3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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outletcrash · 3 months
chemists drive me irrationally crazy bc its so easy to work with electrons but QUARKS??? you can fuck around with how electrons bond by just wiggling it too hard. we have to throw OUR little fuckers like a bazillion mph into millions of OTHER little fuckers for them to do anything!. it would simply cost so much money to make my pentaquarks Maurice and double-up-double-down-anti-charm-Dave at home. i cant just buy a "splitting the atom kit" from walmart.
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vounoura · 7 days
anyways vounoura as an idea and tradition is deeply interesting in the manner of how it utterly disrupts typical dunmer funerary practices and in that function completely others the Tong from the rest of society
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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A Gathering Darkness (1998) kicks of the mind flayer Monstrous Arcana trilogy, which involves the delightfully pulpy scheme by the illithids to extinguish the sun in order to take over the surface world. That’s where we’re going, though — the substance of this adventure is on a much smaller scale, focusing on rooting out a cell of mind flayers who secretly control a city.
Blessedly, while the adventure is still event-y, it is not an event-crawl like so many other ‘90s modules. Rather, it presents four separate investigations (each tied to a specific locale — tower, sewers, a warehouse and the city guardhouse. Completing these (in any order and with a variety of potential solutions) leas the players to the illithid caverns and the final confrontation with Shuluth, the mind flayer leader. Shuluth is an interesting cat, in that he has a larger legacy despite dying here — he was resurrected as an example of a legendary villain in 3E and immortalized with a pretty cool miniature that involves a sort of mechanical eye patch.
Which reminds me: it is worth noting that this interpretation of mind flayers is extremely science fictiony. They have goggles and wet suits that they can use to withstand the sun on the surface and some, like Shuluth, employ psionic-powered exoskeletons to make themselves tougher (despite their ability to eat brains, most flayers are pretty squishy if you get the drop on them). This might not align with more mystical or Lovecraftian preconceptions of the monsters, so YMMV. I like it though.
Oh, and, that monster on the cover isn’t in the adventure at all, unless I missed it somehow.
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theinstagrahame · 2 months
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Another month and a bit, got some more great games coming through! It's time for the indie/small press RPG mail call round-up!
Die - Bizarre Love Triangles: I generally love Rowan, Rook and Deckard's work, and really enjoyed the roughly half that I read of The Wicked and the Divine by Kieron Gillen. So, the original book was a match made in heaven for me. The promise of a Collectible Card Game adventure for it? Done. Sold. I'm there, and sign me up.
Inevitable: I think a lot of people had similar reactions when they pulled Inevitable out of its box: Whoa, this is big. The last few books have been closer in size to the middle row of books, but there's apparently too much ruined Western Arthuriana for one book to contain. Played this on a stream, it's good.
Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast: I honestly can't wait to dig into Yazeba's, because it seems like the kind of game we need more of. It's that Found Family experience, the whole character-based gameplay that people love, but also designed to really keep things fresh even on repeat playthroughs. I'm really curious to finally dig in.
Wickedness: This was offered as an Add-on to the Yazeba's Backerkit, and I was intrigued by the pitch: You and two other players form a coven, and you do queer witch stuff. It's a beautifully made book, and I've got a lot of friends who I think would dig it.
Songbirds 3e: I picked up an earlier edition of Songbirds in an Itch Charity Bundle, and was really intrigued by the game. Snow does amazing things with layout and vibes, and is a really excellent game designer. I really wanted that edition in hard copy, but never found it, so a third edition was an instant get.
Kids on Bikes 2e: I know KoB mostly through the Brits on Bikes podcast, and I really enjoyed the system. I love systems that make use of all the dice in interesting and fun ways, and I really couldn't wait to see what a new edition would look like.
Apocalypse Keys - Doomsday Delights: I've recently been reading the Hellboy comics, and thoroughly enjoying them. I also already have Apocalypse Keys, which does an incredible job of making the comic even more queer, so completing the set with the fun stretch goal books was kind of an obvious call.
The Wolf King's Son: Vincent and Meguey Baker make amazing games, including the engine that runs so many of the games I like. I've been following their recent series of zines, and this popped up in that feed. I haven't checked out Under Hollow Hills, but even based on what I've seen from this, it's a must-have.
Pitcrawler: Wizards are the 1%, and we Pitcrawlers, disposable adventurers, are here to rob from the rich. It ticks all my boxes, and it looks good doing it. The campaign also hit while I was about halfway through my Magnus Archives listen, so it was an instant back for me.
Outliers: Everything Sam Leigh makes slaps, so yeah. Weird corporate science horror? Solo adventures? Hell, even the Far Horizons Co-op association really got me.
Here we Used to Fly: Picked this up also because of @partyofonepod, who played a really beautiful and bittersweet episode with the creator. I have always been a little too anxious as an adult to consider breaking into an old theme park, but I definitely have my share of fun memories of them as a kid. I'm also starting to envision other games this would pair really well as an epilogue to, should I ever get back into the AP scene.
Another game has arrived in the mail since I started this, but that's gonna be next month's first game, I guess!
