#3E-Real Estate
3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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darklordazalin · 3 months
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Hazlik
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Domain: Hazlan Domain Formation: 714 BC Power Level: 💀💀💀💀⚫ Sources: Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol 1 (3e), Ravenloft 3.0, Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Realm of Terror (2e), Domains and Denizens (2e) CW: Genocide, homophobic hate crimes
Disclaimer: I have been reviewing the Darklords in order of Domain Formation and Hazlik coming up during pride month feels wrong to me but then again hate crimes are real and those in the queer community face them far too often. The older material on Hazlik was questionable, at best, but who can blame the man for wanting revenge against those who hated him because he was talented and gay?
Hazlik, the aging chaotic little "Red Wizard” and Darklord of Hazlan, is a man of many contradictions ruling over a land riddled with ancient magics and straggled with oppression.
Hazlan is an arid land of cliffs and canyons with sparse vegetation where landslides and tornadoes are common hazards. The populace is severely divided with the Rashemani barely having enough to survive on, while the Mulan lavish themselves in luxury. Keeping the oppressed oppressed is the only way the Mulan maintain rule over the Rashemani as they are severely outnumbered.
It should come as little surprise, given his moniker, that Hazlik comes from the world of Toril and was once a Red Wizard of Thay. Typically having a malevolent nature, these “Red Wizards” devoted themselves to the mastery of a particular school of magic. Hazlik’s chosen school is evocation.
Hazlik’s downfall came from his own ambitious nature. He rose too fast amongst the ranks of his fellows and made too many enemies in doing so. One such rival and enemy, the necromancer Thantosya, became his undoing. Though Hazlik attempted to hide his desire for Thantosya’s lover (Ordiab), the two must have found him out.
Ordiab seduced Hazlik and when discovered amidst their passion, Hazlik’s enemies (lead by Thantosya) accused him of assaulting Ordiab. They captured the little evocator, tattooed his head and chest with arcane symbols of femininity (which Hazlik viewed as humiliating) and cast him out of their order then burnt down his estate. They were quite thorough and one wonders why they did not simply kill Hazlik and be done with it.
It’s always curious who our Tormentors single out as Darklords. Thantosya and Ordiab’s crimes were far greater than Hazlik’s, but I wager that having an obsessive nature has something to do with it and Hazlik’s obsession with revenge must have drawn them in.
He spent his forced seclusion on magical experimentation and research in hopes of finding a way to utterly destroy those who ostracized him. I’m not one to hold much weight on chance, but call it what you will, one day Hazlik came upon Thantosya and Ordiab in a small glade while he was gathering ingredients.
He ambushed the lovers, killed Ordiab and forced Thantosya to drink his blood before killing her as well. And with this act of vengeance, the Mists took Hazlik into the Nightmare Lands. There he found himself once more tormented and powerless by those that had tattooed him. He fled back into the Mists and Hazlan formed.
Before the Grand Conjunction, Hazlik was obsessed with escaping Hazlan so he could obtain revenge against those who humiliated him. The death of Thantosya and Ordiab were never enough, he wanted vengeance against them all. Because of his hatred of the wizards who humiliated him, he forbade the practice of the arcane arts in Hazlan, except for himself, of course. Blinded by his hatred for the necromancer that led to his downfall, he has a severe disdain for undead servants and necromancy in general. Well, there’s no accounting for taste…
After the Grand Conjunction and Hazlik's near escape of these misty realms, Hazlik’s views changed significantly. For one, he opened the Red Academy to teach the arcane arts. It is rumored that he saw a glimpse of Toril and his enemies thriving there before the Mists took him once more. Being taken a second time, Hazlik convinced himself that he would never escape the Mists. That’s all it took? Quitter.
Hazlik’s views of magic are in direct opposition to the Church of the Lawgiver which thrives amongst the Hazlani. This church’s doctrine views the practice of the arcane arts as blasphemous. Ridiculous. I will always put more faith in my own knowledge than some ‘greater’ and mysterious power these so called priests worship. Especially in these lands where the gods are clearly absent.
Mostly, Hazlik ignores the church. Perhaps for his own purposes in that their suppression of magical practices by all but Hazlik’s chosen apprentices allows him to study his art in peace and without fear of an ambitious mage attempting to overthrow him? Or perhaps I am giving him too much credit here…
Hazlik sees the Rashemani as being beneath his notice and believes the all Mulan deserve absolute suffering for what they did to him in Toril. Yet, he appoints Mulan leaders to rule settlements in his steed as he ignores the demands that rulership placed upon his shoulders.
Hazlik’s current plans revolve around his favored apprentice, Eleni. For without a new body and his refusal to use Necromancy, he will eventually die of old age and considering he is already in his 80s, well…He plans on taking control of Eleni’s body before that happens so he may carry out his rather elaborate plan for revenge. No longer is he satisfied by destroying those that humiliated him, but he seeks to slay every single Mulan in existence. He spends countless hours researching rituals that will allow him to do just that, targeting the Mulan in Hazlan and in any realm they exist. A bit extreme for a few tattoos and a broken heart…
Hazlik is still tormented by nightmares of his enemies. So frightened by these visions, he spends much of his energy attempting to find magical means of staying awake, but he never succeeds for long and the longer he stays awake he begins to experience waking nightmares, seeing enemies and rivals everywhere.
Despite his misguided disdain for Necromancy, Hazlik is one of the most powerful wizards in Ravenloft and through constant experimentation has created some unique items such as the vat of living clay that allows the creation of a monster sculped from clay every day. He can sense any spell cast within his borders and in most cases identify it. Additionally, our Tormentors were so kind to gift him with an amulet that, upon his destruction, will store his soul within so he is not easily defeated.
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banqueenfrancecom · 2 years
La Banque Nationale relve sa cible sur le FPI BTB aprs les rsultats du 3e trimestre
La Banque Nationale relve sa cible sur le FPI BTB aprs les rsultats du 3e trimestre
⚡La Banque Nationale relve sa cible sur le FPI BTB aprs les rsultats du 3e trimestre #Banque #Nationale #relve #cible #sur #FPI #BTB #aprs #les #rsultats #trimestre #banque #france La Banque Nationale relve sa cible sur le FPI BTB aprs les rsultats du 3e trimestre MT Newswires 2022 Toute l’actualit sur BTB REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST Donnes financires CADUSDEUR CA…
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quercusfloreal · 3 years
Le 3e Gédéon
I was hesitating to talk about it but here we go. May I introduce you to the manga "Le 3e Gédéon".
Warning long post
What it's about ?
