#34th of 75
brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Gif: @clairelizfraser
S03E05 Freedom & Whisky • 8 October 2017 Official Script
Outlander Rewatch 2023 Countdown To Season 7
Favourite Word
This is it. My bat-suit. — Claire
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Favourite Line
Fuck fate. — Joe
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Favourite Image
Scottish pearls. Jamie gave them to me on our wedding day. They belonged to his mother, Ellen, your grandmother. Wear them on your wedding day... if you’d like. — Claire
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Remember… Claire sees a neat white sign: “A. Malcolm, Printer and Bookseller.” Her heart beats hard enough to be heard by anyone listening. Another minute and she will lose her nerve. — Outlander script, S03E05 Freedom & Whisky
34th of 75 • Saturday, 6 May 2023
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omegaremix · 3 months
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Captured Tracks, 2022.
What makes Omega WUSB great is how we create tributes as part of what we play on air. They allow us to get to know our favorite labels better and gives our listeners a nicer surprise from our usual spinning-wheel craziness. Most of them we previously featured are from New York City such as Sacred Bones, Hospital Productions, Wharf Cat, and Mexican Summer. Just recently, Captured Tracks joined that list of labels that deserved it. Do a little due diligence (say that three times fast) and you’ll see that Mike Sniper has had his hands in plenty of things. He owns the umbrella Omnian Group, does illustration for other artists, made music as Blank Dogs, and was part of other bands, too. And he’s owned a couple of record stores, too. Sideman Records was up for a couple of years until the y recently closed down, but his other store named after his Captured Tracks label, is still up. That’s good because I’ve been meaning to visit.
After Amityville’s High Fidelity wiped me out like no other (two visits cost me $893.00 in total), I had one more stop I was planning to visit and call it quits. That was Innersleeve Records until I took a better look at their sticker prices posted on social media. Right then and there I declared my island-wide record store victory tour finally over and any city-wide visit to other stores were treated as “bonus rounds”, which two visits to Academy’s Brooklyn and Manhattan locations already counted. Captured Tracks just posted some nice pics- of their stock and I’ve been meaning to go, so let’s give a proper end to a great expensive run.
I arrived at the Central Islip station, sweltering in the low 80’s and as bright as bright can be. The train took off westbound to Penn Station for a 75-minute ride. I told myself it was going to be a great day. When I did, I noticed something somewhat disappointing. Nothing said there was going to be pending thunderstorms for the next few days, but here they come as I looked to my right. Surely enough daylight went dark and it came down hard from Jamaica all the way to Penn Station. I didn’t come above and out to 34th Street to experience it because I went under to catch the ‘E’ line. Everyone waiting for the alphabet lines were baking and drenched in sweat from all the unbearable post-rain humidity filling the platforms beneath. Thank the Lord for air-conditioned transit. I got off at 23rd and Court Square to the ‘G’ and finally came up at the Greenpoint Ave. stop. It was all clear, as if the horrible weather never happened. You wouldn’t even noticed, either.
Down Manhattan Ave., I turn left on Calyer St. and look for #195. Where the hell is it? I look up and there was the wooden Captured Tracks sign nailed above the window. I wouldn’t have realized that I walked past it as it was perfectly blended in the residential buildings. How cute. I walk up the stairs only to be confronted by a closed door and push-button lock. It can’t fucking be. I look below and there was a flight of concrete steps leading to the basement entrance. Immediately I felt an amazing spell, as if I just discovered a well-hidden secret that almost no one knew. I never entered a music-store this way. That’s what made it magical.
I walk through the front door to find not that many people lurking for new finds. There were only three staffers: one behind the counter checking their Discogs store online, another restocking the vinyl bins, and the last sitting behind the desk in the back corner observing Lord knows what. None of them were Mike Sniper. I walk around the narrow space which was mostly nice and neatly organized; a cellar space adorned with chipped paint on the walls, pipes and valves that would make Super Mario and Luigi gladly pay their 100 coins a month each to live in. I reminded myself why I was here in the first place: to see if their selection matches that of what their label offered.
Captured Tracks were the kings of organization. Everything organized by genre, label, and artist name. Sure, they had the standard classic rock, psych-, and metal LPs. But walk around and they had a full selection of jazz, soul, and R&B to start. They carried several bins of classic disco and dance classified right down to the label. Salsoul, Motown, Casablanca - they weren’t handwritten but instead their tabs and dividers were logo’ed. Want classic motion picture soundtracks from the Eighties-on backward? Pre-war jazz and vocals? Reggae and Bollywood? Greek, Israeli, Brazilian, French, Italian, and Latin artists? They specialize what the other stores don’t. Almost nothing where it shouldn’t be.
First order of business was the cassette section nailed right next to the entrance. They had way less on the shelves than they posted and nothing got to me. In the middle of the store were…eight-tracks? Fifteen of them were posted on a board in the middle of the store. That’s all they had. If I had a player, then no doubt I would be even consider spending $30.00 for either Lonnie Liston Smith’s Expansions and Roy Ayers’ Red Black And Green for $35.00. Adjacent to them were a small pot of CDs, maybe no more that a hundred. So what did I say about how hard it was finding Suicide albums? For $7.00 I was able to get Alan Vega’s Mutator. What tasteless muppet who knows nothing about art and culture sold his copy back to the store? Which other labelmate of his was also in the pot? Marissa Nadler, of course. Her latest full-length The Path Of The Clouds cost $12.00, the highest-priced purchase of the day.
No record-store excursion would be complete without getting a crack at some jazz and fusion. Same to be said about what Roy Ayers records they had. Still no A Tear To A Smile, but instead Let’s Do It sitting in which I already had. But, going across I did find plenty familiar artists with albums I never seen before in the wild from Ron Carter, Ramsay Lewis, Jeff Lorber Fusion, Herbie Mann, and Hank Crawford. I had a chance to pick up two Kool & The Gang records: Wild And Peaceful and The Force. I held off because off of Wild And Peaceful there was “Hollywood Swingin’” and “Jungle Boogie”, and I wouldn’t have been happy if the entire record went in that direction. The Force reminded me that I wasn’t familiar with -The Gang aside from those two, “Summer Madness”, and Love And Understanding. Going a little bit to the right to Hubert Laws’ divider and I find found it: How To Beat The High Cost Of Living with Earl Klugh. That was a huge personal win for me. That motion-picture soundtrack was part of last year’s impeccable, memorable, golden Spring.