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darklordazalin · 11 months
Azalin Reviews Darklord Adam
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Domain: Lamordia Formation: 575 BC (the actual date various in different sources, but I was there to witness its formation, so take this date to be the most accurate) Power Level: 💀💀💀⚫⚫ Sources: Ravenloft Gazetteer Vol 2 (3e); Domains of Dread (2e); I, Strahd the War Against Azalin (Novel).
Based on rumors, Lamordia went through significant changes in its latest rendition, but this week I shall review it as it once was and tell the tale of Darklord Adam and the constant harsh weather that plagues “his” domain. The settlements of this land are constantly assaulted by deadly blizzards and frigid air coming from the Sea of Sorrows in the winter and infestation of insects and insufferable heat in the summer. I do not recommend visiting, especially given how adverse the entire populace is to magic. I am positive my late father would thoroughly enjoy it, however.
Everything about Lamordia is based upon structure and scientific reasoning set within a utilitarian society. The people have a scientific explanation for everything despite the obvious supernatural phenomena that occurs all around them. They are adverse to any type of magic - whether it be the far more superior arcane arts or the divine. This disbelief is so tightly held that the land itself is known to suppress those that attempt any form of casting. Though, I have it on first hand accounts that this effect does not always occur.
It is highly dangerous for those who deny the existence in the arcane to essentially practice it. I’m surprised Lamorida hasn’t imploded in on itself yet, for Dr. Victor Mordenheim’s science clearly surpasses the realm of the supernatural. Given the nature of the domain, you would think Mordenheim would be its Darklord, but he is not. His creation, a flesh golem of rare independence, is the true Darklord of Lamordia.
Let’s dive in a bit to the tale of these two idiots. When Mordenheim and his wife, Elise, were unable to conceive a child, he devoted himself to the study of life and death; above all, other ways in which life could be created. I can...understand that inclination. It is important one has an heir to carry out one's legacy and rule. Of course, he went about it like a blind fool with no sense of the magics he was tapping into for he denied their very existence.
Adam was the result of 13 years of labor which he spent away from Elise. Moredenheim created Adam to appear as a perfect physical specimen. And upon first blush, I suppose one could say that is true. He is muscular yet lean with long black hair and I am told that sort of thing is appealing to some. However, close up he is a mockery of beauty like a horrible painting gifted to a King by a so-called artist.
Made up of pulsating arteries and tendons seen just beneath the thin bits of grey flesh, Adam is disgusted by his own appearance. Interestingly, when my little scholar interviewed Adam he told her that Mordenheim made him but another source provided him with his “soul”. So, it seems that Mordenheim’s science only brought him so far and it was likely the powers he denied that truly brought life into Adam.
Elise was unsettled by Adam’s appearance and despite her discomfort her husband decided to adopt a girl to act as a playmate for Adam. That seems like a very bad parenting decision and coming from me...well, that says something, doesn’t it?
Adam became obsessed with Elise and wanted nothing more than her acceptance and approval. Accounts of what transpired on the night Lamordia appeared on the border of Barovia differs between Adam and his maker. They both blame the other, but in the end whether Adam was a murderous villain or a victim attempting to gain acceptance, his adopted sister fell to her death after an encounter with him and Elise was mutilated.
Death would have been kinder for Elise, but Mordenheim keeps her alive through “scientific” means. Her heart beats through the working of machinery alone and he constantly switches her limbs and skin out in attempts to receive her, but only accomplishes keeping her in constant pain. If the foolish man believed in Divine or even the Arcane and not dismissed those practitioners of both, he could have healed her condition. I myself have been known to use such magics to prolong my own life when I was a mortal man.
Mordenheim’s monstrous creations roam Lamordia, but despite the obvious arcane nature of these creations, the people and the Doctor himself still dismiss the arcane. They will not accept it, just as they will not accept Adam. And this is the curse the Dark Powers bestowed upon Adam, to never find the acceptance he so hopelessly craves. To live alone on an island, over-dramatically named “The Isle of Agony” as he plots against his creator. When my little scholar interviewed Adam he said that Lamordia was Mordenheim’s even though it shouldn’t be and that they were “all his children”.
Adam is tied to Mordenheim and devotes his existence to making the Doctor’s life as miserable as possible, like the overgrown rebellious teenager that he is. Though, this is quite easy seeing as the Dark Powers bond the two together so that Adam experiences Mordenheim’s physical pain and the doctor experiences his creation’s angsty teenage ways.
As flesh golems go, Adam is one of a kind with many immunities to mundane weapons and certain magical energies. Still, without any arcane mastery of his own, a skilled wizard could make quick work of him. Though his curse is interesting, it makes his tie and rule over his own realm obsolete. As such, I will give Adam 3 skulls for this review and Mordenheim does not even get a skull. I despise those that practice the art without respecting it and those who do so without realizing it? Utter fools.