Manga in 8 volumes, it tells the story of Gédéon Aymé who dreams of becoming a deputy to the Estates General to save the people from misery. George, the Duke of Loire and his former comrade, also seeks to change the system, but instead use violence to achieve his goal. This is going to be a story where the two characters will fight each other, one wanting peace and peaceful change, the other a radical and violent change.
What did I think of it ?
I found the story good. It manages to mix fiction and French revolution. It's full of inconsistencies but somehow it works. However I wouldn’t advise this manga to everyone. There is psychological and physical torture, gore and nudity. The images can sometimes be very crude.
What about historians characters ?
Well, we have the most badass portrayal of Louis I've ever seen in my life, he’s able to detect the slightest lie. Marie Antoinette may seem shallow, but she knows perfectly well how to play her charms to turn the tables in her favor. Their couple is interesting because each of them can't really love the other completely. Madame Roland is an ambitious woman who we learn had a daughter with Gédéon. Saint-Just is the slightly confused teenager who will eventually grow up and assert himself. Charles Philippe, the sociopathic Count of Artois, wants his brother's place and Elisabeth, the king's sister, wants Marie-Antoinette's place.
But what about Robespierre ?
I said in an old conversation that Maxime had daddy issues. Let me explain. One of the main themes of this manga is family and father figures. We learn that Gideon's father is the duke and he has exchanged his son's place with George so that Gédéon can be closer to the people. George has a real grudge against the duke because when Gédéon will be older, he should have become a servant again. But by trapping Gideon he kept his place.
Maxime has a real grudge against his father and George will use this information to manipulate him.
The first time we hear about Robespierre is in the first chapter. George is looking for easily manipulated men who can help him destroy the old system. Saint-Just, recruited by George, tells him that Max would be a potential candidate. Maxime is invited to George's house and has to save a former peasant, now a bandit, from the death penalty because he attacked George. Of course Maxime succeeds but it was a test. Of course, George can’t deny Maxime's skills but I believe it’s hearing the conversation between Maxime and Gédéon about Gédéon’s daughter that made him decide :
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Robespierre : Shouldn’t you start trying to be a good family man ? You should leave the Assembly to single people like me !
We see Robespierre again later in a rather amusing scene with Gédéon. Gédéon, drunk, says Saint-Just's erotic writings told the boy is a virgin and is amused. And who is the virgin in the same bar as Gédéon? Boom Maxime !
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Their following conversation will confirm that Louis XVI is the father of the kingdom.
Yeah, but when does George act ? Well, Gédéon sees Maxime again when the Estates General stagnate and there is a talk about creating a new assembly. Since Gideon is now part of the King's police force, Maxime asks him if he can meet the King discreetly to solve the problem. But without clearly knowing it, George is already starting to manipulate Maxime.
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Keep in mind the puppet representation. It will be important for the next step. Because it’s present when Maxime's words contradict a part of his thoughs and when this thoughs takes controls.
After Gédeon refuses to join Saint-Just, Maxime explains to him, if Gédéon continues to hang out with the royal family, there will be repercussions. And if Gédéon tries to find his lost daughter and make politics at the same time, he will lose both. Because for Maxime, children are burden to their parents. Maxime explains his childhood, his dead mother and his father who left. He is resentful of himself because he believes it was his behavior as a child that made his father disappear, that he was a burden to him. This is why he doesn’t want children.
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But underneath this justification, even if he pretends the opposite, he has hatred towards this father who abandoned him.
Gédéon : You have the right to hate your father.
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Robespierre : In this case, I have the right to kill him, right ?
On the day of the meeting with the king, on the way to the palace, Maxime admits to Gédéon that his father sends him letters. In this letters, his father talks about his new family. Of course he knows that this is probably a trap, but we feel that it’s a sensitive subject for him.
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Robespierre : Over my shoulder, I saw myself when I was ten years old.
Then comes one of my favorite scenes, a scene of tension between Louis XVI and Robespierre. Louis explains there are three locks on the table, if he thinks Maxime is lying, he will break one of them.
Robespierre : Since that time, I have always respected you as a father.
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Louis XVI : One...You were warned, lies don't work. Either you don't respect us, or you don't respect the concept of a father.
After two, Maxime admits being one of the instigators of the problems at the Estates General and to make it stop, Necker must be dismissed because he makes promises that the nobility will never accept. Louis accept to think about it.
And here comes the chapter where I most wanted seeing George to lose and die painfully because his plan is totally twisted. Maxime receives a letter from his father who tells him that Henriette might not have died if he had been there, implying that it is Maxime's fault that he left. Then Maxime sees in front of his house a woman abused by a man. He threatens to take him to court but the guy explains that Maxime has nothing to say about the correction of a husband to his wife, named is Henriette...Oh boy !
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The next day, Maxime proposes her to leave her husband, that he can help her by offering her a place in the convent of Arras. There, she would be safe. But she refuses because her husband will find her and she is unworthy of his help. Maxime feels unable to do anything. He remembers his dying sister. In the evening, another intermission, but this time Maxime decides to act. He intervenes until the girl confesses her father married her.
At this words, Maxime becomes mad and releases all the hatred he has accumulated towards his father. George's plan to make him forget any peaceful method succeeded
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Robespierre now lets his hate guide him. If Louis is the father of the kingdom and the father of his subjects, then he must pay too. He goes to see Necker, tells him to accept his resignation to become a martyr and harangues the assembly to join the people and take up arms. He explains the first attack will be at the Invalides, then the people need to take care of the Bastille afterwards, because it is a royal symbol.
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Camille : Maxime notice me !
Gédéon doesn’t agree with Robespierre, he thinks it’s necessary to think of a more peaceful method because it risks having deaths. He no longer recognizes his friend
Robespierre : I assure you Gédéon, I haven’t changed. Gentlemen ! Listen up ! We've been trying to find a resolution through dialogue for a long time! Alas, all our efforts have been in vain...a pure waste of time...and why !?
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Robespierre : You too, Gédéon, I bet you've seen abused children love their fathers so much that they fall apart. Gédéon: Yes...
We see him again only after the march of the women on Versailles. Gédéon tells him that George is the one who sent him the letters and played on his dislike for his father to kill the king. He wants to find the wise and peaceful Robespierre.
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Gédéon : And this other one love his father.
But Maxime does not believe him. His hatred is still too strong. When another lawyer asks Maxime to save a man, Maxime takes time to think, because the man looks like his father. It’s the words of Saint-Just that convince him to give up this man because he had previously seen the damage caused by the Duke of Loire on his sons George and Gédéon.
Robespierre : He’s a complete stranger, there is no doubt about it !! Saint-Just : Wouldn't it be better if he were really your father? If he were condemned to death, you would be delivered from him.