Captured Tracks had a small section for hip-hop / rap LPs and 12” singles. Nothing piqued my interest as I wouldn’t spent more than a few dollars on a piece of wax with one or two songs. Their selection of those artists jumped around ranging from Eighties mainstays to Nineties unknowns. The only thing I took with me from those bins was Kool Moe Dee’s Knowledge Is King and that was it.
I figured to give the soul bins a shot and I win another Blackbyrds record, a tattered copy of Bootsy Collins Rubber Band, and The Olympic Runners’ Don’t Let Up - one which would sound so familiar if you’re a Planet Asia & Talib Kweli fan.
Across from the front desk were two stations with four bins each of new arrivals with lots of rare, unknown, and obscure jazz, rock, soul, and soundtracks. Of the fifteen minutes it took me to thumb through it all, the only thing I saw of interest was Blank Stare’s self-titled. It may have been their only hardcore / punk title in the entire store Captured Tracks had as they weren’t known to carry much of it. During that time of lurking through their new arrivals did the staff bring up how much of a psychotic asshole Drew Carey was in real life, and speculated if his Hollywood personality was the reason why his then-wife took her own life. Their words, not mine.
But do give them lots of points as possible for having a straight, organized, and in-reach section of 45’s and 7” records (take that, High Fidelity!). I counted at least 50 categorized white boxes labeled with jukebox hits, punk, new-wave, jazz, country, rock, decades, and more. They had more than enough of reggae and soul with new arrivals of 45’s up for grabs as well with dedicated boxes of legendary artists (Elvis) and others divided and categorized. Good thing I’m still thirsty for Eighties’ hits from my Atari childhood and I bought plenty of them. Simple Minds, Janet Jackson, Kim Carnes, Thomspon Twins. No shame here, and neither should anyone feel it when they practice self-care.
Displayed were many top-dollar records on the wall and over the bins. Those carried the heaviest prices. A copy of Fear’s debut clocked in for $30.00 and The Dictators Go Girl Crazy goes for $40.00. Buzzcocks’ In A Different Kitchen and Sex Pistols’ Never Mind The Bullocks were stickered for $45.00. The Smiths’ The Queen Is Dead went for $50.00 and their self-titled for $55.00. The 7” records on the wall were just a criminal. $25.00 got you Merzbow & Gore Beyond Necropsy’s Rectal Grinder on blue vinyl. Another blue (transparent) 7” was posted which was KRS-One’s “Sound Of The Police” remix which went for $50.00 ($70.00 on Discogs at the time of posting). Two Pharcyde singles were also pinned to the wall: “Otha Fish” sold for $25.00 while “Passin’ Me By” was asking for $60.00. For a piece of wax? That’s insanity, but Brooklyn’s residents need to pony up that rent money, don’t they?
On the floor were many crates of $3.00 records which never occurred to me to burrow through, and they had tons of shelves of LPs under the bins but were marked ‘not for sale’. Might be for the better. It would’ve eaten up another hour-and-a-half of my time and maybe more of my wallet. On the other side was the usual classic rock every store needs to sell in order to stay in business. The most amusing? All the Eric Clapton records were under the ‘Craptonia’ section. (Either they hate his anti-masking stance or have a thing with loved ones falling to their deaths.) I looked through all I could and something didn’t add up: where were all those indie and post-punk / d.i.y. I was looking forward to find? I didn’t see any. I assumed Captured Tracks would carry that kind of stuff because they have Mac Demarco, Beach Fossils, DIIV, Molly Burch, and Wild Nothing on their label. And they’re from Brooklyn. How could they not have stuff like Yard Act’s debut release, Special Interest, Gong Gong Gong, Guerilla Toss, or anything from Wharf Cat? Which was why I had a field day at Rough Trade (before moving out of Williamsburg) and both of Academy’s locations. But at least they had a Thee Oh Sees record somewhere. That qualifies, right?
I’m about five minutes away from declaring an end to this year’s record-store victory tour. I took my pile of finds to the front counter to be added up. I asked the guy with the blonde hair and glasses if those records marked ‘not for sale’ were really off-limits. He explained that they were Discogs stock for the store and need to keep tabs on their stock, which was fine by me. Pain alleviated. He gave me a couple of titles for free and everything came out to $118.00 including New York State (vampire) tax. Good thing I brought two totes with me because I wasn’t taking any chances having my purchase melt in this 90* July heat. Not happening now, not happening ever. I thanked him for everything, walked upstairs and out on Calyer St. with my stash to a bright, clear, glorious Greenpoint sky.
It’s over. It’s finally over. With me leaving Captured Tracks, the record-store victory tour has come to an official close. I did all that I wanted to do and then more. Almost two months of intensive free-spending without worry and practicing self-care and individualism to the fullest. I was the sun which everything else revolved around - the ventures to Queens and Brooklyn, Easter with my Italian Coney Island family, Roman connections, an ambitious Summer broadcasting season at WUSB, the spirit of Sacred Bones’ 15th Anniversary showcase permanently swirling around me, visits to the retro video arcade down the road from me, seeing friends from the Brentwood era, dinner in Calverton, and a small but all-essential conversation with my #1 favorite ginger. I’ve been spinning up some good spaces on the wheel with no signs of losing.
While walking up to Manhattan Ave. to catch the ‘G’ line, I noticed that a curious point of interest had its doors open. That place was Sunshine Laundromat, a locale I’ve read all about but been meaning to visit for the longest time. It’s an actual laundromat with a concealed backdoor that opens up to reveal a backroom pinball arcade. I never noticed it being there until now but finally I found it! It was only 5:45PM and I had all the time in the world to spare. So why not go in? I have nothing to lose.