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e642 · 9 months
En 2023 j'ai...
j'ai rencontré une personne, qui au début, n'avait pas vocation à devenir quelqu'un pour moi
j'ai appris à revivre à deux, à faire des concessions, à m'intéresser à l'autre, à ses journées, à aller plus loin que juste ken, me rhabiller et partir
j'ai obtenu une licence en sciences de la vie option maths et physiques appliquées après trois années de galère, de doute et de dégout pour les études, sans mention évidemment
je me suis baignée tous les mois, sans exception, sauf celui de décembre et je le regrette
j'ai arrêté de me mettre caisses sur caisses, en fait, j'ai même arrêté de boire tout court
j'ai pas repris la fumette mais j'ai fait un super space cake, et je me suis toujours dit que ça ne comptait pas comme une reprise si je n'avait fait que manger, elle est loin l'époque des 6 joints par jour
je ne me suis pas coupée, c'est la première année depuis la 5e je crois, soit 10 piges que ça durait presque, j'en pense rien, je souffre toujours de ce manque, et je crois que je ne serais jamais guérie de cette addiction
j'ai eu le code, puis j'ai appris à conduire, plus ou moins bien et sans savoir me garer mais je finirai bien par le passer
j'ai eu une pyélonéphrite qui m'a mise à terre, j'ai cru que mon rein allait éclater mais j'ai eu de la morphine à la fac, quel flex
je n'ai eu aucun master, je n'ai même pas été sur liste d'attente d'une seule fac malgré toutes mes demandes
j'ai dû trouver un plan b, déménager de mon havre de paix et partir dans une grande ville pour prendre en route d'autres études qui me font tout autant galérer mais juste différemment
j'ai assisté au 3e cancer du sein de ma mère, je suis allée la voir à l'hôpital, j'ai essayé de l'aider comme je pouvais en sachant que je en comprendrai pas son mal être
je suis partie une semaine en vacances avec mon mec dans les Cévennes et ça ma fait un bien fou, j'aurais voulu y vivre
je me suis faite tromper et ça m'a beaucoup impactée, ça ne m'a pas fait me questionner sur ma valeur, en revanche, ça m'a fait me questionner sur la valeur des relations et des interactions sociales
j'ai jamais aussi bien fait l'amour et aussi été épanouie sexuellement, une vraie révélation cette année pour ça
j'ai expérimenté une autre sorte de solitude et de fragilité, toutes deux parfaitement meurtrières
j'ai fait très peu d'effort pour maintenir les liens avec les personnes qui sont dans ma vie, à tel point, que je ne crois pas avoir réellement d'amis, juste des gens avec qui je m'entends plus ou moins bien
j'ai fini mon deuil amoureux à tel point que j'ai eu du mal à accepter que je pouvais vraiment penser à personne, que personne ne pouvait me manquer, que je ne regrettais plus rien, que je n'y pensais plus, que j'étais en paix, que c'est comme si ça n'avait jamais existé
j'ai lâché la course et le yoga et ça m'a rendue triste
j'ai vu plus de 100 films, l'écrasante majorité, accompagnée par lui
j'ai régressé, je me suis détestée, j'ai culpabilisé, j'ai pleuré, j'ai mal dormi, j'ai eu du mal, j'ai tremblé, j'ai perdu pied
j'ai pas vomi, une année de plus, yeees
je me suis rendue compte, cette année plus que les autres, qu'il faudrait commencer à sérieusement se bouger le cul si je veux éviter de me bouffer une voiture dans 2 ans
j'ai skié et j'ai détesté ça mais j'ai vu la neige tomber et ça m'a apaisée
je n'ai pas vu de psy
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twstgameplay · 1 year
Any club order predictions? :)
Personally, my prediction is that the cards are released in this order, with top bullet point being the most prioritized:
Culture Club -> Sports Club -> Culture Club
Section of the character (e.g. A section characters go first)
Year level of the character
You can see this in the order of the current cards that came out:
Kalim Al-Asim [2A]
Cater Diamond [3B]
Lilia Vanrouge [3E]
Ace Trappola [1A]
Jamil Viper [2C]
Floyd Leech [2D]
Rook Hunt [3A]
Trey Clover [3E]
So the clubs go Pop Music (culture) -> Basketball (sports) -> Science (culture), probably because there are 6 culture clubs and 4 sports club. So that means the next club will most likely be a sports club.
Kalim is 2A and part of a culture club. Therefore, Pop Music went first.
It's all the more seen that section takes priority with Basketball club because Floyd could have gone before Jamil by virtue of surname (Leech comes before Viper in alphabetical order). But Jamil went first because 2C while Floyd is 2D.
Year level is of lower priority than the kind of club itself and section of character because if it was the highest priority, Ace would have gone first (since he is 1A, versus Kalim being 2A), and Basketball club would have been the first club, therefore making it Sports -> Culture -> Sports. Still, year level is also a factor because Rook, being 3A, did not go before Kalim.
