#4 o'clock analysis
incognit0slut · 1 year
Right Kind of Wrong (2)
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She never thought she’d be involved in a murder investigation and encounter her one-night-stand again, the awkward guy who isn’t exactly that good in bed—Or is he? Offended by the sentiment, Spencer is determined to prove her wrong… But as he gets tangled with the beautiful stranger, he realizes there is more to her than what meets the eye.
Part Summary: Spencer’s late-night endeavor is teased as a new case arises. wc: 2.8k
Warnings: 18+ content, graphic detail of murder
A/n: thank you for all the love it’s very much appreciated! also i want to remind you that this will be a long series, but if you like a murder mystery with a hint of humor and smut, then by all means please continue :3
Other parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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BEING CALLED IN AT NIGHT WAS SOMETHING SPENCER WAS USED TO. It was part of his job. The moment he accepted to be part of the Behavior Analysis Unit at Quantico, he knew the downside of it all. The long hours and pressure to perform the job while working with some of the most dangerous and violent individuals could potentially affect him physically and mentally.
But above all that, he always looked at the bigger picture. His job was to bring justice by catching all the perpetrators of each crime he was assigned with. It was a very dangerous job yet he couldn't imagine his life without lending in his time and intelligence to catch the 'bad guys on the loose'—as Garcia would often put it. So having his dearest friend call him at two o'clock in the morning was something that occasionally occurred. He really didn't mind it.
Until tonight.
For the first time in his eleven years working as an FBI agent, Spencer wished the bad news could wait at least in the morning. By then he would have more time to spend his night with the most irresistible woman he had ever laid his eyes on.
He shook his head. Guilt was a complex, powerful emotion and it was what he was feeling right now. A dead body was found and all he could think about was the beautiful stranger who was now more than an enigma than she ever was. Even when he had seen her in her barest form, tucked underneath his warm body. Even when his hands had roamed around every corner of her luscious curves, her desperate moan sounded like the most beautiful melody to his ears.
God, he needed a drink. No, not alcohol, he wasn't one to drink liquor anyway. Well, excluding a few hours ago when sitting all alone waiting for his friends without holding any type of alcoholic drink seemed rather uncommon. He was already feeling out of place the moment he entered the dimly lit bar, his eyes scanning for any familiar faces but being greeted by none.
So ordering a bottle of cold beer seemed ideal as he sat by the bar on his own. He didn't even drink the whole liquid, merely gulping a sip or two before it became a mere prop for blending in with the crowd.
If it wasn’t for Garcia coaxing him into joining her and the girls for a night out in the city, Spencer would still be at the office, his nose buried in the paperwork he needed to finish. But Penelope Garcia was a force not to be underrated. She had a way with words and persuasion, thus Spencer found himself agreeing to spend the night with his peers.
Besides, he enjoyed being around them. He considered the people he worked with as more than mere colleagues. He had spent so much time with them that the bond developed was incredibly special and strong. He considered them as a sort of dysfunctional family in some ways, but it was a family nonetheless. It was a very unique relationship and a special one that he took pride in working with and he was very grateful to be a part of it.
But it didn't stop him from being mad at the fact they had bailed on him at the very last minute.
Fine—a little bit mad. They all seemed to have good excuses for their sudden absence. JJ had to drive back home for her sick son, Prentiss was called back into the office by their unit chief Hotch, and Garcia... well, her answer was pretty vague. All she had said over her frantic call was, "I'm so sorry, boy genius, I need to take a rain check tonight. I'll call you later!"
Then Spencer found himself in a situation he would never imagine being, sitting by himself at the most sociable place he could ever think of.
He needed to leave. The music bouncing over the stereo suddenly sounded too loud, and even though there weren't too many people inside the place, it was still enough to make his demeanor shut down from the several conversations floating in the air.
And don't get him started on the number of pathogens clinging to every nook and corner of this place. He shuddered at that thought as he once again wiped down the bar surface with another pile of napkins he requested from the bartender, who by the looks of it, was starting to eye him with annoyance.
A man suddenly pushed him from behind and went on his way without apologizing. Spencer made a mental note to never agree to another social request without a companion at his arrival. He was feeling more and more uncomfortable by the minute.
His fingers hastily tightened around the strap of his bag, ready to flee the scene when a sudden faint scent of chocolate fluttered through his nose.
Delicious, mouth-watering chocolate.
Spencer had always been conscious of his surroundings. The nerves in his brain would work their way into absorbing all kinds of entities that triggered his senses, and chocolate was a scent he could easily make out.
Chocolate smelled like... well, heaven. It had a sweet, decadent scent that was just divine, triggering all sorts of happy, positive emotions and reactions. He could point out a lot of facts about why roasted cocoa could trigger serotonin throughout one's body, but his brain was too busy trying to pinpoint the source of its scent.
Then he felt movement to his right and the scent lingered around the air like a delicious blanket coating his senses. And there she was—looking divinely gorgeous like heaven on a pair of legs.
Spencer knew there was no singular answer to describe one's beauty, as beauty was subjective and could be defined differently by each person. He also considered himself being very old-school as he perceived beauty through kindness and intelligence. Yet he was still a hot-blooded man and he wasn't going to lie; the woman sitting in front of him was physically attractive and pleasing to the eye.
The way her eyes lit up as they settled on him tightened the knot in his stomach. He might not have much experience with the opposite sex, but he knew when one was interested in his presence, and with that thought in mind he felt rather pleased and flattered.
His eyes roamed around her features; her glazed eyes, her high cheekbones, the delicate shape of her nose, and her plump lips that seemed to look so soft. It wasn't until later in the night he came to the conclusion that they were much softer than they looked. Because tasting her mouth was completely different than simply staring at it.
Spencer didn't know how touch-starved he was until he pressed his lips onto hers, lips that were incredibly soft yet turned every inch of his body very hard. He felt immensely dizzy with need as he nipped her bottom lip, feeling intoxicated each time she squirmed in his arms, her soft body pressing against him, making it more and more difficult to clear his mind with her hands between his legs—
"Late night?"
Spencer looked up. He could feel the blush creeping along his cheeks as if being caught having these inappropriate thoughts. Derek Morgan stood by his side, eying the amount of sugar stashed into the cup of coffee in his hand. To be fair, he really did need something that could wake him up and break him from going down memory lane again.
"Very," he murmured. He proceeded by mixing his caffeine with a spoon, unaware of how Morgan was watching him with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"My man," Morgan teased. Spencer sensed the taunting edge in his voice and turned around.
On a normal occasion, he would deny the suggestive tone Morgan would often taunt. His friend had a way of teasing him in what seemed to be simply goodhearted banter. But Spencer wasn't exactly a good liar. He was already quite flustered by the topic of conversation and the moment he opened his mouth, he knew he would only make things worse.
So instead he kept his silence and sipped on his drink, ignoring the grin plastered on Morgan's face as if an epiphany had aroused him in his wake.
"My man," Morgan repeated, wrapping a playful arm around his shoulders. "What has kept the young Dr. Reid awake on this lovely night?"
He shoved his arm away. "I wouldn't consider myself youthful anymore."
Morgan snickered. "You're the baby of the team." Then to annoy him even further, he added, “Kid.”
"I'm thirty-six." Spencer frowned as they climbed their way toward the conference room. "You know, men in their mid-thirties have prefrontal cortexes that are fully developed and they have a lot more experience throughout their lives. Their body is also fully functional so they—I am most definitely a mature, fully grown adult."
"Do you know what else they say about men being in their thirties?" Morgan threw him another one of his grins. "A very high sex drive."
"Actually, studies show that 30% of healthy people aged between 65-74 still enjoy sexual intercourse weekly."
Morgan groaned. "Don't give me that mental image."
The two men turned to see Garcia scurrying towards them. How she still conjured so much energy at this time of hour would always be a mystery to him. The determined look on her face reminded him of their last conversation on the phone and Spencer quickly turned away, walking into the empty conference room before sitting himself by the round table.
Noticing the weird interaction between his two friends, Morgan threw Garcia a questioning look. "What's going on?"
"Oh, I'll tell you what's going on." She hurriedly entered the room and grabbed the remote control sitting in the middle of the table. She poked Spencer with the device. "This boy right here decided he's too cool to hang out with us."
"Garcia, you're the one who bailed on me."
"So not the point," she deadpanned. "My question is, when are you going to introduce us to your girlfriend? I didn't even know you were dating."
Morgan's brows shot up as he took a seat beside him. "Girlfriend?"
Spencer looked down as she went on, "Imagine my surprise when he answered my call and there was a woman's voice in the background. At this hour."
Morgan laughed at her emphasis on the time because it was common knowledge only certain things happen this late. Especially with an alleged female company. "Really?"
Disliking the way he was thrown into the spotlight, Spencer leaned in his chair and crossed his arms defensively. "She's not my girlfriend."
That statement only raised their interest even further.
"Oh?" That was Morgan.
"You naughty minx." That was Garcia. "Since when have you been seeing her?"
Spencer had two options. He could ignore their curiosity and remain silent, or he could flat-out give them a lie. He looked between the interest on their face and decided he couldn't escape their probing curiosity, so he answered in a very low voice, "Tonight."
"Tonight?" Garcia asked in disbelief. "Wait—didn't you go to the bar earlier?"
"Yes, before everyone ditched me."
"Oh my god," Garcia squealed in surprise. "Dr. Reid, did you spend the night with a stranger?"
There was a long pause as the grip around his mug tightened. Morgan let out a choked laugh. "My man."
"Stop saying that," Spencer muttered, his lips inches away from his steaming cup.
"I can't believe this," Garcia gasped between her giggles, clearly fascinated by this new information. "Our resident boy genius is actually a Casanova in disguise."
"Who's a Casanova?"
The three of them turned to see Emily Prentiss walking into the room followed by a very curious David Rossi. His other colleagues clearly didn't hear the beginning half of their conversation and Spencer wanted to make sure it remained that way.
He casually took a sip of his drink and replied, "Giacomo Casanova. A famous Italian adventurer and author in the 18th century. He became famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women."
Prentiss scoffed as she and Rossi sat down by the table. "I know who Casanova is, I'm asking who is a Casanova."
An awkward silence settled in the room. Spencer shifted in his seat. He really, really didn't want to deal with this. Spending a very intimate night with a stranger wasn't something he would like to discuss in front of his peers. Ever.
He could feel the heavy weight of everyone's eyes and the blush slowly creeping along his cheeks when Derek stepped in, giving the room one of his charming smiles. "We were talking about me."
"You?" Prentiss quirked one of her eyebrows in mocked surprise. "I don't think your girlfriend would be happy with that."
Morgan easily laughed. "We were discussing my old Casanova days."
"Yeah," Garcia interjected. "We were talking about how bad his choices of female friends were."
"Until now." She gave him a toothy grin. "We love Savannah."
Morgan rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. He caught Spencer staring at him with a grateful smile and returned the gesture with an understanding nod. Spencer relaxed as the conversation rolled by and the topic of his secret escapade was long forgotten.
For now.
JJ, another member of the team, entered the room a few minutes later with a huge smile. Then the moment their unit chief, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, followed behind, everyone knew it was back to business.
Spencer placed his mug down on the table and focused his attention on the case at hand.
"Alright, so." Garcia pointed the remote towards the black screen and a moment later, gruesome pictures of a murder scene were presented in different angles. The picture of the male body covered in blood greeted them before a passport shot of a middle-aged man smiling happily at the camera was shown. "Fifty-six-year-old Kevin Marshall, a corporate lawyer, was found dead at his home by his secretary."
"At home?" Derek wondered. "Were there no security?"
"There was a sudden blackout going on in the neighborhood for about seven minutes. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at that time of hour. His wife and kids were visiting her parents and Mr. Marshall was at home finishing some work. It wasn't later on when he didn't answer his calls that his secretary found him lying in his office with several stab wounds."
"Time of death?" JJ questioned.
"A quarter past midnight." Garcia clicked on her device before another detailed picture of the scene was zoomed in on the screen. "And this was found—no, carved on his back."
The picture had a clear shot of the wound on the victim's back, a sloppy carved-out handwriting slashed across his skin. Spencer narrowed his eyes. "Exodus 20:13," he read, his brain already discerning the meaning of the words. "Thou shalt not kill."
"Quite ironic, don't you think? Given the way the Unsub just brutally acted out his assault," Prentiss wondered out loud.