I enter the laundromat and I slowly look around. It’s a very narrow space to maneuver around with only two or three pinball tables present and a wall of built-in washing machines and dryers. I notice a lady in the back sorting out a mound of clothes. Behind her is that door that leads to (multiball) paradise. I peer right behind her as she looks up and notices me.
“Hi! How can I help you?” she greets me with a smile. I told her that with genuine interest that I read about the laundromat and asked her if the backroom is open. She told me that they’re under renovations but also are awaiting to have their permit approved by the city. She also said that most likely if all goes to plan, then the arcade will re-open for business in a few weeks. It was alleviating news that made me feel good on the inside and made me walk out a more hopeful being.
It was a mood experiencing two crowded subway cars sharing cramped space with everyone imaginable. It wasn’t an eternal wait for the Central Islip line to arrive which the big ride out east was symbolic in itself. Not many people boarded the car I was riding. I sat facing away in the opposite direction. The 7PM sun in its intense beaming yellow glory was all alone in the sky with no clouds or miserable humidity to share it with. Both The Offset: Spectacles followed by Daniel Johnston’s “In A Lifetime” play along with the air conditioner’s cold snap on the way home as I think about what August and September will have in store for me.
The wheel landed on ‘DOUBLE YOUR MONEY’. I told myself it was going to be a great day. And I was right.
Jon Lucien: Premonition LP
Ron Carter: Peg Leg LP
Ramsey Lewis: Love Notes LP
Hubert Laws & Earl Klugh: How To Beat The High Cost Of Living LP
Weather Report: Tale Spinnin’ LP
Olympic Runners: Don’t Let Up LP
Bootsy’s Rubber Band: Stretchin’ It Out In… LP
Jeff Lorber Fusion, The: self-titled LP
Blackbyrds: Unfinished Business LP
Herbie Mann: Sunbelt LP
Hank Crawford: Cajun Sunrise LP
Kool Moe Dee: Knowledge Is King LP
Blank Stare: self-titled LP
Police, The: “Every Breath You Take” 7”
Simple Minds: “Don’t You Forget About Me” 7”
Bangles, The: “In Your Room” 7”
Thompson Twins: “Hold Me Now” 7”
Janet Jackson: “Let’s Wait A While” 7”
Kim Carnes: “Bette Davis Eyes” b/w “Miss You Tonight” 7”
Alan Vega: Mutator CD
Marissa Nadler: The Path Of The Clouds CD
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lesmotsdemoi · 9 months
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Christine’s Nail Art Therapy 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
Winter Roses for my 34th Wedding Anniversary 🌹My daughter made some yummy sweet treats for our anniversary dinner.
2024 version of my wedding day manicure and the original. I’m not sure if this is the same shade I put on for my wedding day, but it’s very close.
>>Featuring - Essie Fun in The Gondola, topped with Emily de Molly Waiting for the Sun
>>Stamping Plates - Creative Shop 75, 24S, Marianne Nails no 75
>>Stamping Polish - Maniology Bam White
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A 21-year-old homeless man has been busted for the unprovoked assault of a 75-year-old woman using a walker outside Macy’s flagship Manhattan store, police said Tuesday.
Anthony Kwamel was arrested Monday and charged with assault.
Police had released surveillance footage of the shirtless suspect following the June 10 attack and asked the public’s help identifying him.
Victim Jeannette Smalls exited Macy’s Herald Square at Sixth Ave. and W. 34th St. in Midtown and was crossing the street when she was attacked.
Kwamel allegedly cursed Smalls then shoved her to the ground and kicked her multiple times.
“It was a horrid nightmare,” Smalls told the Daily News. “The guy comes along and said, ‘You’re not going nowhere.’ He was crazy. He kicked me. I fell on my back. He took my walker and he tossed it across the street.”
As Smalls writhed in pain on the ground her attacker ran off downtown on Sixth Ave. Smalls said a passerby put the bandit in a chokehold before he broke free and fled.
Medics took Smalls to Mount Sinai West Hospital with bruises to her legs as well as a deep cut to her knee.
Smalls said the attacker rummaged through her bag and stole some items, including $25 worth of vitamins.
“I don’t feel comfortable going out by myself,” she said. “My sister told me not to go out until he’s caught.”
The suspect, police said, was arrested in Manhattan last year for menacing and assault and in 2021 for an assault in Brooklyn.
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murumokirby360 · 1 year
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My PC Cooling Upgrades Review - Part 1 [Second Half] (w/ my paper dolls) [Recorded on Jun 9th, 2023]
Hello, June! Here's the continuation of "My PC Cooling Upgrades" Part 1 (featuring my paper dolls). 🙂
If you haven't seen my "First Half", then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started!
29th to 31st Image(s) ↑:
• Alright! Moving on to other items 📦📦, now what item should we open? 🤔
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32nd & 33rd Image(s) ↑:
• My paper dolls says "Why not both?". Good idea! 😄Tada! Two items had been revealed! And I know the PC fan was misleading & un-advertised to the box, but, we'll get to that in a bit.😉
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34th to 36th Image(s) ↑:
• Now, you've already seen this before during my unwrapping parcels, right? So, here's the 4-pin fan splitter connector for my Motherboard. And the reason to buy is because I need more than one PC fan to get the ventilation going & prevent from overheat the hardware components (including the motherboard) 🌡️💨❄️🖥️. I wish I could buy more than three slots (w/ more PC fans), but since my tower case is an old style, I guess this will do (for now). 🙂
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37th to 41st Image(s) ↑:
• [37th to 39th Images] Lastly is the 80mm 12V PC fan with w/a blue light strip around closer the transparent fan blades. Sure, an affordable normal PC fan is fine but also boring. So, why not get this? Because the transparent fan is rad & a colorful LED light strip (which depending on what color you choose, so I picked "Blue") was icing on the computer cake (no pun intended). 🥰💙💡
• [40th & 41st Images] Also, I was expecting to be a 4-pin fan connector, but instead, this mini fan has a Molex connector; in both male & female ports. And you know what, I'm okay with that, a single Molex slot should make room for it. And I can't secure the PC fan without a pack of four screw bolts.🙂
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42nd to 43rd Image(s) ↑:
• And there you have it, my trio of items for my PC cooling upgrade! Hope these will delivered a solid worth, and my paper dolls agrees! We can't wait to install these goodies! 😁🖥
BTW: I haven't talk about my current PC. Well... It went horrible, on June 7th. Hours after I record the video & posted. 🖥😟 And you noticed, I covered my monitor with a fiber cloth. I'll spare the details when I make "Part 2".