With that in mind, this is the prediction order that I have:
Deuce Spade [1A]
Jack Howl [1B]
Idia Shroud [3B]
Azul Ashengrotto [2C]
Silver [2A]
Sebek Zigvolt [1E]
Riddle Rosehearts [2E]
Ortho Shroud [1C]
Vil Schoenheit [3C]
Leona Kingscholar [3A]
Epel Felmier [1B]
Ruggie Bucchi [2B]
Malleus Draconia [3D]
Jade Leech [2E]
~ 🐙
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sistersorrow · 9 months
Due to nearly daily power outages and dropping out of college, I've had a lot more free time this year, so I decided I'd read more this year, and here's a list of the things I read either partly or to completion (I'm including ttrpg sourcebooks, comics, and fanfics cause I feel like it)
Jerusalem by Alan Moore
The Fifth Science by Exurb1a
Horus Rising by Dan Abnett
False Gods by Graham McNeill
Galaxy in Flames by Ben Counter
Flight of the Eisenstein by James Swallow
Descent of Angels by Mitchel Scanlon
The Men Who Stare at Goats by Jon Ronson
The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson
Lost at Sea by Jon Ronson
The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C Yee
The Shadow of Kyoshi by F.C Yee
The Dawn of Yangchen by F.C Yee
The Legacy of Yangchn by F.C Yee
A Study in Emerald by Neil Gaiman
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
Dreadnought by April Daniels
Sovereign by April Daniels
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean
The Corpus Hermeticum
RWBY: Scars by Doneesses
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien
The Prague Cemetery by Eco Umber
Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh
The Bible Repairman by Tim Powers
Soonish: Ten Emerging Technologies That'll Improve and/or Ruin Everything by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
The Gods of Pegana by Lord Dunsany
Time and the Gods by Lord Dunsany
Welcome to the NHK by Tasuhiko Takimoto
What If? by Randall Munroe
TTRPGs I read books for:
Eclipse Phase
Exalted (2e and 3e)
Nobilis (2e and 3e)
Unknown Armies (1e, 2e, and 3e)
World of Darkness (Old and Chronicles)
Continuum, Roleplaying in the Yet
Broken Worlds
Comics and Manga I read this year:
A Study Emerald by Rafael Scavone, Rafael Albuquerque, and Dave Stewart
Alters by Paul Jenkins and Leila Leiz
All the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra comics
Black Hole by Charles Burns
Giant Days by John Allison, Lissa Treiman, Max Sarin, and Julia Madrigal
The Unbelievable Gwenpool by Christopher Hastings, Gurihiru, Danilo Beyruth, Iren Strychalski, Myisha Haynes, and Alti Firmansyah
Gwenpool Strikes Back by Leah Williams and David Baldeon
I Hate Fairyland by Skottie Young
Irredeemable by Mark Waid, Peter Krause, Diego Barreto, and Eduardo Barreto
Jem and the Holograms by Kelly Thompson, Sophie Campbell, Emma Vieceli, and Corin Howell
Judas by Jeff Loveness and Jakub Rebelka
Kill 6 Billion Demons by Tom Bloom
Monstress by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda
Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
The Woods by James Tynion V and Michael Dialynas
The Wicked + The Divine by Kieron Gillen and Jaime McKelvie
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Craped Crusader by Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert
Cheer Up! Love and Pompoms by Crystal Fraiser and Val Wise
Okko by Hub
Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Goodbye, Eri by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Inside Mari Shuzo Oshimi
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drawingmayf1ower · 10 months
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I color matched soo yeah :p
Details: Cecil Mae
Dorm: Pomefiore (But he transferred out of Ignihyde. I got the idea because she’s like, the front desk girl??) Class: 3E
Age: 17 (junior)
Height: 180 cm (5,9)
Hand: Left
From: Shaftlands
Club: Science Club
Favorite Subject: Protection
Likes: Giving people advice/his snakes
Dislikes: People who don't listen
Favorite food: Chinese Food
Disliked food: Green Beans
Specialty: Answering unsolved puzzles/debates
Bonus Drawing😍
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He’s got snakes🐍
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Freaks & Facades: Session One - Vignettes Part One
Welcome all to the first full recap of Freaks & Facades, a D&D 3e/3.5 campaign that has drawn strangers from across the Planes for reasons tenebrous and strange.  
We will be splitting this story into several smaller posts to keep you, our lucky reader, from being overwhelmed at the start.  This is a recap of the first session, a series of Horror Vignettes that introduced our amazing cast of characters and drew them together.  
These are the individual horror stories of how Pryrrish, Schrödinger and Fenri were drawn into Ravenloft by the Mists!
Warning: this is a horror campaign setting, so bear that in mind before reading.  Possible triggers for these first vignettes: claustrophobia, fire, falling...
We hope you enjoy!  *starts projector* - Aboleth Eye
Pryrrish Norfaer
Pryrrish wanders the Mournland, the magical wasteland of what was once Cyre.  She is guided on her quest by the Tome she carries, a massive book of dark symbols only she can read.  She is searching for a long-lost subterranean prison beneath the dead city of Making.  Supposedly it was where the rulers of Cyre imprisoned and studied outsiders, and the Tome draws her towards the lost prison.
She finds the prison entrance and enters the misty darkness.  But Pryrrish finds nothing but dungeon-cleaning oozes and empty cells...  Until she spots a cloaked figure down a hallway.  It runs from her down into the dark depths of the prison, and Pryrrish follows!  
It leads her down a spiraling stairway, deep into the earth.  The elf swallows her fear of tight spaces and runs down.  Down, down, down.  Into darkness and rising Mists...  Always the figure ahead is just around the corner...  How deep has she gone?
Pryrrish turns around, struggling to find her step as the Mists swallow her augmented vision.  She hears footsteps from above and watches a shadowy afterimage pass her by; a translucent silhouette of herself.  
She begins to panic, the stairwell never ends!  The mists are impossible to see through.  She couldn’t read the Tome at her side even if she wanted to, she has nothing to guide her except her instincts. But everything is murky and opaque!  And then she finds the curved wall, her only support on this endless stair, has also become unsure.  Pryrrish could pass through it towards... What?
