3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
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Monsters Reimagined: Kobolds
I started playing d&d during 3rd edition, which presented kobolds as a trap happy gaggle of dragon obsessives who were counted as the weakest but smartest of the traditional dungeonfodder humanoids. Other than being lizardy they were presented near identically to goblins, both being petty and cruel and resentful over their small stature and the place it meant they occupied in the world. This overlap is actually one of the reasons I haven't gotten to kobolds before now, as I kinda felt like I covered most of it in my writeup for goblins a couple years ago.
Since Kobolds are a reoccuring request however I eventually decided I was going to give the people what they wanted. My plan was to talk about d&d dragonsimp kobolds vs. warcraft candleloving kobolds vs. jrpg dogpeople kobolds, and how all of these relate back to creature's mythological origin but hey wait a minute the official forgotten realms wiki says WHAT ?
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Huh, that sounds like a weird sort of projection from a man who's super insecure about his height. I wonder if the original dragon magazine listed as a source here has anything more to.. Oh.... OH-NO
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Living space, huh? Extinction of weaker peoples, eh? A religion based around survival, insularity, obedience, and the defeat of stronger enemies through attrition, yadon'tsay? Man, the canine kobolds might be on to something because there's an ORCHESTRA of dogwhistles going on here.
Friends, there's a lot to unpack here, so like a kobold with a pickax lets dig in
Where it started: the connection between kobolds and goblins and gnomes predates d&d back to mythological roots, as all are names shared by the european folklore character of "weird little guy who lives under the hill and plays tricks on us". Kobolds have an even more delightful bit of etymology attached, as miners blamed them for magically transforming valuable silver for (at the time) worthless cobalt. Originally my rehash of kobalds was going to centre on them as tinkerers/engineers for this reason, as alchemical cobalt batteries sound rad as hell.
Kobolds are in this way also part of the greater traditions of "mine spirits", Knackers, tommyknockers, and the like. Who play tricks on miners, and are just as likely to cause disaster when displeased as they are to warn of it when befriended.
Then the d&d authors did what they always do, they pilfered the name of folkloric creatures for the game while ignoring actual mythology, drawing hard and fast lines and making up rigid catagories as they went.
What's wrong: Given their proclivity for traps, sneak attacks, and guerilla tactics you end up getting a LOT of comparisons between Kobolds and the Viet Cong… which I find very telling.  So many of the original d&d antagonists were vessels for middle aged geeks of the 70s and 80s to hit back at their insecurities ( whether it be challenges to their masculinity, sexuality, or something more existential) it doesn’t surprise me at all that d&d has an enemy that let american boomers rehash their nation’s at the time biggest military debacle. 
Kobolds are so weak and undeserving you understand, they’ve only survived because they’re tricky, but this time we’ll get them, if we come in with enough firepower and hirelings to get through the meatgrinder we can finally hit them where they live and deal with them for good. 
D&D worldbuilding imagines kobolds as “the other” from an occupier’s lens: resentful of their rightful displacement, nursing their hatreds in the shadows, emerging only to attack or to steal and despoil what they’ve been denied. They have no ambition, no culture, no wants beyond being a threat for the new dominant power. They’re cowards for using traps and poison and tactics on those here to plunder their homes. 
What’s worth Salvaging:  While the 3e revision of kobolds as dracomaniacs is a welcome change from their old lore I’m not especially fond of it. Overuse of dragons is one of the things that most turns me off general fantasy media. Any group of sapient creatures serving a dragon is just as likely to form a dragoncult, it doesn’t make kobolds special. 
That said, if you did want to double down on kobold dragon worship you might consider spicing in a few elements from my revamped version of Tiamat, painting their reverence not just as ego and overcompensation but as a desire to emulate and become…certian kobold enclaves possibly using sorcery or alchemy to transform a chosen among their people into a fully fledged wyrm. 
While we’ve mostly tossed alignment to the curb where it belongs,to distinguish kobolds from goblins it might be worth leaning into their lawful aspects; Underfoot foremen and notaries and  work crews addressing things with a utilitarian collective effort before scurrying out of sight when the shift change occurs.  Where as goblins are screwball and slapstick onto the verge of cartoonishness, perhaps kobolds are practical and industrious to the point of causing problems: They dam a river to access a sacred cave heedless of the disruption and flooding it’d cause, they tear down, occupying and restoring a derelict mill and restoring it to function regardless of who owns it, undermining the foundations of the duke’s palace following a vein of copper in the nearby hills. 
This efficiency-focused attitude also helps thematically define mechanically minded kobolds against gnomes and dwarves as the game’s other tinkerers:  They share the practicality of dwarven artisans and the inventiveness of gnomish artificers, but lack the sentiment the other two place on what they make.  Kobold craft is often regarded as lower quality, but that’s because resource efficiency and easy replaceability are primary metrics upon which they judge something. 
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optiwashere · 8 months
I became completely unhinged because of the full version of this art by @forestborg so I had to write about it. It cooked my brain.
This is smutty, smutty smut, but it's also a light exploration of drow trans women as well. Drow culture has always been one of my favorite things about the Forgotten Realms ever since I was a lil DM running my fucked up version of 3E. Combine that with my constant need to trans all the ladies? Yeah.
Really though... this fic is super explicit. I'm adding this to my Kinktober series because I selfishly want that series to say 31/31 some day and this fic definitely belongs.
Rating: E for Exquisite frottage
Category: F/F
Ship: Minthara/Karlach
Tags and AO3 Summary under the break.
Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Shameless Smut, Smut, Trans Female Character, Trans Karlach, Trans Minthara, Light Dom/sub, Frottage, Come as Lube, Tail Sex, Size Difference, Choking, Breathplay, Drow-typical Gender Hierarchy, Gender Identity, mentions of Minthara/Lae'zel, Inspired by Fanart
A vision on the battlefield. A heart warm enough to beat a thousand times too strong for its own good. An axe with a sharp edge, though its haft is unkempt and left to rust. These are the ways Minthara knows Karlach. There is one other way she desires to know her. Or: Minthara and Karlach spend an evening in a tent together.
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spyridonya · 9 months
Top 5 denizens of the Hells (from any setting)
Okay, besides me fawning over Raphael on @archcambion, I felt I should talk about my top five favorite loves of the Hells.
Thank you so much, @dujour13, for letting me info dump!
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5. Glasya, the Archdevil of Malbolge (D&D)
The only child of Asmodeus, Glasya has always been in the side lines of D&D since it's inception, a bit of a minor player with she severing as a consort for an edition or two for Mammon. In late 2e and in 3.Xe, Glasya became such a political issue for Asmodeus, he bumped her to Archdevil to give her more work and to use in political maneuvering. Glasya still is the most chaotic of the Archdevils, focusing on her criminal empire within the Hells, and befriending her peer Fierna in a manner that suggest they were best friends.
4. Enecura, the Queen of Dis (PF)
The concept of Enecura bit me while learning more about the Archdevils in Pathfinder. This moral woman stole immorality from one of the most powerful gods in Pathfinder, got sent to hell, managed to thrive in this setting, and either fell in love or manipulated another demi-deity to fall in love with her. Not only does this woman have ovaries of steel, she and Dispater are a Hades and Persephone romance in disguise without any problematic tropes.
3. Dispater, Lord of Dis (PF)
I liked Dispater when I first read about him in D&D, but became less impressed with 5e lore of making him paranoid and yet easily manipulated. It wasn't so much the sexuality it suggested for Dispater as is making a feared Archdevil a little weak - though most Archdevils in D&D have more obvious flaws. When reading about PF, I liked this depiction of Dispater even more. I could see the bones of D&D's Dispater in the character, built into a logical way with unique details. A fast friend of Asmodeus, loyal and focused on law and order, he willingly fell with his wife to follow his leader. And during that fall, something happened to his wife. And no one knows what. Regardless, it brought out genuine puppy dog eyes from a design that is particularly kinky. His story with his son, the trouble second marriage, and the third marriage is also quite intresting. He might not have the 40 years of backstory as his counterpart, but what he has is amazing.
2. Mephistopheles, Lord of Cania (D&D and PF)
Mephistopheles is the one that got me really interested in DnD planar lore, leading me to Planescape Torment. When I was younger, my first DnD interest began with BG1 and it grew from there with BG2 and then Neverwinter Nights. Mephistopheles was an NPC Villain that caught my attention quicker than the game's intended villain and got me to reading more about him and his comrades. A Starcream with delusions of grandeur that he could almost back up, Mephistopheles was my favorite for a long time with a DnD campaign that brought his attention to me again. It was also around the time I was playing Pathfinder CRPGs, but I didn't get poking into that until he showed up, again, in WotR. Of course, Pathfinder Mephistopheles is very different from DnD Mephistopheles. The incarnation of Hell itself with a deeply loyalty to anyone that advances Hell cause, Mephistopheles beloved by Asmodeus, and Mephistopheles is very much his right hand person. He also has a gorgeous design that does take nods from his 3e depiction.
And oddly, a blend of both depictions with a unique twist of UST make Mephistopheles even more fun.
Asmodeus, Lord of Nessus, God of Indulgence (D&D)
Although I find myself favoring the Pathfinder takes of the Archdevils, this doesn't hold true to Asmodeus. Pathfinder Asmodeus is great, but the only advantage he might have over his D&D counterpart was always being a god, and yet he lacks the same prestige as D&D Asmodeus for that role. D&D Asmodeus has been apart of the brand since it's inception as the ruler of Hell through all the five editions, with the 2nd edition only using bare descriptions to indicate who he was when you couldn't use devils or demons in D&D. He has several origin stories inspired from Christianity and Zoroastrianism and he's gone through several crises, always rising on the top. I think that's why I love him a bit more than his counterpart. Asmodeus has scraped and crawled from being a devil to becoming a greater Deity if only due to 4e deciding it was about fucking time he become one. He's earned this status, you've seen how he's earned it, and while how they cement his godhood in Forgotten Realms is super dumb, he should be a God - he who is more crafty and chaotic than anyone realizes.
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exsanguidus · 1 year
re headcanon: how do you think Astarion will go about marriage proposal? will he be nervous or smarmy. would he even want to marry at all?
This is going to be a long answer. Also, should note this is of course in reference to non-Ascended Astarion.
Since I headcanon Astarion as a Moon Elf, I think 3e and 3.5e lore on how elves view love, romance, and sexuality is probably pretty close to what Moon Elf culture practices, seeing as they're stated to be rather adventurous and tend not to stay in one place for too long.
3.5e Elves Reddit Citing 3e
This is also why I headcanon that Astarion is rather open-minded to the idea of Tav taking on another lover or having threesomes/foursomes together.