Overall & Asking Price:
• Problem aside, I hope these will make cooldown the heat of the CPU chip & other internal components. Although, I have one last item that I need to purchase. ☝️ But sadly, I need to earn just a little bit. 🤏💵 So I guess I'll cover it, in the coming months once I bought the last item.
• As for the "Asking Price", here are the ff.:
○ Jonsbo CR-1400 from EasyPC (Shopee PH site) - cost ₱ 699 - 755 (Free Shipping Fee in voucher) in Black or White colors available
○ 80mm 12V PC Fan from ogamma-ph (Shopee PH site) - cost ₱ 75 (Shipping Fee ₱46) in Red, Blue, White, and RGB LED light colors in different sizes (There's also selling an actual PCCooler FX-12CM RGB for ₱129)
○ PWM PC Fan Splitter from Meuc Store (Shopee PH site) - cost ₱50 - 75 (Shipping Fee ₱38) depending how many ports you want
SIDE NOTE: I didn't buy anything from Lazada PH, so its a nice for me to change. 😊🛒🌐🇵🇭
Well, that's all for now. And you haven't seen my previous month, then please [CLICK ME!].
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @paektu, @alexander1301
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pulsdmedia · 2 months
The Week Ahead 7/22-7/28
Go ahead, do you - this is New York City, everybody! You can do whatever you please, and with that in mind, we want to help you do it in style, all while saving some major dough! So get out there, live it up, and make your summer spectacular!
$75 All Access Ticket To Eataly's Amalfi Food & Wine Festival
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The Amalfi Food & Wine Festival is approaching, so sink your teeth into unlimited, hand-crafted bites highlighting the season's pickings, eating your way through the expansive marketplace. Menu delights include Spaghetti Capri with shrimp, lemon butter, and thyme, Fritto Misto (breaded and deep-fried shrimps, calamari, zucchini, carrots), Panozzo (pizza dough filled with caponata, smoked scamorza and fresh basil), and Prosciutto Crudo & Mozzarella, among others, heightened by dessert - plus a steady stream of red, white, rosé, and bubbly wines! Yum!
Outdoor Pop-Up Performances Around Bryant Park
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This summer-long series borrows talent from the 34th Street Partnership’s ‘Ensembles in Residence’ program, giving a variety of acts the chance to plus-up their weekly pop-up performances in Midtown’s public plazas with a Bryant Park appearance.
$29 Summer Spritz Series: Rooftop 3 Hour Open Bar With Food
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At Simona, the beach is calling! Head to this rooftop aerie and savor an exclusive weekend afternoon, complete with access to a 3 Hour Spritz Open Bar, as well as 1 Fritto Misto, and 1 Dessert. Think free-flowing Italiana Spritzes (house-infused lemon Grey Goose vodka, fresh squeezed lemon, prosecco), ‘06 Spritzes (St. Germain, Prosecco, mint, lime), and more, sipped as you work on your tan like a true Italian. Crunch into Mixed Fritto Misto with meyer lemon aioli, calamari shrimp, and veggies, marveling at the enchanting city views as you cool off with velvety Pistachio Gelato - a custom Simona riff by Queens' own Bad Habits Ice Cream. Bella, bella, bella...
Free Friday and Movie on the Intrepid
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Free Fridays are back! The Intrepid Museum is once again extending its hours free of charge from 5:00pm – 9:00pm. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the Museum, including Intrepid and the submarine Growler, as well as special programming and the popular Summer Movie Series.
$29 VIP Tix To Salsa On The Roof: Open Bar, Salsa Lessons, & More
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At Elsie Rooftop, nights are getting hot, hot, hot! Surrender to the allure of sophisticated pink velvet touches, an opulent marble bar, a verdant garden oasis, breathtaking views, and whimsical accents at every turn as you salsa the night away. The open bar promises an abundance of libations like cocktails, brews, and exquisite wines. Move your hips to the rhythm of a live band Grupo Tahona playing all your favorite Latin tunes, but not before getting a guided salsa dancing lesson. This is Friday night, done right!
NYC Summer Streets 2024
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Summer Streets takes place on select Saturdays between 7am and 3pm. Miles of NYC’s streets are open in both directions for people to play, walk, and bike. Take a break along the route at one of their rest stops to enjoy free activities.
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34th place
34th place goes to character 75, aka Darth Maul from Star Wars!
Propaganda: Survived being chopped in half fueled only by the idea of revenge on the guy who cut his legs off. Became a thriving crime lord. Lost everything AGAIN. Died in the other guy’s arms
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In round 1, poll #25, he won with 51 votes out of 112, or 45.5%.
In round W1, poll #12, he got 31 votes out of 45, or 68.9%.
In round W2, poll #6, he received 31 votes out of 47, or 66%.
In round W3, poll #3, he received just 8 votes out of 20, or 40%.
And in round L7, poll #3, he had 16 votes out of 36, or 44.4%.
In all, he had 137 votes out of 260, or 52.7%.
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worldaffairsblog · 8 months
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positivemen · 9 months
Greetings friends,
Today, I want to share with you a glimpse into my 75-day hard challenge, specifically day 34, which also coincides with my 34th day of Brahmacharya. It's been a journey full of challenges, but it's also been incredibly rewarding.
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dfoxmarketing · 11 months
IND Vs NZ World Cup 2023: Shami’s Five-Wicket Haul Limits New Zealand to 273
Shami takes 5 wicket against New Zealand
Team India held New Zealand to 273 in their ODI World Cup 2023 encounter on Sunday thanks to Mohammed Shami’s five-wicket haul. Given the opportunity to bat first, New Zealand lost two wickets quickly but was able to get back into the game because to the explosive combination of Daryl Mitchell (130) and Rachin Ravindra (75). Taking four wickets for India, Shami Acquired two wickets by Kuldeep Yadav. The other two wicket-takers were Mohammed Siraj and Jasprit Bumrah.