Pryrrish, surrounded on all sides by the Mists, decides to risk this new unknown path rather than be trapped forever on a downward spiral.  She pushes through, defying the physical limits she knows should be present, and walks on a sideways path.  Still unsure and shrouded in Mist, but her own decision.
This new path is murky as the spiral, but now Pryrrish knows she’s not alone.  Sounds of scraping reptilian claws.  Flapping knife-edged feathers.  Snarling maws that drool at the sight of her exhausted flesh.  She hears so much around her in the endless bank of Mist, finding the strength to run forward.  But the sounds keep pace.  She runs and runs, dagger in hand, clutching her Tome!  There’s suddenly a doorway, of purest light that defies the Mists and Elemental Dark surrounding her!  
She rushes inside!  The doorway slams behind her...
Ludwig Hössler Schrödinger
Young lord Schrödinger needs to leave Ludendorf tonight!  His endeavor to share his experiments with the so-called Syndicate of Enlightened Minds has put all he’s worked for, and all the support his parents put into his studies, at risk.  His first time in Lamordia’s biggest city, strolling in with luggage for a prolonged stay, is now ending with him jamming everything vital in a single valise.  He hears the mob coming down the street to his hotel, the fools and deniers of true science with their pitchforks and torches!
Betraying his height and build, Schrödinger miraculously leaps from his hotel window to the rooftops across the street.  But unfortunately, such a sight has easily caught the mob’s attention.  They fire upon him as he dashes away on the roofs of Ludendorf.  He poorly slides down a drainpipe to an alley entryway, rushing into the misted corridors.  If he can reach the next street over he can lose the mob and leave the city!  He must return to Schwartzsteinburg, his home, and to the open arms of his beloved parents.  They understand him, they will protect him as they always have...
But the alleys of Ludendorf confuse the nobleman scientist.  The Mist spills out from every corridor and sewer grate, making it impossible to navigate.  And yet the mob appears to know every turn and twist he takes!  The sounds of their shouts echo through the abandoned alleyways!  The lights of the torches grow brighter and brighter!  Is he fleeing or being herded?  
Schrödinger finds himself finally at a dead end.  No way to jump to the rooftops from here, no doors to break down.  The mob grows louder, closer, more eager to tear him and his life’s work to shreds!  He looks around, begging fortune to smile upon him...  Only an open sewer grate, Mist spilling out like a wellspring, is before him.  Does he dare degrade himself further to trekking through the sewers?  Already humiliated and despised by those who dare to cull the unique and new?
Wounding his pride, Schrödinger leaps into the sewer...
He falls a long time.  Far, far, far too long.  All is darkness and icy fog slashing past him as he falls deeper and deeper into the Misty nothingness.  This defies logic greater than anything.  Will he fall forever, slowly eroded by the Misty winds that make his bones shudder?
No.  Suddenly Schrödinger knows the ground is fast approaching.  He cannot see it, but he knows he will be crushed by the impact.  Him and all he’s pursued, his life’s work; destroyed all the same as if the mob had claimed him!
Staring down at his inevitable demise, bracing for the impact, Schrödinger is thrown once again as a doorway of light opens up!  He sails through it, gravity lurches a completely different direction.
He rolls and rolls against solid wood, tumbling helplessly until he collides with something hard and stable.  His eyes adjust to the light...
Fenri Sunwillow
In the vast city of Greyhawk, Fenri the halfling sits in the loneliest and dirtiest tavern possible.  The food and ale are terrible, the lone minstrel is pitiful and the barkeep is very unfriendly.  Fenri sits alone, all her companions have abandoned her.  But despite this hopeless atmosphere, Fenri Sunwillow has faith that Pelor the Dawnfather will see her through.
Suddenly a group of thugs burst in and begin to spread out through the tavern.  Their leader, a terribly cruel-eyed dwarf with massive iron boots, stomps in and begins to threaten the barkeep for not paying protection money.  Fenri skips over and tries to be the diplomat, offering the thugs and their leader friendship and a chance to use their obvious strength in great adventures.  They laugh at the halfling cleric.
But suddenly the thugs leave, the tavern’s “debts” still unpaid.  They close the door behind them.  Fenri tries to follow but the door is blocked for some reason...  The back is blocked as well.  Panic rising among the two other people in the tavern, Fenri channels the strength of her god to throw a table through a window.  Only to find the thugs outside ready to toss in vials of alchemical fire.
The tavern erupts into terrible green flame!  The dwarf uses a scroll to create a wall of stone before the newly broken window, sealing them all inside to burn with the building!  Fenri looks about, and she realizes tavern’s large fireplace has a chimney big enough to climb up!  With her divine strength she rushes in and climbs!  The sounds of burning agony behind her...
Fenri climbs, green and gray Misty smoke choking her lungs and obscuring her vision.  She climbs higher.  And higher...  The flames are beneath her always, ready to lick at her feet, despite her being unable to see.  Higher and higher she climbs...  Surely the building was not this tall?  But through the acrid smoke Fenri sees nothing but the chimney opening above, never closer.
