#Rewatched 6 May 2023
brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Gif: @clairelizfraser
S03E05 Freedom & Whisky • 8 October 2017 Official Script
Outlander Rewatch 2023 Countdown To Season 7
Favourite Word
This is it. My bat-suit. — Claire
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Favourite Line
Fuck fate. — Joe
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Favourite Image
Scottish pearls. Jamie gave them to me on our wedding day. They belonged to his mother, Ellen, your grandmother. Wear them on your wedding day... if you’d like. — Claire
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Remember… Claire sees a neat white sign: “A. Malcolm, Printer and Bookseller.” Her heart beats hard enough to be heard by anyone listening. Another minute and she will lose her nerve. — Outlander script, S03E05 Freedom & Whisky
34th of 75 • Saturday, 6 May 2023
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miiyumei · 10 months
every day im fighting my demons (the urge to rewatch bsd again)
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absolutebl · 10 months
Favorite first kiss?
Favorite First Kisses!
Doozie of a question. Here we go...
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1 Until We Meet Again
I mean COME on. How could this not be the #1 best first kiss? It's so gentle and so good and so hot and just... EVERYTHING a first kiss should be in life. A++ romantic
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2 Old Fashion Cupcake
THE LONG SHOT. The desperation. The finger bite. The oozing THIRST. A++ quality desire incarnate
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3 Why R U? Korea
Korea, scooping in a top spot? It's just the body language, the striding in, dropping the backpack, the surprised MUTUAL response (no flinching), and all the yearning. A++ want
(Foreshadow: This may... or may not... be my top kiss of 2023.)
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4 Bad Buddy
Seriously boys, BOYS! You had to make it so beautiful and so painfully heartbreaking at the same time? Thanks for that. A++ pain
(They may have a light kiss before this one, I can't remember. I keep meaning to do a BB rewatch but I have to gear up for it.)
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5 Semantic Error
I mean, well, OBVIOUSLY. Just A++ they perfect, no notes
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6 Second Chance
I am pretty sure this one got best kiss of 2021. All you KinnPorche stans are sleeping on this little gem = Tong delivering what amounts to BLs best drunk kiss ever. FIGHT ME. A++ confused needy babies
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7 About Youth
Speaking of sweet af first kisses from first timers. This one drips in sweet innocence including a rainbow and some smiles. A++ first sweethearts
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8 HIStory 2 Crossing the Line
Okay the actors kiss for a dream sequence before this but this is the characters' first kiss, so that kinda counts, right? It's just such a pretty kiss. A++ stay on target, stay on theme, utterly unique
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9 My Dear Gangster Oppa
Ya know this show is just so much fun and so solid and this pair deserves more accolades then their previous series afforded them. A++ finally, well done you
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10 I Feel You Linger in the Air
Okay it's just all the dialogue and execution around this kiss is great and then the kiss ALSO doesn't disappoint. Plus permission and snark and so much more. A+++ class & storytelling
Also, whaan (sweet) is a really good word to have seared into one's brain in Thailand. Useful when ordering drinks.
Okay they kinda kissed before but this is the one that counts:
I didn't know how else to put this category but I had to include it so I could include this kiss:
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We Best Love
The crying bridge-top kiss. I mean COME ON. One of my favorite kisses of all time. I love it when the weep+smooch.
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La Pluie
Honestly? All their kisses are good so I can't remember if this was their first but, it great. Frankly, off all their kisses it's not my absolute favorite, but they deserve a mention because... wow boys. Just... wow.
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The Eclipse
Because of their dynamic I am pretty sure there was something before this one, but this one lives in my head.
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Be Loved In House I Do
I'm not sure this counts as their first because I can't remember the sequence in BLIHID (he through line is a bit wonky in my brain) but it is a killer kiss.
There should be more Taiwan but...
The thing is, once a Taiwanese BL starts delivering great kisses they just keep it up. So unless the narrative puts particularly strong plot intent on the "firstness" of that first kiss, they just get all sexy domestic muddled in my head.
Honor the Crumbs - Sides & Shorts, Best First Kisses
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Some More
"You can kiss me, heong."
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2 Moons 2 - MingKit
It's just such a sweetly perfect first kiss of the very first time variety. Before About Youth, we had these two.
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Cutie Pie - NueaSin
Kissing the kiss that won them their own series. No other audition needed. In the land of amazing kisses, and up against Zee, this ONE stood way out. Very good boys. Very good indeed.
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kiss x kiss x kiss - perfect scandal (AKA the office ep)
Look, this is the kiss we should have gotten in Cherry Magic. It's great, both the hesitant "permission given" first part and everything that comes next. Track this down if you can, it's a lovely little short from Japan.
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My Secret Love - TimMai
Very minor side dishes but they were all I cared about in this show. They gave me the kiss I wanted even if they didn't get the screen time the deserved.
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You're My Sky - SanAi
We all know they stole this show, not that there was much to steal.
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Kiss Me Again - PeteKao
Maybe not the best as a kiss, but it was 2016 and this was SO SIGNIFICANT to the fandom, to the plot of the show, to coming out, to EVERYTHING. This is THE TayNew kiss. I will never forget it. Never.
I don't have a good screen cap but MarkOuwen's kiss in the taxi in Love is Science? was also fantastic.
Kisses as of Dec 2023. Not responsible for great first kisses that come after this date.
Opinion and preferences based on these ideas of good kiss chemistry.
I want you thoughts, RT and add your favorites or leave a comment. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
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hunterevie · 2 months
Something non-Destiel related for a bit. But it is related to Supernatural.
I’ve mentioned a couple of times my dad died. It's only been 6 weeks and it doesn't feel any easier. I'm thinking about him a lot at the moment, and how engaged he was when I spoke of the show and my convention experiences.