India will be chasing for the sixth straight game after Rohit Sharma won the toss and decided to bowl first. Throughout the first five overs, Jasprit Bumrah and Mohammed Siraj held New Zealand pinned, with the latter dismissing Devon Conway in the fourth over.
Ravindra and Mitchell’s Partnership Steadies New Zealand’s Innings
Mohammed Shami dismissed Will Young with his first delivery of the encounter during the first ten overs, which were dominated by the Indian seamers. The BlackCaps’ innings have since been stabilised by Rachin Ravindra and Daryl Mitchell. Then, by targeting the spinners, especially Kuldeep Yadav, they put pressure back on India. In his first three overs, Kuldeep ultimately gave up 32 run.
Both players achieved fifty runs in the end, and their relationship flourished beyond the 100-run barrier. With the spinner bowling ten overs in a row and finishing with figures of 0/48, India were obliged to use up all of Jadeja’s overs.
Since Shardul Thakur was dropped to make room for Shami and Suryakumar Yadav in lieu of the injured Hardik Pandya, India now lacks a sixth bowling option.
Also Read: ICC World Cup 2023: Rohit Sharma Provides Update on Hardik Pandya Status for Upcoming Matches
When Bumrah dropped Mitchell at the boundary and the ball crossed for four, the duo’s partnership finally reached 150. In the 34th over, Shami finally put a stop to India’s suffering when he dismissed Ravindra for 75 off 87 balls.
Shortly after, Kuldeep removed New Zealand captain Tom Lathan from the game, but Mitchell persisted. Ultimately, he achieved his sixth century in an ODI.
Follow Digital Fox Media for latest sports news.
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daddynews247 · 11 months
Making history at the World Cup, Rohit Sharma is the only Indian to ever pull off this unusual feat
Rohit Sharma struck 50 or more ODI sixes in a calendar year, making him the first player from India and third overall.
Rohit Sharma, the captain of India, is playing brilliantly in the current ODI World Cup. On Sunday in Dharamsala, during India’s game against New Zealand, the seasoned opening batsman accomplished an uncommon achievement.
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After hitting 50 or more ODI sixes in a calendar year, Rohit became the first player from India and the third overall. Only AB de Villiers of South Africa and legendary West Indies batsman Chris Gayle have hit or more maximums in a calendar year before Rohit. After smashing New Zealand pacer Matt Henry for a six in the second over of India’s 274-run chase, Rohit accomplished the feat.
Batters with 50 ODI sixes in a calendar year
58 – AB de Villiers (2015) 56 – Chris Gayle (2019) 53 – Rohit Sharma (2023)
Rohit scored a blistering 46 runs in the 12th over, but Lockie Ferguson removed him with India needing to reach a target of 274 runs.
“Very good tournament beginning. Half the job is done. It’s crucial to maintain balance. To avoid planning too far ahead. It’s critical to remain in the now. Shami seized the chance wholeheartedly. He is a skilled bowler and has expertise in these circumstances. We were looking at more than 300 at one point. We are proud of our back end bowlers. I’m having fun with my batting. Both are different personalities but we (Him and Gill) compliment each other.
Glad we came out on top. Very little to say. This is what Kohli has done for us for a very long time. He believed he could complete the task. We lost a couple of wickets in the middle, but Jadeja and Kohli got us back,” Rohit stated following the game. Earlier, in Sunday’s top-of-the-table match at Dharamsala, Daryl Mitchell struck a brilliant century to lead New Zealand to 273 all out against India. Following their invitation to bat first, New Zealand lost their opening pair early on, but Mitchell (130) and Rachin Ravindra (75) combined for 159 runs to turn the tide of the innings.
The two beat Sunil Gavaskar and Kris Srikkanth’s 1987 record of 136 to create the highest stand between the two nations at a World Cup for any wicket.
In his maiden tournament debut, Mohammed Shami, a fast bowler, recorded figures of 5-54 to help India rally in the last ten overs.
Despite Ravindra’s departure in the 34th over, Mitchell continued to push for his sixth tonne in an ODI.
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hollywoodcomet · 2 years
75 years and five versions of Miracle on 34th Street
75 years and five versions of Miracle on 34th Street
Released on June 4, 1947, the 20th Century Fox film, MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET celebrates 75 years in 2022. Since its release, the film and story have continued to be a holiday favorite. While the 1947 film continues to be celebrated, the story was retold and adapted for five times over the span of 47 years. The original film was released two years after the end of World War II as the United States…
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ladylenoragriffin · 2 years
My favorite Christmas movie is Miracle on 34th Street and this year it celebrated 75 years since tricking people into watching a Santa court room comedy in fucking May. They didn’t mention Christmas in the promotional material. They were just like “hey, watch our groovey movie!” and people did. Never could happen today, I love it.
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cherryxcadbury · 3 years
I absolutely loved the Jude imagine! You are very talented! Can you please write something new about him? Maybe about being in stadium wearing his shirt and he is scoring a goal for you?❤
of course anon! Thanks for your love and request<3 sorry for taking so long :(
So I’m quite excited to write this! So normally I’d make the main character y/n, but I wanna shake it up today!
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First Person Point of View
“Leela oh my gosh!” Jude’s mom, Denise squealed.
“Denise!” I greeted back, matching her energy.
“My god it’s been so long since I’ve seen you! It’s not fair that Jobe and Mark get to see you every single day in Birmingham!” Denise complained.
“I’d gladly swap places if that meant I could see you everyday!” I giggled.
“We’re right here.” Jobe rolled his eyes with a little smirk playing on his lips.
“Leela would never admit it, but she loves us!” Mark sang.
I shook my head with a laugh.
“Anyways, Jude’s been ecstatic the last few days with the arrival of his girlfriend.” Denise smirked.
“I can’t wait to see him. It’s been two months too long.” A wide grin spread across my face at the mention of my boyfriend.