The climb is getting to her.  Fenri knows the strength of Pelor is only hers for a short time.  She is alone, no sound of those trapped with her climbing up after...  The green and gray fire roars and roars.  The chimney is nothing but gray smoke, her tiny hands clutching desperately at the murky stones...
Time inevitably, and despairingly, catches up to Fenri.  The divine strength of her clerical domain, her faith in Pelor augmenting the strength of her tiny body, suddenly vanishes.  And Fenri falls!  Slowly.  So slowly, the flames beneath her awaiting their morsel...  Regrets and despair weighing the halfling cleric down, the Sun now out of reach...  She looks  to the opening, and realizes it was blocked off by a board this whole time...  
Suddenly, a flash of heat passes her by and Fenri rolls rapidly on  solid ground.  She collides with something large and soft, staying curled up in her armor for a few moments.  Then... she opens her eyes a peek...
Freaks & Facades: Vignettes - Session One will continue in Part Two!  Click here to read on!
Thanks for reading!  We hope you enjoyed these first tales of our friendly freaks as much as we do!
Parts: Zero/Cast, One P1, One P2, Two, Three, Four [tbd]
Aboleth Eye, 05/02/2023!
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐜𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐰𝐬𝐭 (𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
Author’s notes:
I went in with low expectations, so the pictures came out better than expected. Daisuke looks cool in his own special way, even though his hair isn't very accurate. SD picrew 
Daisuke ♡
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Other names:
Seahorse (Floyd)
Monsieur Independent (Rook)
Jade (Slyvan)
Tower (Xenon)
Homeland: Sunset savannah
Dorm: Octavinelle
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
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Eye colour: Light blue
Hair colour: Jet black
Race: Beastman (Black fox)
Uniform: Most of his uniform is in place, his tie being the only exception (he finds it too stuffy). The top two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned, and he wears black gloves for whatever reason.
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School information
School year: Third
Class: 3E (Student no. 8)
Best subject: Alchemy
Club: Science Club
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Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Playing pool ball, flirting, getting his salary
Dislikes: People who try to trick him, having to rely on people, being nagged for his attire
Favorite Food: Shrimp dumpling
Least Favorite Food: Fried rice
Hobby: Gambling
Talents: Converting materials into gold
Unique Magic: Knowledge is power - He can gain information of a target by touching them and activating his UM. The longer he touches his target, the more information he gains. He can choose what information he would like to gain, but will face trouble when it comes to certain details that the target is guarded about.
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He was giving me beastman vibes and who am I to ignore? I think being a fox suits him really well. Sly and cunning.
He has many acquaintances, but only a few friends. He's considered more on the friendly side for an Octavinelle student for even admitting he has friends. Funny how that works.
Yes, Slyvan's nickname confused him at first (considering his vice dorm leader is literally named Jade). But the goat boy explained the nickname to him and he came to like the ring of it.
He isn't always in the mood for makeup, but manages to come to class everyday wearing perfect eyeshadow because his friend helps him with it.
He joined the science club to do more alchemy experiments.
He works as a waiter for the Mostro Lounge. He gets tips often.
Suzume ♡
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Other names:
Humpback whale (Floyd)
Mademoiselle Jewel (Rook)
Chrysocolla (Slyvan)
Lover (Xenon)
Homeland: Coral sea
Dorm: Pomefiore
Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Unnamed older sister
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Eye colour: Baby blue
Hair colour: Garnet red
Race: Humpback whale mermaid
Uniform: She dresses prim and proper as any Pomefiore student should, with everything ironed neatly and worn in place. Her skirt reaches slightly above her knees, paired with knee-length black socks and loafers. Her bangs fall into her eyes sometimes, so she pins it up with a purple flower hairclip. It compliments her purple eyeshadow and (occasional) pale pink lip gloss too.
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School information
School year: Third
Class: 3B (Student no. 29)
Best subject: Magical potions
Club: Science Club
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Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: Strawberry milk, anime and manga, making jewelry (with plastic charms)
Dislikes: Feeling outcast, mirrors, socialising
Favorite Food: Salmon roll
Least Favorite Food: Edamame
Hobby: Reading
Talents: Humming
Unique Magic: Ideal self - She can alter her target's perception and impression of her. Basically, her appearance in their mind and their feelings towards her. The effect is only temporary though, unless she keeps her UM running constantly (risking overblot).
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I couldn't decide on her race at first because I could imagine her being a fae, mermaid, and human. So I let a randomizer decide for me. Why did I decide to make her a humpback whale mermaid? I just thought it suited her. Big but gentle, with a soothing song.
She doesn't like mirrors because her reflection unnerves her.
She joined the science club because she heard that they do a little bit of everything there.