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Saint-Just : Destroying everything to build a new order, that's what I think revolution is !
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Finally, Maxime is released when the king died. Gédéon has found the death certificate of his father, confirming Maxime has sent an innocent man to death. Maxime seems to be happy on the day of the king's death but when he saw George and reconised him as the girl he tried to save, everything gets destroyed. He cries because after all he has done, he cannot go back.
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Saint-Just embraces Maxime who he’s crying : I will always remain at your side, until death separates us.
The last time we see him is when marie-Antoinette curses him and other revolutionaries at her execution;
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I reconize Saint-Just, Robespierre, Desmoulins, Marat ? (right middle), Danton, Hébert, Mme Roland, Augustin ? (bottom right)
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The Smiths
The biggest reason for young hybrids to aspire to attend Cassell College was to find their soulmate, the person who was like them, both in pedigree and in riches.  Before classes start, the men have checked out the ladies and the ladies have checked out the men. Identifying the highest ranked students in class narrowed down the candidates, with the highest ranking male students coming out of the 3E being the prized stallions with the lowest rankings hoping to find something in the scraps left behind.
The Smith sisters were no different. Not only with spotless pedigrees, they had hefty bank accounts. In their early twenties, they were already accomplished business women, each one running their own real estate business, but not in housing, but in farmland. Each one of these women owned hundreds of acres where they grew maize which they traded to great success on the commodities market. To them, some rich city boy would likely not understand the importance of their business, thinking farming was a humble dirty practice. But the women, especially Celeste, understood that women like them were the ones who filled their rich bellies at night. 
Now they had come out as Rank A and were fortunately seated next to the Rank S of the class on day one. Of course, they were going to plant their flags immediately next to him. But if the poor leftover stallions of Cassell College thought that they were going to hopefully go after two other sisters as scraps, they were sadly mistaken. There were no ‘scraps’ among the Smith Sisters.
“There! That’s the last of it!” Porsche slapped her hands together as she finished moving the last of three boxes that held Tigre’s meager belongings into his new room. He’d been living in the hospital for so long, but now his one bedroom was larger than even that. It was a spacious open plan with large windows and its own bathroom with a jacuzzi tub. Their dorm was located on the top floor of the newest dormitory building on campus. 
At the first floor was the lobby and recreation area that included its own indoor pool and sauna, huge exercise room with state of the art equipment and a small theater to watch movies. There were arcades full of video game cabinets, ping pong and pool tables, and air hockey machines. There was even a salon and massage parlor. The building sat on a biking and walking trail and was quite near the library.
Porsche sat next to him on the king-size bed and handed him his tablet. “This is the college class registration portal where you choose your classes for the year. You have advanced classes because of your rank where you get the best teachers on any subject so pick whatever you like. First, you have to decide on your major.” She looked up at him with big bright brown eyes.
Tigre felt his heart suddenly skip a beat looking into those eyes, their delicately curling lashes, the rise and fall of her cheekbones. Her skin was perfect, smooth, and even. A rich shade of mahogany. “Major?”
“The direction of your study. You can’t just study everything. You have to pick a specific subject to pursue. You can change it later, but… it will just take you that much longer to graduate.”
Her fingers were topped with French manicures as she swept down to the Majors list. “Pick one.”
There were majors in Theology, Engineering, Chemistry, Alchemy… Tigre sighed. He didn’t know what many of these meant. “Is there one that has to do with fighting?”
He just remembered his vision had a lot of depictions of war. That was what dragons were known for and that’s what he wanted to be, a warrior, like a dragon.
“Fighting? So… you want to major in Martial Arts?” Porsche pulled her face into different surprised expressions. “Alright then. These will be your classes.” She tapped her finger on the screen. 
“Taijiquan, Physical Education, Kendo, Tae Kwon Do, Brazilian Jujistu, Muy Tai…” She listed them off.
He didn’t know what any of these meant! “Yeah.” He said. “Sign me up for those.”
She laughed once. “You can’t take them all at once. They limit Phys Ed to four per year, so you can have energy for your core classes and not hurt yourself. So pick four.”
He had questions about each one but he figured it wouldn’t matter. He just picked the first four off the list. 
“Okay then you have Battlefield training level 1 that all Cassell students have to attend here…” She ticked that off. “And then there’s your core classes. Right here.”
“Core Classes?” He asked, shocked. This was really adding up!
She looked at him reproachfully. “You can’t just join Cassell and be a meathead. You’ll be taking Norse Mythology 101, Dragon Lineages 101, and Alchemy 101.” She made a few more taps of her fingers and suddenly his schedule was lined up neatly in blocks of time on a calendar. “You’re kind of spacy so we’ll need to set some reminders.” 
She now took the tablet completely out of his hands.
“It means you don’t keep track of things well.” She didn’t look up from the tablet. “You have to be reminded or you won’t do what you need to do or you’ll get overwhelmed and forget.” 
“That’s true…” He admitted softly. After all, Toyama had to remind him to brush his teeth. How was he going to keep up with all of this?
She rewarded him with a smile. “Wisdom is with the modest!”
“Porsche…? What’s your major?” He asked her in a meek tone.
“I’m going into Dragon Physiology.” She said easily.
“Fizzy… ology…?”
“I study Dragon bodies.” She hands him back the tablet. “Okay, we’ll be going once we all change.”
“Where are we going?” He looks down at the tablet but she’d set the lock screen back on.
“Shopping, you need clothes and,” She stood up and paused to look him up and down “...a lot more stuff for classes and going out et cetera. Plus, we’re having a party tonight to celebrate our win.”
“We are?” Tigre said, amazed. 
“Yep. We are.” Porsche sighed, wearily. “Ahhh… it’s so tiring, to be having to help you like this. So don’t make things difficult. We’re doing you a favor to help you out so you don’t get lost. Be sure to clean up after yourself and do what we ask alright?”
“Oh, of course! I really appreciate your help!” Tigre nodded earnestly.
She gave him an approving nod. “Good. I’ll be back in a bit.”
A grown man sharing a dorm with three rich single women would raise anyone’s eyebrows, but Tigre walked out of the building with them, not having much of a choice. The girls stepped into a sun that flashed off their ebony skin and crystalline handbags, in midriff baring blouses with low shoulders and jean shorts cut above their thighs. “You have a very hefty stipend but you’ve never touched money before so I’ll hold on to it for you.” Celeste says taking his Student ID card from him. “I’ll make sure you have everything you need.”
“Oh… okay. Thank you!” Tigre nodded.