Jude and I had met in our second to last year of secondary school, before he moved away to Dortmund. Though we lost contact while he was adjusting to Germany, both of our minds were always on each other. When he came back to Birmingham on his first visit after moving to Germany, we met up, he asked me on a date. And let’s just say the rest was history.
At the moment however, I’d flown to Dortmund with Mark and Jobe to see his champions league game against Besiktas. Now honestly, I wasn’t a huge football fan, but after meeting Jude, he kind of one me over. Yet I was more of a football gypsy, I supported whatever team my boyfriend went to.
“Ooooo nice kit Leela.” Jobe raised his eyebrows at my shirt (well actually one of Jude’s old kits that he’d worn at a previous game and gave to me).
“Jobe we‘re wearing the same kit you wanker.” I sighed with a chuckle.
“Well yeah but since my surname is Bellingham I could pass it off as my own kit. But your surname isn’t Bellingham…yet. Therefore it’s for Jude.” Jobe concluded.
“You’re probably a nerd at school aren’t you?” I retorted.
Jude scoffed, “No. maybe if i didnt play football i would be, but no. You however, you were a nerd.”
“Okay that’s a lie and you know it. My class just knew me for being an intelligent young woman.” I defended.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Jobe stuck his tongue out.
I nudged his shoulder before looking out onto the pitch a few metres in front of me. As I was with one of the players and their family, I was fortunate enough to be seated in the third row.
“There’s Jude!” Jobe pointed out.
My eyes immediately followed wear Jobe’s finger pointed. I locked eyes with Jude who was already looking at me. As the game hadn’t started yet, he quickly rushed over to us.
“Jude!” Jobe yelled, before hugging his brother over the stands when he came over.
Jude then followed by bestowing a hug upon his father. Then me.
“I missed you.” I whispered into his ear as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.
“I missed you so much more my love. Move to Dortmund please.” He pleaded with an adorable look in his eyes.
“Just a few more months till I’m done with the semeste, then I’ll be on yours. But for now, I’m here.” I answered, caressing his face.
A smirk made it’s way onto Jude’s face, “By the way Leela. Have I told you how good you look with my name on your back.”
“Please. You don’t shut up about it.”
We were about to continue our conversation before we heard Jude being called over by the assistant manager. We parted but not before Jude making a promise.
“I’m scoring for you today, love. Mark my words.” Jude stared into my eyes.
“I’ll be waiting.” I said before pecking him on the lips.
About 90 minutes later the game had been in full swing for about 75 minutes. The game was tied, 1-1. Besiktas had struck first, scoring a goal in the 34th minute. While Dortmund’s Reiner Jesus equalised through a screamer. The atmosphere was tense. Dortmund had not done too well in the champions league against Ajax, and so fans mosr definitely did not want a repeat of that series of games.
“Where’s the terminator right when you need him?” Jobe groaned.
“What do you mean. We always need Erling Haaland.” Denise chimed in.
“Guys, Reus is making a counter attack.” Mark pointed out.
Our eyes were quickly re-fixed onto the other half of the field. Our eyes darted from Reus who passed it to Malen who crossed to Hazard who kept the ball in but couldn’t convert. Just as the ball appeared to be making its way out the box and back towards Dortmund‘a defenders, Jude got his feet on it right outside of the box. He faked out a defender before taking a harsh strike at the ball. Our eyes followed the ball like a shooting star, we gasped as the ball barely managed to get in underneath the crossbar. And with that, our hands were up and we were on our feet.
“YESSS JUDE!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Jude embraced some of his teammates before cloning near our side and sliding as a celebration. I clapped and smiled with glee. However, what he did next surprised me. Jude began to approach wear we were seated and made a heart gesture before pointing to me once he got close enough. I began blushing profusely as I noticed that all the cameras were on me. Jude managed to get so close that he reached out for my hand which he planted a kiss on.
“I love you.” He mouthed.
A smile broke out onto my face as I watched his retreating figure.
“So Leela?” Mark raised an eyebrow at me.
“I can’t wait to move to Dortmund.” I sighed dreamily, waiting for the day that I wouldn’t have to wait almost three months to see my boyfriend.
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Done! again sorry it took so long! hope you enjoy:)
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,110
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Captured Tracks, 2022.
What makes Omega WUSB great is how we create tributes as part of what we play on air. They allow us to get to know our favorite labels better and gives our listeners a nicer surprise from our usual spinning-wheel craziness. Most of them we previously featured are from New York City such as Sacred Bones, Hospital Productions, Wharf Cat, and Mexican Summer. Just recently, Captured Tracks joined that list of labels that deserved it. Do a little due diligence (say that three times fast) and you’ll see that Mike Sniper has had his hands in plenty of things. He owns the umbrella Omnian Group, does illustration for other artists, made music as Blank Dogs, and was part of other bands, too. And he’s owned a couple of record stores, too. Sideman Records was up for a couple of years until the y recently closed down, but his other store named after his Captured Tracks label, is still up. That’s good because I’ve been meaning to visit.
After Amityville’s High Fidelity wiped me out like no other (two visits cost me $893.00 in total), I had one more stop I was planning to visit and call it quits. That was Innersleeve Records until I took a better look at their sticker prices posted on social media. Right then and there I declared my island-wide record store victory tour finally over and any city-wide visit to other stores were treated as “bonus rounds”, which two visits to Academy’s Brooklyn and Manhattan locations already counted. Captured Tracks just posted some nice pics- of their stock and I’ve been meaning to go, so let’s give a proper end to a great expensive run.
I arrived at the Central Islip station, sweltering in the low 80’s and as bright as bright can be. The train took off westbound to Penn Station for a 75-minute ride. I told myself it was going to be a great day. When I did, I noticed something somewhat disappointing. Nothing said there was going to be pending thunderstorms for the next few days, but here they come as I looked to my right. Surely enough daylight went dark and it came down hard from Jamaica all the way to Penn Station. I didn’t come above and out to 34th Street to experience it because I went under to catch the ‘E’ line. Everyone waiting for the alphabet lines were baking and drenched in sweat from all the unbearable post-rain humidity filling the platforms beneath. Thank the Lord for air-conditioned transit. I got off at 23rd and Court Square to the ‘G’ and finally came up at the Greenpoint Ave. stop. It was all clear, as if the horrible weather never happened. You wouldn’t even noticed, either.