"The verse might actually tie with the murder into this god-given right for someone to bear arms. The Unsub probably feels justified in murdering the victim because he feels that this man is a sinner, thus he must kill him in the name of the Almighty."
"So, what? Are we looking for a religious vigilante?"
"That's what we're trying to find out." Hotch looked over his team and assigned everyone their work. "Since the crime scene is a mere hour away, Morgan can investigate the crime scene with JJ. Reid, go with Rossi to check the autopsy report. Prentiss and I will be here for his family as they're flying straight from Michigan."
"What can I do to help, sir?"
Hotch gave Garcia a pointed look. "Find everything you can on Kevin Marshall. Bank accounts, purchase records, extended family, and also the people he worked with. Report to me when you find something suspicious. Anything."
"Right." She nodded. "Anything."
"And find any possible matches from old cases that have anything to do with carving on body parts. Solved or unsolved."
"Carving on body parts. Got it."
Everyone started scattering around the room, ready to start the investigation. And although his mind somehow drifted back to soft lips and the scent of sweet chocolate, Spencer pushed them away, gulping the last drip of the sweetest coffee he had ever made as if he was draining down all these inappropriate images running through his mind.
It was not the time.
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
(Apologizes if an incomplete ask sent through, I was asking a question but the Internet cut off :<)
My question was though, how much can you analyze about the English lyrics of No. 7 (anime intro)? The lyrics supposedly explain some of the story and you're the best theorist I know who can put this in an organized post XD
(Sorry if you've been asked this before haha feel free to ignore if so and have a great day!)
I looked at the Japanese and English versions, and well, to better organize the meaning of the song, I'm going to write it here in a more objective way, it will be easy to understand the meaning as you read the lyrics.
This is because the Japanese version has a lot of wordplay and puns, the English version translated it literally and in the same way as the Japanese, which made some passages confusing.
Let's get started (this is the full version of the song)
So now let me tell you the story of number 7
1 Huh? Eh? Instantly happy and sad, even the past and the future 2 Two shadows appear within the rumors (the passion turned into nothing, it's just a story) 3 A sweet fruit mixed with the unreal 4 Yes, yes, even if I tell you repeatedly 5 Look, look, you're not listening properly (passion turned into nothing, an endless story) 6 After all, the boring thing is the ugly reality 7 Morning, day and night, like ten winds and five rains, rumors circulate 8 Without becoming pure in heart, turning my back against the unchanging mirror 9 I Want Some Magic, Say Seven Mysteries, That's Not Perfect 10 But We Are Struggling Because We Are Incomplete
11 Swinging the blade, words, too far 12 Wearing the smiling mask of lies (you in that place) 13 They Were Hurt Because Of Someone Else 14 Between sin and punishment, in that place where no one exists 15 Surely He Is There So now let me tell you the story of number 7
A secret history I heard from somewhere
16 It's a secret just between you and me 17 I will not lose to you, memory nor the brittle truth 18 Let's catch up, it's a reality like a rumor from some time ago 19 Every night and morning seems stupid 20 The dance of the second, the third morning, the fourth twilight 21 First, second, third, fourth 22 Mirai, Misaki, the mirror that doesn't see, the silent solitude 23 Is it the first? the eighth? Wait, there's no eighth 24 Until the four o'clock stands, if you repent, 25 It becomes four pains, eight pains 26 Trouble Towing in Seven Rounds 27 Hits, punishment 28 Come, come strange mystery 29 My body's habits, everything, are never perfect, so We are struggling because we are incomplete
Swinging the blade, words, far away 30 Please reach out, the laughter, the overlapping lies 31 (he is still there continuously) 32 I blurred the details while pretending to be fine 33 Between sin and punishment 34 Alone, placed in that place 35 Surely he exists
36 Hiding the past, blinding the eyes in front of the destiny that is coming to an end 37 I changed once, so I will change again The answer is clear
Swinging the blade, words, far away Wearing the smiling mask of lies (You alone) Were hurt because of someone else Between sin and punishment In that place where no one exists Today it also exists
So now let me tell you the story of number 7 Hey tell me about the continued story
Let's use numbers to better analyze the excerpts
1 = could mean that Hanako is happy now to be having fun with Nene and Kou, but at the same time sad about having to deal with the past and the future (Nene's future death)
2 = This excerpt is very emblematic, but "within the rumors two shadows appear" could refer to the twins "the passion turned into nothing, it's just a story" they would be in love with each other and what remained of that story would be murder. There is also the possibility that he is referring to Nene, since Hanako-san now has an assistant. Two shadows, and the passion that turned into nothing, an impossible love.
3 = A metaphor about the contrast between reality and a distant desire
4 and 5 = Hanako's story is being told little by little and someone (it could be Nene) is not realizing the details between the lines.
6 to 10 = Complaints about how reality is terrible and he wants to experience something unreal, not just him, but the other mysteries, everyone feels incomplete and is looking for something that reality cannot offer, something that they cannot achieve but they really want it. And specifically about the mirror, he says it is unchanging, confirming that no matter what he does, nothing will change.
11 to 15 = reference to Tsukasa's death, the murder. About how Hanako lied while creating a fake smile. He hurt Tsukasa, and he went to the place where nothing exists "Surely he is there" and the verses mention the sin and punishment that Hanako has to take responsibility for.
16 to 18 = Probably Hanako talking about his past with Nene. He says he will "reach him" that is, he will tell her the whole truth.
19 to 29 = references the other mysteries and how they are all fighting to create a better version of themselves, even though they are imperfect. In addition to, of course, mentioning a little about their feelings.
30 to 35 = reference to Tsukasa, he wants Hanako to show what he really feels, at the same time that Tsukasa "blurs" the way he feels "I blurred the details while pretending to be fine" "Alone, placed in that place" "he is still there continuously" reference that Tsukasa was left on Hanako's boundary and hides that he feels sad about it.
36 and 37 = it's a little difficult to know if the speaker is Hanako or Tsukasa, the excerpts fit for both, but it's probably more linked to Hanako, since he's the one hiding the past.
Place where nothing exists = boundary, Hanako says that when he enters a boundary, the person ceases to exist in the human world while there.
Swinging the blade = stabbing, direct reference to murder.
In that place where no one exists, he is certainly there = clear reference that Hanako believed that Tsukasa was on the boundary
In that place where no one exists, today he also exists = reference to Tsukasa's return.
Hey tell me about the continued story = about the story we are following now
Basically it's Hanako talking about himself, about the mysteries and about Tsukasa. We also see many parts where he talks about how he feels, but in short, that's it.
The lyrics of this song change subtly according to the translation you are looking for, but the general meaning is this.
That's the way I interpreted the opening lyrics, other people may have different ways of seeing how they work, but for me that's it.
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y’all know I can’t control myself when shinee loving anon encourages me to do literary analysis! here are nearly 2,000 words of me analyzing my own writing like a weirdo :p because this is not the first time I have done literary alaysis of my own work, and it certainly won’t be the last (I’m already working on a thesis statement that could connect themes from the SHINee universe to at least 2/3 main plots of For You), I’ve decided to make a little banner for these essays lol. 
First, some disclaimers: For You is an ongoing work. It might be an ongoing work for the rest of forever because Lei provides a perfect character through which I can explore S.M. In case you haven’t gathered from scrolling through my blog for a few seconds — I am a huge S.M. fan. With that being said, the main plot of 4 O’Clock is completed. This informal essay will discuss similarities between 4 O’Clock and works in the SHINee Universe.
I think I should begin by expressing my deep attachment to Taemin that is reflected in my writing. He is the first SHINee member that I wrote about; that drabble resulted in my friendship with SHINee Loving Anon and inspired my confidence to write about all five SHINee members. “Beautiful Parts” should be read as what it is: my reunion with my favorite group. Writing that story was therapeutic; it ranks with “Between Souls - Jonghyun,” “Lights - Taeyeon,” and “Orenda - Onew.” All of these works were written with my emotional needs in mind. They are deeply personal, and that’s why I love them. I created them with the intent of bringing myself comfort, and I shared them with the hope of extending that comfort to others. 
“Beautiful Parts” also represents the shift toward Taemin becoming one of my ultimate idols and creative inspirations. When I could not yet write about Jonghyun, I could write about Taemin; when I could not yet listen to Jonghyun or SHINee without hurting, I could listen to Taemin. The image that I created of Taemin comforting someone — an unnamed reader — in “Beautiful Parts” remains with me. I can’t unsee it. It is obviously not a moment that I have lived through, but it feels real to me.
That image is integral to the relationship between Taemin and Lei. Comfort —  the fact that Taemin sat beside her when she cried — is a key component of Lei’s love for him. 
One could and should find similarities between the unnamed character of “Beautiful Parts” and Lei. Granted, “Beautiful Parts” is a part of the SHINee Universe. The character is Minho’s sister; although much of her character is intentionally vague, she is a separate character from Lei. She could and should, however, be read as a precursor to Lei. Both characters seek the company of the moon when they are troubled and cannot sleep. They share a desire — a compulsion, even — to reach for the moon and stars that they know they can never reach. 
“What’s so comforting about the moon and the single star in the sky? How can they be so far, lightyears away, yet feel so close? Why did they convince you to lean against the railing, reaching for them like a child with no understanding of the distance? You couldn’t say, even though you wondered almost every night.” “Beautiful Parts”
“The stars were on full display, and the moon was a sterling crescent so bright that I thought, were my wrists not bound, I could have reached out and grabbed it out of the sky and put it in my pocket.
That was a silly thought I dreamt about often: holding the moon, carrying it around with me in the daylight as if I could protect it better than the sky. I don't know who planted that dream in my mind or why, but I was always grateful for it" (4 O'Clock, Chapter 2). 
If you read 4 O'Clock, you cannot mistake the significance of the moon; Lei will not let you. In third-person or second-person narratives— like "Beautiful Parts"— I think that it would cheapen the story to overtly impress upon the reader the significance of a symbol. Put simply: if the second- or third-person narrator has to explain, "this is significant because," then the writer has failed in their application or execution of a symbol. However, as Lei is a first-person narrator relating her story to her mother, she is permitted to express plainly, "this is important— this is important, and this is why." She does exactly that by referring to the moon, in later chapters, as "our moon," meaning that she has claimed this symbol as hers and Taemin's. 
This claim of ownership becomes especially significant as Lei struggles to confine her love for Taemin to times when it is safe to express— at night in their hotel room or, in post-tour chapters, in her room. This distinction is also expressed in "Beautiful parts" compared to its counterpart "Morning Confessions." I used "Morning Confession" as a guide in writing the morning scenes of 4 O'Clock Chapter 9, Chapter 12, Chapter 14, and part 6 of the Epilogue. In all of these scenes referenced, there is a clear shift between the night— when a character receives comfort— and the morning— when that comfort is reciprocated, usually through some form of affection. 
The exception is the scene from Chapter 9. This part of the story occurs before the New Year's kiss that dispels much of Lei's discomfort about being in a relationship. Within this scene, Lei is torn between the desire to share her first kiss with Taemin and the desire to escape his embrace and start her day. Notice, then, that Lei is imposing this binary of day and night. (Granted, Lei believes that this binary is imposed upon her by external forces. I am inclined to agree that she is limited in self-expression by the pressures of standing in the public eye. Using my author knowledge of her life, I would also argue that her fears and reservations are rooted in real-life experiences; those are always the hardest fears to shake.)
Another interesting observation is that this scene from Chapter 9 is sandwiched between Lei's comforting Taemin post-Jaemin-induced-tantrum and the tense bathroom scene where Lei object to the terms "mine" and "yours" when referring to another person. 
"That's something I've always struggled to accept: the idea of calling somebody— a whole individual— mine. I know some people are infatuated with the idea of ownership, but that kind of dynamic has always made my skin crawl." 
"It's just, those words— mine and yours—" I cringed, and Taemin dropped my hands. "I don't know. I think it's fine to call you my soulmate or my boyfriend, if that's what you are, but the thought of calling you— all of you— mine just seems wrong'" (4 O'Clock, Chapter 9). 
Note: Lei does not yet accept that Taemin is her soulmate. These quotes are indicative of Lei's character as they express her deepest fears. Consider that 4 O'Clock— while it is about Lei's love for Taemin, and it is about Donghae's unrequited (totally requited) love for Manager Kim— is ultimately about Lei's liberation from fear. Certainly, Taemin places a role in that liberation; Lei states far too many times to reference that he was an inspiration to her before she knew him as anything more than an idol. However, one would be remiss in failing to recognize the relationship through which Lei discovers herself: her relationship with her mother. 