I started watching Supernatural as soon as it aired in the UK. I’m a horror fan so it was right up my street. I normally watched it on my own late in the evening.
There was a day when my dad watched it with me. His first words were ‘oh that’s why you watch it.’ Literally as Jensen and Jared popped on the screen. Obviously, teenage me denied it profusely. I did genuinely watch for the story, but two cute leads also helped.
It was the only time we watched it together before I fell out of love with it in my 20s around S5.
I started watching again when I was in my 30s after Jensen was announced as being on The Boys (I love The Boys!). During the rewatch, I fell in love with Cas and started to understand Destiel.
I attended my first convention in 2023. I had missed out on Jensen being in my home town, so thought I'd take a holiday to Dusseldorf to attend Purcon 7.
I told my dad I was planning on attending this convention, and he remembered it was a show I enjoyed as a teenager. He seemed shocked it lasted so long, and that I was watching again. But happy that I was doing something I would enjoy.
I attended 4 conventions over the last year, and he’d always be the first to ask how they were. Wanting to know if I had a good time, what it was like. Whether the actors were nice. If they said anything about the pieces I got signed. Stuff like that.
The weekend before Purcon 8, I was with my parents. My dad was still in the recovery stage of his radiotherapy and was ill, but pretty bright otherwise. I remember telling him I'd visit again in a couple of weeks and tell him all about the holiday and convention. Hopefully give him something a bit more positive to think about for a little while.
I didn't know that it would be my last conversation with my dad.
He was put into an induced coma 12 hours before I was due to fly to Germany. That morning I had conversations with my mum, who told me to go. That we didn't know at the time what would happen and I would just be at home worrying about him. So I did.
It was on the morning of Purcon 8 that I found out he had brain damage caused by a mistake in A&E. That he wouldn't come back to us and it wasn't even because of the cancer. I was in pieces. I found a corner of the hotel and just sat there crying because I couldn't get the strength to do anything else. I somehow found it when I needed to get my auto with Misha and photos with Misha and Jensen though.
I managed to ask Jensen for a hug, because I needed one after that news. Not Misha though. I love the guy but he still intimidates the living shit out of me sometimes, and I'm convinced he may not like me.
When I did get home my dad was still in a coma and I did as promised. I told him all about my holiday. About the convention. How I summoned the courage to ask Jensen for a hug, and tell Misha about the promotion I got working on something really important politically.
Afterwards, I cried because I knew it would be the last time I would get to talk to him about one of my favourite shows, and my convention experiences. It broke my heart.
Anyway, I don't really know where my point was with all this. I just was reminiscing. If you have read, thank you for letting me get it all out, and here are some photos of my holiday I could never show my dad. (Which is even more gut wrenching, as we did share a love of photography).
If you've never visited Dusseldorf and the surrounding cities, I recommend it. It's so beautiful around there.
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eohachu · 2 years
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[ID in ALT]
美しい彼 シーズン Utsukushii Kare (2021), dir. Sakai Mai
ep. 2 // ep. 6
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fundieshaderoom · 4 months
Great BreakDown of a February Olivia Plath Interview
Olivia grew up believing that California was an evil place.
The interviewer pointed out that the show started with the older Plath children wanting to move away from the strict religious upbringing but now it seems that only Olivia is still wanting that distance. Olivia specifically notes that Moriah mostly dresses and eats different rather digging deep into family dysfunction and other more meaningful beliefs.
Olivia watched the first 3 seasons and stopped at season 4 because she felt that was a dark time and did not stand by some of her actions. It would have been a hard rewatch for her.
Olivia realized she was dissatisfied with life at age 14 or 15 but did not know why. She then realized she had no deep emotional connections. Around that time, she cut her hair to her shoulders and began wearing eyeliner (which was a no-no in her home). At 16 or 17, she apologized to her father and the church via a spoken letter.
Olivia met Ethan at a family conference. Years later, Ethan wrote a letter to Olivia's father. Olivia's father then called Kim (note: not Barry!) to discuss. The two families agreed that Ethan and Olivia could talk on Skype for one hour every three months.
Olivia has been dating! It is hard for her to get past the first date. She has been struggling with shame due to growing up in purity culture.
In regards to the statement Ethan made about how Olivia should be making 3 meals a day, more was said but cut out due to TLC avoiding politics. Olivia now asks men right off the bat if they cook.
The interviewer was confused when first watch the show. He did not understand why such a "pure" family would want reality tv fame. He then asked how Ethan and Olivia were approached with the idea.
Kim invited TLC to film Olivia and Ethan's wedding without asking because she knew Olivia would say no. It was not shown on the show, because to release, it required Ethan and Olivia's consent too. Ethan and Olivia then made a list of requirements to join the TV show. At this time, Olivia and Ethan could not see the siblings. In order to do the show, seeing the kids was added to the list.
Olivia will be in Season 6. She wants viewers to see what happens when someone actually walks away from the fundie lifestyle.
Olivia loves the TLC crew.
Olivia talks about the initial separation she had with Ethan. Ethan agreed they could live in 3 different places in 3 years.
Ethan agreed to marriage counseling during the first separation. He went to three sessions and then quit.
Olivia said Ethan said if his hypothetical son came out as gay, he would disown him. Olivia is strongly opposed to that.
Ethan tried to get her back during the divorce process but Olivia was not interested. They did not have any relationship at this point.
The Plaths allegedly had a party when they found out about the divorce.
Ethan is still very close with Nathan Meggs, Olivia's brother. Ethan heavily leaned on Nathan during the divorce, which affect Olivia's relationship with her brother.
Olivia still has a relationship with Ethan's extended family in Minnesota.