Down Manhattan Ave., I turn left on Calyer St. and look for #195. Where the hell is it? I look up and there was the wooden Captured Tracks sign nailed above the window. I wouldn’t have realized that I walked past it as it was perfectly blended in the residential buildings. How cute. I walk up the stairs only to be confronted by a closed door and push-button lock. It can’t fucking be. I look below and there was a flight of concrete steps leading to the basement entrance. Immediately I felt an amazing spell, as if I just discovered a well-hidden secret that almost no one knew. I never entered a music-store this way. That’s what made it magical.
I walk through the front door to find not that many people lurking for new finds. There were only three staffers: one behind the counter checking their Discogs store online, another restocking the vinyl bins, and the last sitting behind the desk in the back corner observing Lord knows what. None of them were Mike Sniper. I walk around the narrow space which was mostly nice and neatly organized; a cellar space adorned with chipped paint on the walls, pipes and valves that would make Super Mario and Luigi gladly pay their 100 coins a month each to live in. I reminded myself why I was here in the first place: to see if their selection matches that of what their label offered.
Captured Tracks were the kings of organization. Everything organized by genre, label, and artist name. Sure, they had the standard classic rock, psych-, and metal LPs. But walk around and they had a full selection of jazz, soul, and R&B to start. They carried several bins of classic disco and dance classified right down to the label. Salsoul, Motown, Casablanca - they weren’t handwritten but instead their tabs and dividers were logo’ed. Want classic motion picture soundtracks from the Eighties-on backward? Pre-war jazz and vocals? Reggae and Bollywood? Greek, Israeli, Brazilian, French, Italian, and Latin artists? They specialize what the other stores don’t. Almost nothing where it shouldn’t be.
First order of business was the cassette section nailed right next to the entrance. They had way less on the shelves than they posted and nothing got to me. In the middle of the store were…eight-tracks? Fifteen of them were posted on a board in the middle of the store. That’s all they had. If I had a player, then no doubt I would be even consider spending $30.00 for either Lonnie Liston Smith’s Expansions and Roy Ayers’ Red Black And Green for $35.00. Adjacent to them were a small pot of CDs, maybe no more that a hundred. So what did I say about how hard it was finding Suicide albums? For $7.00 I was able to get Alan Vega’s Mutator. What tasteless muppet who knows nothing about art and culture sold his copy back to the store? Which other labelmate of his was also in the pot? Marissa Nadler, of course. Her latest full-length The Path Of The Clouds cost $12.00, the highest-priced purchase of the day.
No record-store excursion would be complete without getting a crack at some jazz and fusion. Same to be said about what Roy Ayers records they had. Still no A Tear To A Smile, but instead Let’s Do It sitting in which I already had. But, going across I did find plenty familiar artists with albums I never seen before in the wild from Ron Carter, Ramsay Lewis, Jeff Lorber Fusion, Herbie Mann, and Hank Crawford. I had a chance to pick up two Kool & The Gang records: Wild And Peaceful and The Force. I held off because off of Wild And Peaceful there was “Hollywood Swingin’” and “Jungle Boogie”, and I wouldn’t have been happy if the entire record went in that direction. The Force reminded me that I wasn’t familiar with -The Gang aside from those two, “Summer Madness”, and Love And Understanding. Going a little bit to the right to Hubert Laws’ divider and I find found it: How To Beat The High Cost Of Living with Earl Klugh. That was a huge personal win for me. That motion-picture soundtrack was part of last year’s impeccable, memorable, golden Spring.
Captured Tracks had a small section for hip-hop / rap LPs and 12” singles. Nothing piqued my interest as I wouldn’t spent more than a few dollars on a piece of wax with one or two songs. Their selection of those artists jumped around ranging from Eighties mainstays to Nineties unknowns. The only thing I took with me from those bins was Kool Moe Dee’s Knowledge Is King and that was it.
I figured to give the soul bins a shot and I win another Blackbyrds record, a tattered copy of Bootsy Collins Rubber Band, and The Olympic Runners’ Don’t Let Up - one which would sound so familiar if you’re a Planet Asia & Talib Kweli fan.
Across from the front desk were two stations with four bins each of new arrivals with lots of rare, unknown, and obscure jazz, rock, soul, and soundtracks. Of the fifteen minutes it took me to thumb through it all, the only thing I saw of interest was Blank Stare’s self-titled. It may have been their only hardcore / punk title in the entire store Captured Tracks had as they weren’t known to carry much of it. During that time of lurking through their new arrivals did the staff bring up how much of a psychotic asshole Drew Carey was in real life, and speculated if his Hollywood personality was the reason why his then-wife took her own life. Their words, not mine.
But do give them lots of points as possible for having a straight, organized, and in-reach section of 45’s and 7” records (take that, High Fidelity!). I counted at least 50 categorized white boxes labeled with jukebox hits, punk, new-wave, jazz, country, rock, decades, and more. They had more than enough of reggae and soul with new arrivals of 45’s up for grabs as well with dedicated boxes of legendary artists (Elvis) and others divided and categorized. Good thing I’m still thirsty for Eighties’ hits from my Atari childhood and I bought plenty of them. Simple Minds, Janet Jackson, Kim Carnes, Thomspon Twins. No shame here, and neither should anyone feel it when they practice self-care.
Displayed were many top-dollar records on the wall and over the bins. Those carried the heaviest prices. A copy of Fear’s debut clocked in for $30.00 and The Dictators Go Girl Crazy goes for $40.00. Buzzcocks’ In A Different Kitchen and Sex Pistols’ Never Mind The Bullocks were stickered for $45.00. The Smiths’ The Queen Is Dead went for $50.00 and their self-titled for $55.00. The 7” records on the wall were just a criminal. $25.00 got you Merzbow & Gore Beyond Necropsy’s Rectal Grinder on blue vinyl. Another blue (transparent) 7” was posted which was KRS-One’s “Sound Of The Police” remix which went for $50.00 ($70.00 on Discogs at the time of posting). Two Pharcyde singles were also pinned to the wall: “Otha Fish” sold for $25.00 while “Passin’ Me By” was asking for $60.00. For a piece of wax? That’s insanity, but Brooklyn’s residents need to pony up that rent money, don’t they?