(If you need proof of this claim, and I seriously doubt you do, here is a quote from Chapter 10: 
"I had been considering what it meant to be the fulfillment of her dreams, and it meant that I couldn’t be afraid. It meant I didn’t have to be. There was liberation in the fact that I could be confident in the truth that no matter what anybody in that hotel room, in the country, in the whole world even (!) said or thought or did, I now knew who I was. I knew who Mom was. I knew that no matter what— come what may— we would love each other forever. 
All along, I had the forever love I couldn’t admit to wanting. . .") 
The whole "'mine' and 'yours' makes me cringe" scene occurs right before Lei admits to her mother that she knows who she is: the idol who never debuted. Throughout most of the story, Lei refers to her mother as "Mom," capital-M, as if "Mom" is her birth name. There are scattered incidents where Lei writes "my mom," but she usually does so to distinguish her relationship with Mom and the one Lucas claims by using the name. 
"Were I not used to that— Lucas referring to my mother as if she were also his, calling her hot— I might have cringed" (4 O'Clock, Chapter 1). 
This use of the phrase "my mother" should be viewed in contrast to Lei's use of the phrase "my mom" in chapter 9. 
"No. No, I knew my mom. I knew her long before I saw her as the idol who never debuted. She had eyes that found possibilities where others saw none. There was no way that she hadn't considered how the last 21 years of her life had been affected by my existence" (4 O’Clock, Chapter 9). 
By using the word "my," Lei does not take ownership of the relationship— or of her mother as a whole individual— in a way that should make anybody's skin crawl. Rather, she uses that word to distinguish her Mom from the idol who never debuted. "My" is a protective word— a word through which Lei can shield her mother from judgment. Distinction of identities matters deeply to Lei because she feels that she is inadequate in her roles as an idol and as a human being. 
She writes when reflecting on Kai's request to be called Jongin that she has always been hyper-sensitive to the difference between calling an artist by their stage name and their birth name. Considering whether she should have used a stage name herself, Lei wonders: 
"Would that have made it easier to distinguish me (the person) from me (the idol)?" (4 O’Clock, Chapter 2). 
It is crucial to understand these distinctions of identities and their significance to Lei if you are to feel the weight of a post-New Year's- Kiss moment:
"That time, when Taemin whispered, “My Lei,” against my skin, I didn’t cringe at the thought that I— all of me, every thought locked away in my mind, every fear hidden in the darkest corners of my heart— belonged to him. 
Maybe that’s not the best way to phrase it. Maybe I mean to say that I didn’t cringe at the thought that all of me, even the parts that I considered fruitless or dangerous or flawed, belonged with Taemin. I don’t know" (4 O’Clock, Chapter 14)."
There's our Lei, still caught up in things like proper wording! Also significant is Lei's limited use of the phrase "my Taemin." She thinks it for the first time shortly before the scene quoted above; she doesn't say it aloud until the next day. We could take this, I suppose, as another example of the binary of day and night that culminates in Lei's decision to "live in the light," expressed in the closing chapters. 
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95zintheirownworld · 3 years
Since when and why are you an army and like vmin? :)
ive liked bts since 2016 when a youtuber I followed reacted to fire. ive been lowkey following their music since 2017 bcuz a very close friend of mine became an army after dna went viral and used to share a lot of bts mvs and songs with me. i started watching bts edits and clips in 2019 when a twt moot became a minjoon biased army and i had bts content all over my tl, and ive kept up with them ever since lol. but i couldn't Properly get into them until the lockdown in 2020 when I finally sat down and listened to all their songs and watched their performances. i think the BST mv + stage performances rlly solidified my love for them.
I watched a lot of bts compilation vids as well and rlly imo I think once you start watching bts content, there's just No turning back from there. they're so sincerely charming as ppl on top of having a Very solid discography theres no way out loool. in this bangtan sonyeondan shit for life, as a truly wise person once said. and ik in general most yt vids suck and include a lot of stereotypes for members and i don't recommend them as your intro to bts at All but there's So Many Cute ones as well. bts interview compilations, bts taking care of eo compilations, bts being funny compilations, etc. still i switched over to the original content quick enough lol, and there's So Much of it idt I'll ever be caught up entirely.
id say id joined and started interacting with the fandom by may 2020. bcuz i remember theorizing about the countdown to D-2 and screaming about spotting jinkook in the daechwita mv on the tl loool.
my bias has been jimin from the very beginning. ive been crying about how beautiful and wonderful he is since 2019 and im genuinely in love with him in a very best friend way (tae gets it). i think the first bts song i had on loop for a Month straight was filter lol. i saw this one edit by stussyjimin on twt that I was Obsessed with and ive been jimin biased ever since.
joon was my bias wrecker for a while bcuz he is genuinely so charming?? and Smart??? and his lyricism?? is out of this world?? and those yt compilations of him being patient with all the members rly made me love him sm
after i started watching videos of All members during the lockdown tho, i realized i was So Endeared by tae as well. he made me so Fond of him. he's always so sincerely Him. funny and strange and attentive and sweet and Observant. and then i watched a sweet night × tangled edit on twt and his voice??? was so Soothing?? i fell in love with him in a very best friend way too(jimin gets it). he's been my bias wrecker ever since ;-;-;-
when it comes to shipping, i started off as a moonfairy bcuz of the twt moot i mentioned lol. there was a Lot of soft minimoni content at the time, the kitchen run ep, the vlive, promise making behind the scenes and i found them So cute. i think id sat and watched All tae and jimin ship compilation vids at the time tbh. esp taejoon and minjoon. at heart, for some time, i was also a simple vminjoonist.
however as u know eventually yt starts reccing the analysis vids. and Those put me off both jkk and tkk so thoroughly ive never been able to get into the two ships again ;-;-;- it was very frustrating to want to watch minimoni compilations and have yt only recommend slowed down zoom ins on Proof That jkk/tkk Real. the comment section for these videos were also especially awful im ngl. the whole experience made me so sour i quit watching ship compilations on yt entirely. ;-;-;-;
i got into vmin specifically after i first Properly heard the soulmate anthem with lyrics and went ?!?!?!? this + the June 2020 Avalanche of vmin content turned me into a vminie. vmin content doesn't rlly filter into the ot7 spaces as much, so you've to Rlly go looking for it. i think after the unit interview 4 o'clock revelation i got curious about vmin and went ahead and found the small corner of vminies in the fandom bcuz even in June 2020 there Weren't very many of us here lol.
the old vminies kept talking about how vmin had changed over the years, so I went back to watch the old bangtan bombs to pay attention to vmin in particular. and like, once you See it, you can't Unsee it. ive talked about this before, but vmin have gone from The most rowdy best friends who roughouse for fun to The most gentle and tender soulmates and the transition is so ?!?!?!?!?
i think This particular video rlly converted me to vminism and idk why it's not talked about as much
firstly, how does one even reconcile 2014 vmin with This vmin lol. secondly, what even is going on in this video. "when you were dancing i was watching you." "you were?" "ive been watching the whole time." "don't look at me!!" spoken in the softest voices. i couldn't get this out of my head for Days!!! tae is so awed!!! jimin is so shy!!! they're so tender!! why!!!
consuming seven years worth of vmin content where they're just loving eo, comforting eo, writing songs for eo and just declaring over and over that they're The most special to eo even tho they used to fight the Most rlly got me further in. i watched run eps and bon voyages and bts episodes and bangtan bombs. i stalked the vmin archive. @btsandvmin's blog also helps, it's quite well organized. and they have a very Balanced approach towards shipping.
the vmin evolution!!! vmins bond!!! all their moments!!! rlly made me love them sm
for anyone newly getting into vmin, I will Always say watch vmin clips from the source content instead of in isolation. that's the One thing ive always done, bcuz context is very important and also, most vmin content is even more precious With context ;-;-;-
when you realize the sheer number of Times vmin have expressed in big and small ways how much they mean to eo. you Can't not love them. i adore vmin sm i adore their bond i adore how much they love eo there's rlly no way to Not love them tbh.
thank you anon for this ask, i loved answering it <33333
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Kentucky Meat Shower
The Kentucky meat shower was an incident occurring between the morning hours of eleven and twelve o'clock for a period of several minutes on March 3, 1876.
At the time, Mrs. Crouch, a farmer’s wife, was making soap on her porch when she reported seeing the meat pieces fall from the sky. She said she was 40 steps from her house when the meat started to slap the ground. The meat looked gristly, according to Mrs. Crouch. Mrs. Crouch and her husband believed the event signified a sign from God. A similar event was later reported in Europe. The phenomenon was reported by Scientific American, The New York Times, and several other publications at the time. Most of the pieces were approximately 2 by 2 inches (5 cm × 5 cm); at least one was 4 by 4 inches (10 cm × 10 cm).
The meat appeared to be beef, but according to the first report in Scientific American, two gentlemen who tasted it judged it to be lamb or deer. B. F. Ellington, a local hunter, identified it as bear meat. Writing in the Sanitarian, Leopold Brandeis identified the substance as Nostoc, a type of cyanobacteria. Brandeis gave the meat sample to the Newark Scientific Association for further analysis, leading to a letter from Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton appearing in the Medical Record and stating the meat had been identified as lung tissue from either a horse or a human infant, "the structure of the organ in these two cases being almost identical."  The composition of this sample was backed up by further analysis, with two samples of the meat being identified as lung tissue, three as muscle, and two as cartilage. Brandeis's Nostoc theory relied on the fact that Nostoc expands into a clear jelly-like mass when rain falls on it, often giving the sense that it was falling with the rain. Charles Fort noted in his first book, The Book of the Damned, that there had been no rain. Locals favored the explanation that the meat was vomited up by buzzards, "who, as is their custom, seeing one of their companions disgorge himself, immediately followed suit." 
Dr. L. D. Kastenbine presented this theory in the contemporaneous Louisville Medical News as the best explanation of the variety of meat. Vultures vomit as part of making a quick escape and also as a defensive method when threatened. Fort explained the flattened, dry appearance of the meat chunks as the result of pressure, and noted that nine days later, on March 12, 1876, red "corpuscles" with a "vegetable" appearance fell over London.
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ssa-babygirl · 4 years
Out of My League [Part 3]
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Single mom!Reader
Word count: ~4.5k 
Summary: Nothing brings two friends together like a bit of grief with a side of daddy issues. (Mixed POV, includes flashbacks)
Warning(s): As the summary states, angst, grief and daddy issues, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of cancer, a few swear words, i think that’s it??? i use the word “smile” like 138407894 times i’m so sorry i hate noticing my crutch words
Author’s Note: I am SO sorry how long this took I honestly have no excuse, this chapter isn’t even that great but this is only two thirds of what I actually intended this part to be so GUESS WHAT I SPLIT IT UP!!!! the next part shouldn’t take too long (I say that but watch it’s gonna take like another year) and it’s gonna be super fluffy so DON’T Y’ALL WORRY IT’S GONNA BE FLUFF CENTRAL FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF CHAPTERS
[Previous Part] [Series Masterlist]
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(Reader POV)
You had only been to D.C. a few times before to visit your dad, normally under happier circumstances, such as him getting sworn in for another term, but this time was not the case. You got the phone call from your mother the evening before when you quickly packed yours and Jamie’s bags for the flight that left later that night. The few hours you had spent in D.C. already felt like long days. You were physically and emotionally exhausted. Jamie had never been on a plane before and was grappling with the effects of jet lag.
You needed a bit of a pick-me-up yourself, so you ran over to a coffee shop for a bit of a change of scenery. It was about eight o'clock in the morning when you heard your name being called, but not by the barista making your drinks, but by a familiar voice that you had only heard over the phone for a couple of months since his last visit home. You turned around to face the source and locked eyes with Spencer.
“Hey!” You smiled, trying your best to not look like you had just had the longest 24 hours of your life.
“What are you doing here? Why didn’t you say you were gonna be in town?”
“I didn’t know I was gonna be in town until last night!” Spencer could see right through you. He pursed his lips, not asking what was wrong yet, but still opting to check-in and make sure you’re okay.
“How are you feeling? Jet lagged?”
“Some profiler.” Your chuckle came out more annoyed than you would have liked it to. 
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, just getting some coffee--”
“No, like, are you okay?” He knew something was wrong, he wasn’t stupid, quite the opposite, by a long shot.