Ruby glanced over and frowned. “It’s still his money…”
“He’s just going to waste it on something stupid because he doesn’t know what he needs.” Celeste shrugged. “You know how it is with people who get a lot of money after never having any. We, on the other hand, actually know what to do with it.”
A sleek dark blue Miata was parked in front of the building and they opened the door and got in.
“You do know about seatbelts right?” Porsche smiled as she got into the passenger side. 
Before Tigre could answer, he was startled when the whole roof of the car started folding back! Ruby giggled behind her hand. Tigre returned her smile.
“If there’s something you want just ask for it.” Ruby said.
The engine roared to life and the three of them took off, weaving through the shining spires of Chicago. The sweet tones of R&B music played on the radio and Tigre stared upwards up the skyscrapers. The three girls put on dark glasses against the sunlight, their hair blowing in the wind. 
They pulled up to a red light and idled. 
“Hey girls! Got any room for me?” A voice shouted from the corner of the street. A man in a basketball jersey whistled from a jeep.
The girls paid him no mind.
“Oh come on, don’t be that way!”
The three girls all looked at each other in unison and then the light turned green and the car sped off. 
“Does this happen a lot?” Tigre glanced behind him.
“All the time, honey. Get used to it.” Porsche lowered her glasses at him. “ You’re the luckiest guy in the world. Look at where you are. You’re in a car full of cute girls on a bright late summer day! What do you think is going to happen? Everyone wants to be you right now.”
“Don’t give him a big head.” Celeste rested her arm on the steering wheel. “I like him the way he is. Too many guys out there just think they’re entitled to our attention. We’re the ones who choose who we want. Has nothing to do with ‘luck’. We’re all the ‘luck’ he needs.” She looked into the rear view mirror. “You just sit back and relax and don’t mind the peanut gallery.”
They pulled into an upscale mall and walked in empty handed and walked out carrying three multicolored and multi sized bags on each arm. When they got back to the dorm, they started decorating with balloons and banners and bright lights. Bottles of alcohol were lined up on a minibar and glasses were arranged on the table.
These girls didn’t cook, they ordered food from the cafeteria to have it catered.
Ruby leaned over and turned up the heavy bass music and clapped her hands dancing in the middle of the living room. She grinned at Tigre  and invited him to dance with her. He had no idea what to do but she encouraged him to  ‘move to the beat’.
“By the way. Clubs. We’re joining Lionheart.” Celeste suddenly announced from the kitchen.
Tigre stopped mid-groove, hands awkwardly in the air. “We are?”
“Yeah, the people in Student Union are all uppity idiots that need to be taken down a peg. Senior Lu Mingfei is nice enough, but god, the people around him? Gag me. They’re entrenched in their stupid Euro-centric views and have no idea how the world works. But we have the other Rank S. And that’s gonna burn ‘em good.” Celeste crossed her arms. “That means we’ll be able to rise up the ranks pretty quick. It’s a sure win. There’s not enough people in Lionheart who can compete with us.”
She rolled her eyes at Tigre's stunned expression. “I’ll spell it out for you. You saw that fool, Robert. He walked right up to you as assumed you were going to want to lead Lionheart, all the while ignoring the triple threat sitting right in front of him. You’re not the one who is going to lead Lionheart. We are!”
Sure enough, a few hours later, the dorm was full of Lionheart members.
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teshkara · 5 years
Integration Guide 2: Electric Boogaloo! Now with a 100% more audio!
So I got the urge to replay Oblivion a little bit ago, and decided to also re-do my walkthrough videos since my old ones are very messed up. I'm going to try and be consistent with these descriptions, and include timestamps for specific parts (Starts of quests, solving the quest, etc.)
I will also try to go through a few other quest mods, or at least show a few quests in those mods.
Integration: http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=441
OR: http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=394
Oblivion Real Estate:
Starts at 07:10 Alternate start at 21:10
Solved at 13:10 Alternate Solution at 29:35
Vampire Hunting OotVB: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/30568
The Dangers of Traveling
Starts at 19:10 Conclusion later
Current mod list: (7/24/19)
00 Oblivion.esm
01 Windfall.esm
02 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.74]
03 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.5.10]
04 Mart's Monster Mod.esm [Version 3.8b1]
05 Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm [Version 0.9.9MB8b1]
06 DremoraCompanion.esm
07 Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 6.0.9]
08 Toaster Says Share v3.esm
09 CustomSpellIcons.esm
0A Knights - Revelation.esm
0B Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.5.6]
0C DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0D Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.9]
0E Better Cities .esp [Version 6.0.5]
0F C&C - The Blackwood Company.esp
10 OblivionReloaded.esp
11 Enhanced Hotkeys.esp [Version 2.3.1]
** EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp
12 SentientWeapon.esp [Version 3]
13 Cobl Glue.esp [Version 1.73]
14 Cobl Si.esp [Version 1.63]
15 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.5.10]
16 Mart's Monster Mod.esp [Version 3.8b1]
17 Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp [Version 0.9.9MB8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.8b1]
18 Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Imperial Armor.esp [Version 3.8b1]
19 Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp [Version 3.8b1]
1A Mart's Monster Mod - Zombies for Body Meshes.esp [Version 3.8b1]
1B Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions OOO.esp [Version 3.7b7]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Slof Horses Complete.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp [Version 3.8b1]
1C Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Creatures Expansion.esp [Version 3.8b1]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - RadiantAITweaks.esp
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Undead Rise Fix.esp
1D C&C - The Blackwood Company - OOO.esp
1E The Ayleid Steps.esp [Version 3.8.1]
1F Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood.esp
20 Windfall.esp
21 Knights.esp
22 Knights - Revelation.esp
** EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp
++ Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - Knights .esp [Version 0.9.9MB8b1]
23 DarkBrotherhoodChronicles.esp [Version 1.2.6]
24 Tales of Cyrodiil.esp
25 Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells.esp [Version 1.2.5]
26 EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp
27 Alternative Beginnings.esp [Version 1.4.6]
28 Muggervamp.esp [Version 3.9]
29 ConduitMagic.esp
2A RefScope.esp [Version 2.1.2]
2B AudaciousMagery.esp
2C RshAlchemy.esp
2D RshAlchemyRecipes.esp
2E kuerteeCrimeHasWitnesses.esp
2F TRN One of the Gang.esp
30 Enhanced Grabbing.esp [Version 0.5]
31 Duke Patricks - Combat Archery.esp [Version 7.3]
++ Duke Patricks - Combat Archery Patch.esp
32 Duke Patricks - Melee Combat NO RECOIL.esp [Version 5.9]
33 Oblivion XP.esp
34 actors_in_charge.esp
35 1em_Vilja.esp [Version 4.04]
36 DremoraCompanion.esp
37 bgBalancingEVCore.esp [Version 10.52EV-D]
38 Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp [Version 2.0]
39 OOOShiveringIsles.esp
3A OOOSI-EyeDisabler.esp
3B bgMagicEV.esp [Version 1.7EV]
++ bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp [Version 1.68EV]
++ bgMagicItemSigil.esp [Version 1.68EV]
++ bgMagicEVStartspells.esp [Version 1.68EV]
3C bgMagicBonus.esp [Version 1.7EV]
++ bgMagicEVAddEnVar.esp [Version 1.68EV]
3D bgMagicEVPaperChase.esp [Version 1.68EV]
3E bgMagicAlchemy.esp [Version 1.57]
3F bgMagicPotionNumberSoulGemValue.esp [Version 1.68UV]
++ bgBalancingEVOptionalClasses.esp [Version 9.0EV-U]
++ bgBalancingEVOptionalFCOMAdditions.esp [Version 10.]