That said, I think that deep down he prefers monogamy, particularly because he's selfish in the sense he wants to have something of his own that he doesn't have to share. Especially after those 200 years he didn't have himself for himself and the fact he can't recall ever genuinely being loved just for being himself rather than what he can offer.
But so long as Tav reassures him that it won't affect their relationship negatively and he won't be neglected in love, affection, and care, he's not opposed. He trusts Tav enough to be responsible, honest, and communicative.
He also mentions, if you approach him about being with Halsin post-his quest, that while the idea of change has always sort of terrified him because it's an unknown, he's accepted that life happens and if Tav does end up falling for someone else, he's confident he'll eventually be ok because he has himself.
Now to get to the actual question at hand: how would Astarion go about a marriage proposal.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but he wouldn't. At least not in the sense that Humans think of marriage and marriage proposals.
He's definitely read about them in the sappy and smutty romance novels he's read, but he personally doesn't subscribe to the idea that he needs to showcase his true love for his partner like that because his partner would know through actions and words they speak to one another privately exactly how Astarion feels about them.
Astarion would really just start referring to his partner as his Wife/Husband/Spouse one day. And then after that, just start using their surname along with his own like that's what his name has always been.
For example, I ship exclusively with my buddy Vex's Tav OC Annette Harlow (@knivesong). So, in our post-game verse Astarion refers to himself as Astarion Harlow Ancunín as his completely full name. He wasn't asked to and he doesn't just going around announcing it randomly to everyone, but he decided that on his own and tells people when its relevant to do so because that's how he decided he wanted to show Annie's place in his life while still respecting both their individualities and unique personhoods.
I also recently put up a headcanon that elves traditionally wear wedding bands on their right hand, if they choose to wear any at all. I believe Astarion would wear the True Love's Caress ring on his right ring finger. He originally didn't until post-his quest, I imagine, but eventually would have just quietly moved it to that finger of his own accord.
I also recently wrote a headcanon that post-game, rather than claim and move into the Crimson Palace (Szarr Palace), he gets himself a nice spot in Baldur's Gate where he can live in the apartments above his own perfume shop. He would legitimately just assume Tav was going to live with him, at that point, and put in furniture to accommodate both of them and take into consideration Tav's tastes in his decor choices.
All that is basically my long way of saying that Astarion would basically just marry Tav via Common Law Marriage. Basically everyone just recognizes those two as married even if they didn't have some big solemnized ceremony.
Astarion doesn't believe in any of the gods anyway. Acknowledges they all exist, since they literally do and can be physically seen, but he won't worship any of them ever. So he wouldn't really think it's important to have their relationship solemnized by an outside source as long as they both solemnize it via consent and mutual understanding of the perimeters of their relationship.
He doesn't care how others view their relationship because, to him, his relationship with Tav is strictly between them and no one else's business.
Of course, if Tav ever brought up that they actually wanted an official marriage proposal and a legitimate marriage ceremony with all the bells and whistles, he'd be all for it because:
I. It's a reason for him to dress up and be Extra.
II. It would make Tav happy.
In that case, he would be the most Extra of Extra about it. Not nervous because he already knows the answer would be yes, but nervous because he wants to make sure he does it right in a way his partner would be pleased with. He'd make a whole performance out of it and it'd be this massive grand gesture. Mind you, that doesn't mean it'd be this huge public display with like releasing doves and hiring a troupe of bards or anything, but something elegant that feels expensive and intimately grand.
It'd probably be so Extra that Tav would facepalm, but he'd just remind them that they asked for it and he doesn't go halfsies on things like that because he has standards for the both of them.
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gortashs-skidmark · 5 months
Our Beloved Tiefling Headcanons and Canon facts
!! Rolan and Dammon headcanons. Canon History about Asmodeus Tieflings, Tiefling abilities, Arcana and Blacksmiths. Rolan and Dammon are both Asmodeus, which will be the only Tiefling bloodline we take a look into. More bloodlines linked in the Info Source: dnd5e.wikidot below !!
Info Source: World Anvil, Officialbeastiary Wiki, DND BEYOND, dnd5e.wikidot, Forgotten Realms Wiki, World Anvil, 5th Edition SRD Utilizes 5e, 1e, 3e, and 4e
What is Arcana instinct in Tieflings? Asmodeus Traits and History.
Differences in Devils, Cambions, and Demons and what to know about them.
𝕯 Cambion's are direct descents of evil beings, such as Raphael who's father is Mephostipheles. True Cambion's are half-fiends, who's one humanoid planetouched, and one who's Tana'ri. Succubus do not count as Tana'ri or Demon Lords, they cannot have a Cambion persay, though still half-fiend. The mortal mothers always die in childbirth. The most common terms for Cambion, is breeding between a mortal female and a Devil. Terms of what a Cambion are have changed over the years because of the spellplague, but this is the simplest breakdown. Their extremely bitter beings, for their societal rejection and potential orphanage or demon abuse. Their mothers die, abandoning them and leaving them in the Material Plane (orphanage) or The Abyss (demon abuse). They often seek out each other for companionship, or humanoids to create Tiefling offspring.
𝕯 Tiefling's blood is only slightly tainted with an evil being's blood and can be an array of alignments, but often end up in the "ghetto" of town as thieves and crimelords.. Mistrusted and feared on the streets of the Material Plane for their tainted lineage. Asmodeus being the most common bloodline. Tieflings are from human blood, they're basically humans with horns and tails, and darkvision. Different bloodlines will get slightly different looks and abilities.