Olivia is willing to have a conversation with some Plaths to connect the storylines. Olivia said, "if this turns into a circus, I'm walking away" (quoting Moriah's song about her lol).
Olivia said WTP was not producer driven, rather "cast-members" drove the narratives of each season.
Olivia said 2023 was a tough year. In March, she split from Ethan. In May, her younger brother died unexpectedly and she had to see the Meggs family with whom she's estranged. In this February 2024 interview, she says she now has peace.
Olivia had not seen her family of origin in years, specifically her parents. Her parents have blocked her and all other siblings who have left the fold. She has not been able to talk to her youngest siblings, even her brother who died.
Lydia Meggs helped Olivia through their brother's death and funeral.
She is looking for a man who is okay for it to not be a forever thing.
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yellowloid · 1 year
my experience at am's show (rock in roma, ippodromo delle capannelle - 16/07/2023)
SO you know the drill by now this is the compulsory recap post i need to write because i'm terrified of forgetting about things and i also have so much more footage this time around (i basically recorded the whole concert while in paris i kinda did but idk i had much less stuff it was my first time so i was just too overwhelmed ajfnwidjsj). you knew it was coming i just needed to sort my thoughts out and i know some of those things have already been said but idc i'm writing them down anyway + i rewatched all my videos so i have a lot to say so LET'S GO
• first of all i want to preface this by saying that it was +40° degrees in rome and gates were opened at 3pm. opening bands started at ~6:30 and am came on stage at 9:40. needless to say everyone was cooking under the sun and slowly losing our collective minds i swear i've never drunk so much water my entire life and still felt like i was shrinking
• it was also my first proper concert standing in a pit + i was lucky enough to have tickets for the closest section to the stage and kind of a decent view despite the fact that i'm literally 5'2
• still i confirmed my opinion that i very much prefer seated tickets (not a big fan of standing in a crowd i must admit) ESPECIALLY when it comes to summer concerts because there was literally NO AIR just weed smoke and most importantly sweat i swear i couldn't breathe. we were fairly close to the stage but at what cost
• i wasn't particularly excited about the opening acts (as i wasn't for inhaler back in may) BUT i have to say they both slayed so hard??? willie j healey was so fucking cute and thoughtful with the crowd (we were under the shadow of the stage but the more far back section of the pit was directly under the scorching sun his whole set and he kept asking if they were okay) and the hives hyped up the crowd so fucking much??? their stage presence was incredible everyone loved them
• the breaks in between opening acts and am were filled with the festival replaying the same harry styles/rosalia/*random italian trapper* songs over and over again and at some point the crowd was about to riot because FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TURN THAT SHIT OFF not even joking when i say we heard the same hs song at least 30 times i swear dante alighieri used that as inspiration to write his inferno
• everyone was sweaty dirty tired and kinda fucked up from the sun and by the time am was about to come on stage i was contemplating my chances of not passing out and praying to god clinging to the bit of energy i still had in me to hold on for just an hour and a half more
• just making it clear this wasn't in any way their fault they came on at the time they were supposed to and everything turned out fine it was just. concerts in rome in the middle of july are.........something
• BUT ANYWAY after hours of us slowly decomposing it was finally time for am!!!!!!!!!
• they opened with sculptures and honestly THANK GOD because (maybe unpopular opinion? idk idc argue with the wall) that is just how it should be. not a big fan of brianstorm as an opener
• alex introduced teddy picker by saying "haven't you heard? teddy is back!"
• he also introduced the view with "let's go back to the very beginning" at which my heard did a bit of a !!!!
• after the view and before 4/5 he randomly went "feeling professional... 🎶 tonight 🎶
• he was feeling sooooo silly the whole show (<3) but he really went crazy with the spoken antics during 4/5
• he clapped his hands as he sang "with coloured old grey whistle test👏 lights👏" which weirdly scratched something just right in my brain
• "and that's unheard of... here in roma or anywhere else for that matter... nobody's done that!"
• he changed the lyrics and went "the only time that I stop laughing is to breathe or steal a kiss" and then proceeded to send a kiss to the crowd
• "four stars out of five... why don't you put that in your [pile]? / four stars out of five... ten times out of nine"
• "four stars out of five... that's right... that's why i like it! 😜" at the very end, said in the most adorable tee-hee way i can't even begin to describe it
• the piano interlude before high was sprinkled with the saddest series of "why... why... why..." ever uttered by man 💔
• after high he said " fantastic! ... what a night"
• "i wanna tell you about a girl that i made up... 💁‍♂️ ages ago 💁‍♂️" as an introduction to arabella
• i'm sure you've seen the video going around but during arabella he noticed a fan was (i think?) crying and asked "are you okay?" before resuming his singing
• "the horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes...... ‼️RRRRRRROMAAAAAAA‼️......... as arabella"
• after the song ended he thanked the crowd by going "good work everyone... jolly good. grazie"
• he thanked the crowd a lot, said grazie/grazie mille a lot, and frequently said roma instead of rome (idk why i found that cute but yeah <3) and his way of rolling his r's when speaking italian was just too adorable i wanted to put him in a blender and drink him as a smoothie
• the version of do me a favour that they've been playing lately sounds slightly softer than the original and i'm all for it. it amplifies the vibe of exhausted resignation that lingers in the lyrics and it just sounds so devastating i love it
• he lifted the mic stand during the song +  pretended to break something in half during the "to start to break in half" line and yeah. that was also what he was doing to my heart
• no he did not have a mullet he just arranged his hair in a way that made it seem like it for a split moment. why did i see people on twitter hoping for the mullet........DON'T GIVE HIM IDEAS
• "tremendous.... thank you 💅"
• also about that rumour going around of him pointing at louise during the "may i call you her name" - he literally acted out the whole line, pointed to himself, then at a random hypothetical you, then sidestage; he was not pointing at anyone specifically + why would anyone want that song dedicated to them lmao like. did the people saying it's romantic read the lyrics or
• also you know who else was in the general direction of him pointing? that's right everybody. mr jamie cook himself. maybe he uses he/she pronouns and alex wants to call someone jamie's name. have you considered that
• okay i'm sorry enough with the bullshit
• he said something during cornerstone and right before dancefloor that i caught on video but i can't really understand what he says so i'll probably end up posting those bits to see if we can figure out wtf he was on about
• "crawling back to you..... ‼️OH‼️ ever thought of calling when you've had a few"
• "🎶 ~rooomaaaaa~ 🎶.... thank you for having us everybody, what a beautiful audience.... soooo predictable i knowwww what you're thinkiiiing"
• he was so obsessed with crooning "roma" every chance he got <3 the silly <3333
• "lone ranger riding through an open space... THANKS A LOT in my mind when she's not right there beside me"
• now a list of random things he does at nearly every show that i still found very endearing:
- the "squeezed me very tightly" bit which is always so 💞💞💞
- "NO! you can't call me her name" with the NO said in the most 'child throwing a tantrum but make it cute' way
- the way he directed matt during the mirrorball intro and matt going 'y'all hear sumn?'