40 bgBalancingEVLAMEAddition.esp [Version 10.51EV-D]
++ bgBalancingEVLAMEGlue.esp [Version 10.0EV-D1.62EV]
** bgBalancingEVOptionalNPCDiversityLAME.esp [Version 10.5EV-D]
41 bgIntegrationEV.esp [Version 1.0b]
++ bgIntegrationEV - Unique Clothes.esp [Version 1.0]
** Integration faces revamped.esp
++ RBP+OCO patch.esp
42 Better Cities Full.esp [Version 6.0.9]
43 Better Imperial City.esp [Version 6.0.9]
** bgMagicEVShader.esp [Version 1.7EV]
44 bgMagicLightningbolt.esp
45 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
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objecteiespai · 5 years
Massana Art and Design school students create innovative solutions in collaboration with people with serious day to day challenges. 
The world needs more people who can solve problems. Fixperts is a learning programme that unlocks people 's imagination and skills to get the world fixing problems, small and big. Veure més projects on the Youtube channel Fixperts (Fixperts Central) and free resources for universities and schools on www.fixing.education
Fixperts és un programa d'aprenentatge que desafia als joves a utilitzar la seva imaginació i habilitats per crear solucions enginyoses als problemes quotidians d'una persona real. En el procés, desenvolupen una sèrie d’habilitats transferibles valuoses, des del prototipat fins a la col·laboració.
FIXPERTS, és una plataforma que connecta lxs dissenyadorxs amb les persones per desenvolupar projectes que aportin solucions útils i directes, mostrant els valors creatius i socials del disseny.
Fixperts tracta de connectar a dissenyadorxs amb gent que necessita una mica d'ajuda en les seves vides per desenvolupar projectes junts que ofereixin solucions útils a problemes reals.
Un espai obert a creadors provinents de qualsevol disciplina, que ajuden a resoldre les petites dificultats que es poden trobar les persones en el seu dia a dia aplicant la metodologia del disseny.Aquesta iniciativa planteja solucions intel·ligents a problemes reals, que es concreten en objectes o sistemes funcionals amb un cost reduït. 
Els resultats són recollits en una peça documental que mostra el procés d’anàlisi i creatiu, l’experiència entre el dissenyador i l’usuari i la solució realitzada.Formar part d’aquest projecte implica:Explorar el nostre entorn més immediat.Aprendre a escoltar, comprendre i analitzar les necessitats dels altres.Crear un diàleg directe amb l’usuari final de l’objecte o solució.Desenvolupar una solució mitjançant un procés de disseny exhaustiu.Treballar en equip davant problemes reals.Desenvolupar un prototip final i totalment funcional.El fer és un tipus de pensament aplicat i un dels recursos més preuats de la humanitat. No obstant això, tot i que la majoria de gent té la capacitat de fer coses, la majoria no les fa. Aquest és un dels llegats més dramàtics de la revolució industrial.
 Fixperts és un projecte creatiu i social que promou l'habilitat d'arreglar com una manera de tornar a introduir en les nostres vides la capacitat de fer.
 Cofundat per James Carrigan i Daniel Charny, Fixperts tracta de connectar a dissenyadors amb gent que necessita una mica d'ajuda en les seves vides per desenvolupar projectes junts que ofereixin solucions útils a problemes reals. Marc Ligos i Diego Ramos han portat la idea de Fixperts a Barcelona,
Fixperts: Fixing is a way of Thinking
Fixperts” se dedica a solucionar los problemas del día a día. Es un proyecto social llevado a cabo junto con “fixpartners”, “fixperts” y “Fixfilmmakers”. “Fixpartners”: personas que quieren superar un reto. En este caso, la protagonista es Denise, que lleva pendientes desde que tenía 16 años. Debido a la EM no es capaz de ponerse los cierres de los pendientes sin la ayuda de alguien; la EM le ha afectado a la movilidad de sus manos, le provoca que las tenga dormidas y débiles. También le afecta a su visión. Denise es una persona segura de sí misma, una mujer independiente que vive de forma autónoma y usa pequeños utensilios para afrontar sus retos diarios, como puede ser el abrocharse los botones de la camisa. Pero si quiere ponerse pendientes, necesita ayuda. “Fixpert” en esta historia es Florie Salnot. Son diseñadores o realizadores que usan su imaginación, talento y habilidades para resolver un problema. Florie, que lleva unos bonitos pendientes de perlas, le pidió a Denise que le mostrara sus dificultades para ponerse los pendientes. Observa detenidamente cuando Denise le muestra que es capaz de ponerse los pendientes; pero Denise le explica que “poner el cierre, es una auténtica pesadilla” - See more at: http://perforaciondeoreja.es/los-pendientes-pueden.../...
en relació:
Els ‘makers’ i ‘fabbers’ es reivindiquen a Barcelona
La fabricació digital, el ‘do it yourself’ i el moviment ‘maker’ arrelen
Què és el disseny obert?
Un disseny que promou l’aplicació de principis sorgits a partir del moviment de programari lliure i de codi obert. Parteix de la idea que la creativitat i la societat en general es beneficien de les vies de comunicació obertes i de la transmissió lliure d’informació. Per això, el disseny obert busca compartir els processos de creació, distribució i fabricació d’objectes, idees o sistemes, perquè altres puguin usar-los per adaptar, re-formular, produir o distribuir aquests dissenys o contingut segons les seves necessitats.Per què creativitat compartida?La cultura del disseny obert està marcant molt ràpidament un canvi de paradigma en les indústries creatives i fa possible una economia col·laborativa d’un potencial enorme tant per a dissenyadors i creadors com per a usuaris i consumidors. És una àrea en plena efervescència que genera nous models de negoci, processos creatius innovadors i pràctiques de consum participatives.