“I’m fine, Spence,” you lied through your teeth.
“Then who isn’t?” Panic and worry flashed across his face, “Is Jamie okay?
“Yes! He’s fine!” You couldn’t help but smile at the relief Spencer displayed that your son was safe and well, his hand coming up to rest over his heart. You hesitated for a second before giving in and telling him why you seemed so off, “My dad’s sick in the hospital.”
“Oh! Do they know what’s wrong with him?”
“Yep. Stage 4 lung cancer.” Your dad had been a smoker for most of your life. He tried to quit after Jamie was born, but the damage had already been done.
Spencer looked genuinely heartbroken as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to think of what to say next “Do you know how much time he has?”
“Couple of weeks if we’re lucky.”
His eyebrow furrowed and his golden eyes softened to an impossible degree, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. This wasn’t sudden, we’ve been expecting it, but when the doctor says eight to twelve months, and you get through month eight, you start hoping it’s gonna be twelve.”
“Are you going back to the hospital now?”
“I’ll come with you!”
“Don’t you have work?”
“I don’t have to be there for another hour and,” he checks his watch, which was pulled over the sleeve of his dark gray cardigan, “fifty-six minutes.”
“The hospital’s out of the way and you hate being late.”
“I hate the thought of you going through this alone even more.” You tried to ignore the warm and fuzzy feeling that gave you but ultimately failed. Those big brown eyes refused to stop studying your face, analyzing any signs that you needed him, which to be fair, you did.
“I’m not alone, I got Jamie and my mom.”
“Even more the reason for me to want to go with you.” He finally dropped the solemn frown and took up a bright smile instead. You swore his grin was contagious because, by the time you both got your coffees, you were smiling just as wide.
You drove back to the hospital in comfortable silence. Walking back to your father’s room felt easier with him by your side. Jamie looked up from his drawing as he saw you approach, beaming at you and his favorite federal agent.
“Doctor Spencer!” He came running up to him and hugging his legs.
“Hey, little man!” Spencer ruffled his hair and grinned down at the tiny human squeezing his arms around his thigh.
Your mother looked up from her book, “Doctor? Spencer? Wait. As in…”
“Yeah, mom.”
She stands and wraps him in a hug, “Oh my goodness, sweetheart, you got so big! You’re all grown up! Oh, and you’re cute, too!” She pinched his now pink cheek as his face twisted into a bashful smile, “Right, Y/N? Spencer got cute!”
Now you were blushing a little.
Why am I blushing? I don’t blush over Spencer!
You pursed your lips and looked him up and down. His striped tie was crooked under his cardigan. His long hair was a bit shaggy, as if he rolled out of bed, showered, and decided to go to work. You just laughed nervously as you met Spencer’s eyes. God, those eyes. “Yeah… I’d say so.”
“You definitely grew into your looks. Honey, this is Spencer. Remember the boy that used to tutor Y/N?”
“Oh, nice to finally meet you, son, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Your father shifted in his bed, managing to sit up slightly.
“You too, sir, I just wish it could have been under better circumstances.”
“Don’t give me any of that ‘sir’ crap, I got enough of that working on the Hill,” your father chuckled but his hearty laugh quickly devolved into a coughing fit. Your mother sat back down on the bed next to him and fed him some ice chips to keep him hydrated.
“So, Spencer, Y/N says you work for the FBI now?” She turns her attention away from her husband and forces a smile.
“Yes! I do.”
You took a seat and sipped your coffee, “He was on the team that helped save Jamie, remember?”
“What division are you in?” Your dad asked.
“The Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
“I got some buddies in the bureau, who’s your supervisor?”
“Aaron Hotchner?”
“Oh, I knew him in his prosecutor days. Helluva lawyer, he got some of my clients put away.”
“Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be, they were guilty, weren’t they?”
Spencer’s phone rang in his pocket, “Speaking of which, I have to go. Got a case.”
“Go! Don’t be late!”
“Go catch the bad guy, Doctor Spencer!”
“Will do, Jamie.” He ruffled his hair before turning to your parents, “Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. L/N, it was great seeing you.”
“Bye, sweetheart, don’t be a stranger!”
“I’ll walk you out, return the favor.” You walked quietly with him.
“Listen, I don’t know when I’ll be home from this, but I’ll let you know when I get back, and if you’re still here just give me a call, okay?”
“Of course, Spence. Now go catch the bad guy!” You grinned as you parroted your son’s words. He returned your smile and pulled you into a hug. You could feel tears brimming in your eyes, but you fought it off best you could. Spencer could still sense your pain and hugged you as tight as possible. You were the one to pull away first, patting his back and forcing your pursed lips into a smile. His phone started to ring shortly after.
“Don’t let me keep you.”
            (Spencer’s POV)
The case went on for too long. Two whole weeks passed before we were able to come home from Minneapolis. A man was strangling women with short black hair between the ages 30-40 because they reminded him of his mother, it’s standard stuff, it should have been a pretty cut and dry case, but the guy was almost impossible to find, he was completely off the grid. It took Garcia days to just get us a name, let alone contact information. He killed two other women while we were there. One of them was a mother, she had three kids all under the age of 10. Cases like these were always tough, but Gideon had seen enough to talk us all through it. I still wasn’t used to him being gone.
I couldn’t get any sleep on the jet. The nightmares have been coming back with a vengeance since Gideon left. He was like a father to me, my protector, my mentor, and now I have no one.
That’s hyperbolic; I do have the team, and they miss him too, but I’m pretty much alone out on the field. I know I can go to them, but it doesn’t feel right. I don’t like to rely on others because when they leave, I’m by myself.
Which is exactly why I am the only one awake on the jet home.
I suppose I wasn’t totally alone, I could call Y/N, but I wouldn’t wanna bother her if she was with her family. She only has so much time left with her dad. I took my phone out of my pocket anyway and saw a missed call from her last night, I hadn’t seen it before because of the case. If she wanted to talk she probably needed to, right?
I mulled it over in my head, and before I could even come to a decision, my fingers worked on autopilot, dialing the same number I had memorized years ago, and hit call.
Las Vegas, 1994
I picked up the book from the top of the pile she set down on the counter, “You’re reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream?”
“Yeah, for class.”
“If you need any help with that, my mother was a classics professor, I’ve read most of Shakespeare’s works.”
“Really? That’s cool. I’ve read the basics in other classes, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, all that, but this one is definitely my favorite so far.”
“Yeah! I don’t know why, but the idea of falling in love with the wrong person just sorta… I dunno… resonates, I guess.”
“Yeah, same here.”
She snorted, “You’re like 12, how would you know about that?”
I bit my lip before explaining, “Reminds me of my parents. They loved each other at one point, obviously, but not enough to stop my dad from leaving us.”
She cringed to herself as if she realized some horrible mistake, “Jeez, I’m sorry, man.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know.”
“How long ago did he leave?”
“Two years ago.”
“So it’s just been you and your mom?”
She stared at the pencil as she twisted it in between her fingers. Her eyes refused to meet mine. “My dad has worked in D.C. pretty much my whole life, and a lot of the time it was just my mom and me. He was always home for Christmas and birthdays, he came to all my recitals as a kid, but he was gone the rest of the year. I see him maybe… fifteen days out of the year?”
She finally looked up, if only for a second. Seeing her eyes, at last, I took note of the sadness behind them, “Which is fine, it’s better than nothing, but I don’t really have a dad the other 350 days of the year, you know? I could call him, but I don’t, it’s always ‘Sorry sweetheart, I’m a bit busy right now.’”
“Yeah, my dad was always too busy too.”
“I know our situations are still really different, and you probably already know this after two years, but it does get easier.”
Present Day
(Reader POV)
You click the button to answer the call, “Spencer?”
“Hey! We’re landing soon, you still in D.C.?” His voice is scratchy like he had just woken up, or like he hadn’t spoken to anyone in a couple of hours.
“Y-yeah! I’m still staying with my mom.”
“How’s your dad?”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t have to, your silence answered his question well enough.
“Oh, shit…” Spencer groaned, “God, Y/N, I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t be, you didn’t know.”
“How long ago?”
“Last week, the funeral was yesterday.” You could hear him grimace over the phone.
“Y/N I am… so sorry I couldn’t be there for you—”
“Don’t be! You had to work, it’s okay, Spencer.”
“I should have called sooner.”
You almost laughed at his tone, “Spencer, you were catching a serial killer, it’s not your responsibility to make sure I’m okay.”
“I know, but—”
“But nothing. I’m fine.”
“How’s Jamie, god, how’s your mother?”
“She’s holding up. I’m helping her out for a while, I don’t want her to be in this house alone.” You decided to leave out the part about you putting a downpayment on an apartment a couple of blocks away from your mother’s house for now.
“How’s Jamie doing?” He asked with perfect timing as Jamie flopped onto the couch behind you.
“Wanna talk to him? He’s right here.”
“Can I? Please?”
“Jamie, baby, wanna talk to Doctor Spencer?” He didn’t even say yes before he leaped up from his seat and grabbed the phone from your hand.
“Hi, Doc!”
“Hey, little man! How’s it going? How are you?” You could still hear his excited voice even though it was nowhere near your ear anymore. It brought a smile to your face as you saw Jamie light up at the sound of your friend on the other side of the call.
“I’m okay. Did you catch the bad guy?”
“Yes, Jamie, we got him. How’s your mom?”
“She’s saying she’s fine, but she’s still really sad.”
“Well, can you put her back on with me?” Jamie hands the phone back to you and runs off to return to his coloring book and crayons.
You sighed before putting the phone back to your ear, “Don’t worry about me, Spence—”
“Come to the BAU.”
He said the words so fast you almost needed him to repeat it, “What?”
“I mean it, I’ll call you when we land, come visit. Bring Jamie and your mom.”
“Won’t you have a ton of work to do when you land?”
“I couldn’t sleep, I did all my paperwork on the jet.”
“Please. I need to see you guys.” He was practically begging. It tugged at your heart in a familiar way, but there was a pit in your stomach that you couldn’t place.
“What happened on the case?”
He sighed, “I don’t want to talk about it, okay? Just come in like, an hour.”
You tried to lighten the mood just a little bit, “My mom’s been obsessively baking, want us to bring you your favorite?”
“Did she make her famous oatmeal cookies?” You could almost see his face and the way his brown eyes lit up, even while he was on a plane hours away.
The image brought a soft smile to your face and sparked a tiny bit of light in your heart, “Yep!”
“Y/N L/N, if you bring me some, I will be forever indebted to you.”
“You owe me nothing, Doctor Reid.”
               Security waved you through to the elevator, Spencer had cleared you for entry already. One guard hit the button for the sixth floor and sent you up, one hand holding Jamie’s and the other holding a Tupperware of your mom’s cookies. When the doors opened, you saw the entrance to the bullpen, desks filled with paperwork, and busy agents trying to get it all done. As the three of you crept through the hall to the glass doors, your eyes locked onto Spencer, who was sprawled out in his office chair with a thick book, legs propped up on his desk, and glasses balanced on the ridge of his nose.
“Hi! Who are you here to see?” A chipper blonde with purple cat eyeglasses and curly ponytails waved at you from down the hall.
“Spencer Reid?”
“Oh! He mentioned he’d have visitors, you must be Y/N! I’m Penelope.”
“That’s a pretty name!” Jamie beamed up to the woman, who clutched a hand over her heart and returned his smile.
“Oh! Thank you, sweetheart! What’s your name, kiddo?”
“Oh you are just precious, he is precious, Y/N, good kid.”
You laughed at the pair’s enthusiasm, “Thank you, can we just go straight in?”
“Yep! Go ahead!”
You walked up to his desk and placed the cookies next to his computer, pulling his attention away from his book. He turned to look up at you, closing the book and throwing it where his feet rested before he jumped up to wrap his arms around you. Jamie hugged his leg and your mother pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Hey, how are you guys doing?”
“Spencer, we’re fine.”
He didn’t say anything, just examined your face for any sign of a lie. The frustration on his face said he didn’t find one.
“Stop profiling me, I’m okay.”
“Mommy, can I have a cookie now?” Jamie eyed the container like a hawk; he shared Spencer’s love of oatmeal cookies, especially from your mom.
“Right! You brought your cookies, thank you so much, Mrs. L/N.”
“You’re not a kid anymore, honey, you can call me by my first name.”
“No, I absolutely cannot,” he laughed.
You turned around and saw the woman who hugged you while you cried when you thought your son was gone: JJ.