𝕯 Demons are chaotic fiends who only seek to destroy, originating from the Abyss. "They were personifications of ferocity, vile perversion, and elemental devastation" without compassion or empathy, these are vicious creatures that only exist to sow strife and disorder through evil. Demons intend to cause the most pain in any situation, simple killing is too boring for them. Their wickedness knows no bounds.
𝕯 Devils are highly vindictive Lawful (Evil) beings who seek to control. Devils seek vengeance more than anyone for their misery, seemingly for no reason other than conscious relief. Devils will have vengeance even if in the long run it demoted them. they're lazy and lay their work onto others. They are always looking forward towards the rise to promotion, and changing the rules in their favor. They act on emotion if it's strong enough, ignoring their seek to avenge or potentially ruining their goals, even leading towards their death.
𝕯 Succubus/Incubus and a male mortal can have Alu-fiend offspring. Female offspring were seductive in their manners, had sharp teeth and a set of wings, and had high sexual proclivity. Males struggled were seen as only half-fiends with similar traits, which destroyed any sense of gender hierarchy. Alu-fiends are incapable of long-time shapeshifting. Naturally deceptive, dexterous, and charismatic, a race of "social butterflies" not only in sexual encounters. They crave interaction, don't kill their prey, and don't go after their prey's spouses, their cravings for any social activity makes them incredibly gullible. They can have a charming aura without people noticing their presence.
𝕯 The difference in an Incubus and a Succubus is the sex of the victims. Often Succubi are feminine forms seeking male victims. Incubi are often masculine forms, seeking female victims. Their abilities are the same. What is something that fucks both? I don't fucking know. A Bincsubus. That's made up. That's not real.
Tinkerers or Tin-Smith? 𝕯 A Tinkerer is a possibly class, is a master crafter, repairer, manipulator, and creator in the engineering world, ancient and new techniques.
𝕯 "Many tinkerers explore how magic and engineering mix, developing complex powers of item imbuement and mastering crafting- and mechanics-related spells. Others eschew magic as a cheap trick that ignores the brilliance of pure engineering and crafting, or focus on constructs and clockwork or alchemical weaponry, or train to get more out of their tools and magical devices, or kitbash and juryrig what they need when they need it. " - 5th Edition SRD
𝕯 A tin-smith, can also be referred to as a "White-Smith" which an umbrella term, means they specialize in light metals like tin or pewter. It can fall under Adamantine or Mithral, which falls under the specific term "Bright-Smith"
𝕯 Adamantine can only be found in hot magma-producing areas. It's brittle which makes it delicate to work with, it's high in cost and requires a strict process with high temperatures.
𝕯 Adamantine can be used in weapons, armor, spell-casting, and constructs.
𝕯 Tin-Smith's can work with tin, silver, bronze, and pewter alloys. It requires a low-melting point, and can easily be manipulated.
𝕯 I ask this question, just to make you think about Dammon, this could leave to any kind of headcanon you want about him.
What happened to Elturians during the Descent? I'm way too tired to go over the history of Elturel again.
"Kreeg coaxed Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard of Baldur's Gate to come to Elturel to resolve several disputes that had troubled the two cities for some time. After greeting the Baldurian delegation, Kreeg escaped Elturel in secret, shortly before the Companion changed into a black orb that tore the whole of Elturel and its populace from the Material Plane and spirited it away to Avernus, first of the Nine Hells, with only a crater left behind"
"Over the next few days, hundreds of refugees, both citizens who'd escaped Elturel or been outside at the time, and folk from wider Elturgard, made their way to neighboring Baldur's Gate, with some blaming Elturel's rival for the city's loss. However, they were barred from the city and the resident Flaming Fist began arresting Hellriders on sight, fearing they would cause trouble, but this only led to fighting."
 "Torn from the land, the city was fractured in twain along the ravine that ran through the city. The black Companion still hung malevolently over the city, raining down lightning that raised ghouls, ghasts, and zombies. While devils besieged the city, demons attacked them in another battle of the Blood War, and the surviving Elturians fought off both or simply hid in the ruins. Many people died in the devastation, to the demons and devils, or to thirst and starvation. With the city's leaders lost, none other than Grand Duke Ravengard rallied the defense. The High Hall was the center of the defense effort, and also the focus of the devil assault."
Sorcerous Sundries and Razamith's Tower
Small Note: "Elturian wizards, meanwhile, were safer in the saddle, being skilled at attacking from their mounts. They were much more capable of avoiding or resisting attacks while mounted than they on foot, being less able to react fast enough"
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Maormer Headcannons:
Maormer, especially when working with their animals or underwater, communicate through a mix of sign language and echolocation.
Due to, in-part, their worship of Y'ffre, Maormer have strong oral traditions. Most of their history, bedtime stories and worship are held through song. Maomer will often hold competitions like flyting or who can come up with the raunchiest sea shanty.
Gender and sexuality are considered a non issue, as most Maormer, blessed through their worship of Dibella, have the ability to change their sex at will.
Most Maormer will stay with their family unit for life, but are expected to foster relations and friendships with other Maormer clans. Usually this is not an issue, as Maormer are very social with non-outsiders. If there are disputes between individuals or clans, they are handled as quickly as possible by the matriarchs, as Pyandonea is too small to withstand blood feuds.
Each clan keeps extensive records on family lines to decrease the chance of inbreeding. Maormer are expected to memorize at least the past five generations of their family tree.
Architecture is similar to those of the Ayleid and Altmer, but with a less formal approach. Everything is built to be beautiful but more importantly, durable, in order to withstand hurricanes.