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politicaldino454 · 13 days
website Resoures:
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jogallice · 24 days
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Aujourd’hui, dimanche 01/09/24, une journée sans Journée qui va ravir celles et ceux qui ne les aiment pas, qu’elles soient locales, territoriales, nationales, européennes, internationales ou mondiales 😆 Excellente journée dominicale sans Journée 😉
Montée de la Tournette (1873 m de dénivellation du port de Talloires au pied du fauteuil de la Tournette) de 7h30 à 16h30 organisée par le Club des Sports de Talloires et 2e Solitaire d'été, régate voile (habitable et quillard sportif), organisée par la SRVA de 9h à 17h 👍
Ligue 2 : à l’issue de la 3e journée hier après-midi, le FC Annecy pointe toujours à la 10e place mais désormais avec 4 points suite à son match nul vendredi soir face à Caen. 6 clubs ont gagné (3), 6 clubs ont fait un match nul (1) et 6 clubs ont perdu (0) ➡️ 24 points répartis ⚽
Trois marchés le dimanche matin à Annecy : marché de la vieille ville (rue Sainte Claire), marché des Teppes (place des Rhododendrons) de 7h à 13h tous les deux et marché du quartier du Vallon (place Jean Moulin) de 8h à 12h 🧺
Troisième et dernière journée du Martin Fourcade Nordic Festival ℹ️ Ouverture du village exposant toute la journée, session yoga collective gratuite de 9h30 à 11h, courses biathlon enfant de 10h à 12h et biathlon Running de 13h30 à 16h 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Ce dimanche 01/09/24 de 8h à 18h 📍 Le Pâquier 🎿
Fête du Vieux Seynod : 40e édition d’une fête rurale traditionnelle exceptionnelle : démonstrations de savoir-faire, ateliers, marché alimentaire, restauration, mini-ferme avec animaux, animations, concerts, exposition, déambulations… 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Ce dimanche 01/09/24 de 9h à 18h 📍 Butte Saint-Martin 🌄
J’y suis passé hier alors je partage ce “plan” annécien pour celles et ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore ce lieu d’accueil et d’échange  ℹ️  Boissons sans alcool, livres, jeux 📆 Ce dimanche 01/09/24 de 10h à 12h30 📍 Café du curé (6 quai de l’Évêché) ☕
Dernier jour❗️Dans les pas des maquisards ℹ️ Découverte avec un médiateur des lieux emblématiques du maquis des Glières, son organisation et la vie quotidienne des résistants 🎫 3 € & 2 €, gratuit pour les - de 8 ans 📆 Ce dimanche 01/09/24 de 10h30 à 12h 📍 Plateau des Glières ⛰️
Dernier jour❗️Exposition : Archéo, une expo à creuser  ℹ️ Le visiteur est invité à s'équiper d'un gilet jaune ; le voici prêt pour l’aventure. Peu de théorie, beaucoup de pratique 🎫 5 € & 3 €, gratuit pour les moins de 12 ans 📆 Ce dimanche 01/09/24 de 14h à 16h et de 16h à 18h 📍 La Turbine sciences 🦺
Dernier jour❗️Exposition : Fouille farfouille pour les 3-6 ans ℹ️ Équipés comme des archéologues, les enfants vont travailler sur le chantier de fouille et mettre au jour les vestiges d’une époque 🎫 5 € & 3 €, gratuit pour les moins de 12 ans 📆 Ce dimanche 01/09/24 de 16h15 à 17h et de 17h15 à 18h 📍 La Turbine sciences ⛏️
Qualité de l’air à Annecy : les niveaux d’ozone devraient rester élevés avec des conditions météorologiques favorables à sa formation 🌡 Les indices ATMO devraient être dégradés à mauvais 💨
Dans la cité lacustre et ailleurs, au niveau de vos déplacements, privilégiez vélo, trottinette, marche à pied, etc. et au niveau de vos activités physiques, privilégiez les parcs, les zones piétonnes et les rues peu circulantes pour vos activités de plein air 🌬️
L’indice de risque pollinique à Annecy est moyen (niveau 2) ➡️ Ambroisies : niveau 2 ; graminées, plantain et urticacées : niveau 1 ; platane et saule : niveau 0 ➡️ Indice communal valable du 31/08/24 au vendredi 06/09/2024 inclus 🤧 Personnes allergiques : lavez-vous régulièrement le nez avec du sérum physiologique pour éliminer les pollens 😷
Deux dictons du jour, un acheté, un offert (pour la petite histoire, cette pratique est désormais illégale) : « À la saint Gilles, tout est si fragile. » 🤔 « La saint Gilles ramène la tarte aux prunes, les cerfs-volants et les grands vents. » 🪁
Trois autres dictons du jour pour la route : « Les vents de saint Gilles et suivant repassent en fortes bises bien souvent. » 🍃 « Pluie de la saint Gilles ruine les glands. » 🌧 « Quand il fait bon à la saint Gilles, on peut encore sarcler un journal de friche et le brûler. » 🧑‍🌾
Pile ou face : « S'il fait beau à la saint Gilles, cela durera jusqu'à la saint Michel. » 🌞 « S'il pleut à la saint Gilles, ça dure jusqu'à la saint Michel. » ☔ Pour celles et ceux qui ne le savent pas, la saint Michel, c’est le 29/09 😎
Changement de mois : « En septembre, sois prudent, achète bois, grains et vêtements. » 👌 « Quand la cigale chante en septembre, n'achète pas de blé pour le revendre. » 🤑 « Septembre se nomme, le mai de l'automne ou le mois de l'automne. » 🤩
Pour celles et ceux qui aiment les fruits : « Septembre nous produit, le plus délectable des fruits. » ; « En septembre, coupe tous les fruits qui pendent. » et « En septembre, quand l'osier fleurit, le fruit mûrit. » 😍
Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée annécienne et un très bel été à Annecy, dans les 33 autres communes du Grand Annecy, en Savoie ou ailleurs 🏖️
Bon septième et dernier jour de la semaine à tous et à toutes, c’est le premier jour du mois et demain c’est la “rentrée” pour tout le monde (non mais) 🌴
Bonne fête aux Gilles et demain aux Ingrid 😘
📷 JamesO PhotO à Annecy le 27/08/24 📸
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darklordazalin · 1 year
Azalin Reviews: Darklord Harkon Lukas
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Darklord: Harkon Lukas Domain: Kartakass Formation: 613 BC Power Level: 💀💀💀💀 ⚫  (4/5 Skulls) Sources: Gazetteer Vol 1 (3e), Domains of Dread (2e), Ravenloft (3e), Ravenloft Player’s Handbook (3e), Gazetteer Vol 4 (3e), Feast of Goblyns (2e), Realms of Terror (2e), Denizens of Dread (3e), Secrets of the Dread Realms (3e), Ravenloft (3e), van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft (5e), Heart of Midnight (Novel) Harkon Lukas, the would be alpha wolf and absolute ruler of their people, is the Darklord of Kartakass. Perhaps someone should have informed them that the concept of “alpha wolf” is based on peasant superstition and folklore rather than actual science. Wolf packs typically consist of parents and their pups, nothing as sophisticated as Harkon would have you believe. Though, he is a master manipulator so perhaps he has even fooled himself in this regard.