On the floor were many crates of $3.00 records which never occurred to me to burrow through, and they had tons of shelves of LPs under the bins but were marked ‘not for sale’. Might be for the better. It would’ve eaten up another hour-and-a-half of my time and maybe more of my wallet. On the other side was the usual classic rock every store needs to sell in order to stay in business. The most amusing? All the Eric Clapton records were under the ‘Craptonia’ section. (Either they hate his anti-masking stance or have a thing with loved ones falling to their deaths.) I looked through all I could and something didn’t add up: where were all those indie and post-punk / d.i.y. I was looking forward to find? I didn’t see any. I assumed Captured Tracks would carry that kind of stuff because they have Mac Demarco, Beach Fossils, DIIV, Molly Burch, and Wild Nothing on their label. And they’re from Brooklyn. How could they not have stuff like Yard Act’s debut release, Special Interest, Gong Gong Gong, Guerilla Toss, or anything from Wharf Cat? Which was why I had a field day at Rough Trade (before moving out of Williamsburg) and both of Academy’s locations. But at least they had a Thee Oh Sees record somewhere. That qualifies, right?
I’m about five minutes away from declaring an end to this year’s record-store victory tour. I took my pile of finds to the front counter to be added up. I asked the guy with the blonde hair and glasses if those records marked ‘not for sale’ were really off-limits. He explained that they were Discogs stock for the store and need to keep tabs on their stock, which was fine by me. Pain alleviated. He gave me a couple of titles for free and everything came out to $118.00 including New York State (vampire) tax. Good thing I brought two totes with me because I wasn’t taking any chances having my purchase melt in this 90* July heat. Not happening now, not happening ever. I thanked him for everything, walked upstairs and out on Calyer St. with my stash to a bright, clear, glorious Greenpoint sky.
It’s over. It’s finally over. With me leaving Captured Tracks, the record-store victory tour has come to an official close. I did all that I wanted to do and then more. Almost two months of intensive free-spending without worry and practicing self-care and individualism to the fullest. I was the sun which everything else revolved around - the ventures to Queens and Brooklyn, Easter with my Italian Coney Island family, Roman connections, an ambitious Summer broadcasting season at WUSB, the spirit of Sacred Bones’ 15th Anniversary showcase permanently swirling around me, visits to the retro video arcade down the road from me, seeing friends from the Brentwood era, dinner in Calverton, and a small but all-essential conversation with my #1 favorite ginger. I’ve been spinning up some good spaces on the wheel with no signs of losing.
While walking up to Manhattan Ave. to catch the ‘G’ line, I noticed that a curious point of interest had its doors open. That place was Sunshine Laundromat, a locale I’ve read all about but been meaning to visit for the longest time. It’s an actual laundromat with a concealed backdoor that opens up to reveal a backroom pinball arcade. I never noticed it being there until now but finally I found it! It was only 5:45PM and I had all the time in the world to spare. So why not go in? I have nothing to lose.
I enter the laundromat and I slowly look around. It’s a very narrow space to maneuver around with only two or three pinball tables present and a wall of built-in washing machines and dryers. I notice a lady in the back sorting out a mound of clothes. Behind her is that door that leads to (multiball) paradise. I peer right behind her as she looks up and notices me.
“Hi! How can I help you?” she greets me with a smile. I told her that with genuine interest that I read about the laundromat and asked her if the backroom is open. She told me that they’re under renovations but also are awaiting to have their permit approved by the city. She also said that most likely if all goes to plan, then the arcade will re-open for business in a few weeks. It was alleviating news that made me feel good on the inside and made me walk out a more hopeful being.
It was a mood experiencing two crowded subway cars sharing cramped space with everyone imaginable. It wasn’t an eternal wait for the Central Islip line to arrive which the big ride out east was symbolic in itself. Not many people boarded the car I was riding. I sat facing away in the opposite direction. The 7PM sun in its intense beaming yellow glory was all alone in the sky with no clouds or miserable humidity to share it with. Both The Offset: Spectacles followed by Daniel Johnston’s “In A Lifetime” play along with the air conditioner’s cold snap on the way home as I think about what August and September will have in store for me.
The wheel landed on ‘DOUBLE YOUR MONEY’. I told myself it was going to be a great day. And I was right.
Jon Lucien: Premonition LP
Ron Carter: Peg Leg LP
Ramsey Lewis: Love Notes LP
Hubert Laws & Earl Klugh: How To Beat The High Cost Of Living LP
Weather Report: Tale Spinnin’ LP
Olympic Runners: Don’t Let Up LP
Bootsy’s Rubber Band: Stretchin’ It Out In… LP
Jeff Lorber Fusion, The: self-titled LP
Blackbyrds: Unfinished Business LP
Herbie Mann: Sunbelt LP
Hank Crawford: Cajun Sunrise LP
Kool Moe Dee: Knowledge Is King LP
Blank Stare: self-titled LP
Police, The: “Every Breath You Take” 7”
Simple Minds: “Don’t You Forget About Me” 7”
Bangles, The: “In Your Room” 7”
Thompson Twins: “Hold Me Now” 7”
Janet Jackson: “Let’s Wait A While” 7”
Kim Carnes: “Bette Davis Eyes” b/w “Miss You Tonight” 7”
Alan Vega: Mutator CD
Marissa Nadler: The Path Of The Clouds CD
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hspn · 4 years
Le visage #80
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Olivier Giroud stands as close to the camera as possible.
Giroud’s shot is blocked, 32nd minute:
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Scores, 34th minute:
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Ben Chilwell is all, hugging Giroud is everything I thought it would be.
Whistled for a foul, 56th minute:
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83rd minute:
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Le visage d’Olivier: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
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