After King Orgnum's death in 3E 110 during the War of the Isle, Pyandonea is now run by a council, made up of a former matriarch from each clan.
Maormer "clans" are matrilineal. Usually composed of at least four generations of a family (the matriarch, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren).
As each clan is usually self-run, the Matriarch Council usually only meets up once a month, more often if in times of crisis.
Chief Deities are Satakal, Mara, Kynareth, Y'ffre, Boethiah and Hermaeus Mora
Others worship by the Maomer are Masser/Jode, Secunda/Jone, Dibella, Mehrunes Dagon and Namira
Ancestor worship is also a part of Maormer religion.
Birth, Life & Death:
Water births are most common forms of birth, as it gives the Maormer newborn an instant connection to the water and is believed to help the child become a strong swimmer later in life. Being born during a thunderstorm or under the sign of the Serpent are considered to be the most auspicious times to be born.
Children are given their names and their first saltwater bath a year after their birth. It is expected to wait a year, sometimes two, to guarantee the survival of the child.
Children are raised communally by the clan.
Children are considered young adults at 20, and full adults by 40. Like most mer, Maormer live longer than humans, anywhere between 200 to 300 years and those strong in magic tend to live even longer.
When a Maormer dies, the clan will gather together to cleanse the body, before sailing far out to sea to give the body to the ocean.
If a child under 20 dies, the body is cremated and the ashes given to the family to either keep or scatter. It is believed that the scattered ashes will reincarnate the child into either a Maormer again or a sea serpent.
Based on these headcannons
Similar to Khajiit, Maormer morphology is dependent on the phases of the moons at the time of an individual mer's birth. This determines how "serpent-like" a Maormer is (i.e the Maormer Leviathans).
Most Maormer have scales, but less in a fish way, more like a pangolin/other scaled mammals.
Skin color varies (gold, blue-grey, coral, brown, ect) but the scales will have a slight shimmer to them, allowing them the ability to camouflage.
Hair grows in-between their scales and is typically either shorn off, kept very short or braided. Hair color varies.
Eyes tend to be very pale or very dark, with faint distinction between the sclera and the iris.
Most Maormer tend to have wide chests, long arms and shorter legs to better swim & breath underwater. They also tend to be heavyset, for added warmth under the water.
Maormer have gills and webbing between fingers and toes to aid with swimming.
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theropoda · 1 year
jokester dunmer circa 3E 427 communicating that they are so sexually aroused they feel almost ill: i think i huave corprus
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da3drat · 1 year
Hello hello and welcomeeeee to my blog. I'm Sea and this is my elder scrolls sideblog. If you need me on main you can find me @un-sea-lie !
Commissions: CLOSED
Main OCs:
Nerevarine: Meridian tag | vibes tag | playlist Hero of Kvatch: Celeste tag | vibes tag | playlistLast Dragonborn: Dusk tag | vibes tag
Additional Tags worth noting:
my art Ayem <- she gets her own tag<3 martinxceleste <- martinhok posting meralexia <- almalexia/nerevarine posting
Glossary of OCs: [4E oc list incomplete]
Meri Birth Date: 30 Hearthfire, 3E 391 (36 y/o at the time of Morrowind) Birth Sign: The Lady Gender/Pronouns: Woman, she/her Sexuality: Bisexual Dunmer/Imperial Personality: Quiet, authoritative, diplomatic, insincere, bookish, burnt out/emotionally detached. Hobbies: Alchemy(special interest), reading and collecting nonfiction, sketching, playing the lyre Dislikes: Condescension, authority, crowds, tight or scratchy fabrics. Combat: Unarmored, spear, throwing knives, light on her feet and always just out of range.
Celeste Birth Date: 14 Morning Star, 3E 410 (23 y/o at the time of Oblivion) Birth Sign: The Ritual Gender/Pronouns: Horse Girl, she/her Sexuality: Bisexual Imperial Personality: Sweet, devoted, self sacrificing, manipulative, protective, gentle, brave Hobbies: Horses (riding/training/care), sparring, chatting with friends Dislikes: People worrying about her, being wrong, sleeping outdoors, selfishness. Combat: Restoration, heavy armor, longsword and shield, defensive fighting, 1vAnything (come at me bro)
Elissia Rian Meri's daughter Birth Date: 1 Sun's Dawn 3E 408 Birth Sign: The Lover Gender/Pronouns: Weird little girl, she/her Death Date: 19 Hearthfire 3E 418 (age 10) Dunmer/Imperial/Bosmer Personality: Wild, inquisitive, opinionated, funny
Caldara Caprenia Celeste's mother, Meri's adopted sister. Birth Date: 15 First Seed 3E 389 Birth Sign: The Lord Gender/Pronouns: Popular Girl, she/her Sexuality: Heterosexual Imperial Personality: Self righteous, benevolent, impatient, passionate
Aerin Caprenia Celeste's father Birth Date: 3E 390 Death Date: First Seed 3E 418 Imperial Personality: Relaxed, mischievous, doting, friendly
Tacita Caprenia Celeste's Eldest sister, Alain's identical twin Birth Date: Sun's Dusk 3E 405 Birth Sign: The Atronach Gender/Pronouns: Programmer Socks, she/her Sexuality: Lesbian Imperial Personality: Boisterous, charismatic, laid back, affectionate
Alain Caprenia Celeste's only brother, Tacita's identical twin Birth Date: Sun's Dusk 3E 405 Birth Sign: The Atronach Gender/Pronouns: Just some guy, he/him Sexuality: Bisexual, Ace Imperial Personality: Wallflower, pleasant, mischievous, ambitious
Julia Caprenia Celeste's younger sister Birth Date: 3E 414 Gender/Pronouns: Snot Nosed Kid, she/they Imperial Personality: Self absorbed, abrasive, loud, complimentary
Eloe Caprenia Celeste's youngest sister Birth Date: 6 Hearth Fire 3E 418 Birth Sign: The Lady Gender/Pronouns: Fine Young Lady, she/her Sexuality: eh Imperial Personality: Silly, detail oriented, determined, graceful
Dusk Birth Date: 3 Rain's Hand, 4E 182 (19 y/o at the time of Skyrim) Birth Sign: The Serpent Gender/Pronouns: Knowledge seeker, she/her Sexuality: Aroace Redgaurd Personality: Intelligent, arrogant, well spoken, spoiled
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bugbearbrothers · 2 years
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The Book of Erotic Fantasy RPG accessory from Valar Project. The most bizarre/creepy RPG book I’ve read, it details all things sexual for D&D 3e. From sustaining sex, sexual feats and spells, to STI’s, sex toys and aphrodisiacs, this book has it all. It covers all the “need to know” topics like what creatures can crossbreed, and how monsters “do it”. It’s also forgone artwork in favour of using very average looking nude models, which is in no way surprising.