Kartakass is a heavily forested realm with a few small, insignificant settlements scattered throughout. A reflection of the insignificant role Harkon has within. The two main settlements are Harmonia and Skald, though 5e added two more settlements, Emherst (a town that is entirely a stage) and Medria (a fishing village that is also home to a theater production house that tests various special effects, both magical and mundane). Seems the Dark Powers wanted to expand everyone’s Domains in this latest Conjunction, except my own…
There is no central authority or government in Kartakass. Leaders are chosen through performance competitions, the best performer gaining the title of “Meistersinger”; a position equivalent to a Mayor but slightly more useless. This certainly is the worst possible way to choose a leader. Celebrities, as we all should know by now, make very poor and inept leaders.
Harkon’s wolfish lope down the path of darkness is similar in each edition, though some changes are worth noting. In both he sought to unite and rule his people, but they shunned him for it. This sent him into a blind, murderous rampage and eventually led him to shun his people in turn and take on the appearance of a human. Harkon became quite fascinated with human culture and wandered the land as a minstrel. This is when the old editions and 5e vary. In the older editions, Harkon was taken by the Mists into Barovia where they went into another murderous rage until von Zarovich found and almost killed them, forcing Harkon to flee into the Mists and the Dark Powers created Kartakass to imprison them.
In 5e, Harkon became so famous that he amassed a number of what kids these days would refer to as “stans”. The leaders of this land (unstated, in past edition Harkon is originally from Cormyr) grew wary over Harkon’s influence and had them falsely arrested. Given his murderous nature, you would think they could have arrested them for an actual crime, but clearly these leaders were not the most intelligent of folks. The people led a revolt against their leaders for arresting Harkon and the wolf faked his own death. To further the dramatic performance, Harkon busted out of his own casket in his wolf-hybrid form during this revolt. He slew the leader and placed his crown upon his own brow. That is when the Mists took him.
In older editions, Harkon was a gender fluid wolfwere and Meistersinger of Skald, respected as a musician but severely overlooked as a leader. In 5e, Harkon does not appear to be gender fluid anymore and is said to be a loup gaou, which is described as a more aggressive form of werewolf. This is not the traditional folklore of loup gaous, which are said to be humans that don the pelt of a wolf to magically transform into the beast. A wolfwere is a species of wolf that can take the form of a person. In essence, a wolf pretending to be a person but failing, horribly to grasp what that entails. In 5e, Harkon still owns the Old Kartakan Inn, but is no longer the Meistersinger of Skald. In fact, many of his people do not remember him or his work. As a result, he constantly attempts to reinvent himself but only finds a fleeting, irrelevant type of fame.
Harkon is a stylish wolf, known for his wide-brimmed hat, brightly colored silken clothes, and monocle (sadly, not featured in 5e) and their musical talent is unmatched. Though favoring tooth, claw, and sword over the far superior arcane arts, Harkon is a skilled and quite formidable combatant. The Dark Powers gifted them with a cursed sword that compels them to fight to the death whenever a fight breaks out between them and another. The sword will appear in their hand wherever they are when they find themselves thrown into combat. Harkon, a skilled manipulator, has used this “curse” to their benefit, leaving the sword for their enemies to find, so they are later deprived of a weapon when facing Harkon.
As a Darklord, Harkon has little control of the common folk of Kartakass. Though Harkon’s children tend to rebel against them and try to kill them on a regular basis, Harkon still has control over most of the wolves in Kartakass. Harkon is also one of the few Darklords who have made attempts to escape their realms, though, unlike Vecna, Harkon failed. Still, it is an admirable trait when a Darklord recognizes the prison they are in for what it is. Harkon’s style alone is worth a five, but I’m afraid his power levels aren’t quite there. He was, after all, defeated by an overgrown tick in a cape. I will give this wolfwere or loup gaou a rating of 4 Skulls.
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tsreviews · 1 month
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