Quin futur té la cultura del disseny obert?
Aquest nou paradigma comporta la promesa d’un impacte social positiu i sostenible, la creació de nous models d’intercanvi, la deslocalització i re-localització de la producció i la renovació dels processos de consum.D’aquests plantejaments alternatius sorgeixen, sobre la base de comunitats reals unides per la virtualitat de les xarxes socials, projectes amb llicències Creative Commons, processos de cocreació, productes de distribució global però de fabricació local i finançament col·lectiu i instàncies de consum col·laboratiu que rescaten del passat processos econòmics com l’intercanvi o el préstec.
El referent
Enzo Mari ja en els anys '70 introdueix el concepte de disseny obert.Compartia el seu codi i promovia que els usuaris s'impliquessin activament en el co-disseny i fabricació dels seus mobles. Mari va ser un pioner amb un missatge i una acció radical. El seu impacte ha estat lent però ferm. I en el camí la cultura digital ha vingut a ajudar a canviar les regles del joc. Avui compartir i crear col·lectivament és més ràpid, innovador i eficient que fer-ho en solitari i defensan-te dels teus "competidors". I en els últims anys s'ha gestat una nova consciència col·lectiva que ens fa entendre quina és la nostra responsabilitat comuna canviar el que no funciona de la nostra societat i fer realitat valors com la cooperació i l'ecologia, construint un procomú fort i inclusiu i sabent viure entre el local i el global.http://blog.mmodulus.com/el-diseno-abierto-un-sueno-que.../
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Disseny per viure. 99 projectes per al món real
Design for all
...Por lo que se refiere a la década de 1970, sus inicios se vieron sacudidos por el muy crítico libro de Victor Papanek Design for the Real World (1971), en el que aseguraba que el diseño se había convertido en «la herramienta más poderosa con la que el hombre da forma a sus utensilios y ambientes (y, por extensión, a la sociedad y a sí mismo).» Como ha señalado Penny Sparke, Design for the Real World fue en esencia una extensa crítica al estado ideológico del diseño en aquellos momentos y una llamada a que los diseñadores prestaran más atención a los problemas reales.Cinco años después de la primera edición de dicho libro, en 1976, el Royal College of Art junto con el ICSID  organizó el congreso «Design for Need», en el que se trataron diversos temas, entre otros, el diseño en los países del Tercer Mundo, las posibilidades de la tecnología, así como un amplio número de asuntos de carácter social ...
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...También en los años 1970, y con la intención de crear un diseño más inclusivo, Maria Benktzon y Sven–Eric Juhlin, crearon el Ergonomi Design Gruppen, para diseñar objetos funcionales y atractivos alejados de la falta de interés estético que, hasta entonces ...
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dsgiftshop · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Real Estate Sign Open House Rider 6x20" LowenSign.
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tallbluehair · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ✨Vtg ESTATE REAL Diamonds, Emerald & 14k Gold ring.
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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darklordazalin · 2 years
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Wilfred Godefroy
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Domain: Mordent Domain Formation: 579 BC Power Level:  💀💀 ⚫⚫⚫ Sources: Domains of Dread (2e), Realm of Terror Boxset (2e), I Strahd, The War Against Azalin (Novel) , Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol III (3e) Content Warning: Suicide, violence against women I’ve been to Lord Godefroy’s inconsequential Domain and did not find Mordent to be very memorable. Mordent is a coastal domain of thick, ancient forests, mist shrouded moors, unreliable maps, and uncared for roads. The state of disrepair in Mordent makes Barovia appear modern and civilized. Mordent is an old and haunted land; the perfect home for our ghostly Darklord, Lord Godefroy. The landscape itself is said to shift at the whims of the Mists, making any maps unreliable and travelers are forced to listen to nonsensical directions from the locals. Godefroy’s history is obscured and simple, much like Godefroy himself who’s personality is boiled down to the arrogant, conceited snob that dominates artrocrate society. He inherited the Gryphon Hill estate in Mordentshire and shortly after married Estelle Weathermay. The two had a child, Lilia. Godefroy, wanting a son did little to conceal his disappointment at obtaining a daughter. Little is known on what led to the events where he beat his own wife and daughter to death, but history indicates he was a violent man with a vile temper. Estelle and Lilia came back to haunt him. Each night they reminded him of his horrendous crime against them until he was driven into madness and sought escape by ending his own life. But he did not find the escape he sought and instead found himself brought back as a spirit still haunted by the ghosts of his wife and child. At this time, Mordent had not become an official Domain yet but Godefroy’s actions were noted by the Dark Powers, who just love sticking their nose in other people’s business…But I digress. It was, interestingly, the actions of a far powerful Darklord (myself, naturally) and his assistance (a vampire of no real consequence) who caused Mordent to become an official Demiplane. I had created a portal to Mordent, but when my assistant and I left, the Dark Powers clung to the “most powerful” thing left in the domain and went for Godefroy. In essence, he became a Darklord by default. As a Darklord, he can travel throughout his Domain, but tends to stick to the House of Gryphon Hill. The house is interesting, almost a sentient being with a mind of its own and an aura of evil that many can feel from miles away. Other than not being tied to one place and his immunity to “turn undead”, Godefroy is just like any other ghost except he’s still haunted by his wife and child. Every night they track him down and curse him for their murders. A ghost haunted by ghosts who became a Darklord by default and doesn’t even rule anything. How do I even rate this nonsense? The only interesting thing to come out of Mordent are the Weathermay-Foxgrove twins. van Richten’s latest guide changed some of Godefroy’s tale, which I will address next Thursday.
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beaconstreets · 3 years
Beacon Needs More Parks
It's a long way from Main Street to Memorial Park.
I confess I’ve had a dream for some time that we could have more green space along Main Street and the downtown of Beacon. That’s one of the reasons I joined the Main Street Access Committee (also known as the Main Street initiative) over a year ago.
It’s a well-known fact in urban planning that pedestrians do not find areas with front-facing parking lots attractive or welcoming. We should aspire to transition as many of these as possible to green spaces or buildings.
I am happy to hear that the redevelopment proposed for the corner of Cross Street and Main Street — which has the mural of Mother Hudson River beaming down on it — would retain the green space there, at least in part.
However, there are a number of parking lots directly on Main Street that could be — should be? — repurposed to provide green space. For the moment, I shelve all discussion of park amenities — plants, benches, tables, fountains, public toilets — which are critical, but not in scope today. Likewise, I make no real attempt to attack the cost considerations. Let’s lay out the dream first, and then set up the scaffolding to make it real, secondly.