In a way I kind of admire the effort put into this. The sheer amount of dedication is almost pathological, and I really can’t imagine what it must be like to sit at a gaming table with these people. If nothing else, this can be read as a case study in how truly strange some people are, and how dedicated they can be to that strangeness. If you’re looking to ostracize yourself with some campaign breaking weirdness, sure to make everyone at the table feel extremely uncomfortable, this would be the manual for that. But with the right table, who knows?
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rainbowmancer-gwen · 1 year
Incriminating data
Callsign:- Shorty (She/Her)
Gender:- Transfem
Sexuality:- Queer, Pan, Poly
Level:- 34
Class proficencies:- Mage, Ranger, Decker, Face, Monk
Subclass:- Rainbowmancer (Color mage/ Crafter)
Muticlass:- Capoerista (Afro-Brazilain martial arts, Capoeria)
Secondary Allias:- Furry, fox fursona
STR- 10
DEX- 12
CON- 15
WIS- 13
INT- 18
CHA- 16
Irl skills:-
Mini painting- Painter for Bea DnD games- Petone Wellington
Dungeon master:- DnD (5e, 3.5, 2nd,ADnD, Animal adventures), Shadowrun (3e, 4e, 5e, 6th world), Cy-borg, Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Capoeirista:- Recently obtained Green/white Cordão. Afro-Brazilian dance fighter
Registered Nurse- NZNO, Mental health, addiction and intellectual disabilities services, eating disorder recovery.
Ex Paramedic- Frontline 111, event medic, patient transfer.
Ex Operating theatre assistant- surgical goodness, goobies, gore and gross stuff.
ADHD, Dyslexia, Fatigue, Chronic pain, workaholic.
Sup! I'm Gwenllian. I work myself too hard and paint stuff when I can. I think I'm pretty good at it. I'll probably use this Tumblr to find artists I like, get ideas for painting minis for DnD, Warhammer and other tabletop games.
@macrotiis is my partner <3
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bretongirlwrites · 2 years
The asks for Julianne
for julianne i went for the general and background questions...
Name: Julianne Traven
Associated game/era: Oblivion, born in 3E 392
Race: Breton
Sexual orientation: very ace
Class (or a general description of their skillset): mage, specialising in alteration, alchemy and restoration
Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it?
julianne, her sister and her mother are all from anvil, which is her very favourite city in the world. her father's family moved from high rock with the usual excuse: to escape the petty politics and oppressive societal norms. julianne has visited daggerfall a handful of times - the first time perfectly under the illusion that she'd immediately feel an affinity to it: so she was startled when she did not. found herself lost among dark timber frames, and a dialect she'd only ever known second-hand
Where did they grow up? A city? A village? Isolated, in the wilderness? What was it like to leave?
the traven's house is right in the centre of anvil, a pretty affair near to the mages' guild: and while julianne has spent most of her life now living in the imperial city, she misses anvil intensely, and often goes back, - far less hurried; much more friendly; and the dank and close rumare fog is a far cry from the infinite liberated sea breezes of home
What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings?
hannibal and myriam traven were always decent enough parents, - a little on the strict side perhaps; and always encouraging the best of their children; but kind and adoring, and attentive to their budding interests...
julianne taking to magic at a young age, she was often taken to the mages’ guildhall to watch the other mages at work; and being fond of reading, had more books than you could shake a stick at. it was only natural she’d follow in her father’s footsteps: she has always looked up to him, and he was always her most ardent teacher
her sister corinne is less academic; but that does not mean they don’t get on. indeed when julianne’s life starts to diverge from corinne’s - and in some cases quite drastically, when the latter joins the city watch and the former joins the thieves’ guild - julianne misses her, and feels nostalgic for their joint upbringing
If they are an adventurer, why did they choose that life? Did they choose it at all?