- "5......0......5......"
- him swaying his hips in a way that made everyone's knees buckle in a 10-mile radius
• about the interactions with the others: he didn't interact with them that much, i think he didn't even scissor with jamie during the body paint outro :( BUT we got the directing matt bit before mirrorball + a shout out to tom rowley
• i think in paris i noticed it less because i was seated, or maybe i just noticed it in a different way because i got some different songs (star treatment with the green/purple lights, pretty visitors with the red ones), but still - the lights are incredible and the fact that they create different lighting games for each song (like the blue ones for body paint or the golden ones for am songs) is so cool and fascinating i was mesmerised
• about the crowd: i made the mistake of getting into a telegram group of people who were going to see them and most of them were such casual fans they even believed the fake setlist that was going around a while ago as a joke on twitter 😭 the one with songs like the jeweller's hands. my brother in christ that's never going to happen
there were people going like "if they play r u mine i'm gonna die" and like bruh i appreciate the naivety but it's so painfully obvious they're gonna play it at least have a bit of creativity with your wishful thinking 😔
generally speaking the crowd was really REALLY hyped for am classics and wpsia/fwn oldies, while they were mostly completely dead during the car tracks it was disappointing to say the least. once again i was the only one popping my pussy
• BUT LET'S TALK ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS. i was so fucking scared they wouldn't play cornerstone and perfect sense but mostly the latter bc it's much less likely to be played... and it meant so much to me to hear them live, i didn't get either of them at the paris show so i just. ugh. they're in my top 5 am songs if not my absolute favourites and they just mean so much i fucking needed to hear them
• AND THEY PLAYED THEM BOTH. they did it for ME. cornerstone had me so emotional and i'm not joking when i say perfect sense had me ugly sobbing while singing along
• i just. i love that song so much. he just looked so small on that stage singing such vulnerable lyrics, and even tho the crowd was mostly dead (rude if you ask me) he still finished the song by sending a kiss and saying the nth "grazie mille" and i just wanted to hug him so bad i was literally devastated i love him so much
• we also got the jet skis/star treatment/iwby mashup!!!!! most of the tiktok fans had no idea what was happening and kept singing the original lyrics while i once again popped my pussy rapping along with him. i'm so glad he decided to do it and i got to hear it live!!!! it just sounds so damn good ugh
• the setlist as a whole was everything i could've wished for i was so satisfied with it
• the show ended with him sending and catching kisses and just smiling so much i just wanted to tear him to pieces what who said that
• as usual they all sounded and looked INCREDIBLE and alex was just.......... ugh. the most gorgeous of boys. he's so beautiful it makes me SICK. the crowd was literally hypnotised by him, his charm and stage presence is CRAZY and everyone just can't help but stare at him in awe and reverence because his aura is just something else. no one does it like him fr. leaves me speechless every single time
• they're all so fucking beautiful and talented and seeing them feels like a fucking out-of-body experience every single time
• i miss them like air I MISS HIM LIKE AIR....... the pcd is hitting hard and i honestly have no idea wtf i'm gonna do with myself once tour is over and they yeet themselves out of the public scene for god knows how long i don't even want to think about it
• long story short i love them so much it literally hurts it's not even funny and i already want to see them again </3
• also bonus: after the show ended there was a HUGE traffic jam due to the fact that 35k people were trying to leave the place all at once SO we spent the next two hours (TWO HOURS) stuck in the parking lot exhausted dirty sweaty and still dying in the heat bc it was literally 1am but it was still so hot it was hell. then danza kuduro came on the radio and it was so random that was the last straw to send me k.o. for good
• overall crazy experience but yeah i love them so much i want to see them again sooooo bad </3 PLEASE COME BACK </3333
• so yeah that was my experience at rock in roma i hope you enjoyed my ramblings xx
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turtlycute · 11 months
2023 Anime Watch List
This post is part of my ongoing record for the new (to me) anime I watch in 2023. I'm excited to see what new shows and films I discover as this list grows through the year.
Since it's spooky season, I've spent October watching anime with Halloween-ish themes.