I also avoid the necessary discussion about removing parking in order to gain the benefits of parks. Tabled for this post.
Beacon County Building (The DMV)
There is a verge between the enormous parking lot on the corner of South Elm and Main Street that serves as a tiny green space. But imagine if the Main St verge was enlarged, and the (really badly designed) entrance to the parking lot was closed off. We could have a really large green space at the corner of Elm.
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There have been many treatments of this concept in the past ten years, but nothing concrete has emerged.
Note that the land is owned by Dutchess County, at present, and the County might be strongly in favor of such a development, so long as parking spaces could be made up by redesigning the remainder of the lot, which should be possible: it’s not well-designed, to say the least.
Also note: this is the site of the Beacon Farm Market on Sundays, so the park would be a great adjunct to that.
Key Food Parking Lot
I believe that the tiny green space in front of Key Food has been largely a failure. Perhaps because it isn’t very green, just a stand of trees in bark mulch. Perhaps it could be redesigned to incorporate some of the sidewalk and more of the parking lot and be made actually green, with grass, plants, etc.
Cafe Amarcord Parking Lot
Another parking lot directly facing Main Street runs from Cafe Amarcord (276 Main Street) to the Edward Jones offices (284 Main Street). Imagine if the parking area immediately adjacent to Main was opened up as a park area. Amarcord could retain (and perhaps expand) its dining area as part of a deal with the City.
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I have included the area up to Church Street to point out that the lot there extends along that stand of trees all the way to Church, which is largely unused today.
Beacon Central Park
There is a potential hidden gem in plain sight in downtown Beacon. The area between North Cedar, Church Street, and North Chestnut, across from the Rite-Aid parking lot. This area is slightly less than half the block, and the siting is complex.
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Along North Cedar, the land is owned by Cervone Auto Repair. The property has been on the market several times in recent years; current status unknown. Along North Chestnut, the corner property is an undeveloped lot. Sandwiched in between there are a long narrow driveway and parking area for a residential building on Main Street. (A new L-shaped driveway could be configured to North Cedar, to retain access.)
This mix of properties could be pulled together into a medium-sized park, on a scale that is hard to imagine anywhere else in the area.
It would take considerable funding to pull this park into being, even considering eminent domain, but if either one of the two corner lots were to be turned into a new apartment building, the option for a park here could be lost forever.
I will return to green spaces in subsequent posts, especially on the East End of Beacon.
Kaya Laterman, in What Happens When Your Waiter Can’t Afford Rent, deep dives into the housing crisis in Ulster county arising from high demand due to the influx of people moving to the area and little to no new affordable housing being created:
Throughout Ulster County, community meetings are filled with locals calling for a fix. After months of debate, the Town of Woodstock this week approved a nine-month moratorium on the creation of new lodging, including short-term rentals, which pits a neighbor trying to earn extra money against others being priced out of the community.
“Housing is the No. 1 issue,” said Mr. Ryan, adding that he and other officials are trying to fast-track affordable housing programs. The Kingston City Land Bank has been fixing up long-vacant housing, there are plans to transform an empty county jail into units for seniors and others, and a tiny-home initiative is also underway. Zoning codes are being reviewed in many towns and villages, and Mr. Ryan said there was a push for quick authorization to build accessory dwelling units, like small cottages or basement apartments.
All of these issues are taking place in Beacon and other communities in the area. Strangely, Laterman does not mention the bill recently advanced in the NY legislature (now in the Judiciary Committee), that would legalize Accessory Dwelling Units across the state. I wrote about this in How To Keep Beacon Real Estate Affordable, the other day.
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liznitz · 3 years
3024 W Villard Street 3E, Bozeman, Montana 59718
This 3-bedroom 2 full bath condo is an excellent opportunity to enter the investment market in Bozeman, MT. This present property features a 1 car detached garage plus a 1 car reserved space. Also comprising this property is central heat and air conditioning. Turnkey with all appliances including Washer, Dryer, and window treatments. Freshly painted stairs and new faux wood flooring make this unit very attractive. from Liz Nitz - Bozeman Real Estate Agent https://movemetomontana.com/properties/10185-3024-W-Villard-Street-3E-Bozeman-Montana-59718/ via Liz Nitz - Bozeman Real Estate Agent
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geoffreyau · 4 years
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Posted @withregram • @royal_lepage Royal LePage: GTA home prices soar year-over-year in third quarter fueled by low interest rates and strong demand for detached properties. 🏡✨ Tap the link in our bio for the latest real estate data. 🇨🇦 Les prix des maisons dans la région du Grand Toronto montent en flèche au 3e trimestre, alimentés par les bas taux d'intérêt et la forte demande pour les maisons détachées. 🏡✨ Obtenez les plus récentes données immobilières en appuyant sur le lien dans note bio. 🇨🇦 (at Markham, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGatPRGjmph/?igshid=1sfimtkxpskz
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crocworldproperties · 4 years
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Great Offer | Perfect Location | Vacant | Call To View -𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐭 -𝐀𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐦 𝟑, 𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬, 𝐃𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐢 -𝐀𝐄𝐃 𝟏,𝟔𝟕𝟓,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 -𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝟐𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝐬𝐪𝐟𝐭
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personalrecoverykit · 4 years
Real Estate Software For Flipping Houses – Design Software For House Flipping
Best Accounting Software For Flipping Houses
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considering that I’ve already got some of the very best house flipping apps on my cell and tablet, it’s an unusual celebration that I consult my old desktop for anything anyhow. If you discover yourself feeling envy at checking out that statement, not to stress. I’m going to quickly review the very best apps offered and inform you which one I choose to use and why.
Thankfully, mobile technology has come a long way and the variety of helpful real estate investing apps has actually proliferated in the in 2015 or 2 as well. how to start flipping houses. In truth, the majority of applications have ended up being so easy to use that even the most tech-phobic among us download apps for whatever from calling a cab to tape-recording our workouts.
Speed and accuracy matter, too. It also assists to not have to patch together numerous apps and software applicationsall of which may not work so well togetherand, rather have an extensive tool that can handle the complete day’s workload. And, with today’s innovation, services for this are becoming more readily offered.
Homesnap is a home search portal that enables you to discover real estate listings in genuine time, much like the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) does for licensed real estate representatives. Since you can develop a range of filters with the app, you can specifically search for fixer-uppers that may produce a great flip.
Through Waze, the app then alerts you to what’s for sale in the area, providing all pertinent MLS information in an immediate. There’s also an in-app messaging choice that assists you keep conversations with your group about a subject home arranged in one placea function that is especially handy if you’re taken part in multiple chats concerning several various potential investment properties.