‘i am an adventurer in spirit,’ julianne might say: and indeed her imagination wanders far and wide, even when her daily walks only wind over city isle or the gold coast clifftops. when however she finds herself in truly dangerous situations, she is quite out of her depth: only knowing battle-magics theoretically; and finding the reality of endless forest and damp socks to be perfectly unbearable, compared with dreaming in an armchair with a nice mug of hot chocolate
Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general?
in theory, julianne favours julianos, as the preferred god of mage-scholars; in practice, it’s more because she’s named for him than anything else. really she is a bit indifferent towards the gods - believes they exist; but is mostly religious out of cultural tradition, going to chapel on special occasions, but not often thinking about it otherwise. her ventures as an occasional bellringer in anvil were all out of love of music, and nothing out of association of that music with dibellan theories of art
it’s only during the daedric (and aedric) interventions of the oblivion crisis that she really starts to question the beliefs she’s never really bothered with... the influence of marianne, who despite being the grey fox is fond of the aedra (especially mara and zenithar), also tilts her a little towards more regular chapel-visiting, if only as a gesture of acknowledgement
What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people?
she is gregarious when the occasion calls for it; and indeed may be seen by some as perfectly sociable; but in truth has a small circle of close friends, and finds it difficult to make new ones out of acquaintances
her best friend at the university is tara-lei, a brilliant but rather more sensible mage who helps keep her from becoming excessively distracted. marianne is also one of her greatest friends - a partner in crime, you might say, who fills a little of the gap left by childhood antics with corinne
What guilds do they join? Are they committed to those guilds, or are they mostly in them for the benefits?
the mages’ guild is her life and love - she never anticipated becoming arch-mage; but really it’s the perfect role for her, since she has ever been so devoted to it. devoted enough, indeed, almost to die for it, when mannimarco threatened all that she held dear... it’s an admirable aim, to make magical resources and instruction available to all: that is what has stuck with her ever since she first read the guild-charter. when she visited the original guild-hall in firsthold, she almost fainted from excitement
the thieves’ guild is a more occasional occupation: but that does not mean she is not committed to it. she admires the grey fox more than most of the cyrodiil nobility, and almost romanticises the robin-hood-esque mission of the guild. while she rarely undertakes any actual thefts, she becomes essential in the legwork for them - in researching, in enabling, in training. and then when it’s done there’s a warm hearth in a strangely cosy little house on the waterfront; friends of value infinitely beyond their means; and life lessons to be learnt, always
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amorvibrante · 23 days
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El camino hacia el autodescubrimiento y el bienestar sexual es una travesía que todas las mujeres deberían considerar. En Amor Vibrante, creemos en tres 'E' que guían ese viaje: Explora, Experimenta y Eleva. A continuación, descubre cómo estas tres palabras pueden revolucionar tu vida y tu relación con el placer.
1. Explora - Adentrándote en Nuevas Sensaciones
La exploración es el primer paso para descubrir todo lo que el mundo del placer te puede ofrecer. Ya sea que te encuentres buscando posiciones sexuales nuevas, aprendiendo sobre el punto G, o simplemente sumergiéndote en el universo de los vibradores / consoladores, la exploración es la llave que abre un universo de sensaciones. Y sí, tal vez te encuentres con términos como squirt o incluso te interese aprender cómo masturbarse de una forma diferente.
2. Experimenta - Probando Lo Que Te Hace Sentir Viva
Una vez que has explorado, es momento de experimentar. Esto implica desde probar diferentes tipos de lubricantes a base de agua hasta entender la diferencia entre condones texturizados y regulares. Quizás te llame la atención los succionadores de clítoris o te intriguen los juegos sexuales como el misterioso "el juego de las llaves". La experimentación es donde encuentras lo que resuena contigo y te sientes verdaderamente viva.
3. Eleva - Alcanzando Nuevos Niveles de Placer y Bienestar
Finalmente, tras explorar y experimentar, es momento de elevar la experiencia. Esto podría involucrar integrar un vibrador tipo conejo a tu repertorio, explorar el arte del shibari, o incluso descubrir más sobre la erótica y sus múltiples facetas. Se trata de alcanzar nuevos niveles de placer, de profundizar en tu conexión contigo misma y, si es tu deseo, con tu pareja.
En Amor Vibrante, queremos ser tu guía en esta travesía, ofreciéndote productos de calidad, para que puedas vivir las 3E del placer en todo su esplendor.
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amorvibrantemx · 23 days
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El camino hacia el autodescubrimiento y el bienestar sexual es una travesía que todas las mujeres deberían considerar. En Amor Vibrante, creemos en tres 'E' que guían ese viaje: Explora, Experimenta y Eleva. A continuación, descubre cómo estas tres palabras pueden revolucionar tu vida y tu relación con el placer.
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3e del placer
1. Explora - Adentrándote en Nuevas Sensaciones
La exploración es el primer paso para descubrir todo lo que el mundo del placer te puede ofrecer. Ya sea que te encuentres buscando posiciones sexuales nuevas, aprendiendo sobre el punto G, o simplemente sumergiéndote en el universo de los vibradores / consoladores, la exploración es la llave que abre un universo de sensaciones. Y sí, tal vez te encuentres con términos como squirt o incluso te interese aprender cómo masturbarse de una forma diferente.
2. Experimenta - Probando Lo Que Te Hace Sentir Viva
Una vez que has explorado, es momento de experimentar. Esto implica desde probar diferentes tipos de lubricantes a base de agua hasta entender la diferencia entre condones texturizados y regulares. Quizás te llame la atención los succionadores de clítoris o te intriguen los juegos sexuales como el misterioso "el juego de las llaves". La experimentación es donde encuentras lo que resuena contigo y te sientes verdaderamente viva.