“Hi! Good to see you again!” You brought her in for a hug while Spencer continued to catch up with Jamie and your mom.
“You too! Jamie got so big!” 
“Yeah, he’s starting 3rd grade soon!” You reached around to ruffle Jamie’s hair.
“When does he start?”
“A few weeks! We gotta go back to school shopping!”
“Ooh, that’s exciting! So you’re heading home soon?”
“Um…” You glanced at Spencer and your mom, who was pestering him about whether or not he had a girlfriend, “Actually, I just thought it would be best for us to stay close to my mom. Jamie likes it here, so we’re actually going to be moving here before school starts.”
“A new school! Are you excited, Jamie?”
Spencer, still a blushing mess thanks to your mother’s nosiness, sputtered out “Uh… Excited for what?”
“To move to D.C.!” You raised your hands in a little “Surprise!” motion.
“W-what?” He couldn’t stop himself from looking delighted even if he tried.
“We’re moving here to stay close to my mom.”
“She’s been such a good help,” she gestured to the cookies, half gone over the course of the conversation, “I’m not really ready to give her up just yet.”
“Spence, you should show her around!” JJ’s face had an unreadable look, but I guess that’s what profilers are for “Take her sightseeing. Jamie, have you been to the Washington Monument yet?”
“Nope! Doctor Spencer, can you take us?”
“Sure, little man, you want your mom and grandma to come with?”
Spencer grinned at him, ruffling his curls before smiling at you. His eyes were scrunched into thin lines from his cheeks, but there was still something behind them. Something you couldn’t quite read. His smile softened slightly and you finally got a clear view of his hazel eyes. His lips parted like he was about to say something, but Jamie cut him off again.
“Ooh! Ooh! Can we go to the Smithsonian?”
“Oh, honey, you’re gonna wish you didn’t say that,” JJ joked.
“The kid knows everything, you’ll be there for hours,” a deep voice said behind you.
“Morgan!” You smiled and stretched your arms out to hug him.
“Good to see you again, Y/N.”
When you turned back to Spencer, his warm grin was gone, replaced by a glare directed at Morgan. Had something happened with them? Last you heard they were best friends. Maybe that’s what happened on the case? Maybe that’s why he was so upset on the phone? Whatever it was had to be bad because he barely spoke for the rest of the visit.
               A few weeks later, after you were all moved into your new apartment and Jamie was settled into his new school, you called Spencer. He owed you a trip to the Washington Monument. On your little day trip, there was no such thing as silence. Even in the quiet museum, Spencer’s voice filled the air, spewing facts about the monument, the memorial, the exhibits, and everything in between. Jamie loved to learn, so he hung onto every word that he heard.
“Plans for the monument’s development actually started in 1783, before Washington was even elected president. D.C. wasn’t even the capital of the country yet. Washington was actually against the monument because he didn’t want to use public funds for it, but after his death, Congress wanted to build him a mausoleum--”
You didn’t mind the rants. You still loved to listen to him ramble. Even if you didn’t understand what he was talking about sometimes, the sound of his voice was just soothing, especially after the stress of moving across the country. 
Jamie got tired after walking around all day after the tour of the National Museum of Natural History and the Washington Monument, so your mom offered to take him home. You planted a kiss to his forehead and ruffled his hair, hugging your mom goodbye as Spencer high fived him and waved as they went off in the direction of home.
“You know, you didn’t have to stay with me. If you wanna go home too, you can.”
“No. I wanna stay with you.”
A small smile crept across his lips, blush rising to his cheeks. He bit his lips and looked down at his feet as he started walking off to the next stop on his little tour.
“Where to now, Doc?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Come on, tell me, tell me!”
“No, ‘cuz then it’s not a surprise!”
“I’m aware of the definition of surprise, you don’t need to have an eidetic memory to know that.” You would just have to rely on your less refined profiling skills to figure out where you were going. You were on foot, so it couldn’t be too far. 
“Why aren’t we taking a cab?”
“Because I wanna walk with you.”
Just hail a cab, it takes way less time than--
You walked side by side for the remainder of the distance. He did most of the talking, telling you stories about the team. You took notice of the softness in his voice when he talked about Morgan. He wasn’t bitter anymore. 
“--And then Garcia answered the phone.”
“Oh, god, what’d she say?”
“‘Talk dirty to me.’”
“She said that to your boss.”
“Morgan was mortified, you should have seen his face.”
You looked at him while he grinned at the memory. It was the most at peace you’d seen him in… well, a while.
“So… you guys are cool now?”
The peace was replaced with confusion, “What do you mean?”
Your pace faltered, but you kept walking, “Didn’t you guys…? Weren’t you fighting?”
“No? Why would you think that?”
You pursed your lips and furrowed your brows, “No reason.”
Why else would he have been mad at Morgan when I went to visit? You thought, There’s no other reason! Unless… 
“We’re here!” Spencer stopped in his tracks, looking up at a large white structure with tall windows and stone carvings decorating the walls. You turned and saw the sign out front that read: “Folger Shakespeare Library.”
“Spencer…” You gaped at the sign, a small, awe-filled smile tugging at your lips.
“I remembered how much you loved Shakespeare in school, I thought you’d get a kick out of this.”
“Spencer, this is… This is wonderful!”
“Good surprise?”
“Great surprise!”
You grabbed him by the arm and tugged him up the front steps as he digs through his pockets for his wallet. Once inside, he bought two tickets for the next show: Midsummer Night’s Dream. Your favorite. It didn’t start for another half hour, so he led you to the reading room.
The room was beautiful, to put it lightly. Three ornate chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The furniture and accents were all done in a dark wood, shelves packed tightly with books. The setting sun shone through the breathtaking stained glass windows. An unlit fireplace rested against the wall. Spencer led you up to the second level, a balcony wrapping around the border of the room. 
“Thank you for today,” you beamed, “I haven’t seen Jamie that happy since…”
“I know the feeling. I haven’t felt this okay since…” His gaze dropped to his feet, trying to swallow the words that came out too soon.
“Since what?”
“Since uh...” He glanced back up to your face, “Since Gideon left the team.”
Spencer never told you he left. Agent Gideon kept tabs on Jamie after his rescue. For the last three years, he got a card in the mail on Christmas and his birthday. He always checked in and asked how he was doing. When you went to visit Spencer at the BAU a few weeks ago, you wanted to say hi to Agent Gideon and thank him for his consideration, but you hadn’t seen him. You thought he was just taking a personal day, he worked too hard anyways from what Spencer told you. 
“Spence, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think you’d care.”
The words were like a spark that shocked your heart awake from a lovely sleep, and now it was upset to be so rudely awoken, “Of course I care! What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t wanna know the reason you’ve been so… off.”
“What do you mean ‘off?’”
“You don’t have to be a profiler to see you haven’t been yourself in… when did Gideon leave?”
He played with a loose thread on the sleeve of his sweater and looked back down at his feet, the toe of his converse nudging at the emerald green carpet, “Couple of months ago.”
“You could have told me.”
“You’ve had your own stuff going on. It’s not that bad.”
“You don’t have to convince yourself that you aren’t having a hard time just because I am. You don’t always have to be the hero.”
“Neither do you, you know.”
“I really am fine.”
“Y/N, he was your dad, you’re allowed to be upset.”
“I am, okay?” You snapped, “I miss him like hell! He was always just one phone call away and now…” One hand carded through your hair as you inhaled deeply, placing your other hand on the banister beside you to steady yourself.
“I’m not going to pretend that our situations are the same because they aren’t, but I’ll tell you the same thing you told me when we were kids.” He placed his hand close to yours on the banister, your fingers almost touching. Almost. “It gets easier, not seeing him every day. But just ‘cuz he wasn’t around doesn’t mean you can’t feel bad.”
You force a smile, “Thanks, Spence.”
“Of course.” He wrapped his arms around you and held you tight. The hug wasn’t particularly emotional. Neither one of you felt like you were about to cry, it just felt nice to be in each other's embrace.
“Show’s starting soon.” He muttered into your ear before pulling away, walking off towards the theater with you following close behind.
Lmk if you wanna be added! Some names didn’t work so if you don’t see your name as a tag just dm me a url and I’ll try to fix it
@lawnmoa @ellvswriting @baby-pogue @rottenearly @confused-and-really-hungry @thatsonezesty13 @deni-gonzalez @irjuejjsaa @randomfandomshitposts @bisoner @moonstarrnghtsky @smurfflynn @eldahae​ @t0xicllama​ @undeniablyyou​ @staplernpaper @theweirdobella​ @sammypotato67​ @k-k0129​ @helloniallslovelies​
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alottamoney · 3 years
You ask me to make a whole 172 hours power point presentation about my favorite vmon moments, so here we go:
1 — 4 O'clock
A beautiful song with a beautiful presentation. I can't describe how much I love this, taejoon are both passionate artists and when they do things together is just so wonderful.
2 — Festa 2019
Namjoon said he would like to be Taehyung's tree. I have no more to say. They take care of each other and see each other as someone you can trust.
3 — Winter Bear
Namjoon helped Taehyung and when said he is the right person for him I cried.
4 — Bon Voyage 2 letter
We all know how Joon is with words and I don't know how to say how much Taehyung is important to Namjoon.
5 — Inner Child, MOTS : 7 Analysis Album live
In this live Namjoon say that the song is about the little Taehyung from the past and a message to him of how things are going to be great to him. He talks about the little adventures with young Tae.
I can mention lots of more moments but this 5 are my favorites.
— monie
I'd say my favorite moment is the one where Namjoon dressed up as Sailor moon, Tae looked a bit...lost lol
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nanakin · 4 years
The 7 Mysteries Analysis
In the Hell of Mirrors arc, Tsuchigomori mentions that each of the 7 mysteries governs a certain aspect of the school:
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Now that we have (kind of) met #6, I thought it would be interesting to examine the 7 mysteries powers and what they control in the school!
The mysteries that are in purple are the ones whose yorishiros have been destroyed, meaning they are technically not part of the 7 mysteries anymore. Pink is pure theory at this point.
Disclaimer: We don't know everything about the 7 mysteries yet so some of this is speculation!
No. 1- Time
Kako- Controls the past, can rewind time for students or the school.
Mirai- Controls the future, can turn time forward for students or the school.
Aoi Akane- Human assistant to the clock keepers, controls the present. He can stop time for up to 15 minutes per day with his watch.
Yorishiro- This one is tricky- do they each have a yorishiro or do they share one?
Boundary- ? Maybe if Hanako-kun wasn't such a perv we would know
Rumor- There are three clock keepers that control the past, present, and future of the school with a big clock. If you touch the clock without their permission, they will steal all your time.
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No. 2- Space
Yako- The stairs in Yako's boundary can take you anywhere in the school-including other mystery's boundaries. She can also bring dolls to 'life'.
Yorishiro- The scissors Misaki gave her
Boundary- The Misaki Stairs
Rumor- If you step on the 4th stair of Staircase B in the old building, you will be taken to the far shore and torn to pieces.
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No. 3- Memories
Bird Guy Mitsuba Souske- He can see anything that has ever happend in the school (if it happend in front of a mirror).
Yorishiro- The ceiling of the boundary (why tho)
Boundary- The Hell of Mirrors, located inside the mirrors of the school
Real Life- Mitsuba Souske died in an accident(?) his second year of middle school. He was in the photography club.
Rumor- If you look into a mirror at the school, it could suck you into The Hell of Mirrors. The hell of mirrors reflects your hearts deepest regrets and darkness, and will use these things to attack you to try to swap places with you on the near shore.
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No. 4- Reality/Fiction(?)
Shijima Mei- The only explanation of what Mei controls is Sakura saying she "creates worlds based on peoples wishes/desires in their heart." That sounds dangerously close to Hanako's territory? Based on the fact that she creates fictional worlds that can trap students, I believe she controls what is real vs not real.
Yorishiro- Sketchbook
Boundary- the art room
Real Life- Shijima Mei was a student at the academy in the 80s. She loved art and her family supported her in pursuing it, but she got sick and had to stay in the hospital for a prolonged time. She continued to work on her art there and submitted her final drawing to a student art show.
Rumor- A girl who loved art but wasn't allowed to pursue it killed herself and now haunts the art room. She can trap you in a fake world that she paints and make you do whatever she wants.
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No. 5- Records
Tsuchigomori- Can read the lives of the students at the school from the time they enter to the time they graduate.
