing I have very indepth thoughts on all aspects and possibilites on how unhealthy and power inbalancey anything#with house would be but this is so interesting cause its oddly vulnerable for house of all people to disclose this to the courier
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