* Indicates shows that are rewatches
In/Spectre* (2020) episodes: 12 started: 10-6-23 finished: 10-7-23 rating: 7/10
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In/Spectre Season 2 (2023) episodes: 12 started: 10-8-23 finished: 10-9-23 rating: 7/10
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Vampire Hunter D (1985) film watched: 10-10-23 rating: 7/10
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Devils and Realist (2013) episodes: 12 started: 10-10-23 finished: 10-11-23 rating: 7/10
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Devils Line* (2018) episodes: 12 started: 10-12-23 finished: 10-16-23 rating: 7.5/10
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Mermaid Forest (2003) episodes: 13 started: 10-17-23 finished: 10-18-23 rating: 7.5/10
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Vampire Knight* (2008) episodes: 13 started: 10-19-23 finished: 10-20-23 rating: 7/10
Vampire Knight Guilty* (2008) episodes: 13 started: 10-21-23 finished: 10-23-23 rating: 6.5/10
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 Devil Survivor 2 (2013) episodes: 13 started: 10-24-23 finished: 10-25-23 rating: 7/10
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Ghost Stories (2000) episodes: 20 started: 10-26-23 finished: 10-28-23 rating: 7.5/10 note: of course I watched the English dub for this one. It's ridiculously bad but the hilarious dub makes all the difference
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The Vampire Dies in No Time (2021) episodes: 12 started: 10-30-23 finished: 10-31-23 rating: 8/10 note: additional cuteness rating for John the armadillo 11/10
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Previous Months:
January Watch List
February Watch List
March Watch List
April Watch List
May Watch List
June Watch List
July Watch List
August Watch List
September Watch List
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zoogies · 1 month
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my dear friend rekindled my naruto obsession from the sixth grade (i have not watched it in years, nor have i finished it) but the brainrot hit hard so naturally an oc was created (not a self-insert!!), and naturally i found some dumbass way to tie him into the lore (through kakashi) instead of just letting him float around like an extra. so without further ado, meet sora (clan name tbd)! i'm not an amazing artist (or at least not at the point i'd like to be at), but these are some doodles of him. here are the references i used for the first canvas (if anyone knows the actual artists lmk so i can credit them properly):
(I apologize for yapping but) i also finally got the guts to sign up for an ao3 account and i should have it within the week (terrible timing considering the fact i need to lock in for school) so i may or may not write sora's story there assuming i also have the time and brain energy to rewatch naruto??? we shall see. anyways, feel free drop any questions bc my brain is overflowing with ideas.
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Screenshot: Outlander-Online
S04E10 The Deep Heart’s Core • 6 January 2019 Official Receipt
Outlander Rewatch 2023 Countdown To Season 7
Favourite Word
For my part in this calamity, I want ye to know, if we dinna find him... It would be my honor to take yer hand in the holy sacrament of marriage… — Young Ian
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Gif: @pointyearsuniverse
Favourite Line
Let me guess; my carriage awaits. — Roger
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Gif: @thewanderingace
Favourite Image
Messy cheeseburgers, with all the fixings from Carmi's. — Claire
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Screenshot: Starz
Remember… ye wilna forget, but time will let you heal. — Jamie
52nd of 75 • Wednesday, 24 May 2023
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maraguanabana · 9 months
so to whom it may concern. fuck you (jet lag)
in my head, it's 8:00 am and I have to get up before my nonna comes in and throws a bucket of ice-cold water to sleepy head (me). in reality, I am no longer in Italy, it's 1:00 am and I'm supposed to wake up at 6 because of ✨new year's resolutions✨ fuck you too as well, stupid stuff I promise myself I will do during the year and only actually do until March (I have to go to the gym and I can fight for title as the world's laziest person ever)
besides, my 1655 ass is not even able to go in X to get bored because everyone and their mothers are ripping each other's throats like fucking wild animals. if the man does a joke and someone laughs let it be. it wasn't even that deep or even something mean or bad. it's not like he said that he hates his guts and wants him to choke on pasta carbonara. it's fucking winter *break*, give me a *break* as well and go rewatch Monza 2019 or Singapore 2023 or Bahrain 2022 if you must, based on whose 'side' you decide to take, dear little person. it's good for your liver to let people be happy in their 'joyful ignorance'. I swear.
this was my neutral (you know what? I'm a schwartzy girlie now. that's how fucking neutral I am in this whole shit) and pacific (I have a migraine, I'm jet lagged as fuck and I'm fucking done with these people fighting over anything. if I have to choose, I'll choose whoever's side is telling absolutely everyone to go fuck themselves.) interference on the whole LA video and CS joke thing. as a both-ferrari-boys girlie and old school tifosa.
pd. how my brain is able to manipulate itself into believing that 'this year it's our year' but not into motivating itself to go three floors down to the gym that's next to my apartment block and listening to my brother for once to actually do something good for my health besides going on a run every three months and a swim twice a year is beyond my comprehension. if anyone wonders, my brother is a PE teacher and he tells his students about me. specifically uses me as an example of what they should not do. I feel a bit like a oversharing bitch today. sorry not sorry.
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absolutebl · 1 year
This week in BL - Gay Boy Turf Wars Galore!
Also, ALL the guest couples: TutorYim & MacNat showed up in Korea. Korea also reused the Love Class pair. And Wayne Song & Huang Chun Chih (H3:MODC) popped up AGAIN. (To be fair, when does Wayne not show up in a Taiwanese BL?)
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Entirely subjective yadda yadda. Organized by favs in each category. No numbered lists anymore, tumblr be buggn'.
Aug 2023 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 7 of 8 - Plot reveals galore + all the penultimate tension we could want. (How many different kinds of smiles does Film have in his arsenal?) OMG I LOVE the unhinged idiot bloody tattooed ex bf - intro music and all. He is my precious psycho-bunny-snookums. Also Tinn, baby-boy, communicating about your honest feelings in a BL? What madness is this? I sense doom incoming. Smart Chan, always tell him he’s better in bed than your ex. The sides getting caught! Noooooo. I mean we knew it would happen but still noooooooo! 