Yorishiro- Amane's moon rock
Boundary- The 4 O'Clock Library (accessed through the library)
Rumor- If you go to the library at 4pm, a special room will open that has books with the names of every student who has ever attended the school in it. The books tell you everything that a student has done or will do at the school. Black books are students that have died, white books are living students, and red ones, the ones that are forbidden to read, tell you the future.
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No. 6- Life/Death
Shinigami- He can kill things or bring them back to life just by touching them.
Yorishiro- Akane Sumire
Boundary- It is unclear how you get to no. 6's boundary, but it is located under the school.
Rumor- If you hear the sound of a flute playing, it means the reaper is coming to collect your soul to sacrafice you to hungry spirits/the gods.
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No. 7- Wishes(?)
Hanako (Yugi Amane)- Hanako grants wishes for humans in exchange for a price (but I think he does more than just that). He is also the leader of the 7 mysteries. He can only be summoned by people with supernatural powers or people who are close to the far shore. He is the third Hanako Kamome Academy has had.
Yorishiro- based on Sumire being no. 6's human yorishiro with a black/red seal, I think it is safe to assume at this point that Hanako's yorishiro is Tsukasa.
Boundary- Hanako's boundary either is the 3rd floor girl's bathroom in the old building or you reach it through the bathroom.
Real Life- We dont know much about Amane's life yet other than he went to Kamome Academy, died his second year of middle school in 1969, and killed his younger twin brother.
Rumor- Hanako-san of the toilet is the ghost of a girl who haunts the girls bathroom. If you go to the old building's third floor bathroom and knock on the door of the third stall 3 times, a girl with a bob haircut and red skirt will grant one of your wishes in exchange for something you care about.
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No. 8
OKAY OKAY OKAY- i know theres no OFFICAL no. 8 yet, but I think Yashiro will still die and Hanako will make her no. 8 to keep her on the near shore or Tsukasa will grant her wish to stay at the school. She may come back to life with the help of the 7 mysteries powers, but there are just too many clues that point to this- her name having the kanji for '8' in it, the first season OP mentioning an 8th mystery, the fact that she is fated to die, her skull brooch, etc. If this does happen, I hope she gets to control love/romance, I think our girl would enjoy that at least. 🥺
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c0ltraine · 4 years
Survey Says...
I was tagged by @eckspress a few days ago (sorry it’s late pal) to fill out this survey and tag five friends to also fill it out. I’ll copy her example and tag @sensualkiwi, @hazykitty, @brown-girl-tears, @if-n0t-l8ter-when, and @angelwingsandlace
1) Put your music on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Bill Gates so I can see if he’ll pay me to stop wasting his time lol
3) What is something you’re terrible at but wish you could do well?
I’m very soft spoken, so I just wish I was better at speaking up
4) What do you think about most?
Friends, family, and how I need to do better about keeping in contact with people who are close to me
5) What modern invention are you grateful for the most?
Oh computers for sure, bc my job would be 100x harder if I was able to use excel and other analysis programs lol
6) Do you have any strange phobias?
I hate being late, but aside from that not really
7) What’s your religion?
So I’m a non-denominational Christian, however, I’m not a fan of the way most Christians think and act so I try to put some distance between myself and some of the rest bc of some of their twisted or hateful views.
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Probably just walking or enjoying the warmth of the sun tbh
9) What’s one thing you hope never changes?
I feel like I’m pretty compassionate and I try to see the best in people even when they may not exactly deserve it, so I hope I never stop doing that.
10) What was the last concert you saw before the pandemic?
I’ve actually never been to a live concert
11) Do you believe in karma?
Oh yeah, and I hope it’s coming to get some people who truly deserve it
12) What is one childhood memory that you remember especially well?
My real answer is a little too dark to share, but I do pretty vividly remember the first time I ever rode one of those pocket rocket motorcycles. I ended up crashing headfirst into a fence, but luckily I had on a helmet (which got twisted around on my head lmao.
13) What is your greatest weakness? Your greatest strength?
My greatness weakness is my inability to focus on things I don’t care too much about. My greatest strength on the flip side is my ability to super focus when I feel rushed and to get work done very quickly and efficiently when I’m on a strict timeline.
14) Who is your celebrity crush?
Hayley Williams or Meagan Goode
15) How do you vent your anger?
Tbh I really don’t get angry too often, but when I do I talk to friends lol. Some of them may be tired of hearing me vent.
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
Honestly not anymore. I used to collect interesting rocks and quarters (so I could have one from every year or how ever many different patterns were on the back), but I kinda just stopped years ago. I blame school haha
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
Honestly not yet, but I’m hoping that I will be soon!
18) What’s a sound you hate? sound you love?
I hate the sound of a dripping faucet, it annoys me to no end. I love the sound of a lawnmower tbh. I don’t know, I always loved the smell of fresh cut grass, so I think it’s like a pavlovian effect or something,
19) What’s your biggest “what if”?
There’s a few jobs in different states I wish I would have applied for an internship too years ago, but personally I guess it will always be what if my family never left Ohio.
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Yes to both, and I really feel like I’ve come in contact with a ghost before!
21) What are some core principles you have that you’ll never give up or change?
I’ve always believed what goes around comes around, so I guess I’m stealing Alexis’s answer of treat others the way you want to be treated! Also, help those in need, not just because you never know when they may help you, but just because it’s the right thing to do
22) What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?
Finding a new really good song or just getting to lay down in bed. Also I really enjoy whenever people throw unprompted compliments my way!
23)  What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
I went to an abandoned school one time with some friends super late at night. It was a school that burned down years ago, there are rumors that it’s haunted, and it’s out in the middle of the woods lmao
24) What trait do you admire in others but don’t possess yourself?
Confidence! I really wish I had the confidence to do more things
25) To you, what is the meaning of life?
Probably to work hard to leave the most positive impact on the world that you will one day leave behind
26) Are you ticklish? If so, where?
Honestly idk anymore, I haven’t been tickled in years lol
27) What is the last movie you saw?
Wonder Woman 1984
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I’ve dislocated and sprained my thumb on my writing hand back when I was consistently playing piano. I’m also pretty sure I had a concussion at least once or twice
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?
Not really
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
I was the quiet, smart kid in school so no one ever really talked about me lol
31) Do you tend to hold a grudge against people who have done you wrong?
Yep, and I hope karma comes back to get them!
32) What is your atrological sign?
Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Capricorn rising
33) What’s the last thing you purchased?
Non-serious: A drink from a vending machine
Serious: A shop vacuum
34) Love or lust?
At this point as long as it’s mutual, either
35) In a relationship?
No 🙃
36) How many relationships have you had?
37) What’s a song that always makes you happy?
38) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Consitent communication
39) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
Dark reds!
40) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? 
The last 30 minutes of my interview when I got a job offer for my current job
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btsandvmin · 3 years
The 4 o'clock analysis is coming soon....
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Sorry to make you all wait for so long. 💜
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nekathyran · 4 years
I try not to think about the boys' music as some code or hints but still listening to snow flower and the obvious connections it has to blue and grey makes me really think that taehyung atleast likes these sort of connections or continuity with the previous song. Also now i wonder if scenery is really linked to 4o' clock too and if that was also intentional
Indeed Taehyung seems to draw many connections between his songs. I think it is only normal; the other members also do it ! It is not about "hints", it's about direct references and preferred metaphors, imageries, themes...
Another example, the metaphor of putting in a bottle words and feelings between Blue & Grey and Scenery. There a network of echoes between his songs, and it's fascinating.
I definitely think 4 O'clock has connections to Scenery (the park, the moon, night & dawn...).
There's nothing wrong with song analysis if you remain reasonable and true to the words ! 😊
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janemechner · 4 years
Analysis of ‘Busy Boy’ by ChloexHalle and it’s deconstruction of the ‘nice guy’
The song begins with a light, sweet, almost children's nursery sounding song. The song is sung casually, lightly, almost as if they are humming while doing the dishes and not thinking about it. In the background we hear 'bum bum, bum bum" by a man, referencing a 50's and 60s sound used by many artists such as the Contours, or Sam Cooke. "That's why, the nice guys they will always last...that's why, the playboys always finish last..". The phrase is a specific reference to "nice guys always finish last". A construct that originated from the persona of the 'nice guy'. A character often used in movies and film, he a man who is too kind to women, and therefore never gets the girl. In the opening of the song, the lyrics reverse the popular use of the term, and claim that nice guys prevail over playboys. This sets the theme for the whole song, it is a reclamation of the constructs men have created. The nursery song symbolizes ideas we have learned as children, Chloe and Halle are creating a new version.
After the intro, the song uses angelic harmonies (these, as opposed to the childlike nursery, are more mature and professional, deeper voice and clearer audio quality) to transition into an immediate slow bass. A low voice recites the situation for us, an angry, annoyed tone. Exact facts are lined up, we follow the text received at 9, to another girl receiving the same message at 9:15, to a further history of the busy boy lying. The line "then you disappear like I'm a fool" is emphasized with a (yeah). Our narrator is fully aware of the situation she is in, and how she is being treated. We empathize with the narrator, even if you have not experienced the situation- we understand the pain of being taken for a fool and taken for granted. Which sets us up for the rest of the story-
We start asking, is her judgement clouded by love? Does she want the busy boy despite how he treats her? How will the song continue, will she confront him? Will he redeem himself?
And suddenly we don't have time to process any of it, a sharper, lighter voice comes to the defense. A sharp attack- "that's why I don't play with you, I spend a little time, don't stay with you". It's blunt, a wake up call. We know the narrator isn't a fool, and here she is reminding us, she isn't going to be taken for any type of ride by someone who doesn't value her. But we wonder why she continues to see him, "I tell you want to hear all the time, just because you're so damn fine".
And as the chorus drops, RELIEF. We realize that this is not just a game played by the busy boy, but also by our narrator. She refuses to submit to whatever busy boy thinks he is doing, her humor and nickname for him "busy boy" gives him a new label, one that retracts his power. The next few lines after the chorus use the relief to continue the humor, my personal favorite line: "it's 4 o'clock, and you're sending me too many pictures of your (harmonizing)", and then a laugh. We share the awareness with the narrator, busy boy's actions are still catalogued by the time, because the intelligence of the narrator is a part of her character. But in these lyrics, they are lighter than busy boys introduction, there is no graveness in the singing, it's funny, and they are ridiculing the fact that he thought he could get away with any of it. They then proceed to list more and more proof of how aware they are, stumbling on his girlfriends page and wishing him a congratulations on the baby.
"That's why I just play with you... you ain't ever gonna get deep inside, even though you're so damn fine" Again the sharp rebuttal comes in, reminding us the entire reason that our narrator pays any attention to busy boy. Because of his attractiveness. The chorus fades to a contemplative humming, from upbeat and fast to slower harmonizing. We wallow in these thoughts.. wondering if this is enough, if it's worth it. And then we are hit in the face with a "damn fine!". 'Fine' is sung with a smile, a guilty pleasure, but full of consciousness. The 'damn' in front of it, is used almost as an annoyance one can't help. it highlights the weakness both our narrator and busy boy have for each other, physical attraction. But it serves as a reminder that our narrator is aware, much too aware to have her heart broken.
Then, if you're like me, you listen to the song again because it's been on repeat all day. The chorus starts in again, a sweet ballad about how nice guys will always last, and it hits you- the point of the entire song. The Busy Boy is a mirrored concept of this upbeat 3 minute pop song. He is something to be enjoyed for a short while, and doesn't last. The theme of time is threaded in and out of the song to tease us with the idea of everything having an expiration date.
"Nice guys finish last" as a phrase uses loaded words like finish, and last, giving it a goal and a deadline. Relationships don't work that way and they shouldn't, not only does this song deconstruct the fact that playboys are somehow better than nice guys, but also the idea of 'finishing' at all. The phrase is a goal created by men, a way to claim victory over a woman. Chloe and Halle have removed the phrase, removed the sense of victory, their new lyric, 'the nice guys they will always last' inspires a continuation of time and relationship. And with their new term 'Busy Boy' providing a belittling way to refer to what was previously a mark of pride, the 'Playboy'- gendered terms and constructs can continue to be questioned and reversed. The song aides in an important deconstruction of the expectations of relationships. The term removes the tragedy of wanting a 'busy boy' and offers in exchange, power.