The app likewise suspiciously appears like a cover for connecting you with an agent. If you require one, you may find this handy. If you do not, this sly marketing method will be more of a trouble. My most significant gripe has to do with search and filter functionslike most others’ problems – how to buy a house to flip. They are still rather clunky and unreliable.
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how to start flipping houses
At this time, the quality of the app’s residential or commercial property evaluations are questionable, too. house flipping spreadsheet software. However, even if the functionality of the app improves with time, as a lot of do, it’s still not going to provide you with access to the very best deals. For the most affordable priced homes with the greatest rate of possible returns, you’ll need a method to discover off-market residential or commercial properties.
Property Fixer is created to assist you rapidly evaluate real estate offers so that you can determine just how much to invest on the purchase of a property, if anything at all. The app approximates construction and repair expenses pulled from numbers compiled in its database and jobs your possible returns based upon these, your purchase price, and how long you expect to have your house in your belongings.
How To Buy And Flip Houses
So, all-in-all, what it provides for you for free is not a bad deal. However, to unlock other, critical functions, like the capability to itemize your closing costs, you will have to pay for the pro version and, sadly, that still won’t suffice to assist you correctly compute all of your costs.
And, if you stand to inherit expenses like unpaid home taxes, those won’t be consisted of, either. Sometimes, expenses like these can make or break a dealor, a minimum of, they should – how to flip a house for profit. Also, though the app allows you to include the cost of a typical 30-year home loan, that include does not do much to assist you if you’re purchasing, rehabbing, and reselling homes in 12 months or less.
So, though the app declares it helps to keep you from ever needing to run back to the office to crunch the numbers, as a backup plan you simply might need to. Residential or commercial property Critic is another home turning app that is developed to help you identify whether you must buy an investment home.
And, it does all of this fairly fast with any info you have actually gathered and participated in the fields offered. Purchase the pro variation and there is no limit on the variety of expenses you can include or properties you can evaluate – house flipping budget software. This is particularly useful when you think about that how much money you can make flipping houses depends as much on the quantity of your leads as it does the quality.
It doesn’t use data on local product and labor costs, for instance. And, because these expenses can shift drastically depending on whether you purchase financial investment property in Florida or New Jersey, having the ideal numbers is the only way to guarantee you do not compute the incorrect ROI. Obviously, you can compensate for this by entering the data yourselfwhich, it appears you require to do with this app, anyhow.
Given that it also does not assist in any method with simplifying other critical elements of your service, like finding distressed house owner leads or hard cash loans, you’ll require to use other programs to select up the slackand, hope they deal with this app. ValueChek, HomeVestors’ proprietary assessment tool, not only help in assessing your rehabilitation expenses and approximating your ROI, it does so by calculating local product and labor costs on more than 80 repair work (how to flip houses with no money down).
There is no requirement to produce and import your own rate sheet, input extra cost fields, or perhaps get in just recently sold comps in the location. ValueChek has options available that can do all of it so that you can concentrate on closing the dealand, at the right cost. In my opinion, that alone makes it among the finest apps available genuine estate investors – free software for flipping houses.
It also incorporates with and complements UGVilleSM, another software platform custom-built for separately owned and operated HomeVestors franchisees. This plug-and-play program helps you track the distressed property owner leads that enter the sales funnel from the nationally -acknowledged “We Buy Ugly Houses” advertisement campaign and remain on top of every step to conversion. Slideshare utilizes cookies to enhance performance and efficiency, and to provide you with appropriate marketing. If you continue browsing the site, you concur to making use of cookies on this website. See our User Contract and Personal privacy Policy. Slideshare utilizes cookies to improve performance and performance, and to offer you with appropriate marketing.
Design Software For House Flipping Under 100
When turning houses, it’s crucial to calculate how much cash you’ll require to acquire a home, create your rehabilitation spending plan and figure out your take-home revenue and ROI. how to flip houses without money. how much to flip a house. makes it simple to evaluate fix and flip offers, look up recent sales comps, quote ARV’s and determine net revenue with our home flipping calculator.
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FlipPilot is the very first real estate financier platform to enable you to sign up and instantly start using it to track your leads and deals. Our primary focus has actually been producing an user-friendly system that you love using. If you get stuck, we have training and phone assistance. Just give us a call! – how to flip houses without money.
/ i.pinimg.com/236x/b8/78/52/b878521742c1adb3dca58d469e253488–flipping-homes-home-flipping-ideas.jpg” width=” 258px” alt=” house flipping estimating software” design=” float: left; margin-right: 10px” > Possibly you do not have actually an added cent in cash money to save now. Yet, there can be a choice of moneying options. While it is needed to be sensible when utilizing financial utilize and also financial responsibility financing, you must be fine if you do your numbers well in addition to acknowledge your market.
Research, research study, research study. Identify the purpose of your plan. house flipping budget software. Create a company profile. Document all aspects of your business. Have a tactical marketing strategy in place. 6. Make it versatile based on your audience. Describe why you care. Another Excel-based home monetary investment software program, CREmodel helps investors rapidly evaluate multifamily houses and likewise home structures, retail location, work environment, commercial properties, or mixed-use home costs tasks.
You go into the address or snap a photo of a home with your phone, and DealMachine right away supplies details on today owner, when they got the home, for how much, and likewise what their approximate equity in the home is. With that claimed, here are the leading 7 residential or commercial property monetary investment software application options we found on the market (flip this house design software).
In the world of real estate investing, an all-cash deal is always preferred over an offer from somebody with funding contingencies. Your software application ought to have the ability to develop underwritable records based upon the substantial examination that you did to protect your really own reasoning, along with consist of that data as part of a specialist deal pitch, whether to lending institutions for financing, or to other investors for resale.
A complete, well-written company plan can be an essential tool in helping you fulfill your house turning objectives. Time invested in preparation at the start of the treatment will conserve you immeasurable time, cash and stress throughout the procedure. WJoLRaYhz38 You can constantly find equity companions if you do not such as loaning or financial obligation.
How To Flip Houses For A Living
And also think what took place … Yes … it was a catastrophe … it was the most expensive lesson I obtained along with yes … it was not Cost-free! What is the very best home financial investment software application for departure method analysis? Via DHM, Ryan is able to make investing available by offering training, gadgets, and likewise funding for new capitalists.
syndicated from Real Estate Software For Flipping Houses – Design Software For House Flipping via David Rawlins
syndicated from Real Estate Software For Flipping Houses – Design Software For House Flipping via Personal Recovery Kit
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