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I Feel You Linger in the Air (Sat YT) ep 2 of 12 - I like the surreal slip-stream dream-sequence openings. Is it a cerebral examination of temporal paradox or just designed to creep us out? The pace has picked up a bit and I'm delighted that external threat, stressors, and conflict are driving this plot. Refreshing. I love historicals - every touch and action can have such lingering significance, it’s very elegant. Thai BLs can often feel clumsy but not this one. I’m really enjoying it. 
Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 2 of 12 - Sailom is great. I love a smartass who’s actually really smart, reminds me of Bai Luo Yin in Addicted. (The real Addicted.) Never a bad thing. Kang is nasty bit of business, I look forward to his redemption arc. I love his grandma. (BL is giving good grandma right now.) Nicely executed narrative twist into sympathy too: rich kid sees how rough life really is. The complexity of character depth needed for this script makes me so happy it's Perth & Chimon, they both have such expressive nuanced faces.
I do keep wanting to rewatch LBC tho. 
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 3 of 10 - It remains a blast. Boston is king of red flags, cutting down Ray because he is the easiest punching bag? Going after his friend's bf just to prove he can? No thank you. I know Ray is lovely when he’s soft but danger zone, Sand. Be careful upon entering a minefield, every little step forward may cause an explosion. I don’t think being master of snark is gonna help you avoid getting blown up.
Sand is the one I feel the worst for - bi guy strays into cesspit of gay toxicity. He ain’t gonna make it out alive.  
Hidden Agenda (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 7 of 10 - The boyfriends date ep! Zo’s past explains a lot about his behavior. Flirty Zo is v dangerous to all our hearts. Nice kiss. Poor Joke. Meanwhile, the side couple gave good kiss too! However, why is Title playing the bad guy again? Did GMMTV bring him in just to be resident jerk face in all their BL? Makes me sad.
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Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 8 of 12 - This should be a 8 or 10 ep show, 12 is too many. I think I just don’t like the lead couple's character dynamic and personalities. (No shade on JaFirst.) Side couple went startlingly high heat allasudden. And while their sex scene was good, I wish Daddy and the Hot Doc were being given a lot more script, screen time, and character dev. Sigh. I guess I just wish they were the mains and the others were the sides.
Can't have everything, I suppose.  
Wedding Plan (Wed YT & iQIYI) ep 6 of 7 - Nuea is a saint and next week everything comes to a head (that didn’t already get head this episode). Trash watch here!
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 2 of 10 - The side couple is everything. They are so cute and my favorite trope. Plus hugs with neck kisses! I love big brother using his adorable boyfriend to try and help his annoying little brother’s business. It’s just perfect. Unfortunately, that annoying little brother, is too fucking annoying. I remain largely unable to watch the main story arc. 
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My Universe (Sun iQIYI) 1 of 24 eps - Sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 eps, so this show will run all the way into 2024.
First installment is Casanova Begins. Dead boy wakes up in his enemy’s body, 2 years after his own death. Has to make things right with the boyfriend who thinks he was abandoned. Everyone has secrets. No one can be trusted. And the dead kid can never tell anyone who he really is. It’s … different? Unique take on the My Ghost Boyfriend trope.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thur Viki) ep 6 of 8 - Random moment of TutorYim. Hi cuties. Simon is my favorite, I love him and his flirty irreverent ways.
Who does he actually like?
Or is he just flirting with everyone?
Can he have a crush on anyone but himself?
He’s a house cat among the pigeons. Clearly wouldn't know what to do with the bird if he managed to catch it. Or would he?
The 4 boys dodging around each other and re-shuffling is so funny. I can’t tell you how delighted this show makes me. I do feel sorry for Lee Jun, he’s just the toy everyone wants to play with. I understand his frustration, do any of them really want him or is it all because the others are interested? Kiss! Yay! Good kiss! Even more yay! 
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Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - Poor baby doesn’t think he’s good enough and is holding JC back. They are THE CUTEST BOYFRIENDS. It hurts. The sappy. 
Kisseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) eps 1-2 of 13(?) - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) formerly known as Miracle, features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer. This one could be sad. Never forget Taiwan will go there.
Shall we get tucked in?
Gay boy turf wars! Main couple is cute. Sunshine gangster (turns out to be a sweetie who cooks) meets broken brilliant tsundere student who wants to be a doctor. Side couple is the leader of the gang and his rabid Pet. Also, all praise the guest couple de jour (baddies). Nice to see you 2... again. All actors are clearly having a blast with this script.
Triggers for knife play, child abuse, lingering trauma. 
Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) eps 5-6 of 10 - Aw guest couple from Love Class original, that is very sweet. The tutor and returning student, aka couple 3, are the best. So funny. But the whole thing remains engaging in a messy way.
Why R U? (Korea Wed iQIYI) eps 1-2 of 8 - Oh, it’s very odd. Certainly a lot more comprehensible if you've already watched the Thai version. As with that version, I still dislike the SaifahZon couple and love the FighterTutor couple. And once again I hate the weird IRL shipping sister. HATE HER. I’m not mad at the "Man who Fell into the World of BL" overtones but I wish they went at it more intentionally. (They’re not using NPC the way I would, are they? Cause that’s hella cruel.) MaxNat are fun. I love that Fighter went to his girlfriend's birthday party, didn’t even say hi to her, picked up her drunk bestie, and took him home.
This show is WILD. It’s very Korea tries to do a Thai BL. And, I gotta say, I kind of like the absurdity of the whole scheme. Do I think it will ultimately "work" as a stand alone piece? No. But as a very odd kind of parody? Sure.