3. Eleva - Alcanzando Nuevos Niveles de Placer y Bienestar
Finalmente, tras explorar y experimentar, es momento de elevar la experiencia. Esto podría involucrar integrar un vibrador tipo conejo a tu repertorio, explorar el arte del shibari, o incluso descubrir más sobre la erótica y sus múltiples facetas. Se trata de alcanzar nuevos niveles de placer, de profundizar en tu conexión contigo misma y, si es tu deseo, con tu pareja.
En Amor Vibrante, queremos ser tu guía en esta travesía, ofreciéndote productos de calidad, para que puedas vivir las 3E del placer en todo su esplendor.
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arr0w-ace · 1 month
My Morrowind OCs: Ragash
Basic Information
Nickname: Aggie
Age: 16 years old
Birthday: 1st of Mid Year, 3E 411
Race: Orc
Gender: Cisgender Girl
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Rank/Status: Nerevarine
Guild Affiliations: None
Home: Rethan Manor, Morrowind, near Balmora (at least eventually)
Birthplace: Found near Dawnstar, Skyrim
Personality: Impulsive, self-absorbed, distrustful, brave, and adaptable.
Family: A pirate crew is the closest she had.
Questlines: Main Questline, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon
More Information
Fears: Loud noises
Motivations: Gain power and a new group of friends.
Habits: Avoids collecting to avoid losing items
Likes: Sailing, maps, and fighting
Dislikes: Colder climates, storms, and reading
Build: Warrior
Main Skills: Long blade, block, and medium armor
Secondary Skills: Spear, athletics, and armorer
Other Notes:
There once was a pirate crew feared along the northern coast of Tamriel. They created chaos and plundered countless towns within the Empire. One day, not long after they had raided Dawnstar, they heard something start to cry. The captain ordered them to search for the source, so the crew did, and they found an orc baby.
The pirates, though cruel, would not harm the child. Instead, they named her Ragash and took her along to be their chore girl. She spent ten years with them before a long-building mutiny split the crew in half. The captain won, but Ragash ran off with the few survivors.
They found a ship and built up their own crew and a hoard of treasure over the next four years. They weren’t as famous, but they were still good. Ragash played a key role in this time, so when their captain got captured in a town, she took his place despite only being fourteen. She led them like a storm. Despite the danger during this time, the crew had lots of fun.
However, Ragash’s impulsivity came back to bite her in the butt. At sixteen, she trusted a new recruit to steer the ship at night despite all the ice in the sea. The recruit hit an iceberg, and the ship sank. Ragash was the only survivor. She made it to a town, but she got captured and taken to an Imperial prison. Eventually, she was transferred and met the emperor.
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kalinara · 10 months
Watched the second episode of Rings of Power. Some initial reactions:
1. Wow, that's a lot of sexual tension in all sorts of places. Enough that I do think the good Professor might be a bit offended. Maybe. (I feel like the one in Legends of Tomorrow who looked half in love with Rip Hunter would perhaps approve.)
2. What's his name is totally evil, right? Galadriel's new friend? His actor is vaguely familiar to me in a "I play hot evil dudes" way.
2b. So...do Celeborn and Celebrian exist in this universe? Because this all seems very awkward if they do.
2c. I suppose she could meet Celeborn later, but that seems like it'd make the Elrond/Celebrian stuff even more awkward. Especially given the compressed timeline we've got now. A timeskip would be inevitable, but also defeat the purpose of all the timeline shenanigans that they're doing now.
2d. They've got to happen at some point though, right? I mean, you can probably do without the boys, but Arwen's pretty important!
2e. Maybe the showrunners are Aragorn/Eowyn shippers?
2f. I would like them to include Celebrian, because she's one of those characters that really seems more like an idea ("tragic not-dead wife") than a person. But I'd like to care about her, so I hope we get to "meet" her.
2fg Maybe Celeborn got sick of Galadriel's crusade and skipped town with the kid? I could enjoy that as a plot concept...
3. I really wasn't expecting the whole Elrond has unresolved sexual tension with a dwarf prince plotline. I like it. I especially liked that Elrond got to be the one who'd done wrong - albeit not intentionally.
3b. Let's be honest: when they started removing articles of clothing for their battle for who's on top, I mean, rock smashing contest...
3c. It does not surprise me that Elrond threw the match.
3d. Besides, Durin's wife is clearly the real top. And she's absolutely into it.
3e. I'm looking forward to Elrond's letter to Elf-Penthouse about his threesome with dwarf royalty. Bonus points if he somehow gets Gil-galad to read it at the next "elf lords only" meeting.
3f. Legolas and Gimli clearly are just following in a time-honored tradition.
4. I felt like Elrond and Celebrimbor had some hilarious undercurrents. Especially when talking about Feanor's hammer.
4b. Celebrimbor's, of course, being all "So, um, sorry my family kidnapped you as a kid and all."
4c. Elrond's read more like "Did you know daddy issues can turn into daddy kink?"
4d. It seemed like Disa made him willing to re-examine the idea of Mommy-kink.
5. I didn't really notice Arondir having specific sexual tension this time around. He is very hot though. (It was also pretty funny how the plot basically was like "everyone has a really bad time today, except Elrond, who gets banged by dwarves.")
6. So...is the naked dude Gandalf? I kind of hope it's Gandalf. I know it'd be a big timeline change, but there's something so sweet about the idea that he's saved/taken care of by hobbits given everything that happens later.
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