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vlovers19 · 5 years
Hi I don't send asks bcoz my English is not good so bare with me 🤧 but I see lot of Vm shippers thinking Vm's suddenly stopping vlives has something to do with their romantic interest in each other and i was also confused but then I saw this tarot reading i don't believe in these things but it made sense to me u should read it it's on Tumblr search for "bangtan all day" then search "Vmin tarot reading" and it really explains what was going on between vm in 2016/17/18. Btw i luv your blog ❤️😍
First of all, I do not believe in tarot reading and the reason is this. These days, there are a lot of fake people who will mislead others for their own benefit. They will tell you what you want to hear as long as it gets them more views and likes on you tube or on their blog. I have read lots of tarot readings about Bts and the funny thing is that not a single one of them drew the same conclusions. They always have different meanings especially when it comes to shipping.
Take for instance now, you will ask one tarot reader if Taekook is real. They will tell you that they are and that they have been in a relationship for years and have been hiding their feelings from the public. At the same time, ask another reader if jikook is real and they will tell you the same thing that they have been in a relationship for a long time also. Same thing with Yoonmin and other pairings. So what is the truth? There isn't because there are a lot of biasness. People just want to believe what they want to believe so these people tell you what you generally know but will twist it in a way that makes it look believable.
It is very few that might be actually legit but those few come from older more experienced tarot readers. People with many years of experience. Yet even with that, the outcome isn't a hundred percent sure because human beings are very unpredictable.
Ultimately, I do not believe in tarot readings especially when it comes to human emotions. I'd rather take a look at a situation and critically analyse it. I rely a lot on others interactions, my senses and my feelings rather than on what someone else says about a group of people they might not even know. They can say a bunch of things and people will just buy it because they desperately want to believe it. There are so many predictions especially when it comes to shipping.
I just read the post which you where talking about and I'm not really surprised because it's something i had already deduced even without reading a tarot card or something. if you are very observative and you take a look at vmin's relationship, trace their history, you will notice how things gradually changed between them. How there was an awkwardness between them from 2016 till 2018. And then you will ask yourself, why is this friendship of theirs so complicated?
We will roughly examine Vmin's history and check the possibility of them developing feelings for each other. Let me remind you, i mentioned possibility meaning it's not a certainty and so, we'll start from the beginning.
We all know how their friendship began. High school best friends who did everything together. Went to school together. They where basically inseparable. But then, they got into a kpop group with six other boys whom they where already acquainted with.
Where things going to remain the same between these boys? Definitely not. Things where going to change. They where going to find themselves drifting apart from each other whether they wanted to or not.
Taehyung has always been a social butterfly. He likes meeting a lot of people and trying out new things. It was due to this that him and Jimin even became close. For a while, they had each other and probably Jimin was so used to getting Taehyung's attention. In 2014, Taehyung posted a pic holding hands with Jimin. The caption on the picture was let's keep going for a long time, i only have you. If you ask me, these are very strong words. It basically means that no matter what happens, your bond with each other will be unbreakable. You'll be friends for ever. The person whom such promise is made to will never forget it. We are sure Jimin would never forget that. They have both used strong words to describe their relationship with each other.
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"You are more than a close friend. You're my savior so you are very precious to me" Jimin 2015
"Jimin gives to me an existence that only a unique best friend can only have. When I'm full of worry, Jimin's answers give me strength. Recently, I was in a song writing trance and talked to Jimin about it for two hours. He's the warmest person I've ever met" Taehyung 2019
But their friendship wasn't perfect. They often fought. Jimin could attest to that. I don't have the clip here but Jimin personally revealed that him and Taehyung had once fought in the park but they eventually made up immediately after because they find it difficult keeping grudges with each other.
Moving forward, 2016 was sort of like the breaking point for BTS. They started to get more recognition with hit songs such as Blood sweat and tears, Fire. Their horizon is broadening. Things where bound to change for all the members of BTS. It was also around 2016 that Taehyung starred in a drama series titled Hwarang. During filming, he developed a very strong friendship with the rest of the cast popularly called Hwarang. Over time, they bonded and Taehyung began to hang out a lot with them.
There is something i want to add here, Jimin no doubt felt jealous during this time not only because Taehyung was hanging out with other people. There was one more important reason why i think he was upset. Now, Jimin had hyped up Taehyung's drama series showing his support for his friend such that there was a time Yoongi even made fun of him because of that only for Taehyung to begin professing love for his Hwarang hyungs.
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Jimin and the rest of the members where upset about it but Jimin took it especially hard and Taehyung found it funny at the time. Jimin's anger was the fact that Taehyung always said I love you to the Hwarang members but never to Bts. It probably left him feeling like Taehyung didn't value them as much anymore. Taehyung responded that he felt awkward saying such a thing to Bts because he considers them as his family. Here's an interview vmin had in 2017. If you read the excerpt below, you will find that this indeed caused some of rift in their relationship.
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Now, here is where i think something happened. Because Taehyung wanted to try new things didn't mean that he was getting bored of being with Jimin. He had just always been someone with a big heart who loves having a social network around him. Jimin has been well aware of this. He knows what Taehyung is like but then, i guess Jimin started feeling like he had to be a priority in Taehyung's life thus things probably started to happen. Probably, Jimin wanted him to be more affectionate. Taehyung starts getting stuffy due to Jimin's clinginess. They probably argued a lot over this then the push and pull thing started. Taehyung starts getting confused and decides to become independent from Jimin to give himself space from him. Jimin is the type who tries to mantain peace. He might have tried to ignore the tension going on but Taehyung can't do that which causes a strain in their relationship. Why i do believe this might have happened is because these two don't just see each other as only friends. They see each other as being more than that so therefore they take each other very seriously and they would definitely get into lots of arguments when they feel one of them is taking their friendship for granted. You can see this from one of BTS interviews but then again, they where asked this same question some time later. We can see that Vmin's answers are totally different from the previous ones which clearly showed that there was a change in their relationship.
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2016 marked a change in vmin where they probably started to realize that their relationship wasn't just the normal one. They had to determine what it was they really wanted. Taehyung was probably more affected by this than Jimin which could be why he was the one who decided to draw a line between them. This had nothing to do with Big hit or the other members. It was just between vmin. Probably, the other members where even unaware of what was going on. I want to add here that Jimin later released his first solo song later that year titled lie and when you listen to the song or listen to the lyrics, you will get the feeling that Jimin was in pain, trying to run away from a never ending cycle of torment brought about by his lies. (I have an analysis of this one). Spring day was released around this time also and i also have a feeling it involved vmin. I think the death of Taehyung's grandmother sort of recovered their bond. Jimin was really a comfort to Taehyung at this time.
2017 seemed a better year for them. Though the group started getting busier and more popular, you would notice a change in the relationship between vmin. They started getting more expressive in their feelings. The hand holding, the I love you handsigns began. The hugs and clinginess. Take a good look at vmin isac in 2017 and you will understand what i mean. Totally different from their past behaviors in previous isac.
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They obviously patched things up between themselves. Their relationship improved for a while. but the vlives and the selcas stopped. They also started doing independent things, having their separate group of friends.
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There was still a boundary between them. However, it was also at this time that they started to release songs. Taehyung began with his song 4: o'clock which he released with RM and that song was inspired by a feeling Taehyung had when he was waiting for Jimin at a park. Serendipity could be about vmin but it wasn't a song Jimin wrote by himself which is why i'm a bit confused about it but there was some element of his own emotions inside. However, when the music video got released, i was a bit convinced that the song had something to do with the relationship between vmin (i also have my own analysis about this) It was at this time that they took up the representation of sun and Moon as depicted in DNA, serendipity by Jimin, singularity by Taehyung. Let's not forget Taehyung's bon voyage letter to Jimin and how he cried so much signifying that they had both gone through a lot in their friendship. Jimin's response to it clarifies the whole thing, even when he added that no one else not even the members would understand why Taehyung cried except for him or how Jimin himself felt after reading Taehyung's letter. The trip helped them to understand their feelings for each other. Pretty deep if you ask me. Watch the video for your self and you'll understand what I'm getting at.
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However, 2018 was where a big challenge set in. Their popularity skyrocketed to the max. All eyes where on the group both locally and internationally. They all started to get more and more separated from each other. Their private lives was intruded upon especially due to their documentary burn the stage: the movie where they had to constantly be recorded. They also started to have separate rooms whenever they lodged into hotels. I guess it was at this time they all started having their separate apartments. They weren't together all the time like before. Much was demanded from this group and this affected Jimin a lot because he talked about the feeling of loneliness he was experiencing at that time and Jimin isn't someone who can stay alone. According to him, he couldn't rely on the other members because they too where going through the same thing he was going through. It was also at this time Jimin started to write his own song promise. It was the first song he had personally written. He revealed that the song was about himself but there where clearly two characters in that song. Jimin and an unknown person.
No one would have thought that the group was considering disbanding at that time. It wasn't until 2019 when receiving their dasaeng that Jin revealed this secret. We can only imagine how bad things where for them to consider disbanding. It was also at this time that Taehyung's grandfather died and it was also here that we see the closeness and bond between Jimin and Taehyung especially during bon voyage Malta where Jimin did everything he could to comfort Taehyung. I think the death of Taehyung's grandfather sort of restored their bond. Jimin was still writing promise around that time. When the song released, he revealed that at first, the song was a dark song but later, he found it difficult to complete it because things started to get better in the group. Are we starting to see the pattern?
On October, Taehyung revealed the Christmas song he had wanted to release with Jimin but which was eventually rejected due to the lyrics. Things had improved so well between them that Taehyung wanted to sing a song with Jimin and when he couldn't do that, he couldn't help unburdening his anguish with Army. He was clearly upset about it.
Jimin released promise as a free song on sound cloud meaning it was a song he sang from the heart. It wasn't for his personal gain. What was strange was that Jimin released promise on December 31st Taehyung's birthday. He released it exactly after midnight and guess who took the pictures for promise cover. Taehyung himself. Are we still seeing the pattern? Exactly one month later, Taehyung released his own solo titled Scenery on January 31st and on listening to the lyrics one will get the indication like he's trying to woo someone. Jimin was particularly hyped about the song that he accidentally spilled about it even before it's release. On August 2019, Taehyung also released his song winter bear. Plenty of indications also point that the song is about Jimin.
Anyway, 2016 till 2018 was a challenging time not only for Vmin but for the rest of the members but it was a challenge that was necessary to create a better bond between Vmin as we can clearly see in 2019 and even from the beginning of this year. The love and affection between vmin is obvious. There are still challenges but i think they have learned over time on how to deal with their differences. Like I've said before, I do not believe that they're dating but they know how they feel about each other. They are aware of that but there are priorities and it's just going to be weird and uncomfortable for everyone involved if they give in to such feelings.
This is just my own speculations concerning the relationship between vmin. I don't need a tarot reading to clarify this much. Though, it's only a speculation, we have to admit that it sort of adds up. This is only a general take on my opinion concerning Vmin and the possibility of a relationship between them so it's not really an analysis. Anyway i enjoyed writing this and if you're interested in hearing my thoughts on vmin, do let me know and thank you so much for liking my blog.
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7biases · 6 years
RM - Vlive Mono Summary
Mono’s meaning
Words that use the prefix mono, such as monopoly and monodrama.
Monochrome; 흑백 (Black and White) words that use the prefix mono, such as monopoly and monodrama
What he wanted to concentrate on: Releasing the pent up energy in his body. He didn't want to prove himself after all, just because he desires that, doesn't mean people recognise him in the way he wants anyway. So he simply did what he wanted to do
Namjoon got rid of the name “mixtape” because there was no particular need to, because it's popular to release tracks in the form of a playlist on Soundcloud recently, and also because each of the rappers released one each.He believes that people don't listen to albums through anymore; the focus is on the leading track, and people pass over the B-sides, skits, intros, outros. We live in a life of 'instants', like instant food shoved in the microwave. 
Rather than the simple catharsis one song brings, the catharsis that a playlist/album brings when listened to in order is so much larger. Only then can there be true recognition of it as an artwork. His dream therefore was to release a properly created album with a proper form. And from there, he wanted to write hooks well - and from there, wanted to create a good song. So he saw the forest before the trees. After that, to create a good album in its entirety.
Namjoon recorded the tracks in 2-3 days. It was done quickly, since he couldn't record while overseas. Namjoon says he's not going to say much about each track, especially any sort of analysis. What he hated most in school was analysis of poetry, understanding the poet's context and reason for writing. After all, that might've not been the reason anyway.