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) ep 7 of 12 - Truth always comes out in hot springs. It's a rule of life. Coming clean is coming clean, I suppose. Still, moving very slowly for me and I need sake to get through this season. It's certainly suffering from sophomore slump.
Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) ep 4 of 5 - Sad episode is sad. 
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In case you missed it
My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 3 of 8 - didn't air this week
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 9 of 10 eps - Didn’t drop this week? MDL thinks it should have. Everyone is confused. But also… who cares? 
Low Frequency (Thai iQIYI) Finished it's run - NO SINGING as flirty boyfriends they very cute actually, but this final ep was V E R Y slow.
All in all this was not a great show. Classic pulp with an interesting twist on “ghost boyfriend investigates his own not-murder” but ultimately not very good in any arena. 6/10 Only if you have nothing better to do. 
Sing My Crush (Korea iQIYI) Finished it's rerun
This a cute coming of age drama around music and 2 kinds of self acceptance and actualization journeys. This was basically Korea’s version of About Youth, and was perhaps a bit too soft and ungrounded by comparison, like a marshmallow sculpture. Sweet but somewhat lacking in discernible flavor. Inoffensively unmemorable. 8/10 RECOMMENDED especially if you enjoy KBL's style
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie, domestic cinema release) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. Do I know where to get it? Nope. Do I care? Nope.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Coming September
I have 4 on my radar:
9/2 Naughty Babe (Thailand Sat ????) - MaxNat back on our screens. We think iQIYI but aren't confident.
9/15 You Are Mine (Taiwan ????) - it's taking over from Stay By My Side so likely Gaga. Secretary has to deal with grumpy boss.
9/26 I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan ????) - Adapted from the manga, childhood best friends: The cool, smart one who’s good at everything, and his average, dorky friend who struggles. Always by the other��s side, but not together in the way they truly want to be. No matter how hard they try, their hearts cannot reach each other.
9/27 Absolute Zero (Thai iQIYI) - from 2021, Studio Wabi Sabi and New Siwaj finally bring us this “time loop to prevent tragedy” romance. We don’t always get HEAs from them, so I'm on my guard.
9/?? Venus in the Sky (Thai iQIYI) 10 eps - ????
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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No you aren't, Lom. You don't even know what that means. (Wedding Plan)
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Minato comes out to the best person.
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Trope spotlight! (Low Frequency)
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I Fell You Linger in the Air
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So true. (Only Friends)
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I love them so much, as @heretherebedork would put it, Tiny Idiots!
(Last week) 
Gotta say I am hating this new UI so much I'm not bothering to tag with shows. We shall see what that does for ROI.
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snek-eyes · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 16,560 notes - Sep 18 2023 (damn, this was small but it really resonated)
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2. 14,498 notes - Aug 6 2023 (Mr. Arnold went back to grab the Doctor Who annual, exploded after it got reblogged by Neil)
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3. 10,548 notes - Oct 12 2023 (Still makes me laugh. This one owes a lot to this reblog comment 😆)
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4. 8,324 notes - Oct 25 2023 (This may have turned into my favorite post about small moments I fixated on, I recommend the expanded reblog chain)
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5. 5,892 notes - Aug 15 2023 (Crowley’s wings before/after gifset. I did make the gifs, but the idea came from that twitter post I linked there. Here’s the update of them better groomed during Armageddon.)
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6. 3,586 notes - Oct 12 2023 (my interpretation of this moment, still not sure if it’s right, but I like it)
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7. 3,417 notes - Sep 19 2023 (Job era vs Wall Slam gifset)
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8. 2,689 notes - Oct 15 2023 (🌈)
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9. 2,431 notes - Aug 29 2023 (assorted 2.01 rewatch thoughts)
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10. 2,337 notes - Aug 22 2023 (aand major credit to Alchemy’s fanvids that i linked there for inspiring this one)
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Created by TumblrTop10
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gothicbarbie · 1 year
BL'S I'm Watching (August 2023)
In order of my enjoyment!
1. Only Friends - Breath of fresh air! It's messy, it's sexy, it's entertaining... it's got a lot of pairings I love seeing together. I like that it's just a more mature BL. Yes, the high heat is great, but it's about these characters feeling comfortable with their sexuality. I want more!
2. My Personal Weatherman - Always enjoy JBL's and high heat ones are even better because imo they always feel more realistic. The plot of this is a bit strange but the chemistry is great and I want to see where it all goes.
3. Hidden Agenda - Joongdunk are just so adorable. Besides the fact that they are just the most attractive pairing to look at, they have clearly gotten even more comfortable around one another. I like that the plot is going in a different direction than I expected. It's not the most amazing BL I've ever seen but I'm enjoying it.
4. Love Class 2 - I was busy last week so I am behind on episodes but I did enjoy the start of the show. A tad confusing on first watch but it made sense in the rewatch. An interesting plot with 3 different pairings to root for, so it's a fun watch. There are a few elements I don't care for but it's not too bad.
5. Dangerous Romance - A bit of a sketchy start and I can't stand bullies, but I am happy that Chimon and Perth get a chance to shine and I wanted more of them. Let's see where it goes.
6. Minato's Laundry 2 - Still a great show. Lots of cute moments. I think season 1 was better and Minato is irritating me quite a bit with his insecurities and pulling away. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me personally but I still like the show and will finish it out.
7. Stay By My Side - Not Taiwan's best, and the main pairing is a bit awkward in their kissing imo but I still the show is very fun and they are cute.
8. Laws of Attraction - Interesting-ish plot. A few pairings to root for. There is def. some boring parts and issues I have with the show but I am still liking it.
9. Be Mine Superstar - I find the plot of this one pretty boring TBH but I freaking love JaFirst. It's not their best series and I find Ja's character pretty awkward. But it's watchable.
10. The Wedding Plan - This plot is weird. Don't get the fake marriage or why the main guy can't be honest. I think the chemistry is alright but not overwhelming. I am not fully invested but its a short series and I wanna see how it goes.
11. Jun and Jun - ehhhh idk about this one guys. I can't get into it. I wanted to, but office romances aren't for me, and I think this one is especially boring. I like the chemistry between the main two but I find a lot of their moments a bit uncomfortable and there is a lack of consent in a lot of areas. Not Korea's best.
12. Stay Still- Not even sure what I am watching but its so short so I'm just kinda skimming.
On Hold:
1. I Feel You Linger in the Air
2. Lost in Translation
Tried the pilots of these and they felt very slow so I had to put them on hold for now and may come back to them later or if I hear good things about them.
Recently Finished:
1. Stay With Me - For anyone with doubts, this is definitely a BL. Some sweet kisses (though not on the lips) and lots of flirting and innuendo. A terrible ending but it'll apparently get a season 2, so I'll hold out. I genuinely loved this series!
2. Sing My Crush - Not big on musical plots and I found the storyline here a bit boring and like I'd seen it before, but it was okay. The main couple was very cute. Didn't love it as much as everyone else, but it was still good and worth the watch
Advance Bravely - Not currently airing. It's also I think technically a bromance but there are def. suggestive moments and scenes and I find the chemistry really good an entertaining so I'm enjoying it.
Catch Me Baby - Not currently airing. Only watched 1 ep and had to skim it, I found it very weird. I'm only really watching for Net/James.
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abbottrewatch · 1 year
Abbott Elementary Rewatch Guide
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Here is all the basic information that you need to know about the rewatch! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!! I. About II. Schedule III. Discord Link Gif by @gatalentan.
This an organized rewatch of Abbott Elementary seasons 1 and 2 that spans from August 2023 to April 2024. Participants can engage however they choose—joining the Discord, making content, blogging on their Tumblr, or simply just following along! Head Mod: Maggie (@cdyssey) Discord Server Mods: Maggie, Michael (@harrietdyker), Nia (@fat-fem-and-asian), and Scottie (@gatalentan)
The official rewatch starts on Sunday, August 6!
Sundays are our encouraged date for watching the given episode of the week! There’s no specific time to account for different time zones. Then, the entire week following that Sunday is for folks to share relevant fanworks if they’d like!
If you make content related to the rewatch, be sure to either tag the Tumblr blog (@abbotrewatch) or use the hashtag #abbottrw, which we’ll be tracking. We’ll try to reblog everything, but if we accidentally miss something, don’t hesitate to reach out via DMs!
Every week, there’s a general prompt to create content (fics, gifs, edits, art, etc.) for whatever episode is on the docket; however, on some weeks there may be an extra prompt, such as an appreciation week for one of the actors/characters or questions that you can answer in a multitude of mediums (i.e. through gifs, fic, etc.). If you make content for the extra prompt, tag us on those as well!! Additionally, if you want to promote older creations that are related to the prompts of the week, you’re more than welcome to do that as well.
And finally, there is no obligation to create anything at all for the rewatch! It’s more than enough if you just kick back and enjoy! There’s no wrong way to participate. Watch every episode! Skip a ton of ‘em! Blog your thoughts on Tumblr. Chat on Discord! Make stuff! Reblog stuff! It’s up to you. Having fun is the most important thing.
The full schedule for the rewatch can be found in the Google doc below! There will be weekly updates on the blog and Discord as well.
Additionally, here's a schedule outline that was made by Scottie!
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Discord Link:
Link here! If it ever breaks, let us know!
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unquietspiritao3 · 5 months
went digging into my youtube watch history yesterday as we were discussing what series we started with when we got into taskmaster. so if you were curious, this is how it happened for me
(tldr: i watched the series in a very weird order and posted the first chapter of Should’ve been obvious on the same day i finished series 7)
started watching bake off when it first went on netflix (counting this as ‘the start’ bc becoming a fan of noel was important, as you will see)
got into britcom/panel shows (mostly wilty, qi, bfq) around 2020? (i didn’t actually go back this far in my watch history); discovered james and watched repertoire
sometime between 2020 and 2023, watched a compilation of funny james clips that included greg pulling him to the back of the stage for a scolding, loved it and rewatched it often, but was never curious enough to check out the rest of the show. i think i assumed the weird kinkiness of it was down to james, not the show itself?
(it should be noted that yes, the youtube algorithm was constantly recommending taskmaster to me, but it did a piss-poor job of picking the right videos. if it had just recommended the ‘alex calls greg daddy’ outtake, i would’ve given in muuuucch sooner)
may 21, 2023, 9:52pm: for some reason, i finally clicked on one of the official taskmaster compilations, the one called ‘moments that left greg davies absolutely STUNNED’. then watched five more compilations over the next hour before bed
may 22, 2023: watched my first full episode, which was coc1ep1 (probably bc of noel in the thumbnail; told you that’d be important), then more compilations, then finally decided to watch it properly, i guess, and started on series 1
over the next 12-ish days, watched in this order: series 1, series 4 (noel again, plus mel? yes please), series 5, series 2, series 3, series 6, series 7. also, i was looking up outtakes for each series as i went through at this point
i remember this all as a blur, a slow descent from ‘oh cool, another panel show i like’ to ‘wait a minute, why is all of it so kinky? there must be fic? lemme read some fic’ to, about four eps into series 7, ‘omg i can see a fic taking shape here, i must write’
june 4, 2023: finished series 7 and posted the first chapter of Should’ve been obvious that very same day
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