TRACK 1: TOKYO It was already given to him with the title. The title was perfect already. Donghyuk wrote the song, a friend of his since 10th grade. It's the first time they've worked together in this way; D as the producer, RM as the artist. D doesn't usually have him listen to songs, but he did for this one. And Namjoon  thought it was really good. D suggested that it would suit RM, and RM pounced on it. D said there needed to be whistling, and so they set up the recording in his studio. It added a dramatic effect. RM on Tokyo: "When you listen to it, it's a lonely song. I mean, it is for me."
TRACK 2: SEOUL RM wrote the lyrics in bits and pieces over a month. He began with the hook. The verse took a year. He kept searching for what he wanted to say, the words he wanted to use (2017 Summer). 2017 August: worked on it as a whole. Right before mono was released, he re-did it thrice. When Honne worked on it, they had to rerecord. It took a long time for him to find the right tone, a careless/thoughtless tone. It's a song he holds very dear.
TRACK 3: MOONCHILD RM assumes we would link it to 4 o'clock, but in fact, work on Moonchild began first in 2017 February. Moonchild is for those who like the night more; for those who are unable to breathe in the daylight due to work or such. "People like me. I don't put that much weight in the night [anymore]. But I made this song in a time where I believed the night set me free."RM actually brought someone in to sing for Moonchild, but it's the only track that failed in that regard. As a result, he ended up singing.With a laugh, he says that we might've been like "Why is he singing so much!" It wasn't what he'd hoped for. He'd done the demo, and so thought he might as well. Verse 2 particularly took a long time; this too took around 2 years.
TRACK 4: BADBYE RM worked on this one from early 2017 too. He was really into the harp back then, but it's changed a lot. eAeon was brought in from the beginning. RM says he was one of his hero when he was young. They met in a bar a year ago, but RM saw him recently to ask specifically for this song, saying "this song won't work without you, it has to be you." Thinks it as an important bridge for the later tracks of the playlist. He wants to say another thank you to eAeon hyung, for this song wouldn't have worked without him. He's sad that he couldn't request him for a longer song.
TRACK 5: UHGOOD "This was supposed to be Reflection." It's a song that Bang PD and he both really like. It's a heartbreaking song for him. The drums in the beginning were too bright, so he requested for another version. He did the recording all over for a calmer feeling. "I like the title so much, I really liked it. Rather than saying it's pretty, it was appropriate. It holds a lot of emotion."                              
TRACK 6: EVERYTHINGOES This is the track he wrote in the 3 days when he had to return from BV1 early [because he lost his passport] -- not that it only took him that time. He says that these lyrics are the mantra (주문) that he wants to say to himself.Just the mixing took 6 hours and the producing over a month. RM wants to say a deep thank you to Nell since he worked on this track too - truly some of his heroes. He hopes that this song can be a comfort. Because sometimes, rather than emotional or logical words, a hug means more.  
TRACK 7: FOREVER RAIN RM wondered how to use the word 'rain' that an artist is allowed just once. [He's saying that it's an oftenly used word.] It was made in a time when he was really obsessed with wanting to do everything for a track, from the beats, lyrics, everything. RM wonders "will there be a time I am able to write something that touches me?" He wants Forever Rain played at his funeral. He doesn't think there can be a song that's more him than this
Namjoon doesn't know when he can have us hear his next project, but he's already begun the 1st. He wanted to release something he's not embarrassed of, unlike his mixtape RM. He wanted to make songs that people would remember a long time. He would like if there is even one song from the playlist that we remember in the winter. For there are certainly songs that we can't forget, that are in our life's playlist.
cr. doyou_bangtan
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deviationdivine · 6 years
Updated Draft Queue
Reader Requests
Angst Prompts
Connor |  “You passed out” + “let me get you something for the pain”
RK900 + RK800-60  |  "get the hell away from me” + “I’m not going anywhere without you”
RK800-60  | “I love you” + “I hate you”
Concerned Prompts
Connor |  ❛Why do you run from me?❜
RK900/Connor |  ❛Just.. put down the very sharp knife...❜
Connor |  ❛It’s four o'clock in the morning, what are you doing?❜
human!AU Prompts
Random Dialogue Prompts
Connor |  131:  “Why are you up so early?” +  402:  “You’ve gotta stop doing that.” “What?” “Saying things that make me want to kiss you.”
RK900 |  184: “Can I kiss you?” + 406: “Do you trust me?” “No.” “You’re smarter than you look.”
RK800-60 |  396: “Come here.” “Why?” “Just come here.” “No. You’re gonna hit me.” +  413:  “Do not throw me into the lake, fuck y-”
RK800-60 |  32: "I saw you staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage.”
Connor |  91: “He didn’t have anyone else, so you always made sure that you were there for him.”
Smut Prompts
RK900 | “Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?” 
RK800-60 | “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
RK900 | “Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.”
Connor |  “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?” + “I’m not wearing any panties."
Connor |  “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together”
RK900 or RK800-60 |  “Were you just touching yourself?”
RK800-60 | "Bite me." "Where?"
RK900 |  “Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?”
RK800-60 | “You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
2nd Batch • Different Prompt List
RK800-60 | 179: “First one to make a noise loses.” + 187: “Already? Do I really have that much of an effect on you?”  
Connor | 184: “Can I touch you?” + 194: “Good boy.”
RK900 | 191: “Behave.” + 193: “Good girl.”
RK800-60 | 90: “Catch me if you can!” + 163: “Fuck me.”
Connor | 190: “We can’t do that here!” + 183: “Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.”
RK800-60 | 181: “If you’re bored; Wanna have sex?��� + 190: “We can’t do that here!”
Regular Requests
Connor | Kiss Prompt: 41: Forbidden kiss + 53: Against a wall kiss
TBD | Hanahaki Disease
RK900 | soft!reader x haughty!nines
TBD |  "Then I'll just have to make sure this is a night for you to remember." "Better make it a night to forget. That way you can keep jogging my memory." "Be careful what you ask for, love. I just might deliver." (DBH After Dark FULL)
These came in after I closed my regular requests. They are still on my list to complete though! 
My Wips
Wake Up |  Domestic!Android AU Part 2 • Connor (Reader Poll Winner)
Untitled | DBH After Dark One-Shot - 300 Followers • Connor x Reader
My Deviant Heart | 200 Follower Celebration • Connor x Reader
Consume Me, Electric | Part 1 • Connor x Reader x RK800-60
Skin of the Night | dark!prince aesthetic - DBH After Dark FULL • RK800-60 x Reader 
Something Dark Is Coming Anthology | hades!60 aesthetic / hunter!connor aesthetic / erebus!Nines aesthetic • RK’s x Reader
Human!AU Series | 1st Place in 100!follower poll 
Interactive DBH Fic Series | 2nd place in 100!follower poll
DBH After Dark Trilogy | 3rd place in 100!follower poll 
Dark!Prince AU Series | celtic mythology aesthetics • Connor / 60 x Reader
Cybernetic Heart | Part 1 AU • human!Nines x Reader x android!Connor 
Imperfectly Permanent • Connor fluff prompt
“Only If For a Night” Part 1.5 • RK800-60 Continuation - 60′s Perspective
Power & Control Series | RK-61 Debut • Connor x Reader 
Strict Machine • Machine!Connor x Reader 
Untitled • Connor romantic light smut drabble
Untitled • Connor x Reader x RK800-60
RK800-61/RK-61 (Original)
human!Nines (Conan)
human!60 (Caleb)
DBH After Dark 
(Mature Themes | Sexual Situations)
Preview 1: Skin of the Night | RK800-60
Preview 2: Biting Down | RK900
Preview 3: A Little Death | Connor + RK800-60
Preview 4: Neon Sweat   | Connor
Preview 5: UPCOMING | RK900 + RK800-60
Preview 6: UPCOMING | Connor + RK900 + RK800-60
RK800-60 | Sub Ted Talk (DBH After Dark One-Shot)
Short Reader | All 3 RK Boys Smut HC
RK900 | Flirting out of Context HC
Connor | Insecure Reader HC
Connor + RK900 | Connor gets a new part but also finds another ‘Dick”
All 3 RK Boys | Eskimo Kisses HC
Blog Ref’s & Guides
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Aesthetic References
Crom Cruach
RK800-60 Analysis: Read Here
Blue Series
Blue Blush • Connor x Reader
Blue Is My Color • RK800-60 x Reader
Personal HC’s 
RK800-60 • Caleb
RK900 • Conan
Original Creations
RK800-61/RK-61: Post-Revolution Cyberlife Construct | Partial 60 Memory File
reference!name: Corvus
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lastsonlost · 5 years
The share of U.S. adults reporting no sex in the past year reached an all-time high in 2018, underscoring a three-decade trend line marked by an aging population and higher numbers of unattached people.
But among the 23 percent of adults — or nearly 1 in 4 — who spent the year in a celibate state, a much larger than expected number of them were twentysomething men, according to the latest data from the General Social Survey.
Experts who study Americans' bedroom habits say there are a number of factors driving the Great American Sex Drought. Age is one of them: The 60 and older demographic climbed from 18 percent of the population in 1996 to 26 percent in 2018, according to the survey. The share reporting no sex has consistently hovered around 50 percent, and because that age group is growing relative to everyone else, it has the net effect of reducing the overall population's likelihood of having sex.
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But changes at the other end of the age spectrum may be playing an even bigger role. The portion of Americans 18 to 29 reporting no sex in the past year more than doubled between 2008 and 2018, to 23 percent.
Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University and author of iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy - and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood, said in an interview that growing sexlessness among America's twentysomethings is primarily attributable to partnering up later in life.
“There are more people in their twenties who don’t have a live-in partner,” she said. “So under those circumstances I think less sex is going to happen.”
Americans in their 30s, 40s and beyond, meanwhile, are much more likely to be married than those in their 20s. These age groups are now considerably more likely to have sex in a given year than their younger peers.
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The data also show a significant gender divide among twentysomethings.       For most of the past three decades, twentysomething men and women reported similar rates of sexlessness. But that's changed in recent years. Since 2008, the share of men younger than 30 reporting no sex has nearly tripled, to 28 percent. That's a much steeper increase than the 8 percentage point increase reported among their female peers.
There are several potential explanations for this, Twenge said. Labor force participation among young men has fallen, particularly in the aftermath of the last recession. Researchers also see a “connection between labor force participation and stable relationships,” she said.
The survey showed, for instance, that 54 percent of unemployed Americans didn't have a steady romantic partner, compared with only 32 percent among the employed.
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Young men also are more likely to be living with their parents than young women: In 2014, for instance, 35 percent of men age 18 to 34 were living in their parents’ home, compared with 29 percent of women in that age group. At the risk of stating the obvious, “when you’re living at home it’s probably harder to bring sexual partners into your bedroom,” Twenge said.
One final factor that may be affecting Americans' sexual habits at all ages is technology. "There are a lot more things to do at 10 o'clock at night now than there were 20 years ago," Twenge said. "Streaming video, social media, console games, everything else."
Underscoring this point, the share of people who are having relations once a week or more is on a downward trajectory: from 51 percent in 1996 to 39 percent today.
and everywhere else it’s just the same old song.
Shortage of eligible men has left women taking desperate steps to preserve their fertility, experts say
Seriously, Why Can’t I Find A Decent Man?
Men Aren’t Interested in Women? It’s Men’s Fault! AKA Porn and video games engender masculinity crisis in boys, says psychologist
Rise of the ‘bromance’ threatens heterosexual relationships, warn social scientists
Educated women are freezing their eggs because of ‘missing men’
Women graduates ‘desperately’ freeze eggs over ‘lack of men’
Intellectual man drought foils search for Mr Right (PROBABLY CUZ THE MEN KNOW BETTER)
Australia suffering ‘man drought. An analysis of new census figures has shown that Australia is suffering from an unprecedented “man drought”. The statistics have revealed that there are almost 100,000 more females than males in Australia Every week a healthy Australian woman freezes her eggs due to the ‘man drought’ Man drought sees shortage of eligible men as women struggle in dating gameMan drought leaves many lacking romance Australian’s single city women forced to look for love in the country
Lads! Britain needs you to do your duty and get flirting  
Why Don’t Men Hate Being Single As Much As Women Do?
Rise of the ‘bromance’ threatens heterosexual relationships, warn social scientists
Or maybe just maybe this is what happens when you drive a wedge between the genders the size of Jupiter, but that’s just my opinion.
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